#ggez go next
vitrificvitriol · 1 year
I’m going to make ADP a thing even if it kills me <- dehydrated and 3 minutes away from death
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neoclb · 3 months
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❥ in which you go on a horrible date, but meetcute the waiter
pairing. rintaro suna x f!reader
wc. 578
a/n. i wrote thisbto distract the factthat i havebt updated ggez even though this is a totallydifderent fabdom :p enjoy
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your heels clacked against the cemented pavement. you were currently about to be late to meet up with your tinder date for the first time. you’ve never downloaded tinder before last tuesday and you pray to the ones above that you don’t get surprised by an undercover seventy-something year old.
finally, you reach the fancy restaurant with a nicely decorated exterior your date told you to meet him at. it was definitely out of your tax bracket; you are definitely going to make a second dinner after this.
upon entering the restaurant, a woman with a slick-back bun who looked like she was in her thirties, probably, immediately walked up to you.
“how many?” she asked, with a stoic expression.
“uh-“ you were honestly terrified of the woman staring you down. “i have a reserved table with um — kosei tsuburaba?”
the woman nodded her head and started walking away, queuing you to follow right behind. you pass by multiple seemingly happy couples until you reach a table with a free seat at the end of the hall. you slightly nod and smile at the woman who leaves the menu on top of the table whilst walking away.
you look over to your date. he was definitely cute; he looked just like his profile, if not better. you take your seat, looking at the apathetic man. “yn right?” his voice was flat and seemed much less ecstatic than the texts he would send days prior. you nod, not wanting to seem rude. upon sitting down, you were caught off guard with the comment made by the man. “you, uh, look a lot different from your pictures. do you photoshop them?”
your jaw physically dropped and you were too much in disbelief to speak. your expression probably stunned your date too because neither of you noticed the waiter who was already there. “excuse me? are you two ready to order?” you turn your head to face the waiter – whose name tag spelt out rintaro suna, but before you could utter a word, kosei spoke up.
“i actually already ate before this.” he stands up, leaving an even more shocked look on your face. with a smile on his face he says, “enjoy your meal yn!” and leaves you on your own.
“what the fuck.” you mutter, cursing him for being absolutely unbelievable and yourself for wasting your time by downloading tinder in the first place. it was when you lean back into your chair where you realize that the waiter was still standing next to your table.
you take a good look at him — he had a nonchalant expression to his flawless face – he takes a good look at you. the brain fog wears off after that humiliating experience. “oh my god. i’m so sorry.” you grab your purse and stand up.
he looked awfully calm, as if he goes through the scene everyday. “it’s totally okay,” he gave a small smirk. “that guy’s a total asshole.”
you smile and nod before you turn around and start heading towards the exit. “wait,” you hear the same voice come from behind you. turning around, hoping you wouldn’t be charged for wasting his time, you were met with the sweet eyes of the suna. “i’ll give you my number.”
you were confused and tilted your head to express it. suna understood this gesture and blurted out, “so i can take you on a proper date.”
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odleprsala · 2 years
ggez go next
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igglemouse · 3 years
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Episode 14 ~ Flawless Victory
And this is what Marisol misses most. While I played games with her from time to time I could not really compete. I did beat her once and I’m sure it’s a time she will never forget but her dad proved to be much stiffer competition. At least he was before going off to war. Now though, Marisol’s skills have improved so much that she also made relatively easy work of him.
“You’ve really improved!” was all he could say.
“I’ve been practicing! I’m going to enter the tourney this weekend!”
“What?! Really!?” Gabriel didn’t know that she was entering some children’s tourney for some game. Look, I don’t know the details but she really wanted to go and I couldn’t deny her this opportunity to flex her skills. While I don’t understand the whole gaming thing I’m not going to hold her back if that’s what she wants to do. “Oh mija, you need to practice a lot more! Want to try again-”
“Dad...you were kind of like...ez? GGEZ NO RE!”
Gabriel looked at her confused and shook his head. “Come on! I was just rusty is all!”
“If you say soooo...” 
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murfeelee · 4 years
Weekend! Updates! Replies!
Happy July 4th, everybody!
(WTF did Tumblr do NOW? At least X-kit’s still active, thank god.)
I’m still cooped up inside not getting any sleep (effing fireworks) and melting my eyeballs as I try to finish my thesis. I’m nowhere near done yet, this is insanity; I’m scared I won’t be done by September at all. If I do, it’ll be because I rushed through it and did the bare effing minimum. But I might have to at this point, I’m exhausted.
And my next summer class starts next week, and the professor sent us the syllabus and WHAT THE EFF, LADY!? 😠 This is a dinky little summer elective, not a frikkin dissertation, wench, DANG!! 😡🤬
I just wanted something light, so I could coast on through and get my last credits GGEZ & bounce; I’m tired of this place. No, this heifer has to send us a whole TERM full of course material. I am too upset.
I just want my effing degree already. Not that it matters, cuz the economy’s even WORSE now--schools, libraries, museums, galleries, non-profits, etc. all got slammed cuz of quarantine, and they’ll all be busy letting people GO, not hiring. U_U And that’s MY EFFING SECTOR. 😫 I want to WORK. I don’t wanna be stuck in school wasting ANOTHER 5+ years getting some PhD--the pay is peanuts, and I hate school! But if there’s no jobs I’ll do it, at least PhD programs pay YOU to go to school. XD
I’m calling it now: I’ll be reporting to y’all live this time next year working on a effing doctorate, just to have SOME money in my pocket, jfc. 😤
ANYWAY, so that’s me right now.
Sorry for the rant -- I’ve been so angry and fed up with absolutely everything lately.
And I’m really sorry for not being active AT ALL lately; Tumblr & Simblr in particular are my biggest distractions, and if I even take a peek on my dash I’ll get sucked in and get zero work done on this stupid paper.
But trust! In my spare time I’ve been working on new CC & new gameplay! I am so excited to share it with y’all; I’ve been planning this for months, it’s based on one of my alltime favorites. ^_^
descendantdragfi replied to your photoset “3 Favorites Tag!  Rules: A person’s favorite color, favorite animal,...”
Love your favourites! Peacock is magnificent 🦚😁                    
Thanks again for tagging me! ^_^ Oh wow, I didn’t know there was a peacock   emoji; you mean I could’ve been spamming it this whole time!? 🦚 🦚 🦚 🦚
andantezen replied to your photoset “3 Favorites Tag!  Rules: A person’s favorite color, favorite animal,...”
Your love for peacocks is contagious... Since playing with the magnificent CC you made of them, have read more about these birds' symbolism in several cultures... and decided to turn them into an actual character of the story :) thank you!                    
Thank YOU! *hugs* 🦚 Yes, I’m obsessed with peacocks, they’re my favorite animal on earth (dragons are my favorite fanciful creatures). Every time I go to the zoo I’m SO tempted to just steal one; they let them roam around freely, and I just wanna scoop up one of the babies and parkour myself over a fence or something. XD  🦚 I mean look at these frikkin things! 🦚
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😍 🦚  😍 🦚 😍 🦚
darkccfinds replied to your photoset “SAKURA - BLΛƆKPIИK INSPIRED BLACKPINK! 지금 내가 걸어가는 거린 BLACKPINK 4...”
Sakura in its purest form!!.. as it should be in black and pink. I love everything about this photo set🤩
*high fives!* :D Thanks so much! Yup, I had to do it. Sakura would totally dye all her money pink and buy a sequins-covered bedazzled military tank, why wouldn’t she? XD Plus, I just LOVE Blackpink’s music videos & songs, so it was a perfect fit, really.
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ashuriphoenix replied to your post “Chinese Creatures INSP”
*furiously mashes download button*
I want to make a lot more Pets CC and kemonomini CC, and get back to playing in Green Isle; that was the most fun I’ve had in months!
solori replied to your photoset “Pride 2020: Bartros & Nagron at the LGBT+ Community Center “History...”
♥ ♥
pitheinfinite replied to your photoset “Pride 2020: Bartros & Nagron at the LGBT+ Community Center “History...”
Love how you presented this theme with this positive energy!
If you don’t smile you’ll burst into tears, is how I see it. I needed something bright and colorful and loving, and my Spartacus-inspired gameplay always brings a smile to my face; I love my Nagron & Bartros babies. :3
ohsimtastic reblogged your post and added:
Speaking of babies! :D
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Happy simming, y’all!
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unistarr · 4 years
The Crossroad
Its 4:00AM here in Singapore, just finished playing some CS:GO with the lads from France. GGEZ Well Peliaq.. Well I’ve been playing a lot of video games lately, not much work coming for this site engineer aside from the usual meetings and discussions during this Circuit Breaker period. These past few months were a bit tough since the Covid-19 outbreak. Movement restrictions were put into place to curb this pandemic from further spreading. A lot had suffered and most certainly in many ways i also suffered from this.  I had already planned to work my ass off for the whole month of April so that i can apply for an extensive period of leave for Ramadhan and also Eid. But due to the movement restrictions from Malaysia and also Singapore, that plan was just next to impossible. Needless to say the only way for me to go back now is through quitting my job and move back to Malaysia. And now here I am at one of the many crossroads of my life. I dont know whether to quit or not because albeit the loneliness working here, the pay is good, the environment is good just that im not getting as much social interaction as much as i hope to get. Then theres the constant fear of me missing most of my friends and families life, im not be able to send my little sister to college, attending my best friend’s engagement and wedding day, throwing a birthday celebration for my parents and a lot of other things. I used to be the kind of guy that just follow the “Life Plan”; born to this world, go to school study to get good grades, continue in some prestigious schools, find a well-payed jobs, married, retirement then die. I dont want to miss the things in front of me, to cherish these fleeting moments, take some pictures as memories.. I regretted a lot of things in the past and not cherishing the present is one of them. 
 Well usually i used this medium to vent out my pathetic love life confession. I did write some cheesy stuffs in here, well at least now i have my own version of dark weeb of the life of unistar. Well for now i just try to find new jobs in Malaysia and see where it goes. But there is also something that might tip me towards to staying here for at least another year, but i don’t want to get my hopes up just yet. Daganronpa taught me that Hope comes with Despair!. Thats all from me for now. Maybe i try to write in here more often. Till then.
Unistar, 5/6/2020
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