#get a load of that frog
fionn-mcgoats · 2 days
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telestoapologist · 14 days
osiris actually did go through character development this season. he went from “are you playing with that ridiculous frog again 😒” to watching jacobson goofily eat a mealworm and being like “fuck yes.”
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sunlightfeeling · 8 months
Taking evasive measures to reduce anxiety
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please save me froggy 2tk
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actual-corpse · 5 months
Since I was determined to shower....
I kicked and screamed until the beast hud away.
And I continued to show force.
For I am bigger
And I am at the top of the food chain
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chewysgummies · 8 months
Okay yeah no- Bye👋😭
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Hope y’all’s day went better than mine
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alithographica · 2 years
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Big day for nerds and frog enjoyers, get a load of this new chunk: Hyloscirtus tolkieni
(Article has a few more photos)
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markscherz · 4 months
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I put it to you that Scaphiophryne marmorata is peak frog.
Well first, it's pretty round, which is key.
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Now get a load of those fingers.
Big, expanded discs at the end, ideal for climbing.
But what's happening back there with those toes? No discs there. Those are good for walking and hopping around on the ground.
Now, let's gently turn them over
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First, excellent tum, 17 out of 10, no notes.
But what's that at the base of the foot? Those big projections? Yep, those are spades. This climbing, hopping frog is an excellent digger!
I like to think of these Scaphiophryne as all-terrain frogs. They're basically good at everything. They defy our categorical labels of 'arboreal', 'terrestrial', or 'fossorial', and say 'por qué no los tres?'—but in Malagasy, so 'nahoana no tsy izy telo?'
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monaluppo · 5 days
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What is Ravager Rush?
The Hermitcraft Server has been overtaken by a whole new kind of craze in the making.
Ravager Rush is the game of the season. (They don't call it Frogger for trademark reasons.)
The goal is quite simple: race to the end. Be quick and you'll get some Frog Coins to spend.
Everyone has great potential to win. When you're ready, let the challenge begin!
The road and the river can be quite deceiving. Avoiding the ravagers requires some weaving.
Size up the traffic. Don't lose the sight of oncoming mobs— Look out, to your right!
You barely dodged the beast speeding past. You have to be swift. Move forward steadfast.
It's not very wise jumping the gun. Instead, choose the right moment to run.
Take a step back and wait for the last one of the Sunday Drivers to pass.
Now is your chance! No time for stopping. Remember to keep on swerving and hopping.
And just like that, the road is nearing the end as you reach a small grassy clearing.
Here you can take a breath of respite. Until, a snake! Watch out for its bite!
You don't have much time to consider the path you should take, before crossing the river.
Skipping across a lily pad trail is a perilous sport: don't stop or you'll fail!
Head for the gates, keep your eyes on the prize and give it your all. Any less won't suffice.
As you're evading the frightening foes, you can almost feel them nibbling your toes.
Adrenaline pumping and pulse through the roof; in a panic—you clutch—and just make it through!
Congrats, you did it! If you reach more gates, you might get to run up the score.
If you can't manage to finish the track, it's alright— you can run it right back.
Everyone struggles at first just the same. Improving your skills is all part of the game.
You might want to practice with other sweats. Spurring one another is as fun as it gets!
Push your own limits or compete with a friend. Race through the course again and again!
Extra libel (/j):
In Ravager Rush, there's always a way for [insert ravager name here] to ruin your day.
You don't know the pattern like the back of your palm, if you get run over by Bdub's Mom.
You change the lane, and Tango's Cough misses. Instead, you bump into a load of Neck Kisses.
Do you really think you've practiced enough, when even the ravagers call you washed up?
A message to Hermits: sleep is just fiction. Give in to your crippling gaming addiction!
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logansdoll · 2 months
ivy, l. howlett (4)
landing on Ellis Island, it was finally time for you to show off what you could do
CW: canon typical violence, gore, guns, mutation, profanity, innuendos, mature themes, mentions of sex, y/n is very poison ivy-esque, jean grey exists but is not present, etc.
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After figuring out Magneto and his gang were headed for Ellis Island, the four of you loaded into the Blackbird on a covert mission to stop him.
So after disembarking on the faraway side of the island, and deducing that the machine was hidden in the torch, you all stormed inside in an attempt to get you to the top.
Which meant passing through the museum.
Though it wasn't long before Logan caused a ruckus.
The moment he walked through the metal detectors, an alarm began to blare, forcing everyone to freeze.
Quickly, he drew his claws, stabbing the sensor until the alarm shut off, before turning to the rest of you.
Scott flashed him a cocky smirk, but Logan just flipped him off.
Rolling your eyes, you continued on, dipping in your belt pouches and sprinkling seeds along the carpet walkway, keeping your eyes peeled.
Though Logan was thoroughly confused.
"What's that?" he asked, brow raised as he walked up next to you.
"Our backup," you answered with a knowing grin, pressing ahead to spread some more.
And, as much as he willed them not to, his eyes traveled down your back, all the way to your leather clad ass.
He was only a man, and he had to say it looked absolutely fantastic, perfectly fit for your figure and moving so tantalizingly.
Trust, if you gave him a chance, he'd rock your—
A sharp jab to his side snapped him out of his reverie, its source being a particularly displeased woman with hair whiter than winter snow.
"You're drooling," she raised a brow, almost scolding.
She didn't need the professor to know what the man was thinking, and all that could be saved for after they rescued Rogue.
Before he could respond, he caught a whiff of something.
"There's someone here," he sniffed, brows furrowed.
"Where?" Scott asked.
"I don't know.... Keep your eye open."
But the man paid no mind, power-walking ahead and around the column in search of the source.
Though when he came back around, there was something different about him.
Something odd.
"I know there's someone here. I just can't see 'em."
He stalked toward Scott, his claws suddenly sprouting.
'The hell...'
Suddenly, another Logan tackled the other, the two tumbling into a maintenence room.
'Okay, what the actual hell...'
You three quickly followed, Scott unsure of which one to shoot as they stood off.
"Wait!" the both shouted in unison, their voices the same.
But one suddenly slashed the chain holding the door, slamming it shut right before your eyes.
"All right, back up," Scott ordered, holding the side of his goggles.
But before he could shoot it open, a familiar frog man suddenly swung over, knocking him into another room and kicking you and Ororo to the ground.
 Using his tongue, he slammed the door to Scott shut before wrapping it around your ankle and tossing you onto a higher level, sending you crashing into a display case.
But before you could even recover, he was already scaling the wall, having stuck some sort of adhesive saliva on Ororo's mouth to distract her.
Quickly, you pulled yourself up, but his tongue smacked you right back down, before grabbing your waist and tossing you into a nearby elevator shaft.
You hit the bottom with a sickening thud, hitting your head right on the concrete and splattering blood all over the floor.
That was the last straw.
Jaw locked tight with anger, you pushed yourself off the ground, fixing your neck with a disgusting crack as small as thin vines of ivy grew around your wound, quickly closing it.
"He's done."
Taking all of your pouches off your belt, you opened them up and flipped them upside down, dumping every seed in your arsenal on the ground.
And with a flick of your hand, they all shot up into the air, carrying you along with it.
When you reached the top of the shaft, your vines began to grow all over the place, two large ones completely ripping the doors open.
Toad's eyes narrowed, confused to see a gigantic lotus flower before him.
Until it bloomed, you emerging from its receptacle.
"Don't you people ever die?" he shouted, annoyed, as the stormed over.
Big mistake.
Instantly, a vine coiled around his body, tightening as you were carried toward him.
Your plants grew without control, overtaking everything on the upper levels and even encroaching on the lower.
Though you still approached the balcony with your new friend.
"Woah, woah, woah, slow your roll, love," he began to panic, jolting with fear as even larger vines burst through the windows, the flora following you outside. 
The reality of his situation was finally sinking in.
"You can't kill me! That old man o' yours don't allow it!"
You stared at him, eyes cold and dead serious as a humongous Venus Flytrap grew at your side.
"Who said I was going to kill you?"
Terrified, his eyes turned to saucers, especially when it began to move closer.
Without hesitation, the vine binding him shifted its grip, tossing him into her jaws, which she snapped shut the moment he landed.
Of course, you really couldn't kill him, so you'd already given her precise instruction.
"You know what to do," you nodded to her, "Don't go too deep."
She gave you a wiggle of confirmation, before quickly growing toward the harbor, submerging herself and Toad underwater.
With that taken care of, your plants returned you indoors, bringing you toward the banister of the upper floor to look over, where the others seemed to be regrouping.
"You guys all right?" you asked as you descended.
Turning to you, Logan's eyes widened, surprised and quite fascinated.
He knew you could control plants, but he didn't think you'd have the whole damn jungle following you.
"She wasn't kidding..." he nodded, intrigued.
For Christ's sake, you were sitting in a huge flower like some woodland fairy.
"I took care of the toad guy," you reported, stepping out Lottie—the lotus.
"The shapeshifter's handled, too," Logan nodded, focusing back on the matter at hand.
"Prove it," Scott raised a brow, resting his fingers at the side of his goggles, ready to blast.
"You're a dick."
You rolled your eyes, turning toward the roof.
"If you ladies are done... there's a girl that needs saving."
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Once you all finally made it to Lady Liberty's head, you looked around, only to find that the machine was already powering up within the flame of the torch.
"Everybody, get out of here," Logan stated, seriously.
"What is it?" Ororo asked.
"I can't move."
Suddenly, something shoved him up against the wall, pieces of metal flying from all directions to pin each and every one of you.
You, in particular, getting stuck in front of Scott.
And, of course, the man himself descending from a hole he made in the statue's head.
"Ah, my brothers. Welcome," Magneto smiled, turning to Logan, "Let's point those claws of yours in a safer direction."
Using his power, he forced Logan's fists to point toward his chest, bending some scrap metal to keep them there.
"And you," he turned to Scott, Sabretooth removing his goggles. "You'd better close your eyes."
"Storm, fry him," Scott ordered, his eyes screwed shut to keep from hurting you.
"Oh, yes. A bolt of lightening into a huge, copper conductor," Magneto agreed, sarcastically. "I thought you lived at a school."
"I've seen Senator Kelly," you blurted, hoping to divert his attention.
"So the good senator survived his fall and the swim to shore," he smiled, walking up to you. "He's become even more powerful than I could have imagined."
"He's dead," you corrected. "I saw him die. Like those people down there will die."
Knowingly, he leaned in closer.
"Are you sure that's what you saw?"
You scoffed, not even surprised by his indifference.
He didn't give two shits whether those people down there lived or died.
And he could see the realization all over your face.
"Why do none of you understand what I'm trying to do?" Magneto groaned, "Those people down there control our fate and the fate of every other mutant... Well, soon our fate will be theirs."
"Help!" Rogue cried, her voice muffled but not far away. "Please help me!"
"You're so full of shit," Logan glared, pissed. "If you were really so righteous, it'd be you in that thing."
"Help! Somebody help me!"
Magneto ignored the comment, instead floating up in the air to commence the process, leaving the rest of you to wait for the inevitable.
Although Logan didn't.
Suddenly, he let out a roar of fury, impaling himself with his own claws.
"Logan!" you exclaimed, eyes wide.
You knew he could heal, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.
But his doing so destroyed his binds, dropping him to the floor.
And he played dead for a moment, waiting until Sabretooth got close enough to lift him up, before stabbing him in the gut.
Sabretooth yowled with pain, tossing Logan through the hole and out on Lady Liberty's head to fight.
Which left you to finding some sort of way to escape.
Frantically, you used your power to call out to any sort of flora you could, cursing yourself when you couldn't find anything.
That is... until you felt a tiny wiggle from the corner.
'No way...'
You thanked practically every God in heaven that some contract worker was eating David seeds on the job, because there laid a perfectly intact sunflower seed on the ground.
Quickly, you grew it larger than the average sunflower,
Sabretooth dropped back in, eyes locked on you as he slowly approached.
He caressed his gnarled claw over your cheek, staring at you intently.
"You owe me a scream."
But before he could do anything, Logan dropped down right behind him.
"Hey, bub. I'm not finished with you yet," he growled, eyes flicking to you. "(y/n)."
"Scott, when I tell you, open your eyes," you instructed.
"Trust me."
"You dropped something," Logan smirked, tossing you Scott's goggles.
Quickly, the sunflower caught them, angling them in front of your face just right.
Scott opened his eyes, the beams diverted toward Sabretooth, who was blasted clear into New York harbor.
'Oh, thank, God...'
You had no idea that was going to work.
"Thanks," Scott nodded as Logan cut him down, the large leaves of the sunflower pulling you free.
"Don't mention it," Logan assured, breaking Ororo free before turning toward the torch. "We gotta get her out of there."
"Scott, can you hit it?" you asked.
He attempted to aim, but it was no use.
"The rings are moving too fast," he denied.
"Just shoot it!" Logan exclaimed.
"I'll kill her!" Scott held firm, turning to Ororo. "Storm, can you get me up there?"
"I can't control it like that. You'd fly right over the torch."
"Not in my range."
"Then let me do it," Logan stated, turning to Scott. "If I don't make it, then at least you can still blast the damn thing."
Your weren't for this plan, but it seemed like you had no choice.
"I can get you up there," you sighed, growing Susana—the sunflower—slightly larger, until she was big enough to be stood on. "But she's small. So once you get there you're on your own."
He confirmed with a nod, his eyes looking at you with something almost indecipherable before stepping onto the flower.
Quickly, you grew her stem toward the machine, going higher and higher until he was close enough to jump on top of it.
And once he did, you returned her back to her normal state, thanking her gratefully for all her hard work before turning your attention to the sky.
Where Magneto was stopping Logan from destroying the machine.
"I have a clear shot," Scott reported, powering up his beam. "I'm taking it."
"Hurry!" Ororo rushed, the wave of blinding, white radiation already close to and nearly reaching the delegates of the summit.
With a quick, precise shot, Scott knocked him away, freeing Logan and allowing him to slash the controls, instantly dissipating the radiation.
Sighing with relief, you finally allowed your shoulders to sink, running a tired hand through your hair.
He did it.
The X-men had won the day.
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 3: reunions after a long time and rain
“Hay Bruce?” Duke asked as he walked out of the locker room. It was the end of his shift, thank god, so everyone was getting ready for the night shift.
“What's going on chum?”
“My cousin is coming to Gotham for a senior field trip thing next week to visit Gotham U and I was wondering if he and his friends can stay at the manor so they don’t have to pay for a hotel.”
“We’ll have to run a background check on them” “Already done!” Duke interrupted Bruce and jumped around him to get to the batcomputer to open up the files.
“Hmm. You really want your cousin to visit huh.” Bruce said as he scanned through the files.
“Ya. I haven’t seen him in ages and even though we text it’s not the same as an in-person visit. And Gotham isn’t safe for tourists so, manor.”
“Mhm, Duke?”
“Yes, Bruce?”
“Why are his and his friends' hometown labeled as unconfirmed?”
“Well, that may be one of the reasons I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to meet them? I know Tucker lives in Amity Park, Illinois. I’ve even visited him there when we were kids. But when I tried to look it up for the background check I couldn’t find it. It’s like it never existed. When I tried to ask him about it he kinda dodged my question and changed the subject. Like he was nervous about someone overhearing.”
“Alright. I’ll inform Tim about their hometown and see if he can find out what’s going on. Make sure you tell Alfried that we are having guests.”
“Thank you so much Bruce! I’ll go tell Alfried right now. Night!” Duke yelled as he ran to the elevator.
“Tucker! Over here!” Duke yelled as Tucker and his friends got off the bus.
“Duke! It’s good to see you! How have you been?” Tucker said as he ran up to Duke and gave him a side hug while using his free hand to point. “This is Danny and Sam. Danny, Sam. This is my cousin Duke.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. Tucker’s told me a lot about you two.” Duke said as he accepted handshakes from Sam then Danny.
“It’s nice to meet you too Duke. Hopefully, Tucker has told you only the worst of things about us.” Sam joked.
“Of course. Hay, did you really switch out all the frogs in your freshman biology class with robot frogs?”
“Don’t remind me. Those things were so creepy. They talked to you as you cut them open.” Danny said with a disgusted face.
“It was more humane than dissecting living animals.” Sam defended herself.
“Wait. The frogs were alive? Tucker! Why was your school using living frogs instead of cadaver frogs?” Duke asked in shock.
“I got no clue man. Anyways, do we need to call a cab to get to your place? Cause I’m not walking in this downpour.” Tucker said while looking around.
“Hold on right there Mr Foley. You all need to sign these forms so we can get ahold of you in case of an emergency.” Mr Lancer said as he walked up to the group with several papers. “And I would also like to speak to your guardian before my students leave so I know they are in safe hands.”
“Ahem. I’m afraid Master Wayne is occupied with work right now but I am his butler, Alfred Pennyworth and I am in charge of taking care of all the needs of the Wayne family and their guests. If need be here is the main phone number for the manor as well as the address. Is there anything else I can do to ensure you of your students’ safety?” Alfred said as he seemingly appeared out of thin air and handed Mr Lancer a business card with the aforementioned information written on the back.
“Thank you for this Mr Pennyworth. My name is Lenard Lancer. As the vice principal of Casper High School, I have a duty to the students of our school. So I will still need these three to fill out these forms before they leave.”
“Of course Mr Lancer. I fully understand. Now if you all would please finish with the paperwork, we can load into the car and get out of this dreadful weather.” Alfred said watching as Danny, Sam, and Tucker traded off on using each other's backs to fill out the forms and hand them back to Mr Lancer.
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months
One of my more accomplished friends is an MRI operator. When we first got talking about what we did for a living, I didn't get very interested. Now, don't think I'm some kind of elitist snob. My career (freelance journalist/greasy dirtbag) is a laugh-a-minute thrill ride, where you're as likely to get hunted down by friends of corrupt small government as you are to throw up in the back of a diesel-swapped Geo Metro being used to chase cows back into the paddock. It's set the bar very, very high.
By comparison, MRIs are boring healthcare stuff, meant for taking extremely high-quality pictures of people's junk all day long. Those pictures are then viewed by doctors, who will sneer at those people for not eating enough cauliflower. Just an absolute snore, which although involving a cool machine that's very loud, didn't fascinate me in the least.
That is, until they mentioned The Quench. In case you're unfamiliar, MRI machines operate on the principles of magnetism (that's the "M.") Big-ass magnets are used to send pulses throughout the machine, and those pulses are inconveniently blocked by chunks of your body standing in the way. By recording how irritated those magnets are, we can figure out what's going on inside your shit. Of course, you need big, big magnets for this, you're not running down to the grocery store and diagnosing a brain misfire using that cute little toddler-art-retainer shaped like a frog.
Sometimes, when shit really goes wrong, you need to stop the magnetism in a hurry. Maybe a patient walked in with a fully loaded firearm, and the magnets are now using it to shoot the inside of the machine. Perhaps you just decided that you would like to end your career. Either way, hitting the "quench" button douses those magnets with several hundred thousand dollars' worth of liquid helium, which makes them stop doing magnet-y things and start racking up billable hours for the MRI maintenance guy. This kind of highly expensive mechanical failure is my jam, and I asked immediately where I could get me some of those quenched-up magnets. Surely, they wouldn't reuse anything they've beaten up in this way?
My so-called friend figured out what I was up to, and clammed up almost immediately. Almost. He gave me just enough information for my inquisitive journalistic mind to figure out that they just chuck these big-ass magnets into the dumpster out back of the hospital, and someone with an enterprising enough mindset could then un-chuck them into the back of, say, a U-Haul van with the license plate removed after being careful to avoid all the security cameras along the way. Not that I would do such a thing, especially because it involves driving through a particularly weak chain-link fence near the seniors' centre.
Coincidentally, are you coming to my unveiling of my new magnetic-levitation Volare-launching system this weekend? I promise to listen very intently to whatever bullshit you say about your boring job, you'll love it. The Mayor is gonna be there, cut the ribbon and everything. Shit. Siri, remind me to get plastic scissors for The Mayor.
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dyanix · 19 days
JJK characters as animals
GOJO - rare breed cat like maybe a Mainecoon. If you ever found him on the street he would probably be in peak condition and ran away from someone’s home. Definitely high maintenance
GETO - Definitely a horse with the most Lucious Mane ever catch him trotting in a 56 acre ranch freely and beautifully would definitely be a diva but also a very sweet boy
SHOKO - Our forgotten baby would be a tree frog forced to blend in to survive timid but still there looks for stability and comfort in life.
NANAMI - Jaguar. No explanation just Jaguar
MAHITO - Hyena it just fits in with him travels in a group with all the other curses and very vicious def do not approach material
INO - My baby would def be a golden retriever OR OR OR a Mole both Curious and gentle sweet but also confused an naive.
SUKUNA - hippo.
TOJI - Raccon free loading raccoon deceiving and cocky but you would be able to get along with it as long as you can handle the constant need for materialistic things
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End Game 6
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: Andrew keeping us angry this fine friday
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You leave your headphones around your neck and tuck your phone into your pocket. You focus on the simple steps of loading the coffee machine as your grandmother mutters and shuffles away. You can hear her harrumph as she goes into the front room and the groan of her chair as she sits heavily.
The scratch of dry pages sounds as she gives no acknowledgement to the intruder. You stop in the archway as a chill runs through you. You’re sick to your stomach. The walls are closing in. They always feel a bit tight, suffocating even, but you’re really trapped. He’s not going to stop. He’s showing you just that. 
You make yourself keep going. You come out into the front room. Andy stands by the bay window, looking out onto the unmowed lawn. His shoulders are straight even as he has his hands in his pockets. He wears a pair of sleek pants and a powder blue button-up with short sleeves. He looks as put together as ever, definitely out of place in your grandmother’s cramped house. 
“Coffee on,” you croak to your grandma and Andy turns, his lips twitching as his cheek dimples, “can we talk outside?” 
He tilts his head, “sure,” he accepts, “Cassie,” he nods at your grandma as he struts across the room, “sorry for disturbing you. You have a lovely home.” 
Your grandmother rocks the chair and looks up at him. There’s an arch in her brow that isn’t entirely bothered, “thank you, Andrew? Was it?” 
“Andy,” he grins. 
“Hm,” she grumbles and narrows her eyes, “sorry to hear about your kid.” 
“Thanks,” his voice falters, “getting through.” 
He nears and you quickly turn away, keeping your distance from him as he follows you the door. You can barely get it open before he catches up. He holds the door above your head as he trails you outside and you stumble down the step. You spin to face him, crossing your arms as you maintain a wide breadth from him. He stops on the bottom stair and watches you. 
“Why are you doing this?” You ask crisply. 
“I’m trying to help you.” 
“I don’t need help--” 
“You sure about that?” He challenges swiftly. 
You wince and look away. You’re embarrassed. You never invited friends over because they weren’t welcome. Even Kara only ever saw the outside of your grandma’s house and you never told her about the nasty remarks or the boiling silences that had you fleeing like a frog from hot water. 
You swallow and purse your lips tightly, “I’m sure. I’m just fine.” 
“Can’t be easy, living like that,” he remarks. 
“Stop,” you keep your gaze averted. 
“Not just the peeling walls and whatever, but her, she’s not very nice, is she?” 
“I told you to stop,” you snap at him, facing him, “you do not know me or my life.” 
“You’re the one closing me out,” he accuses, “honey, please, I want to know. Has anyone else even asked? Checked in?” 
“I have friends--” 
“Yeah, but they got their own live, don’t they? Like, what’s her name, Kayla?” He puts a hand up, then snaps his fingers, “Kara, yeah, that’s it. Sure, you had your day out but what’s she doing for you now? Miles away.” 
“I’ll figure it out. I am,” you sniff, “it’s not your business, Andy.” 
“You know, making yourself suffer isn’t some great show of honour, right? You’re just spitting in the face of the escape you’ve been hoping for--” 
“No, not with you,” you sneer. 
“How do you know that? Why can’t it be me?” 
“You know--” 
“I know, I lied. I hurt you. I’ve apologised over and over and I’ll keep doing that as long as I need to. Honey, let me ask you, when has anyone ever said sorry to you? When have they ever cared about your feelings? About your forgiveness?” He cranes to look at the house then back to you, “did your parents ever say sorry for leaving you here? Does your grandma ever say sorry for insulting you? How about Kara? Does she ever apologise for ignoring you for that skinny kid she’s got nipping at her heels?” 
“How do you know that?” You exclaim, “what-- why--” you can barely speak as your head reels. You don’t understand how he knows about Kara or how he found you or why he just won’t give up. “Andy, I—you can’t replace Jacob, alright? I don’t want anything from you. I can’t-- I can’t take it. Alright? It’s not right.” 
“I’m not trying to replace him, he’s gone,” Andy drops his shoulders and steps onto even ground, “I’m trying to start over and I’m offering you the same thing. You don’t have to stay in this shit hole. You don’t have to wallow like this. I could get you into a better school. I can make a few calls, get you in at UMass or Boston, close to me--” 
“What the fuck?” You burst out, “what-- no. No. You’re... you... I don’t want that.” 
He’s quiet. His brows knit as he stops just a step away, “why not?” 
You stare at him, stunned. You should want it, shouldn’t you? To get out? To have better? Opportunity doesn’t knock on your door every day but this is not that. This is strange. He hasn’t said so but you know there’s more than just generosity at play. More than a mourning father trying to do good. 
“Because I don’t want to be anyone’s burden. So no thank you. I am not interested in whatever you’re offering. I can’t trust you. Everything between us is based on a lie,” you say, “you need to understand that and move on.” 
He stares at you. His blue eyes search your defiant face and he blows out slowly through his nose. He pushes his shoulders back and stands at his full height. 
“No, you don’t understand,” his face darkens and you back up, “you don’t understand everything I can give you. Everything I could do for you. You don’t get it. You’re young and you have no idea because you’ve never had any of those things.” He steps closer as you inch away, “but what you really don’t understand is what I can take away from you.” His lashes flick down and he sighs, “I didn’t want it to be like this but it’s the only way to make you see.” 
“What do you mean?” You utter. 
He smiles, not a real smile, a wry, almost mournful smile. He shrugs and you flinch as he sidesteps you. You keep out of his way as he strides down the walkway and you turn to watch his back. He stops at the end and peeks back, “you and me, we were meant to be together. Can’t you see that? It wasn’t chance, it’s fate.” 
He puts his back to you once more and struts to his silver SUV. You stay as you are, trapped in everything he said and didn’t. He’s not done and there’s nothing you can say or do to stop him.  
Or maybe it’s not you who needs to stop him. 
It isn’t your first time in a precinct. You have vague memories of similar scenes from your childhood; some faded by the years, others out of pain. As you pass through the doors, doubt stops you in your tracks. How many times did they send you home with your mother still reeking of alcohol or let your father out still in one of his rages? 
It’s been a long time and the world is different. Isn’t it? Besides, you’re an adult now. You have a voice. You better start using it. 
You approach the desk where a man in uniform sits behind thick plexiglass. You cough to get his attention and bounce nervously on the balls of your feet. You can’t think how to begin so you just start talking. 
“Uh, hi, um, I think I need to file a police report?” You say. 
He looks at you dully, “for what?” 
“Well, er, I... don’t know what it would be technically called, I guess. But, this guy, uh, a man... he won’t leave me alone.” 
The officer scoffs, “really? You young ones...” 
“It’s not... I don’t know him, sir, so--” 
“Let me guess? He whistled at you on the street? Or maybe he offered to buy you a drink?” He narrows his eyes. 
“No, sir. He’s been following me. He showed up at my work and my house and I told him to go but he... won’t.” 
He rolls his eyes but grabs a piece of paper. He shakes his head and slides it under the slot, “fine, fill it out. We’ll put the incident on file. Unfortunately, we don’t lay charges for being social.” 
Great. So you were wrong. Again. And why would they take you seriously? No one ever does. 
You sit and fill out the form. Your info, Andy’s info, and a written recount of each incident. You think you have the dates right. You bring it back to the desk. 
“I have texts too, if that helps.” 
“Nah,” he takes the form as you push it through, “not like you’re going to court.” 
You grimace. You hate being talked to like you’re stupid, you’d rather be ignored. 
“Well, thanks, I guess,” you grumble. 
“Hold up,” he says, “gotta do a quick check before we file this.” 
He types into his computer. He looks between the paper and the screen. You wait. What a waste of time. Now you’re sure he’s just trying to make you look stupid. 
“Where is this Andrew Barber from? He’s not in the local records.” 
“I don’t... know,” you blink. He said something about Boston U? “Massachussetts, maybe? I think he’s a lawyer.” 
“Pretty common name...” he mutters as he hits several keys, “hmm, let’s see. Lawyer... sure, makes sense—ha, assistant DA? All the way down here?” He looks at you, “alright, honey, why don’t you go have more fun on Google?” 
“No, it’s not--” 
“You know it’s obstruction to file a false report,” he says. 
“No, it’s true. I told you, I have messages--” 
“So you don’t know him but you’re texting him?” He challenges, “I’m advising you to leave right now before I book you for wasting my time.” 
You exhale and shake your head, dropping your shoulders as you turn. You drag your feet across the gray tile and to the door. So much for trying. Just like everything else, it’s a lost cause. You’re starting to believe Andy. He might be your only chance. You really are that pathetic. 
No, you won’t give in. You might not have had much in life. Maybe not a nice house or a good family or even done anything great but you’re still your own person. You’re working towards that. You’re going to school, you’re making minimum wage, you’re doing what you have. It’s a means to an end. Andy can’t be that end. 
You don’t know what to do. It’s not like you can ask your grandma. She’d never listen long enough to understand and even if she did, would she care? 
You wander down the street and sit on a bench, numb as you try to think of something. You clutch your phone and look down at the screen. You have one lifeline left but is it too much to ask? You unlock the phone and find Kara’s name. 
You hit the call button and raise the phone to your ear. Maybe she knows what to do. She always had boy troubles; you remember when Michael had a crush on her in grade eleven. 
“Heya! How are ya, girl?” She answers with a giggle. 
“Kara, I’m...” you search the street and your eyes water, “not good.” 
“Oh,” her tone falls, “oh, is everything okay?” 
“What’s going on? Are you hurt? Is your grandma okay?” She hushes someone and you hear rustling as she moves on the other end. 
“Kara, you remember that boy I met online. The one I was supposed to meet?” 
“Yeah, the one that stood you up.” 
“It wasn’t a boy. I mean. It wasn’t who I thought it was...” it all comes tumbling out before you can stop yourself, “it was his dad.” 
“What?” She nearly shrieks, “ew. Oh my god, what the fuck?” 
“Yeah, and he...” you see a silver SUV and your words crackle. The window rolls down as the car slows and Andy peers out at you. 
He knows Kara. He saw her at the con and somehow he learned more about her. How did he do that? Obviously, he has connections. Far above you. And her. If he can find out who she is, where you are, what else can he do? 
You’ve already told her too much. 
“Sorry, Kar, I gotta go--” 
“Wait, wait, wait, you can’t drop that on me and just bail,” Kara squeals. 
“I’m sorry, I just... I’ll call you back.” 
You hang up and lower the phone. You stare at Andy as he parks and gets out of the car. He shuts the door and crosses the pavement, turning to sit beside you. He peers around casually. 
“So, should I expect a visit from the police?” He asks. 
You sit back and scoff, “whatever, dude.” 
“I got a lot of buddies on the force. They don’t mess with DA’s, even out of district. If you gave me a chance, you’d know these things about me.” 
You don’t say anything. He’s not listening and he’s not going to. You should be used to that. 
“So, do we keep going?” He asks. 
You slide to the edge of the bench. You don’t look at him. You just walk away. He’s your problem. You can’t make him Kara’s too. Not when he’s showing you exactly how far he’ll go. 
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tonkatsubowl · 6 months
hsr boys going to the store for feminine products
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you're on your period and you desperately need some pads or tampons. and snacks.
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dan heng: "alright. stay here and rest up; i'll get you some." he knows where everything is at. even gets you snacks—loads of it. he cooks a meal for you too, but he would have you enjoy your snacks while you're resting.
welt: "no need for the store—i already have some in stock for you. with your cravings this week, i figured you would begin soon." he doesn't even go to the store—he's got everything stocked up for you in the back somewhere. he predicted this. he comes back with snacks too!
sampo: "ah, shark week, eh? i'll return shortly with everything you need!" he goes to the store but it takes a while... and he returns with nothing you asked for, and some frog he bought along the way. and when you ask where your pads or tampons are at, he says, "... ah. i forgot. i'll be back." ("what size pussy do you wear")
argenti: he goes to the store and takes too long because he's admiring how beautiful and well organized the feminine products are. he also gets lost too. fortunately though, comes back with what you've asked for, but he bought the most expensive ones.
dr. ratio: "i have calculated that you would begin this week. i shall depart—rest, i'll return shortly." goes to the store, buys what you need, and brings back some books based on philosophy, science and math.
sunday: "are you feeling unwell? i see. i will return, but i do need to purchase some gifts for robin, as well." he goes ahead and gets them, but buys some stuff for robin too. he comes back with flowers, gifts for his younger sister, and everything you've asked for.
aventurine: "alright, alright. i'll be sure to bring back your favorite drink at the café, too. is there anything else you'd like?" he sets off for multiple different places to buy your favorite food and snacks, but he doesn't forget about the pads/tampons.
jing yuan: "i'll be back, but don't fall asleep without me." he departs to the store but eventually returns with the things you've asked for, but he also went ahead and bought a giant plushie for you to feel better, as well as a new blanket for the both of you to nap on.
blade: "i'll be back. don't do anything rash." blade will go to the store and get exactly what you need, then return. it is as simple as that.
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ninjigma · 1 year
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Taking place between chapters 6 and 7 of 'One Last Moment' Track: 'Fallin' (Adrenaline)' - Why Don't We (Spotify / YouTube)
It was sudden. One moment he was naming the loads of food he would get for Fox in apology for the hectic evening being chased by thugs, and in the next the helmet was gone and lips were pressed against his. It was fast, and hurt a bit with the slight clumsiness of it catching between teeth, but Quinlan couldn’t care less. In fact, he couldn’t feel anything besides the elation and joy, and how every ounce of self control rose in him to stay still a moment. To let Fox move first.
Then the millisecond was over and Quinlan was tilting his head, letting their noses become less smushed and lips to press a bit softer. One of his hands delicately came to rest on one of Fox’s cheeks, encouraging and calming in one go. It was Fox’s pace, but Quinlan had never been one to hide his thoughts; and he wanted it clear that he wanted whatever Fox gave, no matter if it was clumsy kisses in precarious locations or the bickering over food on late nights.
Quinlan loved. He knew this about himself well, and had already left the order once based on such feelings. He felt for so much sometimes it was overwhelming, and his own abilities in the Force felt like a lightening rod for emotion, even from those long past. Even now he could feel the hum as his thumb swiped slowly over Fox’s cheekbone, and he used every trick in his book not to read anything beyond that surface level. What Quinlan truly wanted was it to be Fox’s own choice to share. His own feelings given freely at his own pace. Of course he couldn’t help sensing the nerves Fox was projecting with how strongly they wavered past the clones walls, but he kept everything else as locked as any shadow can. Locked with the key that would be forever freely offered. That if Fox wanted, he was there, and if he didn’t, he would stay at his side regardless.
If this was the only kiss, Quinlan wanted it clear how much he treasured it. Protected it. Already kept it within his heart where no one but Fox could ever take it away from him.
If it was just this moment, Quinlan could accept it and return to being the nuisance nat-born Jedi that Fox had dubbed him. And he would then use every ounce of that title to ensure they made it through this war anyhow. Because Fox would always be a friend, and for Quinlan, that title was nothing short of the highest importance.
If it was only right now, Quinlan would be happy.
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Literally has been sitting in my drafts for way too long as I wanted to write something more for it, but have been too caught up with work to finish it; and I just get too sad seeing it in my drafts every time I scroll to leave it any longer.
Who knows, maybe I will finish writing later and reblog with it/edit the AO3 story. Stay tuned just in case XD
Enjoy! (And enjoy the new Dumpy the frog text divider!)
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