#ghost dad gets 1/10 because i still cried.
homestuckreplay · 4 months
Gee John, How Come Your Dad Lets You Watch Three Movies?!
Alright. I suffered through THREE of John's movies today, and all of them were extremely bad. All three of them had terrible dialogue and boring characterization, Face/Off was mostly gunfights, Armageddon was mostly explosions, and Ghost Dad was mostly an absolute fever dream clearly signed off by a very drugged up executive.
However, I do see why John likes these movies. John is a Nic Cage fan, and I do think both Cage and Travolta gave great performances in Face/Off. The weird, experimental science aspect is fun too, and might have a link to John's chumhandle - I can see him getting curious about how the facial transplant surgery works. Mistaken identity is an interesting theme - John feels like his dad doesn't know him well, thinking he'd like harlequin dolls and cakes, and might think his dad sees him as a different person. People on Discord have theorized that John's arc will be realizing she's transgender, which is REALLY interesting in light of this movie and its focus on physical features vs actual identity.
Armageddon has the same basic premise as Deep Impact - a meteor will destroy the Earth if the American government can't figure out a way to stop it - but on a much shorter timeframe. I personally think Deep Impact is miles better, but Armageddon is very focused on American masculinity and a motley crew of men who live dangerous, somewhat criminal lives (it's more similar to Con Air in this regard). We know John likes a Cool Movie Moment (see p.20) and this one is basically fifty lab-grown Cool Movie Moments stitched together.
Both these movies are very long and very action packed. Armageddon barely takes time away from the action to give us the characters' names, and since John probably watches movies for escapism, this must be appealing to him. Their major characters have very exciting lives, whether that's working for the FBI, as a terrorist, as a deep sea oil driller or as an astronaut - John probably isn't concerned with the politics of these things, they're simply cooler kinds of people who he could grow up to be, and it's fun to imagine himself in their place because it beats his current life.
Ghost Dad is completely irredeemable. [ooc 2024 note: I don't endorse watching movies that feature Bill Cosby, who is a known terrible guy, and I can guarantee he did not receive any money from my watching this.] It's horrifically written and plotted and none of the humor lands. But, it makes perfect sense that John and his dad would watch this, as it's about a family who pranks each other. The son is an aspiring magician just like John (and is similarly bad at it), and John might even have got his interest in magic from watching this.
The dad spraying whipped cream on a top hat is very Dad Egbert-coded, and John might love the idea of having a ghost in his house who can pilot clothes around while invisible and float up to windows to scare mean kids. Meanwhile, Dad clearly likes to show John movies that feature parents eventually choosing their kids over their career. (It seems like he shows this with his actions, too - he's clearly not at work today, and John's feeling suffocated in the house suggests that Dad is there most of the time).
Face/Off (1997) - Rating 4/10
Armageddon (1998) - Rating 3/10
Ghost Dad (1990) - Rating 1/10
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mysteriousmissfsart · 2 months
BNHA Rambles #1
I would like to thank Horikoshi-sensei for creating Boku no Hero Academia. I appreciate his hardwork and effort that he has put into his work. Thank you.
However, I am incredibly sad about episode 11 of season 7. Episode 10 as well.
I warn anyone reading this that there will be spoilers if you are not caught up with the anime or the manga (up to this point).
This post is just me rambling about a few things. (I mean a lot of things, actually)
Do tell me what you think as well!
Spoilers under the cut!
Like, Endeavor lost his right arm??? Now Bakugo is most likely not going to be able to use that arm as well???? Are we drawing parallels between those two? Is their redemption in not being able to use one side of their body???? This is sad???????!!!!!!!! I was literally rooting for Katsuki to become a pro hero by the end of the series.
Like, is my boy dead? (I already know the answer so please, no need to tell me. Also, I really had to know, okay?)
I basically grew up with this guy???? (I was 14 when the first season came out and now I'm 22)
Am I literally going to be watching bnha without Katsuki? He was literally the reason why I watched it in the first place! I could see where his character development was headed and I knew that it would be good! Yes, the other characters are amazing as well and I am going to watch the series anyway, I don't like leaving things unfinished unless its really bad. I am happy about Shinso getting some good screentime, though. Hope he doesn't get hurt in some way, seen or unforeseen.
(Fun fact: There are only two series I have dropped and will never finish watching; 1. Kuroko no Basket. 2. Shingeki no Kyojin. Reason: For Kuroko, the only characters that were interesting to me were Kuroko and the Blonde guy, I literally forgot his name, I also didn't like the cherry stem girl really. Overall, didn't find it appealing. For Shingeki: Only character I liked was Levi, still like him. It has too much gore, I didn't know that when I was told that it was a masterpiece. I couldn't stomach anything everytime I watched an episode. Bnha is MILD in comparison to whatever was going on in Titan land. Also, I always disliked Eren with a passion. If you know you know. My friend and my sister have already told me the whole thing. I was right about you Eren Yaeger!!!!)
I never expected his heart to get pierced????? Why did we have to do that?????
I was peacefully eating dinner today when I was shocked by the sheer evilry that scene presented. I have not cried this much over a character death before. The first time I cried over one was over the death of Hiccup's dad from how to train your dragon (I was maybe 11 at the time). But, never like this. Never like somebody I know has died. It's strange that I felt so connected to him. I don't know, my emotions never make sense really. Like, my breath literally hitched and my eyes just teared up and flowed down my face???!!! Like, what???? Why did he have to be done like that? The scene with him talking to All Might's Shadow (ghost, spirit????) and that tone change. We have never heard Katsuki talk in that way before, he seemed like himself there and not the tough facade he always dons.
The scene at the end when we see his heart get pierced and then when Jeanist realizes what has happened was just heartwrenching. I couldn't stop crying. He doesn't deserve this, none of them do. I literally made myself pretend that didn't happen but when Jeanist pointed it out, all I could do was stare in disbelief at the screen. The saddest part of all of this? His mom realizing that it will rain and saying "that kid doesn't like the rain". Why? Because that's when Jeanist realizes that his heart has been pierced by Shigaraki/All for One. IT RAINS WHEN THEY REALIZE THAT KATSUKI'S HEART HAS BEEN PIERCED.
Sad, I'm just unbelievably sad.
I just wish this series ends on a happy note.
To Horikoshi-sensei,
If you are reading this, may your readers' tears soon dry and there be a happy ending to your series. I am truly a big fan of this series and how it has turned out. I never expected to stick around for so long but it has been interesting. This series has kept me on my toes and has fed into my love of mystery solving. I loved discovering things along with the characters as well as figure things out on my own. The angst and horrifiying theme has been carried out so well. I hope I will be around for the ending as well.
Thank you!
What did you all think of this episode and Katsuki's development? I am dreading the next episode. Were you shocked by this scene? I literally couldn't keep my eyes on the screen. It hurt too much.
See you again sometime!
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mygwenchan · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I've been tagged by the lovely @visualtaehyun - Thank you, baby 😘
1) Are you named after anyone?
Nope~ My dad was the one who picked my irl name (had I been a boy, my mom would've been the one to pick it, since my parents had that kind of arrangement). He chose a name with same first syllable as my older sister's, so the names would sound nice together :) (kind of like what a lot of Thai parents do when they have more than one kid)
2) When was the last time you cried?
I actually have no idea 😳
So must've been a while.
3) Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want to have any
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
I wanted to write "none", but actually I used to play in a local basketball team for a while when I was like 16/17. Did some archery as well :) Other than that, I'm mostly a couch potato lol
5) Do you use sarcasm?
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
I usually don't notice shit cause my thoughts are all over the place XD Hmm... maybe if they stand too close to me? I need my 2m personal space bubble around me, thank you very much
7) What's your eye color?
Gray-blue (or red when the allergies hit lol)
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
Both sound good! But only if it's scary as in classical ghost story without gore and jump scares
9) Any talents?
I'm stubborn as hell, especially when people tell me I can't do the thing. Bitch, watch me! I'll do the thing and I'll excel! And I might be a shorty, but if anyone dares to threaten my loved ones, I'll turn into a pure force of nature. Other than that, I'm pretty good at crafting and upcycling :)
10) Where were you born?
I'm nordisch by nature, baby~ Born in an old Hansestadt at the Baltic coast 🌊
11) What are your hobbies?
Watching BLs and sometimes writing meta about it. And I've recently gotten into making book nooks, I also like to sew (not really clothes, but small things) and I'm trying to learn how to play the piano. I'd also consider art history and archaeology a hobby of mine. I like to learn interesting facts about the every day life of normal folks from the past
12) Do you have any pets?
I have over 200 plants, do those count? And there are some wild animals that visit me every now and then (a red and a black squirrel and lots of birbs, plus the occasional neighbor's cat)
13) How tall are you?
My passport says 1,61cm, but that's a lie... I'm only 1,58cm 😅
14) What was your favorite subject in school?
I've always liked biology and art. Though for some reason that I can't recall now, I still chose german and physics as my advanced courses. Fun fact: I didn't like history in school, but ended up studying archaeology lol. But well, it was mostly because my history teachers sucked, not so much because of the subject itself.
15) What is your dream job?
Not having to work at all 😔 Idk, I never really had a dream job or a career path I wanted to take. Mostly because my interests tend to shift every couple of years or so and I don't like to get stuck with the same thing forever. Right now I'm working as an e-commerce and online marketing manager for a small nerd company. I'm pretty much my own boss and can decide when and on what I want to work, which is great. Recently we've started building a new online shop and I've been helping out with that, which can be pretty interesting actually.
Ok, that's it about me. Now let's learn something new about you guys~
I'm tagging @boysslove @scarefox @blmpff @lukaherehelp @pinkkop @sparklyeyedhimbo @fleursyoongi @bunni-bun @howlingmusketeers @7777-deactivated @vegasandhishedgehog @dekaydk @shouyou910 @asdfghjklmpff @bl-bam-beyond
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horriblehs · 4 years
Remus and baby Maeve Hc’s (young!Remus Lupin x pregnant! reader)
WARNINGS: Fluff, this is prolly long, mentions of pregnancy’s and complications, angst.
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At first you freakout, its the end of your 6th year at Hogwarts you just turned 16 and you're carrying the love of your life’s baby, how do you tell him?
Well you went to Lily and Marlene and both of them wanted to hex Remus to Monday, but they saw how distressed you are, you didn't know how to react, you didn't know how he would react either.
so you kept it from him
And then after a day you couldn't avoid him anymore. So you asked him to meet you in the room of requirement, it was set up as usual, a replica of the Gryffindor common room but more homey and with a bed. 
And you told him and he froze.
“we’ll do this together” he said as you started to cry.
It was stressful for the both of you, judging eyes from professors and sniviless, who wouldn't stop bothering you about Remus and how he's a werewolf. Of course you already knew about his furry problem and you didn't mind. So when Snape said something about giving birth to his demon spawn, you punched him in the face. You weren't going to let him insult your baby and neither were James and Sirius who watched the whole thing unravel. They were both proud of you but they will still hex him. 
So the first time you went to an appointment with Remus they told the gender and you both heard the heartbeat. Remus cried tears of joy hearing his baby girls heart beat for the first time. 
The more you started to show the more you wore Remus’ sweaters. and the more remus used your tits as pillows. 
The first time you felt the baby kicked, you panicked, it was like a slight flutter and it made you feel weird. So you called Remus 
“Remus I-I think the babies kicking”
And then all the boys rushed over to you, taking turns feeling.
You and Remus were early to transfiguration, only a few students were there and Mcgnagall greeted you like normal, ask how you three were doing and all that jazz. Then, you started feeling a dull ache in your back, which was normal so you discarded it, And then it was in your abdomen. Class had just started so Remus already pulled out everything the two of you need. Another dull ache in your abdomen, you tried not to make any noises and just write down what McGonagall is teaching. Then it got worse and worse, Remus and Sirius were the first to see your discomfort.
“You alright love?” Sirius asked.
“My abdomen is killing me” you whisper.
“Black, L/N, I expect you to pay attention in my class”
“Sorry Professor Mcgnagall” You both said in unison and got back to work.
The pain got worse and you couldn't keep your discomfort quiet, as you winced.
then your water broke. and everyone heard it and slowly turned their heads to you.
“Professer, I-I think my water just broke”
“Are you sure” Remus and McGonagall say at the same time.
“Well I didn't just piss on the floor” you hiss in pain.
you gave birth in the hospital wing of Hogwarts.
The baby wasn't supposed to be here for another year.
You threatened to neuter your lover twice and cussed out everyone.
And a lot of screaming. 
You almost broke Remus’ hand
After about 10 hours in labour your beautiful baby girl Maeve was born.
Maeve Ayla Lupin. 1/19/78.
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You both take shifts.You get her one night and he gets her the other night.
All of your dorm mates got used to not sleeping, and so did you.
James’ parents bought you guys a small fridge for the milk to go in, so you decided to transfigure another one and put it in Remus’ room and put one in yours.
“Y/N, Maeve just barfed milk on my back” Sirius whined.
“That means she likes you” James said.
“You barfing on uncle Padfoot’s back little wolf?” Remus grinned
Anyways everyone got used to having a non existent sleep schedule.
And you guys took Maeve to your classes in a stroller of course.
She looks so much like Remus, She has his eyes, his facial structure, but she has your hair and impatience.
“Stop being fussy little one” you say as you rock her to sleep, your enchanted quill writing down everything your astrology professor is saying. There are classes that Maeve doesn't go to, she instead goes with James to his class, sometimes even Sirius’ classes. She doesn't go to potions with you, or Divination.
Maeve is a total daddy’s girl, she loves her dad a lot especially when he sings and plays peek- a boo with her.
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Its been about almost three years since Maeve was born and you and Remus live mostly a domestic life.
as in running after Maeve because she decided to just not wear a diaper today.
“Maeve, baby I need you to stop running so I can slide your pants on” You pant
“No” She giggles.
No has been her word for a long time. It all started when Sirius said it repeatedly and then she said it repeatedly.
The boys cuss like sailors so they had to learn not to around Maeve.
“Daddy!” she squealed.
“Hi princess, I see we are going with no pants today”
“Yes” She says as she grabs his face.
“Your cousin Harry is coming over Mae so I need you to let mommy put pants on you please” He said.
“Okay” Maeve says.
After that Lily, James, and Sirius came over.
“UNCLE PADFOOT” Maeve runs up to him.
“How’s my favorite niece doing?” He asks as he picks her up.
“Im good” Maeve says as she plays with his hair.
“Look its uncle James and the baby” she points.
Then she greets both of them and stares at the baby for a while.
“Shhh he’s sleeping” She would tell everyone.
you would all eat dinner and laugh and then say your goodbyes, like always.
Then you would put Maeve to sleep, with the same song
“isn’t she lovely, isn't she wonderful” you sing as you stroke her hair.
“Night night mommy” she yawns
“Night baby sweet dreams” you kiss her forehead and close her bedroom door.
taglist: @randomoutsiders​ @ghosts-of-hogwarts​ @amixedwitch​ 
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Okay but like I feel like Diego is the kind of person to flirt with really bad pick-up lines and Klaus is just Not Having It
featuring: Diego being a flustered Mama's boy and Klaus being a disaster dumbass and the two of them being completely in love with each other anyway
DISCLAIMER: None of the pick-up lines are mine, but the responses and ensuing shenanigans are :)
(there's fifty of these so buckle up kids :) sorry not sorry <3)
seriously though some of these are really bad
#1: He A Snack
Diego: Baby, you belong in the vending machine because you’re a snack.
Klaus: Diego you know I’m claustrophobic.
Diego: Don’t you mean Klaus-trophobic??? *finger guns*
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I want a divorce.
#2: I’m From Hell
Diego: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Klaus: I’m a veteran addict and abuse victim who can see ghosts, Diego.
Klaus: Everything hurts.
#3: Animal Puns
Diego: *points to TV screen playing the Discovery Channel* Hey Klaus.
Diego: You’re my otter half.
Klaus: Diego those are meerkats.
#4: Stars
Diego: The stars are beautiful tonight.
Klaus: Yup.
Diego: You know who else is beautiful?
Klaus: Ben.
#5: Get Out Your Handcuffs Mister
Diego: You’re under arrest… for stealing my heart.
Klaus: Diego you got kicked out of the police academy like five years ago, just give up.
#6: Bad Boys
Diego: *leaning against the doorframe like a moron* So. I hear you like bad boys.
Klaus: Diego you cried because you accidentally stepped on a bee last week.
Diego: Well yeah but -
Klaus: You held a funeral for it. You made us all speak. You had Allison fly in from California. It was a fucking bee, Diego.
Diego: … I wear leather?
Klaus: So does every other kid who shops at Hot Topic. You’re not special.
#7: Prince Charming
Diego: Your knight in shining armor is here -
Klaus: One, that’s a turtleneck, not armor.
Klaus: Two, you’re covered in blood. That’s the opposite of shiny.
Klaus: Three, you smell like dead fish. Go take a shower.
#8: Chemistry
Diego: Did we have a class together? Because I could’ve sworn we had -
Klaus: Chemistry? Yup. Also English and math and foreign languages and history and like every other fucking thing because we grew up in the same sadistic boarding school, Diego.
#9: The Store Can’t Just Give Away Things For Free. That’s A Terrible Way To Run A Business.
Diego: I like your pants.
Klaus: Thanks. I got them out of a dumpster. And yes, you can have them 100% off.
Diego: *voice cracks* Really?
Klaus: No.
#10: Boyfriend Material
Diego: My jeans are made of -
Klaus: You’re wearing leather pants Diego.
Diego: Okay but -
Klaus: So they’re made of leather and they’re not fucking jeans.
#11: Digits
Diego: I lost my phone number. Can I have -
Klaus: None of us have phones, Diego.
Diego: I can… buy us some?
Klaus: Fine. I want my number to be 1-420-420-4201.
Diego: Baby no.
Klaus: *pulling out the puppy dog eyes* Pwetty pwease?
Diego: Fine, but mine’s gonna be 1-696-969-6969.
Klaus: I love you so much. Marry me. Have my babies.
#12: Love At First Sight
Diego: Do you believe in love at first sight or -
Klaus: If I did I’d have already fallen in love with a lot of hot ghosts.
Diego: - should I walk by again?
Klaus: You’ve been pacing for the past ten minutes, Gogo. I think if it was gonna happen it would’ve by now.
#13: You Have Fine Written All Over You
Diego: Are you a parking ticket? Cause -
Klaus: Diego I can’t drive.
#14: His Eyes Are Green Not Blue You Dipshit
Diego: Your eyes are an ocean, and I’m lost at sea.
Klaus: ... can’t you, like, hold your breath forever?
Diego: *blinks* Baby, I love you, but you’re ruining this with our childhood trauma.
Klaus: Well since you’ve refused therapy I just thought this was the next best option.
Diego: I take back what I said about loving you.
#15: Math Is Dumb And I Wish School Would Stop Teaching It
Diego: Are you a forty-five degree angle?
Klaus: Actually, because humans have non-linear body shapes, it’s impossible for their specific angles to be measured -
Diego: Are you high or have you been defiling Five’s books again?
Klaus: *blinks* Why can’t it be both?
Diego: *rethinking life decisions*
#16: Baby I’m All Yours
Diego: Do you have a name?
Klaus: Klaus.
Diego: Or can I call you mine?
Klaus: I mean I prefer “baby”, but sure.
Diego: *super wide eyes* Really?
Klaus: *melts into a puddle of glitter* Yeah, Gogo.
#17: (Not) Bookworms
Diego: Thank god I brought my library card. Cause I’m here to check you out.
Klaus: *through a mouthful of waffles* God isn’t real. We all die and rot beneath the earth to be eaten by maggots. There is no such thing as a higher power.
Klaus: *swallows waffles and takes a really loud slurp of an orange juice and chocolate milk combo*
Klaus: Oh, and the library’s closed for renovations til, like, Christmas so you’re outta luck, sorry.
Diego: I thought you met god? Little girl on a bicycle?
Klaus: Her? Nah, only Satan’s got that much sass. Plus, that wasn’t heaven.
Diego: And you know this how?
Klaus: *squishes Diego’s face with both hands* Think about it. Do you really think dear ol’ dad’s in heaven?
Diego: Can you let of my face please?
#18: Bad Move, Buddy
Diego: Are you a pre-historic fossil? Cause you’re my missing link.
Klaus: Did you just call me old?
Diego, backing out of the room slowly: What? No! No of course not! No, obviously no, absolutely not -
Klaus: *releases savage war cry*
Diego: *runs for his goddamn life*
#19: I Rate This 0/10
Diego: Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only -
Klaus: I don’t know where I’m from. I’m an orphan.
Diego: Oh… I know, baby -
Klaus: And the piece of shit that adopted me lived in New York anyway. We’re in New York right now actually. Do you need a geography lesson? I think Pogo’s got a map -
Diego: Klaus.
#20: Oh Shit
Diego: If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?
Klaus: *tears up* I’m nothing?
Diego: Oh no. No no no. No, baby, you’re not nothing, don’t cry, I’m so sorry, that’s not what I meant, baby - oh my god please don’t cry -
#21: You’ve Got Everything I’m Searching For
Diego: Is your name Google? Because -
Klaus: Diego. For the last time…
Klaus: My name is Kimberly Linda Aerealia Ulysses Saffron Hargreeves the Twenty-Fourth. I don’t know why I need to keep explaining this to you -
Diego, kissing him quiet: You’re my favorite person in the world, you know that?
#22: Don’t Make Bets You’ll Lose, Luther.
Diego: Luther bet me a hundred bucks I couldn’t talk to the prettiest person here. How do you wanna spend his money?
Klaus: Drugs.
Diego: Baby -
Klaus: *beams* Nah, I’m just kidding. Stuffed giraffes.
Diego: *grins* For Five?
Klaus: *nods* For Five.
Diego: He’ll hate them.
Klaus: Exactly. Let’s go.
#23: Deja Vu
Diego: Have we met before?
Klaus: Yes. Obviously. Are you also high?
Diego: No -
Diego: Wait, you’re high?
Klaus: No?
#24: Such An Optimist
Diego: Are you a time traveller?
Klaus: No, that’s Five.
Diego: Cause I think you’re my future!
Klaus: *stares blankly*
Diego: No? Nothing? Nada?
Klaus: In the future we’re all dead dipshit.
Klaus: Because. Ya know.
Diego: Okay then.
#25: Please Go To The Hospital.
Diego: Are you my appendix? Cause my stomach’s fluttering and I think I should take you out.
Klaus: Did you drink water from the fish tank again?
Diego: *turning green* Luther dared me to okay???!!!!
#26: Suicidal Tendencies
Diego: Hey gorgeous -
Klaus: Let me guess. I should drop dead?
Diego: What?! No! Baby -
#27: Infinitely On The Naughty List (And Not The Good Kind Of Naughty List (If There Is One I’m Asexual I Don’t Know))
Diego: Are you Santa Klaus? Cause you make all my wishes come true.
Klaus: You have five seconds to run.
Diego: *already two streets away* Fucking shit -
#28: You Can’t Use That Every Time We Have An Argument, Tony.
Diego: Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?
Klaus: I mean, there’s one in the corner of our living room right now, so I guess?
Diego: *squeaks* You - you can see dinosaur ghosts?
Klaus: I mean, there’s a chance that thing Ben’s petting is just a super deformed ostrich, but yeah, I think so.
Diego: *tearing up* That’s so cool.
#29: A Whole New Kind Of Thirst Trap
Diego: I’m thirsty. But guess whose body is 75% water?
Diego: *smirks*
Klaus: *frowns*
Klaus: Hold on, I know this one…
Diego: Klaus -
Klaus: *snaps fingers* Oh, I know! Luther!
Diego: *horrified* What the fuck Klaus why the fuck would you say that -
#30: What A Tragedy
Diego: You must be a campfire. Because you’re super hot and I want s’more.
Klaus: Diego sweetheart, you’re allergic to marshmallows.
Diego: *tearing up* I know.
Klaus: You wanna hug, baby?
Diego: *crying* Yes please.
#31: That Can’t Be Allowed
Diego: Don’t tell me if you want me to take you out to dinner. Just smile for yes, or do a backflip/somersault/counter-spin gymnastics combination for no.
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: *does a triple flip and lands perfectly on the top of the bar counter*
Diego: *turns bright red* That was h-h-hot.
Klaus: *beams and jumps down into Diego’s arms bridal-style*
Klaus: *kisses his cheek* I know, baby.
#32: Merry Christmas
Diego: You’re the reason Santa started the Naughty List.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: *pouts*
Klaus: No fair! He told me last week I was on the Nice List!
Diego: What? Klaus? What does that -
#33: I’ll Keep You Safe, Honey.
Diego: I lost my teddy bear. Will you sleep with me instead?
Klaus: *pulls out a stuffed tiger*
Klaus: He got lost in the kitchen. Don’t worry, I rescued him for you.
Diego: *takes soft tiger*
Diego: *voice cracks* Oh. Thanks.
Klaus: *kisses his forehead* You’re welcome, baby.
#34: Excuse Me?
Diego: The only thing your eyes haven’t told me is your name.
Klaus, internally: Shit. What if he finds out I stole like five of his knives and all of the cookies last week?
Klaus, externally: *blinks*
Klaus: Um… Stefonopolis?
#35: I Am Not Apologizing For This One
Diego: If you were a steak, you’d be well done.
Klaus: But I’m so unique…
Klaus: I talk to the dead, Diego.
Diego: Okay…?
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: So wouldn’t I be medium rare?
Ben: Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#36: Leonardo Da Vinci Was Arrested Multiple Times For Homosexual Activity.
Diego: Is this a museum? Cause you’re a work of art.
Klaus: *dancing to the soundtrack of High School Musical 3* Actually Five took me back to Italy once. Leonardo da Vinci and I had some fun.
Diego: Oh my god. Seriously?
Diego: *looks up picture of Mona Lisa, now titled Mona Klausa*
Diego: How the fuck -
#37: Why Would You Say That Though
Diego: Am I sleepwalking? Cause I’ve only seen you in my dreams.
Klaus: *sitting on the counter and eating a donut in one bite* Are they dirty?
Luther: *chokes on a pickle*
Diego: Oh my god no -
Diego: Well sometimes -
Diego: I mean no of course not -
Luther: *praying to whoever’s up there to just kill him already*
#38: Be Safe Kids!
Diego: Can you hold this for me?
Klaus: Sweetie, you need to wash your hands.
#39: Apocalypse Averted!
Diego: If looks could kill, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I thought that was Vanya.
Diego, panicking: Holy shit Klaus you can’t just say things like that -
Vanya: *crying from laughter*
#40: Attractive
Diego: Do you swallow magnets? Because you’re -
Klaus: *shoves him up against the wall*
Klaus: How did you find out? Who told you? Was it Ben? I swear to god I’ll kill him -
Diego: *squeaks* What?
#41: First You’ve Gotta Propose Diego
Diego: Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?
Klaus: Diego. Did you buy me a cake?
Klaus: I’m waiting.
Diego: Right sir yes sir right away sir -
#42: He May Not Be A Kitten But He Is As Soft As One
Diego: If I followed you home, would you keep me?
Klaus: I’m homeless, Diego.
Diego: What? You are? Oh no, baby - you can come stay with me?
Klaus: *looks up from Disney Princess coloring book and raises an eyebrow* Is your bed available?
Diego, blushing: Ye-yeah, b-ba-baby. Whe-whenever you-u w-want.
Klaus: *smiles*
Klaus: *takes Diego’s hand*
Klaus: Okay.
Diego: *dies a little bit inside (in a good way)*
#43: It’s Just You.
Diego: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Klaus, blushing: I -
#44: ‘Scuse Me, Mate?
Diego: You know, penguins mate for life. Wanna be my penguin?
Klaus: Eh. I’ve always been more of an iguana man.
Diego: What?
#45: You Look Like… Antonio Banderas With The Long Hair.
Diego: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing today?
Klaus: *buried in a Vogue magazine* I don’t know I’m not Antonio Banderas.
#46: What The Fuck Klaus
Diego: Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Klaus: *hands him a Candyland board* Here. I stole it from Pogo.
#47: You Dumbass
Diego: I hate my last name. Can I borrow yours?
Klaus: We have the same last name, Diego.
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: Fuck you’re right -
#48: Okay But Diego Would Make A Great Aladdin Though
Diego: I’m not a genie, but I can still make your dreams come true.
Klaus: *wrinkles his nose*
Klaus: You can get me a pink elephant with jaundice?
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: What the fuck Klaus -
#49: HELLO
Diego: Is that a knife or are you just happy to see me?
Klaus: I don’t just have random knives on me Diego, I’m not you.
Diego: So you are happy to see me?
Klaus: I mean you just interrupted a very riveting episode of Sesame Street, so… we’ll see.
#50: It’s Always Best To Start With The Truth.
Diego: I love you.
Klaus: *beams* That’s all you had to say, darling.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Hello! There used to be a list about which characters have mentioned to have siblings/be only childs but I can't find it anymore ;; do you still have it or was I imagining it? If so, do you know what is there so far about each student's family life?
Riddle lives with his mom, the status of his father is unknown. He has implied that his parents don’t get along.¹ Both parents are magic doctors, but his mother seems to be more well-known. To Riddle, she is extremely overbearing and planned out nearly every second of his life: controlled his education, his schedule, his diet, his clothing, the supplies he used, and which friends he could have. She put a heavy emphasis on studying and always being the best.²
1. Riddle Ghost Marriage voice lines 2. Main Story 1-19
Older brother
His brother is 7 years older than him and a Heartslabyul alumni.¹ He seems to have often messed around with Ace & make him angry on purpose, but it was all in good nature; they are very close. Apparently his brother was even more excited than their parents when they found out Ace got into NRC.² Ace has also mentioned his grandma a few times; she taught him about the Ghost Camera³ and warned him about magic blotting.⁴
1. Ace School Uniform PS 2. Ace Ceremony Robes voice lines 3. Main Story 0-19 4. Main Story 2-4
He is an only child¹ and loves his mom very much. The entire reason he’s trying so hard to be an honors student is so that he can become a son she can be proud of. He once cried when she called him to tell him just that.²
The only time his grandma was mentioned was when he told a story of his mom crying to her on the phone, thinking she’d failed as a parent (during Deuce’s delinquent days).³
1. Jack Dorm Uniform PS 2. Wish Upon A Star 12 3. Main Story 1-13
Younger brother
Younger sister
His family runs a bakery. As the oldest child, he often had to take care of his little siblings (ie. ensuring they all brushed their teeth at night)¹. They all would pester him to bake them desserts,² but he cared for them a lot—one time his little brother really wanted to go to a live magift game so Trey spent his whole allowance to get him a ticket.³
1. Trey School Uniform PS 2. Ace School Uniform PS 3. Trey Wish Upon A Star voice lines
Two older sisters
Because of his dad’s work as a banker, their family had to move about once every two years, all over the world.¹ Cater hadn’t had any long-lasting friends because of this.
He has described his sisters as “unreasonable,” his dislikes in his profile are listed as “having to suck up to his sisters,” and when everyone was going home for winter holiday, he said he’d rather stay with Trey’s family.² In his voice lines, he mentioned that he can’t relate to Yuu feeling homesick because his sisters would just be waiting for him at home. His sisters rated everything by how cute it was, and if something “wasn’t cute” to them then Cater would have to redo it.³
They would get more excited about his birthday than he would, and buy him all kinds of presents he didn’t particularly like (such as stuffed animals, dolls, perfumes, soaps, etc). But they weren’t trying to be intentionally mean, and recently have started paying attention to what he really wants.⁴
When he was about 10 years old, his mom and sisters were always baking sweets. Cater was excited about this at first because it meant he could get lots of treats, but his sisters would make him eat everything. If he refused, they’d look so disheartened, and Cater couldn’t say no to that, so he kept forcing himself to eat. Because of this, he now hates sweets.⁴
1. Cater Scary Dress PS 2. Main Story 4-3 3. Cater Lab Coat PS 4. Cater Birthday PS
Falena (older brother)
Cheka (nephew)
Leona is a member of Afterglow Savannah’s royal family. His brother and his sister-in-law are the current rulers, and Cheka is next in line to the throne. Leona has constantly felt inferior and bitter that he and Falena are treated so differently based off nothing but birth order.¹ But he greatly respects his sister-in-law; she’s one of the only people he would never talk back to.² Cheka is very affectionate and clingy towards him.
1. Main Story 2-27 2. Ruggie’s Chat w/ Jack
Younger brother
Younger sister
Jack is the oldest in his family with an 11yo brother and a 7yo sister. He and his siblings are all very athletic; they used to play tag with each other for 6 hours on end.¹ Jack has said that wolf beastmen pick one soulmate to spend their whole life with, and his parents + grandparents are always at each others’ side, when they wake up, go on walks, eat, and go to sleep.²
1. Jack Happy Beans Day PS 2. Ace Ghost Marriage PS
Mother (deceased)
Father (unknown)
Ruggie's mother "became a star up in the sky" shortly after giving birth to him. His father went away for work and never came back, and to this day Ruggie doesn't know what happened to him.¹
He lives with his grandma in the slums of Afterglow Savannah. They were poor and struggled to find food to eat, but his grandma could make delicious food out of any ingredients they could find. Ruggie learned to cook from her.² He described her as very kind but also tough.
Ruggie seemed to have taken care of the other kids in the neighborhood too-- when everyone went home over winter break, he brought home leftovers from the cafeteria to feed his grandma and the kids.³
1. Ruggie Birthday PS 2. Ruggie School Uniform PS 3. Main Story 4-3
His mom fell in love with her divorce lawyer while separating from Azul’s biological father. She’s also the owner of the Ashengrottoes’ famous ristorante in the Coral Sea.¹ Because of their business, Azul grew up a foodie and was exposed to a lot of different foods from a young age.²
His stepfather is kind and honest, and very clever when it comes to his work. Azul respects him and they seem to have a good relationship. He taught him about law and contracts.¹
Everyone in the Ashengrotto family is a mage, but Azul’s grandmother is said to be especially powerful. She was known for helping those in need, and very “merciful,” just like Azul.¹
1. Azul Birthday PS 2. Azul Dorm Uniform PS
Jade & Floyd
Their parents started teaching them self-defense since they were little.¹ We don’t know many details of their childhood, but there was an interesting exchange between them—Jade once said “he made the right choice choosing Floyd as his partner,” and Floyd replied that “he’s glad Jade is the one that survived with him, too.”²
In Floyd’s Wish story, he brought up how their father told him to buy a nice pair of shoes when he went on land because “men who don’t pay attention to the small details get patronized” so your appearance is very important. Hearing this gave Idia and Ortho an uneasy feeling about Mr. Leech.
1. Jade PE Uniform voice lines 2. Floyd Dorm Uniform PS
30-40 younger siblings
Kalim’s father comes from a long line of merchants and is supposedly the greatest one in the family. But despite how busy he is, he’s always wearing a smile. Kalim’s mother is the only one in the family who can use magic. She’s described as very kind, is always praising Kalim, and almost never gets angry.¹
Kalim doesn’t know the exact number of siblings he has, but he can put names to faces for all of them, and he often plays hide and seek with them in their house. He doesn’t come from a royal family (they’re just extremely rich), but some of his distant relatives are actual royalty.² One of his distant cousins apparently owns a tiger.³ His family has about 100 servants along with specialists like a personal doctor⁴ and a beast tamer.
1. Kalim Birthday PS 2. Main Story 4-8 3. Silver Lab Coat PS 4. Main Story 4-17
Najma (younger sister)
His family has served the Asims for generations. His parents knew Jamil was a very bright child, but they insisted that he must always let Kalim be better than him, and would reprimand him for talking too casually to his young master.¹ Jamil seems to share a typical sibling relationship with his sister Najma. They often bicker with each other, but they’re on good terms. Najma used to bake him cookies for his birthday² and they would also get into fights because she’d tell him his cooking looked too plain.³ Jamil gave his VDC plus-one ticket to her during Episode 5.
Najma made her first in-game appearance during the Aleab Naria event. Their father had sent her to deliver a message in-person to Jamil, since he isn’t versed in technology likes PCs and phones and didn’t trust that a text would suffice.⁴
Najma claims that she and Jamil look nothing alike, but they tend to make near-identical expressions. She was relieved to see that he has a few friends at NRC because he never talks about them whenever he comes home.⁴ In one scene, Jamil reminds her to wipe her hands before eating and gives her a wet wipe, and she huffs at him to not treat her like a child. Trey notes how well Jamil looks after her, but Cater thinks he is a little bit overprotective.
1. Main Story 4-36 2. Jamil Birthday PS 3. Jamil Dorm Uniform PS 4. Aleab Naria 3-4, 3-5, 3-7
Eric (father)
Vil’s father is an extremely famous actor and goes by the stage name Eric Venue. Even the Leeches’ father is a fan of some of his movies.¹ Vil has mentioned that his dad would come home dressed in special effects makeup & costumes every Halloween,² and also used to read him stories about the Beautiful Queen.³
1. Vil Scary Dress PS 2. Vil Scary Dress voice lines 3. Scary Monsters 3-2
Aunt & Uncle (uncle is biological)
Male Cousin
Epel’s family lives on an apple farm that’s been around for generations. They all live in the same house. His village is also made up of farmers, and they often help each other out during the busy season and have big barbecues together. It feels like they’re one big family.¹
His relatives often send him apples from home since they have such an abundance of them. They seem to have some business struggles; Epel taught himself how to beautifully carve apples when he was young because many were blemished and wouldn’t otherwise sell.² He has also mentioned wanting to make a potion that strengthens weak apple trees to make his grandpa happy.³
Besides Epel, his grandma and great-grandma are the only ones in the family who can use magic.⁴ They ride brooms to pick apples that are too high to reach on foot. Epel wanted to help them when he was little so everyday he would get on a broom and try hopping up and down, and then one day it worked! Ever since then he’s helped with that task as well.
1. Epel Birthday PS 2. Epel School Uniform PS 3. Epel Lab Coat voice lines 4. Epel Ceremony Robes voice lines / Birthday PS
Idia & Ortho
The Shrouds are a noble family and famous for some reason, but Idia has said that being from a noble family isn’t all that great.¹ When he was worrying about being seen at the entrance ceremony, he expected people might gossip about how he’s from “the cursed Shroud family,” and that he’ll “spread misfortune to them.”² At another time, he mentioned that the audience would be apprehensive about what kind of “weird research” he did if he had to present his research on stage.³
1. Idia PE Uniform PS 2. Idia Ceremony Robes PS 3. Main Story 5-3
Lilia, Malleus, Silver
Malleus’ grandmother
Lilia was one of the Queen of the Valley of Thorns’ most trusted soldiers when he used to fight for the royal family.¹ In Cater’s Lab Coat story, they created mandrakes that reflected parts of themselves, and Lilia’s was said to “carry the cry of a tragic hero.”
He has watched over Malleus “ever since he had an eggshell over his head.” An infant Malleus once singed Lilia’s bangs by breathing fire and Lilia was so proud that he raised a glass of tomato juice to him.²
Malleus is the heir to the Valley of Thorns, a descendant of the king “who rules over all creatures of the night,” and his only living relative is his grandmother, the current Queen of the Valley. He spent much of his childhood alone in the castle. He used this time to learn how to play all kinds of stringed instruments. His grandmother is so busy that she shouldn’t even have spare time to write him letters, but every year on his birthday, she sends him one without fail, along with rose seeds from the garden by their castle.³
Long after Malleus had grown up, both he and Lilia took in baby Silver for an unknown reason. Silver thought he was his biological dad when he was little, and continues to refer to him as “Father.” They lived deep in the forest in the Valley of Thorns before coming to NRC. Apparently Silver was very easy to take care of; he would fall right to sleep after eating Lilia’s homemade food.⁴
At one point, Sebek also became one of Lilia’s pupils. He and Silver are the only two from their generation living in the Valley.⁵ When they were little, Lilia would have them undergo training like soldiers, but then he realized he should raise them more like kids, and started making their training more fun. He had them play tag in forests crawling with beasts, hide and seek in vast deserts, and “the floor is lava” in the mountains of needles.⁶
1. Silver Ceremony Robes 2. Lilia PE Uniform PS 3. Malleus Birthday PS 4. Lilia Lab Coat voice lines 5. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 6. Lilia Birthday PS
Older brother
Older sister
Sebek’s mother is a nocturnal faerie and his father is a human who works as a dentist. They met when his mother had an appointment at his clinic. She was immediately charmed and courted him despite her surroundings being against her marrying a human. Now, she works at the clinic as his assistant.¹
Sebek greatly respects his mother and raves about how she’s extremely gifted with magic and has a strong sense of justice. His opinion of his dad, on the other hand, is much different—his dad seems very loving and often showers his children in praises, sweets, and gifts, but it drives Sebek crazy. He doesn’t understand how his mother saw any appeal in him.¹
Since his parents were often busy with their clinic, Sebek spent his childhood running off to visit his grandpa, or fishing and playing in the water with his siblings. Based on the fact that Sebek and Silver were said to be the only ones in their generation living in the Valley,² his siblings are most likely considerably older than him.
All we know about his grandpa is that Malleus also knew him, and mentioned that Sebek shares his hot-blooded temper.³
1. Sebek Birthday PS 2. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 3. Scary Monsters event story
No current info: Rook
Last updated: July 27, 2021
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Can you make your top 10 aot characters that have a good development? Like Eren and Reiner are considered to be the best characters as 'characters' themselves
Anon… dear Anon, you’ve been waiting for like a month I think, I’m so sorry. I took this ask waaay too seriously lol, but yeah, I can’t postpone it for any longer…
I know you asked for top 10, and this is a numbered list, but I wouldn’t call it a proper ranking, so the place doesn’t really matter all that much. Otherwise this list would’ve taken even longer, I’m very serious about lists, it seems lol
Before I start I want to mention (just in case): I feel like “character development” isn’t always about becoming better at something. Sometimes you can become “worse”; sometimes you can get “better” and then fall back to your old ways. It’s just how the character changes, and the trajectory of that change can be very different for different characters.
1. Eren. I can talk about Eren for hours and hours, and I have talked about him a lot, so I’ll try to be quick this time.
Eren’s journey is very interesting and enjoyable to read. He’s such an unusual main character. So aggressive at first, unlikable to some (not to us lol we adored him since day one), loud and stubborn. But it’s super cool to watch this hurricane of a person, especially as he gets calmer, starts controlling his emotions little by little, learns more stuff and understands the situation around him better.
I think I’ll talk about how perspective and knowing a bigger picture change the way character acts a lot in this post, but Eren is an ultimate example of this. He got every single thing: past, present, future, drilled in his head at one fucking moment. He didn’t get a bigger picture, he got the biggest 5d picture with special effects. And he had no one to share that with: he had to deal with it himself, knowing that he himself is the reason for everything that’s happening. It makes my head hurt to even think about that lol It’s cool and unnerving to watch Eren, who’s used to be such a fireball of a character, to just get… quiet and apathetic. We don’t know what he’s thinking about, we don’t know what’s going on anymore, even though his emotions were always the most obvious thing about him. It’s almost scary.
And the interesting thing about it is that nothing really changed about his feelings, at least I think so. Ultimately, the only thing he wanted is for his friends to be happy and live long lives, and who knows, maybe he saw that the “freedom” he was initially seeking for himself doesn’t really exist. This is up to debate and definitely not for this post though lol
2. Reiner. Ohh Reiner. He was one of the characters who wasn’t all that interesting to me personally at first, but as he got more and more complex and emotional, I fell in love with him more and more. This isn’t a numbered list, but he is definitely one of the best written characters. And what’s cool about him is that we see the reason for him being the way he is throughout the story: why he wanted to become a hero, why his mental state got so bad, why he was conflicted, why he got so depressed and why he was able to take responsibility for his actions. I love it when the story breaks its characters, and Reiner is certainly one of the most broken ones. His lower point (when he almost killed himself + cried and asked Eren to kill him) was very beautiful and painful to read, because we know why he feels that way and we know how smug and brave he was at the very beginning of the show/manga. And we know that it was all a lie, which makes everything even tastier.
And as much as I love broken characters, I’m kind of glad Reiner found strength to continue fighting and to take responsibility for his actions (to some degree, at least). Not only he saw a bigger picture, he actually learned how to live with it. I’m so happy they discussed the Marco incident with Jean, and that after Annie told that it was her who took his gear, Reiner stood up and said that Annie was following his orders. He also apologized to Annie for everything he did to her and Bert.
Basically, Reiner went from wanting to be a hero to acting like a hero, then to being an actual hero to Marley and feeling like shit anyways, then to just being a human being, something like that. And that scene with his mom hugging him and being happy for him being alive is actually a very sweet and satisfying moment. Especially considering how much Reiner wanted to die lol
3. Zeke. I’ve talked about it in one of the replies about ch137, but I love how Zeke went from “I shouldn’t have been born” to “maybe small moments of happiness make everything worth it” at the very end of his life (what a cruel irony to realise that just before you die). Not only the character develops and changes, our view of him changes as well: I think Zeke was universally hated when he first appeared, but then he became more fun (dude’s too charismatic), and then he became sympathetic and vulnerable. All of this was always inside Zeke, but it was hidden since Zeke is a lying snake. See, Zeke is smart, but he’s super sure that his views are the only valid ones and that his idea of freeing Eldians is the only solution. His views are surprisingly black and white: I suffered, Eren suffered and our dad is bad. And no one challenged his beliefs until they walk through Grisha’s memories with Eren in ch120-121, and then he realized that Eren didn’t suffer at all and their dad is actually just a person who really regretted being a horrible father to his first son. I love that he got some closure with Grisha because he held that grudge for his entire life.
4. Grisha. He has a rollercoaster ride of a development lol: at first he was an innocent boy, then he became an angry boy, and then he kind of calmed his anger down for some time? But after learning what actually happened to Faye, his emotional wounds got open and all that rage blinded him again. And then, after being outed by Zeke, he lost everything, but had a harsh realization that by being driven by his anger only, he completely forgot not to be a shitty dad. He basically had a second chance in life, with a much better perspective about what’s going on, but now he has his younger son’s ghost haunting him and telling him to do thing he never thought he’d do. At different points of the story Grisha feels both like a mastermind behind things and like a pawn who doesn’t have a choice even if he just wants to live a peaceful and happy life with his wife and kids. The irony of him killing a bunch innocent kids when this whole story started because he got his little sister killed? Delicious. Oh, and I really love the fact that he realised that he screwed up as dad and apologized to Zeke. He loved his kids a lot: Zeke, Eren and Mikasa too (he called her his daughter after all).
5. Erwin. Way more interesting than people give him credit for. He’s mostly adored for being a badass, but he also has his own flaws that he had to deal with. He’s like a moth that’s drawn to the light, but right after burning himself and dying he kind of did “the right thing” that he had to do as a commander. Now, for me it isn’t really about Erwin ending up doing “the right thing” to be honest: we would probably adored him is he ditched everyone and ran to the basement because his selfish desires ended up being more important to him. But that scene where he confessed to Levi that he really wanted to find that basement and just told him everything about his capricious and selfish childish desires, talked about how he lied to everyone including Levi basically just to prove his dad’s point… it was beautiful, because it was basically “I have to do it, haven’t I? But I really don’t want to”. His character development is interesting in a sense that at first he was getting gradually more and more psychotic about his dream, doing crazy things even when he knows it might not be the best choice possible (like him risking his life instead of staying behind), but at the very end he stopped to think and… well we know the rest lol
6.  Armin. I remember people saying that Armin is just a narrator-like character who is here to explain thing (I probably thought so too at first), but this is so unfair. It’s easy to make someone like Armin into this trope, and to leave him being a very one-dimensional dreamer who’s smart but naive. And Armin is so much more than that. Throughout the story he has a lot of “I should have been the one who died” moments, and I love that this is such a prominent issue for him, but he still got over it somehow. Armin was kind of lost at the beginning, but found his role. And wow, he had to go through it again after he was chosen instead of Erwin, because the burden on his shoulders just got 100 kg heavier lol He also got less naïve and more cunning with time and got much better at emotional manipulation, I think. While preferring a dialogue over violence, Armin still isn’t pure, and he acknowledges that constantly, especially after his first kill, and things got even worse since that point, which definitely changed him. But his violence-loathing (kind of…) core is still there.
Armin ended up playing a much bigger role in the story than I thought he would be, I really love it. He has his moments of weakness, but he still pushes forward and takes responsibility and does his best. Oh and let’s pretend that the Annie thing never happened, it doesn’t contribute anything to his character anyway.
7.  Jean. I think Jean is the first character who starts showing character growth, and I believe his development is the reason he was Isayama’s favourite for some time. Tbh, I don’t find Jean annoying even at the very beginning: yeah he’s selfish, but he’s self-aware about it, he’s a realist. And he’s still a realist, but his conscience wouldn’t let him just have an easy life while everyone else’s suffering. I always feel like Jean is a spoiled mamaboy, so it’s great to see him showing that he can put others before himself. He also had an inner conflict similar to Armin’s: is it right to kill innocent people if you have to? Is it ok to kill not-so-innocent people because they’re against you? I really like this theme in SnK just in general.
8.  Gabi. It’s no secret that I adore Gabi lol, and I think her character development is great. She was in her element when we first met her: she was confident, she was doing her best and succeeding, she knew the world around her so well, and then Eren took everything from her. People like to hate Gabi for killing Sasha and for being aggressive on Paradis, but I think it’s great that she didn’t have an overnight change of heart. It’s great that Isayama showed us her shock and her raw emotions, it’s more than natural for a child with her upbringing, even if it’s messed up. But I love it when stories take characters that are great at what they do, and they take them out of their element, to show them at their worst: lost, angry, broken and confused. I love that she understood everything herself and not because Falco told her “hey they’re people too” that one time. She had to go through this hell to figure everything out, and I think it’s great.
9.  Historia. Historia was one of the least interesting characters for me (and for a lot of people, Yams included) at the beginning, and tbh I think it’s brilliant: we never saw anything in her; she was just a waifu material who’s nice to others. It felt fake and boring, well, because it was indeed fake and boring, and to this day I cannot believe that that was the entire point. I love how Ymir made Historia realise that she needs to think for herself, but what’s interesting about all that is that after Ymir left, she almost came back to her old habits. Which is also a development, and a very interesting one. The end of S2 was a high point for her (when she told Ymir that she isn’t scared of anything when they’re together), and then there was a very low point (when Ymir left), and then a high point again (when she remembered Ymir and Frieda and decided to act upon her own desires). She’s one of my faves now because of all that… It’s sad she didn’t have a bigger role post-timeskip, but I still appreciate her story for what it is.
10.  Oh god this is so hard to pick one and this post is already so long… can I just give you a bunch of quick honorable mentions?
Annie (who was a loner that couldn’t really trust anyone but ended up showing her vulnerable and emotional side), Hange (started out enthusiastic and eager to learn more only to meet more pain and disappointment, crumbling under the pressure, but ultimately remembering her amusement with titans), Levi (granted it’s very subtle, but him going through Kenny’s death, Erwin’s death and his promise to him, realization that he’s been killing people all this time and other stuff fascinating and huge leaving a mark on him), Ymir (who got hurt and decided not to trust anyone anymore and to act selfishly, but ended up sacrificing herself anyway lol)…. God, these short description sucks, they can’t describe them properly. Also there are so much of them that I think have good development, and I’m 100% missing someone… but I think I’m done for now. Katsu I’m sorry for making you read all this.
That you for this ask, Anon <3 and sorry again for being so late
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like lemongrass and sleep; chapter 1/?
summary: "Julie was 5 years old and overflowing with spirit when her teacher sat her beside the spitfire Flynn Miller. She remembers taking one look at this girl’s wild smile and neatly braided curls and deciding that she wanted to be able to look at her every single day for the rest of her life." or, Julynn childhood best friends to lovers
word count: 1,516
warnings: none
notes: Flynn will be using she/her pronouns for the first chapter or so, cause they haven't started thinking about gender or come out yet.
Julie was 5 years old and overflowing with spirit when her teacher sat her beside the spitfire Flynn Miller. She remembers taking one look at this girl’s wild smile and neatly braided curls and deciding that she wanted to be able to look at her every single day for the rest of her life. It was quite the profound realization, but at the time, she didn’t really care to recognize the depth of it, only that she had found herself a best friend and she had to show Flynn the tree in her backyard. And so that was that, they were attached at the hip and 5 years flew by in a blur of scraped knees and pinkie promises and friendship bracelets and breathless laughter.
Flynn swung her neon-bandaid covered legs over the highest tree branch and grinned down at Julie with a sparkle in her eyes. “I win!” She cried giddily. “That’s-”
“3 for you and none for me,” Julie finished with a pout, hoisting herself up to join Flynn and wrinkling her nose at the height. “I still won at uno.”
“Because it’s a stupid game!” Flynn protested. “You can’t win at a game that’s all luck!” She threw her hands in the air and narrowly avoided going careening off the branch.
The sun was slowly setting and Julie knew dinnertime was fast approaching, the scent of her mom’s cooking wafting in from the back door that’s been left open (she’ll worry about that later when she gets mosquito bites in her sleep.) Julie beamed up at the pink sky and shoved Flynn lightly. “Ms. Nelson said there’s gonna be a new student next week.”
“I hope it’s not a boy,” Flynn replied. “Boys are gross.” She picked at a piece of bark before tossing it over the fence and watching with a giggle as it landed in the neighbors pool. She swung backwards until she was hanging off the branch by her legs, her curls bouncing slightly as she swayed back and forth. Julie bit her lip anxiously, this was the exact thing that got Flynn sent home from the hospital with a bright red cast in 2nd grade. Granted, she wasn’t too bothered by it, because having a broken arm in 2nd grade means you’re the most popular kid in the school for at least 2 months, and she didn’t have to write a thing while it was still healing. But, still.
Flynn swung back up, wobbling slightly, and blew at the loose hair hanging in her eyes. “Ha, didn’t break my arm that time!” She exclaimed pridefully. Julie raised an eyebrow.
“The new kid's name is Alex Mercer.”
Flynn’s eyes widened and she quickly took to mouthing the alphabet. “Oh good, we’ll still be next to each other.”
“Hmm, I’d change my last name if we got separated,” Julie said, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“You mean it?” Flynn asked, beaming.
“100 percent. No one can split up double trouble.” Julie held out her pinkie to prove it and Flynn giggled, locking their fingers together.
There was a sort of childhood wonder hanging in the air, like pixie dust. It’s strange, how as children, no one seems to recognize it. They’ll sit perched on the highest branch without a care in the world, until the streetlights turn on. And the whole world will go silent before midnight, curled up in tattered sleeping bags in the living room with a flickering night light to ward off ghosts. It was all so awfully simple.
Alex Mercer was lanky and blond and had a worried crease between his eyebrows that your average 10 year old doesn’t tend to have. He clutched a baggy, too-big fannypack to his chest, and Julie desperately wanted to know what was in it. Surely it had to be something interesting; maybe he was a wizard and that was where he kept all his potions and spellbooks. Flynn was incredibly disappointed that the new student was a boy, but still let herself be dragged over to him at recess, where he was sat anxiously on the curb, fiddling with the hem of his loose pink hoodie that was way too warm for September in LA.
“Hello!” Julie pulled Flynn down with her and sat beside Alex. “I like your bag.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “You can tell me if it there’s a magic wand in there.” Alex only shook his head.
“No there’s just”- he opened the zipper and showed her the quite disappointing contents- “tissues and- and my inhaler.”
“And a pen.” Flynn pointed out. She reached in and grabbed the pen, clicking it gleefully. “It’s pink.”
Alex flushed slightly. “Uh yea…”
“Cool!” Flynn poked Julie with the end of the pen and laughed. Julie snatched it from her hand with a stern look.
“It’s a very nice pen,” Julie said, handing it back to Alex. “I like gel pens, they write so much smoother.” She held out her hand the way Carrie’s dad, Trevor, told her to do, because it was good manners. “I’m Julie.” Alex took her hand and shook it gingerly.
Alex was, as Julie quickly learned, a mess of way too much anxiety than should be able to fit in one person. He’d moved last week, and it wasn’t much of a change, but enough that he had to switch schools. He had three best friends back at his old school (Luke, Reggie, and Bobby) that would be going to their same middle school, his favorite color was pink, and he liked to dance. These are all things that Julie filed away in her mind. She liked to remember things about people, like how Carrie hated grape candy, and Flynn had the prettiest smile of anyone Julie knew. Remembering things about people meant you cared, and they would stick around.
It doesn’t snow in LA. It hadn’t snowed in LA since 1962 and the only time Julie had seen it was the winter she was six and her family went up to Oregon for a week. But one crisp December morning in 2014, Julie rolled out of bed and pressed her face to the fogged over window only to find a blanket of fresh white snow covering everything as far as the eye could see. She hardly had her coat on before she was out the door, wriggling from her mother’s grasp because “Mom it’s snowing! I don’t need breakfast!” Donning purple rainboots and a matching wool scarf that was way too long and dragged behind her as she ran, Julie bolted to Flynn’s house as fast as her legs could carry her, clad in three layers of jeans.
There was snow! Falling in big fat flakes and landing on the trees and the tops of houses and Julie’s hat. She had to squint a bit, as the snow melted on her glasses and blurred her vision, but it was more than worth it. Julie reached Flynn’s house in a flurry of mismatched winter clothes and wild eyes, and Flynn was already on the porch, bouncing impatiently as her dad wrapped a thick scarf around her neck.
“Hi Mr. Miller!” Julie chirped with an enthusiastic wave. Flynn’s dad waved back before turning to zip up Flynn’s bulky coat.
“Daaaad,” Flynn whined, scratching at the knitted hat covering her ears. “Can I please go into the snow now?”
“Yes Flynn,” he sighed, patting her atop the head once for good measure. “Be careful-”
“Bye dad!”
“Bye Mr. Miller!”
“Let’s goooo!”
It was as if the whole world was holding it’s breath, capturing Julie’s little suburban town in a bubble. Julie grasped Flynn’s mittened hand and dragged her through the blanketed streets, with a laugh perpetually on the tip of her tongue. There were snowflakes in her eye lashes and sticking to the top of her hat like velcro. Stumbling into the field by the school, Julie swung Flynn around in a circle, both of them shrieking with uncontained laughter, heads held to the gray sky. She didn’t know it at the time, but this moment would forever live in a corner of Julie’s mind. The place where she sets aside things she doesn’t want to forget; things like Flynn’s 10th birthday and the days when she’d sit at the piano with her head on her mom’s shoulders and hum along to songs she’s heard a hundred times and could listen to a hundred more.
Julie collapsed into the snow with a deep exhale and an infectious grin, Flynn quickly following suit. “Hey Flynn?”
“Do you think that if I close my eyes I’ll wake up in Narnia?” Julie asked, her voice soft and full of wonder.
“Aren’t you supposed to walk through a wardrobe?”
Julie shrugged. “Maybe.”
Flynn hummed, mulling it over for a minute. “Sure. But only if I get to come with.”
“Of course, stupid.” With a lopsided smile, Julie intertwined their pinkies and shut her eyes. Maybe she would wake up in Narnia, but she would rather stay here if it meant Flynn was next to her.
I really wanted this chapter to be longer but like, I felt like this was a good place to leave off. I hope you liked it! comment or send me an ask if you want to be added to the tag list! :)))
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p1harmonyofficial · 3 years
[📰] Get to Know the Members of K-Pop Group P1Harmony With These 10 Fun Facts! (Exclusive)
P1Harmony is a rising global K-Pop troupe, but we wanted Just Jared readers to get an exclusive chance to know them a little better!
The talented six-member boy group first arrived on the scene back in October of 2020, embarking on their international music career with the release of their first mini album DISHARMONY: STAND OUT and feature film, P1H: A New World Begins, which positioned the group as a force to be reckoned with in the music scene.
Amid the pandemic, the group continued to make new music for their fans with the release of their second mini album, DISHARMONY: BREAK OUT, including their slamming, hip-hop infused title track “Scared,”” along with an accompanying music video full of street-style dancing and intense visual effects.
Watch “Scared” and check out these 10 Fun Facts about P1Harmony inside!
1. I have more eyelashes on my right eye than my left. Right after my debut, I didn’t really know how to remove eye makeup, so for a while, I used to just rub my eyes really hard with soap and now, I have more eyelashes on my right eye than my left. 2. I used to love oysters, but now I cannot eat it. I was an oyster fanatic, until very recently. I ordered raw oysters after watching a TV show at night with JONGSEOB, and after one bite, I couldn’t eat it anymore. The taste of the “sea” was so pungent. Now, I’m too traumatized! 3. I saved a man’s life. I went chestnut picking with my dad, and found a guy hanging on a cliff and struggling to get back up. We immediately helped him get up. He was really grateful and I remember feeling so proud to have saved someone’s life! 4. I have a small horizontal scar on the right side of my face, and I kind of like it. I got this scar when I was about four or five, and although it’s not that visible now, sometimes I like it because it makes me feel like a charismatic, bad guy! 5. I love dogs. I love dogs, so I have been watching a lot of dog-related videos but I’m terribly allergic. I can’t stop myself from petting them when I see them on the street, and always regret it afterwards because I turn all puffy and itchy! 6. I fantasize a lot about time travel. I even tried and feel like it can really happen one day! I lie down in my bed, put my blanket over my entire body and focus really hard on the idea, but this brings me nowhere but to the future. [Laughs] 7. I have a gold tooth. 8. I have a brown spot (mole) on my middle finger. 9. I love my Crayon Shin-chan character earphones. I get happy just looking at it. 10. I go to the convenient store so much that there isn’t anything I have not tried!
1. My right shoulder is more developed than my left. I used to play volleyball and would strike with my right arm, so my right shoulder is more developed than my left. 2. I have a red mole. I recently got a red mole on the side of my right neck, but I have no idea where it came from and why but it’s not going away! 3. I can’t burp, literally. I don’t know how to burp and have never burped in my life 4. I only drink carbonated drinks. I rarely drink anything that is NOT carbonated. 5. I don’t like lettuce and tomatoes in my burgers. 6. I had a burst appendix and didn’t know it for a while. I was hospitalized for two months, because they couldn’t find my appendix. Apparently, my organs are shaped and structured differently. 7. I love slippers. Unless I am going to an official engagement or doing promos, I am always in slippers, (even during winter)! 8. I have never cried in front of people until I turned 20. I was watching a very emotional episode of “Animal Farm,” and got caught crying in front of KEEHO, SOUL and JIUNG. Since then, I think I’ve gotten more emotional. I once cried watching JONGSEOB cry, too. 9. I can’t stay still when I’m on the phone. I have to walk around or do something when I’m on the phone. 10. I love singing songs to my friends over the phone.
1. I love Tonkatsu (pork cutlet). I have been addicted to tonkatsu these days and have been eating it almost every day for the last few months. 2. I have the same birthday as my younger brother. My younger brother and I share the same birthday, which is Oct. 7. We were also born around the same time. 3. My younger brother and I have a similar birth time as well. I think he was born like 8 minutes before me or after! 4. I love raw garlic and don’t like kimchi. 5. I only drink flat coca-cola. I purposely decarbonate my coke by shaking it and letting the air out multiple times until the bottle doesn’t expand anymore and the coke is completely flat. 6. I still fit into my hats from my adolescent years. My head is so small that I still fit into all my hats from elementary school. 7. I think too much. I make daily memos and write down almost everything to organize my thoughts. 8. I like to dance and sing when the streets are empty. When no one is around and I’m in a good mood. I love walking down the empty street thinking I’m shooting a music video. I sing, dance and act. Last time, I bumped into someone and I ran away in full embarrassment! [Laughs]. 9. I have a scar on my eye. 10. I may look picky, but I’m not a picky eater! I love trying a lot of different cuisines.
1. I love collecting sunglasses and glasses although my eyesight is near perfect. I love wearing glasses even though I don’t need them to see. I also have been collecting a lot of sunglasses lately. 2. I talk during my sleep, apparently! According to my members, I sleep-talk a lot (almost every night), but I don’t remember any of it and I never have dreams. 3. I have the same birthday as my dad! 4. I can eat salads all day. I love salads! I love eating vegetables, especially celery and carrots, and prefer dressings like ranch and oriental. 5. I am not good at smiling. I have a hard time smiling so I’m still in the process of learning how to smile naturally! I have to make sounds out loud to smile [during photo shoots]. 6. I used to hate wearing sweatpants. I don’t know why but I hated sweatpants and never wore them when I was younger― even if I had to wear something more uncomfortable like slacks or jeans.. Now, I wear them all the time! 7. I rarely cry alone or in front of people. The only person who has seen me cry is INTAK. I was going through something heavy and was alone at a park by myself when INTAK came to pick me up. He started crying as soon as he saw me, and that made me cry. 8. I used to pull all my loose baby teeth. I hated having something loose in my mouth, so instead of waiting to go to the dentist, I used to pull them out on my own. 9. I have a light (barely noticeable) mole on my big toe. 10. I have curly hair, so unless I blow dry it, it goes wild.
1. I used to collect beetles. I think I had up to 30 beetles in one big box. 2. I only wear Air Jordans. I only wear Jordans and my favorite design is the Air Jordan 1s. 3. I love dolls! I love buying and collecting dolls. I like anything that is cute and fuzzy. 4. I don’t like taking pictures of humans except KEEHO. I only take pictures of nature, architecture or like a beautiful scenery. The only time I would take a picture of a human is of KEEHO. 5. Me and my younger sister found an important historical stone artifact. We were just digging stuff up and found a stone artifact. We later learned it was a historically valuable artifact, so we donated it to a museum. 6. I wear my pants backwards. 7. I don’t like electric fans. I don’t like when wind blows in my face 8. I once had the same dream three times in a row. I had the same dream three times in a row, but every ending changed depending on the choices I made [in my dream]. 9. A bird pooped on my head while I was on my way to school. Without having much reaction, I just walked to school and waited until I had to go to the bathroom to wash. 10. I don’t get scared or surprised easily. I used to get yelled at for bowing down and saying hi to all the actors playing zombies, monsters or ghosts at haunted houses in theme parks.
1. I like books that are thick and with small letters for no particular reason. I tend to buy books that are thick, whatever the genre is. I think it’s because I’m a fast reader. 2. I never had cavities! I love eating sweets like jellies and candies. I can go through a whole pack in one sitting, but I’ve never had cavities! 3. I have something called a “knee hyperextension and/or back knee. My knee bends backwards in a straightened position unlike many people. 4 I love the dark. I usually don’t turn on the lights unless I really have to. 5. I could sleep for long periods of time. I once slept up to 16 straight hours, and I barely have dreams. Maybe like five times a year?! 6. I don’t like/eat seaweed or seagrass. 7. I love walking into a room that is super cold. I turn on the A/C and close the door for about 30 minutes so it can be ice cold before I walk in. 8. I want to learn how to play bass guitar one day! I watch random videos of jam sessions, and one day would really like to play bass guitar. 9. My eyesight is different on both eyes. I am near-sighted on one, and far-sighted on the other. 10. I am pretty good at playing games on my phone.
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badatjokezz · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Rare Pair Fic Recs
i’ve been so hype about some Hq rarepairs lately now imma list some of my fav fanfics, mostly OiSuga mwehehe.... 
(probably gonna add some more in the future)
Oisuga (Oikawa x Sugawara)
1. Stuck in the Middle With You by overlymetaromantic
It's not the kind of blossoming relationship either of them would expect, but maybe, just maybe, it could lead to something good.
1. In which Suga and Oikawa run into each other on a late night convenience store run.
2. In which Suga and Oikawa inadvertently switch bags and end up with the other’s uniform.
3. In which Suga gives Oikawa the lecture he doesn't want but probably needs, and Oikawa might accidentally be a little in love.
4. In which Oikawa won't shut up about Suga, and Iwaizumi plays matchmaker just to make him stop.
5. In which there is not a date, and Suga likes spicy things much more than sweet.
6. In which Karasuno and Aobajousai hold training camps in the same neck of the woods, and the trip back proves to be more revealing than it probably should.
7. In which there might just be a future to this after all.
(Dis is so fluffy i might die)
2. moving on (growing up) by _helios (neocitz)
‘I’ll do it,’ Suga says, walking into their prep school and dropping his bag on the floor next to Oikawa. He shoves the melon bun and drink forward into Oikawa’s hands, and stands there looking down at him because he knows that he needs to not chicken out.
‘You’ll do what?’ Oikawa looks up through his glasses, eyes wide and confused as the other students stream in around them.
‘The fake dating thing, I’ll do it.’
‘Fuck. Yes.’ Oikawa says with a fist pump.
(It’s been AGES since i read Fake/Pretend Relationship fic, this one is goood)
3. how strange, to be remembered by venusintwelfthFandoms
"He is not formed of the type of dust that makes up stars. Suga is not the type of person that stays in the mind of one like Oikawa Tooru, ten years later. He is formed of the type of dust you shake off, the type that settles into the ground."
Ten years after Suga last steps off a high-school court, Oikawa recollects a "Mr. Refreshing" in a post-game interview, and Suga is left scrambling.
(Cute one-shot, Oikawa still remember Mr. Refreshing from Karasuno)
4. all the small things by Authoress for lemedy
Sugawara Koushi.
Oikawa’s brain supplies the name of the person standing at the other end of the aisle before Oikawa can even register him, attuned to spitting out facts about other volleyball players on a second’s notice, even after all these years. Karasuno High vice-captain. 174 cm…no, more like 176 now. Skilled at raising morale and bringing an element of surprise to their strategy. Troublesome. Refreshing. Setter.
The enemy.
(Single Dad! Oikawa, cuuutee ugh)
5. Win Some by kingdra (aroceu) for Icie
Tooru does not have a problem, its name is certainly not Sugawara Koushi, and he is not going to the Karasuno practices just to watch him. Regardless of whatever Iwa-chan says.
(High school romane~)
6. Even as bright as you are? by BKAKCANON
That night when he goes to sleep, he includes "the safety of fairies" on his prayers, making a promise to whoever was listening him, that he'd protect all the fairies and keep their secret safe forever.
[Where Oikawa meets Suga when they are kids and Oikawa believes Suga is secretly a fairy and decides he has to protect his secret all costs.]
(This is basically matches my headcanon)
7. getting to know you by oisugasuga
Suga feels like he’s back on the court then, his heart thudding hard in his ears… so hard he almost misses what Oikawa says. Unfortunately, though, he doesn’t.
"My, my. What a surprise," Oikawa Tooru says. And then… "Hello, Mr. Refreshing."
(Haven’t finished yet but DAMN I LOVE OIKAWA AND SUGA IN HERE, single dad! oikawa, and Suga babysitting oikawa’s kid, def slow burn. Imma follow this fic till death)
8. Dear Reader by hyirule
No one seems to read the paper anymore. But Oikawa likes to for the sports section. One day he finds himself reading a section called "Dear Reader" and finds a submission he can relate to.
Basically messages sent through a page on a newspaper brings to unlikely souls together, who maybe have more in common than they first thought.
(Cannon compliant, simple and... refreshing(?))
9. rest by shicchaan
Tooru looks at the sleeping person beside him as he waits for the lights change into green. The growing fringe of his husband started to cover his eyes but he can still see the beautiful birthmark under the silver haired's left eye.
(Established relationship, fluff fluff!!!)
10. long is the road (that leads me home) by ichweissnichtauch
He thinks about himself, deleting contacts from his phone and throwing coffee cups away without even looking at the string of numbers scrawled in Sharpie ink underneath, and he’s tired of hiding, tired of carefully treading the lines he’d drawn for himself all those years ago.
Just this once, Tooru wants— he thinks he wants to be brave.
Oikawa Tooru is not a stranger to wanting.
(like... 20% Oisuga but i like the way this story follows the Cannon till he get to Argentina)
11. It's Always Been About You by mintycarrots
Every time Tooru had envisioned meeting his soulmate, it was a confession of love, filled with tears of happiness and a lot of making out. It would be a faceless petite girl that would support Tooru in whatever he chose to pursue and would understand when Tooru prioritized volleyball over all else.
It was never a boy on the rival team.
(Soulmate AU)
12. a play in three acts by venusintwelfth
"The first time Sugawara Koushi sees Oikawa Tooru play, he thinks that if he wasn’t so set on volleyball, he’d do well in theater."
the first seijoh x karasuno match through the eyes of suga.
(Kinda poetic i guess, well written af)
13. colors by dazeful
Sugawara Koushi's colorful life as an archer.
(this is like the perfect oisuga one shot ive ever read)
IwaSuga (Iwaizumi x Sugawara)
1. And so the moon cried by iwriteinpenFandoms:
The hillocks are the domain of unearthly creatures. Creatures of rot and fog, of music and dance. Like ghosts in the night they travel without leaving footprints, they disappear in a flurry of long dresses and pale hair. Those who are fated to see them risk curses far worse than death. You may hear them, a giggle in the wind. You may smell them, the smell of the fog rolling in through the trees. You should pray you never see them. Iwaizumi Hajime is a simple man. He works a simple farm job and enjoys simple things. After one morning where he woke next to a perfect circle of death and only the memory of brown eyes and cold hands, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to the forest. Will the tales of his childhood play out with him at the center or will he have to disregard all reason?
(Danish Folklore AU)
2. Cry Just A Little by DreadfulMind
Suga was whistling a tune to himself as he opened the door to the bathroom, so he didn't hear the muffled crying through the door. But he could hear it clearly once he was inside. He heard the sharp sob of someone trying to stop.
"Iwaizumi?" He asked, "are you sure you're alright?"
(Simple but c u t e)
3. Generations by Karasuno Volleygays (ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor), mozaikmage
Professional sports blogger Sugawara Koushi writes an article about a volleyball match that bears special meaning to him and his former kouhai: a showdown between Kitagawa Daiichi and Yukigaoka Middle School, ten years after the teams faced off for the first time. He doesn't plan on capturing the attention of the world of sports journalism, and he certainly doesn't expect himself to end up having a thing for one of the coaches involved, one Iwaizumi Hajime.
(Time-Skip, I loved it)
KuroTsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima)
1. Invictus by Chiru
Kuroo T. » So let me get this straight (gay?) Kuroo T. » You want me to pretend to be your perfect and fabulous boyfriend, so that your little freckled friend will stop trying to set you up with cute little highschool girls? Tsukishima Kei » yes Kuroo T. » Aha. Tsukishima Kei » you'll do it? Kuroo T. » I don't know. I missed the part where I get something out of it. Tsukishima Kei » you get to annoy me. Unfortunately Kuroo T. » Tempting, Tsukki, very tempting indeed.
(Fake/Pretend Relationship, some fluff, some angst, i read this in the middle of the night and cried, fortunately happy ending)
2. hold onto hope if you got it by nekolyssi
"Now, in the beginning of their third year of high school, the obnoxious hollering and incessant spirit of his teammates became normalcy to Kei. And now, normalcy is this. Weekly psych meetings. Pharmacy waiting rooms. Prescriptions. Refusal of prescriptions. More prescriptions."
(Not finished yet but yep prolly gonna put this one to one of those best haikyuu fics ive ever read. I wasnt so interested at first but i really like the idea of mental ilness etc, this is g o o d!!)
3. [KuroTsuki Fest Week 2017] Traces by Heartythrills 
Kuroo’s disappeared for a little over a week now, and suddenly a 4 year old who looks like him appears before Tsukishima’s apartment.
(Age regression, fluff)
4. I swear by xArtemisx
Like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there
"What are you doing here, Tetsu? It's cold." Kei asked softly. Tetsurou smiled. Hearing his name came out of Kei's lips is always music to his ears.
"Nothing. I just came to think that whatever memory we make, may it be happy or sad memories, the bright moon and the starry night sky is always there to be the witness. Did you notice?" The alpha answered and Kei nodded. He also noticed it.
"Yes, I did noticed it."
(I love agony and sad ending....)
5. Honeybee by ClosetGoblin
Tsukishima has trouble sleeping one night during a Third Gym Camping Trip. So, he takes his acoustic guitar and passes the time with some music, and gets a visitor. Maybe he doesn't mind Kuroo's voice as he does the screeching that Lev and Hinata call singing.
(Simple but sweet)
6. Say You Like Me by the_madame21
It's been three months. And Tsukishima Kei is going to see Kuroo Tetsurou.
(light angst and.. s m u t. Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamic)
7. trying to get to you by mytsukkishine
Everything came crashing down on Kuroo when Kei had left him alone with nothing but the moon shining down on him.
Wherein, Kuroo was struggling to move on and decided that he wouldn't mind being with Kei again.
(sad beginning? yes. sad ending? y e s. you’re a masochist? come get your juice)
8. Please Hold by ThemooncatFandoms
Kei was expecting Kuroo to do one of two things; Send a text to the office saying that they will have to call back another time and continue what they started, or excuse himself from Kei to answer the call, which was most likely. He shouldn’t have been surprised when Kuroo does neither of those things.
(short but hot. what’s hotter than quiet sex?)
Ushijima x Oikawa
1. This Insignificant Pride and Prejudice by Mysecretfanmoments, Pouler (poulerslashes)
Oikawa Tooru graduated high school with the burning desire to succeed in his college career. He'd hoped that might include taking down his arch-nemesis along the way, but when he finds that his college team hosts an offensively familiar face, he can't help but think that the universe might be conspiring against him. After all, what could be worse than playing on the same team as Ushijima?
(It was funny for me reading oikawa/ushijima fic with that “you should’ve come to Shiratorizawa” joke at first but somehow i found this one... endearing :3, cute poor ushiwaka)
Atsumu x Nishinoya
1. All the things I love about Yuu by KilluCoulomb
Atsumu Miya is fixated in Nishinoya. The way the boy acts, talks, plays. He Carefully observes from afar, but he slowly warms up to the Libero. Friendship becomes more and more intimate. Atsumu realizes Nishinoya is not that simple guy he met three years ago. And he loves it.
(pro volleyball players AU)
2. i'll see you then by noyabeans (snowdrops)
Nishinoya Yuu and Miya Atsumu build a rivalry and something more.
“Oh, it's Karasuno’s libero,” he says, mildly surprised to see Nishinoya’s face staring back at him from the brochure, grinning wide with his arms folded over his chest.
Contains spoilers for the current manga arc, up to chapter 380.
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Just because Charles is home safe, doesn't mean this series is over😉😁
Super quick recap: While Galeforce's plan kicks into high gear, Henry further chips away at Charles, seemingly becoming succesful in coveting the pilot. Despite his efforts, Charles manages to escape, with help from Galeforce and a hair's width successful plan.
For much more context, and seeing that glorious action, escape scene that was so expertly written it deserved an Oscar (sarcasim), be sure the check the links provided:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 & extention/revision
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
With all that said and done, let's go check on Charles!!
We find our friend sleeping on a really bed for the first time in forever, resting on his side, the one where he got grazed not the one with broken ribs and gash.
We can finally tell it's morning, too, because the sun is up, the birds are singing, and there's the rustling of trees outside as well.
Just as he starts to get a little fitful, hand reaches out to ruffle Charles's hair. He doesn't know who it is, exactly, but when he thinks he sees Henry, he wakes up INSTANTLY out of sheer panic, jolting off his side to sit up and back away as much as he can.
It's just Galeforce, who sits in a chair and holds up his hands. "Easy, son. Just me. You're alright."
Charles looks around and realizes where they are:
A log cabin in the woods(and not the murder-y kind either) that's cozy AF and is close to a river. There are glass windows, but they're not huge, everything has a very woods-punk to it, like antler lamps a few tapestries, and other stuff like that.
"Where are we?"
"Out of the city. It's better you stay low for a little while, until we know you're safe."
Charles relaxes and rubs his ear, which is bandaged; he has his ear muffs, but they're resting on the bedside table.
"How... How long was I out for?"
"Since we got you out. About two days. Here," Galeforce says as he passes a plate to Charles, as well as some ADD medicine(Turns out Galeforce is a good dad and stays up to date on what Charles needs.)"You look like you could use these."
Charles smiles and accepts his plate, eggs, sausage, and bacon(PROTEIN GAINS!!), and the medicine. "Thanks."
Charles indeed starts eating, and takes his meds, and it gives Galeforce a clear view of Charles's arms, wrists, and other injuries(he's wearing a thin-ish t-shirt), including some burns on his wrists from where he was electrocuted.
He also sees Charles tense up and freeze as he cuts up some eggs. It's only for a second, but Galeforce still catches it.
"Charelie, what'd they do to you?"
Charles is silent for a second before continuing to eat some breakfast. "A lot," he replies under his breath after eating.
"I'm sorry, General."
Galeforce gives Charles a confused look before Charles continues.
"He got the sapphire and the Captain got injured. And-"
Galeforce sets a hand on Charles's shoulder, now giving him a small smile.
"Canterbury's fine, just like everyone else. The sapphire's far away from here. Shipped it off a month ago. Trust me, Henry would have to be out of his mind to try getting it back."
Charles is so surprised to hear this, exhaling shakily, tears in his eyes.
Galeforce's smile remains as he pulls Charles close until the two are hugging, Charles semi-relaxing in the contact.
But there's still one thing on Charles's mind.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
The two pull away, that smile on Galeforce's face now replaced with confusion. "Tell you what?"
Charles has a quick moment of, 'Do I really wnat to do this?' before remembering Henry's smug face and clenching a fist.
"My parents. Why didn't you tell me about them?"
Galeforce pulls Charles close again, but they don't hug this time.
"They didn't get a chance to. Never said I could either," Galeforce explains. "Regardless, Charlie, they loved you more than they loved each other. Hell, they loved you more than me."
Charles stares at Galeforce with wide eyes, on the virge of tears.
"Trust me, son. I would've told you, even if they didn't want me to."
Galeforce shrugs and gives a slight chuckle. "Whenever you asked. For the youngest pilot, you're a little..."
Galeforce trails off and gives a 50/50 sigm with his hand, which Charles straightens at.
"Hey!" Charles half-laughs.
Galefirce laughs with him before sighing. "Regardless, once all this is over, I'll tell you whatever you want to know, alright?"
The two hug again for real this time, Galeforce glad to have his son home and Charles glad to be home, relaxing fully now that he's back.
Well, at least until we cut to the orbital station.
Henry is still pissed at the fact that not only did they get duped, but now Charles is somewhere back on Earth.
He knows Charles probably isn't at his house, because Henry has the file that shows his address, at the base, or at The Wall, considering what happened at both locations.
He contemplates it all while holding the bottle of pills he'd taken from Charles so long ago before shouting and throwing the bottle at the cork board.
Oh, yeah, and the file was updated in 2017, and it's 2020 now, in our time-line.
So, yeah, Henry's a little pissed off at the moment, and the glass sapphire prank from the government did not make it any better.
Regardless, Henry groans and plops down in his chair, running a hand through his hair.
He reads through Charles's file again, this time looking for Charles's phone number again, trying to find a way to contact Charles again, find and bring him back by whatever means necessary.
Best way to do that is by going to Charles's home address, but that might be a trap, maybe go to the base, but, again, it might be a trap, so now Henry's caught in a spiral.
He rests his head against his arms, groaning again.
Doesn't know how(yet), but he's going to find Charles.
That's when he gets an idea and remembers a gold mine that just finished mining and putting away some gold.
It's been a couple days now and he's having a lovely time at the cabin, sitting on the porch, which has a top on it to block the sun, and drinking some tea, enjoying the wind, water, sun, and everything he's missed while captuve in the orbital station.
That's when he hears something and races inside, pulling his tea in, as well.
Charles ducks behind the island counter and grabs for a gun under the table, sneaking toward the door and hiding behind the wall.
The door opens and someone walks in, loudly, at first, before slowing down, creeping as well, with two other footsteps following.
Charles swings out, ready to shoot, but is glomped by Calvin and Konrad, who could not care less he was about to shoot them.
"Charles! You're back!"
"We thought you died!"
"He didn't die. Don't be stupid," Calvin snarks at Konrad.
"I know he didn't, but you never know!"
"Alright, you two," Rupert sighs. "Let him breathe for a second."
The twins reluctantly let Charles go and Charles sets his gun down as his gaze good to Rupert, who smirks and holds his arms open.
"What? Forgot your best friend?"
Charles gasps as his eyes widen.
From his perspective Rupert turns into Henry, who lowers his arms to extend a hand to Charles.
Charles backs away from him, muttering, "No. Not here. How did you get here?"
Calvin puts a hand on Charles's shoulder and Charles jumps out of his skin, snapping back into reality.
Both twins look very confused, but Rupert's confusion turns into solemn understanding and then to barely contained anger.
"They really messed you up out there, didn't they?"
Charles tries to form words, stammering as he turns to the twins and Rupert, but Rupert holds his shoulders.
"Don't worry. You're staying on Earth, from now on."
Charles gulps and nods. "Yeah." That's when Charles takes a look at the twins and Rupert. "What... are you guys doing here, anyway?"
Calvin and Konrad exchange a small smile and pull Charles inside by the hand, not the wrist because Galeforce gave them a heads up.
"Day off! We're babysitting you, for a little while."
Before Charles can fully protest, Rupert cheekily ruffles his hair.
"General's orders, Charlie. Besides, you need to tell us how you got this place, because we got lost the times looking for it."
All three stop their toying around when Charles's shoulders start shaking and his breathing becomes uneven.
Charles looks up at all three of them, smiling as he cries. "S-sorry. I guess... I really missed you guys."
The twins smile back and Rupert sl8ngs an arm over Charles's shoulders.
"Dammit, don't get me crying, too."
All four walk further inside, Charles going back to lock the door.
That's when he notices the pocket of his coat, the one he'd been captured in, and digs inside it, blood going frigid at what he finds.
There are a bunch of pictures held together by a paperclip, all that are from a security camera in Charles's cell, one of a few. There's a few of Charles sleeping in his restraints, some of him sitting on the floor and staring out the window, some of him right when he's been punched and kicked, electrocuted, wearing the suit from dinner, and, most horrifying, Henry holding and kissing him, even posing with Charles while he's asleep gagged with the duct tape.
Charles's hands tremble as he flips through them, completely unable to breathe.
When did he take these!?
"Yo! Charlie! You coming or what!?" Konrad calls.
Charles quickly hides the pictures away in his pants pocket and rejoins them, pale and trying to hold it together.
Thankfully, Rupert is the one who notices first.
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Charles shakes his head and nods. "Yeah, I... I'm fine."
Silly, Charles. Rupert can tell when he's lying, but won't push him; goodness knows Eupert and the twins have done that enough.
"Relax," Calvin says. "They're not goning to come here. Heard there was a raid going on at some mine a state over."
"Yeah, and if we had a hard time coming here, the toppats might, too," Konrad says as he tries to figure out the coffee machine.
I can think of a few things, Charles thinks as he helps out Konrad.
Good thing Charles is this on edge because we cut to Charles's house as the door opens, the lock having been picked open.
Henry walks inside, alone, and quickly takes his shoes off to hide any evidence he was inside as he looks around.
He moves very carefully, noting how everything is decently organized, not meticulous, but everything is where it should be.
Henry smirks at all of it, but spots the plants Charles has around, both wire and real, said real ones being a little droopy and sad.
He quickly picks up a small pitcher and gives the plants a drink, because he's a nice friend(NOT!!!).
He then continues exploring, checking out the bathroom, the laundry room, and even Charles's room, which he's much more 'thorough' with.
And by thorough, I mean he inspects the bed, the closet and all that freaky stalker stuff that just screams, "WE'RE NOT DEALING WITH GOOD GUY HENRY! THAT'S FOR NEXT TIME!"
Regardless, Henry lies down on Charles's bed, enjoying the scent of Charles(because it's freaky) when a phone rings, one of those wall house phones that connects to everything amd Henry immediately gets up to check it out.
Turns out someone's calling to check on Charles, who is not home at the moment.
Thinking quickly, Henry pickup the phone and punches in a number.
We return to Charles as he sits carefully on the couch with Rupert and the twins as they watch a comedy.
The phone rings and Charles jumps to answer it. "Hello?"
When there's no response, Charles gulps.
"Who is this?"
"Nice to hear from you, Charles. Miss me?"
Charles is dead silent as his eyes go wide as saucers.
He's desperately hoping that what he's hearing is just his mind playing tricks on him, maybe just his mind attacking him while he's listening to someone else, but Henry clears that right up:
"Charles? Can you hear me? Did you gwt the pictures I sent you?"
Charles instantly hangs up the phone, turns it off, and backs away, falling down as it very quickly becomes hard to breathe and he starts hyperventilating.
Thank goodness the twins and Rupert hear this and rush over to him.
"Charles? Hey, take a breath. You're alright," Calvin tries not to yell.
Charles pushes them back and pushes himself against a cabinet that's close to the floor, curling into himself as he holds onto his hair.
"I can't. No. No, no, no, no, no, I can't! I can't go back there! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't!"
"What do you mean?" Rupert asks. "What's wrong?"
Charles takes a breath and gulps before speaking again. "He knows. He-he knows I'm here! He's going to take me back! He-he'll bring me back, I know he will!" Charles holds his head against his knees and groans loudly. "Why didn't I just shoot him!? I should've shot him, then none of this would've happened! Why didn't I just-"
Rupert holds Charles's shoulders and lightly taps on his shoulders to get his attention. "Charles? Hey, come on, look at me."
Charles's breath hitches before he turns his gaze to Rupert, and gives him a clear view of just how messed up Charles really is after this whole ordeal.
Calvin and Konrad, however, figure out what's up.
"Henry's here? Like, on Earth? Right now?"
Charles nods.
"But isn't the clan heading for the gold mine? That's where... we're waiting for them."
Charles's eyes dart from the twins to Rupert.
"He knows," Charles murmurs to himself. "He knows where-"
"Easy," Rupert says. "You're not going to be alone this time."
Charles nods again and Rupert helps him to his feet.
Charles, however, is wearing his thinking cap.
If Henry wants Charles, so be it.
The Toppats are on their way to get themselves some gold, led by Ellie, but are ambushed by the Government, and a very proud Galeforce.
"Evening, Ellie."
Ellie groans and holds her hands up, gesturing for the rest to do the same.
"You've got us, General. Well done. You arrested a small group of the Toppat Clan."
There's something very off about Ellie's words, and Galeforce catches it instantly, even as Ellie is put in cuffs and pulled away.
"Funny how Henry isn't here. Wonder where he went?" Ellie calls as she's hauled away.
Galeforce watches the Toppat members get put in a truck that is going to be sent to The Wall.
That's when it clicks, and we cut back to Charles, who's tense and trying to sit still until he stands up.
"Where you going?" Rupert asks, ever the lovely best friend.
"Just getting some water, don't worry," Charles replies with a smile.
Rupert eyes him before turnung back to the movie they're watching.
Charles takes this opportunity to pick up his phone and walk outside, dialing the number Henry used to call him with; the creep is probably still at his house.
Good thing I bring up Henry, because he is indeed resting on the couch as the phone rings.
He gets up and answers the phone, smirking at seeing Charles's number.
"You called?"
Charles gulps and clears his throat.
"What... Where do you want to meet?"
Henry's smirk widens. "I knew you missed me."
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skiller0dani · 4 years
For You | Monty De La Cruz
M A S T E R L I S T Timothy Granaderos Masterlist
smut requested requests info missed Part 1? read it here
important notice:  13 reasons why covers some really heavy stuff and their material can be extremely triggering. seeing as my writing is supposed to be for fun only I won’t be including many of the topics seen in the show. in fact, unless I say otherwise most of all my writings for this show will take place before Hannah Bakers suicide. if you or a loved one ever needs to seek professional help please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
YAY. I changed the computer browser theme. took me fucking ages to get it all set up so those of you that are using a computer I hope you enjoy the knew layout! xx
...I will forever be angry for how badly the writers of that show treated Monty...
Tumblr media
Catch up! Read Part 1 here! 
Your eyes fluttered open upon hearing the sound of a car door closing next to you. It took you a second to remember where you were, and seeing Monty to your left only confused you further. You blinked the sleep out of your eye, “bout time sleeping beauty.” Monty teased as he pulled onto your street. You blushed as you shifted in your seat, a sharp pain shooting between your legs. Oh yeah. “Sore?” He sounds guilty, which catches you by surprise along with the concerned look in his eyes. You muster a smile and try not to grimace too much as you sit up. “A little.” You admit as Monty’s hand turns the wheel as he pulls into your driveway. Your palms are sweating a bit as you reach down to take off your seat belt. You reach for the door and when you stand, you collapse back against the car when your legs tremble underneath you. Monty is out of the car in a second. 
“Parents home?” Before you know what’s happening Monty has swept you in his arms once again, beginning to head for your front door. 
“No.” You say simply, reaching down to unlock the front door as Monty gently kicks it open. You hold onto his shirt as he traverses up the stairs, “you gonna be alright for school tomorrow? I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He sounds genuine, and the admission from Monty has your head spinning. You direct him to your room, which you weren’t expecting him to see today. Embarrassment swells in your chest when the door opens, your bed unmade and clothes scattered along the floor. “Yeah I’ll just get a hot water bottle tonight.” You tell him as he gently lowers you to the bed. Monty’s eyes take a moment to scan over your room and even though you had him balls deep in your pussy not even an hour ago, you still feel incredibly embarrassed. 
“Who’s this?” He asks, his finger landing on a photo of your Mom. Your chest squeezes shut at the sight of her, you blink away oncoming tears before he can notice. 
“My Mom, she died last year.” Monty hums, his eyes lingering on her before moving to the next thing on your desk. You’re appreciative he didn’t make a big deal about your Mom and start awkwardly apologizing. With a cocky smile Monty lifts a white paint marker from your desk, the marker you used to write on your bra. You raise your own eyebrow in response, challenging his cockiness with your own. “You know, feel free to make any more custom bras just for me.” Monty teases, turning with a wink before you can even respond. Your pulse is hammering in your chest when Monty’s fingers trail over the handle of your desk drawer. 
“Hiding a giant 2 headed dildo in here?” There’s a teasing smile on his face and even though your cheeks are cherry red you maintain eye contact with a fierce look on your face. 
Monty yanks open the drawer to reveal your small purple vibrator. “Cute.” He comments, hitting the button and listening to the device buzz in his hand. Your blush is so deep a pulse has started to beat in your cheeks. Seeing your flushed cheeks and mussed hair has Monty fighting another hard on as he turns to face you again. Kneeling at the end of your bed Monty grasps your ankles and yanks you towards him. Your hands land on his shoulders with a gasp, “m-my Dad could be home soon.” You breathe through a shaky voice as you feel Monty’s hand ghosting up your thigh. A half cocked smile plays at Monty’s face, “guess I better make you cum quick then. I wonder if this could help?” There’s a feigned look of innocence on his face as he pulls the vibrator out. You smile as you press forward to lock your lips with his, “hurry up then lover boy.” You mumble against his lips as his fingers reach for the button of your shorts. 
Monty bites gently at the skin of your inner thighs, leaving little love bites scattered across your skin after he yanks your shorts off. You lean back on your elbows, biting your lip when Monty drags your panties down with his teeth. “You’re hot.” You blurt out as he kisses up your thighs and a smile is pressed against your legs. “I’m glad you think so. You’re hot.” Monty says with an amused chuckle. Why on Earth are you so cute? 
Your head falls back when you feel his tongue lick a long line through your folds. “Fuck Monty,” You hiss as his lips wrap around your clit, sucking it into his mouth. Monty feels pride swell in his chest as your cries and moans of pleasure echo through the room. He’s the one making you feel like this. That thought alone is intoxicating to him. Monty clicks the vibrator on and slides it inside you as he continues to lick and suck at your clit. Your hips arch off the bed as you release a strangled cry of euphoria. Monty’s free hand plants firmly on your stomach, holding your wriggling hips to the bed as you grind against his face. “Please don’t stop Monty.” You plead, your voice a needy whine as his teeth nip at your clit. Hearing you beg and plead for him has his cock hard as steel. Monty thrusts the vibrator quickly as he continues to suck at your clit and soon you feel that coil burst and you cum all over his face. 
“Fuck.” You’re breathless as Monty pulls away from you, returning the now wet vibrator back to the drawer in your desk. “I should go, but I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Monty says and you nod weakly as he presses a long kiss to your sweaty forehead. “Wait,” you mumble, reaching for the flannel shirt he’s got on. You begin to tug at it and Monty rolls his eyes with a smile as he shrugs it off and tosses it to you. His heart grows 5 sizes bigger when he sees you throw your jacket off and replace it with his shirt, pulling it around you. You’re so tiny in it. 
It’s only 10 minutes later that your Dad gets home with your little sister. The rest of the evening is ordinary and boring. Just as it usually is. You keep Monty’s flannel on, it smells just like him. It’s surprisingly comfortable, you never want to take it off. In fact you love it so much that you sleep in it and then decide to wear it the next day. You tie the front of the shirt making it a crop top as you squeeze on a pair of skinny jeans. Your navel is revealed by the way you tied it, and your belly button piercing is on full display. Hearing 3 honks you look out your window to see Zach parked out front. Seeing as he lives down the street from you it made the most sense for him to take you to and from school. 
“Nice shirt. Isn’t that Monty’s?” Zach asks with a playful look on his face as he raises a brow. You flip him off as you adjust Monty’s red flannel so it loosely falls from your shoulders. Zach would be lying if he said he wasn’t concerned of whatever is happening with you and Monty. Monty isn’t known to have long relationships, he’s certainly investing more time into you then anyone else he’d been with in the past. “So do you know what you’re doing with Monty?” Zach asks as he begins to drive towards the school. You roll your eyes, “yeah I’m screwing him.” You say simply as you roll on some red lipstick, your eye makeup simple. Your breasts fill the shirt perfectly with the way you tied it in the front, Monty won’t be able to keep his eyes or hands off you. 
Monty: My clothes definitely look better on you. 
You bite your lip to try and hide your smile as you enter the school and simultaneously receive a text from Monty. You look up and see him standing with the rest of the baseball boys, his eyes burning right through you. You giggle to yourself when you see his hand curled tightly around the strap of his backpack. His eyes rake down your body, but they stop right at your breasts so perfectly presented for him in his shirt. “Damn Monty can I get a piece of that ass after you’re finished with her?” The same damn baseball player from yesterday says and Monty nostrils flare as frustration bubbles in his chest. “You touch her and I’ll break your fucking hand.” His voice is calm but the tone is tense. The guy freezes, swallowing thickly as Monty pushes from the wall to head in your direction. 
Feeling a hand slide into your ass pocket you smile to yourself knowing who it is without having to look. “Montgomery.” You feel his chest press to your back as he presses a kiss to your neck. He pulls away to lean against the locker, his eyes fixed on the guy from earlier. You see the tension in his shoulders when you finally look up at Monty. “What’s up with you?” You ask, watching the predatory glare in his eyes that he shoots at any guy that walks past you. “Monty stop you’re freaking people out.” You laugh nervously, watching as his arms cross. Monty’s jaw clenches and he stands up straighter, “remember how I said I’ll beat any guy that comes at you? I think I’m about to.” He says, and you turn to see the ‘meathead’ from yesterday approaching you and Monty. “Oh hey Paul.” You greet politely, subtly reaching over to grab Monty’s hand. Paul doesn’t give Monty a second glance as he turns to you, “hey Y/N, I just wanted to ask you something because seeing as you and Monty aren’t dating you’re free to do whatever you want with whomever you want.” He snaps, his eyes boring into Monty’s. 
A taunting smile spreads across Monty’s face as he stands straighter, and you can feel the tension building between the two men. “I wanted to know if you were free tonight.” Paul asked, but you figured at this point he was asking only to piss Monty off. It's working. You open your mouth to politely decline when Paul’s hands cup your cheeks and before you know it your lips are pressed firmly to his. In an instant Paul is ripped off you and thrown to the ground, “Don’t fucking touch her.” Monty spits, his fists curling as he puts himself between you and Paul. Your mouth is agape as you press your back to the lockers watching as Paul pulls himself to his feet. “She doesn’t belong to you Montgomery.” He snaps and Monty laughs sarcastically. 
“Baby who do you belong to?” Monty asks, his eyes firmly on Paul. You swallow a thick lump down your throat as you stay stood closest to Monty, “y-you Monty.” You stammer and you mean that, really you do. It’s just that this entire situation is freaking you out. Are Paul and Monty about to get in a fist fight, over you? Monty’s face is hard as he eyes Paul, who rolls his eyes with a bark of a sarcastic laugh. “Sounds like she really has a choice.” Paul snaps, and by now there is a crowd gathered around the two men. Monty licks his lips, his fists curling tighter as he releases a breath. Soon Monty swings his fist into Paul’s cheek, sending Paul to the floor. “Fuck you! She has a choice.” He snaps and when Paul straightens up and smashes his fist into Monty’s left cheek you’re scrambling between them. 
“Monty stop, please.” You plead, your hands on his stomach as you try to push him away from Paul. “It doesn’t matter what he says, I’m yours.” You promise before you press a kiss to his jaw. The simple action seems to release some tension from his shoulders. Monty throws an arm over your shoulders while flipping Paul off. When the two of you turn away from him you feel a harsh slap on your ass and just like that Monty is pushing away from you. “That’s it-” Monty’s voice is tight as he turns and throws a punch into Paul’s stomach. You gasp when Paul shoves Monty into the lockers, causing his right cheek to split open. “Stop!” You cry out, and before you can get in between them you see Zach push between Monty and Paul. 
He harshly pushes both Monty and Paul away from each other. “Monty you need to calm down, Paul you’re a fucking dick. Now knock it off you’re freaking Y/N out.” Zach snaps and Monty’s eyes lock with yours, guilt flashing in his eyes when he sees you trembling. Monty shoves through the crowd and you’re following closely behind him. “Monty.” You say weakly but he doesn’t say anything as he shoves the doors of the school open. “Please,” You beg, voice swelling with tears. When he hears the emotion in your voice Monty stops immediately, turning to pull you against his chest. You hear his heart hammering against his chest. 
“He hurt you.” You say weakly, tears falling down your cheeks as you see the trickle of blood dripping down his left cheek. “He fucking slapped your damn ass-” Monty seethes, his eyes fixed on the school but your tiny hands on his chest stops him from going back inside. “He did that to piss you off.” You say, wiping at your cheeks as you grab Monty’s hand to pull him towards his car. You push him to sit down in the driver seat, you standing between his legs with the door open. You reach for a rag in his backseat before dabbing at the blood trailing down his cheek. “Sorry.” Monty mumbles, the tension finally easing from his shoulders when he realizes you could be in there with Paul. But you followed him outside. You chose Monty. You shake your head with a smile as you lean forward to gently press your lips against his for a sweet kiss. 
“Paul’s right though, we’re not dating so I can do whatever I want.” You start, biting back your teasing smile when you see a tense expression cross onto his face. “But I won’t. I just want you.” You finish and Monty releases a breath, a small smile on his face. He leans back as you continue to clean his cut, “poor girl.” He says and you frown deeply. “Don’t say that.” You argue as you finish cleaning his cut. You and Monty sit in silence for a second before he’s reaching into his pocket, “get in.” He orders and the tone in his voice has your knees weak. You immediately move to slide into the passenger seat, buckling your seat belt with shaky hands. “W-what are we doing?” You ask as Monty takes off away from the school. His hands curl around the steering wheel tightly and his jaw is clenched shut, “I need to fuck you. Right now.” Monty snaps, sending heat to simmer in your lower belly. 
Monty slams the car in park when you arrive at what you assume is his house. Before you can even exit the car Monty’s mouth is on yours, hot and wet and so desperate. His hand tangles in your hair as his tongue slides across your bottom lip, and you moan against his mouth. His hands grasp at your hips to drag you across the middle console to settle in his lap. His lips move desperately against yours, the wet sounds of your lips sliding together sending arousal straight to your core. “Monty,” You mumble against his lips, your fingers pulling at the short hairs at the base of his neck. Monty’s hands begin to move your hips against his, grinding you down on his hardening cock. 
“Be mine.” Monty says sharply, his lips trailing down to your neck. Goosebumps spread all over your skin as soon as the words leave his lips, “like, I’d be your girlfriend?” You mumble, your fingernails digging into Monty’s shoulder as he sucks at a sweet spot under your ear. “Mhm,” Monty merely hums in response, groaning as you grind down against his cock harder. He can feel the heat from between your perfect, inviting thighs and it’s driving him crazy. “I can’t handle shit like that, especially when I know you’re not mine so you can go fuck Paul whenever the hell you want.” Monty snaps, pushing your legs around his waist as he hauls you out of the car. 
“Don’t want Paul, want you. I doubt his cock is even half as big as yours is. Fuckin fills me up so perfectly Monty,” You moan against his skin, beginning to suckle on his neck as he kicks his front door open. “So be mine baby, then you’ll get my cock whenever you want.” Monty says breathlessly as he navigates his house with you in his arms. You laugh, “don’t I already?” You tease, pressing your lips to his once more. Monty presses you against the wall, pulling his lips away from yours as he intently looks at you. “Answer.” He says, his eyes searching yours and deep down he’s afraid you’ll say no. You cup his cheeks and press one short kiss to his lips, “the answer is yes dummy.” You tease and a relieved smile overtakes his face before he’s winding his arms tightly around your waist. 
Eventually Monty kicks open his bedroom door, his lips pressed against yours. God he’ll never get used to having you pressed against him like this. Monty carefully drops you onto his grey bed sheets, his hands pressed on the bed on either side of your head. His lips move with yours as his hands move down to remove those tight little jeans of yours. He groans when he sees your bare thighs and wet little pussy covered by your pink silk panties. You slide your hands up his stomach and he swiftly yanks his shirt over his head. “Am I seriously dating you? You’re like a living sex God.” You muse aloud, causing a cocky smile to spread across your now boyfriends face. Monty pulls your shirt- or his shirt- up and over your head and he groans once he sees your bare breasts. 
“No bra today?” He asks, quirking his eyebrow up. You smile sheepishly, moaning softly when you feel his hands grasp your breasts in his large hands. 
“Was kinda hoping this would happen.” You mumble as Monty leans forward to take a nipple in his mouth. He gently bites down at your nipple causing your back to arch and for you to cry out his name. What on Earth did you do to deserve someone as perfect as Montgomery De La Cruz? “Fuck, I really like you Monty.” You breathe, combing your fingers through his hair. Monty releases your nipple with a pop, his fingers still pinching at the other. “I would hope so, you’re my girlfriend now after all.” He begins to kiss down and around your navel, your breathing and heartbeat ragged as he approaches where you need him the absolute most. “Did you ask me only so I wouldn’t fuck anyone else? I really do care about you Monty.” You say genuinely and Monty stops what he’s doing to look up at you. 
“Baby I wouldn’t care so much about you fucking other guys if I didn’t have fucking feelings for you. I care about you,” He says with a smile, before biting down on your hip causing you to whine while bucking your hips towards his face. “Do you promise?” You moan, feeling Monty press a kiss to your lips through the fabric of your panties. Monty rolls his eyes with a smile as he hooks his thumbs into your panties, “I fucking promise. Believe me yet?” He asks as he pushes 2 fingers inside you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. You nod frantically as Monty tongues your clit, his fingers pumping into you quickly. You feel that familiar coil winding quickly as you clutch the bed sheets so hard you’re afraid you’ll rip them. You feel yourself teetering on the edge and just as you’re about to cum Monty pulls away. You groan in frustration. 
“Patience babe.” Monty smiles, reaching for the buckle of his belt. You lean up on your elbows to watch Monty finish undressing and you nearly cum just from his body alone, “I have the sexiest boyfriend in existence.” You say in amazement, causing Monty to laugh. Monty reaches over into his nightstand to pull out a condom wrapper, “that has to be the 3rd time in the last 10 minutes you’ve referred to me as your boyfriend.” Monty chuckles and you shrug, subconsciously spreading your thighs wider for him when he steps between them. “I’m excited. And happy.” You say with a smile, causing Monty to blush slightly. How cute. Monty leans down over you once he’s rolled the condom on, “me too.” He whispers against your lips before sliding into you with one languid thrust. 
You’re not sure you’ll ever get used to the stretch it takes to accommodate Monty’s delicious cock. Not that you’re complaining, he hits deep inside you. Once Monty has slid all the way inside you, he groans as he just sits there and basks in the feeling. “Fuck, my girlfriend has the best, tightest pussy in existence.” Monty moans, using your words from earlier. You smile as you wind your arms around his back, your heart pounding against his chest. “Fuck baby, I need to pound you. Need to forget everything Paul did to you.” Monty grits through clenched teeth and you hold him tighter with a quick nod. 
Monty pulls his hips back before driving them hard against yours over and over again, slamming his cock into you. Monty leans up, his hands grasping your hips as he fucks into you, “fuck baby that feels so good.” You cry out, your left hand reaching out to hold Monty’s. Your breasts bounce with each smack against your hips, and Monty keeps hitting that spot inside you that makes your toes curl. Monty holds your hips so tightly you know there will be bruises he’ll probably feel bad about later. Sweat trickles down the side of his face as he slams into you over, smacking your ass hard when he remembers how Paul slapped your ass. Your fists curl around the sheets as you cry out loudly, nearly sobbing in pleasure. Monty reaches down to thumb your clit which sends you headfirst into your orgasm. 
You expect Monty to stop or at least slow down when you cum. He doesn’t. 
He continues to slam into you at an ungodly pace, the frustration being released with each smack of his hips against yours. With each thrust Monty was pulling you back against him, making the impact of his cock hitting your sweet spot that much more intense. Your body shakes with overstimulation as you approach your second orgasm, almost screaming as Monty slams into you. As you cum for the second time on his cock Monty turns you so that you’re laying on your side. “M-Monty fuck!” You cry out, your face pressing into the sheets as you’re rocked against the bed. “One more time baby, cum around my cock one more time.” Monty nearly begs, almost as though he needs you to cum again. Tears of raw pleasure spring in your eyes and cascade down your cheeks as the pleasure is almost too much, “God Monty please make me cum again, please baby-” You begin to plead but you’re cut off when Monty reaches down to pinch your clit and as soon as he does you’re exploding all over his cock and sheets. 
The both of you stay there connecting and panting for a few minutes before Monty slides out of you and collapses onto the bed next to you after discarding the condom. Monty props his arm under his head as you crawl up the bed to nuzzle your head into his chest. Monty’s arm curls around you to pull you against him tighter, “you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” Monty asks, worry in his voice as he looks you over. You smile as you press a kiss to his chest, “I’m in heaven Monty.” You sigh and he relaxes again, holding you to him tighter. You lean up to grab his phone from his jeans before you’re relaxing into his arms again. You open the camera and snap a photo of you laying naked on Monty’s naked chest making sure you’re breasts are concealed by smashing them against Monty. “What’re you doing?” Monty asks, his voice thick with drowsiness. You simply press a kiss to his peck as you open Paul’s contact in Monty’s phone. 
Monty: hey Paul it’s Y/N. just wanted to say I just had the best sex I’ve ever had. oh and I saw your dick in the locker room & yours isn’t even half the size Monty's is. ;) 
You attach the photo before pressing send and Monty laughs lightly. “That’s my girl.” 
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Per the anons in my inbox’s requests, I give you my sad ‘Katsuki is a dog person headcanon. Fair warning, this is a sad headcanon about Katsuki having a childhood dog. You know where this is going.
Now if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you probably know about my Katsuki getting kidnapped headcanon. Basically, the story goes that Katsuki was kidnapped and/or had multiple groups try to kidnap him for his quirk throughout his childhood, he just managed to escape and then never told anyone, because he's Katsuki and the day he willingly volunteers information about himself and/or the problems he’s struggling with is never.
At some point, someone in class 1-A asks Izuku whether Katsuki is a cat person or a dog person, because a group of them had been arguing about it. By this point most people have learned that it's much easier to ask Izuku for information about Katsuki than it is to ask Katsuki for information about Katsuki.
Lucky them, Izuku knows the answer! Kacchan's a dog person. Or at least, he was when they were growing up. He's not so sure that Kacchan's still a dog person. Kacchan doesn't like to talk about his dog or any dogs these days. Everyone is intrigued by that and asks for details, but turns out that surprisingly, Izuku doesn't know what happened. Not the whole story anyways. He does remember some stuff though.
Kacchan's dog was a big Tibetan Mastiff named Mamoru. Izuku can only  remember three things about him.
First and foremost, Mamoru was mean as hell to almost everyone. He barely put up with Izuku, he didn't like either of Kacchan's parents, he hated strangers. If they were alive odds are this dog hated them. Mamoru wasn't afraid to show that he hated someone either. He would get bitey/growly the moment someone got in his space and given his size and appearance, most people would back off quick.
Second, Mamoru loved Kacchan with all his heart. Even if he was a jerk to almost everyone else, this dog adored Kacchan. Every time he was around Kacchan's his tail was wagging like he was a puppy. While he basically never listened to anyone else's commands, he'd follow Kacchan's in an instant and picked up new tricks like it was nothing. When they were little he would even let Kacchan ride on his back. Kacchan was why that Mamoru put up with Izuku (or anyone for that matter), and also probably the only reason Mamoru wasn't put down.
The last thing Izuku knew about Mamoru was that passed away very suddenly when Izuku was 10 years old. He never found out how the dog died. Kacchan didn't want to talk about it at all, and his parents dodged the subject when it was brought up. Not even Izuku’s mom could get the story out of them. Mamoru was an older dog when he passed away, but he'd been fairly healthy, so it must’ve been something bad.
After telling them this, Izuku warns his classmates not to bring it up. Whatever happened is a sore subject for Katsuki. All of them can understand pet's death being hard, particularly such a sudden one, so they leave it alone.
They think that's that... only at some point, there's someone with a weird quirk that the class meets while out on a field trip. The person can let you speak to a loved one that passed away for a short period, although it only works once for each person. You can't pick who you speak to/see, it's whoever you miss most.
Most of the class is excited and gets some heartfelt words from their dead relatives, but Katsuki wants nothing to do with it. The person accidentally activates their quirk on him anyways, and everyone is expecting a relative or someone similar to show up.
Instead, in bounds in a giant, overjoyed dog; tail wagging, eyes shining and tongue out. Katsuki is totally frozen up. Everyone expects him to be happy, but he's not. He stares at the dog for a solid 4-5 seconds as the dog wanders over to him, whining for attention and trying to play. Then Katsuki turns on his heel and runs.
None of them are supposed to be out on their own, so his classmates try to follow him only to lose Katsuki, who doesn't seem to be able to hear them in his upset state.The whole class is super freaked out, and the ghost dog is getting really aggressive and upset at the class as they search.
Aizawa is called over, and now he's panicking because his kid whose been kidnapped before is off on his own and not answering his cell phone. Lucky him, when he starts trying to figure out how to find Katsuki, Ghost Mamoru barks at him, runs off a little ways, then runs back. He's been hostile towards everyone else, but he seems okay with Aizawa. He also seems increasingly agitated about something.
Taking the hint, Aizawa tells the rest of the class to head back to their meeting point and follows Mamoru, who leads him to Katsuki. Katsuki's curled himself into a small hiding spot, which was why he was so hard to find. Mamoru obviously wants to go comfort his kid, everything about him is drooping and he lets out a whine, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he takes a long look at Katsuki, and then shoots a pleading look towards Aizawa before he lets out a quiet huff and fades away.
That leaves Aizawa alone with Katsuki, a kid whose hard to understand on the best of days, and who is currently having a panic attack.
There's not much else he can do, so Aizawa waits it out. He sits beside Katsuki's hiding place and keeps things calm and quiet, waving off the rest of the class, and letting the other teachers know Katsuki's been found.
It takes quite awhile, but finally Katsuki recovers enough to speak. He still doesn't want to come out of his hiding spot though, and Aizawa doesn't ask him to. At this point it's obvious something serious happened, he just wants to know what.
Katsuki takes several tries to start,  this story is hard for him to tell, but eventually he manages to force out a "It was my fault." and after that, everything comes tumbling out.
He'd been heading back to his house all alone in the early evening one day. He was 10 years old, and he hadn't been paying attention to the people around him. He should've been paying more attention. He should've known better. But he didn't, and some goons got the jump on him. There hadn't been time for him to do anything. The men had been on him too quickly and gotten his hands locked behind him. Katsuki had tried to fight, but he hadn't been strong enough.
It was only a block or two from his house and if he'd just walked faster or not stopped to look at things, everything would've been fine. But he hadn't, so the men caught him. He was pretty sure he'd been attacked by those guys before too, so he should've recognized them. They'd already gotten his hands restrained, and they'd stuck him with a needle.
There was nobody else around, and Katsuki thought that was it. This was the time that they got him.
The men thought so too, he couldn't remember their exact words, but they were gloating. Going slower than they probably should've. They hadn't been expecting anyone to come help Katsuki. They hadn't expected anyone to care enough to help him. And they were sort of right, there weren't any people coming to help Katsuki, but there was a very loyal dog who heard Katsuki's muffled cries.
Mamoru didn't hesitate for even one goddamn second; he was on the man holding Katsuki like in flash, dagger like teeth digging deep into the man's shoulder. He went for the goddamn throat of the other one, the one who had some of Katsuki's blood on him.
Despite his best efforts, the dog didn't manage to kill either man, but he drove both of them off. He fought like a goddamn hell hound, as if he was made of nothing but of fury and muscle. Maybe in that moment he was.
Mamoru was so vicious and strong, that Katsuki didn't even realize the dog was hurt in the fight. Not until he'd managed to wiggle his way out of the cuffs and thrown his arms around his dog, only to jerk back at the wet feeling of blood soaking through his shirt.
The injury was bad. One of the men had had a knife and must've caught the edge of it on Mamoru's throat. Katsuki was drugged out, but he knew he needed to do something. Mamoru was somehow still on his feet, so he helped Katsuki get home, his condition getting worse and worse as they pressed on.
When Katsuki got home, there was nobody there, but he was able to call his father and through his sobs communicate the important parts of what happened. That some guys had bothered him and they'd hurt Mamoru. His dad said he'd be home as soon as he could, and to put pressure on the wound until then.
And here's the thing. That's good advice. Stopping the blood loss is really important when you have an injured animal.
But Katsuki was a 10 year old, he was on drugs, he was completely panicked and distraught.
And he forgot what was always coming out of his hands.
Nitroglycerin is toxic under the best of circumstances, but when an animal is already bleeding out, it's a death sentence.
The veterinarian tried to tell him afterwards that it probably wouldn't have changed anything. Mamoru was heavily injured and he would've bled out no matter what. He hadn't known, he'd been trying his best to help. It wasn't his fault. But Katsuki knew better, and his mother reminded him of that much.
On the drive back from the vet's office, his mother told him they weren't getting another goddamn dog to replace Mamoru because he'd probably kill that one too.
Katsuki didn't want another dog. He was too scared that someone would try to kidnap him again, and the dog would die again. Or he'd forget himself and end up killing the dog more directly. After that, he didn't even let himself go near animals. He wouldn't be near them, and he wouldn't touch them at all. Hell, he hardly even let himself touch other people after that.
When Katsuki finishes up his story, he looks ashamed and Aizawa is silent out of pure shock for several long seconds. First and foremost, he cannot believe that this was just something that happened that he had no idea about. Katsuki mentioned getting attacked by strangers at least once before he was 10 years old?? What the hell had happened in his student's childhood??? All of the implications of all of this are concerning him.
But in that same moment, he's suddenly rethinking Katsuki with this new information. Awhile ago Mic had made a joke about how Izuku follows Katsuki around like a puppy and all the teachers had laughed about it. Katsuki had gotten strangely angry about it, and suddenly it seems a whole lot less funny. Not only that, but how Katsuki reacted to All-Might's downfall after his kidnapping has a whole new light to it now. As do so many other little things.
It's hard for him to get any words out, but he manages a strangled "Kid..." and gently coaxes Katsuki out of his hiding place so Aizawa can just give him a goddamn hug for once in his life. And Katsuki is confused by this because he was expecting Aizawa to agree that he fucked up, but instead he's getting hugged and he really doesn't want to cry again but he's not sure he has a choice.
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acousticcheeze · 3 years
Here's my 100 questions for my OC thing!
My OC is Laureli, a 6'2 Altmer trying to make his way in Skyrim
1. What do they smell like?
Whatever alchemy ingredient he’s been working with, really. Lavender is what he smells like most often, though.
2. What is their voice like?
A smooth-ish medium pitch Altmer voice that has elements of calm and irritation.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Helping others through his alchemy. He wants to improve medicine for Skyrim, as well as all of Tamriel.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
He had a whole scientific presentation one year that ended up being completely wrong. He got humiliated in front of everyone.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Winces at it, curses, and then gets to treating the problem.
6. What do they like to wear?
Functional clothes that keep him warm and allow him to carry alchemy ingredients in his pockets.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
The relationships with some of the people he’s helped over the years. It gave him a sense of purpose and fulfillment knowing that he could help people, save people.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
He’s an alchemist...in Skyrim...I’m pretty sure there are a few contenders… (giants toe, large/small antlers, ectoplasm, the list goes on)
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Normal side sleeper. Prefers to sleep on his left side.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Horker stew. It’s actually way better than he thought it would be.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
If what he’s doing is good enough. He has big problems with perfectionism that still persist with him even after leaving Summerset.
12. How do they like to dress?
Robes with an alchemy enchantment and a hood.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
He tries to shake them off, but has panic attacks and whatnot sometimes as a result of them.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Is completely shattered by it. He’s dealt with this so many times before, though, so he keeps his cards close to his chest.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Creating potions that help much more than the average cure disease potion would, as well as all sorts of other concoctions. Also, he’s created a sort of disinfectant and is working on a hand sanitizer.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Cranky, cranky, cranky.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Drunk? Oh no no no no Laureli does not drink (and even if he did he’d be out real quick)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
He isn’t really into music, but he enjoys the songs the bard plays at the Bannered Mare.
19. Are they right or left handed?
Right, but is practicing with his left hand too in case something happens to his right.
20. Fears?
Death and failure, mostly.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
As the sun rises and there’s dew all over the grass, the light reflecting through each drop.
22. Favorite color?
The color of eyes. Or, more specifically, the hundreds of little pinpricks of different colors inside of eyes, It’s really quite fascinating.
23. Do they collect anything?
OH YEAH. So many different alchemy ingredients and random stuff to be used in his next works-
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold, which is good since he lives in Skyrim.
25. What is their eye color?
Chartreuse (like most Altmer)
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
Yup. Breezehome is small, but manageable, and Whiterun is a decent hold to live in.
29. Are they a morning person?
Yes. He gets tired around 9 and can’t stay up past 12.
30. Sunrise or sunset?
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
Very organized. Again, he’s a perfectionist.
32. Pet peeves?
People touching his things as well as people inserting themselves into his business.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
An amulet of Talos a Nord gave him. He hadn’t gotten the chance to learn much about Talos at home, and he found it very interesting talking to the local Nords about their beliefs. That amulet reminds him of his first day in Skyrim, the first day of his new life.
34. Least favorite food?
Taffy treats, or anything with that sort of texture and stickiness that can get stuck to his teeth very easily.
35. Least favorite color?
Very pale green. It looks gross.
36. Least favorite smell?
Death. (Yes, death has a smell)
37. When was the last time they cried?
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
No. Oh Auri-el, no no no no. He cries alone and he makes sure of it.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
Was in a fire when he was younger, he has a burn going up the inner leg on his right leg.
40. Do they have any scars?
Only mental ones. (and the burn scar on his leg)
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Perfectionism, past abuse, self hate, among others.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Picking at his nails. He knows it makes them hurt and get bloody, but sometimes he just can’t help it.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He can be very rude if he’s working, but to be fair, it is really annoying to be bothered in the middle of your work.
44. Why might someone love them?
Who wouldn’t love an overworked science boye? But in all seriousness, if he loves someone, he will be very caring towards them and is also just great listener. Tries not to care any more though because of personal trauma.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yup. He’s heard of people’s encounters with them. Honestly, you’d be stupid to not believe in them.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
At this point? No. Farkas later down the line? Yes.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Farkas, but we ain’t talking about that yet~
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
49. Do they like surprises?
No. Please do not surprise this poor man he will stagger back and crash into everything.
50. When is their birthday?
9th of Hearthfire (September 9th)
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
He takes a few seconds to acknowledge it and then gets on with his work.
52. Do they have any family?
Yup! A Mom, a Dad, a younger sister, and a male cousin that lives nearby (he’s in the Thalmor and the whole family has very Pro-Thalmor views)
53. Are they close to their family?
HAH- no~
54. What is their MBTI type?
INTJ (Damn this list for making me look up stereotypes for this. Honestly I hate the MBTI system so much-)
55. What is their zodiac sign?
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
57. What D&D alignment are they?
If lawful chaotic good was a thing then yes
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Yes, but they are often so tangled up that it’s hard to get any real meaning from them.
59. What are their views on death?
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ll be fine-” Hopes that he’ll be fine but is really scared about it.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Bad science puns. He will stifle a chuckle before telling you how bad your joke was.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
This man does not get bored. He will always find something alchemy related to study or look into.
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
Yes. Laureli loves the Skyrim weather (for the most part. Places like Dawnstar and Winterhold suck)
63. Do they have an accent?
Yes. He has the typical Altmer accent.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
“Why is this here? This isn’t mine.”
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say
He would probably take too long deciding and die before he could do/say anything.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Sex repulsed asexual.
67. What is their sexuality?
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
He’s seen so much it would take a lot to surprise him here.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
Grumpy scientist with no people skills.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yes, definitely
72. Are they allergic to anything?
Not really. (Lucky)
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Nope, unless you press his buttons. His anger is pretty much “What in the name of Auri-el is wrong with you?! Don’t touch my equipment!!”
75. How patient are they?
Very...until you hit his limit. Then he gets passive aggressive.
76. Are they good at cooking?
Not really. He can be good at it, he just chose not to learn in favor of working on his projects. Can make enough to live on, though.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
He doesn't have a favorite insult (he rarely insults people).
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Talking fast, pacing, flappy hands.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Try to avoid bringing those fears up around them and avoiding making fun of them. If their fear is nearby, he will either tell them or take care of it. (which is good because Farkas is scared of spiders)
80. Are they trustworthy?
Yes, but you have to be a very certain kind of person to work with him.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Sometimes, especially romantic feelings. Romantic attraction? Nope, not possible- (It totally is; he’s in denial)
82. Do they exercise regularly?
With all of the walking he does around various holds, yes.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yes. He’s a perfectionist with many things, but has learned to let go a bit more when it comes to his appearance. He still will take ages to get ready, though.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Tattoos, braids, basically everything you’d see on a typical Nord. It’s so different from his home and he’s completely enamored.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Himbo nord men. Sweet morons basically.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Not really. Sweet foods do have their place, but he isn’t wanting to get any cavities, so he tries to limit his sugar. (Especially since Altmer live 200-300 years aprox)
87. What is their age?
52 (~20s for an Altmer)
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
Tall, but about average for an Altmer
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
No, but if he did he would have half-moon spectacles.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
Not really. He doesn’t really think anyone is attractive. (Well, except for Nord himbos, but he doesn’t know that until he meets Farkas)
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Practically nonexistent, but when there is humor it’s mostly dry and sardonic.
92. What mood are they most often in?
That sort of focused work mode you get in when you’re really concentrating, as well as somewhat-sociable-but-still-kind-of-tired-and-grumpy
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People messing up his equipment. Oh sweet Auri-el, if you touch his things he will explode. Also, he hates the racism that the Thalmor promote. (He hates racism in general, but he hates the Thalmor’s views the most).
94. Outlook on life?
“It sucks, but I do find quite a bit fascinating and I’ll help where I can.”
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
His perfectionism, how lonely he knows he is, and more.
96. What is their greatest weakness?
Again, his perfectionism, as well as having his work dictate more in his life than he should.
97. What is the greatest strength?
His brain. He remembers small details extremely well, and is practically an encyclopedia when it comes to alchemy.
98. Something that they regret?
How awful he used to be to everyone back home. He got a lot of pushback on his dreams and who he was, so he lashed out. Even though there wasn’t much he could do there, he still regrets hiring his family and wants to try at a relationship again with them (lol good luck).
99. Biggest accomplishment?
How is this different from “Greatest Achievement”?
100. Create your own! (Why is his alchemy so different from the norm?)
Because he’s trying to do something much more along the lines of modern medicine as opposed to just potions.
101. (Bonus!) Why is he in Skyrim?
Because it’s rather lacking in the medicine department compared to the other provinces, so he decided his talents would be best used there. Obviously, his family protested, but he went anyways.
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lesbian-kyoru · 4 years
What do you think is each character's favorite subject in school?
tohru: not a surprise but baby girl loves home ec!! kind of has to work her butt off studying for her other classes, so she gets to enjoy herself and do something she’s naturally super good at in home ec. loves making little snacks in class for her friends and then sharing them at lunch. the sewing unit takes her fashion game to the next level. when they do a project where they take care of fake babies, she definitely ends up caring for half of the class’s infants like they’re her own. kyo is her partner and everyone teases them about it but she still has a really nice time and thinks kyo would be a great dad :’)) highest home ec grade of all time in their school
kyo: says his favorite is PE but it’s actually math. gets a 5 on the AP calc exam. tells no one but tohru, who then tells everyone and kazuma throws a party and kyo is Not Pleased. isn’t a great math tutor though because he can’t really explain how he gets his answers—he just Knows. checks tohru’s homework for her before she turns it in (read: fixes all her wrong answers when she’s not looking so he can see her huge smile when she gets a good grade back. only feels a little bit guilty). watches math tedtalks. nerd disguised as a jock
yuki: favorite subject is lit!! bullshits his way through class discussions and papers without ever actually reading the books because he’s smart and charismatic. has a premium account on sparknotes. favorite class specifically was one on ancient greek literature and epic poetry—spent the entirety of the class critiquing heteronormative readings of the iliad and taking the piss out of other students because “achilles and patroclus are clearly gay if you have eyes”
kakeru: …...i’ll be real he doesn’t like school lmao. senioritis personified. on his phone during classes constantly. laptop open playing world of warcraft or candy crush or neopets. could not tell you anything the teacher said in the last hour. doesn’t take notes because “i’ve got it all up here yun-yun…..” but doesn’t actually do half-bad on tests. only reason he does homework is because he can pretend to study with yuki while actually just flirting with him. if there’s one subject he doesn’t hate it’s history because he “thinks the fight scenes are fun” (yuki: “you mean world war 1??” “yeah it was exciting”)
uo: autoshop. hates the stereotype that just because she’s a lesbian she must like tools and machinery and automotive tech.....having said that she is a lesbian and she does like tools and machinery and automotive tech. gets a 100 on her project where she fixes a busted up motorcycle, and now she has two motorcycles. all the boys in the class call her senpai and worship the ground she walks on. smells faintly like motor oil all the time but she Absolutely makes it work
hana: creative writing. school is not her thing but she thrives in creative writing because her creativity is 100/10 and her stories are absolutely off the walls. excels in writing spooky yet also homoerotic ghost stories in particular. reads them aloud in class with the lights turned off and a flashlight illuminating her face. has made students cry out of fear. shigure beta-reads her writing. likes to subtly imply that her stories actually happened to fuck with kyo. it works
momiji: band/orchestra!! all the older students lose their minds over how well he can play. first chair violinist from day one. has a solo in every concert; tohru sits front row and films them, always cries. he’s the life of the party at Band Camp(™). even the grumpy bass clarinetists like him. doesn’t get in trouble when he talks waaaaay too much during rehearsal because the teacher loves him
haru: mr space cadet himself isn’t much of a science guy but LOVES astronomy. gets Ds on pretty much every test but he doesn’t care because his mind is expanding. buys a super nice telescope so he can look at constellations at 3 in the morning. develops very specific opinions about each planet. stans the moon. gets really into sleeping at last’s astronomy-themed album. becomes that guy whose personality is “i like space” until the class is over and then he never talks about it again
rin: art! she takes several art classes throughout high school. really loves drawing and painting, but also really likes doing ceramics projects because she likes working with her hands :’)) does a watercolor portrait for tohru as a graduation gift but gets really flustered when tohru sobs into her arms over how beautiful it is. also secretly likes doing little doodles of her and haru—he sees them once in her sketchbook and will never let her live it down
kagura: says her favorite is PE and it actually is PE. goes ham for capture the flag, tends to play too rough when capturing and gets taken out of the game. only person who is actually good at volleyball so she is constantly spiking, setting, and diving for the ball all in the same game, while the rest of her team just kind of fumbles around and tries to stay out of her way. gets first place every time they run the mile even though it’s definitely not a competition. definitely knows her mile time even though it is not a timed activity
hiro: this kid screams history nerd, but like Male History Nerd with a niche interest in military history and very specific opinions about how *insert historical figure* wasn’t actually all that bad. gets his ass handed to him in class discussions on the daily but won’t admit it. is genuinely really smart and has Better Opinions by the time he graduates, so he starts using his history nerd powers For Good as an adult—as in, arguing about inaccurate historical memes on facebook in his free time
kisa: choir. singing stresses her out, but she’s figured out that she can just mouth the words and no one can tell that she’s not actually singing! loves being in the group and hearing the beautiful music around her :’)) everyone is in awe of how cute she is in her lil choir robe. tohru comes to all of kisa’s concerts as well and films them from the front row, also while crying
machi: woodshop. gets sawdust on her clothes and loves the smell. obsessed with digging through piles of splintering and warped scrap wood. loses her damn mind when she gets to use the jigsaw. really enjoys making like…misshapen birdhouses and crooked tables, but woodshop is mostly participation grades anyway so her teacher gives her A’s on all of her grotesque wood creations. she is at peace and is One with the Wood. doesn’t wear safety goggles while chopping wood because she likes Risk
kimi: loves speech & drama. emphasis on the drama. it’s a chance to talk for a long time and everyone has to look at her and listen to her or else they’ll fail!! which is how she likes it. goes three minutes over for every speech but the teacher can’t get her to pause long enough to stop her. comes to auditions in a full professionally-made costume. knows her lines and everyone else’s
nao: AP statistics on the pre-accounting track. has known he wants to be an accountant since he was in diapers. does slightly below average in the class. still studies accounting in college because it’s too big a part of his personality to quit at this point. becomes an accountant. never quite feels fulfilled
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