#getting ready to beat hawks’ ass sorry for making this about a man
yugiohz · 2 years
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now — Ch. 3
Fic Masterlist
Sorry I ghosted last week! This chapter is (unintentionally) twice the usual size, though, so I’m forgiving myself. It’s a bit of a rollercoaster, just remember that it’ll get worse before it gets better.
Warnings: NSFW, cursing, mentions of bullying, anxiety attack, bitter exes.
Word count: 5,9k
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Aelin’s whole body startled before she gained consciousness of what was going on.
She didn’t know what woke her up, her classmate’s hurried taps or Rowan’s intense eyes on her.
The last thing she remembered was one sergeant telling their next instructor couldn’t make it, so they’d have an hour free. Aelin had woken up at 3 am to study Military Law today, so she thought it’d be a good idea to set a timer for 50 minutes and take a nap.
Rowan‘s class was scheduled for later, what the fuck was he doing here this soon?
His gaze lingered on her for a beat that felt like a month. Maybe like the month and a half since that night. Then it landed on the guy in front of Aelin.
"What happened with your beard?" Was the first thing he said. His voice alarmed the whole class, it sounded like a threat one is barely trying to hide.
Aelin couldn't see the recruit’s expression, but she had a good view of the way his shoulders tensed. He looked around. "I- um-"
"Don't look around, look at me!" Rowan shouted, making many eyes go wide. "What the fuck happened to your beard!?"
"The- the razor was a little dull, so I-"
But Rowan wasn't listening. Probably because he didn't care.
No, he was slowly, threatengly walking around to examine each person in the room and pointing out the ones with something wrong about their uniform. Anything, really. He must have a hawk eyesight to notice some of the mistakes he pointed out.
He looked angry, she thought. Aelin didn’t know which state was the class when he walked in, since everyone was already frozen in place when she woke up.
When the people he selected were out of their perfectly aligned rows, Rowan crossed his arms and roared, "ON THE FLOOR, NOW!"
A few jumped to a plank position, ready to start. Others just stared, gawking.
Rowan rested his hands on his hips and stood face to face with one person who didn't move.
"Did I fucking stutter? ON. THE. FLOOR. NOW!"
Everyone followed suit this time, so he started to count.
"One, two, three, four..."
He stopped counting when he noticed someone in the wrong position. He was not in a straight line, so his butt was sticking out. Aelin held on a grimace while Rowan was going his way.
"Do you call that a push-up?"
On the man's side, Rowan's boot pressed against his low back to correct his position.
"How do you expect to be in the Air Force if you can't to a fucking push-up!?" He barked at no one in particular. "The body stays in one line." He poked at someone's arm with his boot, only enough to bring attention. "And watch those elbows! You're not a frog!"
He was still looking around, searching for any flaw in those push-ups. "Pathetic," he spat. "Spineless and pathetic." Rowan rested his foot on another person's back and announced, "I'm starting again! Until y'all stop training like teenagers! One, two, three..."
Aelin could only blink, trying to process this.
Then she forced herself to snap out of that shock. Her great-uncle was a brigadier, for Mala's sake. She knew better than to be surprised. Besides, what did she expect? A little love letter from hot lieutenant saying that he also couldn't forget their night together? Absolutely not.
If Aelin was there to learn the basics of military life until she could work at the hospital, so be it. She was going to kick basic training's ass.
"But we can't keep all the fun to ourselves, right?" Rowan snarled. He looked around the ones with the correct uniform, that kept only watching chaos unfold. "Everyone else on the floor!” He restarted counting, ”One, two, three..."
She was so ready for this. She'd absolutely nail this.
Except that it didn't take long for her to grow annoyed at Rowan's voice counting and barking orders non-stop.
And after Mala knows how long, Aelin came to one conclusion.
She was so fucked.
That was the only thing in her mind as she trained. Even when she felt like her lungs would give out or her legs would soon turn to ashes, Rowan’s scolding was still flawlessly echoing through her ears.
When he wrapped things up, her shoulders almost dropped in relief. They would, if Rowan wouldn’t give her a hard time about posture. This class was longer than usual because he was using the missing instructor’s time along with his own. Also because she started feeling like dying around the fourth minute of so, so many.
“Who’s today’s class leader?” He asked before dismissing everyone.
Aelin’s spine went rigid. Every day, a different recruit was picked to be the class leader. They said it was to learn about leadership and how to cooperate together. In practice, it basically meant she’d lead the class while marching.
Everyone looked at Aelin, and she raised an arm. “It’s me, sir.”
Rowan sighed, as if he couldn’t believe he had to deal with her more than he was obligated to.
“You have 15 minutes to show up at my office.”
Which meant she had 15 minutes to get her things, take a shower, get in another uniform and find his office.
She did it in 13 minutes, though.
Rowan’s office was simple and neat, but at least the chairs were comfortable. After she knocked and he told her to come in, silence took over. They sat one in front on the other, the only sound in the room being Aelin testing the squeak of the chair by repeatedly leaning against it. Annoyingly, by the stiff expression Rowan wore.
“I think you already know what I’m going to say to you.”
She shrugged. “You’ll tell me to pretend it never happened?”
“Excuse me?” His tone was sharper than she predicted. Was he that eager to fuck her again?
Aelin leaned back and suppressed a smile when the chair squeaked again. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind a round two, but I understand that things just got complicated.”
Oh, she definitely wouldn’t mind hitting that again. Besides, she’d work at the hospital in ten weeks. It’s not like they’d need to see each other every day after.
He sighed. “I’m talking about what just happened, Aelin. You were today’s class leader.”
Aelin frowned. “Which means I’m in charge of the drill commands while marching—“
“It means you have to lead them throughout the day. When there’s no instructor, you don’t just take a nap and let everyone run wild!”
When she crossed her arms and glared, trying to think of a retort, Rowan looked up for a second and took a deep breath.
“I know you must struggle being one of the few women in your class, but—“
“Struggle?” She cut in, eyebrows raised. ”Why would I struggle?”
“It’s a common issue among female officers—“
“That’s not an issue, sir.“ Aelin leaned closed and lowered her tone of voice. “I’m more alpha than most of these men, you probably know that already.”
“Then act like it.“ He didn’t look impressed.
Aelin got up and slowly rounded his desk, until she was standing on Rowan’s side. “You’d really like that, wouldn’t you?”
He looked at her up and down, swallowed, then looked away a second too late. “That’s inappropriate behavior, Galathynius.“ 
Positioned between him and his desk, she tilted her head. “And what? You’re gonna punish me?”
“I’m not afraid to,” he immediately answered, but his tone had an edge to it.
Aelin’s eyes sparkled. She had no idea if he was answering to her innuendo or talking about her relations to his superiors, but she was horny enough to jump to conclusions. She knew he was hesitant, though.
Anything happening between them wouldn’t be exactly against the rules, even though it would be frowned upon.
But having sex inside a military base? They’d be fucked if anyone found out.
Aelin was beyond caring by now, and she had a suspicion Rowan was holding tight to whatever shreds of conscience he had.
She held both hands on the desk behind her, thrusting her chest out. Rowan’s gaze was shameless as it burned through her, his eyes darkening every inch. He looked at her as if he remembered everything she had under that uniform, and just the thought of it made her press her legs together.
“You know, I thought it’d be easier to get you to fuck me after you got your cock that deep into my throat.”
When Rowan finally looked into her eyes, she knew she’d won. He placed a hand on her knee and caressed the inner part with his thumb, but it was enough to send a spark through her body.
“Can I touch you?” He quietly asked. However, the intense look on his green eyes betrayed the strained politeness on his tone of voice.
How gentlemanly of him. Didn’t even sound like the man who climbed her uncle’s fence to fuck her until dawn.
“Oh, you definitely can’t.” Aelin had a triumphant grin on. “But I want you to.”
Rowan’s eyes combusted into hers, and her smile grew. In that millisecond, Aelin knew she had just ripped off his conscience with her teeth.
He got up from that chair in a swift motion, standing just one breath away from her.
“Let’s see how much you want me,” he taunted before taking her pants and panties down all at once, so roughly one button flew away.
Without wasting a second, he inserted two fingers between her folds and plunged in, making her choke a sob. Rowan’s thumb started working on her clit to soothe her from that sudden move, but he scooted closer and whispered, “You were already soaked when I started, baby. I could put a third finger and you wouldn’t even feel it.”
Aelin whimpered. He made her taste herself in his fingers, then kissed her when she licked his index and middle finger the way she’d to another member of his. Rowan cradled her head in a commanding, bruising kiss. He kissed like he could unravel her whole with his lips. He kissed her like he thought he’d never see her again. Aelin pressed her hips against his, moaning, and he moved his mouth to the shell of her ear.
“Were you thinking about me?”
Aelin nodded.
“Use your words, baby. Were you thinking about me?”
She looked deep into his eyes, smirking like the devil. “Yes, sir.”
Rowan’s gaze burned into her while he brought his hand to her neck, squeezing just enough to make her ache for him even more. “Is that why you came to my office begging for my cock like the little slut you are?”
“Yes, sir,” she whimpered.
Before she could think, he turned her around and pressed her against his desk, laying on her stomach with her ass up. The sound of his zipper was the only warning she got before Rowan pushed himself inside her all the way, stretching her whole in one swift motion.
Aelin cried out, cursing. It was the most delicious kind of pain.
He gave her a few seconds to adjust and muffled her cries with his hand, probably afraid someone would hear from the outside.
She bit his hand to speak when he started on a languid pace, but Rowan spanked her ass before she could open her mouth. The pain from that smack spread under her skin, making her wiggle her hips against him even more.
“Don’t bite me,” he warned.
“But you loved it last time.”
He gave one ruthless thrust as a warning, and that sweet ache made her sob. God, she loved Rowan’s punishments.
“Condom,” she rasped, finally remembering what she was going to say.
He grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back until he was close to her ear. “I don’t bring condoms to work, baby. You think I fuck every slut that comes into my office?”
Rowan started thrusting in a merciless rhythm, making Aelin’s legs shake.
Aelin did a mental note to see on her period app if she needed to take a Plan B pill. These things were hormone bombs, but she wasn’t on birth control. She had mostly stopped sleeping around after uni, and Dorian has a vasectomy. These days, the only reason Aelin even used condoms was to prevent STDs.
When Rowan hit a spot that made her see stars, Aelin relaxed on the desk and let herself be fucked senseless by him, relishing on the sound of their hips snapping together and his low grunts.
Of all the times people had reckless sex, how many actually led to a baby?
And knowing Aelin’s luck, she knew things would turn out her way. They always did.
The shade of Rowan’s hair never let Aelin know which strands were in its natural shade, and which ones were grayer because of Maisie. Or work. Maybe Aelin herself.
The dark circles under his eyes weren’t that static, though. Over time, she had seen them go from almost invisible to a purplish shade that didn’t sit well with his tan skin. Aelin always thought it was a shame seeing a face like his looking so worn out. But today? Today it looked like exhaustion itself had beaten him up from the outside in, not the other way around.
Aelin knew she should keep their interactions to a minimum, but she couldn’t help herself.
“You look like shit, Rowan.”
”Gee, thanks.”
Aelin wriggled in her seat, knowing she should keep her mouth shut. It did nothing to stop her.
“Elide was grouchy today. She said you’re ruining her sex life.”
He laughed, but there was a bitter edge to it. “How so?”
Aelin fully turned to him from the passenger side. “Were you really watching a recorded livestream about ADHD until late with Lorcan last night?”
He opened his mouth to retort, then closed again. A moment later, he said, “In my defense, now I’m convinced she doesn’t have it. And Lorcan thought it was enlightening.”
“Ellie’s a psychiatrist, Rowan. If any of the kids were showing signs of it, she would tell—“
“Is she willing to give me an hour-long lesson about it? Because the Instagram doctor—“
“Rowan, are you listening to yourself?”
“What?” He snapped.
“Do you know what I do every time you send me an article about diabetes in children?”
“You read it?”
“No. I give her ice cream.”
He gripped the steering wheel tighter. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not. I fill her pink unicorn bowl with chocolate ice cream, and I enjoy it.”
He clenched his jaw. “You know damn well my dad’s diabetic—“
“You’ll drive yourself fucking insane if you keep this way, Rowan,” she barked. “This is my weekend with Maisie. Do you at least have plans to take fucking a nap?”
Rowan stopped at a red light and narrowed his eyes at her. “I have walls to fix.”
Aelin sighed. “You can’t let her draw on every wall you own.”
“She’s expressing herself through art.”
“You did not just say that.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! You’re just an engineer who traumatizes young people for a living, of course that line came out of your mouth.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Okay, I heard it from a pediatrician. Happy now?”
When she saw the school’s front, Aelin knew she had to wrap this up quick.
“And not Maisie’s pediatrician, because—“
“Because it was from one of the pediatricians I follow online! What is your point?”
“My point—“ Aelin stopped herself when her voice got too loud. She took a deep breath and started again, in a calmer tone. “My point is that you can’t know everything about every specialty child-related just in case your one kid needs it. You can’t be Maisie’s dad 24/7.”
“But I am Maisie’s dad 24/7.”
“When was the last time you talked to Lorcan about something that wasn’t kid-related?” She tried a different approach. When Rowan opened his mouth, she added, “Doesn’t count if it happened while you were watching the kids.”
He shut his mouth and didn’t answer.
She knew it.
When was the last time you went on a date?, was on the tip of her tongue, just to finish proving her point, but Aelin didn’t dare say it out loud.
Her guess would be at least last year, from one time she caught Fenrys trying to play cupid, but it probably wasn’t serious. Their rule was that they’d have to meet the other person before Maisie, but it hasn’t happened yet. For neither of them.
Rowan parked his car, quiet as a mouse. Deep down, he knew he was overexerting himself. And it wasn’t Aelin’s job to worry about him, but she had learned the hard way how important it was to take care of herself so she could take good care of Maisie. Their daughter was the only reason she was concerned. It’s not like Aelin would care about her ex-fling from five years ago. Absolutely not.
Aelin frowned when Maisie came their way with a different change of clothes. It was the second time since starting preschool, and she never peed herself at home. She remembered her daughter always complained about going to school, and wondered if she should start sending Maisie with pull-ups until she finished adapting to that new environment.
After Maisie greeted them both, Rowan crouched and asked, “What happened to Fleetfoot, Mais?”
Aelin’s eyebrows shot up. Fleetfoot was a golden plastic dog Maisie made Rowan buy at a 99 cents store, but she loved it more than many of the expensive toys her family showered her with. She took that miniature puppy everywhere.
Maisie raised her hand and looked at Fleetfoot. Half of its plastic tail was missing, and just the sight of it made her lips wobble and brought moisture to her big green eyes. Rowan immediately hugged her and started soothing his daughter, but Aelin looked around, searching for the teacher’s assistant that always stood outside.
Something was off, and Aelin would find out no matter what.
The TA looked frightened all the time and followed the teacher like a puppy, so it wasn’t hard to get information out of her.
And when Aelin did, she saw red.
She stormed through that school until she found the teacher, Lieutenant Maeve Valg, in a corridor close to the entrance.
“Inside,” Aelin growled and pointed to the empty classroom near them.
The only response was a raise of her eyebrows, somewhere between surprise and scorn, and entering to sit behind the teacher’s desk.
Aelin followed her and banged the door closed. She rested both hands on the table and leaned to get closer and look deep into Mrs. Valg’s eyes, her own slightly bulged. She could feel her blood pumping through her veins like her heart was on steroids, and if looks could kill, that fucking teacher would be on her grave already.
“Tell me why my daughter’s toy is broken.”
She leaned back in the chair, and Aelin felt like that woman’s dark eyes were reading into her soul. “Looks like you already know.”
“I want to hear it from your mouth.” Aelin’s nostrils flared.
The teacher tilted her head, assessing. “I see where Maisie gets that terrible behavior from.”
They were interrupted by the door abruptly being opened and slammed closed. Rowan stood there with crossed arms and eyes darting between the two of them. His glare was so sharp it could cut ice.
Lieutenant Valg sighed in what looked like relief. “Mr. Whitethorn, could you please make—“
“It’s Captain Whitethorn to you,” he commanded in a taut tone.
Aelin didn’t know if the TA told him what happened as well or if he just read too much into the room’s energy, but Rowan seemed pissed. He never used his high rank on people like this.
She glued her eyes back on the teacher and slapped the desk, then immediately pointed at Rowan. “Tell him why Maisie wet herself,” Aelin shouted.
Mrs. Valg held her chin high, but didn’t say a thing.
“I’m waiting, Lieutenant,” he said in a carefully controlled tone and walked closer to them.
His patience seemed to end when his request was met with silence.
“Do I need to remind you again that I outrank you, Lieutenant?” Rowan shouted, making Maeve’s eyes go wide. “If you don’t tell me what happened now, I’m putting you under restriction at the guardhouse, do you understand?”
Mrs. Valg paled, but she was still grinding her teeth together, shooting daggers at Rowan with her eyes. The guardhouse was basically jail, but for petty crimes inside the military. It was the biggest punishment someone could get before being kicked out.
“Your daughter is a little nightmare!” She spit out. “Every other kid was ready for nap time, and she wouldn’t stop playing with that stupid dog! I warned her one, two, three times, then I grabbed that ugly thing and threw across the room.” Mrs. Valg got up, her eyes jumping between Aelin and Rowan. “And then Maisie peed, but you think I enjoy sending my TA to clean the kids every time? It’s not my fault your daughter has a bad bladder,” she spat.
Aelin’s eyes grew with each sentence. When the teacher ended, the only thing she could hear was the muderous thoughts in her head and the pounding in her ears. She felt like her body was slowly being taken over by rage and the hammering flow of her pulse.
“Aelin, could you give me five minutes with Mrs. Valg and come back with Maisie, please?”
Rowan’s gaze was so intense it rendered Aelin speechless. His pine green eyes were being ruled by raw, cold fury, and it looked terrifying framed by all the blood that made his face look crimson. “We’re going to have a little chat, and then she’s going to apologize,” he slowly explained in a deadly tone. There was no arguing with the way he said it, and as much as Aelin wanted to scream and fight and pour all her anger into the teacher, Rowan was the one who could actually do something about what happened. He was a captain, after all.
Maisie was on the playground near the entrance, with a few other kids. Aelin quickly checked on her and if her daughter knew about the shitshow currently going on, she didn’t show.
Aelin never understood why Rowan didn’t want Maisie to be in the free preschool the Air Force provided for them, five minutes away from home.
She understood now.
Aelin’s throat closed when she remembered his words from one of the arguments they had about this. “I teach these Lieutenants myself, Aelin. I don’t trust Maisie around them.”
Her chest started feeling a little too tight, and she took a deep breath to recompose herself.
This was absolutely her fault.
There was no use in crying at the school playground, though.
On the way back to the classroom, Aelin was ready to go back if she heard screaming—there was no way she’d let Maisie see that—but the only sign that something had happened was the quiet whispers outside the classroom, and two people not so casually peering through the window.
If something exploded in there, Rowan kept his promise of doing it for five minutes only.
He looked absolutely unhinged, though. And the teacher looked white as a sheet, the armpits of her uniform sweaty.
Noticing the weird energy of the room, Maisie stiffened. “What’s going on?”
When Rowan heard his daughter’s voice, his whole demeanor changed. He didn’t relax, but still crouched on the floor and ran his fingers through one of her pigtails. “We were talking to Mrs. Valg about what happened today. She’s going to apologize for being disrespectful and hurting Fleetfoot.”
Maisie didn’t say a thing.
Neither did Mrs. Valg
“Seven days,” Rowan prompted.
Maeve’s jaw clenched.
“Fifteen days.”
She drew in a sharp breath.
“Twenty days.”
She swallowed.
Of, fuck. Was this how many days she was spending locked up in the guardhouse?
“I apologize.” Maeve spit out, eyes focused on Maisie.
The little girl took one step to the side and looked at her dad, but wouldn’t meet his eye. “It’s not Mrs. Valg’s fault,” the little girl quietly explained, ”I was being a bad kid.”
Aelin didn’t even register Maeve’s lips curling up, she dropped on her knees to talk to Maisie. Immediately. She didn’t know how to explain to a four-year-old that in this case she was expected to mess up, but not the teacher, but she would try until—
“What?” Aelin’s head snapped towards Rowan. He was sitting on the chair, clutching his chest. Oh, fuck.
“I might be having a heart attack.”
“You’re not.”
“I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
His eyes bulged, aimed at Aelin’s. “Do I need to call my ambulance myself?”
Aelin’s heart plummeted. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She called the hospital’s front desk as she got the car keys from Rowan’s pocket.
“Hi, this is Dr. Galathynius. I’m coming with a patient. I need a heart team by the side entrance in five minutes.”
Dr. Cortland stared at Rowan’s exams with furrowed brows. “I don’t see anything.”
“Try harder.”
Aelin gave Rowan her mom look. She said with her eyes, Could you try to be polite?
He answered her look with another of his own. No. Can we see another doctor?
Aelin sighed and waited while Sam finished looking at Rowan‘s exams. He was still grouchy because of the situation at Maisie’s school, that was the only explanation. There was no way he could’ve known about the brief relationship she had with Sam a year ago.
“Nope,” Dr. Cortland concluded. “Your heart is looking so good you could even join the military.”
Rowan didn’t laugh.
“Maybe there’s something going on at work or at home?” Sam’s gaze slid to Aelin, a bitter smile on his lips. “How’s Maisie?”
Rowan gripped the arms of his chair. He growled, “Do you know her?”
“Can’t say I do, no.”
Aelin’s nostrils flared. Their relationship started going downhill when he asked to meet Maisie. Her daughter was very easygoing, but as a rule, she’d need to introduce him to Rowan first. Nope. Sam wanted too much too fast, and he never truly understood how hard it is to date as a single mom.
Rowan leaned back on his seat, but Aelin couldn’t say he was relaxed.
Dr. Cortland hummed. “Do you think there’s a chance this could be related to anxiety?”
“Absolutely not.”
Aelin tried not to cringe. Knowing Rowan, she wouldn’t discard anxiety that easily. But what does she know? Aelin fixed bones, anxiety was Elide’s specialty.
She politely dismissed herself, wanting to give Rowan privacy to discuss this with Sam. Actually, she didn’t even know what she was doing in that office. She brought him to the hospital and went with the flow, not even thinking that maybe she should have stayed back. The only doctors she needed to see with him were the ones who had Maisie as a patient, but Aelin didn’t think about that in the heat of the moment.
When she finally reached the conference room, Maisie was drawing with the intern Elide borrowed her for babysitting duty. The poor thing.
Her daughter looked up with big, expectant eyes when Aelin approached. “How’s Daddy’s heartbeep?”
“It’s good. Your dad’s fine.” A pause. “And it’s heartbeat,” she corrected.
Maisie frowned. “That’s what I said.”
The stubborn little thing. For the first time in a while, Aelin felt like smiling. Until she remembered the conversation wasn’t over.
“Do you know that feeling when you get scared and your heart beats really fast?”
Maisie solemnly nodded. “Like when Uncle Aedion lets me go on the big slide at the pool.”
“He does what?”
Maisie’s eyes widened. “Let’s talk about Daddy.”
Aelin sighed. She had no idea how to explain an anxiety attack to a kid.
“The doctor said he’s good, Mais. He was probably just feeling scared.”
Her daughter chewed on her lip and nodded, understanding. “Daddy never does scary things. It must be confusing for him.”
Aelin let out a soft, watery chuckle and kissed Maisie’s forehead. “That’s right, baby.”
“Not a baby!” Her daughter complained.
After Rowan was done and Aelin thanked Elide’s intern for babysitting, they had one of the quietest car rides she’d ever witnessed.
Aelin still drove to her house, but when Rowan got off his car just to go back in and drive away, Maisie watched the path he went with a longing gaze.
“I want to go with Daddy.”
Aelin crouched by her daughter’s side. “You’ve already spent last weekend with him, Mais.”
“But what if he gets sick again?” She mused with furrowed brows.
Scratching her forehead, Aelin sighed.
Rowan would be alone at home, no Maisie to keep him up. He’d think. He’d worry. He’d create worst-case scenarios for every consequence of this day.
“You want to spend the night at your dad’s and come back tomorrow morning?”
Maisie nodded, her eyes eager.
“Then go pick some toys to take there, okay?”
She rushed to her room without question, leaving Aelin a small window to pack two bags. One for Maisie, another for herself. She wouldn’t keep Maisie here worrying about her dad, but what if something really happened to Rowan while he was alone with Maisie? Fuck, no.
Aelin’s pack was a lot simpler than Maisie’s. Something to sleep on, her toothbrush. She could survive one night without her skincare routine. Her gaze landed on a little box on a tall shelf.
She grabbed a tissue and enveloped two pills in it. One sleeping pill and the antidepressant tablet she needed to take with breakfast. It wasn’t a big deal, and her depressive episodes only got easier to deal with time. She just didn’t want Rowan—or a judge—finding out about it. She had seen parents losing custody for a lot less.
Not that she thought Rowan would take her to court anytime soon. In fact, he was adamant that they didn’t need lawyers when they first decided to co-parent Maisie.
But Aelin had very little room for mistakes when it came to her daughter. Besides, Rowan did criticize her parenting on a daily basis.
For now, everything was under control. He doesn’t care about her, and it doesn’t affect Maisie. There was no need for him to know about her antidepressants.
Aelin still waited a little longer to go. Maisie liked taking her time picking her toys.
Just like her dad, the intrusive thought came as quickly as it went away.
She grabbed Maisie’s hand and they went by foot. Rowan lived so close it wasn’t even worth it to get a bike, he was always one small block away.
Aelin tried to open his door, but it was locked. She frowned.
They lived in a military housing complex, right next to the Air Force base. Who the hell locked doors here? This was the safest it could get.
Rowan appeared a second later, and the confused look she saw him wearing through the window was almost comical.
“What’s going on?”
Aelin shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. “Just making sure Mais doesn’t become half-orphan.”
He shifted on his feet. “You don’t have to.” Something charged passed behind Rowan’s eyes. Aelin looked away.
“I know.” She swallowed and entered the house a second later, without invitation. It wasn’t her job to read into Rowan’s feelings, so she wouldn’t.
The first thing Aelin did was go into Fenrys’ old room and put the bedsheets she brought from home. He moved out years ago, so it meant only half of the STDs this bed used to have were still lingering. It’d have to do.
She found them in the kitchen, Rowan gathering supplies while Maisie painted her coloring book at the other end of the table.
Aelin grabbed the first knife she saw and pointed at him. Rowan didn’t look surprised.
He leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “I would, but I’m not mentally ready to dine a microwave meal.”
Aelin narrowed her eyes. She knew about all the drowsiness and fatigue that came after an anxiety attack. Rowan should be resting, not playing chef.
“I can use a pan,” she spit out, then looked at his pans. For fuck’s sake, why did he have so many? Aelin picked one she didn’t know the exact purpose, but would do. “This one, for example, is perfect for making pasta. I’m making pasta tonight.”
When Rowan opened his mouth, Maisie beat him to it.
Both of them turned to her.
“I think we should let Daddy make dinner,” she politely insisted in a matter-of-fact tone.
Aelin’s jaw went slack.
Did she just say Rowan makes better dinner? In her face?
By the triumphant grin he wore, Maisie did.
”You can cut the vegetables,” he offered.
Aelin squinted her eyes and sat on the table, begrudgingly accepting the role of sous-chef.
Silence took over, and she couldn’t stop thinking about what happened today. That bully teacher. Rowan going to the hospital. She swallowed a lump in her throat. It was her fault.
Aelin was stubborn, but she’d be damned if she’d let her little girl go near that teacher ever again.
Her daughter hummed.
“There’s this other school your Aunt Sellene told your dad about. I was thinking we should take a look there on Monday. We could go to Skull’s Bay when we’re done.”
The pirate-themed restaurant she loved to go to. She looked at Rowan to see if he looked mad that she decided this without telling him, but his eyes looked soft. There was even a tiny tilt in the corner of his lip.
That wasn’t Maisie’s reaction, though.
“I don’t need school.”
Just like that, Rowan’s soft moment ended.
“And why’s that?” He demanded, arms crossed.
Their daughter dropped her colored pencil and fully turned to her dad. “Because I’m a smartie about everything.” A pause. “Duh!”
Rowan clamped his lips together, trying to keep a straight face, and Aelin’s reaction was pretty much the same. If they laughed, Maisie would think she won this argument.
Aelin took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, and thought of a good argument to beat this one.
“You’re right, kiddo. You’re too smart for your own good.” Aelin heavily sighed, letting her daughter think she had the upper hand. “I guess I‘ll have to call Aunt Sellene and tell you won’t be joining Bree at school.”
Breanna, Sellene’s daughter. She and Maisie were thick as thieves.
Aelin and Rowan exchanged a look. They were so close.
Maisie continued, “You didn’t tell I’d play with Bree.”
Rowan continued to prepare dinner, pretending this wasn’t a big deal. “You’d play with Bree every day. I’d make sure you two stay in the same class.”
The little girl fidgeted with her pencil, brows furrowed. Aelin would pay good money to know what was going on inside her head, but it wasn’t too difficult to tell.
“I’ll think about it,” was the only thing she said before going back to her drawing.
The stubbornness was one of the few traits Maisie inherited that couldn’t be blamed on one parent. She had gotten it from both of them.
“I’ll think about it”? In Maisie language, that was very close to becoming a Yes.
Not that the kid had much of a choice here, but it was best to let her think she did.
Rowan seemed think the same thing as her. His surprised look turned triumphant when their gazes met, and when his slightly parted lips reshaped themselves into a smile, Aelin grinned back.
This day had been hell, so she’d enjoy this small win.
A/N: I highly recommend reading the bonus chapter 3.5 before reading chapter 4
A/N 2: I promise I won’t hurt baby Maisie ever again! I did it for the plot!!
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boom-bakugou · 4 years
Cockwarming Scenarios
A/N: This is for my @bnhabookclub bingo card where I had the prompt ‘Cockwarming!’ enjoy sinners (:<
Pairings: Bakugo x Reader, Kirishima x Reader, Sero x Reader, Dabi x Reader, Hawks x Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, cockwarming, (also breeding kink and dumbification in hawks’ whoops sorry)
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-Bakugou normally isn’t one to instigate cockwarming
-It’ll normally be when you’re needy and he’s doing something like paperwork for his hero agency and isn’t saying much but you can tell he’s tired and won’t exactly want to fool around
-But as soon as he realises how wet you are and how much you’re begging for him to touch you he can’t say no to his pretty baby all riled up
“Just come sit here for one second you shitty woman.” He grumbles, pushing his desk chair back ever so slightly after your insistent whining for him to pay attention to you.
He turns the spinning chair to you, his lap open wide and ready for you to sit on to which you happily oblige, sitting your butt down on his crotch for him to just grab your waist tightly.
“Not like that.” Within a brief spin you’re sitting with your chest to his, legs straddling his own as he tucks his chair back under the desk.
“Katsu- come on please.” You whimper, grinding your sopping core against his jeans where you can feel his cock hardening beneath you. With a short ‘hrmph’ you feel his hands slip between the two of you so he can pull his cock out in the open. You grind yourself on his thigh for a few moments as he fists his member at the feeling of you against him.
“Come on then needy girl, slide on my cock.” The smirk on his face is devilish and you slide down your panties from beneath your oversized shirt (which was one of his, just so you could tease him further. You knew how much he loved you in his shirts).
Moaning slowly as you move down his cock for the stimulation of feeling full, you begin to buck your hips against his once you’re down to his hilt- before he grabs your waist tightly; enough to leave spots of bruises.
“Now sit there and be a good fuckin’ girl.” He slides his arms past you, looking over your shoulder as he tries to continue his work despite the feeling of your fleshy walls around him almost made him want to fuck your brains out on his desk right then and there.
“You can’t do this.” You snivel into his shoulder, every small movement you made to try and get yourself off effortless against his iron grip on your side.
“Well baby, good girls don’t beg unless told to.” He makes his point by pulling you up ever so slightly and thrusting into you with a force that makes you crackle out a moan. “And even good-er girls do what they’re fuckin’ told, you got that shitty woman?”
“Yes sir.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Now be quiet or you’re gonna’ regret it princess.”
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-Kirishima after sex loves to cockwarm you
-He’s just so tired and loves the warm feeling of being inside you and it makes after sex cuddles just more intimate
“Where do you want me to cum sweetheart? Fuck you’re so fucking tight baby girl.” Kirishima croaks out into your ear, riding out the rest of your orgasm as he chased his.
“M’inside of me Eiji.” You practically drool at the feeling of him convulsing inside of you, gripping onto his flattened hair practically setting him off edge at the stimulation.
After catching his breath, Kirishima’s arms wobble around you from keeping himself pried up above you. You can feel the hot spurts of cum dribble from inside of you and as Kirishima is fully finished, he pulls you against him as he lies down with his cock still firmly inside of you.
“Kiri-“ You whine at the feeling of being so full. You don’t know how much you can take after having so many orgasms pulled out of you. Your clit was so overstimulated and your body was shaking from it but Kirishima held you tightly enough for it to simmer down.
“Come on baby just 5 more minutes.” His mumbles were so sleepy, it was probably going to be way more than 5 minutes. “You just feel so nice around me, like you were made for me princess.”
He presses kisses all over your face, making sure not to miss a single inch before you settled snugly into his chest.
“So beautiful.” Kirishima whispers, moving his hips ever so slightly to nestle into you further. “My fucking beautiful girl huh?”
His toothy grin is enough to make you giggle, his hands slide down your sweat covered bodies to grab your ass tightly. The action makes him twitch inside of you slightly and you gasp at the sudden explicitness of his actions.
“You sure you couldn’t go for a round two baby?”
“I… wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
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-Sero loves sleepy cockwarming
-he’s too tired in the morning to fuck you but you’re both hot and bothered but neither of you fully want to be athletic so early; this is your compromise
“Whatchu doing sweetness?” Sero blinks a couple times as you palm him through his boxers, a sleepy grin on your face. “What? You want me inside of you baby?”
You nod slowly, the tiredness in your eyes making your blinks last longer but down below you felt like you could melt. All you wanted was for him to be inside of you so badly.
“C’mere then love.” His morning voice is so croaky as you slide up his torso. He flips you so you’re lying next to him, one leg draped over his waist as he shuffles your pyjamas down your legs before following suit with his own boxers. He pushes his fingers against your folds, gathering slick before teasing against your entrance which makes you buck your hips into his palm.
“So needy aren’t we?” Sero smirks to then press a kiss onto your forehead. He rests his hands to your lower back as he pulls your hips closer to his before slowly sliding himself into you before completely bottoming out “Shit- you’re so warm.”
You happily hum at the feeling of him inside you, the pressure making you roll your hips slightly against him which allowed his cock to move into you more comfortably; in turn hitting your g-spot nicely.
The two of you spent a few more moments lazily grinding against one another before the two of you lost interest in getting each other off and more about you both being so close and whole with one another.
“D’ya want me to pull out of you pretty girl?” Sero slightly cleared his throat to get rid of it’s morning rasp, just as he began to pull away you placed your hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving any further. You curled closer into his chest, letting his arms wrap around you to nestle in together.
“Leave it.” You mumble against his bare chest, barely enough for him to hear you but he easily picked it up due to the proximity of you both. “S’Keepin us warm.”
“Okay pretty girl.” Sero plants a kiss to your hair line, feigning back a yawn. “I’ll keep you warm.”
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-DABI ooft that man will use it as a punishment baby
-this is one of his more tame punishments because he can get sadistic, it just depends on how mouthy you’ve been with him that day
“You little slut.” Dabi hisses through his teeth, a warm spank against your ass acting as the punctuation of his words. You’d forgotten how many you’d received but you couldn’t say it wasn’t making you feel so fucking turned on.
“You think you deserve my cock huh?” Another slap to your other ass cheek. “Tell me doll, do you think you fucking deserve it?”
“Yes sir- please I’ll be good.” You whinge, head too dizzy to keep it up after being laid over his lap for god knows how long. You had no effort anymore to keep up the bratty act, all you wanted to do was cum.
“There’s my good whore.” He chuckles, helping you sit up before lying you back down on your shared bed. Hissing when your ass touches the sheets from the sheer amount of beating it had just received. You were just glad to finally get off his lap.
Dabi slid his jeans off, before laying down next to you. Pumping his cock a few times before encouraging you to get on top of him. He smirks at your tired expression as you begin to straddle him sliding down onto his shaft slowly.
You begin to use your bruised thighs to lift yourself up but Dabi ultimately pushes you back down, his other hand reaching for his phone. You look at him with confusion as you try to wiggle around him for any sort of stimulation. You felt like you were on fire with how much you wanted him to just fuck your brains out.
“Nuh uh doll. You’re getting this cock just like you wanted.” He lets out a low laugh, watching as the realisation sets in on your face. “Shame that bratty fucking mouth of yours had to ruin it. How’ds’it feel to be so full of my cock hm?”
You swore you could have screamed as you lay against his chest, one arm behind his head as the other scrolled mindlessly on his device, not even touching you.
“Please sir- I’ll be so good for you, just touch me a little.” With no warning Dabi slams back up into your hips and you let out a lewd moan at the friction inside of you.
“Each time you fucking squirm or complain I’m gonna make it longer. Now shut that whore mouth of yours up or you will regret it.”
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-Hawks lives for cockwarming… why?
-because this mans breeding kink is off the scale!!!
-loves cockwarming literally after every time you have sex when you’re trying for kids he fucking loves the feeling of just being left inside of you.
“Fuck baby bird you feel so fucking good around my cock.” Hawks’ shuddering moans mixed with your own filled the room with explicit ecstasy. “M’gonna fill you up with so much cum baby, you want that huh? Want me to fill you up with my cum?”
“Yes Hawks fuck- please m’need it so bad.” You weep at the feeling of his balls slapping against you harshly. It only spurred him on to cum so deep inside of you.
“Fuck. This cunt was made for me babe.” Hawks bit his tongue at the feeling of you tightening around him, threatening to reach your high also. “I’m gonna ruin that pretty pussy with my cum you got that?”
You moaned at his lewd words, babbling out ‘yeses’ and anything else that was in any way affirmative to getting you any closer to euphoria, Hawks couldn’t help but chuckle at your state.
“Look at my baby bird.” He pulls out far and plunges deep into you, hitting just the right spot. “I love it when you get so needy you turn dumb baby, fuck you stupid because all you want is my cum, yeah?”
With his filthy words you let out a raspy moan as you came undone around his cock. It only took a few more thrusts before he too climaxed inside of you, fucking his cum right back into your entrance. Pulling you into him with his wings as added leverage he pulled you to lay next to him, cock still firmly thrusted into you.
“Keigo aren’t you going to-“
“Come on baby bird, you know the rules.” He kissed your forehead, using little feathers to pull the hair back from your face ever so gently so he could look into your eyes. “Gonna keep my cock nice and warm inside of you to fuck my cum into you huh? Ain’t that right?’
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
I just saw someone posting a chat where reader pretends to break up with x/y via chat and I wonder how normal Al/toxic Al (how you like) would react to reader breaking up with him via chat?
If grandpa is even able to use a smartphone 🤭
Okay so I’m guessing we’re going Modern AU here, which doesn’t change too much, so I can work with it! I’m assuming in this we’re talking about General Reader and not ITB Reader, so we’ll go with that.
And pssshh if Ethan Hawke can work a smart phone Al probably can too haha, he’s a dilf not a gilf!
Oh honey no, don’t do that to the crazy man! Al is deranged enough that breaking up with him in the first place is a Bad Idea, but to do it over text?
I’m assuming this is a consensual relationship that is likely toxic and obsessive to begin with, so it’s going to be a shit storm. He won’t even text you back or call you, he’s just going to get in that damn pedo van and drive his ass over to your house with no forewarning.
When he gets there, he’s going to be steaming. His first assumption is probably that you’re cheating on him, you traitorous whore, because what other possible reason could there be? He’ll likely be very irrational, maybe even storm around your house/apartment wrecking shit while looking for any sign of another person living there.
Once he’s finally assessed that it’s not because you’re unfaithful, and is actually giving you a chance to get a word in, he’ll find out it was a prank—which will probably piss him off even more that you did this just to mess with him.
I would expect heavy punishment at that point. We’ve established he’s not a nice man or good guy, so I imagine there would be some actual punches and slaps thrown, probably some beating with that belt and spanking—anything he knows you dislike.
At that point, he’s hella sexually charged and riled up over the situation, and is going to mount you like a fucking wild animal. With him, it’s not just hate sex, it’s like a whole other level.
And he won’t let up, either. Punishing you is one of his favorite things, so the excitement will probably make him cum fast. But he’s not done with you, and you are going to lay strapped to the bed there like a good girl while he goes down on you until your orgasms are uncomfortable and you can’t take it anymore.
By that point, he’s probably aroused again and ready to go another rough round with you, or choke you with his cock. Or both! Depends on his recovery time I suppose.
Aaaand of course, in typical Al fashion, once he’s had his fill, he’ll beg your forgiveness and tell you how sorry he is, how much he loves you, that he’ll buy you something nice and that this will never happen again, just remember to behave.
He’ll clean you up and kiss all over your wounds, and you’ve got your doting lover back until the next time you piss him off.
Because let’s be real. If y’all ask me questions about Canon or ITB Al, he’s the definition of toxic/abusive partner and is going to react in that manner. He ain’t fluffy, that’s for sure.
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Anakin xJedi! Reader with a jealous Anakin? Maybe he's a bit ... aggressive dominator?
thank you for the request, I didn’t think it’d turn out so 🥴💀, so ty for causing the fic that signs my ticket to hell. I’m probably overhyping it but my vanilla ass is like “pêñïś?? 😱 down she goes😤🔥”
anyway tw: THEY DO THE SEX (also there’s some choking oop)
Read it on ao3
Say My Name- Anakin Skywalker X fem Reader (smut)
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You and Anakin had been sent on a mission to Axalore. It was an important ally planet to the Republic, and their leader Tonkruda had been captured by Count Dooku. It took a lot of clones, bombs, and one too many failed rescue attempts, but finally you managed to steal Tonkruda back and drive Dooku and his fleet of droids away from the planet.
As a thanks, the people of Axalore threw a party for you, Anakin, and your battalion of clones. It was held in the capital building ball room, although it was an informal event where every citizen was invited to get drunk, dance, and make a fool of themselves in front of their Jedi hero’s.
You and Anakin were sitting at a table in the pub, accepting all the drinks people were throwing your way and sipping on each of them sparingly. You wanted to have fun, but you still had to be on guard in case there was any separatist retaliation. You were tasting one of the blue drinks when you heard a voice coming from above you.
“Is someone sitting here?” A man asked, pointing to the spot next to you. He was young and handsome in every generic sense of the word— tall, short blonde hair, a strong jawline... not that it mattered any. Anakin was 50 shades of gorgeous, sitting right next to you, and all yours— in secret, that is.
But you didn’t want to be rude, so you shook your head and gestured for the man to sit.
He began with small talk, and you lazily indulged him. He took every opportunity to slide closer to you, to touch you innocently on the shoulder or knee, to bump his shoulder with you. Each time, Anakin’s eyes shot to you two like a hawk. You didn’t see at first what this guy was doing, but after he said, “So, I hope you don’t mind me asking... that whole thing where ‘Jedi can’t have attachments?’ Is it true?” you started to get a hint.
“It’s true,” Anakin answered through grit teeth, fingers clenched on the glass in his hand. Fortunately it wasn’t his metal hand, or there would be glass shards all over the floor by now.
The man, who’s name you learned was Rhondamalo, shot Anakin a side-eye, then leaned into you so only you could hear, “You wanna ditch this dude and go back to my place to set up a ‘no strings attached’ agreement?”
The glass in Anakin’s hand did end up shattering, pebbling over the floor as the drink he had been holding splashed onto the ground. While your force-telepathy skills were like most Jedi, who could only read people’s emotions, Anakin’s was much stronger and most definitely allowed him to hear exactly what Rhondamalo had just said to you from his mind.
Both of your attentions shot to Anakin, and you started panicking when you saw his face. His gaze was like two icy daggers, digging deep into Rhondamalo’s eyes.
“I, uh, I’m sorry,” you tried to defuse the situation quickly. “I can’t go with you Rhondamalo. It would be wrong of me and—“
“You will go home,” Anakin growled darkly, “And forget you even met her.”
He was using force persuasion. Rhondamalo blinked a couple times, dazed. Then he looked at the drink in his hand, then you, confusion stretched across his face.
“Sorry, do I know y— you know what, I think it’s time for me to head home,” he blinked a couple more times, then got up and headed for the doors.
You shot Anakin a glare. “You didn’t have to do that, you know. I was going to reject him anyways.”
Anakin’s face was still twisted in disgust. “You should have heard the things he was thinking about you. He’s lucky he got away with just the persuasion technique.”
“You went digging through his mind? You know you’re not supposed to do that!”
Anakin didn’t answer you, instead he stood up as well. His boots crunched on the glass as he grabbed your wrist in his leather glove, pulling you to your feet. He didn’t turn to look at you as he walked you two briskly toward the exit.
“Where are we going? You can’t just drag me around whenever you’re unhappy.” You tried pulling your wrist out of his grip, but he held on tight. “You think I was really going to let Rhondamalo have any time of day? You know, maybe I should have, I bet he wouldn’t have had to drag it out of me like you are.”
“It wasn’t you I was worried about,” he stalked next door with you in tow, shoving open the doors to the townhouse Tonkruda was letting you two occupy for the night. “But now you’re making me question that idea.”
“Your jealousy is clouding your vision, Anakin. You’re not thinking straight.”
“Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep this thing a secret between us?” Anakin spoke fiercely, shutting the door behind you a little too hard. “Do you know how much pain it causes me that every time we go out in public, I have to feel what people are thinking about you? Hear what people are thinking about you? And all I ever want to do is pull you in close and show them what’s mine.”
He backed you against the wall as he said this, head tilted in a predatory way. You swallowed nervously when your back hit the wall, scared at the eyes that were boring into you. Where had your sweet Ani gone? He was so tense, so full of hate, his eyes clouded with anger and lust.
“You wanna know what the most painful part is? You want to know what makes me fantasize about losing control on each and every person that has ever had a single perverted thought about you? Hm?” You blink at him, and he doesn’t wait for you to answer. “It’s that I can’t do a single thing about it.”
His voice was soft suddenly, low and raspy. In a way, it made it even more terrifying. Chills travelled down your spine as he trailed a finger across your hairline, down your temple, tracing over your cheek and tickling the sensitive skin by your ear.
Your head was abruptly wrenched upward as he took your jaw in his hands, forcing your lips up so that they were ghosting over his.
“Say his name.”
It took you a moment to find your voice. You’ve never seen Anakin like this, so angry, so feral, so off-hinge. “W-who?”
“Him. From the party.”
Anakin’s lips curled into a snarl. He forced your chin to the side, then slid his hand down your jaw until it was locked around your throat, holding you still. You were trapped. He had you smothered against the wall, leaving no room to breathe between his own body pressed into yours and the hand squeezing your throat.
Your skin was burning, heat pooling in your cheeks and between your legs, only cooled by the hint of Anakin’s breath on your ear.
“I’m going to make you scream my name so hard, you forget he even had one.”
Your legs turned to jello then, and you were suddenly very thankful for the way he had you locked in his embrace. Otherwise, you were pretty sure you’d be a boneless pile on the floor by now.
This rough side of Anakin... you didn’t see it very often. He was always so sweet, so soft, a hopeless romantic at heart. His favorite thing was to take care of you gently, carefully, to make sure you knew that you were appreciated and loved. However, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like this side of him— the one that only knew how to take.
“I don’t know...” you swallowed your nerves, deciding that no matter how much it scared you, you wanted to test this side of him— to see just how far he would go. “You should know I have a pretty stellar memory.”
You suddenly became aware of the hand that wasn’t locking you to the wall by the throat— the hard one covered in leather— as it began trailing down your body, adding kindling to the fire that had already spread wild within you.
“We’ll see about that,” he promised, capturing your earlobe between his teeth and nibbling lightly.
Your vision clouded over as he slipped his gloved hand into your pants, applying an immediate, hard pressure directly onto your clit. It pulsed against his touch, throbbing in time with your heart.
Anakin tilted your neck further to the side, lips marking a trail down the exposed skin. He chuckled against the junction of your neck and shoulder, scraping his teeth against the skin before biting down hard. “I can feel how desperate you are for me,” he purred, licking over the mark he just made. “I can feel your heart beating against my fingertips.”
You couldn’t stop the helpless sound from escaping your throat. You wanted so desperately to grab onto Anakin, to force him to give you back an inch of control in any way you could. It was in your nature— you were never one to submit without a fight. But when you tried to lift your arms, you found that they, too had been pinned fast to the wall. A new spike of fear and arousal shot down your spine as you now realized you were truly trapped, immobilized by his hands and the force, unable to escape whatever you had coming your way.
He kissed the thin skin over your pulse, then lifted his molten gaze to look at you. “What was his name again?”
Two fingers were shoved inside of you. You were more than ready for them, dripping wet since he’d cornered you against the wall. The sudden stretch left you with a burn though, bordering on painful before it turned into pleasure as he pulled his fingers out and rocked them back into you, twisting them in search of that spot.
You weren’t sure whether it was the lack of oxygen going to your brain, or if it was the feeling of the unfamiliar, stiff fingers buried inside of you that made your head go dizzy. He had never used his gloved hand on you like this before, but it was slowly becoming a new favorite.
He pulled his fingers out of you and you chased them, pushing back down onto them eagerly. He tutted disapprovingly, and suddenly you couldn’t move your hips anymore.
“You want me so bad all of a sudden? You get what I give you.”
He pressed his fingers in as deep as they would go, hitting your clit with his palm at the same time he curled his fingers just right. You cried out, unable to do anything but take it as he massaged the leather fingertips into your sweet spot.
“You like that, sweetheart? I bet that guy at the party wouldn’t have treated you this good. Remind me who again?”
Your head was fuzzy from lack of oxygen, the only thing you were able to think about was the fingers buried deep in your leaking cunt.
“Rhom- rhomaldo?” You guessed. “Rhomohaldo? Rhondamalo.”
Anakin released the pressure from your g-spot, but kept his fingers inside of you. “Looks like I’m not doing a good enough job,” he mused, and then let go of your throat.
You tried to pull in as much air into your lungs as you could, but it was cut off again as an invisible force took its place.
Anakin bent to his knees in front of you, using his free hand to pull your pants down and urge your legs apart. He began moving his fingers inside of you again, purposefully missing the part that he knew would make you go crazy each time.
“So pretty...,” he praised, watching his fingers disappear in and out of you. “You should see the mess you’re making. It’s dripping down your thighs.”
You could feel it— the thick beads of your arousal, oozing down the insides of your legs like honey. Your legs had been closed earlier and it had smeared all over the place. Anakin leaned his head forward and cleaned some of it up with his tongue.
You were breathing too fast. The room began to swim, black dots spotting your vision. Every other sensation was numb except for what Anakin was making you feel below.
He licked his way up the inside of your right thigh, and then the left. Once he had cleaned all of your slick off, his wandering tongue made it to your heat and he wasted no time in flicking your clit with it.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you keened, voice breaking. He began fucking you with his fingers again, hitting your sweet spot and focusing his tongue on massaging your clit.
“Say his name again,” he commanded, lips wrapping around your nub and sucking harshly.
“I— I um.. Rhon... Rhonda... “ you lost your train of thought. He curled his fingers, digging deeper into you with each thrust.
“I can’t,” you whimpered. There was nothing else in your mind but the man on his knees before you, coaxing the lewdest sounds from you with his fingers. He broke away from your pussy, a pleased smirk on his glistening lips.
“Progress,” he stood to his full height, looming over you again. “But still not good enough.”
Everything keeping you immobilized and pinned to the wall released suddenly, and you fell forward into Anakin’s chest. He caught you and all but carried you to the bedroom, pressing you into the bed so that you were on your stomach.
You wriggled around impatiently as you listened to his clothes drop onto the floor, arching your back so that your hole was presented to him. It was aching to be filled again, clenching emptily around the juices still spilling from it.
Anakin was on you in an instant, his hard member sliding through your folds. You shifted your hips to get him closer to where you wanted him to be, but he covered your back with his front and pressed you flat into the mattress, rendering you immobile again.
“You get what I give you,” he reminded you, wrapping your hair around his hand and pulling it so that your neck was exposed to his sharp teeth. “Remember that.”
You hummed your understanding, deciding that it was better to appease him and get what you wanted than argue and continue this torture for longer. He wrapped his hands around his length and massaged the head into your clit, so warm and wet and good. Your fingers clenched onto the bedsheets before you, breathing becoming more and more labored as he slid it back to your hole, teasing you with it.
“What do you say?”
“Please,” there was no point in arguing.
“Please what?”
“Please, fuck me.”
Anakin grunted in approval, then slammed into you. You cried out, grasping at the bed sheets as he pulled your hair harder. He didn’t bother starting off slow to stretch you out into accommodating his large size. Your pussy ached at the feeling of being stuffed so full, the pain so intense, so delicious as he fucked into you at that punishing pace...
“Now say my name.”
He was on top of you, inside of you, all around you. “Anakin.”
“Hm? What was that baby? I couldn’t hear you.”
“That’s a good girl.”
He released your hair, and lifted himself from your chest. One hand smoothed down your back, keeping you pressed to the bed in warning. You could breathe again, for a moment at least, before both of his hands fell to your hips and lifted so that he could get a better angle, and he began fucking into you with strokes that punched the air straight out of your lungs.
Your lips could only form his name. Over and over and over again, as he took you from behind with a violence you’d only ever seen him use on the battlefield. He was merciless, his cock pushing into you at an angle where he hit your sweet spot every time. He slammed into it over and over, his hips driving into your ass so hard and so fast that you knew you’d have bruises on the flesh there in the morning. Likewise, his fingers were digging into your waist, squeezing you hard and keeping you from shooting forward with each forceful thrust.
Where you were used to having the slow warmth that formed in your stomach slowly coaxed out of you, now it was being ripped from the depths of your body. Anakin was dragging it out of you, forcing you to feel it, to submit to it. You buried your face into the mattress to muffle your screams, but he sacrificed a hand to pull your hair again, freeing your head from the bed.
“Let me hear you, sweetheart,” he demanded through panting breaths. “And I only want my name coming from those lips.”
You did as he said, chanting his name over and over again, begging him to make you cum. He pulled you against him particularly hard, his cock pressed deep against the spot that made you see white, grinding himself into it. Your vision left you as his name tore from your throat one last time, muscles spasming and the walls of your heat clenching around his cock.
Slick spilled from your hole, drenching your thighs and dripping onto the bed. He fucked you through it, pulsing inside you himself as he filled you up with his hot cum. His ragged moans behind you mixed with your broken cries, slowing his pace until you were both spent, sweaty, and exhausted.
He pulled his softening length out of you, leaving you to lie boneless on the bed. He let you bury your head into the sheets this time, allowing you a moment to recover mentally. His hands couldn’t help but wander, though, as he was entranced by the white liquid leaking out of your hole. He pushed it back in with his fingers, marveling in the way your hips jolted at the feeling.
“Sorry,” he murmured, although you could tell he didn’t really mean it.
“‘S okay.”
You were sore, there was no doubt about it, and still twitching with aftershocks. Minding this, he glided his thumb from your hole to your clit, spreading his cum over it gently, tenderly. Like a switch had been flipped, he was back to his sweet, loving self.
“You don’t have to prove anything to me,” you lifted your head from the mattress to say. He removed his hand from you and you closed your legs, rolling over to curl up into his side. “I’ll always be yours, whether the whole world knows it or not.”
Anakin wrapped an arm around you instinctively. His chest glistened with sweat, but his eyes were now free of that jealous haze.
“Good,” he pressed his lips into your forehead, cementing the statement. No other words needed to be said. He had— quite literally— already fucked them out of you.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Fuck No Baby~
Kenma/Sakusa/Tsukishima with a high school pregnancy scare.
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
For Anon,,, I hope you like it!!! Ah~~ This took me so long to write, I don’t even know why LOL. I had fun writing it doe,,,, hopefully I was able to correct any mistakes I made because rereading almost three thousand words over and over again melted my brain ESP bc it was my own words,,, 
WC- 2,765
Kozume Kenma
Now….. Kenma,,,,, my sweet baby boy. He would know something is wrong with you the minute you start acting differently
He wouldn’t say anything though, not yet, he would just watch you with hawk eyes
He’d analyze everything you do and try to figure out what is upsetting you
Is it school? Your parents? Lev? Himself? What is wrong?
He’d probably ask Kuroo if he noticed anything different about you and, of course, Kuroo who can’t lie would be like “n-no”
When you finally tell Kenma that you think you’re pregnant, Kenma would be like "well how do you know?"
He’d be like “Did you take a test? Did you not get your period? Is it because you were stressed that you didn’t get your period?” And you’d be like ‘uhhhh I didn’t think about all that sir’
Cue Kenma scolding you for being so worrisome, he’d still hold your hand and try to calm you down and go get pregnancy test with you
He’d probably research a lot about pregnancy just to mentally prepare but then you come out with three negative tests and Kuroo is in the background like ‘I KNEW IT’
Then Kenma will get all mad again and ignore the two of you for leaving him out of the loop
Kenma stares at you from behind his psp, his chest tightens at the way you are holding onto Kuroo. Recently, you have been hanging out with your best friend more than your own boyfriend. Kenma normally would not care, he likes that you two hang out and leave him alone but lately it has been irritating him in a way he doesn’t quite understand. It is all the time, you always are with Kuroo instead of him. It’s almost like you two have gotten closer in a way and the insecurities of not being good enough cloud over Kenma’s head. He always knew you and Kuroo got along in ways that he wouldn’t understand, he has seen it growing up with the two of you. He never thought he would have to worry about it though.
“You need to tell him (Y/N).” Kuroo scolds and Kenma feels his ears perk up as he tries to listen in. 

“I’m not telling him,” You stubbornly stick your nose up into the air and Kuroo folds his arms over his chest disapprovingly. 
“If you don’t then I will.” Kuroo threatens and you can hide the betrayal off of your face. “He deserves to know.”

“What the fuck?! What about bro code?” You fumble your words as your heart beats frantically in your chest. 
“(Y/N) this isn’t some little thing you can sweep under the rug, you need to tell him.” Kuroo tells you and you stare at the ground. 
“Fuck off Kuroo, I’m not ready to tell him shit and now I’m not going to tell you anything either.” You frown in frustration and storm off to the gym. Kenma pretends like he didn’t hear any of the conversation but when Kuroo steps in front of him with that knowing sigh, Kenma doesn’t even try to pretend. 
“I don’t know how you put up with her.” Kuroo comments and sits down next to him, Kenma only narrows his eyes at the way he insulted you. Kuroo takes in a deep breath and quietly thinks for a moment. “Fuck, I have to tell you-“

“I don’t want to know.” Kenma tells him and Kuroo spits out in shock. “If she doesn’t want to tell me then I don’t want to know it.”

“Kenma you need to know.” Kuroo starts and Kenma stands up from the ground, wiping his thighs off before glancing down at his friend.
“Then I’ll go ask her.” Kenma walks away and Kuroo holds his hands up defensively, wishing him good luck. Kenma finds you laying against the bleachers, dramatically drawing shapes in the sky with your finger. 
“(Y/N).” Kenma calls out to you and you flinch before closing your eyes. 

“Yes, my love?” You ask innocently and Kenma has to refrain from rolling his eyes. 
“You have something to tell me.” He demands and you open your mouth to deny it however as you do so, the eery familiar sick feeling twitches in your gut and you hold up a finger to silence your boyfriend. “(Y/N),”
“I don’t want you to be disappointed in me.” You start, your throat starts to close up, and Kenma rests his hand over yours. 

“You’ll never disappoint me, you know that.” Kenma reassures you and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
“What if, I was pregnant?” You ask and Kenma flinches at your words. 
“You’re pregnant?” He repeats and you shake your head. 

“I might be, I mean I think I am.” At your words, Kenma pinches your nose and makes it harder for you to breathe. “Your first thought is to kill me?!” You screech.
“Did you even take a pregnancy test or think for a second that maybe your period is just late? Did you even recall that you went on a long plane ride to another country last week and maybe that offset your balance? God, (Y/N) you went to Kuroo with this and not me?” Kenma rants and you guiltily curl in on yourself, you didn’t think about any of that. “I-I’m sorry for getting so upset.” He quickly apologizes and you shake your head. 
“You’re right Kenma, and I’m sorry that I didn’t come to you but I was scared.” You whisper and tears begin to form, Kenma looks at the ground with hurt all over his face. 
“Why?” He asks just as quietly and you shrug. 
“I didn’t want to lose you.”

“You wouldn’t have, you’d never lose me no matter what you do.” Kenma confesses and you grab onto his hand for support, Kenma squeezes you and turns to look at you. His face softens are your watery eyes. “Stop crying.”
The next time you, Kenma, and Kuroo are hanging out it’s because you’re celebrating not being pregnant. There is cake and ice cream and you own up to apologizing to Kuroo for getting so angry with him when he was only trying to do the right thing. Kuroo, of course, forgives you and wasn’t even mad at you in the first place. He suggests a group hug that you happily take but Kenma stands off to the side, slapping both of you upside the head for keeping such a secret from him before taking his place in your arms.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
How does Sakusa even nut? Like I can’t imagine that he likes the gross feeling of cum all over his dick so like how would he use a condom and/or nut inside of you? I was just thinking about it…….. 
Anyway, whenever you try to hide something from Sakusa he always has a way to pry it out of you 
Like he will knock your door down with his mind to get you to face him
When he finds out you think you’re pregnant, he would just be like ‘well, that’s a lot to take in’
He’d go silent and use his very beautiful head to digest your words,
Now Sakusa is usually calm, but right now he isn’t. This man is freaking the fuck out internally as much as Sakusa can freak out 
Externally he is just like ‘oh’, come on you guys really think Sakusa knows anything about pregnancy 
He’d probably suggests taking you to the doctor or going to get you pregnancy tests
I feel like he would be very good at reassuring you that everything is going to be okay even if he isn’t so sure of that himself 
Please, his main concern is how much he would dislike going to the hospital. He is 99.9% sure that you aren’t pregnant and so he probably isn’t too worried about it, he’s more concerned with how upset you are,,
Sakusa scrunches his nose as he walks into your classroom, it’s late in the afternoon after practice and he found you sitting at your desk. You haven’t even shown that you noticed him walking in, you’re still hunched over your desk with your face buried into your arms. Sakusa quietly walks up to you, his footsteps are the only noises in the large room. 

“(Y/N).” He calls out to you, standing right at the edge of your desk. You don’t make any move. Sakusa sighs and pokes your shoulder with his finger. “(Y/N).” He tries again and gets no response, with a heavy sigh Sakusa pinches the collar of your blazer and lifts your face out of your arms. You don’t even try to hide as you emotionlessly stare at the floor, your boyfriend’s eyes widen at your swollen eyes and blotchy face. 

“What’s wrong?” Sakusa asks, he gently rubs smooth circles on your back. You simply shake your head. “Tell me, don’t be difficult.” He pushes and your eyes begin to water again. 
“Just go home Kiyoomi.” You attempt to push him away and Sakusa just feels his irritation growing.
“You poor thing, thinking that is going to work with me.” He continues to stare down at you and even goes as far as pinching your cheek with his fingers. Sakusa’s eyes narrow at your tears spilling on his fingers and has to refrain from grabbing a tissue and wiping it off. Instead, he uses his thumb to wipe the tears off your cheeks, internally grimacing at the feeling. “If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, (Y/N).” He warns and you puff your cheeks.
“Where to start,” You bite at him angrily, your nose scrunches in frustration. “I haven’t gotten my period in like two weeks, I failed a test today, my grades are dropping, you’re being an ass, I might be pregnant, my mother yells at me for breathing wrong, what do you want me to say Kiyoomi?” 
Sakusa takes a moment to digest all your words, his face curls in disgust at the mention of your menstrual blood. 
“Wait, pregnant?” He starts cautiously and you nod bitterly. Sakusa takes you by surprise by leaning down and wrapping his arms around your shoulders to bring you into his chest. “I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you recently and that I have been making things difficult for you.”
Sakusa frowns he notices that even more tears are now streaming down your face. 
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He tries to reassure you but you only shake your head. “Yes, you are. We will figure this out.” Sakusa grabs your cheek to force you to look at him, it’s a promise. 
On your way out to walk home, Sakusa stops by the bathroom to wash his hands and in turn, you also go to the bathroom. You thought you felt that familiar feeling between your thighs but pushed it off as something else. However when you got to the bathroom and saw the disgusting mess in your panties that you had grown accustomed to over the years you can’t help but scream. 
“(Y/N) w-what’s wrong?!” Sakusa barges into the bathroom and you tap your feet against the tile floor. 
“I got it!!!” You exclaim and Sakusa continues to run his head worryingly. 
“Got what?”

“My period!!!” You’re met with silence and footsteps of your boyfriend retreating out of the bathroom. You still have a lot more to figure out about Sakusa Kiyoomi but you know for a fact that he is going to jump you the second you leave the bathroom.
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima…… this brat,,,, as oyakags likes to say ‘Tsucki’ love that genius
He would be relatively calm about the entire situation 

I genuinely think he would handle it well and that is because he can’t believe it
He seriously does not believe there is any way you are pregnant like he doesn’t hit it raw every other day
Tsukki would get you pregnancy tests and hide them in his bathroom, force you to take them while he stands there watching you pee on the stick like 0.0
Please, this bitch is not playing
He’d be so worried about how freaked out you are and would probably make fun of you to try and make you feel better
He would use his humor to calm you down, sneak in insults here and there because it would take your mind off of the whole situation 
“Well, maybe if you weren’t ugly this wouldn’t have happened” “UGLY?! TSUKISHIMA KEI YOU DIDN’T THINK I WAS UGLY WHEN YOU WERE HITTING IT FROM THE BACK RAW LAST NIGHT!”
When the tests come back negative, Tsukishima will have to hold back from tackling you. He’d scold you for being so careless and for worrying him so much, throwing pathetic insults around but it's only because he is so relieved and doesn’t know how to react. Just shut him up and bring him into a hug, little baby needs his love HAHAH
“I think we should break up.”

“Huh?” Tsukishima looks up from his textbook, his eyebrows furrowed as he glares at where you sit on his bed. You don’t look at him and instead focus on his dinosaur figurines along the walls. 
“It would be better if we broke up, we are both always so busy anyway, not to mention we are going to different colleges in a few months.” You shrug and try to ignore the way your eyes prick with tears, Tsukishima places his textbook down and turns his chair around to face you. His face is hard, had this been two years ago Tsukishima would have let you go without a second glance. Now though? After all you’ve been through, now you want to break up? Yeah, no.
“We’re going to college in the same city, busu, and last I checked you never wanted to break up.” Tsukishima mocks your voice as he repeats the words you say to him late at night whenever you think he is asleep. “Is this some sort of April fool’s prank?” He asks and turns back to his desk. 
“No, I-I don’t want to be with you anymore!” You tell him, voice raising slightly, and Tsukishima has to pretend like his heart didn’t just crack a little bit.
“Right,” He shoos your words away with a flick of his wrist. “I’m not letting you break up with me.” His words should make you feel happy, and deep down they do but not now, instead, they only make you cry. You cover your face with your hands and let out the sob that had been creeping up in your throat. At your cries Tsukishima stiffens and pushes his schoolwork away, almost immediately he walks over to his bed and stands over your curled up form. “You really hate me this much?” He tries to laugh but his words come out bitterly. You shake your head profusely at him.
“You’re going to hate me.” You cry and your shoulders shake with each sob and Tsukishima tilts his head at you. 
“(Y/N), you know I already hate you.” Tsukishima jokes, he is really trying his best to comfort you, he’s rubbing your shoulder and letting you know he is there for you by standing close to you. Fuck, he doesn’t know what he is doing. 
“I-I think I’m pregnant.” You yell out and Tsukishima stiffens, quickly taking his hand off of you like you burned him. 
“Huh?” He pauses and blinks before leaving the room. You start to think he ran away and that thought only makes you cry harder. Tsukishima comes back not even a minute later and throws a box at you. 
“Don’t make assumptions, idiot.” He scolds and you pick up the box and squint at it with watery eyes.
“What is this?” You ask him and Tsukishima scoffs before walking over to you, he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest to walk you towards the bathroom. 
“It’s a box of pregnancy tests, Akiteru’s girlfriend left them last month.” Tsukishima gags at the thought of his older brother and longtime girlfriend, he did not need that image in his head. You continue to sniffle as tears stream down your face and Tsukishima sits you down on the ledge of his bathtub. “You’re okay, why are you crying? I’m right here. You’re fine (Y/N).” 
Tsukishima was right, you really were fine. All the tests came back negative and you got your period a week later. However, Tsukishima never let you live it down and has been scolding you ever since for being so careless. He’s just mad you made him worry so much~
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly
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to-hell-and-beyond · 4 years
“Every.Last.One” Pt.2
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Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Every last one pt 2 ?? -Anon
Here it is! Took a while but I’m glad of the ending. Maybe pt.3 were it talks about the two of them getting closer?
Summary: After your promise to yourself you try your hardest to fulfill it. Even hating on the Eagle Fang Students. But what happens when everything changes at a Christmas Party?
Words: 1725
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Hate. That was the one thing coursing through your veins every time you saw him. The boy who you’d had grown up with, grown up loving, now filled with hate and vengeance. At first he wanted vengeance for everyone who had made fun of him. Every lip joke, whisper and tear. You were ok with that, you were glad to see those bullies pay the price of Karma. But what Hawk didn’t see was the line between vengeance and just pure hate. You were also trying to see the line but everyday it's getting harder and harder becoming more of a distant memory..
“I really think you should come Y/n! We’ve had a hard past few weeks and I think this will be good for everyone!” Samantha LaRusso’s voice rang from your phone as she tried to convince you to come to her Christmas party. The two of you had gotten closer ever since what happened with Demetri. She had been there while you were recovering from the emotional storm that was “Hawk”.
“I don’t know Sam. I’m still not really close to the other Miyagi-do students and the last thing I want is to make things awkward. Besides this is my first winter holiday without Eli…”
“Exactly! That's why you should come!” You thought about it for a few minutes. Would it really be that bad if you came? I mean Demitri was already going to be there, and you promised yourself you would be there to help him during his recovery.
“Alright I’ll go.” A sound of excitement came from your phone as Sam started telling you about all sorts of stuff she wanted to do to prepare for the party. What she wasn’t telling you was that she invited the Eagle Fang Students. You still didn't have a good relationship with them, seeing them as still Cobras and you promised yourself, Every.Last.One
You weren’t exactly sure what to bring to this party.  It wasn't like you were invited to a lot of parties in your high school career. The only parties you’ve been to are birthdays and DnD game nights. Even with your little experience you still when’t. You knocked on the door and there was Samantha LaRusso. She looked a lot better then when she was in the hospital. You were glad about that fact.
“Hey Y/n!” Sam said enthusiastically. As she pushed the door wide open and gestures for you to come in. She re-introduced you to some of the Miyagi Do students as you politely waved to them.You sat beside Demitri as Sam began to pace around. You were confused for a second, wondering why on earth she looked so scared. You didn’t say anything though, not wanting to make her feel bad in any way. It was the winter holidays, it was time to be nice.
“Well, this Christmas party turned out to be  ho-ho-horrible.” Demitri said and you kinda agreed. Shure you’ve never been to an actual party but this wasn't what you saw on those T.V dramas.
“Yah, Sam. I thought you said your parents are going to be out for the night. So why aren't we throwing a rager?” There was distant “yeah” in agreement in the background as Sam looked more and more worried. You knew that she was hiding something but you weren’t sure what.
“There’s a keg on the way. It’s just going to be a few more minutes.” She looked to seem like she was trying to pump us up for a huge game or something like that but she was doing the exact opposite. Safe to say this entire party was a fail.
“Can we atleast put on a Christmas special?” Demitri asked and you nodded in agreement. That's what the three of you would do every Christmas. It was your thing, until the tides changed.
“Id even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist.” You snorted in laughter remembering the time you did watch that. Demitri was complaining the whole way through you and Eli laughed. Ah, the good old days.
“Yeah, I’m that bored.” Demitri said when he saw the look of disgust on Sam’s face.The doorbell rang and Sam said an excited, “ It’s here!”.
Oh it was definitely here. Sadly it was not a keg, but a bunch of ex Cobras turned into Eagles. Oh how you wanted to punch their faces right now. There was a sign of protest from each member of Miyagi-do as they ran up to the door ready to kick the “Keg” out. While they all ran you stayed put on the couch.
“Look, I know we haven’t always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now. To all of us.” Sam said that last line as she looked into your eyes. Never in a million years did you think she would pull something like this.
“We think that we’d stand a better chance against them if we joined forces.” Miguel said as your eyes glowed with hate and you curled your fist to the point that your knuckles were white.
“We?” You spat as the group turned around to look at you.
“This isn’t going to work.” Miguel mumbled as he saw your hands. Yes, you may not be a Karate champion but your loyal, and loyal people fight to the death for people they love.
“It has to. We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we’re nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can’t get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another... Y/n?” She asked worried about your answer. You took a deep breath before you decided to confront your demons.
“I was never part of this “Rivalry” to begin with. I was just looking out for my friends before all of this had started, so technically my opinion doesn't matter. But I suppose that if we can put all of this behind us we may be able to achieve something.” Sam smiled as you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. Maybe this night won’t be as terrible.  You were all sitting on Sam’s kitchen table and Demitri went over some of the new rules. 
“I’m going to go get a glass of water.” You told them as you stood up and walked out of the door. After you left the sounds of a cat were heard.
“I didn’t know you had a cat.” Miguel told Sam. Sam looked confused for a second before turning back.
“We don’t.” Just as Sam finished saying those last words the window broke and you were hurt by some of the glass. Everyone turned around to see the Cobra Kia’s walk in. You were horrified to see Kylar with them. You had heard the rumors that he had joined Cobra Kai, but never in a million years did you think that they were true.
People started jumping out of every corner and soon it was a full blown on fight. You hurried to hide in the corner near the stairs as the fighting got worse. Now, you could go in there and beat those people but in all honesty you didn’t want to get charged with assult.You watched as the filler red mohawk as he fought and fought and fought. Your breathing hitched as you saw Demitri in pain.
“Hey. Yo, Hawk. Free shot!” One of the Cobras yelled to Hawk across the room. You watched as his face fell. You were worried for a second time he would hurt your friend and you were ready to stop that from happening but something unexpected happened. Hawk ran, and then he flipped one of the Cobras over and they fell on the glass table. He started fighting more and more of them and then turned around to Demitri.
“Look, man. I’m sorry.” Hawk said as he faced Demitri. “For all of it. Do you wanna help me win this thing?” 
“Yeah.” Demitri answered as they both smiled and began to kick the shit out of the rest of the Cobras.
The fight was now all over. Sam had fought her way through the pain to beat Tory, Miguel had actually gotten the power back to kick and better yet to kick Kylar’s stupid face. And Hawk and Demtri were buddies again. But you still couldn't get over the pain, unlike everyone else.
“Y/n?” You tried around to see Hawk. He looked almost scared as he approached you, worrying that you would kick him to the curve. 
“Yes?” You asked with venom in your voice. You still didn’t forgive him for what he did at the hospital. It was a mistake? What kind of mistake is the two of you loving each other? Why was he even here?
“Look, I know that after everything that has happened you're mad and you have every right to be I was dick. I didn’t just hurt Demitir bad, I hurt you too. You were my best friend Y/n, but you were something more than that. And I know it's going to take a long time or we might not even get back to that point but I want to prove to you that I’ve changed.” You thought about his words for a while. Were they all true? Was this another one of his sick games?
“Ok. If you apologize to everyone here and give Demitri a better apology then that half ass one you did I’ll think about it. Your right, It's going to take a lot of time and effort to get back to where we were. That’s why I want you to think a lot about this. If you're sure you're ready to do that you can meet me at the mall on Tuesday as just friends, nothing more.” You told him and you saw his smile. The sweet smile that you missed so dearly. It was so nice to see that smile on his face again.
“Ok.” He told you as he smiled. You would still beat every single Cobra, but right now it was the two of you's time to fix your relationship. Beating the shit out of them would have to wait for later.
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lizbotw · 4 years
Hiii! Can you write a headcanon or scenario (whichever you're more comfortable with) of how Katsuki, Hawks and Todoroki would comfort their s/o, who is terrified of loud noises, during a thunderstorm. I'm not sure of how many characters you do per request, but if you only do 1 can you choose Katsuki 😅 Thank you~
Bakugou, Hawks, and Todoroki Comforting Their S/O During a Thunderstorm
first request!!! i hope you like it ♡ i did bullet points because i intended to do headcanons to start off simple, but they’re sort of scenario-ish? i think i might turn these into full blown scenarios one day so look out for that ;)
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Bakugou Katsuki
It’s the first time you’re staying over at his place and there’s a storm raging outside. What had originally began as a light patter of rain had now turned into a downpour, and things seemed to be taking a turn for the worst as you caught sight of a lightning flash outside. You were bracing yourself for the loud thunder that usually accompanied it.
Somehow you had convinced Katsuki to make a blanket fort with you, taunting him that he probably sucked at it, and of course he had taken the challenge, so now you had an awesome blanket fort to cozy up in.
While you’re getting all comfortable among the blankets and pillows, thinking about what movie the two of should watch, Katsuki was in the kitchen getting snacks.
A sudden crack of thunder caused you to yelp and burrow down into the blankets, and he peeked his head out of the kitchen to see why you had made that noise.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you knocked down the fort again, I fucking swear to God.” Oops, yeah, you had knocked it down a few times before, but of course he always rebuilt it for you. ♡♡♡
But when you didn’t immediately reply this time, he grew pretty concerned. He pretended to be annoyed that he had to leave the kitchen to come check on you, but secretly he was also really worried, especially once he heard your quiet whimpers the closer he got to the fort.
Cautiously, Katsuki moved one of the blankets that was in his way since it was functioning as the “entrance” to the fort (half expecting you to jump out and surprise him—he had learned after the first time you could not be trusted to not try to prank him), and looked inside, confused by the shaking pile of blankets that had small sobs coming from it.
Eventually he would manage to coax you out enough to tell him what was wrong and once you told him, he would try to play it off as a little silly (after all, he’s used to loud noises from the explosions he’s constantly making so it doesn’t seem as big a deal to him), but you could tell he didn’t really mean it—he just didn’t want to give in so easily to your demands for cuddles.
Just use your puppy eyes on him and his arms will be wrapped around you within seconds, although he’ll be grumbling about how stupid this is and how he can’t believe you made him abandon getting the snacks just for this (all while still pulling you closer to him because he likes your warmth of course).
Somehow he’ll force you let go of him enough that he can finish getting the snacks (he struggled very hard to pull your arms off, but of course this man is stubborn and wants his snacks so you have to agree to this one thing for now), and tells you just to wait for him and stop being so pouty because he’s coming back in literally five minutes (of course the pout is cute to him but like... he can’t let you know that).
When he comes back, you instantly tackle him back into a hug, and you guys stay that way for the rest of the night. He lets you choose the movie, even if it’s some romantic thing he couldn’t care less about, and makes sure it’s something that’ll cheer you up (so probably no horror because as much as he likes when you get scared during them and cling to him, you’re already doing that right now so no need to scare you more).
He’ll pile up more blankets because they’ll muffle the sound of thunder (he says he’s just improving his fort and it’s totally not for your benefit or anything) and turn up the volume for the movie to drown out most of the noise.
He’ll let you bury you face in his chest if you want and playfully cover your ears sometimes to tease you and ask if that helps.
Thunderstorms with Katsuki would involve him allowing lots of physical contact (way more than usual) if that’s what comforts you, him trying to distract you because he’s not too good with offering soothing words so he hopes his actions help, and him grumbling a lot about the whole thing, although you’re used to his attitude since you love him so much, so it’s actually pretty endearing because you can tell he’s really trying.
Plus of course you feel really safe in his arms, especially when he says that if the thunder was a person he’d totally beat their ass for you.
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Takami Keigo (Hawks)
“Hey, um, sorry to bother you, but could you come over?” You had called your boyfriend while you were buried under the sheets in your bed, too scared to move and trembling as you waited for the next spine-chilling crack of thunder to erupt.
“Didn’t know you missed me that much, babe.~” You could practically hear Keigo suggestively wiggling his eyebrows over the phone as he purred that.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” you replied exasperatedly, used to his flirting, but unable to keep a playful smile from tugging at your lips, “you know-” You didn’t get to finish your sentence before the sound of thunder filled your ears and you yelped, shrieking into the phone and dropping it out of surprise.
You could hear Keigo’s muffled voice asking if you were okay and you used that to help you find your phone, fumbling around in the sheets where it had gotten lost.
You eventually found it and pressed it back to your ear, wanting to hear his reassuring voice to calm yourself down.
After explaining what had happened, a slight tremor still in your voice, Keigo would immediately agree to come over.
You felt bad about making him go out in the rain just for your benefit but he assured you it was fine because it wasn’t that far, plus it was a “hero’s job” as he put it.
Keigo suggested you stay on the phone with him so he could talk to you to try and help until he got there.
You waited anxiously for him, but it helped a little bit to focus on talking to him on the phone.
When he arrived, he let himself in, since you had given each other keys to your houses so both of you could stop by whenever one of you wanted, and found a shivering pile of blankets on your bed. When he called out for you and you peeked your head over your blanket, he couldn’t help but smile because you looked so cute like that.
Since you guys stay the night with each sometimes, you also had overnight clothes and other things at each other’s place, so he grabbed a pair of comfy pajamas he had left in your room and quickly changed into them so he didn’t get your bed dirty with the clothes he had just been outside with, and climbed into bed next to you, immediately engulfing you in his arms despite your protests.
Cue snuggle fest. ♡
Expect to spend the rest of the night under the covers with him and him refusing to let you go because he wants to protect you. He’ll talk to you throughout the night about any random thing you want, making lighthearted jokes here and there, and pull you closer when he hears the thunder before you can even ask him to, peppering your face with kisses constantly.
Keigo would be down to come over whenever you wanted him to and if the weather forecast that day predicted thunderstorms, expect him to show up at your door ready to spend the night, or even come home to him already on your couch, having let himself in yet again.
We all know how much he loves to have free time from his hero duties so you don’t have to worry about him being too busy to come over, and in fact you’ll probably have to convince him you’ll be fine and that the light rain the news predicted wouldn’t scare you too much (he doesn’t care and will insist he wants to spend time with his baby no matter what though ♡).
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Todoroki Shouto
You and Shouto had planned to hang out together today and you invited him over to spend the night. The rain had been light that afternoon, so when he showed up at your door, his hair was lightly dripping with water as he gave you a small, sweet smile, and an umbrella was at his side. He honestly looked really cute like that.
You quickly encouraged him to go take a shower and change into warm clothes so he wouldn’t get sick and he thanked you as he headed off to do just that.
While he was gone, you called up a nearby pizza place to order so you guys would have something to eat since you had a whole bunch of plans for the evening and the jam packed schedule left no time for you guys to waste cooking.
After you did that, you just lounged around waiting for Shouto to come back.
Except the rain started getting harder and you were getting pretty worried.
You went to the window to watch the lightning even though you know there would likely be thunder as well that would scare you, but you just couldn’t seem to tear yourself away from watching the rain pouring down outside. It was like you were torturing yourself, but also you wanted to watch for some strange reason.
Shouto eventually finished up with his shower and got dressed in the clothes he had brought with him in his overnight bag. He walked out of the bathroom with a small towel slung around his shoulders and his hair still a slightly damp with little water droplets on it just as before, except this time it wasn’t the freezing cold rain that was to blame for it. He called out to you, but you didn’t answer, so he walked out into the living room to see if you were busy doing something and just didn’t hear him.
Shouto instantly noticed you nervously peeking out of the window and came up behind you.
“(Y/N)?” He placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention, but when you jumped out of surprise at his touch, he immediately took his hand away and began apologizing.
You turned around to see who it was and couldn’t help but laugh at his apologetic expression. You told him it was fine with a smile, just that you had gotten a little startled when he accidentally snuck up on you, and when he asked why you had been so on edge, your expression fell a little and you looked down, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
He gently caressed your face and carefully brought it back up so he could look at you, assuring you that it would be fine no matter what the problem was.
When you told him the reason you were so scared, he smiled, glad it wasn’t anything too serious, and told you that it was nothing to be ashamed of as he led you over to the couch so you guys could cuddle together. Whenever the thunder sounded outside, he would press a kiss to the top of your head or to your forehead and stroke your hair, asking if you were okay.
If he saw you keep glancing over at the window, he would get up and close the blinds so you wouldn’t have to worry about what was going on outside. Plus, you guys had a bunch of games and movies you wanted to get through as part of your sleepover, so he distracted you with those activities, giving you soft smiles and comforting you whenever you needed. He didn’t mind if you wanted to snuggle closer to him or hold his hand, and would rub soothing circles on your back if you were hugging or on the back of your hand if your hands were just resting on top of each other. He would even use his quirk to adjust his body temperature just how you like it.
Definitely expect sleepovers with him to become more common because it was so nice spending time with you just doing mundane, fun things to pass the time, plus you were so cute like this and he loved the feeling of protecting you. Lots of skinship and soft touches as he tries to constantly soothe you and let you know that he was there for you. He would try his best to make sure that one part of each of you was always touching throughout the evening for comfort, even if one of you was just leaning your head on the other’s shoulder, or even just him having his arm around your shoulders as you watched something on T.V. together.
He was getting so attuned to the thunder sounds so that he could be more aware of when he needed to comfort you, since usually he just tried to tune that sort of thing out because it didn’t bother him, that when your doorbell rang and the pizza guy announced his arrival, Shouto actually jumped a little in his seat out of surprise. You giggled at that and he couldn’t head but smile at the sight as he bashfully admitted that maybe he got a little spooked by something so simple. His heart swelled at the sight of seeing you so happy, since you had been trembling in fear just moments before, and he felt warm all over. Even as he volunteered to go get the pizza, and opened the door to take it and pay, he couldn’t stop smiling and felt like he couldn’t get back to you soon enough so you guys could sit down and eat together and go back to talking and playing around.
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league-of-thots · 4 years
Quarantine Fun
Pairing: Hawks x reader
Warnings: sensory deprivation, ropes and bondage,
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: This was part of another lovely server collab that i was so fucking excited to be a part of!! I FINALLY got to yoink my favourite boy hawks and was fucking pumped to write for him so I hope you all enjoy! The masterlist with the rest of the fucking LOVELY writers is right here: COLLAB LIST
It was day three of the quarantine when you finally reached the end of your tether, and as a loud crash came from the other room in your shared apartment, you heard a small tinkling of glass shattering. You feel your pulse beating through your temples in pent up anger and frustration.
         “Keigo Takami I swear to GOD! What did you do?!” You throw your phone down on the couch beside you as you angrily speed over to see what your boyfriend had done now in his boredom. You enter the other room and see him sheepishly grin up at you from the floor where he’d somehow managed to end up tied in an awkward position and had knocked into the table, sending a photograph off of it and thus the shattering you’d heard.
         “What the fuck?!” you exclaim, grabbing a broom and dustpan to clean away the dangerous glass pieces. “Why are you tied up? How did you even get in that position?” You knew you boyfriend was a man of many talents, but his best talent by far was the ability to get himself into stupidly strange and unnecessary situations.
         He just laughs at your questions and as you return with the broom and pan, he’s practically howling on the floor at your expressions. Well, as much as he can with his chest restricted by ropes and hands behind his back, legs at an awkward angle on the floor.
         “I’m glad you’re finding this funny.” You harrumph and ignore him, starting to sweep up the glass pieces that make more delicate sounds as you work.
         “Aw, babes, don’t be like that!” he gets out as his laughter starts to die down. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you; I’m just going stir crazy in here!”
         “I can see that,” you scowl a bit, the confines of your apartment, and the stress of the whole situation starting to really make you grouchy. Luckily, it was a rather small photo, so there wasn’t too much glass for you to clean up. Your boyfriend was now sitting where he’d fallen, trying to cheer you up while you worked, managing to wheedle a couple smiles and chuckles from you, as he always does.
         After you finish throwing out the shards, you go back towards him, and stand in front of him with your hands on your hips. He’s trying to get the ropes undone, but with the angle he was in, and how they’d tightened when he’d fallen in a heap, was making no progress. It was amusing to see, and he looked so cute with the pout on his face and the sharp ruffles of annoyance through his wings.
         “So, are you going to tell me what you were trying to accomplish with, ah- all of this?” you gesture towards his entire body, looped with rope and patterns. You have an idea of what he was doing, but still unsure as to why. To your surprise your usually unrufflable boyfriend flushes slightly under your attention and mumbles something out. You give him a pointed look so as to say ‘Speak up’ and he clears his throat.
         “Well, I was bored, and I know you’re stressed so I was thinking of fun ways that we could fix both of our issues, if you catch my drift.”
         “… So you did it on yourself?”
         “Just to practice! I hadn’t done sexy rope tying before, only y’know, actual hog tying of villains and stuff.”
         “If you refer to this as sexy rope tying ever again, I won’t have sex with you for a month Keigo.” He lets out a protested squawk at that, saying it wasn’t that bad.
         “I am stuck though, so ah- babes if you would help me out of these, I really would appreciate it.” He gave you a pleading look and you can’t help but laugh a little at him, rolling your eyes and going to untie him. He reaches up to give you a quick kiss when his hands are free, they’re quick pecks, but energetic as he starts kissing all around your face with your head in his hands. You can’t help but giggle as he distracts you from your mood and worries.
         “What exactly were you planning on doing with me though, Keigo? Your whole body is somehow almost all tied up.” You couldn’t even fathom how he’d managed it, maybe with his feathers? Were they that nimble? He stands up moving behind you to massage your shoulders gently.
         “Well I was reading up on things and saw something about how sensory deprivation in small doses can made people less stressed and anxious. I was thinking it might be an interesting idea to try out, especially because you’re on edge.”
         “You’re just horny because you have so much extra energy with the quarantine being in effect.” You say sharply, though you’re touched by your boyfriend’s idea. He was pretty great to you.
         “I’m not going to deny that either.” You can practically feel his smirk from behind you. “How can you blame me though when there’s such a hot woman in front of me 24/7 because of this quarantine?” he smacks your ass and you let out a shocked noise, not having expected it.
         You lightly swat his hands away, but he slouches on top of you, clinging to you and cooing into your ear.
         “The one good thing about this quarantine, is that at least we can finally spend some time together. Even if I drive you up the walls sometimes.” He hums, his fingers starting to tease the waistband of your shorts. “I wish it was less of a complete break, and more of a less busy work schedule, but beggars can’t be choosers.” His hands have gone down your sleep shorts now and started teasing your folds, never quite going where you want them too. He starts kissing your neck, nipping at it and licking it over, humming with happiness. Even though the quarantine was a lot of stress for everyone, you were happy to see Keigo finally getting the rest he needed, the bags under his eyes had started to disappear and he had more life to him.
         You whine as he continues his teasing, knowing he loves making and watching you squirm. You’ll let him for now, letting him have his fun because you know by the end of your night, you’ll be screaming his name in bliss.
         “So, do you trust me enough to let me try some things, Y/N? I’m really thinking it’ll be fun and let us blow off some of the stress and boredom.”
         “You already bought everything for it, didn’t you?” You’re palming his slowly hardening member behind your ass.
         “If you said yes, I wouldn’t have wanted to wait at all, can you blame me? I think you’re going to look so fucking hot all tied up and completely in the dark about what’s going to happen to you next.” A groan slips out of you at his words, his fingers finally giving you some relief as they finally breached your wet folds.
         “God, yes, I’m so excited to see what you have ready for me Keigo. You know I trust you more than anyone else, so bring it on.”
         “You remember the safe word though?”
         “Of course.”
         “Good, then we can get started love-dove.” You groan at the pun but you don’t really have time to say anything as he whips you up into the air, laughing, carefree for once. He catches you, kissing you as you giggle at his playful energy, it’s been so long since you’d seen it from him.
         You lose track of how long the two of you stand in the hallway, you in his arms and his hands on your ass. He bites at your lips, begging to be let inside in his own way, and you respond as you always do, opening your mouth for him and nipping back, making it interesting for him.
         He slowly starts walking down the hall with you in his arms, still keeping his lips connected with yours as he kicks open the bedroom door. Pulling back he smirks a little and tosses you back on the bed, his eyes glinting with glee and barely contained lust.
         “Clothes off babes, I want to see those pretty tits of yours.” You follow his instructions, practically sliding out of your clothes as if you’d somehow turned into liquid. His watchful eyes never move off of you body as he stands at the foot of the bed, arms crossed. He licks his lips and catches your eyes after that with a smirk as he quickly worms out of his own clothes. You notice that he’s already half hard, but seems to be completely ignoring it as he heads over towards the closet where he must have hidden his new toys.
         You feel excitement running through your veins, as you hear shuffling of fabrics and the unzipping of a bag. Keigo was right, this would be a fucking terrific way to end the boredom that the quarantine had brought. Although you’d never admit that out loud of course, he didn’t have to know the extent of how much and how easily he affected you.
         He comes back with a grin as big as the sun itself which is at odds with all the things you can see him carrying, and you feel your eyes widen. That seems to amuse him as he sets the goodies at the foot of the bed and crawls up towards you. His eyes are bright and they take your breath away, you truly understand how his gaze makes people feel as if they were being hunted, the way he’s looking at you now makes you lose your breath, makes you feel as if he’s about to devour your entire being.
         He cages you in with his wings, but rather than fear, all you can feel is arousal as he surrounds you, breath heavy despite the lack of action from either of you.
         “You have no idea, no fucking idea, how good you look like this.” His hands move to play with your pebbled nipples as he straddles you, leaning down to capture your mouth with his. You let out a small cry that’s easily swallowed by him as he pinches your nipple. You lightly punch him in the side.
         “The fuck Keigo? That hurt,” you pout up at him as he snickers.
         “I’m sorry its just, god everything was getting so serious babe, this is to blow off steam you know?”
         “There are better ways to do that then pinching my tit you ass.” But at this point you’re grinning too, pecking him on the lips. “Are we going to get started yet Keigo? I want you inside me.” His mouth parts, eyes wide as you say that.
         “Fuck, are you trying to make me rush through all of the special things I had planned for you babes? Patience Y/N, good things come to those who wait after all.”
         “Yeah, yeah birdman. I want to see what you have already.”
         “Yes ma’am.” He gives a little salute before backing off, going through the togs he’d bought just for you. “I’m going to start slow, ok? It can be shocking if you’re just getting started with this type of thing.” You nod your head in acceptance and he brings out a rather thick blind fold. He trails his fingers up your body, feather light touches that have you shuddering, as he brings his hands up to your face.
         The fabric is cool on your face, and slightly heavier than you expected it to be, and it obscures all of your vision, even every bit of light that had been showering the room.
         “It’s ok?”
         “Yes, you worry-wart. Keep going please.”
         “Good. God you look so fucking beautiful right now.” You can practically hear the expression he gets on his face when he thinks you can’t see him; all his features soften and are etched with love. Part of you wishes you could see it, but part of you is eagerly waiting for what he has next.
         You hear the rustling of the sheets as he moves, feel the mattress dip as his weight crosses it, and without words he starts tying you up, first your wrists enveloped by a silky-smooth cloth, then they’re brought to your ankles. As he ties them you groan as you feel the cool air hitting your damp cunt, he hasn’t even really touched you yet and still you’re so aroused and ready for him to take you. Even though you know you’re likely going to have to wait a bit as he explores the new options that he has presented to him.
         His lips make his way to yours as he sweetly kisses you. “You’re muttering again dove, are you sure you’re ok?”
         “Yes, I’m just so fucking horny I want you inside me already.”
         “Well I think I can help you a little bit with that in one minute, just one more thing for you ok? You’re being such a good girl for me.” You whimper a bit at that, with the position you’re tied in, you can’t put any friction onto your aching cunt and it feels like torture.
         You feel a heavy set of what feels like headphones, though you can’t be certain without seeing them, cover your ears, the last thing you can hear is Keigo whispering he loves you until all the outside sound is blocked from you. All you can hear now is the thundering sound of blood in your ears and you shiver in anticipation, tied up and unmoving, unable to see or hear, waiting for your lover to fucking touch you already.
         Goosebumps rise on your skin as Keigo starts slowly stroking your hipbones, his touch still light but you’re so taken by it because all you can do right now is feel. You whimper as a feather comes up to play with your breasts, the touch almost ticklish but in your aroused state, it only serves to make you more sensitive as you mewl out for him to touch you more.
         He listens, as his fingers come to your sensitive areas and you moan loudly in relief as two of his fingers enter your heat up to the first knuckle, his lips starting to kiss and suckle bruises into your sensitive skin. You think you’re being really loud but you can’t tell, the moans and noises you’re making seem magnified because they’re all that you can hear. You feel Keigo muttering words onto your skin but you can’t tell what he’s saying, all you know is that he’s stopped moving his fingers and it’s driving you insane to have something in your heat but not providing any form of relief from his teasing.
         “Keigo, please move!” you plead with him, desperately trying to move your bound body to provide some sense of friction, some sense of deeper penetration as you wail in frustration as he keeps himself deadly still.
         Your breaths are heaving as your legs begin to shake with the strain of holding them up because of the bondage. As soon as you think he’s going to leave you there waiting for a long time, he suddenly thrusts deep into your cunt and you clench around him with a surprised shout. It doesn’t take long for him to build you up to that edge, your body so needy and responsive to his touch, as you praise him, tell him how good it feels. It’s so easy to get lost in the sensation of him pounding his fingers into you as he frantically starts rubbing your clit. You feel yourself clench around him, and he shifts the angle of his fingers a little bit to hit your sweet spot.
         You swear you see lightning in the darkness of your blindfold, your back arching up sharply as you come undone around his fingers with a lewd moan. He keeps pushing in, helping you ride yourself through it, but doesn’t stop. The sensations feel so much more potent than usual, and you try to squirm away from the added stimulation but you can’t. You whimper as he once again brings a feather up to play with your tits as he adds a third and then fourth finger into you.
         You can practically hear his teasing, “but baby, you asked me to touch you, you said you wanted me inside you. That’s all I’m doing babes.” Even in your head he’s smug and deliciously torturous and you cry out again as you feel the tips of his fingers crashing into that spot deep within you, over and over and over again. You’re tightening up once more, hanging onto the feeling of being finger fucked when its all you can focus on, all that you can actually feel happening.
         You can feel yourself about to cum when suddenly you’re empty. “NO! Keigo you fucking bastard! I was so close!” You shout out to him, even though you know you won’t hear a response. You feel tears welling up in your eyes at the desperation you feel in your groin, you were so fucking close.
         Seeing this must stir something in your boyfriend though, because soon enough you feel the weeping head of his cock at your entrance. You wiggle as much as you can, your body ready and waiting for him. With no warning, he sheaths himself inside you completely, and you blissfully feel full again, the curve of his cock pressing into you just right, the vein on the right side scraping your walls amazingly.
         You can feel drool dripping down the side of your face as he pounds into you relentlessly, unable to form any completed thought much less coherent words. You can hear yourself mumbling and groaning out mixtures of praises and his name repeated like a chant. You feel his body shuddering against yours, the excitement and arousal you feel mirrored by him as he leans down and bites at your collarbones, marking you again and again as his, only his.
         You feel yourself clench down on his cock, your release sneaking up on you as his rhythm starts to become more irregular.
His pace gets quicker, your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as he frantically pounds into you with almost manic energy. You can feel him shuddering and you know he’s approaching his own end. You clench down on his dick, squeezing him to get him to release inside of you and he comes down with a final bite on the inside of your shoulder. You feel the warm liquid fill you inside, and it feels amazing, and good god how much of it there is. He must have been loving every second of teasing you and every second of pleasing your body.
         He pulls out slowly, kissing softly at the bite that you can feel pulsing and oozing a bit of blood. It feels so much emptier than it usually does, and you can’t help but whimper, you wouldn’t mind him just staying sheathed within you. You feel him murmuring against your skin, and you can feel the love from him in the care he takes with your shaking body, slowly bringing you back from your high and bringing you back into a world where you have all your senses back.
         He starts by cleaning up the mess between your thighs, the touch of the towel rough but relieving to you, the cum already cooling down and starting to stick uncomfortably on your skin. After that’s complete, he begins to untie the nots, with a gentleness so at odds from how hard he’d been pounding into you beforehand. He strokes your skin as he undoes the bondage, kissing your skin and making sure that he hadn’t cut off any blood flow, that you were perfectly safe.
         God how you much you loved him.
         After he was finished with that, he brings you into his arms, having you sit on his lap as he strokes your back. You squeeze his torso and stay pliant in his arms, feeling absolutely pampered and safe. There’s no better feeling than that, you think. He was right though, you do feel completely relaxed, some of the stress leaving your body.
         He lifts off one side of the noise cancelling muffs, and everything sounds so much louder, despite not having your hearing taken for very long.
         “You alright dove? You didn’t use the safe word, but you seemed pretty far gone for a moment.”
         You hum. “It felt amazing Keigo, but good lord, you’re such a tease you know that?”
         He chuckles softly at that. “I’m sorry but you look and feel so good when you’re all flustered and riled up. I love it.” All his motions are slow now, relaxed as he slowly gives you back all the senses you’d been missing; the other side of the muff coming off when he thinks you’ve had ample time to recover.
         When your blindfold comes off, you see his wrecked hair and red cheeks and you’re so grateful for the time you’ve gotten to spend with him during these trying times.
         You softly kiss him. “Bath time?”
         “Of course, Y/N. Let’s get us both cleaned up then love.” The two of you get up, holding hands, and you don’t let go even in the large bathtub until you actually have to, to get cleaned up.
         For the first time in a while, the two of you are both spent, relaxed and completely happy, and if there’s any better feeling in the world; you’d probably never find it.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
How would Shigi,Dabi and Hawks react to finding out they are gonna be daddies(fuck the manga,fuck it hard)?I love your blog sweetie keep it up!
A/N: I’m so sorry y’all, they’ll probably be a little OOC just because I can’t imagine any of them wanting children when their world is literally about to end, but who cares 🤪 They gon take these babies whether they like it or not!
Also, this is going to be bnha x fem!reader. I’m assuming when you say “finding out they are gonna be daddies” you mean the character is expecting. This is just so everyone is on the same page :)
Warnings: y’all did the dirty to get preggy
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Shigaraki Tomura:
my crusty king 
after he managed to ask you out and you two were officially together
y’all started fuckin fuckin
his libido was very high for someone who’s focused on obliterating Japan
LoV was tired of hearing y’all 
the volume was ASTRONOMICAL 
your dumbasses started getting risky and said “fuck the condoms”
shigaraki said his pull out game on 100
but it wasn't on 100
it was on 25
that’s how you ended up staring at the positive pregnancy test 
you’re sweating bullets bc how tf are you gonna have this baby in the middle of world domination 😭  
you’re kind of scared to tell your bf
and kurogiri bc he’s always lecturing y’all about protection
he’s gonna beat your asses 
but momma ain’t raised no bitch
so you told shiggy and lo and behold, the man smiles
then he hugs you and youre like 
“where’s the real shigaraki and what have you done with him?”
that mouth usually got you in trouble but he’s too happy to care
softly kisses you
even if having a child wasnt in the plan, he’s happy to have one with you
swears that the child won’t live a life of denial as did
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dabi ain’t shit 
you know it and he knows it
but you two love each other so it’s just this endless cycle of being on and off
your friends are so tired of him
unfortunately, you’ve “broken up” for the fifth time
and to make matters worse, you're fucking pregnant 
with his kid
your mom was gonna kill you
you cry for an entire day bc how the hell were you supposed to go about this 
you think long and hard before coming to a decision
you’ll keep the child. the circumstances weren’t ideal, but you’ve always wanted to be a mother
you’ll tell dabi and no matter his answer, you swear to yourself you’ll raise this child with everything you have 
so you tell him to meet you by the flower fields 
his dumb ass shows up late and you're steaming
in the midst of him giving some lame-ass excuse, you blurt out that you're pregnant
it’s quiet and he’s staring at you with eyes that make you a bit shy 
“with...with my child?” he asks
“haven't been with anyone else,” you whisper
all of a sudden, you’re wrapped up in his arms and acknowledges that he breaks your heart but swears he’ll take care of you and the baby
he’ll change, just give him some time 
you hug him back and cry
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you’ve been sick for nearly a month 
you were nauseous, achy, and you got these really bad migraines once in a while
hawks was worried™️
like, hello???
are you okay???
he’s researching the heck out of your symptoms even though you swear you’re okay
after hours of research, he comes across a title that says
“Congratulations, you're pregnant!”
and he’s like
“oh shit”
brings up the possibility to you and you two stare each other down for like five seconds before running to get pregnancy tests
you must've taken 50 of them bitches 
and they all turn up the same
you’ve been in the bathroom for like 30 minutes and hawks is trying to give you your privacy, but he’s freaking out bc you’ve been silent
he eventually barges in and sees you holding your stomach, looking in the mirror with tears in your eyes
no words are spoken as he eyes the pregnancy tests and then comes up behind you to rest his hands over yours
“i guess i’m really gonna have to marry you now, huh?” he lovingly whispers
and you spend the rest of the day crying into his embrace
are you two ready to become parents?
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katsuflossy · 4 years
(anon who requested the sleepover hc) i wanted it to be separate. i forgot to clarify when i asked, i’m sorry. 😭💕
Sleepover hc with their S/o
Original ask: hey boo! can you please do a sleepover hc with bakugou, shoto & shinsou? thank you so much! 💕
Pairings: Bakugo Katsuki x reader, Todoroki Shoto x reader, Hitoshi Shinso x reader
TW: obscenities, a lil drug talkin
A/n: Heyyy~~ I really had fun making this hc so thank you for giving me this ask💖 hope ya like it!
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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💥 Expect gourmet snacks
💥 Tf Bakugo looks like eating those high-calorie, sugar filled shits with msg.
💥 He made Oreos...that are better than the actual Oreos.
💥 But you’re not gonna eat them all in one sitting because he’s watching you like a hawk.
💥 “That’s it! I’m hiding the snacks because you ate 6 Oreos in under fifteen minutes!”
💥 “But Bakugo they taste so good~”
💥 Allowed you to eat more because you kept complimenting on how his creations were amazing.
💥 Sometimes stroking the ego gives you privileges.
💥 Y’all watching a movie? It ain’t no chick flick...except Mean Girls or Bring It On!
💥 Only the two with Gabrielle Union and Solange tho.
💥 You had to force him to sit down because he was getting mad at the whole racism and shit.
💥”Did she just call the squad pathetic?! They’re insects, why don’t they squash them!”
💥 “Because unlike you, you can get arrested for hitting someone, Bakugo.”
💥 Gauges your reaction every time, he wants to see your laughs, smiles and anger because he believes you can’t make an ugly face.
💥 He’s just obsessed with you man.
💥 Just don’t incite a pillow fight with him.
💥 You throw a pillow at him he’ll boomerang it right back with force x2.
💥 Your vision will go back and all you’ll hear is a thud on the ground then Bakugo’s ugly ass laugh. And he will not apologise.
💥 However, he’ll rub your sore tailbone as he wraps his arms around your figure, pressing your body to him as close as possible.
💥 The best part of the night is not Bakugo’s overly cuddly nature but the interactions of a spying Mitsuki and her son.
💥 At times she’ll walk in, first using the “Did you forget a blanket?” excuse to the “helping clean up” excuse.
💥 She knocks on the door, about to ask you if you need anything before Bakugo shouts “Shitty woman! She doesn’t want anything from you, go brush your shitty dentures!”
💥”You little shit, I wasn’t talking to you!”
💥 Masaru simply comes into the door frame, under his wife’s arm begging. “Dear, please just come to bed.”
💥 The rest of the night was you and Bakugo just enjoying the movies as he rubbed whatever flesh on your body he could find.
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🧊 We’re making this clear; there’s no sleepover at the Todoroki's residency. He gonna be one shady, miserable mf because of everyone interrupting y’all time. From the sweet Fuyumi asking if you’d like some food to Enji busting the door open, inappropriately asking who you are and what are your affiliations with his son.
🧊 At your house the sleepover turns into a mukbang, you have Todoroki trying out every childhood snack and new snacks that are quite popular too. Thanks to you he’s obsessed with ring pops.
🧊 Mukbang + trying out tiktok dances and transitions
🧊 Shoto’s got some rhythm, the rest needs extra hard fine-tuning.
🧊 “No Shoto, do it like this. It’s like crossing your two arms in your face and then reversing it as you hit the middle.” You demonstrated for the umpteenth time doing the woah so you can carry on with the rest of the dance.
🧊 “So like this?” His right arm horizontally aligned, making an actual cross, before they returned back to their original position. You took the biggest inhale to avoid groaning out loud.
🧊 “...We’ll just work with it.”
🧊 (Introduce him to alt tiktok...I’ve said this before just do it please)
🧊 The rest of the night consisted of watching reruns of old Disney shows like That’s So Raven, eating more nostalgic food and ignoring the big burly fire man’s calls.
🧊 Shoto wants to turn off his phone but how could he when he wants to take a bunch of horrible beautiful pictures of you and posts them to Snapchat.
🧊 He’s touch starved so every pic is close up and his hand or leg can be seen draped over apart of your body. Plus, he can’t take a good picture for shit.
🧊 You both catch the Itis and fall asleep with you curled in his chest, leg crossed on his stomach and his hand caressing your thigh.
🧊 He says “I love you” however you were far too sleepy to even register the confession.
🧊 You better say it back in the morning, bitch.
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🔮 Party at his house woohoo~.
🔮 Denki will try to crash your sleepover but was tricked by Shinsou to walk his ass back home.
🔮Thus your night begins
🔮 The best host even though he’s embarrassed by the compliment.
🔮 Got a bunch of snacks you like, a couple new movies he bought to watch.
🔮He made a pillow fort 👀.
🔮If you don’t like horror movies then you’ll watch some action.
🔮May even put on Little Rocky Horror Picture Show because he’s into old horror, comedy and musicals.
🔮 He will laugh a little at you if you scream at the little jumpscares.
🔮 Just when the shadow popped up on the screen then disappears, he sees you in the corner of his eye twitch away from the screen. He chuckles at your reaction causing you to face him.
🔮 “You thought that was funny?” He raises a thin eyebrow at your confrontation.
🔮 “No, I thought it was hilarious.”
🔮 “I wished I had your quirk so I could’ve made you dunk your head in the popcorn.” The smirk on his face stretches wider as he wraps in arms around your frame and draws your frame closer to his chest. You could hear heart beating faster than normal.
🔮 “Don’t worry, it scared me a little too.”
🔮He would really like to wind down and be chill so if you allow it, he’ll smoke that banyan. But if you don’t like it, he’ll just take it easy.
🔮 Regardless, if you start a pillow fight, he’s going ham.
🔮 Turns into a fortnight battle and the throw pillows are used as ammunition.
🔮 He wins because HE CHEATED you somehow knocked down your fort and claimed defeat.
🔮 The night ends with you guys climbing on the roof, admiring the stars and trying to find different constellations and planets.
🔮 His head lays in your lap as you stroke his purple strands. His consciousness losing control by your soft movements, ready to fall asleep on the roof then and there.
🔮 You persuade his sleepy body back inside where he could actually get decent rest in the warmth of your lap.
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Hawks Mafia! AU x Reader
Part 2. Here is part 1 and thanks so much for the support on the first post.
It’s the next morning and you wake up around 10:30. You decided to call your boss and inform her about what happened last night and that you would most likely be taking some time off. She was very understanding and told you to take as much time as you needed. She was still willing to pay you the same amount for the time you would eventually miss. You thank her for her kindness and she informs you that it’s no problem at all and she thinks of you as one of her own.
You had started working at the diner to help pick up what financial aid didn’t pay for and you were set on quitting after you graduated, but you couldn’t find the heart to leave. You grew to love the people that came in and your boss. You’ve even spent holidays with her the times you couldn’t get home. You start thinking about all the memories you have working at the diner and suddenly your phone rings. It’s Hawks.
“Hello,” you say, a small hint of tiredness still in your voice
“Mornin’ baby bird,” he says so happily that you can basically see his smile on your side of the phone
“Morning,” you say, a yawn escaping your mouth
“So what’re you doing right now,” he asks, genuinely curious
“Well I was about to get a cup of coffee and make myself something to eat,”
“Well how about instead of doing that, I kidnap you and take you out to eat,” he says, pleased with himself
You smile and let a small laugh escape your mouth.
“I would love that, but I’m not even close to being dressed.”
You take a look at the clock and its 11:15
You take a moment to think about it and think that this could be a good thing.
“How soon will you be here” you ask 
“Look out your window, humming bird”
You go to your window and open the curtain. You see him, standing outside his car, which is below your window.
“Don’t worry about it, baby bird. Just go get ready and I’ll see you when you get down here”
“How should I dress”
“For brunch”
He hangs up right after and you go through your closet trying to figure out what to wear.
You finally decide on a white mock neck bodysuit, light wash skinny jeans and a pair of nude patent leather pumps.
You quickly shower and get dressed, then put on light makeup. You grab a jacket just in case and your purse and head down to meet Hawks.
He smiles as soon as you walk out and rushes over to help you down the stairs. Once you make it down, he walks with you to the car, still hand in hand and opens the door for you.
“Such a gentleman,” you say, somewhat mockingly
“Only when I need to be,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders and a cocky smile, that you can’t help but smile back in response to
“So where are you taking me,” you ask curious
“It’s a surprise” he says with a side smile
“Don’t worry baby bird. You’ll see soon enough”
With that, he drives off. After 15 minutes, he pulls up in front of a hotel. He opens the door for you to exit the car and puts a hand out for you. You take his hand and you enter the gorgeous hotel. He walks straight in past reception and walks to the restaurant that is on the same floor as the lobby.
The host automatically escorts you both to a private room and your mind starts to wander. You figured he was rich and in some type of position of power, but you were still unsure of how much he actually possessed.
After the host leaves you two, Hawks pulls out a chair for you to sit down. You thank him and take a seat. After pushing you in, he takes his and hands you a menu.
As your analyzing the menu, you can’t stop thinking about Hawks and what he does. You wanna know more about him, but you also don’t wanna pry if he’s not open to talking about it.
“What’s going on, baby bird? I see those wheels turning in your head,” he says with a smirk
“Ya know for a guy, you’re quite observant”
“I have to be. Ya never know with people. You always gotta watch your back. Especially in a position of power”
“W-what do you do exactly,” you ask, piggybacking off of what he just said,“I noticed when we walked in that you were treated like literal royalty and when you would come to the diner I noticed your clothes were a lot nicer and clean cut than most of the business men that would come in. I figured you had a lot of money, but judging from the way you were treated,it’s more than I initially thought.”
“Well, I “do” a few things. As a matter of fact, I own this hotel. I also own a couple more around the country, we’re looking to expand to others. I have a few businesses I run. Fashion, modeling, and marketing. You could say I’m a man of many talents,” he says with a cocky smirk
You let out a small laugh and the waiter comes in with champagne and some food. He places a plate in front of you with pancakes, eggs, bacon and some syrup on the side. As well as some apple juice, just in case you didn’t want the champagne.
“I ordered ahead for us. I hope you’re okay with your order,” he says hopefully
“It’s fine,” you say smiling
It was a huge plate of food, but you were starving so you were gonna be able to at least finish half and have some for later at home.
Once you both finished at brunch, Hawks took your hand and you both walked out together to his car. He has a very gentle touch when holding your hand. Almost as if, you’re the most precious,fragile thing he could ever hold. Like one small move and you’ll break instantly.
You didn’t even notice, but you were staring at your hands together.
His touch was warm and his hands were soft, despite their rough and manly looking appearance.
You start to admire the details of his hand and the rings he had on.
He let go of your hand, which snapped you out of your trance.
He opens the door for you, then proceeds to the other side of the car as he usually does.
He’s about to pull off, but receives a phone call.
“Hello,” he says stern
The warmth that once filled his was now gone and there was a cold look in his face. Judiging from that, you were convinced what he was just told wasn’t good in the slightest bit.
“Baby bird, I have to drop you home. Something came up at the office and that I need to take care of like right now. I’m so sorry,”
“I could go with you. It’s not I really had anything planned for today,” you say, trying to brighten his mood
He softly smiles at you
“Today’s not really the best day and I’d much rather show you around when I’m in a better mood. How about...I bring you some dinner tonight? Let’s say 8?,” he asks hopefully
“That’s fine,” you say smiling
He kisses your hand
“Thanks, hummingbird. I won’t be late. I promise,” he says, gripping your hand a bit tighter
He drives off and takes you home. He watches as you enter your building, just as he did last night.
He pulls off and makes his way to his office....
Or so you thought
Meanwhile with Hawks
He makes it to a warehouse that’s an hour outside of the city. He made sure to turn his phone off, so that he wouldn’t be found by anyone.
He enters
“Where’s the fucker at,” he asks fuming
“Right inside,sir” Tokoyami says, following Hawks as he makes his way further inside the warehouse
Hawks walks further in and there he is, hand cuffed to a chair.
“Nice to see you, Twice”
He says nothing
“Aww, cat gotcha tongue...don’t worry, we’ll change that,” Hawks says with a menacing smile
He takes off his rings and puts them onto a silver platter that Tokoyami held out for him.
He picks up a steel rod and starts swinging it around,feeling its weight in his hand.
“So Twice, I heard from a little bird, that you’ve been trying to steal my inventory and trying to embezzle money from my company. The funniest part about this is you thought I wouldn’t find out.”
“Ya know if I wasn’t hand cuffed to this fucking chair right now, I could kick your ass,” he says with a smile
Hawks laughs
“Ya know Twice, you would be a better boss if you weren’t so FUCKING sloppy. I mean c’mon. You’ve been in the game longer than I have and you pull something as stupid as trying to steal from me. It’s honestly embarrassing”
He runs a hand through his hair.
“Twice, I’m a nice guy. I really am, so here’s what I’ll do. I’m gonna let you off with a warning.”
He lifts up the steel rod and cracks Twice in the knee.
“Try that shit again and I will break both of your legs or kill you, depends on how generous I’m feeling...Shadow, get him out of here”
Tokoyami does what he’s told and uncuffs Twice’s hands and feet from the chair. He drags him to the back door of the warehouse and throws him out.
“So what now sir,” Tokoyami asks curious
“Now, we prepare for war. Twice isn’t gonna back down that easy just because I threatened him. He’s gonna use whatever he can to get me and what I’ve built. He wants to be number one and he’ll stop at nothing. Little does he know, I’m one tough bastard and I’m gonna fight for what’s mine. Call everyone and have them meet at the house in an hour.”
“But sir, it takes an hour to get back in the city and it’s rush hour by now so-“
“So it should be no problem for everyone to get there on time. Now go call them”
“Yes sir”
With that, Tokoyami exits the warehouse to call the rest of the members.
Hawks makes his way to his car and drives back to the city to make it to his penthouse.
He ends up beating everyone there, but he did drive a little above the speed limit and took some shortcuts he knew, that way he wouldn’t be stopped by police on his way there.
He takes the elevator that only he has access to and goes straight to his penthouse.
He pours himself some scotch as soon as he gets in. He doesn’t usually drink much, but today warranted one. A stiff drink at that.
Soon there were knocks at his door.
“C’mon in boys,” he says, drink in hand
“I’m sure Shadow already briefed on the situation at hand. We’ve dealt with some pretty rough bastards before, but none of them compare to Twice. As I said to Shadow, he’ll use whatever he can to get to me, my business and people I care about. Make sure to never have your guard down and protect yourselves. Brief everyone on your location before and after you leave. I may be hard on you guys, but I’m not gonna lose any of you to him just cause we were ill prepared.”
“You got it boss. Ain’t nothin gonna get past the great King,” Bakugou says
“Yeah boss, we’re the manliest that you’ve got,” Kirishima says
“I knew I could count on you, King and Red”
“M-me too boss. I know I look weak, but I won’t let anyone or anything get to you, us or the people you care about,” Deku says
“Thanks, Deku. I never thought of you as weak by the way. I don’t judge a book because anyone is capable of anything.”
“R-right,” Deku says
Everyone else agrees to follow Hawks’ orders and to be extra vigilant in the coming days. They couldn’t make stupid mistakes. Although Twice is injured, he still has skilled assassins under his thumb and one slip up could cause anyone’s demise.
After everyone leaves, he decides to shower and wash the day off of him. He lets the hot water flow down his body, almost as if it was melting ice off of him. His mind drifted to you and he smiled, but that smile quickly faded when he realized the life he was bring you into and what would happen if Twice ever found out about you and where you live.
He couldn’t tell you about this side of him. He knew you would view him as a monster. This lifestyle was basically an unforgivable one that ended a lot of his relationships in the past. He knew there would come a day when he would have to fess up eventually, but that day wasn’t going to be today. He wants to be able to live in the happy moments he has with you and make them last as long as he can.
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Picture 1: Human Tokoyami by ChigoPlush on DeviantArt
Picture 2 by Kiro_Tktr
Hope y’all enjoyed!! I know it’s super long, but I figured I owe you guys that, being that it took so long to come out. Thank y’all for the support on this new fanfic and I’m also wondering if we should give it an actual name. Leave me a comment or reblog with what you think the name should be, if there should be a name.
Tag list: @rozebudx @cpaperheart
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
These Hands Were Made For You (Bill Guarnere x Reader)
Based on this post by @problematicfavesareproblematic​ because its amazing!
This is my first time writing Wild Bill. Lemme know what y’all think!
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension, palming (is that a warning?)
Tag List: @happyveday​ @sydney-m​ @saritanotserena​
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  As soon as you stepped into the barn-converted-to-mess-hall in Albourne, you knew what was coming. 
 "There she is, fuckin' goddess of war herself! Come to see how the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch in the 506 is doin' this morning?" 
 You just chuckled and shook your head at his exaggerated smug look. "Yeah, Bill. Something like that."
 Guarnere winked at you and you could not figure out how it was possible for such a simple action to be so dirty. The way he tilted his head just slightly, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half smirk followed by a quick wink...you could feel heat pooling in your belly and your breath catch. 
 The cocky grin on his face grew as he saw the hint of pink on your cheeks. He knew what that wink did to you and he LOVED using it against you. 
 "Something you need, Y/L/N?" Martin asked from the table closest to the door.  
 "Yeah, any of you seen Lip?"
 Luz answered from the table, cigarette dangling from between his lips. "Think he went back to the house to grab something. Why?"
 You waved Luz off as you could see him start to stand, stepping further into the barn. "Just need to ask him something. Winters is in a meeting otherwise I'd ask him."
 "Why don't you take a seat, he should be back soon."
 "Perfect spot saved right here for the Valkyrie of Easy!" Bill announced, patting the open spot on the bench next to him. 
 You rolled your eyes but relented, moving past the other table to drop next to Guarnere. On his other side sat Heffron, still looking a bit wide-eyed and nervous that he somehow won the coveted spot with the Toccoa men. Toye sat across, giving you a brief nod when you sat down. Perconte, Christianson, Skinny, and Grant also took up residence around the table. Perco seemed to have been in the middle of telling some overly, exaggerated story. 
 Most of Easy relaxed in the barn. The Toccoa men were grateful for the break from the front-line and hot food instead of K rations. All the replacements were eager for the next jump, ready to soil their ODs, not truly understanding that war would only take from them, never give. The division between Toccoa men and replacements was painfully obvious. 
 Heffron leaned around Guarnere to meet your eyes. "Hey, sorry again about the fellas yesterday. They've been like that since training."
 "Not your fault, Babe." You shrugged, running a hand through your hair. 
 "What's he talkin' about?" Guarnere narrowed his eyes at you. Even Toye across the table was staring at you in concern. 
 "Nothing, Bill. It's fine."
 "If you're sayin' its fine then it ain't fuckin' fine." He growled. When he realized you were not going to elaborate, he turned on Babe. "What the fuck happened?"
 The redheaded replacement looked like he would rather be anywhere else in the world in that moment than being interrogated by Wild Bill. "Some of the men were...ah, tryin' to...um… proposition her." He finished with a wince. 
 A long beat of silence.
 Then Guarnere exploded. 
 He pounded the table with a tight fist, the table shaking at the impact.  A snarl on his lips, he started to rise from his seat, eyeing the tables further away full of replacements. "Who the fuck was it? Someone from our platoon? Imma fuckin' kill 'em. Who was it?"
 "No," you cut in, grabbing his arm and restraining him, hoping to stop him before he worked himself up into a frenzy, "some replacements from third."
 He growled but let you pull him back down. "Goddamn replacements. They touch you?"
 "No, Bill. I handled it."
 Toye spoke up, eyeing his friend carefully as if to see if he was going to have to prevent a replacement's murder or help hide the body. "What you do?"
 You smirked, squeezing Guarnere's arm for good measure then pulled your hand back into your lap. "Told them if they tried to pull that shit again, I'd rip their cocks off and mail them to their mothers."
 All the men at the table either winced or shifted uncomfortably at the mental image. 
 "Hey, don't you be touchin' no one's cocks." Bill said, fury still on his face but also amusement. 
 You raised an eyebrow, "what would you rather I have done? Swung at them? Give Sink a reason to send me packing?"
 "Nah, you swing at 'em, they might fall in love." He winked at you again, telling you he knew exactly what he was talking about. Underneath the table, hidden from view, his knuckles skimmed the outside of your thigh. You attempted to hide the shiver that caused but knew you failed when Guarnere chuckled quietly.
 "Why would that matter?" Babe asked innocently. 
 "Oh, here we go." Toye sighed. 
 "Shut up Joe, the kid asked alright." Guarnere started his story, pleased to have a new, rapt audience. "So here we are, back in Toccoa, right? Most of us have already arrived and started trainin' with goddamn Sobel. Then one day this beautiful broad shows up and we're told she's joinin' the paratroopers. None of us believe it. Why would a broad be joinin'? Don't make no fuckin' sense. So the next day we're supposed to be startin' to learn self-defense and guess who I get paired up with? Huh? Lovely Y/L/N over here. Right, so I'm fuckin' pissed cause I don't wanna be fightin' no broad but Sobel is watchin' like a hawk. I tell her I'll pretend to swing at her and she should just fall down. Play fightin', ya know? Like when youse a kid. I take a swing at her, thinkin' she knew the plan. She easily dodges my swing and before I can right myself, she lands a punch on me. Knocked me flat on my ass and seein' stars. I look up to see this goddess standin' over me, bloody knuckles and all, and she says 'you better get up and fight me like a man before I knock you on your ass again'."
 "So, what you do?" Heffron asked, surprise clearly written all over his face. 
 Guarnere tapped the table with his finger. "What did I do? Well, I got up and told her that when this war is over, I'm gonna fuckin' marry her, that's what I was gonna do."
 Those who had heard the story before chuckled while Heffron sat there, head tilted and eyes bouncing between you and Guarnere like he was waiting for the punchline still. 
 "Why? No offense, Y/L/N." 
 Guarnere threw his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "Cause she hits harder than any fella I've ever known, includin' me brother Henry. Boxin' champion that one was. Now if that ain't a reason to marry someone, I don't know what is."
 "And she puts up with your bullshit." Toye deadpanned. 
 You rolled your eyes, sliding out from underneath Guarnere's arm. "That's just words unless there's a ring and I don't plan on marrying for a while yet. Still gotta win a war first." You stood up, smoothing down your ODs. "'Sides, maybe by then I'll find someone who doesn't annoy me so much."
 "Nah, you'd miss my handsome face too much."
 "You keep telling yourself that, Bill."
 "One day you'll come around." He winked, making your insides warm. You would never understand how that was possible. The Philadelphian pointed a finger at you. "You lemme know if any of those replacements bother you again. Can't have those bastards propositionin' my future wife."
 "See you later, boys." You said, not even bothering to answer him. You headed towards the door, intent on finding Lipton; but also to get away from the man who gave you such feels without even saying a word. Then when he did speak, complimenting and claiming you in front of the others…. it was becoming harder and harder to keep your hands and your lips to yourself. 
 You leaned against the doorframe, admiring the man who was too caught up in writing a letter home to have noticed you yet. He twirled the pencil between his fingers as he thought about his words. The chair creaked under him as he shifted, leaning forward against the wooden desk to continue writing. The small bedroom only consisted of the desk, chair and bed. Guarnere's duffle bag was thrown in a corner with things haphazardly pulled out. The NCOs had been billeted in a house together, everyone able to have their own rooms unlike the enlisted men who were forced to share a converted barn.
 When you had first met him, and your first real encounter resulted in you punching him, you had thought he was the most unhelpful, condescending, little shit; and you had no problems telling him that for weeks after. When he had bounced back to his feet and proposed...you had laughed so uncontrollably, it had taken a sharp bark from Lipton to get you to focus again. 
 Over the following weeks, the bastard would openly flirt with you and practically pummel anyone else who tried to. Sometime around Fort Benning, your own feelings toward him started to change. No longer was he a man you loathed. You found yourself happy he was in your platoon, that he hovered around you keeping assholes from other companies away, that you enjoyed his flirting and when you two were alone... you reciprocated. 
 Actually, the first time you flirted back, he almost choked on his tongue he was so surprised. After that, things shifted between you two. 
 He continued openly flirting but understood you could not since you were under far more scrutiny and Sobel was looking for ANY reason to get rid of you. 
 For two years Guarnere had been in your life...and you hoped for the rest of it too. 
 "Enjoyin' the view, sweetheart?"
 You smiled at him as he leaned back in the chair, legs still under the desk. "Should I be?"
 He scoffed. "You know you like what you see...I'll tell you though," his eyes raked over you, "you're a fuckin' goddess with a body to drive a man crazy."
 You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand to minimize the sound, as he winked at you before turning back to his letter. 
 "The other NCOs said you were going out tonight for drinks."
 "Yeah, yeah. Told 'em if I didn't finish this letter for my ma, she'd jump on a boat and come find me. Got three letters from her already. Last one she threatened to come find me. So, I told the fellas I'd meet them there."
 The muffled sounds of the other NCOs drifted up the stairs; they were gathered in the common room getting ready to head out. With that in mind, you moved silently across the room to where he sat at the chair. Coming up behind him, you dragged your hands over his broad shoulders then down his firm chest, stilled his motions. 
 You loved touching him, could not get enough of it when you were able to. What you also loved doing was paying him back for teasing you. 
 One of your hands continued to travel downward until you palmed his cock. He froze, pencil hovering just about his letter. Without a word, you slowly, torturously, stroked him over his trousers. 
 "Fuck, sweetheart." He groaned, tipping his head back slightly. 
 "You said earlier I wasn't supposed to be touching anyone's cocks...does that include yours?"
 Turning his head, he looked at you out of the corner of his eye but before he could speak, you took the tip of his earlobe between your teeth. 
 "Hands on the desk, Sergeant." You growled in his ear. 
 Immediately, his hands slammed on the wooden desk, palms down. The pencil fell to the floor. Letter now forgotten on the desk. 
 "Mmm, yes, sir… you keep them there." You continued slowly stroking his cock over his trousers. "You have no idea how bad I wanted to kiss you earlier when we were at the mess hall." You licked up the curve of his ear, feeling him shudder under your touch. Your hand gave him a gentle squeeze as you continued whispering in his ear. "Think I should punish you for teasing me earlier? That wink you gave me...all the dirty images it put in my head. Want me to tell you about them?"
 "Fuck, sweetheart, yes."
 "I thought about you bending me over one of those tables. Notice how they are at the perfect height? How good you would feel inside me. How deep you would be."
 One of his hands started to move off the table, drifting towards where your hand played with him. 
 You nipped his earlobe sharply, making him hiss. "Hands up, Sergeant, or no reward later."
 "You're gonna kill me, darlin'." His hand slammed back on the desk. 
 You licked a line up his neck before pressing your lips against his ear again. The pace of your hand increased, his chest rising and falling to match. "Remember that time in Mackall where we snuck into the parachute packing building and fucked on the silks. You couldn't wait to get inside of me and almost tore my new ODs. So I made you wait and watch as I started touching myself. After someone came in and we almost got caught."
 His hips were now rutting against your hand, the chair shaking with his movements.  His hands were in white-knuckled fists on the desks, trembling with his desire to get them on you. 
 Unable to help yourself, you grabbed his face with your free hand, turning it to press a bruising, messy kiss to his lips. He greedily took ownership of your mouth and deepened the kiss. He plundered your mouth with his tongue, reminding you how his mouth and skillful tongue alone could drive you wild. 
 Finally you broke away, pressing your forehead against his temple as you attempted to refill your lungs with the oxygen he had stolen. "God, I wish I could kiss you out there. Let everyone know I am yours. Maybe share quarters with you instead of sneaking around like teenagers. Fuck whenever we want."
 "I'd be the luckiest, fuckin' bastard in all of Easy. You're mine. My goddess."
 "There is one thing I need right now. I need the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch above me. I need my man inside me." You squeezed your hand, making him tip his head back and loudly groan. "Now the other NCOs are just downstairs. Think you can keep quiet?"
 He pressed a hard and fast kiss to your lips. "Oh darlin', it ain't me whose gonna have to keep from screamin'."
 "Mmm, think you can help me out?"
 "I'd do anythin' for ya…." He turned in his seat, hands now stroking your waist with a completely wicked and sinful smirk on his face. "Go lock the door."
 You stepped back, admiring the disheveled look on Guarnere, how his eyes blazed with passion and desire. For you. Without tearing your gaze from his, you shut the door and locked it behind you. 
 "Jesus Christ, you're a dream."
 "Only for you. Come on, Sergeant, show me how good you are with your...arsenal."
 Before you could move, he leapt out of his chair, making it clatter on the floor as it tipped over in his enthusiasm. He picked you up easily and tossed you on the bed. You laughed only to be immediately silenced by his mouth slamming against yours, a moan drawn from you as his talented fingers rid you of your clothing with an almost inhuman speed. 
 Later that night Guarnere was quite late for getting to the pub but he did not mind one bit. Especially since his bed now smelled like you…. And he had been able to remind you how much he loved you. 
 Quite vigorously. 
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imaloserbbyxoxo · 3 years
“Good boy..”
Hello everyone! Just a few things before you keep reading....
💙🧡   THIS IS -100%- NSFW AND IS 18+ Please, don’t read on if you are a minor. <3  💙🧡 This is a one shot of Dabi x Hawks!!   In this, Dabi is a SOFT DOM. He praises Keigo and treats him to a good time instead of the other way around.  💙🧡WORD COUNT: 3,073 words!  💙🧡 TW: Praise kink, ass play, blowjob ( let me know if there is another kink/trigger I need to post! ) Please keep in mind that I am not that great at writing. I’m trying to get better though. This is the first ever NSFW story that I have ever written, so I’m sorry if it’s terrible. But, if you like it, yay!! <3 I’m glad you do.  Have a good day! <3
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
The light of the morning shown through the window of the bedroom, casting a bright light across Dabi’s eyes. He groaned in irritation and pulled the blanket over his head, rolling over to face where his boyfriend would sleep, only to find that the spot was empty. He pulled the blanket just below his eyes. Yep, empty. He groaned again, dreading to get up and find him. This bed was so fucking comfortable compared to the one that Dabi was used to sleeping on at the leagues’ base. His bed there wasn’t even really a bed. It was a flimsy, foldable cot that barely had any cushion to it, along with the pillow and blanket he used and he had been using it for so long, his body was sore almost all the time. The staples pushing into his scars didn’t help that. This bed, however? Holy shit. It was a California king pillow top. It felt like you were sleeping on a cloud and had so much room. For Dabi it was heaven. His scars didn’t ache, and the staples didn’t protrude into his skin irritating the scars even more. Also, it was so nice to have room to stretch and sprawl out to find ultimate comfort. The mattress was covered in a silky, candy red sheet, topped with the same as a lose sheet. On top of that was a thick, maroon reversible comforter. The top was silky just like the sheets with a faint design, but the underneath was a soft suede that made everything that much warmer. It was phenomenal. Dabi did not want to get up, but nature called. He had to pee. He lazily got up, throwing the blankets to the bottom of the bed as he rose. The bedroom was very roomy and attached was a bathroom that was almost too big for a one-person apartment. But however, it was the master bathroom. It included a whole shower with a bath option, a dual sink, and of course a toilet. Towering over the sink was a huge, incredibly detailed, gold mirror. It almost looked hand crafted it was so meticulous. The bath was one that had jets built in and sat very deep. Dabi and Keigo could both easily fit in it, with room to spare. Pure luxury according to Dabi. He had never been in a house so fancy, besides his family home. But that was so long ago, he couldn’t remember the details. Just that it was big. What else would you expect from the number two hero’s home? Number two at the time anyway. Dabi groggily walked his way to the bathroom. The closer he got, the more he could hear water running from one of the sinks. Opening the door, he was met with big red feathers, and a blonde brushing his teeth. Keigo Takami. Dabi’s new fling. Usually, Dabi would just sleep around with whoever, but for some reason unknown to him, Keigo had a hold on him that he could not shake off. There was just something about the bird fuck that hit Dabi as beautiful. Whatever it was, he loved it and didn’t want it to change. Ever. Keigo smiled around his toothbrush as the door opened, and he spit the toothpaste into the sink. “Morning~!” he chimed. “Sleep well?” The brunette made a small ‘mm’ in response and walked straight to the toilet. Keigo looked away to give him what little privacy he could and continued the last little bit of brushing he needed to do on his teeth. He spit out the paste again and grabbed a cup of water he had set up earlier. After he was done, Dabi flushed and walked behind Keigo, moving his wings out of the way. Since Dabi was a bit taller than Keigo, he could easily rest his chin on the man’s shoulders, right into the crease of his neck. He wrapped his arms around him and reached for the sink to wash his hands. As he washed, he was slightly pressing Keigo against the sink. The cold marble of the counter nipped against the blonde’s stomach. He made a small gasp as Dabi leaned against him. Not because of the cold countertop, but because of something else. Dabi had a morning erection, and he was not being shy about it. It was if he were intentionally rubbing it against Keigo’s cheeks. The winged man blushed. Even though they had been secretly going out, the size was always a shock to Keigo. He just could never get over the fact how big it was. He decided to break the flustering that was building inside of him. “Well, did you sleep well?” “Always. That bed is phenomenal, Pigeon.” Keigo blushed at the nickname. It was just so sweet to him and never failed to give him butterflies. “Well, I hope so. It wasn’t exactly cheap.” He put the toothbrush in its designated spot beside the rinse cup. He had a small little shelf to place it all on. Dabi had long since dried his hands by now and was now cuddling his boyfriend from behind. His arms were idly wrapped around his waist, thumb unconsciously tracing the elastic of Keigo’s boxers. Keigo returned the affection by placing his hands on top of Dabi’s and leaning his head against him, as it was still in the crook of his neck. However, the situation Dabi had was still around. Keigo blushed and looked at his lover through the mirror, slightly grinding his hips backwards to accentuate what he was talking about. “Feeling good this morning, are we?” Dabi smirked. He pushed his hips against Keigo, pushing his erection against his ass even more. “I guess so.” He moved his head so his lips were pressed against the blondes neck, peppering small, gentle kisses against his skin. Keigo lovingly sighed but tried to break the grip. “Dabi, please, we just woke up and-“ he was quickly interrupted by Dabi’s teeth slowly biting down. He let out a small gasp. As he bit down, Dabi tugged at the boxers he was teasing before, lowering them just enough to show the blondes v-line and hair trail. He dropped his hand to the buldge that was forming in the other’s boxers. “Fuck…” Dabi hissed. “You are just so easily aroused.” “S-Shut up.” Keigo ripped Dabi’s hands away and turned around to face him. He was met by ice blue eyes. They always stopped him dead in his tracks. How could a human have such beautiful eyes? It almost wasn’t fair. The look in Dabi’s eyes was full of desire and fascination, along with a small look of domination. Keigo gulped.   “You’re the one starting this.” Dabi took Keigo’s and pinned them against the counter by his wrists. He leaned closer to him; lips almost touching. “So? You seem to be enjoying it.” He released one of Keigo’s wrists and caressed the others dick with the palm of his hand, causing a lustful sigh to escape from Keigo’s lips, making his eyes close. “Damn, baby.” Dabi moved his hand up and down slowly and tediously causing Keigo to tilt his head back slightly from the stimulation. “So fucking hard already.” He smirked his signature smile. “H-How are you not worn out from last night?” Keigo asked, meeting his gold eyes with the blue ones. “I’m always ready to go. You know that.” Apparently, that was enough chit chat. Dabi kissed Keigo passionately. He parted his own lips and forced his tongue in the others mouth. Keigo returned the favor, instinctively draping his arms around Dabi’s neck, allowing him to kiss deeper. Dabi did just that. His hands were removed from their teasing and were now placed palms down on top of the counter, pressing Keigo yet again on to the countertop with his body. Small moans and pants were now filling the room. It was so invigorating for the two. Usually, Dabi being the dom that he was, didn’t really like the foreplay and teasing beforehand. He was usually way to horny and would just jump straight into the act, throwing Keigo down and taking him as he wanted.
Every once in a while though, he would show this soft dom side, and Keigo undeniably ate it up. He
this side of Dabi. Maybe it was the fact that the man was still tired and groggy from sleep why he was acting like this today. Whatever it was, the blonde did not want it to end. This shit got him going more than anything.
Keigo’s moans were getting louder. He was getting so turned on, that he was almost whimpering at this point. Dabi took note of that and grabbed at some feathers, rubbing the ones in his grasp between his fingers.  
“A-ah! D-Don’t do that…” Keigo’s face was beat red from over stimulation. He was huffing and panting more than Dabi was. He was so hard now, that the elastic of his boxers was coming off from his body. Not a lot, but just enough to notice.
“Shut up.” Dabi kissed him just a bit more before returning to the teasing. He trailed his fingers down his partners torso, caressing him. As he reached his cock, he grabbed at it through the fabric, making the blonde suck in air through his teeth. Almost a hiss. Dabi deeply chuckled. “Did you like that?”
“D-Dabi please…I-“
Dabi ignored the other’s plea, and removed the dick from the boxers. A small little bit of precum was at the head of Keigo’s dick. Dabi teased, tracing the tip with the pad of his thumb, smearing the pre over the head. “How about I take care of this for you, hm?”
Keigo was blushing so hard at this point. He was trying to avoid eye contact with Dabi as he teased his cock. He was loving it so much though. “Y-You don’t have to, Dabs.”
“I want to.” Dabi started sucking Keigo’s skin, starting at his neck and moving down his chest. “I want to show you…” He left a trail of hickey’s as he moved, licking the sensitive spots before making another one just a bit lower. “…how much you mean to me.” The bruises weren’t to big though. Just enough to get the wings ruffled on the other.
And it did just that. Keigo was a breathless mess. His head had fallen back all the way. His hands were tangled in Dabi’s hair, slightly gripping and pulling at the black strands with each kiss and lick his partner left on him. His feathers were basically quivering.
“A-ah! Fuck…” Dabi had latched on to one of Keigo’s nipples. He licked and lightly sucked at it, feeling it raise and watching the winged man lose his mind.
After doing that for what seemed forever to Keigo, Dabi stopped jerking the erection, and dropped to his knees. Keigo moaned at the loss of touch. He was stimulated like crazy right now, but he wanted more.
Dabi took Keigo’s boxers off on his way down, exposing everything the blonde had to offer. He could tell his boyfriend was a bit nervous. This wasn’t exactly in Dabi’s nature, but he wanted to show his appreciation. He wanted to show Keigo how much he truly loved him. He wanted to take care of him, like he had always taken care of Dabi. It was his turn to be cared for.
He started kissing at his lovers inner thigh, causing him to melt to the touch. “
Well, that worked,”
thought Dabi to himself.
He didn’t want Keigo to be tense or nervous. “No need to be embarrassed, Pigeon. Just let me take care of you.” He looked up to Keigo who was looking down at him, face red and rapid breathing escaping from him. “O-Okay.”
Dabi chuckled and slowly took in his dick into his mouth. He twirled his tongue around the tip, pressing it against it ever so carefully all while taking in the full length. He was quite talented in this department. Keigo was shocked.
They hadn’t been dating for very long. It was a very short amount of time to be honest.  Only a few months. Keigo was already kind of nervous around Dabi anyways, with his charming demeanor and dominating attitude and he was usually the one taking care of Dabi in this way, so this was completely new. What was going on with him? Deep down, Keigo loved this.
Now, Dabi did usually have a soft side with Keigo. Even though he would be dominating, he would usually ask if Keigo was okay, or would help him afterwards, showing care that way. Helping him clean up, giving him small kisses on his cheek, whatever the case may be. But this? Whole new level.
A few minutes had past and Dabi was showing his skill. “F-Fuck! Aaah, fuck…” Keigo was starting to let out his voice. He was moaning deeply, but loud. This was feeling
to good. As he looked down, he was met with hooded, ice blue ones looking back up at him. This made him lose his mind yet again. He was spewing out all kinds of curse words and whines. “D-Dabi, please I-“
Dabi released the blondes cock from his mouth with a
and caught his breath. He spoke deep and lustfully. “What, Pigeon?” His voice was very breathy. He was getting turned on himself. “Speak up. Tell me what you want.”
Keigo didn’t say a word. Instead, he grabbed a fist full of Dabi’s hair and forced him back toward his dick. “K-Keep going, j-just like you were. Don’t change what you were doing.”
Dabi grinned. “Good boy. Let out your dom side.”
The brunette opened his mouth and let Keigo force him back on it. He took his whole length in his mouth, moaning and huffing around his dick. It was hard for him to get air at some points, but he never gagged.
Keigo slowly rocked his hips back and forth, keeping the brunettes head in place with his hand. “Right there, right there – mmm suck that cock – suck that cock~”
His dick twitched. He was getting close and Dabi knew it, so he used this to his advantage. He cupped his partners testicles and lightly played with them.
“Aaah yes! Yes fuck!”
A chuckled came from Dabi’s throat around Keigo’s cock. He started to moan louder and deeper, sending vibrations all over the erection. It was almost to much stimulation for Keigo, but that’s exactly what Dabi wanted. He had one more trick up his sleeve to make the winged finish hard.
He released the dick again, replacing his mouth with his other hand. Before he executed this idea he had, he wanted to ask permission first. It had to deal with the ass and he figured his partner wouldn’t mind, but he thought to make sure anyways.
“I’m gonna do something new. Okay?”
“Y-Yes oh my god please just make me cum, Dabi. I wanna come so fucking bad.” Keigo’s words were slurred. He was so overstimulated he couldn’t hardly speak.
“Okay. You’re being such a good boy, Keigo. Such a good boy.”
Removing the hand he had placed on the others testicles, Dabi moved further back. He teased Keigo’s hole with one finger all while still pumping his dick. It was so wet from spit and precum and Dabi’s hand glided over it with ease. He would bring his hand up to the head of it and rub his palm against it. The staples at the base of his palm teased with every movement.  All the wetness made it a whole new sensation for the blonde.
“A-Ah! Right there! Aaah fuck! Fuck!” Keigo’s legs were trembling. He could barely stand. It was all just so much for him to handle. He had propped himself against the marble countertop with his hands, still rocking his hips. He needed more friction. He craved it. “M-My ass…please…ahh~”
Dabi looked up at him and smirked lustfully. “You’re doing good, Dove. Keep going. Be good for me.”  His finger quit teasing and entered Keigo’s ass, relentless and quick. Keigo whined noisily. “Ah shit! Ah ah, ah!”
Dabi pumped his finger inside at the same pace of the pumping act he was giving the dick. He was so hard himself. Seeing Keigo like this was enough to make him feral. He was getting off to it so much. Small, deep groans were escaping his throat and he started moving his hips just to get some stimulation on his own cock. He wanted to pump his own, but he wanted to keep making his partner feel good. A small wet spot of precum had formed on his gray boxer briefs from this whole act he was performing. They were so tight from the growing of his erection, so the friction was intoxicating.
“Fuck, Keigo. Come for me, come on you can do it. Show me how good you feel. Come on. Come on~”
Those words. Those words set Keigo over the edge every damn time.  His cock and ass twitched. The rocking of his hips was starting to falter and his legs weakened.  “D-Dabi please I-I’m gonna cum – Ah! Gonna cum! Hah, ah fuck! Fuck!!”
“Such a good boy, oh my god.”
Dabi quickened his pace with each hand. He moaned louder and deeper, just to over stimulate Keigo. He knew the blonde got off on his moans. He spiced them up this time, praising and verbally teasing him, calling him Pigeon, baby bird, all of Keigo’s favorites. The blonde loved to be praised.
“Cuming, cuming! Aaaah, fuck!!!”
And with that, white liquid sprayed on Dabi’s chest. He pumped it a few more times along with Keigo fucking the others hand. Each pump made Keigo grunt. Once he was done, he collapsed on to the tile floor of the bathroom. Dabi removed his hands as he fell in front of him. He just smiled and leaned in to kiss the man deeply. Keigo was a panting and huffing mess, but he tried his best to kiss back, breathing through his nose and making small moans as Dabi’s tongue entered.
Dabi released from the kiss, still just a lips distance away. “Good boy.”
Keigo, still breathless, tilted his head back and rested it again the cabinets that were underneath the sink. “I-I love you, Dabs.”
“Love you too, Pigeon.”
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Unexpected [2/8]
Pairing: Dabi x reader, Hawks x reader, Touya x reader
Fluff, angst, AU
Tigger Warning: Alcohol consumption, 18+ scene (if you don’t want to read smut then read up to the line 😊)
Word count: 5.7K
A/N: So much love on the first chapter already???? I really don’t deserve it. Sorry for the late update! I was trying to work on the last scene and wanted to make it so good for you guys. Don’t come for me if its mediocre. I’m still learning on how to write those kinds of scenes! Let me know if you want to be on the taglist! 
Summary: Being quirkless wasn’t so bad. Especially when you had two badass best friends that had amazing quriks to make up for it. That is until one of them breaks your heart by disappearing in thin air. And the other breaks your heart by wanting to focus on his hero work. After coming back to Japan after studying abroad for 5 years, you were in for a whirlwind of surprises.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
You stared up at the man that saved you. Takami Keigo.
He had set you down safely, away from the fight, but didn’t glance at you a single time. Once he set you down, he was already rescuing another victim. He was fast. Flying to move others out of the way from falling debris. He even utilized his feathers to separate from his wings to do the same. Wow, where did he learn to do that? You were mesmerized by how swift and powerful he had become. But now wasn’t the time to daydream. You had to go to work. And now you were late.
Cursing in your head, you got up, dusted yourself off and continued on your way to work. But then you halted. You looked back at Keigo, watching him fight that villain. Maybe you should wait and thank him for saving you. He didn’t know he was saving you though. He didn’t look at you. He was just saving anyone he could at the moment. It would probably just be an awkward encounter anyway. You decided against it, but you couldn’t help but think about him, your heart racing just a bit.
You arrived at the school just in time. And that was all because you started running. You entered the teacher’s lounge where a meeting was about to begin. You sat down and greeted the other teachers around you before the principal of the school went to the front to start the meeting.
“Thank you all for being here so early. Let’s discuss today’s meeting. As you all know, it’s the first day of the term. Not very exciting but let’s still follow protocol.” The principal announced. Nods were seen coming from everyone, understanding that nothing new is happening. “But this year we are going to do something a little different. Every year, we have heroes come in to give speeches about their hero life and what students without quirks can contribute to hero society. This year, we are going to have that speech on the first day to give students more motivation to start the year off.” He explained. You nodded your head as well, fascinated that this is what they do in schools now. You jotted down some notes to save for later. The principal continued on with the meeting. Instructions seemed basic enough. Nothing too outrageous or out there. You were nervous for you first day for nothing.
“Before you all leave to your homeroom classes, let me introduce you to the heroes,” the principal gave the final announcement. All eyes turned to the door as a flood of heroes walked in and stood in the front besides the principal. A chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ filled the room upon seeing how strong and intimidating they were. You also ogled at the pro-heroes in front of you. You could tell it was going to be an interesting first day. Before the principal could finish introducing all the heroes, the front door swung open, causing a loud noise to fill the room. Immediately, all eyes were back on the front door at whoever just barged in.
“Hawks, you’re late.” One of the other pro-heroes said in a disappointed, authoritative tone.
“Sorry captain. Villain fight, if you know what I mean,” he jokingly informed the other pro-hero in a sarcastic tone of voice. He laughed it off while the other heroes kind of just rolled their eyes. When he was finished with his little antics, Hawks looked at the audience and looked at each teacher in the eye.
“Hawks. Nice to meet everyone,” he introduced himself. When he got to you, his eyes froze. You refused to meet his eye and looked away for the rest of the meeting. But you could feel his stare on you.
“Alright, meeting dismissed. Teachers, you can go to your classrooms. I’ll send you your assigned heroes in a bit.” The principal gave the final word and dismissed everyone. You quickly gathered your materials and bolted out of there, actively avoiding a certain blonde hero.
You anxiously wait in your homeroom class. Not because you were nervous about meeting the kids for the first time, but because you were anxious about which hero was assigned to your class to guest speak. A knock could be heard on your door and you quickly open it. Blonde hair properly groomed to the side. His outfit was made out of jeans from hear to toe. With a sigh of relief, you let the hero in. It wasn’t Keigo. Now you could relax without all the nerves messing you up through the day.
 You rolled your head in circles and massaged you shoulders. Man, it was a long first day. Fun and exciting, but definitely long. After the heroes gave their speeches to the students, they immediately left to focus back on their hero work. Good, because that meant you didn’t have to run into Keigo accidentally. You sighed and packed up your bag, ready to relax back at your apartment. Before you could escape your workplace, a female coworker wrapped their arms around your shoulder.
“Hey newcomer. Leaving already?” she asks. You look behind your shoulder and gave a curt nod. She pouted at your lack of response. “Aw, too bad. Well, everyone’s going out for drinks and a bit of dancing. Wanna join?”
“Right now? It’s barely dark out,” you question their thought process and look outside the window. The sun was still bright in the sky. I guess the sun was about to set, but not for another hour or two. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.” You mumbled to yourself. But your coworker heard you loud and clear. She was already smiling from ear to ear.
“Great! Let’s go!” she grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of there, right behind the rest of your coworkers.
“Ah, but, I’m still in my work clothes,” you stuttered and looked down at your outfit. You were dressed pretty nice for your first day, but still. Going out in your work clothes was just not it. You could already feel the stares of strangers looking at you weirdly.
“We all are! It’s a company dinner. No one’s going to say anything,” she reassured you. And she was right. Looks like this was a regular thing in Japan. There were several groups of people wearing business casual or business formal attire at the place you were drinking at. It was more like a club. There were private rooms for big crowds, as well as a bar, a dance floor and a DJ. An interesting setting but no one else seemed effected by the atmosphere. Everyone was taking shots or taking sips of their drinks, laughing and having a good time.
You got to play some drinking games with your coworkers and got to know them within a short period of time. Drinking, even just a little bit, just brings out the chatter box in you. You usually only drink enough to have fun, but you were having a great time. You forgot about today’s events and just started living in the moment. Some of the male coworkers sang their hearts out to karaoke. You were shocked and appalled that the principal was also joining in. But you were all having fun, where’s the harm in that?
At the bar, Hawks was ordering a whiskey on the rocks. He put his drink to his lips, slowly drinking it with his arms resting on the countertop looking over at the people on the dance floor. He doesn’t usually come out to the bars. It was once in a blue moon, maybe even rarer. He didn’t have time to mess around nor was he really interested in crowds like this. But he had to figure out how to get someone out of his head. You. He had to get you out of his head. Hawks was not prepared to see you today. He wasn’t expecting or anticipating it. Seeing you took him completely off guard. Hell, he didn’t even know you were back in Japan. Dammit. And if it wasn’t enough, you avoided him. You actively refused to look at him and fuck did that sting like a motherfucker. Ah well, at least you guys won’t be bumping into each other often. Or so he thought.
You were currently being dragged to the dance floor with a few of your female coworkers. All of you surrounded yourselves with each other and formed your own little circle. At first you were shy. You knew how to get down when you were overseas but you weren’t sure if Japan shared the same energy. When you felt comfortable and safe enough, you started swaying your hips to the music. Letting the music take over your body and let’s be honest, you also let the alcohol do the talking. Eventually, you were dancing like it was nobody’s business, dancing with all the ladies around you.
Hawks cocked an eyebrow as he saw you dancing. You looked different. You looked… more carefree. Independent. Confident. And he can safely say that you were very much attracting him. His eyes traveled your body as you swayed your hips to the beat and even swayed against the other women that were with you. You were teaching your coworkers a few moves you picked up at college in the States and god damn was it sexy to watch. The way your work skirt hugged your ass was already catching his eye. But he couldn’t look away when you started to move your ass up and down, twerking on one of your coworkers. That coworker was embarrassed but played along but you eventually laughed it off.
You were having so much fun letting loose. When you turned around with a wide smile on your lips, you spotted a winged blondie looking your way. Keigo. You couldn’t tell if your heart was racing from the alcohol or if it was from seeing your ex again. But a thought came to your mind. Maybe it was the alcohol. You smirked to yourself and started to dance sexier. Keigo broke your heart to become a hero and because you didn’t have a quirk. Well you were going to show Hawks what this quirkless teacher can do and what he’s been missing out on.
You made eye contact with said hero and moved your body in a way that would attract anyone’s attention. You moved your hands up and down your body as you rolled your hips, feeling yourself to the music. Hawks scoffed and admired the show you were giving him. In one shot, he down the whiskey in his cup and forcefully set it down on the counter behind him. His predatory eyes were on you and only you. Hawks made his way towards you but before he could get to you, another man was rubbing himself on you.
Amidst your dance, you felt a pair of rough hands grab your waist and tug you backwards so that your body was flushed against someone’s chest. A hot breath met your left ear, making you shudder in fear. You tried to push his hands off you but to no avail. That just made him tighten his grip.
“Come on, dance with my pretty lady,” he disgustingly whispered in your ear. Your coworkers didn’t notice anything yet since everyone was dancing in the moment. And it was hard to tell that someone was touching you since the dance floor was filled with people and flushed bodies were everywhere. You were in a predicament. You wanted to say something but before you could, his grip magically let go. Turning your head, you saw Hawks grabbing the stranger’s wrist in a death grip.
“This pretty lady doesn’t look like she wants to dance with you,” he commented, eyes looking unamused. The man groaned at how tight his grip was but tried to fight him back. By this time, Hawks was already squeezing his body between you two, so that the man couldn’t get to you.
“Fuck off man,” the stranger shouted, swinging his free hand to aim at Hawks’ face. But Hawks was already one step ahead of him. He easily caught the man’s fist. But it made Hawks more furious. He spread his wings wide as a warning, scaring you, the pervert and everyone around you. He was careful enough to not hit anyone but it was still intimidating. This scared the man and he finally fled, going straight to the exit. When he deemed it was safe enough, he let his wings go back to their resting position. Taking a big, deep breath out, he turned to face you. You, still shocked, looked up at him. You both just stared at each other and everyone around you continued doing them.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern written all over his face.
“Mm,” you hummed, looking down in embarrassment. “Thanks…” Your mood was ruined now. All because of some horny guy you couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
“You don’t look it,” Hawks commented, sensing your change of mood. You were grateful for what he did, of course. But now was not the time. You felt upset and violated that you just wanted to go home now.
“Look, Kei- ah, Hawks. I’ll be fine. Excuse me,” you excused yourself from his presence and approached one of your coworkers.
“Hey, I’m gonna head home now!” you told her, yelling loud enough so that she could hear. You could see the disappointment in her face but didn’t stop you. She acknowledged you and then went back to having fun. Giving one last look of appreciation to the hero of the night, you made your way out the door and into the cool, night air.
 Chills ran down your spine. You were not expecting it to be this cold out. And what’s worse, your head was still foggy from drinking so much at the bar. A sigh left your lips as you tried to pay attention and just focus on getting home. Once you got home, then could you finally relax and re-energize for work. And you could do that once you got a little birdie off your shoulder. You stopped in your tracks and sighed.
“Are you really following me?” you asked aloud. If there were passersby, they would think you were crazy for talking to yourself. Hawks came down from a nearby building, landing right in front of you with a sheepish smile on his face.
“You knew?”
“It was hard not to when I could hear to flapping your wings this whole time,” you explained. You put your hands on your hips in a disapproving manner. “Go home. I can walk by myself.” Hawks cleared his throat and straightened up, his wings moving along with him. Wow, they were bigger than you remember.
“Heroes have to make sure that the citizens stay safe from danger. You drank. And you’re walking alone in the middle of the night. I was just making sure you got home safe. You know, cause that’s my job. As a hero.” God, he was so awkward.
“Got it. Well if you want to walk me home, you’re gonna have to exchange it for your jacket,” you said, pointing to the brown jacket that he was wearing. You already knew Hawks wasn’t going to leave you alone, no matter how many times you tell him that you’re okay. So you took advantage of this opportunity to at least get some warmth on the way. Hawks smirked and handed you his jacket with no hesitation. And so you began to walk back to your apartment together.
Silence. Dead silence between you two. It was so awkward. Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything so that you could walk home in peace. But it was too late to think about that because now you were in this situation. Should you say something? What do you even say? What do you even talk about? Oh, how’s life after breaking my heart in high school? Please… that was 5 years ago. You couldn’t believe you were still salty about it. Believe it or not, Hawks was thinking the same thing. He didn’t know what to bring up. Does he bring up the past? Or does he bring up what he saw at the club? There was no point in asking ice breaker questions. Shit, so what does he bring up? And so you continued to walk in silence until you finally reached you apartment. You spun around and handed Hawks his jacket back.
“Thanks for the escort back. And… thanks for what happened back there,” you thanks him, embarrassed that that even happened.
“Always a pleasure,” he responded. Awkward silence. You bit the inside of your cheek. Man, this was really killing you.
“Well, good night,” you bid your farewell. Opening your door, you enter your apartment and was about to close the door when Hawks stuck his foot out to prevent you from closing it all the way. You open your door back up and look at him with a questioning look.
“Can we talk?” he asks.
“Oh,” that took you by surprise. “About what?” Hawks was hesitant to say.
“Us?” he asks like even he is questioning his decision.
“What’s there to talk about? It was a while ago and-”
“I know. I know but… I feel like I should apologize and explain for um, what happened so,” he said. It took a lot for him to swallow his pride but he had to do this. He had to make this right. It took you a second to process his request because you were not expecting that at all. You had two choices: either leave it alone and let the past be the past or clear up the ‘misunderstandings’ between you two? Well, it couldn’t hurt to choose the latter. You moved your body to the side and opened the door wider.
“Come on in, it’s cold.” You offered and Hawks gladly accepted.
He sat on your couch while you quickly went to make him a hot cup of tea. You set the tea on the coffee table in front of him and sat next to him, putting a throw pillow on your lap. You looked at him, waiting for him to start first. Hawks took a deep breath and faced you.
“I don’t even know where to start,” he confessed, giving a small laugh. You shifted in your seat, hugging the pillow tighter.
“Mmm, I guess… why did you break up with me?” you asked, not having the confidence to look at him anymore. You were opening up old wounds and started to feel some type of way.
“I didn’t want to break up with you, y’know? But when I thought about the future and aspired to be this great hero, I knew that you were going to have a difficult time. You were going to be hurt either way, so I guess. I don’t know. Decided to end it early before it got to that point?”
“And so you decided to be an ass to me?” you looked at him annoyed now. No matter what his reasons were, valid or not, his behavior was inexcusable to you.
“I’m sorry. I thought that if I treated you that way then you’d have an easier time moving on.”
“That’s the most cliché thing ever,” you pouted angrily, playing with the ends of the pillow. If he would have talked to you, then maybe you guys could have come to a compromise or met in the middle. Only if he would have talked and listened to you then this probably wouldn’t have happened. Dumb Keigo. Always trying to think about others but hurting them in the process. You couldn’t help but feel angry at his explanation. So much to the point where you were blinking the tears away. Hawks was staring at you this whole time and noticed the tears in your eyes and how you were trying to hard for them not to fall. When a single tear did finally escape, he cupped your cheek, rubbing the tear away.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he apologized, barely above a whisper. You put your hand over his and looked up into his eyes. He must have moved closer to you because his face was just inches from yours.
“I’m fine. I kinda got over it a while ago,” you said, matching how soft his voice was.
“Let me make it up to you.” He suggested.
“How are you going to do that?” you looked up at him. His eyes could be seen wandering down the features of your face, landing on your lips that were slightly parted. He chuckled and he continued to stare at your lips.
“I mean, I know one way.” Then he looked back at your eyes. “If you’d let me.” He was asking permission. His eyes were more seductive and his voice went an octave lower. And it was turning you on. Hawks saw in your eyes that you were feeling the same way yet you didn’t say anything. He took this opportunity to slowly lean into you, ready to back away if you gave a signal. But you didn’t move. The closer he got, the lowers your lids got. By the time your eyes were fully closer, his lips met yours in a soft kiss. Not too light but not too forceful either. It was nice. He pulled away just barely. You could feel his breath on yours still as he broke away from the kiss. There was a pause. He was waiting for you to maybe back away or smack him but it never came. Taking that as a good sign, he went back in for another kiss, you kissing him back just as hard.
The kiss between you started out innocent and loving. But got hungrier and needier by the second. You attacked his lips like your life dependent on it. Hawks was leaning more into you, both arms on either side of you entrapping you between the couch and him. One hand gripped on his forearm and the other laid on top of his chest. Your nails softly and slowly raked his chest, causing a reaction out of him, nipping at your lower lip. Hawks was getting frustrated at the lack of contact because of the pillow that was still in your lap.
“Let’s get rid of this,” he quickly said, taking the pillow and throwing it aimlessly across the room. You giggled by how aggressive and eager he was to get it out of the way. But you couldn’t even bare to have his lips leave yours, even for that quick second. Your hands cupped his face, brining him closer, afraid that if you let go he could disappear, and kissed him again. Hawks smirked into the kiss, pressing his body on yours. The bulge in his pants prominent as his hips met yours. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his hard on press firmly onto your clit. Hawks took his opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. His wet muscle fought yours for dominance and explored every part of your mouth. Sucking, licking, pulling. Hawks couldn’t get enough. And he wanted more.
He detached his mouth from yours, a trail of saliva still connecting your tongues together. And went straight to attacking your neck. He wasted no time in leaving marks all over you neck, shoulder and chest. He sucked on the sensitive skin, biting it from time to time. It was painful but fuck did it feel so good. When he was done with one hickey, he licked it to ease the pain a bit but then immediately went to make another one. You probably should have stopped him because you didn’t want your coworkers or your boss to see them. But you didn’t want him to stop.
Your hands got tangled within his blonde locks while Hawks was grabbing hold of your waist, his hands impressively untucking your shirt to show a little bit of skin. You moan which causes him to growl in satisfaction. Oh god that was so sexy. The growl in his voice sent shock waves straight to your pussy. You were getting wetter and wetter by the second. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing and that was soon to change. God, how you wanted more of him right now. Grabbing his face, you brough him in for another dominating kiss. Hawks removed his hands from your waist and moved it to your thighs. Your skirt riding up nice and easy for him. He grabbed your thigh, forcefully hooking your leg to wrap around his waist to get better access to your ass.
He’s squeezing your ass, definitely leaving bruises to be found the next morning. And as much as he loved the taste of your lips, right now, he wanted to go back to attacking your sensitive neck. And that’s what he did. Your breathing became uneasy and turned into deep pants. Was it getting hotter in here? Because your body was growing hotter by the second. Luckily, Hawks was always one step ahead. His hands started to unbutton your white blouse. When it got halfway, he just takes both sides of your blouse and rips it open impatiently. It was taking too long and he was too needy to wait.
“Keigo,” you whined, playfully hitting his shoulder.
“I’ll buy you another one,” he said in a rush. Because he wasted no time in cupping your breasts, admiring the black laced bra you wore. As if he hadn’t eaten in weeks, he devoured your breasts in his mouth. He buried his face, sucking and leaving marks on the mounds of your breasts. He could spend a good time there because fuck, your tits were so perfect. You moaned as you felt the bulge on his pants grow even bigger. That wasn’t helping the friction you needed oh so badly down there. You tried lifting your hips to make contact with his boner but he had to strapped down so you could barely move.
“Keigo,” you cooed his name. “I want more.” You pleaded. He let go of one of your breasts with a loud pop and shushes you.
“Patience little birdie. I promise I’ll make you feel good,” he promises. He continues to massage your breasts, peppering kisses all over your cleavage.
Finally giving you what you want, his hand reaches lower until its right above your clit. You moan in pleasure as he teases your clit with his middle finger. One long stride going from your clit all the way down to your dripping core.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” he says, moving your panties to the side to reveal your dripping pussy. Hawks uses his middle finger to gather your juices and gently enters it in you. “Shit, look at that. I didn’t even need to prep you. Your pussy just took in my finger so well.” His mouth was watering watching you completely take his fingers with ease. But it was only one finger. Slowly, he added another finger and then another. Hawks was careful to make sure that he wasn’t hurting you. So every time he entered another finger, he would glance up and see if your facial expression changed. When you had adjusted to all three fingers in you, Hawks moved his fingers slowly. Pumping his fingers in an agonizingly slow pace, making sure he felt every inch of your walls. It was driving you mad. His fingers were finally in you but you were still craving more.
In an attempt to make him go faster, you used your free hand to grab the bulge in his pants. In the same agonizing pace he was going, you stroked his cock up and down through his pants. Hawks bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from moaning from your touch, but you heard it. He groaned, his voice vibrating from deep within his throat. But that seemed to do the trick. The faster he fingered you, the faster you pumped his cock. Moans were coming out of your mouth nonstop. His fingers kept hitting the perfect spot. And it didn’t help that he curled his fingers to add to the effect. Your head was in a daze, feeling your first orgasm coming. Your grip on his cock was softening because you were in such a euphoric state to continue. The moans coming out of your mouth became silent as the orgasm washed over you, your legs trembling. Hawks could feel you clench hard around his fingers, but he wasn’t stopping. He was going to help you ride it out until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
You were coming down from you high and now you were craving one thing. You needed his dick in your mouth. This time, you took the initiative. You pushed his shoulders back so that he was comfortably sitting back on the couch. You kneeled in front of him, already unbuckling his belt. While you were busy taking his pants off, Hawks got rid of the rest of his clothing and threw it somewhere around the room.
You got his pants down to his ankles and revealed his thick, throbbing cock. Precum was already dribbling on the side. Gripping his cock with one hand, you teased him by leaving one long lick, collecting the precum on your tongue. Several curses were being thrown by the winged man but you wanted to keep teasing him. You licked the tip of his dick where more precum was oozing out. Then you wrapped your lips fully around the tip, but just the tip. You pulled up, kissing the tip which made Hawks go crazy. His head was thrown back and his hands were gripping his hair. Seeing that view, you think you did enough teasing to him. Liking your lips in anticipation, you sunk your mouth all the way down his length.
“(y/n)!!!” Hawks screamed your name. His hands instinctively went straight to your hair. You were expecting him to push down on you to take as much of him in your mouth as you can but it didn’t come. Instead, he gathered all your hair in one hand, holding it up for you. But his grip was strong enough to leave pleasure running down your spine. You looked up to see him already eyeing you and how full your mouth was with his dick and his dick alone. Drool was coming down the side of your mouth. At that sight, Hawks’ mouth was left agape.
“Look at that pretty mouth,” he complimented you. If you could smile, you would. But your mouth was already full, preventing you from doing so. So, you hummed in response. The vibrations of your mouth sent Hawks over the edge and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fuck, come here,” he takes you off his dick and before you know it, you were straddling his waist, being lifted into the air. “Where’s your room?” he breathed.
“Down the hall to the left,” you breathed back. Your lips connected to one another once again. He carries you down the hall, kicks open your door and throws you on the bed. Before you could process what was happening, Hawks was spreading your legs wide open. He completely removed your panties and your skirt so that your glistening pussy was open and ready for him. He pinned your legs down so you couldn’t squirm around or close your legs shut. Taking one big whiff of your essence, blush rushed to your cheeks. You couldn’t help but cover your face at such an embarrassing act.
“Come on little birdie. Why are you covering your face,” he teased, his lips lightly brushing against your folds.
“I’m embarrassed…”  you admitted. Hawks smirked and made you uncover your face.
“Don’t be. I wanna see your face scrunch up in pleasure when I eat you out,” he said. As soon as he finished that statement, he was devouring your pussy like there was no tomorrow. He slurped up all your flowing juices. Tongue exploring every part of you, leaving no place untouched. The noise that he was making was so sinful. But it turned you on even more. It wasn’t long before he could control himself. He gave you one last lick and then spit on your pussy as a parting gift.
He pumped his cock a few times before lining it in front of your entrance. Slowly, he sinks his cock into you, causing you both to moan in sync. Hawks takes is slow at first. Fully taking his cock out and filling you back up again. Then, out of nowhere, he’s ramming his cock in you, going at an impressive speed. Moans filled the room. They were so loud, you were certain that your neighbors could hear every tune coming out of your mouth.
“Fuck. So tight,” he grunts. Staying the same position, he puts your legs together and hugs them, gaining better access. His cock reaches deeper than before in this position. He hits that sweet spot that makes you roll your eyes back and made your back arch.
“Oh god, r-right there! Please fuck me right there!” you beg, already feeling another orgasm coming. He obeys, hitting the same spot over and over again until you’re seeing stars. Your pussy clenches so tight around his member that that was the last straw. He pulls out and is soon cumming all over your chest and stomach. Both of you are a panting, sweaty mess. While you were both coming down from your high, Hawks leans over and bumps your foreheads together. You take that moment to just be in each other’s presence.
“Um, Keigo?” you call out his name. He snaps his eyes to you. “I’m sticky.” You inform him. Immediately, he gets up from the bed in a panic.
“Oh shit shit shit shit,” he kept repeating and runs to find the bathroom. When he comes back, he has a wet towel in hand to clean up the mess he made on you. He throws the towel in the dirty laundry basket that was by your door and lays down next to you on the bed.
“That was-” he starts.
“yeah…” you finish. There was no deny that that quick sex session was absolutely amazing. And there were absolutely no words to describe how good it felt. You both looked at each other and laughed, cuddling closer together.
“Can I stay the night?” he asks. His hand moves the hair out of your face and then cups your cheek.
“Yes please.”
Tagged: @ditu-m9 @snuckerfrcnicken @flowersgirl02 @bestgirlkonan
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
So since you did the cutest job with my mini golf ask…wondering what the TF boys would be like while tie dying with Frankie and his daughter?! I’m attempting to do that tomorrow with my son lol. Please and thank you if you’d like to explore the idea. 🥰😘
First of all, I am SO SORRY this took so long, I've been so busy with uni and forcing myself to actually do the work this semester (who would've thought I could actually apply myself) but I really enjoyed this, and it's actually made me want to go out and do some tie-dying of my own.
Anyways, here's Tie-Dye Tueaday
W/C: 1.6k
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T-Minus 5 Hours Until Disaster
“Daddy?” a soft voice rose Frankie out of his fitful sleep. He distantly felt a tiny, warm hand rest on his cheek.
“Yes, cricket?” he mumbled voice heavy with sleep, struggling to open his heavy eyes. He had stayed up until the small hours of the morning frantically researching for the day, watching YouTube videos, making notes, doing whatever he could to prepare.
“Mommy’s going and said I should wake you up,” Everly pulled herself up onto the bed and sat down directly on Frankie’s bladder. He winced and pushed her off gently, wondering just how she always managed to find the worst spot to sit.
“Have you had breakfast?” Frankie asked, and Everly nodded. He said a silent thanks to his ever-amazing wife, who would be spending the day getting massages and facials and whatever else her heart desired before pushing out twins in less than two months’ time. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around that – there would be two more tiny humans in his life soon. The thought left him exhilarated and riddled with anxiety all at once.
Frankie carried Everly downstairs on his back, grabbing his cap from the dresser on his way. The boys would be here soon – they had agreed that tie dying alone with a hyper four year old was a terrible idea, so they were coming to dye something of their own and help Frankie keep a handle on things. Benny was especially excited to dye his shorts to wear to his next fight.
They were halfway through Coco, Everly’s favourite movie, when the front door opened and in came his three best friends, men he had no relation to but considered brothers. Everly went straight to Benny, who was undoubtedly her favourite of them. Frankie had his suspicion that is was because Benny loaded her up on sugar whenever he could. Sure enough, Frankie could see a packet of candy in the plastic bag Benny carried.
“You ready for this?” Will asked, placing a six pack in the fridge. Frankie sighed and nodded.
“Ready as I can be. It can’t go too badly, right?”
T-Minus 3 Hours Until Disaster
The sun was bright and hot on their backs as they set up. Everly sat in the shade of the oak tree, a cup of lemonade in one hand, and her favourite doll in the other. Frankie had forbidden her from coming out in the sun until the sunscreen was fully absorbed, which according to his watch wouldn’t be for another few minutes. It occurred to him that since becoming a father, his mind was filled with worries that he never even considered beforehand.
Frankie had brought dyes in every colour he could, several plastic tubs had been fished out of storage and so many ties that he was sure he would be finding them all around the yard for weeks to come.
“Whatta ya dying, Ev?” Santi called to Everly.
“Purple!” She responded, holding up a pristine white pair of cotton shorts and a shirt.
“Just purple?” Will asked.
“And pink and blue and green!” Everly jumped up, setting her cup down carefully and ran over. “I want it swirly. You should be rainbow wiggles.” She told her father seriously. Will grinned.
“She’s a natural born leader,” he said with more than a touch of pride.
“Just like her mother,” Frankie replied. He took the clothes that Everly held out and began to scrunch and fold them according to the instructions he had written down while watching YouTube last night. The whole thing seemed a lot easier when he was watching through a screen.
Everly chose her dyes as Frankie folded, occasionally handing a certain colour to one of the boys, telling them that they hadto use it. None of them wanted to defy the four year old, so each accepted his colours without protest. Benny seemed quite thrilled when he was given a colour labelled Hot Barbie Pink.
“So many guys will be so fuckin’ embarrassed to get their ass beat by a guy in pink shorts,” Benny grinned.
“Language, Ben!” Frankie darted a frantic look towards Everly, who stood with a cunning smile on her face. Frankie knew that she knew exactly what she wasn’t supposed to say.
“Fuck! Ass!” she declared. Will snorted and Santi had to turn away, face turning bright red from holding in laughter.
Frankie gaped, lost for words for a moment. “Everly, don’t ever say that, but especially the first one, and especially not in front of mommy, okay?”
“Why not?”
Frankie shot a look to Benny, who at least looked a tiny bit sorry. “They’re big people words. Each time you say one your . . . hair gets less curly.”
Everly, who loved her curly hair, looked stricken. Frankie felt bad about lying to his kid, but not as bad as he would’ve felt if his wife came home to a child cussing like she had just strolled out of the military.
The words seemed forgotten as the dye was applied. Everly was surprisingly artful in the way she applied the dye, carefully creating patterns that didn’t make much sense to Frankie but must have made sense to her.
T-Minus 30 Minutes Until Disaster
The group of them sat around the dining room table, beers for the boys and juice for Everly. Most of them had small flecks of multi-coloured dye on their hands, but Frankie was sure they would come off easity. Everly had scoffed down her lunch, and now sat staring outside, looking antsy.
“Go play if you want to,” Frankie said, “you don’t have to sit here.” Frankie was confident there wasn’t anything in the backyard that could pose a danger to her, and besides, he had a view of almost the whole yard from the table.
Everly tore off like a hurricane, juice forgotten as she ran outside, doll in hand.
“If the twins are anything like her . . .” Santi began, taking a sip of his drink. “Fish, you’re gonna have your hands full.”
“If they’re anything like Ev, they’ll be great kids,” Benny said. Will rose his beer bottle. ‘But yeah, you’re definitely gonna have your hands full.”
“Amen, I’ll drink to that,” he said. Frankie nodded and had a sip himself. They talked for a while about football, Benny’s next fight, Santi’s new flame.
Then a thought occurred to Frankie.
“Is it quiet out there?” he craned his neck to investigate the yard and saw . . . nothing. Frankie shot up from his seat, panic rising in his chest. “Everly?” He almost tripped over himself in his haste to get to the backyard. Every worst case scenario was forming in his head.
“Ev?” Benny was beside him in an instant.
“Daddy?” Everly wandered out from behind the tree, and Frankie took a deep breath, calming himself. She was unscathed . . . except for the dye that now stained her arms, legs, face, hair. She was grinning widely, and held up her doll, who was also covered in a rainbow of dye.
“Cricket, what did you do?” Frankie gaped, wondering just how she managed to get almost every inch of exposed skin in such a short amount of time.
“Miss Mildew wanted her hair to be pretty,” Everly explained.
“Your dolls name is Miss Mildew?” Santi asked, red in the face with held back laughter. Everly nodded proudly. She had heard the word on television one night and latched onto it.
“What do you think is worse,” Will murmured to Benny, “Ev swearing, or Ev covered in dye?”
“Swearing,” Benny said snickering, “you can wash out the dye, you can’t unlearn a word.”
“What word?” Everly asked. Ears of a hawk, Frankie thought.
“The word you’re not allowed to say,” Will said.
“And what word would that be?” A smooth voice behind them almost made Frankie jump out of his skin. His wife, beautiful and terrifying all at once, stood on the patio, one hand on her stomach, the other on her hip.
“Fuck!” Everly declared loudly and proudly.
“Teaching my child new words, I see, Benjamin.”
Benny to his credit, at least looked more apologetic than he did with Frankie.
Frankie’s wife waddled down into the yard and set her gaze on her husband. “That dye won’t make her sick will it?”
“No, no, not at all,” he said. He had specifically brought kid friendly, skin safe, non-toxic dye.
“Good. Then I’m gonna go lie down and try and forget my four-year-old just said the eff-word and is every colour under the sun.” His wife shook her head and rolled her eyes at Benny. Once she was inside, Frankie turned to Everly.
“C’mon, we gotta clean you up,” he reached to pick Everly up who shook her head.
“We gotta see what they look like first!” she said. Frankie considered her point and nodded.
“Alright, cricket,” he said. They unravelled the clothes to a chorus of oohs and aahs, Everly clapped her green hands together as her multi-coloured shorts and top were revealed.
Benny sheepishly wandered over to Frankie as he put everything in the washing machine. “Hey man, I really am sorry about that.”
Frankie shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. Just buy the missus as much caffeine as she wants when she’s done breastfeeding and she’ll forget all about it.”
“I hope so. Her bad side is not a place I wanna be.”
Frankie laughed and scooped up Everly in his arms. Her curls were streaked with blue and her cheeks were magenta. “Trust me, she won’t stay mad for long. I don’t think she’s that mad to be honest.”
“You don’t?” Benny sounded unsure.
“Well she didn’t yell, and it looked like she was trying not to laugh. All things considered, I think today was a success story.”
Tagging @sharkbait77 because I think you’d enjoy this
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