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blazehedgehog · 2 years ago
Do you think there's a genuine bias against Sonic in the mainstream gaming press, or is it all blown out of proportion by fans?
This is a hard question to answer.
I do think there are a lot of people in the press that expect Sonic games to be bad and aren't really willing to see them on any other level than snide commentary. I know people in the press, and I've heard them say "I hope the next Sonic game is bad so I can laugh at it."
Which... did not really sit well with me at the time. I mean, they were talking about Sonic Forces, so it wasn't exactly unwarranted. But at the same time I couldn't help but have a pang of "Aw man :("
Is that bias? When I think of bias, I'd think of a person who refuses to admit even a good game is good. And I think the press cycle for Sonic Frontiers showed that a lot of people were willing to be open about the game.
That person who wanted to laugh at the next bad Sonic game? Also liked Sonic Generations.
At the same time, I do think there are people out there who would never admit it if there was a legitimately good Sonic game.
And the press in particular is not especially equipped to talk about a lot of Sonic games. More than most people, anyway. A lot of Sonic games are better on the replay, because they require such a degree of practice to learn, understand, and get good at, and in a way that's different from, say, Dark Souls. Learning a Sonic game is more akin to, say, learning bullet patterns in a shmup, and there aren't a lot of press out there with particularly complex opinions on those, either.
That's generally because when you play and talk about video games for a living, you can't really stick to one game for too long. Practicing and mastering a game aren't luxuries people in the press get. Unless you come in to the press with an inherent love for a specific genre (and become that genre's specialist) then it's a lot of churn and burn. You play games not because you want to, but because it's a talking point, and there will always be more talking points. You're always chasing where the spotlight moves to next.
There are also a lot of legitimately ugly people out there who pick cheap, easy jokes because they're low-hanging fruit. The Sonic franchise has been at the bottom of more than one dogpile, whether the game deserved it or not. So you get a lot of clown college dropouts that love to pick on Sonic games.
But more than bias, that's because there is a stigma around Sonic games. Which is what a lot of the "we're in on the joke" social media meme-ing was trying to break out of, I guess. Clearing the air and getting people to talk about more than just "HAHA, BRO, SONIC GAMES ARE SOOOOO BROKEN"
I think some of it is blown out of proportion by fans, sure. We can be a pretty sensitive bunch, sometimes.
But that sensitivity also did not come from nowhere. I remember the halcyon days of listening to podcasts like 1UP Yours or GFW Radio and having to endure them bringing up Sonic games just to get a few swings at the punching bag that week.
And it was like that, everywhere, all the time.
But that was also the era of Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 2006. It was not entirely undeserved.
So I guess the answer is a disappointing "it's a little bit of both."
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ch1re1denn · 4 months ago
*lily white sound effect*
*spellcard warning sound*
*master spark sound effect*
*graze spam*
*boss death sfx*
*life get!*
*bomb get!*
*even more graze spam*
*gfw ice sfx*
*more spellcard warnings and pichuuns*
*more master sparks*
*unzan is summoned*
*lily white appears yet again*
*megalovania starts playing*
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graphicfearlesswomen · 7 years ago
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Lulubi Garcia
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sirrockin · 7 years ago
On this week’s edition of the Multi-Time Award Winning, The Rack returned with your hosts Lindsey Ward & Sir Rockin. On the program this week we gave you the latest news in both WWE & Impact brought to us by Gerweck.net which included:
*Latest #BlameBrent Injury Updates *WWE & Young Bucks Update *John Cena Buddy Cop Movie *Kanellis-Bennett Announce Maria’s Pregnacy *Nikki Bella Dancing with the Stars Update
And More!
We reviewed this past Sunday’s WWE No Mercy PPV featuring John Cena against Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship, Finn Balor against Bray Wyatt and More.
We also had the Smackdown Throwdown featuring Sami Zayn confronting Kevin Owens, Rusev Day, Dolph Ziggler comes out as The Undertaker and more. As well as the NXT Rundown featuring Adam Cole vs Eric Young, Liv Morgan & Heavy Machinery in action and more.
Plus Tweet of the Week!
Check it all out on this week’s edition of The Rack Presented by Gerweck.net & “Wrestling Figure Photography”.
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zanimljivaekonomija · 5 years ago
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Gala Borović, mlada beogradska dizajneraka,  pobednik konkursa Fashion Scout  South East Europe za 2019. godinu dobila je priliku da ove jeseni predstavi svoju kolekciju na prestižnoj reviji Ones to Watch u okviru programa Fashion Scout tokom London Fashion Weeka.
Uspešnom saradnjom između londonske platforme FASHION SCOUT  i Belgrade Fashion Week-a 2016. je pokrenut regionalni konkurs Fashion Scout SEE na kome se takmiče prestižni mladi dizajneri iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Makedonije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije. Cilj takmičenja je da se modna scena podigne  na viši nivo i uspostavi svojevrsni regionalni Fashion hub kao platforma za promociju talentovanih dizajnera sa ovog područja.
Gala Borović je pobedila na ovom konkursu za 2019. godinu, u finalu održanom tokom Ljubljana Fashion Weeka. Uspeh je i veći jer je izabrana od vrhunskih internacionalnih stručnjaka - Martin Roberts, osnivač Fashion Scout London i direktor Graduate Fashion Week, Biljana Poposka-Roberts, Special Projects Manager Fashion Scout and GFW, Lewis Robert Cameron, Fashion Stylist (Kaltblut Magazine, Vogue Italia, Fucking Young, Pansy Magazine), Gili Biegun, Editor-in-chief Joys Magazine and Giorgia Cantarini, Fashion Editor (Vogue.it, La Republica, Hunger, Esquire). Nagrada za pobedu na konkursu je prilika da Gala predstavi svoju kolekciju na septembarskom izdanju London Fashion Week-a  u okviru Fashion Scout programa ONES TO WATCH.
Ones To Watch je jedan od najvažnijih projekata tokom London Fashion Weeka za promociju novih modnih dizajnera iz celog sveta. Svake sezone samo 4 dizajnera dobijaju priliku da se predstave izbirljivoj londonskoj modnoj publici. Ove sezone Fashion Scout je odabrao  francuskog dizajnera Vincent Lapp koji radi pod imenom brenda AV, avangardni britanski brend IA London iza koga stoji dizajnerka Ira Iceberg, holandski Studio Adaptive Skins koji je kreirao dizajner Jef Montes i našu Galu Borović da predstave svoje inovativne kolekcije za proleće leto 2020.
Gala Borović  je završila osnovne i master studije u klasi Dode Komad na Fakultetu Primenjenih Umetnosti u Beogradu. Nakon toga upisuje još jedan master modnog dizajna, kao stipendista, na ArtEZ Institute of the Arts u Arnemu, Holandija. Njen rad simboliše intuitivna kreativnost kao i ultimativna sloboda stvaranja. Istražujući granice između mode i umetnosti Galin pristup je zasnovan na ličnom haosu, disbalansu kao i asimetriji. Gala u svoj proces rada neprestano uključuje svoju težnju da dočara intimu ključnih životnih trenutaka. Ona iznova koristi bizarne i nepredvidive forme pretvarajući ih u koncepte, zatim koncepte u odevne predmete, a odevne predmete u kolekcije.
Gala će se u Londonu predstaviti kolekcijom „The Base“. Prateći svoj pristup, njena vizija se u ovoj kolekciji ogleda u ručno rađenoj štampi, teksturama i generalno inovativnom dizajnu tekstilu. The Base je zapravo privatni umetnički studio koji predstavlja moderan prostor za opravdani beg od stvarnosti i kao takav je inspirisao Galu na poseban pristup ovoj kolekciji. Na početku prazan i napušten, ovaj prostor je vremenom dobio oblik studija i platforme u kome se okupljaju bliski prijatelji. Enterijer je uređen mnogobrojnim starim i odbačenim predmetima, polovnim nameštajem, starinama i amaterskim umetničkim delima članova ovoga studija. Često u neredu, podložan stalnim promenama, kao i naglim izmenama izgleda i protoka energije, ovaj prostor odražava trenutno raspoloženje njegovih članova koji su bliski poput porodice. Tokom četiri godine, The Base je bio odenut u najrazličitije forme, kako po svojoj nameni, tako i za potrebe svojih članova. Svaki pojedinac je podsvesno težio da ostavi kako fizički, tako i duhovni trag želeći tako da doprinese razvoju ovoga prostora.
Gala je za ovu reviju u Londonu ostvarila nekoliko važnih saradnji - dizajn nakita je radio danski dizajner  Emilie Axters, cipele je dizajnirao tradicionalni srpski obućar Branislav Stajić, muziku za reviju je radio crnogorski  DJ Dooban X, kao i britanski muzički producent DJ Shiken Hanzo.
Revija je održana  u petak 13. septembra u  jednoj od najznačajnijih londonskih građevina Victoria House, na uglu Bloomsbury Square u Centralnom Londonu, sa autentičnim arhitektonskim stilom.
Pored Beogradskog Fashion Weeka reviju  je podržala i nova, nacionalna platforma  Srbija Stvara  nastala na inicijativi Ane Brnabić, predsednice Vlade Republike Srbije. Platforma obuhvata sistemske mere za razvoj sektora kreativnih industrija i inovacija, kao i jačanje kulturne diplomatije i pozicioniranja Srbije kao zemlje kreativnih, inovativnih i autentičnih ljudi i ideja.
Pored Galine revije u okviru Fashion Scout ShowRoom programa će se zahvaljujući I.DEA PR kancelariji u Londonu predstaviti i naši poznati dizajneri Aleksandra Lalić i Ana Ljubinković, kao i Abo shoes, naš poznati inovativni brend obuće.  
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perroprensa · 5 years ago
Las abejas de Yucatán resisten ante los monocultivos
La acelerada expansión de la agroindustria en la península mexicana amenaza la producción de miel, el principal sustento para las comunidades maya
Hopelchén (México) (ElPais.es)
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“Las abejas no atacan, si no las molestas”, asegura Feliciano Ucan Poot mientras saca con cuidado, sin guantes, una de las rejillas tapizada por un enjambre. Recorre despacio su veintena de colmenas, ataviado tan solo con un sombrero de mimbre y una malla que cubre su rostro. Antes de abrir la siguiente caja de madera, avienta un par de fumaradas con su ahumador.
A sus 65 años este apicultor de Hopelchén, en el estado de Campeche, ha perdido 40 colonias en los últimos tiempos —dos tercios de su cosecha—. Un proceso de extinción a escala global que se ha agudizado en la región y que los productores atribuyen, entre otros, a las fumigaciones masivas y uso de herbicidas (glifosato), plaguicidas y otros químicos. “Hemos visto cómo morían nuestras abejas. Antes sacábamos miel por tambores y a partir de 2011 sacamos bidoncitos”, lamenta. La mayor amenaza a la producción de miel, el principal sustento para las comunidades maya desde la época prehispánica, es la acelerada expansión de los monocultivos en la península de Yucatán.
México se sitúa entre los diez países con mayor producción de miel, con un promedio de unas 57.000 toneladas anuales en la última década, según cálculos oficiales, siendo Campeche y Yucatán los principales productores. Sin embargo, el cuarto mayor exportador a nivel mundial ha sufrido una pérdida en el valor de ese producto debido al deterioro de su calidad.
La contaminación con pesticidas en las flores de los cultivos que las abejaspecorean ha disparado la presencia de esos químicos en el polen. La Unión Europea, que consume más del 80% de las exportaciones de miel mexicana, elevó las alertas en el último lustro al detectar esos rastros y países como Alemania —su mayor consumidor— impusieron algunas restricciones. “El precio al que nos compraban era mejor antes de que hubiera la miel contaminada. Después empezaron a ponernos un candadito por allá (Europa) pidiéndonos miel de calidad”, señala Feliciano.
México es el sexto mayor productor apícola y el tercer mayor exportador en el mundo, sin embargo, el deterioro en la calidad ha provocado la pérdida de su valor
Menonitas, los principales latifundistas
Más de la mitad de los 25.000 pequeños apicultores de la Península de Yucatán se han visto afectados por el crecimiento incontrolado de la agroindustria, desarrollada en el sureste de México por los menonitas. Estos cristianos ortodoxos, de origen germano, llegaron al país azteca en los años veinte del siglo pasado invitados por el propio presidente, Álvaro Obregón, quien además les entregó terrenos.
Se extendieron sobre todo en los vastos estados norteños de Chihuahua, Durango y Tamaulipas. Sin embargo, debido a la inseguridad y las sequías, a comienzos de este siglo se desplazaron hacia el sur especialmente a Campeche, donde suman alrededor de 30.000 miembros. Muchos decidieron abandonar México. “Mi abuelo llegó a Chihuahua desde Canadá. Allá vivimos siempre, pero en 2001 me tuve que venir acá por la violencia. No nos dejaban trabajar. Desde que llegué la población ha aumentado constantemente, ha venido mucha gente de otros estados y ya somos 17 comunidades”, cuenta a este medio Enrique Kauenhofen, encargado de una de las centrales de acopio de semillas.
Los vestidos largos y sombreros de ala ancha de las mujeres, así como sus rasgos nórdicos de ojos azulísimos, contrastan con el semblante de los lugareños de origen indígena que pasean por la plaza central de Hoplechén, municipio donde se concentra mayor presencia. En la radio incluso se escucha una estación en alemán, entre las pocas emisoras que pueden sintonizarse en esa zona rural.
La mayoría de las familias menonitas en la región abandonaron su creencia tradicional de rechazo a la tecnología y emplearon maquinaria pesada para multiplicar sus cultivos de soja, maíz y sorgo. Debido entre otros a esa agricultura extensiva, Campeche fue el estado con mayor deforestación en 2016 al perder 54.700 hectáreas de selva —un 22% del total del país—, según datos de Global Forest Watch (GFW).
Más de la mitad de los 25.000 pequeños apicultores de la Península de Yucatán han sufrido afectaciones por el incontrolado crecimiento de la agroindustria
“La siembra constante aumenta, en los últimos diez años creo que se ha duplicado o hasta más”, apunta a este medio el menonita Enrique Kauenhofen, encargado de la central de acopio de semillas en Hoplechén. Entre 2005 y 2015, Hopelchén perdió cinco veces más cobertura forestal que el promedio nacional, según un estudio de la Universidad Veracruzana publicado en la revista académica Land Use Policy.
Sin embargo, para el director de Cultivos Anuales de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural (SDR), Jesús Manuel Ayala, “la agricultura extensiva no ha salido de la frontera agrícola, es algo pequeño y la afectación es mínima para los apicultores”. Se cultivan 60.000 hectáreas de monocultivos y 100.000 de milpa (cultivo tradicional de maíz combinado con otras plantaciones), agrega.
Los nocivos efectos de los agrotóxicos
Tras un arduo litigio la Suprema Corte de Justicia suspendió el uso de semillas de Monsanto en Campeche a partir de 2016. No obstante, tanto organizaciones campesinas como el nuevo gobierno mexicano denuncian que los latifundistas han incumplido reiteradamente esta prohibición, aunque apenas se ha sancionado a unos pocos. “Sí se ha sembrado soja ilegalmente en Campeche y esto debe ser objeto de persecución”, enfatiza a este medio el subsecretario de Autosuficiencia Alimentaria, Víctor Suárez, recién nombrado con la llegada a la Presidencia del izquierdista Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Asimismo, el fallo de la Justicia mexicana excluyó el daño ambiental causado por la explotación de megaproyectos agrícolas. “Semilla ya hace algún tiempo que (Monsanto) no vende más, pero de químicos creo que sí”, afirma otro menonita, Johan Harder, en un castellano titubeante. Su familia guarda en un hangar dos avionetas que utilizan para la aspersión de pesticidas al menos una vez por semana y con mayor frecuencia en época de lluvias, lo que incrementa la contaminación de aguas. “Manual casi no (fumigamos), es mayormente con tractor y por aire”, reconoce Harder.
Algunos estudios indican que esos agrotóxicos han incrementado el riesgo para la salud de la población local. “Se han encontrado residuos de glifosato en la sangre y la orina de los niños que rebasan con mucho las normas de salud, afectando y propiciando un conjunto de enfermedades que están generando sufrimiento humano”, apunta Suárez, quien se compromete a suspender las fumigaciones, frenar los cambios de uso del suelo y prohibir los plaguicidas altamente contaminantes; algunas de las medidas que han exigido por años los apicultores.
México y la promoción de la agroindustria
“Durante los anteriores gobiernos se ha favorecido el desarrollo de la agroindustria en detrimento de los pequeños campesinos —reclama el subsecretario—, lo que ha provocado un proceso de depredación de la biodiversidad y una situación de extrema emergencia para los apicultores de la región”. El Estado mexicano entregó cerca de un millón de dólares a Monsanto en 2009 (padrón de beneficiarios) para un programa de mejoramiento genético del maíz y para el desarrollo de variedades híbridas de sorgo, según boletines oficiales. Además, en 2012 concedió autorización a la transnacional para sembrar soja genéticamente modificada en 253.500 hectáreas de seis estados del país.
Por otro lado, varios documentos muestran que la entrega de ayudas federales en Campeche ha beneficiado, en proporción, a los terratenientes menonitas. Como ejemplo reciente, para el incentivo agrícola ‘Recuperación de suelos con degradación agroquímica principalmente perdida de fertilidad’ en 2017, en el quinto listado de avance, Agroservicios La Trinidad —empresa menonita— recibió 3,75 millones de pesos (unos 170.000 euros); mientras que las otras cinco cooperativas sumaron en total poco más de cuatro millones de pesos. En el séptimo listado del mismo año, a dos familias menonitas se les asignaron 240.000 pesos (unos 11.000 euros); mientras que otros seis particulares alcanzan apenas 22.381 pesos en total.
No obstante, Ayala niega que se haya favorecido a la agroindustria, sino que simplemente no se han puesto impedimentos. “Las medidas se han encaminado a reducir los costos a los productores. No impulsamos, ni limitamos. Campeche se ha beneficiado por el consumo de granos y para evitar ser dependientes de las importaciones. Más bien nos ha perjudicado no tener suficiente producción de soja y tener que comprar fuera”, asegura el representante estatal.
Para los campesinos maya se trata de una repartición de recursos dispar teniendo en cuenta que la población menonita en el estado tan solo representa alrededor del 3% del total; aunque estas comunidades usufructúan alrededor del 80% de las 180.000 hectáreas que se aprovechan en el campo campechano, según datos de la administración estatal.
La apicultura, más que una fuente de ingresos
Ante esa vulnerabilidad decenas de apicultores de la Península de Yucatán se han unido entorno a la Alianza Maya por Las Abejas. Su portavoz, Leydy Pech, se queja que para este año el sector apícola todavía no cuenta con presupuesto, pese a tratarse de la mayor fuente de ingresos para las comunidades maya.
“El tema económico es importante, porque además el daño ambiental tiene un impacto para todos los recursos que usamos. La apicultura no es sólo una actividad para producir miel, sino un sistema de preservación, pues ayuda a conservar la milpa que a su vez es una barrera contra la deforestación”, describe Pech, quien por ello considera que la agricultura extensiva promovida por Monsanto en connivencia con el gobierno mexicano amenazan “toda una forma ancestral de vida”.
Esa economía de subsistencia permitió a Feliciano vivir apaciblemente hasta hace unos años. “Ni siquiera nunca necesité un tractor”, afirma satisfecho el apicultor, que cada mañana se adentra en el bosque a pie para cuidar sus colmenas. En su patio trasero se amontonan ahora decenas de colmenas destartaladas. Sus diminutos ojos se empañan al repasar los recortes de prensa donde aparece él en los atriles y juzgados donde ha hablado para reclamar sus derechos. ‘Kaab’ en maya significa abeja, miel y también Tierra o mundo.“Porque no entendemos este mundo sin nuestras abejas y nuestra miel”, zanja Feliciano.
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squaredcirclesirens · 7 years ago
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Taya Valkyrie to be at Global Force Wrestling IMPACT Tapings
According to the latest release of Wrestling Observer Radio,  Lucha Underground star Taya Valkyrie (and her fiance John Morrison) will be appearing at the upcoming IMPACT Wrestling tapings held by Global Force Wrestling from August 17th to the 22nd.
The former AAA Reina de Reina champion Taya Valkyrie wrestled for Global Force Wrestling when they held live events in the New York Tri-state area.
On August 4th in Long Island, NY she was defeated by the GFW Unified Knockouts Champion Sienna in a singles match and on August 5th in Staten Island, NY she defeated Allie and Sienna in a non-title triple threat match.
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blimpsgo180 · 6 years ago
Review: Peggle (2 and ½ hours, PC version)
Review: Peggle (2 and ½ hours, PC version) - The most addicting casual game that's ad-free and micro-transaction free! #peggle #popcapgames #popcap #ea
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There was a time when people would simply sit and listen to the radio. No other distractions. When I was in college, I listened to several podcasts, which are like a longer version of a radio talk show. My favorites were 1Up Yours, Retronauts, and GFW Radio, which were all made by magazine editors for ZiffDavis publications, and later I listened to the Giant Bombcast. A frequent topic on gaming…
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vonreuter · 6 years ago
Remembering GFW Radio, the podcast that changed how we talk about games forever
1UP's 97.5 The Brodeo had only 128 episodes, but it set the template for a decade of gaming podcasts to come.
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zeroviraluniverse-blog · 7 years ago
'Fishing continued' after East China sea oil spill
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/fishing-continued-after-east-china-sea-oil-spill/
'Fishing continued' after East China sea oil spill
Image copyright AFP/Transport Ministry of China
Image caption The tanker carried a highly toxic petroleum product that became invisible after the spill
Fishing continued at the site of a massive oil spill in the East China Sea for days after the incident, satellite images obtained by the BBC suggest.
Most of the fishing vessels in the affected region were identified as Chinese.
There have been major concerns over possible contamination in seafood and marine life in and around the region.
The spill occurred after an oil tanker collided with another cargo ship on 6 January before sinking days later.
It was transporting 136,000 tonnes, or almost one million barrels, of ultra-light crude oil, known as condensate, to South Korea.
It is feared to be highly toxic and is invisible, unlike the shimmering slick on the sea-surface seen after crude-oil leaks.
Experts say it is the first time petroleum product of this type has spilled in such huge quantity.
Independent experts say fishing was not stopped until much later and reports in the Chinese media indicate the same.
The BBC obtained satellite images and data showing the presence of fishing boats in the area following the event.
China is a major seafood exporter and the impacted region is known to be rich in fisheries including species like crab, squid, yellow croaker, mackerel, among others.
The Chinese state oceanic administration did not respond to repeated BBC requests for comment on fishing activities.
According to the agriculture ministry website, an area of 30 nautical miles radius from the accident site was declared as a prohibited zone after the accident.
Image copyright AFP/Transport Ministry of China
Image caption Scientists say the visible slick on the sea surface is most likely the fuel the tanker was using
“Based on our analysis, we estimate fishing activities to have likely continued in the area since the incident occurred, including within 60 nautical miles of the sinking site,” said Brad Soule, chief analyst with OceanMind, a not-for-profit organisation specialising in tracking fishing activities.
The group’s analysis estimates that there were more than 400 fishing vessels operating within the region between 6 January and 25 January, while 13 were detected within 60 nautical miles of the sinking site.
Sanchi, the tanker carrying the oil from Iran, is believed to have drifted between 50 to 100 nautical miles south after the collision before it sank.
This could mean that it continued spilling the condensate all along the way before it went down.
China’s Ministry of Transport said that a salvage team had located the sunken vessel at a depth of 115m (380ft).
“Between January 26 and February 14, 146 observed fishing vessels were active in the region and two observed fishing vessels active within 60 nautical miles of the sinking site,” OceanMind said in its analysis.
Mr Soule said the analysis was based on transmissions received from only fishing vessels which were travelling at speeds that are associated with fishing activity, slower than typical travelling speeds.
The vessels carry communications devices called transponders that send radio signals identifying themselves.
“Fishing had continued in the area potentially polluted by the Sanchi spill, and the Chinese government didn’t close fisheries until very recently,” said Prof Richard Steiner, a noted marine scientist who has helped governments with his oil-spill management expertise in the past.
In an email to the Chinese government after the Sanchi spill, he had suggested: You should immediately close all fisheries in the region of the spill, as you do not want any contaminated fishery products entering the consumer market.
“They responded to my other suggestions but not directly to this one,” he said.
The findings of Global Fishing Watch, another international organisation monitoring fishing vessels, are also similar.
“We looked at fishing activity detected by GFW as measured in hours of activity, after the Sanchi collision happened on 6 January, and compared to the same time period the previous year,” Paul Woods of GFW told the BBC.
“Overall, I would say that this analysis suggests that the aggregate level of fishing activity in the region before and after the event did not change dramatically.”
According to China’s state-run media, Xinhua, the government’s move to keep fishing vessels away came two days after Sanchi sank – that was 10 days after the collision.
“The Shanghai marine search and rescue centre dispatched 13 vessels on Tuesday (January 16) to tackle follow-up issues, maintain order at the site, evacuate nearby merchant and fishing ships, and issue navigational warnings in both Chinese and English,” it reported on 17 January.
International oil spill experts say that intervention was too slow.
“Going by the pictures we saw, a lot of condensate had already started spilling from the Sanchi soon after it collided with another ship,” said Prof Steiner.
“If we had a 1 knot current over the site for eight days, then pollution from the event could conceivably have travelled in the subsurface plume as far as 200 miles away, downstream,” he said in the email to China’s State Oceanic Administration.
The New York Times has reported that officials in Beijing announced on 1 February that samples of fish taken within four to five nautical miles of the sunken ship contained traces of petroleum hydrocarbons, suggesting possible condensate contamination.
Image copyright AFP/Transport Ministry of China
Image caption The Chinese government has been releasing toxicity levels from samples of sea water
“In any spill event, fuel oil will produce damage on the shore, whilst light oil like kerosene and petrol will have much more impact on marine species because of the persistence in the water column,” said Dr Corina Ciocan, a marine biologist with the University of Brighton.
“Molluscs and other filter feeding and sessile organisms are particularly affected by oil spills, as well as caged fish or coral fish – those are able to absorb high quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons present within their limited territory.”
Experts say the closure of fisheries is one of the first steps authorities take after major oil spills.
“This was something done immediately after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill incident in 2010,” said Chris Reddy, a senior scientist with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the US.
Mr Reddy however believes the oil spill in the East China Sea will be killing sea creatures as an immediate effect but there is no long-term seafood contamination risk.
“That is because the condensate spilled will soon be diluted by cleaner seawater, eaten by microbes, or evaporate which means there will be no concentration of chemicals threatening to contaminate the seafood,” he said.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN did not make any comment when asked whether seafood from the impacted region could already be reaching consumer markets.
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earpeeler · 7 years ago
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Ring Rust Radio – Oct 25 w/ ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin Interview & WWE TLC Review Catch Ring Rust Radio’s exclusive interview with WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin! Plus, WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs, Raw and SmackDown LIVE Reviews, Smarks Say the Darndest Things, Dirtsheet Busters, Wednesday Wrestling Minutes—NXT, Ring of Honor, Lucha Underground, New Japan Pro Wrestling, GFW Impact Wrestling and Indy Wrestling—Season 17 WWE Fantasy Updates, Fan Emails and so much more!
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rackradioshow · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://rackradioshow.com/blog/?p=759
09-07-17: Mae Young Classic, Smackdown, NXT & More
Tonight live on the Wild Talk Radio Network, the Multi-Time Award Winning, The Rack returns to the airwaves at 10pm ET with your hosts Lindsey Ward & Sir Rockin.On the program this week we will be giving you the latest news in both WWE & Impact brought to us by Gerweck.net which includes:
*Latest #BlameBrent Injuries *GFW/Jeff Jarrett Update *Nikki Bella now Dancing with the Stars *JBL done as Smackdown announcer
And More!
We will be looking at the second set of the Mae Young Classic episodes now airing on the WWE Network. We will give our thoughts on who impressed us and who didn’t.
We will also have the Smackdown Throwdown featuring Randy Orton vs Shinsuke Nakamura for a shot at the WWE Championship, Kevin Owens gets personal with Shane McMahon, Shane McMahon getting suspended, the Re-Debut of Dolph Ziggler and more. We will also give you the NXT Rundown featuring Hideo Itami against Kassius Ohno, Asuka giving up the NXT Womens Championship and more.
Plus Tweet of the Week!
Be a part of the show tonight by joining us in our live chat room and interact with the show. It all begins LIVE tonight at 10pm ET on www.rackradioshow.com & www.wildtalkradio.com presented in part by “Wrestling Figure Photography”. You can also listen to the show live on your smartphone, tablet or iPad, by downloading the TuneIn Radio App, which is free, just search for Wild Talk Radio Network.
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rageworks · 7 years ago
Turnbuckle Tabloid-Episode 21
The views expressed on air during Turnbuckle Tabloid do not represent the views of the RAGE Works staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
“Namaste Jay Namaste”
Jay is in a fiery mood this week ans Matt tries to calm the situation. This week the boys meditate on the legacy that is John Cena as well as paranoid thoughts of who listens to the show. Also on this episode,
GFW cancels events.
Jon Jones calls out Brock Lesnar
WWE Network cancellations.
Take it home (new segment)
RAW & SmackDown Live review.
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  Check out this episode!
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graphicfearlesswomen · 7 years ago
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Lulubi Garcia
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sirrockin · 7 years ago
On this week’s edition of the Multi-Time Award Winning, The Rack returned with your hosts Lindsey Ward & Sir Rockin. On the program this week we gave you the latest news in both WWE & Impact brought to us by Gerweck.net which included:
*Bound for Glory Announced *Total Divas Season 7 *Paige Returning *Nikki Bella Dancing with the Stars Update
And More!
We previewed this Sunday’s WWE No Mercy PPV featuring John Cena against Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship, Finn Balor against Bray Wyatt and More.
We also gave you the Smackdown Throwdown featuring an awful Jinder Mahal Promo, a great Kevin Owens promo, Four Way Womens Match and more. We will also had the NXT Rundown featuring Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish vs Trent Seven & Tyler Bate, Velveteen Dream confronting Aleister Black and more. Plus Tweet of the Week!
Check it all out on this week’s edition of The Rack Presented by Gerweck.net & “Wrestling Figure Photography”.
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daleisgreat · 7 years ago
WWE Network Original Special First Half 2017
I am posting this a little later than I wanted to, but I am finally here with my recap of original content for the WWE Network for the first half of 2017. I want to kick off this installment picking up where two new series that premiered last year left off and see how they have since progressed.
Holy Foley - WWE released the final five episodes of their version of The Osbournes in January of this year. The first five episodes reminded me why I detest most reality TV shows with so many painfully telegraphed family issues being pushed to the forefront. Once again, the focus is on Dewey breaking in as a WWE storyline writer and Noelle trying to make it as a wrestler, or as she likes to painfully call it in corporate WWE speak several times every episode ‘Superstar.’ Mick is also up to some hijinx in each episode in his post-wrestling career, and most are unfortunately insufferable to endure. A lot of the primary plot lines in this second batch of episodes are a chore to get through with only a sprinkling of genuine entertaining scenes like Noelle getting five star tutelage in promos from Enzo. If you are looking for a reality show fix on the WWE Network stay away from this and stick with some of the original Tough Enough seasons instead. 205 Live - When I last talked about 205 Live, it was only several episodes into its run and Neville just debuted on the 205 scene. Since then Neville has stole the show and is one of the few legit high marks of 205 Live as he has been the main draw of the show and its champion since January of this year. His three-PPV feud with Austin Aries was the promotion’s runaway best rivalry for the first half of 2017. I was bummed to see Aries ask for and was granted his release shortly after his feud with Neville wrapped up since Austin could have been a great mentor to newer talent.
The other feuds on 205 Live have been more lighthearted in nature, and since they rarely get spotlighted on PPV, they kind of drag on for two-to-three times longer than they should, for better or worse. On the last WWE Network blog I mentioned how Alexander and Noam Dar were vying for Alicia Fox’s affection, and that whole angle played out until just a couple weeks ago when Dar finally dumped Alicia after several months of the two being constantly hot and cold in their relationship. Drew Gulak and Mustafa Ali had a lengthy feud over Gulak protesting Ali’s high-flying style and Gulak promoting his grounded/technical style more. Their feud finally wrapped up with a PPV quality, 2-out-of-3-falls match this past week. These are just two examples of feuds with wrestlers that probably would not have been promoted as highly on RAW and Smackdown. 205 Live is missing something keeping it from being destination programming and must-see like the Cruiserweight Classic tournament last year. Hopefully they can work in those missing pieces this year, or else I fear the writing may be on the wall for the cruiserweight division. Talking Smack - Wrestling fans reading this likely heard the news last week that WWE has cancelled the Smackdown Live post-talk show, Talking Smack as a weekly show which is horrible news. WWE did say it will stay on following Smackdown-branded PPVs however. Renee Young and Daniel Bryan have great chemistry and shined as hosts on the show. I loved seeing them interview talent who were sticking to their characters but did not have all their verbiage scripted out for them like they do on television which allowed the wrestlers to be more like an amped up version of themselves and get great practice at finding their voice for their on-screen personas. Speculation as to why WWE cancelled the show is because they had to wait an extra hour for 205 Live to finish before starting Talking Smack, and Shane McMahon not being as plugged in and engaged as a backup co-host while Daniel Bryan was away on Paternity Leave.
I loved watching Kevin Owens, The Miz, The Usos and Baron Corbin the most on Talking Smack. All four of them are great natural heels, especially Owens as he went the extra mile to mess with the hosts. A recent Talking Smack will also mark the only time that Eric Rowan was legit entertaining in his sole appearance on the program that had me cracking up at how unpredictable he was and how he was throwing Renee off her game. I will also give mad props to the Usos doing fantastic work as heels this past year, while also having some of the best segments on Talking Smack when they team up with Bryan for the most endearing improv rap sessions in pro wrestling history (just check out how affable Daniel is with his rap hat in those videos and you will know what I mean). Rest in peace, Talking Smack, at least it will still be on once a month. Legends with JBL - Speaking of cancelled WWE Network shows, JBL’s shoot-interview series got cancelled this past February after it aired its final two installments with interviews for Stan Hansen and Jimmy Hart. Of those two I would recommend the Hansen interview because he has rarely done interviews with WWE before and he has a ton of classic stories from his career that will likely be new to those hearing from this legend for the first time. Just like before, JBL does his research and asks tons of good questions and follow-ups, so make sure to binge through his entire archive if you have not before.
Bring it to the Table - This is a new show that debuted this year that WWE runs around once a month. Radio personality, Peter Rosenberg is joined by Corey Graves and JBL as they breakdown the latest main event storylines and behind-the-scenes news in a ESPN PTI/Around the Horn format of time limit debates. It makes for an interesting show, as everyone is trying to be quick on their feet with their two cents and sometimes will get called out on the following show for sometimes biting off a little more than they could chew like Corey Graves was called out for when he gave his thoughts on Shane McMahon. Nothing will beat Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith debating sports in my book, but I will give WWE credit for trying something new and I will keep tuning into this since they occasionally dive into some insider news that would surprise me they would touch on. WWE UK - WWE has premiered its UK division at the beginning of this year capitalizing on the hot UK wrestling scene from the past couple of years. They signed a lot of top UK talent and placed them in a 16-person tournament for the new WWE UK Title in Blackpool, England and had it transpire as a two-part special on the WWE Network. The atmosphere was something special as the UK fans always bring a unique dynamic to a wrestling show. Their singing and other soccer-style chants had me distracted and cringing for a good chunk of the first part of the special, but after the first round matches when most of the competition and matches amped up, the crowd also got serious and put their shenanigans to the side and got more engaged and their unique chants seemed more organic than distracting and helped made the gritty, strong UK style really pop.
Nigel McGuinness made his WWE debut announcing for the UK Championship tournament, and him and Michael Cole had a natural chemistry together, which was kind of surprising on two levels because I always thought of him as an average announcer at best before from his RoH commentary, but something must have gelled right with the two here because Cole especially stepped up his game and delivered easily his best commentary ever. Most of the matches in the tournament delivered with a unique rough, ‘smash-mouth’ style that is not that common on WWE TV, but if you were a fan of William Regal’s work then you will really love what the UK competitors bring to the ring. WWE only did the two-part special in January, and a follow up UK special in May for their UK division shows so far. From what I understand WWE is planning a weekly UK show for the Network and already has locked down dates to record their first several weeks worth of programming in the near future so be on the lookout for that premiering soon. Miscellaneous - There were four installments of WWE 24 so far this year. The one highlighting Kurt Angle stands out the most as it is nearly an hour and covers most of the key highs and lows throughout his career. They even track down former head of TNA/GFW, Dixie Carter for her thoughts on Kurt. There is also a nice piece on Finn Balor focusing on his recovery from his brutal injury last year, and two 24 specials focused on Wrestlemania 32 weekend from Dallas in 2016. I will continue to promote Ride Along and Table for Three as entertaining and low-cost programming for WWE since it only involves placing a couple cameras around a dinner table/rent-a-car while the wrestlers talk shop and reminisce about their past. WWE pumps out about one installment a month for those two shows, and my favorite ones of 2017 so far have featured Jericho and Owens in one of their last car rides before their on-screen breakup and Maryse and Miz celebrating their anniversary in their car ride. Table for 3 has had a lot of good installments this year with the newest edition featuring a Nation of Domination reunion having a lot of good stories between Mark Henry, Godfather and Ron Simmons. WWE dug up Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly and Maryse as the trio stood up for their work during the controversial ‘Diva Search’ era of the women’s division. Also make sure to watch two explosive personalities collide as Michael Hayes does his best to keep the peace between Eric Bishoff and Jim Cornette.
Thanks for sticking with me through this. For the second half of 2017 I am anticipating WWE debuting its weekly UK show, as well as the 32-person Mae Young Classic tournament starting next month. WWE gave a sneak peak introducing all the competitors last week and after how well WWE produced the cruiserweight and UK tournaments this past year I have only high expectations that the women will step up and deliver just as effectively. Huzzzah for the WWE getting me excited about tournaments again, for the longest time WWE treated them as throw-away filler, with even the last few King of the Ring tournaments lacking the pomp and circumstance that the tournaments on the WWE Network manage to pull off. Join me again in several months to see how well they pulled it off! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor V RoH Supercard of Honor VI RoH Supercard of Honor VII RoH Supercard of Honor VIII RoH Supercard of Honor IX RoH Supercard of Honor X ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Sting: Into the Light Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28 Wrestlemania 29 Wrestlemania 30 Wrestlemania 31 Wrestlemania 32 The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016
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