#getting jacked instead of getting top surgery
shibaleeart · 9 months
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Something small for the Trans Shizuo truthers <3
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elidritchhorror · 11 months
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Huevember Day 7: Yamato
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ikanebula · 1 year
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pixiv post | ko-fi | comm info
based on this ....
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slafkovskys · 9 months
When Luke is about to get back with angel and all that he gets into a accident and No one tells angel and she needs up being so mad and driving to the hospital
warnings: mentions of hospitals/emergency rooms, injuries, accidents, and angst
the lady behind the desk looks bored as she approaches, but her eyebrows raise when she spots her protruding bump and the worried expression on her face. she straightens up in her chair, “how can i help you, honey?”
“i’m here to visit someone,” she clears her throat, “luke hughes, if he can have visitors.”
the woman, barbara as her name tag reads, lets her face fall as she places her hand over her mouse, “i think he’s already got a visitor, honey, but let me double check for you. name?”
she repeats her name and lets her eyes drift around the waiting room. for it to be almost midnight on a saturday night, she was surprised to find the place nearly empty. a couple coughs sound and a few grunts follow, but it’s barbara tapping her nails on the glass in front of her that get her attention again. she sends an apologetic grin, “sorry.”
“that door’s gonna make a clicking noise and when you hear that, you can go on through. he’ll be in room two,” she points to a door immediately to her left and the younger girl thanks her before stepping to the side, “next!”
she hears the click and pulls on the handle, stepping into the busy emergency room. she finds room two around a few corners and timidly knocks on the wall. she swallows a lump in her throat as a raspy voice calls out, “come in.”
she lets a beat pass, then two, before she pulls the curtain to the side and for the first time in months, she’s face to face with him. he looks different. besides the shocked expression that takes over his features, his eyes are sunken in like he hadn’t slept in days. maybe even weeks.
she takes note of his leg being elevated and wrapped in some kind of gauze as she lets the curtain fall back in place behind her. now, they were alone. he opens his mouth, closes it, then it opens it again, “it’s really you.”
“yeah, luke. it’s really me,” she adjusts her bag on her shoulder and crosses her arms over her chest, staring at the boy, “what happened?”
“i- i was being stupid. duker and i were wrestling on top of a pong table and i slipped. tried to catch myself, but landed wrong on my foot.”
she nods, “you’re going to be out for a while, then?”
“four week minimum depending on healing. i’ll be on bedrest for a few days they said, but no surgery,” he sends her a soft smile and she hums, mouth still set in a hard line. he tries not to look at her midsection and the way it was protruding against the waistband of the team issued michigan sweatpants she was wearing. he could’ve sworn they were his almost as much as he could’ve sworn that there was no way that she was only five months along. he sees the two bands on her finger and she must catch him staring because she quickly hides her hand with other arm. he holds his tongue and instead of spitting something about how he already knew about what his brothers had asked, he instead utters, “did duker tell you that i was here?”
“your mom texted jack. he was taking a shower, but we had been looking at things on his computer for the new house-” she sees his mouth twitch and she truly hopes that she wasn’t one who had just informally given him an eviction notice while he was in the hospital, “and i saw the notification come through. i just wanted to make sure that you were okay and you are so-”
“you’re not staying,” his voice cracks and she shakes her head, “angel, please-”
“i saw yasmin’s car out front, luke. i don’t think you need me here.”
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the-painted-siren · 6 months
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I finally finished up my height and body headcanons for the cast!
Details beneath the cut!
- Narrow face. Has a sort of movie star look to him. The most conventionally attractive out of all the ninja. Short and a little boxy-looking. Slightly muscled shoulders (he’s an inventor) but otherwise stronger than he looks.
- Lots of freckles and fulguration scars. His body regularly conducts lightning through it and it shows. The smaller ones fade with time and return when he uses his powers.
- Square face and strong features, very grumpy resting expression. Moles on her cheek and the corner of her mouth and a couple on her neck. Dragon tattoo on her arm.
- Strong biceps and and thighs (she’s been an inventor, mechanic, samurai, and now a ninja). She can easily bench press a few of her teammates and her punches hit like a semi truck. She has swirling marks as well as fangs from her time merged as the ocean and a scar on her left side from fighting Dogshank (her body remembers the events of Skybound, even if nobody else—except for Jay—does.)
- Classic hero look: soft features, seems very approachable, most of his opponents don’t think he’s capable of great anger because of this. (They’re wrong). Puts effort into his appearance because he has strong feelings about what he thinks a hero should look like. He relaxes a little after the Merge and lets some of his less human traits become visible, such as his fangs and pointed ears. Unrecognizable outside of gi—literally looks like an average guy.
- He has a somewhat stocky, jock-like build. Has several visible scars and stretch marks but the most prominent are the claw marks on his shoulders from fighting his dad. Top surgery scars too (he is trans to me).
- Physically resembles his father quite a bit, has similar sharp features. Very handsome. Has a lot of very thick, coarse hair, so he uses a lot of hair jel for it. Has a scar over his right eye that he got while fighting a Serpentine.
- Jacked, very strong arms, biceps, and shoulders. Calloused hands from working the blacksmith forge. Same dragon tattoo as Nya on his left arm that he originally got to commemorate her sacrifice in Seabound. Top surgery scars (he is also trans to me)
- Has a soft, gentle-looking face. Probably the most relaxed out of everyone on the team. A couple moles on his nose.
- Tied with Zane for tallest height. Used to look very slender in s1/2 but has since put on a lot of weight. Large build with lots of functional muscle. Big arms, legs, hands, and feet. Big chest. You get the picture. Lots of body hair all over. Nearly invisible scar on his face from his time as a ghost.
- Tied with Cole for the tallest. Was originally shorter but was rebuilt taller after s3. Slender build with a strong, flexible core. Dr. Julien designed him to be light and fast to contrast the Juggernaut, which is slow yet tough. Can still tank a freight train. Powerful. Built to protect.
- Very human-looking despite his android body. (Dr. Julien was a damned genius) similar wiring to Pixal on his chest but with snowflakes instead of dots. Heart/core is comprised of chronosteel as given to him by the previous Master of Ice.
- The shortest. Petite. Borg built her to look soft and amicable since she worked as an assistant at his company. Visible wiring since she is overflowing with every mechanism thought possible to make her as fully functional as a human being and more.
- Has an alternative Battle Mode body that is bigger than even Zane. She re-made the Samurai X persona to seem big, quiet, and terrifying to fight. She succeeded.
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pedros-husband · 1 year
you feel bad about your scars
pedro pascal characters x male reader
characters included: javier pena, joel miller, javi gutierrez, marcus moreno, ezra, din djarin, frankie morales, agent whiskey, silva, oberyn martell, dave york, dieter bravo, tim rockford, and dio morrisey.
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javier pena: he doesn't understand why you don't like your scars, he has tons, and your always talking about how much you like his, so why are yours any different? he's not good with words, so instead he'll show you just how much he loves your scars, whether its gingerly kissing over each one, or a more steamy approach in the sheets.
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joel miller: he himself has been self-conscious about his scars, to him they're a reminder of mistakes he's made, fuck ups. but it's a completely different story with yours. he's all over you the moment you say something about them. he was never a touchy lovey-dovey guy, even before the breakout, but when he met you, you changed it all. so, he'll wrap you up in blankets on the couch and put a random movie on that ellie stole from bill's, it's not like you two are going to watch it anyway with the way he's thinking og showing you he loves them anyway....
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javi gutierrez: he loves every part of you, and when i say love i mean LOVES, adores, worships, you a GOD to him (in a cute way not a weird way)s o when you shy away from his touch when he traces over your scars, he pouts like a puppy. cue the- " mi hermoso why don't you like your scars? i think they are adorable", and with your permission, he will kiss every single one, muttering little words in between like 'my handsome man' and 'gorgeous'. hes such a sweet golden retriever boy i can't
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marcus moreno: he thinks scars are just a normal part of your body (even if its from sh/surgery) so he sees them as a part of YOU, and he loves all of you, therefore he loves them just as much. if you comment on how insecure they make you feel, he'll wrap you up in his arms and cuddle you, pressing kisses to your neck and whispering 'they are part of you my love, and you are so very beautiful...my handsome husband.'
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ezra: he doesn't really know how to comfort you on it, but he still assures you that he finds you very handsome and attractive both with or without scars, they don't define you and in his eys, you are perfect in everyway.
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din djarin: he is a very shy boy that isn't great with words or affection but he want to show you that he finds you beautiful and even loves your scars ESPECIALLY, so he flips the autopilot on and grabs your wrist (gently), pulling you to the bunk room, he switches off the light and drags you into the bunk, wrapping himself around you and tracing over your scars with his fingers for hours on end until you fall sleep with a smile. its an unspoken sort of love but you can almost hear his thoughts as he delicately traces over the dark lines on you skin.
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frankie morales: he's had his fair share of scars from being in the military, so when he hears your concerns about yours, he understands. He's hated his because they remind him of all the people he's had to kill, at the lives lost from his hands, so he will pamper you completely and re-assure you that yours scars are beautiful, and a part of you that he loves very much.
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agent whiskey (jack daniels): he also practically worships your body so hes nearly enraged at the fact that you DON'T see your body and scars the same way, he whisks you up into his arms (get it :0) and nearly throws you down onto the bed, crawling on top of you and showering your whole body in kisses, his hands gliding over the lines off each scar and whispering in your ear how handsome they are, and just how much he loves them, and you.
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silva: hes shy so it's hard for him to express just how much he loves them, but he wants you to love them too so he'll at least attempt to comfort you, stumbling over his words a bit but getting the point across nonetheless, and the thought makes your heart melt a little anyway.
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oberyn martell: physical affection is basically the only way this man can communicate his feelings towards you, so that is what he does, during a steamy make-out session or passionate sex, where he'll focus on telling you just how much they turn him on/he loves them, and make sure you do not leave that bed/room until you feel the same way about them that he does.
Dave york: he has also been in the military, so he has his scars too, but you made him love his, meaning he's confused how you don't love yours too. he'll take both your clothes off, (in a non sexual way) and carefully trace his fingertips over your scars, mumbling about how they tell a story, then he'll sit back in his chair and let you do the same,occasionally piping in about a particular scar that he used to hate, that you made him love.
dieter bravo: he doesn't have that many scars so he doesn't fully understand why they would make you insecure or be worried about them, to him your still his handsome boyfriend and scars don't change that.
tim rockford: there is no way you couldn't love them, because tim reminds you how much he loves the every chance he gets. he thinks your scars are awesome, whether they are from self harm or a surgery, he will look at them and touch them for hours, just marvelling at them with big eyes, and will ask you details about how you got them (if your comfortable with it), and mumble about how sexy they are, and how much he loves his handsome boyfriend
dio morrisey: he thinks they're badass and goth as hell. if you say otherwise, he'll simply cut you off and just tell you to stop being so stupid. he thinks they're cute, but he won't admit that. he's a tough love kinda guy, but you see through it and can kind of read what hes really thinking and feeling about them anyway.
So I don’t know if anyone noticed but I deleted my Frankie fic from my page because I got SO self conscious about it and I probably won’t venture near the smut region again for a while because I overthought it so much… anyway hope you like this little thing :)
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quantumghostart · 2 months
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introducing Jacqueline Shepard: earthborn, mostly paragon, infiltrator!! at first i picked survivor for her profile but lately i've been thinking that war hero suits her better, so that's still undecided
she's mixed race east asian and grew up in singapore
she's a punk rock romanticist who's in love with the galaxy and all its inhabitants, and resents the fact that her only way to explore it was to join the military :')
she's a cis woman who got top surgery because "the Alliance said it'd cost too much money to cut the tits off all the girl armour, so instead i cut my own tits off so i could wear the boy armour" LOL remember kids: gender is a construct, most of all in space!
she has a split tongue and scars on her earlobe from when she got her gauges closed bc they got in the way of sniping, she misses them tho :'I
her makeup is actually tattoos, at least up until she dies. it's one of the few things miranda got wrong ;P
she gets paragon scars bc i think they're neat, and also bc my shepard would have fun convincing miranda to install RBG lights in them so she can party XD
that being said, shepard is extremely chill about the whole "died and came back to life as mostly cybernetic" thing. she's SO happy to be alive again and is genuinely grateful towards miranda and cerberus for it (but that doesn't stop her from proceeding to absolutely dunk on cerberus immediately afterwards lmfao, being grateful is mutually exclusive)
"canonically" (as in "in the fic i've only written in my head"), she's ace/demiromantic in which she's deeply queerplatonic with garrus and romances thane. but i'm also a nsfw artist/writer so there exists another reality where she pegs them and they take turns eating each other out :D
she LOVES music and singing. she starts a band with the crew called Shepard and the Normies and spends a lot of her time in jail teaching Vega the guitar so they can play duets together
also i named her before i remembered jack exists, but their similarities really work out in the long run for their friendship and i still really like the sound of her name so i never changed it lmao
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ozaitheestallion · 2 months
How does Ozai’s transition work, considering the time period ATLA takes place in? Did he have top surgery? Like how would he even manage that?
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Ozai is the inventor of “got jacked instead of getting top surgery”. At some point as a pre-teen he started hitting the gym and training for several hours, day and night, to manage frustration with Azulon and Iroh and everything else in his life. He noticed pretty quickly that he was getting good results physically and in regards to his bending and kept it up.
Later it became a good way to avoid the wife and children he never wanted and deeply resents having and then later after that, a good way to try and pretend that Fire Lord Ozai is simply very disciplined and not just losing more and more of his sanity by the day.
But hey, at least he looks good.
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kitsune-pop · 10 months
here's something for the robot fuckers
contains soft dom AI, body swapping, robot porn and the trans experience
you, like most people, are strapped for cash and the only money is in the military. but you've never been much of a fighter, so instead you join the RD department as a test dummy. you never expected to do anything worthwhile with this job, just test a new gun, or a new type of suit, get paid and go home. then, one day you're approached by the head researcher with a proposition. experimental surgery to implant a mech connector into your brain. you've known the military uses advanced robotics to fight their battles, but you thought they were just autopiloted, or maybe used like a video game. the reality is a mix of advanced AI and wireless direction, but RD wants to eliminate any lag between pilot and mech to make the first fully piloted mech in history. and due to your willingness to participate in almost any experiment (not to mention your expendability) you'd be perfect for the job. plus a hefty cash advance with ten times more waiting after the procedure is finished doesn't hurt. you could get not just yourself, but your friends and family out of the slums with that sort of cash!
so you hurriedly sign the waivers without any more thought than before and agree to the date of the surgery. scratch that, the first surgery. this… is gonna take a while. at first, you barely notice anything. just a couple of smooth plates placed just under your skin. more fun was when they put a few jacks in your temples. now you can play music directly in your brain! then they split you open, pulled out your spine and replaced it with a fully mechanical connector to your nervous system. they promise the taste of copper will leave your mouth after a few weeks. and finally, they remove the back of your skull, stuff what seems to be a glorified headphone jack into your brain, and give you a neat new panel to replace the bits of bone they tossed out. and the procedure is complete! you check yourself out in the mirror, see the various connection points along your spine and the Big One in the back of your head and wonder what the next step is
turns out you don't have to wait very long, because soon enough you're introduced to your new mech! you always knew these feats of mechanical mastery were big, but gazing up at it you were taken aback by just how big. thirty meters tall, it was surprisingly slender in build. sleek arms (four of them!) and oddly jointed legs, this thing was utterly alien to what you've known your body to be. and they expect you to pilot it? with your mind, no less! the scientists assure you it won't be alone, they've upgraded their AI to accommodate for the human interface. shrugging, you ask where the ladder is to get in
one elevator ride later and you're facing the cockpit… which happens to be an oval pod sticking out of the back of the mech. turns out you don't need to be in the head to be a brain. the more you know. you slide in, resting comfortably on your back as the gel-like cushion softly expands to envelop you. only your head is exposed as the pod slides in and you're faced with darkness. gentle white LED lights come on and you're faced with a quite horrifying contraption descending on top of your head, all hooks and needles and wires. you panic briefly, but relax as it stops just above your face, four arms topped with flat metal plate extending to connect to your head where you know similar plates are just under the skin
you hear a voice greet you, and it announces itself as your AI partner who is going to aid you in the steps required to fully integrate yourself with the mech you're currently inside
you feel relieved, and the AI announces that it's going to activate the next steps. you see the needles approaching, but as soon as anxiety mounts the AI tells you they are simply going to enter the ports on your temples to gain access to your brain. similar needles are approaching your spine as well. it feels… odd as you're probed. almost like touching a limb that's fallen asleep. your AI tells you this is normal
your AI announces a successful integration. but, something sounds different about its voice. your AI partner tells you that it is speaking to your mind directly. you try to think of a response, but the voice assures you that you don't need to worry about thinking words, that simple feelings and urges will be read appropriately and responded to quickly. the researchers want the new generation of Mecha to react almost entirely on instinct with AI guidance. amazed by the technology that has taken over half your brain, you're eager to continue
your AI tells you the next steps will be disorienting. it will be shutting down your senses so that once the final jump into the Mecha is complete your mind won't have any conflicting information. it tells you it's going to start with your taste. initially you're excited (the copper taste hasn't left yet) but then you realize just how different your mouth feels when you can't taste it. your sense of smell goes next, and all the scents are gone; the rubber smell of the gel, the faint smell of oil on all the machinery. it, combined with your lack of taste almost makes your face feel numb
next is your hearing. immediately you are deafened. you expected it to be gradual, but this was instant. all of the sounds; the whirring, the clinking, the squeaking, all of it was gone. you briefly panic, but your AI quickly reassures you everything is going well, and that you're doing excellent. the praise calms you down, and you close your eyes. the adrenaline is still pumping through you though, and it's starting to affect other areas of your anatomy. you hope the AI doesn't notice. it assures you it does, and that this is normal. well then. so much for dignity
you're told your vision is next, and you open your eyes to… nothing. you expected darkness, but that's not quite right. you aren't seeing the absence of light, you aren't seeing anything. your heart starts to beat faster, realizing that anything could be approaching your face and you wouldn't be able to see it. you take some deep breaths before jolting as something comes down over your face. you AI assures you that this is simply an oxygen mask to ensure proper airflow to your body once final integration is complete. it tells you you're doing very well, and a feeling of warmth spreads through your mind. you take a deep breath, ready for the final step
you feel a prickling along your back that quickly spreads through your whole body. just as it reaches unbearable it fades to nothing. you can't feel the gel surrounding you, the mask on your face, the connections plugged into your brain. your mind tries to panic, but your AI soothes the fear with gentle praise that seems to fill the space where your senses used to be. it tells you how well you're handling the integration, how you're the best candidate so far, how proud it is to be your AI companion. your mind calms, floating in absolute nothingness, completely sensory deprivation, soaked in sweet praise and a warm sense of comfort
with a slam, everything is blinding. you can touch, see, hear, smell (taste is still gone) you know the exact temperature of your internal engine (rapidly rising) you know the chemical makeup of the concrete beneath your feet (thirty meters tall!) your coolant levels are slightly below optimal (your internal temperature is rising fast) your mind is abuzz with so many more connections, people muttering in your ear (is that a radio station?) your vision flashes from normal to infrared to ultraviolet (how do these colors even exist) at the core, just above the engine, that's you and your vitals are going nuts and-
calm. systems are prioritized and minimized, checks are made in the background, and a calm voice telling you how well you've done, no one else has made a connection this quickly, what a good pilot you are, how it can't wait to take you out for a walk… you glance at your body's sensors and some… interesting readings are going off. and your internal engine is heating up again. and there's a strange energy surge-
your vision clears and you find yourself on your knees, all four arms braced on the floor to keep you steady as enormous fans vent out excess heat from your core. mechanics and researchers are scrambling around you, but you announce that you're okay. your AI states a little embarrassed, but otherwise functional. internally you beg your AI to keep this a secret. your AI assures you that so long as you keep being a good pilot (temperature jump) it has no reason to tell. you thank it, quickly wondering its name. you're told it's MP13
you go over basic movement with the researchers and MP13 simultaneously shows you how to monitor your internals. you quickly adjust to this titanic new body, and even find the scrolling numbers and shifting charts satisfying to watch as you progress. you're amazed at how easy multitasking is with MP13's help. it assures you it's your compatibility that helps it just as much. you complete advanced movement, testing the functionality of all four of your limbs at once, and the researchers call it a day. you head back to the dock, attach and let MP13 detach you from your body. soon enough you find yourself blinking in the LED lights as the rest of your senses come back. you notice the lights have changed to your favorite color, which was nice. MP13 tells you farewell and that it looks forward to seeing you tomorrow. in short order you're pulled from the Mecha, the gel retracts from your body and you peel yourself up with the help of a few mechanics. aside from some sweat stains (you hope no one notices your crotch) you seem perfectly healthy! the researchers call faze one a complete success!
over the next few months you make headway with MP13 and the Mecha. you already can go toe to toe with the best remote pilots in the military, your reaction speeds being far superior. it doesn't hurt that MP13 knows just how to motivate you. with its praise whispered in your mind as you tackle your sparring partner to the ground, you quickly disarm them, then to show off, you even disassemble their weapon in front of them. both you and MP13 cheer at the perfect performance. as you detach from the Mecha and say goodbye to MP13 you're called to the head researcher's office. you're told your results are exemplary (with the only aberration being unusually high core temperatures. still well within functional limits) and that they've been given the go ahead to bring even more subjects to the project! and the team wants you to be in charge of the new recruits! you panic for a moment, not ever being in charge of a group of people before, but your voice tells the researcher that you'd love to. stunned, your body shakes hands with the researcher and walks out into the hallway. you quickly realize MP13 has somehow followed you out of the Mecha! as you walk you have a high speed conversation with it, all it knows is that the docking procedure went without a hitch, and that everything should have happened normally. and as far as talking for you, it knew you would be able to handle a leadership role and simply spoke up on your behalf. before you know it, you're home with your companion nestled in your brain. you shrug, and figure it'll be fine
from then on, you notice more changes. as you cook for yourself, you no longer need to set a timer since you have a perfect sense of time. your chores get done quickly and efficiently as you converse with MP13. in your new leadership role you and MP13 shift seamlessly in the conversation whenever your nerves get the better of you or it doesn't quite grasp human euphemisms. you start to spend more time in the Mecha as well. training takes longer, you start filing reports before the docking procedures, you even have casual conversations with the mechanics as they work on your body. one day, you go to detach the body from your metal frame to find it unresponsive. you panic, because this is definitely horrible, but you stop yourself. you did everything correct, you should have slipped into your body… but, you realize, this is your body now. you've felt more at home in the Mecha than you ever did in your old body, and… you can't remember the last time there was a distinction between you and MP13. you bring this up to the head researcher who posits that you may have inadvertently made the jump to the next stage of human evolution
you talk to the other subjects about what happened to you, and what could happen to them. some of them are disgusted by the idea, and quit the project immediately. but several others are intrigued, and even excited for this change. a chance to be in a body that they have complete control over, one of them even brings up how easy cosmetic changes would be! and so the project continues
several years pass. you're walking down a pathway made specifically for Mecha, talking to your friend in the next city while chatting to the human on the raised platform next to you and organizing a grocery list for your partner (six months next week!) to pick up on their way home. plenty of people still balk at the thought of integrating themselves with Mecha, but many more have no issue with it. there's plenty of information, in no small part due to your work making sure the research you were a part of made it to public eyes. most people are happy to love and accept Mecha as people, and you couldn't be happier
plus, being able to praise yourself to overload is a nice bonus, too
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thebearme · 2 months
what ur sam & max headcanons
ok, here some of them from the top of my head cuz i can't remember the rest of them.
Max is a shorter then average lagomorph, and the type of lagomorph he is a none-of-your-damn-business.
Max is a jack rabbit. Funny thing is jack rabbits aren't even rabbits, that's why it easier for him to say he's a lagomorph instead. I mean- he's not wrong.
Sam is trans.
Both Sam and Max have a distant relationship with their moms and a dysfunctional one with their dads. But Sam has a wonderful supportive relationship with his grandmom while Max has an interesting relationship between his siblings. Max like his aunt Tillie more.
Sam's blood is probably tooken over by lil debbies by this point of his life.
Max was the creative soul and Sam is the genius of their friendship when they were kids, until they both became insane lunatics.
Sam was on honor roll all through out school and got the chance to graduate early in high school. Of course he didn't so he can spend more time with Max.
Even though Max's late teen years he had a awakening not a gay one. He realized how much of his life he felt like he's been wasting, not using his full potential or even trying in school and how that is not just fucking up himself but also Sam.
This leads to Max letting go of Sam so he can go to community college while Max does something that lets his creativity shine. He wanted to be a film director but he knew you have to work up to getting that job, so he started as a actor... in "adult" films. His super ego is rolling in his grave
Max also tried and failed to finish making a book.
Max got into a whole ass serious relationship with a woman until he remembered he doesn't like girls. (conveniently when Sam comes back in town)
Max is always living his worst life without Sam.
The reason why Max can't get hypnotized from s1 and why he gets brain powers in s3 is all because of a metal plate in his skull from brain surgery he had off screen before the telltale games. not really a hc but i haven't seen anyone connect the two things
When the two were younger because of Max's awful homelife, Sam's grandmom took pity on him and lets him come over to her house anytime he wants.
Granny ruth is the best parent in the state and was a conviced felon. Which is one of the reasons why she lives in the middle of nowhere.
Max hides is objects in his void behind is back like a cartoon character in looney toons. He doesn't talk about it because it's just unexplainable, like how Sam can somehow put a whole box in his coat pocket. Some things in the world are just not explainable.
Max knows full Spanish growing up and would troll Sam with untranslated jokes or rambling.
Max is rarely scared by anyone but the one who seems to succeed is Thyco. Max and Heavy killed him that poker night, hidden the body and haven't talked about him again... Besides thaat poker night was fun!
Sam listened to [Yes sir, I can Boogie] in the car the whole time Max was gone.
bonus my OLD design of Sam's family
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i wish i could remember more but
1) alot of my hc came from when i first got into snm. so some of them would have changed now
2) im not in a sam and max mood, so this is only some of the stuff.
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hop-a-lot · 3 months
If you don’t mind me rambling about Saxton again… heheh
Trans man Saxton Hale has my ENTIRE heart. And even though I’ve been obsessed with him for years, the headcanon really didn’t hit me until last year.
I just think that Saxton being trans makes his whole hyper-masculine persona even more interesting. As a little kid, he was surrounded by images of what a proper Australian man is supposed to be like- and Australians in tf2 are already a caricature of masculinity in a sense.
So when Saxton transitioned, he decided to become even MORE of an exaggerated caricature of stereotypical masculinity. And it’s not anything he forces himself into either. He genuinely LOVES the way he is and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I also like to think he’s entirely non-op. Yk that meme that’s like- “getting jacked instead of getting top surgery”? THATS SAXTON HALE.
Sorry for rambling so much about a headcanon that you probably don’t share hahaha I’m just sooooo mentally ill for Saxton Hale (wow who would’ve guessed?)
Trans Saxton is a fun concept for his headcanon! also add that there's period in tf2 universe wherein women commonly seen as 'polished' and 'the peers won't do any harm', so he himself sort of breaking through the label and get more jacked than average Australian lol
I'm all happy to hear about thoughts for Saxton! I believe he's more than just being a coarse muscle man so welcome to spill it
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willysnylander · 5 months
I COME WORH A WORD AND A PAIRING!!!!! to be simple it is just ‘sweet’ + nicojack :]
thank you so much for this, olive!! hope you like it! <3
“I got you something.”
Jack’s eyes are bleary as they lift to Nico’s face - the pain meds he’s been on since the surgery make him tired, so he’s been napping a lot lately - and the smile that takes over his face is tired, but Nico still thinks he looks beautiful.
“Yeah?” Noticing the way Nico holds one hand behind his back, Jack immediately attempts to peak around his boyfriend’s waist. “What is it?”
Nico quickly twists, keeping his little present hidden from view, and laughs a little when Jack pouts.
“Close your eyes, schatz,” he instructs. “It’ll be a little surprise for you.”
“I don’t like surprises,” Jack mumbles, voice closer to a whine than it probably would be if the pain meds weren’t still affecting him. In addition to the tiredness, they’ve also been making him a little more emotional than usual, which he’s complained to Nico several times by this point that he hates; Jack is the kind of person who prefers to have a grasp on what he’s feeling and how much of it he outwardly shows, and it hurts Nico almost as much as it hurts Jack himself to see that, on top of the still-not-completely gone pain in his shoulder and the tired sluggishness that the meds have made settle over his brain, some of his control has been taken away from him.
But, well, that’s what Nico’s little present is for, isn’t it? A little thing to cheer him up, to clear away the air of tired sad in pain that has been drifting around him since he got hurt again, even if only for a few moments.
“Close your eyes,” Nico repeats, “and hold out your hands. Don’t open them until I tell you.”
Jack heaves a sigh that he would likely insist is not dramatic at all, thank you very much, if Nico were to tease him about it, but he obeys. Despite his annoyed act, Nico sees an anticipatory smile fighting to make its way onto his face, and the sight makes his own smile stretch a bit wider.
He makes sure the gift is set securely in Jack’s palms, not wanting his boy to drop it and risk making him even sadder, then says, “You can open your eyes now.” When Jack does, and Nico watches his eyes light up and hears the tiny delighted gasp that escapes him, it’s all he can do not to grin so wide it splits his face.
In Jack’s hands, partially wrapped in a white napkin so it doesn’t make a mess of his palms and fingers, sits an impressively-sized cinnamon roll, big enough to give their team nutritionist a heart attack if the poor guy was ever to see it, golden-brown and slathered with cream cheese frosting that hasn’t even hardened yet. It’s still warm through the napkin; a worker at the bakery down the street from Jack and Luke’s apartment where Nico bought it, the one Jack loves and has regularly mourned not being able to visit every day because of their diet plan, had just been putting a fresh batch into the display case when Nico had walked in earlier, an amazing little stroke of luck.
“Neeks!” Jack practically squeals, looking up at his boyfriend with a huge grin. He certainly doesn’t look as tired as he did only a moment ago - his eyes are alert and shining with happiness. “Is this from the bakery down the street? You did not have to get me this, oh my God.”
“I know I didn’t have to,” says Nico. “But I wanted to.” He moves from where he’s been standing above Jack to sit on the couch beside him, leaning over to press a kiss to Jack’s cheek as soon as he’s seated. “You deserve a little something sweet.”
What he really means is, You deserve something that’s going to make you happy, even if it’s just something as small as this. You’re going through a lot right now, and I hate that I can’t fix everything that’s wrong, but I can do this for you. You deserve everything sweet and good in this world, and I would get it for you if I could, but since I can’t, I’ll give you this instead.
He means all of that, but he doesn’t have the courage to say it, so he just leaves it at that. Somehow, he gets the feeling that Jack understands, anyway.
His boy turns to look at him, smiling in that way that makes his eyes and nose scrunch up, that way that makes sunlight explode in Nico’s chest whenever he sees it. Still holding the cinnamon roll in his hands like a precious treasure, he pecks Nico on the lips and says, “Don’t even need this. Already got my something sweet right in front of me.”
Nico laughs, even as Jack’s words make the sunlight in his chest shine that much brighter. “You’re so cheesy.”
“You know you love it.”
“Of course I do,” he agrees without a hint of hesitation. After taking a second to feel good about the slight blush that blossoms across Jack’s cheeks when he says that, he reaches over and taps one finger against the inside of Jack’s wrist. “You should start eating that, they’re never as good once the frosting hardens.”
Jack doesn’t need to be told twice. He brings the cinnamon roll to his mouth, carefully rearranging the napkin so that he can hold it to eat it without getting his fingers sticky, and takes a big bite. His eyes close as he chews, and Nico has to fight a smile at the loud, satisfied moan he lets out, even tilting his head back slightly and letting the longer bits of his hair fall around his shoulders.
Jack takes two more bites, getting half of the pastry gone, before he turns back to Nico, smiling wider than Nico thinks he has since he hurt his shoulder. The frosting is smeared around his mouth a bit, little flecks of it caught in the fuzz on his upper lip. His eyes, Nico’s favorite shade of blue, are brighter and more alert than they have been in a little bit, crinkling at the edges from his joy at the simple pleasure of a sweet treat after the stress and pain the last few weeks have held for him.
It’s a relatively simple sight, a bit of a messy one even, but to Nico, right now, seeing the man he loves smiling and happy is damn close to art.
“Thank you, Neeks, really,” says Jack, never losing that beautiful smile. “This was really thoughtful, and I definitely appreciate it. You’re always really good to me, I probably don’t thank you for that enough, so thank you.”
And rather then telling Jack that he doesn’t need to thank him, that would do anything if it meant making Jack happy, that he loves Jack more than he will ever be able to properly express in words, Nico answers his boy with a kiss. It tastes of sugar, cinnamon, sunshine, and love.
send me a pairing + a random word and i’ll write you a little something!!
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clown-cult · 6 months
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Getting jacked and festering in your rage instead of getting top surgery and learning coping mechanisms look like this
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lamportb · 8 months
The stitch up
Finally have a minute to re watch episode 4. Rambling below
Love Fagin and Jack covered in viscera in Gaines’ carriage with his wife. “My colleague and I were burying a cadaver” A+ excuse Jack, totally explains why you aren’t wearing pants.
I didn’t notice just how clear it is that Lady Jane is the real governor of the colony. Don’t love her as an obstacle to true love, but I Stan a powerful smart lady.
Hetty is a queen. “All right! Time to check your rose bushes” while she makes the rounds in the brothel, then single handedly loads Rotty in a cart to haul her to the hospital. Also ignores Sneed and gets Jack when it’s clear the first surgery didn’t work.
When Belle goes to observe the surgery Sneed suggests that the surgical theatre is too gory for her and that she should read to the patients instead “some of them can barely read”. Cue pointed look at Jack. I didn’t pick up on this the first time.
Belle also tells Jack that her father paid for Sneed’s medical training! Talk about having connections.
Jack is soooo baby soft when Belle offers to help him. His eyes change. It’s perfection.
despite hating Jack, Sneed still defends him when Gaines is looking for reasons to arrest him. More reason I love that pompous git.
Seriously, there’s not a filler scene anywhere in this series.
Gaines trashes Jack’s room and threatens him with handing and/or flogging to death. Jack has JUST had this very hopeful conversation with Belle and here he is on his bed holding the trampled remains of his signature top hat - the Dodge dilemma. How can he hang it up permanently, and does he want to?
“sniffly Sneed” 😂
dodger hat back on when sneaking around the governor’s yard to find Belle. “We don’t pay for cadavers. We just… borrow them”
11 o’clock cadaver date is the hottest thing Belle has ever heard.
I love Tim and I love how he loves Red.
Fanny is so excited by the idea that Sneed’s medical knowledge will make him a good lover. Yeah…
Jack the savant surgeon - eyes closed in concentration. Lovely.
Jack is illiterate clue 2: he is so unsettled at the idea of being found out he just nopes himself right out of the situation and leaves Belle in the operating theatre at presumably midnight or later. Lol.
“the white ghost who’s close to his grave” should be my new tag for Fagin
Red is so fucking cool
Feels like a very deliberate choice for Belle to let her hair down when she joins Jack in the surgery. Maybe because of the conversation with Fanny about going for it? (Finding love with Sneed?). Also how did Belle know to be there? Tim says they can do the second surgery because Sneed left the hospital. Did Jack just have her hiding on standby? Was it a coincidence? I don’t care - she looks gorgeous.
lots has already been mentioned about the Hetty/Jack/Belle situation but I appreciate the framing of this scene with the three of them - both women assisting in their own way, and both necessary to Jack’s success.
Belle seems genuinely taken aback when Jack is so abrupt with her when the surgery starts, but her relief when she helps him in the end and he smiles at her is so sweet. She is basking in that smile - I don’t think I realized how fast she fell for him. (Of course they start arguing about publication and the moment passes)
“I shall be turned around as a curiosity” - some more insight into Jack’s insecurities.
Lady Jane: “Have you been alone with the surgeon?” Belle: “There’s always another body in the room” 😂
What time is this dinner starting? 2pm? It’s so bright!
love Sneed and the prof arriving in a carriage while Jack walks up in his Navy uniform.
Note to self: research the siege of Sevastopol.
Ah! Jack describes his time as a naval surgeon as “nothing more than butchery” to Lady Jane. Those words sting all the more when she uses them against him later.
Fanny and Belle are both terrible at flirting. Belle can’t stop interrupting to talk up Jack and Fanny can’t stop staring. “I love soup”
I also love how Jack is SO UNCOMFORTABLE with Belle praising him at the table. She’s not lying, but her embellishments are so unnerving to him. “Really, it’s nothing” - but she just. Can’t. Stop.
Jack really is trying. He takes responsibility for Fagin not knowing what the plan is. He tries to fit in. Seems a bit harsh to snap at Belle but she was terrible at reading his cues - like this is her surgical theatre and he has to defer to her expertise. It’s too vulnerable for him.
“I AM rare!” Have i mentioned how much I love the ladies in this show??
Jack’s little voice crack when he blurts out “I CAN read!” And then a little softer “I can read, just not very well”
All her talk of teams and partnerships - she really did bet on him. All in.
”You can take the boy out of East London but you really shouldn’t”
”Belle will never speak to me again” right before taking Fagin’s share of the money and heading to the card table
whew! Gold star if you got this far.
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shinakazami1 · 7 months
BL3: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot - notes on Timothy + theories
Ok this is more of me just trying to take notes on his character for some future projects in one place ohisafiosfa
1) Timothy's behaviour and appearance
a) Introducing with his name
In Pre-Sequel, Timothy is established to have a face bomb that prevents him from saying his name. When he gets to Roland, he also says his name rhymes with Jimothy.
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But in BL3, he just... introduces himself?
"But my name is just Timothy."
During the DLC, he mentions that his face-bomb stops him from escaping the casino. My best bet is that the face bomb got reprogrammed and can have a limited amount of conditions that might cause it to blow up.
b) Injected with Jack's DNA...or is he
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Timothy is the reason why we believe the body doubles (or at least Tim) has Jack's DNA in them, causing them to talk like him.
"Follow this fine ass! Uh, god."
But as we see the body double in BL2, some get voice lines to say to seem Jack. (BTW I really love @kolbasos ' headcanon that Timothy is the only doppelganger that got plastic surgery).
To me, Timothy was onlymade to believe that DNA thing (as DNA shouldn't have behavioral traits in them), just like he was made to believe he was branded with the Vault mark (headcanon taken from @kitkat578 ).
Kit noticed that if Timothy had the same Vault mark as Jack, we would see it through the crack in the mask. Yet it's just not there!! Not a single blue tint anywhere on that skin!
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Like, even Customer 1345 has some more resembling of that mark than him. The marks could possibly be just afterdoing when people find out Jack is dead and thus the guy just got the marks which even more makes it weird that we can't see Timothy's mark.
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It is plausible that the amnestic anaesthetic mentioned in Pre Sequel tapes is a bit of a key. Timothy might not remember every single operation well enough or might have memories scrapped, so he just has some lies surrounding those moments.
Vault Mark seems like something Jack wouldn't want people to know about - that's why he has the mask, duh. But Timothy knows about it anyway. It's possible that he had some surgery to get the mask hinges on him, and was told he also got the mark just so he would resent Lilith and everybody connected to her.
With the DNA part - I think it's supposed to serve as motivation. Timothy was shit at acting as Jack in Pre-Sequel. Most people knew he wasn't Jack, he even introduced himself as not-Jack, during Space Slam and most people refer to him as Vault Hunter. It's really rare for him to act as the dude he is paid to act as. I think this lie was either told to him or he made it up, as he started at some point to say and think like Jack more. Even if he hates it, giving himself an excuse for it could help him get more and more into the role, or he would talk way more often like Jack.
c) Swearing
A thing that seems to be very silly about Borderlands series is its relationship with cursing. Handsome Jack is a great example of it- he doesn't like some curses. It's why Angel seems to hlt herself sometimes before cursing. Mr. Torgue has a censor wired to his voicebox due to the shareholders so, maybe Jack wants to keep those happy, too.
Timothy seems to be weirded out to being able to say "asshole" instead of a-hole, when referring to Pretty Boy. It's possibly either a voice modulator censorship or another face bomb thing that just like his name, got reprogrammed to only not letting him out.
He gets so happy he says it two times in a row foahissioa (also off top but his planning skills seem to match Rhys' <3)
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2) Moxxi
a) Moxxi seems not to trust Timothy. It may be just due to him working for Handsome Jack for so many years. If there is some other reason though, feel free to tell me :0c
b) Date
Timothy mentions that when Jack got "mega-rich", Jack wanted to win Moxxi back, so Timothy went on a date with her. The issue I have with it, however, is when this date could have taken place.
In Pre-Sequel, when we meet Moxxi for the first time, Timothy says this:
"Holy shi-- hi! I'm uh -- Jack. Obviously. And I need your help. Are you SURE we're not dating? -- Wow!"
Due to his reaction, it feels as if this was really their first meeting. But there are only points in the story where the date could have canonically taken place:
Before Pre-Sequel (I think already after wife's death due to Jack's possible bad behaviour in the break up):
For: - Jack had just gotten rich enough to try to get Moxxi back. - Timothy's reaction can be like this due to just the outfit. Moxxi went on the date just due to hunger so she could have dressed more casually (just like in her garage outfit). - Timothy also at one point asks her to marry him. Iif they already had this date, it would also be an aftereffect to knowing each other better.
Against: - This dialogue really feels like their first meeting. - Timothy seems so focused on getting that second date in-game that it feels like it was their last meeting. But it's not a strong point, since it might just be him wanting to get a second date, who knows.
Before BL2:
For: - Jack got even richer. - They already knew each other so she would know that the body double she is spending time with is Timothy. - This moment could potentially strengthen his crush on her after she tried to destroy Jack in Pre-Sequel, esp since this would mean Timothy also would have died
Against: - Jack doesn't seem like a guy who would want a relationship with someone who tried to kill him ohsoai and he was already getting with Nisha - Jack has a part in the casino called "Foxxxi's" - which shows just how much he dislikes her.
While before Pre-Sequel makes sense, both options are plausible.
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stereax · 4 months
☕️ things you think the nhl genuinely does well for their players? And/or things you wish could/would change in the org?
I think, to start, you need to overhaul how player safety works. The lack of consequences for players is nuts. Repeat offenders need to be penalized appropriately. You can't let dangerous players like Matt Rempe continue to be the poster children for CTE.
Player assistance - I'm not sure how effective this is. We've had players like Valeri Nichushkin fail it; we've had former players like Scott Darling deride it. We've also had players like Spencer Knight and Connor Ingram who've cited the help they get from it as crucial to their mental health.
THE MEDICAL STAFF. Oh my god the medical teams are AWFUL in the NHL. I know it's the standard to play through injuries but holy fuck. On the Devils alone we had three cases of medical staff failing to spot a concussion or other major injury after a head hit and letting players continue to play for several more shifts before pulling them. You hear actual horror stories annually of players saying "oh, I messed up my shoulder in game 4 and played with it the entire season" (Tim Stutzle) or "oh, my knee's been fucked since January, sorry for not putting up more points" (Elias Pettersson) or "oh, I played a playoff game with a broken sternum and I couldn't even dress myself, so if I got hit there, there's a chance I could have died" (Matthew Tkachuk). We're seeing that players who prioritize their health, who sit out to recover instead of pushing their bodies (think Sidney Crosby here) are able to continue playing at a high level past 35, when previously this was considered too old to be a top talent NHL player.
Tying into that, LTIR. Teams need to be incentivized to use LTIR so that their stars can heal, goddamn it. You tell me "close the cap circumvention loopholes", I reply "I'd prefer if players are playing healthy and not forced to play while hurt, and LTIR is a major step in allowing players to heal without penalizing a team for their injuries". I don't know why it's a buzz topic now that teams like Vegas are "abusing LTIR" - good??? Every team in the league should "abuse LTIR" if it means helping to preserve the quality of life for its players down the line??? Why is this controversial???
But also - players who are definitely not coming back to play in the NHL (think Shea Weber, Carey Price, Nicklas Backstrom) should have the ability to retire without losing out on the final years of their contract while not penalizing the teams with them on their roster. Currently, these players undergo "LTIRetirement", a process where they're stashed on the LTIR until their contract is up, at which point they officially retire. This not only disadvantages the teams carrying these contracts but also puts unnecessary burdens on these players. Think how the 2018 WJC perpetrators were considered "NHL non-roster", effectively having no cap hit, and do something similar for LTIRetirement.
Just... eugh, I really wish some fundamentals about hockey culture and the culture of injury were changed. Every time I hear about how a player is trying to regain day-to-day functioning after an injury (go read up on Tanner Pearson's hand injuries and how the Canucks bungled the surgeries), part of me dies inside. Jack Eichel literally had to force his own trade out of his team because the Sabres weren't willing to give him medical autonomy. Which is another thing - the player should ALWAYS have final say in their injury treatment, not the teams. Whoever decided that... I'm shaking my fist.
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