#ghost strasbourg
dot-hpg · 1 year
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Ghost, Imperatour Strasbourg 28/05/2023
Please ask me if you want to use these for anything!
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abusivegreed · 1 year
Look a this funny little man
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enjoy-my-swearing · 1 year
I've had my first ever ritual yesterday and it was, and still is, so overwhelming. I'm insanely happy I got to see Papa live.
I also made my childhood dream come true and finally got barrier. Stood right next to Dew's stand so got a lot of him and Rain there.
A bit sad that our side of the barrier got a little "neglected" for lack of a better word when it comes to Papa presence and thrown picks and drumsticks... But I got to look Copia in the eyes during his mummy dust shenanigans so I consider it a big win.
Respite on the Spitalfields live made me actually cry, it's beautiful 😭 And I cannot not mention how wild all of us went when Copia came back in red jacket for Square Hammer.
If I have a chance and spare money I will deffo see them again because it's worth every penny. I'm completely owned by Ghost right now, no turning back
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thx to the ghesties for the friendship bracelets and the stickers ♥ and to the lovely, lovely ghouls for giving me the attention i so deeply crave from them
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spacevoyagerx · 8 days
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The Ghost Nebula
The Ghost Nebula, also known as LBN 762, is a dark nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia.
It is named for its ghostly appearance in images taken in infrared light, where it appears as a dark silhouette against the backdrop of brighter stars and gas.
Credits: NASA, ESA, and STScI; Acknowledgment: H. Arab (University of Strasbourg)
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cod-dump · 4 months
I’m not Simon Riley, I’m Ghost: Chapter 16
(note: I have gone back and combined some chapters and made some small updates to them, so if you noticed something was off that’s what it was lol)
Soap POV
Feeling returned to Soap's limbs far too slowly for his liking. But as more feeling returned, the more the overall panic he felt mellowed. He could move his hands enough to hold his own cup of water, though his strength wasn’t all there. Speech was a whole mess of its own. He couldn’t tell if Gaz with fucking with him about not being able to understand him or if he was being completely serious.
”Can you repeat that?”
”I’m going to kill you,” Soap hissed and Gaz laughed, maybe from surprise of finally understanding something or because his pestering was finally getting the reaction he wanted. The more he laughed the more Soap was convinced it was the former.
Price had taken no time to come and see Soap after Ghost left to inform him… and Ghost hadn’t returned with him. It made Soap’s chest ache but a thought quickly entered his mind, a reminder of their last interaction in France, right before Soap decided to be an idiot and run off. The thought made the ache go away and Soap was able to focus on Price.
”Farah was right, you’ll be walking by sundown.”
”He can barely hold a cup, Cap,” Gaz muttered to him.
Price looked to him, “And he couldn’t even get a word out a few hours ago.”
“Still can’t.”
Soap glares at Gaz grins, “Go fuck yourself.”
Gaz laughs and Soap can’t help but smile. It felt good being back at 141 base with Gaz and Price. The uncertainty of leaving Strasbourg when they did, the argument with Ghost, those creatures — Soap wasn’t one to leave like that, not finish the mission. Leaving it to the DGSE when they called for aid…
”Chin up, Sergeant.”
Soap meets Price’s gaze, the man knew. Of course he did, he was Captain Price. He was good at reading people and probably already knew what Soap was thinking about, most certainly having already pieced it all together before Soap even woke up what would be bothering him. Soap clears his throat when the silence goes on for longer than he would like.
”Where’s Ghost?”
”Watching his brother. Garrick and I have had enough of that bastard.”
Soap snorts, “He living up to Graves’ legacy?”
”Oh he’s so much worse,” Price groans.
Soap laughs, trying to imagine what Price has been through in the relatively short time frame they’ve been gone.
”He’s a lot creepier than Graves ever was,” Gaz mutters. Soap remembers that Gaz was watching Runt not too long ago, Price having dumped the duty onto him.
“I’m sure you’ll warm up to him.”
Soap’s attempt at teasing earns him an unamused glare. He grins before he looks to Price. Price‘s expression was rather neutral but his eyes showed he was very amused. He reaches out and pats Soap’s knee, Soap feeling relief that he could feel it.
”I have a meeting with Laswell in an hour. I better go get ready for whatever she has to say about the stunt you pulled.”
”She loves me.”
”That’s what saved your ass.”
Price gave Soap’s shoulder a firm pat before he left, Soap and Gaz watching him leave before Gaz turned to him. He wanted to say something, something he didn’t want Price around for. Soap takes a breath, he knows what’s going to come out of his mouth.
”Ghost said you left on your own.”
Soap cringes, “Wasn’t my best moment…”
”No it wasn’t… Suds, you’re smarter than that.”
”I felt like I had to do something. I couldn’t just leave knowing someone was putting weapons on the streets and slowly taking over the military.”
”Ghost said you lot were to leave.”
“Well Ghost doesn’t exactly care enough about humans to make the right call.”
Soap had only muttered under his breath but Gaz heard it all the same. The room became silent, too silent, as Gaz stared with wide eyes. Soap looks away, glaring at the wall. As his mind cleared, he was able to remember that interaction all too clearly.
”Don’t, Kyle. Don’t.”
Gaz shifted, remaining silent as Soap continues to refuse to look at him. Soap felt guilt prick at his skin, he shouldn’t have said that. But he also felt he had the right. He sighed quietly, he felt betrayed though Ghost did no such thing. Ghost had only reminded him of what he was, Soap was the fool that refused to acknowledge it.
"Watch your tone, sergeant."
"No, I won't! 141 is for the people! We are here to save lives-"
"You are here to save lives! I'm here to survive!"
He felt his eye twitch at the memory. He felt like and idiot setting Ghost up as a courageous hero, that image somehow keeping hold even when Ghost revealed his un-human nature. It felt like a betrayal and Soap felt stupid for feeling that way.
”You should talk to the captain about this.”
Soap blinked and finally looked to Gaz, “Why?”
”You know why.”
With that, Gaz stood and left the room. Soap felt a chill on his skin and the guilt continued to prick at him. He swallowed before he looked away from the door.
Need to watch your mouth, MacTavish.
“Squeeze my hand, Sergeant. As hard as you can.”
Soap did as Farah told him, gripping her hand firmly. She nods, him instantly releasing her hand.
”How‘s your head feeling?”
Farah wanted to personally examine Soap to make sure he had recovered from the spell. With how quickly they were going through his examination, Soap believed he had recovered fully. Farah clearly has done this more than once, knowing all she needed to test and what to look for.
”Did you reverse the spell or whatever? I don’t remember anything.”
”Your friend Engel in Strasbourg. He lifted it before he went to deal with the director.”
”Any word from him… or the director?”
”Don’t worry about that now, Soap.”
Farah doesn’t answer any other questions regarding the matter as her one of her men, a doctor, comes into the room. Soap recognized him as the man who examined him and tested his blood after Ghost had bitten him.
After he tried to kill me, Soap thought to himself. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to. He wouldn’t.
”Hello again, Sergeant MacTavish.”
”Let me guess, you want a sample.”
”Just a precaution, Sergeant. To make sure you stay human. Or so we can be on top of it if you change.”
Soap stayed still as Dr. Osin took a sample of his blood. He and Farah spoke in Arabic, Soap feeling like a child waiting for the adults to finish talking. After Dr. Osin ran several tests, he and Farah turned back to Soap.
”Congratulations, Sergeant. You’re still human.”
Soap snorts, “Yay me.”
”Have you eaten?”
”Only those damn jelly cups they keep stocked down the hall. I would love some real food, even slop from the cafeteria.”
Farah grins, “I think I can do you one better. Takeaway?”
”Takeaway? For little ol’ me? Feeling spoiled here.”
”I figured a walk would do you some good.”
Soap felt a prickle at his skin, an uneasiness in the air. She wants him off base, most certainly to talk. Farah had a smile on her face, her body relaxed, but the air about her was on edge. Soap’s mind went to Ghost and his brother. Were they the reason she was like this?
”I wouldn’t mind a walk.”
Farah smiles, “Good.”
“This looks unhealthy.”
”That’s how you know it’s good.”
A drive into town before they walked the rest of the way to the restaurant Farah had in mind. It did feel nice to go out for a walk in town and not be thrown back into the chaos on base. Eventually he would have to go back to it, but not just yet.
”Seriously, Commander, let me pay for this.”
”You don’t have your wallet.”
”… Shit. Don’t have my phone either.”
Soap pats his pockets, he definitely had at least his phone earlier. Where is it? Farah grabs his attention by clearing her throat.
”Don’t worry about that at the moment, John.”
Soap froze, “… You have something serious you want to talk about, don’t you?”
”Can’t trust your phone not being bugged.”
”Why the fu-“
Farah holds her hand up and Soap cuts himself off. She waits a moment, taking a bite of her food and savoring it for a moment.
”This is good. Should eat yours before it gets cold.”
Soap gives Farah a look before he eats his food. They ate in silence, enjoying their tame surroundings and the chill in the air. Soap couldn’t look away from her, he could only suspect why she brought him here away from base. She had to want to be away from Ghost and Runt, though he doesn’t see them bugging his phone.
”You think loud, John.”
”Why did you bring me here?”
Farah sips her drink, taking her time. Soap bounced his knee, his nerves starting to get to him.
”I hadn’t noticed before, Nik had to point it out.”
”Point what out?”
”It came to a shock to you that I knew my way around non-humans.”
”… is Nik-?”
”Non-human? I have no clue, honestly. Wouldn’t surprise me. What I do know is that he pointed out there was a… double agent in base. Noticed something off about them.”
”A double agent… what, they’re pretending to be human?”
”Most certainly.”
“Nik went to pull away Price to tell him in a secure location. We decided to be quiet about it so we didn’t alert them that we knew, so we’re pull ing each of the core members aside industry. We think they might be after sensitive data and want them to continue digging so we can see if we can catch them off guard.”
Soap blinks as he thinks back to Ghost appearing in his room, telling him someone was in his office.
”Fuck, they were already in Ghost’s office snooping around.”
Farah looks at him, watching him closely. Soap met her gaze before looking away. Did he say something wrong?
”They were in Ghost’s office… how do you know that?”
”He told me.”
“He told you… but didn’t tell Price.”
“He couldn’t- Wasn’t out yet he wasn’t human, he smelled someone in there. Wasn’t any evidence otherwise.”
”He could’ve fabricated evidence…”
Soap looks away from Farah, her hard gaze making him uneasy. Ghost could’ve just told Price he had an off feeling, he didn’t even need to tell him anything else. But that didn’t happen. As far as Soap knows he never went to Price about it—
He went to me… he told me that night.
“Looks like he does like you, Sergeant. Likes you quite a bit.”
Soap couldn’t help but notice what Farah said was very mischievous sounding. The way there was a brief smirk when he looked up before it was pushed away as if she had just remembered she wasn’t teasing him about another human having a liking to him. That told Soap had truly strange it all was. With how the vampires acted towards him in France, Runt’s own curiosity — Ghost liking him was abnormal.
He wanted to kill you but didn’t. He didn’t even know why.
Soap rubs his face with a groan. What did he do to get himself into this situation?
Farah standing, scooting her chair back on the pavement grabbed his attention. She had her wallet in hand.
”Chin up, Sergeant. We have work to do.”
Soap blinks before he nods.
”Yes, ma’am.”
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achy-boo · 3 months
Dominique De Luca
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Sapphire Lake Dorm's only Master.
A boy with secrets that is too disturbing to heard or talk about
Never ask or mention his bloodied camera..
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Name: Dominique De Luca
Romaji: De Luca Dominique
Quote: "Is it wrong to take a photo of every..single..thing just to keep the memories forever?"
V/A: HiMERU from Enstars(Japanese), Lyney from Genshin(English)
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bisexual demiromatic
Age: 23
Birthday: March 12th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Eye color: gold with a grey aim mark on one eye and an x on the other eye
Ha Color: dark blue(before TWST) a grey and light blue duo color hair (After TWST)
Height: 6'6ft
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human????
Homeland: Strasbourg, France
Unknown French Mother(Deceased/Murdered)
Unknown Italian Father(Deceased/Murdered)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Sapphire Lake Dorm
School Year: he had to repeat 2nd year due to…an incident
Class: 2-A
Student Number: No.38
Occupation: Florist/Photographer(Part time)
Club: Photography club
Best Subject: History
Favorite Color: Funny enough he loves pastel colors
Favorite Food: Paris-brest
Least Favorite Food: He does not like pecan pie and pumpkin pie(It is the taste of it)
Likes: Desserts, Food, music, coffee or tea, photography, rainy/cloudy days, trying new food, children, watching movies at 3am, anime, manhwa
Dislikes: He hates bitter food/drinks, heat, summer, Crowley(depends), people asking or mention his bloodied camera, reliving his past
Hobbies: drawing, listening to music, drinking tea in the rainy days, photography(this is very important later on)
Talents: Empathy to apathy depends on the situation, silver tongue, blackmailing
Nicknames: Sapphire Lake’s Master(Original Title) France’s Ghost Face(Formal/Never heard in NRC)
Other Nicknames: Domi(Tsukii) Quince(Dawn, Deuce), Mimi(Only the kids and Kianisha can call him that)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Dominque De Luca stands at 6'6 and a half with grey and light blue duo color long hair that reach his knee length, golden eyes with one had a grey aim mark on one eye and a x on the other. He has dark tan skin with two marks on his face(It is removable btw), In Sapphire Lake Dorm, he wears a gothic baggy clothes however he is very fit and muscular under it. He have four tattoos and three piercings(He is more silent about them). One of his signature items is the chains around his right arm.
Personality: Dominique is what people call him. A good package deal. Meaning that you will have to deal with his constant mood changes depending on the person who he is with. Dominique is flirty(HELLA flirty) but he knows his limits. Bro is sadistic in general when it came to words or actions. However due to him being Sapphire Lake’s only Master, he learn to held off the urge until he gets the green light. Other than that, he is one very interesting guy.
He is the only one in 2nd years that have a deep connection with the Libya Family due to him being friends with Valerian and Ambrose Libya(Ambrose is a boy btw)
He had two photographic cameras(one is forbidden to mention or even ask about it)
He is more protective if you get to know him
He had scars on his back
he is very fit and muscular underneath the baggy clothing he wears
He prefers baggy clothes( But skin tight clothes is fine by him)
He lets the others do his hair(He lets Vil, Crewel and Tsukii chooses his aesthetic)
He used to be a RSA student but bride Crowley to never tell anyone but Sapphire Lake Dorm about that
The Dark Mirror has to look into his soul 4 times to confirm which dorm he belongs too
His main aesthetic is Gothic Victorian
He has veiny arms and hands
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Scream for the Camera
“Pictures held a thousand words and stories so look at the camera and make your loudest screams. Scream for the camera!!”
Dominique's UM and its involves his bloodied camera. The UM is about you being your childhood/ favorite places and Dominique taking pictures of said places but each picture get more and more terrifying as time past. The pictures will involves your worst fears and regrets until a unidentified killer appears and the real nightmare begins. You will be chased by said killer as you tried to escape while agonizing and blood curling screams was heard constantly. You have 30 minutes to find a camera and snapped the picture of anything until its too late. What happens after you failed? Then you will see Dominique in front of you with a malicious smile and take a picture before...and after your brutal demise.
The skull in the camera is the final moments of the person's life before they are never waking up.
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@yukii0nna @queen-of-twisted @sweetlyvibe @lxdymoon0357 @yumeko2sevilla @kousaka-ayumu @yoghurtsan @aventxsha @txemptress
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iwillbringyouruin · 2 months
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Papa Emeritus IV being serious as ever in between songs
Ghost Re-Imperatour, Strasbourg, 28th May 2023
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coulduseprozac · 1 year
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Ghost Live @ Strasbourg
Photo: Alva IG: @shameless_ghoul
The Nameless Ghouls Official Ghost Cult.
#TNGofficial #13thAnniversary
(totally copy and pasted that from the book of faces
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cutelikeafrog · 1 year
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I've rejoined Tumblr after over a decade. It's Pride month, I'm queer, and I like Ghost. I didn't take a ton of photos in Strasbourg last week, but these seem appropriate. Hi.
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gothclavdia · 4 months
i'd like to submit to the court (you guys) my particular situation (yes my therapist has ghosted me):
2 months ago I met a guy here in strasbourg. after 3 weeks of intense intense flirting we started seeing each other and sleeping together. truly wonderful times if it wasn't for the constant mentioning of the ex (who also started messaging him asking to have a video call). we had a talk where he told me that he wasn't ready for a long distance relationship with me (since he's recently gone through a terrible one), but that he would still like for us to be friends and to visit each other. he also told me he had been postponing the call with his ex for 2 weeks and I told him he's an idiot and to just get it over with. a couple days later we set boundaries as fully platonic friends (since he kept behaving ambiguously). a day later all boundaries are broken as he tells me he has realized he likes me much more than he thought, and that he followed my suggestion to call his ex and realized that even though it was pleasant to talk to her, he had indeed idealized her (though he's still not ready for a long distance relationship). after this we go back to how we behaved before the conversation, except he decides to sleep over at my place every night now, sometimes he just comes over to sleep next to me and nothing more.
so now: in 3 days we are both leaving, and last night he told me he was unable to have sex with me because he was too sad at the idea that we were separating.
and now he keeps hinting at visiting each other.
what the fuck am i supposed to make of this mess.
i've come to agree with him that a long-distance relationship would be hellish, so I don't think that would work in any case. i would honestly love to visit him and to host him but i feel like it might just make things harder.
so yea suggestions?
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dot-hpg · 1 year
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Ghost, Imperatour Strasbourg 28/05/2023
Some very normal photos of Papa-
Hold up...
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........................PAPA WHAT HAPPENED??
Please ask me if you want to use these for anything!
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abusivegreed · 1 year
Pls appreciate our Italian his French skillz
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enjoy-my-swearing · 1 year
I was also at Strasbourg yesterday and now I have post-concert depression 🥲 it was so so good
Real 😩
I don't even know what to do with myself now. I've waited for this day for so long and now it's... over. We'll be drinking our depresso together anon 💜
I'm happy you had a blast!
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Ghost live 1/3
Strasbourg, Zenith Europe
My first ritual is over and I'm so so happy. The best way to start my 2 weeks of concert, festivals and travelling. 🫶🏻
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onebluebookworm · 9 months
December 2023 Book Club Picks
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Batman: Mad Love and Other Stories by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm: Harley Quinn - the Joker's right hand henchwoman, hopelessly in love with her dear sweet puddin'. But what lead her down this dark path? And is there any hope to possibly reach her?
As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gillman: Welcome to Camp Three Peaks, a rustic, Christian summer retreat for teenage girls. A week of hiking, adventure, and communing with the God of its 19th-century founders… a God that doesn’t traditionally number people like 13-year-old Charlie Lamonte among His (Her? Their? Its?) flock. The only black camper in the group, and queer besides, she struggles to reconcile the innocent intent of the trip with the blinkered obliviousness of those determined to keep the Three Peaks tradition going. As the journey wears on and the rhetoric wears thin, Charlie can’t help but poke holes in the pious disregard this storied sanctuary has for outsiders like herself—and her fellow camper, Sydney.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte: Gilbert Markham is intrigued by Helen Graham, the beautiful, mysterious new tenant who's recently rented Wildfell Hall with her young son. Although Gilbert is more than happy to befriend her, Helen's reclusive behavior sparks local gossip, and she seems intent on keeping Gilbert at arm's length. Finally, as Gilbert's feelings for Helen become more than friendship, she allows him to read her diary that explains exactly why she behaves the way she does, as the details of the disastrous marriage she left behind unfurl.
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds: Will's older brother Shawn has been murdered. And Will knows the rules - no snitching. No crying. And revenge at any cost. So now, with a gun shoved in his waistband, he boards his building's elevator to do just that. But then the elevator stops and on comes Buck, the one who gave Shawn the gun in the first place...and who Will knows for a fact is dead too. As the elevator continues to descend and more passengers hitch a ride with Will, the cycle of violence unfolds before him. Each ghost has a piece that changes the story Will thought he knew, a story that might continue forever if Will gets off that elevator.
Get Well Soon: History Worst Plagues and the Heroes Who Fought Them by Jennifer Wright: In 1518, a woman in the small village of Strasbourg began dancing and didn't stop. Six days later, her corpse was carried away after she died of exhaustion. In a month, 400 more people would be infected with the so-called Dancing Plague. A national effort to clean the River Thames is ignited when a cholera outbreak is linked to the "Great Stink" in London. An eccentric English gentleman creates the No Nose Club, a social club for stigmatized syphilitics when there was no known cure. An Irish cook causes two lethal breakouts of typhoid, forever earning the moniker Typhoid Mary. Since the dawn of humanity, we've been fascinated and terrified by disease. In this hilarious and historical book, Jennifer Wright not only explores the circumstances that lead to the outbreaks, but the brave people who fought against them, found cures, or simply eased the suffering of its victims.
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