#ghost industries ltd.
lucian-v-ghost · 5 months
Let's say hypothetically the uplink has been broken and the android has consciousness, and for some reason the consciousness of the original body is also still in tact and functional, is there a... protocol for this? What would happen?
In the event of an uplink connection severance combined with a malfunction of the Cryogenic Suspension pod, the occupant of the pod would be ejected. When this occurs, there is a medical team on standby to assist the occupant.
Once the occupants conscious brain function has been restored, an S.E.C. Division team is deployed to collect the conscious Android form. If less than 48 hours have passed, the Android is deactivated and returned for repair. If more than 48 hours have passed, or the Android starts to deviate, it is considered a rogue asset, scheduled for decommissioning upon retrieval.
In this instance the occupant is compensated with a week of paid holiday and a new Android form.
Ghost Industries Ltd. protocol regarding rogue assets requires immediate decommissioning to prevent data regarding the company from leaking to the company.
However, if the Android has deviated for enough time, it is considered a Variant. This means that while it may have basis on the mind of the previous occupant, it is no longer the same person. So far, no S.T.E.V.3. or A.L.3.X. models have ever deviated enough to be classified as variants, so usually once the Android has been decommissioned, memories it may have stored in the Red Box during the period it was disconnected from the Cryogenic Suspension pod are returned to the previous occupant in a digital form for later viewing.
Previous efforts to insert the recorded memories into an occupant that had experienced that period of time in an alternative fashion have resulted in trauma, and as such, medical teams recommend viewing the memories manually.
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dr-lalnablehector · 4 months
Glad to be back!
Greetings my fellow Scientist and Subjects, it's been a long time since i been on this place. Lets just say i lost my Password he,,he, but anyhow this Cannibal is back in action.
I'm also working with a Wonderful person @lucian-v-ghost so give them lots of love! They are a amazing streamer so check them out.
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declanlikesmusic · 11 months
Music is a thing in the music industry and so I would like to talk about music,
Why Plunderphonic Concept Albums Should Be a Bigger Thing, Actually.
Plunderphonics is such a fascinating genre to me. There is so much potential in taking pieces from other peoples' work and using those pieces to orchestrate a new work entirely. Not just that, but taking those pieces and crafting a new story out of them aurally, like a concept album or a sound collage, something of the sort.
When I say that, the first example that comes to people's minds when it comes to sample-based concept albums, it's most likely Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker. If you don't already know, Leyland Kirby produced a monolithic 6-part saga of albums that ran from 2016 to 2019, each part representing a different stage of Alzheimer's disease & dementia and each part taking from super old traditional pop & jazz records and warping them to some degree until the very end where they're no longer intelligible. It's an absolutely staggering work of art and it blew up in the years since its conclusion to stunned reactions.
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But to me, there's a lot more do delve into than creating haunting ambient pieces like this. Not to knock The Caretaker at all, I think it's amazing that this even happened, but it's nothing that I would personally want to listen to regularly, unless I wanna feel spooked by putting on Stage 3, but even then, look me in the eye and tell me you would listen to that kind of thing in the background on a casual setting.
Another artist that kind of fails in this regard is also one of the most important & genre-defining plunderphonics acts. Negativland are an infamous band in one of the best ways possible, using sample-based music to create some of the most biting pieces of satire in the late 80s and even 90s. I love it. They still don't have that replayability to me personally, but I still can't think of songs like Christianity is Stupid and Yellow Black & Rectangular from their Escape From Noise album without chucking a laughing fit.
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Nowadays, plunderphonics music is so much easier to make than with the technology they had back then, so those albums are still miracles to me. Today, they're almost too easy to make. There are more plunderphonics albums in this past decade and a half than at any other point in history. To mention that, I need to talk about vaporwave again. They didn't start off as super detailed conceptual albums, but the way they have presented themselves over the years, you'd think they were conceptual by default.
Vektroid's pioneering albums in this genre are very potently indicative of the sounds, atmospheres and even worlds that they were not only capturing, but deeply exuding in their mere presence. You listen to Floral Shoppe under her Macintosh Plus alias and you are immediately taken somewhere else. It's completely atmospheric in that there's an ambience to the music that's playing and how they're twisted to warp you into its reality.
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I know I've knocked The Caretaker's music for being too ambient, but there's a musicality in the way that Vektroid distorts her samples that still keeps them wildly enjoyable to me. I've especially been tuning into her New Dreams Ltd. project's Initiation Tape: Isle of Avalon Edition a lot recently for this exact reason. I almost so desperately want a visual accompanyment, I want to be in that lonely hotel room in the middle of the night with only this music & my feeling.
I could talk all day & every day about vaporwave albums that capture me and lift me away with their potent atmospheres. Tuning into Vacant Places by Hantasi, which makes me float like a ghost across the halls of its incredibly haunted & dense yet empty shopping centre; or The Path to Lost Eden (ロストエデンへのパス) by Nmesh & telepath テレパシー能力者 whose individual sides take me to two different ends of a journey to a mystical rainforest paradise; or Into the Light by Infinity Frequencies if I ever want to see The Backrooms again.
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I also want to add probably vaporwave's biggest leading act right now into the conversation, who were responsible for some of the genre's most enriching & creative concept albums. death's dynamic shroud.wmv is a supergroup who at a point in time were creating conceptual mixtapes non-stop in 2014, my personal favourite being SEAWRLDハートブレーク from their member Tech, but there are a ton of fan favourites across their discography to choose from.
They didn't stop there either. James & Keith put together the group's magnum opus in their essential I'll Try Living Like This the following year and after a while of slowing down, they've since kicked off the NUWRLD Mixtape Club with new albums almost every month, many of which are concept albums of multiple stripes! It's so impressive how much they've been able to put together as a group.
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But I'm getting ahead of myself, because over the course of its existence, vaporwave as a genre has also grown to have albums sometimes simply be albums without the need for heavy concepts or even samples to speak of to deliver an atmosphere. But I want to talk about a certain artist who bridges between plunderphonics & vaporwave in ways that I think have loads of potential in unprecedented ways.
If you know me, you know I'm talking about christtt. He's one of the most experimental figures in the vaporwave genre and often the most polarising because of it. His 2016 album no lives matter* takes the simplest components of vaporwave and completely flips them on their head by delivering themes & concepts of death and the afterlife in hell. It's the minimal sample editing and yet potent atmospheres that are common in most vaporwave albums taken to some of their logical extremes.
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Along with that, you have his 2018 album deep dark trench, another concept album that delivers in a completely unique way, taking from sound collage to deliver emotions about worldwide tragedies. Not to mention his side-project 아버지 (father2006) and its album reflection, another album about death that is far more ambient, simultaneously dissonant and yet emotionally devastating. These three are among my favourite albums of all time. They are so incredibly captivating, both sonically & conceptually that they make up my most replayed listens ever.
There is so much potential in the music that he's creating that so few people are taking from to create their own concept albums with these approaches to vaporwave & plunderphonics. Especially since the ones that I currently have in mind the most recently are also among the most flawed examples. To bring up christtt again, as much as his best material has some amount of contentious decisions put into them, his lower received material is even more debatable.
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His most recent album last year A.D. is probably his most underrated? It combines many of the styles that he's experimented with in a concept album about the rapture. It mostly centers around the lone survivor, but there's also a suite of tracks titled hell that surround those in the afterlife, which caught many people off guard. Even worse is social justice whatever from 2017, what I see as a love letter to the early ages of the internet paired with subtle sombre & bittersweet moments, most other people see as a compilation of chopped together memes & shitposts, understandably so.
But the biggest example to me of the unforeseen potential in music such as this is made not by him but one of his protégés. This year, a friend of mine RAWINTHEVOID put out their most recent concept album NOTINTHEMOOD, which tells the story of love at first sight turned into a sexual yet eventually bitter & spiteful relationship. There are some amazing tracks on this album that I highly recommend you sit through to find for yourself, but in my opinion, it also has some rough patches. I'm proud to say he's certainly found his edge ten albums in, but it needs some sharpening & polishing to say the least.
Conclusion? No. Concussion. 💥🔨
Overall, I hope this post serves as an inspiration for more albums like these to be made. Plunderphonic music these days is so easy to create, but it's also much more difficult to create great plunderphonic music and additionally, great plunderphonic concept albums. I would kill to see so many more albums like these coming out today. With the state of Bandcamp right now and how slowly the vaporwave scene itself has been progressing since 2017, it's easy to not have too much hope, but the potential I see is incredibly boundless and I implore anybody reading this who's interested in making music like this to get creative and go wild. The music world is your plundered oyster.
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kekwcomics · 11 months
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Today is BANDCAMP FRIDAY, so I'm (re)releasing ONEIRIC HARDWARE by WERNECK - WRETCHMOND. https://kekw.bandcamp.com/album/oneiric-hardware An album of manipulated field-recordings sourced from server-arrays, hard-drives and peripherals from Belo Horizonte, Brasil and Yeovil, Somerset. The sound of machines dreaming. Released as a Ltd CDr in 2009 on 19f3 Records ("The world's greatest Non-Boutique Yeovil-based Nano-label"). This d/l Includes a bonus 9th track not on the original CD and only ever released as a ltd floppy-disk edition of one. No, really. From the original 19f3 Press Release: "A curious fusion of the mechanistic and the organic: a series of REM-sleep sirensongs built from whirring servos, damaged cpus and haunted read-write heads. Ghost-Industrial Music. "Sound-files rub up against each other to create accidental textures, rhythms, harmonics and voices. A chance meeting on a PC World Customer Service Desk of a zip-drive and a storage drum. REM Vs. RAM. "File under: ferromagnetic nightmares, head crashes, somnambulant automata, data archaeology, disaster recovery, nocturnal back-ups, Music for PS/2 Ports."
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Always read TOS before signing up. Always. Important things have to be repeated thrice, so: ALWAYS READ THE FUCKING TERMS OF SERVICE BEFORE SIGNING UP. Otherwise, you would end up like me, who's literally trapped in a virtual reality hellscape of one of my most hated comics franchises, about to be beaten up half to death and blown up to smithereens.
When I saw an ad for "Mind Mapping today - Immortality tomorrow" I was like, well, what the fuck this is about? Sounds like a scam, but what is this scam about? And then I clicked to their website, and look. It looked nice, professional. Convincing. Innovative. I was like, why nobody is talking about it? This is huge! You can, like, upload your brain - all your memories, all your personality, - to their server. Then, should something happen to you, your mind gets activated and you can continue your life in virtual universe. In reality, you will be dead, but you still will be online. Your relatives can contact you, you can chat with your friends or even make video calls through AI powered 3D generated animation (if you subscribe to Premium+ package). You can read or watch movies you never had time to, keep up with the news. Finally finish your novel you started in high school. Visit virtual museums, play games. And, who knows - with cybernetic industry developing as it is, maybe becoming a cyborg is not out of question, after ten years or so. If you can afford it.
Except for people like me, who use Basic plan. Turns out, that before we get to all the blessed idle posthumous life - basically a retirement, nothing that I could expect to enjoy irl - we can be used by the Mind Mapping, LTD, for Behavioural Modeling and AI Research. And it sounds benign, right, like filling out some kind of questionnaire, or allowing websites to save cookies or something.
Except what Mind Mapping meant by that, is their biggest investor is one of monopolists of Entertainment and Telecommunication & Internet corporation field. And they love money very much but don't like to spend money when they don't have to. So their recent project, yet another reboot of that comics franchise universe, powered by AI, is starting soon. The visual side is done by AI, like the video thing for rich ghosts in the machine. As for the plot... It's a mashup of all their past properties related to that franchise. Supposed to be, AI takes the best hits out of almost 130 years of history, except there were constant bugs and glitches. More than once, this universe ended up in Apocalypse before the things started to be interesting.
So they decided to rebrand. Put poor ghosts like me in a story and let us figure out how to make it satisfying for the fans. Then, as we reach the happy ending, they will cut a movie or a series out of our experience, and sell it to the fans.
And we can't leave this world without playing till the end. And if we die, it's game over for us, breach of contract. We are going to be deleted.
Me, personally, was put into a villainous cannon fodder, who has had his own series several times, but, except for a very enthusiastic group of followers, isn't liked by the mainstream. (No wonder, it's because of constant character assassination and OOC and that's why I don't like this comics franchise - I loved it too much before finally giving up) And my mission was to white wash all his evil deeds, redeem him, and turn him to the road of success, face slapping, and, preferably, group petting.
This character is Jason Todd. And I went online just as the first blow of crowbar grazed my cheek. Yeah, that's right: he was just about to be killed by the Joker. Which means, I was about to be killed by the Joker, now.
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growtoexpert · 2 years
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 Journey Of Rolls Royce 
In 1904, two young men - Charles Rolls and Henry Royce - met by chance at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, England. Rolls was a wealthy young man who had recently started selling cars; Royce was a talented engineer who had already built several successful vehicles. The two men hit it off immediately, and soon form a company named “Rolls Royce” a partnership that would change the automobile industry forever. Rolls-Royce is a British luxury automaker. The company's name was originally Rolls-Royce Limited, but it was changed to Rolls-Royce plc in 1971. Today, Rolls-Royce is headquartered in London and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BMW.
Rolls and Royce set out to build the best car in the world - one that combined luxury, comfort, and cutting-edge engineering. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
In spite of its longstanding reputation for luxury and quality, Rolls-Royce has not always been an easy company to run. The company has experienced several periods of financial difficulty, In 1931, Rolls-Royce was forced to declare bankruptcy due to the effects of the Great Depression. However, the company was quickly reborn as a British institution and it was even nationalized by the British government in 1971. However, under BMW's ownership, Rolls-Royce has undergone a renaissance and is once again one of the most prestigious brands in the automotive world.
Early History of Rolls Royce
In 1904, Rolls-Royce Limited was founded by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce. Their first car, the Rolls-Royce 10 hp, was unveiled at the Paris Salon in December of that year.
In 1906, The first Rolls-Royce car, the Six-cylinder Silver Ghost, became an overnight sensation with its smooth ride and silent engine. It quickly earned a reputation for being the most reliable and refined vehicle on the road.
In the First world war, Royce Designed His first engine-” The Eagle” Providing some half of the total horsepower used in the air war by the allies.
During World War II, both Bentley and Rolls-Royce production facilities were focused on producing aircraft engines for the war effort. After the war ended, production of luxury cars resumed and both brands continued to enjoy success.
In 1931, Rolls-Royce acquired Bentley Motors, the small sports/racing car maker and potential rival, after the latter's finances failed to weather the onset of the Great Depression. In order to preserve their current Phantom sales, Rolls-Royce disposed of remaining Bentley assets and was left with only the Bentley name and reputation. However, they continued to produce high-quality vehicles under Rolls-Royce's ownership. Rolls-Royce was forced to declare bankruptcy due to the financial problems of its parent company, Vickers plc. However, it was soon bought by its main rival at the time, Morris Motors.
In 1987, Rolls-Royce was once again sold, this time to Volkswagen AG. However, due to disagreements between VW and Rolls-Royce's management team, VW sold Rolls-Royce to BMW in 1998. BMW has since owned and operated Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd., Today, Rolls-Royce is widely regarded as the epitome of luxury and quality in the automotive world. Its cars are some of the most expensive and sought-after in the world.
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cutoutmedia · 6 months
In today's visually-centric world, the importance of high-quality images cannot be overstated. Whether you're an e-commerce retailer, a photographer, or a digital marketer, captivating visuals are essential for attracting attention, engaging your audience, and driving conversions. At Cutout Image Media Ltd., we understand the power of compelling imagery, which is why we offer a comprehensive suite of image editing services designed to elevate your visuals and help you achieve your goals.
Our Range of Image Editing Services:
Clipping Path: Our precise clipping path services allow for the isolation of subjects or objects from their backgrounds, ensuring clean and crisp edges for seamless integration into various design compositions or marketing materials.
Image Masking: For images with complex backgrounds or intricate details, image masking techniques are used to selectively remove or replace specific areas while preserving fine textures and nuances.
Color Correction Service: We enhance the colors and tones of your images to ensure consistency and accuracy, creating vibrant and true-to-life visuals that captivate your audience.
Shadow Creation Service: Adding realistic shadows to your images adds depth and dimension, making them visually appealing and immersive for your viewers.
Ghost Mannequin Service: By removing mannequins or models from clothing images, we create a clean and professional look that highlights the design and fit of your garments.
Image Retouching Service: From skin retouching to object removal, our skilled retouchers can transform your images, ensuring they look flawless and enticing to viewers.
The Benefits of Choosing Cutout Image Media Ltd.:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled professionals brings expertise and creativity to every project, ensuring high-quality results that exceed your expectations.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every project is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation, we have the tools and expertise to deliver results that align with your vision and goals.
Quick Turnaround Times: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines, which is why we strive to deliver fast turnaround times without compromising on quality. Whether you have a tight deadline or a large volume of images, you can rely on us to deliver on time, every time.
Commitment to Quality: Quality is at the heart of everything we do. From the initial consultation to the final delivery, we maintain strict quality control measures to ensure that every image meets our high standards of excellence.
Competitive Pricing: We believe that high-quality image editing services should be accessible to everyone, which is why we offer competitive pricing options to suit a variety of budgets. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, you can trust us to deliver exceptional value for your investment.
At Cutout Image Media Ltd., we are passionate about helping our clients unlock the full potential of their visuals. Whether you need clipping path services, image masking, color correction, or any other image editing service, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you elevate your visuals and achieve your goals.
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sudeepkedar · 6 months
Hybrid Bicycles Market Growth Analysis & Forecast Report | 2024-2032
Hybrid Bicycles Market to surpass USD 17.1 Bn by 2032. The broader trend towards sustainability and eco-conscious choices in bicycles will augment the industry outlook. Several manufacturers are focusing on developing hybrid bicycles by deploying advanced lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber, aluminum alloys, and high-strength steel for the overall weight reduction of bikes. To illustrate, in February 2024, Chinese electric bike brand Heybike disclosed plans to launch its first carbon fiber E-bike with a 750W mid-drive motor. The strong focus on improving the performance, maneuverability, and portability of hybrid bicycles for making them more attractive to consumers is another emerging trend favouring the product demand.
Request for Sample Copy report @   https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/7944
The fitness and exercise application segment is expected to record lucrative expansion in the hybrid bicycles market from 2024 to 2032. The growth can be attributed to the ability of handling a variety of terrains offered by hybrid bikes. The presence of gear systems allows efficient pedaling, further promoting cardiovascular exercise and muscle engagement. Rising incorporation of rack mounts and fender mounts to enable users to attach accessories like cargo racks, panniers, and mudguard will also boost the product application outlook.
Hybrid bicycles industry from the traditional technology segment is expected to expand exponentially up to 2032, led by their versatility in combining features of road bikes and mountain bikes. Traditional bicycles are suitable for various terrains, including paved roads, gravel paths, and light trails. With the growing concerns about environmental sustainability, more people are opting for eco-friendly transportation options. Benefits of adaptability, comfort, and suitability for diverse purposes to align with current lifestyle trends and preferences will also drive the segment growth.
Request for customization this report @       https://www.gminsights.com/roc/7944
Europe hybrid bicycles market is estimated to record USD 4.3 billion in valuation by 2032 driven by the higher presence of supportive government policies, subsidies, and incentives for cycling. The growing awareness about the environmental impacts of transportation is prompting regional consumers to choose hybrid bicycles as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional vehicles, providing multiple growth opportunities to several manufacturers. For instance, in January 2024, London-based GIN E-Bikes secured €580k for speeding up the production capabilities of its hybrid bikes. The rising implementation of various measures to reduce car usage and promote cycling will also add to the market growth across the region.
Some of the prominent hybrid bicycles industry players include Avon Cycles Limited, Cannodale Bicycle Corporation, Cube Bikes, Diamondback, Firefox Bikes, Fuji Bikes, Ghost Bikes, Giant Bicycles Inc., Jamis Bikes, Kona Bikes, Trek Bicycle Corporation, Marin Bikes, Merida Industry Co., Ltd., Orbea Bicycles, Scott Sports SA, and Specialized Bicycle Components Inc. These firms are focusing on new product developments to proliferate their product portfolio and customer base. To cite an instance, in October 2023, Cube introduced Cube Fold Hybrid, its new electric urban bike powered by a mid-drive Bosch motor and large capacity battery.
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Market scope & definition
1.2    Base estimates & calculations
1.3    Forecast calculation
1.4    Data sources
1.4.1    Primary
1.4.2    Secondary   Paid sources   Public sources
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Industry 3600 synopsis, 2018 - 2032
Chapter 3   Industry Insights
3.1    Industry ecosystem analysis
3.2    Supplier landscape
3.2.1    Raw material supplier
3.2.2    Component supplier
3.2.3    Manufacturers
3.2.4    Battery and electric system suppliers
3.2.5    Distributors
3.2.6    End users
3.3    Profit margin analysis
3.4    Technology & innovation landscape
3.5    Patent analysis
3.6    Key news & initiatives
3.7    Regulatory landscape
3.8    Impact forces
3.8.1    Growth drivers   Increasing awareness of health and fitness among people   Growing innovations in materials, gears, and electronics   Rising demand for eco-friendly transportation solutions   Supportive government policies
3.8.2    Industry pitfalls & challenges   Higher initial costs of hybrid bicycles   Inadequate cycling infrastructure
3.9    Growth potential analysis
3.10    Porter’s analysis
3.10.1    Supplier power
3.10.2    Buyer power
3.10.3    Threat of new entrants
3.10.4    Threat of substitutes
3.10.5    Industry rivalry
3.11    PESTEL analysis
About Global Market Insights:
Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
Contact us:
Aashit Tiwari Corporate Sales, USA Global Market Insights Inc. Toll Free: +1-888-689-0688 USA: +1-302-846-7766 Europe: +44-742-759-8484 APAC: +65-3129-7718 Email: [email protected] 
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44gamez · 9 months
Top 6 Best Co Op Games on PC Game Pass
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Screenshot: Ghost City Video games LTD, 343 Industries, Tribute Video games Inc. With the vacations across the nook, you (like me) most likely have much more free time in your arms than typical. So, why not make investments it in a sport with a good friend? There are quite a lot of them on the market, however the ones that observe on this checklist are what I feel are one of the best of one of the best. On prime of that, you solely a necessity Recreation Cross subscription for PC and also you’ll get entry to them with out spending greater than your month-to-month subscription. So observe together with the highest 6 co-op video games on PC Recreation Cross
6 Greatest co op games on Recreation Cross PC to play this vacation
This checklist is that it’s not ranked, so you'll be able to decide whichever one and I can promise you and your mates can have an excellent time. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge
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Screenshot: Tribute Video games Inc. Leaping into this beat-em-up motion sport is as simple as respiration. The colourful 8-bit motion sport has a simple studying curve, which makes it simpler for everybody to get into. Whereas Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge is a four-player sport, you'll be able to nonetheless dominate with two individuals. Every character has their very own, distinctive playstyle, so you'll be able to experiment to search out out what works finest for you. Due to its easy but deep mechanics, gamers of all talent ranges can have a blast with this retro arcadey beat’em up. Sea of Thieves
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Screenshot: Uncommon LTD Taking part in as a pirate is nice, however with the ability to create a crew with a number of gamers makes issues even higher. Sea of Thieves provides you the liberty to create your journey however nonetheless helps you not get misplaced. The missions you get require everybody taking part in to place their heads collectively because it’s not simple. These kinds of video games are additionally nice for making content material in case you’re planning on launching a gaming TikTok or YouTube channel. Plus, the PVP factor provides one other sense of immersion the place issues are literally at stake. Moreover, being cross-play helps out a ton as effectively, this fashion your mates on PC and Xbox can be part of your crew. A Means Out
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Screenshot: Hazelight If you wish to get misplaced in a novel, story-driven expertise that isn’t lengthy and may be very simple, take a look at A Means Out. Gamers take the roles of two jail escapees and should navigate the world and make some painful selections. Whereas A Means Out is linear, the story itself has a ton of weight to carry every little thing collectively. Each selection you make is felt and has dire penalties. With out giving something away, the ending does make the narrative for your entire sport value it. So it’s a must-try for the vacation. Nevertheless, maintain Kleenex close by, crying will likely be a traditional factor as the sport is emotionally charged. Gear 5
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Screenshot: The Coalition Some of the iconic video games for the Xbox continues to be alive and kicking. Gears 5 has a ton of traditional components reminiscent of the long-lasting cowl system, the chainsaw melee assaults, and extra. Nevertheless, the sport does add extra reminiscent of mild open-world mechanics and some aspect bosses that you simply and your mates can try. Gunplay is a significant component in all of the Gears of Battle video games, and in Gears 5 it feels even higher. Plus, you and your mates can take the combat on-line with the numerous modes. There’s quite a bit on this little package deal, so chances are you'll be busy for the vacation season. Overcooked! 2
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Ghost City Video games Ltd. Earlier than I am going into this Overcooked! 2 is that this sport requires a ton of persistence. I’m not kidding. My pals and I might have a yelling match over the place rice ought to go. So if you may get over that, you’re midway there. Nevertheless, the sport does have a steep studying curve that fortunately helps you get used to it shortly. From having some over-the-top ranges to being a sport the place communication is essential, has made Overcooked! 2 stand out out hit for co-op video games on PC. Halo: Grasp Chief Assortment
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Screenshot: 343 Industries One factor I really like about Recreation Cross is that I can play Grasp Chief’s finest tales multi functional place. Because of the Halo: Grasp Chief Assortment, you and your good friend can witness all of the mainline video games as much as Halo 4. Plus, with it being cross-play, you'll be able to broaden your occasion measurement to make going by the story much more enjoyable. It’s only a disgrace that Halo Infinite does have the identical co-op features of the opposite video games which may have made issues much more immersive. You additionally get Halo Attain and Halo 3 ODST, so you'll be able to have hours of play with this compilation. If you wish to sport this vacation however don’t have time to put money into one thing tremendous deep, now we have some easy-going video games which can be a blast to get into. Read the full article
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quindirecords · 9 months
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jota solo - nessuno
[QUI012 - neko20]
ltd clear lathe cut made at Burbi Dubs. hand numbered edition
basics recorded at home 11/22 to 2/23. additional instruments and vocals recorded by T. Sasao at Junges Wien, 03+04/23 written and performed by Jota Kaza Lax: cello Ev3 ov Destruktion: add. guitars
mixed by Jota & T. Sasao mastered by Martino Marini
artwork by Frl. Tost cover design by Jota co-released with nekofutschata.
The infamous Signore Jota, known or unknown for his monolithic lifework alongside Frl. Tost as Novy Svet and essential contributions to Mushroom’s Patience, Unitad Sasao, The Tiny Men, Severin Bestombes, Indra 1996, Gnostic Gnomes and a myriad of other musical lifeforms now all stardust – this elusive, serpentine Magi of the post-post-industrial underground is shedding his skin once more on Nessuno, a record of confrontational and permeative isolationist bliss. As with every re-configuration in his artistic vita, Jota drops a few scrambled jigsaw pieces in front of our eyes that remind us of everything and nothing at the same time. Kicking off with a sampled quotation from John Lennon’s “Watching the wheels” (“people say I’m crazy, doing what I’m doing…”), Nessuno transports us into a ritual space right behind Jota’s mind’s eye. And there’s lots of stuff going on here for the forty minutes to follow: the cavernous, residual pulse and hum of abandoned temples, trembling and staggering synth chords that seem to be plucked by invisible hands like will-o’-the-wisps across a nocturnal scene, fragments of acoustic guitar strings that appear more like a reminder of a song that once might have been than an actual instrumentation, the feel of open cables and cold energy, stabs of radio hiss on its ongoing, futile quest for an indefinite frequency. There is a whole world of puro rumore / puro amore being hinted at when Jota’s smoky signature croon strikes through the damaged, hobbling trip hop of Canzone della vita, an early highlight of the record, a few minutes into Side A. Other times, his words, all sung in Italian, bounce on and off the interior walls of the songs like the voice of a speaker who has long since left the room. There is the downward spiraling febrile delirium of Freddo uno and the unholy incantation of self-indictment on 6 || 6. When the fog and hiss of personal history and inner conflict has dissipated on the noise-addled ballad SacrifiZio Vittime, Jota halts to take a startling and rapt look at the inscription of scars torn open once more. For a short glimpse we’re tempted to believe that Jota has gone a skin too far this time, and now he sits naked to the core amidst the beautiful rubble of life. But nah… think twice! There will always be a plethora of mirrors lurking in every corner of the room, re-modeling the artistic persona of Jota Solo into a labyrinth that ramifies deeper than a Borges-ian nightmare. Enter the starlit odyssey dopo mezzanotte that is Il Mare, a melancholic instrumental piece, to touch at the darkly glistening ground of Nessuno’s journey. We can sense the dangerously haunting melodies of sirens shot through with windswept noises, but in the midst of it all there is also peace and contentment here. And then again, closing track Giorni due breaks off midway a demented braindance, waving goodbye in contorted poses whilst the credits roll on, leaving us nonplussed once more to where all of this has just sprung from and where it is heading now. If you’re asking yourself for references, Novi Svets more electronic adventures like Todas las ultimas cosas (2008) and Mono (2015) might pop up as first-choice. In the rare case that you’re novice to the whole microcosm, think Richard D. James having a field day with the ghost of Franco Battiato. Or maybe don’t, if that’s too outré. Either way, Jota’s new record is testament to the fact that he is still way ahead of the game, or more precisely, laying down the rules of a game all his own. However, it’s not this technical aspect, innovation of the hand, but innovation of the soul that lingers with us when the last grooves run out. Like it did so often before. Part of our future, part of our past.
Margot Benetti, Totensonntag 2023
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lucian-v-ghost · 5 months
One final bit of Lore™ for you all before the computer returns.
On every level of the Ghost Industries Ltd. R&D facility, there are vending machines for drinks, mainly sodas or water, as hot beverage consumption is usually restricted to the various cafeteria areas throughout the facility.
Most of the sodas available from these vending machines are Shize™ branded. Many employees have raised concerns about these sodas as experimentation has found that a liberal spray of water will cause the can to emit a sound similar to a moan of sexual gratification.
While this is somewhat odd, the various beverages themselves are undeniably delicious. We especially recommend Shize™ Tropical Storm or Shize™ Blueberry Melon Twist.
Ghost Industries Ltd. Would like to reassure all employees that the Shize™ Sodas are simply normal soft drinks and do not contain player souls of any kind.
On a related note, the Shize™ Vending Machine on Sublevel -7 that contains cans of Shize™ Thirst Born, has been quarantined until further notice.
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passivern · 10 months
TryHumanize Review - Write Unlimited Article with Automatics WordPress Posting
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Creating compelling and SEO-friendly long-form content can be a marathon. The constant search for the perfect stock image, the hours spent crafting the right words, and the challenge of keeping up with SEO trends can make the process feel like an uphill battle. But what if there was a tool that could transform this marathon into a sprint? Enter TryHumanize, an AI-powered content generation tool designed to revolutionize the way you create, publish, and scale your content. Introduction: The Content Creation Challenge In the world of digital content, the demand for quality material is ever-growing. However, the resources to produce engaging and informative content efficiently are often limited. Traditional methods can be time-consuming and costly, leaving many content creators looking for a solution that bridges the gap between demand and resources. About TryHumanize: Transforming Content Creation TryHumanize was founded in 2023 in Casper, Wyoming, USA, by a team of passionate tech enthusiasts. Their mission was clear: to make content creation more efficient, creative, and enjoyable for everyone. The tool, born out of the question of how AI could assist content creators and marketers, has become more than just a tool—it's a creative partner ready to help you conquer the world of content. https://youtu.be/h9miI_lDJ-k Get TryHumanize Lifetime Deal Key Features: Powering Your Content Creation AI Automation for SEO Blog Content Say goodbye to prompt engineering! TryHumanize simplifies the process by allowing you to enter a few details into the content wizard and choose from a list of recommended topics. The AI then works its magic, generating SEO articles effortlessly. Publish and Schedule Anywhere With built-in integrations for WordPress, Ghost, Shopify, and LinkedIn, TryHumanize lets you publish your articles with a single click. Schedule content up to 30 days ahead to keep a consistent flow, even when you're on vacation. Tailor-Made Content for Your Audience Define your target audience, and TryHumanize tailors your long-form content specifically to them. Generate related articles with keyword clusters and flesh out your blog with everything a reader could learn about a given topic. Effortless Interlinking and Boosted Engagement Automatic interlinking of articles boosts the average time a visitor spends on your website without any manual effort on your part. TryHumanize takes care of connecting related articles, enhancing SEO and reader engagement. Multilingual Support and Customization Create articles in multiple languages to tap into global audiences. Adjust the perspective and tone to match your brand voice, ensuring that your content sounds human and not robotic. Built-in Image Integration No more hours wasted searching for the perfect stock image. TryHumanize automatically adds relevant images from Unsplash, elevating the visual appeal of your content. Get TryHumanize LTD Use Cases of TryHumanize: Unlocking Possibilities 1. Blog Content Creation at Scale: - Scenario: Imagine you run a digital marketing agency with multiple clients, each requiring regular blog content. TryHumanize allows you to generate SEO-friendly articles effortlessly, catering to various industries and niches. The AI automation saves time, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content for your clients. 2. E-commerce Product Descriptions: - Scenario: For e-commerce businesses managing a vast inventory, creating compelling product descriptions can be time-consuming. TryHumanize streamlines this process by generating engaging and SEO-optimized descriptions. Customize the tone to match your brand, ensuring each product page is not just informative but also resonates with your audience. 3. Language Localization for Global Audiences: - Scenario: Your business is expanding globally, and you need to communicate with audiences in different languages. TryHumanize's multilingual support allows you to create content in over 40 languages. Tailor your message to specific regions, ensuring your content is not only accessible but also culturally relevant. 4. Educational Content Development: - Scenario: In the education sector, creating diverse and informative content for students is crucial. TryHumanize can be used to generate educational articles, lesson plans, and study materials. The ability to outline content before generation ensures that the material aligns with educational objectives. 5. Social Media Caption Generation: - Scenario: Managing social media accounts for a brand involves consistent posting with engaging captions. TryHumanize simplifies this by generating creative and relevant captions for your posts. Customize the tone to match your brand voice, making your social media presence both professional and personable. Don't Miss TryHumanize Lifetime Deal How Businesses Can Benefit from TryHumanize: Enhancing Content Strategy 1. Efficient Content Production: - With TryHumanize, businesses can significantly speed up their content creation process. The AI automation eliminates the need for manual prompt engineering, allowing teams to generate high-quality content efficiently. 2. Consistent SEO-Friendly Content: - Maintaining a strong online presence requires consistent SEO-friendly content. TryHumanize not only generates content with SEO in mind but also offers features like keyword clustering and interlinking, ensuring that businesses can improve their search engine rankings. 3. Time and Resource Savings: - For businesses, time is money. TryHumanize's automation not only saves time for content creators but also reduces the need for extensive manual image searches. The integration with Unsplash streamlines the process of adding relevant images to content. 4. Global Audience Reach: - Businesses looking to expand their reach to a global audience can leverage TryHumanize's multilingual support. This feature enables them to communicate effectively with diverse audiences, breaking down language barriers. 5. Enhanced Team Collaboration: - For businesses with content teams, TryHumanize's upcoming Team feature will facilitate efficient collaboration. This ensures that teams can work seamlessly, share ideas, and collectively contribute to the content creation process. 6. Brand Consistency Across Platforms: - Maintaining a consistent brand voice is crucial for businesses. TryHumanize allows customization of tone and perspective, ensuring that the generated content aligns with the brand's identity across various platforms. 7. Cost-Effective Content Creation: - TryHumanize provides exceptional value for its pricing. Businesses, regardless of their size, can benefit from AI-powered content creation without the need for a substantial budget. This makes high-quality content creation accessible to startups and small businesses. 8. Future-Proofing Content Strategy: - As TryHumanize continues to evolve, businesses can align their content strategy with future innovations. The commitment to user-centric development means that the tool will adapt to the changing landscape of content creation, ensuring businesses stay ahead of the curve. Incorporating TryHumanize into your business's content strategy unlocks a world of possibilities, from efficient content creation to reaching a global audience. This tool is not just a solution; it's a catalyst for transforming the way businesses approach content. Grab TryHumanize LTD Behind the Scenes: Journey and Team Details The founder's journey from mechanical engineering to growth hacking and eventually launching TryHumanize reflects a commitment to innovation and simplifying content creation. The team, consisting of 2 developers and 1 support member, operates on a bootstrap model. AppSumo Campaign Goals: Engaging with the Community TryHumanize's presence on AppSumo isn't just about sales—it's about engagement. The primary goal is to gather feedback and insights directly from users. The active and passionate AppSumo community is the perfect platform for this purpose. What Sets TryHumanize Apart: A Comprehensive Overview TryHumanize stands out in the content generation space for several reasons: - AI-Powered Versatility: Create content for various purposes. - 40+ Languages Supported: Communicate effectively with a global audience. - Customization: Provide custom keywords for content optimization. - Outline Mode: Structure your content before generation. - Image Integration: Seamless integration of AI-generated images. - Content Quality: Fine-tuned AI for premium content without the premium cost. - Interlinking and Clustering: Advanced features for enhanced SEO. Deal Terms and User Benefits: Lifetime Access and More The AppSumo deal offers lifetime access to TryHumanize, including all future Plus Plan updates. Users can choose a plan that suits them, activate their license within 60 days, and enjoy a 60-day money-back guarantee. It's a win-win, ensuring users get the most value from their investment. Conclusion: TryHumanize - Your Creative Partner Summarizing the key points, TryHumanize is not just a tool; it's a creative partner ready to assist you in conquering the world of content. The journey is exciting, and the future promises even more innovations. Join TryHumanize and be part of the evolution of content creation. Read the full article
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yesion0 · 11 months
Unveiling the Pioneers in the Sublimation Paper Industry: Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd
In the world of sublimation printing, the key to vibrant and long-lasting designs lies in the quality of sublimation transfer paper. As the cornerstone of the sublimation process, it is imperative to source the finest sublimation papers to achieve remarkable results. Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd has firmly established itself as a leading player in the sublimation paper manufacturing industry. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Yesion has transformed the sublimation transfer paper landscape.
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The Importance of Sublimation Transfer Paper
Sublimation transfer paper serves as the bridge between digital designs and the final product, making it an indispensable element in the sublimation printing process. The paper, which is specially coated, plays a pivotal role in transferring vibrant and detailed images from a sublimation printer onto various materials such as polyester fabrics, ceramics, and metals. The quality of sublimation transfer paper significantly impacts the final output's clarity, color accuracy, and durability.
Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd: A Glimpse
Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd is a renowned name in the sublimation paper manufacturing industry. Established in 2009, the company has consistently upheld its mission to provide high-quality sublimation transfer paper to customers worldwide. Their dedication to excellence and innovation has made them stand out as pioneers in the field.
Key Attributes That Set Yesion Apart:
1. Quality Assurance: Yesion takes pride in its commitment to quality. Their sublimation transfer papers are rigorously tested to ensure they meet the highest industry standards. This dedication to quality assurance has earned them a loyal customer base and an impeccable reputation.
2. Innovative Research and Development: Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd invests heavily in research and development. This commitment to innovation has led to the creation of sublimation transfer papers that are not only of superior quality but also tailored to meet the diverse needs of customers.
3. Eco-friendly Practices: Yesion is acutely aware of its environmental responsibilities. The company follows eco-friendly practices in manufacturing sublimation transfer paper, reducing its environmental footprint and contributing to a sustainable future.
4. Global Presence: With a global distribution network, Yesion ensures that its high-quality sublimation transfer papers are readily available to customers around the world, making them a trusted choice in various markets.
Types of Sublimation Transfer Paper Offered by Yesion
Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd offers a comprehensive range of sublimation transfer paper, catering to the diverse needs of its customers. These papers include:
1. Dye Sublimation Paper for Textiles: Specially designed for use in textile and apparel printing, Yesion's sublimation transfer papers ensure vibrant and detailed prints on fabrics.
2. Sublimation Paper for Hard Substrates: For applications on ceramics, metals, and other hard surfaces, Yesion provides sublimation papers that ensure sharp, high-resolution images with excellent color reproduction.
3. Tacky Sublimation Paper: These papers come with a tacky coating, ensuring that the transfer paper adheres well to the substrate, reducing ghosting and ensuring precise transfers.
Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd is a pioneering force in the sublimation paper manufacturers industry. With their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility, they have earned their reputation as a top choice for sublimation transfer papers worldwide. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to sublimation printing, Yesion's range of sublimation transfer papers can make a significant difference in the quality and durability of your final products. When it comes to sublimation printing, the name "Shanghai Yesion Industrial Co., Ltd" is synonymous with excellence.
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Ghost Kitchen Market Poised for Tremendous Growth as Online Food Ordering Soars
The global ghost kitchen market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the increasing shift towards online food ordering. With hectic lifestyles and evolving consumer preferences, purchasing food via online channels has become increasingly important. Ghost kitchens, as a core component of the food delivery system, are poised to capitalize on this trend and unlock substantial growth opportunities. The market is projected to become a trillion-dollar opportunity by 2030, with notable consumer shifts towards the food delivery trend.
Access Full Report:https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/ghost-kitchen-market
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Ghost kitchens, also known as virtual kitchens, offer restaurateurs the flexibility and scalability to expand their delivery footprint with minimal upfront investments. These kitchens operate without the need for traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, making them more convenient and cost-effective. As the global ghost kitchen market continues to grow, key players are expected to collaborate and drive innovation to meet the evolving demands of consumers.
Burgers and sandwiches have emerged as the most popular food items in the ghost kitchen market, accounting for a significant share of approximately 40%-42% of market revenue in 2021. The robust uptake of burgers, particularly in North America, has been a driving force behind the growth of this segment. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that Americans consume an average of 2.4 burgers per day, resulting in the consumption of 50 billion burgers annually in the region.
In terms of end-users, the food service segment holds a substantial share in the ghost kitchen market. The availability and accessibility of online food delivery apps have contributed to the growth of this segment. With the development of next-generation technologies, new apps are being introduced to facilitate intercity deliveries, enabling famous restaurants to deliver food across cities. The Asia Pacific region is expected to hold a significant share in the ghost kitchen market, driven by the growing consumer propensity to purchase food via online delivery apps in countries such as India and China.
Leading participants in the global ghost kitchen market include United Kitchen, Rebel Foods, ShoppinPal, Posist Technologies, Kitopi, Oracle, Ghost Kitchen Orlando, DoorDash Kitchens, and Uengage Services Pvt Ltd. These market players are investing in research and development activities to expand their portfolios and stay ahead of the competition. Strategic initiatives such as contractual agreements, increased investments, new product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and collaborations are key focus areas for these players.
Recent notable developments in the ghost kitchen market include Zuul's introduction of a new service that enables simultaneous delivery of orders to both business buildings and residential complexes, known as the virtual food hall channel. Ghost Kitchens India Pvt Ltd, an online restaurant technology platform, inaugurated its 100th fulfillment partner in Bharuch, Gujarat, marking its expansion in the Indian market.
Web: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/
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screenstretch · 2 years
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msclaritea · 2 years
"Ip Man 3," one of the most popular recent Kung Fu movies in China, dominated the film market on its opening weekend, grossing 470 million yuan (US$72.7 million). But things went downhill when movie fans and industry insiders began noticing that online ticketing services showed that unusually large numbers of "Ip Man 3" screenings were sold out and that ticket prices had gone as high as US$31.
Beijing Max Screen, the film's distributor, later admitted to buying 56 million yuan's worth of the tickets itself and fabricating more than 7,600 screenings of the film according to the film bureau under the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television.
The bureau said it had ordered Max Screen to suspend distribution for a month while it "rectifies all malpractices" and that it had given serious warnings to three electronic ticket-selling groups involved in the fraud. Seventy-three cinemas were also given serious warnings. The fake box office figures will not count towards the film’s gross earnings.
Shanghai Kuailu Investment Group, run by business tycoon Shi Jianxiang, is the controlling shareholder of Hong Kong-listed Shifang Holding Ltd. Shifang owns the rights to box office earnings from "Ip Man 3." Shi stepped down from his position as CEO and chairman of the company on April 1, citing “health issues.”
But the scandal has effects beyond just the movie industry. Kuailu is a large private enterprise that was formed out of four old state-run enterprises in the 1990s. Shi, 52, who ranks No. 746 on the Hurun Report's 2015 China Rich List, with an estimated fortune of US$780 million, has expanded the company’s business into "innovative" film financing and distribution in recent years.
Shi had invested in a series of peer-to-peer lenders, and Kuailu's innovative approach to "Ip Man 3" was to make financial products in order to securitize its box office assets and raise funds from its peer-to-peer and crowdfunding platforms, based on box office expectations.
To make a greater financial gain from the movie, industry-watchers say the backers of "Ip Man 3" may have sought to inflate box office results to boost their companies' stock price. As the "ghost screening" box office scandal broke out, Shifang Holding Ltd's stock price dropped by more than 50 percent. Shenkai and other companies and platforms involved also suffered significant losses.
Hundreds of investors gathered at Jinlu Financial Advisors' headquarters on March 30 to ask about delayed payments. Jinlu said they would suspend payments on some wealth management products jointly created with its partner Kuailu because of a 300 million yuan (US$46.41 million) cash shortage.
To resolve the issue, Kuailu said on April 6 at a press conference in Shanghai that it will merge and refinance Jinlu and Dangtian Wealth, another related wealth management company, and offer a payment plan to investors soon. Kuailu has committed 5 billion yuan in assets as collateral for the delayed payment. Xu Qi, the new chairman and CEO of Kuailu, said they would fully resolve the payment problem of wealth management products before March 31, 2018, the National Business Daily reported.
So, box office numbers CAN be inflated.
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