#get like half a bottle of wine in me and WE ARE BFFS WATCHING G THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER
wanoboywednesday · 2 years
FUCK!!!!! Kill me but one piece is sooooo rewatchable i looooove watching reaction videos to crazy plot twist episodes on youtube it’s like im experiencing them for the first time with my good good friends
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
i just want it to be you and me forever
I’m late to the party I know, I know.
someone tell me what this is bc i have no idea, lmao (for real)
“We both came here to buy the same movie but there is only one dvd left let’s Split the cost and watch it together i have popcorn at home.”
“I’m telling you I’m 100% fine, Nina. You don’t need to ditch your date because of me.”
“Are you sure, Luna? You just broke up with Aaron, Gastón and I can reschedule any other day.”
“Again, that’s unnecessary.” Luna, at this point, had lost count of how many times she’s said this the last ten minutes. Nina was her best friend in the whole world, and she loved her a lot, but she could be overbearing when she thought she needed her. “I’ll just watch a movie, order pizza, maybe drink some wine and be extra fine by morning, okay?”
Her answer wasn’t good enough for Nina, “so you aren’t 100% fine right now?”
“That’s why I said extra fine, N.” She has to giggle because she can just picture her best friend trying to come up with reasons to appear on her doorstep and give her the ‘there’s many more fishes in the sea’ pep talk. Finally, Nina sighs and she almost dances in the middle of the street because it’s not a daily occurrence for her to admit defeat so quickly.
“Fine, then. What movie are you watching?”
“I was thinking of Grease, but I left that at my parents’ so I’m buying another one; there’s a DVD Shop four blocks away, and I’m almost there right now.” She chirps into her phone, almost skipping her way to the shop.
“Too lazy to drive to your parents’ house?”
“More like, too lazy to have the ‘I broke up with my boyfriend that you never even met, no mom, I don’t need to cry, and no dad, I don’t want you to “beat him up”’ talk, y’know?”
Nina laughs at her words and that cheers her up even more. It’s not like she’s heartbroken (because she’s not, she didn’t even like the dude that much, honestly) but making other people happy always made her happier, too. It felt nice to know other people smiled and laughed because of you.
“Did they even know you were dating someone?”
She snorts a “no” and almost trips on someone else’s foot, apologizing profusely when she sees it’s a lady carrying a baby. Nina calls for her attention thirty seconds later, “the only ones who knew were you, and Gastón by association. Oh, and Ámbar.”
Nina sounds surprised at this, “you told your cousin?”  
“It wasn’t on my plans,” she admits, cringing a little at the memory. “You know subtly isn’t my forte, so really, me asking her how to dump a guy was kind of a given.”
“I can’t picture Ámbar giving good advice on that.”
“She didn’t,” Luna’s glad she’s only a block away now, if she continued to laugh she’d either pass the shop or trip again and knock a baby off a mother’s arms, “she told me to text him ‘I’d rather lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating you’.”
Nina’s gasp makes her laugh harder, “no!”
“Yes!” by then, she’s already in opening the door to enter the shop, scanning quickly were the ‘musical’s’ section is at, “look, N, I gotta go now. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Fine, but we’re still on for lunch. I’ll pick you up at 11.”  
Luna hums in agreement, “that’s alright. Bye, Nina, love you!” She waits until she hears a faint ‘I love you too!’ to hang up and turn into search mode. Five minutes later, she’s looked at all the movies under the ‘G’ letter twice and still hasn’t seen John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John anywhere. Just as she’s about to give up and look for help, a guy walks her way and skims over the ‘H’ section and easily pulls out a copy of her movie.
Without meaning to, she’s gasping, “how did you do that?!”
The guy looks startled for a second, until he notices it’s her who spoke and then he’s smirking. Luna’s torn between checking him out (the guy is cute) and scowling at him (his smirk gives her the ‘he’s an asshole’ vibe) so she decides to do both at the same time. Her scow falters a little when she confirms that he’s, in fact, cute and around her age; unless he’s like her and looks younger than his actual age, which could be bad because over thirty years old kind of freak her out even if she’s halfway there.
“How did I do what?” he’s asking her, his smirk growing a little when he catches her eyes checking him out.
“Find Grease, I’ve been looking for it for five minutes, it wasn’t with the rest of the ‘G’s.” Luna looks at him once more, noticing he looks quite familiar. “Have we met before?”
His eyes hold amusement at her question, and he obviously can’t hold back a, “in your dreams.” He chuckles when she glares at him, “I think we live in the same building, you look familiar too.”  
“Oh.” His chuckle turned into a laugh at this, and she feels the tip of her ears getting warmer, “what about the movie?”
He looks down at the movie in his hand, smiling sheepishly once his eyes return to her face, “I hid it under the ‘H’ yesterday. It was the last one and I had forgotten my wallet so…”
“So there’s not another one available?” She feels disappointed. Luna really wants to watch it, but there’s no way in hell she’s driving to her parents’ house just for the DVD. She could try to omit the boyfriend news, but she knew that they’d tell her to stay for dinner and eventually the feeling of guilt would appear and she’d end up spilling her guts to them.
He hesitated for a little, before telling her “no”.
“Great.” She’s pouting, and she knows it. But she really doesn’t want to spend the evening with her parents, as much as she loves them, and she refused Nina’s offer so now she’s out of plans and will have to spend it zapping through channels and hope she finds something at least a little interesting on a Wednesday night.
“Uh, if you want we could, um, maybe watch it together, um…” he speaks and pulls her out of her sulking, realizing a second later that he’s asking for her name.
“Luna. I’m Luna.” She offers him her hand, squeezing his slightly when he accepts it.
“Matteo. Nice to meet you, Luna.” He’s smiling, and she’s temporally distracted because he’s no longer cute, but very, very pretty.
And then she remembers his offer, “um, I don’t know about the movie, though. I can always watch another thing, honestly…” Matteo looks a little dejected by this, his smile dropping a little, and she can’t help but feel a little bad.
“It’s okay, I just thought I’d offer. I have great popcorn at home and everything.” He’s cringing as soon as he realizes he’s offering popcorn to lure her to agree.
“Great popcorn, huh?”
“The greatest.”
She thinks it over for a moment. Her brain knows it’s more cons than pros; neighbor or not, she’s just met him and knows only his name (not even the full one), that he lives in her building, that he apparently likes Grease and that he’s got great popcorn. Not exactly the best information. However, her hormones are telling her to agree, that even if she doesn’t know him that well this is the opportunity to.
“Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to. I could always lend it to you after I’ve watched it.” His offer is nice, and logically speaking, it’s a great chance to see him again. But she wants to see it tonight.
“No, I want to, it’s just…” the I don’t know you hangs in the air and he smiles again, looking all pretty again and she’s super ready to ignore her brain.
“You can call a friend and tell her you’re with me if that makes you feel better. I promise I’m not a creep, or a murderer, and you’ll be completely safe; and I won’t get offended if you do, Luna.”      
She’s sold.
“Okay, fine. But I’m paying for the movie too.”
His smile turns into a grin and he nods, pointing to the cash register, where a bored teenager is waiting for costumers. “Shall we?”
Twenty minutes later, she’s texting Nina she’s with him and they’re going to watch Grease together, as well as his full name (he’s a Balsano, no middle name) and the number of his apartment (turns out he’s just one floor above her), and to call her three hours from now to check up on her and save her if needed.
She’s surprised when Nina responds with “you finally met him?”
“what do you mean?” she texts backs quickly, confused.
“he’s one of Gastón’s bffs from Oxford. He’s been living above you for months.”
“where do you think Gastón went after dropping me off at your house?????”
She doesn’t respond after that, because Matteo appears from his kitchen with a bowl full of popcorn, two sodas and two bottles of water. Now that she knows he’s the same age as Gastón (only a year older), she’s lowkey glad he’s not over thirty years old. It would have been weird.
Luna waits until he’s seated next to her to ask him, “you know Nina and Gastón?”
Matteo looks just as shocked as she is, and then he puts two and two together, “you’re Nina’s Luna?”
“I’d like to say ‘you’re Gastón’s Matteo’, but neither of them has talked about you.”
He smiles at her, offering her a bottle of water, “I’m not surprised. I only met Nina twice, and she was mostly quiet and letting Gastón talk about our time in Oxford. He was the one who mentioned you the most.”
She blinks once, twice, and grabs the bottle from his hand, “really? Weird. Gastón usually leaves us alone within ten minutes of us being together, says our language confuses him.”
“He’s very grateful Nina had you while he was away. I think he believes that without you around she’d given up on their relationship without trying first.”
“Probably,” she admits. Nina needed to be encouraged a little to go after what she wanted; it was worse when she had been younger, but now it rarely happened. She was very proud of her.
“So, why Grease?” he asks after a moment, throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I could ask the same thing.”
He shrugs, “it’s a fun movie. The music is good, too.”
“You like the music?” she doesn’t know why she’s surprised, half the population knew at least You’re the One That I Want.
Matteo grins, “Faculty of Music, graduated with honors. Had to take a whole curse on Musicals.”
She’s impressed, and a little thrown off at this, “oh, I just assumed you studied Economics, like Gastón.”
“Nah. We were in the same dorm on Freshman year, rented a ‘flat’ the next year. Have been close ever since.”
“And you followed him to Argentina after graduation? Truest love, Nina should be jealous.” He knows she’s teasing him, and he laughs with her.
“She should. I’m gonna steal her man so fast she won’t even notice until last minute.” Matteo pretends to flip his hair, she’s laughing harder, “I didn’t really follow him, though. I lived here a couple years before I went to England, then went to Italy for a year, and came back.”
“Your Italian accent hasn’t gone away, yet.” She noted, grabbing some popcorn off the bowl. She also noticed the movie had been ready to play for over twenty minutes, but none had reached to press play, or seemed in a hurry to do so.
“I wasn’t even born in Italy, but in Paris. My parents are Italian, so I caught their accent, only lived in Milan five years and that was enough for the it to stick. I spent some time in Spain too, that’s where I learnt Spanish.”
“That’s so cool.” Even if her words could appear as sarcastic, her tone and expression said otherwise. Matteo’s cheeks turned a bit pink, but his face remained unaffected.
“So, you never told me why you wanted Grease.”
“I broke it off with a guy, decided to watch a movie that made me happy.” She shrugs it off, but she notices how he seemed to stiff a little at her comment. He’s about to apologize for bringing it up, however, she shakes her head, “no, it’s okay. I really didn’t like him that much, the six weeks we went out I just wanted to lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating him.”
“You should’ve texted him that.” Matteo jokes, and again, she notices how he relaxes after she’s spoken.
“My cousin, Ámbar, told me the same!”
“She’s smart, you should’ve listened to her.”
“I thought it was the pregnancy hormones talking but I think you’re as crazy and mean as she is.”
“What can I say? Great people think alike.”
“Crazy people think alike, you mean.” They both laugh and take a minute to catch their breath.
Luna takes it as time to put her feelings on check. It’s weird, honestly. She feels so… connected? In sync? Comfortable? It’s not like she doesn’t hit it off with other people easily, because she does, quite a lot really. She’s sociable, she’s nice and she has a natural charm, but most of the time it’s more platonic than anything.
Matteo doesn’t feel platonic enough to be in that category.
The popcorn is getting colder and he asks if she’s ready to watch the movie. She says yes.
It’s not until Rizzo pushes Sandy and Patty Simcox lands with the trashcan that it hits her.
“Matteo?” he hums in acknowledgement, turning his head from the T.V. to look at her, “was it really the only movie left?”
His eyes shine with mischief, but his smile and expression try to play it as innocence, “of course it was. If they had more in the back, though…”
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