#ghhhhh i'm late
justonefeather · 1 year
ghhhhh how am I so tired when i get to wake up late.. I'm still so sleepy.. but it's 9? It's not quite as bad as when i gotta get up at 6:45 but it's close which is annoying
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coolfire333 · 1 year
Finished my paper!!! Gonna turn it in quietly and hope that my professor doesn't notice that it's like two weeks late.....ghhhhh I'm basically all caught up for my schoolwork now *passes out for nap #2*
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owlsshadows · 6 years
OiSuga Week Day 4 - aug 23rd: summer festival / team swap
Convince Me (part 4)
When Oikawa suddenly appears at Karasuno after school to ask Sugawara out, the latter has one condition: Oikawa has to convince him of the sincerity of his feelings.
Read on AO3 or down below  (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
“Buy me a candy apple,” Oikawa says.
He doesn’t use any sing-song in his voice, no fluttering eyelashes, not even a stupidly dashing smile.
He doesn’t need to.
His flat tone, accompanied by his bored look should be at least a little disheartening. Still, he looks so stunning in his yukata, with a festival mask on top of his head, like someone who’s freshly stepping out of a commercial or some drama – and Sugawara’s poor heart can barely take it. It’s hard enough, the life of a freshman med student, even without the burden that a beautiful boyfriend is. Sleep-deprived and dragged to a summer festival against his will, it takes everything within him not to take Oikawa by the hand and pull him back to the dormitory to the softness of his bed. He would even help Oikawa to wrap him out of his yukata. Gladly.
Yet, he suffers. Because there are certain moments that it’s just impossible to say no to Oikawa. Because, in fact, most moments are like this.
“Ugh,” Sugawara shrugs, looking at Oikawa with mild disgust on his face. “And then take you to the dentist if you break a tooth?”
“Don’t make it sound as if I were the weird one,” Oikawa pouts. “I’ve never met anyone who hated apples before.”
“Here I am,” Sugawara says. “They are sour. And the skin is too waxy. And the texture is just so weirdly crispy. It gives me the chills.”
“If you say so,” Oikawa nods. “You don’t have to eat it. Just buy me one.”
“You promise you won’t break a tooth?” Sugawara asks, honest worry in his tone.
“I’ve never had any issues with my teeth, Suga-chan. Not even cavity,” Oikawa laughs, pulling Sugawara in a half hug. “Anyway, you’re not studying to become a dentist, so you don’t need to worry too much for my teeth.”
“Sorry but I do worry,” Sugawara mumbles into Oikawa’s arm, pushing at it softly, wiggling himself into a more comfortable position while still maintaining contact. “It doesn’t matter if it’s your teeth or your heart or your knee.”
He feels Oikawa’s hold to go rigid at the mention of his knee – the knee that needs special attention, that comes back at the worst moments to remind Oikawa that he is, after all, a mere human. The knee that makes Sugawara consider specializing in orthopedics.
He squeezes his boyfriend’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Call it the eagerness of a med student, I can’t help it. It’s your health and I care,” he says.
A fresh blush blooms on Oikawa’s face. He says nothing, but his eyes widen, his nostrils flare up with the big breath he takes and he bites down on his lower lip. Sugawara has been dating Oikawa for enough time now – little more than half a year, if he counts it from the very beginning when Oikawa first asked him out – to know what this means.
Oikawa’s trying to suppress a squeal.
This level of cute should be illegal especially for someone Oikawa’s height, Sugawara thinks powerless.
“Okay. You get your apple,” he says before he could stop himself, common sense dying at the altar of Oikawa’s charm.
Sugawara shakes his head softly and reaching for Oikawa’s hand he starts to pull his boyfriend. The edges Oikawa’s lips curl up; his eyes relax back to a half-mast.
“Even if you worry for my health?” he teases but his voice is full of adoration and the look in his eyes, against all his efforts, looks more sappy than smoldering.
“You want it, no?” Sugawara says, eyes scanning their environment, searching intently for a stall selling the candy. In the cavalcade of people and colorful little booths standing in a slightly disorderly line, Sugawara relies on his sharper than average eyes to read the signs. He sees places selling cotton candy, corn, choco bananas, sweet little tarts, takoyaki, ramen… and then he spots it, towards the farthermost stalls, the sign that’s undoubtedly apple-shaped.
“This damn thing is getting more and more expensive every year,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. Still, Oikawa seems to have heard it, for he is pausing in his steps.
“You don’t have to, if you hate it so much.”
“You want it, no?” Sugawara repeats, this time staring straight back at his boyfriend.
Oikawa’s cheeks turn pink again. His eyes, warm and clear, reflect the colors of the small paper lanterns around them.
“I do.”
“If you feel bad, you can pay me back by buying takoyaki later,” Sugawara flashes a wide smile, bumping the yukata wearing idiot in the shoulder.
“I don’t feel bad,” Oikawa argues rubbing his shoulder as if he’s really hurt.
“Good. You’ll still buy takoyaki I hope?” Sugawara asks back, winking – and it’s weird because he knows that his winks are not the greatest, they are slightly crooked and sometimes he even winks with both eyes accidentally; but it has an effect on Oikawa that beats everything else.
The taller boy melts and whimpers as he leans into the side of Sugawara, burying his face in Sugawara’s hair. He twists their interlinked hands, entwining his fingers between Sugawara’s and pressing their palms flash against each other.
Despite their difference in height, their hands are almost the same size, fitting perfectly together. While Sugawara’s is warm and a little dry, Oikawa’s is sweaty. Sugawara found it strange at first – for the always impeccable Oikawa to have sweaty hands. Later, he found it just convenient. That little stickiness he had to his hand made holding them all the better.
And now, Sugawara can’t get enough of it.
Holding those hands that can send a ball flying with such velocity that leaves even the enemy team in awe, unable to touch his serve – and being held by them in such a soft, delicate way makes his heart pound loud in his chest.
For Oikawa to fall for him is a mystery he may never come to understand. But he can’t say thanks enough to his own past self, who, contrary to all his insecurities and doubts, still gave Oikawa a chance. That one past Sugawara who challenged Oikawa to convince him of the sincerity of his intentions may just have made the best decision in the entirety of Sugawara’s life.
“I will get you the best takoyaki in town,” Oikawa replies way belated, humming into Sugawara’s ear before pressing his lips to Sugawara’s temple. “I swear.”
“Good. I wouldn’t settle for any mediocre food.”
“I know just this place; they have a stall set up here as well.”
“I believe you,” Sugawara hums, tone teasing.
“Did I ever disappoint?” Oikawa asks back, playing hurt in his pride, raising his free hand to place it theatrically over his heart.
“Well, there was a time I was sure you were suave…”
“You’re implying I’m not.”
“Tooru, I hate to break it to you…”
“Suga-chan, you’re so mean! I thought you love me.”
“I do.”
“Hah! Who would believe you now?” Oikawa turns away, pulling his hand out of Sugawara’s hold with feigned anger.
Sugawara stops him mid-movement, grasping his hand hard and pulling it up to his lips to breathe a kiss on it.
“You?” he asks.
Oikawa’s reply is some indecipherable mumbling, out of which the only words Sugawara catches are “embarrassing” and “idiot”.
It makes Sugawara grin shortly, before he leans up to hook the festival mask off of Oikawa’s head. He uses it as a shield hiding them from the festival crowd as he raises to his tiptoes to press a kiss on the lips of Oikawa.
“Damn you,” Oikawa says. “You can’t even imagine how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you, and now you beat me to it.”
“At least something I win,” Sugawara replies. “Though you have to know it has been really hard on me too, resisting to drag you back to the flat as soon as I saw you all togged up.”
“Yeah,” Oikawa says, lids already half closed as he leans down for another kiss. “You certainly could have kissed me before, you know.”
“Now, you’re the one who’s complaining? I’ve been dragged out on my day off, to do what?”
“Get me a candy apple.”
“Apples are atrocious.”
“So is your social life since uni started,” Oikawa remarks, grabbing Sugawara by the hand and marching confidently over to the stall with the apple sign. “That’s why I decided to drag you out.”
“You can’t really call a date socializing,” Sugawara argues. “Especially if we could just hang out in the dorms. Watch a movie. Order some food.”
“It’s not a date,” Oikawa shakes his head, pulling Sugawara past the stall where candy apples are sold to arrive at a small, familiar sign standing before the next booth.
It’s of the restaurant Tanaka’s sister, Saeko works at.
“You can’t have…” Sugawara starts, before someone throws themselves against him at full speed.
“Suga-saaan!” comes an excited shriek from stomach level in a voice that’s undoubtedly Nishinoya’s.
From behind the stall, his fellow Karasuno members line out all in a bunch – Hinata jumps high in the air yelling his name, Daichi and Asahi comes at him with arms open for a hug. Kageyama and Tsukishima appear to be bickering over something, only stopping their argument for the sake of greeting him. Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita start singing. Yamaguchi and Yachi come out carrying a cake. Lastly, Kiyoko and Saeko appears pushing a small rolling table with knife, forks and plates on it.
Sugawara stands in awe under the pile of Karasuno kids, hugging and squeezing the air out of him. In the crushing hold of all five now third year players he can barely turn his head, but Oikawa still catches his glance, rose dusting his face in an instant.
His voice gets lost in the cacophony of Hinata, Noya and Tanaka speaking over each other, Kageyama shouting something at Tsukishima, Daichi’s attempt to pacify them, and the crackling of the first fireworks starting to bloom on the dusty gray sky.
He can still read the words from Oikawa’s lips, red and plump: “Happy birthday”.
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blue-potatoo · 3 years
In honor of yesterday's International Asexuality Day I made some icons of Ace Claire, inspired on @theeio's!!
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Feel free to use it!
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yaguchiis · 4 years
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
What is ur geniune opinion on warriors?
Hi anon I'm gonna use this ask an excuse to talk about hyrule warriors in general (but if you wanna hear just about Warrs read the first chunk)
I just,, thoroughly enjoy this Link's vibe (LU+LOZ)
I still haven't figure out what exactly I like about this incarnation of Link
Kinda like TP Link he just seems like a regular dude (although just a little diff since he was a soldier beforehand BUT STILL, that's not the same as signing up to be the hero of courage)
And gHHHHH that one line about him not feeling worthy of the hero's garb 👌👌👌🤌🤌 got me right in the heart tysm nintendo
I enjoy him getting a little too confident with the mastersword and that biting him in the ass later. I think the game wanted it to be more like a lesson on the power of friendship but I like viewing it as a harsh reminder that Link lonk is still human
Chill OUT my guy HDHDJCND
When it comes to LU, I like his older brother vibe (also like twilight?? I'm sensing a trend)
This has definitely been said before but yeah he slots in pretty well with the rest of the LU gang, I can see him getting along well with everyone
Even with general loz HW Link I feel like there’s a lot of potential for exploring a wide variety of relationships between him and the rest of the HW cast
I like the scarf. It adds to his silhouette and I am all for small additions to help distinguish between the Links
That little hair antenna???
Out of all the Links, I think I like drawing his outfif the most
HW is just a big ol group of friends who could beat the shit out of me
The blue from the scarf sprinkled throughout, the gold trim, and the single pauldron 😩👌
I feel like Warriors would listen to doja cat
Reminds me of TP :)
Give!!! Link!!! FRIENDS!!!!!
Being alone (BOTW) has its own vibe that I also thoroughly enjoy BUT HAVING A BUNCH OF FRIENDS?????
Good shit.
The nature of the relationships between Link and all the other warriors in-game aren't suuuper fleshed out (i think?? I always struggle to pay attention to the dialogue from the characters during each level lmao) but ayo isn't it fun to imagine what kind of conversations they'd have between battles?
What kind of jokes do they make? Who do they always chat with/gravitate towards?
What kind of stories do they share?
Do they even share stories? How secretive are they about their lives off the battlefield?
All of the animations in-game are over the top and i love it so much
It would have felt weird if they half-assed it or had only a couple crazy ones HHDJDJC
They went feral with the animations that honestly wouldn't really make too much sense in a battlefield BUT IT LOOKS COOL AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS
music music msic
booyah now we’re really getting into “general thoughts on HW” territory
everything just feels so,,, beefy
it’s either big rock band electric guitar stuff or big orchestra stuff and I love it so much
atm Focal Line is my favourite 👌
I also enjoy Linkle’s theme, I think it’s cute how they quoted the theme from Link’s crossbow training in there
I’m easily pleased when it comes to music stuff so literally any time the OST quotes a theme from the previous games I lose my shit
It's such a simple thing but DAMN do I love doing stuff like booting up a level, hearing the music, and going !!!!!!! INSIDE A HOUSE THEME?????
The whole ost is pretty high energy and god knows I've been craving mind numbing upbeat music lately
I very very much love Link with the fire rod
Speaking of the wack animations, the stuff with Link and the fire rod always come to mind first
That thing just looks so powerful and it's a nice change from his regular ol sword
I wanna draw so much fanart of him using that thing!!!
HHHHNGHH BOTW Link is usually pegged as the arsonist BUT HEY whabout HW Link
Multiple realms coming together, time fuckery
Feels weird tbh
But also doesn't??
Like contained within the HW bubble it's fine and I like it, it's fun getting to see different locations and music from the other games
BUT, when you get to thinking about what would happen if this game were considered to be canon,,
Do the characters from the other timelines remember these things when they go back to their time? When exactly in the big zelda timeline is all of this taking place?
What stories of the hero of legend did this Link grow up listening to??
I think I've seen some folks place it before BOTW as the merger of the timelines but tbh I like its ambiguity and won't be HCing it in a specific spot
Isn't it fun imagining the sort of angst/fuckery you could get from HW not being canon??
I think about this post a lot
I am a sucker for trippy/dream-like stuff so questioning whether HW is real or not is 👌👌👌 (for general LOZ and in LU)
I also think about this fic a lot (it's an AOC fic and I know we're talking about HW rn but GODT DAMN. The funky "is all of this a dream?" stuff is so good, I would literally go feral if someone made something like this for the OG hyrule warriors)
I want to make a comic/animatic or something with this idea but aaaa this is a funky idea to communicate visually
Link, who ARE you? Are you a unique incarnation of the hero of courage stuck in a void where your actions don’t affect anyone else on the timeline? Or are you and your adventure an amalgamation of random elements from the rest of the real heroes on the timeline?
The false hero, not in the sense that he is undeserving of the title, but that he just doesn’t. exist.
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shyneanon · 4 years
Hi!! Um haha just wanted to drop a line to one of my fave UT authors about AUs! :D What AUs are you open to exploring right now (if you're open to exploring)? I'm kinda new to the fandom (5 years wayyyyyy to late fml lmao) and I just discovered AUs and I've kinda fallen in love with dancetale?? Its not one of the more popular AUs out there I think (I haven't seen much of it anyway) and I was wondering if you're open to exploring it? I'd love to see your take on it you're such a good writer!!
Hi! Yooo, 5-Years-Late-to-the-Party Buddies! I’m super late to the fandom too. I’ve definitely been branching out with AUs, and I was actually thinking about Dancetale about a week ago! I even looked up the lore because I’d seen art but didn’t really know the premise besides “everyone dances.” I would love to write something about Dancetale. It’s a funny AU when it comes to self-inserting because my sister is a dancer but I am waaaay too shy to do something like dance, so if I ended up in that universe I’d be like “pls don’t I would rather not dance thank you” lol. It would be really fun to write something about it, I’m just not sure what approach I would take with the MC. Probably just my first instinct-- a “What dance oh my gosh please no” character. Might not be relatable to people who aren’t shy about dancing, though, lol.
There are so many Undertale AUs and I’ve grown to love a lot of them. At this point it’s more which ones WOULDN’T I be willing to try, and the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Underlust (that’s the name right? the one where everyone’s horny all the time lol). And I guess any that requires Gaster to be around because I try to avoid writing Gaster. He’s a cool character but we really don’t know what he’s like besides the mysterious glimpses we get in UT and DR. I’d feel weird trying to write him. I know you can do whatever you want with fanfic but I’m one of those people lol.
And THANK YOU, ahhhhhhh it means so much to me that I’m in someone’s favorites list and you think I’m a good writer, ghhhhh
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