#ghirahim may love a good scrap but he also seems like he’d also love being helpful with menial bureaucratic tasks
golvio · 11 months
Ganondorf with Alexander the Great Syndrome, where he’s dangerously clever and fantastic at military strategy, intrigue, adapting to setbacks, and inspiring people under him to action through his energizing charisma, which along with the necessary hubris from believing he is meant to rule makes him extremely effective at the “taking things over” part of attempted world domination.
However, despite his belief he is naturally inclined to lead and therefore is the best possible person to control everything, he is also absolute dogshit at actually administering his holdings and doing the basic day-to-day business required to maintain more permanent control over the territories he invades. Unless he’s motivated to stay put and hold course by a powerful grudge, he’s often moving on to the next, more exciting challenge once he’s finished his business in a location, which often involves physically leaving and abandoning whichever poor patsies he’s appointed to look after things in his absence to fend for themselves. This is why all the kingdoms he’s ever built according to his personal vision of how the world ought to be collapse into dust immediately after he dies.
Getting this man to do paperwork will get you the same response as trying to force him to chew broken glass, which is why he will always be defeated unless he eventually develops the good sense to appoint either a whole cabinet or a single reasonably competent secretary to do all the boring stuff for him.
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