#ghost trick heritage posts
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A Ghost Trick Heritage Video
[put here with 47k views, 2.4k likes, and at 10 years old]
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ghost-trick-heritage-posts · 2 months ago
Ghost Trick Heritage Post
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my shoulder angel and devil have been replaced with Professor Layton and Sissel Ghost Trick
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Welcome to Ghost Trick Heritage Posts!
Posts need to have over 1k notes
Posts need to be at least 4 months old
Posts with over 3k notes are liable to skip the time requirement on occasion
(Please note these rules are also liable to change and there will be notice if so)
How to Submit:
Send in an ask with the link (Anon is always on do not worry)
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@ me in a post
If a post has images, I'd prefer if the link included a reblog with image IDs. If a post that I have reblogged before gets an updated version with image ID's please @ me so I can re-reblog it.
Tagging system under the cut.
#Ghost Trick Heritage Posts - Heritage posts
#Ghost Trick Spoilers - Spoilers for Ghost Trick, reccomended people filter this tag for this blog until they finish playing the game.
#[game] Spoilers - Keeping in the spirit (hehe) of the fandom, spoilers for any other fandoms that appear in posts here will also be tagged. (Note, in the actual tag it will not have the brackets and will simply have the game, like how the ghost trick spoilers tag works) Please send in an ask if I reblog a post that has spoilers for other games that I didn't tag!
#Ghost Mail - Asks
#Mod Posts - Non-heritage related posts. Asks that aren't just links to posts to heritage-ify will also be tagged this.
All tags besides the spoiler ones will be on this post so you can click them and read through the tag.
Also please send in an ask if I typo any tags or anything in this post.
(Special thanks to @/SamTheCookieLord for grabbing the transparent suprised Sissel sprite for me!)
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Hello everyone! Glad to announce we finally have a heritage posts blog! Saw we had an open spot of litterally nobody filling this niche so I decided to fill it! Hurrah!
Expect posts to trickle in throughout the coming weeks and feel free to go ahead and submit your favorite posts! Can't wait to see them
Also to properly tag this as ghost trick here's the banner I drew for this blog because I am proud of it
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Tagging other heritage blogs under the cut
@layton-heritage-posts @aceattorneyheritageposts
^ I feel as though you two need to be tagged the most. We're like. some weird triangle. We've completed the triangle. Yippee.
Actually now that I think about it I am unsure if there's other heritage blogs that accept getting tagged about new heritage blogs. If there are any please let me know.
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alfamangle · 2 years ago
somebody be my impulse control and tell me not to make a heritage posts blog
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ghost-trick-heritage-posts · 9 months ago
Ghost Trick Heritage Post
Finally! My collection is complete!
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gamequoteshowdown · 7 months ago
Quote 1: "But what did I expect? You're a stupid stupid idiot gamer like the rest. And I easily outwitted you! I outwitted them all!" - P03, Inscryption
Quote 2: "What’s it like to feel pain? Does it make you feel alive?" - Yomiel, Ghost Trick
Propaganda under cut
Quote 1: P03 has many good quotes but I consider this his best for many reasons. It displays his cockiness by having him gloat about his victory prematurely, it displays his ego by having him brag about "outwitting everyone" (he really didn't, he just got lucky in a lot of aspects; the only person he technically "outwitted" was the player), and most importantly he calls the main character a "stupid stupid idiot gamer".
Quote 2:
ITS SO COOL. OUR MAN IS TORMENTING A GUY HE WANTS REVENGE ON. THIS IS RIGHT AFTER HE FORCED THE GUY TO WALK UP THE STAIRS ON BROKEN LEGS. HES SO FULL OF HATRED. he gets shot, his body ragdolls back and then is dragged back up like a puppet. He slams his hand on a burning stovetop. He’s so mad. I’m saying things out of order I know but like chapter 15 is so so good I just play through it for fun sometimes. God. I had seen an out of context screenshot of this specific line and was looking forward to it the whole game. Imagine you’re a guy who hasn’t been able to feel anything for 10 years. You’re face to face with one of the people who’s actions led to your death, your fate of puppeting everything around you but never experiencing any of it in a tangible way. He’s collapsed in pain because of what you’ve done. You’re taunting him because you want him to suffer, but even in his suffering, he has something that he stole from you. You can’t help but let out a jeer. “What’s it like to feel pain? Does it make you feel alive~?” Sure, it probably makes him feel like he wishes he wasn’t alive. But that’s part of living too, isn’t it? And isn’t that ironic? That even as you’re clawing him apart as some desperate misplaced revenge, he gets what you’ll never have again? Mind you, Yomiel at this point is like. Really fucked up. I’m writing this assuming anyone reading this propaganda either doesn’t care about spoilers or already Knows, but the fandom has trained me well so I gotta give one last warning lol. This is Yomiel after his only friend, a cat who’s life he shared when he was a new ghost and hadn’t remembered himself yet, is dead. The one thing he cared about, and it was his fault. He missed the shot and killed his only friend. So like. He was always planning on taking revenge, but now he’s even more angry, and hurt, and he blames the people involved in the incident. I’m pretty sure he’s already figured out that Jowd had escaped but he had still killed Jowd’s wife and ruined his life. Cabanela is the other most responsible person for what happened in Yomiel’s mind, and oh is he going to make it slow, make it hurt. And that. That weight, behind the banger line, is what makes me feral.
Mod Note: I LOVE GT (thats it)
@sleepywabbit09 @stormcloudsandshadows @kirexa @ghost-trick-heritage-posts
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layton-heritage-posts · 6 months ago
i came here from the BDSM fluffery and stayed to find out there's an expansive lore. What do you mean there's a yuri fanfic about you and another heritage blog?? you have an evil clone??? Fascinating fascinating I am intrigued to learn more! And also more about this lovely game franchise you seem so fond of, I am only familiar with ace attorney so this is!!! Wonderful news to a curious lot such as myself that there are MORE.
-sincerely, an experiment
1. The fanfiction author has their own blog where all the lore about heritage yuri is compiled, @lhpxaahpya
2. My evil clone exists purely to mock my very existence. They are also a relatively new addition to the layton Heritage posts cinematic universe
3. If you are an ace attorney fan you're gonna feel right at home with Layton games. The trifecta of Ace Attorney, Professor Layton and Ghost Trick has been unofficially titled as "superwholock for people who like ds visual novels".
4. You don't even know half of my lore yet. The Heritagesona. The triple Baka Video. The underground archive where I live. The fact that you have to kill me to become the new LHP. The-
5. If you're looking for a place to get started, I recommend either:
- Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
A crossover game between ace attorney and professor layton, in case the title wasn't obvious enough. Perfect game for people who only know ace attorney ans wanna dip their toes into layton games. Also the Perfect game for people who only know professor layton and wanna try out ace attorney. Both the Puzzles and Court Cases are easier than in the other games and the story. Let's just say the story is a handful but it's still a really good game.
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
The first ever Layton game, recently remastered for mobile phones and such its the most easily available game on the list (aside from piracy or a hacked 3ds obviously). It's certainly shows it's age and a case of "first-game-in-the-series-itis", but that luckily doesn't hurt the game that badly and is still a good time.
- Professor Layton and the Specter's Call
You know how with star wars there is the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy? It's the same with Layton.
Curious village is the first game in the og trilogy, and Specters Call is the first game in the prequels. Personally, this is the game I usually recommend to start with because I think it perfectly encapsulates that Layton feel, but this is just my opinion. It's fun, it's mystery element is great, I love the aesthetic, banger game.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 months ago
Do you have any recommendations on good ways to find mythic/folkloric references? My untrained low-knowledge self currently only really uses what I find through search engines. That rarely lets me stumble upon niche sites that collate myths/folklore unless I already know the exact phrasing or name of the story the thing is from. If it helps, currently I'm trying to research banishment/containment devices for evil spirits, demons, etc. The demon sealing jar I've repeatedly come across in media especially intrigues me, though its origin seems to not exist???
I do have a post with my go-to websites for research, but I must admit those are better for finding folktales than specific mythological concepts.
For your specific research question I would advise you to pick a culture and if possible a time period to look into. It will be easier to find niche information if you are searching for something specific, rather than something general.
As for demons being sealed in jars, the concept of an malevolent spirit (as in supernatural entity, not ghost) being trapped in a bottle, jar or other container, is a tolerably widespread motif in folklore. In fact "The Spirit in the Bottle" has it's own tale type: ATU 331. It shows up in Europe from the Middle Ages onward, but while Stith Thompson (the T in ATU) was still uncertain whether it was originally European or Middle Eastern, Hans-Jörg Uther (the U in ATU) considers it to be of Jewish and Arabic origin.
Today the most well-known versions are probably these two:
The Fisherman and the Jinni, one of the stories in One Thousand and One Nights that was already present in its earliest known Arabic versions, from the 14th century. In it a fisherman catches a copper jar, sealed with lead that has the Seal of Solomon/Suleiman pressed into it. He opens it and an ifrit (powerful, malevolent jinn) emerges, who was imprisoned by Solomon. The jinn threatens to kill him, is tricked into going back into the jar, then released in return for pledging to help the fisherman.
The Spirit in the Glass Bottle, collected by the Grimms in Bökendorf, Germany, published in 1815. Here a malevolent spirit called Mercurius is trapped in a glass bottle stuck between the roots of a tree. He is freed by the kind protagonist, tricked into going back into the bottle after threatening to kill him, then freed again in return for a magical gift. How the bottle is able to contain the powerful spirit is not explained. (I grew up with a version of this story where the spirit is not released a second time.)
There are variants on the bottle/jar however, for example:
Virgilius the Sorcerer, a legend-like tale published in The Violet Fairy Book (1901) by Andrew Lang. Presumably written by him (or his wife), inspired by Medieval legends. Here the evil spirit is trapped in a small hole in the floor of a cave closed off with a bolt.
The legend of Paracelsus, a German tale published in English in 1892 in Folk-lore and Legends Germany. Its editor seems to be Charles John Tibbits, but no translators or sources are named. In this story the spirit has been trapped in a fir tree by a magician, which has a small stopper pushed into its trunk, sealed with three crosses.
(These might remind you of the Arthurian Merlin, sorcerer with demonic heritage, being imprisoned in a tree, cave, or stone by Niviane/Nimue/Viviane, first named in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle from the 13th century.)
Now, I prefer to stay in the realm of folktales rather than religious texts, but I will try to briefly explain the Jewish and Islamic foundations for this tale type - the link between King Solomon and controlling demons/jinn - under the cut:
The Tanakh describes King Solomon as the last to rule both Israel and Judah, son and successor to King David. He is considered a Jewish prophet, granted divine wisdom (I Kings 3:12). In the Talmud Solomon is described to have tricked Ashmedai/Asmodeus, the prince of the demons, into helping him to build the first temple. The text mentions a chain and a ring engraved with a sacred name of God, which are used to bind and then control the demon (Gittin 68a-b). (There is a Greek text of uncertain date and origin called The Testament of Solomon that says the ring has the seal of God on it.)
Solomon is considered an important prophet as well as ruler of the Israelites in the Quran, who is told to have had control over the wind and over many jinn (Quran 34:12, 38:36-37). A prevalent interpretation of the text states that this power is linked to Solomon possessing a ring that was given to him by Allah, and temporarily taken away as punishment (38.34 Jalal - Al-Jalalayn).
If you want a more historical, scholarly take on the folklore motif of imprisoning and controlling demons, take a look at this: Allegra Iafrate, ““Il demone nell’ampolla”: Solomon, Virgil, Aeolus, and the Long Metamorphosis of Rain Rituals and Wind-Taming Practices”, Revue de l’histoire des religions, 3 | 2017, 387-425.
I haven't read it in full, but it looks like it might give you some inspiration!
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Ghost Trick Heritage Post
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[ID: a screenshot of the Man in Red and the Black Cat from Ghost Trick standing under a spotlight together. Dialogue bubbles are edited in with the man saying "i'm [redacted]" and the cat saying "and i'm [redacted]". Flaming text below reads: "The Spoiler Brothers." End ID.]
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alto-tenure · 1 year ago
Inspired by @ghost-trick-heritage-posts's poll, linked here for your convenience. I said originally I was going to wait but I figure there's no better time than the present.
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tarn-ati0n · 3 months ago
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Hey, welcome to this awesome trainwreck I call a blog. I'm Tarn Ation (first name Tarn, last name Ation), possible Hellspawn, definitely cursed, and this is where I post things.
- He/Him, Adult
- On this blog, you're gonna see stuff like Professor Layton, Splatoon, Metroid, Octopath Traveler, Ghost Trick, Pokémon, and anything I feel like posting about at the moment.
- I'm German, so you're gonna see some german stuff on here from time to time. You will also see me spelling words wrong now and again. This is a charming and endearing character trait of mine.
- Certified Theme Park and Rollercoaster Freak. This has no relevance for this blog, but it's important that you know this about me.
- Besides the @layton-heritage-posts blog and some tournament blogs, I'm also the mod for @octopath-traveler-ost and @is-metroid-prime-4-released-yet
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theredpharaoah · 7 months ago
Summerhall is an interesting metaphor. There’s a lot of theories about why the dragonst stopped hatching; Targs lost some sort of “mandate of heaven”, Maesters poisoning them, Faceless Men, etc. I don’t think it’s any of that. We’re told why the dragons died - the Dragonpit. But it’s not as simple as “enclosure = bad”. The Dragons spend most of their time enclosed even when wild. They stay in caves and if food is provided for them they don’t seem to leave them - even if they can. We never hear about the castle dragons really flying around outside of their lairs within the mont. Cannibal, Sheepstealer, and Grey Ghost only leave their lairs to hunt. The Pit had caves 5 times the size of those in the mont - the space isn’t restricting their growth. I’m inclined to think that the dragons were let out regularly to fly as well. I feel like that would’ve been a good chore for young Targaryens to oversee. We know they played in the Pit, so they could at least help tend to the dragons as well. But even if this isn’t the case; they don’t seem to go on leisure flights a lot anyway.
I think the answer is what Maester Bennifer says when Rhaena and Jaehaerys are talking about the stolen eggs; The dragons are highly unlikely to hatch away from the heat of Dragonstone. I think that when dragons are eggs they either need to be incubated by their mother or the heat of the volcanoes. This - just like regular incubation - allow them to fully develop to a point where they can hatch. I’m assuming that Laena Velaryon’s botched egg was a dragon version of a premature child. It hadn’t developed past the point of Wyrm and so it did what it did. I also think they’re engineered to only hatch in the presence of other dragons(in the world) or near the blood of the dragon(which probably fulfills the “other dragon) requirement too since they have the whole Zmeu thing going on). Alternatively a high concentration of fire and blood may have the effect of “tricking” an egg to hatch as it would probably ready similar to the presence of a dragon.
So post-dance, none of the dragon eggs are on Dragonstone or hatched there. Hell, the Targaryens don’t even really go there anymore. They’re all attempting to hatch eggs in KL or Driftmark. And the few dragons that are able to hatch are malformed and stunted - probably due to not having adequate heat in their gestation period - only having enough to just manage to survive. Aegon, Rhaena, and Baela wouldn’t have known this because within their family it was probably considered a common sense thing. It would’ve been something they probably learned in passing when they were a little bit older. Something the parents took to be so evident that they never felt the need to explicitly state it. The maesters would’ve known but they would’ve kept it to themselves, as I believe they had decided dragons were too dangerous and better off gone from the world(along with most magic - their narcissism is a discussion for another time). It’s funny and very human that the answer to the problem of no dragons hatching was actually very simple.
Now let’s talk about Summerhall and the Tragedy that occurred there. I can’t recall any Targ staying at Dragonstone post-dance. If we do, I don’t think they’re staying there for a long time. We don’t see anyone really staying there until Elia, her children, and then Rhaella, Viserys, and Dany. The building of Summerhall is like an all out rejection of their heritage. They’ve decided to build an entirely new seat and for what? Furthermore, when they decide to attempt some botched ritual to bring Dragons back, they do it at Summerhall instead of the ancestral seat of Dragonstone. They use the Faith of The Seven - directly in contradiction to the practices and beliefs of Valyria - and they use Wildfire - Dragonflame’s not-as-hot cousin. Summerhall is a pale imitation of Dragonstone - its ghostly counterpart. And I think this is also mirrored in Rhaegar and Daenerys. Rhaegar was born at Summerhall during the Tragedy, and Dany was born on Dragonstone during the greatest storm in living memory after her family had lost the rebellion. The former is a man-made event, the latter is a natural phenomenon. Rhaegar is Emo and he sings among the common folk before returning to his castle; leaves his wife and children to follow some prophecy and steals Lyanna. Dany is a Dreamer. She doesn’t just spend time among the commoners and then return to her highborn life, she was a commoner and a slave. Rhaegar never really had to worry about Aerys or fear his abuses - his status as the heir, and Rhaella protected him. Dany had no one to protect her from Viserys and her status as his heir worsened her prospects of safety in relation to him. Rhaegar is a slave to old prophecies, Dany dreams up new ones and interprets the old ones as she sees fits. Rhaegar is a story of endless potential, Dany is a story of endless actualization. He’s the eldest and she’s the youngest; they’re such an interesting parallel to one another and so is Dragonstone/Summerhall. Rhaegar was kind of like a false prophet. And I love that interpretation of his character because in religion the False Prophet is always presented as malicious, and knowing of the fact they’re in fact a false prophet. I’ve always thought that was ridiculous and boring. To me, it almost made far more sense that a False Prophet would actually believe themselves to be the true savior. And I always felt bad when I imagined their horror at realizing they were actually the opposite. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Ghost Trick Heritage Post
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shittyclive · 11 months ago
==> explain the concept of fish.
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"You don't know what fish are...? Sure, I'll tell you buddy." "They're these-"
Actually, I believe the blog @ghost-trick-heritage-posts is more qualified than CLIVE to answer this question about the MYSTERIOUS CREATURES KNOWN AS """FISH""".
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"I know what fucking fish are." No he doesn't. You need to learn from GT.
"You're just lying to them."
You would know a lot about that wouldn't you!
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ghosttrickortreat · 1 year ago
🍬Ghost Trick or Treat 2023 House List
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