#gess is.. conflicted
tchaikovskym · 1 year
You know how Aziraphale gave up his flaming sword and blew up his halo, this makes me want to extrapolate and say that maybe, in season 3 he will go against heaven's will again by giving up something that makes him angelic, like, wings? And that would. That would make him something else. A human, perhaps?
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tinydefector · 4 months
Klik Away 4
Prowl x human
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: swearing
Prowl masterlist
Sorry for such a long break between updates was meant to edit this then had meetings that got postponed along of phone calls and now energy, alot of updates will be slow until probably mid June due to so much happening in real life atm.
 "What's in there?" They inquire while watching Prowl with a large boxes of who knows what. Prowl glances at them with an expression of mild annoyance, his optics narrowing slightly. He continues to open the crates.  "That, is none of your concern," he replies curtly, his voice laced with a cold and snarky tone. He carefully unpacks various items from the crates, strategically placing them around the room. 
Their eyebrow remain raised. Prowl meets their gaze briefly before returning his attention to his task. "Gess God you're a prick today, and I thought we were becoming friends, I see you can't wait to get rid of me" they huff out. "At least green likes me, don't you girl, you're the best flyt aren't you" they coo to the flyt.
"Friendship is not a priority," Prowl states matter of factly, his voice still carrying a hint of snark. He turns to watch as they play with his pet. "Then what is your priority? One moment you're taking me out to the markets and then you're snarling at me for standing on the bench, The bench you placed me on!" They state back frustrated at him. 
Prowl goes to snarl back but holds himself from arguing, he knows he's become even more foul but he found it easier than dealing with his own feelings at that moment. “if you don't like it then get down” he states, not even looking at them. 
"Why are you such a fuckin asshole" They hiss before turning their back to him.  If he wanted to be an ass they were going to give him the silent treatment. 
Prowl doesn't know how to put his feelings into words, he doesn't want to let them go but he can't get anymore attached to them they couldn't stay with him forever, and in his processor it was easier to push them away than trying to talk things out. They yelp as he grabs them by the waist holding their smaller form, His optics meet theirs, a mix of conflict and longing evident within them. For a moment, Prowl's stoic facade cracks, his cold and snarky demeanour momentarily forgotten. He presses his helm gently against their forehead, cupping the side of their face, allowing his actions to speak volumes where words fail him.
They blink slowly as they lean into the touch. "What are you doing?" They ask, eyes lingering on his pretty optics, they don't understand the gesture but still lean into it. But as quickly as the moment arrives, Prowl's walls resurface, his grip on the human loosening. He pulls back, his expression once again returning to its usual stoicism.
“Forget about it” he says as he goes to put them back down on the bench. 
Prowl's optics flicker with a mix of frustration and longing as he realises that they don't understand the significance of his gesture."Just forgot about it, it was stupid" he says, his voice distant and guarded. His attempt at initiation courtship, a rare vulnerability for him, seems to have gone unnoticed. causing him to pull away and maintain his distance. "It seems I have misinterpreted the situation." He grumbles to himself as he moves to walk away and retreat. 
"Prowl wait!" They call out trying to grab onto any part of him they can. Prowl hesitates at the sound of their voice, his steps faltering slightly. He turns his helm to glance back at them, his optics searing into them. Reluctantly, he pauses, his posture tense as he waits for them to speak. 
"What is it?" he asks, his tone guarded but softened ever so slightly. His optics linger on their eyes.
"You do remember I'm human right, did you take a moment to think I might not know what you did?" they state while motioning between them both. They cross their arms over their chest as they watch him. “So please explain, instead of sulking and becoming even grumpier, communicate please!”. It makes Prowl stiffen and his optics go wide for a moment. 
"I... apologise," Prowl admits, his voice softer than before. He takes a step closer, his posture less rigid. Prowl takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his optics focused on them. He slowly wraps his servos around them again pulling them back up to face level. His thumb comes back up to their face. His optics hold an almost sad light to them and in that moment they have a decent enough idea to understand what's going on. 
“Prowl, look, we are going to have to work on this because each time you get grumpy and angry for no reason isn't going to work" they state while gripping his thumb as they lean into it. “please talk to me” he stays silent and it makes them sigh. 
"Prowl, is the forehead thing like an intimate act for you?" they ask ever so softly,  Prowl's optics widen slightly, he nods feeling as if it's too hard to talk at that moment. They lean up more, bringing their hand to his face and slowly press a kiss to his lips. 
Prowl's optics widen as their lips meet his, the sensation is both foreign and intriguing. 
As they pull back, their eyes meeting his optics, Prowl finds himself captivated by their gaze. “I like you Prowl, but we are going to have to have a long talk about your communication skills and issues.” they state while holding his face. Prowl's stoic demeanour cracks as he leans into their hand as the soft rumble resonates from his chest almost like a purr. “I don't want you to leave” he says just above a whisper. 
 "you have been counting down the day" they reply softly back. 
“I have been, at first I wanted you gone, now. Now I don't think I can let you go. But you have to go home” He wants to deny it, to assure them that their departure is inconsequential, but he can't bring himself to lie. The truth is that their departure weighs heavily on his mind, stirring up a mixture of fear, longing, and a sense of impending loss.
"I have become attached to you, more than I anticipated," Prowl confesses, his voice laden with a mixture of regret and longing. "
"Is that why you have been an ass, you were trying to push me away?" There isn't any accusation in their voice but they can guess it's the reason he had become so hostile towards them. Hoping it would make it easier to separate.
"Yes," Prowl admits, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and vulnerability. 
His gaze softens, his optics locking with theirs as he continues to speak.
The day comes sooner than either of them wanted it to. They had tried coming up with other ideas to stay, to sneak off ship and stay with Prowl but at this point they didn't know if others would intervene. They both stand anxiously waiting for the ship to land. They are pressed closely against Prowl's chassis as their eyes linger on the sky waiting for the ship, despite the fact of how much they didn't wish to go now.
Prowl stands tall, his frame tense. He can feel their presence pressed closely against his chassis, their shared anxiety bouncing off each other. 
As the ship descends, Prowl's optics remain fixed on the horizon, a bittersweet ache in his spark. Their journey is about to take them apart. His grip on them tightens ever so slightly, 
Prowl's optics narrow in a mix of disbelief and anger as the Lost Light comes into view. His fuel lines run cold with a surge of frustration, realising that his Human was to be sent with them.
"No, absolutely not!" Prowl exclaims vehemently, his voice laced with a combination of concern and protectiveness. "There's no way I'm allowing you to board that ship, and I won't let you be put in harm's way."
Their eyes flicker up to his. "What?, what's wrong?" They ask not understanding. 
 Prowl takes a moment to collect himself, his anger and frustration momentarily overshadowed by their genuine confusion. 
His voice is almost a cold snarl as his optics narrow in on the ship. "There are... certain individuals on that ship, that refuse to have you near for your own safety"
When the ship lands, it's Rodimus who walks out. "YOUR CAPTAIN HAS ARRIVED!" Prowl's grip on his Human tightens as Rodimus emerges from the ship, his voice booming with an air of self importance. The sight of the Autobot captain only serves to further stoke the flames of Prowl's simmering anger and frustration.
“There is no Way in the slashing Universe they are going on that ship, go frag yourself Prime” Prowl yells, as he storms away from Optimus and the unfolding situation. His Human clings onto him tightly, 
But then, unexpectedly, a fit of laughter escapes from them once they are far enough away. Prowl's optics flicker down to them, his anger momentarily forgotten as the sound of their laughter fills the air. Confusion clouds his expression as he looks down at them, unable to comprehend the sudden shift.
"What...?" Prowl begins, his voice trailing off as he tries to make sense of their laughter. His gaze searches their face, seeking an explanation. Their laughter continues, filling the air. Slowly, a smile tugs at the corners of Prowl's mouth, mirroring the joy that radiates from his Human.
And then, he joins them.
The laughter spills from Prowl's vocalizer, a release of the pent-up tension and frustration that had consumed him moments ago. It's a mix of relief, amusement, 
Prowl's grip on them tightens, he brings them closer pressing his helm to their forehead as the soft purr echoes from his chassis. "So I guess I get to stay?" They ask eyes staring into his optics. They wait with bated breath for his answer, one hand pressed against his face plate."Yes," Prowl replies, his voice filled with an undeniable tenderness. "You get to stay. With me. You are not going anywhere. You are mine, and I am yours."
"Then you owe me a proper Date" they begin making a list of things that they wanted. "If I'm staying your taking me on a proper date, and helping set stuff up for me to live with you, if I'm not going back to earth, I still need things" Prowl's optics widen slightly at their request, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. The corners of his mouth twitch as he tries to suppress a smile, finding their boldness and determination endearing.
"I... suppose I do owe you a proper date," Prowl responds, his voice holding a mix of amusement and sincerity. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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simowis · 1 year
Monthly nonsense 23.7
element zero and mass relay have make mass effect a unique sci-fi game. However it doesn’t means other sci-fi’s element can’t be used in ME fanfics. Which will add a lot of space to image, perfect
And I'm getting better at reading his microexpressions, and he has a lot of them
Does prothean have a Dyson ball?
prothean is like a weakened version of the triton
what‘s the hight of Javik?
seems tumblr ME fans like the emotional javik?
Was the design of the prothean, which is perceptive and strong and has four sharp teeth in the upper jaw, inspired by snakes? Could the primitive prothean have bitten its prey to inject venom and then dragged it back to its nest to slowly suck blood? I can't stop thinking about it.
The markings on the back of javik's head are just too much like a blue ringed octopus. How poison could prothean be! Do they Interracial Sexualizer REALLLY want to kiss Javik unprotected??? Emm..yes….
Can't stop imagining Javik squeezing venom out of his teeth every day and loading it into special bullet casings …… Saliva sticking to the mouth of the bottle…so horny…too much head canon!
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JUST CAN'T STOP! Not objective, not correct, OOC, too erotic!
I'm still in shock Javik's smile was very rare and fleeting. He smiled just a few times in all. When the first conversation in Normandy, he had smiled briefly when he thought there may be survivors in Ilos and when he recounted his original mission. He had smiled sadly when he spoke to the Prothean VI in Thessia; he had smiled when he gave the echo shard to the Shep before the final battle. His fleeting smile always holds a lot of weight. And he actually comment with SMILE AFTER HE SLEPT WITH SHEP! I'm shocked.
What's Daily news like in prothean's society?
Javik being Catalyst was such a bad idea, good thing they changed it
How can he speak so calmly while having so many sad micro-expressions
its not a ME thought, but I wonder what’s Javik comment on Dragonball’s alien characters…
just so happy to see he smile, a pity he don't smile in game often. This makes me want to give him a happy future even more, maybe, in my story, future...
I think the prothean society described by liara might not conflict with what javik said
How difference in appearance between two prothean? In Javik’s memory there was only color and voice and the spot maybe, they even have the same height! There have to be more differences
Shep’s personality is too flat and not growing, only fanfics give him/her some kinds of explanations. I may have a different shep in my story
ME’s AI is too human like, EDI and Gess, just like human talking machine language, not like Galactic Empire Series which Ai has rules and different logic, Sense of heterogeneity, multiple angles. It’s hard I know
The main differences between prothean and tritonians are: The prothean do not live in a harsh environment and have scarce resources unlike the triton The prothean do not have a completely transparent mind like the triton, they still need to touch and smell to understand perceptual thinking, which is why I consider them to be a weakened triton Protheans do not inherit knowledge from birth like tritons, they still need to learn, although they may learn quickly through touch and echo shard. protheans can also forget memories.That's why the living span of a triton is thus probably infinite. Whereas Javik apparently mentions that the life span of prothean is finite
If prothean is sharing memories while mating ……ahhh
Has prothean ever engaged in class division as well as breeding control? The best people are entitled to leave offspring and all that?
The prothean must have been technologically advanced in biology because they worshipped the theory of the underdog and they were not averse to experimenting on primitive asari
I wish I could get javik to learn how to play chess
Just found Javik's eight pupils can look in four different directions.
What is the ecology of Prothean's home planet? At least given his bipedal form, his planet's gravity shouldn't be too far off from Earth's.They may have once been aquatic, and if they can detect a spectrum of light other than natural light, this could also explain their gill-like throats. They may have had webbing between their toes in the past. Or perhaps they are terrestrial creatures, but the planet's thin atmosphere cannot absorb most of the ultraviolet light.
If they were perhaps ever able to fly, the atmospheric pressure of their planet would have been not insignificant, as wings of this size would have been difficult to drive a body of the Collector's stature and mass on Earth.
Does prothean have a temperature sensing system?
Have the remains of a defeated Sovereign not been studied? Do they really just treat everything as a gess rebellion?
With Javik's eyes, there is usually an expression on one side and none on the other (the eyes are always wide open), except when emotionally aroused when there is an expression on both sides together. I wonder if the half of their brain that controls their emotions only controls half of their eyes?
his face is a bit like Mickle Jackson!
Finally, both geth and EDI have a soul because of the code of HARVEST. And HARVEST, from ORGANIC
What if ME's amino and dextro-amino are thought to be designed? Because in reality humans can eat dextro-amino acids and the prothean appears to be unrestricted
what if Javik was waked by human (even Cerberus)BEFORE the reapers invade? Human will become a giant empire! He will help human a lot, to prevent reapers, to find his people exist possibility.
Ever notice the line 'More of my people survived?' It even looks a bit ridiculous to see the way his lips switch rapidly between smile and displeasure, but that's the struggle of being in despair when he's holding on to hope..
What's the hole in his head under the carapace for?
What's prothean's skull like?
I wonder what javik would think if he smelled what Shepard is thinking: that prothean really is the right bed partner...
Is prothean a democracy? Or a democratic republic? Or a hegemony? Or an imperial system? What is their authority like, AVATARS?
I don't remember javik ever refusing to let shepard ask him a question.
Think about it, if Javik had originally planned for all the races he led in this cycle to fight the reapers and your race refused. Then in his mind, you are the husk that will be manipulated by the Reapers in the future, and then even exterminating you now would be a way to reduce the threat in the future. Don't forget that Javik's mission has always been to fight the Reapers, and he is completely ruthless about it. But he's just saying, let your race face the reapers on its own. Very merciful. Indeed.
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sasodei-is-real · 4 years
Rules: Tag the blogs you want to get to know better! Tagged by: @justanotherblonde
Name: Emi)
Gender: F
Height: 154cm heh😅
Sexuality: Sorry for my ignorance, I'm not sure if I chose the right term, but I think it's called pansexual?
I don't feel sexually attracted specifically to gender, or to a physical factor. I like the person himself. If I fall in love, I will be influenced by him sexually, too, regardless of his physical characteristics and body.
Favorite animal: I have several. But my favorite, perhaps, is the bird. I love crows. They are the smartest and wisest creatures, I love to watch them. I can look at them for hours. Also, they appeal to me in their own way, they inspire nastolgiya and a very special aesthetics.
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I love jellyfish. I find their life very sad and at the same time symbolic. Jellyfish live a VERY long time. Recently, I learned that there is a species of jellyfish that live forever. The cells of these jellyfish regenerate, gather again and revive. But at the same time, jellyfish are completely brainless creatures. They live forever, but they live without any consciousness. They are always in this world. They watch everything that happens, without understanding the meaning of the existing one. They are simply eternal and transparent, like their imperceptible life, beings who do not need this eternity. Simply because they themselves do not understand what it is. Wisdom can be found in this foolishness. As from love to hate, one step, and from simplicity to wisdom
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Average hours of sleep: I have different states. More recently, I had insomnia and I slept for 3 hours if I was lucky. At this time, I was very nervous. I think the problems with sleep started precisely because of irritation. I thought a lot and then did not want to accept some of the things that were happening around me, and instead of grammatically resolving it, I turned it all into an attack. I could fall asleep, but I constantly woke up with disturbing thoughts. I just made myself stupid and stubborn, not wanting to cope with problems.
I was a sleepless, aggressive cucumber with bags under my eyes 😂🙈
But now, I can sleep for 8 or even 9 hours. If I read something, or listen to monotone speech and the weather is good (cloudy), I can fall asleep during the day. If you leave the choice to me, I think I can sleep for 12 hours or more.
But the only thing that does not change depending on my state is awakening at night. It started in childhood. About ten years old, I began to wake up at a specific period of time. From three to four in the morning. Most often I fall asleep again after four. But it somethimes happens that I can't sleep again. I don’t know why it’s, but half of my life, I wake up every night (there are exceptions) at exactly three in the morning, and after four I fall asleep.
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Dogs or cats: This is a difficult question for me. I love both dogs and cats. They are lovely animals. I think that I cannot choose, because there is a conflict ala "I am one, but I want to be like another." I'm more like a dog. I am very much attached to people and would say that I am even dependent on them. I would like to become a little bit like a cat. Have some kind of self-sufficiency.A balance would be ideal. Be in harmony with people and have self-respect. Then , I gess my answer is...hibride?😂No, both together. As a duo
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Current time: 8:54
Dream job: Well, I would not say that I have a dream job. Now I am studying at the university to be an artist painter. As far as I can remember, I have been drawing all my life and I was closely connected with this. My compositions are my life and love. As long as I can draw, I can know that there is always something I can rely on. Sometimes, art is feelings in satire, sometimes a combination of ethics and aesthetics, sometimes a clue, and sometimes just an impulse. It happens that I use art as a therapy for problems. Sometimes I think it is selfish and I feel guilty, because art is so much more than something that you use for your own purposes.But then, I remember that in any relationship, there will be a moment when you become a cushion of safety for each other. I understand that in our relationship with art, which has a huge range of emotions and is based on love, we cannot talk about selfish benefits. This is not a benefit, this is salvation in each other.
Therefore, work for me is a secondary issue. I hope that the paintings will be sold, I will find my audience. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. But in the meantime, I'm ready for any job. Well, I need to live on something and plus oil paints are expensive. Funds are needed for art supplies. Any job will be my favorite as long as it can provide my opportunity to do my life's work.
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When I made this blog: Recently, probably a month ago.
Why I made this blog: Because I think sasodei is criminally underestimated. And it's not about being popular. But it is very popular indeed, especially in Japan, it is considered a canon.
The point is seeing the otnogeny of these liuhs. Each time I spawn how cleverly Kishimoto works. All of his manga is about symbolism and philosophy. Sasori and Deidara's relationship, and the development of that relationship, itself symbolizes the important thought of the real world. They where created for interaction with each other.I am very distant that sometimes people do not see the whole depth of their relationship.
And secondly, many do not even see how reverently and caringly and in a special way they treat each other. Do not see their affection for one another . It's a pity, because their relationship is one of the most beautiful and incredibly deep, reaching its peak through the passage of personal and internal barriers.
I want to show all the symbolism, philosophy and beauty of their relationship. They are worth it.
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Sometimes I think that such a deep relationship should not be spoken out loud, because it is too sensitive and special. There is too much philosophy in them, which can be depreciated if you talk about it directly. But I'll think about that later.
After all, besides their philosophy, I want to show their attitude towards each other as loving people.Their relationship and philosophy are very tightly linked. One thing helps the other to develop. And the cause of development is attachment to each other. So, I think we'll talk about th philosophy when the time is up.
Btw, the artist of this beautiful sasodei worck: https://twitter.com/ta_tachico/status/1304789117897568257?s=19
Reason for URL:  Well, that's just a fact)
Sasodey is real. Both his philosophy, which can be interpreted in real life, and it's canon realationship.
Tagging: I don't even know who to tag. Anyone who sees this post on my little blog among the huge tumblr and wants to answer). I will read with pleasure❤💛
@justanotherblonde thanks for tagging me!💗
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