clarichoupie · 2 years
I had to make this edit because they’re definitely among my favorite duos (kins)! ♡ The overstressed gay mess and the nice unconscious guy who always does his best.^^
And so here is my little gift for you @ghost162! Happy birthday to you! ✨ I'd be really bad (let's say even more than usual XD) without your support! ^^
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clarichoupie · 1 year
Thank you @ghost162 for this... funny description! x)
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Even if it's hard not to put a character several times, I advise you to try it, it's hilarious. x)
Ps: I assure you, I don't have a horrible (or racist) sense of humor... I am very nice I promised ^^"♡
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clarichoupie · 2 years
As with The Quarry, I had fun making "Which protagonists are you" filters for Until Dawn and the Season 1 of The Dark Pictures Anthology!
It's clearly not amazing since they're just for me to have fun with @ghost162 but you can still use them if you want to.^^
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clarichoupie · 2 years
I'm a little late since my 18th birthday was yesterday… but I couldn't think of a better way to spend it than calling my friend @ghost162 and watch Rise of the teenage ninja turtles with a good pizza.
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Oh and I also bought myself a nice little hoodie as a birthday gift!
And… my sister and I spent some time cosplaying our favorite kins (Leo and Mikey) with literally everything we could find in our closets! XD
In short, total chaos , but I'm so happy when I'm immersed in my obsessions! ^^
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Literally the edit I spent the most time doing in my life! It was awful! But in short, we follow the trend, me, in a few words, according to @ghost162.
Many of them are correct and terribly true, others made me laugh a lot. x)
Anyway, I recommend you to do this with your friends, you might learn a few things about them! ^^
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Having an online friend can be so cool. As “social anxiety sufferer”, I don't need to see him, everything we have is already enough for me. Seriously all of this isn't even a quarter of our conversations. I was so shocked myself when I made this edit, there's no way we spent so many hours in calls!? x) And yet, all these interactions have helped me feel so good about myself. Having someone like @ghost162, who I can literally talk to all the time about everything without him telling me that it bothers him, is awesome.
Oh and he's also my “Supermassive games” friend, if that makes sense. Sharing your passion without ever feeling like you're saying too much is just perfect.♡
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clarichoupie · 2 years
My friend guesses the couples from The Quarry.
Ok the concept is simple. I talked a lot about “The Quarry” to my friend who knows absolutely nothing about it and asked her to judge the 9 protagonists just by their basic pictures. Then, to tell me which couples were among them. I told her, there are 3 couples and a love triangle with a girl, a bisexual and a gay. And... well here is the result!
First, she told me that Jacob was probably with Abi because Jacob looked very sweet and soft despite his size and that their differences could make them a cute couple.
Then, she immediately said that Dylan was bisexual, because he was definitely fruity and had that whole queer vibe. And that he had to choose between Emma or Max (who she really liked and thought was very cute... and gay).
After that, she said she could see Ryan and Kaitlyn together because they had similar "looks" and should also have similar attitudes.
And to finish, it remained to her only Laura and Nick that she put together by default which didn’t bother her since she found them both basic and nice.
Anyway, she kind of mixed it up but I enjoyed seeing her judgment and me and @ghost162 had a good laugh because some things still don't change. x) I can't wait until my friend actually plays the game to see her real opinion on the real couples. ^^
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Judge us, me and @ghost162 on our mbti kins.
I don't make the rules, apparently @ghost162 you only get the old ladies. And I have... I don't really know what to do with this information. But anyway, we make a great team! Depressives who go crazy after the death of their family members, yeah!
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Random love tropes with random couples.♡
It's all in the title but basically @ghost162 and I picked love tropes then assigned them to two random characters from “The Quarry” with our filter. And it’s... pretty interesting.^^
Enemies to lovers: Ryan and Max: This started out extremely well since I love the idea here! I mean, I'm sad that Max didn't have any interaction with the other counselors so this trope seems incredibly interesting to me, especially with the relationship that Ryan and Laura have. I'd like to think that Ryan and Max would silently hate each other for a bit before just realizing that they actually enjoy each other's company and become an inseparable duo. I mean, sure they played tricks on each other, sent each other mistrust or suspicious looks, but in the end they couldn't deny that they felt safe when they were together. Ryan would probably tell Max to stop apologizing so much and make him feel more confident, while Max would defend Ryan even though he doesn't understand half the time why he acts so weird. A really awkward but fun duo.
Friends to lovers: Dylan and Max: Again, just amazing. They would be so perfect together. Great friends, with the same kind of humor, sweet and cute. I can totally see them together, Dylan helping Max with work, the two of them eventually talking all night about movies, music and more, before falling asleep cuddling on the couch. I mean, have you seen these two in the game?! They're totally cool, badass and all, but they're also the two characters that give the most “golden retriever boyfriend” vibe. Their duo might be a little chaotic and often clumsy but in the end they are two little rays of sunshine.
Forbidden love: Abi and Dylan: I have to admit that this one confused me but doesn't bother me more than that. I think they have good chemistry but maybe they don't dare approach each other? There would definitely be this story of "Dylan would feel too bad about liking Nick's crush, and same with Abi but for Ryan”. So in the end they could never really be together without feeling guilty. Both are too adorable for that. But I like to think that despite all this, they would manage to be happy in their respective lives and stay in touch. Attending each other's weddings melancholically but also with joy, always this unspoken thing between them that will go with them to their graves.
Soulmates: Emma and Kaitlyn: Yes! Let’s go lesbians! I love this concept! I mean, both have really cool and explosive character, they would just be unbeatable. I like to imagine that Kaitlyn first went to Emma due to the whole "Jacob breakup" thing and that the two understood each other and got along. After hanging out for a while they finally confessed their love in a dramatic moment. And even if Dylan pushed Kaitlyn to make the first move, Emma was the one who confessed first. Also, she loves it when Kaitlyn makes videos with her to show how wonderful her girlfriend is. They were just meant to be together... (I love soulmates aus so much...)
Beauty and the beast: Ryan and Nick: Do I even need to explain this? Because this is so perfect. I think Ryan and Nick would make a really nice couple. Ryan, always very lonely and reclusive, only appreciated for his beauty. And Nick, alone and cursed because of his lack of tact and clumsiness with others. Two introverts little understood by their relatives who despite the few inconveniences at the beginning of their relationship, connect by saving each other’s life.
Forced proximity: Kaitlyn and Max: Not much to say about this one. Not that I don't like them but this trope is not favorite. Nevertheless! Kaitlyn did mention that fantasy of being stuck in a ski resort with someone and only having each other to keep warm so.... why not? Let's give the lady what she wants! Plus a cute boyfriend. (and without the wendigos of course... because I just want them to be happy...)
Second chance love: Dylan and Nick: This one is really cute. I tend to see a lot of people saying that Nick and Dylan shared a room during summer camp. So, this trope is just adorable. Putting aside their love interest for a second (as much as it hurts), I just imagine that after the terrifying night they had, they both stay in touch and strangely are closer to each other than any other counselor. Dylan helps Nick with all his guilt and makes him feel good about himself again. And on the other side, Nick is the one who acts the most normal with Dylan, not treating him any diferent even with his missing hand. The two of them with broken hearts and low self-confidence, end up dating and being happy by supporting each other.
First love: Jacob and Abi: This is... unexpected actually. However, here's what I propose! Jacob and Abi were little when they fell in love with each other, just kids. Abi, having moved in a new town, finding herself in a school she didn't know and in a class where all friends groups were already formed, she felt really isolated from everyone. Nevertheless, Jacob was the one who came to her to spend time with her. He would help her with sports or play with her at recess and in return she would give him advice during class or offer him little drawings. Their youthful romance was very sweet before Abi finally moved away a second time. With a shy goodbye and a little kiss, they never saw each other again... at least that was before Hackett's Quarry. Both having changed a lot in the meantime, they just remained friends.
Trapped in an elevator: Laura and Emma: Chaos, just chaos, but I have a little idea anyway. Laura and Emma live in the same building but don't know each other. They're both going through a rough time and after a hard day they come home but are stuck in the elevator. They can't do much except wait for someone to come and help them and this is where the bonding begins. Both tired, they finally start to talk. Why? Well, because one of them has no battery on her cell phone and the other one just wants to rest. In the end, they notice their obvious similarities and confess their problems. Emma confesses her anxiety these days about socializing and how hard it is to keep up when everyone is counting on her. While Laura talks about how she is still suffering from grief because her boyfriend tragically died in a car accident recently (sorry Max, I love you). The two finally let themselves cry a little, comfort each other and after a good while spent stuck in that elevator, they end up going out of there, with each other's phone numbers to later flirt and be together.
Love at first sight: Ryan and Abi: Okay, this one doesn’t bother me that much because we know that Ryan and Abi would get along really well. They are both calm and respectful, gentle and passionate about what they do. Don’t tell me they couldn’t meet in an Art class or something and they didn’t immediately love each other. Whether by their appearance or just by the mood they give off, they immediately thought they were made for each other. After that they have become inseparable, enjoying each moment spent together. They would lend themselves clothes and jewelry, make tattoos together, flirt with little attentions or cute little drawings. Really nothing problematic in that couple, they would be really adorable. 
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Imagine you're such a fan of your video games that you end up spending hours creating a filter to know which protagonist you are and play with it for even more hours...
Just imagine...
And I don't forget my amazing friend @ghost162 without whom I would never have had the idea to create this filter!
Feel free to use it! ♡
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