#gern blanston kin
renatogpadilla · 2 years
My observations on the second batch of Episodes of Season 2 of TLoVM:
How the FUCK did Trinket get an Origin Story before Pike and Grog?! Like, I KNOW it's coming but I wasn't expecting it!
- Rest in Peace, Boots of Haste. You were the best running gag in Campaign 1.
- I'm glad that we got some more Vilya... Even if I don't like who's spot she took. Speaking of which...
- THEY REALLY WROTE OUT KERREK, HUH?!?! Like, I knew Gern Blanston wasn't gonna be in it for obvious reasons, but KERREK?!
RIP, Kerr Bear, you would have looked BEAUTIFUL in animation... Granted, he could still show up in Westruun, but the Pass Through Fire line was his... And now even if they bring him along, that impact is gone.
Wait, if there's no Kerrek, does that mean Keyleth doesn't get her Ring?? AND WE'RE NOT GETTING "NO FURTHER" EITHER?!
Who's gonna kill [REDACTED] then?! It can't be a team attack because of Reasons...
I now know how LotR fans who read the books feel about Glorfindel...
- Speaking of LotR, I was mad at first that Kamaljiori got Haldir'd... But then I realized he was a one-off NPC that they never used again, so maybe it was for the best. And I like the fact that Mythcarver actually does something that Scanlan is good at... Maybe he'll get more than ONE KILL with it this time around!
- Also, while we're at it, Ripley?? More involved with the Dragons? Did we ever figure out how she knew of the Vestiges in the Campaign...?
- I DON'T SEE KYNAN YET. DON'T DO MY BOY DIRTY, GUYS!!! Like, I GET that he couldn't be the same version of Kynan as in the OG, but cutting him out completely?! That's just WRONG!
- I really liked Kamaljiori's Trial MUCH more in the OG, but I'm okay with Scanlan getting a moment here! And they made the moment SO beautiful too!
- On the other hand, KIMALURA MOMENT!
- SPLITTING THE PARTY FEELS SO WRONG TO ME. VERY wrong! But I guess that makes sense, doesn't it? If Keyleth doesn't go to Westruun, then we don't HAVE to have Kerrek... Like, he's not even necessary as a side-character anymore.
And as for the Feywild, I guess we're not getting Grog convincing the Nymph to help them out... That hurts a bit, but it also means he won't be chasing around enemies without hitting anything in the Tree... IT ALSO MEANS WE'RE NOT GONNA GET A CHANCE FOR SCANLAN TO SING WITH BILLY BOYD. FUCK!!! I know that's not in the original, but I was holding out hope... We're also not getting the Gator moment, because Scanlan won't be there to cut them loose, so it won't feel the same...
At least everyone still gets their BIG moments, though I feel Scanlan's might be kinda diluted coming up... Although Vex and Percy's moment is gonna be GLORIOUS!
I'm glad I know thanks to the Trailer that the full party's getting together in time for the Kill Box, at least.
- On a more positive note, Robbie and Aimee getting cameos was cool! Hopefully we get to see him play a different Genasi next time! And Aimee playing Opal too...
- I DO NOT like that they made Zahra so... Confrontational. Don't get me wrong, I understand that she and the others didn't get along at first but a BEHOLDER?!?! REALLY? HOW WAS KASH THE SENSIBLE ONE?!
- Side Note: Kash was PERFECT.
- I also noticed that they mentioned that Keyleth hasn't done her Earth trials yet either... That tells me that they're either forgoing Draconia, since no Tiberius means it wouldn't hit the same, and THAT'S where [REDACTED] will [REDACTED], OR that Tarry's gonna get more to do in Season 4, since there's really no point in going to Hell if they don't build up the Rakshasa... (They better not skip Tova!)
- Also, they changed the word for the Flying Broom! I guess "Volantir" is better than *GUTTURAL SOUNDS OF DRACONIC PHLEGM*!
- Kinda like that Raven's Slumber was a gift from Zhara, but... Where's Galdric gonna come from now? The Raven Queen's temple in Vasselheim or something? WILL WE GET TO SEE LIEV'TEL IN THE TEMPLE?! Liam said she was one of the Priestesses that met Vax!
Overall, I liked what we got! The little scenes they DID sneak in, were GREAT and Vax's visions were AWESOME! Shit, just Vax in general was awesome! (Even though he would NEVER tell Keyleth to not help her people. Even when depressed...)
Purvan felt a little more important rather than just being a name of someone from before and that little foreshadowing for "The Kill Box" from Grog was NICE!
I'm just REALLY worried about Scanlan's letter next season now... Guess we'll wait and see!
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Heya there! Can I please have a positivity for one Gern Blanston from Critical Role? Y'see, I've been feeling very beaten down by everything the world throws at me. It's just one tragedy after the other and I cannot get back up. It has made me a very angry, aggressive, and pessimistic man. I'm not actually gonna hurt anyone because I don't want to, but this anger, this overwhelming oppression and suffering I feel is too much. I would be unbelievably grateful for an answer. Thank you!
Heya Gern! I totally get what you mean- a lot of the time life can feel like it’s just hitting you in the face with nonstop snowballs, and every time you get up BAM! Another freakin snowball. It SUCKS, and I think you need to let yourself acknowledge that it sucks. All of this anger- this pessimism is completely justified. The rage inside you- it stems from hurt. And just like a flesh wound, you have to treat a mental wound kindly. But I know that it’s way harder than it seems. But hey! You can do it! The fact that you don’t want to hurt anyone despite all this anger is more than enough proof that you are good, and strong. You must remember that there are so many things waiting for you on the other side of this blizzard. And if you need to shout, to yell and kick and fight this storm to get through it- don’t feel bad about it. You’re hurting, and when you hurt you fight. You descend from the mighty dragons, wings and claws bared to fight, to kick and roar- and they hurt too. And they too must learn to grieve. Let yourself grieve over what you have lost in whatever way it manifests, but the important part is to acknowledge and keep moving foreword, even if it might mean getting hit with another snowball. Know that you can get through this. Please be gentle with yourself, I know it can be hard to see past the rage, but please know there’s more to life than this. There is still magic in the world I promise, even if you have to make it yourself. Cast your spells onto the world. Please remember what a noble thing it is to save someone, even if it’s yourself. - Mod Heather
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kinmusics · 2 years
Hey! Gern Blanston from Critical Role here. Can I have a playlist about rebelling against your oppressors, feeling pessimistic (major Doomer who's tired of the world vibes) , and feeling angry/sad in general? Or music that makes you feel badass, I know I could use that. Metal (Evanescence, Korn, Deftones, etc.), Ghostemane, and stuff like riddim, DnB, or Deadmau5 type music is also really good! I can send another ask to specify further if needed. Thanks! - G.B.
Sure thing, I hope you like this!! - Mod Ara
1. Take Me To War - The Crane Wives
2. This Year - The Mountain Goats
3. The Hand That Feeds - The Crane Wives
4. Necromancin Dancing - Bear Ghost
5. Moving Up In The World - DAGames
6. Dr. Sunshine is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
7. Kruel Kreator - TOPHAMHATKYO
8. Thermodynamic Lawyer, Esq, G.F.D.
Here’s the Spotify playlist!! - Mod Ara
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careforyourkinself · 3 years
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Gern Blanston - Critical Role
D20 Bath Bomb | Necromancer’s Lair Candle | Dragonborn Soap |
Necromancer Pin | Dragon Horns |
Draught of Living Death Bath Dust | Witchy Essential Oil | 24k Gold Scrub |
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