fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
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For the full NSFW piece click here for twitter.
This is all thanks to @gettingalittlebetter
Thanks for letting me draw my gorl being a spicy hoe (affectionate)
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Ok that's 5 of yall today, this page now has the same number of followers as my main art page (which is next to nothing) what the hell is happening?????
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abstraka · 7 years
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28 - midnite by unoriginals int eh ears. Sweat on the forehead. #still #workout #gym #gettingalittlebetter #onmydayofbirth #gonnabeagoodyear
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noiyx-blog · 8 years
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I drew him a little better I think..
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the-coinsedge · 10 years
The Return of the Music
He heard the song. He knew the song. His foot tapped out the rhythm, his heart pounded out the beat, but his lips restrained from contorting in the shape of familiar lyrics, his voice held captive.
"This is such a great song," said he.
"Then let it out," said the other.
"How can I?"
"How can you not?"
Indeed, how could he not?
"So come dance this silence, down through the morning…"
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Ok that 4 now, who's pranking me, what'd I do??
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 20 - Sens jersey keeping me warm during the lift.. still fat though . #listenedtoapodcast #today #thehostsaid #peoplelistentome #becauseimconsistent #whoknewconsistencyworks? #ididntknow #figuringitout #stillfat #gettingalittlebetter #workout #gym
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abstraka · 7 years
Day 17.5 (skipped day 13) - gym at 22:00. Only person there. Still fat though... #Thereoncewasawoman #shesaidtome #whenfacedwithadversity #workharder #ididntknow #beginningtofindout #stillfat #workout #gym #gettingalittlebetter
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 23 - couple taking wedding photos at the gym.. appreciate the hustle. Photobomb gets me in the wedding. #stillfat though. #iaskedthem #whatdoescommitmentmean #theysaid #wantingtobeapartofsomething #evenwhenitishard #whoknew? #ididnt #gettingalittlebetter #workout #gym
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 18 - looking at the weight numbers like an endless ladder. Climbing, but still fat #readaquote #fromcharlesbukowski #hesaid #ifyouregoingtotry #goalltheway #doesconsistencymatter? #imtryingtofindout #stillfat #gym #workout #gettingalittlebetter
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abstraka · 7 years
Day 17 - got in the bike after a couple days break. 20 miles.. and amazingly.. still fat. #stillfat #fixedgear #gettingalittlebetter #readthewritingonthewall #itsaid #thebiggestvariableiswork #ihadnoidea #guessiwillbebackatitagain #workout #river #slcairport
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abstraka · 7 years
Day 11 - a little state exploration.. even in the places nobody is at I'm still fat. #anewsarticlerecentlysaid #markzuckerbergmadeabillion #notjustbecauseheismart #butbecauseheWORKEDHARD #ihadnoclue #guessIhavetoworkhard #whoknew? #stillfat #gettingalittlebetter #fixedgear #countryride #workout
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 24 - "Will the saints go marching in again?" Still marching. No saint. Still fat. #stillfat #iaskedsomeone #howdoyougetnewideas? #theytoldme #bywearingouttheoldones #whoknew? #gettingalittlebetter #workout #gym
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 22 - Some days I'd rather not workout.. guess that's why I'm #stillfat #ownashirt #itsays #hewhoconquersprevails #ididntknow #learnighowtoconquer #everyday #itshard #gettingalittlebetter #workout #gym
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abstraka · 7 years
Day 21 - 15 miles on the east side of slc. #stillfat #passedfourbikers #theysaid #bestwaytotellyourlegs #toshutup #istoworkitoutofthem #mylegsarealwaysscreaming #teachingthemtoshutup #bike #slc #thecuts #workout #gettingalittlebetter #fixie #fixedgear
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abstraka · 7 years
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Day 19 - "every damn day".. I only know about most of the days. That's probably why I'm still fat. #stillfat #madeittothegym #afterbeingawayfromthegym #2days #workout #gym #gettingalittlebetter #learningofconsistency
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