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mollywog · 9 months ago
Have you seen the Hunger Games movies? If so, would you recommend them?
Oof I’m not the right person to ask.
IRL, I don’t go out of my way to recommend the Hunger Games movies because I don’t want to have to defend the books based on the movie’s interpretation 😆
I discovered the books because of the first movie trailer so I’m thankful for that, but I struggle to divorce the movies from the books and I don’t think the movies do my favorite parts justice (which likely says more about my lack of imagination than the movies themself 🤷🏼‍♀️)
If I was going to recommend them I think I’d suggest Catching Fire… The first movie felt flat to me and if I wasn’t invested, I might not watch the second solely based on the first.
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coralhoneyrose · 7 months ago
1 for the writing ask game! Feel free to share any and all working titles (if you have them, of course!)
Oooh, I do use working titles for my fics! The majority of them are just extremely literal descriptions though—stuff along the lines of “Chrobin Post Battle Hurt/Comfort”, “Chrobin DoD”, “10th Anniversary One shot” and “Fake Dating Chap. 1”.
The only fic that had a more interesting working title was Half Orange….the original file for which is named “Wombo” which is short for “Wombo Chrombo” which I believe is a reference to a build for Legendary Chrom that I once saw on a gaming website. Clearly it left an impression LOL
Also this isn’t exactly a working title, but I did consider an alternative name for We Are Tied Like Two in Tethers—that being Something New, Something Blue!
(Fic Writer Ask Game)
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gilliandersons · 9 months ago
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HACKS | 3.07 "The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular"
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actualhumancryptid · 7 months ago
Answer + tag people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Thanks for tagging me @wise1rabbity and @cromwelll
Favorite color: I love pink and green, if they're together I love grass green and electric pink. But my fave green shade is teal, and due to Ted Lasso brainrot my fave pink is of course biscuit box pink.
Last song I listened to: the radio in the cafe I was in played Everybody by Backstreet Boys and now it's in my head.
Currently reading: Halfway through Trespass by Louise Kennedy but it's a little melancholic for me right now. Just started The Hypocrite by Jo Hamya and I'm enjoying it so far. Hanging out for the new Rachel Kushner coming out in September.
Watching: I am in the middle of several abandoned massive TV watches. Abandoned my watch of The Good Wife. And i'm at the point in my rewatch of The Americans where it's just so fucking bleak, having to watch the characters drag themselves through each new horror. Trying to decide what the hell to even watch that doesn't shit me. Thank god for books.
Craving: Chocolate.
Coffee or tea: They serve different purpose to me. Coffee is a once a day thing I really love. But tea feels restorative.
Favorite AU: I'm a sucker for a good soulmate AU.
tagging @anonymississippi @xy0009 @jbthegift @gerrimommy @catherineflowers29 @amatterofcomplication @celestialdream @talldecafcappuccino @elizadunc @barricorn
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toomanygh0sts · 6 months ago
7 for the fic writer game!
7. Do you plan out your stories or plot as you go?
A little of this, a little of that! I generally try to have at least a vague idea of the general trajectory/pace I would like a story to follow when I start in on an idea (past the initial "vomit 300 words into a doc and let it collect dust for a while" stage). At the very least, I usually make sure to at least leave myself a bulleted list of points I'd like to hit upon if I don't have a full outline from the get.
That being said, if an unexpected path presents itself to me while writing, I generally follow it. See what happens. Most of my fics end up taking on a life of their own in some way, but I'm usually pretty consistent with keeping the original intended basic structure.
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mollywog · 9 months ago
Do you have a favorite TV show?
I haven’t really watched anything new lately. The kids go to bed so late that it’s useless to try to start anything… hopefully someday! 😂
With that being said, Detectorists is one of our favorites: it’s a rare show that my husband I both enjoy equally as much and haven’t gotten tired of rewatching. They’re perfect for our evenings; 30 mins each and we’ve already watched them all so we can just pick a random episode.
Ask me anything
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coralhoneyrose · 8 months ago
what are some of your fav blogs?
Oooh okay, so while I use this tumblr primarily for reblogging chrobin art and talking about writing, my dashboard is definitely more eclectic than that. So with that in mind, a (non-exhaustive) sampling of some blogs that are relatively active whose posts I particularly enjoy would be: @gerrimommy, @saccharine-azure, @tropicalcryptid, @lordyunaa, @lenaylias, @parallelfalchions, @zeridanus, @femuirdris, @convicteddaydreamer, @meattruck, @dancerladyaqua, @fastesthe1, @birbtactician and @chynandri!
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gilliandersons · 9 months ago
thank you for the tag, @mrgaretcarter 🩷 tagging (no pressure): @gerrimommy @springsteens @misspaceoddity @thislotuseater
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mollywog · 10 months ago
Out of Context Lines
Tagged by @distractionsfromthefood 💕
the rules: if you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your unposted WIP with zero context.
“The contract cost an arm and a leg… guess I still owe the arm.”
Tagging: @rarepairheathen @vasilissadragomir @plainshobbit @gerrimommy @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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mollywog · 9 months ago
WIP File Game
Tagged by @thelettersfromnoone - Thank you I love this game!
Send me an ask and I'll respond with a plot bunny, excerpt, or just what the file is about!
These are the most recently viewed, but feel free to ask about anything!!
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No pressure tags: @gerrimommy @wistfulweaverwoman @absnow
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