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elarea · 2 years ago
Un lugar vacío en la tribuna
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Club Artigas Campeón 1968 arriba segundo desde la derecha Adalberto Soba.
Por Gustavo Castiñeira
Una frase muy conocida dice que “el fútbol es lo más importante, dentro de las cosas menos importantes”.
Estas historias son de gente que entregó la vida a una causa, a una idea. Una vida que les fue arrancada y que nos quitaron a todos. Que desaparecieron, pero solo en parte. Porque siguen estando, todos y todas, en el recuerdo y en el pedido de justicia. Y también, en la continuación de su lucha.
Esas vidas eran la de militantes, como hay tantos y tantas hoy en día, con similares compromisos, sueños, y también formas de vivir sus pasiones. Iban a la feria, iban al cine, salían a bailar, eran solidarios, se enamoraban, iban a un concierto…iban a la cancha. A la cancha, a gritar un gol del club de sus amores.
La emblemática fecha del 20 de mayo recuerda los asesinatos en 1976 de Zelmar Michelini, Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, Rosario Barredo y William Withelaw.
Zelmar, amante de las carreras de caballos, el “Deporte de los reyes”, supo jugar al fútbol y hasta hacerlo en el Estadio Centenario. Fue con su equipo Potosí Carrasco, del fútbol universitario. Preliminar a un clásico en 1957. Jugaba de marcador de punta derecho. También en medio de la cancha y ocasionalmente de centro delantero. Era flaco, rápido y algo “fierrero”. Llegó a ser capitán del equipo, e integró la selección de la Liga. Se probó en inferiores de Defensor, equipo por el que simpatizaba, pero no tuvo suerte. De Zelmar es característica física su tabique nasal torcido….fue de un pelotazo en un partido de la liga. Y tenía en el Potosí un suplente de lujo: Alcides Edgardo Ghiggia.
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Además del recuerdo de los 4 asesinados, el 20 es la fecha de la desaparición de Manuel Liberoff. Manuel era un uruguayo más, a pesar de haber nacido en Argentina, el 31 de marzo de 1931. Concepción del Uruguay como lugar de nacimiento, Colegio del Uruguay “Justo José de Urquiza” como lugar de estudios, son señales de que nuestro país y Manuel estarían ligados. Abrazó el estudio de la medicina y la militancia en el Partido Comunista Argentino. Se exilia en nuestro país, tramita la nacionalidad uruguaya, y aquí se gradúa de médico. Se casa con Silvia Nemirovsky, y tienen tres hijos: Benjamín, Liliana y Jenny. La familia se mudó y vivió muchos años en Camino Maldonado y Veracierto, Malvín Norte. Allí Manuel mostró su solidaridad, instalando una policlínica para atender a todo el barrio. Y allí se hizo hincha de Danubio.
Manuel fue uno de los hinchas de Danubio que estuvo en Belvedere cuando un lío grande contra Liverpool en 1959 hizo que el equipo de la franja descendiera y que su cancha fuera suspendida un año. En aquel partido bravo que Manuel vio en Belvedere, que significó el descenso de su querido Danubio, estaba en la tribuna de enfrente un jovencito hincha de Liverpool, que de tan flaco le decían “Plomito”. Se llamaba Adalberto Soba. En el baby Soba jugaba de puntero izquierdo. Arrancó a ir a la “Institución Atlética La Cumparsita”, un club de La Teja, que vestía camiseta Celeste.
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Jugadores de La Cumparsita, de la Teja, segundo desde la derecha Adalberto Soba.
Era un club comprometido y lo sigue siendo. En los años 60s y 70s contaba con cierta inclinación hacia los grupos anarquistas. Luego jugó en Unión Vecinal, que estaba en la Intermedia. Por ese tiempo “Plomito” arranca a parar mucho en el bar La Razón, que aún se mantiene en la esquina de Carlos María Ramírez y Vicente Yañez Pinzón. Emblemático punto del barrio, era un Bar que frecuentaban muchos de los jugadores de uno de los principales equipos de la zona, el Club Atlético Artigas. Y “Plomito” fue a jugar con ellos. En 1968, a sus 24 años, jugaba en la vieja Divisional Extra, la última categoría de la AUF. Jugó de lateral izquierdo los 12 partidos que hicieron que el Artigas ganara el campeonato de ese año. Es el único futbolista desparecido. Su militancia lo lleva a la Federación Anarquista. Ahí el contacto con sus amigos es casi nulo. La militancia le restó tiempo a todo lo demás. “Plomito” y el “Cabeza” no volverán a ver juntos a Liverpool. Lo que sí seguía haciendo Soba, aún clandestino: iba a ver a su querida “Cumparsita”. Muchos no lo reconocían en la muchedumbre que veía el partido. Y los que sí lo hacían, pasaban a su lado y apenas lo saludaban, disimuladamente. Adalberto, con otra apariencia, no dejaba de ir a ver a su club del barrio.
Luis Eduardo Arigón Castel nació el 18 de febrero de 1926, hijo de Francisco y de Sabina Esther. De chico le decían “chumbo” o “chumbito”, quizá era algo “pesado” de niño. Se casó con Sara Barroca, y tuvieron dos hijas: Estrella y Sabina. En la casa de Sara, su esposa, en la biblioteca que era de Luis Eduardo, se mantiene un viejo banderín de Liverpool, de felpa. Luis Eduardo se hizo hincha de Liverpool por su zona de militancia que abarcaba el Cerro, la Teja, Belvedere.
Cuando a “Plomito” Soba lo secuestran, iba al encuentro de su compañero de militancia, Alberto Mechoso. El “Pocho” había nacido en Trinidad, departamento de Flores. Venido a Montevideo, vivirá en La Teja y el Cerro. En el barrio decían que era buen jugador de fútbol, entreverándose en cuadros del barrio. Uno de los más importantes, el Club Atlético Vencedor, fundado el 25 de mayo de 1947, uno de los principales clubes de La Teja y la Cachimba del Piojo. En su reglamento había un curioso artículo: “No podrán ser socios del CA Vencedor ni los milicos ni los carneros”. La familia Mechoso es una de las que ayudó a su nacimiento.
Su hijo pasó por varios equipos y también jugó en la primera de Progreso, hasta 1989. Y el nieto de “Pocho”, Ezequiel Mechoso, heredó de su abuelo y padre la pasión por el fútbol. Actualmente es jugador de Racing de Montevideo, pero supo ser, hace algunos años, jugador de Peñarol y casualmente en el padrón de socios de ese club aparecían los nombres de los responsables de la muerte y desaparición de su abuelo: Manuel Cordero y José Gavazzo.
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Sección Batería de fábrica de FUNSA, Quinto parado desde la izquierda Leon Duarte.
Como Alberto Mechoso y Adalberto Soba, otro anarquista del PVP desaparecido en Argentina fue León Duarte. Trabajador de FUNSA, había cancha de fútbol dentro de la fábrica y se hacían grandes campeonatos internos entre las distintas secciones. Duarte trabajaba en la sección Batería, camiseta blanca, con una franja roja diagonal. Jugaba en el fondo, de líbero, y no era muy habilidoso que se diga.
Por ahí Armando Arnone, Desaparecido en la Argentina, posa de golero en una vieja foto de un cuadro de barrio.
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Club de baby, nombre desconocido, golero Armando Arnone, desaparecido en Argentina.
Javier Miranda, hincha confeso de Liverpool, su pasión negriazul no nació por herencia de su padre, Fernando Miranda. Desaparecido del que se encontraron sus restos en 2005 en el Batallón de Infantería N°13, Fernando Miranda era fanático de Nacional.
Daniel González, hermano de Luis Eduardo González, recuerda que su hermano siempre estaba con una sonrisa. En su Young natal o en Montevideo. Siempre riendo, siempre haciendo deporte. Sobre todo fútbol, al que jugaba muy bien. En Young jugó en un club llamado Zorrilla, donde jugaban un torneo de fútbol organizado por la Parroquia. En Montevideo jugó al baby en un club de Malvín, y ya más grande jugaba en juveniles del club Plaza de Nueva Helvecia. Era en Colonia, pero le pagaban los pasajes. Era mediocampista y jugaba muy bien, pero cuando entra a Preparatorio, ya la actividad deportiva queda en un segundo plano. Toda su familia era hincha fanática de Peñarol. Por algo se llamaba Luis Eduardo….Eduardo en homenaje a Juan Eduardo Hohberg.
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Club de baby de Malvin, Luis Eduardo González abajo tercero desde la izquierda.
Hoy han surgido muchos clubes que cultivan la memoria. Grupos de hinchas organizados como “Hinchas con memoria”, “Gol a la impunidad”, Bolsos o Manyas Antifascistas….Todos exigiendo Verdad y Justicia, y preguntando ¿Donde están?
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dubiousdisco · 2 years ago
TIL about Barbosa who was like. branded a criminal his entire life because he failed a penatly or something in the BrazilNT in the 50s. Have you ehard of him? (I could not find his full name for some reason??)
I DID NOT KNOW THIS OH MY GOD?? i found more about him on wikipedia tho
"Moacyr Barbosa do Nascimento (Campinas, March 27, 1921 – Praia Grande, April 7, 2000) was a Brazilian footballer who played as a goalkeeper. Although he was considered one of the greatest archers of his time, Barbosa is best remembered for his participation in the defeat of the Brazilian national team in the 1950 FIFA World Cup Final, against Uruguay, in particular for the second Uruguayan goal, scored by Alcides Ghiggia. Because of the defeat, known as Maracanaço, goalkeeper Barbosa was accused of having failed to take the defeating goal and carried the burden of defeat until his death. After the World Cup, he returned to Vasco da Gama, where he was applauded for being a reference in the team's history, but suffered nationally with the stigma of the goal conceded in the World Cup."
and of course he was a Vasco player
a pic of him
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Words about him by Armando Nogueira: "Certainly, the most wronged creature in the history of Brazilian football. He was a master goalkeeper. He worked miracles, dodging poisoned balls with the wrong hand. Ghiggia's goal in the 1950 Cup final fell on him like a curse. And the more I see the move, the more I absolve it. That game Brazil lost the day before."
"What is the maximum sentence in Brazil? Isn't it 30 years? Because I've been serving more than 40 years and no one forgets. If I were a common criminal, I would understand. But what was my crime? What was my sin ?" said former goalkeeper Moacyr Barbosa Nascimento to Helvídio Mattos in 1993.
everything i checked agrees that he was being persecuted not because of the goals, but because he was a black man. Once again, it was racism all along. His family and his daughter in particular fought for his image and for reparations.
it also says that after Brazils 7-1 brazilian public was forced to admit a goalkeeper is not the sole responsible for a teams defeat.
by the end of his career he got his leg broken and couldn't compete for a while, and he became depressed, but he recoved he the hospital he was in started to line up his fans who wanted to visit him, it says he realized he was still loved by the fans from rio.
He was presented with a statue in Santos (city) and vasco's training center is named after him, which i didn't know! i knew the name but didn't know who he was!
It also says he was called "rubber man" because he was short but would seemingly elongate his body and catch everything
also i'm impressed with how much stuff he actually won, here's the titles with vasco and santa cruz:
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with brasil nt he won:
Copa Roca: 1945
Copa Rio Branco: 1947 e 1950
Copa América: 1949 (!!!!!!!!!)
(also it's cute that brazil and argentina and brazil and uruguay had their own cups omg)
and by himself he won Third Best Brazilian Goalkeeper of the 20th Century which, wow.
he also said several times he was proud of the second place, and it should be more celebrated and i agree.
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curiositydidnotkillthecat2 · 2 months ago
Something about unlucky athletes
One of the unluckiest goalkeepers in football history was the Brazilian Moacir Barbosa. He was the man in goal during the historic 1950 Maracanã final, when the Seleção suffered a shocking 2-1 defeat against Uruguay. Barbosa would forever, and unfairly, be remembered as the goalkeeper of the Maracanazo—the one who conceded Ghiggia’s decisive goal and became the scapegoat of an entire nation for the loss that cost Brazil the dream of winning the World Cup on home soil. He was the first Black goalkeeper for Brazil’s national team and one of the most successful players in Vasco da Gama’s history. However, his talent and achievements were overshadowed by that single event, and Barbosa became known to everyone as "the goalkeeper who made Brazil cry." Mothers would even point him out to their children on the streets of Rio, as though he were a warning.
In 1993, Barbosa went to the Maracanã to watch the national team train for the 1994 World Cup, but he was recognized by one of the coach’s assistants and asked to leave the stadium. It was feared that his presence might bring bad luck. Thus, the goalkeeper of the Maracanazo became a victim of his nation’s hatred and prejudice, spending the rest of his life in social isolation. For Brazilians, it was as if he had never existed, condemned to eternal oblivion.
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sagarg889 · 2 years ago
Trash Rack Cleaning Machine Market Development Trends, Competitive Analysis & Key Manufacturers Report 2022 to 2032
The global trash rack cleaning machine market is forecasted to be estimated at US$ 408.5 Million by 2032, up from US$ 286.8 Million in 2022, advancing at a CAGR of 3.6%, during the forecast period.
Trash rack cleaning machines (TRCM) are intended to remove logs, trash, debris (trunks, branches, grass, leaves, etc.) accumulated at the trash racks, which restrict the flow of water. Trash rack cleaning machines are precisely designed in order to remove all kind of debris, maintain water flow, provide optimum environmental compatibility and minimise head losses.
These machines find applications in hydro and thermal power plants where the constant flow of water towards turbines is of prime concern. There is an increase in the demand for electricity from industrial, commercial and residential sectors, owing to which the governments of several countries have taken initiatives to increase capacity and restructure existing power stations to improve efficiency.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-6279
Thus, restructuring of existing plants and emergence of new hydro & thermal power projects will help drive the trash rack cleaning machine market. Moreover, there is an increase in the number of water treatment and distribution plants across the globe wherein the separation of debris from flowing water is a primary step. For the same, trash racks are employed and need to be periodically cleaned, which is expected to drive the demand for trash rack cleaning machines.
Regional Outlook
The global trash rack cleaning machine market is mainly dominated by Europe, followed by Asia Pacific. In Europe and Asia Pacific, existing as well as upcoming hydro & thermal power projects will help drive the market over the forecast period. The Asia Pacific trash rack cleaning machine market is expected to grow with a significant CAGR over the forecast period.
The North America trash rack cleaning machine market is expected to register substantial growth over the forecast period, owing to the high investment in the power & energy industry and in infrastructure development for water distribution networks. Latin America and Middle East & Africa Trash rack cleaning machine markets are expected to grow steadily over the forecast period.
Trash Rack Cleaning Machine Market: Market Participants
Examples of some of the market participants in the global trash rack cleaning machine market, identified across the value chain include:
General Mechanical Works Pvt. Ltd.
Künz GmbH
Lukas Anlagenbau GmbH
BRAUN Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H
Enerquip AS
Münster Apparatebau GmbH
Poolmeccanica Lorenzon Srl
Mavi Deniz Co.
Lakeside Equipment Corporation
Haseeb Waqas Engineering Ltd.
Texmaco Rail & Engineering Ltd.
Ghiggia Ingegneria d’Impianti srl
Regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada) Latin America (Mexico. Brazil) Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain) Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia) Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand) Japan Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)
The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
Read Full Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/trash-rack-cleaning-machine-market
Key Segments Profiled In The Trash Rack Cleaning Machine Market Survey
By Type:
Hydraulic Lifting
Cable Operated
By Operation:
Fully Automatic
By Ownership:
Private Enterprises
Multilateral Development Banks
By Sub-Type:
Single Arm
Double Arm
Double Piston
By Mounting:
By Application:
Hydro Power Plants
Plumping Stations
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
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marianajacqueline45 · 5 years ago
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Hoy cumpliría años #AlcidesGhiggia (1926 - 2015) fue un futbolista uruguayo, que jugaba como delantero. Fue ganador del Mundial del 50' con la selección uruguaya, protagonista del Maracanazo. También formó parte de la selección italiana. Ghiggia es recordado por haber hecho el segundo gol a Brasil a los 34 minutos del segundo tiempo en el "Maracanazo", es decir, en el último partido del Campeonato Mundial de fútbol de 1950 en el estadio Maracaná de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Brasil era el favorito y con solo empatar el partido ganaría el campeonato; además era alentado por un público de unas 200 000 personas, con lo cual ese gol a 11 minutos del final ha tenido una trascendencia inusitada en la historia del fútbol mundial, ya que es considerada por algunos como la hazaña más grande de la historia de los mundiales. Más tarde, de #1957 a #1959, jugó para la selección de Italia. En diciembre de 2009 fue invitado a Brasil para ser homenajeado en la vereda de la fama del estadio Maracaná. A lo largo de su vida siempre ha manifestado que: «Solo tres personas en la historia han conseguido hacer callar al Estadio Maracaná con un solo gesto: el Papa, Frank Sinatra y yo». En septiembre de #2010, prestó su voz para un video que forma parte de la campaña de socios para TV del Club Atlético Peñarol. El 28 de septiembre de #2011, fue homenajeado en el Estadio Centenario en los festejos del 120 aniversario de Peñarol, por su trayectoria en este cuadro, formando parte de la llamada Máquina del '49. El 13 de junio de #2012, Ghiggia fue protagonista de un accidente de tránsito que lo tuvo al borde de la muerte. Tras permancer más de un mes internado, fue dado de alta. El 20 de noviembre de 2013, fue homenajeado en el Estadio Centenario, previo al encuentro que disputaron las selecciones de Uruguay y Jordania por la repesca para el Copa Mundial de Fútbol de #2014. #Ghiggia falleció de un paro cardíaco el 16 de julio de #2015, fecha en que se cumplía el 65° Aniversario del #Maracanazo. #Collage #ProgramaCollage #Noticia #revistacollage #Historia #deporte #Fútbol #Uruguay #SelecciónUruguay #FIFA #CONMEBOL #AUFTV #AUF (en Montevideo, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Ym4UXgt79/?igshid=1ab2fg7kfhhce
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sportscrunchind · 4 years ago
6 Footballers Who Led Scoring in 1950 FIFA World Cup
#SportsCrunch: #DidYouKnow the 6 Footballers Who Led Scoring in #1950FIFAWorldCup? #FIFAWorldCup #FIFA #Football
Today we discuss the footballers who hit the most goals in FIFA World Cup 1950. The FIFA World Cup 1950 was the 4th edition of the mega tournament hosted by Brazil during June 24 July 16, 1950. Host Brazil played the finals only to allow Uruguay dominate them in front of their home-crowd. We see here the exceptional performers who got listed among the most goals in FIFA World Cup 1950. 6.…
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socceradvice · 5 years ago
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Brazil vs Uruguay: South America’s Other Huge International Rivalry
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urupotter · 4 years ago
I’ve been staring at your icon for like five minutes trying to puzzle it out and I’m just gonna bite and ask who’s your header and icon. (I love your blog btw! You always bring such refreshing takes to the HP fandom and it’s always nice to see someone else who’s a Snape fan but doesn’t hate the Marauders. Your philosophy posts are always interesting too, I might not understand some of them but your discussions are always pretty intriguing) Anyways! Hope you have a pleasant rest of your day man
Thank you for the kind words!
As for who are the people in my header and icons, that’s a very interesting question, which I’ll happily answer :) The answer is quite long however, so I’ll add a cut.
All the men represented are related to South American football, specifically Uruguayan and Argentine football. Football is my favorite sport to watch and among my favorites to play (even though I’m very bad at it hehe), and since football is the most important sport in our country by far I enjoy reading about its history here. I chose both pictures because they are in some way relevant to that and I think they look cool. 
The men in my icon are the Uruguayan Oscar Washington Tabárez and argentine Gabriel Batistuta, with the man in the suit being the former and the man in the jersey the other. Tabárez is a famous coach, who has been coaching the Uruguayan national team for around 15 years. He revolutionized it, and the team is now back to a respectable level, if not quite its glory days in the first half of the XX century. The picture depicts an event in 1991 in Santiago, Chile where Tabárez got involved in a fight that had broken out between the players of the team he coached at the time (argentine club Boca Juniors) and the chilean club Colo Colo. He was hit with a camera which left his face bloody. Nothing too out of this world for South American football, but still pretty cool. 
The header is more interesting. It shows Obdulio Varela, the most revered and legendary figure in Uruguayan football history. He was the captain of the nation team during the 1950 world cup, where Uruguay won the cup for the second time, in what is considered by many to be the greatest final (and achievement) in the history of the sport. The “Maracanazo” as it came to be know, coined after the name of the stadium in which the final was played, the Maracaná. 
If I said that it was something out of a movie it would be understating it. It is so ridiculously epic that if a movie included it you would laugh at the forced drama. 
In the prelude to the world cup, Brazil was desperate to win their first world cup. While football was already extremely important, Brazil had not yet won the titles that would establish it as the premiere football country in the world, and was desperate to be crowned. So, it decided to host it, as being host gives the host a considerable advantage and increases the chances of victory, and makes victory that much sweeter since the team can celebrate with the whole country.
The tournament was not structured the way it is now, and after the group stages instead of the teams being bracketed, an additional group was made for the four teams who had won classified out of the group stages. They would all play against each other, and whoever won the most points would be champion.
While not officially a final, the last game of the group stages became a final de facto, because the outcome of that game would decide the champion between the teams playing. It was played on the 16th of July in 1950, in front of approximately 200000 spectators, the highest number in any football game before or since. The favored team to win was Brazil, who had won the previous two games and had a total of four points (at the time victories gave two points instead of three). Not only had they won, but they had amply demonstrated their superiority over the other teams, winning 7-1 and 6-1, against Sweden and Spain respectively. Uruguay on the other hand had three points, having tied 2-2 against Sweden and squeaked a 3-2 victory against Spain. This meant that for Uruguay to win the cup the only acceptable result was victory, as a tie would crown Brazil on goal difference.
The atmosphere in Brazil was unbelievable. Not just the stadium being ridiculously packed, but the Brazilian media had created such an aura of victory that most everyone took Brazil’s victory as a foregone conclusion. 
The main newspapers of Rio de Janeiro (the city where the final was played) already had covers proclaiming Brazil as world champion, before the game had even began. 500000 shirts with the inscription “Brazil - 1950 world champion” had already been sold. The Maracaná even had banners that said: “Glory to the world champions”. A band had been hired and instructed to play the national anthem of the winning team, but had only been given the Brazilian anthem, as They believed that knowing the Uruguayan one was unnecessary. On their own initiative the band had even made an additional song, titled “Brazil Champions!” The Brazilian government had even minted celebratory coins with the image of the players of the Brazilian team. FIFA also got swept up in the atmosphere, as the president at the time, Jules Rimet, had even written a speech in portuguese (he was French) in honor of the Brazilian champions.
The favoritism even reached the Uruguayan authorities. A few hours before the beginning of the game, the national team where visited by the embassy, who said that all they asked was that they “lose in a dignified manner”, so as to not shame the country. Even the team coach was pessimistic, believing victory impossible, and he had asked his team to play defensively to avoid being crushed.
Obdulio however, knew that this wasn’t they could play if they ever wanted to win. After the coach had left, he gathered his team and said “Juan is good man, but he’s wrong this time. If we play defensively, they’ll destroy us like they did Spain and Sweden.” 
The game began. While the Brazilian side was dominant, they didn’t manage to score any goals, and so the first half ended without incident. However, once the second half began, disaster struck, as Brazil scored the first goal of the match at 2′. The celebration from the locals was unbelievable, and there were even a couple fireworks. Varela realized that something was necessary to disrupt the game, since if this was allowed to continue the Uruguayans would lose confidence, while the Brazilians would even more motivated. So he went to complain to ref about a supposed off-side in the Brazilian goal, even though he explicitly knew that the goal had been perfectly valid. Since the referee was English and didn’t speak Spanish, and he didn’t speak English, this devolved into an absurd discussion which lasted several minutes. This effectively killed the Brazilian team’s momentum. 
The result of this tactic made themselves known in the 21′ minute, when Juan Alberto Schiaffino scored to tie the game. Will this cooled the audience somewhat, as they hadn’t been expecting it, they were still optimistic, as tying would still give Brazil the title.  
Finally, in the 34′ minute, Varela started a play that ended with the ball at Alcides Ghiggia’s feat at the right wing, who fainted that he was going to centre the ball, and instead tried for the goal. He scored. Years later, Ghiggia would say, when recalling the game: “Only three people have ever silenced the Maracaná. The Pope, Sinatra and me.”
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Now desperate, the Brazilian team tried everything in it’s power to turn back the result, but it wasn’t enough, and 11 minutes later the game ended and Uruguay were crowned champions. 
To say that the result was unexpected would be an understatement. All celebrations were cancelled, the marching band played no songs and there was no award ceremony, but rather the FIFA president discretely handed the World Cup trophy to Varela, who was captain. 
Jules Rimet’s recollection of the game is striking. 
“Everything was already accounted for, except for Uruguay’s victory. At the end of the game, I was supposed to hand the cup to the captain of the winning team. A showy guard of honor would form form the tunnel to the center of the pitch where the captain of the winning team would be waiting (naturally Brazil). I prepared my speech and went to the locker rooms shortly before the end of the game (they were tied 1-1 and a tie would crown the locals). But as I was walking down the halls, the infernal screaming of the crowd was interrupted. Coming out of the tunnel, a desolate silence dominated the stadium. No honor guard, no national anthem, no speech, not even a solemn award ceremony. I found myself alone, with the cup in my arms, and no idea what to do. In the tumult, I ended up finding the Uruguayan captain, Obdulio Varela, and almost secretly giving him the golden statue, shook hands, and I left without being able to say even a single word in congratulations to his team.”
The event was... traumatic for Brazil. In the days that followed, over 20 suicides were reported. The media didn’t quite now what to do. While Brazil is now famous for it’s yellow shirt, it was not the original color of their sports kit. Rather, the color was white. After the match, the shirt was practically abandoned, and has since been used in only a few games, mostly friendlies or special occasions. And that’s how Uruguay won the world cup for the second and last time. And how Obdulio Varela, became the greatest icon in Uruguayan sporting history. However, while his sporting achievement was already remarkable, it is what he did after the end of the game that makes him even more remarkable. At the end of the game, he was accosted by journalist who bombarded him with questions. When asked how they had won, he murmured “It was luck”, and showed them his back when they tried to photograph him. Instead of celebrating, he spent the night drinking in the bars of Rio, consoling the devastated and crying Brazilians. None of them recognized him.  
Brazil’s self-confidence was struck a huge blow by this event, and most feared it would never recover. It eventually did however, and Brazil managed to move past this event, with the help of a certain 17-year-old footballing prodigy. A boy by the name of Pelé. But that’s a story for another time
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worldcupfollower · 5 years ago
Brazil🇧🇷 5
Italy 🇮🇹, West Germany/Germany🇩🇪 4
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Mario Gotze of Germany scores the winner against Argentina in 2014.
Uruguay🇺🇾, Argentina🇦🇷, France🇫🇷 2
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, Spain 🇪🇸 1
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Andres Iniesta of Spain scores the winner against the Netherlands in 2010.
Beaten finalists:
West Germany/Germany🇩🇪 4
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Uwe Seeler of West Germany leaves the field in 1966
Argentina 🇦🇷, Netherlands🇳🇱 3
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Johan Cruyff of the Netherlands during the 1974 Final
Czechoslovakia, Hungary🇭🇺, Italy🇮🇹, Brazil🇧🇷 2
Sweden🇸🇪, France🇫🇷, Croatia🇭🇷 1
Biggest margin of victory: 3
Brazil 5 Sweden 2, 1958
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Brazil 4 Italy 1, 1970. Pele celebrates scoring Brazil’s first goal.
France 3 Brazil 0, 1998
Finals involving a European team against a South American team:
Brazil 5 Sweden 2, 1958
Brazil 3 Czechoslovakia 1, 1962
Brazil 4 Italy 1, 1970
Argentina 3 Netherlands 1 (aet) 1978
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Argentina 3 West Germany 2, 1986. Jorge Burruchaga scores Argentina’s third goal
West Germany 1 Argentina 0, 1990
Brazil 0 Italy 0 (aet) Brazil won on penalties, 1994
France 3 Brazil 0, 1998
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Brazil 2 Germany 0, 2002. Ronaldo scores Brazil’s first goal.
Germany 1 Argentina 0, 2014
Teams winning outside their own continent:
Brazil 4, Argentina 1, Spain 1, Germany 1
Teams winning after conceding the first goal:
Italy 1934
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Uruguay 1950. Alcides Ghiggia scoring Uruguay’s second goal in their 2-1 win over Brazil in 1950. This match had the record attendance for any football match: officially 199,854, but estimates go as high as 205,000. Brazil became the first host nation to lose in a Final. Sweden also lost at home in the 1958 Final.
West Germany 1954
Brazil 1958
Brazil 1962
England 1966
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West Germany 1974. Gerd Muller scores the winner against the Netherlands in Munich. Four years later the Netherlands would lose another Final against a host nation, this time Argentina.
Finals held where: Europe 11, South America 5, North America 3, Asia 1, Africa 1
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July 15, 2018: Paul Pogba scores France’s third goal during their 4-2 win over Croatia. The next Final will be held in Qatar on December 18, 2022.
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historiadelfutbol · 6 years ago
Alcides Ghiggia
Alcides Ghiggia es una de las grandes leyendas de la Copa del Mundo de Futbol de la post-guerra.
Alcanzó el estatus de celebridad a raíz de su enorme actuación durante la Copa del Mundo Brasil 1950.
Ghiggia es recordado particularmente por haber anotado el gol del triunfo de Uruguay frente a Brasil en el Estadio Maracaná, enmudeciendo al estadio y logrando el segundo título mundial para su…
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ultimavoce · 7 years ago
Zizinho, storia del fenomeno idolo di Pelè
#Zizinho è stato uno dei più grandi giocatori della storia del calcio brasiliano e simbolo del Brasile post bellico, che cercava di affacciarsi sullo scenario politico mondialie
La storia, si sa, è sempre scritta dai vincitori, da coloro che riescono ad emergere dalla massa ed innalzarsi come eroi immortali. Alcune volte, però, la storia viene scritta anche dai perdenti, da coloro che non sono riusciti a vincere, come nel caso di Thomas Soares Silva, in arte Zizinho.
Il nome Zizinho probabilmente non dirà molto al semplice appassionato di calcio; se però lo pronunciate…
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femenino-a · 6 years ago
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Un día como hoy en 1950 se jugó el mítico partido en el que Uruguay venció a Brasil por 2-1 en el Estadio Maracaná y se consagró Campeón del Mundo. 🇺🇾🏆
Schiaffino y Ghiggia marcaron los goles de la Celeste, que quedaron grabados para siempre.
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lacrimis · 6 years ago
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The Buceo Cemetery is one of the best known of Montevideo, Uruguay. It was founded in 1872.
Located in front of the sea, it is surrounded by the Rambla República de Chile, the Boulevard José Batlle y Ordóñez, Rivera Avenue and Tomás Basáñez Street. The latter separates it from the British Cemetery.
Some of the buried personalities:
Francisco Piria (1847-1933), businessman and alchemist, founder of Piriápolis. Ramón V. Benzano (1847-1932), Mayor of Montevideo, Colorado politician. Leonor Mouliá de Benzano, wife of the previous one. Martín Acosta y Lara (1925-2005), basketball player, Olympic medalist in Helsinki 1952 César Amaro (1948-2012), guitarist Amanda Berenguer (1921-2010), poetess Pedro Cea (1900-1970), soccer player, world champion in 1930 Hugo Cores (1937-2006), Frente Amplio politician Héctor Costa (1929-2010), basketball player Laura Daners (1967-2010), swimmer and journalist Esteban Echeverría (1805-1851), Argentine romantic poet Juan José de Amézaga (1881-1956), Lawyer, 28th Constitutional President of Uruguay Celia Álvarez Mouliá de Amézaga (1881-1956), First Lady of Uruguay between 1943 and 1947. Wilson Ferreira Aldunate (1919-1988), nationalist politician María Esther Gatti (1918-2010), Teacher and activist Alcides Ghiggia (1927-2015) footballer, world champion in 1950 Juan Carlos González Ortiz (1924-2010), footballer Juana de Ibarbourou (1892-1979), poet Jorge Machiñena (1936-2007), nationalist politician Jorge Manicera (1938-2012), footballer Roque Gastón Maspoli (1917-2004), soccer player, world champion in 1950 Óscar Míguez (1927-2006), soccer player, world champion in 1950 Julio Pérez (1926-2002), soccer player, world champion in 1950 Rafael Barradas (1890-1929), painter Luisel Ramos (1984-2006), model Juan Pablo Rebella (1974-2006), filmmaker José María Robaina Ansó (1921-1992), lawyer and civic politician Juan Alberto Schiaffino (1925-2002), soccer player, world champion in 1950 Elena Zuasti (1935-2011), actress Gonzalo «Gonchi» Rodríguez (1971 - 1999), car racer Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro (1942 - 2016), Minister of National Defense
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sempurnaa · 2 years ago
Daftar Top Skor Piala Dunia Sejak Tahun 1930-2018
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1. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1930
8 gol - Guillermo Stabile (Argentina)
5 gol - Pedro Cea (Uruguay)
4 gol - Bert Patenaude (Amerika Serikat)
2. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1934
5 gol - Oldrich Nejedly (Cekoslovakia)
4 gol - Angelo Schiavio (Italia) dan Edmund Conen (Jerman)
3 gol - Raimundo Orsi (Italia) dan Leopold Kielholz (Swiss)
3. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1938
7 gol - Leonidas (Brasil)
5 gol - Silvio Piola (Italia), Gyula Zsengeller (Hungaria), dan Gyorgy Sarosi (Hungaria)
4 gol - Gino Colaussi (Italia) dan Ernest Wilimowski (Polandia)
4. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1950 REMIPOKERGG
8 gol - Ademir de Menez (Brasil)
5 gol - Oscar Miguez (Uruguay)
4 gol - Telmo Zarra (Spanyol), Estanislau Basora (Spanyol), Chico (Brasil), dan Alcides Ghiggia (Uruguay)
5. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1954
11 gol - Sandor Kocsis (Hungaria)
6 gol - Josef Hugi (Swiss), Max Morlock (Jerman Barat), dan Erich Probst (Austria)
4 gol - Ferenc Puskas (Hungaria), Nandor Hidegkuti (Hungaria), Helmut Rahn (Jerman Barat), Hans Schafer (Jerman Barat), Robert Ballaman (Swiss), Carlos Borges (Uruguay), dan Ottmar Walter (Jerman Barat)
6. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1958
13 gol - Just Fontaine (Prancis)
6 gol - Pele (Brasil) dan Helmut Rahn (Jerman Barat)
5 gol - Vava (Brasil) dan Peter McParland (Irlandia Utara)
7. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1962
4 gol - Garrincha (Brasil), Vava (Brasil), Valentin Ivanov (Uni Soviet), Florian Albert (Hungaria), Drazan Jerkovic (Yugoslavia), dan Leonel Sanchez (Chile)
3 gol - Amarildo (Brasil), Adolf Scherer (Cekoslovakia), Lajos Tichy (Hungaria), dan Milan Galic (Yugoslavia)
8. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1966
9 gol - Eusébio (Portugal)
6 gol - Helmut Haller (Jerman Barat)
4 gol - Geoff Hurst (Inggris), Franz Beckenbauer (Jerman Barat), Ferenc Bene (Hungaria), dan Valeriy Porkujan (Uni Soviet)
9. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1970
10 gol - Gerd Muller (Jerman Barat)
7 gol - Jairzinho (Brasil)
5 gol - Teofilo Cubillas (Peru)
4 gol - Pele (Brasil) dan Anatoliy Byshovets (Uni Soviet)
10. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1974
7 gol - Grzegorz Lato (Polandia)
5 gol - Johan Neeskens (Belanda) dan Andrzej Szarmach (Polandia)
4 gol - Johnny Rep (Belanda), Gerd Muller (Jerman Barat), dan Ralf Edstrom (Swedia)
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11. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1978 303LAPAK PUSAT
6 gol - Mario Kempes (Argentina)
5 gol - Teofilo Cubillas (Peru) dan Rob Rensenbrink (Belanda)
4 gol - Leopoldo Luque (Argentina) dan Hans Krankl (Austria)
3 gol - Paolo Rossi (Italia), Johnny Rep (Belanda), Dirceu (Brasil), Roberto Dinamite (Brasil) dan Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (Jerman Barat)
12. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1982
6 gol - Paolo Rossi (Italia)
5 gol - Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (Jerman Barat)
4 gol - Zico (Brasil) dan Zbigniew Boniek (Polandia)
3 gol - Alain Giresse (Prancis), Falcao (Brasil), Laszlo Kiss (Hungaria), dan Gary Armstrong (Irlandia Utara)
13. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1986
6 gol - Gary Lineker (Inggris)
5 gol - Diego Maradona (Argentina), Emilio Butragueno (Spanyol), dan Careca (Brasil)
4 gol - Alessandro Altobelli (Italia), Preben Elkjaer (Denmark), Igor Belanov (Uni Soviet), dan Jorge Valdano (Argentina)
14. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1990
6 gol - Salvatore Schillaci (Italia)
5 gol - Thomas Skuhravy (Cekoslovakia)
4 gol - Roger Milla (Kamerun)
15. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1994
6 gol - Hristo Stoichkov (Bulgaria) dan Oleg Salenko (Rusia)
5 gol - Romario (Brasil), Kennet Andersson (Swedia), Roberto Baggio (Italia), dan Jurgen Klinsmann (Jerman)
4 gol - Gabriel Batistuta (Argentina), Martin Dahlin (Swedia), dan Florin Răducioiu (Rumania)
16. Top Skor Piala Dunia 1998
6 gol - Davor Suker (Kroasia)
5 gol - Gabriel Batistuta (Argentina) dan Christian Vieri (Italia)
4 gol - Ronaldo (Brasil), Marcelo Salas (Chile), dan Luis Hernandez (Meksiko)
17. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2002
8 gol - Ronaldo Nazario (Brasil)
5 gol - Miroslav Klose (Jerman) dan Rivaldo (Brasil)
4 gol - Christian Vieri (Italia) dan Jon Dahl Tomasson (Denmark)
18. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2006
5 gol - Miroslav Klose (Jerman)
3 gol - Hernan Crespo (Argentina), Ronaldo Nazario (Brasil), Thierry Henry (Prancis), Zinedine Zidane (Prancis), Fernando Torres (Spanyol), David Villa (Spanyol), Maxi Rodriguez (Argentina), dan Lukas Podolski (Jerman)
19. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2010
5 gol - Thomas Muller (Jerman), David Villa (Spanyol), Wesley Sneijder (Belanda), dan Diego Forlan (Uruguay)
4 gol - Gonzalo Higuain (Argentina), Miroslav Klose (Jerman), dan Robert Vittek (Slovakia)
3 gol - Luis Fabiano (Brasil), Asamoah Gyan (Ghana), Landon Donovan (Amerika Serikat), dan Luis Suárez (Uruguay)
20. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2014
6 gol - James Rodriguez (Kolombia)
5 gol - Thomas Muller (Jerman)
4 gol - Neymar (Brasil), Lionel Messi (Argentina), dan Robin van Persie (Belanda)
3 gol - Arjen Robben (Belanda), Karim Benzema (Prancis), Enner Valencia (Ekuador), Andre Schurrle (Jerman), dan Xherdan Shaqiri (Swiss)
21. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2018
6 gol - Harry Kane (Inggris)
4 gol - Antoine Griezmann (Prancis), Romelu Lukaku (Belgia), Denis Cherysev (Rusia), Kylian Mbappe (Prancis), dan Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal)
3 gol - Mario Mandzukic (Kroasia), Eden Hazard (Belgia), Edinson Cavani (Uruguay), Artem Dzyuba (Rusia), Ivan Perisic (Kroasia), Diego Costa (Spanyol), dan Yerry Mina (Kolombia)
22. Top Skor Piala Dunia 2022 MAX WIN GACOR
5 gol - Lionel Messi (Argentina) dan Kylian Mbappe (Prancis)
4 gol - Julian Alvarez (Argentina) dan Olivier Giroud (Prancis)
3 gol - Cody Gakpo (Belanda), Richarlison(Brasil), Enner Valencia (Ekuador), Marcus Rashford (Inggris), Bukayo Saka (Inggris), Goncalo Ramos (Portugal) dan Alvaro Morata (Spanyol).
Itulah daftar lengkap top skor Piala Dunia dari masa ke masa sejak edisi tahun 1930 hingga 2022. 
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ildalil · 4 years ago
Coppa America, l'Argentina trionfa in Brasile: primo titolo per Messi
Coppa America, l’Argentina trionfa in Brasile: primo titolo per Messi
Coppa America, l’Argentina trionfa in Brasile: primo titolo per Messi — RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasile) – Dopo la tragedia del 16 luglio 1950, il famoso Maracanazo firmato Ghiggia, che davanti a 250mila spettatori regalò la Coppa del Mondo in Brasile all’Uruguay, lo storico impianto di Rio de Janeiro porta in dote una nuova, amarissima delusione alla nazionale verdeoro. L’Argentina conquista infatti la…
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chiga666 · 4 years ago
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A sentença saiu ainda no fim daquele inesquecível 16 de julho de 1950. “No Brasil, a pena máxima é de 30 anos. Eu paguei a vida inteira por causa de uma derrota”, dizia Moacyr Barbosa, goleiro da seleção brasileira na final da Copa do Mundo disputada há 70 anos, no Maracanã. Eleito por torcedores e boa parte da imprensa como vilão do revés diante do Uruguai, de virada, sobretudo no segundo gol marcado pelo ponta-direita Ghiggia, ele morreu em 2000, aos 79, ainda sob o estigma da condenação pública por um instante que o perseguiu ao longo de décadas. Com a camisa do Vasco, clube que defendeu por mais de 10 anos, Barbosa conquistou seis vezes o Campeonato Carioca, além de ter sido campeão sul-americano com o Expresso da Vitória, em 1948, defendendo um pênalti na final. Mesmo titular de um clube profissional, Barbosa se sentia discriminado. Dois anos antes da Copa, em viagem da delegação do Vasco a Porto Alegre, tentou cortar o cabelo em uma barbearia, mas foi barrado na porta. “Não atendemos preto”, ouviu do dono do estabelecimento. Depois da saga de Barbosa, houve quem dissesse —e ainda diga— que negro não serve para ser goleiro. A sombra do 'Maracanazo' inspirou, inclusive, ideias eugenistas na seleção, que cogitou embranquecer o time antes de conquistar seu primeiro mundial sob a batuta de Garrincha e Pelé. Barbosa não ficou rico com a carreira de jogador. Até se aposentar, precisou trabalhar como funcionário da Superintendência de Desportos do Rio (Suderj) no complexo do mesmo Maracanã que lhe mostrou, da forma mais cruel, a face do racismo encarregada de invisibilizar os méritos de personalidades negras. “Eu descobri que a única maneira de um negro entrar na história do Brasil é como culpado”. Defenestrado, Barbosa encontrou conforto na amizade que desenvolveu com jogadores uruguaios, carrascos de 50. Virou amigo de Ghiggia, que se desculpava pelo gol que lhe causou tantos dissabores. “Se eu soubesse, naquele momento, que a culpa cairia em cima de um homem só, não teria feito o gol”, penitenciava-se o ex-atacante, em sinal de respeito ao sofrimento de Barbosa. Neste sábado (27), ele completaria 100 anos. ⁠ ⁠ Link na bio para a reportagem de Breiller Pires. Re https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7KjilnIr63NfhKo-HQjhpsm7npP-ycmatf9M0/?igshid=ava8u3kuhxo8
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