#get that dry ass scene outta here
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cottoncandytomu · 2 years ago
Seeing people think the Abby x Owen boat scene is hot is…. Unbelievable.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 22 days ago
69 nice / 600 words / an extra unused scene to establish Shadow!reader's (Soap's soulmate) relationship with her boss Graves; takes place before part 1
The soft green petal of your sniper rifle’s laser aim rests on your mark’s temple. You’ve waited the better part of an hour for Graves’ signal.
You’ve been stationed in this desert, in Al Mazrah, for 16 days. Eight of those days you’ve spent waiting for your target to appear. Now he’s here. In the enemy encampment a few hundred meters away. Your ticket out of the heat. One twitch of a finger and you could end it early. Your stomach twists with hunger. Your tongue rasps against the roof of your dry, sandy mouth.
But you wait.
"Alright. Cleared to take the shot."
Graves’ voice. The only sound besides the scrape of sand on rock in the Al Mazrah desert. That and the encampment some two thousand meters in front of you.
You take the shot. It lands. You watch the encampment through your scope as fear and cold panic spread through the others. Your interest in them wanes.
"Nice shot. Helluva shot. You're on top of your game tonight." Graves’ voice crackles again through the radio in your ear. "Must be why I pay ya the big bucks."
You pull back and lean the sniper against your shoulder. "Wouldn't say no to a pay raise, sir."
"And give you even more of a reason to be a smartass?"
"Get more kills, get more money. Isn't that how it works?"
"With what I'm paying you, you better be workin' your ass to the bone as it is."
You scoff. "When's the next job, then?"
"I'd have to check the books." Which is a lie; he knows the schedule front to back. "But I got somethin’ cooking I think you’re gonna love. Can’t give you details, though. Classified and all that."
"You got us a new contract?"
"You bet your ass I did. This one is big."
"Ah. Lucrative?"
"Enough to retire on."
"That's an interesting thought."
"Ain’t it? Retire." He rolls the word around in his mouth like a fine wine. “Doesn’t sound half-bad, does it?”
You reload your rifle idly. "Doesn't sound half-good either."
"Oh, don’t gimme that. You gonna spend the rest of your life runnin’ around, takin’ bullets till you bleed out in a ditch somewhere?"
"If I'm lucky."
"Attagirl. Come on back to base. We'll get you debriefed. Oh, and I’m thinking about sending you up for a promotion." He says it as if it’s an afterthought. "I hear the brass on this next job is looking for people a bit more qualified for contract work. I think you’re one of 'em."
"A promotion?" You hear uncertainty lapse into your own voice. "You're recommending me to work for someone else?"
"For a heretofore unknown stretch of time, yes," he says. "You’d have a fancy rank and a fancy paycheck. And you’d get to tell the boys to kiss your ass if they’re givin’ you orders. Trust me, you’ll love that part.”
"I'm not interested."
"You didn’t even let me finish. Come on. You’re not even gonna let me talk ya into this one?"
"No, sir."
"Why not? It’d be good for you. You’d be makin’ money. Doin’ yourself a favor," he says. "I’d like to see you gettin’ promoted and up outta the field. Makin’ something of yourself." Not that he’d ever admit to having a soft spot for you.
"Thank you, sir. But I don't want to work for some desk jockey. No offense."
"None taken. You sure?"
"Yes sir."
“Then don’t be comin’ back here complainin’ about not makin’ enough money, soldier."
You sling your rifle over your shoulder and begin the long walk back to the truck. "No promises."
more Graves / more Shadow!reader :)
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n3kk1tty · 11 months ago
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
Original characters in chapter: Lamia, Veve, Volk
( Masterslist ) <---- Find them here
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
(Y/n) - Your name
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2
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Originally the boys were excited that Laddie had finally become a full vampire. Even Max had popped into visit and celebrate Laddie's new status. Though as the week went on they all started to notice how different he was from the others. To start Laddies sleep schedule was completely sparatic at this point. There was an attempt to change it by Star and Dwayne after day two but the tantrums that followed after that were legendary to say the least. Which shocked everyone worse as Laddie never had such outbursts before.
If Laddie didn't get to sleep between the times of 1am to 7am he would become like Satan's spon reincarnated. It would start with whining before spiraling into throwing objects twice his size and weight, jumping at high speeds off the cave walls, and Lord forbid you tried to pin him down. Marko learned that hard truth when Laddie almost bit straight through his arm. Laddie's bite force had become so strong he was teething on bones and rocks and this point. It scared the life outta Star when she caught Laddie with a rotting human carcass from the graveyard chewing on bones like they were cheese puffs.
Dwayne had somehow managed to pry open Laddie's mouth only to reveal not just fangs but all his back molars were replaced with these big bulky teeth that resembled that of a hyenas. Dwayne was panicking like a mother hen at this point. His little buddy had now become an unmanageable beast who at this point he was sure was sneaking off in the day with how many times he managed to somehow find and dig up human carcasses. I mean that alone was an issue that they had to stop as the waking up to the smell of fermented dead guy was not pleasant and the amount of laundry having to be done just to get rid of the smell was driving the pack mad.
David thought taking Laddie to hunt with them so he could have all the fresh bones would be enough. It did fix the corpse napping problem to say the least and the drying left over bones for Laddie so he could eat during the day was kinda a cool look. But as one problem was managed more appeared to arise every time. Laddie was still running off into the sunlight during the day and no one could keep him in the cave if they tried. I mean it was like watching the messiah of all vampires as David had stayed up late to catch Laddie's tiny ass in the act as he didn't believe Star.
There in the sunlight full blast was Laddie caught in the act of running off during the day. David was floored absolutely utterly floored. What the fuck had this kid eaten for his first hunt as a vampire to make him the second coming of Christ. David and Dwayne felt like an old married couple at this point as they were always fighting about what to do with there tiny terror. Laddie would sometimes listen to them he would out right ignore Star and like a thorn in their sides outright try and fight the terror twins and Micheal. It was terrifying the pack and David swore Dwayne was growing grey hairs as Laddie would act up.
Day five of this shit show all came crashing down as Laddie had now become picky about blood. This kid looked Dwayne straight in the eyes after receiving a fresh kill and upturned his nose pushing it away like it was a piece of broccoli. Stating very matter of fact like "I'll eat the bones but the blood isn't as good as big sis." WHO THE FUCK WAS BIG SIS. Dwayne was done, it was like a cord snapped inside this man and the one who had the patience of a saint had to throw his hands in the air and walk away.
"David get your kid. " Dwayne walked back towards his bike David tailing behind him practically shouting. "What do you mean get your kid! Where are you going Dwayne?!" They were both tired at this point exhausted from the five days of hell. Laddie made Marko and Paul look like saints right now and Dwayne just wanted his kid to go back to being at least easier to manage. He didn't want Laddie to get hurt during the day and he wanted answers to why Laddie was like this. Who was he running out in the day to see and why when Laddie was pressed on the matter he just said he was following big sis.
Dwayne wanted answers now. He and David had a working theory that the demon Laddie had first fed off of had to have been visiting him during the day. When Laddie got to play with her during the day by the time everyone would wake up Laddie would be smiling from ear to ear and be back to his usually self until around his bed time. Laddie only ever called her big sis but had accidentally given away details about this mystery broad during off hand conversations with Paul. They kept a scrap of the blanket that had the demon's blood on it in a jar sealed tight as to not lose the scent. Though Dwayne was ashamed to admit it was mostly so Laddie couldn't hog the smell all to himself.
It was intoxicating to all of them, something about the scent felt so comforting and drawing in. Like walking through a memory or into the arms of someone you loved a lot. Marko one night attempted to snag the blanket from Laddie and had received a narly bite to his leg as both got into a fight over it. Trying to confiscate that thing was not going to be easy so the scrap fabric would have to be there only lead to track down this person and get answers. Dwayne pulled the small jar from his pocket tossing it to David.
"We need answers David. I'm heading to the witch run shops in town. They should have books on vampires and succubus there, we may get some answers about little man and some helpful knowledge about our mystery lady. I'll be back before dawn." Dwayne turned on his bike gearing up to go making sure he had some cash in his pocket. David let out a frustrated huff before lighting a smoke. " I'll have the terror twins come up with enough cash. You know we're either gonna have to bribe or threaten our way into Chateau Vermillion?" Dwayne let out a little chuckle trying to ease his frustrations .
"Yeah, Paul got us banned while back. Lamia will castrate him on site if she even gets a whiff of his scent." The pair shared a laugh before Dwayne pressed a kiss to David's knuckles. "Think you'll survive while I'm gone?" David turned to look at the terror twins currently in a spat with Laddie about being picky. " You'll be lucky if the cave isn't on fire." David's face sank in exhaustion as Dwayne drove off into the night. He was excited for this little hunt when they first found Laddie and the mystery blanket but now he just wanted a night where he wasn't separating the three from a fight. In two days they were gonna barge into Chateau Vermillion whether Lamia liked it or not. David was gonna find this mystery woman whether he had to flip Santa Carla inside out or not. Maybe he should get a little compensation for his troubles. His lips curling into a smirk around his cigarette.
He could practically imagine the taste of the blood belonging to the mystery woman with such an intoxicating scent. Maybe the pack should keep her all to themselves.
Your head throbbed in your skull. Maybe all that drinking yesterday after you got back from spending time with Laddie wasn't a good idea after all. It's been a week now since the incident with Laddie and surprisingly it's been eventful yet peaceful. Your Aunt Lamia wasn't happy you fed a vampire kid with your blood but she understood there wasn't much else you could do. She had dropped the grudge against the matter instead to fuss over you and check your wounds. You didn't understand why she felt the need, your healing factor was great due to your lineage and besides you could probably fill an Olympic size swimming pool with blood before dropping dead. Though you think you'd get hungry before that.
You frowned a bit realizing your cousin Veve wasn't in bed when you woke up. It was hard to sleep when you didn't have the warmth and heart beat of another next to you which meant you usually woke up way too early. You kick the sad deco away that Veve tried to leave with you. Really the pillow with a box inside that makes heart beat noises. Veve should have just got another person to stay in the bed with you while you snoozed then you probably wouldn't have woken up. You couldn't stay mad at her though, you had made her worry about you when you told her you and Laddie had been hanging out with each other when you were on baby sitting duty.
If you knew the pack had a daywalker child running around you would have been more cautious with how close to the cave you were camping out at. The first few days you tried staying away from him but Laddie just thought you were playing tag so he started jumping after you. And my goodness did this kid have a mouth on him. You thought his voice box would burn out with how many Doe eyed questions he kept asking you. Why do you have horns? Why doesn't your tail have spikes? Why do your wings look like moth wings? Are you a moth? Will I get wings? It made your head spin at first and it was kinda annoying to be chased all day by him but you quickly gave into his non stop onslaught of questions.
I mean he really was just a kid. Day walker or not there was no question that Laddie was just a curious kid. Plus if Laddie was just a child you could easily get info outta him whenever you wanted. That's what you told yourself on day three but it became quickly apparent you just had a soft spot for him. He just genuinely wanted to know things and I mean you had to watch after them all day so what was the harm in keeping yourself busy with helping the kid out. You had brought Laddie an umbrella meant for day walkers on day two when you realized he was running around in the sun without pacing himself.
Which quickly led to the poor baby throwing up almost everything in his stomach and getting the sun itches when he was going overboard. You flew down to where Laddie was hunched over in a light pile on the ground. You opened the umbrella for you two patting his face with a wash cloth. You lifted the boy gently cleaning his face from vomit and getting some water down his throat. " Baby fangs you have to pace yourself in the sun. Just because you can't feel yourself burning up doesn't mean you're not wrecking your body Hun. " Laddie looked so frail after his puking stunt and he visible didn't look like he was doing to well.
One moment he was up and about like a ball of energy next he was hunched over in whatever shade he could find vomiting up anything that was in his stomach plus he was getting sunburned from being directly in it. "It hurts. My stomach hurts sis" you could feel your heart clench in your chest. Like he was just reaching in tugging at your heart strings. You refused to let the boy know your name so the rest could never find out but that doesn't mean you couldn't help him out. You let out a pool of your blood quickly forming it into a bunch of butterflies. These would have to be your eyes until you two could get back. At least if while you were gone you could still do your job and watch over the sight.
You flew Laddie over to the Santa Carla cemetery. As a succubus you were required to have basic knowledge on all potential clients you may run into while feeding so you knew Day walkers needed to eat more to be in the sun. While they were vampires who could be in the sun they had to consume higher calorie dense foods and meals more frequently as their bodies were burning more repairing their skin and body in the sun. You had no choice, you needed to get this boy washed up and some human bones in his stomach along with probably demonic blood and regular human food.
A true nutritional meal includes fruits after all. So for a few days you and Laddie would go to the cemetery bribing the ghouls of the place to Let you get Laddie washed up in their facilities after he spent time helping them dig a corpse up he wanted to drag off. You weren't particularly fond of having to drag a corpse with you through high altitudes along with an overly excited child on your back but it was kinda fun. You two spent the days in the sun by the ocean either eating, playing in the water, or teaching Laddie things. You weren't going to admit it but you were somewhat helping train Laddie up so maybe he could someday also participate in fight club.
He seemed to enjoy play fighting as much as you did and the quickest way to get used to one's powers is by practicing using them. I mean that's how you used your skill to get better at fighting rather than healing or seducing opponents. You also made sure that if Laddie was ever discovered by another Vampire who had knowledge of the vampiric high council Laddie would be able to get away with being a child day walker. Child vampires were taboo but day walker child vampires were extra banned as they were more prone to madness. Plus from your quizzing Laddie he had about zero knowledge on vampiric rules, history, or governmental system.
Meaning Laddie truly was a feral. All three of these could spell death for him if he was discovered. You knew from a repeat customer that if Vampiric council members found ferals they deemed too much of a risk they would be terminated quickly. You couldn't stand the thought of Laddie being executed in the public bathing of holy water. So you took it upon yourself to teach this boy how to fight and about everything he needed to know about his own people so if he was found before you could get him aged up with medicine then he would stand a chance of not being killed.
You quickly dogged Laddies lunging for you. "Who do all vampires stem from." Laddie caught his breathe before turning around preparing to lunge again. "Dracula Tepes!" Laddie shouts. You two had been working on training him while he fought as he got too bored when you just tried reading to him. "Good, Keep it up Laddie you can do it! All you need to do is tag me on one of my vital spots." You side stepped the kid again. You knew his height and speed could make him a formidable foe if only he could get his reaction time up. "Next question. What is the vampiric society known for?"
Laddie hesitated this question he has also gotten wrong it was hard to remember and he was getting tired. " Robots?" You swept Laddies feet out from under him catching his little body by his shirt. His face inches from the ground. You let out a playful laugh. "I mean you're not wrong in a sense kiddo but the answer is scientific and robotic advancements." You lifted Laddie up letting him get back on his feet handing him a water as he pouted obviously frustrated he couldn't get the answer right. You ruffled his hair playfully. " I know it's a hard one to remember. Just remember that they live a long time and spend a lot of time playing with robots and science equipment like a mad scientist from a movie."
"Big sister do they really do that." Laddie asked looking at the sun low in the sky. He knew you'd be leaving right after this but he really didn't want you to. "Yes honey they do. Maybe someday me and you can go see the city of vampires and you can see all the cool stuff they have made. Some vampires spend all their time on earth researching and learning about specific things. Now I gotta go okay I'll see you tomorrow, I'll make sure to bring oxtail for breakfast. " Laddie pouted huffing in frustration.
" Why do you always have to leave before sunset. It's not fair!" Laddie was getting frustrated. He loved spending all day with you but he hated when you left. You shot a look at Laddie for the tone in his voice giving him the ol mom look at him. The boy instantly quieting his tone. "I miss you when you leave. " The little boy rubbed his arm. You wanted to scold him for his manners but your heart hurt at how tiny and pitiful he looked with his cheeks puffed out and bottom lip poking out. Instead you decided to pat the young boys head. "Now when did you go stealing my heart hmmm." You softly smiled making eye contact with the boy so he knew you were serious affectionately putting your foreheads together, a traditional succubus sign of familiar affection.
"As soon as you go to sleep then wake up you know I'll be right here waiting for you baby bat. Now make sure you're eating all your dinner and brushing your fangs." You start flying back to Chateau Vermilion shouting down to Laddie as the boy starts running back to the cave. "And watch your tone! We use our manners young man!" Laddie smiled a wide fang filled smile back to you cupping his hands together around his mouth to shout back. " Yes Big Sister!!!" You watched the little boy run back practically skipping the whole way.
Now that you were awake from your less than stellar sleep you got prepared to take a shower and head up to the community kitchen. Co-sleeping was usually a fine tendency to have as a succubus but it sucked when you and your bed buddy were on different schedules. It didn't help that Veve didn't like sharing you with others as a bunk buddy since you two have shared a bed together since you were mere younglings freshly kicked from your parents sleeping pile. You and Veve would usually cuddle close to each other before bed talking about your days or any hot gossip you heard of.
You feel a sense of loneliness since you haven't been able to do that since starting this babysitting gig. It was fine though because at least you could still attend the fight club and take on regular customers when you needed to feed. Though right now you were just drinking a pre-saved essence bottle with some coffee and toast before you headed out, trying desperately to ease your hangover. You'd just feed on your lycanthrope friend Volk when you got there since he was a regular customer of yours anyway. Your stomach growled at the thought reminding you, you should probably be hurrying up.
Your cup of coffee was interrupted by Veve storming into the community kitchen. "(Y/n) you have to go!" Veve looked worried quickly handing you an outfit to change into. "Veve! Hold up what's going on? Are these Volks clothes!?" Your confusion was met with Veve grabbing your arm and leading you to the back door where you could already see Volk with your other lycanthrope buddies next to their car. You were shimmying into the baggy clothes but before you could even ask another question again the guys were opening a black sack.
"Your vampires are here looking for you and unless you wanna blow your cover you need to take your tiny ass and bounce girl." The group stared around you your cousin looking frantic. "Fine I'll go in the body bag but just for your information boys my safe word just so happens to be rigatoni!" The werewolves put you in the bag lifting you up and putting you in the car turning on the station they know you like. That was nice you thought as you can't wait to just get to the fight club and finally get some food in your system.
David and Dwayne had successfully bullied Lamia into letting them into the Chateau Vermillion. They were happy to use the territory rules and disputes in their favor to catch their little succubus without having to use their money. Though they knew finding her would be hard with all these pheromones and drugs in the air. Lamia had set strict regulations for them to be allowed back into the building as well. Though luckily it meant if they could catch her today with their planned pincer attack then they could come back again.
First they had to keep these anti bite masks on which David was happy that it had a way for him to enjoy the luxury cigars they sold at this joint. He did miss frequenting this joint so it was nice to have a card on the table able to bully his way back in. Sadly though he couldn't get Paul or Marko pardoned back in after Paul's attempt to bite a succubi neck last time. Thanks to the book Dwayne got from the witch shop they finally knew why it was such a offense.
David was happy Dwayne bought those books. Not only did they discover what happened to Laddie but now they know how to recreate it with Star and Micheal. Though the most intriguing point of the books was the enslaving of succubi and hybrids. David smirked into his cigar an evil tint behind his eyes. If this little succubus proved to be as intoxicating as her scent proved then he wouldn't mind making her the group's play thing. A succubi mate who feasted off sexual experiences sounded delightful to David. I mean Laddie already loved her so making her his mother would be a easy matter.
Dwayne smelled the air he could faintly smell her but not strong enough to confirm she was in the building. She was here but she's not anymore. If they scared her out the back then Marko and Paul can track her down. Laddie was like a blood hound for her scent so even the smallest amount would be enough for him to follow her. Plus if she tried to alter her gender to male Laddie could still identify her . Dwayne was more focused on trying to find out her name. What was the name of the woman's scent who's been driving him insane and whose blood altered Laddie.
Why was she always hanging around the cave but going so far as to hide her name from Laddie so they wouldn't find her. Dwayne craved answers and was hungry for a drink of her blood. He had to stop Paul multiple times from stealing the glass bottle holding the fabric scrap. Paul wanted to try sucking the dried blood up just to get a small taste. The pair sat in a balcony window seat staring down at the show going on below them. Succubi in all shapes and sizes genders and shades everywhere. Some were on the stage performing some were in audience seats cozing up to guests. None of them smelt as good.
It was like staring at art. They were all beautiful and amazing in their own right but there wasn't that spark or urge the blood had stirred in them. Dwayne and David could probably pay for some services and probably have a good time but they were looking for their mysterious golden girl. From the info they pry from Laddie they were looking for a Succubus with a thorned tail and wings in the shape of a moths. Their little mystery girl was a hybrid.
Dwayne's eyes sharpened as someone walked past smelling strongly of her. It wasn't her but this person must of spent a long time with her as the mystery girls scent was practically imbued underneath the girls own. His scent tracking abilities were the strongest of the pack so he was confident in his decision. Reaching out Dwayne slammed the curtains open and on the other side stood a short chubby succubus. She practically jumped when he opened the curtain as his form leered over hers. David took a puff from his cigar smiling the best he could from behind the mask. "Excuse me miss could you bring us a menu we have a particular girl we'd like to order for the night." Venom lacing his tone.
Veve's eyes dilated for a few seconds before she attempted to compose herself. She knew they would be hunting for (Y/n) scent so she couldn't let her cousins name slip from her mouth. Her mouth pinched into a tight smile as she handed the menu over trying hard not to make contact but making sure to flash the unavailable girls list as well. Luckily the list showed (Y/n) was bought out for the whole week by Volk and his crew. She knew Volk was always down to bail (Y/n) outta customers she didn't like in favor of him receiving more time with her. David smirked pointing confidently right to (Y/n) picture.
"We'd like to reserve this one. When do you think she will be free?" David's voice dripped honey laced with venom as an evil smile grew across his face. You don't have to open your mouth around David or tell them we're you were with Dwayne. One could smell you in a crowd full of mixing scents while the other one could read minds so strongly in a mix of many that this little succubus's thought blocking spell was nothing but childs play for him.
You were simply a rabbit running from a pack of wolves in the moonlight but it was uncertain which wolf would catch you in their jaws first.
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( Chapter 3 )
All oc's in the chapter will have character sheets up to help with fanfiction visualization. Favorite scenes from the chapter will have photos included and linked. Make sure to like and comment.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 2 months ago
Medic and Scout celebrating Christmas !!!!
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(Mediscout has taken over my brain, so here we are. Word count: ~1300)
The snow was falling softly outside the base, the fluffy white blanket perfectly untouched and still. The early morning sun reflected upon the snow into the common area, where Medic sat upon the couch, one leg crossed over the other as his gaze is set on the scene outside. He was quite content to simply sit and watch the faint snowflakes fall. 
Scout was not. He had moved positions at least twenty times in the past half hour, ranging from cuddling up next to his boyfriend to sitting on the floor. Currently, he was pacing in a circle near the haphazardly assembled Smissmas tree. Medic feared that if he continued hed burn a circle into the rug. 
Medic sighed, setting his cup of coffee down on the side table, not bothering to set down a coster on the already battered wood. “Alright, what is the matter with you liebe?”
Scout looked at him as if he had asked the dumbest question in the history of dumb questions. “What’s the matter with me? Are ya kiddin’? Babe its freaking Smissmas mornin’! I’m excited to get my presents for Pete’s sake! I should be the one askin’ you whats the matter with you,” he exclaimed in indignation.
“What? Why should you be the one to ask that? I’m not behaving as energetically as you, schatz.”
“Yeah, and thats the problem. Why ain’t ya excited? I know I’m datin’ an old geezer n all but c’mon! It’s Smissmas mornin and you’re watchin’ a less interesting version of paint drying,” Scout said, motioning towards the snow as he changed position once more to settle back beside Medic, his little quip earning him a lighthearted glare before Medic’s arm wraps around him. 
“I don’t know, I suppose it is just one of those things. I mean, surely it is not as exciting as when you were a child, no?”
“Eh, I mean, kinda? Nothin’ beats how exciting everything felt as a tyke but I dunno, I think I like Smissmas more now. We obviously didn’t have that much money back then, and with seven brothers I got one gift a year, maybe some hand me downs. I don’t blame my ma, of course, she always did her best to make it magical. I remember she used to cut out little stars outta cans, and when it got real dark on Smissmas Eve, since me and my brothers always begged to stay up, she’d put them over the candles we got from the church. And to little me, the way it lit up the ceiling was the most beautiful thing in the world, y’know?” Medic nodded in response as he listened, gently squeezing Scout’s shoulder to remind him to get back on topic
“Geez I’ve been blabberin’, sorry, but the main point is that even though I still enjoyed it back then, now I actually have money to get nice gifts, y’know? I like bein’ able to get my ma the nice gifts she deserves especially, even though she scolds me for how much I spend, heh. And I actually got friends and a cute ass boyfriend to share them with,” he says, kissing Medic’s cheek.
Medic smiles softly and pulls Scout into his lap. “You are too sweet mein liebe, you know that?”
Scout chuckles, flexing his biceps a little. “Yeah, yeah, I know I’m the best angelcakes. But whatta about you? What made you into the Scrooge McDuck that you are now toots?”
“…do you mean the actual Scrooge and not the cartoon duck?”
“Heh, I think I know what I’m sayin’ toots, ya ain’t answerin’ the question.”
”Alright, alright, Shiesse. It is not like I dislike Smissmas now by any means, it is enjoyable, especially with you, but it was much easier as a child. My mother and father handled all the gifts and food. Most I had to do was leave my shoes out for St. Nicholas or maybe buy some licorice at the markets to give as a gift, heh. But, obviously, I’ve gotten older and now I have to be the one to worry about buying gifts and organizing and such.”
Scout nods. “Yeah, I get that babe, it kinda sucks a little, especially since ya ain’t got a connection with your parents no more. Ya deserve to be spoiled, yknow?”
“You are sweet but it is quite alright, it is not like I mind it that much. It is just one of those things that happen when you get older. You simply become more responsible for other people.” 
Scout made a face like he was about to protest until he heard the sound of the truck pulling into the garage. He lept up immediately, knowing Miss Pauling was back from the post office with their packages. Medic simply rolled his eyes. 
A short while later Scout returned with his arms full of presents with brightly patterned wrapping paper and bows, with a wide smile on his face. “Holy shit I’m so excited!! Can we open ‘em now? Huh? Can we?”
“Scout we’re grown men, we dont need permission to open our gifts if we’d wish,” Medic said with a light chuckle. 
“Ooo, quite a bad boy, huh toots?” Scout says teasingly, grabbing his and his boyfriend’s gifts from under the metal tree onto the pile he was holding before sitting back by him, since Pyro had burned down the others. “Hey dumbasses! We’re openin’ presents if ya wanna come in here!”
Medic rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm back around Scout. 
A little while later, colorful scraps lay upon the ground along with various gifts that had been unwrapped: a twelve pack of Exothermic Eggnog Bonk, currently 11 as one sat opened on the table, a new bonesaw, and sweaters among some of them. Scout sighed softly into the fabric of Medic’s sweater before becoming alert.
“Oh! I almost forgot toots, I got another gift for ya!! Well, I mean, ain’t exactly from me but ya get what I’m sayin,” Scout said, reaching behind some of the scraps to grab a small square box, wrapped in a different pattern then all the rest. “Go on!”
Medic raised an eyebrow but opened it. Wrapped up in tissue paper was a small dove ornament, “Ludwig, 1968. —Ma” enscribed unto the bottom of it. Scout grins, looking intently at his boyfriends reaction, which was his face softening into a smile. “T- this was really too sweet of your mother to do this.”
“C’mon! Ya ain’t even looked at everything in there yet, let’s go!” Medic rolled his eyes lightheartedly and finds a wrapped gift in the box, promptly ripping it open.
It was a frame, containing a picture of Scout’s mom and brothers, with space on the side enough for two cut out pictures taped on. One of Scout, and one of Medic. On the back it read “Willis Christmas, 1968.” Medic felt his eyes burn and he let out a shaky breath. “Does she really consider me part of the family?..”
“Of course! Ludwig, we’ve been seein’ each other seriously for over a year, course you’re part of the family now. My ma loves ya.” 
That was what did it. Medic normally wasn’t one to cry in public, but he just felt so overwhelmed with love he couldn’t help it. Scouts gaze softened and he pulled Medic closer so he could cry into his shoulder. 
After a few minutes of crying, Medic wiped his eyes and adjusted his glasses before Scouts gaze. “Es tut mir Leid, I am just grateful—“
“Hey, ain’t you the one who taught me that it’s fine to cry? Toots it’s okay, ya don’t need to apologize,” Scout said, rubbing his back to comfort him.
“I- I know, it just— I am simply thankful, I suppose, it’s been quite sometime since anyone considered me part of their family,” he confesses.
“Well ya got one now. Hell, even without my ma n brothers this team is basically family, right? And maybe once ya figure out your pregnant machine or whatever we could also start our own little family,” Scout says with a little smirk.
Medic perks up. “So you’ll let me put a baboon uterus in you?”
“Hell no, you’re gonna be the one gettin baboon pregnant if we do that. But my point still stands.”
Medic sighs. “I suppose I’ll allow it, but only because I love you.”
Scout chuckles before his softer look returns. “I love you too, Merry Smissmas Ludwig.
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gaiahypothesims · 9 months ago
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Harris- <huffing> Christ! Wait up! How the .. fuck.. are you .. so fast? Oh fuck, I haven’t ran that much in years. Jesus, you training for a marathon?
Jonah- <breathing heavily> Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. You think she got a picture?
Harris- Oh fuck yeah, multiple. This isn’t good.
Jonah- What’s going to happen?
Harris- I’m going to get my ass chewed out by Lord, and you’re going to get dirt roaded by your ex.
Jonah- What does that mean?
Harris- ? Come on man. Dirt-roaded. She’s going in dry and you’re not going to like it.
Jonah- <closes his eyes>
Harris- Either way, I’m outta your hair man. You suck at being a warden… <laughs>
Jonah- <cracks a smile then laughs> Oh fuck, I’m fucked. Seriously.
Harris- Don’t worry man, worse comes to worse I’ll hire you as my personal assistant. I fired my last one a few weeks ago.
Jonah- Ohh fuck, Evelyn is going to kill me.
Harris- It’ll be fine. You weren’t cut out for it. You’re a soft touch man. I’ll take the blame, promise. They expect me to be a problem.
Jonah- Fuck. Should I call her? Give her a heads up?
Harris- Nah, it’ll be fine. I’ll get in touch with my publicist, maybe they can pay them off.
Jonah- Maybe?
Harris- <shrugs> I’ll deal with it. I can call Layla, she’s got Lord wrapped around her little finger. They’re super good “friends”. He apparently spends more time with my own daughter than I do.
Jonah- I thought Evelyn said he had someone, some artist.
Harris- Yeah yah, Lords a dick. I’m sure he has women everywhere. Anyways, Layla’s good at good at getting me out of shit with him. Don’t worry about it. I’ll take it for the team.
Jonah- You need to get this boat out of here. Do you know how?
Harris- <laughs> I’m a spoiled rich kid remember? I know my way around a yacht and how to get it out of the scene of a crime. So many dead hookers…
Jonah- <pauses>
Harris- I’m joking!!! God. What the fuck you been up to? Get the fuck outta here. I promise I got you covered.
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secretly-sayori · 29 days ago
as always there are spoilers under the cut so keep scrolling of you don't want that!
Sayori calling Monika old omg I love that
“Y’all want the house that night?” - ohhh aunt willow knows what's up
pineapple upside down cake actually sounds so good holy lord
my poor needy bbg ill be back soon I promise i love you gn - I FUCKING LOVE DRY TEXTER NATSUKI and when she unironically uses the word babygirl pfft
“Put your boobie mags down and pull your pants up dude you’re gonna make us late!!” - omfg Sayori
very small detail but Natsuki checking the text from Monika before the multiple in her group chat is actually so cute what if I sob
I believe this is twice that I've seen Natsuki's name has been confused for Natalie which isn't a lot but it's silly it's happened twice
She spoke fast, it took Natsuki a second to process what she said, - Danny is me fr
“I don’t wanna hear your gay ass’ bump uglies, fuck that noise I’m going home.” - I like this kid he's annoying as shit
oh Yuri is here to talk in actually so concerned about her :<
“We call these slip ups ‘battle scars’, as every day with an addiction like this, it’s a battle.” “A battle she’s winning.” - ohhh my god Monika so being so sweet [don't it's so cute]
“Hey there pretty lady, haven’t seen you around before" - GOD she's a dork
fucking sue is back get this bitch outta here
oh wait I forgot Yuri is trans and her mom isn't about that
“I had no clue what he was putting his family through and I spit on his name.” - honestly w from Yuri's mom though
“Bitch broke my nose is the damage, a rock busted my eyebrow when she dropped me too apparently.” “Hope Yuri gave her ass internal bleeding!” - YEAHHH
No, stop! Don’t look at me like that, we aren’t doing that right now, you’re all jacked up you horny freak! - ...I fear Monika is a little too real in this scene like 🧍‍♂️
CHAPTER 4 OF FIREWORKS birthdays and battle scars OUT NOW!!
tw for some extreme violence and tame s- s- sexual content! *gulp*
Pings under the cut
@secretly-sayori @ilikeddlc (comment to be added to the list.)
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1kook · 4 years ago
espn & bdsm
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this is part 6 of my netflix & chill collection !
summary; You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.  warnings; smut (18+) in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink miscellaneous; kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count; 12.7k
notes; this is like… a healing fic… for the part before lol. also i did not know what was going to happen next as I was writing. anyway entire smut scene was based off THIS bad boy ur welcome fellas and the Jungkook described here is from in the soop episode 2... cutie... yes every single 1 of those words is a link
lmk what you think! a simple ask goes a long way <3
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You're at the nail salon with Doyeon when she first mentions it.
“Have you ever, like,” she pauses, making a vague, swivel gesture with her head. You furrow your brows and she sighs. “Topped him. Have you ever been the one to take control?”
Your nail artist blushes, furiously filing away at your nails until the most perfect stiletto shape stares you back in the face. “Oh. Not really,” you admit, wiggling your wet toe nails around in the styrofoam flip flops issued by the salon. “I mean, sometimes I talk him through it.”
Doyeon snorts. “Babe, talking him through it and being the boss are two completely different things,” she says rather dryly, seemingly unbothered by the fact your two nail techs are being subjected to this more than intimate conversation. But you’ve had weirder talks with Doyeon in public; this doesn’t phase you. “Listen,” she says suddenly, dropping her voice down to a whisper that has you leaning closer to hear her. “You know how I’m a member of that site, right?”
You nod. “Oh yeah— Sexuality Unleashed: The Best Toys Worldwide!, right?” She kicks your shin, but the jab is muted by the bottom of her own styrofoam flip flop.
“Yeah, just tell everyone here my credit card number while you’re at it,” she hisses. Her anger fades soon enough. “Well, they’re always sending me all sorts of freebies for my devoted patronage,” she explains. She quirks her lips to the side, throwing one brief glance at the blushing nail artists in front of you. Eventually she seems to come to a conclusion. “Long story short they sent me some cuffs and I’m gonna give you them.”
Your jaw drops. “Woah, really? I don’t know… Don’t those usually run kinda pricey?” you ask tentatively. You’re trying to play it off, act like this isn’t something you want, but the reality is so much worse.
The minute the word cuffs had slipped through her lips it’s like a door opened before your eyes. A big, wooden door with chains strapped across it and a padlock you swore you’d never open.
Somewhere in your mind, you had always convinced yourself handcuffs in bed was something you’d like to have done to you. But, because she was your best friend and by extension a personified version of all your freakiest, often filtered, thoughts, it was like Doyeon had reached straight into your cranium and extracted your most secret fantasy— and that was Jungkook in handcuffs.
Your nail artist pats your hand, motioning you to head over to the drying station. Before you can be separated from Doyeon, you whip around to throw her one desperate look. “I have never wanted anything so bad in my life.”
She cackles loudly, easily garnering the attention of every employee and nail enthusiast in the salon with the evil witch vibes she exudes.
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Truth be told, your argument with Jungkook had brought upon a newfound appreciation for him. Weird to say, considering you had wanted to kill the dude when it had originally happened. But the great thing about you and Jungkook was that you were flexible people— both in bed and out. A few long conversations later and you had reached the root of the problem.
And that root was your apparent lack of communicating when something was wrong. It was weird to think that anything could ever be wrong when Jungkook was involved. He was your honeybun, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin. Your sweetie pie, for lack of better wording, and he could do no wrong—
—is what you’d like to say. But if there’s anything you’ve learned in the past year of dating Jungkook, it’s that perfection was a made up belief that revolved around the idea that someone’s flaws couldn’t possibly be a good thing. And as you’ve come to realize, Jungkook wasn’t the perfect gentleman you’d initially chalked him up to be. He was human, just like you, with his own list of worries and thoughts, and sometimes those thoughts manifested into flaws. They could be ugly or they could be beautiful, but at the end of the day, they all made Jungkook into the person he was— and you loved that person. Disgustingly so.
You had your moments, and he had his. Everything would not always be sunshine and rainbows for the two of you, but it was fine so long as you learned to play in the rain and stomp in the puddles.
You were you.
A slightly mean, slightly conniving, petty ass human who had been plotting his revenge since the day the two of you made up. I mean, you weren’t actually just going to let him get off the hook like that, were you? He had saved himself last time with a gooey, heartfelt apology and confession, followed by some extraordinary dicking down that had left you Naked and Afraid for three days after.
But you weren’t that easy! No, ma’am. You had to let him know that some gorgeous demon dick was not enough to satisfy you after a fight like that.
Jungkook was in for a desperately needed reality check, one that jingles in your purse when you step out of the Uber that drops you off at his place. You know he’s home because his front light is on, and also because he’d texted you that he was watching some soccer match on tv tonight. He’s a pretty big fan, especially of the club playing tonight, so you decide it’s a perfect night to strike.
Your copy of his key slips right into the keyhole. Your slippers are in the same place they always are, neatly set off to the side right by the stairs. He’s not in his living room, undoubtedly the most perfect place to watch any type of sporting event with that huge Jumbotron of his. The damn thing made it feel like you were in the stadium itself.
There’s a quiet hum coming from upstairs. You creep up the steps, carefully rounding the corner at the landing until you’re staring right into his dimly lit bedroom.
The way Jungkook’s got his bedroom set up is so that you can look directly at his door from the bed, terribly inconvenient for when that sleep paralysis demon hits in the middle of the night and you’re left staring into the dark hallway. He’s snuggled comfortably over his sheets, about three pillows supporting his back. The light of the tinier, more acceptable television he keeps in his room is dancing across his features in bright shades of green. You almost throw yourself onto his mattress like a starfish until you spot the carefully placed foot on the bed.
“What the hell did you do?” you blurt. A wrong move, considering he hadn’t seen you yet and your sudden appearance makes him jump nearly ten feet into the air, almost knocking down the bag of ice that sits on his ankle. “Oh my god, it was that damned Pilates class, wasn’t it?” you fret, rounding the bed until you’re on his side.
“Oh hey,” he says as if you’re not currently pulling the first eight seasons of Grey’s Anatomy to the forefront of your head to treat him. “When’d you get here?”
“Cut the crap, who did this to you?” you ask, sitting beside him with the utmost care. You drop your bag off to the side, the loud clatter of the inside contents vaguely registering in your head. The ice pack comes off easily, revealing a relatively okay looking ankle save for the slight swell towards the more medial aspect of it.
Jungkook takes the moment to sit up, joining you in your inspection of his injury. “No one,” he answers, using his new position to drop a kiss against the side of your head. “I fell off the ladder helping Mrs. Jung across the street.”
You choke. “You fell off a ladder?” you squawk, eyes wide as your gaze shifts from his ankle to his entire body.
He places a hand on your shoulder, “babe, I was on like the third step. It was one of those old wooden ones,” he explains with a nonchalant shrug. “The step just happened to snap on my way down.”
You scoff. “That old lady is out to get you,” you warn him. “Remember the time she almost had you plug in those burnt out Christmas lights for her? The ones that would have electrocuted you to death.”
Jungkook laughs, settling back into his stack of pillows. “In her defense, she’s old,” he offers. He’s wrapped up in a black hoodie, fluffy bangs parted down the middle. He’s got on some blue shorts, a huge difference from his usual dark-toned clothing. He looks so good and warm, and you’re suddenly hit with the fact you can’t possibly handcuff this poor, injured angel to his bedpost and ride his cock into the sunset. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over.”
You deflate, wild fantasies thrown out the window. “Yeah, well,” you sigh, ditching your pants and climbing over him until you’re snuggled into his side. “Wanted to show you my nails.”
It’s a lame excuse. But he buys it, so.
“They’re cute,” he says, taking your hand in his. He turns your hand over, inspects your pretty new acrylics like he actually has any idea how much they cost or how sexy they look. He raises your hand to his face, pressing a smooch against your knuckles that has you heart thumping embarrassingly loud in your chest. God, you hated this fool.
You turn your nose up at him, like you’re some snooty rich girl who couldn’t give him the time of day. Except it’s not like that, and Jungkook knows.
“What’re you watching?” you ask instead.
He’s got that stupid dopey smile on you, the one that takes one nudge against his side to snap him out of. “Ah, just the game.”
You squint at the screen. “Is this Fox Sports?” you ask in disgust.
He pinches your side. “This is ESPN,” he corrects. “And you don’t know shit about sports channels,” he points out. “So sit this one out.” You give in with a huff, cuddling closer into his side while trying to jostle him as little as possible. Jungkook seems to have no deeply rooted concerns about his injured ankle if the way he hauls you into his arms is any indicator. “How did nails with Doyeon go?”
“You know, the usual,” you respond, idly toying with one of the strings on his hoodie as your eyes focus on the little figures running across the screen. He hums, gesturing for you to elaborate. “Talked about sex, how much better than you at life she is, some more sex.”
He scoffs at that. “Doyeon is not better than me, and I have a whole trophy case to prove it.”
“Okay, but have you singlehandedly Twitter beefed with an entire sorority in your freshman year of university and won?”
He frowns. “No.”
You give him a look, one that says stand down now unless you want to lose to my best friend and get your feelings hurt. Jungkook understands. “Anyway,” he announces, turning his attention back to the screen with you. You think his team might be winning—you vaguely remember seeing him wear a similar jersey once—so he’s pretty relaxed for now. “They’re doing pretty good considering they just lost their main striker.”
You have no idea what that means. “Who? Messi?”
Jungkook knows you don’t know. “He doesn’t even play in this league,” he explains anyway.
“Oh, I saw him trending on Twitter last week. Thought he died or something. Whole time it was just a bunch of soccer nerds crying about him leaving his team.”
He laughs. “You should be a sportscaster,” Jungkook decides after your ever-so-eloquent recap, tucking his head cutely against your shoulder. There was a study once that claimed the incessant need to squeeze a baby’s cheeks or hug puppies tightly was actually the innate human response to kill something they felt threatened by. Oddly enough, you find yourself thinking of that as Jungkook’s citrusy shampoo floods your nostrils.
“Oh, speaking of Doyeon,” he says suddenly. “Did you give her my address? I got a weird package from that store she likes that I genuinely don’t remember ever ordering.” You frown, sitting up slightly until you can look at the side of his face, the cute mole on his cheek calling your name.
“What?” you ask. “Was it in her name?” Jungkook nods. You’re about to tear the roof off his house and go hunt that evil wench down when realization dawns on you. “Oh, no, yeah I gave her your address. My mom stayed over last weekend and Doyeon needed to order something nasty. Guess it got delayed until now.”
Jungkook nods and then doesn’t say much else, which is weird considering the circumstances. You expected him to gently scold you for carelessly giving the psycho that was Kim Doyeon his address, but she’s been here a few times to pick you up, even came over for beer night once. She probably knew it anyway, but you still expected some type of reaction of disapproval from him.
Something’s off, and you know better than to leave it at that. You poke his cheek, right where that mole you’d been eyeing was. “Did you open her package?” you ask, grin slowly consuming your features at the fact Jungkook was apparently a mail snooper.
He looks away. You laugh. “Oh my god, you did,” you cackle, sitting up beside him to get a good look at the blush growing on his cheeks. “What did you see?”
“Nothing,” he huffs, pretending to be overly invested in his soccer match again, but that ship died the moment you stepped into his room. “Babe, I can't see the match.”
You roll your eyes, purposefully shifting in front of him so he’s forced to look at the maniac look in your eyes. “What did you see, Jeon Jungkook, and are we going to steal it from her again?”
His cheeks bloom impossibly darker at that. “No!” he coughs, pointedly avoiding your gaze.
But your curiosity is at its peak now, his reactions only exacerbating it. You grab him by the shoulders, hands balling the material of his hoodie as you give him one firm shake. “What did you see,” you demand.
“Oh my god,” he gives in. You release him and he flops back onto his pillow mountain. “They were things,” he explains slowly, cheeks rosy. “For your, y’know,” a vague gesture over his chest.
You frown. “A bra?” you guess. “I’m not gonna lie, Kook, think I just lost a little respect for you.”
“No!” he huffs. “They were… little clamps. For your nipples.”
If this was a cartoon, you’re almost certain you’d be that character with the object in question in their eyes, heart fluttering in your chest at the words that leave his mouth.
Immediately, two things become obvious to you.
One, Kim Doyeon was a bigger freak than you’d expected who obviously dabbled in an assortment of trades. Clamps, your brain screams, overwhelmed with the image that appears in your head, the one that has a shiver running straight to your core. You would have to thank her for this gracious, unintentional gift she’s bestowed upon you.
Two, you’re gonna have to write her the best, most plausible apology letter tomorrow when you inform her those clamps have been lost in the mail, never to be seen again. Or you could just straight up tell her you snatched them up the moment you found out what they were, but you doubt that’ll go over well.
Jungkook groans. “You have that look in your eye,” he points out. You snap your attention back to him. “And I just wanna say in advance that I don’t think i can give you the fun night you deserve, baby,” he apologizes, motioning towards his still swollen ankle.
Something distinctly mean switches on inside of you.
You flash him a sweet smile that has him letting down his guard. You lean forward, pressing a soft peck to his cheek as you climb down the bed towards your forgotten purse that’d been resting on the floor until that point. “Who said I needed you to have fun?” you throw over your shoulder, carefully slipping Doyeon’s first gift close to your body so he won’t see.
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed look. “Really,” he says dryly, “you think you can have fun without me?” He almost sounds cocky, as if the idea of you even enjoying yourself the teensiest bit without his help seems unfathomable.
You grin, padding over to his bedside, where you carefully pick up his hand. You mirror his actions from before, pressing a sweet kiss against his knuckles that makes that conceited look slip off his features for a second, eyes soft.
Jungkook frowns. “What the—“ before the sentence can leave his mouth you’re lunging forward, wrestling his hands above his head, until they’re both secured at his headboard by the soft cuffs Doyeon had given you that afternoon at the salon. Jungkook’s wide eyes stare back at you, briefly leaving to glance up at the silver chain that wraps behind one of the rungs of his headboard. “Babe,” he says slowly. “What the fuck.”
You beam at him, leaning down to snatch a pillow from beneath him so he’s better positioned, leaning back more. “So cute,” you gush, taking in the way his raised arms have the hem of his hoodie lifting at the waist. There’s a faint trail of hairs around his belly button that disappear beneath the elastic of his shorts. “Do you like them?”
Jungkook blinks. “Baby,” he says a second time, much slower and a little too calm for your liking. It almost gets swallowed by the roar of the fans on TV. “What is this?”
You ignore him, scampering around his room until you find the hot pink Sexuality Unleashed packaging peeking out from beneath his bed. Sure enough, it’s in Doyeon’s name but his address. A whole complicated mess just for some nipple clamps she’ll never see again. It’s what’s inside anyway, not that you thought Jungkook was lying, but there’s something about the actual, carefully wrapped packaging that makes your heart and pussy flutter.
“Oh! Aren’t these the prettiest things?” you exclaim, whirling around to where Jungkook is shaking up a storm with his cuffs, pout growing on his features the longer you leave him there. The ice pack slips off his ankle, falling onto the comforter beside him from all his movement.
Jungkook doesn’t seem the least bit interested in the silver nipple clamps in your hands, too busy trying to free himself from the sudden trap you sprung on him. “Sweetheart, we can play with those tomorrow, alright?” he tries, relaxing his arms and finally looking your way. There’s a frustrated furrow to his brows, one you rarely see but adore very much. “Just undo these cuffs for me, yeah?”
You tilt your head to the side, placing a hand on the inside of his calf that you trail all the way up as you move to stand beside his hip. His thighs flinch at your touch, tensing when you stop just before the crotch of his pants. “Mmm, don’t think so,” you smile, dropping the thin chain beside him.
Your shirt goes first, peeled over your body until you’re left standing in your bra. It’s nothing too special this time, just your average run of the mill comfort bra hugging your chest. But that doesn’t really matter, especially not with the way you’re hoping things play out tonight. You’d discarded your jeans a few moments prior, so the shirt joins them on a pile on his floor.
As much as he tries to act irritated by your refusal to release him, there’s a slow stirring beneath his shorts. It’s emphasized by that bright blue material, cock swelling as he watches you take off your clothes. “Baby,” he warns, possibly for the last time. But you won’t know unless you push some more, you tell yourself, placing one knee on the edge of the bed, the other thrown across his lap.
“Wow,” you marvel, picking the chain up once more. Jungkook shifts beneath you, half hard cock brushing against the cleft of your cheeks. “Don’t you wanna see what it’s like, Jungkookie?”
He says nothing, watching you with solemn eyes that leave no room for reading him. Behind you, the game commentator is chattering up a storm.
Doesn’t matter, especially not when this flimsy metal had you so completely hypnotized. You reach behind yourself, unsnapping your bra with one fluid motion that has the cups falling onto your lap, soft chest on display for the man before you. Your breasts spill out slowly from their cage, pretty hardened buds slowly coming into his view. They make him pause his fussing, half-lidded gaze falling to the swell of your chest hungrily. His hands jerk, the cuffs doing their job of keeping them there.
You grin, placing a hand on his chest, over his hammering heart. “Do you wanna see me wear them?” you croon, tugging the material of his hoodie up his stomach, until your thighs are sitting directly on his tiny waist, thin thong just over his belly button. You trail your hand up, letting it brush up the side of his neck and bury into his scalp. You give an experimental tug that has his eyes squeezing shut. “Yes or no, Jungkookie?”
He’s being a huge brat for you, eyes scrunched up together like the sight of you enjoying yourself sans his touch is unimaginable. Another tug of his hair and he’s exhaling shakily, a quiet, “yes,” slipping past his lips.
The chain drops onto his chest with a quiet thud, shocking him enough to blink his eyes back open. Releasing your hold on his hair, you sit back on his lap, towering over his fidgety body like a goddess at a temple, him the lowly worshipper beneath you.
Your hands crawl over your body, starting somewhere around your waist. The glide up over your tummy, caress the underside of your breasts teasingly. Sure Jungkook knew your body well, but you knew your body best. One hand rubs teasingly over your breast, palm pressing down slightly against where your nipple lies, while the other drops down between your thighs, slowly grinding against your mound.
“Look, Jungkookie,” you gasp, body twitching at your own hands. You take a hardened nub between your fingers, rolling it back and forth until it’s standing at its peak. “I can do it without you,” you tease, rolling your hips against him slowly. The thin material of your thong does nothing to save you from the delicious swell of his cock against you. “F-Fuck,” you whimper, circling a finger over your clit. “It’s, it’s even better.”
His restraints jiggle against the bed frame, an obvious look of distress crossing his features. “No,” he huffs out a whine, tugging at the cuffs as you slowly unravel on his lap. They don’t give, no matter how much he pulls. You know he’s holding back, afraid of damaging his headboard, and you take advantage of the fact as you move to roll both nipples between your fingers. He groans harshly, jaw tight. “Hate you,” he hisses, hips wiggling beneath you. “Hate you, hate you.”
You breathe out an airy chuckle. “R-Really?” you ask, trembling hands finally reaching back for that second gift of the day. Your breath is shallow, so thoroughly wound up from your own playful hands, and you tremble at the mere brush of the cool metal. “Oh fuck,” you whimper, bringing them up to your chest, “I’ve never done this before,” you confess.
There’s a sense of amazement that consumes you at the thin chain you hold in your hands, the pretty gold painted clamps on each end. It makes you shiver, body unconsciously grinding down against Jungkook’s lap where his engorged cock was fighting against the material of his shorts.
“Then let me help you,” he tries, the childish tone from before melting into his usual silky smooth baritone. Jungkook even softens his gaze at you, let’s his tongue peek out to wet his lips as you almost seriously consider his request.
Had it not been for the sudden loud shout from the sports commentator behind you, a long obnoxious gooooooaaal, you probably would have fallen victim to that honey-eyed gaze. You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.
Without a second thought, you bring one of the little camps close to your chest, giving it a few experimental squeezes until the nerves are replaced with an overwhelming wave of horniness that even Jungkook can sense. “Fuck,” he groans, shaking his restraints back and forth like a wild animal as you slowly get to clamping your left nipple.
You’re not sure what you expected; part of you had thought it was going to be an excruciating pain, one that would make you want to scream and shout in sheer agony. The other part had reduced it to a barely there pinch that would never live up to your fantasies. As it stands, the sensation of the clamp around your swollen nipple sits right in between, drawing in a choked gasp that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Baby, sweetheart,” Jungkook gasps alongside you, eyes zeroed in on the pinched off bundle of nerves. There’s a sudden grinding sound that fills the air, like the sawing off of wood that definitely doesn’t sound good, and it’s a direct result of the fight he puts up against his headboard. “Please, please,” he begs, muscled arms tugging back and forth. “I have to touch—“
The second clamp goes on, making your entire back arch as if you were possessed. You're not, just extremely overwhelmed by the prickle of pain on your tits that makes you grind down against his cock, hands fisting the front of his hoodie like it’s the only thing grounding you right now. “Oh,” you shudder, thighs quivering at the heightened stimulation you receive from the clamps sitting on your nipples. “Kook, I-I can’t.”
He growls, hips bucking beneath you in a crazed effort to better situate you on his lap. “You gotta take these off me,” he rasps out. The next buck of his hips makes the chain dangling between your breast brush dangerously close to his face. He’s unintentionally goaded on by the TV in the room, the annoying drone of the commentator shouting something about never giving up. “Can make you feel so much better, sweet girl,” he cooes, jutting his head out like he needs a kiss.
Your head feels woozy, pussy throbbing at the sensations being channeled down into your core. Your eyes flutter shut, and before you can think it through, you're blindly reaching for the chain, giving it one light tug that has you mewling like a kitten. “O-oh, fuck,” you sob, looping your finger around the thin chain carefully. Another tug that pulls against your nipples sends a gush of wetness down between your thighs. “Cock,” you slur dazedly, “need your cock.”
Jungkook shudders out a long breath. “Le-Let me go then, sweetheart,” he chokes out, “let me fuck that pretty little pussy for you.”
“Uh uh,” you disagree, bringing another angry buck out of him, metal cuffs rattling loudly. “Want you to watch,” you pant, reaching behind you for his shorts. “Watch me, Jungkookie.” It takes three tries for you to get a grip, the elastic material slipping from your fingers before you finally gain some semblance of control and paw them down . The shorts and the boxers came off together, his engorged cock springing up to tap against your ass. “W-Watch,” you repeat dazedly, leaning forward with one hand on his shoulder to line him up with your dripping hole. Behind you, the commentator is droning on about core balance or something of the sort. It takes two tries as you blindly have to tug your panties to the side as well, and just as you have his fiery red tip against your entrance, something else happens.
He catches you, pearly teeth biting down on the chain that connects your clamps in a motion you can only liken to a bloodthirsty shark jumping out of the water, jaws snapping to catch its prey. It dangles in his face, the same way his own necklaces have done to you so many times before. But the difference between you and Jungkook was that while you let his assortment of necklaces hypnotize you, drag across your face painfully, he doesn’t. He snaps forward, catches it between his teeth.
You mewl loudly, foggy vision turning onto him. Jungkook’s got this unreadable look on his face, likes he’s pissed off and turned on all at once. “You’re not in charge,” he murmurs around the chain, the s and c sounds all slurred together. “You will never be in charge, silly girl, you got that?” he spits, yanking his head back like an animal, pulling your upper body with him by the two golden clamps on your nipples.
There’s tears in your eyes, lining your waterline and threatening to fall with each tug his mouth gives against the chain of your nipple clamps. He’s got his neck craned back as far as he possibly can with a pillow beneath him, chain links digging into his bottom lip. “Y-Yes,” you sob, your entire body quivering at the way he so easily manages to overthrow you, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, solemn eyes flickering across your twisted features once more. He gives another purposeful tug, head snapping back just the tiniest bit, but it’s enough to tug you forward again, a loud whimper torn from your throat. “Undo these cuffs for me, sweet girl,” he commands softly, jiggling the same restraints he’d spent the better part of fifteen minutes fighting against.
“Y-Yes,” you whimper, hands wildly slapping down on his bedside table. You had had half the mind to leave the key there when you had retrieved the cuffs, telling yourself it would be easy access afterwards. It’s not, apparently, the silver pick falling just out of reach. For some reason— it’s probably the sensitivity and horninesss, the pinpricks of pain that originate from your nipples —this fact frustrates you to the point of tears.
“Easy, doll,” Jungkook talks you through, voice low and soft beneath you, “relax and grab it for me, okay?” You nod, angrily blinking away a tear that drips down your face. It splatters on Jungkook’s cheek, bringing a soft huff of amusement from him.
Finally the key brushes your hand, and you sigh in relief, shakily leaning forward to undo the lock above his head. He releases his killer chomp/grip on your chain just as you release his cuffs. “I-I’m sorry,” you sniffle, a sudden need to apologize as you watch him rub at the raw skin around his wrists. “I didn’t—“
“Shhh,” he says, cuddling you into his chest. “It’s alright,” he says simply and you believe him.
Which ends up being a terrible mistake exactly ten seconds later when he’s shoving your face into the sheets, your cries and whimpers muffled by the sounds of the game on TV as he winds your arms behind your back. You struggle for all of five seconds before a soft click resounds from behind you.
“Did you think I’d just let that slide, sweet girl?” he growls against your ear, hot breath fanning across your skin. “I'm not your dog, __,” he spits, suddenly yanking you up by your cuffed wrists. Your chest is heaving, arms aching from the way he’s got you on your knees, blind to whatever he’s doing behind you. “Don’t lock me up, because I’ll always come back to bite.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you stammer, flinching when a hand snakes around your waist, an experimental tug to the chain of your clamps. It sends a shudder down your spine, amplified by the hot press of his body behind you. “I won’t do it again!”
“I know you fucking won’t,” he laughs meanly, trailing his hand down over your mound. One finger circles your clit through your underwear, a shaky sigh exiting your lips at the jarringly light touch. “Because I’m gonna fuck you until you’ve learned your lesson, silly girl.”
“I said sorry,” you whimper, thighs quivering. His cock brushes up against you, the same cock you were about to ride until the sunset. Oh how the tables have turned.
A hand slips beneath your underwear, pad of a finger rubbing against your swollen clit. “Oh,” you exhale, surprised with the suddenly gentle touch following his words. “Th-That’s nice,” you murmur, head lolling forward at the slow rhythm he sets, playing with you like you were a toy that needed warming up.
“Yeah?” he husks out. There’s a yank to your clamps that makes you gasp, chest following the motion as if it’ll reduce the shock. “You think this is about making you feel nice?” he murmurs. Another tug, followed by another, until he’s raining down a series of rhythmic shocks onto your tits that make you shiver and twitch, tongue heavy in your mouth to the point you feel like you’re drooling.
“Wait,” you whimper, arms twisting behind you. “Hurts, hurts” you cry, arching your back like it’ll save you from the steady stimulation against your rock-hard nipples.
“Does it?” Jungkook hums, one hand working away at your clit. He swirls it around his finger, pressing down on the nub in an attempt to distract you. But it only heightens the sting coming from your breasts, the blossom of pain that grows over each mound the longer he plays with you. “Good. Want your pretty little body to hurt for me, baby.”
Right after saying that he releases the grip on your chain, letting it swing back and forth until it eventually rests on your stomach, throbbing nipples spared for now. A breath of relief washes over you now that you only have to worry about the hand playing along your folds. The TV is still flickering to your right, but the commentator's voice sounds fuzzy and so far away, like he’s in a whole different dimension while you and Jungkook are here.
Your reprieve lasts shorter than you expected, as his free hand slowly begins creeping up your waist, fluttering over the little gold clamps pinching your nipples. “Pretty girl,” he compliments, nudging one tender nub with a playful finger. “Pretty, pretty baby,” Jungkook murmurs as he begins massaging the scorching hot skin around your nipples gently. There’s a warm kiss pressed to your shoulder, followed by a trail up the side of your neck. You shudder, trying to focus on the hand that creeps down your folds, teases itself against your entrance.
“Jungkook,” you whine softly, rolling your head to the side so he can suck bruise after bruise onto your skin. You’re definitely drooling, the saliva thick and heavy in your mouth. “T-Too much.”
“Thought you wanted that,” he mumbles, kissing up and up until he’s at your jaw and then he’s at your mouth, languidly kissing you. He’s doing that thing again where he’s hellbent on drowning you in his spit, and if you didn’t know better you’d think he was preparing you for something. “Wanted me to watch you bounce that tight little cunt on me while your tits were like this,” he says, punctuating his statement with a light slap against the side of one breast. It makes you jump, a moan catching in your throat.
The finger that had been playing meanly along your wet folds eases itself past your lips, plunges head first into the aching heat inside of you. He works it against your walls, thumb over your clit as he curls his finger inside of you. You moan loudly, shaking in your restraints. The hand over your chest squeezes, pushes the clamp deeper against your breast until your entire body is short-circuiting.
Your first orgasm comes over you with all the grace of a lightning bolt; it’s sudden and jerky, has every nerve ending wildly spasming as you whimper his name. “No more, no more,” you beg, head lolling back against his shoulder. He shows you no mercy, simply rubs furiously over your clit, until you’re jerking into his maniac hand.
When it’s over, he places a kiss against your jaw, curling his finger inside once more “Play with yourself,” he whispers.
“H-Huh?” you stutter, the rattle of your cuffs loud in both your ears, but not as loud as the breath you were trying to catch post-orgasm. You wonder if maybe he got ahead of himself again—he occasionally did that, thinking ahead to a point you hadn’t reached in your normal progression of sex —but suddenly he’s shoving you back down again, the finger that was slowly driving you insane rudely exiting your cunt.
You flop down against the mattress with a squeal, wiggling around like you actually had a chance of doing anything with him watching you like he is. You struggle for a few beats, every shift against the mattress rubbing harshly against your breasts until you nearly want to cry.
Just as you reach that point, he’s rolling you into your back, hands uncomfortably bent beneath you. It leaves you unwillingly arching to accommodate them, tits practically presented for him to see. “Pretty girl,” Jungkook groans, reaching down for the first time that day to touch himself.
His self restraint was truly unmatched, you realize, watching him squeeze the base of his cock. He runs a palm over his abdomen, up his chest. He drags the material of his hoodie along with it, eventually shucking it off somewhere to the side. His hair, so fluffy and soft, flops over his forehead, a few defined strands tickling his eyebrow.
The mere sight of him alone made you shiver, pussy clenching at the wet dream before you. He’s not an idiot either, obviously aware of what the sight of his body does to you, the tattoos littering his entire right arm that hypnotize you. The faint glow of the TV screen against his side makes him look like the cover star of every middle-aged wife’s erotic romance novel. He reaches said arm down, runs a hand along your thigh until you’re spreading them wide for him.
He doesn’t touch you like you want, only slides over your body until he’s toying with the chain of the nipple clamps that were slowly becoming the bane of your existence. “Open,” he says suddenly, and you do. Your mouth drops open, tongue stuck out slightly even if you don’t know why. He’s ingrained the response into you by now, made you into a desperate slut always ready for anything in your mouth.
This time it’s the stupid, stupid chain connecting your nipple clamps. He tugs it until it’s pulled up, the pull against your nipples making you whimper and writhe. The metal is cool when it touches your lips, but his fingertips are warm. “Good girl,” he praises once you bite down; even this sends a shock of nerves down your spine and to your pussy. “Just like that.”  
A muffled whimper escapes your lips, tears clouding your vision at the stimulation that was quickly overwhelming you again. Part of you thinks no more, please, I can’t. But the other has you spreading your legs for him, quivering pussy desperate to be filled.
The distress must be obvious in your face if the way Jungkook kisses your neck is any indication. He’s got one hand massaging against the underside of one breast, like he’s soothing the striking pain of your pinched nipples for you. If anything, it only strings you along more. “Stupid baby,” he chuckles meanly, a soft puff of laughter against your jaw, “thinking she could push me down.”
He leans back onto his knees, that same careful brush against the inside of your thigh bringing about an embarrassing whimper as he peels your thong away. “But you didn’t really want that, did you?” he eggs on, slowly shifting down against the bed, until his mouth is hovering over your exposed lower lips. His breath is warm, makes you yearn for him to be closer. “You like when I shove my cock into your little pussy, right? Like how it feels when I turn you into my little slut like this,” he sighs, pressing one chaste kiss against your thigh that makes you pull at the cuffs behind your back.
Soon, his mouth is on your clit, the same clit he had previously pampered with his hands but chooses to play with again. He licks an obscenely wet stripe from your throbbing hole to your clit, tongue curling devilishly towards the end. You whimper, though the sound is distorted around the chain in your mouth. Jungkook groans, dives mouth first into your cunt until he’s suffocating himself. His cute nose is pressed against your clit, and he takes advantage of the fact by taking one, dramatic sniff with his eyes rolled back. A soft moan escapes him.
“Fuck,” he shudders, “smell like heaven for me.” You moan at his sweet words, eyes squeezed shut as if that’ll stop the buckets of overwhelmed tears that you’ve been fighting off since the moment the clamps came on. “Wanna give you the world, angel,” he breathes, licking languidly against your folds, tongue occasionally peeking inside.
You mewl and writhe, every movement sending a tug of pain over your nipples. You want that gorgeous cock deep in your cunt, want to feel him in your womb, but you can’t voice any of this with the chain of the clamps between your lips.
Jungkook sits up suddenly, and you’re thinking yes, finally, before the look on his face has you screeching to a halt. There’s something distinctly different about him, a look you don’t think you’ve ever seen in bed before. Your thoughts are only confirmed when his foot slides onto the floor, as if he’s about to leave.
The panic must be evident on your face, because Jungkook is quick to swoop in and reassure you he’s not done with you yet. “Wanna fuck your little pussy,” he admits, carding a hand through your hair. “But the truth is I don’t think you deserve that just yet.”
With that he slinks off the bed, leaving you writhing in confusion as he heads off for the closet behind you. You can’t see what he’s doing, can only hear the shuffling of something back and forth. The TV is still on, the loud cheering of the fans muffling his clattering. You’re suddenly reminded of his swollen ankle, craning your neck to tell him to not overdo it, when something dark covers your eyes.
He’s standing just beside the edge of the bed, his signature teddy bear heat emanating off in waves so thick you could touch them. “Do you trust me?” he murmurs, voice close but not close to your ear.
Something swells in your chest, an emotion so intense your entire pelvis tightens up at the realization that Jungkook was asking for permission to blindfold you. You’re almost certain it’s one of his ties, a silky black thing that covers your vision for the most part, save for a little crack by where your nose juts out. A shuffle to your side, and then he’s gently prying the chain he had pushed past your lips earlier out. “Need an answer, ___,” he says quietly, almost nervously.
“Yes,” you gasp, your entire body set aflame at the sudden turn of events.
If you were being honest you would have never predicted your night would end like this. Maybe you came in a little too cocky, a little too optimistic for the night. It was supposed to be Jungkook handcuffed and powerless, you remind yourself— how on earth did you get here?
“Good girl,” he praises, giving you a little encouraging nudge to raise your head for him to actually tie the knot behind your head. It’s definitely one of his suit ties, you realize, because there’s a distinct cross-stitch pattern that you can feel only when it’s tightened against your skin, pressing against your fluttering eyelids. When he releases you, you’re suddenly all too aware of the sense he’s deprived you of.
“K-Kook?” you call out with a tremble in your voice. The rhythmic pattern of his footsteps rounds the bed again, and then there’s a soft touch against your leg.
“Right here, sweet girl,” he reassures you. The bed dips by your legs as he closes in on you, still tied up and on the verge of a second orgasm that he snatched away before your very eyes; not that you can see it anymore. His hand slides over your stomach, tugs playfully at the clamps. You moan, the sensation magnified tenfold by the fact you can’t see nor anticipate his actions now.
His hands glide like two sailing boats over the broad expanse of sea that is your body, molding against your curves like waves as they go. He hums appreciatively, and you find yourself glad you can’t see him. You can’t possibly imagine with what eyes he’s looking at you now.
You bask in the glory of his attention for another beat before he retracts his touch.
And then, suddenly, something distinctly not hand-like, and weirdly soft traces over the inside of your thighs. “Kook?” you ask tentatively.
No response.
It runs over your skin in the same way his hands just did, a unique shape your brain scrambles to put a name too. It’s soft, so soft. But cold to the touch. Inanimate for sure. It’s a toy, your brain supplies belatedly, but that much you already know.
It’s heart-shaped, you realize, just as it thwacks down against your pussy.
You shriek at the suddenness of it all, thighs clamping shut. Your heart is thundering at a pace of a rabbit’s, chest rising and falling as you blindly piece together what just happened.  “Kook?” you whimper a second time, head craning back and forth in a desperate attempt to track his next move.
He’s not touching you anymore, but the bed is still dipping by your feet, so you deduce he must be there. You test your theory by sliding your foot against the sheets, lower lip trembling at the idea of him not being there.
Jungkook catches your ankle with one warm palm, slightly calloused from years of weightlifting. He raises it up, the cold air of his room hitting your exposed pussy. “You liked it,” he says, not a question but an observation. Your pussy throbs, the phantom strike against it lingering. A kiss to your ankle.
“Wh-What is it?” you cry, unconsciously pressing your leg closer to him now that you have his location. (You don’t see the soft smile on his face at your action.) Ever so slowly you let your thighs open again, now anticipating the next touch of that thing— that riding crop, you realize.
Jungkook confirms. “It’s a riding crop,” he explains, excitement curling around his words. Suddenly, it returns, this time against your stomach. He doesn’t strike you like he did before, simply lets it run across your tummy. “Heart-shaped. It’s so pretty,” he sighs dreamily. “Reminds me of you.”
You nod anxiously, stomach muscles tensed the longer it stays there. Jungkook obviously sees this, lifting it to give you the lightest of taps that still manages to make you gasp. “Cute,” he laughs, trailing it back to where it first touched down.
“Oh,” you tremble, thighs twitching as it pats tenderly over your clit. “Wai-Wait,” you warn, body arching as he runs it down, down your swollen folds. “No,” you weep, going to close your legs. But Jungkook predicts your moves, pressing your thigh down harshly against the bed.
“Shh,” he soothes, tracing the heart down your folds, pressing it flat against you. There’s a distinct lining over it that makes your hips jump, a faux-velvet covering the tip that tickles your skin. “Sit still for me.”
“No!” you gasp. Your back arches, body betraying you as it pushes your pussy against the toy. “I can’t, I can’t, Kook,” you sob, lips contracting around the gaping nothingness in your hole.
He condemns your attitude with a harsh swat of the riding crop against your cunt, tearing another high-pitched squeal from your lips. It’s followed by another against your clit that makes your body spasm. “Bad,” he chides. “Supposed to be my perfect girl.”
“I c-can’t,” you whine, the darkness over your eyes making the sensations ten times more intense. You don’t know where he or the riding crop are if they’re not directly touching you. Even then, the image is fuzzy in your head. “Need you,” you pant.
You try to reach for him, try to pull him into your arms. But you’re reminded of the cuffs holding you back, the metal digging into your skin behind you. You sob at the realization, angrily shaking your hands back and forth like maybe acting like a tantrum-throwing child will save you. It doesn’t.
Instead there’s a tug at the chain resting on your stomach, one that makes you cry out in pain when it pulls at your terribly sensitive nipples again. Jungkook uses it to pull you close, just a small inch off the bed that has you gasping for breath nonetheless.
“N-No,” you wail, nipples throbbing from all the sensations you’ve put them through tonight.
A chaste peck against your trembling lips. “Tell me how it feels,” he purrs, nose brushing against yours. Even with the tie obstructing your vision, the latest version of your boyfriend burns itself into your eyelids, force feeding you his sweaty skin and damp hair until even his breath against your face is enough to bring you to the edge.
“I-It’s scary, Kook,” you sniffle, listening for any signs of a reaction. But even if he did show one, your breathing is too loud and the ESPN channel is still blaring on screen. “Scary,” you whimper, lunging forward in a desperate move to feel the familiar brush of his tongue against yours. You miss.
“Do you want to stop?” he asks carefully, like he’s afraid he’s pushed too far.
He has. But fuck, do you love it.
“No,” you wail, lips smushed somewhere along his cheek, near his jaw and not his mouth like you wanted to. “Feels good, feels so fucking amazing,” you babble, cut off halfway through by a hiccup from your sad cries. “Wanna cum, wanna cum for you like this.”
Jungkook chuckles in relief, tilting his head until you can catch his lips with yours. It’s probably an awkward angle you assume, him adjusting for your vision-less whims, but it feels so good. It sends a shock to your pussy, his plush lips against yours. Without him telling you, you’re opening your mouth for him. “Spit on me,” you beg pitifully.
Jungkook groans, and you can almost visualize the look on his face perfectly— the tensing of his jaw, the push of his Adam’s apple, the pucker of his lips. “God, you’re disgusting,” he sighs, a fat glob of spit hitting the back of your tongue. Without your vision, you don’t see it coming, recoiling with a whiny mewl. The thin trail of saliva that follows trails across your chin when he finally reels back. You swallow greedily, wondering how soon is too soon to ask him to do it again.
With your full permission to move forward, Jungkook wastes no time trailing the riding crop over your wet folds, collecting your oozing pre-cum on the tiny heart as he roves it over your cunt. “Fuck, you can probably cum like this too, can’t you?”
You can’t answer, too caught up in the featherlight brushes. Even if you wanted to say something, one sudden strike against your pussy renders you speechless. “Mmh!” you hiss, biting down on your lip.
“Come on,” Jungkook encourages, resting a hand on your thigh. He presses the crop against you again, pushes down until the flat apex of the heart where it meets the flexible stem of the toy is pressing against your cunt hotly. He grinds it down against you, takes a sick pleasure in the pathetic way you arch up into it, rut against the little heart like it can provide even half the pleasure his hands usually would. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he murmurs.
Your body is on fire, every nerve, every sensation shooting straight to your most erogenous areas— your cunt and your nipples. Talking seems like the farthest thing from your mind right now, too caught up in the way he roughly pushes the crop against your clit. A whimper rips itself from your throat, shuddering at the sensation. Unconsciously you jerk away from him, only to be scolded with another thwack against your quivering pussy lips. “A-Ahh,” you wail, squirming beneath him like a worm that can’t sit still. “Good— it feels good, Jungkookie,” you weep.
The soft mushy pet name has him raining down two snacks against you in quick succession. “No baby names,” he warns, frown evident in his voice.
Even with you completely under him like this, shackled and blinded with your love, something unmistakably childish and obnoxious curls around your throat, has you biting down on a grin as the coil in your stomach tightens. “D-Don’t like that, Jungkookie,” you choke out hoarsely, wildly bold for someone in your position. “D-Don't like being m-my baby?”
The crop loses its position over your folds, and for a minute you’re left anxiously anticipating its next touch. 
It’s on the side of your breast, harder than the rest, combining with the already powerful pinch of the clamps. It makes you cry out painfully, stomach tightening at what is probably the most unexpected orgasm you’ve ever had. It isn’t like your usual ones that overpower you and make cum trickle out between your folds.
No, it comes in waves— literally. Your pussy spasms, pushes one splurt of cum out between your thighs, almost likes your lower lips are spitting it out. And then again, more the second time, against his mattress. He pushes your legs up to your chest to marvel at the cum coating your lips and thighs. “You’re my baby, stupid,” he hisses. He grabs at your clamps then, twisting the little chain in his hand harshly. You sob at the yank, at the way your nipples feel two seconds away from being ripped off. But you can’t even complain, because the sudden touch has your pussy clenching, before a final trickle of cum oozes out of you.
Even still, your mind babbles on. “N-No,” you choke, shaking back and forth. Despite the tie covering your eyes, they flicker like a mad man beneath it, like you’ll somehow get lucky and develop Seeing Through Fabric Ability if you try hard enough. “My, my baby,” you fight weakly, pelvis trembling from aftershocks of that orgasm. “My idiot b-boy,” you smile dazedly, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sting you’ve become familiar with by now. “T-Tell me, Jungkookie,” you croon, biting down on your lip to keep a moan from spilling out mid-syllable. “Still the same, r-right?” you stutter, “still think you’re better than me, don’t you?”
He scoffs. “No,” he vehemently denies, brashly landing an unexpected smack against your hip, no warning in sight. “That’s not true,” he defends. You can hear his pout, the little push of his lips when he grows defensive. 
You laugh, every bit the insane lunatic, fueled by your two orgasms and slipping sense of reality. “Ffffuck,” you whimper, rolling your hips up into nothing. “S-Say it again, baby,” you plead, tongue licking across your lips. “Tell me, tell me you don’t care about my problems, Kook-ah,” you whimper.
There’s a hesitant pause on his end, an unexpected lull in your play as he’s torn apart between doing what you want or playing it safe.
You know you’re confusing him, because you’re certainly confusing yourself. You don’t even bother trying to dissect your emotions— you’ve long since accepted your mind was a dangerous place when horny and presented with Jungkook’s sole attention. Well, you knew you were into the whole degradation bit, but this whole having-your-boyfriend-throw-the-words-that-made-you-question-your-entire-worth bit was certainly new and unexpected.
But there’s something in your heart (and in your libido) that needs this, needs him to fix this memory for you that maybe, kinda sorta, has haunted you for days, weeks now, as much as you hate to admit it. Needed him to fix the booboo he gave you with a bandaid, only leave a scar you could look back at and laugh off, not a gaping wound that opened at the slightest mention of it. Because while you forgave, you certainly never forgot*.
(*Unless forgetting meant having your boyfriend overwrite said memory that couldn’t be forgotten with the sheer power of his monster demon cock and wicked tongue. Only then could you forget.)
“Don’t be a fucking pussy, Jungkook,” you spit, feeling the hesitancy in the riding crop that brushes against your skin. It fades away quickly. “S-Say I’ve a dead-end office job; just holding you back,” you beg, trying to pretend the entirety of his little outburst hasn’t been ingrained into your mind for the last couple of weeks. Something flashes in your chest, throat closing off when the toy finally leaves your skin. “Tell me, tell me—“
He looms over you, teddy bear warmth covering the entirety of your body. “Is this what you want?” he asks seriously, lowly, breath fanning across your lips. Your makeshift blindfold feels distinctly damp over your eyes, chest heaving with an exertion that can only be emotional when he speaks so softly to you after routinely raining down brutal thwacks on you for the past half hour. “__,” he says sternly, “is this what you want?”
You gasp on a sob, unsure when these emotions had time to manifest outside your heart like this. You nod your head like a bobble head doll sitting on someone’s dashboard, lower lip trembling on a shameful cry that is not sex-induced like all the other ones until now. “I-I need this, Jungkook,” you admit, voice so tiny and soft, it almost gets drowned out by your shaky exhales and the crowd roaring on screen. “Need to overwrite it.”
He presses a soft kiss to your quivering lips, slow and so devastatingly loving. It’s nothing like the one from before where he’d spit down your throat per your request, and the unbridled adoration he packs into one simple kiss makes you crumble in his arms, sniffles piling on by the dozens.
He leans back after a moment, pulls your thigh over his forearm and finally lets you feel the hard ridges of his cock against your folds. “Stupid girl,” he huffs, trying to sound angry and annoyed, but there’s a lilting tone to his words, a love and trust you wouldn’t have been able to see with or without your blindfold, but can feel nonetheless. He pulls it off you anyway, the warm glow of the TV illuminating his face for you for the first time in about half an hour. Eyes soft, sweat trailing down his body. His body lines up against yours, but so does his heart. You feel it in the way he holds you in his arms, the way he’s careful about sinking into your folds. He slips an arm beneath your waist, uses it to hold you up so you’re not uncomfortably squishing your arms anymore. But if you ask, he’ll pretend he’s doing this for convenience sake only.
“T-Terrible fucking job,” he starts out, the stammer eluding the obvious discomfort he has saying those words, but he does it for you anyway. “Big fucking baby,” he tries again, slowly pushing past your tight walls with a shudder. “C-Can’t look away from you for two seconds because you’re such a fucking kid.”
“Worse,” you choke out. “Meaner. Please, Kook.”
He nods, holds your waist carefully when he finally bottoms out inside of you. “Dead-end office job,” he says, repeating the words that had made you want to crawl into a whole and never come out from. “Got some stupid fucking problems,” he tacks on, slowly withdrawing his hips from your heat. “Always complaining about the stupidest shit,” he hisses, fingers digging into your waist when it’s only the tip of his cock inside of you. “I don’t fucking care about it,” he seethes, forcefully snapping his hips into you.
They’re scrambled fragments of what he’d really said to you that night. Line after line that don’t carry a quarter of hurt or even make coherent sense for that matter. And still. 
You whimper, mind fuzzy from the thrusting pace he picks up, body fluttering at the glide of his cock against your walls. But your heart is thundering in your throat, his willingness to help fix this memory for you tightening around your every being until you can’t breathe. “I-I love you,” you cry, clenching down around him.
Jungkook groans, pulls you flush against his cock until the thin hairs around the base of his cock are tickling your skin. “Stupid, fucking child,” he groans, “immature ass nobody,” he grunts, bucking into you like your words don’t mean a thing.
“I am, I am,” you wail, suddenly hit with the cold hard truth that your body was desperately on edge. From the stimulation your nipples had gotten all night, to the ghost of the riding crop that lingered across your skin; your body was tired, so ready for a final orgasm that you’re certain Jungkook will provide. “T-Tell me y-you—“
“Shut up,” he barks, sweaty skin gliding against yours. “D-Don't tell me what to do,” he huffs, nailing you into the bed. He’s pushing you hard into the mattress, like he wants to brand you into it. “Need to fix this— alone.”
You nod numbly, the crowd behind him cheering loudly. It’s like they’re rooting for him— for the two of you —as silly as it sounds, and as bothersome as it would be any other day, today the obnoxious sounds of the ESPN soccer match only serve to fix a bad memory from before. It’s loud and cringey as all hell, but you’ll look back to this moment and laugh.
And that’s what you want most of all. You want that memory from before, that nasty fight, to go away, to disappear forever and be replaced with this one. Of him, pounding you into the sheets as his TV blares beside you, just another day, another round of sex filled with your usual kinks. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Ffffuck,” you whine when the tip of his hard cock prods against your cervix. He’s going deep, he’s going all out, because he wants to fix this too. Wants to do anything to make it right, and he’ll never know how much you appreciate him for it. “S-So deep,” you whimper, hips jumping when he rams back inside.
“Stupid slut,” Jungkook snarls, tucking his head against your neck the same way he always does. “Making me do stupid shit like this,” he bites, but you know he doesn’t mean it, know he never will again. He rocks his hips into you, no longer concerned with holding you up from uncomfortably laying on your cuffed arms anymore as he pistons into your squelching heat. He’s pressed so close over you, lips brushing against your collarbone with each snap of his hips.
All the pushing and jostling about has the chain of your clamps wildly jumping about, sprawling across the planes of your chest, above your breasts, where he snatches it up between his lips again. “Stupid, fucking—“ he slurs, jutting his head to the side like a wild stallion. You sob at the tenderness of your nipples, at the way he pays them no mercy as he continues rutting into you like a mad dog in heat. “Slut,” he spits. “S-So fuckin’ pretty.”
Your mind is in another universe, and when that last word, that devastatingly familiar term, slips from his lips mindlessly, something inside you snaps. “N-No,” you sob, legs fidgeting around his waist at the orgasm that wracks through your body against your will. “No,” you cry in frustration, “didn’t, didn’t want—“
“Stupid, stupid angel,” he babbles, seemingly unaware of your orgasm as he continues fucking into your leaking cunt, ignorant of the cum that dribbles out, creams his cock as he carries on. “Fuck,” he pants, gnaws against the chain of the stupid clamps like he can’t bare this any longer. “Love you,” he says, though he’s still stuck in that mindset from before and his sweet confession sounds more like a threat. “L-Love that childish side of you,” he confesses, finally dropping the chain— much to your relief —and surging forward to kiss you on the mouth. He tastes weirdly metallic, a thought you can’t ponder too long as he continues ramming himself past your clenched lips and into your pussy. “Your fffucking dr-drive to succeed,” he grunts, mouth smushed uncomfortably against your cheek.
“Kook, sweetheart,” you shudder, sensitive pussy spent as he drills on. His cock is still so achingly hard, and he doesn’t seem anywhere near completion. “Take it easy,” you gently remind him, can’t brush your fingers through his hair like you usually would, so you settle for pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Fuck, fuck,” he heaves, pushing so deep you practically feel him in your womb, swollen mushroom head begging for entry. “Give me it all,” he stammers, “want you—want this forever.”
“I know you do, baby,” you coo, nuzzling your nose against his when he sloppily surges forward, panting and gasping over you like a crazed caveman. “I’m yours,” you gently remind him.
“No,” he chokes out hoarsely, eyes screwed shut. “Need more, all of it,” he mumbles. “Give me yourself, ___, need you for the rest of my life—“ he cuts himself off with a shuddered whine, so airy and wispy it makes you shiver. “Ffffuck, shit,” he howls, each thrust into your walls only unraveling him more and more. “Give me, give me—“
“Anything,” you whimper, body trembling from his excessivity. “What do you want, Kook-ah?”
He says nothing, losing himself in the warmth of your pussy as his orgasm rounds the corner. He’s in the final stretch, the final straight until achieving nirvana alongside you at the finish line. And, as you’ve long since come to understand, a true Jungkook Danger Zone. He loses all sense of self, random syllables and phrases slipping through his lips.
“Fuck, fuck, marry me— marry me,” he moans, snapping his hips into you with a ferocious speed that has you bouncing against the sheets, and that’s despite the tight grip his has on you. “Let me— fuck— let me fuck a baby into you, sweetheart,” he purrs, eyes shining like an absolute psycho, but you’re apparently into that because the idea squeezes around your chest and burrows it’s way in. “A baby,” he marvels like an idiot, eyes big and sparkly, “f-fuck.”
“Wh-What?” you choke, flinching when he bites down against your lower lip. He’s got you trapped beneath him, stuffing your brain with these ideas that make your heart enter cardiac arrest, body tingling like in Mario Kart when you’ve got the star power up. “Kook—“
“Sh,” he groans, digging his fingers into your sides as he rolls his hips against you. “Almost,” he informs you, but the blood rushes to your ears. “Oh, fuck,” he pants, jaw clenching, “oh, baby.”
Jungkook cums with a shivered cry, body hunching over you like some entity has just exited out of his spine. Maybe something did, because afterwards he manages to hold himself above you for exactly three seconds before dropping the entirety of his hefty muscles onto you. “Ouch,” you whine, wrists twisted uncomfortably beneath you.
“Sorry,” he huffs, completely out of breath and dazed as he rolls away from you. He ends up spread out like a starfish beside you, completely fucked out and definitely zooming through the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions.
He doesn’t say anything for a hot minute, chest rising and falling like he’s just run a marathon, until you butt in. “Kook. Undo me,” you remind him.
He looks over at you, dark hair falling over his eyes and sprawling around his head like a halo. Oh, he was going to be the death of you. “Oh,” he says, like his brain has just processed the information. “Right.” He sits up, tucking himself back into the shorts he never fully took off. That was his character flaw; never bothers to get completely naked during sex. Anyway, his straight male-equivalent of booty shorts come up around his thighs again, stretching sinfully across the thick muscles.
The five sonnet poem that was gearing up in your head comes to a halt when he touches your breast. “No, no more,” you cry, instinctively withering away.
Jungkook snorts. “I’m just taking them off, baby,” he says, reaching forward again with the same practiced ease you’d use on an animal. The clamps come off, all the nerves suddenly coming back to life. It’s a weird sensation, not having your tits subject to that prickling pain anymore, and it makes you moan softly. Jungkook soothes you with his wannabe masseuse hands, but you think it’s just an excuse for him to fondle your breasts.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks gently, hovering over you like a damned surgeon or something. His voice is so silky and smooth, hands soft against your chest. He’s so careful in the way he turns you over, somehow magically producing the tiny key pick you swore was lost between the sheets after its first use.
Being on your chest makes you tremble like a leaf, the faintest brush of the cotton against your tits enough to make your pussy clench weakly. “ I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, carefully detailing his actions like you’re not watching him with your very own eyes. But it’s oddly comforting, having him walk you through the process of rolling your sore wrists. The inside of the cuffs had a plush lining, but it was a pretty cheap thing. After he’s done massaging the skin, he pads over to his dresser and returns with a shirt and undies for you. “Shirt,” he says, helping you into the clothing.
When you’re all snuggled under the sheets again, the television still loud as hell, he mumbles, “wanna talk about it?”
You exhale against his chest, feeling so light and fluttery from your orgasms and the way he runs his fingers through your scalp and the way his heart thunders by your ear. “Hm,” you hum pensively. “Nah. Think I’m fine now,” you admit.
Jungkook chuckles. “A full miracle recovery?” he teases. You nod, taking in the comforting scent of his fabric softener and just him in his entirety.
“Yep.” A beat of silence, the commentator is back to filling the space between you two. He talks about a mile minute, spewing stats and plays you could never understand in a thousand years. But you know Jungkook will get sucked in soon enough, so you strike while the pot is hot. “Do you wanna talk?”
He cranes his neck a little to look at you. “What do you mean?”
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself up to look at him straight on. “Oh, my mistake,” you drawl. “I seem to have missed the part where we were going to act like you didn’t just ask for my hand in marriage and then offered to get me pregnant—,” you pause, the realization suddenly hitting you like a trash can whipping down a hill on a rainy day at a thousand miles per hour. “Pregnant!” you exclaim, cheeks warm at the fact he really just said that to you.
Jungkook’s cheeks fare no better, a Flaming Hot Cheeto shade dusting his skin. “I, it was just…” he tries, poor tiny monkey brain working overtime to offer an excuse. “It-it doesn’t have to be a thing,” he blushes, big Bambi eyes flickering from you to the television to the heart-tipped riding crop by the foot of the bed. “I was just…”
You raise your brows. “Consumed by the spirit of King Henry IV to have fourteen kids?”
He blinks. “Wait, you actually paid attention to that film?”
“That’s not the point!” you exclaim, shifting onto your knees in front of him. “What,” you inhale sharply, heart beating wildly in your chest, “what was that?”
Jungkook can only play the shocked angel card for so long before he’s sinking back into his pillow stack with the sigh of a man who’s worked in construction for the last sixty-four years. “I just,” he mumbles, “I think about it sometimes.” His admission makes your heart lodge itself into your throat, wide eyes watching him spill out his heart to you.
He misreads the expression on your face. “I-Not now!” he hurries to explain. “Like,” he stammers, rosy hue slowly crawling down his neck, over his ears. “Maybe, y’know? In the future…”
You blink, brain reduced to a series of beeps and clicks like that of an old computer trying to compute information that is simply not processing. “Yeah…” you murmur, unsure of what to do with the film reel that suddenly flashes before your eyes, a look into a doorway you had never considered before. “I— me too.”
Jungkook chokes on his own saliva. “Really?” he yelps, has those sparkly anime girl eyes you always tease him about.
The gulp you do sounds loud in your ears. “Yeah,” you breathe, throat drier than the desert, but more confident than the first peabrain response. “I-I’d like that.”
There’s a bright beam of light that shines right in your face, so vibrant and dazzling it makes you flinch and by the time you’ve recovered you realize it’s his smile. “Yeah?” Jungkook mumbles back, pearly teeth framed by his pretty smile, brows raised at your stuttery confirmation. You nod. His lips twist into a smaller grin, a condensed version of the superstar one he gave you just moments before. Before you can brush it off with a joke, he’s snatching your hand up in his, a soft smooch pressed to your knuckles. “Okay,” he says quietly, dark eyes meeting yours. “One day?”
Your heart constricts in your chest, and all you can do is nod. “One da—“
“Goooooaaaaallllll!” the announcer on screen shrieks, the loud sounds of the TV killing your mood instantly.
Any dumbstruck, love struck, idiotic, ditzy expression on your face is wiped clean, replaced with an unimpressed glare you narrow on him. His nose is scrunched up like he wants to laugh, lips pressed into a thin line at your annoyance. He swipes the TV remote off the side table, arms spread open for you to crawl back into. You do so with a huff, pout smushed against the front of his hoodie.
“That’s enough ESPN for today,” he chuckles, switching the channel about a thousand times until Rick and Morty is playing on screen. “I’ll just watch the highlights later.”
“ESPN,” you scoff like an evil villain in a movie who’s just been presented with their mortal enemy, fisting the front of his hoodie.
Jungkook nods. “ESPN,” he repeats. A beat passes. “Kinda like BDS—“
“Go get your ice pack.”
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Because Jungkook couldn’t sit still for that one eventful night following his ladder injury, he ends up in a medical boot for one week, loudly clunking around the place like a reverse pirate. You snap a picture of him that you post on Twitter for your twelve followers to see, just him pouting at the doctor’s office with his new boot and club jersey on to celebrate last night’s victory.
It’s just a cute pic for you and your friends to laugh at.
Until it’s not, and his handsome face is circulating around the entire internet.
He’s being called the Face of FC Seoul, with desperate women messaging you left and right for his information. Other fans are bragging about the beauty that is an FC Seoul fanboy. It gets to the point where his face appears on the next night’s ESPN Nightly Recap, a special on social media stars posting about the game. Except Jungkook is neither a social media star nor did he even post about the game— you did.
But there he is, all five feet and ten inches of him smiling brightly at you from the ESPN Sports channel, wearing the boot he got from hand cuffing and whipping you to completion. 
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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koos-euphoria · 4 years ago
what do u think making out with skz is like🥺? like fluff and also nsfw 😳
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stray kids/reader | smut | 18+ | headcanon
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wordcount: 2K
warnings: making out, dry humping, spanking, hair pulling, teasing, degradation.
notes: there is also sfw, soft versions for the ones who don’t like smut!!<3
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ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ | sᴋᴢ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ
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© koos-euphoria 2020. Do not repost, modify or translate.
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Bang Chan:
soft and gentle kisser.
The rough pad of his thumb strokes your cheek with his thumb as your lips touch. His other other hand is placed around the back of your neck gently but secure.
Giggling against, he starts to get shy within the kiss, as his heart pounds inside his chest.
Pulling away, his ears turn red as he continues to giggle, before placing a soft peck on your temple.
He’s just really really soft and careful, the best boy🥺
He’d be the complete opposite. Rough and dominant kisser.
Both of you sat next to one another he moves his face closer.
His hand grips onto your chin, keeping you where he wants you.
His tongue licks along your bottom lip, before slipping past them, the wet muscle exploring your mouth.
A moan leaves your throat as he swallows it down.
His free hand grips onto the soft flesh of the back of your thighs, pulling you up to straddle him. Sliding his fingers up by the fingertip, tickling you, he stops at your hips, encouraging you to grind on his lap.
Lee Minho:
A playful but slightly shy and soft kisser.
You’re both chilling on your bed cuddling, your head on his chest as his fingers gently play with your hair.
The movie you were watching plays a romantic kissing scene, and it makes you blush at the lovey dovey gooeyness of it.
Looking up at Minho, unable to hide the fact you’re staring at his pretty pink lips. Of course he notices as his lips pull into a smirk.
“Want a kiss baby? Hm” he whispers as he squishes your cheek. You whine, pushing his hand away and Minho laughs lightly. Placing a hand under your chin his own cheeks heat up, and you smile softly at the sight of him getting shy himself.
Leaning down he gently places his lips on yours as his eyes flutter shut.
Wrapping both arms around you he pulls you closer before breaking the kiss, rubbing the tip of your noses together.
Playful for sure teases you a lot. A rough and possessive kisser.
Minho hovers over your frame, movie long forgotten about, as filthy words spill from his kiss swollen mouth.
“Hm, more kisses? You should beg first little kitten. Sound so pretty when you beg for me.” His hand takes both of your wrists in his palm, forcing you to arch your back pushing your chest into his as he holds them behind your back, then forcing a leg between your thighs.
“P-please Minho, want more.” You beg. And he chuckles. “My little kitty, is so cute.” He whispers before his lips are back onto yours. The kiss filled with tongue and teeth as he claims you.
You both groan as you begin to erratically grind on his thigh.
Seo Changbin:
So mfing shy, definitely a shy kisser.
Changbin looks at his shoes, unable to look you in the eyes after your first date. His cheeks dusted with a slight pink tint.
He shuffles from foot to foot as you both stand outside your front door. “Well goodnight y/n, I’ll text you.” Changbin says gently, and you couldn’t help but laugh lightly at his sudden change, used to the out going loud changbin.
Stepping forward you slide your palms up his chest until you reach his neck. The movement making him finically look up and into your eyes.
His own sparkle as you smile at him. Leaning forward you brush your lips again this, waiting for him to close the gap, and he does.
Pushing his lips against yours gently, giggling as he begins to smile, because his hearts fluttering like crazy🥺
Far from shy, a messy kisser.
Taking him into your house after the sweet kiss began to escalate, unable to keep your hands of one another, he pushes you against the front door as soon as it’s closed.
His eyes find yours, his pupils expanded as you almost drown in them, before his lips touch yours quickly.
Pulling away he takes the plump flesh of your bottom lip, playfully biting it, making you moan. His lips twitch as he smirks at you.
His hands move from your hips up to your breast cupping them in his palms he punches your nipple trough the Material of your thin top.
“No bra, dirty girl.” He groans, placing his mouth on your neck, licking and sucking purple hickeys, as he continues to play with your breasts.
Hwang Hyunjin:
A passionate and romantic kisser.
Hyunjin gently slides his hand on your cheek, while the other around your waist, pulling you closer under his chest touching.
You both begin to soak as the rain continues to pour down on you both. Smiling gently he leans down to place a light peck on your pink lips.
He giggles softly as he hears you gasp, Leaning back down he kisses you more deeply, just soft plump lips working against your own.
Pulling away, you both pant heavily, looking at one another as you both become shy, Hyunjin giggles gently as he ticks your wet hair behind your ear.
Taking advantage of the sweet moment, his hand that’s wrapped around you moves to tickle you, making you laugh with him.
Still very passionate but is more rougher.
Laying in the back seat of Hyunjin’s car, with his palm on your face, thumb slightly under chin as he holds it in place.
Your mouths pressed together, as he pushes his tongue in your mouth, tongue dominating your own. His other hand is on your ass, playfully squeezing and spanking the flesh.
Your legs wraps around his torso as he grinds his clothed cock against your pussy, underwear sticking to your folds.
Little whimpers and moans escape from you as he swallows them down.
Your hands buried in his hair as you pull on the roots making hyunjin pull away with a groan. “You look so fucked out, baby, and all we’ve done is kiss.”
Han Jisung:
Man would be so flirty before the kiss, a secretly shy kisser.
“mm, baby, I know you wanna kiss me.” Jisung teases, his breath fanning over your face as your cheeks heat up.
Pushing a stray stand of hair out of your face, he giggles. “C’mon all you have to do is ask baby.” He tease further, and you whine slightly, before squeaking out a small. “Please.”
That was all it took for Jisung to blush himself, hoping you don’t notice as he places his lips gently against yours.
He can’t hold the small giggle as he feels you hands shakily reach up and into his hair. Pulling away, his fingers press against his now red lips, the flesh tingling slightly from the kiss.
“Wow.” He whispers, his eyes wide and sparkling. It’s your turn to giggle as you can’t help but find him adorable.
he’s just so soft🥺
Still is very flirty, but of course also very filthy.
Hearing you giggle at him, making him pause. Almost like a switch his face becomes more darker.
His hand slides up to your neck, his hand laying the, not squeezing but that feeling of it placed there is enough to have your giggling stop and your body squirming slightly.
Your lips part, as your pupils expand. “Oh, you like that? What if I squeeze slightly?” He teases, his fingers tighten around your neck and you whine, hips moving on their own, grinding against Jisung’s crotch.
“P-please.” You whimper. Tongue coming out to wet your lips, and Jisung smirks. “Please what? Does my baby want another kiss?” Where?” He asks, his free hand moving to your lips running the tip of his finger along it.
“Here?” He questions, but before you could answer you moves his fingers away, placing them under you skirt and on your cunt.
His finger tip running up and down your slit, making you moan. “Or here.”
Lee Felix:
oh this boy is not shy when it comes to this, he will just kiss you outta no where. A confident kisser.
You were In the middle of baking together, but Felix couldn’t help it, he thought you were adorable with your tongue sticking slightly out in concentration as you measure out the sugar.
Forgetting - or actually not caring about the flower that’s on his hands as he places his palms on your cheeks, as he pulls you in for a sweet kiss, turning his head slightly making it slightly deeper.
You hum, and he pulls away your hand coming up on its own accord as you touch your lips, panting with wide eyes as you look at him in awe.
Felix couldn’t hold In his coo, heart stuttering in his chest as he thinks you’re the cutest.
“You’re cute, even with flower all over you.” He giggles as he grabs onto your waist pulling you into him.
Still a very bold and confident kisser.
You both ended up forgetting about the baking altogether as Felix pins you between him and the counter.
His lips never breaking away from yours as his tongue explores your mouth. Your hand grip his shirt, making creases in it as he dominates you.
Whining into his mouth as one of his hands move under your shirt, pulling up your bra as he plays with you breast.
While the other pushing under the waistband on you underwear, waiting no time as he plays with you cunt.
Loving the way you melt like putty in his palms.
Kim seungmin:
He’s a mix of bold and shy
He couldn’t take his eyes off you. There was something about the way you talk so passionately that just makes him want to kiss you.
Not being bold enough to just do it he, speaks over you, stopping you in the middle of your sentence as he burst out, “can I kiss you?”
Surprised you pause for a second letting the question sink in before nodding your head. And seungmin smiles, before he pulled you in for a kiss.
Internally - inside his head; he air punches, living for the feeling of you melting into him.
Very bold, rough and messy kisser.
Pulling away his eyes are a lot darker, emotions swirling within them as they pin you in place.
Seungmin doesn’t ask this time, as he pulls you into him again, placing his mouth on your own. He begins Whispering naughty stuff onto your lips, while he continues to kiss you.
“I bet your little cunt is soaked right now, hm.” Unable to hold the smirk, on his at the way you shiver at his words.
His fingers trail up your bare thighs and under your skirt reaching until he reaches your bare cunt.
Hissing through his teeth he curses. “No panties? Dirty little slut.”
Yang Jeongin:
Shy gentle baby who still can’t help but tease you.
A mix of feelings run through Jeongin as he prepares himself to kiss you.
“I’m not sure you want this kiss, huh?” He asks a small smile playing on his lips as you desperately ask again, for the fifth time, “please, kiss me.”
He stares at your pretty pink lips, unable to look at you in the eyes before he finally places his lips on yours.
His fingers come up to you hair as he plays with the soft strands, as a distraction, because of his stupid heart flutters.
Pulling away he couldn’t hold back the little giggle, feeling as if he’s on cloud 9.
Rough but a tease.
Leaning in again, he lets his eyes flutter shut as he feels you melt into him.
A small whimper falls from you, and the noise goes straight to Jeongin’s cock. The muscle twitching as he aims to hear that noice again.
His ones soft grip turns more rougher as he takes your hair between his fingers, lightly tugging at the roots as he kisses you more deeply, tongue pushing into your mouth.
And you moan into his mouth cussing Jeongin to groan deeply.
His hips move on their own as he grinds his hard cock against your hip driving you wild.
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bakusdumptruck · 4 years ago
Bakusquad Crack Post
Sup bitches 🤩how’s your day been? hope its been good! Anywayyy i was listening to a “Rolling joints with Sero Hanta” playlist and this popped up in my mind sooo here’s a little Bakusquad scenario 😏
Pairing: aged up Bakusquad x GN Y/n
Warnings: Use of marijuana, swearing, injuries
Summary: A smoke session with the babes turned into a chaotic mess 
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Ights sluts lets get into it 😈
Sero Hanta is the stoner of the group. Period. 
He taught everyone how to roll up just incase he was too high to function and wanted to smoke more
One night he texted the gc asking if everyone wanted to have a smoke sesh before they had to study for exams 
You all agreed and went over to his dorm together
All except Bakugou.
He called all of you “idiots” and “dumbasses” for getting faded before studying, but all Sero had to say for him to come was
“Ight bakubro, if you can’t handle it you could’ve said that instead of making excuses 🤷🏻‍♂️”
Bakugou showed up within 5 minutes.
Once everyone was together, tape boy had everything set up
There were 4 joints lined up, hella snacks, drinks, video games, and movies
He even had the LED a n d Galaxy lights on
Lordy it was gonna be a long ass night
You know how I said Sero is the stoner? yup uhuh he got the MF GAS.
The rotation was Bakugou, Kiri, You, Mina, Denki, then Sero
You all have a high tolerance so after you saw Bakugou coughing up a fucking lung, yall knew you were in trouble
Everyone coughed... except Sero. He just busted a lung laughing💀
So the joint is finished and you’re all feeling fuzzy
yes you’re high, BUT its not enough to get you guys staring at the wall thinking about space and aliens
Just high enough where time is slowed down and your body feels light
Denki randomly shouted to play video games and everyone agreed
Guess what you’re playing 👀
Ju-on. The fucking grudge game. 
Why did Denki choose this game? oh he just wanted to see if it’d be a scarier experience if you’re all faded
It was 😃
Kiri volunteered to play the first stage to show off his Manliness 😤
So there he goes walking into the abandoned building 
yall know how you can use another wii remote to trigger jumpscares? 
yeahhhh Kiri didn’t know about it... and Bakugou was in charge of that
Everyone was chillin, lowkey feeling at edge to prepare themselves for anything about to pop up
Here comes the scene where he opens the door and scary bitch is on the other side waiting to grab him 
K: “Uhhhh this doesn’t feel right... am I supposed to go this way?
B: “No shit dumbass, its telling you go that way isn’t it? What are you scared or something 😏 I thought you were too manly for this game”
K: “I-I’m not scared... just making s-sure.”
M: “Hehe you’re stuttering kiri”
K: “...I’m just cold”
Right before he grabbed the door handle (I kinda forgot how the game went oops 😅) bakubitch tiggered a jumpscare
K: “Okay here I g- what the fuck 😃”
It didn’t work.
K: “Oh that wasn’t too bad! The games gonna have to try harder if it wants to scare m- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
Scary bitch popped up outta no where and grabbed him
Kiri accidentally punched Denki in the face 🙃
yeahhh so thats how the game ended 😭
Denki was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell just happened and why everyone was laughing at him
D: *in his head* “I just got punched square in the face 😃 and they’re laughing at me 😃 This is fine. 😃”
K: “B-bro are you okay 😭 iM sorry AHAsh its- its just everyone was screaming and AhahhAHAHA IM SORRY 😭”
Sero let him start the second rotation as an apology for laughing instead of checking up on him 
Honestly yall don’t know if you can go on to the third
Everyone was hella faded at this point
Eyes red, dry mouths, and hungry stomachs
Mina ordered TacoBell knowing everyone was gonna want to eat more than the snacks and you all sat on the floor munching away
You all started talking about stupid stuff:
S: “So like... what happens when we get scared half to death twice”
M: “👁👄👁”
B: “👁👄👁”
D: “👁👄👁”
Y: “👁👄👁”
K: “👁👄👁”
D: “I’ve been scared half to death multiple times... im fucking immortal.”
After a few more high conversations Mina suggests to make tiktoks 
Have yall seen the tiktok where Mina and Y/n do the trend where they wink at the camera and all the boys are watching and Baku comes up to kiss Y/n? 
yup you do that BUT
When Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and went in for the kiss he missed and fell flat on his face 💀
*Cue everyone falling on their asses crying*
Best believe the tiktok went viral 🤩
After the third joint yall decided that the room was too suffocating and went out for a walk 
It didn’t seem like a bad idea... until you all got outside
Denki and Sero were singing “Milkshake” at the top of their lungs while wall twerking on the trees
Kiri and Bakugo were racing to see who’s the fastest but kept tripping over their own feet
You and Mina were recording everything those dumbasses were doing.
All of a sudden yall found yourselves in a clear area a bit far from the dorms
Bakugou laid in the grass staring up at the stars and you all joined getting into a little cuddle pile
At this point the effects of the joints hit at once and everyone was out of their heads
They felt like their spirits were floating out of their bodies
M: “...did you guys hear that”
All: “yes”
M: “should we go check it out?”
B: “Hell yeah. What if it’s a villain? I bet I can beat their ass in less than a second”
Y: “First, thats literally impossible. Second, We can barely fucking move. How do you expect us to fight a villain 🙂”
A Nomu popped up in front of you
D: “Uhhh aye Bakubro... you think you can beat his ass in less than a second?”
Y/n: *shoots up on their feet then falls over immediately* “DAMNIT I CAN’T STAND UP STRAIGHT WHAT DO WE DO”
Everyone started to use their quirks
Sero shot tape to the nomu
Denki sent 1 millions volts
Mina just kept shooting acid out
Kiri hardened up and threw punches like his life depend on it
Bakugou was screaming “die” and kept exploding shit
and You were also using your quirk to the best of your ability
K: *heavy breathing* “guys... i think we got it”
B: “Ofc we did... we literally went bat shit crazy on it”
When the smoke cleared it was still standing in front of you guys... unharmed...
you all started running back to the dorms
well, tried running back to the dorms
Everyone was bumping into each other and tripping
Denki ended up facetiming Aizawa in hopes that he would help
A: “Denki, its 4am what do you w-”
A: “... did you say you were high?”
The nomu caught him.
A: “Denki... Kaminari... hello?... *sigh* you guys are gonna be the death of me.”
You all ended up getting knocked out by the nomus and taken to the League of Villains hideout 
B: “...Never thought i’d be here again”
S: “ I still have the last joint in my pocket... ya’ll wanna smoke?”
Dabi and Shiggy stared at him like he was crazy but agreed anyway 🤪who’s gonna pass up a free joint? not them. 
So everyone got high again and chilled until the Pro Hero’s saved your asses :)
Oh and also don’t think Aizawa let you guys off the hook. 
You all got house arrest and extra BRUTAL lessons for the next 2 months 
The End :)
Yeahhh idk what this was but I hope you all enjoyed it!! I really wanted to write something angsty but as I was writing I couldn’t take myself seriously and ended up making jokes 😭
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 years ago
Guardian Angel
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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(Warnings: It’s gonna get kinda gory cause the reader is gonna learn how to skin a rabbit, so prepare yourselves, also Merle is a creep, as always, also cussing and this is kinda long)
(Okay! So I’m considering making this a series, just don’t really know yet, but let me know if you guys want a series outta this, I have a lot of ideas for this. Also I'm borrowing my friend's computer so I'll try to get more fics done and post them, stay safe out therer ya'll!)
You let out a huff as you continued to scrub the shirt on the washing board, listening to the girls talk, but too lost in your own head to listen. You were, however, brought out of your day dreaming by Carol’s voice, looking up at her and her kind smile that she always bore, despite what that monster of a husband did to her. “You alright honey?” You forced a smile, giving a brief nod before shrugging, “just lost in thought, I guess” you looked down briefly before looking back up, noticing how you had all of the girls’ attention now, making you bite your lip nervously “what?” Andrea was the first to giggle at your response, “oh nothing, just, does that thought of yours happen to carry a crossbow around?” your mouth fell open at her question, making her smirk at you and the other girls laugh “shut up!” you splashed water at her, making everyone, including you, laugh loudly. You all continued to laugh, you felt tears in your eyes as your stomach hurt from laughing, but it all died down once you heard a whistle, turning to look at none other but the biggest perv in camp, Merle Fucking Dixon.
“Well, what do we have here? What’re you pretty little ladies gigglin’ about?” It was amazing to see all the girls roll their eyes at the exact same time, it almost made you laugh again, almost. “Mind your own business, Merle” Andrea got back to washing the clothes, clearly not impressed with him, which no one was at this point, but Merle didn’t take too kindly to it “why don’t you say that to my face, sugar tits? I’d sure as hell love to shut that pretty little mouth of yours up” you gagged at Merle’s comment, feeling sick to your stomach, and a part of you admired Andrea for how she kept a stone face.
“In your dreams, Merle” Andrea huffed out, but Merle just smirked.
“Oh it sure will be” you gagged again, so you decided to get up, the wet clothes in your arms, you didn’t much feel like washing them again after throwing up on them because of Merle. “Excuse me ladies, I have to go throw up” you walked past Merle to hang up the clothes to dry, but stopped abruptly as Merle gave your ass a smack on the way, turning back to ogle at Andrea. You turned slowly around, quietly balancing all of the clothes in one hand to bend down and pick up a rock, almost the size of your palm, and a smirk slowly made it’s way onto your lips as you thought over your plan. You chugged it as hard as you could at Merle’s head, hitting him right on his balding head, and you just ran for it. You moved your legs as fast as you could, your mind going almost as fast, now you had to come up with something, you heard Merle yell from down in the quarry. You spotted Lori and bolted towards her, making her look up at you with narrowed eyes as you panted heavily, trying to find the words you needed to ask her to help you, but you barely had the chance before she extended her arms “go on, before he catches up” you smiled brightly, letting her take the wet clothes “thank you Lori you are a goddess!” she rolled her eyes with a smile “don’t I know it. Now go” you nodded and bolted off into the woods, you had your knife with you, you would be fine.
Once you thought you were far enough into the woods you leaned against a big tree, panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath, once you had a decent hold of your breathing, you slowed it down, listening for any sounds, but mostly listening for the angry footsteps of Merle searching for you. After a minute or so of listening, you breathed out a breathless laugh, bending over with your hands on your knees to really catch your breath, now that you had been holding it for a while. You were about to go back when you heard footsteps and leaves crunching, spinning around to see none other than your favorite Dixon, not that there was much competition.
You exhaled heavily, a hand over your hand “you scares the fuck outta me, Daryl” you gave him a warm smile, making him scoff as he approached you “wasn’t even tryin’ to be quiet” he commented as he approached, he never really looked at you, he was too shy, but now he were. You both had small moments like this where you could be yourselves, where he could look at you without blushing, at least not too much, and you found it adorable.
“Good game?” you asked, pointing to the squirrels and rabbits over his shoulder, making him glance at it and shrug “yeah, the rabbit was a bitch to find though” you furrowed your brows “what? The great Daryl Dixon, master hunter, couldn’t catch a little bunny?” you joked, making him scoff once again, shaking his head at you as he looked down before back up at you “nah I caught it alright, it was finding it that was a bitch” you smirked at him, studying him for a few seconds before shrugging, leaning against the tree you had been hiding behind just a few minutes earlier, “then why go after it?” Daryl looked down, blushing red like a tomato at your question, shrugging as he kept his eyes on the ground “well, you liked the last one I caught right?” you nodded, giving a small ‘mhm’ in conformation, which just made him shrug again, as if that was the answer itself. Your eyes widened a bit, and now it was your turn to look like a tomato, letting out a quiet ‘oh’ as you looked down at the leaves under your boots, a dumb grin on your face “well, that was very nice of you, Daryl, thank you” you nudged his shoulder as you looked back up at him, only to find him looking at you already. It was like a scene from a movie, and cliché as it sounds, the way the whole world just went away, how everything else faded as you held eye contact. Maybe it was just on your part, maybe you were just hallucinating, but you liked to think that he felt the same, even if it was just wishful thinking.
You were snapped out of it as he cleared his throat, looking down again, you didn’t think it was possible for his face to turn even more red, but here you were, staring at a very red Daryl. “So, wanna head back?” he looked back up at you, making you smile even more, though you wanted to say no, you wanted to just sit down on the ground with him and just talk. You wanted to stay here with him for so much longer, just have the world fade around you until only the two of you were left, you wanted to sit and talk about his life, the things he loved, the things he did before the whole world went to shit. You realized then that you didn’t know that much about him, you knew his life had been shit, it was a given, you knew he must’ve had a tough childhood, you knew he liked to be alone, he liked the quiet, hence the hunting and tracking, but other than that, you didn’t know much, but in this world you didn’t really need to, you thought. Who he was before didn’t matter, you knew who he was now, and that's all that mattered to you.
You realized you had been quiet and just staring at him when he said your name, you loved it when he said your name, it sounded so heavenly coming from his lips. “(Y/N)? You alright?” you blinked a few times before coughing, looking down embarrassed “y-yeah I just uh, I think I’ll stay here a while longer, you know? Enjoy nature and all that” he let out a small laugh, something you quickly engraved in your memory, it sounded so sweet, it was one of the very rare times you had heard it, and it was always when you were alone. Daryl walked past you towards camp, and for a second you actually thought he bought it, but seeing him turn around to face you, a knowing smirk on his lips made you realize that he simply knew you too well at this point, that or you were a lousy liar, one of the two, “come on, I ain’t gonna let him get ya”, you let out a small chuckle, stepping closer to him, leaning in and pecking his cheek, your own cheeks were burning up, so was the tip of your ears “thank you, Daryl” you went ahead towards camp, Daryl completely frozen in place though it didn’t last long, he soon caught up to you, walking next to you with his head down, though every once in a while you’d see him sneaking a glance at you out of the corner of your eyes, and it made a bright smile form on your lips.
As you reached the edge of camp you looked around for Merle, cautious, which made Daryl scoff in amusement “whatcha do this time?” you looked at him with as much innocence as you could muster, but seeing as it didn’t work you sighed, you knew it was his brother, so you didn’t want to upset him in any way “he was ogling and saying some things to Andrea… and when I tried to walk past him he slapped my ass,” you swore you saw Daryl clench his jaw, but you couldn’t be too sure, your eyes were partially on the ground, you cleared your throat and continued “and I uh, may or may not have.. thrown a rock at him, and hit him… possibly…” you dared to sneak a glance at Daryl, but all you could see was amusement “well, he ain't never learnt how to treat women” was all Daryl said as he sat down on a tree stump with a leg on each side, taking off the string of squirrels and two rabbits he had tied to it, you bit your lip to hide your smile, nodding and sitting down across from him on the ground, studying him as he was about to skin one of the two rabbits.
“Can you teach me?” his eyes looked up at yours and you swore you saw a hint of confusion in them, but he looked down quickly again “you sure? It ain’t pretty” you raised a brow at his comment, smirking at him “Daryl Dixon, just so you know, I ain’t a ‘pretty girl’ “you tried your best to match his accent, making him eye you before shaking his head again “please never do that again” you laughed low “what? I ain’t doin’ nothin’” you continued to say in the accent, making him smirk, but he tried to hide it “if you’re gonna be like that I won’t teach ya” you held your hands up in surrencer, seeing the amused look on his face that he tried to hide “alright, you win, now teach me” he scoffed low, shaking his head as he got out his hunting knife.
(this is where the gore kinda starts, so you can skip this part if you want to)
“Alright then. You’ll want to pinch the hide on the rabbit’s back and make a small cut. The hide of a rabbit is very thin and you don’t even need a knife to do this; I’ve used a sharp stick to puncture the skin. Now you’re gonna watch me, and then see how you do on the other one, got it?” you nodded with a small smile, turning your eyes back to his hands and the rabbit, you really did want to learn, so you paid as much attention as possible. “Once you’ve made the cut, work your middle and index finger from both hands into the opening, like this. Now, you’re gonna wanna have steady hands, you're just gonna hook your fingers under the skin and pull one hand toward the head and the other toward the ass, alright? Don’t be scared to use a bit of force” you bit your lip to hold back a laugh at his casual language, merely nodding your head and continuing to watch him work, “The skin will begin to tear and separate from the body in two pieces. Keep pulling, grabbing more of the skin as you go to get a better grip, alright? It’s gonna be a bit tough but it’s alright. Now you just gotta work the legs out.” you nodded as you watched him, and before you knew it, your mouth opened “like pulling off a shirt” you blushed as he looked at you but he just shrugged and looked back down to the rabbit “yeah, somethin’ like that”, he gave you a small smirk before continuing his work, continuing to pull on the fur, ripping on it left the feet still covered, it reminded you of tiny shoes.
(the gore ends now, there’ll be hints at the rest of the process but this is where the explanation and detail ends)
You watched as he made a final pull, tugging harshly at the rear and you had a small snapping like noise, realizing the tail had been pulled off as well “wow” Daryl scoffed low “eh don’t worry about it, it happens, just saves the work of doing it later” you nodded as he put the now skinned fur to the side, about to tell you what to do next when you heard your name being called by an angry raspy voice, your head snapping around to look at the source, the source being Merle Dixon himself, the man you had completely forgotten about.
“(Y/N)! You little bitch!” Merle still held the back of his head in pain, and it would've made you laugh, if you didn’t feel like he could kill you at any moment given how angry he was. You were stuck in between smirking and running away, but Daryl quickly brought Merle’s attention away from you “whatchu want Merle?” he sounded pissed off, and a part of you hoped it was because he enjoyed spending time with you, and because that time was now interrupted, another part was worried that this was just because today was being too much, had it really been that difficult to find those rabbits for you? Or maybe you pushed it too far with asking him to teach you, but on the other hand, he actually seemed like he enjoyed teaching you, so maybe it really was just the aura or Merle annoying the hell out of him.
“Ain’t got nothin’ to do with you baby brother, so mind ya own business! (Y/N) you bitch! Think you can just throw shit at me and get away with it?! Huh?! I’m gonna show you-” Daryl stood up the second Merle took a step closer to you “just piss of Merle, I don’t care if she threw shit at ya, ya ain’t dead, so stop whining like a little bitch” your eyes widened at the scene unfolding in front of you, you had never heard Daryl talk to him that way, and these two weren’t exactly shy about fighting in front of others. Merle glanced between the two of you, a part of him was seething and another part of him was mocking you as he started to laugh “well! What do we have here? Little baby Daryl’s in love, everybody! What’s gonna happen next huh? You gonna let her paint your nails, huh? Maybe play dress up?! I ain’t the one acting like a little love sick puppy so don’t call me a whiny bitch!” As quick as he had acted amused he acted furious, they stood chest to chest now, their noses almost touching as they stared each other down, and you were pretty positive that if it went on any longer, one of them would punch the other.
“G-Guys… maybe, uh… maybe we could all just take a step back?” you glanced at Glenn as he nervously approached, God bless his heart, he was just trying to make everyone calm down. Glenn had always been sweet to you, Dale as well, so you cringed when Merle spun around and hit him in the face, Glenn had tried to move away but Merle had still hit him, you quickly sprung to your feet, your first instinct was to hold Daryl back as he moved towards Merle, but you let Shane handle him, pinning him to the ground with his hands behind his back, holding him down.
“Don’t, Daryl, come on” you whispered, you hadn’t realized how close you two stood, until you tore your eyes away from Merle to look at Daryl, his face mere inches away from yours, but he didn’t notice, he was too busy contemplating if he should get Shane off of Merle or if he should help hold him down. You frowned as Daryl moved from your side “get the fuck off of him!” he ripped Shane to the side, helping Merle stand up and you couldn’t help the scoff you let out. You looked down and shook your head, walking past him to Glenn, kneeling besides him to look at his cheek, Lori, Andrea and Amy were on the ground next to him as well “here let me look” you inspected his cheek cringing a bit seeing the redness “it’s alright, he hit you but you still moved back, you’re not gonna get a bruise I think” Glenn nodded as he held his cheek again, wincing slightly as all the girls, you included, helped him stand up, even though he could do so just fine.
You glanced at Dale, giving him a small smile, assuring him that Glenn was okay, to which he visibly relaxed. You glanced at Daryl who was busy yelling at Shane to not touch his brother, and Shane yelling back that he shouldn’t just hit people then. It was chaos, not in a traditional sense, but those three yelling at each other, Glenn hurt, even though it wasn’t serious, it just made you feel like this was chaos.
You sighed and walked off towards the quarry, Andrea and Lori helping Glenn put something cold on his cheek. You sighed as you sat down on a rock near the water, watching the ripples caused by the wind, you barely noticed Dale approaching, sitting down next to you on a rock. You both sat there in silence watching the water, and after a while Dale finally broke the silence “it’s so quiet here” you hummed in response, taking in a deep breath of fresh air “yeah it is… almost makes you forget how shit everything is” Dale chuckled low “yeah, though not everything is bad” you looked at him “no?” Dale shook his head and met your gaze “I saw you and Daryl, that’s not bad, is it?” you chuckled low and looked out over the water again “no, I guess… I mean… I just wish he-... you know? I just-... and he, he just… it’s frustrating” you sighed and looked down at the rocks under your feet, picking one up and fiddling with it “Daryl is-”
“Complicated?” you laughed as Dale basically finished your sentence, nodding your head gently “yeah, but he’s also so sweet… it’s his brother Merle, he irks him and riles him up and he just… he’s just so… I don’t know… but it’s not who Daryl is, Daryl is sweet and shy and I know he doesn’t show it a lot but he’s so kind, while hunting, he remembered that I liked the rabbit he caught last time, so he went out of his way to find two more today, it makes me feel, I don’t know… special, and when he defended me from Merle, it made me feel like he’s my guardian angel sometimes...” you shrugged, looking back at Dale who nodded, giving you a knowing look which made you blush as you realized what you had just said out loud, your gaze turning back to the rock in your hands.
“I agree, you know, Daryl is definitely not like his brother, I’m just happy he shows it to someone at least, instead of hiding it. No one can be alone with who they are all the time, at least they shouldn’t, in my experience” you hummed low again, your eyes looking back out over the water, a small smile on your lips “‘walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking alone in the light’” you mumbled, making Dale look at you with an intrigued look, a warm smile still on his lips, as it usually was. “It’s… it’s a quote from Helen Keller” you explained, Dale giving you a small ‘aha’ sound before looking back out over the water. You both sat there for a while longer, he had given guard duty to Andrea before coming down here, so you both just sat and watched the water and the sun reflected upon it’s surface.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
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— The world is in ruins, but there’s beauty in everything. Shouto is reminded of that when he crosses paths with a survivor who kisses him at the first meeting. —
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, apocalypse!au, cursing, violence, first time writing fight scenes, death, angst, fluff, blood, gore, vomit, & kinks (sexual frustration, hairpulling, biting, marking, scratching, desperation, breeding)
word count: 18,119
a/n: so the thing about apocalypse aus I found out is that the world building is so fucking fun that I forgot that this was an nsfw thing........ so I sincerely apologize if this feels rushed I tried to make this feel solid but like with enough world building to satisfy me. anyways, this is for the bnharem collab, you know the drill. this was not edited at all im so sorry.
The world was in chaos.
Or well, it once was but still a hundred years after what could only be described as an apocalypse; well, there was still an apocalypse. 
Many years ago, well before Todoroki Shouto could remember, quite frankly well before he was alive there had been the introduction of something within the human genome. It was a mutation of sorts, a new gene that allowed individuals to unlock and evolve into these powerful beings that for years longer people used to write about.
People who could breathe fire, emit ice, and fly through the sky! For years it had been a glorious step forward for humankind, a hopeful promise that maybe things would be better — that all things would end better. If Shouto looked hard enough he could still see scattered newspapers in the abandoned streets; nearly destroyed papers from well before any of his parents or grandparents were born indicating the glory days of quirks.
But what was once thought to be a step forward in human evolution ended with a sickening twist. 
Those with quirks went on rampages the moment they turned twenty-five, slaughtering and killing everyone in their path. Their mind overtaken by their quirks with the single thought and decision to kill everyone who dared to stop them, who were weaker than them. It must have been terrifying back then, to be so meek, powerless, and afraid seeing people you had once cheered on in acceptance and grace kill off the population in the millions.
Humankind could never survive this.
Those gifted with such powerful feats were granted the ability to live on as immortals, that is until humanity decades later learned it was not true immortality. It was a mere obstruction that was solved when the quirk-given was killed by man. Other than that… they lived on, and on, and on. The false immortality yet another edge against humanity.
People with quirks — better known as the Taoreta today — were the modern-day zombies except there was no rise of the dead, no mass groups of people who craved your flesh and your blood.
They were once users with quirks who appeared just like normal people, sure some of them had distinct quirk features, but for the most part, unless they were distinctly different you couldn’t tell until it was too late. 
Todoroki Shouto was different though.
He was apart of the few lasting survival groups in Japan, in the world. 
His group was called Yuuei, a collective group of nearly two hundred people who occupied a deserted boarding school entitled U.A. They were apart of the population that was considered to be quirkless, and well, no one had been born with a quirk within this base yet.
This boarding school, but what Shouto had been able to piece together after spending his entire livelihood in the confines of the barbed wired, specially scented gates they lived in. The Gladiolus flower was the worlds saving grace. 
By planting these flowers among bases and fragrancing them along borders and barriers, your area was both ignored by those with quirks or smelled so disgusting to those with quirks they would never dare cross. Of course, this wasn’t always true — Shouto had seen too many times the few outliers of this truth stumble towards the base. 
Eyes power-hungry, quirks blaring a kilometer away and that horrific silence before a battle. These monstrous onslaughts had decimated his entire bloodline, leaving him only by himself with his friends and chosen family. Everyone had still thought him lucky, he was born around the same time as twenty other babies. His entire life he had grown up in an environment where he always had someone to play with, to learn with, to practice with. 
Children were forced to grow up fast in this time and age, no longer was the world of coddling and gentle love. If you loved your children you would teach them how to be resourceful, teach them how to fight, how to kill. By the time you turned fifteen within Yuuei, you were expected to pitch in to survive. Formal classroom education continued on all the way until you were eighteen, but it was known that everyone needed to maintain some sort of educational standard so that Yuuei would never fall internally. 
Everyone had a part to play, a piece to do in order to keep things running smoothly.
There were the low-risk jobs within Yuuei starting with the janitors. They were in charge of making sure the school grounds and indoors remained safe and tidy. They applied the Gladiolus flower extract to the gates daily during the fall and winter as the flowers died out by then. It was an easier job, one that was given more to the young children and the elders who could no longer do much else.  
Then there were the chefs. They were in charge of the grand garden the community had created many decades ago. They harvested and cooked plenty of vegetables throughout the year, always managing to make just enough so that no one went hungry or starving for more than a day. As recently as thirty years ago, they had introduced their form of animal raising too. Mostly raising and killing deer that had stumbled within their main gates.
Then there was the government. The main part of the government consisted of three people — the president, the vice president, and the one training to one day become president. They took these jobs seriously, meeting every day to see what the community’s latest problems were, discussing to the hundreds of civilians working within this base to make sure civil conflict never broke out. There was also a council made of one member of each residing family member — Shouto remembers that it was his mother who was apart of the council when she was alive… he had assumed this role after she tragically passed, but it was not his only job.
Then there were the educators. These were the ones who dedicated their lives to learning and studying everything they could within their limited, never truly evolving standards so that each younger generation could have a solid foundation within this new world. Shouto remembered how Fuyumi had been so excited to finally reach the end of her second year as a teacher, her eyes delightfully hopeful, ever so clear and bright despite the life they lead. 
You could never forget the engineers and the mechanics here — after all, they held one if not the most important job. They were the reason why there was still energy and electricity running through the base, why running water was able to be used by members twice a month, why truly life on base hadn’t erupted into a complete dystopia, and of course, keeping the seekers and the medics alive.
Medics were a given. They were the true saving grace of the camp, Shouto thought so at least. They healed physical injuries, as there were always plenty of those, and they smoothed over mental trauma which was prevalent in every corner of this base. Without medics, they would have never survived this long. Shouto still frequents them aplenty, his trauma from the death of his family still weighing heavily on his chest, his lips always dry and cracked when he remembered how his older brother Natsuo had been ecstatic to join the medical line. He was so big and intimidating in size many had always questioned why he wasn’t a seeker, but Shouto knew his brother had the kindest heart, he wasn’t a fighter unless he had to be. 
And finally, there were the seekers. Seekers were by far the most pivotal, most dangerous, and least rewarding role within the base. Twice to three times a week, seekers were to leave the base and go out and search for survivors, resources, anything that may be useful. While for the past hundred years that people have resided in U.A. the local town had been their saving grace, always relying on the abandoned town for their needs, but they had cleared it years ago. Now seekers went out further to get items, all while still doing their basic patrols, and of course fighting off any Taoreta. When they weren’t out running around the country, they were doing patrols around the base to ensure they were always safe. This is the job Shouto has — a job that most of his friends held too. His father and Touya had also held this job long ago, but he had never been able to accomplish a successful run with them…
No… he had to block out that memory.
“Oi, Todoroki!” a voice clipped through his headspace, and Shouto looked away from the cabinet he was once rummaging through. “Get your head outta your ass and do something already, dammit.”
He turned to look at Bakugou who was as grimy and dirty as he was, only that his bag was full of crap and Shouto’s only had dust. Shouto nodded, an apology leaving his lips when his eyes returning back to the already pillaged cabinets and scoured what he could, collecting what he thought to be useful for the base.
It took fifteen minutes for Bakugou and Shouto to pillage all the abandoned homes on this street, they were a great duo together, often working together due to their abrasive and deadly styles and intellect on the field. They had a kill list of three Taoreta together, and an individual score of one on their own, it didn’t seem like much, but coming from people who held no power over these god-like humans, it was incredible. Most people never survived more than one attack from the Taoreta.
But it wasn’t anything to be relieved over, especially not when each survived victory landed them both in hospice care for months. 
“Sector five has been cleared,” Shouto spoke into his telecom the moment Bakugou and he emerged from the final house, his eyes glancing at the setting sun in worry. “How’s everyone else doing? Sun setting.”
“We’re all on the car already, waiting on you guys!” came Midoriya’s instant reply.
“This is all your fault,” Bakugou grumbled bitterly while the two of them turned on their heel and began running towards the car they had taken here. “Last as always!”
“We had the most houses to loot, Bakugou, it’s a given,” was Shouto’s easy response, not at all affected by the huffing annoyance of his friend while they reached the car.
Easy and grateful smiles were exchanged between the six seekers when Shouto and Bakugou rejoined the group, a whole day of running this block had left them with zero casualties. On top of all this, they all had full bags of taken items; Shouto considered it a tremendous victory. 
“And what are we checking in today, Todoroki-kun?” Iida asked while Shouto dumped his bag onto the table.
“Toilet paper, paper rolls, canned peaches, flour, rice, medication formula for birth control, expired condoms, and some water,” Shouto listed off, pulling out the items one by one to the nodding Iida.
Iida was a member of the council, and also a seeker much like Shouto was. He was objectively the fastest seeker they had, often clearing out entire rows of houses in half the time it took everyone else. Iida was someone Shouto appreciated very much in this doomful life, a clear leader, and a promising candidate for the presidency one day.
“Oh! The canned peaches could make an excellent addition to Momo’s birthday coming up soon! Kirishima-kun and Sato-kun hit the jackpot with sugar yesterday! This would be a great celebration!” Iida announced, partitioning the different items into different baskets, each one placed into appropriate bins. Shouto remained silent, but he nodded his head, a tired sigh pushing through his lungs while Iida finished putting away his found items. “Momo will also be glad to finally have this formula in her hands, she’s been trying so hard at cracking the code for birth control! But alright! Now for checking in weapons, what do you have for me?”
Shouto’s hands immediately moved to the holsters strapped to his legs.
By being born into this madness, he was never given the right to using any of the guns they held. Guns and ammunition were scarce to come by, they were even more scarce than some of the items they were consistently running out of. When they turned eighteen, each member was given three bullets to attempt to sink it into a target 100 meters away, sink two bullets in, and you were given the right to carry a gun, miss and you wouldn’t.
Of Shouto’s graduating class of forty-one students, only three of them were granted that ability — and two of them weren’t even seekers.
Shouto handed over the knives he had strapped to his muscled thighs, the katana that was strapped to his back, and the brass knuckles that sat on his fists. He remained silent while handing over the fire and ice bombs he had managed to perfect under his parent’s original formulas. He never understood why he wasn’t allowed to keep those bombs, he was the only one who ever checked them out after all, but again, civil disputes could occur at any time, and if the seekers had weapons the rest of the base would be doomed.
“Everything’s accounted for, Iida?” Shouto asked watching while Iida placed everything away.
“Yes!” Iida confirmed, a smile on his face while his hands placed onto his hips with confidence. “Go and get dinner and take a shower!”
Shouto smiled softly. If there was one good thing about being a seeker that wasn’t just experiencing the outside world, it definitely was the fact that being a seeker meant you got to shower more regularly than everyone else.
Dinner was plain as always, a bowl of rice, a slice of deer meat, and an egg. There were a lot of hens here.
Shouto sat with his friends while he ate, quietly adding on to conversations, contradicting his friends whenever he could. It was the little things in life that kept him going honestly, and little things were having Bakugou trying to reach across the dining tables to strangle him while Midoriya and Kirishima intervened. It never failed to make him smile.
“What’s your new schedule for the week, Todoroki?” Kirishima asked, his head dodging Bakugou’s flying elbow with a sharklike grin.
Kirishima was an odd person within this base, he had sharp teeth that reminded everyone of a shark — most people had always assumed it was a side effect of a quirk that had been hidden for ages, but it turned out that while humans evolved quirks for the worse, they were evolving still. Shouto’s own naturally bicolored hair was a testament to that. 
“I go on runs Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday,” Shouto spoke with food chipmunked into his cheek. “Council meets on Tuesday, Thursday as always, so I have patrol at night those days. Weapon checkout and morning patrol Monday. Saturday’s my day off.”
“Oh, nice! Looks like all of us have Wednesday and Friday together!” Kirishima cheered, his arms finally letting go of Bakugou who had… calmed down. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a good stash and other sur— OW!”
Kirishima’s eyes narrowed onto Bakugou who had deliberately slammed an elbow into his ribcage, but his face softened at the thought of the word he was going to say. 
Shouto smiled softly, his head shaking despite it all and he stood up.
“I’m going to go and shower, one of the floors gave through today so I’m a bit exhausted,” Shouto explained, gathering the reusable plate, cup, and chopsticks he had assigned to him. He would scrap any residual food off it and wash it tomorrow — about twenty years ago the mechanics had managed to figure out a reusable and self-cleaning water system used to wash dishes. It was a game-changer for this community.
The echoing goodnights followed after Shouto while he left the dining hall, his hands fisted into his pockets while he climbed the ten flights of stairs to get to his room’s floor. 
U.A.’s building was very unique by the looks of it, even for its time when it was first built. It was created with four separate towers, each tower connected with a single walkway to its adjacent tower. From a ways back it looked like an H — at least to Shouto it did. It was to Shouto’s understanding that each tower was designated for different professions for the once Taoreta thriving society. One tower was for hero-in-training students, one tower for general students, one tower for support students, and one tower for business students — at least that was what was understood by the textbooks found in these old classrooms. Of the four towers, only the support student tower was uninhabited because there were always modifications and major systems running there and they needed all the room. 
Shouto, along with most of his friends, resided in the hero-in-training tower. Because he had once had such a large family his room — something that was greatly unappreciated by the other members of the community — Shouto had to climb all the way to the top of the building.
No one else resided on this floor with him, which was often nice because it had once meant he and his family could do whatever they wished. But with their passing, it was so lonely, so offputting that Shouto only returned to his room to sleep and that was it.
The shower was comforting tonight, the gentle smell of the soap drafting off his body along with thick suds eased him. His shower lasted only a whooping two minutes; they had been taught how to efficiently shower, wasted water was always a downfall. Even with the major technological advances they made, running water was still a problem they had yet to solve. His dirty grimy skin that hadn’t showered in three days sang in relief with the dirt gone; his last seek was that many days ago after all. 
With a towel around his waist, he walked back to his room, the suffocating darkness strangling him when he stepped into the room. Shouto paid no attention to the way his skin crawled in loneliness, his attention focused on placing the toothpaste pill on his tongue and grimacing at the sharp, minty taste. It seemed that Mei was messing around with the flavors again.
Finally satisfied with his clean-smelling breath, Shouto wasted no time in crawling into his bed, his eyes concentrated on his journal that read practically what was the same thing it always said every day he wrote an entry into it (the medics said that these entries were healthy for his mental wellbeing):
September 16, 2XX1
It’s been eight years since everyone died, and another day spent working. I’m not feeling any different from the day before, but I am looking forward to celebrating Yaoyorozu’s birthday this coming Saturday. It won’t be any different from last year, but it should be fun.
Signed, Todoroki Shouto
It took some time, but eventually sleep consumed Shouto, his mind restless despite his slumber.
Shouto paused when the blood on the door handle easily transferred onto his fingers. He pressed his fingers to his palm, the padding on the fingerless glove shining dully with the slick of blood across the material. He could only make one conclusion from this: it was recent.
“I just made contact with fresh blood,” Shouto spoke into the radio system, his eyes concentrated on the door he was supposed to enter through. “I’m going in, if I don’t respond in five minutes, assume the worst and leave.”
“If it’s an injured Taoreta—” Bakugou warned, his voice the first to respond over the com system, but Shouto already knew what his best partner would say to this.
“Can’t have me having all the glory, I know. Besides, I don’t think it’s a Taoreta, there’s no major damage anywhere and well… if it’s injured there should be some fight scene.”
Shouto’s lips tugged into a small smile when Bakugou began to argue back about how he noticed there was no major destruction around this part of the block, and he dropped his scavenger bag onto the floor. If this was a survivor there was no saying if they were good or bad, and well, Shouto wasn’t about to fight a bad one with 10 kilograms on his back.
The door creaked loudly when he entered, his hand pulling out the hunting knife he had. The other day his typical go-to katana had been broken during a brief battle between a weak Taoreta and a veteran seeker. It had been a hard loss, Shouto wouldn’t lie, but it was manageable because his knives had been salvaged. 
He crept in silently, the soles of his combat boots nearly silent against the floor while he walked in, his concentrated on the scene around him, all senses on high alert due to the insane anxiety from this all. His eyes dragged across every crook and nanny of the entrance room, not quite sure what to expected from this until he saw something ruby red smudged on the floor.
With a small nod to himself, Shouto proceeded forward, following the light trail of blood until he stopped into a room where the trail ended and no one was. He frowned looking around the abandoned room, old and long faded drawings covered the walls, the bed hastily made, and crayons scattered on the floor. 
Maybe the person had already left, he thought glancing down at the crayons figuring that they would be good to take back. But the moment that he turned to face the door, was when he finally saw someone, and it was a good thing too because he ducked out of the way of a quick, most definitely life ending swing of a bat that held multiple nails in it.
Shouto’s eyes were wide while he dodged and weaved out of the way of the swinging bat, strong elbows bashing into his ribs, and the occasional nail tearing into his skin. He could barely focus on his attacker, his concentration heavy on the way that this person was tirelessly fighting for their life despite the exhaustion in their bones. 
He weaved and dodged the flying wood, cursing at the way it nicked his skin in multiple places, and how their foot slammed into his stomach. It knocked the wind out of Shouto as he fell onto the floor, the wild look in their eyes as the bat arched downward only to miss him, embedding into the floor. Shouto took that as an initiative to slam his foot onto the hilt of the bat, the weapon clanging onto the floor while he tackled his attacker onto the floor.
“Let go!” you shrieked, your eyes in a panic while you attempted to twist your body out from under Shouto. “I’m not going to let you fucking kill me, you stupid fucking Taoreta!”
Now that bothered Shouto.
“I’m not some damn Taoreta!” Shouto spat back, his eyes narrowing down onto how you were struggling against his hold. Blood was dried and matted onto your forehead, dirt, grime, and soot-covered every exposed millimeter of your body, and blood-soaked your arm. 
With that simple sentence, Shouto watched in almost confused annoyance when you snapped up to look at him. Your hair was matted, it was obvious that while you weren’t horrendously smelly, you hadn’t bathed in days. Your lips were cracked and pale, and your eyes looked so scared, lost, and still… excited? The tears that poured down your face highlighted the clearer skin that was covered by the dirt.
“Are you okay? You’re smiling pretty weir— mmph?!”
Shouto’s words were stolen from his tongue for you had reached upward in this desperate, frantic glee and kissed him firmly on the lips. It wasn’t often that Shouto froze, and honestly, he could count the number of times he had been frozen to the core, but with this desperate, longing kiss on his lips that exploded fire onto his cheeks, he was unable to move. He was only able to feel the wet streaks from your cheeks pressed onto his, focus on the heavy frantic breathing that passed through your nose.
His eyes blinked rapidly while you pulled away from him, a starstruck look on your face.
“It’s… it’s been a year since I’ve seen anyone who wasn’t a Taoreta,” you awe, fingers pressing onto his cheeks in an attempt to make sure this was actually real. “Are you real? You’re real right? Please don’t tell me you’re—”
“TODOROKI, ARE YOU ALIVE!” a voice bellowed, the door being kicked open, and both Shouto and you looked at the entrance of the room to see Bakugou standing there with his weapons drawn, teeth bared in a silent cry of war. 
Shouto didn’t know what to do, feeling as if the world’s gravity was crushing onto him while he gathered the confused, appalled look in Bakugou’s eyes while he looked down onto the interesting position he was in. You, on the other hand, felt more tears forming in your eyes at the sight of yet another survivor. 
“The fuck you playing hooky for?!” Bakugou yelled, his face contorted with disgust and something unreadable when staring at the position the two of you were in. “Who the fuck is this?!”
Shouto remained speechless, his mind still stuck on the fact that you had kissed him like separated lovers and not the strangers that you were. Worse off he was caught in an embarrassing position by Bakugou of all places who was quite frankly the meanest guard dog they had. You weren’t given a second to speak, to try to clarify who you were and why you were here because Bakugou clicked everything together far faster than you could defend yourself. 
“Don’t tell me this is a fucking Taoreta with a damn love quirk!” Bakugou snapped, grabbing Shouto by the collar and throwing him off you.
Your eyes widened in a panic, the sickening sound of unsheathing steel ringing venomously in your ears while Bakugou drew dual arming swords. You scrambled backward immediately, hands finding the hilt of your bat and spinning up to your feet in a readying position. Like hell you were going to be murdered. 
“Bakugou, stop!” Shouto yelled, pushing himself up onto his feet while the blond-haired man shot forward at you. 
He cursed annoyedly, unable to intercept or intervene Bakugou’s explosive fighting style with just his knives. But he also realized that you weren’t failing at keeping Bakugou away with just a bat in the small room. Swings of steel and wood whistled in the air while the two of you went at it, useless battle soaked insults being thrown left and right while Shouto could only watch as the swords embedded into the bat, and then into a wall.
Shouto acted quickly, his arms circling under Bakugou’s armpits, his hands locking around his head and yanking him away. 
“She’s not a damn Taoreta, she’s a survivor!” Shouto yelled again, both of them stumbling backward and landing on the floor while you remained frozen by the wall. Both the weapons stable in the wall despite the horror of what could have been the end of your life. 
“How the fuck would you know that?! She could be brainwashing you for all we know!” Bakugou yelled, his body twisting and turning, trying to get out the larger mans hold. “Slimy little shit got you didn’t she?!”
“I’m not a Taoreta!”
“She’s not a Taoreta!”
You and Shouto yelled in synch, your fingers thrusting up to your eyes. “Do you see my sclera?! They’re not fucking red!”
The two men froze in their struggles to get the other to obey their commands, both raising their attention to you, shocked by what you said.
“What do you mean?” Shouto asked, his arms still holding Bakugou in place, his eyes landing on you confused. 
You, on the other hand, froze. Your eyes blinked owlishly, fingers curling into a weak fist and placing onto your stomach, “Have you guys never noticed? Taoreta always has their scleras turn red and they grow darker with prolonged quirk use… that’s how you know how strong and how long they’ve been around. The stronger they are, the redder the sclera.”
“Get the fuck off me,” Bakugou growled, his body twisting against Shouto, but Shouto was too busy thinking about what you said, his mind sucked into his memories of that fateful night. “Bastard, I’m not gonna attack her! Let me fucking go already, dammit!”
Shouto let go immediately, watching as his friend rolled over onto his knees and stood up without a single hitch. Bakugou yanked his swords from the wall letting your bat fall onto the floor with a loud crash. His eyes burned into you, watching you with a borderline sneer until he walked away.
“Figure out what the fuck we’re doing with her, five minutes until we have to leave,” was the only thing Bakugou uttered before leaving the building.
“What to do with me?” you echoed, your fingers twitching down towards your bat. “Don’t tell me the first people I find in a year are cannibals!”
Shouto’s face twists while looking up at you, your hands once again grabbing your bat raising it up in an act of self-defense; agony and disbelief overflowing in your face. It was bleeding obvious now that you had been alone for ages, the already emotional polar ends of yourself revealed to Shouto even before he knew your name. 
“You need to calm down, we’re not cannibals, Bakugou literally walked away. If we were, you would have been dead already,” Shouto reasoned, his hands held up in a signal of surrender while he stood. His words were calm and steady, his “We’re a part of a surviving group, and we have a base up on the mountain north from here. You’re the tenth person we’ve found out here, and if you would like, we can offer you a place.”
“How can I trust you? You could be some cult group for all I know! Using me as some breeding whore to bring the second coming of the taoreta!” you panicked, your eyes wild with the fabricated lies you were drawing in your mind. “I don’t have the hips to have a child! I won’t bear your dumb cult a child!”
Shouto blinked, a low headache forming behind his eyes while he looked at your heaving form. He studied you closer now, your bat was frozen in place while you stared back. Your cheeks were sunken from lack of nutrients, your lips pale and cracked, and your eyes (once you ignored the savage glint to it) were like glass. You were not okay, even if you had managed to fight both Bakugou and him, there was no doubting that you hadn’t eaten in days.
Shouto sucked in his cheeks, by the looks of it you were running on pure adrenaline at this point — not actual energy.
“Meet back at the car in five,” Kirishima’s voice rang in the headset, and Shouto’s mouth pursed. 
“We’re not cannibals, or a cult, or whatever weird groups of people you’ve run into. We’re just… people trying to live to see the next day. Come with us, or not, I can’t convince you, but we have shelter... food, water, showers. If you want, we can be a place for you to stay, if you want.” Shouto speaks softly, his hands are lowered at his waist, trying to show that he wasn’t a threat to you. It didn’t matter to him if you went with them — you were just a stranger after all — but he wouldn’t feel right letting you go without trying to save you. 
You hesitate, your eyes looking down at your feet while you contemplate. He remains quiet, the voices of his friends ringing in his ears while they communicate on their way back to the car. But finally, he saw something that confirmed he would take you back by force. 
Blood dripped down your leg and fingertips, seeping into your clothes, staining the floor. 
“I don’t want to die,” you confess, your voice small and scared. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“I promise you won’t be alone; you won’t die on my watch… but you’re hurt,” Shouto reasoned, his body instinctually moving closer to you. You pressed against the back of the wall, the aggression in your body long having died out. “We can heal you, and if you don’t feel safe you’re welcome to leave—” his eyes hold yours, and he swears the world stills at this moment, he can hear nothing but your hammering heart and his own, “I promise you.”
You would later claim that you gave in because you were injured and exhausted, but your hand reached out with a tremble and took his steady one. It was weird, feeling his hand in yours, so calloused and worn. Even if all you felt were his fingers, this was the first time in forever since you had human contact. Despite everything going on, the own swinging egos in your mind that screamed at you to kill him or to kiss him more, sudden ease came over you. You didn’t trust him, you couldn’t — you weren’t that big of an idiot — but his dual colored eyes held yours steadily, warmly, safely and the only thing you could do was agree with him. Despite being brought up on one principle, one defining law, you broke it when it came down to this stranger before you.
No matter what happens, never trust anyone.
“I’m Todoroki Shouto, by the way,” Shouto finally introduced himself, his words breaking the silence that had fallen over the both of you while he guided you out of the house. “I’m apart of a surviving group called Yuuei, and we’ve been around for about a hundred years.”
“Y/l/n y/n,” you return with a grimace.
When was the last time you ever had to introduce yourself before? You had no memories of the last time you had to tell someone your name. His face lifted into a gentle smile, one that you couldn’t see as anything but being polite before he turned and began walking. His strides were long but quick, far outpacing you despite the obvious worry to your bleeding wounds.
You had been attacked earlier by some dying taoreta, and even with its dying breath, it was otherworldly powerful. The person who had nearly managed to slay the taoreta had been decapitated when you had accidentally stumbled on the screeching monster. Its fingers were blades made from its bones, and it had stabbed you before you could even fight back. The taoreta had destroyed the machete you had used as your main weapon, the splintering metal being what ended up killing the savage monster.
A ragged breath escaped you in the realization that you had survived that.
There was no stopping the onslaught of tears and sobs that ripped through your throat while Shouto pulled you after him. The stabbing blistering pain in your side and arm was throbbing while you tried to keep up. You had survived, the pain an undeniable testament to that, the bat dragging against the floor a reminder that you weren’t done just yet. Shouto’s eyes grazed over you, and you were grateful he didn’t say anything while you continued to cry, emotions, and relief washing over you.
Shouto’s face remained neutral if a little bit uncomfortable while he dragged you back to the car, his voice low and quiet while he informed the rest of his group that he wasn’t coming back alone. 
Still, it was to no surprise that the moment Shouto stopped in front of the car four of the five others were on edge, looking down at his crying companion. 
Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Iida stood on the trunk of the car, their weapons were drawn towards you; hesitation and concern heavy in their eyes. Bakugou, who was driving the car, couldn’t even be bothered to look at you — after all, he had already okayed you. Well, Shouto thought he had okayed you, he wasn’t exactly clear on things like that. Besides, it wasn’t as if they came across many survivors to okay in the first place.
“Who is this?” Iida asked first, his eyes unwavering while you rubbed streaks of blood onto your face. “Is she dangerous?”
“I wouldn’t have brought her back if she was,” Shouto lifted an eyebrow, unamused with the stiffness in all their postures. “We disagreed earlier, but she thought I was a taoreta at first glance, it’s all good now.”
“And she’s okay now? She’s bleeding like a fuckton,” Kaminari squeaked, his fingers thrusting out to your blood-soaked clothes.
Honestly, it surprised Shouto just how weird his group of friends were. They were all unbelievably strong, each possessing the ability to have already successfully killed one taoreta, yet they were cowering in fear over you.
“Does she come from a group? Is she being followed?” Kirishima cautiously asked, his eyes leaving your body to scour the surrounding buildings. “Is she sick?”
Shouto looked behind him, his eyes taking in your paling and sullen form, you looked terrible. 
Pressing his hand to your forehead, he felt your temperature with both his left and right side. 
“No fever, but she’s bleeding obviously. I’m not sure if she obtained any injuries from fighting Bakugou or me,” Shouto explained clearly, only being able to answer one of those questions for you. “I can’t say if there’s a group around — or if she’s with one, but she said she’s been alone for a year.” His calculating gaze met the stubborn stares of his friends who could only stare at you, and a rush of annoyance flooded him while he ran a hand through his hair. “We don’t have time to argue though, the suns setting and we need to get back to base.”
“Put this on her,” Midoriya was the first to pull back, something that did not come as a surprise to Shouto, and he threw a bandana he typically wore around his wrist at Shouto. “If she’s not being followed, at the very least we can prevent her from relaying how she got to base.”
Shouto nodded, moving quickly to tie the green fabric around your eyes and piling you onto the trunk. Midoriya moved into the car with your new addition and sat next to Bakugou who floored the pedal and took off into the mountain. 
UA truly was a blessing of a fort, not only was is incredibly huge, but it had natural barriers to act in their favor. And Shouto relaxed on the bed of the truck, his head pressing against the cold plastic, a hand resting on the items he had recovered for the day, and the other one still holding onto yours. 
He tried to ignore the way they continued to stare at you in distrust despite having all your weapons inside the car so that he could sleep, but eventually, he gave up. His eyes continuing to glare back at his friends until they dropped their gaze on you. He knew you weren’t a threat, and like hell he was going to let them treat you like one.
When the bandana-blindfold came off your eyes, your hand in Shouto’s began to sweat profusely. Your wounds had stopped bleeding thanks to the green-haired boy’s ministrations, but you definitely felt lethargic from the loss of blood.
Blinking rapidly, you looked around, freezing when you saw that the group of six men had expanded to much larger numbers of only men. Breeding cult, your mind hissed and you felt your hands twitch, a nervous thought to grab the weapons you no longer had.
“You’re scaring her!” a voice yelled, and your head snapped towards a voice you couldn’t see. “Who wants to wake up to a sea of scraggly, ugly men?”
Your jaw slacked when you saw a pink-skinned woman shove her way through the crowd to stand before you. No way in hell was she not a taoreta!
“Hi! My name is Ashido Mina, and I know what you’re thinking,” she spoke, her arms crossing against her chest while a prideful smirk spread across her face. “How is she so hot?”
Maybe if it had been a day where you weren’t half dead, lacking a needed amount of blood, and much more in control of your emotions, you wouldn’t have burst out in laughter. Your dirty fingers pressed onto your mouth while you tried to play off your peals of laughter to no success.
“Oh, I like this one already,” Mina grinned, her hands pressing onto the edge of the truck to look at you closer. “However, my skin is pink because of a dying accident gone wrong when I was a child. It was as permanent as permanent can get so… please don’t think I’m a taoreta!”
You nodded your head, your body wincing with the stabbing pain, and Shouto was quick to notice that you were still in pain.
“Mina, can we walk and talk?” Shouto asked, his hand pressing to your spine in order to get you to start moving, even without permission to do so. “Y/l/n has three wounds that need to be tended to; she already lost a lot of blood. You can do your welcoming thing and interrogation while she gets patched up by Shuzenji.”
Mina pouted; a sound of discontent with the arising situation, but she nodded. Shouto’s lips pressed into a thin-lipped smile, and with Mina’s help, they guided you off the car and onwards towards the infirmary.
“I’m not going to be killed, am I?” you ask, knowing it was far too late for your cold feet to be kicking in. “I never thought I’d be killed by humans.”
“God, no! Shuzenji is the best medic in the world, hands down. She’s gonna patch ya up, and I’ll talk with you while she does that, and then we’ll find out our best course of action afterward!” Mina exclaimed, her hand repositioning your weak arm around her shoulder. “I swear it won’t be that hard!”
True to her word, you were not killed.
In fact, the only scary thing you were met with was an angry, just woken up from her slumber, elder woman. After she had yelled at the crowd of men who had followed after you to leave you alone given that you were her patient, she had taken you inside with Mina. But you had panicked when she tried to get Shouto to step away, your hand which had not separated from his since the moment you had left the house unwilling to let go of him. So, he was permitted to stay.
You sat on an old infirmary bed, your pinky still touching Shouto’s while Shuzenji — nicknamed Recovery Girl by the surviving group — tended to your wounds. You answered a whole lot of questions from Mina while trying not to let your pain bleed into your voice.
You told them your birthday, your age, the last time you were sick, how long you’ve been alone (you couldn’t say why you were alone), and how you got those injuries of yours. 
They had been impressed with your confession that it was from killing a taoreta, even a critically injured one was monstrously powerful after all, and Shouto would argue the ones on the brink of death were stronger than when fully healed. Mina, however, was a great conversationalist and did exceptionally well at making you feel comfortable despite everything. 
They took your height, weight, blood type, and hell, Recovery Girl even tested your blood for infections you might have not known you had. She was a medical genius — a true benefit to being in this base. Despite her previous anger, she ended up being a very sweet woman, caring and charming while she fixed you up — cleaning and bandaging your wounds before leaving by giving you a homemade sweet and an orange to eat.
“Alrighty, y/n-chan,” Mina chirped, her hands pulling out a clipboard which seemed to come out from nowhere while she scribbled things down with a series of successive nods. “You have checked out perfectly in our first-day system, of course for you to be implemented in our system — should you want to do that — there will be voting on Thursday! Well, tomorrow really! In the meantime for tonight we would have to find you somewhere to sleep…” her voice trailed off while she contemplated your options. You continued to stare up at her with unknowing confused eyes, trying your best to keep the storming anxiety in your stomach at bay. “We have a few rooms that are open, but… no offense we can’t trust you yet, so we’ll have to put you somewhere with someone. I can ask Tsuyu?”
“She can stay with me,” Shouto spoke, his face expressionless, but his eyes soft. “I have one of the biggest rooms; it’s not that big a deal.”
Your anxiety lessened while you looked over at Shouto, unable to keep yourself from staring at him. Mina had no objections to this, a grateful smile falling over her features while she nodded, “Okay! I’ll send up a clean change of clothes if you need any? I have quite a lot.”
“That would be appreciated, thank you.”
“If she showers, you won’t be able to tonight. Mei destroyed a pipe by accident while trying to create a useable water source — it worked for two hours before breaking, so I think Yuuei will have constant running water by Momo’s birthday!” Mina chirped, her hands pressing the clipboard to her stomach. “But you’re good to go! Please still be mindful of any diseases though, just because you were cleared of the basic ones doesn’t mean you’re clean.”
You nodded watching as she too left you alone with Shouto. 
“My room is on the fourteenth floor, do you think you can handle walking up that many flights of stairs?” Shouto asked, his hand steadying you while you slid onto your feet. 
Despite everything, you were already feeling better. Your head while feeling a bit light was nothing compared to the groggy headache you had once had. 
“I might need some help, but I think… I think, for now, I should be okay,” you inform Shouto, and he nods in understanding.
So the two of you in a weird silence, eventually made your way up to his floor, your body shaking by the time you walked onto the floor, but your hand never leaving his. He showed you the room the two of you would be in, and true to his word, it was large. There were two tatami mats, one by a window, and the other by the door. Random items littered the walls and the floors, most of which were toys and things to pass time with, but it was so unnaturally domestic to you, you didn’t know how to react. It was now that he let go of your hand altogether (an action that made you realize just how touch-deprived you’d been), leaving you to take in the state of his room while he walked around.
“You… you don’t have to give up your shower for me,” you spoke while watching Shouto rummage through his things, procuring a dry and clean towel for you. “I haven’t showered in some time, and I don’t want to make you be in your dirt for longer than needed.”
Shouto looked at you, his head tilting slightly before he shook his head. He walked over to you with his shower things, handing over the shampoo, conditioner, and soap. “You need to clean up because you have wounds, I’m fine. Besides… you stink more than me anyway.”
The truth to his words made your cheeks burn, but there was no judgment in his eyes while he leaned against the wall. You stood there by him unable to think of anything to say until Mina’s fist knocked against the opened door.
“Here are your clothes! Some PJs and extra clothes! I didn’t know if you had any extra clean clothes or your size but with your measurements, I took a wild guess. I hope they fit! I took the liberty of bringing you what I could spare!”
“There are way more clothes than that,” Shouto commented, his eyes judging the pink-skinned girl.
“Sorry that I’m assigned to clothes and have to follow code!” Mina huffed, her cheeks brightening with embarrassment before she stuck out her tongue and ran away leaving both of you alone once again. With the clean set of clothes and the ability to finally fo what you must, you asked where the shower was, and Shouto brought you to where the shower was located on the floor.
You hated to admit it, but you were sincerely grateful he let you shower. Your fingers worked out the many day’s old dirt from your hair, the soap sudding against your skin while you scrubbed weeks old layers from your skin until it throbbed in its rawness. You left the shower with a wince from your now healing wounds, but feeling a sense of freshness you hadn’t known in a while. 
The PJs you were given were just a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, something you were grateful for, especially as the material was soft and warm against your cold skin. When you pushed into the room, you noticed that Shouto was sitting on the mat nearest to the door — leaving you with the one by the window. 
A small lamp was by Shouto, and you couldn’t tell what he was writing while you piled onto your tatami, your fingers immediately grabbing the blankets that sat at the end of the mat before pulling it over your body. You stared at Shouto in silence, unable to simply fall asleep, your thoughts much too fascinated with him. Why had he done this all? You had attacked him and his friend; yet here he was, doing much more than what you could have ever asked from him.
“Will I fit in?” you ask quietly, your eyes concentrating up onto the ceiling. “Will I be voted out?”
There was a prolonged silence, a bit too long for your own liking while serious doubts threaded into your pool of anxiety.
“You’ll fit in,” Shouto spoke, his words clear and confident. “I promised you’d be okay, didn’t I?”
Your head nods, although you are unsure whether or not he saw you doing so.
“So it’s always perfect in here? There isn’t… there isn’t any dangerous taoreta lurking around, is there?”
“No,” Shouto softly says, and you turn your head, your wet hair pressing onto your cheek while watching as he puts a journal down. “To both questions. We’re human, drama and issues always arise, but things always end up okay. UA is also on a mountain surrounded by woods, most taoreta don’t bother making their way up here, especially since we have traps up. But dangerous ones tend to appear during rainy days — especially during winter.”
“Why’s that?” you ask in a small, small voice. It was fall right now after all.
Shouto met your gaze, his eyes swimming with emotions you couldn’t read, but thoughts that screamed that he was unsure whether he should tell you. Was there a reason to make you worry right now?
“During the winter we don’t have any protection. We have Gladiolus flowers planted all around the mountain just to keep taoreta away, and while they die during the fall, they’re still not decayed entirely so… they’re still useful. We can only use Gladiolus oil on the barrier of UA during the winter, meaning that taoreta can climb the hill and find us if they’re lucky enough. But when it rains, the oils washed off, and with the Gladiolus all dead, we’re exposed.” he explains to you in earnest and you nod numbly, your heart already hammering away. 
You wished you had known that months ago…
“You okay?”
The tears in your eyes refused to stop falling down your face while horror consumed your bones. One year alone, countless nights spent in fear that someone would discover you while you were asleep, and hatred for the world burned in every cell of your body pouring over as bitter, useless tears while you gasped for air. 
“W-Will you… can you hold my hand?” you gasped, your body burning in your embarrassment and fear. “I can’t stop thinking that I’m… am I safe?”
You couldn’t see anything, the tears in your eyes blinding you completely. 
It had been such a hard, difficult, death-defying day and you were finally processing it all. 
A hand held onto yours mid muffled sob, and comfort washed over you slightly but not enough.
You would fall asleep shortly afterward, your body rattled with your hiccuping sobs, and your face puffy and swollen from your tears. Shouto could only stare at your slumbering form, the tension, and anxiety heavy on your face despite passing on to the land of dreams. With a soft ache in his heart for you, he turned off the light, his hand still in yours, his tatami mat pressed next to yours.
And as sleep consumed him too, his journal which was the most unique entry he’s written since his adolescence rang clearly in his head:
September 20, 2XX1
It’s been eight years since everyone died, and another day spent working. Today was different, something new happened today. I found a survivor who tried to kill me, her name is y/l/n y/n. I don’t know much about her, but she’s different. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I hope she’ll be happy.
Signed, Todoroki Shouto
It was Momo’s birthday today. 
It was also the fourth day since you had entered the base, and with your entrance, things had become different around UA. During the first morning, people had hung on your every word, blatantly fascinated with you even if they were a bit apprehensive. The council also allowed you to stay, which had left you an emotional mess.
With you being new and injured, it was proclaimed that you could have a week to rest and adjust to the society found within the barriers of the old school. You were to be placed with the janitors the moment your allowed rest was over. You were given clothes, plates and utensils, and bathroom items, all of which you took with a watery smile.
As for your living situation, you were to stay with Shouto until he thought it was best that you left. It wasn’t something you were against at all — right now he was the only person you sincerely trusted and got along with. Shouto also did not mind, in fact he rather enjoyed having someone else fill the emptiness of his room.
Overall, it was going well, but the most important thing was happening today.
You would be put into a group of Shouto’s closest and best friends. 
He had briefly explained to you who they all were because you had asked the night before, your stomach twisting in thought that maybe they wouldn’t like you. 
But with Momo turning twenty, Shouto immediately warned you the type of party it was going to be. With the mass majority of their friends being seekers and therefore getting to claim first dibs on items, alcohol and weed were going to be used. 
So there you stood three hours into a pretty fun party, your nose twitching at the nasty but sweet smell of marijuana and the bittersweet smell of alcohol on all of their breaths. You stood by the group of girls watching as Momo bashfully chugged a bottle of wine with the dignity of an extremely classy person and not the trashiness that was actually true of this all.
Your hand waved in front of you, once again denying the joint that was being passed around and the bottle of liquor trying to be handed to you. Recovery Girl had appeared before you earlier today while you were exploring the campus only to warn you what would happen should you participate in these actions while healing still. To say the least you wouldn’t even tempt the idea.
“So how is Mr. Todoroki?” Mina asked, her arm slumping over your shoulder while she chugged her bottle of who knows what. “Didya know he was the only one no one could ever get to date!?”
Your brows furrowed while you continued to try to find Shouto yourself. He had sort of left you alone and your anxiety always bayed with him in sight. 
“We all dated around the circle of friends,” a girl with the palest skin you’ve ever seen before — Hagakure — explained. “The only one none of us could crack was Todoroki-kun, which lemme tell you seemed much more possible than Bakugou!”
You recognized and was able to put a face to the name Bakugou, but that information didn’t really surprise you. In your old group, it wasn’t that much different. There wasn’t anything to help you meet anyone, and so dating was something you did with everyone in your age group. But Shouto seemed very sweet, a genuinely good person that had you unbelieving of him never having dated.
“He’s still never had his first kiss!” Uraraka, a girl with a permanent blush on her face even without liquor in her blood, slurred with a wink. “Most girls just make him so nervous.”
Never… he’s never had his first kiss?! You took his first kiss?!
“Fucking shit!” you exclaimed, your hands pressing to your cheeks while you shook your head, your heart hammering away while you stepped away from the group of girls whose attention was captured by a frog impersonation by Tsuyu.
Shame and guilt sat heavy in your stomach and you walked away, the memory of you first meeting with Shouto replaying over and over in your head. You wanted to go sleep now, your heart hammering in your cheeks in past embarrassment for your actions. It had just been so long since you had seen a friendly face, and you had gotten overexcited. 
Shouto, who had been slowly sipping from his cup of sake, saw your retreating form and instantly downed the rest of his sweet liquor. He had been pleased you had gotten along with his group of friends, most especially the girls. Through the past four days he had tried to introduce you to them all so that this party wouldn’t overwhelm you, and seeing that you had managed to stay in a conversation with them without him being there seemed like a positive improvement to him. 
That is until you turned on your heel and walked away from the group, your eyes glass, and your steps quick. 
He followed you out of the gym which is where they had all been in, his hands shoving into his pockets while he waited for you to turn around. But it seemed that you were deep in thought because you didn’t even seem to detect his presence. So, he opened his mouth, his lips quirking upward in amusement. 
“Are you going back to the room?”
“Shit!” you jumped, your eyes wide and nearly crazed while you turned towards him, but a wave of regret his your face and Shouto knew you overexerted your injury. “Sorry, Shouto, I didn’t see… I didn’t hear you there.”
“Are you going back to the room?” he asked again, his head tilting in curiosity.
You nodded your head, your smile soft, “I was really tired, and I didn’t want to drag you away from your friend’s party. Don’t worry about me, you can stay, I’ll be fine!”
Shouto shook his head, moving so that he was standing right next to you, “It’s getting late and I’m seeking tomorrow. I have to rest, can’t do my job correctly while fighting a hangover.”
“It would really suck to know that you died on the job, I can’t imagine what I would do with all that space you would leave for me,” you tease, your smile small while he rolls his eyes. 
“We’ve known each other four days and you’re already trying to kill me off? That’s a bit cruel, isn’t it?” Shouto asks, his hand sticking out for you to hold on to should you want to, and you do without question. It was a habit the both of you had quickly formed within four days, but it wasn’t going to die anytime soon, not with the night terrors you had at least.
“It’s the perks of being my friend,” you insist, your head nodding in finality, and Shouto begins to walk. You follow him swiftly and surely, but the same thoughts that plagued your mind began to resurface in your temporary silence. “Was I your first kiss?”
Shouto looked down at you, his eyes unable to be read by you, but the slight perk in his mouth let you know that he was amused and not offended.
“Why do you want to know?”
You sigh, your thoughts falling onto the giggling group of girls before.
“Well, your friends said you were the only one who never…”
“Never took their advances, and they all said they haven’t kissed you before!”
Shouto opens the door to the building, letting you in. “You were my first kiss.”
You shudder, the horror of a story that would be with him for the rest of his life. An injured lunatic laying one on him without a second thought. 
“Why was I your first kiss?” you ask, unsure as to why you were so curious about needing this information from Shouto.
“Because I never dated anyone before,” Shouto simply stated, his hands holding yours gently while you climbed the stairs that still winded you by the tenth flight. 
“But why?” you find yourself pestering for more, your thoughts unable to figure out why he wouldn’t. There was no denying that he was incredibly handsome, stupidly so — even you had to admit that from the first glance you had of him. The girls also saw that — it was very obvious, so what was missing?
He was silent for some time, and it was something that you had already grown used to. His pauses happened when he didn’t have a clear thought, and while it didn’t happen often, it was enough for you to have already picked up on. 
“During my school years I was more focused on other things,” Shouto confessed, pausing on a stair to allow you to gain your breath. “Something happened with my family and it took a lot of my time and energy away.”
While you knew that his family wasn’t in the picture anymore, you had no idea what had happened to them. You contemplated asking about it or not, your teeth tearing into your bottom lip while he stared down at you. The question was evident on your face though, most definitely screaming on top of your lungs despite you not uttering a single word.
“I’m not ready to talk about it yet, sorry,” Shouto confessed, and you nodded your head, you understood the feeling.
“Maybe one day I’ll tell you about my story too, one day we’ll both be ready, right?” you asked, your feet already making its way up the staircase even before he did. 
Shouto smiled just the tiniest bit broken, and he nodded his head, continuing up the stairs after you with a sense of relief rushing through him 
“Of course.”
“Oh my god, it’s freezing.”
“I told you it was going to be cold, its November!”
You pressed the winter coat to your body even tighter, somehow you wanted the threads to become even closer than a second skin. 
It had been two months since you had managed to find yourself in the same area as Todoroki Shouto, and so far, not a single day went by where you regretted it. Hell, even the wounds on your body had become purpling scars and eventually disappeared altogether. In two months the two of you had become quick and strikingly close friends, the both of you naturally growing closer due to sharing and living in the same quarters.  
All in all the relationship sprouted between the two of you was genuine and different from other relationships in the base. 
While most of each other’s past was still relatively unknown, both of your abilities to open up about what had happened in the past faulty and fell flat more often than not. It was honestly weird just how unable you both were able to talk about your past: the mile-long stare in your eyes, the tears, the anxiety-ridden dreams. Shouto had no idea that he still screamed for his family at night before you moved in, and you had no doubt that you would wake up shrieking.
Of course, these terrors had subsided by a landslide the second you both decided to try something new out: holding hands at night had become sleeping side by side. It was definitely a weird new inclusion by both of your standards. Most mornings you woke up utterly tangled in each other’s limbs, the person who woke up first being the one in charge of detangling and denying that they had become that entangled. But hey, that’s sort of what happened when both he and you were desperately trying to deny the softly burning embers of a beginning relationship. 
But how could you begin to forget that you had been integrated into the Yuuei community very quickly, and nicely at that? After Momo’s birthday, you managed to earn a spot in the girl group, most meals having them coming to find you and sit with you. That was something you appreciated especially on the days that Shouto wasn’t on base.  Even the guys who had once been wary of you entering their car had accepted you wholeheartedly. Although you hated being a janitor, you had to admit it was the only job you were capable of handling at the time. 
You weren’t handy with machines to be an engineer, the only first aid you knew wasn’t even good enough to land you as medical assistance, your education wasn’t anywhere near as thorough as the one implemented here, and your cooking skills were subpar. In all actuality, you longed to be a seeker, but the outdoors were still something you weren’t ready for. 
Shouto and you had learned that old habits died hard, and well, until you were ready to be a team player and no longer thought about your survival and your survival only, you would remain in your janitor position.
But you found yourself climbing onto the rooftop floor with Shouto for one reason and one reason only. 
Despite his lavish education growing up, he had stupidly asked you what the hell a constellation was.
While you hadn’t known that there was a difference between a meteoroid and an asteroid, you were pleasantly surprised and leagues excited at finally being an expert on something that he wasn’t. Stars and constellations had been your only guides and stories for quite a while after all. 
But with Shouto’s judgmental eyes on you, and the shifting of your weight to keep warm, you tilted your head back to look up at the painted night sky. 
“Not all of us are abnormally super-weirdo hot all the time,” you accused, the fur lining of the jacket pressing onto your cold lips. The jacket had been a gift from Shouto, a clothing item that had somehow survived being eaten by moths that he had presented to you on your first month anniversary of being on UA.
“That just sounds like you’re jealous,” Shouto countered, his body moving to stand next to yours. He was in a light sweater and regular clothes, you had no idea how he wasn’t cold at this point. But you chose to ignore it, your lips pouting while the both of you sank to the ground, the soft blanket beneath you doing little to cushion your head against the concrete roof. “So… which constellations are in the sky right now?”
“Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Cetus, Hydrus, Phoenix, Pisces, Sculptor, and Tucana,” you listed without a hitch, the names meaning nothing to Shouto but didn’t stop the impressed look on his face. 
“Do they had stories behind them?” he asked, his warm breath misting in the air while you adjusted closer to his left side, your frozen hand held tightly by his warm one. He shifted his gaze back down to you, his eyes focused on your wandering ones that drank in the beautiful night sky. 
“Only the best stories,” you grinned, your attention shifting over to Shouto while a glint sparked in your eye. “They’re a bit western and a lot of years old if you want to hear them?”
Shouto nodded his head. There wasn’t anything more than he would like to do except be by your side and just listen to you talk and talk, especially if that meant you would forget what you were saying or your instructional material would become a sidetracked rant that he would listen to with clear fascination and teasing intrigue. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll start with Andromeda!” you nodded your head, your finger thrusting towards the masses of stars that Shouto had no ability to piece together to become the young woman who was sacrificed to the Cetus. 
Still, he pretended he could see the constellation because you wouldn’t begin any tale without making sure he could point them out. But there was no denying that he was baffled and in love with every part of your stories. It really wasn’t the fact that the stories were interesting to him, as a matter of fact, Shouto was rather bored with the dramatic Greecian tales for the constellations in the sky, but it was you that made it interesting. 
Even with your hand in his, your arms threw around animatedly as part of your dramatic reenactment of these tales and myths. Your passions being felt without mistake while you taught Shouto about the night sky. 
No matter how passionate you were about teaching Shouto about the constellations, the cold won out, in the end, sending the both of you back into the room before you could explain the story you knew about Tucana. 
“Did you learn anything new tonight?” you asked, your body curled up into the blankets of your tatami, waiting for Shouto to finish his journal to come and provide you extra warmth.
“I guess I did,” Shouto confirmed, his head nodding while he continued to scribble down his thoughts. But there was something to his tone that you found suspicious, your eyebrows narrowing when you saw the slight crease in his cheeks from the smile on his face. 
“Why you smiling like that for!” you whine, your cocooned legs thrashing in your childish tantrum. “Was there something on my face the entire time?”
“There was something on your face the entire time, but it wasn’t anything embarrassing,” Shouto promised, his hands gathering his journal, light, and pencil and putting them aside before coming to lay beside you, his body pressed behind yours, his warmth already sinking through your blankets.
“That’s what you said when I had a sticker on my forehead for an entire day,” you pout, your eyes already feeling heavy with his warmth pressed against you.  
“You were cute,” he admitted, his voice that was heavy with exhaustion tickling the exposed skin of your neck. He closed his eyes, allowing for sleep to consume him while he uttered his last words of the day. “I don’t care for stars and such… but if you’re gonna do stuff like that… who knows, maybe I’ll grow to love them.”
His words sank a hot stone in your stomach, and the goosebumps and butterflies that raised against your entire body refused to subside until you finally managed to fall asleep yourself, one final thought passing through your swollen bitten lips. “You can’t just stuff like that and expect me to not have feelings...”
March was the first month of spring, and while you had survived a full winter without a taoreta attack at UA there was no denying that you felt like you had gotten away easy. The uneasy feeling in your stomach was heightened today before Shouto had left for his typical job as a seeker. You had barely managed to wake up that morning to see him off, but the moment he had left, you were unable to stay asleep, a pit of worry growing cancerously in your stomach.
You spent the rest of your morning tidying up the room, cleaning and organizing the “chaos” of the room because there wasn’t anything better you could do until on your day off. 
As a matter of fact, you went on to join Mina at her checkout position today. The pink-skinned girl had recently begun to wear a horned headband which really pulled together the taoreta vibe she already gave off, but she was nice to distract yourself with while a haunted feeling gloomed over you the entire day. She had talked through your fear, pinning your anxiety on your recently admitted to affections towards Shouto and noot wanting him to be injured while on his job. You had agreed it was most likely that but even as the day continued you couldn’t tear your gaze from the entrance. 
But as Mina was cleaning off a weapon that had been used yesterday she froze.
You looked up at her, your eyes studying the way that her hand pressed into the radio that was placed in her ear, relaying a message you only wished you could hear.
“How far away?!” Mina yelled into the system, her body moving to grab another radio set. “How many were hurt?!”
Just like that, a nausea heavy anxiety rocketed through your body, your limbs trembling while Mina seemed to keep her own panic under control.
“Medics,” MIna yelled into the com system, her voice projecting all over the school grounds. “Come in medics, this is Mina. Report to the main gates immediately. We have an incoming group of four hurt seekers from a taoreta attack. I repeat we have an incoming group of four hurt seekers. Three are minimal, one is critical. Ready blood type O immediately.”
Your skin crawled at that information, Shouto was the only one with blood type O going out today.
He wasn’t the critically hurt one, you thought, watching as a crowd of medics rushed to the gate, no doubt readying to take the critical patient to Recovery Girl the moment the car crashed through campus. But as the car you knew as the same one that brought you here slammed to a stop by the entrance, nausea hit you when you saw that it was Kirishima and Iida who were driving.
Three slightly bleeding friends of yours were pulled from the truck and you felt the world go silent when none of them were Shouto. The screams and shouts of medical instructions went unheard by you when you saw Shouto’s bloody, torn up body being transported onto a gurney, a bloodline immediately hooked as they ran away.
You couldn’t hear anything or see anything but the sunken dip in Shouto’s cheeks.
Was he going to live?
You weren’t even aware of your own hyperventilation until Mina shoved you onto the floor, her golden-yellow eyes wide with worry and distress for you, but her words remained deaf on your ears, unable to pierce the stress ringing in your ears.
Was he going to leave you too?
Shouto’s eyelids felt heavier than lead when he finally woke up.
The bright white light of the hospital room almost blinding him while he groaned. What had happened?
A fuzzy memory of running into a taoreta with savage storm powers replayed in his head. He had almost sacrificed himself to save the group, the damn monster had the strength of Hercules and slashing wind that he cut Shouto up on numerous occasions. He had sworn he had gone under multiple times, but each time it felt like there was something stopping him, keeping him from leaving.
He wouldn’t have minded leaving, there wasn’t much here, to begin with. At least not after the demise of his entire family. 
“So you’re finally away, Todoroki,” a gentle withered voice intercepted his thoughts, and Shouto turned his head with a pained grimace to see Recovery Girl checking his vitals. “I’m glad to see that you’re conscious of whats going on. You’ve woken up multiple times already but would seize before passing out.”
“Am I... am I alive?” Shouto asked, his tongue feeling like sandpaper in his mouth.
A folder of papers crashed against his already throbbing head, and Shouto cursed while Recovery Girl fumed. “Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I’m kicking the bucket any time soon!”
Despite the pain, Shouto smiled softly, his head nodding in understanding.
“Besides, if you died I would have personally prayed for your soul because it looked like y/n-chan would have appeared on death’s door herself to bring you back,” she mused, her gloved finger pointing at your passed out figure on the other side of the bed. 
Shouto’s eyes widened at the sight of you, something warm curling in his stomach seeing you there. But he frowned at the way your face was exhausted and thinner from the last time he had seen you.
“How long was I—?”
“A bit longer than two weeks.”
Holy shit that was a long time.
“We almost lost you a few times, but for some reason you always did better when she was holding your hand… it’s weird, but it worked — saved your life even. You owe that girl a big thank you, she’s done a lot.”
Shouto nodded numbly, his mind moving faster than he cared for while Recovery Girl finished her tendings to him before eventually leaving him alone. He had done better when you held his hand…
He looked down at his wrapped arms, now beyond grateful that they had been stockpiled on medical supplies because had they not they would have most likely decided saving him was a waste of resources. His hand moved to rest on your propped elbow, but the moment he touched your skin, your head popped up.
Shouto stared at you, and you stared back.
Bloodshot exhausted eyes meeting sullen ones, and Shouto barely had time to smile before tears sprung into your eyes.
“You almost died,” came a bitter hello, and it shocked Shouto. He hadn’t expected such a cold greeting from you. “Y-You promised you wouldn’t get hurt on these expeditions.”
You knew promises like that one were childish — it was a promise that couldn’t be kept in this society, but it was one he had still made to me.
“I promised I wouldn’t die,” Shouto countered, his hands pulling to rest on his lap, knowing that having contact with you was probably what wasn’t needed at the moment. “I didn’t, by the way.”
“You died three times while they were saving you!” you spat, angry heavy tears rolling down your cheeks. “You died and all I could do was watch! You l-lied!”
Shouto wasn’t sure how to react, on one hand he wanted to snap back at you, his own frustrations at you just not being happy to see him awake and functional made him upset because he was beyond relieved to see you here, but on the other hand, he wondered why you were so shaken at this “lie.”
“Why does it matter if I lied?” Shouto whispered, his attempt to keep his voice from showing any signs of anger passing. “It wasn’t something I did out of self-sacrifice, but because it’s what the group needed.”
You remained silent, your nostrils flaring with your uncovered emotions and thoughts, but Shouto wanted to know your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings. Despite the lengths the both of you had made in understanding each other, there was still so much hidden from both of your pasts, the thought of hurting so much more when being honest about them prohibiting the both of you from sharing.
“Y/n… come one, speak to me…”
“My parents said the exact same thing before they died,” you spoke with emotions tight in your throat. Your tongue passed your lips in an anxious matter, and you shook your head. “My group was murdered by taoreta a year before you met me. I had been sick at the time… the flu had gotten to me, so I was always left alone at our base while they all went out hunting. It was my family and twenty others… I had… I had a bad feeling the morning they died, but no one believed me because I was sick. I made them promise they’d come back alive, and they did! But while they always returned a bit after dusk, no one ever showed up.” Shouto’s stomach curled, already guessing the rest of your story, but there was no need to guess, you were finishing the tale that still haunted your life. “The next morning I was essentially fine, so I packed up my things and went to search for them. My group always left a rock trail to get back… I was going to follow the trail to find them. And I did find them… but… they were all dead. I saw my mom's torso here, my dad's head there. I couldn’t even recognize anyone's bodies, but the smell… I still smell it at night sometimes… rotting flesh and the whimpers of one of my friends who was still dying when I got there!”
The tears on your cheeks rolled down unashamedly, but your body shook with emotions, your breathing shallow and sparse, most definitely not intaking the needed amount of oxygen you needed. But with this insight, so many things made sense to Shouto. Weird personality traits of yours for the first time having reason for their rhyme. 
“I don’t want to be told you’ll be okay and find you dead one day… you were dead and I thought… it felt like I was back there again! I haven’t been there since January and… god, Shouto, I can’t have you dying like that!”
His heart hurt for you, and his eyes found yours again.
“I lost my family eight years ago,” Shouto confessed, his hand stretching out for you to take, and he relaxed when you accepted his offer. “My father and oldest brother had found a group of survivors who were harboring a taoreta who was only twenty-four at the time. We didn’t know they were a taoreta, and we didn’t know that they were turning twenty-five the next day. My family brought them back to base and took them into our room because we had the largest one. I was with… I was with Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kirishima that day, the four of us had decided that we were going to camp out on the track… I didn’t get to even say goodbye to anyone. The next morning there was an explosion in the cafeteria and my family along with the surviving group and taoreta had been killed. It was… horrible… and even though it was years ago, I still feel like it was yesterday. It could have been me there with them — and I felt… I felt like for the longest time that I should have died with them…”
“Shouto,” you whispered, your tears no longer angry but so sad for the man you had fallen for. “I’m… I’m so sorry.”
Shouto smiled painfully, his shoulders shrugging while he exhaled, tears trailing down his face while a weird sense of relief washed over him. “It’s okay. It’s hard and all, but it’s comforting to know that I wasn’t the only one fucked over by a taoreta.”
Your eyes softened and a snort left your nose while you shook your head, “I think we’ve all been fucked over by them, wouldn’t you agree?”
There was an agreeing noise that passed Shouto’s lips that died as quickly as it had started when your lips pressed to the corner of his mouth, not quite a kiss, but close enough to a kiss that had skyrocketed his heart rate.
“I’m glad you’re still alive though, Shouto,” you whisper, pulling away from him, your lips forever imprinted onto his skin. “I don’t think I would be able to live in that big old room all by myself.”
Shouto cleared his throat, his eyes glinting everso mischievously, “I definitely would had stuck around to haunt you.”
He wouldn’t confess to it at this moment, but his heart definitely skipped a beat at the sight of your glowing smile, and the laugh that escaped your lips.
“I’m sure you would’ve.”
It was raining.
The chaos of the outside world had once again found its way into Yuuei’s safezone, and everything was going to shit. You had woken up to the sound of rain, your body curled onto Shouto’s and your mind not thinking much of the pittering rain that fell from the sky. You were content in his warm embrace, just grateful to have more time with the sleeping man. It had taken him five months to fully recover from his attack, and he had just recently resumed his job as a seeker two months ago. 
Right now it was December, it had been past a full year since your arrival here, and you definitely were content here.
Your relationship with Shouto has definitely become… muddied in the past few months. Kisses had been exchanged on multiple occasions, the both of you practically acting like a couple despite not having coined your relationship. Despite the both of you coming clean with your past, there was still hesitation to make things official, with both of you not wanting to hear that either one of you had died (you had become a seeker during his time of recovery just so you could get him more shower times, plus you missed scavenging in the outdoors). Secret kisses were exchanged between you like blackmarket deals, but still the hesitant riding heavy in both your bones prevented anything from happening.
But that was okay for now, as long as you were the only one Todoroki Shouto was kissing, you were okay with that. Burying your nose into his chest, you allowed for sleep to consume you into its clutches. Today was both your days off after all.
Seconds before sleep could reclaim you, a long three part bell was heard that instantly had both you and Shouto rocketing upward. A long bell was a part of the warning system, and each part meant something.
One long ring was a storm.
Two long rings was a group of survivors.
Three long rings was a taoreta.
Both you and Shouto scurried to your feet, throwing on the first set of clothes you could find, and desperately putting on your shoes while your heart hammered. You hadn’t fought a taoreta since the year before, and with the explosion outside you could only begin to imagine what this was going to mean for you all. 
“Y/n!” Shouto called for you while you pulled on your jacket. You looked at him, your hands mid-pulling your hair out of your face. “Come back alive.”
You didn’t say anything, his clothes and shoes already on; ready to go out and fight. But in a kiss akin to that of your first one, he pressed his lips against yours in a heated, fervor passion. An action that spoke of desperation between two lovers who longed to see the next day, and you heard it loud and clear.
It was an order, it was a promise.
He left before you, and you soon followed after. The weight of the future falling heavily on your shoulders, but a personal fury to survive pushing you through.
It was a long and a hard battle. 
The taoreta had blade wings and mowed down everything in its path. Bodies littered the floor around you, your body in pain and sore while the taoreta lay twitching on the roof of one of the pillars of the campus building. In what was considered to be a lucky shot, you had managed to pierce a major artery of the taoreta with a gun you had taken from a fallen member and he was now bleeding out.
There were multiple cuts all over your body, the slices from the knives doing nothing but harm to your body while you collapsed on the roof, your breathing heavy and your body exhausted underneath the pittering rain. You overlooked the tower, down at the people below and gave a thumbs up, signaling he was dead.
A silent scream of victory came from the surviving members of Yuuei, no one able to actual muster a sound of victory because defeat still stung with every bleeding cut on their bodies. But this wasn’t your job anymore, a successive three short rings alerted the medics that it was their turn to work, and you hobbled down from the roof back to your room.
Your hair was plastered to your face, bloodied water dripping after you while you returned to the room, and you stood at the door unable to walk in until you saw Shouto.
It felt like you were standing there forever, your eyes focusing on the stairway in hopes of seeing the red and white haired boy emerge from a lower floor to you. And finally, finally he appeared. 
There was a cut on his face, a bandaid on his chest, and you realized that he had been treated before coming up. He stared at you from the distance, both your bodies frozen with adrenaline induced joy.
But it was over just as fast, Shouto ran towards you, and there was nothing for you to do except leap into his arms, and press your lips against his. Shouto’s words of gratitude for seeing you alive were stolen from his tongue for you had reached upward in this desperate, frantic glee and kissed him firmly on the lips. His tongue curled and moved against yours, his hands moving frantically against your back in this desperate, longing kiss that exploded fire onto his cheeks and loins. But unlike the first kiss ever exchanged between the two of you he was able to move. He was able to feel the wet streaks from your cheeks pressed onto his, focusing on the heavy frantic breathing that passed through your nose while he entered the room, the door slamming closed behind him.
His lips are passionate against yours, your jaw drops and your mind spins from the intensity he was returning into the kiss. Your gasping moans stir him on as his hands grasp your ass without fear, your body melting into his grasp while he continues to strive ahead, and your hips in their glee of both being alive and knowing what is happening ground against his crotch. Your breathing is uneven, your feelings and nerves overload as you put in the same amount of intensive passion into the kiss.
“Fuck,” he groans into your mouth, allowing for your tongue to invade into his mouth while your hands manage to pull his shirt from his body, throwing it who knows where. 
A low mewl escapes your mouth when your fingers trail down his rippling muscles, the curves of his muscles and the scars on his body making you shake with anticipation. While you busied yourself with memorizing his body with your hands, his hands trail down your legs, softly trailing the underside of your thighs. The sensation of his hot fingers against the wet jeans sent shivers down your spine as your hips swivel against his, a desperate attempt to feel more from him. You hummed in increasing excitement when he cursed your name, the growing bulge in his pants making you sing to the heavens.
Tongues once more crash in the middle, neither one of you entirely dominating the other in this passionate affair. Moans escape your mouth as he lowers to the ground, pressing your back against the tatami. Your fingers fisted into his hair, his hips grinding down into your heated, desperate core. Synchronized groans are exchanged in this slowly maddening exchange, his body very receptive to the hair-pulling.
His hands trailed down onto the swell of your breasts, squeezing firmly around your soft and tender flesh, and you arch into his hands. His tongue furthers into your mouth in your brief distraction, and he trails his tongue everywhere in your mouth, letting nothing go untouched until you were unable to do anything but expel hot, passionate breaths with just the slightest bit of a whine. Your increasingly satisfied moans make him chuckle. You watch with heavy lids as he pulls away, his face deliriously close to your own as you pant.
From this distance, you can see the fire burning in his eyes. A sight that makes you shiver with growing need, but the thought disappears when his mouth attaches onto your neck. His canines sink deeply into your skin catching you entirely off guard in this desperate claim, but you rewarded his actions by screaming his name, the feeling of his hot tongue soothing the burning flesh too sweet and wanton. It’s a new sensation and one that you rather liked seeing that your hips buck up against his; your body craving more friction.
His canines continue tracing against your skin, biting and marking you more and more with the increased vocal praises pouring from your lips. You wanted more, you needed more.
“Oh fuck!” you gasp while Shouto hastily removes your wet clothes from your overheating body, the cold air hitting you, but goes ignored because he presses back down against you, his mouth recapturing yours, and your nipples pebbling with his chest against yours.
The two of you are lost in the kiss, your lips pressing and pulling against the other in a desperate act, your fingers burying crescents into his skin all while your clothes still continue to be stripped from both of your bodies until theres nothing between you but a flimsy set of underwear.
Your nostrils flare as you pull away, a need for air too much for you to continue your kissing endeavors, but as he now remains in just his boxers, your breathing nearly stops while you take in his form to the maximum.
You really were fucking lucky…
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he teases you, and he captures your lips with his own again.
You gasp sharply at the feeling of his heated toned body pressing against your cold yet flushed skin. Your hands sliding down his muscular back were intoxicated with the way his body felt, an overwhelming need to get more from him was undeniable.
“I don’t need a picture of something that I can have every day,” you shudder as his fingers graze the pool of heat in your panties.
“Oh really? Everyday?”
“You think I — oh shit — you think I can’t?!”
You watch as he chuckles against your skin, his fingers trailing over the curves of your breast and into the valley between them before rutting his cock against the place you needed him most right now. “So you just want me for my dick? Nothing else?” he asks you, his cock rubbing against your panties applying a dizzying pressure against your pooling heat.
“I want you, all of you,” you confess, unable to even kid around with the need between your legs being as strong as it was while your hips pathetically grind into his fingers. He chuckles as he pushes your thighs up, and pulls the fabric of your panties to the side, his finger teasing your building heat.
“Such decisive words from a girl who just wanted to kiss me with no relationship in mind,” he mutters sinking two fingers into your unsuspecting heat.
The helpless and needy scream that pours from your mouth interrupts your denial makes him laugh.
“Tell me, y/n,” he says as his fingers slowly pump within you.
“Do you want my dick in you?”
Your harsh pants keep you from speaking as Shouto increases his speed. His fingers curling within your walls stretching you out in a thigh shaking way. He doesn’t seem to care that you’re vastly affected by his intruding fingers, your body violently trembling with his curled appendages, your mind unable to form sentences because god how was he doing that with his fingers?!
“Yes, fuck, fuck, fuck, yes, oh my god Shouto!” you shriek as your hips slam against his fingers with every crashing movement.
“How about dating me? You think you’ll finally let me be your boyfriend?” he muses as his teeth come to bite against your exposed nipples, relishing in the way your head nods pathetically, so desperate for him to do moore. The neverending noises of approval expelling from your mouth only grow when his tongue flicks your nipple. Your fingers digging into his shoulders in wild approval. “Are you going to try and find someone else?”
“No! I just want you, Shouto! P-Please fuck me!” you beg as you try squirming away from his fingers. Your fingers scratching their way down his back, leaving bleeding marks on him in attempt to get him to do more to you. You watch in growing glee and excitement as he slips off your underwear, and his cock spreads completely against your dripping cunt.
A satisfied and slightly horrified moan escapes your mouth at the sight of him carding his cock between your folds. His fingers remove from your sopping wet cunt as he licks you clean from his fingers. “Maybe I’ll have some dessert later,” he wickedly grins as he slowly fists himself. “Now lay back and legs out.”
He accentuates every word, and you feel yourself heeding his command. Your hands quickly gather your thighs in your hand, and you stretch backward as you watch him draw near your spread legs. The tip of his hard cock teasing your entrance.
“Fuck me already!” you whine as he continues to only coat his cock with your juices, uncaring of both of your throbbing sexes.
He looks up at you, a smirk on his face as he shrugs.
A shriek crashes through your mouth as he pushes his cock completely into your awaiting cunt without mercy. His girth stretching you out in an unimaginable way. Stretching you out in ways you were not prepared for, your back arching off the mat in your silent scream. Your walls rippled as they attempted to relax and grow used to his size. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cry, absurdly unprepared for his cock in you as your body trembles as Shouto leans forward.
His own head is buried within your neck, his breathing trying to reign back in.
“Shit, princess,” Shouto cockily rasps, but his words feel powerless as he is obviously affected by the tightness of you around him. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
You mewl as the painful throb in your pussy lulls and you writhe your hips against him, “Please do something, fuck me right. Please fuck me.”
Shouto smirks, small and knowing, and rightfully so as he adheres to your demand. His hips position to a better angle, his hand pressing against your thighs and you can only watch with your face buried into his neck he begins slamming into you. Your hips move in time with his. 
Both of you desperate under your nearing orgasms and this heightened state of pleasure brought by the desperation of this fuck. You had both survived the attack, something that the both of you had been so scared of eventually happening given your records, but you had lived. You had lived and became insanely horny at the first sight of Shouto. 
His hands gripped your hands while he pounded into you. His grip nearly cracks your hands as he slams his body faster against yours, stretching you out with every move, and by god does he know how to use his cock that dragged against your spongey puffy walls. His hands shift as they drag out under your ass, clenching your supple flesh as this difference stretches you out in unimaginable ways.
His hips crashing into yours is mind jolting, and your cries only fuel him on.
Your body feels as if it is turning into jelly as he shifts your two legs over his shoulders. His cock bottoming out into you making your back arch off the mattress as you wail out his name. Shouto’s heated fingers press against your throbbing clit. You suppress a wail as he rubs harsh and delicate figure-eights onto your puffy nerve. Your pussy is clamping down on his hammering cock, not at all slowing him down, and yet he still grunts and increases his speed and strength.
Your noises of pleasure silences as his cock hits the back of your walls, your legs thrashing around as he drilled into you the same way.
Over and over.
Again and again.
Harder and harder.
His cock smashing against your walls until he tilts his angle and crashes down hard against your g-spot.
“Shouto!!!” you scream as he continues pounding into your g-spot. His alias a prayer on your lips as he continues fucking your brains out.
You shoot up off the mattress, your screams muffled through a kiss as you wrap your arms around him. Even though your legs were on his shoulder, you held on. The angle allows Shouto to drive his cock against your g-spot over and over again. Your body bouncing with every single slam. His body is giving you exploding sensations, your tightness making Shouto moan and curse.
“I needa – fuuuuck, baby do that again – I needa come!” you squeak as your body rocks against his own.
“Come for me, princess.” Shouto sighs into your mouth. “Come around my cock.”
The built-up pleasure in your belly is profuse, it’s built up so fast, and your toes curl in electrifying pleasure. You can’t handle it anymore, the pleasure being too much.
Your orgasm slams through you, your vision nearly turning white as your jaw drops as your screams go silent. Shouto’s mouth continues to move against yours, kissing sloppily against your teeth as he chases his own orgasm. His teeth digging into your bottom lip as his jaw slacks.
His hips continue slamming into you. They’re brutal as they slam over and over again. He’s chanting your name as your stimulated cunt continues clenching around his length. His pace is making you grow numb in his arms, although your hips still continue to desperately roll against his. His breathing is heavy and tense. Panting as he struggles to keep himself composed.
“Come inside me…” You whine into his ear, desperate to feel his hot seed within you. “B-Breed me like the bitch I am, sir!” Your cry, wanting nothing more than his cock to bury all nine inches in you.
“Come for me one more time, and I’ll make sure to fill you until you’re dripping with my semen for an entire week,” Shouto promises, and his hips slam within you.
Your knees are buried within the mattress by your head, your feet curling and pressing against each other.  Shouto lays on top of you, the penetration deep, and his hands gripping yours. The weight of having him on you is exhilarating, and for the first time this night, his lips press hungrily against yours while deep within you.
His cock slams against the wall of your cervix repetitively while his lips overwhelm you. Each slam into you is massive and powerful. Powerful enough to have you sobbing into his mouth while he kisses you, his hands clutching your smaller ones in his.
Again and again, he slams into you. His thrusts knock the wind out of you until you release his hands and find yourself digging your fingers into his back, crying out his name desperately while his teeth find a home on your neck, sinking into flesh he had long ago broke. The powerful pounding of his cock makes you keen, your hips jerking up to meet his, but you’re useless against his downward thrusts.
“Impregnate me, sir,” you gasp, your eyes rolling back in pleasure, “breed me! Please fill me up!”
“You’ll be full of my fucking kids in no time,” he snaps, his cock throbbing within your pussy, and loud echoing slaps fill the room. Your nails claw into his back, marking him in multiple places with clean four bloody red lines.
You couldn’t take the feeling of how his body moved perfectly within you, the strength and power behind his every move were almost too natural as if this was an everyday thing. You let out noises reasonably similar to a purr, grinding your cunt against his conquesting cock and laughing breathlessly at his low groan.
“You like this, princess?” Shouto nips at your throat, his thrusts making you shriek out his name as he buries you further into the bed, your nails digging into his flesh. “You like the way my cock fills your pussy the same way it did that pretty little ass?” You nod rapidly, your eyes closed, your mouth open, your pants tumbling from your mouth. Your sanity was lying on a string, his actions the reasons for your downfall.
His leverage was small, but every thrust seemed to have his cock being pulled out of you nearly completely. Before he drilled back into your pussy. The noises of your connecting wet sex left loud echo with your squelching pussy around his hot throbbing cock. The muscles on his back seemed to flare dramatically under your fingernails, your screams turning silent due to your approval of this.
“You like the way I fuck your pussy? The way that Imma fill you with my seed for days to come?” he growls into your ear, his hips slamming inhumanly faster into you.
“I need you to breed me,” you sob, the fire in your face as bright and hot as the one between your legs. His sweaty forehead pressed against yours, and his lips recapture yours.
Your mind goes blank when a mighty crash goes through you. But Shouto must not have noticed the clamping of your inner walls as he continues drilling his hips into you, hitting your cervix, and pushing it further up with every slam. You sob against his mouth, your nails tearing into his shoulders as the feeling of your orgasm was too strong to deny, and he only continues to fuck you.
Your scream is silent, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your fingers digging into his neck, and your toes curl. His hips are driving, persistent, and have a goal in mind. You can barely keep up with him, your long overstimulated body wanting to collapse at the seams, but he doesn’t stop.
“Cum, sir,” you beg, your hips wildly thrashing against his. “Please, fill me with your seed!”
His cock stretches you out in a new way as he presses your back onto the mattress again. The protruding veins on his cock creating insane friction against your walls. Shouto fucks you mercilessly, his fingers clenching your ass as you come apart for him. Shouto curses loudly as he finally loses himself within you. His hips drilling forward one last time as a heavy load shoots into your throbbing cunt.
Shaky breathing fills the air as he pulls out of you.
You whine at the lack of him within you, and your body relaxes as he falls beside you. You whimper as you feel your combine cum seeping from your clenching pussy.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, his hand moving to find yours again, and you can’t say anything but nod in agreement.
“Holy shit is right,” you chuckle and his snort makes you warm inside.
“So… we’re dating now, right?” you ask softly, moving to look at Shouto’s closed eyes.
“We’re about five months late on that, but yes, yes we are.”
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generallypo · 4 years ago
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in all sincerity, kim dokja makes me happy and he deserves to be so too :^(
incoherent yelling and sobbing under the cut. these fEELINGS will not be contained aaauuunnghhh. 
anyway i binge-read all 500+ chapters of ORV this week and i honest to god feel bad for this -- completely! fictional! aghhhh -- guy. in case you haven’t figured it out, the following is some spoilerly shit
i went in expecting a fun, brainless power trip fantasy for dudes with an isekai addiction. instead, it turns out ORV is actually a gigantic, self-deprecating prank on the entire genre itself. kdj plays more into the sad -- if high-functioning-- clown trope than the sexy, edgy, chuuni bastard type i was prepared to laugh at. there were -- gasp! -- female characters with personalities! parents (aka ADULTS who act like ADULTS) who actually survive and feature prominently! adorable children! a real sexy, edgy bastard! a power trio with amazing fashion! sexual tension and bickering! friendship! life and death bonding! 
*breathes in deeply* fouND FAMILYYYYYYY.
like, yeah, the plot around the first few arcs seems a little aimless, but the buildup is worth. the world-building is pretty decent. there’s discernible effort put into the fight scenes, and i can appreciate that. but -- but! what i stayed for were the characters -- namely, the fantastic OT3 of KDJ, HSY, and YJH -- who come together despite their initial rivalries and end up saving each other’s asses, like, every other day. granted, the other characters don’t get as much focus, and they do fall into certain character tropes.. 
but a trope done well is nothing i would gripe about. every significant character in ORV has a coherent, and more importantly, respectful take on their respective trope. maybe it’s because sing-shong is actually a married couple, but all the interactions between even minor characters are a convincing blend of awkward rambling, suggestive humor, sharp remarks, and casual banter. in other words, this cast of mostly working adults (plus a teen and two kids) talks like working adults. the relationships built throughout the story are, frankly, some of most realistic of its genre. sing-shong has managed to craft a dynamic that undoubtedly brims with fluffy fondness all around, but also drips with sarcastic tension, with unspoken urgency, with a wariness that softens into sincerity over the course of many, many chapters. it’s the kind of progression that makes even stock characters read like more than just the 2-bit villain or comrade or love interest. here, we have relationships both straightforward and not, strained or otherwise, romantically-oriented as well as decidedly the opposite -- and then numerous others scattered along the spectrum with the freedom to shift either way. 
it’s also an interesting point of note that our MC kdj actually does not end up with a stated romantic partner, much less a conventional heteroromantic harem. he gets teased about that fact from time to time, but it’s with less of the sleazy shonen locker room humor one would expect and more of the good-natured ribbing you’d find among friends or that one especially nosy auntie at the yearly family reunion. kdj is a grown ass man. in the background, i applaud his maturity, and he handles all the prodding like a champ. 
so instead of finding and fulfilling his horny, he builds himself a wealth of loving family. yeah, there are beautiful men and women around him. yeah, they unequivocally adore him. but they’re also adults, and they have priorities, too -- which are not so much finding a way to bang kdj’s brains out and more so simply keeping the damn guy alive. this is truly not ‘oblivious mc with his thirsty, sex kitten harem’. it just so happens that a guy proves himself to be unflinchingly gentle and capable in an apocalyptic setting despite his broken self-esteem, and lots of people find that attractive, romantically and platonically. 
it.. kinda makes sense? he’s a hard worker, thoughtful, and good with kids. kdj is the kind of guy you know would make a reliable partner, and anybody with eyes can plainly see and appreciate that. 
and it’s not that our MC’s a total brick wall. in fact, it’s likely the opposite, and he’s just too darned repressed to admit it. from what has been implied, kdj does indeed recognize and accept love, or at least a primitive concept of it. i like to imagine that the kind of love that he ends up seeking out simply manifests itself more easily as acceptance and safety, as warmth and a home of people to return to every day. even better, the people who surround him know this, and they give him exactly that. it’s refreshing, and honestly, really sweet.
(as a side note, i really, really do appreciate the cosmic bi energy radiating off of kdj, who canonically earns the title of being loved by all and is all but in name married to yjh and hsy. he also respects women and small children and honestly anyone who isn’t total scum to him or his family. i respect that.)
but the happy stuff aside, you know it it just ain’t ORV without the generous screaming dollop of angst. admittedly, there’s self-sacrifice, injury, lonesome wandering, more sacrifice, some epic fighting, reunion and confrontation. all of it is a lot to digest, sure, but never does it feel entirely hopeless, or truly, truly heart-clenching. ORV, up until the final act, is a mostly light read. you relax in your chair, thinking that nothing beyond this point can disturb you. 
yeah fucking right.
and then the beginning of the end arrives. when the squad finally break through to their ‘ending’, the scene that kind of breaks me is the reveal of the Most Ancient Dream. it ties so much thematically into the little tidbits that we get of kdj’s past, and it though it feels like almost a joke that the source of the goddamn apocalypse is a kid with bruises smeared across his skinny ass body -- it’s such a pathetic picture that it’s kinda poetic, actually. you’re left mystified but somewhat convinced, like a math problem explained halfway through. this.. child.. is a villain somehow, isn’t he?
and then 999th turn uriel speaks up, and she. just. hugs him. 
[[You are this universe’s most powerless existence, aren’t you.]] 
that. that gets me. kdj’s reaction immediately upon this revelation? absolute murder. seeing him essentially self-destruct upon realizing that all these people he’s surrounded himself with -- some who continuously proclaim their loyalty and affection for him throughout their journey, some who suffered eons of war and loss and trauma because of his existence -- not only forgive his younger self but smother him with unconditional acceptance and love is stifling, is too vulnerable and exposed and he simply can’t cope -- it’s so telling of his true mentality, of his crippling insecurity and crumpled sense of self-worth. kim dokja is a liar, through and through, so much that he fails, or perhaps refuses, to comprehend the veracity of others’ kindness and love towards himself. 
by some miracle, the events at the end of the world somehow resolve.. or so it seems. there is a departing train, a liberated team of ex-gods, and a child rousing from his slumber. in the aftermath, i am left shaking. somehow, despite the ending having been (happily?) reached, there’s still another chapter ahead. what is this witchcraft?
and then ah, yes -- the epilogue arc. i teetered on the edge of being critical for a little bit there -- is that display of deus ex machina, of sad, self-sacrificing nobility a bit too egregious to be acceptable? is this some wild last let-me-yank-this-outta-my-ass plot twist to drag out the chapter count? i sincerely thought that the arc before it would have been the finale. i was wrong. thank god.
anyways, as an answer to the above: no, and no. i stake my firm claim on the belief that the epilogue arc was meticulously planned out well in advance of its release, confusing and time-warpy as it is. i liked it. tremendously. even if it entirely invalidates all of kdj’s supposed development (”haha lol yeah sure i won’t sacrifice myself or anything anymore guys don’t worry about me” -- KDJ, at some point because he’s a lying rat bastard). actually, our beloved MC disappears for a large chunk of this arc, and i think it’s great. in his absence, the other characters not only go absolutely fucking nuts, but they have to figure out this new problem on their own, even if the lure of peaceful complacency in the newly saved Korea might convince them otherwise. 
and then the whole time paradox thing comes around. yjh goes to space, hsy saves the only life she can, and kdj grows up. the crew waits, holding onto their hope even if it bleeds them dry. sing-shong does a damn good job of illustrating their fraying calm, their lurking madness, the unseen but pervasive depression that seeps in from kdj’s absence. the kids lose their father, lhs and jhw lose their reliable leader figure, ysa loses a best friend and confidant, lsk -- as distant as she pretends to be from her son -- loses her only child. and then there’s hsy and yjh , who are essentially bereft of the other half of their existences. their pain is palpable, is grounded in the hopeless, gnawing frustration of an utterly meaningless victory. emotionally, ORV hits all the right -- if agonizing -- beats.
however, a story can’t sustain itself just through its pathos. i’m happy to say that ORV doesn’t drop the ball after the first milestone, and after all the hurt, the characters do leap straight back into action. even better, the plot holes actually do get patches, and the poetic cycle of writer, protagonist, and reader comes full circle by making use of all those supposedly throwaway characters from the myriad world lines. 
at the end of the road, there is a distinct sense of unity, of a delicate but undeniable cohesion to the world lines and their origins. sing-shong lets us guess a little here at the finish, but there’s just enough information to feel hopeful. maybe there never had been a definite start -- or finish -- to the story of kdj company, and... that’s okay. everybody ends up where they were meant to be, where they fought and struggled to reach. it’s.. almost like a happily ever after, if we’re allowed to dream of that.
now, i realize, this was all an orchestrated maneuver.
i’ll take it.
to me, all of this work sounds like someone put some serious thought into this behemoth of a plot. it cements the entire original premise of the story. it suggests -- but never explicitly confirms! -- the possibility that breaking free of the cycle is possible through the exact same system that sustains it. it’s terribly interesting -- and inspirational! with all the dramatic revelations and life-threatening scenarios  and the cast’s resigned acceptance of them that essentially make up ORV’s entire mood, there’s still that last hint of rebellious and righteous anger that lights up the whole damn nebula. it’s like the kdj company blasting away at the heavens just to yell into the nether: we’re not looking for the happy end, but the free one. stay alive.
it’s subtle, and yet it’s such an emotional gut punch. i came away with the most ruinous, frustrating, bittersweet sense of longing in ages. i pined. for these fictional darlings. god, i am weak.
so. yeah. ORV is pretty good. flawed, but ambitious and impressively thought out.  i’m stoked that the webtoon is making pretty good progress, even if it’ll take an eternity and a half to meet that monstrous chapter count. i’m still gonna follow it. hell yeah. 
(by the way the idea that secretive plotter and co are literally gonna take care of and raise baby kdj and spoil him and be the best friggin family a kid could ever want does things to me. protect him. he’s suffered too much. let at least one worldline’s version of him know happiness. and actually, aLL OF THEM DESERVE DOMESTIC BLISS TOGETHER IN A BIG OL MANSION WITH SUN AND FRESH AIR AND TENDER FAMILY MOMENTS UGH)
and there you have it, folks. you made it to the end. in the far, far distance, i’m cheering you on and crying my eyes out in gratitude. thanks for tuning in!
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miracleonice87 · 4 years ago
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a Mathew Barzal one shot
a/n: I feel like I was gonna have to write a stereotypical bubble burst reunion sometime! Might as well be with pretty boy MB.
summary: Boyfriend Barzy is welcomed home post-bubble by his girlfriend.
warnings: smut!
I stood in the parking lot outside the coliseum, watching as the bus carrying the boys back from the airport pulled in slowly. I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth and pulled the sleeves of Mat’s worn-out Isles crewneck, a favorite of mine, down to cover my hands. After a hot, dry New York summer, there was finally a distinct chill in the September evening air, which, coupled with the anticipation of seeing my boyfriend for the first time in nearly two months, sent a shiver down my spine. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears as the bus finally rolled to a stop, the mechanical whirr of the doors opening only slightly drowning out the sound of my pulse. I began taking inventory of those exiting the bus one by one, shifting my weight from side to side as I stood at the back of my Lexus, impatiently waiting.
Trotz, and Jim, and Anders, and Casey, and Tito, and Brass, and Ebs, and Brock, and Leddy, and...
I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. Every muscle in my body, which I was unaware I had been tensing, relaxed all at once. I consciously fought the urge to sprint and jump into Mat’s arms in front of all of his teammates and coaches — that is, until he finally looked up at me and abruptly dropped his bags on the concrete beneath him.
“What are you doing standing there?” Mathew inquired, opening his arms wide. “Get over here,” he instructed with a chuckle.
I felt my face contort as tears welled in my eyes, my body desperately carrying me the twenty or so feet into Mat’s grasp, my dignity and reserve flying out the window. As I saw his waiting face, I knew that neither of us cared what we looked like to anyone around us. My chest finally collapsed against his, arms locking around his neck. He immediately hoisted my thighs around his waist before wrapping his arms tightly around my torso. Neither of us said anything for what had to be a full minute, just holding fast to one another, grasping at one another, as I heard the noises of other similar reunions happening all around us.
I finally pulled back a bit from Mathew and, after a shared smile, cupped his jaw in one hand, closely examining his recent battle wounds, the remaining evidence somehow looking even worse in person than it had on television. As I stared at his busted eye and slightly less-marred nose, I knew that he could sense my unease, my grin fading.
“I know, I know,” Mat prattled. “I swear it’s not as bad as it looks.” I pursed my lips, not believing him. For now, I decided to let it go, to not allow it to ruin the moment.
“Okay. Hi,” I whispered, my smile returning and his strong jaw still resting in my fingers.
“Hi,” Mat replied, smirking. “Missed you,” he added simply, but in a voice flooded with relief, more so than I had ever heard from him.
“Missed you,” I whispered in response, leaning in to kiss him firmly as one hot tear fell from each of my eyes. I had sworn to myself I wouldn’t cry in this moment, and I was angry that I hadn’t kept my self-made promise, but that was quickly overshadowed by the joy and peace I felt being in Mathew’s arms again.
“Let’s get you home, yeah?” I asked, stroking my thumb across his chin before placing another hard kiss to his lips. “God, yes,” Mathew breathed, putting my feet back on solid ground. “I’m so ready.”
“Me, too,” I told him as he gathered his bags once more and we walked together to my car. I popped the trunk from the key fob in my hand before extending the device to Mathew.
“Wanna drive?” I asked, grinning. “God, yes,” he said again, lifting his suitcases into the trunk easily before accepting the keys from me with a kiss to my cheek. “Anything to feel normal again,” he mumbled. I nodded knowingly, and he squeezed my forearm when we crossed paths on our way to our respective doors.
I watched Mathew climb into the driver��s side as I reached for my seatbelt, still in shock that this long-lost familiar figure would be driving me back to our home. As soon as he adjusted the seat to accommodate his long legs rather than my short ones, Mathew reached his arm across the console to push some hair back from my face.
“Hey, baby?” he asked, inching his face closer and closer to mine. “Hmmm?” I breathed, gazing into his hazel eyes, completely entranced. Our mouths were only centimeters apart when he whispered, “I really fucking missed you,” before crashing his lips into mine with a force and passion I had never encountered from him. A moan involuntarily left my lips, causing Mat to smirk against my mouth, eyes still closed as he pulled his face back from mine.
“God, it’s so good to be home,” he told me as he gave me a lazy smile from beneath hooded eyelids. “Mmmm,” I moaned in agreement, my hand curling in as he nuzzled his stubbly face into my knuckles. “So good to have you back,” I spoke. Mat leaned in for another kiss, this one quick and sweet, before pressing the button and turning over the car’s engine.
“Now let’s get outta here,” he announced, waving at Anders and Grace in the car nearest mine and honking once, before pulling my hand to his lips and pressing warm kisses from my fingers to my palm.
“Time to go home with my girl!” he exclaimed, smiling brightly. I smirked at him as he glanced in my direction, pulling away from the parking lot and heading toward the highway.
“Now let’s talk about that fucking eye of yours...”
Mat groaned dramatically.
“We’re home!” I said in a singsong tone as I turned the key in our apartment’s lock and ceremoniously pushed in the door, holding it open so Mat could take in the scene. He stepped through the doorway, bags in tow, and I watched a smile spread across his cheeks as he entered.
Before him, on the coffee table in the center of the living room, were gathered an array of Mathew’s favorite things — a refill of his Gucci cologne, a couple cases of his preferred fall craft beer from a brewery upstate, a giant box of our favorite brand of microwave popcorn, and an enormous bag of Sour Patch Kids, his candy of choice. Against the glass doors leading out to the balcony, directly across from us, was a message spelled out in gold helium balloons: “Welcome Home Mathew!”
“Babe!” Mathew exclaimed, excitement seeping from his voice as he walked closer, dropping his bags on the way. “What did you do?!” He began laughing, smacking his thighs as he bent over, in awe of the gesture. I approached him and rubbed his back with one hand as he stood upright again.
“I just wanted to give you a warm welcome,” I mused. Mat pulled me into his body and tilted my chin up to look at him. “Because you deserve it,” I told him.
“No, I don’t deserve this!” he tried to protest, hands finding my lower back and pressing me against him. My brows knitted together as I argued his point. “Of course you do. It’s pretty clear you worked your ass off this postseason,” I said, my fingertips ghosting over his healing wounds before curling some of his black hair behind his ear.
“No, I don’t deserve you,” Mat muttered. “You’re too good to me,” he whispered, mouthing at my jawline before trailing his lips behind my ear. I tipped my head skyward as he trailed hot kisses down my neck, pulling down the collar of his crewneck I wore so that he could place open-mouth kisses across my clavicle. Before I knew what was happening, Mat had backed me into the nearest sofa, turning and taking a seat himself first before pulling me down to straddle him as I let out a squeal.
“Missed this,” Mat told me through firm and passionate kisses. “Missed your body. Missed your lips.” I sighed blissfully at his admission. I rested my hands against his toned stomach as I agreed, “I missed this too. You. All of it.” Mat grunted, and I felt him already growing hard beneath me. I smirked into our deep kiss, pushing his golf shirt up and off of his body.
“You’ve been through a lot, baby,” I breathed into Mat’s ear, hands traveling up his chest and across his wide shoulders. “Let me spoil you.”
“I feel like I should be spoiling you, love,” Mat protested, letting a whispered curse word fall from his lips as I kissed the skin just in front of his ear. “I’m the one who left you alone.”
I pulled away and shook my head at him. “Don’t say it like that. And how about I spoil you first and then you can spoil me later tonight?” I suggested, pressing my lips against the thick column of his neck, feeling him gasp and then sigh with pleasure.
“Mhmmm,” he agreed, licking his lips, eyes fluttering closed. “Yeah, that’s good.” I smirked at how much he was enjoying our first intimate encounter in far too many weeks.
In a moment, I was kneeling in front of Mat on our living room rug, tugging off his black dress pants as quickly as I could. I pulled down the waistband of his boxers, his thick length springing free as he let out a relieved sigh. I wasted no time in wrapping my hand around him, kissing the tip as I looked up at Mat through my eyelashes. He hissed in pleasure, muscular arms resting on the back of the couch, head falling back in pleasure.
“I missed this,” I told him as I took his tip into my mouth, bobbing my head and taking more and more of him each time my mouth moved toward his stomach, finally touching my nose to the skin there as he hit the back of my throat, causing Mathew to cry out.
“Ah, fuck! Oh, my god, baby girl. Fuck yes,” he praised. He allowed my mouth to pleasure him only for a short while longer before grabbing my wrist.
“I’m gonna cum right now if you don’t stop, and I need to be inside you when I do, baby girl,” he admitted, cradling my head in his hand. I released him from my lips with a pop, causing him to swear before he fumbled to pull down my leggings and thong, guiding my hips to his own.
“Later tonight, I’m gonna eat your pussy for hours,” Mat told me, making me whine at his plan for the evening. “But right now, I just need to be buried in you,” he told me, somehow pulling my crewneck from my body with one hand and throwing it aside. As I sunk down onto him, so eager to be filled at last by the man I loved, his breath caught in his throat.
“Fuck, baby girl,” Mathew groaned. “Oh, fuck me. I’m not gonna last long. You’re so tight, baby girl. Feel so good around me.” He lifted my hips and maneuvered them back down continuously as he spoke, allowing me time to reach behind me and unhook my own bra. The lacy garment fell to the side as Mat pushed himself even deeper into me, the sight of my breasts causing his movements to become even more frantic.
“Mathew, oh my god. Mathew!” A deep moan left my throat as Mat leaned forward, responding to his name, taking one of my nipples into his mouth to tease it, then the other. His hand found my clit and rubbed circles against the sensitive area, tipping me over the edge after only a handful of seconds.
“That’s it, baby. Good girl. You gonna cum for me, huh. I feel it,” he coaxed. “Good girl, baby. Let go for me.”
I squeezed my fingers into Mathew’s shoulders as I rode him desperately, my release rolling through me. I watched as his eyes darkened, gripping my waist as he thrust into me and I ground my heat against his.
“Oh, yes, baby, yes! I’m gonna cum. I’m cumming, baby. Oh, fuck,” Mathew cried out as I felt him spill into me, his legs and hips twitching beneath me as I collapsed against his chest, head falling to his shoulder as we each struggled to find our breath.
“Oh, my god, baby,” Mat finally said, and I heard the smile in his voice. He kissed my forehead, cradling my head in one hand and my ass in the other. “Even better reunion sex than I pictured,” he told me. I smiled up at him, unable yet to pick up my head from his sticky skin.
“Welcome home, Mathew,” I whispered breathlessly, kissing his collarbone and pulling his chain between my fingers. “Welcome home.”
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wolffesimp · 5 years ago
Beach Shenanigans
summary: the war was won. order 66 was never executed. the 501st, 212th, and 104th battalions along with y/n, obi wan keniobi, ahsoka, anakin, and padmé enjoyed their much needed island vacation. what ensues is beach shenanigans and MORE! stick around for a day full of laughs, crying, tanning, and swimming! 2.3k words of my imagination and clone happiness!
warnings: OH MY GOD SO MANY SHENANIGANS I SHOULD GET PAID FOR THESE ORIGINAL FUCKING IDEAS!!!!!!!!! alcohol is consumed. some mature themes. nothing explicit uhhh lots of fluff and cusswords cuz they make my writing ✨spicy✨yeah that’s pretty much it :)
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y/n was unceremoniously awoken by rex
who was the devoutly loyal boyfriend
for him, she would fight a million more wars
“mornin princess. up and at em!”
“don’t wanna get out of bed...”
just then, there was a knock on the door
before anyone could announce come in
the door was busted down by a very enthusiastic battalion
namely, the 501st
y/n gaped at them
fives and echo held buckets and shovels for a sandcastle
smiles bigger than the deathstar 
jesse’s nose was white from the sunscreen that kix insisted he put on
tup’s naturally curly hair was finally down, a lei adorning his neck
dogma and hardcase had pool noddles in hand
meanwhile fives held a gigantic inner tube
kix had big sunglasses on, fresh glass of orange juice in hand
y/n could only stare for a few minutes
they all began to speak in sync
incredibly excited to finally dip their toes in the water and run on the beach
she laughed at them “suppose i should get out of bed!”
rex laughed with her, shaking his head at the antics of his brothers
standing up and shooing the boys out of her room, he made sure to close the door behind him
oh rex, he was too considerate for his own good
y/n slipped on her favorite swimsuit
along with one of obi wan’s t-shirts
grabbing her beach bag and slipping on her flip flops
she was out of her room
the clones were waiting impatiently downstairs
practically itching with excitement
y/n reached the landing, sliding on her favorite sunglasses
“hey guys! ready to go-“
fives picked her up into her arms, sprinting out of the house
“first one at the beach wins!”
the clones chased after the two
y/n squealed as fives held tightly onto her
“don’t worry y/n, i’m not gonna drop ya.”
“i know but rex is hot on our tail!”
fives panted
“like hell i’m gonna let him win!”
y/n giggled as rex fell behind
“hey rexie, suck my toe!”
“watch your mouth, y/n!”
she stuck her tongue out in response
rex chuckled at the antics of his girl
obi wan, cody, anakin, and padmé were far behind them
probably too mature to participate in such activities
let’s be honest if padmé wasn’t there anakin would be running too
ahsoka ran beside rex, smirking
“rex and i are gonna beat you!”
y/n finally saw the beach at the end of the boardwalk which they were running down
“c’mon fives! we have to win!”
he smirked down at her
“you know we never loose!”
fives cheered as they were the first one to reach the beach
setting down y/n, they waited for the others to catch up
in a frenzy, the clones ran to the ocean
ahsoka and y/n giggled at their faces of pure joy
“hey, wanna share this umbrella and mat i brought?”
ahsoka turned to y/n, smiling contently
“that sounds great!”
the two girls set up their camp for the day
towels beside each other
books, sunscreen, water bottles and everything in between 
y/n also brought out the extra towels she had
setting them by obi wan and cody
“for the clones who forgot their own”
obi wan was distracted by the clones in the ocean
“do they know how to...swim?”
cody and y/n stared at each other
y/n ran towards the clones
cody knew it was taken care of
he sat back down, basking in the sun
obi wan laughed heartily as y/n shouted at the clones
“kix would’ve saved us!”
ahsoka giggled
y/n took off her shirt “hold this for me, sokie! lifeguard y/n’s on duty”
the boys catcalled y/n teasingly
“oooh yeah y/n!” ahsoka called out, hyping her older sister up 
the boys earning icy glares from rex
she kissed his cheek
making it clear that there was no need for jealousy
y/n waded into the ocean
motioning for them to follow behind her
“now...is anyone feeling nervous?”
well as it turns out...
the clones loved swimming
they all easily caught on
even becoming faster than y/n
much to her dismay
y/n and ahsoka playfully splashed each other
giggling as other clones joined in
cody and obi wan decided to join in on the fun
and when someone splashed cody it went quiet
y/n glared at fives
she knew it was him
fives whistled
looking around as if to say
“who? me?”
cody full force splashed fives back
next thing she knew a splashing war broke out
the 501st, ahsoka, and y/n went up against the 212th, obi wan and 104th 
boil and waxer were head to head with echo and fives
y/n and ahsoka combatted obi wan and cody
it seemed like no one was backing down 
until someone got kicked in the leg
practically drowning
mfs are genetically modified
getting kicked by them would probably seriously injure me i mean jesus christ
“dammit! this is why the 501st can’t have nice things!” rex cursed
tup was weak in the knees
but mama y/n was there to wrap him up in a towel
careful to dry his curly hair
setting him up comfortably
“we’re having lunch soon, so stay put for now, alright hun? make sure to hydrate!”
“thank you, y/n.”
she took rex’s hand
dragging him back into the ocean
“tup will be fine! hey fives and sokie, let’s play chicken!”
explaining the game rules, y/n perched herself on rex’s broad shoulders
ahsoka was on fives shoulders
smirking at her opponent
“this’ll be fun!”
y/n and ahsoka’s arms collided
their laughs filled the air as they attempted to fight each other off
meanwhile rex clung to y/n’s thighs
making sure his princess didn’t fall into the water
fives attempted to kick his captain
only to earn a snarl and forceful blow to the chest
fives was knocked into the water
sending ahsoka flying 
y/n wheezed 
“holy shit!” rex remarked
quickly recovering her senses, concern taking over
fives’ thumbs up shot out from the water
ahsoka’s montrals emerging from the blue sea
rex laughed pityingly at fives and ahsoka
“round two?”
well, there ended up being 10 rounds
all four of them were soaking wet by the end 
breathless and ready for a break
rex carried y/n as per request
she could be a little shit sometimes
rex secretly loved it 
ahsoka and y/n made room for fives, rex, and a few other troopers
“hey ahsoka, where are anakin and padmé?”
they looked around curiously
the place where they once resided were empty
“they are probably...ya know...”
y/n made crude gestures eluding to sex
ahsoka cringed, throwing a tube of sunscreen at y/n
rex put his head in y/n’s lap
her hand ran through his blonde curls 
which had been growing out since the end of the war
well maintained by y/n
who insisted on doing his hair
“oh get a room!” ahsoka teased
“we can always make out in front of you guys” 
“please don’t”
“i would rather not see my mother figure do that”
y/n and rex laughed
they were so beautiful together
it was clear that they would spend the rest of their lives with each other
as the day drags on, y/n falls asleep blissfully on her towel
luckily rex helped her with an umbrella so she wouldn’t get sun burnt 
the boys shenanigans continued on without her
fives and echo built a sandcastle the size of a shed
rex, cody, wolffe, and obi wan enjoyed margaritas beside the sleeping y/n
while ahsoka had a virgin piña colada
jesse was buried alive by dogma, tup, kix, and hardcase 
a few of the members of the 104th were flirting with a group of twi’lek girls 
flexing their muscles and battlescars
the remainder swimming in the ocean
the 212th were playing a competitive game of frisbee with island locals
fives and echo decided they were done with their sandcastle 
ushering the generals and jedi to check it out
they didn’t want to admit it, but they were very impressed with their work
y/n was still sleeping
fives was bored
so he took his bucket
washed out the sand
then refilled it with clean water
while echo was talking with the generals and jedi
unintentionally distracting them from the scene that was about to play out 
fives chuckled devilishly
pouring the water onto y/n
she screamed as the cold water hit her face and chest
eyes opening to an entertained fives
until he saw the look in her eyes
fives was so dead
instead of facing death in its face
he took off running, screaming to anyone who would listen 
*violent screams*
y/n was in hot pursuit of the dumbass himself 
running shockingly fast
not even breaking a sweat
rex cheered her on
having no idea what happened
but wanting to be a supportive boyfriend 
fives looked helplessly at anyone 
having nowhere to run 
y/n stopped running
finding an innocent sea creature on the ground 
“hi lil crab...you are gonna help me out here”
fives continued running as far away as possible from her
the crab settled in her palm
calmed by the aura y/n generated from the force
“fives! stop running! i’m done with your ass!”
fives was panting
knelt over
hot in the face
“i am so not sorry for what i’m about to do”
“wait wha-”
y/n shielded her eyes away as she dropped the crab into his swim trunks 
fives let out an ear piercing scream 
y/n was completely incoherent 
laughing so hard with tears come to her eyes
y/n couldn’t breathe 
knees buckling as she fell onto the sand 
obi wan and cody were extremely panicked
what the hell is wrong with fives?
obi wan approached him 
fives was jumping up and down
running in circles
looking like a complete madman
“fives what are you doing?”
“how is there a crab in your shorts?”
wolffe was flabergasted 
rex crossed his arms
already knowing who the culprit was
she staggered over to him
leaning into his chest as she wheezed
“shit- imma...imma pee my pants!! oh fucking hell if i would’ve known this-”
obi wan glared at her
fives screamed once again
“do what?”
all of the 501st instantly knew what he meant
“fives don’t-”
“wait wait wait-”
“i swear to maker-”
“if he does it-”
fives dropped his shorts
revealing his ass and the rest of the land down under
y/n screeched
she saw something she could never un-see
the beach went silent
oh my god
fives just flashed the  e n t i r e  public area
echo looked embarrassed for his vod
but the relief on fives face...
the crab was promptly thrown across the beach
fives quickly pulled up his shorts
praying to god that nobody saw 
they did
“give us a warning next time, fives!” cody said judgementally
obi wan couldn’t even look at him
y/n hid her head in rex’s chest
“i want to go blind”
rex chuckled, playing with her hair sympathetically 
“i know i’m big, y/n!” fives called out teasingly
well someone recovered quickly 
“FIVES!” tup lectured
hardcase and jesse chuckled
meanwhile kix and dogma looked apologetically at y/n
“i can’t believe you...” she muttered to no one in particular 
the rest of the day went swimmingly
filled with even more laughs
a million holophotos 
is that what you call them??
followed by the envious photos from mace windu, plo koon, and kit fisto
they were definitley coming next time
ahsoka tried her first ever drink
don’t worry, only y/n saw! 
and ahsoka was above the drinking age on the planet they were in!
who else would permit her to do it?
besides, she had a theory ahsoka wouldn’t like alcohol
the theory was proven to be true
ahsoka spat it out
giving it back to y/n 
shortly after
y/n and ahsoka baked cookies for the boys
while rex, cody, and wolffe grilled out
wolffe was the real pro
even having an apron that said
“kiss the grill dad”
comet and sinker found it on some sketchy website
it proved to be one of the best gifts 
the rest of the boys brought down silverware, tables, and the firepits
preparing for another long night
waves crashing into each other as the tide receeded back
by the time ahsoka and y/n were back they enjoyed dinner and dessert beach side
a magical sunset painting the sky 
hues of pink, orange and purple
ahsoka snapped a picture of y/n and rex’s not-so-secret-kiss 
the sunset it the background
ahsoka needed to frame it and give it to y/n as a surprise 
the sun was down
fire crackling 
soft conversations between all battalions and jedi
calmed down by the end of the night
the distant sound of music 
to the clones, it felt like a dream
none of them thought they would make it past this war
but here they were
and they couldn’t be more thankful
finally, their future was promised
masterlist for more of my content 
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notfckincool · 4 years ago
Negan x Ana (OC)
Ana embarks on a casual but obviously filthy affair with Negan, accidentally falling for the man, knowing he will never love her. Angst and Kinky fuckery.
Its Negan so expect swearing and strong sexual content throughout
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Chapter 10 - Giant box of sex toys
Negan x Ana (OC)
Ana is invited to stay the night with Negan before he leaves for a long run. Seeing yet another side to Negan's personality, she realizes her feelings for her handsome fuckbuddy might run a little deeper than she cares to admit. (ctd from shower scene ch9)
WARNINGS🔞 marking, sensation play, sex toys, butt stuff. daddy kink, edging, lil bit o' fluff 
"You are mine now, to do with as I please. I don't have to leave until the day after tomorrow and when I'm finished with you, you won't be able to walk. I'm going to make sure you can still feel me while I'm gone."
Legs clamped around his hips, face inches from mine, his words reverberate through me...I'm completely under his spell, caught up in the intensity in his dark eyes and the promise of his undivided attention. I've longed for this. Eyes still locked, he lowers me gently, smirking at the power he knows he has over me. 
"Now turn around princess let's wash that shit outta your hair"
My hair is lathered, massaged, and gently rinsed. The last of the blood of those who dared to defy us, swirling away down the plughole. A long but comfortable silence falls over us as his fingers glide softly over my neck, shoulders and arms. The first time we've been together without the constant banter and I don't feel the need to fill the space with chatter. I focus on his soapy hands moving firmly but gently over my body. A softness to his touch, a tenderness I'm not familiar with. He finds the knots above my shoulder blades, thumbs pressing circles into my aching muscles.
"Ugh...That feels so good"
"Oh yeah, there...down a bit..left a bit"
"What about there?" he applies more pressure, chuckling as he squeezes a tight knot.
"Ow...fuck..ow..yeah...that hurts"  I laugh, wriggling beneath his strong hands "...Dont stop though"
"What about this bit…..right...here…"
"Oooooohh….you fucker" I squirm and chuckle" You really fucking love hurting me"
"Hahaha, yes I fucking do….and don't pretend you don't love it. Now stop fucking wriggling" He delivers a stinging slap to my wet ass.
"Never get fuckin tired of hearing that, princess" he chuckles giving me another slap.
"Ahhh. You're a sadist" 
He laughs a genuine warm laugh. I feel his breath on my neck and a row of delicate kisses. I react to his touch with a roll of my head giving him better access. Sweeping my hair aside, grazing me softly with lips and teeth, we almost feel like a normal couple….almost
"Yes I am...a sadistic fuck….mmmmm….your ass looks good with my handprints on it...and you girl, you, are a masochist....so what the fuck are we going to do about that?" 
Hands weaving into my hair, twisting until it's balled in his fist, his weight shifts behind me, lurching forward, pressing me splayed against the shower wall. My breath hitches, the sudden change in tone and temperament excites me. Teeth clamp down onto my neck, and I moan quietly as he sucks marks onto my skin.
"See.." his voice low in my ear "Fucking…..Mine". 
Withdrawing suddenly, he releases my hair and switches off the water. My heart pounding, I wait silently against the wall, listening as he moves behind me. I love the excitement of never knowing what he's going to do next.
...And then I feel the softness of his lips kissing my freshly bruised skin and I'm carefully turned around and wrapped in a large fluffy towel. I look up at him from under my lashes, mesmerized as he gently rubs my hair and tenderly pats me dry. Well this is….a whole new level of unpredictability. I'm surprised by this softer caring side of him but I've got to admit, I like it, and I can't help but wonder if this is what it's like to be a wife. Arranging the towel around me he tucks it in, my look of total confusion is lost on him as he flashes me one of his heart stopping smiles. He kisses my forehead before turning and grabbing himself a towel, tucking it casually around his waist as he strolls off into the living room.I peer around the door frame after him as he pours two drinks from an expensive looking decanter, following him into the room as he sets the glasses on the coffee table. He sits on the sofa, pats the seat beside him, I sit, like a good girl, and accept the glass he offers me.
" We did a great fucking job tonight….we make an awesome team"
"No one messes with us" I grin, raising my glass.
"Damn fucking straight!" 
Our glasses chink together and we take a sip, his eyes never leaving mine, watching me over the rim of his glass
"You did good…...I'm real fucking proud of you"
Proud of me? He leans forward to wipe a splash of liquor from my lips, his thumb lingering. Then closer still, his lips tantalisingly close to mine. My stomach does a weird and unexpected thing. That feeling you get as the rollercoaster tips over the first dip? And did I just blush? A smile plays at the corner of his lips, his thumb still lightly resting on mine. I find myself searching his eyes, softer now, and the wicked twinkle is back. Overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him, I lean in…..and of course he pulls back, sinking into the sofa taking a sip of his drink. Damn it! Why did I do that? I know the rules. Trying to disguise my disappointment I fiddle with my towel and take a large swig, emptying the glass while thinking of something to say to ease my frustration.
"So, you all set for the run?" I ask casually. 
"Yeah, Simon's just finalizing a few things, then we're good to go"
"I wish I could come" I glance across at him. God, did that sound needy?
"Yeah.. me too... but I need you here" he glances back, looking sincere.
"You sure? I can be so much more useful..."
"Ana, no, it's decided." he interrupts "You're staying here" He drains his glass.
Is he angry with me? Did I go too far? Nodding, I draw up my legs, resting my chin on my knees, and stare pensively at the empty glass... I'll miss you...That's what I wanted to say, but I didn't. What's wrong with me? I know what this is. Ok, enough now, stop being weird you'll scare him off and he'll pack you off back to your own room. I have him all to myself for tonight, and tomorrow, and I'm making the most of it. He looks back at me, resting his hand on my knee.
"You know, you're one of the few people I trust to handle things here while I'm gone...I need you….here"
More praise. My stomach does that thing again and I try to look cool, but I know he sees right through it. I need to get a grip. There's a long lingering eyelock and a bite of his lip before he snatches the glass from me and rises from the sofa with a chuckle. I hear him refilling the drinks.
"I got you something"
"Really? What is it?" 
Resting the refills on the table he sits next to me, passing me a box fastened with a satin bow. I look at him puzzled as he grins like an excited child on Christmas morning.
"You're gonna fuckin love this!...come on, fuckin open it"
I grin back and pull the bow, lifting the lid and stare into the box.
"Oh…...A giant box of sex toys…for me…..you shouldn't have" I smile
"Yeah! You fuckin love it, right? I knew you fuckin would. Don't worry they're all brand spanking new in the wrappers. Couldn't believe my fuckin luck when we came across this sex store on a run, surprisingly well stocked, not really survival essentials I guess, well except for you? nudges me and chuckles "Been keeping them here….cos…..Well.... I knew you'd fuckin appreciate...."He wiggles his eyebrows, his tongue poking out between his teeth. He's genuinely pleased with himself. 
"....ya know….Since I'm gonna be away…." he grabs my wrist. "…and it might be a while…." pulls me towards his lap. "....and I know how antsy you get if I'm not around to satisfy you..." I straddle him smiling widely."...so…." he grasps my hips tightly.".....you will wait for me until I get back…." rolls his hips upwards. "...no screwing around…" he grabs at my ass. "..no one gets to fuckin touch you but me…." squeezes my ass. "...you behave when I'm not here…understood?" He grips my chin firmly."... Are you gonna be a good girl while daddy's away?"
Oh yeah, I know what this is. I like this game and I'll happily play along. I am definitely going to make the most of it.
"Yes" I nod"
"That is exactly fuckin right." His grip tightening on my chin.
There's a sudden knock at the door that jolts us both. I sigh and reluctantly dismount. He answers the door, returning with a tray of snacks, a tub of ice cream, two spoons and a satisfied grin.
"Time to eat princess" He sets down the tray as I rummage through the box, selecting a large dildo, wiggling it with a smirk.
"Yeah... but look at this"
"Impressive" he chuckles sitting himself back down " I mean, not as good as the real fucking thing obviously" he clutches himself under the towel " but it should tide you over while I'm gone"
"You are so thoughtful" I smile sweetly
"I really fucking am" he grins " I am sooooo fucking good to you. Now eat. You're going to need your energy." he winks, I turn my attention back to the box, inspecting and unwrapping a shiny new butt plug, waving it at him.
"But daddy…  I want to play"
"Get back here on my lap you bad fuckin girl... I said eat...Now open wide princess" I look shyly at him as I open my mouth for him. "Oh princess..who do you think you're fuckin kidding? I know you can open wider than that" And then we feel normal again. We eat and talk and laugh, teasing and fooling around like best friends, as though the cruel world outside never existed. I get to see the part of him that no one else does, except maybe the wives. Maybe that's why they do it. Maybe it's not so bad afterall. A sliver of ice cream escapes the spoon, trickling down my chin.
"You're not doing a very good job of this" I laugh "I can feed myself you know" 
Leaning forward his tongue strokes over my chin and across my lips.
"Yeah, but this is more fun"
His cool lips brush against mine as he trails the spoon lightly down my neck and collar bone, cold metal grazing against warm skin. His eyes on mine he unfastens my towel and it falls away. The spoon continues its journey torturously slowly across the curve of my breasts, resting on a nipple which hardens on contact, sending a shudder right to my core. I react with a whimper and grind against him. He watches the spoon travel to the other nipple. I inhale sharply, grinding again.
Leaning in he licks slowly over my nipple, teasing with cold lips and tongue over the sensitive bud. My body begs for more, arching backwards, grinding rhythmically against the hardening beneath his towel. He reaches between us pushing it away, revealing his swelling cock, and pulls me to him as he takes my nipple fully into his mouth. Sucking, cold tongue swirling, teeth nipping and pinching. The other nipple between finger and thumb rolling and tugging. 
And just like that I want him.. again. Never get enough of the way he makes me feel, the way my body reacts to him. I want him on me, in me, but more than that, I crave the intimacy, the closeness. No longer satisfied with a quick casual fuck, am I becoming obsessed? Feeling him growing beneath me, all self control goes out of the window. I slide along his length, giving myself the friction I need, coating him in my arousal, my hands threading into his hair. 
"Look at my needy little princess getting herself off on daddys big cock" His hand grabs firmly at my hair and tugs. 
I know he doesn't feel that way about me. Just another toy, another plaything, willing to let him do whatever he wants, but I can't help myself. I always want more.
Reaching for the metal plug he dips and holds it in the ice cream, then puts it to my lips, offering it to me to lick clean. I hold his gaze, his eyes darkening again as my tongue swirls across the cold surface.
"I know what I want to eat next" he smirks "On your hands and knees princess"
Obediently I pry myself from his lap and position myself on all fours. His long large fingers slide tantalisingly between my folds, exploring the wetness flooding from me. Fingers gliding up and down from clit to ass and back again, spreading my arousal.
"Babygirl, you are fuckin soaked...practically dripping….and it's all for me….I want to taste that sweet honey now, princess, hold still for me" 
I quiver as I feel his mouth on me. 
"Mmmmmmm" he hums against me as he hungrily devours me and I desperately try to hold still as his tongue teases my pussy and ass. 
"Princess, I said hold still, and you better not cum until I say."
I feel his finger circling the tight hole, permitting him entrance as he slowly eases in. I inhale sharply, stifling a moan, holding off the inevitable.
"Fuck!" I gasp
"You like that princess?"
"Mhm" I mumble into the leather
"Use your words princess. Tell me what you want,"
"I like it...I want more...please"
"Good girl"
Another wet finger is pushed inside, stretching me. It feels so good I can't resist the urge to bear down.
"Oh god...I'm gonna.."
"..Tsk tsk" he tuts at me withdrawing his fingers, delivering a spank "I said keep still" he scolds
"Please...I'll behave" I plead, desperately needing my release.
"Yes, you will, darlin" 
The icy cold metal of the plug is pressed against my clit, it sends electricity pulsing through me. He teases my cunt, coating it in my juices, dipping it inside me, sliding its way to my ass where it rests. Pushing in a little he holds it there,fingers back to circling my clit, the perfect speed and pressure. My jaw clenches, eyes clamp shut, teetering on the edge of orgasm, I pant and clutch at the leather.
"Oh god, oh god...please"
"Breath princess, you're doing so well but, I want to hear you beg" he insists, pushing it in a little more, meeting resistance as I subconsciously clench, twisting, taunting me. I wriggle and get another slap.
"Fuck! Please"
"Beg me"
"Please...I need to cum...please...please daddy"
"You've been so good babygirl……"
Easing in further, the cold metal, the stinging burn on my ass, the rubbing of my clit, its overwhelming.
"Thats it, Babygirl…..cum for me" 
Pushing it in all the way, I'm sent soaring over the edge, back arching, trembling, convulsing. I cum so hard I feel it dripping from me.
"Such a good girl. I'm so proud of you…." 
The jewelled plug sitting snugly inside me, he runs his hand down my back, strokes tenderly over the sore pink handprints on my cheeks as I shake from the waves of pleasure rushing through me.
"...Mmmmm….your ass looks so pretty princess."
I feel him lining up behind me, running his shaft between my folds coating and wetting himself, teasing me with his tip. I'm still shuddering and shaking as he grabs my hips and plunges into me. 
"Holy fuck!" 
I'm completely filled. Holding me tight as I contract around him, he growls low, withdrawing slowly only to snap back in as far as he can go. I moan loudly, the double penetration almost too much to bear. Snap. Hold. Snap. Hold. Over and over. Every thrust as powerful as the last. Gradually picking up speed I brace myself against the sofa, his fingers digging into my hips as he sets his pace, hitting me deep inside, the sound of his groans triggering the heat again, building and spreading, washing over me. Praise and obscenities pour from his lips. Hard relentless fucking until he loses his rhythm, withdrawing quickly and the warm wet splash of his release spills on my back.
Exhausted, I collapse onto the sofa.
"Fuck, princess!...God fuckin damn!"
Gently, he wipes me down and casts away the towel.
"Does look good that pretty jewel in your ass, might request you wear it to the next savior meeting" he grins "our little secret, I'll enjoy watching you squirm" He chuckles. "Think you're gonna enjoy my little gift?"
"Sorry can't speak"
He laughs and lifts himself from the sofa, taking the box of toys and tray of snacks over to the bedside table, nodding for me to join him on the four poster.
"Can't walk either" I laugh
Shaking his head he scoops me up carrying me to the bed, placing me down gently and handing me a bottle of water. He lays down beside me, head propped on his arm, watching me sip the water. 
Reaching across me to the tub of rapidly melting ice cream, he kisses my neck and says in my ear
"Oh, I am in no way finished with you yet"
He grabs the tub and sits himself upright, loading up his spoon, looking at me with a dark smirk.
"Best eat up, princess. I promised to fuck you all night, and I am a man of my word"
@chloejanedecker1 @negan-love @bychrissi @nayghtynegan @negans-attagirl
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shadlad24 · 4 years ago
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
So, I decided to do this post after all. Halp. LOL Because I apparently LOVE giving myself a bunch of unnecessary work, I decided to choose two to three extra moments, per episode! SUPER halp! X’D Anyway, these are moments that didn’t make the cut for my FFLM series because: my sense of humor is a little weird, they were gonna be too much work (LOL/Siiigh), I like to highlight patterns, and I don’t like a lot of repetition. [Links to each FFLM along the bottom of the post. :)]
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Let’s start with something I originally agreed with other fans on but have since changed my mind. A lot of people didn’t like this part of “Chariots of War” because it seems so ludicrous that Xena would forget her chakram anywhere. Well, let me tell you! This lady has left her weapons behind most episodes thus far. I didn’t note it every time here (and especially didn’t bother with her whip) because that’d really overrun the post buuuuut… You’ll see. XD
1.01 Sins of the Past
Xena’s shift being so much dirtier than the little boy’s clothes though she’s high up off the ground, and he lives in smoked-out rubble.
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Yup. Xena forgot her sword (and later, her main saddlebag) at her mother’s tavern. Pft.
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Sorry these were kinda lame, but I didn’t want to re-use any more of the original fifteen points I made about this episode... Ah well. Moving on! (heh)
1.02 Chariots of War
Xena loses her sword after the chariot crash, taking up and discarding Sphaerus’s but walking off without her own. (See her front and back and both of Argo’s sides.)
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Gabrielle chewing Xena out, Xena being bummed about it, and Argo being surprised. X’D
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1.03 Dreamworker
This got me good. Gabrielle does Xena’s war cry so well here that I really thought it was Xena for a few seconds. Realizing it was GabbyWabs only made me chuckle more because she apparently can’t do it when it really counts in “The Greater Good.”
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Argo NOT being on Team Gabrielle. XD (Their feud is a little funny to me.)
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1.04 Cradle of Hope
Xena tossing aside her sword after killing Nemos. Extras even dance and celebrate right on top of it! Wut thuh?
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I decided to avoid mentioning Hope in the FFLM because Xena’s quote here is more ironic than comedic, and Gabrielle’s little face is just so sad, but I didn’t want to let it pass by entirely unremarked upon. At least GW gets to show off her oracle skills again? :’)
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1.05 The Path Not Taken
So, Xena and Gabrielle walk into a bar… Heh. No, but really, they enter this tavern for the first time ever, yet the bartender not only knows what they want, he knows that they’re coming and has their drinks waiting for them too. All Xena has to do is knock on the counter and nod to get her fire-breath alcohol/oil, and Gabrielle barely has the word “cider” out of her mouth before the guy hands it to her. Xena, like me, is duly amazed.
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Lucy, through Xena, making another timely anti-peanut statement. I just didn’t want to do the same thing twice back-to-back in the FFLM. X)
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1.06 The Reckoning
Gabrielle thinking along the same lines Xena and I did about this poor excuse for a judge.
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Me not being well-versed in ancient Greek heroes and picturing the fool who Draco killed so handily in the first episode. heh
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1.07 The Titans
I’ll let Xena explain this one. …Mostly. I can’t believe Gabrielle not only sassed the Titans such that she unashamedly put Xena and Phyleus in danger too, but also kinda got this (admittedly awful) town demolished and didn’t lift a finger to actually help anyone in the temple. Tsk tsk. XP
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So… Hyperion here can smash homes and businesses that were probably well-built and reinforced and all, but he can’t get his hand out of a stocks-cuff that was made in a single evening with scraps from those destroyed buildings. He also, inexplicably, has no use of his left hand or the power-breath that he used to knock Gabrielle over. Okie. XD
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1.08 Prometheus
Is this really a thing? I was giggling quite a bit in disbelief that severed windpipes can heal. Like, perforated is one thing; completely bisected? Yeah, I don’t think so.
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Gabrielle being incredulous upon learning that Xena has other friends, realizing what the warrior princess means, and then wondering if that could be her one day. 
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   1.09 Death in Chains
Gabrielle enjoying watching Xena kill someone for the first time, then quickly realizing that fact. Whoops.
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I found this moment really odd and then kind of hilarious. This poor dying old woman begs for water and goes ignored not only by the hospice workers, but also Talus and Gabrielle. Then Talus decides to be helpful. Gabrielle goes to the woman and lets her talk a lot (undoubtedly drying her mouth and throat even more), hears that Xena might be in danger, and then just… leaves. Talus goes with her, not having gotten water from the well after all. What a couple of jerks! XD
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1.10 Hooves & Harlots
I really don’t know why Gabrielle kept making this face as Terreis died, but it tickled my funny bone too. So, I provided alternate subs to go with it. [Did you notice how she kind of cringes when Terreis tries to hold her hand and then just lets the Amazon flop once she’s died, flinging her hand aside like, “Ew, get it off me!”? What was that all about? X”) Hm… maybe she has an aversion to dying people, and that’s why she abandoned the old lady last episode?]
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Gabrielle being a smart aleck, just like me, because Phantes’s complaint here is so ludicrous. But then you see the close-up of little hoofies in cuffs too, and, if you’re anything like me too, kinda just topple over laughing. The poor actual horse they did this to, though, man! What even?
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Gosh, this episode was chockfull of hilarity, eh? Why did this happen? Gabby, take it away!
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1.11 The Black Wolf
I laughed at this too. But now I wonder. Is Xerxes related to Caesar and/or connected to Rome or something? Because Xena does this twice around them too. In “When in Rome,” she jokes that the two guards lost playing tag with her, and in “A Good Day” she informs Pompey that if there were more guards hiding around their meeting space, then she would have had more helmets. heh Oh, Xenie. I think I know why Gabrielle’s turning out to be such a little punk ...or vice versa? Is Gabrielle actually a bit of a bad influence on Xena? XP
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So, this fight just struck me as really odd. Xena passes her sword to Flora though she (Xena) needs to battle the big boss of the episode, and… actually, is totally right. The king throws a single wide-ass punch, waits while Xena kicks the guy behind her a few times, lets himself get kicked in the face a couple of times, and then comes at her with a little piece of chain, presumably from the restraints that were intended to keep Flora in place during her execution. Sir, you have a sword! A giant sword, right there on your hip! What are you doing? Then, when Xena kicks him a final time and sends him flying, his (supposed-to-be) metal armor is no match for the splintered wood of the axe she broke earlier. …Okie. XD XD XD   *gif below*
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Xena once again leaves her chakram somewhere. …And I am now imagining this being part of Gabrielle’s maid duties: the poor kid has to go find Xena’s weapons each night and bring them back to her. I’m especially imaging the fluffball hilariously, adorably struggling to get the chakram out of things like this wall, as she did with Xena’s sword in the tree stump in “Dreamworker,” but more parallel to the floor. Cuuuute! XD
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This plus this 
*pic + GIF below*:
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1.12 Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
This scene too really made me wonder, though amused as well. Why is Gabrielle so surprised that the only city nearby, that they were headed to, is the one they find? Is she really being that loud? Is Xena goofing around with the bootlaces question? Why startle Gabrielle and then yank her into enemy territory screaming, when what you want is quiet? What’s with the trapdoor-spider soldiers? Xena’s pose throwing the chakram. XD Gabrielle mostly featherlight dance-y moves through the battlefield. XD XD XD Why is it that when Xena tells Gabrielle to stick right behind her, Gabrielle disappears? And what was with the bucket-sitting soldier? Gabrielle is like, “Oh; no, thank you!” when she sees him and turns tail. Then Xena ...follows her. “We’re goin’ this way! Now we’re goin’ that way!” But they still end up dead-ahead from where they burst out of the bushes. XD That was ridiculous and nonsensical, and I’m very confused but had lots of fun. heheheh  *gif below* [ETA: Darn! The original file was too big, so I had to remake the GIF and cut quite a few things out. :( Sorry]
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Xena’s outta-nowhere crusade to emasculate Deiphobus coming full-circle. What was that all about?
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Welp, I hope you had as much fun as I originally and then later did. Not so much in the middle with the collage-and-GIF-making and editing and redoing, but; y’know. XD Wouldn’t trade it for …Hm… Nevermind. LOL
If you missed any of the FFLMs, then please click on the corresponding number-links below. :D
#1  #2  #3  #4  #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12
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