eydika · 2 years
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wanted to draw more kisses but ran out of steam, so here are ✨ the smooches ✨
living breathing walking disaster rhys and @friendlyfirestarter‘s raff
aniel, hero of tython, and @sjokoladekjeksen‘s talharian, emperor’s wrath (because the hero of tython and emperor’s wrath simply HAVE to kiss)
@ghilenan‘s aslan and calida (who, when blushing, is about as pink as aslan)
dawn and ........ @witchy-cutie‘s dawn, dawn² if you will
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ghilenan · 1 year
Underpaid artists be like--
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Can Do!
Humanoids (humans, most fantasy races, anthro characters, etc)
Fantasy creatures (dragons, gryphons, etc)
Suggestive themes, etc
Underage individuals in adult (sexual, violent, etc) situations
Firearms & Machines (including robots and the like)
Real people that can't consent to this (celebrities, politicians, etc)
Hardcore porn & gore, etc
Payment upfront in USD via Pay-Pal or Ko-fi ☕
Email me at [email protected] or message me here <3
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luinen-bluewater · 8 months
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Thanks to @captastra for tagging me. It only took me ages to reply but I finally made it lol Blank version here The song:
Super no pressure tags: @headraline @ghilenan @omgkalyppso @arrow90-art @valiantvillain @aylo-anzu @nowandthane @roofgeese and whoever wants to do it! <3
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morganlefaye79 · 10 months
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[WIP] The wonderful @ghilenan is working on a commission for me and gave me a little sneakpeak and permission to share my BG3 drows. The amount of detail is extraordinary and I find everytime I zoom in new details.
I never had the means to commission Ghilenan when I was far more active in the Dragon Age Fandom but I immediately jumped at the opportunity for Baldur's Gate. I highly recommend commissioning her! 💜 She is a absulute joy to work with.
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carddinal · 1 year
what's your top 3 favorite ocs of your own
ooo Top 3 ocs, in no particular order:
Beauregard 'Beau' Himm - a D&D/fantasy rpg oc, barbarian half-orc who was raised by his loving parents, who were both successful adventurers in their own right. He has trouble leaving his family, his pet pig, and his tightknit community behind, but after words of encouragement from his parents, Beau heads out for adventure to create his own stories. He's not very bright but he has the kindest heart and will do anything to help his friends and loved ones.
Jolene Faith - a RDR2/western oc, raised by her single mother after her father abandoned them to join his old gang in one last big score, presumed dead after news of things going wrong and the gang falling apart. When she's grown she meets an old member of her father's gang, and she learns that her father successfully escaped with the fortune and hasn't been seen since. He teaches Jolene to be a bounty hunter and she uses those skills to get work and cross the country, following clues to her father's whereabouts. She's clever and vengeful, and she cross-dresses and uses the name 'Joel Gravecross' to avoid the eyes of the law and others who may want her dead.
Theodore 'Theo' Uddsrick - a Sea of Thieves/pirate oc, who was born to an affluent but unloving family. Inspired by tales from his merchant uncle, Theo steals his family's sloop with his best friend and heads to adventure. Shortly after reaching the Sea of Thieves however, they were attacked by a kraken, where Theo lost his best friend, his ship, his eye, and his leg. He's a great sailor and navigator, though not super skilled with a sword or gun, with a positive attitude and a love for stories and collecting legends and lore.
You can find art of Beau and Jolene in my header and pfp respectfully. Both done by the wonderful @ghilenan. Thank you for the ask <3
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 2 years
OC Kiss Week 23 - In Which The Rogue’s Name Proceeds Him
I am neck deep in a terrible writer’s block, but that has not and will not ever stop me from participating at least a little in the spirit of the season.
@ghilenan had the biggest brain suggestion of a kiss between her sweet wine-maker Ambrosia and my water genasi swashbuckler Lux, who I haven’t talk about much here but who lives in my brain 24/7. I thought they were a sweet match-up, and I decided to make it Lux’s problem. <3
~1992 words
Lux had warned his crewmates that he would be late.
“Wine shops are always run by beautiful women or kindly old grandmothers,” he had told them, when they had shoved him unceremoniously towards the overgrown little hut on the edge of town, “and I am irresistibly charming to both. If I go alone, you all may find that you will not get me back again.”
“Good,” their bosun had muttered, before shoving a scanty little sack of coin at him and trudging off towards the inn, calling over one shoulder that he would be expected back — provisional wine secured — within the hour. No one else had even cared enough to look back.
But, well. Lux had warned them, after all.
“ — and that's when I saw the third door open, which meant that we were now very surrounded, and I did what any reasonable swordsman would do; I leapt upon the table and asked the gentleman in front of me if he thought a bit of a vertical tango with me might help him with the horizontal sort that he seemed to be so desperately lacking. Poor fellow nearly broke his nose scrambling up after me, he was so eager to knock me off again.”
“Oh, very daring.”
Across from where Lux was propped against the counter, the keeper of the ramshackle little shop smiled and leaned forward onto an elbow, long tresses of dark hair sliding forward over her bare shoulders. His first instinct had been right — the shop’s keeper was a beautiful woman, tall and horned and handsome in her colorful swaths of embroidered damask, and the handmade wooden jewelry that clicked musically when she walked. She had introduced herself as Ambrosia, naturally, and had watched him with intensely purple eyes from the moment he stepped through her door. This had the natural effect of enticing Lux to inquire about a few more of her wares than were strictly necessary, and she had asked, without one hint of rancor, if sailors had the taste or the coin for anything stronger than pink water. He had grinned and told her that even if sailors didn’t, he certainly did, and that had earned him a laugh and a seat at her counter, where he had spent the last hour trying to convince her that he was entertaining.
Now he leaned against the back of his chair, raising the stout cup that contained a sample of her newest batch of mead, and dipped his head in a low, theatrical bow.
“Though not so daring, if I'm honest,” he admitted when he had straightened again, giving her a lopsided little grin. “There wasn’t exactly any more room on the floor, understand, and I was doing my marked best to not get stabbed. Cowardice and roguish charm make for strange bedfellows when things get interesting.”
“Mm. But they do make for wonderful stories.” Across the table, Ambrosia’s startlingly violet eyes narrowed as she looked him over, a languid up-and-down appraisal that sent a pleasant shiver up his spine. “Though I suppose that would be the point, wouldn't it? A noble’s son doesn’t typically abandon his post to go adventure-seeking for terrible stories, after all.”
She smiled again, and Lux felt his bowels clench painfully in surprise. A noble’s son, she had said. Like it was a joke that they were sharing; like she knew. From his place at her table, Lux stared up at her — at her casual lean forward, at the coy tip of her head, at the little twitch of a smirk at the corner of her mouth — and swallowed hard.
“Well," he said, a little unsteadily, "I certainly wouldn’t know anything about that —”
“Wouldn’t you?” Ambrosia raised an eyebrow, her coquettish smile sloping towards something very nearly wicked. “The wayward child of a local lord, slated for greatness at his behest, who neared the prospect of marrying age and flew to the four winds instead? Who took to swashbuckling, and to the sea? Oh, yes, I know who you are, Luxus Bray. Your story happens to be a favorite around here.”
Without waiting to see if he had a reply to that little bombshell — he didn’t — she stooped down behind her counter and reappeared a moment later carrying a slim book bound in slightly warped cardstock. The cover was a softly painted tableau of two figures tangled together at the waist of a ship, wreathed in a stormy crash of sea spray. One was a long-furred orange tabaxi wrapped in a tattered white slip, looking remarkably well-groomed for being in the middle of a storm. She had both arms slung with reckless abandon around the shoulders of the second figure, who was dressed in a trim orange waistcoat that offset the star-spattered, midnight-sky color of his skin. Thick, rolling curls had been swept forward over one shoulder, sunset purple where they weren’t orange, orange where they weren’t a shining yellow-gold. One of his hands was tangled in the rucked-up skirt of the tabaxi’s dress; the other was wrapped in the ratlines of a very implausibly-placed shroud.
It was a cheap, half-copper novel of the bodice-ripper variety, and that was undoubtedly Lux on its cover.
“You apparently left quite an impression on one of the girls in the next valley,” Ambrosia said as she set the book on the counter between them, her voice dull and distant-sounding beneath the rising thrum of his heart. “That, or you have a doppleganger running around doing his marked best to make all of the locals swoon. But by that look on your face, I think you recognize this one.”
“I do,” Lux heard himself say, very softly. He felt strangely separate from himself, like his spirit was lingering a half-step behind the rest of him. A quiet, contemptuous thought — hissed in a voice uncomfortably like his own — reminded him that being the centerpiece of some cheap smut that most people paid for in clipped coins would have been an insult to most people. That he should be angry. That he should, at the very least, be a little bit put out.
But, hot damn. People knew his name.
With shaking fingers, Lux pulled the little novel closer, lifting the cover to leaf slowly through the pages. It fluttered open to a natural part about two-thirds of the way through, where a leather bookmark sat wedged against the spine, its twine tether threaded with familiar-looking wooden beads. They clattered pleasantly against one another, an echo of their owner’s, and another  shiver, warm and pleasant as bathwater, rolled up his spine.
“You’ve read it?” he asked after a moment, glancing up to where Ambrosia still towered overhead. She smiled a long, liquid smile.
“I have,” she said. “The author did not give you much in the way of anonymity, I’m afraid. She names you ‘Lucius,’ but that seems to be where her imagination stops. Or…well. I certainly hope that’s all she exaggerated, anyway.”
This, she said with another long up-and-down appraisal of him, and a pleased narrowing of her eyes that snapped the world sharply back into focus. Lux let himself ease slowly back into his seat again, fighting the rising grin threatening at the corner of his mouth.
“So do I,” he said, nudging the novel aside to prop an elbow back on the table between them. “Alas, I don’t have the time to scour an entire book to find out, much as I would like to. But you’ve read the whole thing, haven’t you? That makes you the expert in this case. So.” He set his chin into his propped-up hand and peered up through the fall of his hair, grinning. “Care to double-check her work?”
To her credit, Ambrosia's expression didn't so much as flicker at the invitation. She just regarded him sidelong for a moment and then stepped around the counter between them, humming thoughtfully.
“Petitioning a woman while she’s at work, are you?” she asked, one eyebrow raised. “While she plies her trade? While you drink her wine? That’s rather unbecoming of a noble’s son, don’t you think?”
She crossed to the door of the ramshackle little shop, and Lux felt his come-hither grin break like a dropped vase. He rocketed to his feet and dropped instantly into a low bow, heart in his throat. It was the same deferential bend of the knee that his father had scolded into him regularly throughout his childhood, and it came on like a reflex, like a phantom pain.
“Forgive me,” he said to the floor. “That was… that was monstrously callous of me. I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position, or make any propositions that you felt you couldn’t —”
The sound of a door bolt sliding home cut him off; when he chanced a look up, Ambrosia favored him with an impish little smile over one shoulder, and then casually flipped the wooden sign on her door from ‘open’ to ‘closed.’
“Well,” she said slyly, “it’s certainly a good thing that I’m not working right now, isn’t it?”
That was about the only warning that Lux got. Suddenly, Ambrosia was crossing the shop in three graceful strides, hooves clicking across the soft wood, her dark hair fluttering behind her like a streamer. She caught his hands before he managed to get upright again and pulled him the rest of the way, backing him smoothly against the counter before he could think to plant his feet. She wasn’t especially tall, but neither was Lux, and the single inch that she had over him was all she needed; suddenly, the entire breadth of the room around him was filled with her, with the press of warm brown skin and clattering beads and the soft, tickling waves of her hair. Lux found himself clutching reflexively at the rustling folds of her clothes as they flattened between them, nearly as much to steady himself as to draw her closer. His knees suddenly felt unsteady beneath him; his head, like a spinning top. The whole world dimmed at the edges as he looked up into Ambrosia’s self-satisfied little smile, and the brilliant gem-purple of her eyes, bright as freshly dewed violets.
And then, she kissed him.
Whatever dim-witted brainlessness her proximity had worked into him before was nothing compared to the way his thoughts evaporated at that touch. His mind released its hold on the rest of the world like letting go of a kite string; suddenly, everything existed in the brief span of her lips against his, bright and sharp as cut crystal where they touched, muddy watercolor everywhere else. He was aware, very distantly, of his rapier clattering aside as she hooked a thigh over his hip. He felt his hands move leagues away from him and settle unbidden on her waist. There was a low, buzzing hum in his ears that he was startled to realize was his own heartbeat, working overtime. And then, suddenly, he didn’t care. None of it mattered, really. The only thing worth keeping his focus from sliding off of was the sweet mouth pressed to his own, the way his whole world rose up to meet it, and the sparkling, full-up feeling purring right in the center of his chest.
Eventually — a breath later, a lifetime — Ambrosia pulled away. Lux tried not to chase her retreat, tried not to notice the way her violet eyes practically shimmered with sly satisfaction at his hushed gasp. He succeeded marginally at both.
“Gods,” he breathed, when he found that he could speak again. “Is that usually how you accept an apology? I’m starting to think that you’re the one who ought to have romances written about them.”
“Do you?” Overhead, Ambrosia’s eyes narrowed as she smiled. She slung both arms around his shoulders and then sank her full weight against him, laughing quietly when he staggered against the bartop behind him. “Well then, ready your writing hand, Luxus Bray. I intend to be very inspiring.”
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vargonautic · 3 years
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A lil gift for @ghilenan of her lovely character Ilena! ❤️
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eydika · 2 years
wip whenever
got tagged by @mihqorio​ and @kruk-art​ ... a while ago (thank u!!!) so to make up for kinda forgetting about this i’ve got multiple wips >:)
wanted to redraw a swtor screenshot with my jedi knight and scourge but..................... yeah no, i didn’t/don’t have the patience for armor lol. bonus: neutrally disappointed nine, and dawn being dawn™️
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because it’s been so long i’m tagging you right back @mihqorio​ @kruk-art​ + also tagging @palepinkycat​ @ghilenan​ @refinedstorage​ @minilev​
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
Actually, in my eyes, you've always been and will continue to be the potato guy for the rest of your life 🥔
actually you kno what you’re right I can’t forget my roots
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quizzikemen · 5 years
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Soft boy Armaas as a commission for @ghilenan 🌻♥
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fandom-age · 5 years
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads "I want to share my love of @ghilenan. Her art is amazing and I love seeing her create so many great OC’s."
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
🔥 + The whole Mary-Sue thing happening in fandoms (ง'̀-'́)ง
I don’t think it’s controversial to say that Mary Sue, as a term, is inherently misogynistic. I mean, come on, it’s already gendered and has only negative connotations.
Meanwhile, Harry Potter can be the literal Master of Death and no one bats an eyelash??? Excuse me. And don’t try to feed me some line about novels being different from fanfiction because my ears bled from how many people called Katniss an OP Mary Sue. 
Dude, fuck right off with that shit. 
 It’s misogynistic
Readers fucking LOVE overpowered characters. They like it when the good guy wins.
Overpowered is a matter of perspective in a lot of cases, anyway.
Just let?? People?? Have?? Fun???
Don’t like it, don’t read you fucks.
Everyone is the hero in their own story IRL, why should it be any different in a novel?
Maybe the POV character just doesn’t realize how powerful anyone else is because they’re always around the MC, hmm??
Don’t be a dick.
If anyone has a character they’re afraid is a Mary Sue or who has been criticized as such, HIT UP MY ASK BOX. I WILL VALIDATE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. LET’S GO. OC TIME. (ง •̀_•́)ง
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briarfox13 · 5 years
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A little birthday present for @ghilenan
Have a wonderful day <3 <3 
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ravenqueen89 · 5 years
The Witcher 3!!
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I love it so much! it’s very male gazey at times but oh i love getting lost in it.
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scharoux · 5 years
Get To Know Me Meme
Tagged by @ghilenan 😊 Thank you!
Tagging; @bearly-tolerable @ellstersmash @kittlesandbugs @badwolf626 @lyrium-lovesong @thevikingwoman @velannas @buttsonthebeach (only if you want to of course!)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′4" (I just little)
Last movie I saw: I can't remember the last movie I saw in theaters, but the last movie I sat down and watched was 'The Happytime Murders'.
Last thing I googled: Fen'Harel statues....I needed references.
Favorite musician: "We are Legion, for we are many"
Song stuck in my head:  Tribulations by Matt Maeson
Other blogs: @scharoux-portfolio and @rouxs-rhaella
Following: 411 (90% are art blogs)
Followers: 393
Do I get asks: If I do they are far and few inbetween.
Amount of sleep I get: It usually varies from night to night. On average I get about 6 hrs a night.
Lucky number(s): 22
What I’m wearing right now: My pj pants, my 'I Solemnly swear I'm up to no good' tank top, and a sweater. Thinking I should put socks on cuz my feet are cold.
Dream job: Professional full time artist, custom cake decorator, or Photographer.
Dream trip: Trip to the UK, Scotland and Ireland being at the top of my list, as well as a jaunt over to Iceland and Norway, and then all the way down to New Zealand.
Favorite food(s): I love cheese, specifically hard cheeses 🤤
Instruments: Some piano and guitar, but I really want to learn to play the violin.
Language: English and French
Favorite song: Don't have one. I love them all for various reasons depending on my mood.
Random fact: The first and only trip I've been on outside of North America was to Australia for a month. I was 18 and it was amazing!
Describe your aesthetic: I usually go for comfy in neutral colors, or I've recently taken a shine to those long flowy dresses.
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
[that Kronk gif] !! Happy birthday! :D
Thanks! 😊💕
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