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Got to catch the Summer League game with @benharris to see the @suns win for the homie lol! . . #summerleague #summerleague2019 #nba #summer #basketball #aph #aphofficial #benharris #getgreen #getgreenllc (at NBA Las Vegas Summer League) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzrhO_xDeuE/?igshid=1310d25a1215y
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GetGreen with Talking Rain
Hi guys!
I’m interning with Talking Rain, a sparkling water company who are best known for their Sparkling Ice drinks. They have recently started their sustainability journey and are focused on internal and external engagement. My role as an intern this summer is to increase their internal (employee) engagement in sustainability initiatives. To do this, I am working with the GetGreen app, who the company has previously partnered with, to increase employee education in sustainability. The app has a list of tasks that an individual can accomplish that reflect savings of potential carbon emissions. For instance, if you were to complete an action to carpool, the app would reward you with a certain number of leaves that represent the amount of carbon you avoided putting out into the atmosphere. In my partnership with GetGreen, we decided to create a new challenge for August to get people excited about learning how becoming more sustainable can benefit their work lives and personal lives.
The goal of my project is to see an increase in the number of employees who download the app and engage in the learning opportunities that were added to it. I am also going to be interviewing employees after the new challenge has launched to understand why they engaged with the app or why they didn’t. Based off these answers, I will then be able to create a recommendations report for the company to continue on their journey towards a more sustainable future.
One interesting thing that I found about working at Talking Rain is that corporate offices have a lot of meetings. Like, a lot. There’s been times where I’ve had meetings back-to-back in a single day. It’s a lot of ideas bouncing around and trying to figure out what works best to achieve a goal or what could be a possible roadblock. There’s a lot of problem solving and setting up connections. For instance, when I wanted to know more avenues of communication that the company has, I got connected to 2 new people I never would have met otherwise.
One challenge that I have come across while working at Talking Rain is getting stuck on my research. I need to come up with questions to ask employees but I'm not sure how to phrase them or even what to ask to answer my research question thoroughly. I went to my site supervisor and told him this because my faculty advisor has been away, and I didn't know when he would be back. We brainstormed what the issue is and what it is that I was stuck on. He gave me some good advice and more direction for my research, which got lost along the way. This didn't help me come up with many questions, but it did ease my mind that I was still heading in the right direction. My faculty advisor finally got back to me and we discussed the type of questions I could ask in more detail.

My internship is mostly remote, but I had the opportunity to go to the office for a day.
One question that I have is how effective do you think it is to a company’s carbon emissions when its employees are more aware of their individual actions in the workplace?
Would you be more willing to buy from a company that has internal sustainability initiatives in place rather than one that didn’t? Why?
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C&A treibt Schandluder mit Fridays for future Symbolik
Schon den neuen C&A Werbespot gesehen? Für die, die ihn nicht kennen: Wir sehen Kinder, die Schilder hochhalten – Peace Zeichen, Regenbogen, Sonnenblume.[1] Das Ganze läuft unter dem Hashtag „kids4tomorrow“. Klar womit die Werbemacher hier spielen, dem Bild der Bewegung „Fridays for future“. Mein erster Gedanke: „Ernsthaft?“ Jugendliche und Kinder gehen raus, auf die Straßen der Nation und kämpfen für saubere Luft, ein Umdenken und allem voran für Nachhaltigkeit. Und dann kommt ein Unternehmen wie C&A, das im Prinzip genau für das Gegenteil steht und bemächtigt sich dieses Bildes für seine neue Kinderkollektion? Wie passt „fast fashion“ zu „kämpfen fürs Klima“?
Es scheint tatsächlich wie ein Silberstreif: 71% der von C&A bezogenen Baumwolle sind laut eigener Aussage entweder Bio-Baumwolle oder „Better Cotton“. Mehr als 49% der Rohstoffe, die C&A verwendet werden mittlerweile aus nachhaltigeren Quellen bezogen. Das Unternehmen setzt sich dafür ein, dass seine Produktion sauber wird: Bereits 2015 hat C&A PFC Verbindungen aus seiner Lieferkette verbannt. Zudem hat sich das Unternehmen der Greenpeace Detox-Kampagne verpflichtet und zugesagt, seine Produzenten davon abzuhalten, giftige Chemikalien zum Färben, Waschen oder Bedrucken zu benutzen oder gar ungefiltert in Flüssen und Seen zu entsorgen, wie es bis dato der Fall war.[2] C&A kümmert sich!
Aber wie viel bringt das wirklich, wenn bis zu 24 neue Kollektionen jedes Jahr in die Läden rollen, man uns versucht weis zu machen, dass wir diese Basics und It-Pieces BRAUCHEN? Hört sich das nicht eher so an, als würde die Modekette versuchen aus der Not eine Tugend zu machen? Der Gigant verkauft sich als Teil der Lösung, statt als Teil des Problems – 850 Millionen Tonnen CO2 Emissionen gehen jährlich auf die Kappe der Modeindustrie[3]: Herstellung, Warentransport, Werbung, Gebrauch. Eine Kinderstrickjacke verursacht im Laufe ihres "Lebens" einen Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß von gut 13 Kilo.[4] Wie viele Strickjacken braucht ein Kind? 2014 produzierte die Textilindustrie mehr als 100 Milliarden neue Kleidungsstücke. Das Motto: mehr ist mehr – heute Trend, morgen Müll. Weniger als ein Jahr hängt ein Textil i.d.R. bei einem Jugendlichen im Schrank. ‚Nachhaltig‘ geht anders.
Wiegt man das Für und Wider ab, könnte man meinen: Wenn einer der Textilriesen sich die „Fridays for furture“ zunutze machen könnte, dann C&A. Aber ganz ehrlich – nein. Einfach nein. Dafür ist der Schaden zu groß, den Konsum verursacht. Und genau dafür steht C&A. Konsum. Wenn die Bewegung der Jugend Erfolg haben und ein Umdenken stattfinden sollte, dann stehen am Ende nicht ausgerechnet C&A-Filialen da, in denen ausgiebig geshoppt wird, während die ganzen anderen Ketten, die sich kein gutes Image aufgebaut und so getan haben als würden sie sich die gleichen Sorgen machen wie die Demonstranten, aus den Shoppingmeilen verbannt wurden. Wenn die Bewegung Erfolg haben und ein Umdenken stattfinden sollte, dann dürfte es fast fashion eigentlich gar nicht mehr geben und damit auch kein C&A.
Und darum ist es eine kluge, aber perverse Aneignung des Bildes von demonstrierenden Kindern in der C&A-Werbung. Weil es eben genau die Opposition zu „Fridays for future“ bildet, Kleider quer übers Meer zu schiffen und mehr herzustellen, als überhaupt nötig.
[1] Werbespot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IPeioCjsKA.
[2] C&A Sustainability Report 2018, (http://sustainability.c-and-a.com/fileadmin/pdf-sustainability/generate/en/globalsustainabilityreport2018-en.pdf).
[3] Konsumkollaps durch Fast Fashion. Die Textil-Trends von heute sind der Müll von morgen. Greenpeace Report 2017, (https://www.greenpeace.de/presse/publikationen/konsumkollaps-durch-fast-fashion).
[4] Otto, (https://www.umweltdialog.de/de/verbraucher/textilien/archiv/2009-11-05_Otto_zeigt_CO2_Fussabdruck_fuer_Textilien.php).
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In less than a week I have my next ultra race. I will be racing in Buena Vista Colorado. So I am putting in the strength training and dieting. This time I am way more prepared for this race. I am drinking more water and taking the new supplement - @green.gold.nutrition to help me really raise the bar on my preparation. I mentioned this new supplement in my last post, and now its been three weeks since I’ve been taking it. So I have a way better sense of what this supplement does for you. I have to say I have been noticing huge improvements in my runs, strength, and overall fitness. This supplement combines over 200 essential nutrients and trace minerals in one single powder. Some of my favorite nutrients — Spirulina, Chlorella, and plant derived minerals. This is only one of many of their products to help with raising your health, fitness, and overall well being. If you haven’t already done so - please visit their site — www.greengoldnutrition.com — USE THE CODE jj30 for 30% OFF any of their products. Now thats a discount!!!! What do you think? Can you see the results in me? #greengold #greengoldnutrition #getgreen (at Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwrkZqIHEy7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fdmlocjwwcdj
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I’m a hero of change! 🌈 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #ChangeNow #GameChanger #ChangeMaker #Sustainability #ChangeForGood #SustainableDevelopment #GetGreen #Entrepreneur #EntrepreneurLife #LadyBoss #LadyInRed (à Grand Palais - RMN (Officiel)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_dlfEAQmw/?igshid=unbfyz88mge
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🧞♀️🌿Details from a new piece for #outtaspace @sculpturemonth opening Oct. 12 in a repurposed grain silo 🌱🧜🏼♂️ #yourgreeneststay #sitegalleryhouston #videoinstallation #greenjelly #aspic #raptureready #getgreen (at The Silos at Sawyer Yards) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MJG2QleGV/?igshid=1s58ypu11mgui
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When your tall lanky awkward mug makes it into a magazine as an actor! • • • • #actor #shrek #shrekthemusical #keystonetheatrics #allenberry #allenberryplayhouse #getgreen #instagay #captainofthegaurd #bishop #theatre #stages #positivevibes #lovethelifeyouweregiven #littlesurprises #muchlove
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Online Nursery Specialists
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SHOUTOUT @VEGGIECASTLE #GetGreen #CookedFood https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTICyglG6W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f7txs7t6liin
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Get aboard the greenway express... we're moving forward!
#getourcountryontrack#railagainstclimatechange#getgreengetonboard#support public transit#trains#eco-friendly#travel#ecofriendly#getgreen#getsmartgetgreen#public transporation#amtrak#be green#green#ecology
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Spring Time + Snow + @green.gold.nutrition = Snow Workout. I decided today that I wasn’t going to let the snow detour my exercising anymore. So Simon and I went outside - dressed like summer and started doing sit-ups, stretches, pushups, and planks in the snow. I gotta say the experience was incredible and with my recent nutritional supplement addition to my diet - @green.gold.nutrition - I felt amazing! . . About two weeks ago I started adding a new nutritional supplement to my diet - @green.gold.nutrition . I’m excited about this new supplement because a couple weeks ago I raced a 50K ultra run and ended up not doing the best because my nutrition wasn’t where it needed to be. I knew it was time to kick up my nutrition a bit. In a twist a fate I came across Green Gold Nutrition. Green Gold’s All in One Formula is just what I needed - it comes in a powder form and its packed with 200 different nutrients - micro nutrients, B-12 vitamins, D2 from mushrooms and DHA from Algae, the list goes on. . . In the coming weeks I will be making some delicious smoothies with it - to really show you how easy it is to integrate this nutritional supplement in your diets, and I will report to you all how it improves my training and races. . . I really cannot wait because well you only live once and I want to live my best me now. . . Who agrees? Anyway please DM if you are interested in trying out Green Gold. Happy to give you all a recommendation and discounts too. See my stories for the link to giveaways, product review, etc. #greengold #greengoldnutrition #getgreen Picture by @jordanssinger (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXWhKrHvaT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18xf83diz5dm6
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Spring comes to the forest #timetowakeup #getgreen #springmigration #getoutside #walkingmeditation #openyoureyes @josephbrooksjewelry (at Sprague Farm Town Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/COTTpr1BiXu/?igshid=t9gxosou850i
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Looking for the perfect ☘️ green perfume for St. Patricks Day, here you go! Green in fragrance and super green ingredients. No animal or synthetics, ever, ALWAYS plants! 🌿 #GetGreen (at Illuminated Perfume)
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Le cadeau de la rentrée, pour rêver un peu en regardant ce que nous ne voyons jamais (ou alors rarement). Les photos de @paulnicklen, fondateur de @sealegacy, sont absolument magnifiques et témoignent de la beauté de ces étendues glacées et des animaux qui y vivent. Un bon moyen de nous rappeler qu’il faut les préserver et tout faire pour ne pas détruire cette nature brute et douce à la fois. C’est aussi une prise de conscience : aussi infime soit-elle, la réalité est que les animaux polaires n’ont pas leur place dans les emojis où, en revanche, les animaux de la savane sont légion... 🐻🐧🐺🐳 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #BornToIce #Artic #OurPlanet #Blue #BeautifulBook #TableBook #Gift #GetGreen #BeautifulPlanet #Photography #Beauty #Nature #NatureLovers #Love #Animals (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EPNuEAmlT/?igshid=1xcqz0led7c3
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Gooooood morning Chicago #snow #getgreen #stepup (at Chicago, Illinois)
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A rippling ocean of wheat.... 😍🌾🍃 (also... just this work week and then we're outta here! 6 days!!) . . . . . #green #sogreen #wheat #palouse #pnw #pnwonderland #pnwbeauty #pnwsummer #6days #nesslysummer2018 #homesweethome #washington #getgreen #earthwindsky
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