#getting into one piece and all the usernames ive seen are so CUTE
something i love about joining new fandoms are the usernames that the fans create. like to me its just so endearing that someone would spend time to create these unique little monikers that represent their interests so well URGH people are so cute sometimes
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII /  Part VIII  / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
Peter was unreasonably nervous on the way to Tony’s house – he felt like a teenage virgin, even though he was far from that. The problem was he knew the older man probably had certain expectations for what was about to happen, it was impossible for him not to have, of course. He watched all of his videos, he followed his Just4Fans, he had seen his wildest, sexiest, naughtiest side, but the thing was, that didn’t really come natural to Peter.
What most people didn’t seem to realize was that porn sex was very different from real life sex. Most of the things that looked good didn’t necessarily feel good, because porn wasn’t about getting off, it was about getting the viewers off, at the cost of the actors’ own pleasure sometimes. In Peter’s experience, most of the times.
Tony was older, experienced, Peter supposed he knew all of that, but he also met him through porn, he had seen him have sex with several people several times, so who knew, maybe he thought Peter actually liked being choked half to death or slapped black and blue. Maybe he thought he liked it rough, no prep and no lube, and maybe he wouldn’t understand that if he cried and begged him to stop, he wasn’t trying to be kinky, he just–  
“Hey.” Peter jumped up in surprise when he heard the man’s voice to his left. Tony had both of his hands on the steering wheel, but his eyes were focused on him. There was a small frown between his brows and the younger man wondered if he had missed something. “I can still drive you home if you changed your mind, ok?”
“What?” Peter asked, a little too loudly, and the older man gave him a small smile.
“You just seem a little freaked out,” he clarified, and the boy blushed, dipping his chin down to stare at his lap. “There’s no pressure here, Peter. If I somehow made you feel like you have to do this, please –“
“Gods, no!” He cut him off, because that was the furthest thing from the truth, not even once did Tony make him feel like he had to do anything. “I’m sorry, it’s just – been a while since–” he started, but then he felt dumb, because he used to do that for a living and Tony knew it. “I mean, without cameras and stuff.” He mumbled, feeling his face burning in shame at the confession.
He was surprised when the older man’s hand came into view, grabbing one of his gently. Peter raised his eyes to look at him.
“Tell you what,” Tony started with that charming smile of his, squeezing his hand a little. “We’ll just have a few drinks and see where it goes. I’ll drive you home at any time you ask, just say the word.”
Peter sighed, feeling weirdly relieved by those words. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that, but it was still nice to hear. He could quit at any time. He was still in control of his body. He got to decide whatever happened next.
“Sounds nice,” he said, and Tony must have heard the honesty in his voice because his expression softened and the corners of his lips tilted up.
A few minutes later, Stark Tower popped into view as they turned a corner and the younger man noticed they were headed there, which confused him at first, but Tony explained he lived on the top floor of the tower. Peter was surprised to hear that, he always assumed he lived in some fancy building in Manhattan, but when he thought about it, it made sense. Tony living anywhere else could be a threat to his neighbors’ lives, what with his side job and all.  
“I used to live in Malibu.” Peter remembered that. He also remembered his mansion was destroyed in a terrorist attack back in 2010, after Tony basically gave the Mandarin his home address. “When I moved here, I decided to turn the top few floors of Stark Tower into my home. It was all for me at first, but later it became the Avengers headquarters. A few of them lived there for a while, like Steve, before we… You know.” Peter didn’t know, actually. He remembered Captain America and a few others became fugitives at some point, but he didn’t really know the story behind it. To be fair, he didn’t think the public at large knew the whole truth either. “Now it’s just me again.”
Peter didn’t comment on the fact that he skipped the part where he probably lived there with Pepper Potts. The boy didn’t lie when he said he didn’t know a lot about the older man’s life, but some things were hard to miss, like his marriage to the most powerful woman in the world. Peter remembered it was literally all over the news, meaning the divorce, just a little over a year earlier, was just as covered by the media as well.
He decided not to ask, though.
When they arrived at the tower, Tony got out of the car and went around it to open the door for him. He blushed at the small act of chivalry, but the older man didn’t even seem to realize it. He once again placed a hand on the small of his back as he led him to a metal door that slid open with a quiet hiss after both of their faces were scanned.
Tony nudged him inside what looked like an elevator; there were no buttons or anything, but it started moving up as soon as the doors closed behind them. The ride up to the top floor was filled with “fun facts” about the tower, for which Peter was grateful, he could tell the man was trying to put him at ease and he appreciated it.
When the elevator dinged and the doors slid open to reveal a fancy living room, though, he couldn’t help the nervous sigh that left his lips.
“Okay, I know I promised drinks, but I think we had enough at the restaurant, right?” Tony’s warm hand never left his back, and it had a soothing effect on him. Peter nodded, because they did share two bottles of wine during the meal, plus half a bottle of champagne for desert. He wasn’t wasted, but he was definitely not one hundred percent sober either, so maybe it was best to to keep it that way. “How about some coffee, then?”
“Sure, sounds good.” He smiled politely, as the older man led him into the living room.
It was huge, Peter was positive it could fit his whole apartment and there would still be a lot of room left over, but it was also very empty and minimalist. There was a couch and a few armchairs, they looked expensive, but not very comfortable. Other than that, there were paintings on the walls, a few decorative pieces, but nothing that stood to attention, except for the huge floor-to-ceiling glass wall, from which he could see almost all of New York City.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back.” Tony gestured to the couch, but as he walked away in the direction Peter assumed was the kitchen, he headed to the window, watching the view.
He took a deep breath, trying to get his heartbeat somewhat under control. He wasn’t sure what was about to happen, what he wanted to happen, but most of all, he worried about the day after. About what would happen when he left the tower, when he left Tony behind. His brain told him that that whole night was a one time thing and that was it. But somewhere in his heart he hoped for… more.
He didn’t know what, though. He and Tony belonged to very different worlds, hoping for anything other than a one night stand seemed pointless.
“Here you go.” Tony walked back into the room, he had lost his jacket and tie, the top buttons of his shirt were open, exposing some of his chest, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Peter gulped, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he tried to focus on the coffee mugs in his hands, instead.
“Thanks.” He walked over to where the man was standing next to the couch, and accepted the drink, looking around the room, trying to find something that could distract him from his shaking hands. “Is that you?” He pointed at a barely visible black and white picture hanging on the wall of a hallway off to his right, leading away from the living room. Tony seemed surprised that Peter even noticed it, but he walked over there and waved for the younger man to follow.
“This is Dum-E, my first born, and this is me at sixteen,” Up close, Peter could see that it was a newspaper clipping and the headline read Tony Stark poses with the prize winning robot in his father’s workshop at Stark Industries. In the picture, he was crouching down next to a hydraulic arm robot, smiling proudly at the camera. Peter couldn’t help but notice that, of all the times he had probably made the newspapers, it seemed like that was the only one he chose to frame.
“You looked so cute,” he cooed, focusing on the kid in the picture. It wasn’t good quality, but he could tell Tony looked nerdy and maybe a little awkward. He wondered if he got picked on a lot in college. When he turned to look at the man’s face, he was smiling at him, amused. “What?”
“Nothing. I’m just glad you’re here.” Peter’s heart went so wild in his chest, he was worried the older man could hear it. “Thanks for agreeing to meet me, by the way, I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision.” Tony placed his mug on the console table next to them.  
“I hope it wasn’t too disappointing.” He chuckled nervously, leaning against the wall and holding his mug with both hands so the man wouldn’t notice how they were still shaking.
“Actually, it was way better than I imagined, kitten,” he assured him, moving to stand right in front of him, leaving Peter trapped between him and the wall.
“What did you imagine?” He took a sip of coffee, before placing his mug on the console table too, watching as Tony discreetly took a small step closer to him, so the tips of their shoes were almost touching.
“That you might turn out to be a kiss-ass who would try to impress me with a fake personality or something, but you can’t fake this.” He pinched his pink cheek, which made Peter blush even harder. “What did you imagine? About me, I mean.”
“It varied.” He said, to put it lightly. “But when we first started talking, I got almost everything right.” He bragged, because, to his credit, it was true.
“Yeah?” Tony’s eyes widened a little in surprise.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded, eyes roaming the man’s face, remembering all the things he fantasized about over the past few months. “Your hair, your eyes… Your voice.” His voice was small when he finished, as Tony closed the space between them by leaning in closer, one hand resting beside his head on the wall.
“My voice?” He lifted a brow and tilted his head to the side, blinking in curiosity.
“Mm-hmm.” He agreed nervously, eyes flickering between the man’s eyes and his mouth.
“Did you think about it a lot?” Tony was almost whispering then, his voice sounded smooth and low, and they were so close Peter could feel his coffee scented breath on his face.
“All the time.” He admitted, blinking slowly, hypnotized. Tony looked at him for a few seconds, eyes searching his face for something. When he seemed satisfied, he placed his other hand on Peter’s hip, gently, barely there, caging the younger man’s body completely in his arms.
“What did you think about?” Tony’s eyelids were so low he might as well have his eyes closed, but Peter knew he was staring at his mouth, which made him lick his lips. His heart was going wild in his rib cage, his breath growing irregular, talking became such a difficult task he didn’t think he could answer the question if he tried. “What did you want me to say to you?”
“Uhm… I just… Nice things.” He breathed out, eyes fluttering closed as he felt the man’s warm breath in his ear.
“Nice things.” He whispered, and then Peter could feel not only his hand on his hip, but his whole arm wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. He gasped. “Like how good you are to me, hmm? Want me to tell you how beautiful you sounded when you said my name for the first time? How bad I’ve been wanting to touch you, since the first time I saw you?” Peter whimpered and lost all the strength in his knees, but Tony had a firm grip on him, holding him up. “Can I take care of you, sweetheart?”
“Yes.” As if the answer could be anything different from that when Tony’s arms were so warm around him and his breath warmed his neck and his smell enveloped him in a dream-like state. His eyes were already closed when Tony’s lips crashed into his and it was all Peter expected it to be.
Tony’s kiss was demanding, but gentle; anxious, but slow. His mouth moved against his like he had been waiting his whole life for that moment, his tongue sought passage through his lips and Peter obliged, meeting him halfway, and if there was any shred of doubt in his mind, it went right out the window at that second as Tony devoured him whole.
He felt his back slamming against a solid surface, even though he didn’t feel his feet moving. It took him a second to realize he wasn’t standing anymore, Tony had lifted him up and pushed him against the wall, catching him by surprise. He wrapped his legs around his waist, as he felt the man’s hands sliding from his hips down to his ass cheeks, where he squeezed tight.  
His fingers got lost in the locks of Tony’s thick hair and a shock traveled down his spine when he felt the older man’s cock pressed against his, hips rocking torturously slow. Peter let out a surprised cry and Tony swallowed it eagerly, sinking his fingers into his flesh, they were so hot Peter could swear he could feel them through the fabric of his too expensive dress pants.
“Tony...” The name slipped out of his mouth without he even realizing it, the sound got trapped between their lips, like a shared secret.
“Shhh,” Tony shushed him when he whimpered, overwhelmed with all the feelings – the heat of their bodies glued together, the intensity of their incessant kissing, the feel of Tony’s hardness pressing against his, his hands roaming his body like they owned him – it was almost too much, Peter thought it might drive him insane. “Come on, let’s get you comfortable.”
The older man let him down gently, but held him firmly by the hips as he did, which was a good thing, since it took him a minute to find balance again. He gave him a lopsided grin, grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the hallway.
He followed the older man to what he assumed was his bedroom – it was just as big as the living room, probably, there was a huge bed in the center, and one of the walls was entirely made of glass, just like in the living room, but it slowly grew darker and darker until it was a solid gray color, hiding them from the world outside and vice-versa. The room was dark, then, and it took a minute for his eyes to adjust.
Tony let go of his hand and turned around to look at him, as he calmly undid a few more buttons of his shirt, eyes fixed on Peter’s face. He felt his cheeks burning again, which made the corners of the man’s mouth tilt up.
He sat down on the bed behind him and before the younger man could wonder what he was supposed to do next, he felt Tony’s hands on his hips, pulling him closer, until Peter was standing between his spread legs and the man’s face was almost pressed against his chest.
“We can stop right here,” he said, looking up at him, and Peter had a sudden urge to run his hands through his hair, so he didn’t hold back. Tony closed his eyes and sighed, turning his head a little to kiss one of his palms. “Did you hear me, honey?” He asked, firmly, looking into his eyes, and he nodded.
“I don’t wanna stop.” He whispered back, cupping the older man’s face, leaning down for a kiss.
Tony groaned into the kiss, satisfied with Peter’s initiative. He reached for the back of the boy’s legs and pulled them until he got the message and straddled him. They both moaned softly when their bodies found each other again. It was amazing to Peter how much easier it was for him to feel comfortable when they were so close, when Tony’s hands were burning his skin and his tongue was claiming his mouth in the most possessive way.
Again, he barely felt when Tony maneuvered him, he just felt an incredibly soft surface against his back and realized he was lying down with the older man between his legs. He felt dizzy, a little out of his mind, like he was in a dream. The room was dark and so very quiet, the only thing he could hear was the sloppy sounds of their lips locked together – and he had to admit he was growing addicted to it, to his taste, to the way his kisses left barely any room for breathing and still he would rather suffocate than ask him to stop.
He whimpered when he felt the older man pull away. He opened his eyes only to meet his heated gaze staring down at him for a moment, before he sat back on his heels and finished unbuttoning his shirt, slowly revealing more skin as he went. Peter noticed the scars on his chest and for some crazy reason he wanted to touch them, kiss them better, even though he knew they probably didn’t even hurt anymore. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold himself back.
“Enjoying the view?” His eyes snapped back up to Tony’s face and the man was smirking down at him, as he slid the shirt off his arms and threw it carelessly to the floor.
“Can you blame me? It’s quite a view.” Peter felt bold enough to say, watching the smile grown on older man’s face, as he leaned down again, his arms caging the boy’s head when he placed his elbows on each side of his face. He brushed his nose along Peter’s cheek, until he reached his ear, biting down on the lobe as he blew hot, moist air against his skin. The boy shivered, closing his eyes, hands flying up to grab Tony’s naked shoulders as if he was afraid he would sink into the mattress if he didn’t hold on to something.
“You think you can just say stuff like that and get away with it?” The words were mumbled into his neck as he bit down with hunger, one hand sliding down his torso, reaching for his belt. Tony started undoing it as he kept whispering in his ear, “You wanna hear nice things, but you keep trying to drive daddy mad, how is that fair?”
“Oh God,” Peter gasped, when he felt the man’s hand slide down the front of his pants, under his underwear, wrapping around his cock without any warning. He started massaging it slowly, almost lazily, as if he didn’t even realize he was doing it. “Daddy, please...”
“Now that’s a good boy. So polite.” His lips came crashing down onto Peter’s as his hand tightened around his cock, jerking it at a faster pace. The boy wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck, hands finding their way into his hair for the hundredth time that night – God, he loved his hair, so thick and soft in his fingers – and pulled him even closer to his face, deepening the kiss in an almost desperate way.
Peter kept trying to get Tony’s hand to move faster, thrusting his hips up every chance he got, but the older man ignored it completely, keeping his own, steady pace, as his mouth slid from Peter’s lips to his neck. The younger man threw his head back, exposing his throat, allowing Tony to have his way with him, there was nothing he wouldn’t give him right then and there, he was his.
“You smell fucking delicious, baby.” He inhaled deeply, nosing the exposed skin right above the collar of his shirt, then both of his hands started working on unbuttoning it and Peter whined at the loss of Tony’s touch on his cock. “It’s okay,” he whispered as he slid the shirt down his arms, throwing it to the side. “I’ll take good care of you, baby, I promise.” He leaned back down and kissed along Peter’s collarbones, before sucking one of his nipples into his mouth.
Peter was so fucking hard, just hearing those words almost sent him over the edge, it was ridiculous. It didn’t help that the older man’s tongue was abusing his nipple until it was hard and oversensitive, before he attacked the other one.
He slid his hands from the man’s shoulders, down his sides, reaching for his belt, but before he could do anything about it, Tony grabbed both of his wrists in one hand, catching him off guard, and held them above his head. Before Peter could say anything, his mind was distracted by those delicious lips assaulting his again, and the pressure of the older man’s hands around his wrists and his solid weight on top of him was enough to tame him into submission.
“Don’t move,” he demanded in a whisper, giving Peter one last peck on the lips before getting off of him. He bit his lower lip, trying to contain any sound of disappointment he might make, and shut his his eyes tightly. He kept his hands where Tony left them, above his head, like he could still feel the man’s fingers around them.
In seconds, Tony was back, Peter felt him positioning himself between his legs again, but didn’t open his eyes. He felt the older man’s hands on his hips, grabbing the waistband of his pants, slowly sliding to bring them down along with his underwear, leaving Peter naked and completely at his mercy. The feeling was inebriating.
When he didn’t do anything else for several seconds, the boy opened his eyes, breath hitching when he saw Tony in all his naked glory, kneeling between his legs, holding the base of his rock hard cock as he looked down at him with hunger in his eyes.
Before Peter could say or do anything, Tony leaned down and, without any warning, enveloped his cock in the wet warmth of his mouth, swallowing him down in one single motion. Peter cried out in pleasure, head spinning, eyes watering, legs spreading wider to give the older man more room to do whatever he wanted to him.
He bit the back of his hand when the man started sucking him, head bobbing up and down in a steady, slow pace, before drawing back with a pop, only for his lips and tongue to circle the tip of his cock, swallowing it down again right after, until Peter could feel the back of his throat. He couldn’t avoid the moan that slipped from his lips, as one of his hands flew to bury into Tony’s hair, but he didn’t dare to apply any pressure, he just pulled a little on the soft strands, trying to get himself under control.
When Tony set a quick pace with his mouth, Peter started pushing his hips just a tiny bit, keeping up with him, skin burning, hands gripping the sheets as if it could hold him back. He felt something cold and wet trying to make its way between his ass cheeks, making his eyes fly open, widening a little. He panted, knees falling further apart, allowing the older man better access. He felt one finger pushing in, calmly, gently, as the man kept sucking him off just as enthusiastically, Peter barely felt the burn on his lower back when the finger was completely sheathed inside him.
He was overwhelmed by the double stimulation, but he’d be damned if he was going to ask Tony to stop or slow down. He rocked his hips at Tony’s pace, obediently following the rise and fall of his head, thrusting up into his mouth and then down against his finger, taking anything and everything he could get.
He was already going insane when Tony held his hips down, as he slowly introduced another finger along with the first, the burning sensation taking the edge off a little, to Peter’s relief. He stayed still for a few seconds, feeling Tony scissoring his fingers, trying to open him up as best as he could, until both of them were buried deep inside him, pressing all the right places, pushing all his buttons at once, and he knew he couldn’t take that for much longer.
“Daddy, please, please... Please...” He pulled Tony’s hair until he reluctantly lifted his head, letting his cock go with a pop, eyes meeting Peter’s head on, dark as midnight.
“Please what, baby boy?” He asked, still fucking his fingers in and out of his hole, pain and pleasure mixing and making it impossible for him to rationalize anything.
“Please fuck me,” he begged, watching a slow smile appear on the older man’s face.  
Tony climbed on top of him and attacked his lips, to Peter’s delight, who wrapped his arms and legs around his larger body, pulling him closer, their heated skins flush together, the boy could feel every inch of him enveloped by Tony’s warmth, his scent, all of him.
When Tony pulled away, Peter quickly moved to turn his back to him and lay on his stomach, not sure if he would want him like that or on all fours, so he pushed his hips up, giving him the option to put him on his knees if he wanted to. It took Tony a few seconds to lay his weight on him again, his chest glued to his back in a delicious friction, hips aligned, his hard cock pressed against his ass, as he mouthed at his neck, sucking and biting.
“Will you turn around for me, baby?” He whispered in his ear, nudging him on the side. Peter blinked a few times, trying to look at him from over his shoulder, but the angle didn’t allow it. “I wanna see you.”
His breath hitched and he froze for a second, feeling both of Tony’s hands sliding down his sides. He put some space between them and nudged Peter again, but didn’t force him to turn, he let him choose. The younger man obeyed, after a few seconds of stunned silence. Tony rested his weight against him again, holding his gaze.
“Is this okay?” He whispered against his lips, waiting long enough for Peter to breathe out an almost soundless yes before devouring him. He closed his eyes and let himself go, gave himself over the other man, without a hint of fear, untroubled by the consequences of the day after.
He felt Tony’s hands, strong and rough, grabbing both of his thighs, lifting one of them to place his ankle on his shoulder, spreading him wide open. He felt the wet tip of his cock brushing against his hole, making it quiver in anticipation. Peter only had enough time to take a breath before feeling the older man start to press into him, but his moan was swallowed by Tony, who kissed him deeply as he forced his way into him, slowly and unrelenting, the burn was painful but so fucking good.  
“Tony, please,” he begged, he didn’t even know what for, when he felt the man bottoming out. He wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face in his shoulder, breathless, shaking all over. “Daddy...”
“I’m here, baby,” he whispered, holding still for a few minutes. Peter appreciated the gesture – he did – but he really needed more, he needed Tony to move, he needed Tony.
He rocked his hips and immediately felt his already swollen lips attacked again by the older man’s as he pulled his cock out slowly, and then gently shoved it back in. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, breathing through the pain, but he didn’t want to stop, he didn’t want time, he felt full and satiated and he just wanted that feeling to last forever.
Tony started picking up the pace, fucking into him with short, shallow thrusts at first, and then long and deep ones as Peter’s muscles relaxed and started to give in to the intrusion and suck him in deeper. Tony must have felt it because he held him down by the hips and started fucking him like he meant it, and the younger man threw his head back, crying in relief and pleasure and delicious pain, only to have his throat attacked with kisses and bites, Tony’s beard scratching against his smooth skin, leaving burns that felt like claiming marks.
“Please, I’m gonna–“ Peter didn’t have to say anything, soon there was a hand wrapped firmly around his cock, pumping it at the same pace as Tony thrust into him, and it was too fucking much, Peter bit down on the man’s shoulder and squeezed his eyes tight as came with a blinding force, body shaking all over. Tony thrust a few more times, hard and deep, as he grunted, before he pushed one final time and fell on top of him with a sigh.
Peter panted, trying to catch his breath, what proved to be tricky with the larger man lying on top of him, but he made no effort to get him to move. On the contrary, he gathered the last of his strength to hold him by the shoulders, keeping him close for as long as he could.
He must have drifted off at some point, because he was startled awake by someone sitting by his side on the bed. When he opened his eyes, the older man smiled sheepishly down at him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispered, leaning down to peck his lips, before sitting up again. “I’m just gonna clean you up a little, ok?” Peter blinked a few times in confusion, until he looked down and noticed the older man had a wet towel in his hand, which he used to slowly clean his chest, belly, legs and between his butt cheeks.
The young man blushed a little, surprised by his actions, but said nothing, just watched as the Tony threw the towel to the floor and lay next to him, propping his head on a hand to look down at him.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked quietly, after a few seconds, not wanting to be an inconvenience, but Tony frowned.  
“Why, do you want to go?” He asked and Peter bit his lower lip, looking into the warm, brown eyes, trying to figure out the answer the engineer wanted to hear. He shook his head no and Tony smiled softly, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek. Peter all but purred. “Then stay, kitten. I make great pancakes.”
“You don’t say.” He raised his eyebrows in honest surprise, because he didn’t think a billionaire genius would worry about mastering such a mundane task as making pancakes.
“I do say. You’ll see tomorrow morning,” he answered quietly, like a secret, as his hand traveled from Peter’s face to his hipbone, where his fingers made small circles that tickled his skin lightly. He let his head rest on the pillow next to Peter’s, their faces so close he could feel Tony’s breath on his lips.
“I saw you the other day.” Peter whispered, because it felt intimate, like they were keeping secrets from the world. Tony lifted an eyebrow in curiosity. “Well, Iron Man, I guess. Flying over Central Park.”
“Oh, yeah. I went to a meeting in the UN Security Council, but then I had to come back here in a hurry, or Pepper would kill me.” Tony had a contagious, cheeky smile, but Peter couldn’t help but notice a little sadness hiding in his eyes when he talked about his ex-wife. He wondered if Tony could see the same sadness earlier, when they were talking about Beck.
“Hmm. Trying to decide if that meeting was incredibly boring or incredibly cool.”
“Weirdly, it was both.” They laughed quietly and Tony slid closer, until their chests were almost touching. “Is this ok?” He asked and the younger man just nodded, before he arranged himself to rest his face on Tony’s chest, legs entwining in the process until they were both comfortable. They fit well together, Peter couldn’t help but think in secret.
He knew it was stupid to hope for anything other than what they’d just done, he knew it was pointless to want more, he did, he truly did. But when he closed his eyes, he imagined things were different. He imagined he had a different past and Tony had a different life, and things were simpler and easier.
He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, lulled by the gentle rise and fall of Tony’s chest.
Tag list (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list):  @sadachmesarthim @iamnotparticularlyproud @staticwhispersinthedark @bluestarker
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firefeufuego · 5 years
Rebelcaptain Valentine Rec Week Day 1
So as per usual, picking just a few great fics in this fandom has been a pretty Herculean task because there are so many. So, like @incognitajones, I’ve decided to mostly focus on fics that I haven’t seen recced anywhere else and that I think deserve some more love.
Published 2017
Blind Faith by @nrgburst
Jyn is temporarily blinded by the Death Star beam on Scarif and she and Cassian heal together. A lovely dose of comfort with some comedy and (a bit of) sex thrown in for good measure.
Clues by @rapidashpatronus
The story of how Cassian and Jyn get together with the help of cryptic crosswords. This is sweet as sugar and manages to be so emotionally satisfying despite its relatively short length.
day of the volcano by @endeni
I vaguely remember reccing this before but I’ll do it again because man, this fic is SLEPT ON! Jyn goes with Galen on Lah’mu and meets a younger Cassian on a mission. It’s long and plotty (including more Bail and Jedi! Leia) and it features scorchingly well-written sex (for anyone worried about the dubcon tag - it’s referencing a brief, non-explicit interaction at the beginning that’s not between Jyn and Cassian). I’ve reread it a bunch of times and am always a bit bewildered that it hasn’t yet gained the traction in fandom that it deserves.
got a hold on me series by @ofhobbitsandwomen
This is a series of missing makeout scenes throughout the movie. The sexual tension is deliciously palpable in each story and I particularly love how well each kiss fits the part of the movie it’s set in - a gorgeous, swoony illustration of the progression of Jyn and Cassian’s relationship throughout the film.
my words on your lips by @yavemiel
Jyn learns Festian to give Cassian a piece of his home for his birthday, feat. an Extra Salty but also quite sweet K2 as her teacher. It’s dreamily romantic and cute as baby Yoda.
Brand New
iv. our bed after the war by e_sattler (if someone knows their tumblr username, please let me know)
This is quite a dark fic set during The Mandalorian (and poised to place Cassian and maybe Jyn right in the middle of that plot line, which I’m v. excited for). Our poor bubs are not coping well after Scarif and the prose paints a stark yet vivid picture of their broken but compelling relationship. This has the potential to be a gripping story and I’m definitely hooked.
Four Drinks In (I’m Wasted)  by @moroaica
A beautifully written detective and informant au that oozes sex appeal without being explicit and also delivers on the pining that all of us are such trash for. My favourite thing about it is that even though we (rightly) see Jyn through Cassian’s eyes as mesmerising and mysterious, she never comes across as cold or unfeeling. It’s still unfinished but what a way to begin!
have another drink (get lost in us) by franziskas (ditto re: tumblr username)
Modern au where Jyn wakes up next to her best friend Cassian (who she is, naturally, in love with) and glorious miscommunication and pining ensue! Just because we know the story doesn’t mean we won’t read it a million versions of it and love every one, right? This is hot and funny and delivers on everything its premise promises.
Honey Ask Me (I Should Know) also by @moroaica
Another great opening chapter from this author - this time it’s a post-demon apocalypse au. Both characters are captured perfectly as they began in the film: Jyn is prickly and ashamedly mercenary while Cassian is all hard-edged competence and trying to balance his contempt for Jyn with his curiosity. Their dialogue is slick and sharp and the sparks are already flying. Can’t wait for more of this one.
I’ll point you home by halflingmerry 
I adore this author’s work and they’re definitely on form with this story so far. It’s set after Endor with some flashbacks and the overarching plot is trying to find a new body for K2 (Cassian needs a new droid because he can’t bear to wipe another droid’s conscience because of course!! - the author has a particularly good grasp on characterisation and the thought they put into their work is always obvious). Jyn and Cassian’s relationship is caught in the limbo between romance and friendship and the longing just leaps off the page and grabs your heart. I also love the depiction of their professional partnership and how well and naturally they work together. 
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chasemisprintedlies · 5 years
Thank you for the tag, @moonchildwildheart! I honestly love these things so much. 😂
1. What is your middle name?
Raeshell. Pronounced RAY-Shell.
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
September 23rd
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favourite colour?
6. What’s your lucky number?
13 or 23
7. Do you have any pets?
One dog (a chow named Maurice), two cats (Gary and Snoopy, who is currently missing), a savannah monitor (Gem, who was originally named Jim after the Lizard King himself, but we ended up finding out she was a girl), and a ball python (Edgar)
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I don’t know, it’s been a while since I counted. Probably bordering on 100.
12. What was your last dream about?
I was under my sister’s house, walking through a drain system, looking for my cat Snoopy. 
13. What talents do you have?
I can draw pretty well. 
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I have dreams that end up coming true quite often, so... Maybe?
15. Favourite song?
Nutshell by Alice in Chains or Spooky by Classics IV
16. Favourite movie?
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
I have my ideal partner! He's hilarious, kind, caring, fun to be around, adventurous, determined, motivated, encouraging, artistic, and so, so much more. 😊🖤
18. Do you want children?
Maybe one day.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I never really cared where I got married until Tyler showed me this cute church that's over 100 years old and told me that's where he'd want to get married... And it's cute because he's not religious at all, but he's so set on that church.
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Multiple times!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I've had quite a few speeding tickets. One was double the speed limit, but that's about it.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I've met a lot of bands members. Ronnie Radke, Brian Welch, all the members or Black Stone Cherry, Spencer Charnas, Hugo Ferreira, and quite a few more that I can't remember off the top of my head.
24. Baths or showers?
Baths when I'm alone or showers when Tyler takes them with me. Lol
25. What color socks are you wearing?
I'm barefoot right now... And basically all the time.
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No, I like my privacy.
28. What type of music do you like?
Classic rock and metal
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
My side
32. How big is your house?
Small. Big houses make me uncomfortable.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I usually don't eat breakfast
34. Have you ever shot a gun?
Plenty of times
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yeah, not my favorite.
36. Favourite clean word?
I don't think I have one.
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck. It's very versatile. 😂
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Almost 72 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
Lots. From surgeries and various injuries.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
No, I'm terrible.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not very well
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don't think so.
45. What is your favourite accent?
I don't really have one.
46. What is your personality type?
Laid back and mostly reserved
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have like a $200 black Victorian style coat. It's so freaking warm.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
If I try hard enough
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
52. Favourite food?
Lasagna or broccoli casserole
53. Favourite foreign food?
I'm not really sure
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrase?
“but anyway" because I get sidetracked a lot.
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends on if I really feel like trying. Sometimes and hour, sometimes 10 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
61. Do you sing to yourself?
All the time
62. Are you a good singer?
Absolutely not
63. Biggest Fear?
Drowning or losing someone I care about
64. Are you a gossip?
I'd like to say no, but I can be sometimes.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Long. I don't look good with short hair. Lol
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes, but I'm not going to.
68. Favourite school subject?
English or Art
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert. I'm trying to formulate a plan as we speak to get out of a team bonding dinner for work tonight.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, I'm not really a good swimmer so that would be a terrible idea.
71. What makes you nervous?
Starting a new job. When Tyler and I move and I have to transfer to a different office, I'm screwed.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not anymore.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sometimes, but I really try not to because I feel rude when I do.
74. Are you ticklish?
Only on my feet
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I'm sure that I unintentionally have at some point.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Once, but I've never really been into drinking. Nothing about it is enjoyable to me.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
One of my close friends in fourth grade that I'd known since first grade. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
Well I have three in my nose (two in the right side and septum), my ears are stretched and then pierced once above that on both sides, and then my left ear has four additional piercings. So... 11?
81. Can you roll your R’s?
I can't.
82. How fast can you type?
Fast enough
83. How fast can you run?
Pretty fast, but not for very long.
84. What colour is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Any animal with hair and basically anything outside
87. Do you keep a journal?
Not really
88. What do your parents do?
My dad works at a Toyota Manufacturing plant and my mom works in retail
89. Do you like your age?
I guess
90. What makes you angry?
My sorority girl neighbors that like to party until past midnight and scream and yell for no reason so no one in our subdivision can sleep. Like, Tyler wakes up for work at 4am. Some people work. Don't be dicks.
91. Do you like your own name?
I guess so
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Kind of, I don't know.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I'd like to have both.
94. What are your strengths?
I'm a problem-solver and I try to do as much as I can to help people.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I have a hard time saying no to people sometimes.
96. How did you get your name?
Janet came from my dad's mom and my mom just heard a variation of Rachelle somewhere and it inspired her to alter it to Raeshell.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Actually, yes.
98. Do you have any scars?
Pretty sure this was already asked, but yes.
99. Colour of your bedspread?
Dark grey
100. Colour of your room?
So... Now I'm tagging @autumnfell, @astarkey, @i-have-no-username-idea, @edyaleda, and @bonjourmiamigo 🖤
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roxiera · 8 years
i’ll give you the sun // newt scamander
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request: no request in particular, just wanted to ask if you could write some Newt X Male!reader ? ive found ONE and im dying out here. help a guy out please im begging you (bonus for ftm!reader but it's cool if you don't want to) (by @vincentvangoghtthefuckaway)
a/n: username goals tbh and this request is giving me such noahandbrian™ vibes like !!!!!!!! go read this book i’ll give you the sun yall its fucking amazing
Was it wrong?
What you and Newt were doing - the way your touches lingered whenever your fingers met each other’s in class; the way Newt would wrap his arms around you when the two of you were studying a new magical beast in the empty dorm room, where you could feel the soft warmth radiating from Newt through his thin shirt; the way his smile made your veins feel like they were filled with a wonderful golden light - like Newt had put the sun in you.
Both of you were in fifth year when you two began sneaking out after curfew, spending the wee hours of the night in cramped cupboards and empty classrooms, limbs tangled together until the both of you seemed to become one, exposed skin flushed red and kissed purple and blue and black.
There were tingles of excitement shooting through your skin whenever you and Newt exchanged knowing glances across the room, and your body lived off euphoria when your were with Newt, your heart racing faster than a Snitch, but it wasn’t enough.
You wanted to kiss Newt by the Black Lake on hot summer days and snuggle up to him with your House scarves in the Hufflepuff common room in winter and let the heat from Newt’s calloused fingers seep through thick sweaters.
You wanted everyone to know that Newt Scamander was yours.
But how?
Dippet would owl your father and he would Floo straight over to Hogwarts and Avada Kedevra you right on the spot because you knew the disgusting slurs he called those couples on the street - Muggle or wizard. Your mother would try to pretend that you never existed and everyone would point and whisper at you and Newt like you two had some kind of disgusting terminal disease.
How could you put Newt through all of that?
Newt - wonderful, innocent Newt - the boy with too many freckles to count and untameable chocolate-brown hair who had an obsession with magical creatures.
Maybe, you thought, just maybe, you and Newt were just not meant to be.
You didn’t know if you and Newt would ever be the same again.
It was only slightly less than a year ago when you and Newt had been inseparable - like two pieces of ivy intwined together, your heartbeats always in sync, and it had been heaven on earth - until it all came crashing down.
Sixth year, and your limbs were long and lean and they felt magnificently overgrown - like floppy vines of ivy held together by sticks, perhaps - and your voice had gone deep and rough. You began to hang out with those kids - the ones who got detention because they got caught jinxing first years, or trying to use incendio on professors’ cloaks as they passed by, or were busted when trying to smuggle firewhisky and mead and numerous other substances unknown to you into school grounds.
(a/n: noah’s ultra-moody teenage phase when brian left tho)
They were a brilliant distraction.
You couldn’t stand seeing Newt everyday, laughing without a care in the world with Lestrange, his azure eyes brighter than you could remember them ever being before, and the way his arm draped around her shoulders and smiled that beautiful smile of his made your heart tremble and your fists clench and your cheeks flush all at the same time.
You still loved him.
The very last day of fifth year, and you had made a stupid, stupid mistake.
It had been a heated argument in a locked compartment on the Hogwarts Express, both of you with heaving chests and sharp words and hearts racing at breakneck speed.
He called you a liar.
You called him a naïve fool.
He called you a manipulative bastard.
You called him a mistake.
And that was the end of it all.
Dozens of letters had been sent to Newt over the summer, and owls returned without a reply every single time.
You had shoved every single item that reminded you of Newt - from pictures to scarves to scraps of parchment with little conversations scribbled on them - into the deepest, darkest, dustiest corner of your closet.
But there was no hiding from Newt in Hogwarts.
And seeing him without you just made it hurt even more.
You were twenty-six when you found Newt again.
(a/n: i can’t remember the timeline help me pls omg)
You hadn’t seen Newt since the day before winter break of sixth year - he had been expelled, caught smuggling dragon blood into Hogwarts, but you knew that it had all been Lestrange.
She had been bragging to whoever who had been deceived by her manipulative self that she had been preparing to brew an extremely valuable and horrendously difficult potion for months, but you had never taken her seriously - since everything that came out of her mouth was nothing but lies - and Newt had paid the price.
You made it a point to jinx Lestrange whenever her Slytherin friends weren’t looking for the next year and a half you spent in Hogwarts, but watching her head swell like an ugly balloon never did much to calm the rage in your blood.
It had been a month after graduation of Hogwarts, and you had nearly frightened the absolute crap out of your owl as you knocked over your constantly-malfunctioning Sneakoscope, the bits of fake gold and glass crunching beneath your feet.
                                          BY NEWT SCAMANDER
You knew what you had to do.
You stared at the mahogany door less than two inches away from your nose, your fist hovering mid-air, poised to knock.
It had been nearly ten years.
Ten years and you still loved him.
You ignored the shrieking thoughts in your mind and the storm in your heart and let your fist knock heavily onto the wood.
Your froze, your breath hitching in your throat, your palms clammy and sticky and cold.
Before you could gather your wits together to Apparate out of there like a wimp, however, the door flung open, and your found yourself staring into the sky as you met Newt’s eyes.
The sound of your heartbeat seemed to echo throughout your body, making your bones tremble and your fingers shake as sweat began to dot your forehead, and it felt like you were standing on a fireplace.
Newt’s lips were on yours - fierce and soft and calming all at the same time - and you felt you respond almost instinctively to his touch as he pulled you through the doorway, rough, calloused fingers making their way through your hair as your hands slipped under Newt’s thin shirt, your spine tingling as you felt smooth skin and hard muscle, a sharp breath leaving his lips as your fingers danced across his tense abdomen, lips never leaving his.
You had Newt back, and in that moment, that was all that mattered.
a/n: still haven’t gotten over i’ll give you the sun mng krjg erjgerbgeb also really sorry we’ve been so slow in posting imagines !! ~~school~~ and our brains are already dead after two weeks whoops
- roxanna
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