#get best affordable laptop on rent
starillusion13 · 11 months
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Pairing: housemates!(Jaehyun,Mark,Jeno,Jaemin) x fem!reader
Genre: SMUT, Housemates, Mature
W.C: (15k) (I thought I was trying to make a series)
Warnings: PERVERT (all of them are pervert and you can’t change my mind here), dom!Mark dom!Jaemin meandom!Jeno meandom!Jaehyun sub!reader. overstimulation, nipple play, sucking, lots of kissing, manhandling, oral(m and f), spit as lube, penetration w/o protection (I suggest you not to do it) [do tell me if I have missed anything)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
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Here comes the long awaited fic! Taglist in the end. Thanks to everyone for waiting. I would love to hear your responses once you finish reading it. Let’s start!
Never in a while, you thought that suddenly one day morning you would wake up to hear your house owner ringing the bell as if hell broke loose and it’s the end of the world. It would have been better honestly as the news she delivered to you after you welcomed her inside while rubbing your eyes and yawning was lot worser. She eyed you for a moment and looked around the house as if you were hiding someone and then smilingly told you that you have to leave the house in three days. ONLY THREE DAYS! Like is she fucking serious? How can you actually arrange for a place suddenly? This woman has always been a rude one but you just never minded her as she lives in a different state and comes for few days every month to her parents’ home and to take the rent from you. She always has this suspicion on you that you bring over boys but only she doesn’t know that you are not so lucky one in getting a boy for yourself, keeping aside boys. Aside from this, everything was fine but to give you the notice to leave the house in three days was very much unpredictable from her. You even tried to convince her to give you one month time or atleast for one week. But NO. she was not convinced by your pleadings but gave you strict warning to leave. And what’s the reason behind this. She has got a very big amount of deal on selling this house so she won’t be losing the chance. Understandable, everything is for money.
Now, what about your need for the money? You clearly know that how costly the apartments are in this locality and that’s why it was the best option for you to select this place to stay on cheap rent but due to this sudden kick out, you have to search a new place. First, you gave up on the search in this locality and search for other houses or apartments in some outskirt regions but nothing was showing upto your satisfaction. The places are too far for you to maintain daily up-down journey from house to office and back. So, today after getting the news from the owner, you took a quick leave from the office and promised to work extra time to make up for todays. And that’s how you are stuck in your room with messy hairs, not caring about to eat anything, making a list to pack the important things first and the rest in sequence and your laptop placed on your lap with your eyes boring onto the screen in search for a quick and affordable place.
The owner has not mentioned the amount of the rent but the room look so nice, it must be expensive. Still, your fingers hovering over the click button to contact the owner. The place is quite near to your office but the locality is away from the city zone but it’s not the matter here right now. To get a place affordable enough to live and that’s near to your workplace. Biting your lips, you looked at the name and the picture of the room shown at the side and then your gaze moves to the contact side- ‘via call’ or ‘via message’. You clicked on the message option and fingers lingering over your keyboard as you are nervous how to start the conversation. Just sending a quick ‘Hi’, you waited for the other end to reply. You are literally so tensed as if you are approaching your crush in high-school. Well, still you need to be professional before approaching this owner as you don’t know their personality yet so it’s good to be on the safe side.
Nothing came back as a reply and losing the hope, you got up to freshen up and prepare your food for the day. It took almost two hours or maybe more than that to prepare everything for yourself and after finishing up when you thought to pack your things, you get to your laptop to check if you should still keep a hope or just search for something else but fortunately, YES FORTUNATELY you have ten messages from the account. But wait! Your overthinking ass is again thinking about the negative possibilities when there are more than five texts from someone. As soon as you opened the texts, you are greeted with apologies that how the person never looks up this account anymore and he was no more planning to rent the room but if the matter is urgent then they might look into the matter. He even introduced himself and gave you the contact number just in case you want to know the further details. Relief washes over you and you happily sit on the edge of the bed. Saving the contact as ‘Owner-Jaehyun’, you quickly message him about your needs and urgency. You didn’t opt for calling as you are not comfortable on call with strangers. Surprisingly, the owner replied to the message quick enough and he agrees with your demands but the only thing that is not sitting properly is the money. He claims you to pay for three months payment in advance but your bank account has a problem or simply you don’t have that much amount of money altogether. To get this matter solve in person, you tell him to meet outside but he denies quickly and asks you to come over to the house so that you will get the overview of the house and know the exact location of the place and then you can talk about the money matter. That’s how you both comes in terms with meeting him the next morning before going to your office.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?”
Blinking your eyes, you pout a little at the man standing in front of you as to why the person is acting as if he does not know you. You have already checked the message in your phone twice and the third time now and it’s still showing this house. You have already texted the owner about your arrival for a quick look to the new place so the owner should know you would come. Wait you haven’t shared any pic of yours so it might be the reason of this weird introduction.
“Are you Jung Jaehyun, the owner of this house?”
Now, the person before you, has a frown on his face and blinking down at you. The bare face with red eyes and messy hairs with a white tee worn casually is still enough to reflect his handsomeness. You literally envy when people look good in messy stuffs as you look like you have survived a war.
“I’m not him but I’m one of the owners of this place. Myself Jaemin.”
“Owners? I didn’t know there’re others. Nice to meet you though, here this is Y/N.”
Awkwardly shaking hands with each other, he offers you to enter the house. This dude is really weird and he is still trying to understand the situation. His eyes never left your form after the introduction and the way he is checking you out, anyone can call him out as a pervert but what about you. Meanwhile your eyes roaming all around the big mansion and you are in awe with the luxurious interior of this grand place with expensive items decorating every corner and the most displayed area.
Hands fidgeting by your side and biting your lips, you turn around to find him already looking at you and you feel conscious of your look. Trying to smile a bit, you fail miserably because of his gaze which is piercing on your skin, your choice for wearing a skirt and a plain top is making you to regret now. This dude needs to be changed with his approach with people like why he has to stare at you like this.
“How do you know Jaehyun?”
You blink on his sudden question but clearing your throat, you try to form some words but it seems as if you don’t know how to speak yet.
He smirks at you, “what happened? Caught in a lie?”
“Huh? No no. I…he is the owner with whom I had contacted few days back for a room to rent and he said that he has one vacant extra room in his house so for the advance payment and quick check through, I informed him about my arrival but it seems he forgot about it.”
“Renting the extra room? That even to a girl?”
You nod slowly.
Poking his tongue inside his cheeks, his eyes trail down your body and taking extra time on your exposed legs to which you shifted in your place and his eyes meet yours, straight away making an eye contact as if daring you to move again and see the consequences. A fear flashes through your eyes to which he gestures you to sit with a smile on his face.
Slow steps towards the sofa, you sit on the middle large one, no wait which do I need to sit on? The love seat one? Or the chair one? Ah. Forget about it.
Turning your head to his side, he is no more standing there but you see him walking away towards a passage way.
“Jaemin, can you call Jaehyun as I need to have a quick talk with him?”
Halting in his way, he looks back at you and nods his head but it doesn’t seem like as if he is agreeing with you but rather agreeing with something inside his mind.
“Who are you?”
Turning your head to the other side, you find a man with black tshirt and trousers staring down at you but not to so happy with your presence. His question is so cold just like his appearance but a guest is a guest. You are a stranger so why asking you like this as if he caught you stealing things in his house. His house? Who even is he?
“Myself y/n.”
“Oh, pretty one! I didn’t want your name but thanks for giving me the name to this pretty face. So, what’s my dear Y/N doing here? Who brought you here during this bright daylight instead of night?”
“I’m not here for…on call of anybody. I’m here for the rental room.”
“You mean you are going to stay here? In this house?”
You nod your head with furrowed brows.
He asks again, “Who let you even know about it? Are you sure that you are not at the wrong address? What’s the name of the owner who contacted you?”
“Jung Jaehyun. I have double checked it and it’s showing the same address where I am currently and Jaemin told me he is the other owner.”
Something clicks in his mind when his eyes go round and brows raise high as if he realized something very important. You haven’t yet noticed that you are standing on your legs while speaking to him and your hands gripping the skirt tightly, why are they so overreacting to have a girl over for the rental room? It should be you like panicking to see so many men in a single household without any trace of a female and you wonder if you have to live with them or they are just here for some reasons.
“Well, hello there y/n! My name is Jeno, I’m another owner of this household and it’s really nice to have you here.”
Shaking hands with him, you feel shy because of his stare along with a sly smirk resting in the corner of his lips. He is not letting your hands go even when you try to pull a little.
You ask him, “Another owner? How many of you are here?”
You turn around on hearing a new voice, a man emerges from the passage way where Jaemin went to earlier. He notices your confused expression and approaches you with a hand offering for a handshake. Jeno has already left your hand and gone to sit on a chair nearby.
“So, Jaemin told me about your arrival. Y/n, right? This is Jaehyun.”
If the previous men are angels from heaven, then this one is the angel who has been created by every angel with a little touch of every beauty. Why all of them are so handsome and hot? I should take control of my mind as what stupid things I’m just thinking about my house owners.
“Yes. I am. Nice to meet you.”
His dimples deepen with the smile and nodding his head, he gestures you to sit back and unconsciously your legs give in and you touch the soft material of the sofa. You are really feeling too weak in front of them. Is it because you are unwell or something about their aura and the stares?
He takes a seat on the love seat and checks something on his phone.
“Is this ‘fantasy love’ your username?”
“Oh yeah. I’m so sorry I haven’t yet changed the name and I just like to keep everything private so I don’t use my real name there. But I can assure you that I’m clean, I don’t have any criminal records and all. Also, I will not cause any trouble while staying here. I need somewhere to stay so urgently that I was glad when you offered me this place on the site.”
He chuckles on your ramblings and also you can hear two chuckling voices from the place where Jeno is sitting. You feel shy under their gazes, you notice how Jaehyun is staring at you as if judging your whole appearance and on the other end, Jeno is being accompanied by Jaemin, who is standing by the side with a spoon in his hand and asking the other one to taste something but their eyes are on you when they caught you watching them.
Your attention brought back to Jaehyun when he clears his throat and lips close rightly making a line, dimples visible again.
“But you have already lied on one thing.”
“What? I haven’t lied anything. You must be wrong somewhere.”
“In the online generated space for some specific basic informations, you have selected the gender as male. But all I can see is a beautiful Angel sitting in front of me.”
Your eyes go wide on hearing his words so you quickly open the site and go through the form of basic informations and then your eyes stop on one place.
Gender: Male(☑️). Female ( ). Not mention( ).
Oh. You and your clumsy ass would never learn how to take things slowly and properly to avoid mistakes but this one is really about your identity of being a liar or not. He must be thinking you as a liar. It really doesn’t matter whatever pronouns people use for you and you need to refer to others but making mistake and have to get blame as a liar is not setting right.
“What the hell….”
“So, why did you lie there?”
“Jaehyun, I didn’t lie there. It’s just that I was must be in hurry and selected wrong.”
You are looking down, feeling guilty on the realization that they must have thought on getting a male visitor today but instead you showed up and that’s why they felt weird earlier. You were ready to apologize and take your leave with the disappointment on your mistake when he spoke up.
“When are you ready to finally come over?”
“It’s okay. Humans are meant to make mistakes and an angel should be forgiven as they are always so busy for looking pretty.”
You feel shy on the compliment with his seductive voice directly reaching your ears. You tug your hairs a bit and you can feel two other states on you this whole time but you opt to ignore it.
“Do I need to-“
“Gosh! Why nobody woke me up and now I’m running late for the meeting?”
A man with jet black hairs, dressed in a black suit, hands busy putting the watch on the wrist and eyes glaring all around the room. His steps fast while coming down the stairs. You didn’t know but you are again watching this man like you did with the others and when his eyes land on you, a frown appears on his face.
“So, you all are busy with a girl that even early in the morning and forgetting about the event at the office. Are you all for real?”
“Calm down Mark, I have told them to start the meeting after one hour as how you came home late last night. Don’t worry.”
He even glared at you before making his way out of the door. Jaemin shouts to have the breakfast but the other ignored the shout leaving behind a grumbling man.
“So, what were you saying?”
Oh yeah! I was saying something before this little commotion.
“In two days, I will be coming here to stay with my things and also, do I need to pay you in advance?”
“That’s fine. I will prepare the room for you. So, you have the money?”
You shake your head to which he nods.
“It’s okay, you can arrange for it in one week time and if you have any trouble, feel free to approach to any one of us.”
You smile to his welcoming gestures and sweet words. You feel satisfied on finally getting the place to stay.
“Uh I have one more question.”
“Ask away.”
“Do you all stay here as well?”
“Yes. Why?”
Oh. Okay.
“I need to stay here with you all?”
“Yeah. It’s just under the same roof but you have your personal room unless you want to stay in any one of ours.”
He laughs in the end and you laugh along with him. He doesn’t mean anything else right? No no it’s not.
You stand up and he follows you to the door and you can see Jeno trailing behind him.
“It was nice to meet you all.”
“Same here. Also don’t mind Mark, he is like that when something is not in accord, otherwise he is really sweet.”
You nod with a smile.
Jeno speaks up, “Also he is the fourth owner and the last owner you are yet to meet properly.”
With waving them and making your way towards the gate in the end of the garden, Jaehyun calls you again. Turning back, your eyes tell him to say.
“Remember, your rent is due.”
Rent is due.
The whole ride to your office, his words were dancing in your mind that you need to gather the money for three months in advance. You were sure to make him change the rent structure but the way your nervousness took over yourself that you couldn’t get yourself to ask about it. Fine, atleast you have a place to stay in two days and one week more to arrange the money and also, he offered that if you need help regarding the money then you can ask one of them, three out of four. No way, you are going to ask that grumpy one, God knows where he is showing his temper right now, you feel pity over those employees.
Arriving to the workplace, you are already late for fifteen minutes. Wow, great you have an important meeting but due to the traffic, you are going to get a good earful. Your one of the co-workers greets you at the entrance with a worried look on her face and you already know the reason.
“Y/n, just run to the meeting room. Managing Director is already getting pissed off with your absence and if you don’t hurry-“
You are literally skipping steps to reach to the elevator, “Sana, I know but can you please shut up. I know I’m already late, you don’t have to say it again.”
Without looking back at her, you quickly enter the elevator and press the buttons repeatedly as if it would fly you to the room. Tapping your feet impatiently, you glancing to your wrist watch with passing of each floor and you just hope to atleast arrive there without any more hurdles. So many things going in your life all together. Honestly, if it was any other meeting then it should not have been a problem but today the Managing Director will be attending the meeting and you have already messed up.
Reaching the floor, you sprint towards the meeting room and push open the door. Breathing heavily and sweats lining your forehead, you smooth over your skirt and bow with apologies flowing continuously from your mouth.
Everyone already has seated in their places and as soon as you saw your empty chair in the end of the row, you turn to move towards it. Wait, don’t think you are getting out of this situation so easily.
“So, you are Ms. Kang Y/N?”
You halt in your steps and turn around. Your eyes go big and shock expression visible on your face to come face to face with the person who just called you. That’s why the voice sounded so familiar. Can I just jump out of the window from this floor? Like what is he doing here? Why? Out of all the people, he is here.
“Come here miss, I have already introduced myself to rest of them but I guess you think everything goes according to you so let me introduce myself to you in a special way.” He takes slow steps towards you, but your brain is having two reactions like one that he is looking scary with this deep tone and two that he is looking hella fine and maybe hot in this black suit.
“Myself, Mark Lee. The Managing Director of Fact Check Enterprise.” Oh. So, he is the one who was supposed to come and the meeting was scheduled later due to him and is matching how Jaehyun earlier referred about his going home late at night. He shakes your shaky hands and leans down to whisper, “Also, the fourth owner of the villa.”
Standing up straight, he goes back to the end of the table to his previous place but this time he asks an employee sitting at the front of the row to exchange the seat with yours and sends a smirk towards you. You are still standing there and understanding his motives but he just raises his eyebrows and signals you to sit in the new place. That’s the place extremely near to him. He is just trying to do everything possible to show his temper on you. You didn’t think back in your way that the poor employee will be you. How pathetic!
The meeting lasted for one and a half an hour. The result was the best and your experience was the worst. In the end of every speech, he laughed to make everyone comfortable around him and also listened to each of the member’s point of view on the project and he had that warm aura that even made those employees to state their perspectives who always hesitate. His leadership skills were on the point but everything was different when it was your turn. He had that smirk plastered permanently on his face, eyes roaming all over your body and him leaning back to his chair and palms joined before him and deeply staring at you was like something to make you feel uncomfortable. It’s not like anyone was finding the situation weird but you know him holding the grudge from the morning. Whenever your tensed self was explaining something, he has to interrupt and ask you some silly question which didn’t even relate to the topic but smiling towards others he claimed that everyone has to prepare for such questions in bigger interviews. Huh bigger interviews! he is just asking you the questions just to mess with you and piss you off because of the commotion back at their house. You are a very confident woman when it comes to your work and duties but somehow his presence is not helping you today.
Ending the meeting officially, everybody stood up and bowed to him and others. You did the same but when it’s your turn to exit, “Miss Y/n. Please stay back, I have few words to talk with you.”
Looking back to the ones left to leave the room, they send you innocent smiles and excused themselves to leave. You are hoping to leave the room along with them but to your surprise, Mark closes the door as soon as everybody left.
“So, should I call you Y/n or fantasylove?” He asks while leaning against the door, hands folded in front and smirk still visible.
“Y/n….” you try your best to avoid his piercing gaze on you but you got tensed up when you hear his footsteps nearing you.
Hands gripping your jaw, fingers brushing over the skin so lightly and eyes devouring your simple beauty. Poking his cheek with the tongue, he smiles down at you, “A shy housemate we are getting huh?”
“I’m not shy. It’s just you are crossing your boundaries.”
He chuckles and raises his eyebrows, “Boundaries of?”
“This. You are crossing the distance between an employee and you. You should not do this as it would hamper both of our image.” You try to push him but he holds you tighter and closer by the waist.
Tilting his head, he leans to your level to whisper in your ears, “What if I want to ruin my image?” his breaths fan over your ears, tickling your skin, “And also if I want to ruin you, love?”
“What?” Your shocked eyes staring at the door in the fear of anyone getting inside anytime and finding you here in this position. Without thinking anything else, you push him and take your bag from the chair and sprint towards the door. Leaving behind a man with a smug expression and satisfied self.
You didn’t care if he is going to report your behaviour of pushing him but if anyone would have seen the scene then also it might have caused a similar problem and it was better option to run away.
All the way back home, it was you overplaying the same scene from the office in your mind and having a second doubt to shift to his house, their house. You certainly don’t have another option to cancel them but also an uneasiness setting in your mind. Maybe he was just trying to be friendly with me as we are going to stay in the same place and am just overthinking about the issue? But is it? So, you block your every here and there thoughts to just stick to your plan and that’s moving to the house in two days.
The next day, it’s a mess for you as you are packing up all the things and also tensing on the matter of not having enough money in your account. You should keep a proper calculation of your spendings and get hold of your balance when it’s reaching the bottom limit. You don’t know whether you can manage to pack all the things by the night and would be able to move tomorrow but still keeping aside your other routines, you focus yourself on gathering your stuffs in one place.
Your doorbell ringing continuously and you swear if it’s again any children playing around, you might lose your temper. It’s not like you don’t love them but in this hectic situation if it’s not something important but them, you are literally going to lose your mind.
Opening the door casually, you are prepared to scold the one who ringed it but to your surprise, Jaemin is standing at your doorstep with a flower bouquet and a bright smile plastered on his face. Atleast, you should have peeked before from the peephole so atleast you wouldn’t be standing like a beggar in front of this absolute beautiful man.
“Hey, Jaemin. You didn’t inform me that you are coming and also how come you know my place?”
 He hands over the bouquet to you and you welcome him inside. While placing the gift on top of the counter, you turn back to him to see him looking around the house in curiosity.
 “If I had informed you then where was the fun of surprising you and also you are going to be our new housemate so it’s good to know about your details and I asked Jaehyun about it.”
“He knows about it?” you ask in confusion.
He nods and comes near to you, sliding his hand around your neck, “Yeah, you have told him on the call, yesterday.”
“Did I?”
He nods again and pats your head, “Don’t overthink yourself little mate. It’s easy to forget things when you have so many other responsibilities. And that’s why I’m here to help you with it.”
He looks around the living room but he can’t see anything to pack as you have already taken all your stuffs to the bedroom and kept in one place to make it easier for the packing. He turns to you and you move from his hold to give him a glass of water.
“Sorry, I can’t offer you anything more as all my snacks have been finished and I myself haven’t ate anything since the morning and it has been afternoon already so maybe I will look for a quick delivery. I will bake something for you when we would be staying um together.”
“That sounds nice. I really like it that we are going to stay together.”
Leaning on the counter you sigh, “yeah, something like that.”
A worry flashes across Jaemin’s eyes, “Hey, you look so tired. Just tell me where your stuffs are and then I can help you with and then later I will bring you some food. You need to take care of yourself.”
“It’s okay, Jaemin I don’t want you to worry for this. I can handle it, really.”
“Y/n. I insist, please. I will feel that you are not considering me as your friend and a housemate, me and my brothers wont feel nice about this. We just want you to feel comfortable with us.”
“Brothers? You guys are related?”
“Not fully. Mark and Jeno are related but me and Jaehyun has same father as them but our dad has married twice. His first wife died early and that’s Jaehyun’s mother and then he married again and that’s Mark and Jeno’s mother.”
“And you?”
“The child of the mistress down the street.” He laughs at his own explanation and you give him a smile.
Jaemin has the sweetest personality and you look forward to his company while living with them. He is so helpful and kind of a perfect friend and maybe has the best qualities of a husband. You are taking your thoughts a bit too far. Apart from his good qualities, he is a kind of…pervert. Like, he offers you to take the shower when he will be sealing the boxes and after so much of insisting, you took a quick shower and then when you saw him standing near the door, scanning your whole body but fortunately you were dressed. On asking him what he was doing there, he quickly apologized and said that he needed to use the bathroom. But something about his stare is making you feel uneasy, you can feel all the time when you two were packing that his eyes were lingering on you. You even caught him few times stealing glances of you but you ignored it.
“Thanks for the help, Jaemin and I really enjoyed the food. It’s expensive though.”
“Anything for my little mate.” He ruffles your hair and goes to the exit.
Bidding your goodbyes to each other, you are smiling to yourself after closing the door. Maybe the news of leaving the house was not as bad as you thought and also getting housemates in addition was not in your list. You are going to start a different life from tomorrow so it’s the last day of you staying in this house.
As promised last night, Jaemin is happily waiting for you by the side of the road and also brought a van with him to carry your luggage. To your surprise, Jeno is also tagging along with him and you are happy that they are so friendly with you. Both of them didn’t let you to do anything, not even was letting you to carry your purse. You were utterly surprise with this sort of treatment because never once in a lifetime, you ever thought or got this type of behaviour from someone. You are so glad that they are going to be your housemates but what about the fourth one, Mark. Well, you can ignore one person, its not like you are associating with them very closely. You are going to be friendly and all and also most of the time you are going to be working your ass off at your workplace. Atleast for this upcoming one week. Jaemin asks you if you had your breakfast and lunch but you shyly shake your head and he scolds you for it but Jeno was quick to send him off to buy you all some food and himself volunteered to take you to their place, apparently your place too from now onwards.
The ride to the place was having fun with him and listening to different songs and humming to the songs that were of your choices as he insisted you to play your playlist. It was a cute gesture. On reaching to your destination, the day flashes when you entered the same gate without the hope of staying here but today finally you are here. Your previous owner was eyeing Jeno so suspiciously when you were handing over the keys, you doubt she has doubt him as your boyfriend instead of your new house owner.
“Welcome to NeoVilla, pretty one.”
You give a smile, “Thanks for the ride, Jeno.” And when you try to open your car door, Jeno is quick in action as he opens it for you and extends his hand in front for you to hold with a sweet smile on his face. Such a gentleman!
Holding your hand, he takes you inside the villa.
This is your literal impression after getting inside the house. They have arranged for a welcome party for you, not inviting any guests but only them and you as the main spotlight of the party.
“I hope you had a safe and fun ride with Jeno.” Jaehyun walks towards you with a rose in his hand and a sly smirk resting on his face.
“Yeah, he is really such a nice person. And what’s all these for?” You say while showing around the decorations with your hand. He holds your gesturing hand and brings to his lips, planting a soft kiss.
He is such a flirt that before leaving your hand, he winks at you. You shyly laugh it off and tugs your hairs behind your ears before looking around to take your mind off the incident. They are going to be your end if they continue acting like this to you. Their gestures and words having this strong effect on you and they also make you feel like as if you are the centre of their attention. Jeno takes a hold of your hand where still the feelings of Jaehyun’s lips lingering.
Jaehyun goes over to the table and brings a drink for you, “Drinks?” You shake your head sideways and he nods while taking a good look of your outfit, “I see that you love to wear skirts a lot. And also, all these are for you. To welcome our baby to this grand villa.” He smiles in the end of his sentence, taking a small sip from his glass.
“Hey! I’m not a baby though. Me and Jaemin is of same age, we got to know about this last night. So, that means Jeno here is of my age too.”
Jeno takes you towards the table and gestures you to sit and he takes the place beside you, sitting facing you, one hand resting on top of the chair. Jaehyun moves to the other side of the table and stands on the opposite side, leaning on his one hand on the chair and other hand holding the glass. Both of their focus on you, out of shyness, you take a glass and have some water to atleast calm down your racing heart on feeling their continuous stare.
“You might be of my age but still you are the youngest of this household so you are the baby.” Jeno gives you his eye-smile with his cheerful speech.
Jaehyun laughs on hearing his brother, “Yeah that’s true and I will call you baby, my baby.”
His baby. Doesn’t it sound like a boyfriend calling his girlfriend. Hey! Stop. He is not your boyfriend and he can’t be ever. This is the second day that you are meeting him and here you are already falling for him. Huh! Well, not your fault that you are finding their actions and words towards you weird and overwhelming. Not weird actually, the reason is you have never experienced any boy to be treating you like this ever let aside two or three of them all together. You wonder for a while how you are going to stay with these flirts if they are going to treat you like this. You are not going to lie here but honestly if they were someone else then you would have tried to stand for yourself, maybe atleast have rejected the plan on moving here. You are never a vocal person and know to fight for your rights so you don’t have much more expectation but somehow you are letting them to have their ways with you. Simply, you are sttracted to them. You are ignoring their behaviours, them calling you with nicknames and treating you as if…..you are their family member. Well, you are kind of. A housemate.
Jaemin announces his arrival with a whistle and shouting ‘where is my little mate?’ Again, those names. But deep down you are loving it. You are even questioning yourself as to why you are appreciating everything regarding them. But let it aside as food is here and nothing can be prioritised more than this. You had a great lunch with three of them and then when Jaehyun excused himself for having some important works and left the house. You are left back with two sweat hearts. Their playful jokes, flirting here and there and the famous smirks plastered on their face when you are so shy on their compliments. You compared your life back in your previous house with this present and now you see how lonely you were when living all alone but as everything happens for better and now you are here laughing with these two. Everything was going usual until this certain person entered the dining area.
“I see you are having a great time with my brothers, Love.”
Oh, how you forgot that not those three are your only housemates but this menace too. You try to act normal even if the scene from last day is bugging you and Jaemin’s eyes sticked in your figure is not helping it. His eyes dancing between you and his brother and judging how you are shifting in your place. Jeno’s hands come to place on top of yours and with an assuring smile, he nods his head and turns back to his brother who has just entered.
“You are early today, Mark.” Jeno asks.
Mark’s gaze is still on you and you are well aware of it but trying your best to ignore it and focus on the food before you even if you want to run away from the current situation yet you don’t want to waste your favorite food so its better be like this.
“Yeah, Jaehyun would be there to handle the other stuffs so I guess I won’t be needed today and its good as our dear housemate is here.”
Jaemin furrows his eyebrows, “What’s with you calling her love?” You cough on hearing him. He is not going to tell them about what he did to you in your office. Right? It’s nothing much but still. Jeno hands you a tissue and Jaemin continues, “Have you guys met yet?”
Mark widely smiles and takes the seat beside Jaemin and that’s across from you, “Yeah, of course.”
“Where?” Jeno is curious too as where his brother got the chance to meet you outside the house.
“Apparently, the meeting I had yesterday which I thought wont be much useful had me otherwise. It was a lot more interesting than I had ever expected.” Mark is following your every reaction.
“You both were in the same meeting?” Jaemin asks his brother and looks at you.
“Yes and that even she was sitting beside me. She was late though. Very irresponsible employee.” Mark chuckles before adding, “but we had fun right, Y/n?”
Hearing your name from him is reminding you how close you both were yesterday and now those thoughts with these men’s piercing gaze is a lot for you.
“Ye-yes.” Even when he is having this cheerful personality still you are getting nervous in front of him. You need to get out of here. You turn towards Jeno catching him already staring at you.
“Jeno, please show my room. I would like to freshen up and unpack few things which I need for tomorrow.”
He nods and offers you to follow him towards the stairs. The feeling of two lingering stares are tingling you but knowing whose are those, you don’t look back but quickening your steps to follow the large steps of Jeno.
You were sure of getting a nice, cozy and big bedroom but never in a while you thought it to be this big, it’s such a luxurious one. Your shocked eyes are in awe with the room and the decorations are on point with the mixtures of the pastel colours with the proper blending of the colours of sheets and the curtains. The unique and elegant furnitures placed nicely at the exact places is having the exact soft vibes that you wish to come to home after each stressful day at work. They are really asking for much less money for such a lavish place. Now, the money is still a separate topic for you.
“Wow. This is so nice. Who has decorated it?” You are still in awe and touching everything so delicately as if it might break under your touch.
“Mostly Jaehyun as he has given his whole heart while preparing this room for you and me and Jaemin has helped him out with everything. Jaemin is very picky when it’s come to perfection so that’s all about.”
“I love it so much. Thanks for your time in preparing all these. It was not necessary but still I appreciate it so much.”
Even when you are happy that they have worked hard to prepare your room together, your mind still wonder where Mark was during all that time. Is he not liking that you will be staying here? Casting a glance at the man standing beside you, you sit on the edge of the bed and call his name, catching his attention and he looks up from his phone.
“What about Mark?”
He raises his brows, “What about him?”
“Does he not like me staying here? You said you all have done this then where was he?”
He fishes his phone inside and takes slow steps towards you, “well my pretty one, he is kind of busy with his meetings and overseas events so basically he is barely at home but he has some other surprises for you.”
“Other surprises?”
“I don’t know anything more other than this.” He stands in front, so close to you that you have to look up to meet his eyes. He leans down and you lean a bit back to give him space but that was not the deal. He cages you in his arms, his breaths fanning your shoulders, he whispers, “I see you are worrying about Mark when I’m right in front of you.”
Your hands move up to push him away when he takes a gentle hold of it and stare at your eyes, blinking between your eyes and lips. When you lick them, it seems more kissable and he is just trying his best to control himself. Your shocked eyes staring back at him.
“Am I not enough to worry for?” He asks you in a low throaty voice. Damn, you feel so under control with the voice that you feel like submitting yourself to him but again. It’s just you overthinking about their motives, they are just some huge flirts playing around with you and nothing is serious. You don’t know why but you just nod. Your heart racing and breath heaving due to this close proximity, you can feel him leaning down closer and anytime, he might can kiss you.
Just a few inches more, his breaths are slipping inside through your lightly parted lips and his hand holding your wrists has loosened. Your back is almost touching the sheets. You gulp but not stopping him and letting him. LETTING HIM TO KISS YOU.
Someone knocks at the door and your hands push him from over you. He stands straight and brushes his hair. He is half annoyed for getting interrupted by someone from the other side of the door who is continuously knocking and calling out your name.
“What happened, Jaemin?” Jeno asks his brother but maintaining an eye contact with you.
“What are you doing there? Let me have-“Jaemin got cut off when Jeno abruptly opens the door to which the other man who was leaning against it got stumbled.
“What the fuck man! I was about to fall.” He glares at the man who has opened the door but the latter has the same expression in return. He then turns towards you to see that you are having a flushed expression and faking a smile.
“Woah! Did I miss something? Why are you blushing? Did he-“
Jeno presses his palm over his brother’s mouth before dragging him out. It’s a little nice to see the brotherly bonding but you just got up and quickly close the door and leans to it, releasing a deep breath.
Am I that dumb?
You are letting them being so close to you. Not as a friend but more than that. Friends don’t pull you towards them and whispers and leans down to kiss you. You are just giving in to them and this is the thing that is not screaming inside you.
One week. You had been given one week time to pay off the rent and you know that you are fucked up. You blamed yourself for infinite times why you have spent so much on those dresses and jewelleries which you don’t even know when you had last worn them. You are very calculative about your expenditure but you can’t help yourself in buying costly dresses and some useless stuffs for which you have to regret a lot, the way you are right now. Last month, you had a trip with your old town friends and that’s also the reason why you are having shortage of money. The rent for this month was already paid off to the previous owner so you were not worrying about that but you didn’t have in the plan to move to another place and pay your three months rent in advance. It’s a bit high in value than the previous but cheaper than the rest available on the site.
So, today in the end of the week, you have decided to have a talk with Jaehyun about the money. You are so nervous to meet him as you had promised him last time that you would pay him but now here you are now making your way to his room. You are just about to knock when you can hear a voice.
“What’s my love doing here?”
Turning around you are met with him, only in his jeans, drying his hair with the towel and oh gosh, he is shirtless. You quickly turn towards the door. You can hear his laugh and footsteps. Your hope of him going away crashes down when you feel him back-hugging you. Isn’t it too much for knowing you only just for one week?
“Mark, move.”
“Why? I like it this way.” His cold lips touching the warm skin of your neck, you are sure he just had a shower. You hold his hands around you and worryingly looking at the door. Jaehyun can open his door anytime but you don’t want him to see you like this in this state with Mark.
“We should not do this. Jaehyun might see us and- “
“He won’t be a problem here.” He plants a soft kiss and a shiver runs down your body and his nose nudges in your loose hair, inhaling your sweet scent. “But tell me, do you not like it?”
Do you? If not, then girl push him away. He is being a tease here. You don’t want him to take advantage of you being the only girl in this household. But it’s not like he is taking advantage as you are lowkey loving the way he is holding you tight in his embrace, his breath is the only air surrounding you and your brain fuzzing with the multiple thoughts. This little moment got interrupted with the opening of the door in front of both of you. You try to push him away but he holds you tighter.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” He takes in the view in front of him and clenches his jaw, brushing his hair back, he looks at Mark with raised eyebrow, “And Mark? You are here and also with her.”
“Jealous? Well, little missy was looking so tensed standing in front of your door so I thought to cheer her up and I guess we were having fun but you interrupted us.” Mark smirks in the end of his statement and rest his chin on your shoulder.
Mark stands straight and comes beside you and Jaehyun’s glares to his brother turns into a soft expression on hearing your sweet voice. “Yes?”
Mark leans to the wall beside the door frame but his eyes are still checking you out.
“I have something important to say.” You look between them and add “but with you alone.”
“Oh, come on dude, why can’t I be included here?”
“Mark, get the fuck out.” Jaehyun pushes him away when he tried to enter the room with you. As soon as he offered you to enter, he pushes the other one out despite his complains and shut the door.
“So, Y/n. What’s there bothering you?”
“Um, like you know today it was supposed to be me paying off the rent but I’m sorry that I couldn’t arrange for it.” You are looking down with guilt and fearing that he might say you to leave the house tomorrow but you are still hoping him to atleast consider your condition.
“Do you have any major problem?”
“no. its just I might have spent my money recklessly that now, when I’m in need I don’t have.”
He chuckles on your pout and grabs your shoulder, his dimples having an appearance, “So, how much time do you need until you can arrange for it?”
“By the end of this month. When I will get my pay-check in hand, I would definitely pay you.”
“And if you can’t?” He is staring deeply in your orbs.
“I will do anything for you. Just don’t kick me out this house.”
You pause for a moment and lick your lips. His eyes read your every little reaction and shifting your hands on his wrist.
Living with these four men is an adventure for you. Most of the daytime, you all are out of the house, having separate lives at your own workplaces but the rest of the day is crossing paths with them often. You haven’t been friends with boys ever in your life but living with four men is a thing no one would have ever expected from you, not even you. So, it’s giving you a new experience and that’s being sexually frustrated around them. You haven’t been laid before and their playful touches, them being close to you and handling you as they want and them flirting with their seductive voices is not helping the condition. Everything is becoming too much for you, they are well aware of your irritated self when they are teasing you and leaving you high and dry but who are you to complain about this. Even if you haven’t been experienced this, it’s not like you are going to miss this once in a blue moon opportunity to slip through your hands. You are skill-fully wearing skirts higher often and you know their hawk eyes following you all around the house. You are well aware of the mischievous and not so pleasant thoughts running through your mind. Sometimes whenever you catch them looking at you, you run off but secretly you smile to yourself. They sometimes even sneak inside your bedroom at night and the reason is that they are bored and they want you to spend time with them and you happily have your time with them either watching movies or going out for long drives and walking.
You never had so comfort and peace coming back from work, either one of them will always prepare the food for you and the other would prepare the bath for you and you really appreciate it so much. You all have become close in these few days so much as if you know each other for a long time, maybe that’s the perk of having roommates. Always, one of them tries to come home early before than you so you don’t have to come to home alone. Standing at the entrance, smiling widely with some gifts. Yeah, it’s their habit of gifting you something or the other. Sometimes, it’s just a chocolate or an earring or any makeup products or dresses. You have told them several times not to spend so much but Jaehyun is always ending the conversation.
“You aren’t going to tell me what to do for my baby.”
And Mark giving you his infamous smirk. Well, previously it was the conclusion you had that Mark is the biggest pervert and flirt in this household but you were so wrong when you noticed some change in behaviour with Jeno and Jaemin. Jeno has a complicated personality, if he wants to be sweet with you, he will smile softly, giving you little hugs and asks you if you need something but if he is frustrated with something, maybe due to your endless teasing them with you walking around the house being so oblivious of their stares, he would have a tough façade like asking you why you are suddenly so late coming from your work, why you are wearing this particular dress, why you are being a bad girl. Bad girl? Now that’s a thing which you often hear from Jaemin as well, this guy is always having an expression which you can’t decipher whether it’s a smirk or a teasing smile. He would always be smiling at you but the words coming out his mouth are just in contrast with it.
Jaehyun is the eldest one so he is a bit secretive with his behaviour but you know his eyes are always on you, only you. If he ever offers you a glass of water or a cup of coffee, his fingers would brush over yours while handing over the cup to you and him maintaining the eye contact all the way until you are finishing your drink. Mark again had another meeting at your office and he specially wanted your presence in the meeting and you know the reason, just to ask you stupid questions and to show people that you know each other more than others. It’s very common these past days for him to give you rides to your office.
Surprisingly, they even brought you to an official meeting to a grand cuisine. You first thought that they were joking but it’s so clear when Mark handed you a red dress to wear.
“Well, I would not have bought it if we were joking. So sorry that I wasn’t being the part to decorate the room and your welcome party but this is my little gift to you.”
That was not the only thing as he suddenly puts a diamond teardrop necklace around your neck.
“What’s this for?” You ask him while touching the expensive item on you.
“To let others know that you are ours.”
Ours. You are hearing this term a lot from them even also today before they went out for meeting. Yes, today is the day when you are supposed to pay off the rent and you would be cleared of all the debts and the tension of owing them would be gone. But the message popped up on your phone screen was not really expected. Jeno has texted you that they wont be coming back home tonight as they are stuck at the place due to the bad weather so they would be returning the next day maybe at afternoon or evening. You have a pout on reading the texts. Even others have texted the same following him. Without caring about much of your diet, you grab some snacks and binge watched some shows whole night.
It is late afternoon when you hear the unlocking of the front door and you know that they are finally back. You got down the stairs quickly to greet them back but uh oh. Why are they looking at you like that? Oh gosh! You are only in your oversized t-shirt hanging loose on your frame and now you realised that how you fell asleep during dawn after binge watching whole night. They are still in their business suites must be tired but still managing to look the best out of all and here you are despite being home, looks more messed up than them.
“What were you doing?” Mark asks you while taking off his coat and placing it on top of the sofa.
“I-I was sleeping.”
Jaehyun asks you in worry, “Did we wake you up?”
“No no. I was just awake when I heard the door. I’m sleeping for so long since morning and I must be stinking.”
“Why? Are you sick?” Jaemin is already ready to call the doctor.
“No, I was bored last night and binged watched some shows and it went like that.”
Jeno scoffs, “Again watching those stupid dramas.”
“Hey!” You try to protest against him to which he raises his brow and smirks, but suddenly you remember an important thing and speak out loudly catching their attention, well it was already on you anyways. “I got the money for the rent. I will give it you right now.”
When you turn back, Mark speaks up, “Let us all freshen up and then we can talk about that.”
There is nothing to talk about but still you nod and go to your room as you need to do your routines as well.
After almost two hours, you got a text from Jaehyun asking you to come to his room. You took the money from on top of the night stand and skipped to his room. You knock on the door and call out his name but no response. First of all, it was weird to send you text when he is just in the other room away few steps across from yours. Again, the next thing is his text was just not even two minutes ago and now he suddenly not replying you. Did he just leave? Hearing some shuffles from inside, you push open the door. You are met with darkness and search for the switches to turn it on.
“Jaehyun, are you there?”
You feel someone wraps their hand from behind and resting their face in the crook of your neck. Wet sloppy kisses and nose lightly tapping your ear. You feel hands tightening around you and teeth nibling on your skin. still STILL you are not protesting it. You know his cologne and his touch well as everyday he is the one who offers you the morning coffee.
“You smell so sweet.” He whispers in your ears, biting it lightly before kissing down the jaw. “tell me to stop.”
“I brought the money.”
Someone stands in front of you and takes the envelope from your hand. “I don’t think this is the actual amount.”
“Yes that is. that is the amount of three months.”
Pushing away the hairs to the other side, he mumbles on your shoulder, “No. That’s not. You were supposed to give it yesterday but now you are late for one whole day. So, you have to pay the interest.”
“What? But you all were not there.”
“Uh ah. It is what it is.” The person before you, speaks up and well that laugh following in the end of his statement is making it obvious that he is Mark.
Jaehyun is still mumbling sweet words to you and most commonly ‘my baby’.
“You said you are going to do anything if you can’t pay the money on time so, will you?”
“But-“ Someone turns on a dim light inside the room. Mark holds your chin to make you look up, “Will you?”
Yes what? What are you agreeing for? Just run out of the room. Jaemin emerges from the bathroom and his smirks following his eyes scanning your whole body just in shorts and a loose t-shirt. He comes beside Mark to get the envelope and places it on top of a table. Jaehyun has the best view of the outside from his room and your eyes watching it when it got interrupted by when Mark pulls your face closer.
“Tell us to stop.”
You didn’t. You didn’t even dare to look away from his big round hipnotising eyes. His thumbs brushing your lips so delicately as if it’s made of glass. Mark leans down but pauses when he is just a breath away from your lips. You are aching for him to kiss but this man knows how to tease and his damn smirk on seeing you frustrated.
“Just kiss me already.”
His eyes take in the every detail of your face, admiring you up so close even when he teases you every day but not like this when you are so turned on and frustrated for him and your body aching for his lips. With a last look, he closes the distance between your lips. His kiss starts with the soft movements and slow rhythm as if he is calculating his next step but soon it turned into teeth clashing with each other, hands gripping tightly on your neck leaving marks and you can feel Jaehyun has retreated himself. Kiss is heating up and you can feel him smiling in the kiss when his other hand snakes under your tee only to find out you are not wearing anything.
“No bra?”
You are really embarrassed. You didn’t think about earlier to be in this situation when he called you in his room. You thought to just give him the money and go back to your room. Thinking, they must have been tired from last day and craving for some sleep but all you can see is them craving for something else. His hand messages one of your breasts and other one adjusting the position of your face to get a better access.
You part your lips from Mark to take a deep inhale when he flicks your nipple. You feel someone playing with your waistband and you look to your back to see Jaehyun smiling down at you.
“Tell me to stop.” When he sees you with no sign of stopping him, he chuckles, “I will then take that as a yes.”
Tell him to stop for what? You generally don’t know anything about this. You haven’t been fucked by anyone before but this new sensation is really exciting you when you are under the watch of four set of eyes. You know once you are into this then you cant escape it but when you are enjoying this too much then why to stop it all of a sudden.
Jaehyun’s hand disappear into your shorts and he chuckles darkly in your ears, “I see you are wet for me.”
“For us.” Mark adds while pumping both of your breasts, earning low moans out of you.
Jeno brings his attention towards him to your side, cupping the jaw tightly and you know, it’s turning red under his hold. His dark eyes staring down at you, “I see you are so in need of us like we are for you.”
You nod in compliance without any hesitation and that’s when he crashes his lips on you. He doesn’t want to waste time on going softly and his aggressiveness is all visible in the kiss, so out of rhythm but still you are enjoying it. Not sure how long you’ve been kissing for, only until Jeno tugs on your hair and pulls you closer to him. You are so lost in the kiss that you didn’t notice when Mark has put down your shorts along with his t-shirt and pants.
“Jeno, get the fuck off. It’s my turn to taste the sweet lips.” Jaemin complains from his place while leaning against a wall.
“Shut up.”
Parting from the kiss, you can feel the palm cupping your mound and pressing it tightly. You whimper and clutch Mark’s bare shoulder.
“You like it huh!” His deep voice whispering in your ears and fingers rubbing your clothed heat is earning moans out of you. As soon as Jeno turns his head, he is shoved off by Jaemin, who even pushed Mark aside to cup your face in his palms.
“I just want to fuck you so bad and show them that only I can make you scream and feel the best.” Jaemin made others growl with his statement. He is not getting fazed by it but getting lost with you, with the feel that you are finally in his hands and that all flushed up and turned on.
“Don’t be a jerk right now, Jaemin” Jeno growls.
Jaemin gives you small pecks, giving kitten licks to your lips before sucking them so hard that they appear thick jelly. Being satisfied, he starts kissing you. He is almost eating your half of the face, not caring how your hands holding his biceps tightly with every bite of his on your lips and every tight press on your heat by the other person’s hand. You are feeling a tickling sensation in your stomach when Jaehyun rips of his hand leaving you whimpering in Jaemin’s hold.
He goes to sit on the edge of the bed and calls out to Jaemin to give others chance. Others laugh when you whine in losing every contact from your body. Your heated up body aching for everything, for their touch, for them to ruin you. You are insane for them at this point.
Jaehyun signals you to sit on his lap and obediently you follow him, sitting on him and placing your hands around his neck. His hand comes up to brush your hairs and play with them and you smile at him.
“You are so beautiful and the prettiest baby.” Curling some strands around his fingers, “I just want to ruin you and see this pretty face begging me to stop until you are at the mercy of hell.”
“And what if I want to be ruined?”
His shocked eyes staring back at you. He never thought of you replying back to him like this but having you like this is making him go hard. He is in his boxers and if you look around the room, they all are except Jeno whose shirt is unbuttoned and showing the abs.
“I see you are liking it so much that your little mouth is talking back.”
Jaemin had it enough, “now when it’s your turn, you all are taking time as if we got one long week to fuck her continuously but when it’s mine, you are hurrying up as if we going to run late for 9 to 5 job and we would be fired on being late.”
Mark chuckles before patting him, “it’s okay my dear brother. You will be getting your chance and we won’t be interrupting again.”
Your mind was off to the place where the two brothers were slightly bickering when you feel Jaehyun biting your neck and trailing juicy kisses all over the throat and jaw. His hands slides inside the tee to play with your nipples, flicking them, rolling between his fingers. Your every shift on his lap is earning a groan from him as his clothed painful tip is getting brushed by your wet clothed heat. He brings his lips to yours and bite it down before hungrily kissing it. You are a mess of whimpers and moans and it’s like music to them. He is giving equal attention to both of your breasts and pumping so hard that you gasp in the kiss.
The others are getting hard with the view unfolding in front of them. There is shuffle on the bed behind Jaehyun and when you both break the kiss, you see Mark sitting against the headboard with legs wide spread in front.
“Now come here.”
Jaehyun pats your cheek before placing you on the bed beside him, you crawl to Mark and when you try to sit on his lap, he turns you around and places between his legs, facing to others.
“This is nice. They can have a great show ahead.”
He pulls your shirt up even when you hesitate but he simply held you down and rips the tee off from you. Your hands automatically comes in action to hide yourself but he pins them down behind your back.
“Don’t even dare to go against me.” He guides your hand over his length and wraps your fingers around it, he groans on feeling your soft warm hand around his thick hardened dick.
“Ah fuck! Keep going.” He moans in your ears.
Jeno got on the bed and Jaehyun still sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at you hungrily. Jeno comes in front of you and pecks you before sliding your panty down.
“You are perfect for us.”
Mark slides a finger in,Jeno bent down to lace his mouth with your exposed breast. You whimper with both of them toying with you. Marks fingers pumping in and out of you and Jeno’s tongue licking your hard nipples, pulling them between his teeth and then sucking the whole. You are already a mess just under their mouth and fingers
Jeno’s other hand grabs your other breast giving it a squeeze and you moan out his name when Mark slaps your pussy for not getting the attention. Jeno’s saliva trailing down your chest to stomach and Marks pace increases with the addition of fingers. Your body arch with the pleasure running down your veins, you hum and moan dreamily.
“Are you near?” Mark asks you planting a kiss on your cheek. You nod to him and hand squeezes his cock. He pushes your hands off from him.
“Words, love.”
“Yes yes. I want to come. Please.”
“That’s a good one. Cum for me.”
As soon as his words fall from the lips, you scream out his name for the first orgasm of the night. They all have the satisfactory smile on their faces. You come on his fingers and Mark licks the fingers before turning you around and Jeno sit up on his knees and Jaehyun pats his back.
Jaemin in the other hand watching you with hooded eyes and hand stroking his length and imagining you doing it.
Mark pats your head and smiles at you, “ride me.” You haven’t look at him up so closely before but he has the youthfulness and attractive smile. His doe eyes and flawless skin is a perfect addition to his charming face. He is kind of cute and a soft one when it comes to sex.
You grind on his thigh on hearing his words before placing yourself on the length. You hiss and cry out with the stretch but he slowly guides you and shush you with massaging your sides. Your eyes closed tightly and the pain making your whole body still.
“It’s okay love. You can do it. Just move, the pain will go away.”
You did as he told you and slowly slowly the pain is turning into pleasure. You haven’t fully got off the high from the previous orgasm but still having the feel of the building of knot in your stomach. The burning sensation of the stretch is still there but blinding by the sensation of you reaching to your climax.
“Fuck, you are so tight and feels so good. A perfect one for me.” He taps on your thigh, “eyes on me. I want to see you coming.”
Few more thrusts hitting the exact spot, your body shakes for the release and you come undone following him. You lay on top of his chest when he flips your position and kissed you.
Mark pulls out from you and Jeno shoved him aside.
“Such a pretty one, laying down all fucked up and ready for me. I want to see you crying and whimper under me.”
Your mind not registering what he is saying but your body got so sensitive when he hovers on top of you, watching you like an animal watching his prey. Your hands go up to touch his face, he quickly gets a hold of it and guides them to his abs. Your fingers tracing every bumps until it goes down to touch his hard painful dick, he holds your wrists and pins them above your head.
Inhaling your scent in the neck, he parts your legs wide enough to place himself. His other hand tracing your curves and rubbing your thighs and toying your leaking entrance with his tip. Your whimpers and whines earning smirk and chuckles from him. Your hips raising up to get in touch with his dick is amusing him. Your sobs are a great view to them. Mark is again hard seeing you like this.
“Be ready for me princess. I won’t be gentle like Mark.”
With that he enters your entrance without any warning, your loud moans filling up the entire room and them watching you falling apart under their merciless brother.
“You feel so good. Fuck! I’m getting addicted to it. I can’t even get enough of you.” He growls with his inhumane pace. He didn’t even let you to adjust before he starts moving. You can feel him much bigger than Mark and it’s already too much for you. Getting laid for the first time and having used by four of them is excess.
His tip hits your g-spot and you scream on the sensation. He smirks at your reaction and starts to whisper filthy stuffs in your ears, making you clench around him.
“Jeno please slow down.” Tears rolling down your eyes but he doesn’t have any care but still pushing himself inside of you. You can feel his tip poking your stomach.
“Please, slow down.”
Ignoring you, he is slamming into your pussy with you begging under him and clutching his hands under his entangled hold. Veins popping on his forehead is making him more hot.
“I know you want to cum. So cum for me.”
You let it loose with a scream of his name and soon he cum inside of you. The cumming of him inside of you is a different sensation and it’s turning you on more and heating up your body, fuzzing your mind. The overstimulation is making you whine and soon you both ride out your high.
He slowly pulls it out. Your hands clutching the bedsheet and pulling it, toes curling with the sensation of being overwhelmed. Your whole body is sensitive. Each touch is like an igniting tip. Jaehyun taps your cheek, “are you still here?”
You hum in response and he smiles in satisfaction.
“On hands and knees baby. I would like to see how your ass fits me in.”
“W-What?” You stammer.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Jaehyun assures you. “It’ll feel good, you just have to trust us. You can be a good girl for us tonight, right?”
“I-I don’t think I’m r-ready for this-“
“You are,” Jaehyun soothes. “Don’t worry.”
“No no please. I can’t take anymore and this…I can’t do it please.”
Your protests were deaf to their ears when Jaemin shifts you to the desired position with your ass pointing exactly in front of Jaehyun’s dick. He is using his arousal as the lube around his cock and slams inside of you. You cry out but not for long as Jaemin slammed his cock inside your mouth.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Jaehyun hisses and hold your hip still. “Your ass is taking me so well and as if it’s made for me.”
You whine around Jaemin’s cock and when he doesn’t got any reply, Jaehyun spanks your ass leaving a red mark of his handprint.
The stretch is so painful and tears continuously falling down your face at the feeling. Jaehyun is spanking you to see the vibrating muscles of your ass and the red marks urging him to thrust deeper. His has started with rhythmic thrust with Jaemin but soon became uneven.
“So good, you’re doing so good.” Jaemin praises. “Your mouth feels so warm and I want you to suck me everyday. You will do it, right?”
You didn’t reply but nod with his cock deep down your throat, choking you. Jaehyun spits on his dick and slams harder. You can feel him hitting your sweet spot.
“Can’t reply huh?”
Jaehyun chuckles, “don’t be mean Jaemin. She is stuffed with your cock inside her mouth. What do you expect?”
Jaemin grabs your hairs in a fist and pushes your face closer to him. Aggressively thrusting inside your mouth, he pulls out leaving you gasping for air.
“Open your mouth wide and close your eyes.”
You don’t have any room to protest so you did as he told you. Then you can feel hot liquid pouring inside your mouth and hitting your face, slipping to your jaw throat and chest, mixing with your sweats.
“No more…please…I can’t.”
Jaemin pats your cheek and plants a kiss on top of your head.
Jaehyun is still reaching his climax and you are about to cum.
“I’m near.”
“Hold it.”
“No no I can’t. I want to cum.”
“Either you are holding it in or you are not cumming tonight.”
Your exhausted body couldn’t protest anymore. Your cries are interrupted when Mark enters his finger inside your moth shushing you.
“It’s okay. It’s the last one and you can do it.”
Jaemin and Jeno playing with your nipples from both the sides leaving you a moaning mess. Jaehyun’s thumb rubbing your clit, igniting your climax. You are speaking gibberish and they don’t mind it. Every last muscle of your body is holding you back . You are sucking on Mark’s fingers for dear life.
“Cum for me baby.”
He couldn’t even complete his sentence that your whole body shakes under their hold. Them squeezed your nipples and Jaehyun spanked you again, Mark pushed his fingers deeper making you choke on them. You are still moaning out Jaehyun’s name around Mark’s fingers.
Jaehyun soon cum inside you and slowly rides out his high. As soon as they felt your body giving up. They stop their action and puts you in the middle of the bed, laying on your back. Your droopy eyes trying to open but Mark places his palm over them.
“Shh…close it. Jaemin is preparing a bath for us and maybe we can have round 2.”
You almost whisper it out, “no please I can’t.”
“Hey, I’m kidding. He is just preparing the bath for us to get freshen up. Me and Jeno will clean up so don’t worry and take rest.”
You turn towards Jeno, “you all came inside me. Did you have the protection?”
“Of course not. Why do we need that? When we can take care of you and our baby?”
You got shocked, “baby? I don’t want to get pregnant. We just had this with the flow. We are not married. We can’t have a baby.”
Mark brushing the hair away and pulling a cover on top of you, smiling down at you “if after this you are still not pregnant then we have to try again.”
“You are ours and the baby is ours too. So you don’t have a say here.” Jeno proudly says.
Jaehyun comes behind Mark, “if the marriage is the only thing holding us back then we will arrange for it soon.”
“No. This is not right.” You add, “And what about my rent?”
“Your rent was paid on the day when you first stepped your foot here for the first time.” Jeno states.
“What are you saying?”
“Don’t overthink now. We can discuss this later. Have some rest. Atleast, for now you are our responsibility.” Mark cooes you to sleep. Your exhausted body couldn’t manage to protest much and fell into sleep.
Jaemin emerges from the bathroom watching how his brothers staring at your sleeping figure.
“Is she sleeping?”
“Yeah, having so many thoughts inside her little brain but anyways they are not needed to be answered.” Jeno says and smiles at his brother.
“So my plan to bribe her house owner was good. We got her for ourselves after waiting for four years and scaring every boy whoever tried to approach her.”
Mark chuckles, “I was getting annoyed with watching her from afar every day. Everyday the scene from the party flashed in front of me of the day where we saw her for the first time. And I knew I need to get her.”
Jeno nods on agreeing with his brother. He could feel How it was painful and frustrating to see you everyday but couldn’t get near you unless they came up with this nice plan and that you are in their cage. You are not going to escape it soon.
“So, my plan worked for the best. Honestly, you all were great in acting on the first day.”
Jaemin smirks, “of course, Jaehyun.”
You are in a new place, not homeless but inside a cage. Do you want to escape or stay with them?
[ please do tell me whether you liked or not? If you liked it then please give it a reblog in appreciation.]
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mirohlayo · 9 months
hello lynaa!!
could you do (any driver) x reader where they just spoil em rotten with all these never ending very expensive gifts and reader gets emotional and he comforts her?
i love ur work btw <3
hello !! i literally LOVE this one, thanks for requesting it :)) i really struggle to choose between charles and oscar but i decided to go with oscar yeah (also thank u so much it's so sweet 🫶) hope it's okay !!
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( despite the fact you don't like it, oscar can't stop spoiling you because you deserve everything )
warning : none just reader getting emotional, fluff and fluff
word count : 2.8k
!! english is not my first language !!
you are for sure the most precious person ever for oscar. being his partner means that he constantly makes sure you're always happy. he literally puts all his being into your relationship, he tries his best to keep everything perfect. if you're not satisfied enough then he's not either, and he always manage to do his best to make you feel fulfilled by his love and affection.
it also means that he obviously likes to spoil you. it's kind of his love language. he needs to buy you something, whether an object that reminded him of you or tons of expensive stuffs like perfumes, clothes, shoes... money doesn't matter for him, as long as he makes you happy with his little gifts then everything is good. plus he earns a pretty good amount of money, so he doesn't wait a single to waste it into gifting you lots of things.
so of course he notices the little stuff you were always looking at, whether on your phone in your shopping cart or when you would stare a bit too much at some storefronts during your dates. he often catches you looking at this pair of shoes that you really want for a while now, this oversized hoodie which reminds you of your boyfriend because there's literally the number 81 on the back, or also those cute pastries you always talk about how good they look.
but you know you'll never buy these things, maybe later in months but they're just too expensive for you. you can afford them but you can't all buy them in one seat, you also need to save money because you share your apartment's spending with oscar. you agreed at the start of your relationship that both of you will take part in renting, shopping and getting all the stuff and furniture you need to live together.
and your job pays you very much less than oscar's job so obviously you don't have the same income and money to spend it on extra expensive things you like. but it's okay, you actually like earning money little by little and when you finally have the good amount of money you're always happy to buy these little gifts you dreamed about.
now you are sitting comfortably on the couch, your laptop on your laps. your favorite playlist is playing on the loudspeaker in a low volume and you just have finished a schedule for your next week of work. "are you okay love ? do you want something to drink ? or a snack ?"
your boyfriend's voice comes from behind you, where the kitchen is. you turn your head and smile to him "a glass of water then please" you gently ask "no problem" he replies and opens one of the kitchen closet to grab a glass. you move again to go back to your laptop, and while you delete open pages on google, there's your shopping cart that appears. you forget to delete it last time.
you hesitate to delete the page, but your eyes gaze at the pretty things you put in your cart. you really want these cute shoes and this hoodie for a while now, and you'll be lying if you said you didn't dream about them everyday. you're so envious of those people who own them, sometimes you bump into some girls who are wearing them and it makes you even more excited about getting the shoes and the hoodie.
oscar soundlessly comes behind you, a tray with your glass of water and some fruits on it. just for you, because he's simply the most caring and sweet boyfriend you ever had. he approaches you in silence and you don't hear his steps, too occupied by the clothes on your laptop screen. but obviously he notices that you are once again staring at the same shopping cart. the same one as months ago.
he knows how much you want these items. maybe you're a bit desperate now and oscar doesn't like that. if you really want something then you'll have it. he likes to spoil you. he likes to buy you things because it makes you happy and he just needs to see your smile. but you're aware of the importance of money.
money is something very important for you and you know its value. so despite the fact you like receiving gifts, when oscar would spoil you too much with so many expensive things you can't help but get a bit angry. because you don't want him to spend all his salary for you. you're actually very reasonable and rational. you're humble and expensive gifts are like very precious to you because you value things
and oscar loves you for that. he thinks you're just so respectful and you never ask for anything, he don't even think you ever ask him to buy you something over your relationship. you always try to afford things by yourself and your hard work. and your boyfriend admire this. so when people or his "fans" would call you a scrounger, a girl who is here just for oscar's money, he get so annoyed. because if there's one person who doesn't count and don't care on his money at all, it's you.
he sighs and sit down next to you. "here's your water, princess" he says and he hands you the glass. you quickly change the shopping page to an other one with a youtube video, you panicked a bit because you don't want oscar to see you looking at these things. because you know he'll tell you that he can buy you it, and you always end up by scolding him gently, saying that if he dares do it you'll be mad for weeks.
"thanks love" you smile and take a sip of your water. he wraps one of his arms around your shoulders and pull you closer to him. "you finished your work ?" he asks against your hair, planting a soft kiss on it. "yes, i can finally take a break" you nod. "good then. i can have your attention" he hums and he's quick to move your laptop from your laps to place it on the table.
"cuddle me for a while" he says and he lay down on the couch. he makes you shift and you lay down too, your head on his chest and your legs crossed together. he wraps his arms around your back, rubbing it softly. "you work hard y/n. i'm so proud of my pretty girl" he smiles wide as his looks fall on you. you giggle and he can feel your laugh vibrates against his body, making him smile even wider. "i know. i'm such an amazing woman" you state with a tone of irony. "of course you are babe" he genuine knows it, he's proud to be boyfriend.
he starts placing lazy kisses on your head, sometimes on the back of your hand, still stroking your back. he run his hand under your hoodie, and his fingers rubs your soft skin softly, like you're a piece of porcelain. he's just too caring and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. but his soft touch makes you feel sleepy, and it doesn't take too long before you start to sleep.
he notices it because your breathing is slower and more regular. he places an other kiss on your hair. his eyes shift to your laptop screen. there are still your google searches on it, and he can't help himself but stretches his arm to move the touch mouse. he clicks on the page of your shopping cart, and knows he has a good look of the products you genuinely want.
he grabs his phone out of his pocket and he quickly takes a picture of the screen. he smiles to himself, proud of what he's going to do later this evening. now he knows what he needs to do.
"and i'll take the strawberry one too please" oscar says as he waits for the seller to wrap the ten pastries he just finished to order. the seller hands him the little red box with the white ribbon around it. the blonde grabs his credit card and pays without looking at the price. he's not even bothered, because a silly smile is playing on his lips.
he bought you these pastries which you talk about every time you found a tiktok about it, rambling about how sweet and delicious they look, and oscar was listening to you. he finally bought plenty of them today for you, ten pastries to be sure you'll have enough. and if not then he'll go back again at the bakery to buy more. until you're satisfied.
now he's going back home, already excited to see you and your expression when you'll discover all the things he bought today. he told you earlier that he needs to get some groceries, which was a lie because he used this time to purchase all the stuff you so want. he literally went to all the different stores of the mall : perfumery, bakery, jewelry store, plushies store and more.
he knows he has spent a huge amount of money just for you but he absolutely doesn't care at all. you're his princess and you must receive princess treatment. so that's why he bought this cute plushie you genuinely adore, and also your favorite set of perfumes even though you already have an extra double at home. buying you jewelry was inevitable, he chose two bracelets and two necklaces, also several pairs of earrings. and the cherry on top is the matching bracelet he carefully chose for you and him.
but nevertheless he got some groceries, most of them just being your favorite food and snacks. he totally spent a lot of money, he may not even have a penny left in his bank account but it's absolutely fine, as long as it's for you he doesn't pay attention to it. he's simply happy to treat you well. to treat you like you deserve it.
he parks his car and run to the door. he's carrying all the gifts and bags in his hands. he's completely full. he rings the doorbell and seconds later he's meeting with your pretty face. "i'm back" he simply says and you let him go into the house.
first you didn't notice all the bags he was carrying, because there are two packages which were delivered during oscar's absence and which are lying around the door. you are sure you didn't ordered anything, and oscar didn't tell you either that he ordered something so why these two packages are lying on the floor ?
"oscar, what are these packages ? i didn't ordered anything and you didn't too" you start and frown looking at the boxes. your boyfriend take off his shoes and he was going to speak when you finally notice all the bags in his hands. "and why are you carrying so many bags? there are around ten of them !" you say shocked, your eyes dart out.
he only smiles to you and hands you all the bags "surprise princess ! the packages are for you and these bags too". you don't realize, you just blink. is this real ? you look at him completely lost and he laughs seeing your confused expression. "you ordered the packages ? you really bought me all of these gifts ?" you ask still not realizing what he did.
your boyfriend nods rapidly like a child, a wide smile stuck on his face. "i wanted to please you because you deserve it love" he replies. "but oscar..." you start and he knows you're going to get mad at him because maybe he did too much. but he doesn't want to hear that so he doesn't wait and guides you to the couch. he makes you sit on it and he brings all the gifts around you. "now open them. it's all for you".
you sigh and look him in the eyes. "baby i appreciate it but do you realize you bought too much ? like it's an incredible amount of things" "of course i am aware of it and i don't care at all." he shrug and sit down next to you. you look like you're going to refuse all the presents and oscar doesn't want that. he places a kiss on your cheek and put one the package on your laps. "open now. i know you'll thanks me later for that"
you can't do anything but open all the boxes and bags in front of you. you cut the cardboard and open it. the beautiful pair of shoes you so wanted is meticulously wrap in the box. you don't realize. you're clearly shocked. you pick up them carefully and admire them. they're so pretty. and oscar knows he wins everything when a big smile come up on your face. "i don't even know what to say. i wanted them for so long. they're so pretty oscar"
"they'll look perfect on you" he states and a second later he feels your lips on his cheek. he giggles at the sudden touch "next gift baby !!" he says and either him can't hide his excitement. you can't help it too, you forgot for a while your dissatisfaction towards him because you're like a kid at christmas in front of all of the gifts. you open the second package and your look fall on the white and orange hoodie which reminds you of oscar.
it looks perfect. perfect like your boyfriend. the hoodie is clearly making you smile wider, though you were already getting cheek cramps. "how it looks ?" he asks in a nervous tone. "just incredibly beautiful and perfect" you says as you touch the soft fabric. "good. but we are not done. they're still the bags here" he points out the remaining bags on the floor.
and you open them all. the perfumes, the jewelry, the plushie, the snacks and even the pastries. you don't know how much they all cost but you're sure it's very very expensive. but you can't hide your happiness, you're so grateful for that. all the gifts are just more than enough. and your dissatisfaction turned into thankfulness.
all of these gifts, the way he bought you everything you wanted because he wanted to please you, all of that makes you emotional. and you can't help but let some tears fall down on your face. oscar notices it and he starts to panic. "wait- are you okay love ?" he asks cautiously. you wipe a tear and nod to reassure him. "yes don't worry i'm okay. it's just... it's just..."
you let a sob and he can't take it anymore. he pulls you into his arms, pressing soft kisses on your face. "tell me y/n" he says softly. he don't want to push you, just so caring. "it's just that i don't want you to spend all your money and buy extra expensive things to me. i'm okay with what i already have, i don't care if i can't afford what i want. i just don't want you to waste all your money only for me"
oscar smiles softly and pulls you closer. oh how his heart pang from love. from affection and adoration. he's so in love with you. he rubs your cheek with his thumb and place a soft kiss on your lips. "but you know that i don't care princess. i want the best for you and i want to treat you well like how you deserve to be treated. i like to spoil you. i like to buy you gifts" he explains to you. "but you're already my best gift oscar"
his brain stopped to work just as his heart skipped a beat. he can't hide his smile. "and you are too. that's why i genuinely want to pleasure you, because you're a princess that deserves all the love in the world. money doesn't matter. i know you don't like that but i'll never stop myself to spend money for you. you are the only person I would do anything for and all you have to do is ask me what you need, i'll give it to you right away"
you let another snob out of your mouth. the boy starts to peck all your face. "i don't deserve you oscar. i'm so lucky to have you." "no, i'm the lucky one. i don't even know how i managed to pull someone like you" he laughs and you giggle. "i love you oscar. so much"
he smiles and leans in to kiss you tenderly. his lips move perfectly on yours. he pulls back and look at you with heart eyes. "i love you too my girl". you hide your face in the crook of his neck and you stay like that for a while. until he gets up. "now i'm gonna make some coffee for you to drink with the pastries"
and he'll put on the table a tray of pastries, a cup of hot coffee next to them. you'll share the strawberry cake with your boyfriend, and you'll remains him of how perfect he is. because after all he's clearly the best boyfriend in the world...
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highhhfiveee · 11 months
safety net, part three
part two: 🚿 | part four: 🏆
pairing: pornstar!mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: y/n gets a taste of mike's world and things begin to shift. wc: 3.1k tags: lots of mentions of porn, smut (descriptions of sex being filmed, featuring unprotected sex, dirty talk, clit rubbing, squirting, some workplace intimacy lmao), angst?, exposition! proofread many times but if there are still errors, idk what to say lmao
"i know right," you say plainly, eyes wide at your best friend, claire, as you take a large gulp of your hot latte. claire cuts her gaze to you, puffing her cheeks out in a sigh. you were always so in awe by her, the feeling proved once again when she'd actually agreed wholeheartedly to view your boyfriend's porn.
"i still don't believe that you're dating him," she sputters with outrage as she points to your computer on the dining room table, open to a still of mike with dick in hand, coming on some dark-haired girl's keen face. "and i don't believe it even more so because you decided to wait six months before telling me. i thought we were best friends!"
you can tell her outrage is whimsical by the way she faints into your arms, and you reach forward to catch her. 
"yeah but, like, best friends from adolescence that don't see each other very often. last time i saw you was three months ago." 
"okay, but by then you'd been dating him for three months, and that's almost half a year!" 
"barely, claire." 
you couldn't even believe that you were dating him. you hadn't known how you two went from meeting outside an underwhelming, overpriced restaurant to making out and cuddling intimately in mike's bed four out of seven days a week. it'd felt like no time had passed at all; you'd just been living without thinking. mike took every worry off your shoulders, freeing you of anxiety in so many ways that you couldn't believe someone that caring and accommodating was real.
he paid for your sessions after you'd mindlessly rambled about not being able to afford this therapist you really liked. he sent you the credentials to his grocery delivery membership, encouraging you to get anything you wanted or needed. you could finally consistently get things that were good, and healthy. he paid your rent, and respected the fact that you didn't want to move in with him and wanted autonomy to work and pay for your other personal expenses.
"i just want you to be happy. you tell me what you want, and we'll make it happen."
he had you and it didn't feel real. you felt like you couldn't tell anyone about it, terrified that everything would crumble if you spoke even a word about him being your partner, so sweet and good and rewarding. you didn't want to hide him, but you didn't want things to collapse. not this time. 
you wouldn't be able to take it this time. 
you explain all this to claire, ending with, "i'm sorry it took so long. i just really want this to last." you'd told her about everything, even about dating simon briefly and how he led you to mike. 
claire nods, chewing on a wedge of pineapple speared by a fork. she's given up her fainting performance, once again munching on her breakfast and clicking the pad on your laptop. the video you two were watching resumes, and you watch her face for bit, eyes shifting around the screen in intrigue, before turning back to it as well.
"you deserve it, y/n. that simon guy sounded like a dickhead. an expired card, and the bathroom excuse? fucking lame." her voice doesn't chop through the amplified sound of both mike and the girl moaning, whiny and feral. they're absolutely gone, and you're really not thinking about simon anymore. fuck him. 
now, you thought of mike.
granted, you hadn't been like the people in mike's videos, up to a certain point. you'd done the kissing and the heavy petting, but you hadn't had sex at all, in any form, and he didn't pressure you into feeling like it was some sort of requirement. he agreed with taking it slow, placing emphasis on the romantic before the sexual. you knew there would be no issues with the sexual; why rush into it when you could have the slow burn, all the tension you wanted up until you were ready?
mike hadn't fought it, and yeah, you thought, you did deserve it. you deserved to be treated like this. 
"called me over for an art date, i guess you still painted," the girl mewls with a devilish smile, licking at mike's---sorry, chase cox's---come around her mouth. 
"mhm, baby. masterpiece, if i do say so myself." mike is so pretty on the screen; sweaty and flustered, but so confident at the same time, polite too. even when he's in an act, he's so attentive; he moves hair away from eyes and wipes spit off chins and cradles waists while he adjusts his hips to hit various angles, turning almost everyone he filmed with into a "braindead fucktoy"---claire's filthy words, not yours (though you didn't mind the idea). 
the video ends with a snippet of aftercare, the both of them wiping at each other's bodies with gentle motions. it's how they all end, and you think it's really nice, showing a crucial part of sex that most people forgo. you'd seen plenty of mike's videos by now, and knew that while some were vastly more kinky than others, they all followed the same formula of care, concern, and curtesy. 
you could tell mike lived by that, too. 
"well, i gotta scoot to work," claire murmurs, leaning down to grab for her bag. "but thank you for inviting me to breakfast so you could show and tell me that you've been dating a wildly handsome, generous, and charismatic sex worker. best videos i've seen by far, honestly. are you seeing him today?" 
you nod sheepishly, and claire laughs into the sky, doctored with comical bitterness. "well, let the record show that i am both extremely jealous and extraordinarily happy for you." she gives you a toothy smile, poking at your shoulder with both index fingers. "seriously. you deserve it all." 
you carry this thought with you as you ride in one of the company's chartered cars, traversing through the roads to their main studio, the biggest one in the city. there were only 4 throughout the metro area, but this one, a gigantic penthouse isolated at the top of a 275-foot tall apartment complex, had the most space and atmosphere of them all. you remember coming here to take your picture for the all-access card mike had given you. he was so happy to gift it to you a few months ago, finally getting through after bugging the execs to give him another card with unhindered access for months. 
"finally got the hard copy, just for you. got your name on it and everything," he'd smiled so wide, clipping it on one of his merch lanyards; white with black, serif text that read, "chase cox world domination". you'd fallen over in laughter, kissing at his cheeks while thanking him between giggles. 
you hadn't been here many times over the last three months, but when you were, you were able to slip through every door and security checkpoint without hassle. people knew who you were and attended to you, telling you exactly where mike was in the studio or offering to get you any refreshments or sundries you were after. you'd always declined, extending extreme gratitude to everyone servicing you, but today, you ask for a bottle of fancy artesian water. you deserve it. 
the few times you'd been here before were usually half-hours after mike had finished a scene, helping him pack up to head home for the day, but this time, you'd come early, wanting to catch a glimpse of him at work. 
you take the elevator to the top, stepping out into the concrete foyer of the industrial workspace. the gray of the material was accented with bright art and other pops of color in furniture and decor that conveyed the new age principles and ideology of the production company. it made sense why the videos were so honored, with the people behind them being young and progressive and on the right side of history (and design). 
there are eight rooms on the floor; three for shooting, three for aesthetics and dressing, one for an office, and one for storage. there were bathrooms in three of them and two down the main hallway that opened into the formal living room/break area and kitchen. you'd been told that mike was in the hunger room; this one set up for messier, more bodily fluid oriented videos, as opposed to the softer passion and kinkier desire shooting rooms. 
the rooms are all hidden behind frosted, sliding glass doors with the titles printed onto placards affixed next to them. you find hunger after walking a little, and gently pull on the handle. the door slides open soundlessly, and you're closing it behind you as you step inside, your eyes locked on the scene in front of you. 
mike and his partner are arranged on a leather couch in a living room set, his hips shoving into her in this perceptive way. he's reading her body language and reacting accordingly, and you can see why she's moaning so genuinely, feet dangling by the ankle over mike's shoulders. the couch is already drenched in liquid, wet and puddled under the girl's ass.
he grabs for the back of the couch to go deeper, leaning down to press kisses on her lips as the cameraman focuses in on where they're connected. the sound is so lewd, and it makes you press your thighs together as you watch alongside the small production crew. 
"feel good? happy to have a friend like me? someone who knows you, knows your body? someone who makes you feel better and come harder than your stupid fucking boyfriend?" his partner mewls out a broken, exasperated, "y-yyesssss" between gritted teeth as her moans get higher and higher pitched. suddenly, she's reaching at mike's back to scratch at his skin, screaming out as mike leans off to the side of her, massaging his fingertips over her clit and cooing, "yeah, just let go. know he's never made you feel like this, wasting this perfect pussy..."
his partner squirts against the camera with a screech, loud and raw but pretty. the lens is covered in a heavy spray of bodily fluid as she arches her back and grinds her mound into mike's hand, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. "that's fucking it," he encourages, speaking in her ear as he looks down at the mess in his peripherals and rides her through it. "just the way you deserve." you swear he locks eyes with you when he says it, and he only confirms it with the small smirk he throws your way, managing to fit it into the ending of the shot. his eyes twinkle through the aftercare segment, and he talks with his spent coworker, calling, "she just wants to sit for a second" to a PA with a chuckle. 
"okay, ten minute break and then we're shooting the come shot."
her legs slowly straighten out as mike throws the towel he's handed around his waist and slides his feet into the slippers stored behind the couch. he grabs a water from an outstretched hand as he makes his way over to you, smelling like sweat and sex and glistening with this nearly angelic post-fuck glow. it's like he's coming down from the gates of porn heaven.
"hi, my love," he muses, pulling you into a tight hug before saying, "how much did you see?" 
"like right before the squirting. it's very..." you're not sure what to say, really. maybe, just maybe, you need to change your underwear, but you don't want to be weird about it. you're sure he's heard weird, and beyond weird, but you want to maintain composure in front of his coworkers. you give him a tight smile, resting your hand on his pulsing bicep. "just makes me think things." 
"maybe we should add 'thought-provoking' to the list of labels for the company," he jokes, taking a sip of water while winking at you. "you're a genius, baby." 
you're giggling along with him, opening your mouth to continue the joke when two tanned arms reach from behind him to cross in an X over his chest. a head peeks from behind him, and she's immediately unmistakable to you. 
it's his current scene partner, who is also the girl from the video you watched earlier today. the one eager for his come, whining for him to make a mess of her face while letting him beat his dick on her tongue. you think back to all of the videos you've seen her in where she's with mike. she always comes the hardest working with him, and vice versa. something about it makes you sick. 
she's smiling at his cheek, eyes focused on his as he turns his glance towards her. her arms get tighter around him and you notice how she gets closer, pressing her front tighter against his back. "caught your breath?" 
"you know i always do," she brags, licking at her canines as her stare moves to you, looking you up and down with snarky scrutiny. "casting department's starting to slack." 
you shrink, feeling so small that you don't feel like you're interrupting something anymore. you might as well just not be there, and you're about to sink into pitiful posture when mike snarls, "hey, watch yourself. y/n, this is amelie, and li, this is y/n, my girlfriend. i told you about her." the sound of mike saying the nickname turns to bile in your throat, searing you on the way down and keeping you from speaking.
amelie gives you a blank expression now, standing beside mike with no qualms at being fully naked in front of a stranger. "y/n, y/n...not ringing any bells," she places her hands on her hips, tossing her dark, sex-tousled hair over her collarbones. "sorry."
you don't know why you're daunted by her; you're usually daunted by no one, and able to speak up for yourself when people are acting catty. this time, you can't help but be unnerved by her perfection, or how close she is to it. perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect boobs...
"i'm kidding," amelie's smooth, beguiling voice rips you from your thoughts, and you're gasping for something to say when she continues, "he's shown me endless pictures, and knows that i think you're gorgeous." her tone picks up the tiniest bit as she quips, "my eyes are up here, by the way." she's throwing you off, frustrating you in so many ways and you're just stammering with mike looking between the two of you.
"i'm sorry---"
"it's really fine. millions of people have seen them, everyone's always thirsty for more of me and chase cox..." she drags the end of her sentence out as she runs the tips of her long, cherry red nails along the back of mike's neck, ending in a laugh.
"'mike schmidt' isn't a porn name, we already had this conversation." 
"neither is chase cox, if we're being real," they launch into a chitchat, and you once again feel like you're intruding. there's no denying that they have insane chemistry, but it still rips at you;  you're aware of them having an entire moment in front of you, complete with the body language and glances and suddenly, you don't care about their connection. mike was your boyfriend, and it didn't matter what she said or did. they'd made so many videos together, yet, every night he came home to you, and not her. 
"yeah, well you're still moaning chase when you come," 
"because i can't dox you like that--"
you clear your throat noisily, gaining their attention with an eyeroll, and amelie observes you and your curled lip with recognition of your game. she didn't expect you to have bite, not with the way you look now. you're not the assertive, 'take-no-shit' girl from the pictures mike showed her. she thinks you're merely a hint of that, and that it completely evaporates when someone lights a fire under your ass, but maybe she's wrong for once. "watched a bunch of your stuff. it was really good, you're talented." 
"thanks," her gratitude is dry and bitchy, and you're about to say more when a PA calls a two minute warning and she squints her eyes into slits at you. "hope you're ready to see a lot more of me." she uses mike's shoulder to pivot with a sly smirk, sauntering back to the now wiped down leather couch, ripples coursing through her ass with every step. 
you look to mike with astonishment, wondering where he's been during this whole thing, and who that girl is, and if she's genuine bad news or simply one of those callous girls that guys love to chase.
mike had defended you, sure, but he'd gotten captured too. what if she's indoctrinating him some--
"she's nice," you blurt, stopping yourself from the overthinking you'd resorted to. you needed to be nice to yourself. you deserved this, deserved everything you had with mike. nothing was taking that away from you, and you could feel secure in that. mike would reassure you.
he does, saying, "isn't she?" with a snicker. "don't worry about her, okay? it's her personality, and she does everyone like that, so she's not just targeting you. ignore her, and if you don't like the small jokes either, i can tell her to knock it off. whatever you want. also, lunch after i wrap?" 
you nod your head, about to say something again when the PA announces that it's time for shooting to start back up. mike gives you a fat kiss on the lips as he drops his towel into a director's chair next to you, and makes his way back over to amelie folded on the couch. her knees are by her chin at a filthy angle, and she's using a squeeze bottle with a tapered tip to squeeze shiny lube all over her clit and both holes. 
mike watches, rubbing his hand all through it to spread it around. amelie bites at her lip as he does, staring up at him with eyes that are filled with unadulterated lust, and he uses the leftover lube on his dick, stroking the slippery surface as he gets harder and harder in his hand. 
the director asks them if they're ready, and when they both answer yes, she says, "okay, we're gonna go insertion, sink in, wait five for the kiss, and go from there. alright...rolling...action." 
amelie flicks her eyes to you in a leer, winking at you like mike did earlier as he plunges into her sopping wet walls. her head falls back against the couch while she outstares you, open-mouthed moans transitioning into "cockdrunk" laughs that you know are calculated.  
you begin to chug your bottle of water, deliberately ogling her in return. you were down with playing a game for two, but not for long. 
lord. the hell i've gone through to get this up /: lmao i need to go to bed. things are about to heat up, so prepare yourselves for what's next to come!
faire's seedlings ✿
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tilldeathdoesmedirty · 4 months
Another day 2
Warnings: dub-con/non-con, age gap, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, emotional abuse, physical abuse, possibly other triggering events. 
Characters: dark!Steve Rogers.
Summary: Be careful what you wish for, one day it could come true. And that might just be your savior in disguise, all it takes is a little bit of persuasion. 
Interact on your own accord. You have been warned. 
Any reblog, comment, feedback is well received and appreciated! Enjoy <3 
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You fiddle with the key to your two-room apartment, harshly jamming it in the keychain. If your neighbors didn’t know how you look like, they’d suspect you of being a pick locker. Courtesy of your landlord for not trying to fix the door when you told him about it multiple times. But hey, renting a place that you can actually afford must come with a couple of its own disadvantages, you thought.
Sweet victory, you mumble, as you hear a click from the door, unlocking it. You quickly go in, leaving your coat on the hanger and your now soaked shoes by the door. The apartment is rather dull, not much to look at. Basic cheap TV placed on the wall, a small table in front and next to it a couch that looked older than your grandparents, if they were still alive.
You don’t even need to get started on the bedroom, especially the kitchen. The bathroom being the only decent one in this whole situation. 
Thank god.
You look at the small timer that’s placed on the nightstand next to your bed, 20:00 you read. Enough time to entirely soak yourself in a hot bath, hoping it will make all your worries go away, if only just for a bit.
You run the water, waiting for it to warm up and fill the bathtub. You’re grateful the apartment you’re renting has hot water, not like other ones you’ve lived in even if it was for shorter periods of time, which had to take a lot of time for the water to even be mildly warm. Thus being the only thing you’re actually excited about this whole place. You didn’t even want to imagine the pneumonia you would have had. Would have been the cherry on the cake, bills on top of bills. 
You look out the window, mesmerized by the heavy snow settling on the city tonight. Your mind wanders to your little encounter with Steve, you feel your stomach turn, anxiety washing over as you remember him calling out your name. As much as you try to pick your brain out, you can’t remember ever telling him your name. Even though you should have, it just didn’t cross your mind at the moment. Not exactly professional on your part but no matter, you wouldn’t have forgotten if you did tell him.
You snap back to reality as you feel the hot water reach your arm that you left hanging in the bathtub. You turn the faucet off, stripping out of your clothes and getting in the tub. You let out a heavy sigh as the water swallows you whole. You lean your head back, closing your eyes. 
Everything will be alright, love. It’s just how the world works.
You remember… your mom, her words, everything. You slowly slide your head against the tub, holding your breath as you let your head go underwater. Any sound coming from outside blocked completely, you lose yourself in the silent yet loud ambient noise.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You scroll through the hundred of pages with the best possible secure locks. You don’t quite understand what more he wants than just a mere lock. Any of them should do honestly, there probably is no such thing as an unpickable lock so why go through the hassle of having to search for hours and hours. You were getting restless. 
You scoff. Prick.
At the last second, just as you’re about to close your work laptop’s screen, your eyes land on a lock and you look over the descriptions. Your eyes glint with triumph. You quickly pick up your phone and dial Steve’s number. You are taken aback by his almost instant response. 
You clear your throat. 
“Hello sir, i’m calling for the lock you requested? I think I may have found what you’re looking for.” you say, trying to keep your voice as even as possible. 
“That’s perfect,” he responds slowly “I trust that you chose well so, when can I expect it?”
“It shouldn’t take long. If I order it now, in a couple of hours the technician should arrive at your place and install it.” you say as you pick up a pen, rolling it between your fingers, occasionally tapping it on the table in a rhythmic manner. 
He gives you an approving hum in return.
“I’ll come by in half an hour to make the payment,” he continues “See you then, sweetheart.” he ends the call. 
You notice a weird tone in his voice, you can’t exactly place it. You always try to ignore when he calls you sweetheart. It gives you such an unsettling feeling.
You don’t like it.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄�� ❄️
You hear the main door to the building open then close. You glance over as you see Steve, you look at the time, exactly thirty minutes passed since your last call with him. 
Your coworker was out today, something about a cold. It’s a good thing you don’t get many customers, it’s not that stressful on your own. But in this case, it means it’s just you and Steve now. Alone. 
You greet him with a fake smile, intended for customers as he makes his way to your desk.
“Right on point.” you say, trying to make a light joke. 
“Exactly how I like to be.” he says with a smirk. 
You try your best refraining from rolling your eyes. Thankfully you don’t slip up. 
“So how will it be sir, cash or card?” you continue with a small smile. You don’t know why, but his presence makes you nervous. 
Really nervous. 
“Card, if you don’t mind.” he replies as he takes out his card from his wallet. 
You introduce the price number on the keypad of the card reader. You feel your body tense as you notice his gaze on you. If looks could burn, you’d be on fire. You hold out the card reader, waiting patiently as he puts his card on top of it, a beep emitting from it, meaning the payment was successful. 
You take out the receipt from it and you nervously glance up at him, you hold out your hand with the receipt in it, waiting for him to take it. He looks down at you with a stoic expression, considering you for a couple of seconds, not saying anything. 
And neither do you, you don't dare to. 
He gives you a stern smile. You look at him, careful with your actions and what you’re going to say. 
This doesn’t feel right.
“When do you usually get off?” he suddenly asks. 
You widen your eyes just the slightest, stopping almost instantly as you try to hide your surprise. 
You consider his question, why would he even ask it in the first place?
“Er… about 5pm?” you tell him, more like a question really. 
He hums and nods his head, still smiling. 
“Right then, here’s my address,” he continues like nothing happened. Like what he just asked a couple seconds ago was the most normal thing.
Nonetheless, you write his address down.
“Looking forward to it.” he says. You see the corner of his lip turn up a little just for a second. 
You think that your mind may be playing tricks on you and this was just your imagination. The interaction between you two before he finally decides to leave is pure awkwardness. At least for you. 
You let out a breath of relief that you didn’t even know you were holding in. This should be it, right? No more interactions with him, no more anything. His lock should be installed in a couple of hours, and voila. Mission accomplished.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You close your work laptop and gather your stuff, preparing yourself to go home and enjoy your free weekend. Mostly just staying in bed, watching tv or reading. So basically doing nothing, like always. 
You exit the building and head for the bus station, it’s pretty dark outside given the fact that it’s just a little over 5pm. Those are the perks of winter, you guess. At least it isn’t snowing as bad as last night but it’s just as cold nonetheless. You try as much as possible to keep the warmth you left with from leaving your body, but obviously, there isn’t much to do about it. 
You wait patiently for the bus to arrive, occasionally looking left and right at the surprisingly empty street, only a couple of cars passing by now and then. After all, this particular bus station isn’t that popular at this type of hour. 
You notice a car that’s slowly coming your way. You don’t think much of it, really, probably just another car passing by. You squint your eyes at the car’s bright headlights as it comes to a stop. 
Right in front of you.
You watch with a blank expression, instinctively your hands clutch your purse harder. You listen to the engine’s low rumble, almost soothing in the silent area. The car window rolls down and you look with curiosity. 
“…Steve?” you say, mostly to yourself. 
In the passenger seat is none other than Steve himself, you raise both your eyebrows in confusion, still not making any movements. 
“Get in.” the silence between you two is interrupted as he suddenly yells out, making sure you hear him from the engine’s noise and the distance you share. 
You give him a puzzled look. 
“What? How did you-…” you start but he cuts you off just before you could decline his kind offer. 
“Sweetheart, i’m not asking. You’re going to freeze to death, get in.” even though he has a calm demeanour and a smile on his face that’s worth a million bucks, it still feels off. 
But against your better judgment and the fact that you were waiting almost half an hour in the insufferable cold for the bus that’s yet to come, you hesitantly get closer to the car, with a frown on your face as clear as day. 
When you’re close enough, you stop. You look at him, trying to find any expression he might give away so that you can have a proper excuse as to why you have this dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach. All you get from him is what seems to be a reassuring smile.
Oh, what the hell you think as you decide to open the car door and get in the passenger’s seat. Putting all your insecurities at the back of your mind. 
“Thank you…” you say, giving him a small smile, as you buckle the seatbelt. 
He stirs the wheel and takes off to the main road “No problem at all.” he replies, looking straight ahead as he gives a smile of his own, his perfect teeth peaking out just the slightest at the corner of his lip, it could almost be mistaken as a smirk. 
After a couple minutes of silence, what helps you remember that you need to give him your address is the passing of the street the bus usually takes on your way home. You almost jump in your seat at your realization. You quickly turn to face him as you blurt out a little too loud the instructions to get to your apartment. You notice he’s startled by your sudden burst as he looks a couple times back and forth at the road and you, in the end settling on the road once again.
He gives out a chuckle while shaking his head “Nobody ever told you it’s not a good idea to startle someone who’s driving?” 
“S-sorry,” you stutter a reply as you turn your head to gaze down at your lap in embarrassment.
“It’s just… you missed a turn, sorry.” 
He hums in response, you even hear a little “Did I” from him. Your eyes narrow and your brows furrow, that’s a weird thing to say, isn’t it? But you choose not to dwell on it too much.
You wait the rest of the ride in silence, at one point you look out the window, focusing on the passing trees and buildings as they blend in together. Feeling more tired by every passing second, you let yourself drift away. You lazily blink a couple of times as it gets harder and harder to keep your eyes open, you rest your head against the window and eventually, you end up closing them. You don’t even spare a second thought about being alone in a car with a stranger, you don’t think of anything at all actually. 
Your place is only a ten minute ride away, after all.
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1d1195 · 1 year
Traditional I
Inspiration is funny, ya know?
Definitely multiple parts. Hope you like the idea, wasn't part of my list, but appeared in my brain without warning. Couldn't ignore it. Enjoy!
Main Character messages/Harry messages
Do you not want...a traditional relationship? If you’re paying me, how do you know I’d be a real companionship?
Because only the sweetest person on earth would send a profile out to a bunch of multi-millionaires to pay her a measly 1500 a month AND turn down a higher offer all because it’s more than she wanted.
There was a prominent frown on her face. She could sort of make out the sad, nearly disgusted face of the reflection in the back of half her computer screen. She looked over her profile again and again making sure it wasn’t too desperate but wasn’t overselling something she couldn’t produce. “Ahh...” she felt herself wincing at that reflection and bit her lip nervously as her cursor hovered over the submit button. “Ugh,” she sighed.
When Louis suggested it, she thought he was joking.
“Babe, someone would pay good money for your ass,” he told her.
“What is wrong with you?” She deadpanned.
But here she was. Making the profile to find someone willing to pay for her companionship. That’s what all the websites said. But it was a Sugar Daddy. That’s what it was called. It wasn’t ugly or distasteful. She didn’t care what people did with their lives at all. It wasn’t something that she thought she would have to do for herself until it was her last resort. That didn’t mean it wasn’t something to look at with disdain. She was all for women getting paid to be themselves simply for being lovely.
She didn’t want to do it because she didn’t think she would be good at it. She wasn’t sexy or wild, she didn’t feel beautiful, and obviously her ex didn’t think she was much fun if he was looking elsewhere for quite some time for entertainment both in and out of the bedroom. A stranger with a lot of money probably wouldn’t find her exciting like the other profiles she perused before completing a questionnaire of her own.
In all honesty, it seemed like it would be a second full-time job trying to convince a man that she deserved the money she was asking for and she wasn’t sure she could do that on top of all the other tasks she had to deal with these days. She told herself she wouldn’t let Louis convince her. But she needed the money—a good chunk of money at that. Best case scenario, there would be no takers to supply her with money. She would remain in her needy financial state and would find some other low paying job and try to manage the seemingly endless pile of obligations.
Louis was kind enough to let her stay with him and Eleanor until she figured out her shit. It wasn’t her fault that the guy she was dating cheated on her, broke her heart, and kicked her out of their shared house all in one swoop. She was living for free because they had been together for so long and it was his aunt’s old house near university. She had money and scholarships to pay for classes, so she didn’t need to manage a job while also getting an internship.
It was her final year before she would be awarded her master’s degree. Nothing could go wrong.
Except she returned early from visiting her mom and didn’t tell him.
So, there he was, moaning into another woman’s mouth on their bed.
She would have kicked herself out if he hadn’t done it first. “You could use a better dick in you too, love,” Louis had joked.
With a deep breath, like she was about to jump into a pool, she held her finger over her track pad. One last bout of reasoning ran through her mind. Her full-time internship would pay crumbs. Not enough to afford rent or a place of her own. She needed to get out of Louis and Eleanor’s hair. It was just one year.
Blowing out a breath she smacked her laptop shut and headed to Eleanor’s kitchen—she would have said Louis and Eleanor’s kitchen, but Eleanor had a strict “no Louis near the oven” rule. One hand on her box of cereal and another on the silverware drawer to grab a spoon, she was shocked to hear her phone pinged with a message after two minutes. “Shut up,” she muttered to herself. She could almost hear Louis saying I told you so.
She ignored it. The first taker was probably not the way to go—too eager. She wasn’t a prude but the idea of having sex for money wasn’t really what she wanted to sign up for this last year of her program. But then there was another ping. And another.
“What the fuck?” She whispered.
“What is that dating app?” Louis called from the door. The pinging was incessant. “I’ve never heard that one,” he said as he meandered into the kitchen. She turned the volume down and Louis snagged it from her hands.
“YOU DID IT,” he gasped, practically cheering as he unlocked her phone without her permission. “HOLY SHIT! You’ve got like fifteen takers already, babe. I told you that ass was worth it.”
“Louis, please give—”
He gasped. “Love, are you that dumb?” He asked gazing at her screen.
“What do you—”
“You can’t ask for a crummy fifteen hundred dollars a month,” he rolled his eyes. “You’re going to get all kinds of creeps and people that will make you do despicable things.”
“But I don’t—”
“A fifteen hundred dollars a week would be a lot better, don’t you think?”
“Louis, I just need a little bit of help. I don’t want to take someone’s money if I’m going to be bad at—”
The pinging stopped. “See?” He rolled his eyes placing her phone back in her hands. “Much more selective clientele...and you won’t be bad at it. I’m telling you that ass is going to pay for anything you want.”
“Louis,” she groaned and rubbed her hand over her face.
“Eleanor thinks so too, don’t you love?” He called down the hall.
“You’re home?” She called to her friend supposedly down the hall.
“Is it your profile that you've been whining about all this time? I would have helped you,” she said. “He’s right; your ass is going to be a great selling point,” Eleanor didn’t leave her room.
“I don’t want a ton of money. I just need to get by...” she explained to Louis.
“Yeah, but if you’re going to get paid for sexual activities you need to be compensated appropriately,” he said seriously.
“Why do you know so much about this?” She rolled his eyes. “Eleanor, you know he doesn’t have money, right?”
Flicking her cheek, he finished pouring the cereal for her (he was only allowed to touch kitchen items that didn’t involve cooking. He only recently upgraded to having microwave privileges again—especially after the baked potato incident). “I just know some girls from my dorm a few years ago talked about it a lot,” he rolled his eyes.
She was quiet while Louis slid the bowl in front of her and she took a few bites. She was still mad and upset about her ex. But she had bills to pay and quick. She frowned. “This is not what I wanted,” she mumbled.
Louis frowned grabbing a second bowl to join her cereal party. “I know, babe, but it’s okay. You’ll do great. Let’s see what your serious options are now.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to look right now. I’m too nervous.”
Louis chuckled around a bite of his food. “You don’t have to do sexual favors y’know.”
“Based on my research, I think I have to if I want this kind of money.”
He smirked. “Then we better find you a guy with big hands.”
“Jesus Christ.”
She didn’t look the next day or even the day after that either. It was too much to think about all at once. Submitting the profile and having her best friend talk about her ass and sexual favors was a bit much. Eleanor eventually came out from the other room and gave her gentle encouragement that Louis often lacked.
There was a bunch of remote training she needed to do before she started her internship on Monday. A company she had never really heard of; it was a good company. Not one that was plastered everywhere, but the research she did on it seemed to show it was a good place that made a good amount of money. She was emailing her supervisor, Niall, who had interviewed her for the position at the time. He was extremely nice, and she was grateful it was one less thing she had to worry about when the rest of her life seemed to be falling apart. She would be Niall’s assistant and learn the ropes of his job that entailed, “really two jobs in one. I just know the owner, so I often get stuck in two roles,” he joked to her.
Good morning Mr. Horan,
              You’ll see that I’ve completed the training required. I’ve attached all the certificates and approvals and sent them to HR as well. This was just for your record. Please let me know if there’s anything else I need to do. I’m very excited to start, is there anything I need to do specifically when I get there to make your life easier? Please let me know.
              Have a great weekend!
Her phone pinged yet again with an alert that someone was interested in giving her money for companionship. She frowned slightly, almost wishing that it wouldn’t ping anymore. She didn’t want Louis knowing and she was really wishing that it didn’t have to be like this. She didn’t want to do this. She wanted to be with her ex and live happily ever after the way she had planned for so many years.
For all the shit to hit the fan in the last, busiest year of her life, she was incredibly sad.
              I’m glad you’re excited. You don’t have to do anything special. I’ll show you around on Monday. Don’t stress, you’re going to do great.
              Have a lovely, relaxing weekend as well.
(Please call me) Niall
She smirked at his response. This seemed like the least of her worries, but she had heard others didn’t typically last long at this company. Niall probably knew that as well as she did. He probably had to be polite to the rotation of interns coming through his office when his boss didn’t like them.
Another ping.
She sighed and figured it was now or never.
She deleted the creepy pick-up lines and anything that had a picture attachment noted on the message threads. That narrowed her choices down to four. She read through each of the opening messages and only one particularly stood out.
I’d like to give you five thousand dollars a month.
The only reason it stood out was because it was the only thing that was said. The other messages, while kinder than the ones she deleted, talked a lot about themselves and said they liked her profile. You seem cheap, lol wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear. But there wasn’t a lot to go off of the one negotiating for triple the amount she was asking for.
She looked at the username for a moment trying to make heads or tails of his name. Coming up short she sighed quietly. “Louis? Eleanor?” She called.
With no response she decided she was on her own and clicked on his message thread again.
Thank you, that’s very kind, but I really don’t need all that much. I’m just...a little down on my luck and need enough to afford a place and whatnot. I couldn’t possibly use all that every month.
Hmm... The reply was almost instantaneous. Been waiting for you to reply, love. Can’t say I expected you to say that. You must be new to this whole arrangement.
She frowned. Appearing inept made her feel grumpier than she already was.
I am but I’m not greedy. That’s all. I just want what I need.
I appreciate that. But then you’re on the wrong app love. I want to give you five thousand a month AND pay for your place.
She was really glad Louis wasn’t around. She was blushing madly and there was no way he wouldn’t make fun of her nor take her phone from her himself and send messages she didn’t want to send. Taking a deep breath, she pursed her lips and nodded. I think you’re right...I don’t know. I really need the money. I just...I don’t want to take what I don’t EARN...and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this arrangement, after all.
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, love. I make a lot of money. More than I know what to do with. I give to a lot of charities, and I’d just like to have a bona fide companionship that wasn’t about my money.
She snickered. Maybe you’re on the wrong app.
Sorry, I guess I am new to this. Do you not want...a traditional relationship? If you’re paying me, how do you know I’d be a real companionship?
Because only the sweetest person on earth would send a profile out to a bunch of multi-millionaires to pay her a measly 1500 a month AND turn down a higher offer all because it’s more than she wanted.
She didn’t respond for a while. A few minutes turned into half an hour. Then before she knew it two hours had passed, and she felt like she hadn’t done anything in that time yet somehow no time had passed and the man at the other end had enough of waiting for her reply.
I didn’t mean to scare you. I spend a lot of time scouring these profiles. I want someone GOOD for my money. You hardly want anything. I could pay you what I want and any apartment you wanted before breakfast for a whole year because my company already has that money transferred into its account. I could pay your student loans if you wanted. I just want someone real, and you have the most real and lovely profile I’ve ever seen.
Sucking her lip into her mouth she kind of wanted to share this text with Louis but maybe it was too private. Maybe it was too ridiculous to believe that on her first attempt, her first profile and site she found someone so sweet.
If you don’t want to, I understand. But please be careful. If you’re not interested in traditional relationships this isn’t the site for you.
Then why are you on this site?
To find someone like you.
She frowned. Seems a little predatory :)
He sent an eye rolling emoji. Just trying to help you out, love.
She waited only a few moments this time before replying. You don’t want a traditional relationship?
It’s not a make or break it for this deal. I’m willing to work up to it if needed. I think you’re lovely and would like to spoil you however you see fit.
If she wasn’t careful, she was going to fall in love with his messages. That definitely couldn’t be part of the deal. Pacing in front of Eleanor’s refrigerator, she looked over the message that caused a flutter in her heart. Even her ex didn’t talk like that about her.
I think I’m interested. She messaged. What’s your name?
Harry. Harry Styles, love.
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aikeaguineamp3 · 2 years
hey besties, if you’re reading this i hope you’re having a wonderful day. i am a gay non-binary disabled and mentally ill poor person, trying to survive off a very limited amount of government funds - this has been my situation for a while, and while it’s difficult to navigate, i just want to say i really appreciate all of you who have donated to me or shared posts like this of mine in the past, you have helped me more than words can describe.
recently my situation has changed in that i would really like to go back to school, and have been planning and preparing to do that. i am not legally able to work due to my disability, but am still legally able to attend college, and i believe that doing so would help me a lot with various problems that i’ve been dealing with.
there are however at least a few obstacles that stand in my way of this, but i think they can all be solved. one such obstacle is that i would need to buy a laptop - something i haven’t had in years, and something very costly. after researching i found out that the laptop that would best meet my needs is almost $800.
i have no clue how i would be able to afford this on my own - that amount is almost what i am paid in a month, and it is very hard to save money when most of your monthly income goes towards rent and utilities. i have been trying to save money despite this, but it has proved extremely difficult.
i’m asking for help with this, if anyone can donate anything it will help. the goal i’m trying to reach is 800, which i realize is a lot to ask for, but furthering my education would improve my life in multiple ways and i don’t want this to get in the way of that.
please donate or reblog if you can. and thank you so much for taking the time to read 💖 have a beautiful day
C A: $zmorris3752
V M: @charlieavery428
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jarofstyles · 2 years
Flame 4- Blaze
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Hello my loves!! Here she is. Flame part 4. Please let me know what you think!
Check out our Patreon!
Warning: smut!! Dirty talk!! Filth :)
WC: 3.4k
For people who were supposedly best friends with benefits, they were acting more like a couple than anything he had ever experienced.
He fucking loved it.
Dates. What used to be hang outs were dates, really. Harry was having a ball planning them. The movies, new dinner places, brunch, walks in the park, a water park, and recently the zoo. But today, it was simply cooking dinner together and watching a movie on Harry’s projector.
She was wrapped up in his arms, in his sweatshirt again. The pasta sauce emergency had been a result of not securing the lid on the blender, meaning there was splatters of red sauce on the ceiling he may never get off, ruined clothing and a stomach sore from laughing. They had cleaned it together, still managed to have enough to use for their hand made pasta and ultimately had beautiful blackmail photos of one another covered in red sauce.
The lights were dim as they watched Pretty Woman. It was one of Y/N’s favorites, so she was relaxed perfectly in his arms. Sitting right between his split legs on the couch, she rested her head against his chest as her hands held his forearms. Boldly, his own hands were dipped under the borrowed sweatshirt, stroking the soft skin near her ribs. It was mindless, gentle, and driving her a bit crazy.
He pretended not to notice, but he did. Harry could read her like a book. Being friends for years and years on top of learning her intimately had a hand to hold in that. Y/N wasn’t the most warm and fuzzy person, and he felt fucking honored to be the one she chose to be soft with. When she turned the other night and nuzzled into his neck, he about died with giddiness. Harry had been the clingy one for ages, and now she was close to letting it be a battle.
“Why have you never asked me to be your sugar daddy?” His voice vibrated against her back, making her roll her eyes. Harry always interrupted moments with dumb comments like that but she catagorized it as part of his charm.
“Because you can’t afford me.” She deadpanned, not even turning around to catch his reaction. She didn’t have to. The offended scoff and grunt spoke enoigh- but she hadn’t accounted for how close his hands were to her breasts. The slight pinch to her nipple made her squeal, turning slightly in his arms to give him a wide eyed gape.
“Harry, what the fuck?”
“You just said I don’t have enough sugar to be a daddy.” He groused. “That’s offensive and rude. You know, I could very well afford you. We are sitting on a beautiful couch! And you're wearing my Gucci jumper.” The tone made her aware of his jokes, which didn’t help the fact that the action she had tried to be pissed about had turned her on. She never had anyone pinch her nipple before but she could kind of see the appeal of nipple clamps.
“Shut up, moneybags. I meant what I said. I’d drive you crazy. Besides, you’re literally getting the sexy stuff for free. Do you want to start paying my rent or something? Wouldn’t be opposed to that.”
Harry wanted her to move in. But even he recognized that was kind of a ‘what the fuck’ thought and way too soon. He just really enjoyed her staying here, being with him, not separating at night. Waking up to her in his bed. Finding her in his kitchen on her laptop when he got home. She had always kind of had a drawer here, but now her clothes- as much as it drove him a bit mad- mixed with his in the drawers. He didn’t feel like splitting the laundry. It was comfortable and it filled his chest with flutters. The good kind.
“I was thinkin’ more like going out to buy some pretty lingerie for you to wear for me. But I suppose I could pay your rent. Just out of spite. Can’t believe you said that.” He muttered, happy when she turned back to lay on top of him. Her open affection without her pushing him off if her anymore was a welcome change. He didn’t feel any sort of hesitancy anymore, wrapping his arm around her waist while the other toyed with the ends of her hair.
“Fine. Both. If you want to talk like a big shot, I want it Venmo’d to me later. But if you’re gonna do that, I’m gonna have to at least suck you off.” A playful glint hit her voice, fingers tangling in his necklace and feeling the cold metal wrap around her skin. She. Had gotten him the phallus banana as a joke but he wore it every day with an almost concerning amount of pride. “Haven’t gotten to do that nearly as much as it should be considering we’ve been doin’ all this stuff.”
Harry swallowed the slight tension in his throat as he listened to her words drop to a whisper. Y/N had opened up to him in a completely different way than he had expected since they’d begun to fool around. It was like she was finally letting the more vulnerable parts of her show, even if just for a few seconds at a time. She was still a cute little bully, still called him out on his shit and his bad jokes but… the new softness she granted him had made his emotions a bit more raw. He’d already liked her, loved her, even, before they’d touched in any way besides their drunken make out sessions. Now? The thumping in his chest had intensified. Bigger fleets of butterflies invaded his stomach. Y/N had made him feel things he never had before, ad cliche as it sounded.
“Well, I’ve no complaints. I do think i could go with a a few more blowies, but I like this too.” He mumbled, pad of his finger brushinge tresses from her cheeks that had fallen in her turn over. “Just letting you be a softie and not getting bitten too much.” The bliss of having her lay in his arms was something that he didn’t take for granted for a single second. He loved it. Their dynamic shifting had made him significantly happier. “I like your mouth regardless. Even though you’re a bit of a bully when you aren’t lettin’ me kiss on you.”
Y/N shyly. smiled, leaning her chin on his chest as she looked up at him. “I only bully you when you deserve it. You’re a menace, especially when you get all smug. It’s only hot when you’re touching me and we’re doing dirty shit. Other than that, it makes me want to smack the dimples off your stupidly cute cheeks.”
Yes, it was a bit of an insulting tease but he couldn’t help the light it brought up to his chest, the festering warmth motioning him to pull her up to his mouth and capture the sweet tasting lips for his own. Y/N had been caught slightly off guard with how tenderly he treated her lately, especially with how he had seemed so overjoyed to do it. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been clingy and soft in the past, it was just… a lot more now. A lot of stuff that he hadn’t done before. Holding her hand closer to his mouth and kissing each knuckle, stroking imaginary hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Even stroking over her eyebrows as they cuddled which felt strangely more intimate than anything else. He didn’t ever seem to tire of looking at her.
It was living in a state of delusion, perhaps, but it felt so real. So real it almost hurt to think of it as anything but.
“Cute cheeks, hm? A compliment? You’ve been awfully generous with the compliments lately, little angel girl.” He crooned, tapping his finger against her nose. “I like it. Keep ‘em coming. Cause I can return the compliments all day long. I love your eyes. Could look into ‘em forever, really. Prettiest girl in the world. Not even just saying that.” He shrugged. “Always thought that but you used to punch me in the chest for saying your hair clips looked cute. So.” The man’s tongue pointed out at her, making her give him a look.
“Shut up.” Again, she felt a bit itchy under his scrutiny, his compliment. It made it feel even more serious. Not that she didn’t want it, but she felt a little antsy when the idea of it came about, because how did they transition to that? Would she ever have the balls to say anything about it?
“Nope.” His lips popped around the P, sitting up with her on top of him and adjusting so she was sat on his lap, arm wrapped around her waist to keep her stationary as he moved. “You’re beautiful.” Fingers of his free hand stroked down the side of her neck. “So beautiful. Especially in my clothes. I think you’ve been doing it on purpose.” Her eyes were shy when he complimented her like this, dropping to his chest. Harry’s never left her. He could notice all the subtle changes. Any twitch of the lips, the swallow in her throat. He knew her inside and out. “No one compares to you. Mean it.” He lightened his tone but there was the weight of what those words could mean. “Y’know… I know you say aren’t fond of me being my sweet self to you, but you are. You love when I’m soft with you. You’ll never admit it to me, but it’s true.” His lips delicately pressed to her cheek, exhaling through his nose.
Y/N didn’t like how well he knew her. Well- she hadn’t. Now? Now… that glittery, plushy, bubblegum pink feeling in her chest when he littered her with compliments and kisses had her clinging on and craving more. Allowing him to do these things because Harry meant them. He wouldn’t lie to her. Never. Not about things like this. He had taken the lead on being more domestic and sweet but she hadn’t felt even the slightest bit of resistance to it. She decided to be quiet, grumbling as she sagged into him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders while she felt him chuckle under him. Her face tucked into his neck, hesitantly placing three kisses to the hot skin while she tried to navigate these feelings.
Harry’s smile was soft. Holding her to him, hand splaying across her back and rubbing over the jumper as she cuddled him. “I like when you’re my sweet girl. Makes me so happy.” He let the words out quietly, turning his head slightly to rub his nose against her hair. “Not trying to tease you. I really like when you’re soft and let me be nice to you. I enjoy your bullying… but this?” He laughed. “This is my favorite.”
Y/N couldn’t help it. She wasn’t good with words the way he was, so she decided to answer with her body. Pulling from her neck with a soft sound she couldn’t quite place where it came from, she slotted their lips together lazily and kissed him. Soft. So, so, soft and delicate. A simple lip lock in appreciation for his kind words. The only person this type of vulnerability felt okay with. That she was warming up to. That tough shell Harry had managed to crack and pick away the hard exterior for. He had picked her apart piece by piece in a way that hadn’t felt too bad. After a while, she had begun to find comfort in revealing new things to him.
It was just a scary revelation. Being in love with your best friend.
“Dork.” She resorted to a soft insult but the smile against his lips made him return it. She didn’t know how to express it verbally yet, and he was okay with it. “Irritates me cause… now I really want to suck you off.”
“Think I want to be close to you right now.” Harry loved her mouth but… he simply wanted her. He wanted to be inside of her and feel her as close as humanly possible. “Can I have you? Nothing too crazy yet. Just…” he sighed. “Want to be close.”
Y/N couldn’t say no. How could she when she wanted the same exact thing?
It didn’t take too long. Being wet had aided in her preparation, Harry slipping inside of her and letting himself feel the stretch. The condom that had been placed conveniently in the coffee table drawer did little to hide the way she was clenching around him, slowly letting her fall down further on his length as she sat on his lap.
“There she is. That’s my girl.” His words were gentle, the arm around her firm as he looked into her eyes. “Take your time. Feels so good already.” The praise naturally fell from his lips to her. Y/N whimpered at the feeling of him filling her, her body adjusting to him, but it was a delicious feeling. Her nails slightly dug into his shoulders as she exhaled a moan, falling down as much as she could before she began to grind her hips a little bit.
Harry groaned along with her, fingers flexing on her hip as he encouraged her slow movement. “Just like that. Fit me perfectly, don’t you?” He kept his forehead against hers, wanting to keep that closeness. His sweats around his ankles, shirt on the floor and his hand on her now bare torso, this was intimate. There was no rush. Simply enjoying each other. “Like you were made t’be filled with me. Such a perfect girl.”
This wasn’t best-friends-with-benefits type of talk and they both knew it; but neither were ready to admit it quite yet.
Y/N never felt this comfortable with any of her partners. Harry was attentive. He knew her body. The way he fit inside of her filled every inch she had, brushed against the most sensitive spots and made each rock on top of him shot hot sparks of pleasure down her spine. Soft moans left her mouth as she continued the movements, enjoying every second.
“Feels perfect.” She whispered. This was a bit different than their other times. Not as filthy… not as deprived. It was intimate. Soft. Needy in a completely different way. Y/N was sure she would overthink what it meant later but right now, she felt cherished. Adored. This was so wring she wanted to bask in. “Harry-“ the gasp left her lips as he shifted slightly, the angle changing just enough that he was pressed against the spot that had her shaking a little.
“I know, baby. I know.” He soothed, his own breathing rougher as he held the back of her neck, bringing their lips together for a messy kiss. She was tight around him, Harry lifting his hips a bit as she rocked to get as deep as he could and enjoy her motions. Y/N was the best he had ever had and probably ever will. He wanted to keep her. “You feel so good around me. Could stay inside of you forever.” His nose brushed over hers. They could both feel the change. It had been brewing for a while, but right now it was getting to be a lot. Getting to be so much that neither could ignore it- though Harry wasn’t trying to for his sake.
“Stay.” She swallowed the word with a kiss, letting it reverb off his lips. “Stay, stay in me forever.”
Harry couldn’t help take it. Flipping them over so he was on top, gently laying her on the couch and making sure she was cushioned, he began to thrust inside of her. Slow, deep, feeling her cunt flutter around him as she gasped wetly into the air. Her hands clung to him, one buried inside of his hair and the other digging into his back, leg wrapping around his waist to pull him in.
Close. She wanted closer. “Oh my god- oh my god.” She gasped, feeling him deeper than she had before. The angle was perfect, the one lifted leg allowing him to slot right in. “There, there- H, baby-“ she let out a whine as he covered her mouth with his, snapping his his particularly hard and staying still for a moment.
“Baby- angel, please.” He pleaded. “Gonna make me cum when y’sound like that. Feels so fucking good, you keep clenching… trying to milk my fucking cock.” He grunted, almost frustrated. It felt too good like this, her body was trying to take it. “Want to go bare one day. I want it.” He nuzzled against her, the hand returned under her neck and pulled her head up so he could kiss down her neck.
“Want to be the only one you have. Haven’t wanted anyone else… just want to be bare and feel you around me. Want you to be mine.” The words slurred against her skin, Y/N whining with each thrust. The statement aroused her and soothed at the same time, her head nodding frantically.
“Yes- yes, yes, next time. Please- next time, bare. Want to be the only one. You are. Only one I want inside me like this. Harry- please.” She pleaded with him. “Please, please, want you to cum inside me and I want-“ she hiccuped, his speed increasing and the power of his thrusts making her feel so good that her mind was a bit scrambled. “Want to feel you dripping out of me and I want… want you to own it. Want to remember it when I go out or when we go with our friends.” It was what she had been thinking finally dug out by the sheer connection and pleasure. Harry had a knack for getting her to admit things.
“Fuck baby you can’t-“ his sharp inhale was felt against her lips, his hips stuttering as his thrusts got sloppier. “Can’t tell me that. I’ll do it. I’ll fill you, I’ll have you. I’ll be the only one bare inside you, fuck- I’m gonna cum.”’he warned. Usually he lasted far longer, and honestly would probably be a bit embarrassed at how quickly he came this time but… the things she was saying. It struck a white hot nerve in his mind that had his cock throbbing inside of her, ready and eager to give her exactly what she asked for.
“Harder. Go a bit harder and I’ll-“ Y/N didn’t even have to finish her sentence. Pulling her leg up more, he went for it. The timed thrusts, her hand going between her legs and rubbing frantically at her swollen clit, the sheer energy in the room having these confessions had her near the edge. The sound of their skin and his grunts, her whimpers bounced off the walls, the TV long forgotten as they chased their orgasms.
Harry was first. He hadn’t meant to, but looking right into her eyes and seeing the pleasure all over her face, feeling her cunt at the brink of her own release had him spilling into the condom. Imagining it next time. No barrier. Painting her cunt with his cum, making a mess. Letting it slip down her thighs and know that she would feel it- it was too much for him. A deep, guttural groan left his mouth as he unloaded inside of the condom, face pulled up in sheer bliss as Y/N followed.
She shook, clawing at his back with a soft wail of his name as she felt the final slam inside of her, fingers rubbing over her slippery clit as the electricity of their gazes only spurred her over the edge. His beautiful face, his noises, him being the one inside of her. It was everything. Swirls of color behind her eyes as she felt him collapse inside of her neck again, a weak groan of her name solidified it.
This was everything. He was far more than a best friend. This wasn’t just sex.
This was love.
When would they confront it?
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satansaidnottoday · 1 year
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Obey me! Human AU Characters.
More information about the characters in my Human AU.
Warnings: Child death, implied child abuse, talk of anxiety and depression.
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The brothers
He spends most of his day working, and then the rest worrying about his brothers.
Not only the ones that still live with him. He will visit Mammon, Leviathan and Satan on the regular.
He's constantly tired.
He only ever goes out when it's a family event or a work dinner. Diavolo tries every day to convince him to grab drinks with him and the rest of his co-workers, but he refuses every time.
His only hobby is drinking wine while he plays his records late at night.
Has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder he refuses to admit he needs help for.
When Lucifer gained custody over their brothers, he had already aged out of the system. They kicked him out of the home the day he turned 18.
He moved into Lucifer's couch, swearing he would move out the moment he got a job.
Lucifer convinced him to do a bartending workshop and that's how he got his job at a bar in the center of town. He only works there on the weekends.
He ended up moving to the studio apartment on top of Mc's Café. It doesn't have a separate entrance and only has one window, but it's affordable and Mc doesn't mind him being late on his payments.
Has some modeling gigs here and there. Recently got accepted into an agency, but hasn't gotten any important stuff.
Lucifer has offered him to put a good word in for him at his job, but Mammon refuses to accept his help.
He does take any opportunity to eat out on Luci's dime, tho.
He has a lot of free time he spends most of it pestering Mc for free food, going to parties and getting high.
While living in the home he would find refuge in his anime and manga.
For his 14th birthday Lucifer bought him a cheap laptop and he filled it with pirated games. It was his most priced possession. When it broke he cried even tho he already had built himself a Gaming PC.
He came out to his family as transgender a few weeks after moving in with Lucifer. It was very emotional, he cried the whole time. His brothers were very supportive.
Got a job at a manga shop. Ended up as the manager because of how good he was at selling people extra stuff.
He streams regularly and makes a few extra bucks, but he's not big enough to make real money.
Rents a small apartment near the mall he works at.
Complete shut in. Only leaves his house for work or family events.
Has a lot of self esteem issues.
Secretly pays for Mammon's rent when he's behind.
He's Lucifer's biological half-brother. Neither knew about the other until Satan was taken from his dad custody when he was six. He was the last one of them to arrive at the home and the one Lucifer spent the least time with before being kicked out.
He has anger management issues, which caused a lot of conflicts for him. He would regularly lash out at Lucifer.
Eventually he got help and learned healthier coping mechanisms. It's still a problem sometimes, but he knows how to deal with it now.
He works as a librarian.
He inherited a small house from his father after he passed. He lives there as he reforms it.
Has a garden he takes care of.
Loves going to the cafe and volunteers to help with the cats.
Has 4 cats of his own that he adopted because no one else wanted them.
He had a very rough life before ending up at the home. In many ways it was an improvement for him.
He enjoyed having a family that took care of him.
He would draw a lot, mostly outfits for his dolls. He started to make them out of scrap fabric and had little fashion shows with them.
He was a very beautiful child and everyone always remarked on it. But it was Satan that told him he had a real talent for design. That was the first time anyone praised him for something other than his looks.
It became his life goal to be a fashion designer.
When they moved together, Mammon got him a sewing machine. It wasn't the best, but with it he started to make clothes for all of his brothers and himself.
He made his own high school graduation suit.
When Lucifer took one of his suits to work for the first time he cried.
He was accepted into a very prestigious private fashion school. Lucifer insisted on covering his tuition so he could focus on school.
He still lives with Lucifer.
He is Belphie's dizygotic twin.
After Lilith's death he got really bad anxiety and ate as a way of dealing with it.
He would eat his nails, nibble at his fingers, and chew the inside of his mouth.
He had to get proper treatment to stop hurting himself. One of the things the therapist suggested was baking classes, since he had always loved cooking.
It helped him greatly, and gave him some direction in life.
He is now a culinary school student.
Lives in Lucifer's house and doesn't have plans to move out until after college. It was Lucifer's idea.
He started to exercise too as a way to burn away anxiety. He's part of his schools Rugby team.
Self proclaimed foodie with an Instagram full of pics of the food he tries. Has a top 10 restaurants for their city.
Mc's café is in there of course. He loves their pastries.
Usually follows Belphegor around when he has nothing to do.
He got extremely depressed after Lilith's death. He stopped taking care of himself and would sleep all day if allowed.
He had to start taking meds for his narcolepsy, but Lucifer was advised against giving him antidepressants at such a young age.
He went to therapy almost daily the first few months.
They tried to enroll him at just about any activity, but nothing caught his interest. Until they visited the planetarium and he became infatuated with the night sky.
Leviathan gifted him a telescope for his 13th birthday. It came with a book that detailed all of the constellations he could watch and how to find them. He still uses it every night.
He's a criminology student.
He wants to move out on his own, so he got a part time job at Mc's Café. He's saving up to hopefully move soon.
It is not that he doesn't appreciate everything Lucifer did for them, it's just he doesn't want to be bossed around anymore.
He resents his authority, but any time he feels bad he looks for comfort in Lucifer.
He's the only parent he's ever had after all.
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The side characters
He's Lucifer's best friend.
His dad is the owner of the law firm he and Lucifer work at.
He had a very privileged upbringing, but was mostly raised by nannies. His dad was always at work and he never met his mom.
He didn't have many friends because he found all of the kids at his school boring.
When he left for college, the same public one his father went to, it was like a bucket of cold water fell on his shoulders. Hearing his classmates stories made him feel like he was raised in a different world.
He wanted to help Lucifer in any way he could, even if his reasons were selfish. That worked well for them, since Lucifer is not used to people helping without expecting anything in return.
Diavolo lives near the bar Mammon works at and goes there regularly. They got high together once, which led to Lucifer and Barbatos having to bail them out of jail. It wasn't even that much, Diavolo was just acting out what he thought drugged people do.
When he heard about Levi's news, he did some investigation (one google search) and bought him a binder. It was too big for Levi, but he was still very grateful.
In his free time he likes to play chess. Not that he has a lot of free time.
Diavolo's personal assistant.
Has been taking care of Diavolo since he was child, yet Barbatos doesn't seem to be a day older than 30.
Only Diavolo doesn't think that is strange.
He's very closed off and no one knows much about him.
He does enjoy baking a lot, tho.
He lives next door to the brothers. He was really surprised when he saw them all together. They shared a home for a short while, when his parents lost custody of him.
It was a money problem and when his dad got a job he was able to get Simeon back. He always wondered what had been of those kids.
He was very happy to see them all together and offered to help with the renovations in their house.
Lucifer helped him in the process of adopting Luke.
The brothers made him a surprise party the day he took Luke home. He was so happy that he couldn't stop crying the whole day, Solomon still makes fun of him for it.
He's a very successful author and makes all of his money out of that. He still helps out at Solomon's store from time to time.
He doesn't know. He can't know.
Simeon's son. He was given up by his birth mother to his grandmother, who took care of him up until her death, when he was only five.
He spent the next few years bouncing around from relative's houses to foster homes. He met Simeon at a reading event for kids in the system. They had a really strong connection from the start and after some visits, Simeon started the process of adopting him.
He was seven when he moved with Simeon.
He had a hard time adjusting to the idea of actually having a home of his own. It took a lot of reassurance to convince him to unpack his things. He loved Simeon, but all of his experience told him he was going to be let down one way or another.
He wasn't a difficult child, just a very hurt one, and Simeon did his best to help him heal.
He didn't like the brothers at first, they were all too loud. He did end up warming up to them, but it took a lot of time.
He loves baking and sometimes makes cakes for Mc to sell at the café. They give him all of the money from those sales. It's his little entrepreneurship.
Simeon's best friend/Mammon's Dealer/General menace to society.
Owns a holistic shop as a cover for his drugshop. He only sells natural stuff, tho. All from his garden!
Owns the store and the house behind it.
He has a very keen interest in natural medicine, spiritualism and magic.
Very witchy aesthetic overall.
Has a pet squirrel that was actually just a really big brown rat.
Simeon had to tell him.
Her name is Mikey.
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That's all of the characters that are currently part of this Au!
Thanks for reading.
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sentientcave · 10 months
And They Were Roommates
Got brainworms from Ceilidho talkin' about Fem!Soap and wrote out a few scenarios, and landed on this one as my favourite. Maybe personal trainer Soap and hot woman complimenting you in a dive bar bathroom Soap will get written about later on.
Part 1
Part 2 Here
(Fem!SoapxFemReader) ~2.2k words
Alcohol mention, but no other major flags at this point. (A few jokes about axe murderers) But also MDNI because this is an 18+ blog and there will probably be NSFW content in future parts
You had put an ad up online.
Your best friend had moved in with her boyfriend, leaving you with more apartment than you could afford. You had enough savings to get you through till the next month, but things were going to be dicey if you didn’t find someone to take over Fern’s half of the rent soon.
You’d had plenty of responses, mostly from men that gave you creepy vibes, even through digital means. You’d actually met with only one person, and she was allergic to cats, which made her a no go.
She’d been nice enough, though. If it really came down to it, maybe Fern would take Red Herring. She did love that fat orange bastard. And so do you. The thought of giving him up, even to Fern, doesn’t sit right.
Red meows loudly through the door as your key scrapes in the lock. You nudge him away with your foot while you enter the apartment, wary of any escape attempts. You feed him so he stops yelling at you, and boil water so you can feed yourself some instant ramen for dinner, and boot up your laptop to check the ad again.
A few more creepy responses, one of which is just a slightly blurry dick pic. You delete them. One that looks promising.
>Hey! I’m interested in the room if it’s still available! Can we meet soon? I’m a military gal and I’m being deployed again next week and I already gave notice at the last rat-hole I was renting. Seemed like 60 days was plenty of time for apartment hunting 60 days ago, but I haven’t found anything lol. Hopefully we get along! You can give me a call any time in the next few days, and we can set up a meet’n’greet. Thanks a bunch! Jamie MacTavish
Her number is in brackets below that, next to the soap emoji, for whatever reason.
No sense waiting around. You call the number right away.
“Hello?” The voice is a woman’s, a dusky alto, which is a good first sign.
“Hi, Jamie? I’m calling about the apartment. Or, um, from the apartment.” You give her your name as an after thought, feeling silly that you hadn’t led with that.
“Yaldy! I was hopin’ ye’d call. I’ve got a friend I can move in with if it comes down to it, but I really don’t want to. He lives in a worse rat hole than I do. Are ye busy now? I’ll buy ye dinner if you like, just for the short notice and the trouble.”
Anything would be better than ramen for dinner a second night in a row. “Yeah, alright. There’s a decent pub down the street, Keeler’s? It’s close so I can give you an apartment tour if you pass the ‘not a murderer’ vibe check.”
There's a beat of silence. “Does killin’ people in the line of duty count?” she asked. “Because, er, I have. But I’m not like, prone to doin’ that kind of thing in my spare time.”
You think about it a moment. State sanctioned violence does feel different than personal time violence, although you're pretty sure that speaks to some sort of unaddressed bias. Something to think about. “I appreciate the honesty, at least.”
She laughed. “I can meet ye at yer pub in half an hour. That work for ye?”
“Yeah. That works.”
“Great. I’ll text you a picture of me so ye know who tae look for. See you soon.”
You get the text a minute after you hang up. A picture of a gorgeous woman with big smile and bright blue eyes, the sides of her head shaved, the rest of it left long and braided back from her face. She looks normal enough.
You get ready and head out, texting Fern to let her know where you’d gone, just in case Jamie actually was a murderer in her spare time.
Jamie’s already there when you get to the pub, sitting at the bar with a pint, watching the door intently, her leg bouncing. You give her a little wave, and she beams at you. She’s even hotter in real life, wearing tight, ripped up jeans that cling to her muscular thighs, and a tight black tank-top under a cropped leather jacket. She has almost no jewelry, other than the dog tags around her neck and the silver hoops in her ears. She looks, well, normal. Friendly.
You go up and introduce yourself, earning a firm handshake. She’s strong.
“Hi!” she says excitedly. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jamie, but my friends call me Soap. I’d tell ye why, but it’s classified.”
“Is it really?”
“No. But it’s fun to say.” She flags down the bartender. “A pint for my friend here, if you don’t mind. You want to grab a booth? Or stay up at the bar?”
You look around, and there’s a few empty booths, but it’s early yet, and they tend to fill up quickly. “Let’s move. If we stay up here the single dads are going to start hitting on us.”
"We are a couple of dolls, aren't we?" She flashed another big smile at the bartender as he set a second pint out. "We're movin' to a table, if ye don't mind."
"No problem, love," he says, obviously besotted already. "I'll send Jenny around to take your order."
"Thanks, pal. Appreciate it."
You pick up the pint and follow her over to a booth, sliding in on the opposite side.
"So, you said you're military?"
"Ah am. SAS no less. Best of the bloody best. Not many jobs where ye get tae blow things up awl the time." She sheds her jacket, revealing impressively muscled arms. "I could just live on base, if things don't work out here, just so ye ken. No pressure on ye. But I hate stayin' on base when I don't have to. It's the communal showers. Most of the lads are, well, lads. Gotta shower in the middle of the night, and I keep bumpin' into my LT when I do. And he said I could move in with him too. I’m in a rush but I willnae be homeless, so ye don’t need to worry about me if you dinnae think we’ll get along."
You wince in sympathy. "That sounds terrible. I don't think I'd ever be comfortable showering in front of other people."
"Is naw so bad, if it's someone ye like seein' naked. But most of em are munters anyway. Wouldnae mind so much if more of 'em looked like you." She winked over the edge of her pint glass and took a swig.
You laugh at her little joke. She's fun, and you already feel at ease with her. She tells you about her old rat hole apartment, and a little about living on base, although she's a bit vague on the details of her actual job, beyond blowing things up.
She asks you about your work, and you tell her about the used bookshop you work at down the road. You're basically the only employee, and it's usually not too busy, although it can be annoying when you get a rush in the middle of pricing 'new' books. But it pays the rent, more or less. You talk a bit about Fern, and about Red Herring too.
"I love cats," she said excitedly. "Never been able to keep one, bein' away so much. LT had a dog, and he was awlright, but I'm definitely more of a cat girl. Got bit by a few too many pups in my day."
"Well, Red's a real love bug. Once we're done here you can meet him. I think we're going to get along fine."
"Och, really? Just like that, aye? Thought I'd have to work harder."
"Honestly, I thought I was going to have to accept some weirdo or give poor old Red away. You're a much better fit than I expected to find. I think we could be friends."
Her blue eyes track something behind you and narrow slightly. "Well, I'm holdin' ye to that. We're about to be accosted by my lads. Don't let them scare ye." She shoves her plate across the table into the spot next to you and clambers out of the booth. "Oi, what're you munters doin' here? I'm gettin' interviewed for an apartment. Dinnae need you scarin' my girl."
You look behind you, spotting a giant wearing a skull-print balaclava, and a more regular-sized (though no less muscular) black man with a brilliant smile. "We wanted to make sure she wasn't an axe murderer," he says pleasantly.
"Or a chainsaw murderer," the giant adds.
Soap cuts him off before he can take the seat beside you. "Over there," she orders, pointing at the opposite bench, where she'd been sitting. "I'm not lettin' you box her in." She grimaces at you apologetically as she drops into the spot beside you. Her thigh presses against yours for a moment, before you shift further down the bench. "They're sweet, in their own way. Think I need lookin' after. The big guy's Ghost, or LT. This handsome pain in the arse is Gaz. Don't let him sweet talk ye intae callin' him Kyle unless you want him tae put yer ankles up by yer ears. Made that mistake before."
"You don't have to bring that up every time you introduce me to a woman," Gaz says, clearly exasperated.
"I do. How else are they gonna know to call you for a good time?" She smacks his hand away from her plate when he reaches for it. "Oi! Order your own chips ye bastard."
"I only want a couple," Gaz protests.
"Ye always say tha' and ye always lie. Ah umnae fallin' for it again."
"You can have a couple of mine," you offer. "I wasn't going to finish them anyway."
"When do we get to see the place?" Ghost asked.
"Ye don't, unless yer carryin' boxes for me. I willna ask her to let three strangers in her home when she's only just met me."
"Well I guess we're helpin' ye move," Ghost said. "Was gonna leave it all to Price."
"Lazy cunts. Ne’er around when there’s work tae be done.”
“I was gonna help,” Gaz protests. “I already told you that.”
“And I did tell you that you could move into my place if you didn’t find somethin’ in time,” Ghost points out. “We’re not all bad.”
“Well, they’re not bad lads tae have watchin’ yer back in a fire-fight,” Soap admits. “But they dinnae know how to be normal about anythin’.”
“Are you supposed to be the normal one?” Ghost asks.
“Aye. And I willnae have you say otherwise in front of my new friend.”
She finishes eating long before you do, with the speed and gusto of a woman who often has to defend her plate against hungry scavengers. Gaz, true to Soap’s complaint, eats the majority of your chips, although he does thank you and give you a big, wide smile, the sort that could sell someone a bridge. He’s definitely a charmer.
Soap asks for the bill while you’re finishing up. You reach for your purse, but she puts a hand on yours and gives you an intense blue stare. “No, kitty. I told ye I was buyin’ ye dinner, I’ll no’ let ye make me a liar, especially when Gaz ate half your plate.”
God she’s strong. You’re not sure that you could shake her off to insist even if you tried. “Alright. I just—”
“Oh I ken. But I wouldna offer if I didna mean it. I’m a woman of her word.” She pays with cash, and offers you a hand up and out of the booth. She points a warning finger at her friends. “And dinnae follow us, ye creepy bastards.”
They laugh, like they hadn’t followed her to the pub in the first place.
“They really do mean well,” Soap says, linking her arm with yours as you step out onto the street. “But they’ve go’ a bad habit of thinkin’ they dinnae need to respect my space just ‘cause we’ve all spent nights crammed into one room sharin’ cots. I think if the captain had his way we’d all live in his house and sleep in a big fuck-off pile like dogs.”
“Sound a bit claustrophobic.”
“Aye. Ye understand why I’m so eager to make this work with ye, kitty-cat. If I move in with LT it’s just a matter of time before Price comes over tae help us fix somethin’ and says ‘Oh, I dinny know why ye both stay in this shitehole. Whyna stay with me a while, till we find ye somethin’ better?’ And then before we know it we’re all sleepin’ in the same bed and usin’ the same toothbrush.”
You giggle, hoping that's just a joke. “That’s gross.”
“I ken! Horrible men, they are. I need some girl time before I go mad.” She squeezes your arm and knocks her head against yours gently. “We’re goin’ tae be best friends in no time, kitty. I wish I wasna goin’ away so soon.”
“You haven’t even seen the apartment yet!”
“Och, tha’s a formality. I was more wurried about us gettin’ along, kitty. The apartment doesna matter all that much, so long as it’s got a workin’ shower and a place for my bed. If I pass Mr. Herring’s sniff test, I’ll give ye cash on the spot, aye? For next month an’ half of this one, since you’d be lettin' me move in before the first.”
And, well, it’s hard to think of a good reason to say no.
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bluestar22x · 9 months
You Had Me From Hello
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The Writing Contest - Chapter 1: You Had Me From Hello
Summary: Unexpectedly, small town woman Nora Delaine wins a writing contest and is flown first class to Salinas Valley to meet her new screenwriting partner.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Female!OC (Nora Delaine)
Rating: 18+ Series
Word Count: 5,500(ish)
Warnings: Second person POV, mentions of drug use/addiction/loss and troubles with unhealthy family dynamics.
Author’s Note: I took inspiration for Javi's new home from this moodboard made by @wildemaven.
This is insane. I can't believe I'm actually going through with this.
That's what you were thinking as you settled into your seat in first class on a Southwest Airline plane headed for the airport in Monterey, California where you would then take a taxi to Salinas Valley, arguably the capital of the wine industry in the United States. But that's not why you were headed there. Nope.
You were headed to one of the vineyards, but it wasn't to taste test wine and forget your troubles, it was to write with an apparently well known up-and-coming screenwriter named Javi Gutierrez, who up until last week you personally hadn't known existed. Your best friend, Sierra Washington, however, had apparently heard plenty of him.
"You didn't!" you gasped, letting the letter in your hands float down to your kitchen table.
"I did!" your friend Sierra confirmed, grinning ear to ear.
"You entered my short story into a writing contest without my permission?" you hissed. You didn't feel that it had been anywhere near ready to be seen by anyone outside Sierra. When you'd sent her the document to proof read you'd trusted her not to share it with anyone else, and she'd betrayed that trust. You were furious.
"Aw, Nora, you were never going to release that document to anyone else if I didn't do it myself," she argued, placing a hand on her hip. "How many stories have I proof read for you? I loved every bit of them, yet every single one eventually ended up hidden in a file on your laptop and forgotten."
"They weren't good enough," you told her.
"Nothing ever is," she said, throwing her hands up in frustration. "You were stuck! You needed a little push. This is it. An opportunity to turn your story into a movie. Your dream!"
"I can't go to Salinas Valley for two months," you howled. "I haven't even found a new job yet!"
You'd recently been laid off from the pet magazine you'd been writing for since you turned twenty-five, nearly ten years ago, because of budget cuts a month ago and were having difficulty finding another job like it. You feared you might end up having to take a local job, instead of an online one, most likely waiting on tables. The thought of that made you cringe. You didn't like having to deal with the public. Even in a town as small as yours.
"Precisely!" Sierra exclaimed. "You need to work, and that's what this would be. You'd turn your story into a properly lengthy script with his help, and when it is bought you'll get money for it, along with some profits later on when the film is successful."
You snorted. "When?"
She narrowed her eyes at you. "When." Her tone was firm, certain.
You couldn't understand why she had so much faith in you when you'd spent most of your life failing. You'd struggled in college and you'd struggled to find a job and keep it for years. Writing for the pet magazine had felt mundane as far as writing went, but you'd been good at it and you'd finally felt like you had secured your future.
You should've known better with how the world was changing. Your generation and younger didn't read magazines anymore. You'd entered a dying industry that likely had an expiration date that would come before your retirement age.
"I can't afford to pay for another rent while I stay there," you continued.
She huffed. "Did you not read the part where it says all expenses will be paid? You'd be staying at his vineyard for free. You'd just need cash for extras. Like if you want take out or something."
"Staying at his vineyard..." You shook your head and met her copper brown eyes with your emerald green ones. "You really think I should be staying at a strange man's house, by myself?"
"He has tons of staff," she argued. "It's not much different from going on vacation and staying in a hotel by yourself."
You gave her an exasperated look. "That's way different! It's a private business and his staff aren't going to be there at night unless his runs it twenty-four seven."
"He knows Nic Cage," Sierra informed you, like that would make a difference to you. "They're friends. Javi's first screenplay was co-written with him."
You rolled your eyes. "Just cause you had a crush on Nic Cage in high school after you watched City of Angels and researched him, doesn't mean you know him and his friends."
"I did NOT have a crush on him," Sierra nearly shouted. "He's like three times my age."
"You did then."
"I did not."
You smirked and lifted your brows. "Thou protest too much."
She gritted her teeth, knowing full well that she wouldn't be able convince you otherwise. Because she had, in fact, had a celebrity crush on Nic Cage in high school.
She sighed. "Look. Sometimes you've got to take risks to gain the rewards. You can buy pepper spray when you land in California or something if it'll make you feel better. But I haven't heard anything about Javi Gutierrez that would suggest he'd be dangerous. And you wouldn't be sleeping in his mansion. You'd be in a guest house on the opposite side of the property. It overlooks some beautiful hills and valleys apparently. I did some research on Valley View Vineyard. That's his vineyard's name, fittingly. Anyway, it's apparently gorgeous in that area."
You had to admit to yourself a part of you was very tempted to say yes, not just to having help making a screenplay and selling it, but also to living in a California vacation destination for a while. You could use a break from your hometown.
"I can't," you said stubbornly. "I can't leave Buttercup and Tux with no one to watch them, and it wouldn't be fair to them to travel them out to California by plane. I wouldn't feel good about them being in cargo either. They're delicate creatures."
Buttercup and Tux were your two pet Lop rabbits, who you'd adopted as a bonded pair from a nearby animal shelter three years ago.
"I can watch them," Sierra offered. "I've done it for you before when you stayed in the hospital last year for food poisoning."
"Don't remind me," you groaned. That week had been the worst in your life and had put you off of salmon permanently.
She winced sympathetically. "Sorry."
"Look, even if I wanted to part from them for two freakin months," you started, sighing again, "Even if I wanted to go to California and write a script with a legit screenplay writer, my parents wouldn't approve. You know how worried they get."
"Yeah, I know," Sierra said with another huff. "I grew up with the product of their paranoia."
You couldn't help but laugh a little at that. Paranoia was a fitting word for it. Your parents were worry-warts. Especially since your older brother had died, leaving you as their only living child. Saying you were overprotected seemed to put it too simply. And you in turn were very wary of the world. Maybe too much. You'd turned down a lot of interesting parties and adventures with friends in favor of safety. You'd wanted to join your high school's travel club but had chickened out. Girls got kidnapped in foreign countries, after all.
The little voice in your head telling you such things sounded more like your mother's than yours.
"They'll say no," you added.
"Good thing you're a grown ass adult," Sierra reminded you firmly. "And you could lie and say you're staying at a rental to ease their minds."
You gave her a lopsided smile. "You're a bad influence on me, Ms. Washington."
"Somebody has to be!" she claimed.
You raked a hand through your shoulder length wavy brown hair as you silently debated over what choice to make. Stay or go. Safety or risk. You chewed your lip. "Fine. I'll do it."
Sierra jumped in spot and clapped like someone half her age. She squealed for you. "Oh my god, my girl's finally breaking rules and making her dreams come true."
You pursed your lips and silently hoped she was right. After all, there were no guarantees in life.
The next day you'd emailed Javi's manager, Walter, who was in charge of overseeing the contest and had helped Javi narrow all the submitted stories down to one. He'd immediately booked you a flight and told you to pack your bags, after reassuring you that Javi's intentions were good. He was going to co-write with you, but you'd be the top billing writer to the screenplay. He wasn't looking to take any credit that wasn't his.
Still, as you boarded the plane one week later, you found yourself nervous about the whole deal. You'd had to sign a contract, and part of that contract had protection for you and your script, saying you had all the rights, and therefore would have the final say over how it was written and what film company got to buy it. All nice things to ease your troubled mind, but you were worried now, a bit too late, over whether or not Javi would be a good fit as a writing partner. You'd seen his first film The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent the same night Sierra had handed you the letter, having wanted to make sure he'd be helpful and not be a bad influence instead when it came to your writing, and that had ended your concerns over his talent. The film was a little too out there for your liking, but you saw the heart behind it, and that was something you could work with.
The main concern you'd had since then was rooted in personality. You had no idea what he was like. He was clearly rich, anyone with a successful vineyard and a mansion was, and that concerned you, a child of two full time working parents who'd struggled to provide you with everything they'd wanted to give you. You'd been taught work ethic, you'd been taught to be polite to coworkers. What were the chances he'd been too? You shouldn't assume he'd be the typical rich person seen in media. You didn't know how most rich people actually behaved, and even if most were dramatic snobby leeches, that didn't mean he was.
That didn't stop you from thinking about how he might be during the entire time it took for the plane to take off.
"Would you like some wine?" a flight attendant asked some time later, drawing you from your inner thoughts.
You glanced up at her and blinked. This was new. You'd never been offered drinks on a plane, though this was only your second time in your life, the first time being when your family took a week long trip to Disneyland. "Is it on the house?"
"Of course," she replied with a knowing smile. "First time in first class?"
"You could probably guess that just by looking at my clothes," you reckoned. Most of the people seated around you were in suits or fancy business dresses, while you were dressed in a simple pair of light blue jeans, a bubble gum pink sweatshirt, and plain white sneakers.
The flight attendant shrugged. "We don't always get people in here who dress expensively. But most know about the complementary wine."
"I might as well take some," you said, "For the full experience. Don't know the next time someone will pay a ticket for me."
She laughed. "Would you be interested in a Pinot Noir?"
You had no idea what that meant, only really knowing wine as red or white, but decided to roll with it. "Sure."
As the flight attendant poured you a drink in a proper wine glass, you noticed the name on it. Valley View Vineyard. You wondered how widespread Javi's wine was as you accepted the drink and took a cautious sip.
It was good wine. Good was a lacking word. It was excellent. Smooth, flavorful. Better than any other wine you'd ever tasted. You could only guess that it was fairly expensive and aged well. You had to restrain yourself from downing the whole thing in under a minute. Wine wasn't meant for that, even a lower class small town girl like yourself who usually drank wine from a box knew that.
You did, however, make sure to have enough time for another glass before your flight landed.
Monterey Regional Airport, where you landed, was twelve miles from Salinas Valley, or around twenty-five minutes away. It took you an extra five minutes to actually get to Valley View Vineyard, totaling the cost of your taxi ride to nearly one hundred dollars, something that would've made you shudder if you hadn't just flown for free. You'd have had the ride for free if you had accepted the limousine Walter had offered you, but you hadn't been about to get in one of those things with what you'd been wearing for your flight. Besides, you didn't like feeling like you were leeching, having a real need to pay for some of your trip expenses. If you and Javi were successful, you'd get way more money back in profits anyway.
Salinas Valley was cooler than you'd expected, the temperature hovering around fifty-seven degrees Fahrenheit. It was a vast improvement from the thirty-two degree average in North Dakota, but not as hot as you'd imagined the middle of California would be, even though it was coastal.
They did have plenty of sun that day, something you knew your hometown wasn't going to get for the next a few days, a couple days of clouds and a severe snowstorm expected for most of the state.
On the way to the vineyard you cracked the widow to breath in the fresh air and you stared out at the landscape as the taxi drove by it at precisely the speed limit.
Salinas was gorgeous, as Sierra had promised. You passed many luscious green fields, farmed and unfarmed alike, several vineyards, and plenty of rolling hills and valleys, the latter expected, considering the name of the county.
You were excited by the time you arrived at Valley View Vineyard, anxious to see what the property itself looked like. You'd known it was fairly massive for a vineyard, sitting on one hundred and ten acres, but when you'd looked it up online the day after you'd gotten the letter, there wasn't much photos of the place anywhere, even on the official website. Mostly it had been photos of the grapes, the wine, and the wine making process, and mainly had detailed that process and how to get your hands on a bottle. You'd avoided looking at the history page, wanting to find out from Javi himself how he came to own it.
The vineyard was gated, with elegant iron bars, and your taxi driver had to press a speaker button on a fence post to be let in. Both sides of the tarred driveway was lined with bushes, leading up to the mansion, a Spanish styled home with arches you'd never seen before outside movies and TV shows that had taken place in Spain or South America. Beyond that were grape vines in every direction until they met the hills that bordered the area.
Walter was waiting for you on the front porch, a man in his sixties, with surprisingly thick gray hair and a considerably youthful face. You imagined he had several more decades left in him if his appearance was anything to go by. It was probably in spite of his job. You couldn't imagine a manager of any kind having it too easy.
The dark gray pinsuit he was wearing made you feel very under dressed, but he shook your hand and introduced himself without even twitching an eye, and helped you carry your belongings to a yellow Jeep in the corner of the driveway.
"Javi will be here soon to personally show you around," he informed you. "I'll drop your bags off inside the guest house."
"You don't need to do that," you proclaimed, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. You didn't think it was part of a talent manager's job to bring suitcases anywhere.
"It's no problem," Walter promised you, hopping into the Jeep's driver's seat. "We will talk more later, when you are done touring, to sort out some more paperwork. Legal stuff. Stick by the front porch. That's where Javi asked me to tell you to be."
"Okay," you said, waving at him. "Thanks."
He nodded at you, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You're welcome, Miss Delaine."
"Nora," you corrected him. "I don't like formalities."
"That's something you'll have to get used to if you want to take part in Hollywood," Walter warned you, "But I will call you Nora by default, when appropriate."
Then he was on his way, leaving you to kick pebbles off the tar by the porch. It was nearly ten minutes later when you spotted a man approaching at a brisk walk from a large industrial looking building to your left.
He was wearing sunglasses, a thick long sleeved orange button down shirt, dark blue jeans, and tan boat shoes. He appeared to be in his early forties, with limited gray hair in his patchy, but well trimmed beard. His dark brown hair was short, but wildly curled, and his skin was golden, tanned from spending most of his days out in the sun.
As he neared you and pulled off his sunglasses, you noticed his eyes were dark like his hair, and that he was at least a half a foot taller than you, probably just shy of six feet. Taller than most people you'd ever been around, especially family, but not untypically tall for someone in Hollywood.
He was worthy of Hollywood, you'd thought. He was handsome, and that was an understatement as far as you were concerned. No boy in your high school graduating class could've held up beside him and you felt your insides warm as you studied him.
Easy, you silently ordered yourself. You're just here to learn script writing from him, hopefully make a movie, and go back home. Besides, looks aren't everything.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," he apologized in a rush when he got within earshot of you, "I was helping my employees clean up a wine spill."
He spoke smoothly, with an accent that was far from any you'd heard before with your own ears. South American, maybe? Spaniard? You could definitely hear an infliction there that suggested he'd grown up speaking more Spanish than English.
"Oh no," you said earnestly. "Hope it wasn't too bad."
"Nothing we can't recover from," he assured you. He broke out into a bright smile and outstretched his right hand. "Javi Gutierrez."
You shook his offered hand and beamed back at him, putting on your best friendly demeanor. "Nora Delaine."
"It's so lovely to meet you, Nora," he said, covering your hand with his left one briefly before pulling both his hands away from you. His hold on you was long enough for you to notice how large his hands were in comparison to yours, and softer than you'd expected. You tried not to think about them too much.
"Let me show you around," he continued quickly, "It will give us a chance to get to know each other, no?"
"I'd like that," you replied honestly. "I've always been curious about how wine was made."
His lips tugged back even more, and in that moment he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. Excited and wide-eyed. You wondered if he was always this happy to meet guests. "Great! This way, then."
He guided you on a stroll around the main parts of the vineyard, showing you inside the buildings where the grapes were stored, turned into wine, and where the wine was aged in barrels. He also took you through rows of grapes in the fields behind his home, detailing the care that he and his staff had to put into them before they were ready to harvest in the autumn season.
"You know your stuff," you noted as you walked shoulder to shoulder with him. "I take you're not one to observe while your employees do all the work?"
"I used to be," Javi admitted, "But when I bought this place I decided I wanted to change that. Made a point to spend some spare time helping harvest the grapes and pour the wine into the barrels. I still have much to learn. Wine making is actually interesting to watch and inspired the last script I wrote, as you might tell."
You did not mention you'd only seen his first movie, afraid to insult him. You focused on the other tidbit in his confession. "You didn't grow up here?"
"No," Javi confirmed, in the way Spanish speaking people pronounce it. "I grew up on an olive estate in Mallorca, also called Majorca, it's an island off the coast of Spain."
"Why'd you move here?" you inquired. You'd seen pictures of islands in the Mediterranean Sea, watched movies that were filmed there. Who'd want to move away from that?
He hesitated for a second before answering, shoving one of his hands into a side pocket of his jeans. "I guess you could say I needed a fresh start. And this place being a lot closer to Hollywood, I thought the move could help my career."
"Has it?"
He hummed. "I think so. But even if not, I like it here."
"So how long have you owned this place?" you asked.
"A little over two years," Javi replied. "It was already a very successful vineyard when I bought it from the previous owner's daughter who wanted nothing to do with it after he died. I kept on most of the staff, including the manager, Enzo. He's the only reason it's still successful. I hardly know enough to dare participate in the business. He's taught me everything I have managed to learn about it and I'm very grateful. He's helped me gain financial independence from my family."
There was something about how humble Javi was being about his lack of experience that made it hard for you not to like him already. He definitely did not seem like he had a spoiled rich man's attitude.
"Does your family visit?"
Javi's brows knitted together and his smile fell. "No. We do not get along, unfortunately. Not anymore. My family...they are, as some people say, toxic."
"I'm sorry." You felt bad for being nosy about it. "My parents aren't easy either, they're a bit too overprotective. In fact, I had to lie about some of the details of this project to get here. Otherwise, they'd have talked me out of it. But at least we get along enough to still care about visiting each other."
"It's a shame you had to lie," he said, "But selfishly I am glad you did whatever it took to get here. When I read your script, it drew me in like witchcraft. The way you write...it's compelling. Poetic. And for such a simple premise, you made it exciting. It made me look at a so called average life with new appreciation I did not have in my youth."
"You can thank my friend Sierra for everything," you told him. "She submitted my work. She convinced me to come."
"I owe her a debt then," he concluded, and you blushed. You knew he was saying that because he was excited to work with you, but a part of your brain had jumped to the conclusion that he owed her for you. Not like you hadn't just met.
"If you want to repay it have Nic Cage send her a message or something," you suggested. "She's a big fan."
"No way!" he exclaimed giddily, halting suddenly. "I must meet her someday! I'm a huge fan myself."
"Aren't you and Nic friends?" you quizzed, confused.
"Being a friend now does not negate the appreciation I had of his work before," he declared. "But it does mean setting up a meeting between them would be fairly easy. She could even stay with us for a time."
Us. Oh, his choice of words. You ignored the flip of your stomach. It was absurd. Javi wasn't really your type. Rich and energetic. Earnest and puppy-eyed. Right? You frowned.
He led you out of the rows of grapes to the far corner of the property where beautiful rolling hills back dropped a cozy looking two story ranch styled house that had recently been painted white. It was far more modest than his mansion, but still twice as big as your childhood home.
"That is where you'll be staying," he declared. "Do you wish to see it first or the space we'll be working in?"
"House first," you decided quickly. "I want to grab a few things from my bag to put on my desk. Assuming I'll have one?"
"Of course!"
The inside of the house was rustic. It reminded you of home, minus the buck antlers your dad had hung up on the living room wall. Not that he'd hunted a day in his life. He'd found them while hiking through the forest with the family dog in the dead of winter, the pair having naturally shed off of the deer they had once been attached to.
"This is wonderful," you commented as your eyes fell on your bags by the staircase. Walter had dropped them off as promised.
Javi beamed at you. "I am glad you like it. I admit, it's not my style."
"It wouldn't be, would it?" you mused. "This is very western themed, not island."
"It was once a place for temporary employees to stay," he informed you. "It was remodeled and decorated this way before I bought it. I just haven't bothered to change it."
"There's nothing that needs changing," you told him surely. You weren't going to allow anyone to insult the taste of most of your hometown.
He chuckled. "Maybe not."
You reached for one of your smaller bags and pulled out a stuffed giraffe and a photo of your two rabbits, plus another of a man your age, military short hair and a wide grin on his face.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Javi inquired curiously.
You shook your head somberly. "No, this is Kip, my brother. Was, rather. He overdosed on opioids last April."
Javi expressed honest dismay. "Oh no. I am so sorry. Were you close?"
"Very," you answered, chewing your lip, remembering the last time when Kip was alive and truly happy. It was far too long ago to be comforting. "He was only older than me by a year. Was quite different than me though. Very independent. Whenever my parents told him to do something he did the opposite. That's how he ended up in the military. It's how he ended up a war veteran with a bad back, which led doctors to treating him with strong drugs and in turn got him addicted to them."
"There are no words," Javi said gently, squeezing your arm at the elbow. "Is he going on your desk?"
"The fire mantle," you told him, heading for the fireplace in the living room and placing the framed photo on the shelf above it, carefully setting it there. You returned to Javi's side after. "Now I'm ready to check out the office."
He must have sensed that you didn't want to discuss your brother anymore because he just nodded and followed you out of the house.
The inside of Javi's mansion was...excessive. Six bedrooms, six full sized bathrooms to go with them, another two basic bathrooms (one for each floor), a massive kitchen and living room, a dining room, a personal office, a game room, a movie theater, and a sun room. There was a double stairway of course, and the rooms were mostly white, with some gold and black accents.
While you weren't a huge fan of overly sized houses and lack of color, you had to admit it was impressive, and some of the rooms were charming, likely thanks to a talented interior decorator.
One of the most charming rooms was the sun room, with all of its natural light and green house plants in vases. There were even a few vines hanging from the walls. It was the last room on the tour.
"This is where we'll be working," Javi informed you, nodding at the two desks set up in a corner. "I like writing out here. Feels too stuffy in the office. What do you think?"
"It's beautiful in here," you commented, awe in your voice. "I'm sure I'll get plenty of inspiration from it."
"Great!" Javi exclaimed, clapping his hands together, startling you. "I'll give you some time to fix up your desk to your liking, the one closest to the door, and have you meet me out back for dinner when you're ready."
"Dinner?" you questioned, frowning.
"Is it supper where you're from?" Javi asked when he noticed your confusion.
"Yes, but it's not that," you replied, explaining, "I didn't know I'd be eating with you tonight."
"Is that a problem?"
"No," you said a little too fast, cheeks threatening to turn red. "I just didn't expect it."
"As long as you're on this property you will never need to cook unless you wish to," Javi told you. "The chef here is excellent and always cooks up way too much for me. You'd be doing me a favor by joining me. And I'd like to get to know you a little more before we start writing together tomorrow."
"Would it be rude to ask what's on the menu?" you inquired.
He grinned. "Not at all. It's shrimp scampi tonight. Though there are alternatives available if you are allergic or vegan."
"I'm not, and I would never say no to shrimp," you declared.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm. "Good. Dinner will be served in thirty minutes, until then -"
"You'll be out on the back patio area," you finished for him.
He nodded. "Just through the doors."
He backed out of the room through a pair of beautifully detailed white doors and you could see him sit down in one of the patio chairs. He pulled out his phone and made a call you could not hear from inside and you forced yourself to look away, not wanting to be caught staring like a creepy stalker.
You placed your stuffed toy giraffe on the center of your desk next to the tape and stapler, along with the framed photo of your rabbits, before plopping down in the chair behind it to open up the new laptop you'd been gifted.
It was sooo fast to start up, and the perfect size for you. You hoped at the end of the two months you were staying that you'd be able to keep it. Especially after you went on to spend the half hour Javi had given you setting up the laptop, which included adding giraffe wallpaper to the main screen.
Once you were done, with a few minutes to spare, you stepped outside.
The back patio was made of gorgeous red brick and covered with more plant vases. The standard pool and hot tub were beside a four person outdoor table with an umbrella for shade.
The area looked so peaceful and dreamy that you weren't sure a space could get better until you laid eyes on the mini pond a yard away from the glass table, and noticed the brightly colored fish swimming in it. Fish splattered and patched with reds, oranges, blues, and blacks on their white bodies.
"Koi fish?" you quizzed when Javi glanced up at you from reading an email on his phone.
"Came with the house," he told you. "But I kept them cause I decided I liked them. Do you like Koi?"
You nodded. "I always wanted to have some of my own someday. But North Dakota winters would be hard for them to combat and Koi are expensive."
"Well, you can come back here and watch them whenever you like while you're staying here," Javi said. "Maybe they'll inspire you."
"A sun room and a Koi pond." You smirked. "Careful, you might not be able to get rid of me."
Javi parted his lips and closed them like he was going to say something but decided not to, and you blinked curiously at him. What had he been wanting to say but thought was best not said?
"Dinner is served!" a woman who was most likely Javi's chef, shouted.
He beamed at you. "Prepare to have the best shrimp in your life."
Javi was right, the shrimp was amazing, and the company continued to be pleasant. It was just you and him for an hour, the chef checking in briefly on occasion to offer wine and water refills and several well spaced out courses of Mediterranean food. You were stuffed when you were finished, and you wanted to sit by the Koi pond and digest, but you thought it would be best not to overstay your welcome.
"Well, I'd better go," you announced, trying to sound casual, as you stood back up. You were about to fish for some answers to questions that had been dancing around in your head all day. "I'm sure your girlfriend - or boyfriend - will want me out of the house when they get here."
"Neither," Javi told you, smiling as if he knew you were digging for information. He probably did. You were rarely subtle. "I'm not dating anyone right now. My last girlfriend moved to America with me but after living together for a month we realized we were better just as friends and she went back to Spain."
You winced. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay," he assured you. "We're still friends."
Friends? The word shouldn't have made your stomach flip as it did.
"Good," you murmured, not sure what else to say to a statement like that. "Too many of my past relationships ended nasty or by ignoring each other awkwardly."
You sighed and stretched your right hand out. He stood and shook it again. "Goodnight, Nora."
"Goodnight, Javi."
With that, you left him physically, but your brain didn't. For half the night you couldn't help replaying the time you'd spent with him, committing it to memory.
It had been a great first day, but you feared that you were already tempted to enter a dangerous game.
The kind of game that could break your heart.
Tagged: @harriedandharassed
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lockes-woods · 8 months
Stuck Chapter 2
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A deep groan formed at the back of Himiko’s throat when she heard the blaring sound of her alarm. She had just gotten to sleep when it sounded. She sighed and flopped on her back basking in the sound of the alarm as she contemplated going back to sleep. It was too late to call off, but she might be able to get away with it if she lied and said she had gotten sick. The last thing her manager wanted was someone who was knowingly sick serving their customers. The banging of her sister on their shared wall snapped her out of her daze. She quickly sat up and shut off her alarm. Another groan escaped her as she held her head in her hands. It felt like she had been hit by a bus. She was not sure which was the cause of her fatigue, the lack of sleep, or the assault. Either way, she had to get up. Rent was due next Monday; she needed the money from this shift to pay her half.
          After sitting in silence for a few minutes she was able to rally herself into getting up and showering. She quickly gathered up her uniform and towel before heading to the bathroom. She turned on the water to the hottest setting knowing it would only be lukewarm at best this time of day. She caught a glimpse of her arm in the mirror as she stripped and grimaced. The bruise was now fully formed, and it took up almost half of her forearm. Worst of all it was in the clear shape of a hand. Thankfully the base of her uniform was a long-sleeved black t-shirt. The last thing she wanted was to draw the attention of her patrons at the coffee shop. It was less than a five-minute walk from the hospital in center city. Over half of her regulars came from the hospital whether they were part of the staff or visitors. The majority of them were mandated reporters. She knew there was no good way to explain away the bruise.
          Himiko hummed to herself as she made quick work of getting ready. After her shower, she did her five-minute makeup routine and got dressed. She contemplated covering the bruise with makeup but decided against it. She figured covering it up in any way outside of her long-sleeved shirt would only make it look more suspicious. She gave herself a final once-over before heading out. For how shitty she felt she actually looked pretty decent. The makeup covered up her under-eye bags, her hair looked good despite her not having enough time to wash it, and her bruise was covered. She grabbed her coat and rucksack and headed out.
          She glanced down at her phone and picked up the pace after realizing it was almost seven-thirty. She had only five minutes to get to the station or she’d miss her train and be late. It was doable, but she would have to be fast. The last time she was late her shift supervisor was passive-aggressive towards her for a week. If it weren’t for her regulars and coworkers, she would have already quit. She hated Annie. The only other reason she had stayed on was the fact that it was  a fifteen-minute walk to her school.  
          Himiko hurled herself down the steps of the subway station taking two steps at a time. She quickly tapped her phone to pay the fare before disappearing into the sea of commuters. She sighed in relief when she saw her train pull up. She got on and slid into the corner seat she always sat on. She might actually be early for once.
          She relaxed into her seat hugging her backpack to her chest as she reflected on the past few hours. She still couldn’t believe the guy recognized her. It had been months since she had conned anyone at pool. She wasn’t proud of it, but she did sometimes have to rely on her pool abilities to make ends meet. The last time she did it was in late July. Her laptop had died, and she had no other way to afford a new one.
She was always able to rationalize it by following the rules she had set for herself. She only ever conned people who could afford to lose the money. She would only ever go after guys like the one last night. Who flaunted their family’s wealth. She would never take a bet up with someone who was drunk; they had to be sober enough to knowingly challenge her. Her last rule was to never go to the same place more than once within a year. It lowered the chances of her being recognized and being banned or being pegged as a con artist. Hell, she had been doing this since she was seventeen and this was the first time she had seen any repercussions.
          The only more shocking part of the night was when the redhead, Shanks, offered to represent her in court. While they were always friendly, she had only known him for a year at most. She had only been working at that bar for two years and he had only been a regular for sixish months. Before that, he would come in sporadically until one day he got blitzed after winning a case. He stayed until last call and Himiko had to help him into a taxi. After that, he took a shine to the place and started coming in a few nights a week. Himiko wasn’t sure what changed that night, but never questioned it because he tipped well and was nice to the staff. It didn’t hurt that she found him extremely attractive. She would be embarrassed to admit that she didn’t hate the attention he gave her. If it weren’t for the fact that she knew he had a husband, she would have flirted back on the multiple occasions he playfully hit on her.
          Himiko snapped out of her train of thought when they got to her stop. She shuffled along with the other passengers getting off before ascending the steps up to the street. She pulled her coat tighter around herself as she braced against the wind. It may be mid-November, but it was already starting to feel like winter. Himiko hurried along, while she wasn’t psyched about having to work another long shift she did desperately want to get out of the cold.
          The door chimed when Himiko stepped through the threshold.
“Good morning my love,” she heard a male voice call out to her from behind the register. She didn’t have to look up from her phone to know who it was. Sanji had been shamelessly flirting with her since he started at the café two years ago. If it were anyone else, she would find it creepy, but she knew him well enough to know he was harmless.
“Morning Himiko,” another voice called out from behind the espresso bar. This time she did look up. She could just make out his face a mist the steam but there was no doubt about it it was definitely Usopp. A smile broke across her face as she returned the sentiment.
“Mornin’ Usopp, Sanji.” She called out as she made her way around the counter to the back of house.
“Yes, she said my name first!” Usopp whooped pumping his fist.
“That’s only because you were closer.” Sanji deflected.
“Nah, it’s because you got no rizz.” Usopp dismissed.
“I do to have rizz,” Sanji said genuinely offended. Himiko laughed to herself as the two began to squabble about who had the most rizz. She tucked her backpack into the corner near the coat rack after hanging up her jacket. She grabbed a clean floral apron off the stack and headed out to the floor. She punched in with a minute to spare before joining Usopp at the bar.
“Himiko please settle this, who gets more bitches me or Sanji?” Usopp asks. Himiko hums in fake contemplation as she starts on her first drink of the day.
“Gee that’s a hard one; one versus zero.” She says jokingly. She laughed when both the guys made offended noises. Her laughter was interrupted by a voice by the door cutting her off.
“If we’re going by that metric, I’d say Himiko gets the most bitches.” Their manager Robin interjects as she takes her coat off and makes her way to the back.
“Robin!! I didn’t know you worked today.” Himiko squeals in delight before continuing, “Does that mean no Annie? “ she asks in a hopeful voice.
“Yes, she called out sick. Though I’d prefer if you at least pretended to like her for both our sakes.” Robin responded in an amused voice.
“Never,” Himiko responds seriously; Robin just shakes her head before heading to the back.
“Himiko can’t count though,” Usopp said steering them back on topic.
“And why’s that?” Himiko said side eyeing him as she continued on drinks.
“You’re bi so you have an unfair advantage.” He said. Sanji made a sound of agreement between customers.
“But Sanji’s also bi wouldn’t that mean he’s also disqualified,” Himiko asked.
“No, because I’m not a girl. You have a home court advantage when women are involved. I only have that advantage with men.” Sanji responded.
“Exactly.” Usopp agreed.
“As much as I like you two in agreement that's the most stupid logic I’ve heard since Luffy tried to convince me to split my meal with him last time we went out after he finished his meal,” Himiko said shaking her head. Both of them responded with disgruntled huffs.
“Speaking of Luffy are we still on for our study sesh tonight?” Usopp segwayed.  
“I don’t know I heard from Zoro that he’s coming,” Sanji said.
“There will be food so Luffy is for sure going to be there.” Himiko tacked on.
“That just leaves Nami,” Usopp said as both of the guys turned to look at Himiko.
“What?” She asked.
“She’s your family shouldn’t you know if she’s coming?” Sanji asked.
“I don’t know,” Himiko said with a shrug. “Our schedules don’t line up at the start of the week. The last time I saw her was on Sunday morning.” Usopp hummed in response while pulling out his phone to text her.
“Who’s turn is it to host anyway?” Himiko asked.
“I think it’s your turn; Me and Usopp hosted last time and Luffy and Zoro hosted the time before that.” Sanji filled in between customers.
“K I’ll get snacks after class,” Himiko said making a note to herself.
“Nami’s down,” Usopp said returning his phone to his pocket. The conversation started to dwindle as the business started to pick up. Himiko, Usopp, and Sanji got into a grove of making drinks while Robin took orders. The flow of customers was consistent as the morning bled into the afternoon. It began to wind down after it hit two in the afternoon. It would pick up again after school let out in an hour, but Himiko would be long gone by then; Usopp had already left for the day. She busied herself in her last half hour by cleaning and restocking between customers.
“Welcome in,” She greeted at the sound of the door’s chime. A smile broke across her face as she looked up from the drink she was making and saw who it was.
“Good afternoon,” Her regular, Mihawk responded with a slight upturn of his lips. Himiko relished the small smile. She knew from experience that that was the closest he got to a genuine smile. For the first few months she worked at the café she thought he hated her until Robin informed her that he was just how he emoted.
“What can I get for you today? Do you have any surgeries left today?” She asked meeting him at the register. If she had to guess she would assume he did; he was still in his scrubs. She mentally prepared the list of non-caffeinated teas in her head knowing that he never had caffeine before performing surgery. He couldn’t afford any potential tremors; he was a neurosurgeon after all.
“Just one; after that, I’ll be done for the day.” He responded plainly.
“K, do you want your usual? If you wanted to mix it up we just got in a rose hibiscus tea; I like it a lot especially iced.”
“Hmm,” He hummed in contemplation. “I suppose I’ll try the hibiscus.” Himiko nodded, ringing up the drink.
“Do you need any refills on your nighttime tea?” She asked knowing he goes through a container of the chamomile tea a week. He simply nodded in response. She added the tea to the order before turning the tablet to face him so he could tip and pay. She turned her back to him as she set up the hibiscus in hot water and set the timer. Afterward, she went to the back to grab a tin of the chamomile blend.
“Everything alright out there?” Sanji asked not looking up from the dishes.
“Yeah, we literally only have one customer and he’s a regular,” Himiko responded reaching up to grab a bag for the tea.
“Who is it?” he asked.
“The Dilf surgeon?”
“Sure you don’t need my help?” he asks randomly
“I can handle him,” she dismissed slightly confused.
“Oh, I’m sure you can” he laughed.
“Fuck off.” She groaned, annoyed that she fell for his trap. She retreated back out to the front as Sanji continued to laugh at her.
“Here you are,” she said still in a huff as she handed the bag off to Mihawk before turning back to the steeping tea.
“Everything alright back there?” He asked.
“Yeah, my coworker was just being a dick,” Himiko responded with a laugh. She heard him acknowledge her with a faint hum as the timer went off for the tea. She poured the freshly brewed tea over a cup of ice and topped it with a lid. She grabbed a straw and turned back to him at the hand-off station.
“Here you are,” she said as she slid the drink over to him and passed him the straw. She paused when she noticed him staring down at the hand-off plane. Himiko was about to ask him if everything was okay before she followed his gaze downward. His eyes were locked on her forearm. Her sleeves were pushed up to her elbow. She must had done it unintentionally when she was cleaning earlier. She quickly pulled her sleeve down and sighed internally she could feel her nerves rise in her stomach as she mentally prepared herself for this conversation.  
“Are you okay?” he asked looking up to make eye contact with her. Her anxiety grew as she looked into his eyes. Himiko always loved his eyes; they were such a lovely shade of gold. This was different than when they normally looked at each other. His gaze was steady and unwavering. That paired with the genuine concern in his voice made her nervous in a way she couldn’t label.
“Ye-I know it looks bad,” She stumbled, “but I’m fine.” “promise” She tacked on the end. She internally cringed at her response hoping it didn’t sound as fishy as she thought it did.
“Are you sure,” he asked breaking eye contact to look down at her arm before continuing, “Because it looks as though someone has hurt you.”
“I’m fine,” she said hoping he would drop it. Luck was not on her side as his gaze only intensified when he met her eyes again.
“Okay, so someone may have assaulted me last night at my other job, but it’s already been taken care of.” She said hoping he would believe her. “I already pressed charges and he’s been banned from the bar I worked at.”
“And you are in no danger of further abuse?” He asked. Himiko wasn’t sure if she had imagined it, but it looked like his eyes had softened. Not out of pity, but out of concern.
“Yes, his only connection to me is through my other job. He doesn’t know anything else about me.” She answered truthfully.
“And if things were to escalate you know the proper channels to go through?” He asked.
“Yes, Mihawk I’m fine. I’m a social work major; I had to learn about the city’s resources for this kinda thing through my classes.” She responded. He nodded, seeming satisfied with her responses. He picked up his tea and turned to leave. He passed her coworker who was set to relieve her on his way out. Himiko sighed in relief as she took off her apron and headed to the back to clock out.
“See you later.” She called out to Sanji.
“See you,” he responded still knee deep in dishes. Himiko decided against telling him about the assault now. It’d be easier to just tell her friend group as a whole tonight. Plus, she was already dead tired. She really hoped that she would get a second wind to get her through her lecture. Himiko sighed to herself as she made her way out of the café. She suddenly stopped short to avoid running face-first into someone’s chest. Glancing up she was met once again with Mihawk’s stern gaze.
“Hey, what are you doing back here?” she asked, confused. She sidestepped to get out of the door frame.
“I just wanted to give you this,” he said handing her a business card. Himiko looked up at him perplexed; what was with the men in this city with their business cards?
“My partner is a lawyer; he sometimes does pro bono work. I think you would be an excellent candidate for it.” He explained as they began to walk down the block.
“Oh, okay thanks.” Himiko started, “I actually have a lawyer already- he’s one of my regulars at my other job. But if that for some reason doesn’t work out, I’ll be sure to contact him.” He nodded as they made their way down the street. They stopped at the intersection.
“Well, I’m going this way.” Himiko says gesturing right. She already knew he’d be going left towards the hospital. “Good luck with your surgery.”
“Thank you, but I won’t be needing it.” He replies with a smirk as he turns left crossing the street. Himiko huffed a laugh through her nose at his response. She pocketed the card before making her way to school.
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apuckishwit · 2 years
Interlude: The Besties Conspire
A preview of chapter 28 of Rolled a 1 on the Check, Rolled a 20 on the Save on AO3
All told, living with Steve turns out to be one of the best decisions she and Vickie have ever made.
There are a few hiccups and minor squabbles of course. Going from living alone (or with just his significant other) to having three roommates is an adjustment for Steve. Despite knowing it’s a good idea that will benefit them tremendously in the long run, it is kind of a weird dynamic to be letting Steve pay the entirety of the rent and just pitch in for groceries and utilities. Logically, she knows he can well afford it and he’s doing it out of love and a desire to help pull her, Vickie, and Chrissy up into the place of financial stability his grandparents’ trust fund let him achieve…but it’s still kind of weird.
They work through it, and within a few weeks, it’s smooth sailing. Chrissy throws herself into interviewing for a teaching position in and around her hometown, with her student teaching coming to an end in another month. Robin and Vickie start talking about Vickie maybe quitting her job over the summer so she can apply for some of the internships her marketing professor talks about. It’s never been an option for them before, but it could really help Vickie land a good job when she graduates next year. Then she can support them while Robin finishes her linguistics degree. Steve starts classes and he and Chrissy often spend the evenings bent over his notes and books, going over things while he finds his stride in school again.
After about his second week of classes, it’s Chrissy who sits down with him and asks very nicely if he’s ever been tested for any learning disabilities. “You kind of remind me of some of my kids with ADD, but honestly, the way you describe things, you might just have a general processing delay. Your brain works just fine, it just takes a little longer to digest everything.”
“A few of my teachers wanted to have me tested over the years, but my parents never allowed it. I got by. I was thinking of going to student services and seeing what I’d have to do to get some kind of accommodations, but I got distracted getting registered and moving apartments and everything.”
“If you stop by the student services office and get the forms, I can help you fill them out and make an appointment for the testing. In the meantime, I really think it’d help you if you recorded your lectures instead of trying to take notes. That way, you can highlight the really important stuff as you go, and then come back for anything you missed later.”
Steve looks so stunned at the idea Robin has to laugh a little, even as her heart aches for the thought of her best friend struggling more than he had to, with parents who never cared enough about him to help.
Well fuck it, Steve’s got a whole new family now. One that absolutely will never leave him struggling by himself.
And it’s because he’s got a whole new family that will never leave him struggling, of which Robin is one of the chief parts if she does say so herself, that she and Vickie are determined to help him solve The Eddie Problem. All joking about emotional support lesbians and community bi laws aside, Steve’s her best friend. Her best friend who has made her and her girlfriend’s lives an order of magnitude less stressful, who she loves like a brother, and who she wants to see as deliriously happy with his partner as she is with hers (sue her—she’s happy and in love and she wants to spread that shit around like peanut butter on a slice of bread). And Steve seems pretty fixated on Eddie Munson, but utterly unconvinced that he has a shot.
Which is why she and Vickie are currently perched on the couch on either side of Steve, a huge plate of pulled pork loaded nachos (with the warmer weather, Steve’s cooking class has been doing barbecue lately, and it’s the best thing ever) balanced on Steve’s lap and his laptop set up on the coffee table in front of them. They’ve been watching recordings of this Eddie guy’s streams on and off for about a week now, a few hours at a time, and the number of times she and Vickie have exchanged loaded looks over Steve’s head is ludicrous.
A tilt of Vickie’s eyebrow as Eddie calls Steve some sappy pet name for the umpteenth time: Are you hearing this?
Robin presses her lips together and widens her eyes: He’s not being even remotely subtle.
Robin jerks her chin and shrugs a shoulder when Steve laughs a little too loudly at some joke Eddie’s just made: I can’t believe the dingus ever questioned if he was bi.
Vickie waggles her eyebrows: Right?
Robin sucks her cheeks in like a fish and rolls her eyes heavenward: They’ve got it so bad for each other, it’s making me physically ill.
Vickie smacks her lips and flutters her eyelashes: These nachos are incredible.
“Oh my God, they are!” Robin says out loud, prompting Steve to shoot her a confused look. Robin just ruffles his hair and stuffs another tortilla chip loaded down with pulled pork, barbecue sauce, melted cheese, red onions, and sour cream into her mouth. After a moment, Steve gets distracted by something on the stream, pausing it and rewinding it a few seconds only to listen to the same description of some guard tower in some town before letting out a triumphant hah!. He doesn’t elaborate though, and so Robin pays it no mind. She’s got bigger things to think about.
Like the fact that Eddie Munson has been heavily flirting with her best friend for literal months. Like, it’s not even “I want to get in your pants” flirting, they’re well into “I want to marry you and have your babies, shall we adopt or get a surrogate?” territory. But Steve…her dear, sweet dingus who is somehow simultaneously one of the most mature and emotionally intelligent people she knows and a completely oblivious idiot…will never believe her and Vickie if they tell him that.
She’s going to have to get creative.
She glances down into the chat window displayed at the bottom of Munson’s stream. She and Vickie both clocked the little tally game some of Munson’s regular viewers have going every time he and Steve do or say something that reveals how goddamn down bad they are for each other. And she’s also noticed that one of them in particular seems to be someone who knows Munson in real life, if the side comments he makes to the commenter on mic are anything to go by.
She looks over at her girlfriend and wrinkles her nose, slanting a look down at the chat window where Gare-Bear-Stare has just made another tally mark after Munson took actually kind of an absurdly long time describing Steve’s character’s muscles flexing as he helped heave one of the boys’ characters out of a river crossing: We should talk to this guy.
Vickie gives her a discreet thumbs-up: Absolutely.
Then she presses her hand to her bosom and swoons back against the couch: Seriously, this sauce is to die for.
“It is! I’d eat this on a floor tile!” Robin replies.
“What the hell are you two talking about?” Steve asks.
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papercherries · 5 months
I recently took a trip to my hometown to pick up my cat. I ended up staying for a couple days because my family was having a small dinner, nothing fancy. Usually when I go to my hometown, I'm very bored. There's not a whole lot to do in my hometown, especially since all my friends were away also. I should've brought my laptop or switch because I only brought two books, Don Quixote and Against Interpretation and I couldn't read for more than 3 hours at a time. I also wasn't in the mood to watch a film. So, usually I am very bored. I mostly play guitar or more recently banjo. I scream and shout at the top of my lungs, which I imagine must annoy the neighbours but they have never complained. Obviously, I perform these two acts together.
But I also spend a lot of time thinking, as I also cannot sleep in my hometown. It's too quiet and my pillows are too hard. So, I spend a lot of time thinking. Why am I the way I am? Why am I the queer one in my family? (besides certain exceptions). Why am I the empathetic one? Why am I so radically different from everyone else in my family? Not a single person in my family has ever pursued an art, besides wedding photography. I was raised in the same environment, went to the same schools, taught the same ideals. Mind you, I had different friends and I was definitely involved in different social spaces but even then I am quite different from my old friends.
I always realise, my hometown is full of cynicism and pessimism. I was also full of these qualities when I lived there. I wouldn't say people are unhappy there, (though some obviously are) I would say they're sick. It's reeks of post-Thatcherite depression, but unlike other areas where they've built up from this, the town has stagnated. People are born there, they move around a little, they move back, then they die in the same hospital they were born in. I can't imagine a more depressing fate. Everyone wants to escape, lots end up returning because it's all they know. Ironically, it's an migrant town. Everyone who lives there isn't from there, at least originally. Mostly Scottish people, but over the last twenty years, lots of people migrated from Eastern Europe. I wonder why they chose the town. I know why the Scots chose it originally, but what does it offer now.
It also doesn't help there's not a whole lot to do. Whilst I do admit, there's some things (a cinema, swimming pool, lots of green spaces), there's nowhere for you to discover yourself, by that I mean discover arts. There's plenty of sporting opportunities in the area. Besides the cinema (which I do admit is relatively cheap), there is one other arts space. There's an arts centre, hidden away in the towns centre. There's no advertising for it, nor is there much on. It's also difficult to find if you don't know where it already is. Most importantly, there is no music scene. Whilst there is a yearly music festival (though I'm not sure it still exists), there is no music. The best you will hear are old rockers still playing the shitty pubs they grew up in and the bellowing of the bagpipes behind the hearse. Now, I remember there used to be a venue in the town. It was an actual venue, people actually attended. Though it was shut down many years ago, I can't remember why but I think it was to do with costs. Which is crazy cause the venue rent shouldn't have been high due to the placement of it. Sometimes, there's still the one off gig in the building but it's once every couple years, for those who are nostalgic for it perhaps.
My point being, there's a little to do in the town. But no one can afford it. I couldn't afford it, I used to get free cinema tickets cause my friend worked there. I still do, at a different cinema. Same friend. People need to express themselves, I believe the town is improving in that regard but the town genuinely has an opportunity to become a cultural hub. The council is so incompetent and the mayor is a right twat. The people would have to do it. It also doesn't help that when local elections happen, the town always votes labour. But labour never wins because the surrounding villages are included in the votes. So conservative wins. I think if the town had a larger variety of things to do, it would be a much happier, empathetic place. But, perhaps I'm being naïve, perhaps an idealist. I suppose you always want the places you lived in to be better, I suppose only I can implement these ideas. Even if it's just be spreading them.
P.S. It also doesn't help that since leaving the EU most smaller towns have struggled due to the weak policies the British government has implemented to help the growth of these towns. Essentially, the way I understand it is, when we were in the EU. Money made in the bigger cities, a portion of it would be taken out and spread to smaller communities in the UK so the towns and villages wouldn't be crushed under the heel of the ever growing cities. Whereas now, that fund is significantly decreased. Hence small towns in Britain becoming more and more run down.
All we have time for is drinking, screwing and dancing. For it's all we can afford to do.
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Happy STS! What does your character's morning routine look like? Share a snippet about it if you like 💜
Happy STS!
I don't have a snippet for a morning routine but I do have one for a daily routine, so I'll share this Chase snippet:
(Nani is a stand in nickname that Chase has for his grandmother, It might change but that's the way it is for now)
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Henderson City’s subway was a dirty one, filled with graffiti, trash, and the abandoned train tunnels probably had crime hideouts in them (but no one dared go far enough to investigate).
Chase swiped his subway card through the gate, making sure his passenger bag backpack was in front of and close to his body to avoid getting pickpocketed, and his wallet with the emergency credit card and some cash for the way home stowed in the inside pocket of his jacket. The only remotely valuable thing in the bag was the laptop that he’d pieced together himself from a bunch of salvaged computers- but it didn’t hurt to be safe.
There were about a dozen or so other passengers on the grimy subway platform, waiting for the train as well.
He grabbed a soda from a vending machine while he waited, making sure to keep his head down. He was only a highschooler with a potential robotics or cybersecurity scholarship in his future, but that wouldn’t stop some people from assuming he was a criminal or terrorist or some shit. The things people (especially cops) could come up with were wild, let alone remotely true.
He checked his phone to see what the algorithm had come up with. The night before, after Nani went to bed, he wrote a simulation program that could calculate based on patterns where crime would pop up, where and when robberies or criminal activity was likely to happen. He wanted to try it out tonight, because the cops and the richer than God mayor wouldn’t lift a finger to do anything about actual danger in the city.
And he didn’t mind showing off his talents a little bit.
The train ride was long and quiet, and then it was a twenty minute walk through a remotely safe neighborhood, and a long climb up the stairs of an apartment block.
Thankfully, the apartment was decent enough, and the rent was affordable.
Chase entered the apartment, greeting his grandmother, Nani. She was in the kitchen as usual, making matzo balls and latkes for dinner. Her hair was hidden by a hair wrap, the cloth faded blues and grays with woven patterns.
The apartment was small, with just a living room, dining room and combined kitchen, and one hallway with a bathroom and two bedrooms right next to the fridge at the end of the cupboards.
Chase opened the door to his room, and set his bag down (or rather tossed it onto his bed), and took off his jacket- now in his worn jeans and the long sleeved moss green t-shirt they almost always wore.
“Did you take your medications?” Nani asked as she molded the dough into the shapes she wanted with her hands.
“I’m gonna do it right now,” Chase said as he came out of his room, orange bottle in hand. 
“Wait,” Nani said, turning around after turning a knob on the stove. “You know it’s best if you don’t take them on an empty stomach.” She started cutting a loaf of bread on the counter. The bread had a braided top and was baked to golden brown perfection, with herbs cooked into it and sprinkled on top. She cut a thick slice of the bread, and handed it to them.
“Don’t take any until you’ve eaten the whole slice too,” Nani said, “I know you forget to eat.”
Thanks @winterandwords !
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mariacallous · 1 year
Grab your laptop and head for the Balkans. Balkan cities have grabbed all the top places in popular online UK listing’s mag Time Out’s best cities in Europe to be a remote worker, or “digital nomad” to give it its more glamourous name.
Forget Paris, the much-hyped Portuguese capital Lisbon or touristed-out Prague.
First place goes in this table to the often-overlooked capital of North Macedonia, Skopje.
Travel experts at Norton Finance company, the loan company producing the ranking table, looked at 184 countries worldwide and ranked them based on average rent, utilities, transport, food, gym and internet costs, as well as the cost of return flights from the UK.
Defending its decision to give first prize in Europe to little known Skopje, it writes: “The city is a notoriously good-value tourist destination, popular for its archaeological sites and street food …. The value of public transport is one reason why Skopje scores so well, as a monthly public transport pass is an enormous eight times cheaper than the London equivalent.”
After Skopje, another Balkan capital grabs second place – Sarajevo, described as “the charming capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A one-bed flat in the city centre averages at a crazy-affordable €275 (£238, $289) per month”.
And third place goes to Moldova’s capital, Chisinau, a city that rings very few bells among UK travellers but where Norton Finance cheerily notes that a pint of beer “costs a measly €1.30 (£1.12, $1.37)” – i.e. about a quarter of the price in London.
Fourth place goes to Sofia in Bulgaria, fifth to Romania’s capital Bucharest and sixth to Belgrade in Serbia.
Copenhagen and Dublin are ranked among the worst European cities to be a digital nomad by Norton Finance, mainly owing to sky-high rents, some five times higher than those in the Balkans.
The number of so-called digital nomads, people working remotely – often but not always abroad – has surged massively in recent years, as office work goes out of fashion, wifi gets better and as more and more people work online.
“Thanks to the pandemic, more people are choosing to embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle that allows them to travel and work remotely,” Forbes magazine noted in 2022,. It suggested that by 2025 some 22 per cent of the US workforce will be remote workers, or 37.5 million people.
It adds: “To date, a total of 46 countries have jumped on the digital nomad visa bandwagon”, offering visas specially designed to lure such nomads from abroad.
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whiskingskin · 8 months
My mental health be so good and yummy tasty and then I remember I have to pay rent. Then I remember I have to buy groceries. Then I remember I need to buy gas. Then I remember I need to pay my car insurance. Then I remember I need to pay my renters insurance. Then I remember I need to pay for my cats food. Then I need to pay for my cats litter as well as some toilet paper for myself. Oh shit we're out of detergent- lemme run yo the store and pay for some more cleaning supplies. Oh, but our garbage disposal is broken, let me pay the maintenence man to come fix it. Did you want to have a treat after work? I hope you can afford it. Did you want to work at this place you're passionate for doing something you love? Sorry- we're only open 4 days a week, so you'll need a second job to pay your rent. Don't forget, your family and friends have birthdays coming up! Get them a present so you're not a bad friend. Or make them one- what do you mean you don't have the energy? Dont forget that the new canvas will cost 6.99! Shoot, you're depressed? Luckily, your therapy is only 200$ an appointment- you can pay that, right? And your life saving medications, of course! That'll be 850$- yes, that's with your insurance included. Don't you want to feel better? Please dress better- you're not being very professional. If you can't afford to dress professionally maybe you shouldn't be working professionally. Yes, a laptop is required for this position, but it would be in your best interest to buy it yourself. No, we don't have these hours available for you, even though I just told you how understaffed we are. What do you mean you don't want to work? What do you mean you don't want to pay?
If you're not paying, what are you doing? Stop.
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