#gfsi consultant
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI): A Comprehensive Guide
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a global platform that brings together food industry leaders, retailers, and regulators to drive continuous improvement in food safety. To ensure compliance with GFSI standards, organizations can seek certification from recognized certification bodies. GFSI certification provides a valuable framework for demonstrating commitment to food safety and enhancing consumer confidence.
Understanding GFSI Certification
GFSI certification is not a standalone standard but rather a benchmark against which various food safety standards are assessed. GFSI recognizes multiple certification schemes that meet its requirements, including:
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
IFS Food Standard
SQF Code
FSSC 22000
By achieving certification against one of these recognized schemes, organizations can demonstrate their compliance with GFSI consultant and standards.
Benefits of GFSI Certification
GFSI certification offers numerous benefits for food businesses, including:
Enhanced Reputation: GFSI certification signals to consumers, retailers, and regulators that a business is committed to food safety. This can enhance the organization's reputation and credibility in the marketplace.
Improved Market Access: Many retailers and foodservice companies require their suppliers to be GFSI certified. Achieving certification can open up new market opportunities and improve business relationships.
Reduced Risk of Non-Compliance: GFSI certification helps organizations to identify and address potential food safety risks, reducing the likelihood of non-compliance with regulatory requirements.
Continuous Improvement: GFSI certification encourages continuous improvement in food safety management systems. This can lead to more efficient operations, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction.
Consumer Confidence: GFSI certification provides consumers with assurance that the food products they purchase are safe to consume.
QSE's 10-Step Approach to GFSI Certification
QSE's 10-Step Approach™ is a proven methodology designed to help organizations achieve GFSI certification efficiently and effectively. This approach emphasizes simplicity, employee involvement, and a focus on meeting or exceeding the requirements of GFSI-recognized standards. Here's a breakdown of the 10 steps:
1. Awareness Training:
QSE provides training to all employees to ensure they understand the importance of GFSI certification and their role in achieving it.
2. Gap Assessment:
QSE conducts a gap assessment to identify any areas where the organization's current practices may not meet the requirements of the chosen GFSI-recognized scheme.
3. Documentation Development:
QSE helps organizations develop a simplified documentation system that meets the requirements of the chosen GFSI-recognized scheme.
4. Internal Auditing:
QSE assists organizations in conducting internal audits to assess their compliance with the GFSI-recognized scheme's standards and identify areas for improvement.
5. Implementation Assistance:
QSE provides guidance and support to help organizations implement the GFSI-recognized scheme's standards into their daily operations.
6. Assistance During Certification Audit:
QSE provides support during the certification audit, helping organizations to prepare and address any questions or concerns from the auditor.
7. Corrective Action Implementation:
If any deficiencies are identified during the audit, QSE assists organizations in developing and implementing corrective actions to address them.
8. Readiness Evaluation:
QSE helps organizations evaluate their readiness for the certification audit.
9. Preparation for Re-certification:
QSE provides guidance and support to help organizations prepare for the re-certification audit.
10. Continuous Improvement:
QSE helps organizations to identify and implement continuous improvement initiatives to maintain GFSI certification and enhance their food safety management system.
Additional Considerations for Gluten-Free Certification
In addition to the 10-step approach, organizations seeking gluten-free certification may need to consider the following:
Development of a Gluten-Free Management System (GFMS): A well-developed GFMS is essential for ensuring that food products or ingredients meet the needs of consumers with gluten allergies.
Quality Control and Testing: A comprehensive quality control and testing plan is necessary to ensure that products consistently meet the FDA Gluten-Free Labeling Rule requirements of 20 ppm or better.
Internal Auditing: Organizations may need to train internal auditors to become competent in performing internal audits of products and systems to ensure compliance with the FDA Gluten-Free Labeling Rule.
Facility Preparation: The facility must be physically prepared to provide a clean, cross-contamination-free production environment.
By following QSE's 10-step approach and addressing these additional considerations, organizations can increase their chances of successfully achieving GFSI certification and meeting the requirements of the FDA Gluten-Free Labeling Rule. https://enhancequality.com/standards/gfsi-recognized-standards-for-packaging-companies-brcfssc-22000-ifs-and-sqf/          
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Food Hygiene Consultant
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Connect With the Best Food Processing Consultants to Assist You with Your Requirements. Food hygiene consultants are a must to improve food safety measures, maintain regulatory compliance and protect your brand.
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bdfoodsafety · 2 years
Regulatory Compliance and 3rd party audits – What is the difference? Third-party audits are "a must" in today's food production industry for businesses that wish to develop and flourish. GFSI certification audits not only confirm that you have a strong food safety system but have also developed into a marketing tool to compete for new business, particularly with large retailers.
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123454sworld · 2 years
GHP Consultants provides a low-cost FDA registration service that is aimed at assisting food facilities to fill out FDA registration form online. This helps to avoid problems with inaccurate registration, which might cause troubles during events like customs clearance or FDA inspection of the food facility. https://ghpconsultingandtesting.com/food-registration-process-for-the-fda/
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4c-consulting · 7 days
BRCGS Food Standard: A Comprehensive Guide to Food Safety Certification
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In the global food industry, ensuring food safety is critical to maintaining consumer trust and complying with regulatory requirements. With increasingly complex supply chains, food safety risks such as contamination, mislabeling, and foodborne illnesses have become major concerns. The BRCGS (British Retail Consortium Global Standards) Food Standard is designed to address these concerns by providing a comprehensive framework for food safety management. This standard is recognized worldwide and is essential for companies looking to assure product safety, quality, and legality.
At 4C Consulting Private Limited, we understand the importance of food safety in today’s competitive market. With over 2,500+ clients and more than 15,000 hours of ISO training experience, we have helped countless organizations implement internationally recognized standards, including the BRCGS Food Standard. In this blog, we will delve into the BRCGS Food Standard, explain its significance, discuss how to implement it, and highlight the benefits of certification. Finally, we’ll outline how 4C Consulting can assist you in achieving BRCGS Food certification efficiently.
What is the BRCGS Food Standard?
The BRCGS Food Standard is an internationally recognized standard for food safety management that is designed to ensure the safety, integrity, legality, and quality of food products. Originally developed by the British Retail Consortium, the standard is now used by over 29,000 food producers and manufacturers in more than 130 countries. It is also recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), which makes it a crucial certification for businesses seeking to access international markets.
The BRCGS Food Standard covers various aspects of food production, including hazard analysis, risk management, hygiene practices, supplier approval, traceability, and more. It provides a framework for food companies to implement robust food safety management systems, ensuring compliance with both local and international regulations.
Why is the BRCGS Food Standard Needed?
Consumer Trust and Confidence: In today’s marketplace, consumers expect safe and high-quality food products. The BRCGS Food Standard ensures that food products meet these expectations by implementing stringent safety and quality controls throughout the supply chain.
Regulatory Compliance: Many countries have strict regulations regarding food safety. BRCGS Food certification helps companies comply with these regulations, avoiding potential legal issues, recalls, and penalties.
Access to Global Markets: BRCGS Food certification is recognized by major retailers and food manufacturers worldwide. Many companies require their suppliers to hold this certification before doing business, making it essential for companies seeking to expand into international markets.
Improved Risk Management: Implementing the BRCGS Food Standard helps organizations identify potential risks in their processes and take preventive measures to mitigate them. This proactive approach minimizes the likelihood of contamination, foodborne illnesses, and product recalls.
How to Implement the BRCGS Food Standard
Implementing the BRCGS Food Standard may seem like a complex process, but with the right guidance and a structured approach, it can be straightforward. Below is a step-by-step guide to implementing the standard:
Conduct a Gap Analysis: The first step in implementing the BRCGS Food Standard is to assess your current food safety practices. A gap analysis will help identify areas where your existing processes do not meet the standard’s requirements. This analysis is crucial in developing a plan for improvement.
Develop a BRCGS Food Manual: A key component of the BRCGS Food Standard is documenting your food safety management system. This involves creating a BRCGS Food manual that outlines your policies, procedures, and controls for managing food safety risks. The manual should cover hazard analysis, critical control points, supplier management, and product traceability.
Provide Employee Training: Proper training is essential for successful BRCGS Food implementation. Your employees should be trained on food safety protocols, hygiene practices, and the specific requirements of the BRCGS Food Standard. At 4C Consulting, we offer comprehensive BRCGS Food training programs to ensure that your team is well-prepared for implementation.
Implement the System: Once the gap analysis and training are complete, the next step is to implement the food safety management system as outlined in your BRCGS Food manual. This involves establishing procedures for monitoring critical control points, conducting supplier audits, and ensuring that all food safety processes are followed consistently.
Internal Audit: Before applying for BRCGS Food certification, it is essential to conduct an internal audit to assess the effectiveness of your food safety management system. This audit will help identify any remaining areas of non-compliance that need to be addressed before the official certification audit.
BRCGS Food Audit: The final step is the certification audit conducted by an accredited certification body. During the audit, your food safety management system will be evaluated against the BRCGS Food Standard requirements. Once you pass the audit, you will receive BRCGS Food certification.
Benefits of Implementing BRCGS Food Standard
Enhanced Food Safety: By implementing the BRCGS Food Standard, your organization can reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, contamination, and product recalls. The standard ensures that all food safety risks are systematically controlled, protecting both consumers and your brand.
Market Access: BRCGS Food certification is recognized by leading retailers, food manufacturers, and suppliers worldwide. This certification allows your business to enter new markets and attract clients who require their suppliers to hold a recognized food safety certification.
Operational Efficiency: Implementing the BRCGS Food Standard promotes greater efficiency within your organization by standardizing processes, improving communication, and increasing accountability. This results in smoother operations, reduced waste, and higher productivity.
Regulatory Compliance: Certification ensures that your organization complies with food safety regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues, non-compliance fines, and product recalls. It also demonstrates to regulators that your business prioritizes food safety.
Customer Confidence: BRCGS Food certification reassures customers that your products meet the highest standards for safety, quality, and legality. This can lead to improved customer trust, loyalty, and long-term business success.
How 4C Consulting Helps You Implement the BRCGS Food Standard
At 4C Consulting Private Limited, we specialize in helping organizations implement food safety management systems, including the BRCGS Food Standard. With extensive experience in ISO certification consulting, we offer a range of services to support your BRCGS Food implementation process:
Tailored Consulting Services: Our team of experienced BRCGS Food consultants works closely with your organization to develop a customized implementation plan that meets your specific needs. We conduct a thorough gap analysis and assist with the development of your BRCGS Food manual.
Comprehensive Training Programs: We offer in-depth BRCGS Food training for your employees, ensuring that they understand the standard requirements and are well-prepared to implement food safety practices. Our training programs are designed to fit the unique needs of your organization.
Audit Preparation: Our consultants guide you through the audit process, from conducting internal audits to preparing for the final BRCGS Food audit. We provide ongoing support to ensure that your food safety management system is compliant with the BRCGS Food Standard requirements.
Ongoing Support: After achieving BRCGS Food certification, we continue to provide support to help you maintain compliance and continuously improve your food safety processes.
In conclusion, BRCGS Food certification is essential for any organization involved in the food industry that seeks to enhance food safety, access new markets, and improve operational efficiency. With 4C Consulting’s expertise, you can achieve BRCGS Food certification quickly and effectively. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your BRCGS Food implementation journey.
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FSSC 22000 Certification: Key Requirements and Implementation Strategies
What is FSSC 22000 Certification
FSSC 22000 Certification in Sri lanka The Food Safety System Certification, or Food Safety Management Certification (FSSC) 22000, offers a strategy framework for managing food safety risks and fulfilling quality standards throughout the food supply chain. It provides an example of standard and safe practices for businesses wishing to venture into the food and allied industries. The standard offers the infallible management guidelines, starting with the raw food ingredients and continuing through the packaging and other materials used in transportation.
What are the benefits of  FSSC 22000 Certification?
FSSC 22000 Implementation in Sweden One significant, internationally recognized food safety system with multiple applications is FSSC 22000 Certification. When combined with FSSC-certified (acknowledged) items, the certificate is recognized by GFSI and accepted worldwide.Food Safety Management can be readily integrated with other organizational management systems in a number of food industry sectors thanks to the FSSC 22000 Standard. In addition to guaranteeing food safety, FSSC Certification also establishes a Food Safety Management System that aids in identifying a precise and secure production procedure.Throughout the food supply chain, an ISO-based certification mechanism is applicable. You may easily apply other ISO standards with similar criteria because it is based on the ISO model.
Cost Of Certification FSSC 22000 
FSSC 22000 Cost in Thailand complexity of the company, the breadth of the certification, and the location are just a few of the variables that can greatly affect the cost of FSSC 22000 certification. Initial assessment fees, certification audit fees, and continuing surveillance audits are usually included in the charges.These might range from and include a preliminary assessment to find compliance issues.After certification, yearly or semi-annual audits make sure that compliance continues. The average cost of these audits is each visit.
FSSC 22000 Certification  Audit
FSSC 22000 Audit in Turkmenistan Accredited certification bodies carry out the stringent FSSC 22000 Certification audit to evaluate a business's food safety management system (FSMS) in comparison to FSSC 22000 requirements.Pre-Audit Preparation: The company gets ready by going over records, doing internal audits, and making sure all FSSC 22000 standards are being followed.The first audit assesses the FSMS's preparedness. In order to find any non-conformities, the auditor goes over the documentation, protocols, and processes. They also get ready for the Stage 2 audit.
How to get FSSC 22000Certification Consultants
FSSC 22000 Certification Consultants in United Kingdom A worldwide recognized standard that certifies a business's dedication to guaranteeing food safety throughout its supply chain is the FSSC 22000 Certification. Having FSSC 22000 Certification is essential for business-to-business (B2B) interactions since it guarantees suppliers, customers, and partners that strict food safety management procedures will be followed.Accredited certification bodies perform a comprehensive audit procedure for businesses pursuing B2B certification under FSSC 22000. This procedure assesses the company's food safety management system in comparison to FSSC 22000 requirements, which comprise extra food safety-specific requirements in addition to ISO 22000 standards.
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yuvrajrathod4c · 4 months
FSSC 22000 Certification with 4C Consulting: Ensuring Food Safety Excellence
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In today’s global marketplace, food safety is a paramount concern. Organizations involved in the food supply chain must adhere to stringent safety standards to ensure the products they deliver are safe for consumption. The FSSC 22000 certification is a globally recognized standard that helps organizations achieve and maintain food safety excellence. This certification covers the entire supply chain, providing a comprehensive framework for managing food safety risks. Partnering with an experienced consultancy like 4C Consulting can significantly streamline the certification process and enhance your organization’s food safety management system.
Understanding FSSC 22000 Certification
FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) integrates ISO 22000, ISO/TS 22002-1 (prerequisite programs on food safety), and additional FSSC-specific requirements. It is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is applicable to organizations involved in the food supply chain, including manufacturers, processors, and distributors.
The Certification Process
Achieving FSSC 22000 certification involves several critical steps. 4C Consulting provides expert guidance to ensure a smooth and successful certification journey.
Steps to Certification
Initial Assessment: Conducting a thorough assessment of your current food safety management practices to identify gaps.
Documentation: Assisting in the development and maintenance of required documentation to meet FSSC 22000 standards.
Implementation: Guiding the implementation of necessary changes and improvements to align with FSSC 22000 requirements.
Training: Providing training to employees to ensure they understand and can effectively implement the food safety management system.
Internal Audits: Conducting internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented system and prepare for the certification audit.
Certification Audit: Assisting during the certification audit conducted by an accredited certification body.
Post-Certification Support: Offering ongoing support to maintain compliance and continuously improve the food safety management system.
Challenges in Achieving FSSC 22000 Certification
Implementing and maintaining a food safety management system in compliance with FSSC 22000 can be challenging. Common challenges include understanding complex requirements, managing documentation, and ensuring continuous improvement. However, with the support of experienced consultants, these challenges can be effectively addressed, ensuring a successful certification process.
Common Challenges
Complex Requirements: Navigating the detailed requirements of FSSC 22000 can be daunting.
Resource Allocation: Ensuring sufficient resources, including time, personnel, and budget, for the certification process.
Employee Engagement: Achieving buy-in from all levels of the organization to implement necessary changes.
Documentation Management: Maintaining accurate and comprehensive documentation to meet certification standards.
Ongoing Compliance: Ensuring continuous adherence to FSSC 22000 requirements post-certification.
Why Choose 4C Consulting?
4C Consulting is a trusted partner in achieving FSSC 22000 certification. Our team of experts provides tailored solutions and hands-on support to guide organizations through the certification process. With extensive experience in food safety management, we help organizations overcome challenges and achieve compliance efficiently.
For more information on how 4C Consulting can assist your organization in achieving FSSC 22000 certification, visit our website. Embrace the path to food safety excellence with 4C Consulting and ensure the highest standards of safety and quality in your food supply chain.
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Mastering Food Safety: A Comprehensive Guide to HACCP Certification
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a globally acknowledged approach to identifying and controlling risks related to food safety. When integral to an operational food safety program, it can offer assurance to customers, the public, and regulatory agencies that the management of the food safety program is effective.
HACCP Certification in Senegal operates as a managerial framework with the primary goal of guaranteeing food safety. This involves the scrutiny and management of biological, chemical, and physical hazards at each stage, from the production of raw materials, and their acquisition and handling, to the manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of the end product.
Today, many of the world’s best manufacturers and vendors use the system as a basis for their food safety management programs and compliance with GFSI audit schemes.
Why HACCP is important for the food business
Prevention of Foodborne Hazards:
HACCP Implementation in Zambia is designed to proactively identify and prevent potential hazards at critical points in the food production process. Addressing biological, chemical, and physical risks, HACCP significantly reduces the likelihood of foodborne illnesses and contamination.
Global Recognition and Compliance:
HACCP is internationally recognized and often a prerequisite for global trade in the food industry. Many regulatory bodies and international standards, such as the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), acknowledge HACCP as a fundamental element for ensuring food safety. Certification demonstrates a commitment to compliance with global standards.
Enhanced Consumer Confidence:
Consumers are increasingly conscious of the safety and quality of the food they consume. HACCP certification reassures consumers that a company has implemented a rigorous system to ensure the safety of its products. This can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and positive brand perception.
Cost Considerations: Investing in HACCP Certification
HACCP certification is an important investment in the safety of your food products. HACCP Cost in Kenya can vary depending on the size and complexity of your business. This blog will provide you with a breakdown of the HACCP certification cost. The HACCP certification cost takes into account your organization’s preliminary HACCP requirements. This involves performing a gap analysis to assess your organization's present food safety status and crafting a HACCP plan. Moreover, numerous food regulatory agencies mandate a HACCP prerequisite program. Such a program encompasses sanitation controls and adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
HACCP Services in Bangalore consist of three levels. The initial level encompasses a broad understanding of food safety, awareness, manufacturing methods, and food management procedures. The second level of certification involves acquiring knowledge about food safety and mastering the implementation of the HACCP system. The third level entails the application of this system to food safety management, the control of food hazards, and the formulation of preliminary development plans.
Best HACCP Certification Consultant for your business  
B2BCERT is one of the top HACCP Consultants in Iraq. If you are looking for an HACCP consultant, you can approach us for world-class services. Our professional team will help you with HACCP certification Implementation in your business organization.  We at B2BCERT understand the challenges in a business, our value-added certification audits can help you overcome those challenges & boost business performance. The simplest and most obvious advantage of having B2BCERT certification is that you are instantly recognized. This would mean you can reach out to the top decision-makers easily. If anybody wants to get HACCP Registration, B2BCERT is the best option.
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Implementation of ISO 22000 Certification
                 An ISO 22000 compliant food safety management system is necessary for certification.In order to ensure that food is safe, it describes what an organisation must do to demonstrate that it can manage food safety concerns.Any organisation throughout the food supply chain, regardless of size, including primary producers, food manufacturers, transport and storage operators, contractors, and retail and food outlets, is qualified to receive ISO 22000 certification.Obtain Food Safety System Certification to certify your business, which is a respected food safety certification for food processing.ISO 22000 Certification in Nepal In comparison to an organization's food safety, ISO 22000 is substantially more critical for management and leadership.If not,we strongly encourage you to enrol in our Requirements course.It will also be helpful if you have experience leading internally or have done an internal training.The technique for food safety at all levels and the management strategy for food safety are combined into the widely accepted standard known as ISO 22000.
       Any organisation, regardless of size, is eligible to become certified to ISO 22000.This comprises feed producers, food manufacturers, transport and storage providers, subcontractors, and food and retail establishments.The main difference between the two certifications is that, in contrast to the ISO norm, the GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative accepts the FSSC 22000 system.The GFSI accreditation attests to the program's compliance with the strictest standards worldwide, making it acceptable to the global food industry.Only businesses involved in the food supply chain must be ISO 22000 certified.The main objective of the ISO 22000 standard is to improve food safety along the whole food supply chain by lowering food safety threats.
How do I get an ISO 22000 certificate in Nepal ?
       Obtain a 22000 licence for a Certification Body.If the audit is successful, the Certification Body will register the certificate.A food safety management system must be established in compliance with ISO 22000.ISO 22000 Certification in new yorkThis indicates that your facility will be equipped with a system that is fully developed and documented.There are effective programmes in place to provide a clean, hygienic environment.Company may obtain ISO certification,which outlines the requirements for a food safety management system.In order to ensure that food is safe, it describes what an organisation must do to demonstrate that it can manage food safety concerns.
          Establish a managerial structure.Identify your key business processes, Turn on your system.Make sure the steps are followed exactly as they are described in your documentation.Make sure everything is operating as it should.The registration charge includes both doing the audit and registering the management system.The cost depends on several elements, including the number of sites, shifts, and so on. We can reduce some of these costs by working with a third party consultant, especially given the possibility of forgetting or disregarding crucial standards requirements.Before you can be recognised, you must first create and record your production processes while adhering to the correct protocols to ensure that you can uphold your quality standards.Approving the papers and providing them to those who need them.
Advantages of ISO 22000 certification   
        Food safety management is a widespread problem.Food safety and cleanliness are becoming more and more in demand in the food industry.As a result, in order to compete in the competitive market of today, businesses must maintain food safety and cleanliness.Seven guiding principles that help firms assess and maintain the degree of consumer and food safety are the foundation of a successful food safety management system.ISO 22000 Certification in chicagoThe safety limits set a maximum and minimum for each.It makes a distinction between the item and the acceptable item.It is quantifiable and observable.To prove that checks have been made, complete records are maintained under Record Keeping & Documentation.At appropriate times and in compliance with the Food Safety Policy.Key elements of verification include an examination of how the food safety management strategy has been implemented and the identification of all threats.It is simple to decide that ISO 22000 is the best option for your organisation.It works out for any firm, irrespective of its size and location.The organisation may appear confident, the customers might be impressed, and positive outcomes might be achieved.  
         The safety limits provide an upper and lower limit for each.Between the item and the permissible item is distinguished.It can be measured and observed. Complete records are kept as part of record keeping & documentation to demonstrate that checks have been performed.When necessary, in accordance with the Food Safety Policy.Examining how the food safety management plan has been implemented and identifying all hazards are important components of verification. Making the choice that ISO 22000 is the best solution for your company is straightforward.No matter the size or location of the firm, everything works out.The organisation may appear confident, the customers might be impressed, and positive outcomes might be achieved.
        Certvalue  is a global leader in consulting, training and certification as a one solution for ISO,22000 and many more  high quality services with complete focus on Customer satisfaction.Certvalue is the top ISO Consultants in Nepal for providing ISO Certifications.
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rachanasharma1028 · 2 years
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FDA Form 483 response in USA:- If you are searching for an international food safety consulting and testing firm, then look no further than us. We help with GFSI consulting and also provide food safety consulting. Call us to collect further details. for more info visit us: https://ghpconsultingandtesting.com/
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gfsi certification https://enhancequality.com/standards/gfsi-recognized-standards-for-packaging-companies-brcfssc-22000-ifs-and-sqf/
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HACCP Certification Expiration
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Get to know how we can extend HACCP certification expiration. HACCP certification is important for food businesses and HACCP system works can help you establish a proper and well-maintained food environment. We are here to give you full details about HACCP certification.
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doceosystem · 2 years
Learning Management System
A Learning Management System is the software that companies use to develop, deliver, and track training for their employees, clients, and partners. BD Food Safety Consultants LLC created the DOCEO (LMS) Learning Management System for the food industry, which provides interactive food safety courses that meet FSMA, HACCP, and GFSI criteria for worker training.
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123454sworld · 2 years
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Food Safety Supplier Audit:-
If you are searching for an international food safety consulting and testing firm, then look no further than us. We help with GFSI consulting and also provide food safety consulting. Call us to collect further details. for more info visit us: https://ghpconsultingandtesting.com/
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bdfoodsafety · 4 years
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Do you want to increase the efficiency of your training while still saving money?
 FSMA, HACCP, and GFSI-compliant digital courses are available through BD Food Safety's online Learning Management System (LMS).
Enroll Yourself Now!
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dittasyafitri · 4 years
Aku percaya, bahwa tidak ada yang kebetulan di dunia ini. Ada Kuasa Allah disetiap peristiwa yang terjadi.
Salah satunya, dipertemukan dengan pak Gilang (alumni food tech IPB, praktisi di industri makanan, expert di dunia food safety) adalah sebuah kebetulan yang sangat tak disangka-sangka. Entah apa yang membuat beliau yakin, padahal kenal saja belum, mungkin beliau hanya review LinkedIn saya. Hingga akhirnya menawarkan kesempatan berkarir di sebuah perusahaan eksportir yang menjadi salah satu client-nya (beliau mendirikan perusahaan di bidang consultant food safety).
Pesan yang pertama kali beliau sampaikan saat menawarkan pekerjaan tsb, "kalau kamu mau bekerja sambil belajar disini tempatnya, karna kadang anak jaman sekarang tuh tuntutannya tinggi-tinggi sekali".
Saya pun sadar diri, fresh graduate yang masih sangat minim pengalaman. Posisi yang beliau tawarkan adalah sebagai Quality Assurance, awalnya pun saya belum terlalu paham bedanya QC dan QA. Karna dulu tugas akhir saya tentang HACCP, okay tidak terlalu keteteran adaptasinya.
Singat cerita, satu bulan saya bekerja langsung dihadapkan audit BRC. BRC ini salah satu global standard food safety milik British atau Inggris. Bukan main kewalahannya, yaaa.. maklum bahkan dulu saya magang di Heinz 1 bulan aja belum paham apa-apa, gimana iniiii kan? Wkwkwk 😅
Audit ini auditornya dari India, Rajesh Naik, namanya. Bahkan beliau pun kaget saat tahu saya baru bekerja satu bulan disini, "what one month? Or one year?", "one month, sir", tegasku (sambil nyengir).
Audit tidak berjalan mulus sesuai yang diharapkan, saya cukup tahu diri karna bahkan saya pun belum paham betul klausul-klausul dalam BRC Issue 8 tsb (fyi BRC ini standard paling berat diantara GFSI lainnya). Tapi, satu pembelajaran berharga yang aku dapat dari sini. Dari seorang auditor, yang hanya 3 hari, kenal dan bersama. Jadi beliau (auditor) ini adalah General Manager Asia Pacific di perusahaan certifier ini (bukan kaleng-kaleng kan). Kasian kan, beliau ngadepin anak kemaren sore (macem aku) yang baru mbrojol, sungguh sangat tidak apple to apple 😅
Seperti yang pernah sy baca, orang besar biasanya punya hati yang besar juga (I really adore you, sir).
Di akhir saat closing meeting, meskipun ditutup dg kekecewaan karna hasil yang tidak memuaskan, namun auditor itu menyampaikan sebuah pesan untukku. "You give me more than 100%, you've fulfill my expectation. I believe you have a brighter future,". Ibaratnya kalo dalam perlombaan, aku nih kalah loh, bukan seorang pemenang, tapi beliau bisa menyampaikan kalimat itu, bener-bener respect banget. Aku tahu, beliau melakukan itu yaa.. as a normal human being. Orang luar memang ga pelit buat mengapresiasi orang lain, ga peduli seberapa hebat dirinya atau seberapa lemah lawan bicaranya.
Kalau aku ga ketemu pak Gilang, mungkin gak akan kenal pak Steven (atasanku yg ga kalah hebatnya, ga pernah marah seberapa besar pun kesalahan yg anak buahnya lakuin), gak akan ketemu Mr. Rajesh Naik. Meskipun perjalanannya cukup berat, tapi terima kasih sudah diberikan kesempatan, relasi dan ilmu yang sangat mahal (Gimana gak mahal, ikut training-training gini kalau bayar sendiri jugaa mayan kerasaa di kantong wkwk)
Akhiru kata, tulisan panjang ini akan aku tutup dengan kutipan dari seorang komika Yusril Fahriza :
"Memang menyenangkan hidup dari apa yang kita sukai (pekerjaan), tapi jika keadaan tidak berjalan sesuai yang diinginkan, cobalah untuk mencintai apa yang bisa bikin kamu hidup sampai saat ini. Apa yang kamu cintai, masih bisa dikejar suatu hari nanti".
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