#ghost ghouls fanfic
ashthewaterghoul · 13 days
Body & Mind - A Phantom Ghoul One Shot
So Swiss, ever the caring partner, took Phantom’s plate of food and gently knocked on their door. No response came so Swiss tried the handle and found it unlocked. He had just intended on dropping the food by Phantom’s bedside for whenever they woke up but the sight of the little Bug broke Swiss’ heart. They were curled up so small and hidden under many blankets with their back to the door. They had an extremely large plain black hoodie on that Swiss knew had been dubbed their ‘dysphoria hoodie’. Swiss walked around the nest and saw Phantom was awake, staring at nothing while tears rolled down their face. Or, Phantom is feeling dysphoric, and Swiss helps.
Words: 1925
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Phantom/Rain, Phantom/Swiss
Tags: Gender dysphoria, hurt/comfort, fluff, they/them Phantom, he/they Rain, transmasc Phantom and Rain, HRT, chest binding, Aether pops up for a second too, and transmasc Dew mention, author is projecting, implied polyghouls.
Warnings: Period talk/period-induced dysphoria, a lil mention of slightly unsafe binding practices and a tiny bit of medical language as Phantom talks about their HRT and their issues with it.
Terms used for Phantom and Rain’s anatomy - Chest and tissue.
    It was about halfway through the day when Swiss realised he hadn’t seen Phantom yet. The little Bat had been exhausted after getting back from their first tour and Swiss had taken up a few of their duties so they could rest. They both usually at least still saw each other at breakfast, if not lunch. But when Swiss saw the still-full plate by Phantom’s seat at the table, he knew something was up.
    A quick question to Aurora told Swiss that they hadn’t left their room at all yet and she assumed they were just sleeping in. Not even Phantom’s neighbours, Rain and Cirrus, had heard anything from within the room. So Swiss, ever the caring partner, took Phantom’s plate of food and gently knocked on their door. No response came so Swiss tried the handle and found it unlocked. He had just intended on dropping the food by Phantom’s bedside for whenever they woke up but the sight of the little Bug broke Swiss’ heart.
    They were curled up so small and hidden under many blankets with their back to the door. They had an extremely large plain black hoodie on that Swiss knew had been dubbed their ‘dysphoria hoodie’. Swiss walked around the nest and saw Phantom was awake, staring at nothing while tears rolled down their face.
    “Buggy?” Swiss whispered, and Phantom’s violet eyes met his golds.
    “Hi.” Phantom said quietly.
    “Bad dysphoria day?” Swiss assumed by the hoodie but just wanted confirmation, which he got when Phantom nodded, “I’m sorry, baby.”
    Phantom shrugged, “‘s not your fault.”
    “I know, but I hate seeing you like this.” Swiss let out a deep breath, “Can I touch you? Do you want a cuddle?”
    “Please.” Phantom said, and Swiss wasted no time in climbing into the nest and bringing Phantom’s head to rest against his chest while he laid on his back.
Read below the cut or on ao3
    “Has anything brought this on or is it just one of those days? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Swiss said.
    They groaned, “My period’s coming soon, my chest is sore so I can’t bind, and loads of people online are calling me ‘he’ and some even saying ‘she’. I know the public don’t know, but it still bothers me.” Phantom said.
    “A bit of a downside to the masks and anonymity, I guess, but Frater can find a way to get everyone to know your pronouns, I’m sure.” Swiss said, taking a breath before going onto the next point, knowing Phantom needed logic for their addled brain that wouldn’t be able to find solutions for itself, “Your T hasn’t stopped your period yet?”
    Phantom shook their head.
    “Have you told Aether? He’s managing your prescription, right?”
    “Hoped it would just go away.” Phantom sniffled.
    “Okay, well, how about you tell him? When Dew started his T he had to get an extra shot to stop his period. I’m sure Aeth would do the same for you.” Swiss said.
    “Maybe.” Phantom said.
    “You can ask when you feel more yourself maybe, yeah?” Swiss said and Phantom nodded, “You said your chest is sore?”
    “Always happens with my period.” Phantom said.
    “How much have you been binding recently?” Swiss asked.
    “Like, 8 or 9 hours every day?”
    “When was the last time you took a day off?”
    Phantom went still and blinked rapidly as they tried to remember.
    “Buggy, it won’t help if you’re too sore to bind. You need binder breaks.”
    “I know! I just hate how I look without it. I know I don’t have a lot going on up here,” They gestured vaguely to their chest, “but knowing it’s there makes me feel like a freak.”
    “I think it’s well established that I’m the freak in this pack.” Swiss said, and smiled at the little laugh it drew from Phantom, “Have you ever tried transtape?”
    “No, what’s that?” Phantom asked.
    “It’s the stuff Rain uses. Kinda like KT tape but it’s for your chest. You can wear it longer than you can a binder and safely too.”
    “Will it make me flat?” Phantom asked.
    “Less than your binder, probably, but it will still leave you pretty flat, yeah.” Swiss said, going off what he knew from Rain’s own chest.
    “Do you think Rain would mind?” Phantom asked.
    “He gave you his old binder, I’m sure they wouldn’t.”
    Phantom nodded and snuggled their head further into Swiss’ chest, “Can we just cuddle for a bit longer? When do you have to go back?”
    Swiss angled for his phone and checked the schedule, “Really I should be going back in about half an hour, but I can delay until tomorrow.”
    “What? No.” Phantom moved to their elbows to look at Swiss, “You’ll get in trouble, you can’t!”
    “I don’t give a rat’s ass. You’re more important.” Swiss said, kissing the top of Phantom’s head and guiding them back down to cuddle.
    “It’ll make me feel bad.” Phantom muttered.
    “Well don’t. I’m a grown Ghoul, I can make my own decisions. And I decide to stay with my sexy little bat.”
    “I don’t feel sexy right now.” Phantom said.
    “You’re always sexy to me.”
    “Sure.” Phantom said.
     “What? You are. You’re the most sexy little thing I’ve ever seen.”
    “What about Rory?”
    “She’s pretty.”
    “He’s hot.”
    “You really think I’m sexy with my face full of snot?” Phantom laughed slightly.
    “Like I said before, I’m the freak of this pack.” Swiss wore his trademark grin as he spoke.
    “Don’t I know it?” Phantom said, their eye-roll practically audible.
    Swiss laughed and kissed Phantom head once more before snuggling into an easy silence, each rumbling out their own purrs as they got comfy. Phantom also started making biscuits against Swiss, kneading along the plump of his tummy. It was a behaviour that never had any sexual motivation behind it for Phantom, and it certainly took some getting used to for the Ghouls when the little Bat first started doing it, but they had all come to love it because it meant Phantom felt safe and secure.
    Swiss was sure he’d fallen asleep at some point as they stayed huddled in the dark room, the food long forgotten. But at some point, the silence broke.
    “Thank you.” Phantom said.
    “For what, Bat?” Swiss asked.
    “For helping me see a bit of logic. I hate my dysphoria.”
    “You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always want to help you.” Swiss kissed Phantom’s forehead.
    They stayed cuddled for even longer until Rain knocked saying it was time for dinner, and with consent from Phantom, Swiss called Rain in and explained the binder situation. Rain preferred transtape because he could swim with it and it didn’t press against his gills like a binder did. They had rolls of it in their room, all different colours and sizes and soon had Phantom picking out a roll of purple.
    Phantom wanted Swiss to stay with them and they kept their eyes shut as they took their hoodie off, and Rain measured out strips of the tape. Swiss was whispering little reassurances the whole time of how amazing they looked, how well they were doing, how flat their chest looked as Rain fixed the strips over their tissue. Phantom felt tears pricking their eyes from the praise.
    “And done.” Rain said as they laid the last piece and threw away the backing, “Do you want to look at it or just put your hoodie back on?”
    Phantom thought about it for a minute, and slowly cracked each eye open. Rain was stood in front of them, blocking the mirror, and also was shirtless revealing his own blue tape. Rain’s chest was similar to Phantom’s, if a bit bigger so Phantom looked at Rain as an estimate for how they looked.
    “C- can I look?” Phantom asked.
    “You don’t need my permission.” Rain smiled, “I’ll move out the way on a count of three, okay? You tell me when.”
    Phantom looked to Swiss who was beaming in pride for the little Quint, “So handsome.” He muttered and Phantom blushed.
    They nodded to Rain and they counted, “1… 2… 3…”
    Phantom’s face remained neutral as they took their chest in. They could still see a bit of the shape of their tissue but they think they could manage it. Rain always looked flat under his t-shirts and so Phantom assumed they would be the same.
    “So, you can leave it on for up to three days.” Rain started explaining, “You can leave it on in the shower and everything too. When you take it off though you need to apply something to the area so the adhesive comes off and doesn’t start breaking your skin. If your skin starts getting agitated or damaged at any point, go to Aether. He’s helped me out a lot with it.”
    Phantom nodded, “W- will you help? When I have to take it off?”
    “Of course, Bug.” Rain came over and stood behind Phantom, chin on their shoulder and looking at them in the mirror. Between that and Swiss still standing nearby staring, Phantom felt themself blushing again and buried their face in their hands.
    “So handsome indeed.” Rain said, putting a small kiss to Phantom’s neck before pulling back, “You want your hoodie back on?”
    Phantom nodded and Rain helped it over their arms and head. They looked at their side profile in the mirror and smiled wide when they looked completely flat, finding they couldn’t stop running a hand over the fabric to smooth it and couldn’t tear their eyes away from their reflection.
    “Come on, Narcissus.” Swiss smiled, “I’m hungry and you’re about to become my dinner if we don’t get moving.”
    “Hey! What about me?” Rain mock-protested.
    “You’d be dessert.” Swiss assured as he held his hand out for Phantom and Rain.
    “That’s acceptable.” Rain said, placing a small kiss on Swiss’ lips before the Multi guided the three of them out to the dining room where everyone else had already started tucking in.
    After they’d finished eating Swiss and Rain got up to leave but Phantom stayed behind. Aether was on pot-washing duty tonight and Phantom saw a good opportunity.
    “Hey, Aeth, can I ask you a question about my hormones?”
    “Yeah, of course. What’s up?” He asked putting down the plate he was washing and giving Phantom his full attention.
    “Sh- should my period have stopped by now?” Phantom asked in a hushed voice.
    “Hmm, how long have you been on T now? 5 months?”
    “Yeah, 6 in a week and a half.”
    “When’s your next period due?”
    “In a few days.”
    “It should have stopped by now, probably. I can’t do anything about this month, but after it’s done come to my office. I can get you started on these sort of booster shots that should stop it, if you want?” Aether said, work voice on despite it being out-of-office hours.
    Phantom smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Aeth.”
    “Of course, it’s my job and you’re pack. Not gonna leave you out to dry. Any other issues with your T or…?”
    “Nope. All good.” Phantom smiled, giving Aether a hug before running back to Swiss’ room.    
In the embraces of the Multi and Water Ghouls, Phantom couldn’t stop purring and kneading along their bodies. The two older Ghouls made Phantom feel loved and very handsome indeed. And with some headway to solving a couple more things with their dysphoria, they smiled at maybe having a life free from that dreadful weight.
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kaetastic · 1 year
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pairing: Sodo Ghoul x Ghoulette!F!Reader
summary: After debutting not so long ago, the fans seem to adore the new addition to their beloved band. However, after noticing how their fans react to their interactions- Sodo and Y/N test the waters to make their fans go feral.
word count: 1.2k+
warning: tension TENSION SEXUAL TENSION!!!
note: i've noticed the lack of reader being a part of the band so you know what TAKE THIS! also i love you phantom but this position is MINE!! (for this story lol) p.s i took 2 hours to write this because i was so excited and was on a GRINDD
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"Dust." Papa's deep voice shook the venue, the vibrations flowing like waves from the source of the sounds into the thrilled crowd. With a microphone in his hand, the man who had the blinding sequined blue jacket pranced across the stage. The spotlight followed every movement he made, shining upon him as if he were a revealed prophecy.
Screams erupted from the crowd as they held their phones high up from the crowd- ready to capture moments from their favourite ghouls and ghoulettes. However, this night had been different since the few previous shows had sparked a new trend. Pupils and phone lenses were glued onto the lead guitarist who had been ripping his infamous white guitar while others stayed on the ghoulette who strung her black one.
There was excitement in the air that was missing from the tours before. It wasn't grand but it definitely felt significant. And oh, was that excitement going to explode. Bodies were jumping as Papa thrust his hips, his voice growling out, "In God you trust."
Swiss moved further into the stage and those closest to him let out high-pitched yells. Even though both parties knew there was no point in trying to make contact due to the large gap between them, there was always an attempt because the veins on the man's arm were irresistible.
"Your cavalier of crapulence, to this feast of rapacity."
If it wasn't loud before, now it was boisterous. Sodo's fingers were moving on their own- a result of countless practices, while his body shuffled over to the ghoulette.
Y/N or Raven (as she was known) had her lips pressed together as her mind was solely focused on giving a satisfying performance. Papa's voice bounced through her earpiece and her body obeyed the music and played the right chords. Despite the sudden incline of screams, she kept her gaze on the crowd with a smile. Playing an instrument was one thing, but serving a good performance for the crowd was another. Knowing that fact, she shouldn't have been surprised when she felt another body pressing her back.
Her mind needed a second to process who it was but her body was on its own journey. Not even a stagger in her performance. Throwing her head over her shoulders, she was met by the same mask encapsulating her head. The fans noticed how close their bodies were and more screams erupted from the front to the back of the venue.
"In God you trust."
With his other arm free, he placed his hand on her waist. It descended, following the curve of her body before he yanked her back to close the gap between them. Masterminds- that's what they were because everyone had been enamoured by the two. Phones from all the way back were faced in their directions, possibly recording the hundredth clip of that night.
After the recent shows, Y/N and Sodo had picked up how the crowd had loved when they were close to one another. So in a genius fashion, they both decided to interact more on stage.
Even though the light fell onto the back of their heads, shadowing the front of their masks, few realized the way Y/N had opened her mouth in shock at Sodo's action. They scrambled to open whatever social media they favoured, not bothered by the fact that their phone was holding onto the last bits of battery. Later on, the duo would find the clip to pull in more interested fans with their electrifying chemistry.
Leaning her head back to rest on his shoulder, Y/N realized something. Noises came from every angle. The sounds that were trapped by the large room bounced off the walls, wrapping around the people under its roof. Despite all this, she could clearly hear his heavy breathing. The man wasn't running around the stage, so why was he?
Then a smirk played on her lips. When they discussed their little plan, Y/N knew there would be rumours about the two but in any good marketing, denying those rumours would not be beneficial at all. She also knew that there would be other... feelings involved. Feelings that would be more apparent on him than on her.
Angling her lips towards his, she leaned in but not exactly closing in. Screeches blew up and a smirk played on her lips at her success. She breathed out onto his lips, "You hard?" Oh, the things she would do just to see his eyes beneath those opaque goggles. Sodo felt his body still behind hers. He was incredibly thankful that most of his face had been covered apart from his lips because his face gave away everything. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips at her question. So many things to be thankful for tonight. Especially to the guitar that covered the most telling parts.
Cirrus' part was up and Y/N pressed a hand on Sodo's chest to push him away. Making her way to the other side of the stage, she stood close to the edge, her feet perched on the blasting speakers. Unbeknownst to her, the same figure that was behind her had been trailing after her like a lost yet love-sickened puppy seeking attention. She should have known when phones were angled behind her.
With his hand free again, Sodo pushed his guitar to rest beside him, his front now free from the protection of the instrument. A small gulp swam down her throat once she felt something prodding her back. Lord. Placing his hand on the bottom of her neck, he ground his teeth as he brought it up to fully grasp it.
Another thing to be thankful for- no one had heard the silent moan that left her lips. Just for him.
"Very." Sodo gave a late reply.
"And divine you feel my thrust."
The ghoulette smirked at the coincidence of the lyrics for that moment.
"In God you trust."
Papa's thrusting towards the crowd caused strings of screams, and bubbles of excitement were waiting to burst out. The crowd was ready for the confetti. On the other hand, Sodo fans had their phones angled to capture his routine for Mummy Dust. This time... everyone knew that something would be different.
As the drumming got louder, Sodo ran his left down from Y/N's mouth to her neck- stopping above the curves of her chest. Just for a moment, a small part of her cursed him out for not going further down. Wrapping his fingers as if he was jacking off the air, Sodo had his head thrown back. He wished he was doing the exact same thing to himself right now.
The ghoulette turned her body to face him. His eyes changed course to watch as her hands slowly trailed down his chest. The fans were exhilarated at the sight, screaming at the sight of the pair they liked so much. Sodo felt his heart beat at its own hastened pace while the rest of his body was vibrated by the stage. His heart skipped one single beat. Y/N got on her knees with her eyes on his black lenses. She swore he had gulped when confetti was shot out onto the crowd.
This was definitely going to be awkward to talk about later.
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spookyghostjelly · 1 year
Midnight Hunt - Swiss x f!reader)
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Warnings: MDNI 18+, 2,5k words, I'm back with more smut, and yes it's some more ghoul in heat, pnv sex, cnc, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, a little predator/prey play, feral Swiss is a little possessive, public sex, oral sex, fingering, size kink, i think that's it?
You stifle a yawn as you make your way back to your room. It's terribly late and not a soul can be seen in the abbey's corridors, the silence a refreshing change to the usual hustle and bustle going on in the day. Finishing these translations so late was not your objective, but now that you were here, you took this time alone to relax and absorb the calmness emanating from the abbey's walls in the middle of the night. You let your stress from the day's work escape as you mindlessly walk the stone pathways. A sudden noise has you stopping in your tracks however. It was very faint but the silence allowed you to hear it clearly: a shuffle of feet on the stone floors, coming from somewhere behind you.
Who could still be up at this hour? You turn, only to find the space empty. Your head cocks slightly in confusion. Only Copia had the habit of wandering the halls near the library at night -and you obviously- but if it was indeed him, why would he not call out to you, and even disappear on you? Your mind must have played tricks on you, you guess, it was late and you were tired after all. Just as you turn to resume your walk however, you nearly jump out of your skin as a ghoul enters your sight, standing just a few feets away from you. You chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief, the ghouls weren't an unusual sight around here after all. The ghoul in front of you does not react however and as you look more attentively at him, you notice the way his chest is rising and falling heavily, and how his gaze on you does not hold the playful glint they usually did. No, his eyes are dark, fixed upon you, carefully eyeing your every movement. His body is taut, as if ready to jump at any moment.
"Swiss? Is everything ok?" You call out hesitantly to the ghoul.
No answer comes. Instead, his head cocks to the side as he takes a step towards you, and you instinctively take a step back, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. Suddenly the realization strikes you: the ghouls should be locked in their den right now, it was right around the time where they'd be getting into heat… how the hell did he manage to slip through? You silently curse as a spike of fear runs through you, your breath catching. His nostrils flare and his lips spread into a wide sinister smile, fangs glinting in the faint light of the wall sconces. He takes another step forward, and you backwards.
"Swiss, you shouldn't be here." You try to make your voice as firm as possible even though you know it's useless, he can smell the fear emanating from you.
"You should run little rabbit, fucking run while you can." 
His voice is so low, nearly a growl, and it sends shivers running through you. You know he's taunting you, running will only feed into his animalistic urge, but a spike of adrenaline has you instantly taking off running despite your brain knowing it was best not to. You curse the fact that you are still so far from your room and the sibling's dormitories. Running through the unending stone corridors towards the living quarters was pretty much your only option now; however, no way you could go through the main doors and lose him in the forest, he'd get to you in seconds. Your chances were already low as is… So you just focus on running towards your room, trying your best not to look back. You can hear him further behind you and you just know he's not going full speed. He's toying with you, that asshole. You take as many turns and secret passages as you can, trying to keep your frantic breath as silent as possible, even if you know he knows the abbey and its secrets just as well as you do, if not more. You feel like you've been running for hours, sweat beading at your temples and running down your cheeks, and for a moment, the silence around you makes you think you've actually managed to lose him somehow. But just as you're about to turn to look back, you feel a hand grab at your shirt's collar, claws tearing into the fabric. Despite your best efforts, it slows you down, throwing you off balance and of course he takes this advantage to jump towards you with a low growl. You somehow manage to dodge him however, both of you landing face first on the floor. You try to scramble back to your feet but a hand wraps around your ankle, pulling you back down with a loud cry. You curse loudly as you try to kick him off, but of course he easily manages to get you immobilized, face down under him. Swiss towers over you at the best of times so there was no way you could even try and fight him off, especially not with your muscles being this tired. He's currently sitting on you, a hand restraining both of yours in your back. You feel him leaning down, brushing your hair away as he presses his nose to the nape of your neck, inhaling deeply. He curses softly.
"You wouldn't believe how long I've been waiting for this rabbit" he growls, his fangs brushing against your skin as he nuzzles your neck. "Now that I finally have you under me, no way I'm letting you go."
You absolutely hate the shivers that run through you at the low rumble of his voice, your own body betraying you. He chuckles darkly.
"Unleash me Swiss" you try to sound calm, nearly bored, anything to hide the fear. "You can't be doing this, you could be sent back to the pits." 
He hums as he inhales your scent once more.
"If it means I get to taste you, I'm ready to take the risk, love." 
You whimper loudly when he tears your shirt open the rest of the way, your bra along with it. He pushes the offending fabric aside and the tip of his nose trails along the expanse of your shoulders, his lips brushing so lightly, it sends shivers down your spine. Swiss purrs as his tongue suddenly licks a fiery trail up the column of your neck. His free hand then goes to grip your hair and he bucks into you harshly with a loud whine. The way his bulge presses against your ass makes your stomach clench with a sudden need that scares you. His lips make their way to your cheek, just at the corner of your lips.
"Fuck, I need you (y/n), I'm going to take you, make you mine." He mumbles against your skin as he bucks once more.
"Please Swiss", you plead and you're not even sure what for anymore. 
"Yes rabbit I'm here, I'll take real good care of you."
Before you can even comprehend his words, he flips you on your back, a surprised squeak leaving your lips. A wide feral grin is spread across his lips as he spreads your legs around him, his hands going to his pants, unzipping and pulling them down with his underwear in record time. You can't help but stare at his now freed length, Swiss was nearly dwarfing you in size but for some reason you did not expect him to be this big. A spike of fear courses through you at the sight, he can't possibly fit can he? You finally look up to see his dark eyes and the way they are glued to your face, drinking in every single one of your reactions. He goes to grab the hem of your skirt, lifting, but you then try to squirm out of his grasp, your hands grabbing his wrists in a vain attempt to push him away. 
"Swiss we can't do this here, we'll get caught-"
"Let them see, rabbit. You're mine now, let 'em see who exactly you belong to."
He then quickly leans down, sucking a nipple between his lips, fangs grazing just barely at the skin and you gasp loudly. You can't stop your hands from gripping at the back of his head harshly and he whines against your skin, taking this moment to lift your skirt the whole way up. His mouth latches to the other nipple and you yelp when he tears your panties away from you, his fingers quickly finding your folds. You barely notice the way his eyes roll at the back of his skull and he releases your abused nipple with a pop.
"Ah fuck, rabbit, you're dripping." 
You know you shouldn't be enjoying this, and part of you was still a little worried about the whole situation, but a bigger part was now calling out to him, like your body had been actually yearning for him this whole time. His mouth begins slowly traveling down your body, until it finally levels with your core. His gaze lands on yours as he licks a long, slow stripe along your folds. You can't stop the loud moan that escapes your throat as you throw your head back. He repeats the motion, purring at the way your body arches off the floor, and up into his mouth. He is languid and slow at first, but his own desperation quickly wins over as he eats you out like a starved man, his moans growing nearly as loud as yours. You feel the coil within your stomach winding tighter and tighter and when he suddenly shoves two fingers in you, it snaps harshly, a loud wail leaving your lips as you come harder than you've ever came before. You feel him growl against you as he laps hungrily at your juices. It takes a few moments for you to come down from your high, and all the while, he keeps pumping his fingers slowly in and out of you until your thighs are shaking from overstimulation.
"Such a good rabbit for me" he purrs.
You know you're a complete mess by now, but as you look back up at him, you notice he doesn't seem to be doing much better, panting harshly and palming at himself over you. His lips crash onto yours, his kiss desperate and terribly needy, barely leaving room for you to breathe in between. You're so focused on his tongue lapping against yours that you don't even notice how he has lined himself up with your entrance until he shoved himself inside you to the hilt, in one swift motion. He swallows the scream that leaves your lips as he tries his best to remain still at first. He's so big, it feels as though you're stretched beyond what you thought was possible. The way he presses up all the way to your cervix is slightly painful at first, but it thankfully subsides quickly, leaving you squirming under him. His jaw clenches as he tries to keep some amount of control over himself, but you see the way he is nearly shaking.
"S-Swiss, fuck-" you stutter and gasp, your mind unable to conjure more words.
"You're doing so good baby, you're taking me so well, 'm gonna stuff you so full, stuff you 'till you grow round with my kits" he's rambling half coherently.
You struggle to breathe correctly as your hands find his back, nails leaving harsh red trails behind and he starts moving. You feel absolutely overwhelmed but in the most blissful way, it felt as though nothing would ever measure up to how he feels inside you right at this moment. You can't contain the loud cries that leave you even if you tried and he leans down to kiss you again, all teeth and tongue. His lips trail down your neck and his pace quickens, now pounding so hard into you, your mind goes totally blank. His hands are digging in your hips and you know will leave bruises but you can't bring yourself to care. Not when he's fucking up into you like this, like he needs it more than he needs air to breathe. He keeps rambling and mumbling incoherently against your skin, nipping and kissing in between.
"Fuck that's it rabbit, cum around me please, I know you can give me another one." 
His panting and whining are nearly enough to make you come right then, but then his fingers are making their way to your clit, rubbing tight and precise circles which has you coming undone nearly immediately. You come with a loud sob as you clench like a vice around him, a litany of curses the only thing your brain manages to get out. He doesn't stop moving however, even when tears run down your cheek, he keeps pounding violently, his pace growing erratic. His name leaves your lips on repeat as you cling to him for dear life, your whole body shaking and spasming uncontrollably.
"I'm gonna fill you up rabbit! Take it, take all of me, ah, fuck-" 
You feel his length twitch inside and just as he comes, his teeth sink in the soft flesh between your shoulder and neck. The sharp pain pulls another intense orgasm from you, a scream tearing itself from your throat, both from pain and pleasure. It takes a few moments for him to finally slow down before coming to a stop, his tongue now running soothingly across the wound he had created. You've never felt so full in your whole life, and at this point you wouldn't be surprised to find his cum leaking out of you for days following this. You both lay on the ground for a while, catching your breaths in silence, his hands running softly up and down your sides.
"Could you help me get back to my room please?" You ask after a while, your voice hoarse from all the screaming.
When he looks up at you, you notice his warm brown eyes have mostly gone back to normal, the darkness within them only faint now. He nods as he pulls out of you, making you wince.
"Let's go rabbit, let's put you to rest a bit before we go again"
You freeze as you look up at him, your wide eyes nearly horrified. What did he mean? 
"What? You think we were done? I told you rabbit, you're mine now and I'm not stopping 'till every single person in this abbey knows it." 
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raven-ovs · 2 months
Some Italian ghesties and I have come together (as one) to bring you this doc with advice for using Italian phrases and words in fanfics!
Check it out here ⬇️
You can find us all on X and contact us for help with translations:
@ wobbleforge
@ AlexandrMcQueer
@ ravenovs - @raven-ovs
@ noisy_void
@ elebonnypan - @elebonnypan
@ Honey_tongued_ - @honey-tongued-devil
@ itsluciferclaw
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im-a-marion3tt3 · 7 months
Mountain: doing Yoga because it's good for him and he enjoys starting his day that way
Phantom: climbing all over and under him and maybe even biting him like it's damn goat yoga
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scorpakwal · 1 month
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Hello tumblr, I'm here to share some ghoul gifs! What's special about them? well, they come out of scenes from some roleplaying posts in the discord server, some are cannon, some oc's.
If you like roleplaying you can join > GONSTRP < , who knows, maybe your scene will be drawn sometime :D
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saintjezebel483 · 3 months
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"His eyes were alluring, though his features and soft wrinkles on his forehead and face showed his age. Yet, you could still see that he was quite charming and attractive. He had an unconventional allure, but a subjective attractiveness nonetheless."
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forlorn-crows · 2 months
aether on a video call w/cumulus while she's away on tour, holding it POV style while he fucks sunshine from behind. giving lus all the good angles while he puts that fat cock in her little ass
fuck, daddy, fuck her just like that. oh she's gorgeous. praising her through the phone as she plays with herself. telling aether just how to please her; how slow to grind, where to dig his fingers in, when to reach under and stroke sunny's little cock
she's so hot, mommy, aether purrs into the mic. isn't she just the sweetest girl for us?
so good, lus breathes. fuck, honey, let me see her face.
and aether switches the camera so he can bring it around in front of sunshine's face, smushed into the sheets and blissed out to high heaven. drooling with a little smile on her face, copper hair plastered to her forehead.
hi, mommy, she whines.
cumulus curses and strokes herself faster. fuck, sweetheart; daddy fuckin' you real good, isn't he?
uh huh
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st-danger · 2 months
Hi, whats POPPIN' :)
sooooooo Chubby, meaty Aether getting his fat BUT SHORT N SMALL cock dedicatedly sucked by Dew until he quietly comes into his mouth so that he is nice and relaxed for whats next.
Maybe Dew asks him to turn onto his belly for him so Dew can start eating out his ass all lovingly, making him all wet with spit. "Think i can fit my whole hand inside?" Dew mumbles as he takes a moment to gaze at the visual before him. Aether lets him try.
Much love
If there's one thing Dew would change about this, it would be to see more. To see all of it. He loves being here, between his legs, jaw aching and lips stretched. There's nothing to improve upon that. But it would be nice, he thinks as he swallows around him, to be able to see the way Aether's thighs and belly jiggle with he loses it.
He can feel it, but it would be nice to watch it, too. He knows it's greedy.
More than a little greedy, probably, if Dew's being entirely honest with himself, because the selfless and kind thing to do would be to give Aether a moment. Let him take some deep, steadying breaths and come down from it all. Relaxing, gentle. Greedy is the way Dew forces him to roll over, demands in low and stern tones for him to get on all fours.
Selfless would be letting him melt into the blankets for a moment more. Greedy is the way Dew decides to lick somewhere sensitive and secret before his heart rate gets anywhere close to baseline.
Aether groans with every long, slow lap Dew gives him. Gentle strokes of his tongue that Dew can hardly deal with receiving but could give and give to him. Aether's cock hangs soft between his legs while he shivers.
Dew takes quick breaks to rub at him with a single fingertip, to murmur tender words into the bedroom, punctuated with little moans, exhales. Wet noises. Otherwise silent. The din in his head, however, is loud enough to make up for it, an unrelenting chant of more more more even though he knows that there are limits. Breaks. Time needed to recover before Aether can- well. Aether doesn't have to give him more, does he?
He could just. You know. Take more. Dew strokes the pads of two fingers over him, feeling him twitch against it. He pictures it: Aether panting and tearful and looking at Dew like he'd hung the moon. Letting Dew feel him, all the way inside, begging him for it.
A fingertip pushes briefly inside. Barely. He feels dizzy. Weird.
"Aether," he whispers, mouth dry. "I wanna feel inside."
Aether almost laughs, a rush of air that sounds just faded enough, and then the word incorrigible is muttered against the pillowcase. Dew continues to rub, slow and promising.
"I wanna put my hand inside you," Dew manages. Just saying the words out loud make him feel drunk and stupid, and the effect they have on Aether is immediate, as he stills and falls silent. They have done this once before, a long time ago, and Dew feels just as insane thinking about it then as he does now. Petting, a few more licks, a kiss or two. Slow, wet stimulation while Aether makes up his mind.
"Yeah," Aether mumbles quietly, sounding shy. Almost uncertain. "Yeah, you can."
The first three fingers are easy.
Dew isn't even hard anymore. He isn't sure that's the point. What he wants is less to do with getting himself off and more about possessing Aether. His focus is all on the way he's used so much lube it's dripping off his fingers, down Aether's balls. The way he feels so hot around him, the way he sees Aether stretch.
"Breathe," he demands, his pinky finger just starting to press in as well, and Aether whimpers. It's been so long. Dew hadn't been hard that time, either. Just needy, drooling on himself accidentally when he'd watched his hand completely disappear inside. Dew has no idea how long he's been fingering him now, though he knows it's been an age. The only gracious thing he's allowing among all the avarice.
"Slow, slow-" Aether pleads weakly, even though he knows he doesn't have to. Dew treats him more carefully than anything or anyone else when it comes down to it, there's no concern he won't. But the overwhelm is still present regardless. The backs of his knees are sweaty as is his forehead. Dew might not be hard, but he is again.
In, in, in. Inch by careful inch.
Dew watches through heavy-lidded eyes at the way his fingers, four of them, disappear in and out in measured, gentle thrusts. He feels sick with it, for being so delighted by Aether looking and acting so small before him, for being entirely unsatisfied with four fingers being enough, for needing to continue. It's more than enough as it is.
It is, and it isn't.
"Are you okay?" Dew asks, pouring another drip of lube onto the mess already there. His upper lip and the nape of his neck are damp, and he's having to put more effort into not letting his own hand shake so noticeably. It's up for debate as to who, here, is the more nervous and affected individual.
"I think so," Aether says, and the tone makes Dew feel wonderful and terrible. He should feel at least a little bad for asking so much, but he can't bring himself to manage it. All shiny and pink and stretched so much, allowing Dew to take and take and take.
The thumb is so much harder and so much more rewarding.
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dewphomet · 3 months
I've been reading fics again and realized I never posted this dewther piece I drew for The wildcard some time ago so.. Here they are now! ⛧
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+ Adore this fic with a passion, definitely check it out
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wolftoken · 3 months
rain ghoul nsfw headcanons
a/n: boss makes a dollar i make a dime, i write fanfic on company time
• masterlist •
rain doesn’t mind if you wanna take control or if you wanna be dommed, he is up for whatever power dynamic you want
but no matter whoever ends up in what role, rain’s focus is always on your pleasure. he wants to make you cum as many times as physically possible and he wants you to use him to do it.
if he’s domming he loves to overstimulate you with multiple orgasms; he wants to see you cry from how good he’s making you feel. he’ll whisper soft words of encouragement and praise as you shake under his hands. he likes to go down on you and make you cum like that before he penetrates you. he loves the sounds you make for him.
if he’s subbing he just wants to be so, so good for you. he wants to make you feel good and he wants to call you some authoritative name, like sir or ma’am. he doesn’t mind if you’ll be soft or hard with him, as long as he gets to feel you cum on his dick, hands, or face.
SIT ON HIS FACEEE he needs it so bad he’ll do anything. he’s needy for it.
but also, he should get to cum a million times too. if you suck his dick he will start to tell you he doesn’t need it and he’d rather go down on you but there’s no denying the beautiful sounds you get from him when your tongue meets his tip. he’ll gasp and his eyes will have the prettiest, pleading look in them. his hands will grip whatever surface he can find and he will try so hard not to buck his hips up into your mouth but he really can’t help himself. he’ll put a hand on your head, just resting there, until he gets closer to his orgasm and he’ll tangle his fingers in your hair and stutter an apology even though you both know he doesn’t mean it. he’ll ask you to please please please let him cum in your mouth, let him see it on your tongue while he gets his breath back. he’s very pretty when he cums, and always so grateful afterwards. its just thank you, thank you, thank you that spills from his mouth while he strokes your jaw softly.
he’s pretty and he knows it.
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spookyghostjelly · 1 year
Sweet Sickness - Phantom x f!reader
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Warnings: MDNI 18+, pure smut, pnv sex, ghoul in heat, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, biting, Phantom is baby
Thank you @whatawonderfulexistence--blog for proofreading this, you're the best ❤️
You bid a couple of siblings good night as you finally got to your room's door. You had thought about curling up in front of the fireplace with a book all day, and you smiled softly to yourself as you opened the door. You fully expected to come upon the sight of your cozy and empty bedroom but what your gaze came upon instead had your heart nearly jump out of your throat. A ghoul, Phantom more precisely, was pacing nervously back and forth in front of your bed, wide panicked eyes looking up when he heard you come in.
"C-can you close the door please?" He stutters, fidgeting nervously as he comes to a stop.
Your initial shock finally wears off, and you do as he says, closing the door hurriedly behind you. You step towards him, but stop when you notice the way his body tenses.
"Phantom, what's wrong?" You ask, worry seeping into your tone. You'd never seen the ghoul look so restless.
"I… I don't know" he resumes his pacing. "I don't know what's going on, I'm feeling all weird and hot and feverish…" he looks back at you with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry I got into your room without permission y/n, I didn't know what else to do…"
Your heart squeezes at the sight, he looks so genuinely scared, you just want to help him in any way you can. You take another step towards him but he stops his pacing immediately, staring at you, his eyes visibly narrowing on your every move. You stop again.
"Can I get close to you? I just wanna check your temperature." You ask in a soft tone.
His stare is hesitant for a moment before he finally nods, you can see he’s trying to keep himself from fidgeting. You approach him and reach carefully for his forehead. His dark eyes follow your movement with apprehension and once your hand finally comes to rest on his skin, a high pitched whine leaves his lips. A whine that seemingly surprises him just as much as you, if his suddenly horrified expression is anything to go by.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that!" He stammers, his cheeks flushing.
In any other situation, you'd find this incredibly adorable, but the ghoul before you is burning hot to the touch, which is making you a little worried. Ghouls sometimes had a higher body temperature than humans, but Phantom was even hotter than Dew right now, which is unusual. Then, just as you go to withdraw your hand from his skin, his hand is quick to snatch your wrist and bring it to his cheek.
"Can you please keep touching me? I don't know why, it just feels better…"
His wide pleading eyes are staring into yours and you can't help but get lost in the lavender swirls of his irises for a moment, a soft smile pulling at your lips. What brings you back to the moment is a low hum, sounding very nearly like a growl, that comes from Phantom when you mindlessly rubbed your thumb on his cheek. You nearly pull back, afraid you'd hurt him somehow, but his hand still gripping your wrist keeps you from doing so and his whole body tenses.
"It's okay Phantom," you try to sound reassuring despite the little nervous wobble of your voice. "Now, did you tell any of the other ghouls about what's going on?"
He shakes his head and you hum thoughtfully. Truth was, you didn't know much about the ghouls' systems, in their human or demon form, you don't even know if they can actually get sick.
"Are you feeling any kind of pain?"
He thinks for a moment.
"Burning… feels like I'm burning from the inside- it's not painful, I think? But it's…", he pauses as he seemingly searches for the right term, "consuming."
The last word comes as a harsh whisper and suddenly you realize how he had somehow moved closer to you without you even noticing. His body now had you trapped against him and your bed and he was so close, you can feel his body heat wash all over you. You also hear the way his breath is getting heavier with each passing second.
"Phantom? Are you ok?"
Your worry is only increasing when no answer comes. Instead, his head shifts to the side a bit, bringing his lips mere inches from your wrist, and he inhales deeply. His eyes close and a groan escapes his lips while you stare dumbly at him, confused as to what was going on.
"Phan-" you begin but stop abruptly when you feel sharp canines brush your sensitive skin.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on, but you just smell so good-" he whispers, his breath so feverishly hot on your skin. "Please let me touch you, I feel like I need it so bad…"
His pleading gaze comes back to yours and they are filled with such longing and need you can almost taste it. Despite worry still being present in your mind, you find yourself wanting to indulge him. You'd had a soft spot for the new ghoul ever since you'd first met him a few months ago, just after his summoning, and your feelings only grew with time. He can be a little clumsy at times, and sometimes looked up a little too much at Dew as an example. But, unlike the grumpy fire ghoul, Phantom is sweet, a little shy, and always so eager to help and learn. A little nibble at your wrist pulls your mind back to him, and you realize he is waiting, or rather craving, for an answer.
"Yes", you breathe out.
The word barely makes it past your lips, his hands are cupping your cheeks and his mouth is crashing on yours. He kisses you like a starving man, his sharp fangs brushing against your lips and his tongue delving into your mouth to tangle with yours with a deep moan. You grip at the collar of his uniform shirt while his hands frantically travel down your body to grab your hips, claws digging in slightly as he presses you impossibly further against him. You whimper against his lips as you feel just how hard he already is. Just as you feel yourself getting dizzy from the lack of oxygen, his mouth quickly trails down to your neck where he leaves a myriad of hungry kisses and nips. The broken moan he pulls from you seems to delight him, judging by the purr that rumbles deeply in his chest.
"Fuck puppy, I need to have you, right now"
You squeak as he suddenly tears into your habit and underwear, ripping them all from you, his claws cut through fabric like a knife through butter. Before you can even fully process that you're now bared before him, he's already tearing into his own clothes. In less than seconds, you both stand naked and he's pushing you backwards, until you're laid out on the bed and he eagerly climbs on top of you. As his eyes explore the length of your body, you notice the way his pupils are blown so wide, the purple of his irises can no longer be seen. He's looking down at you like he's literally gonna eat you, and at this point, you think you would actually let him do so. You inhale sharply when he suddenly dives down, his lips sealing around a nipple while a hand goes for the other. Your body arches against him as you cry out his name and he growls lowly. His tail travels softly up and down your legs, a sharp contrast to his ravenous mouth. He then proceeds to leave kisses and bites all the way down your stomach, while his hands flitter from one part of your body to the other, like he's trying to explore everywhere all at once. You're squirming under him and the urgency of his actions has your head spinning. Before you know it, his mouth is now lined with your heat, his breath so hot on your most sensitive parts as he inhales deeply. His eyes look up to yours as his tail curls around one of your ankles and you gasp loudly when his tongue finally laps at you. Your hand flies to his head instinctively, grabbing his horn at the base. He whimpers so loudly, you think you might've hurt him or something, but the second you try to remove your hand he grabs it to keep you from moving. You look down at him and you see the way he's already humping the mattress, desperately looking for any type of relief, all while staring up at you with the hungriest look you've ever seen. He doesn't give you any more time to settle as he then laps at you frantically, like his life actually depends on it. He's going back and forth between plunging his tongue as deep as he can within you, to circling your clit, all while moaning and groaning obscenely. Your grip tightens onto his horn as your head falls back, a mix of his name and swears spilling past your lips. You can't even align proper thoughts anymore, and you know he's far from done with you. His tongue feels sinful in the most delightful of ways and it's sending your mind into complete ecstasy. He then proceeds to plunge two of his fingers within you, pumping them in and out at a vicious pace. He manages to find your sweet spot in record time, and the stimulation of both his tongue and fingers has your orgasm hit you like a freight train. You scream out his name, your grip on now both of his horns tightening as your body shakes. You barely notice the way his eyes roll into the back of his head as he drinks you up eagerly. He continues to lap at you until your body spasms and you whimper from overstimulation. He comes back up to meet your lips with his, kissing you deeply. You moan against him as you taste yourself on his tongue.
"Puppy, need to be inside please, tell me you want me," he begs when he parts from you, the tip of his cock already brushing at your entrance.
"Want you Phantom, please yes," you answer immediately, already desperate to feel him inside you.
He wastes no time as he bottoms out in one go, barely giving you any time to adjust to his size before he starts thrusting into you harshly. You're both panting against each other's lips, both moaning and groaning loudly. He kisses you again while his tail comes up to flick at your nipple and you clench around him, which in turn drives him to fuck you even harder. He's hitting that spot repeatedly again and you're seeing stars, you'd never felt so good. His head falls forward, his lips now brushing against the skin of your neck and you dig your nails into the skin of his back.
"Puppy, I need to bite you, please, please, please!"
He's babbling and pleading loudly but your foggy brain doesn't even manage to fully understand what he said before you suddenly feel his teeth digging in the flesh at the base of your neck. You screech at the sudden spike of pain, pleasure and surprise, a completely overwhelming mix. He releases the skin before hungrily lapping at the blood that now flows from the wound.
"Fuck, that's it, you're mine now puppy, I won't let anyone else touch you… I love you so much!"
He's rutting into you harshly, his hips slapping hard against your skin. You feel tears coming down your cheek, a sob ripping from your throat from the overstimulation and pleasure.
"Phantom, please!"
"Yes puppy I'm right here, I'm gonna fill you up, stuff you full of my kits! You're gonna be such a good mommy…"
He's panting loudly into your ear and you feel yourself clenching around him.
"Cum again for me please, my sweet, I know you can g-give me one more."
As he says so, he angles himself to hit your cervix with every thrust. You're screaming by now but you can't bring yourself to care, not when his cock feels so good. The coil in your stomach is winding tighter and tighter with each of his thrusts, and before you can even process that you're close, you're already screaming his name on repeat as it snaps violently.
"That's it puppy, oh f-fuck, you feel so good, I-I'm gonna-"
He doesn't even manage to finish his sentence as he cums deep in you, stuffing you more full than you've ever been. Praises and swears are tumbling past his lips uncontrollably, nearly incoherent. You feel his cock kick for what feels like minutes and he whimpers and hisses each time your walls clench around him. Finally, his body relaxes and you squeak when he grabs you and flips your positions so you're laying on top of him. You both stay like this for a while, until your quick pants become deeper, calmer breaths. You look up at him only to find his eyes already on you. His pupils are still blown wider than usual, but now you can faintly see a rim of purple around them. You feel his hands against you fidgeting and he's now chewing on his lip worriedly.
"Phantom? What's up?" You ask as you bring a hand to his hair, brushing it back from his face.
He purrs and leans into the touch, eyes closing slightly.
"It's… it's true you know…" you cock your head slightly at his words. "I love you…" he adds hesitantly in a whisper, his eyes darting away from yours.
Your lips part in surprise at his confession. Even after all this, you thought it was probably nothing more than some heat-induced babbling, not an actual confession from him. You feel the way his body tenses at your silence.
"I wasn't planning on telling you like this I swear, I had a whole thing planned in my head, I'm sorry it just came out! I couldn't help it, I think it's because of the weird and stupid sickness, I just-"
You cut off his nervous rant by quickly pressing your lips to his and the muffled gasp that comes from him makes you smile against his lips. He still responds eagerly, quickly turning the kiss into something much more heated. You reluctantly part from him when your lungs scream for oxygen.
"I love you too" you finally breathe out, your heart fluttering in your chest as you do.
He stares at you for a moment with wide humid eyes, his gray skin darkening as he flushes. Then you feel him stir slightly against you, and you notice he's growing hard again.
"Puppy, I-I'm sorry, I think I need help, I'm still feeling…" he trails off, whimpering when you press your hips against his.
"It's ok Phantom, I'm here to help you with your heat," you answer with a smile and you giggle at his confused stare.
"My heat?" You see the realization dawn upon him a few seconds later, then you sink upon him in one quick motion. "Oh fuck, puppy!" He screams.
It would be a long night, that much you knew, but you had to admit, there was no one else you'd rather spend it with than the ghoul you loved.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 3 months
Eucalyptus and lavender
Pairing: Mountain/Phantom
Rating: Explicit
Mountain chuckles at him, running his thumb down his jawbone.
“I’m sorry. But I can’t- I need you, I need you so bad.” He pouts down at Phantom. “Let me have you? Please?”
“Please.” Phantom's voice breaks. “I need-please fuck me. Please, Mount, need you.”
“Oh.” Mountain takes a step back away from Phantom. “I was-um- I was hoping you’d fuck me?” Mountain nervously avoids eye contact with him, playing with his fingers out of anxiety.
Phantom feels his eyebrows shoot up in shock.
Phantom tries topping for the first time. It goes as well as expected.
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endless-weightless · 11 months
Can we get more ghoul headcannons pls!! The smuttier the better 🩷
AHHHH FIRST REQUEST!! and thank you for this because I LOVE writing smutty ghoul hcs.
not rlly proofread soz
CHARACTERS: Sodo/Dewdrop, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Swiss, Omega, Ifrit
WARNINGS/TAGS: smut (obvi), gn!reader, CNC, monsterfucking?, size kink, dacryphilia, bondage, ghouls have mating cycles now bc i said so, pegging, anal, breeding kink, bdsm
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🎸 Sodo
Will always fuck you to the point where you’re practically screaming and begging for him because he practically gets high off the ego boost.
He doesn’t mind whatsoever about having to do most if not all the work. The best reward he could ask for is seeing you all fucked out and crying his name.
When Sodo's in heat, he isn't just horny, he's also really fucking aggressive for no good reason 😭. He's snappy, grumpy, stompier than usual and it's all because he's got blue balls LMFAO.
Because of his angry mood, anything you do that pisses him off could result in some rough sex while he growls at you about how you've pissed him off. But, there's a small chance you could put him in his place because he's surprisingly into subbing when it means he gets to put up a fight (consensually, of course).
When he does sub, he's the biggest fucking brat imaginable. It's a good thing he gets so sensitive when he's punished because he cannot listen to an order for the love of everything unholy.
Hates when he can't be handsy with you. He just can't get enough of your body so if you really want to torture him then tie up his hands behind him.
🎸 Phantom
He’s super into puppy play but is absolutely terrified of admitting it and just prays that you’ll suggest something like collaring him so he can bring it up.
This hc and the next one are fem!reader (kinda?) ones but hang in there. Phantom is fucking infatuated with your tits. If your riding him he’s staring at them bouncing like he’s hypnotised.
Also loves fucking your tits regardless of their size because tits are tits and they all look beautiful (but yours are always his favourite).
So obedient it’s adorable. He never acts up around you and if he does he’s on his knees immediately and apologising profusely.
Constantly asking if you feel good even when he’s moments away from cumming and is overstimulated.
Goes non-verbal when he gets too worked up. All he can get out are whimpers, sniffles and small nods or shaking of his head. It’s hard to tell if he needs to tap out so you have to check up on him and be extra attentive.
🎸 Aether
Gets super aroused when he smells you, especially if he’s in heat.
When he’s fucking you he likes whispering in your ear about how he’s going to fuck a baby into you while you dumbly nod as his thrusts become more and more rough.
Gets a little too turned on when you wrap your hands around his horns because they just look so much bigger than your hands.
Wanna give Aether an instant boner? Wear a thin sundress or loosely buttoned shirt around him with no underwear on and watch him writhe in his seat when he picks up on the scent of your underwear being absent.
He's always down to fuck in the church part of the abbey. The risk of getting caught or being seen/heard is thrilling to him and the ministry encouraging sex is just a bonus.
Loves a good bit of cockwarming when you're both too sleepy to fuck or he just wants to torture you.
🎸 Rain
Goes absolutely feral for some sloppy and messy sex. He just loves seeing the two covered in each others cum and arousal.
Prefers being marked rather than marking you. The hickeys and bruises he gets to see the next day always make his stomach backflip as he imagines what you’ll do tonight.
Rain isn't a huge fan of seeing you in pain during sex. Him however...
It's not entirely kink related, it's kinda just a very fucked up way of showing his devotion to you that also happens to get him off.
I honestly think he wouldn't absolutely despise the idea of being caught having sex. Like in a sense where someone accidentally walks into your room while you two are fucking and not being out in public.
He's very big on you belonging to him and him belonging to you. Not in a sub/dom dynamic way but rather being each others mate. I could go on and on about him during his mating cycles but I'll save that for another fic...
🥁 Mountain
One of his favourite things to do is to use his elemental powers to grow vines to use as restraints. And if you’re into cnc or just like surprises, he’ll do it when you least expect it.
Touching his horns or tail is a dangerous game to play because it’ll always end with him above you fucking you until you see stars and there’s tears welling in your eyes.
Has a giant mirror right across from his bed that he makes you face while you fuck in reverse cowgirl just so he can see how tiny you look compared to him.
Calling him ‘sir’ is a one way ticket to overstimulation because once it slips out of you he won’t stop fucking you any time soon.
He doesn't like having to be verbal with his commands, when you see him gesture you to come sit on his lap, you better listen.
If you ever want to see him turn as submissive as he possibly can be, start scratching at the base of his horns and behind his ears. He won't go down easily but he'll still let out a few somewhat pornographic moans.
🎤 Swiss
He needs his cock stepped on every once in a while, preferably by a nice pair of stilettos or latex boots.
Practically has no limits. He’s into pretty much everything you can think of and is willing to try anything if it makes you happy and gets you off.
He’s primarily focused on your pleasure but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like being taken care of.
Every heat cycle for Swiss turns all his dials up from 0 to 100 and it's almost scary. His urge to breed isn't even that strong, he just really needs to be fucked so he'll shut up.
He’s usually really enthusiastic about subbing, but sometimes he feels the need to be a bratty little shit so you’ll take out your anger on him and he can forget about everything wrong with the world for a solid few hours.
He's a biter, that's for sure. The intensity of the bite depends on your comfort but if you give him the green light he'll start biting so hard he draws enough blood to have you lightheaded.
🎸 Omega
Although I said Omega is a hard dom and a mean one too in my previous post about the ghouls, I don’t think he’d be opposed to subbing every once in a hunter’s moon.
Loves having you just ride his thigh while he practices guitar. He gets to see you all needy and not be able to be affectionate to him because of the obnoxious Hagström Fantomen blocking your torso from his and the lack of attention.
Wouldn’t mind cuckolding if it involved Terzo. Also wouldn’t mind if Terzo simply ordered the two of you around while he jerked off at the sight.
Him being a mean and hard dom doesn't make him cruel, he still praises you when you behave well. If you've managed to take his cock on top of the edging and torture, he'll softly smother your face and neck in kisses for doing such a good job while he continues to thrust into you.
(AFAB reader hc) If you ever find yourself horny yet on your period do not fret because Omega gives absolutely zero (0) fucks! He'll even eat you out if you want him to.
Adores roleplay, especially if it involves corruption. One of his favourite scenes to act out is for you to be an innocent mortal summoning a ghoul from hell not knowing what ghouls desire once they're on earth.
🎸 Ifrit
He already gets hard when he’s giving head but if you grab onto his horns to pull him closer and he chokes on your dick/suffocates between your thighs he might cum untouched because oh Lucifer it feels good.
He likes fucking fast and rough, regardless of the dynamic. He likes seeing the bruises, feeling that fuzziness in his limbs and not being able to think when he’s fucking.
Will randomly communicate how he's feeling throughout the day by hugging you from behind and pressing his hard, clothed cock into your backside. Zero shame whatsoever.
Loves a good bit of thigh riding. He doesn't mind who's riding who's thigh, he just likes the feeling of it.
You can always tell when he's close to cumming because his tail will start to flick erratically while his claws extend for a split second.
Ifrit isn't afraid to use his tail to jerk you off. Don't act surprised when you feel something wrap around your cock or the spade of his tail flicking over your clit.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
that's all lovelies!
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forlorn-crows · 2 months
𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑨𝒍𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒚
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Aether/Dewdrop Tags: quintessence use, sex magic, hand jobs, frottage, cumming untouched, cum eating, a whole lotta magick fuckery. they're in love your honor Words: 3171
Summary: “Wanna get inside,” Aether rasps with a stroke to both of their lengths. “Will you let me do that?”
Dew groans. “Yeah? How do you want me?” 
“I want—fuck, sorry, not like that—” The quintessence ghoul fumbles with his words, tripping over the question he meant to ask. 
“No? Then—”
“Something different.” His chest heaves in a shaky sigh. Then, another long, luxurious stroke that makes them throb against each other. “Not physical. Might be . . . weird.”
The fire ghoul rolls his hips and captures his mouth in a quick but dirty kiss. “I like weird,” he whispers, biting at Aether’s lower lip. 
“Know it,” Aether mumbles back. “Might not be anything, though. D’you trust me?”
Note: this fic was inspired by @waywardsamaritan's fic, give and take. please thank them for the new Terrible thing quintessence can now be used for.
Read it on AO3 or under the cut:
Aether rests his forehead against Dew’s, panting hard. The smaller ghoul is pinned beneath him, caged in by his strong limbs. Arching into every touch he’s offered. 
“Wanna get inside,” Aether rasps with a stroke to both of their lengths. “Will you let me do that?”
Dew groans. “Yeah? How do you want me?” 
“I want—fuck, sorry, not like that—” The quintessence ghoul fumbles with his words, tripping over the question he meant to ask. 
“No? Then—”
“Something different.” His chest heaves in a shaky sigh. Then, another long, luxurious stroke that makes them throb against each other. “Not physical. Might be . . . weird.”
The fire ghoul rolls his hips and captures his mouth in a quick but dirty kiss. “I like weird,” he whispers, biting at Aether’s lower lip. 
“Know it,” Aether mumbles back. “Might not be anything, though. D’you trust me?”
“‘Course, baby,” Dew says softly, and oh, does that hushed tone do things to him. The fire ghoul strokes across Aether’s cheek, moving down to swipe his thumb across his parted lips. Bucking his hips so his cock slides against the thick underside of Aether’s own, in and out of the circle of his grip. 
“Fuck—” he grunts. “Sit on my lap?”
Dew nods, and Aether pulls back so they can rearrange. It’s a quick tangle/untangle/re-tangle sequence that ends with the quintessence ghoul’s back to the headboard and the smaller ghoul’s legs hooked around his hips so they face each other. 
“Hi, pretty boy,” Aether smiles, cupping that angular face between his hands. Always precious to him. Always worth taking another moment to admire. It earns him a pleased chuff and a kiss to his palm, heat rising to Dew’s cheeks so handsomely. 
“Do I get to know what you’re gonna do to me?” he asks. Dew walks his fingers coyly up Aether’s chest, dancing around in the swirling hair that covers his pecs. 
“Don’t even think I know exactly what,” Aether admits. He covers the hand on his chest with his own. Stalling. He knows everything will be fine—fantastic, even—but there’s a small part of him that fears he’ll fuck up the mood by experimenting with this. 
Or that it might not even work at all. Turn Dew off to his magick, in some terrible way. 
“It’s quintessence, yeah? But not in the exact way you’re used to,” he says slowly. “Something I’ve thought about trying. Promise you’ll tell me if you hate it?”
“I trust you,” Dew reiterates. He scoots a little closer, his lower stomach pressing to Aether’s belly. “Trust you to make it feel good.” Dew looks up at him with trusting eyes, and a face so open it makes Aether’s heart hurt in the best of ways. His scent flares with another spike of arousal, and it makes Aether ache for so much more.  
“C’mere.” He pulls Dew flush to his chest, as close as he can get. One hand spans across his upper back, and the other brushes a stray piece of ashen hair back behind his ear. He can feel the shiver that runs down his lithe body, raising goosebumps as it travels from head to groin. It gets another twitch out of his cock, kicking against Aether’s with a blurt of pre sliding down the head. 
“Shit,” the fire ghoul groans, eyes slipping shut.
“Haven’t even done anything yet,” Aether whispers, inching their mouths closer again.
“Want you to,” Dew replies. Inclining his head just right without ever looking, breath fanning across Aether’s lips as they capture his own. 
Aether groans into it, kissing him as deeply as he can. Holding him so tight in his arms like he’d slip from his lap if he didn’t. It only takes a slurred fuck, Aethe, between breaths to really get him going, hands tangling in Dew’s hair and tongue licking across the back of his teeth. Impassioned, yet devouring delicately like a hummingbird's beak to a cupful of nectar. Treating him with reverence, yet priming him to feel Aether, and Aether alone. 
Once the thrum of his own blood starts to pound loudly in his ears (and make his dick pulse), he slowly unfurls the magick at his core, letting it bleed upwards. Upwards through the gaps in his ribs, rising past his collarbone, floating through his cervical vertebrae and pooling onto his tongue. 
“Ready?” He mainly mouths the word against Dew’s lips, but he’s nodding as soon as it’s uttered. Fingers digging in and scratching lightly at the back of Aether’s neck. The quintessence ghoul takes a breath and lets go. 
Magick seeps into Dew’s body through their kisses, a smoke-like plume of energy growing in density with each meeting of their lips. The fire ghoul groans at the familiar feeling, leaning into its warmth. It doesn’t crackle or spark, but rather flows like a rich syrup tapped straight from the tree. Coating him slowly as it moves deeper inside. 
“Fuck,” Dew slurs, mouth growing clumsy as quintessence slithers down the back of his throat. “It’s—” He swallows loudly. “‘S going down.”
“Just let it,” Aether soothes. “Let it find a new path.” And it does. Instead of weaving its way into Dew’s mind as it normally would, settling into the ridges of his brain and blanketing every synapse under Aether’s control, it sinks into his chest and makes its home there. Dew shudders and clutches Aether even tighter. 
“Can’ kiss ‘nymore,” the fire ghoul mumbles, lips completely disconnecting from any meaningful movement. “H-oh, ssshit.”
“That’s fine, firefly, all you have to do is feel.” Aether helps him rest their foreheads together as Dew’s mouth goes slack and his breathing gets deeper. “Stay with me though. That’s it.”
“‘M here,” Dew assures. “Gettin’ used to it there.”
“Feels different,” Aether agrees. “Feels good though?” Dew only nods. “Feels really good for me, too, love.”
Aether can really feel him there, sitting next to his heart. That infernal heat darts out to meet his essence, curling around each other. Dancing an elemental tango. It only takes a few more moments before they meld together in some kind of hybrid amalgamation, and with that meshing, it all clicks at once:
The fire ghoul lifts his head from Aether’s and stares. The quint ghoul stares back. Wordlessly, Dew brings one of his hands to his chest, placing it flat over the spot where the magick hovers inside. He’s more lucid than he was just moments ago, but Aether can still feel that sluggishness in his veins—magick making him loose and relaxed, as it’s wont to do. 
“‘S like you’re here,” Dew says softly. “Like . . . like you reached inside ‘nd—”
“Touched you,” Aether finishes. At that, Dew throbs against him with a little huff. “Fuck, can you take more?” 
“Let me know if it’s too much, love. I’ll stop, soon as you tell me.”
Dew shakes his head. Eyes already sparkling with that amethyst purple.  “Keep going. Wanna feel more ‘f you.”
Aether covers Dew’s hand as before, just now over the other ghoul’s skinny chest. The other he anchors across his shoulder blades, keeping his torso tucked in the curve of his arm. “Deep breath for me, love,” he mutters.
Dew obeys, and the bubble of their conjoined essences expands. The edges blur past his bronchial tubes, into his lungs, and downward towards his stomach. Slowly growing to fill the shape of him like a foggy mist filling the valleys and canyons between mountains. Aether can feel the tingles roll up Dew’s spine as his magick shifts and moves, and he groans along with him as it warms his entire chest. He can see it, too: a sanguine blush spreads across his sternum, putting the silver barbells through his peaked nipples into further contrast. 
“Gorgeous,” he just has to comment. 
Something flares inside of Dew, and he gasps. A quickened breath not unlike when he’s kissed in soft, secret places. “Oh, Aether—fu-uck,” he groans, eyes fluttering until they shut. Aether can feel the way his stomach goes hot from the inside out, fuzzy with warmth and arousal still. He latches onto that feeling, grazing further down until Dew’s body guides the quintessence to pool around his navel like iron shavings to a magnet. Re-centering the heart of the original ball of magick so it sits low in his belly instead. The spike of pleasure that follows wrings a needy groan from them both, and Aether can’t help the way he wants more. 
“How do you feel so good,” he laments, hands shaking slightly as he pulls him close again. “Just—oh, want to fill you with it.”
Dew lets himself be pulled to Aether’s chest, body moving with a loose ease. Arms going limp and sliding down somewhere near his hips. His head lolls and falls into the crook of the bigger ghoul’s neck, parted lips grazing the skin there. 
“It’s so . . . shit, ‘s like y’re in there. Inside ‘f me,” he mumbles. His eyebrows quirk up, brushing against the bottom of Aether’s jaw. 
He exhales shakily. “So warm, droplet.” He’s relishing in the closeness this ritual of sorts allows him, both to feel and to understand. Aether makes it spiral lazily in his core, feeling around. Finding little spots to nestle the magick into. One spot in particular, around where his bladder sits, makes Dew whine so pretty, hips bucking of their own accord. 
“M-more—there; ev’rywhere. Please,” the fire ghoul begs. 
“Yeah? Wanna be full of me?” Aether feels crazy. He doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore; it’s like he wants Dew to let him in, even though he’s already in. Even though he’s already deeper than he’s ever been, touching parts of him he never thought he could. Literally crawling into him as if he’d cracked open his ribs and dug his fingers into his flesh, but in the kindest way possible. Intimate in a way he’s never experienced—or thought he could experience—before. 
If Dew’s reactions are anything to go by, he’d say something similar. Or moan it. But Aether can sense that he feels all that and more. 
So he’s going to grant him more.
“Will you tell me how it feels? That I can touch you here?” Aether breathes, expanding that bubble inside even further. Petting along walls of muscle and following branches of veins until the entire cavity of Dew’s torso is brimming with fire-tinged quintessence.
Dew groans and humps his lap more intentionally, seeking friction against the thick shaft of his cock. “Tingly,” he mumbles. “Everywhere. All you. Lucifer, ‘s just you.”
Dew grinds on him again, and Aether can’t help the moan that escapes him. But the pleasure is twofold: not only can he feel his own, but, from the inside, he can feel Dew’s, too. It’s a flash of insistent heat amongst the relative cool of his ether, building in intensity the longer he moves.  Aether holds him tighter.
“Oh, ‘s on my—hi-hitting oh fuckin’ hells,” Dew whines, and Aether can feel on the edge of his magic that he’s caressing right where his prostate would be, and pressing down still. He doesn’t need to see the fire ghoul’s face to know his eyes cross when he does it. Dew keens and drools down his collarbone, cock spitting an equal amount of wetness onto his own.
“Yeah? You feel me there?” 
“Everywhere,” Dew reiterates with a hiccup. 
Aether sweeps his magick down even further, caressing him from the inside out: running tendrils of it over the inside of his hole, his taint, rolling through his balls and all the way out to the tip of his cock, which spits out the biggest glob of precum yet. 
“Fuck, baby boy,” the quint ghoul shudders. “So hard for me.” He says it like he still can’t believe it, in awe of how easily Dew lets him in, even after all these years. How easy he can fill him up like this; how willing he is to take and take and take, without so much as a furrowed brow. And anything he wants, Aether will give him.
He nudges the center of magick even lower, right where he needs it. That infernal heat licks at the edges and tangles in it, trapping arousal and tumbling it over and over. 
“Tha’s it,” Dew sighs as if he’s slipping into a hot bath. It’s followed up by a drawn-out moan that Aether can feel all the way down to his gut. Rocking his hips back and forth as the quintessence moves with him. 
“Wanna feel you cum,” Aether grunts. “Wanna know what it feels like for you.”
Dew twitches, some choked-off, garbled sound worming its way out of his throat as his limp arms attempt to fold in on themselves. And even quicker than Aether can sense it, like he spoke it into existence, the fire ghoul is throwing his head back with a wail and cumming hard between their stomachs, cock standing ramrod straight in the air. 
“Ae–ah—ha-ah-th-h-er-her—” His face is painted with bliss, relief, and pleasure all at once, strained into an expression of sin itself. Aether’s gut twists at the sounds that pour from his open mouth, growing louder even as his cock sputters through the last of his release. 
“That’s it,” he breathes. “That’s—oh, fuck, Dew—” It’s one thing to feel Dew’s physical body as he spills, abs tensing, hips stuttering, cock growing wet and messy, but it’s another thing to feel what’s on the other side of it. How it builds in his thighs and his stomach, sensation zeroing in until it has nowhere else to go but out. The utter love that blooms in his mind and on his face as he’s gasping his name—the purest devotion and submission bursting from every cell. 
It’s the last thing Aether can admire before the pleasure ricochets through their bond and back into his own body, launching straight down to his gut without hesitation or mercy.
Aether shouts. Dew shivers. All he can do is hold onto him as he’s forced to ride out not only an orgasm of his own, but the remnants of Dew’s as well. Energy flowing back to him twofold and flowing down his form in full body tingles. 
He chants an endless stream of Dew Dew Dew, the name wrenched from his throat like an involuntary spasm, the contents of which he just can’t keep down. Lilac and crimson burst behind his eyes as they roll back. Vaguely, he can feel his cock pulse against Dew’s, balls fat and heavy as they just keep pumping. He doesn’t know how long it goes on for. How long he stays suspended in limitless euphoria. All he knows is pleasure and Dewdrop, and that’s enough to make him moan until his throat is raw. 
It’s many a moment before Aether floats back from that down to earth, quintessence having receded from his lover and settled back into his own center. Cock having squirted out all it could give, thighs having clenched and unclenched almost to the point of cramping, and arms having held Dew as close as (in)humanly possible. 
He feels a gentle wetness at his jaw, little presses of something against the sweat-dotted stubble. 
“Hmm,” Aether starts, sinking back into his body at the insistent, yet calming touch. “Dewbug . . .”
The fire ghoul gives a soft little chirp, which is paired with a flick of an ear against his shoulder. But he doesn’t answer right away, just continues to lap at Aether’s jaw like a mama cat to her kittens. 
“Crying,” he explains after a long moment. 
Aether sniffles. Blinks until the dampness at his lash line registers. “Didn’t realize,” he says with a weak chuckle. “That was so . . . intense, Dew I—”
“Don’t have to explain,” he shushes. “I felt it.” Dew snuggles closer, hissing slightly at the friction of their laps. But he settles and sighs, wrapping his arms around Aether’s middle. 
“Fuck, it was like . . .” he struggles for the words while he pets Dew’s sweaty hair. He laughs again, louder. “Like I came twice but at the same time.” 
Dew groans. “‘S like you were inside me, Aethe. Pokin’ all the right buttons.” 
The quintessence ghoul’s cock gives a half-hearted throb as he thinks about Dew’s head tipped back in ecstasy. “Satanas, I’ve never seen you like that. Felt you like that.”
“Baby, you can feel me like that aaanytime you want, unholy shit,” the fire ghoul says through a laugh. Aether can’t help but mirror his amusement, barking out a full-bellied laugh into the top of his head.
“I love you,” he says, shaking his head. He pulls Dew’s face from his neck so he can cradle it in front of his own. The fire ghoul smiles sleepily at him, purring at his touch. Aether’s heart skips a beat in his chest. He tangles his fingers in Dew’s hair as he pulls him close. 
“I love you so much,” he says against his lips. Kissing him chastely but with all the meaning he can muster.
“So sappy.” Dew smiles against his mouth and hums into another kiss, sneaking some tongue in before Aether eventually pulls away and pulls him back into an embrace. He rocks a little side to side, breathing in that sweet, post-coital scent Dew always has. Like brown sugar and rich chai underneath the salt and tang. Aether sighs contentedly. 
“Sleepy now,” he mutters, resting his cheek on the top of Dew’s head.
“Uh uh,” the fire ghoul protests, despite the yawn so clearly building up in his chest. “Sticky.”
“Think it’s your turn,” Aether teases with a pinch to his buttcheek. “If you want. Bath or just a towel is fine, too, firefly.” He’d do anything Dew wanted, but he’s simultaneously aware of the fact that if either of them attempted to stand up right now, their legs would be too jelly-like to hold them upright—and one cannot blame a ghoul for wanting to stay cuddled up to their mate, even if their stomachs are covered in spend. 
Thankfully, Dew gives him a quiet chirp and scoots down towards the end of the bed, tugging on Aether’s legs to make him stretch out. Something in his back pops, and he groans as he sinks into the blankets.
As he predicted, instead of dismounting the bed, Dew slinks back up to him and settles down between his thighs. Arms wrapping around his legs and hands tucking under the small of his back. 
“Don’t want me to feed it to you?” Aether runs a finger down his stomach where it’s streaked with white and cuts through one of the lines. Cum gathering on the tip of his fingernail. He wiggles it in front of Dew’s lips.
Dew licks it off, but then simply says: “No. Rest.” 
The quintessence ghoul rumbles appreciatively and settles further into the bed, drifting off to the sensation of Dew’s warm tongue on his skin.
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da-rulah · 11 months
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Rituale Septem - Day 6: Greed
Pairing: (Swiss x Dewdrop x f!reader)
Summary: Terzo takes a step back from guiding you in the ritual, but he fails to tell you why. He sends his Ghouls to you instead - luckily for you, those Ghouls know just what you need to forget about Papa Emeritus III. If even just for a moment...
Rating: Mature, MDNI 18+
Word Count: 8.3k
Warnings: Angst, threesome, fingering, oral (f receiving), squirting, p in v sex, double penetration, some m+m elements (potentially a sexual awakening...), double creampie, mind break, cum eating, multiple orgasms, overstimulation 
AO3 Link | Series Masterlist
A/N: Just popping here to say again, the Ghouls all have silver masks and are trainees under Terzo's reign for the time being. I don't know Terzo's Ghouls well enough to be able to write their characters. Thank you for understanding - Enjoy!🖤
Prev: Day 5 - Envy | Next: Day 7: Pride
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October 30th 
What a fucking idiota. 
Terzo reprimanded himself as he stood in the doorway to his office. After a night of sleeplessness, tossing and turning with images of you screwing his half-brother or Satan-forbid, your tear-stained cheeks he’d missed when you watched him railing Christine in front of you, he was exhausted. It was karmic, and he knew that. He deserved it.  
He stared at the chairs in front of his desk, reliving the events of yesterday. He knew the mistakes he’d made, and he wasn’t sure how to make up for them. But Primo had been extremely useful and given him direction, at least for now. He would be taking a step back; you didn’t need him to complete your goal. 
“Good morning, Papa,” Christine greeted from behind him, somewhat hesitantly as if she knew of his fragile state of mind. Terzo jumped even at that, turning his head as if shaken from a dream.  
“Oh, uh... sì, buongiorno,” he dismissed her, stepping into his office and heading for his desk. Christine gingerly followed him in, standing between those damn chairs and the door.  
“Did, um... Did you talk to Sister ____?” she asked, worry in her tone.  
Terzo was instantly transported back to the moment he’d found you in Copia’s workshop, walking into... that. 
“Um... not exactly,” he sighed. Sister Christine rolled her eyes. 
“Papa, seriously? You can’t just hide with your tail between your legs, you should-” 
“She was a little busy,” he interrupted, sternly. “Don’t worry, Christine. I got what was coming to me.”  
Christine’s brows furrowed in confusion, her shoulders sagging in defeat. She saw the pained look on his face, how different he looked today. His face looked puffy with a lack of sleep, his paints thinly applied and not to the usual crisp standard. Even his hair wasn’t styled so neatly, parting in the middle and falling over his forehead. She wasn’t sure what had happened when he’d gone to find you yesterday, but she also knew she shouldn’t ask.  
“O-okay... Well, Sister Imperator left a note for you on my desk this morning,” Terzo didn’t hide the groan of disdain at the mention of Imperator, “I know, I know... She requires your assistance in setting up the Great Hall for the All Hallow’s Ball tomorrow. Apparently, your opinions on decorative party supplies are a necessity.”  
“Va bene, (Okay,) I’ll go soon. I just need to do something first... Would you leave me?” he asked.  
“Of course,” she nodded with a sympathetic smile, and left him to his own solitude.  
Terzo dug around his desk for his stationary set, pulling out a clean parchment and his expensive ink pen, and began to write...  
Sorella ______,  
I have every belief you can finish this on your own. You do not need my assistance, or my guidance. With just two sins left, I’m positive you can achieve what you wish for. 
Enjoy the Ball tomorrow evening.  
Papa Emeritus III 
He had hoped his belief in you would shine through his brief note. Apologies felt like an insult to your intelligence, and any kind of confession of feelings felt too distracting to your task at hand. This would have to do. 
He folded the parchment, sealing it with a fresh wax seal, and got up to leave, heading towards the Great Hall. He would hand the note to one of his Ghouls on his way and ask them to drop it off, leaving you to complete whichever of the two sins you chose today in peace, and without his interference. 
He owed you that much, he thought. 
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The knock at your door that morning startled you, completely unexpected. A part of you, childishly, hoped that it was him... Maybe he’d come to apologise, giving you an opportunity to do the same. Hell, even if he showed up pretending nothing had happened and wanted to jump right back into the ritual, you’d let him. You just wished you’d see his face on the other side of that door; the rest you’d figure out.  
But you were sorely disappointed.  
Instead, Swiss and Dewdrop stood shoulder to shoulder, a piece of folded parchment in Swiss’ hand. 
“Good morning, Sister ______!” Swiss chirped, entirely too giddily for such an early call. Dewdrop remained as silent and stoic as ever. 
“Oh... Hi.” You sounded disappointed even to your own ears. Swiss’ signature smile dropped, and behind his mask his eyes squinted in suspicion.  
“Well... okay, then...” he shook it off, unsure if he should pry. “Got a thing for ya!” he held the parchment out to you, notably with the wax seal facing up and proudly displaying Papa’s crest indented into it. You stared at it for a beat too long, and Swiss shook it in front of your eyes, awakening you from your own analytical trance. You took it from him, stepping back into your apartment and dropping lazily with a huff onto your couch. Swiss invited himself in, sitting on the opposite end whilst Dew hovered in the doorway, shutting the door behind him.  
You popped the seal on the paper, unfolding it to see Papa’s handwriting in a short and frankly abrupt note. Your eyes skimmed it, reading and re-reading over and over, and getting visibly more annoyed with each read through. 
“I have every belief you can finish this on your own.” 
On your own.  
Was he fucking serious? He was just... abandoning you? No apologies, no explanations... he couldn’t even be bothered to show his fucking face today, getting his Ghouls to do his dirty work?  
“You fucking asshole...” you muttered, screwing the note up tightly in your fist and throwing it to the floor, slamming your back against the couch and folding your arms like a toddler in a tantrum.  
An awkward silence fell over the room, losing yourself in your own thoughts again. So, he was just going to leave you to perform pride and greed alone, with no guidance, not even a hint at what the hell you could possibly do for either one? He'd ruined it. He was spoiling the entire ritual, after you’d done everything you could to stay on task and with just two days left.  
Your mind worked itself into a dizzying array of possible scenarios you might be able to play out for the remaining sins, trying desperately to think of something, anything you could do today for either one. Nothing stuck, too complicated by the confusing mix of anger and disappointment in the pit of your stomach. 
You’d almost forgotten about the two Ghouls in your presence until Swiss spoke up. 
“Sister, are you alright? What did he do?” Swiss’ hand rested on your shoulder, bringing you back to reality.  
“He’s just... leaving me to it,” you spat. Swiss was even more confused.  
“To what?” he asked. “I don’t understand...” he looked up to Dew, who just shrugged with a shake of his head.  
And so, you explained. You told them of the ritual, of each sin you’d performed – conveniently leaving out of course the part where you were now harbouring some very confusing feelings about Papa Emeritus III – and what it was all for. To your surprise, Swiss and Dew listened along attentively, without judgement. Dew came to sit beside you on the armrest of the couch too, his attention on you and allowing you to vent. You’d half expected some clever quips to come from Swiss but no, they both just listened. 
“And now, for some reason, he’s just abandoned me and said ‘okay, ______, figure it out yourself’.” Of course, you had an idea what that reason was... clearly you’d pissed him off, but he’d started it when he dove dick first into your friend and laughed at you for having any kind of negative reaction!  
Reality set in, and tears welled in your eyes. You really were going to fumble this ritual, now. You wouldn’t get to hear the Dark One’s voice, you wouldn’t get the guidance you had been so desperate for and frankly, you were beginning to question once again your place in the Ministry. You may as well start packing your bags now... 
Swiss and Dew shared a look you missed; one of sympathy, like they both wanted to do something to console you. They didn’t want to see a sister lose her faith, particularly not one as kind to the Ghouls as you.  
“Well hey, maybe we can help think of something?” Swiss slapped Dew’s back from behind you to encourage him. He nodded vigorously, placing his hand on your other shoulder. “What sins do you have left?” 
“Pride and greed...” Your voice shook with unshed tears. “What the hell am I going to do?” 
Swiss thought for a moment, shuffling closer to you on the couch to wrap an arm around you and pull you to lay on his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down your arm while you burrowed your face into his neck, allowing yourself a moment to collect yourself, take some breaths.  
“Pride is a tough one, that’s about thinking of yourself before another, like being narcissistic or vain, but it can come down to something as simple as self-respect. How you embody that in sin, I don’t really know. I always thought it was a stupid one. What’s wrong with loving yourself, hm? Never got God’s problem with that. Think he just didn’t want people thinking they were better than him...” he scoffed. “Ironic that he made pride a sin when there’s never been a deity with a higher superiority complex.” 
You chuckled at that; he was right. But it wasn’t giving you much confidence in how to perform this... 
“But greed is easier. That’s about having an excessive, selfish desire to acquire something... Like power or money. Could be... pleasure...” he hesitated there, looking down at you through his mask. “I mean, you could... desire excessive pleasure?” he asked.  
You sat up, brain ticking over what he’d said. He was right again, of course. You could...  
“I think that, if you wanted to... we could help with that?” Swiss tested the waters, looking up at Dew who nodded slowly in agreement. “Only if you want us to, of course...”  
“You’d do that for me?” you asked, sitting up and looking between the two Ghouls. The idea of it far from horrified you. In fact, you had been a little disappointed after your encounter with Phantom that you were too exhausted to find out what Swiss and Dew could do for you. And let’s face it, you were running out of options and time. You had no doubt at all in their ability to enact this sin with you, and you trusted them enough to do so.  
“Sweetheart...” Swiss moved in closer, his lips hovering by your ear, tone deepening significantly, “Do you have any idea how disappointed we were when we realised our dear Phantom had exhausted you the other day?” 
Swiss’ breath was impossibly hot against your neck, spreading goosebumps over your skin where he moved your hair behind your shoulder with one finger. Dew slid onto the couch on your other side, trapping you between the two of them. He stayed silent as he always did, but his eyes sparkled with an interest that hadn’t been there a few moments ago.  
“I-I was disappointed... too...” you stuttered as you felt Swiss’ teeth nipping at your ear lobe, Dew’s hand coming to rest on your knee and drawing delicate patterns into your skin where the hem of your skirt couldn’t quite reach. This was moving fast, but frankly, you didn’t have time to hesitate – you'd only talk yourself out of it, and you didn’t want to do that. 
“We could... make you feel good, Sister...” Swiss teased, pressing his lips to the spot on your neck under your ear that sent a wave of arousal through your body. “Just say yes...” he whispered into your neck, drawing patterns with the tip of his nose while Dew’s fingertips travelled up your thigh.  
You had to admit, you were easily affected by the Ghouls and their small gestures of affection. At a time when affection was exactly what you needed, you weren’t all that concerned where you got it from. Clearly, it wouldn’t come from the one place you wish it would... And this served a purpose, didn’t it? A means to an end, if you will. Why deny yourself the pleasure? Why deny yourself all the work you’d already put in?  
“Fuck it...” you breathed, rolling your head back as Dew attached his lips to the other side of your neck, suckling softly at the skin where previous bruises had yellowed.  
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we intend to...” Swiss promised, a new fervour in the way he kissed your neck, his hand coming to grip your waist where Dew was pressed against you.  
You were surrounded by them both, their hands wandering, their mouths working you to a heightened state of arousal. Dew’s hand began to squeeze at your inner thigh under your skirt, his nails scratching the skin and coaxing your thighs apart for him.  
You turned your head to face Dew, his eyes hooded and hazy behind the glint of his silver mask. You could see him biting his lip, searching your face for any protests while his hands squeezed and scratched higher and higher up the inside of your thigh but he found nothing. Instead, with a particular sharp scratch to the skin you found yourself whining and latching your lips to his, pulling him to you by his uniform. Dew groaned, shoving his palm against your clothed mound for you to rut yourself again.  
Swiss chuckled against your neck, sinking his teeth into the flesh just enough to cause a sharpness, never enough to burst the skin. You weren’t sure you’d mind if he did at this point, but instead he laved his tongue over the spot, gripping at your waist even tighter and grinding his crotch into your hipbone.  
If anyone had seen the three of you right now, they’d accuse you of being horny teenagers, dry humping and making out unrestricted and messy. Truth be told you allowed yourself to lose control, trusting that the two Ghouls entrapping you would take care of you.  
Dew’s hand pressed so tightly against your heat, pressing your panties into you and dampening them on your arousal. You ground your hips as you kissed him, tongues dancing together whilst shockwaves pulsed through your clit. Your whimpers were swallowed by Dew’s mouth, earning a low growl from deep within his chest. 
Swiss’ cock had hardened in his pants, still grinding into your hip from the angle he was sat beside you. He’d curled himself around you in a way that allowed him access still to your neck, stretched to accommodate Dew on the other side. He purred into your neck, his instincts taking over.  
“Sister, tell us what you want...” he pleaded, reaching to grope at your breast through your habit. You parted from Dew and turned your head to him.  
“Make me feel good... Until I beg you to stop,” you grinned wildly, grabbing him by his waistcoat and crashing your lips to his. Dew watched hungrily, his hand becoming more calculated and switching to his fingers circling your clit over your panties. Your body writhed where you sat, overwhelmed with the feeling of hands everywhere, pleasure tingling through every nerve.  
As your tongue swirled with Swiss’, he unbuttoned your habit, reaching underneath to push his hand under the cup of your bra – another matching piece that Dew was marvelling now he could see your panties under his hand. Swiss broke your kiss, getting a good look at your body now exposed to him. 
“Such a pretty set, sweetheart,” he practically sang, ogling the deep green embroidery of the set you’d put on today, still dressing up for whoever had been lucky enough to see them today. “You put this on for your Papa?” he teased.  
Now, logically you knew Swiss meant no harm with that question. He wasn’t teasing maliciously.  
And yet, somewhat illogically, the mere mention of his name was enough to rouse an anger in you that had you slapping your hand over his lips and holding him still in front of you.  
“Don’t fucking mention him. Just give me what I want, Swiss,” you demanded, resigning to your greed already. You pushed him with all your might, ignoring Dew for the moment and forcing Swiss onto his back. His eyes sparkled behind his mask with mischief, hands reaching for your bare thighs as you straddled him and ripped your unbuttoned habit from your arms, throwing it to the floor. 
Dew quickly moved with you, sitting himself between Swiss’ ankles and shuffling until his chest met your back. His hands gripped your hips and sat you down on Swiss’ bulge, controlling the way you ground your pussy against him. For all of his silence, Dew’s actions spoke volumes. He guided you as you rutted against Swiss, taking your pleasure while he nipped into your bare shoulder.  
With a rhythm created, Dew could focus his hands on your body, removing your bra and pinching at your pebbled nipples. Swiss groaned beneath you, the sight of you mixed with the grind on his cock an intoxicating cocktail.  
“Dew... Dew, get these off her, man,” he pants, pinging at the waistband of your panties. Dew complied, dropping his hands to them and ripping without hesitation, tearing into the material and flinging it elsewhere. “Hope you didn’t like them too much, sweetheart,” Swiss smirked, undoing the zipper of his trousers between you and hissing when you rubbed your folds over his knuckles as he did.  
As Swiss began to undress himself, Dew took it upon himself to make sure you weren’t going a second without stimulation. From behind you, he slid his hands under you, pushing his fingers forwards through your soaked folds until his fingertips circled your clit. Your back arched at the sensation, reaching behind you and around the back of his neck to pull his chest against you. He alternated between dragging his fingers through your slick folds and circling your clit over and over whilst you dug your nails into the back of his head, pulling his lips down to yours to muffle your moans in a desperate kiss.  
Beneath you, Swiss managed to remove his waistcoat and shirt and push his pants down enough to release his length. He stroked himself as he watched the display above him, seeing you get closer and closer to your first orgasm. He began to talk you through it, coaxing you more and more while Dew’s fingers took on a mind of their own.  
“Feels good, huh, baby?” he laughed after a particularly lavish moan escaped your lips and your hips bucked against Dew’s fingers. “Push ‘em inside, Dew. Let her feel you,” he encouraged. Dew did just that, slipping two fingers inside your heat from behind you. You cursed into his mouth, clenching around the intrusion that felt so fucking welcome you almost toppled over the edge just at that.  
Dew growled, curling his fingers as he fucked them in and out of you. The coil inside you was tightening impossibly fast, and within a minute you knew you were set to burst. 
“Are you gonna cum on his fingers, sweetheart? Come on... Give us one,” Swiss cheered you on, stroking himself and using his free hand to cup your breast, pinching your nipple to punctuate his words. When you bucked and writhed, orgasm finally hitting you he praised you, “There we go, hm? Good girl... Cum on his fingers baby, that’s it...” 
You whined and clenched on Dew, biting down on his bottom lip and he fucked his hand into you to get you through it. When the pleasure ebbed away, you leaned back against him, turning your head to look down at Swiss who was smirking, slowly stroking at his now leaking cock. Now able to see his chest, you realised just how built he was underneath his shirt and waistcoat. A thin layer of chest hair contoured his chest and abdomen, right down to where he was touching himself; it drove you wild. 
“Good?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.  
“Mhm. Want more,” you grinned, bending at the waist to hover over him, your hand swatted his away as you leaned.  
“More?” he teased, “Greedy little girl...” You giggled, beginning to stroke him and pushing your lips to his to silence him. Behind you, Dew was busy taking in the view as he sucked on the fingers he’d dove inside you, cleaning himself off. From where you bent over Swiss, he had the perfect view of your rounded and still bruised ass and your exposed, glistening cunt. Tasting you on his fingers ignited something inside him, growling as he licked every last drop.  
Swiss noticed his friend’s eyes trained on your core, hearing his growls and broke your kiss to nod in his direction and show you what you’d caused. You followed his gaze and watched the man who was hypnotised by your taste... 
“I think he likes you,” Swiss flirted, “why don’t you let him have a taste, sweetheart? I’m sure he can give you another with his tongue...” A deeper, louder growl came from Dew’s throat. “See?” 
Looking behind you, you saw Dew’s gaze had fallen on yours as if waiting for permission... “Don’t stop until I’m cumming, Dew,” you demanded, wiggling your hips in front of him.  
Like a man possessed, Dew shuffled back on the couch and bent down, shoving his masked face into your ass and laving his tongue over your core. You fell forward at the force, slamming to Swiss’ chest where he held you tightly against him. Laying against him you could do nothing to pump his length in your hand, but Swiss didn’t mind. Plenty of time for that later... For now, he was enjoying the look on your face as Dew dove into your pussy, sucking and licking and nipping at your clit.  
“Fuck, Dew... So good...” you whined; Dew’s grip on your ass tightened, his nails burning into the bruises still littering your skin. By now the pain of the bruises didn’t bother you so much, only heightening the depravity you found yourself in. Your mind wondered over the last few days, how you’d been used and fucked every single day in the filthiest ways. You’d tried things you never had before, surprised yourself with new kinks and confidence and allowed yourself the freedom to sleep with whoever aroused you at the time. You’d never felt so empowered... 
The memories served to drive you mad with arousal, wanting nothing more than to cum again on Dew’s tongue. Once again, you found yourself close to an end, rutting your hips against his chin. The movement of your hips created short, small ripple-effect moments through your body that were enough to give Swiss a little bit of friction, cock still wrapped up in your hand. He hummed in delight, pressing his lips to yours in a messy kiss.  
“How does she taste, Dew?” he called down to his friend, knowing full well he wouldn’t asnwer with words. Dew growled again, lost in his own greed. He needed more of you, all of you. Your taste was sending him on a straight road to insanity. “Good, it seems...” he smiled sadistically.  
Dew was becoming feral behind you as you rutted against his chin. His tongue dove into you, the nose of his mask adding to your pleasure and winding your coil back up once again until you lost it... You cried out against Swiss’ chest, your hand squeezing his length between the two of you earning a hiss and groan of pleasure. You felt your pussy convulsing, a wave of fresh arousal briefly squirting from you to land on Dew’s tongue as he slurped and drank everything you gave him. 
Dew delivered a spank to your ass as he sat up, licking his lips and wiping his chin of your mess.  
“Unholy fuck, did you squirt on him?” Swiss asked, amazed as you lay on him, catching your breath. You just giggled in response, words failing you. “Shit, I wanna make you do that...” 
“Then... you’ll... need to fuck me, first...” you taunted between breaths.  
“You got it, sweetheart,” he kissed you again, reaching between you both to take his cock from you, only to line it up with your entrance and slowly, begin to push inside you.  
Dew watched on from behind you, slowly undressing himself as he watched Swiss’ cock sink further and further into you. He was surprised at himself, so turned on watching another man sink into where he had just been burying his tongue and fingers. He thought he might feel possessive, jealous even, but he wanted nothing more than to see you fall apart on his friend. He was enjoying this...  
When Swiss bottomed out, he couldn’t help but whimper at the feeling. You felt so warm, so wet around him. Thanks to Dew’s work, you had been able to quickly accommodate him, slick enough to take him without any issues. You sat up, pressing your palms to his chest and rolling your hips against him. Immediately, pleasure returned and that spot inside you fluttered when he grazed it. You needed him, you needed more. Always more, more, more...  
Swiss’s hips met yours, rolling against you over and over. He watched where the two of you connected, seeing his cock disappearing over and over, glistening with your juices. In the space between your thighs and his cock, he could vaguely make out Dew behind you, now completely nude and stroking himself in time with his thrusts.  
“Fuck...” Swiss breathed, turned on at the sight. “Hey, hey baby...” he tapped at your cheek, getting you to open your eyes you’d closed in bliss and look down at him, “Think Dew needs a hand...”  
You looked behind you, seeing Dew completely nude save for his mask, and fucking into his fist much like Copia had been at your feet yesterday. And you got an idea...  
“This isn’t fair...” you whined, slapping a hand down against Swiss’ chest in protest. You stopped moving your hips but he continued for the both of you, refusing to stop. 
“W-what?” he asked.  
“Want more... Want you both,” you whimpered, reaching behind you to stroke at Dew’s cock. He shivered at the contact, and the thought of being buried in you like Swiss was. He wanted you too... 
“B-both of us? Like...” Swiss stuttered, now stilling his hips reluctantly.  
“Inside me, together. Fuck, I need it... Please?” you begged, looking between them both. The Ghouls looked past you and at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation while you waited impatiently. The thought of having both of them inside you; it both scared and excited you. Were you sure you could take them both? Would it hurt? Maybe they wouldn’t be comfortable with it? 
“Dew, if you’re not comfortable man, I get it...” Swiss reasoned; in his mind, he was more than happy to oblige. His cock even twitched at the thought, which came as a surprise to him. He’d never been in such close proximity to another man sexually but he wasn’t opposed to the idea in the slightest.  
Dew gave Swiss a look, paired with a slight twist of his head and started to slowly, once again, stroke himself; confirming that the idea was enough to interest him. 
“Shit, okay... okay, yeah. You think you can take us, baby?” Swiss’ attention came back onto you.  
“With the right prep,” you smirked, looking back at Dew. “Will you help, Dew?”  
He nodded in understanding, his hand sliding between your ass cheeks and further down, until his fingertips met where you sat impaled on Swiss’ cock. Swiss watched intently, his body twitching when Dew’s fingertips came into contact with his shaft. Slowly, Dew pushed in one finger as Swiss pushed himself in too, using the movement to aid the stretch of added girth. You saw fucking stars...  
“Sathanas...” you squealed, and the two stilled in panic. “No, no... don’t stop. It’s good... so fucking good,” you reassured, and the two men continued... In and out, over and over while you got slicker, messier for both of them like your body knew what was coming and wanted nothing more than to get you there. 
Before long, Dew attempted to push another digit in, and slowly but surely, he managed to do the same. Your body was accommodating them both nicely, nothing too rushed, still just slow and gentle. The look on Swiss’ face was a picture, screwed up in his attempts to remain focussed, to not burst into a fit of rutting as hard and fast as he possibly could with how good it felt to be sheathed inside you and have Dew’s fingers pressed against him. 
When you were ready, Dew added a third finger, stretching you to a point you most certainly never had before. His wrist ached at the angle, and so he pushed gently on your shoulder until you leaned over, hovering above Swiss and giving him much better access. The new position somehow made it easier on you too, spreading your legs further to accommodate both intrusions.  
“I... I think I’m ready,” you said once Dew and Swiss had made sure to slowly push inside as deep as possible while you shivered and spasmed at the feeling. “Please, Dew...” 
“He’s coming baby, just a little longer, okay? Wanna be sure...” Swiss reassured, peppering kisses to your neck where he lay. You nodded, letting them work you open a little longer, your slick gathering between them both and creating an easier glide as the seconds passed. Eventually, they were satisfied you were prepared. 
Dew looked over your shoulder to Swiss, checking in one final time that he was still okay with this. Swiss just smirked back at him, uttering a “Go ahead, Dew.” 
To make the initial entry easier on you, Swiss pulled himself out when Dew’s fingers left you. Dew used that same hand to coat himself in arousal, and finally, the two of them lined up beside each other, their tips just barely grazing and yet... Both of them gasped at the touch. The sound didn’t escape you; and by the look on Swiss’ face, it was certainly a pleasant experience. 
Slowly, the two of them pressed into you, sliding gently to fill you together. Dew’s hands gripped your hips, nails digging into the flesh while Swiss squeezed at your thighs, both having to restrain themselves. For you, the feeling of being stretched and filled to your limits was so damn good, you moaned so wantonly that it vibrated through your body and reached them both, tormenting them until eventually they bottomed out together.  
“Shit, Dew... You good, man?” Swiss cried, unable to tear his eyes away from where both their cocks pressed tightly against each other inside you. He missed Dew’s frantic nodding, but at the lack of protest he knew he was safe to continue.  
They began to build a leisurely pace, moving together in sync and dragging themselves over your g-spot in unison. All you could do was grip onto Swiss’ biceps for dear life, and try not to fall apart where you knelt. You’d never been pushed to this limit before, never taken so much at once but with their careful preparation they had managed to make it as easy as possible for you.  
“More... Please, want more,” you hummed, desperate for a faster pace, something rougher and more punishing. You wanted another fucking orgasm... Sure enough, greed had overtaken you.  
“Greedy girl,” Swiss growled, beginning to rock a little faster, mismatching his pace with Dew. Dew tried to keep up, but fell a little behind in rhythm. Surprisingly, that felt better than them both being in sync... Now, they were both hitting your g-spot, one after the other, in a similar rhythm to a heartbeat.  
You were crying out to both of them, expletives and wild moans between mutterings of their names filling the air around you to a backdrop of slick and sloppy noises as both men fucked into you, harder and harder... Dew couldn’t help his own moans, surrounded by you and Swiss at the same time, a whole new feeling he’d never experienced but unholy shit it felt incredible. He didn’t know another cock against his own could feel like this, never knew how much he’d love this.  
Swiss was thinking much the same, enjoying the drag of Dew’s hardness against his own. Both Ghouls were losing their minds inside you. Swiss released his grip on your thighs in search of Dew’s instead, pulling him closer, needing more of him in some form... Dew dropped one of his hands then, able to hold onto both him and you as the two kept pounding into you. 
“D-Dew... Oh, shit, why does this feel – ahhh – so good?” Swiss cried, throwing his head back into the couch. Dew roared behind you, curling his body to press against your back and sandwiching you between the sweaty bodies either side of you. You moved a little to the side, to give them room to get closer to each other, something you could sense they definitely needed while they rutted into you with reckless abandon.  
“C-can I kiss you, Dew? Fuck man, I don’t know, need more...” he pleaded through grit teeth. Dew pushed himself harder against you both and met Swiss in a bruising kiss neither man had seen coming when this all began. But it felt right, it felt good.  
Your head lay on Swiss’ chest, watching the two of them making out as their cocks filled and stretched you. It was all so much, a kind of bliss you’d never encountered. You could feel your end coming quickly, tearing through you as they resigned themselves to the mercy of the other. You gave them no warning, unable to fathom a sentence when a third burst of pleasure soared through your body.  
If Swiss wanted you to squirt for him, he’d certainly got his wish. You gushed on the pair of them, violently shaking at the force of your orgasm. The two of them broke their kiss and Swiss lost his mind, feeling your cunt flooding him.  
“Fucking hell, I gotta cum... I can’t hold this anymore. Dew, do you mind? Can I cum inside her?” You heard him babble as your brain clouded, coming down slowly while you convulsed and spasmed. You absolutely didn’t mind if he did, but would Dew? He was still buried in you too, after all...  
But Dew chuckled breathlessly and tightened his grip on Swiss’ hand, leaning in to kiss him again. He kept his pace up; a sure-fire way of making sure Swiss came inside you, and in turn, on him.  
It didn’t take him long once he got confirmation, stilling deep inside you, pressed against your cervix as his cum spilled from his cock and coated not only your walls, but Dew’s shaft too. He jumped and pulsed, desperate howls lost to Dew’s kiss. Dew kept going, slower than before but still rutting against Swiss and sending ripples of a dull buzz through you while it served to prolong Swiss’s end.  
Spent and exhausted, Swiss lay back, letting his limbs drop to the couch for a moment before he curled them around you, holding you to him still inside you. He wouldn’t remove himself yet, not while Dew was still plunging into you. He felt his spend dripping down his own length and gathering at the base of both his and Dew’s cocks and pictured what that would look like, smiling to himself dumbly as he enjoyed the overstimulation.  
Behind you, Dew had sat back up on his knees to get a better look and yes, Swiss had been right. Where Dew still rocked into you, Swiss’ spend was leaking and mixing with your own. It was the filthiest thing Dew had ever seen, and it shoved him violently into an orgasm of his own, stilling deep inside you like Swiss just had with a strangled roar. 
“Fuck, fill her up, Dew...” Swiss encouraged him, talking him through his orgasm as if speaking words that Dew couldn’t. “She needs you, Dew. Fill. Her. Up.” He spat through grit teeth, while Dew’s cock slid against his own and pushed him into oversensitivity. Dew did as he was told, emptying his load into you.  
The three of you lay atop each other, spent and exhausted. Neither Ghoul made a move to pull out of you just yet, regaining some strength and regulating their heart rates before they could even think of moving. So, you lay squashed between the two, blissfully floating in euphoria.  
“Well, uh... Satan be damned, that was... different,” Swiss laughed, still partially breathless.  
“Felt so good, guys... You’ve no idea,” you hummed, affectionately reaching behind you to pat at Dew’s hand on top of Swiss’.  
“For us too, sweetheart. Can’t believe you’re a squirter...” You swatted his chest weakly with a dumb smile, earning a chuckle from Dew. “Just wish I coulda tasted that... Dew seemed to enjoy you,” he sighed. He had hoped to taste you at some point, but things had moved in a different direction before he could and he was happy to just go with the flow, give you what you wanted.  
And then, he got an idea.  
“Hey, sweetheart?” he asked timidly. You raised your head from his chest with a quiet “hmm?”, waiting for whatever he wanted to ask. “Is that the most orgasms you’ve had in one sitting?” he asked, curiously.  
“Well, I’ve had three in one before but yes, never more than three. Gets kinda sensitive...” you laughed, settling back on his chest, content to lay there in peace with Dew. 
“Well... the first two were mostly just Dew. I never got to give you one of my own,” he pouted. “You think you could take one more?”  
Your head popped back up, looking into Swiss’ eyes and thinking over his proposition. You certainly did feel sensitive, but the idea intrigued you. Could you take another? You weren’t sure, but you’d be willing to let him try...  
“Um... maybe?” you questioned. Swiss smirked. 
“Hey Dew, would it be... just terrible... if I made sure our darling Sister of Sin was sufficiently cleaned up? I think we’ve made a mess...” he chewed on his lip, waiting for an indication from the silent Ghoul behind you.  
Dew sat up then, removing himself from you and taking a look at the mess the three of you had indeed made. He checked back in with Swiss, nodding. 
“Ah, so we did make a mess. Well, sweetheart, I'd like to offer my cleaning services,” he smirked cheekily.  
“I think that’s only fair...” you quipped.  
Swiss sat up, still holding you to him but transferring your weight back onto the couch cushion as he carefully removed himself from you too. You did your best to contract your walls, holding whatever you could inside you for the moment. Now, you sat upright, legs hanging over the edge of the couch and slouched lazily against Dew’s bare chest beside you. Swiss stood up, removing the pants that still clung to his legs by his knees, and then took up a position between your thighs, hooking your legs over his shoulders.  
He looked down at your core, and could see the mess they’d made; covered in slick, cum and puffed up from the relentless pounding. You looked delectable.  
Swiss dove in, gently at first, with his tongue lapping around your core instead of directly centre. You still writhed at the pleasure of it, enjoying the feeling as he tasted the mixture of the three of you on his tongue. Beside you, you felt Dew’s chest tense, his eyes intently trained on Swiss’ disappearing tongue. This was turning him on again, and he was yet to soften from the sex itself... With a little fuel left in the tank, he began to stoke his length, hissing at the sensitivity. 
As Swiss’ tongue dragged over your clit for the first time, you naturally clenched, a small amount of the cum you held inside you slipping out. Swiss dove in to catch it on his tongue, careful to make sure Dew saw it sat there before he swallowed it down. He’d never done anything like this before and part of him worried Dew would find it disgusting, to eat both his and Dew’s cum from you but now Dew’s hand moved quicker, he knew it was having the opposite effect.  
He hummed in satisfaction at the taste, continuing to assault your clit with his tongue and every so often having to clean up another small amount you’d involuntarily released when things got too sensitive. Dew kept stroking himself, his hips jumping if he spent too long on his sensitive tip. You wanted badly to help him, but there was no strength to lift your arms by your sides.  
Vaguely, the pleasure began to stack up again... you were no longer unsure if you could reach a fourth orgasm; you knew you could. Swiss would just need to be gentle – and somehow, he understood that.  
“Dew, I can’t lie, man... we taste good together,” he teased, watching as Dew bit his lip. “You wanna try?” he snickered. Dew nodded emphatically.  
Swiss brought his fingers up to your centre, pushing them easily inside given you’d not long had two decent sized cocks inside you, and gathered the rest of what you were keeping on them. Then he raised them to Dew’s lips, who bent to meet him halfway, and sucked the mess off them.  
Swiss held his fingers up for him as he dove back into your core, now focussing his attention solely on your clit. You whined tiredly at the sensitivity, but shit, you were close again after watching the display beside you. Dew’s hand sped significantly, making sure he sucked every last drop of cum from Swiss’ fingers. He groaned as a second orgasm came closer; he had wanted to wait for your last orgasm to cum with you, but that was looking unlikely now. He just needed a release again. 
He fell back against the couch as his cock spurted another load, clearer this time and far less than he’d emptied into you, but it felt good enough that he rolled his eyes back and had to drop his hand from the overstimulation while his hips bucked out of control.  
Swiss giggled into your core, suckling at your clit a little harder and enjoying the noises you were making. You barely recognised yourself, squealing so highly in overstimulation as your body went stiff, letting his tongue work you over and over until finally, you crashed for one last time.  
Dew caught you as your body slid to the side and into his chest, holding you and shushing you as you hiccupped in a much quieter orgasm than before, too spent and broken for anything too powerful. Your thighs pushed Swiss’ head away as they came together, shielding you from any more overstimulation. He sat back on his heels, pleased with his work as he licked the remnants of you, himself and Dew from his chin. Quietly, you came down again in Dew’s arms, your body jolting with short little bursts of electricity until you finally stilled.  
Four orgasms had taken its toll on you, and whilst the last of them hadn’t been as earth shattering as the first three, it still left you exhausted and weak. Swiss and Dew could see it in you, and allowed you to curl up into them for a while so you could relax, rest up, and get the aftercare you needed from them both. 
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The Ghouls spent the rest of the day with you, having cleaned you up – properly, this time. With an actual shower... – and taken good care of you. Swiss had made you some food, something healthier for the three of you than the junk he’d thrown together last time, and the pair of them just stayed put all day, mostly in a relaxing silence as you watched whatever was on the TV.  
You appreciated that – your head was too busy for conversation, exhausted but still hurting. But there were no expectations to play hostess to the guests in your apartment, nor to divulge the mess of emotions in your mind. If you wanted to talk to them about it all, you would. They felt that.  
But you remained in your own head. You thought over the events of yesterday, of the whole week. You re-read Papa’s note in your mind over and over. You stewed over the thought of him caring for you much less than you’d thought, if his display in his office yesterday was anything to go by...  
It all hurt.  
It wasn’t until Dew wiped a tear from your cheek that you even knew you’d been crying. He gave you a look; one that asked what was wrong without having said the words. You weren’t sure why Dew was a mute Ghoul, but you were glad that it never seemed to be a problem for him. People understood what he was thinking quite easily; most of the time it was ‘what the fuck are you looking at?’ but they understood him all the same... He wasn’t a people person, but you were kind to him; a friend. And so, he cared when he saw you silently crying beside him.  
“N-nothing, Dew. I’m good,” you lied. Your voice caught Swiss’ attention then, who also saw the tears.  
“You can tell us, ______. I’m not gonna tell anyone and, well... neither’s Abu over here,” he joked, slapping Dew’s shoulder as he compared him to the silent, grunting monkey from Aladdin. Dew slapped him back on the back of the head. That earned him a smile from you; goal achieved.  
“I just... Have you ever thought of someone in a certain way, and then... they’ve proved you wrong?” you asked them. 
“Well, I thought Dew was straight. Think he proved me wrong today,” he laughed. You did too, appreciating that he was trying to make you smile when you needed it. “But that’s not what you mean, is it?” 
You shook your head no, smile slipping away. 
“You’re talking about Papa.” 
You nodded.  
“I suppose he just... maybe I got too wrapped up in all this,” you sighed, wiping another fresh tear away. Dew’s arm tightened around your shoulders. “Probably should have known that ‘the great Papa Emeritus the Third’ wouldn’t see me as anything more than a notch on his bedpost. Feel stupid now, thinking I’d actually started feeling something for him...” you laughed, no humour behind it at all.  
“Don’t shoo your feelings away just because he’s devoid of them. You’re allowed to feel whatever you feel, they’re no less real just because he doesn’t reciprocate. Feelings can be dealt with, Sister,” he assured. Strangely, his words felt quite affirming.  
“I just thought he cared...” your voice cracked with more tears, a lump in your throat forming you forced to swallow.  
“You’re part of his congregation, so I think he does care. But... maybe not exactly how you’d hoped, no...” Swiss took your hand and squeezed it. “Listen, you have one more day. One more sin to complete, and then you can figure out with the Dark One what your next steps are. Ask him about Papa, if you need to. I don’t know if it’s a ‘you only get three questions’ kind of situation, but I’m sure he can help. At the very least, I'm sure he can give you a purpose that will take your mind off Papa entirely.”  
You hummed in agreement. Just one more day. How you’d achieve what you needed in that one day, you weren’t sure, but you had the willpower and the tenacity to find something.  
“Big day for you tomorrow. Final sin, the All Hallow’s Ball, a date with Lucifer...” he smirked, winking down at you.  
“Oh, shit... the ball. I forgot about that,” you sighed.  
“Something wrong?” he asked.  
“Just... gotta see Papa,” and Christine, too... awkward. “I think I’d rather not.” Swiss nodded in understanding.  
“Non-negotiable though, isn’t it?” he asked, and you nodded back, “Don’t worry, Dew and I will be there. You can dance with us.” 
“Sure, I’d like that,” you smiled between them both.  
Whilst Swiss’ little pep-talk hadn’t exactly exterminated the sadness that welled up in you now that you’d admitted your feelings towards Papa weren’t strictly platonic, he had at least eased some of the anxiety in your mind about what to do with them.  
Feelings could be dealt with; that was his most important advice, yet. No matter how long it might take, they could be dealt with. You could get through that, and Papa essentially cutting you off here was probably for the best. At least you didn’t have to worry about more nights with him, and those feelings growing exponentially harder to ignore. What you needed to focus on right now, was completing this ritual.  
One more day. One more sin.  
And a date with Lucifer. 
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Prev: Day 5 - Envy | Next: Day 7: Pride
A/N: And so, one more sin, and potentially only one more chapter... I'm working on writing it today - there's SO MUCH to put into it, so please bear with me. I may have to upload it in two halves if I can't finish it in time for tomorrow (I've been so busy with work, and Ghostcon over the weekend too!)
A huge thank you to @her-satanic-wiles for beta reading, and @adinferix for fine tuning the Italian translations! 🖤
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