#germs YUCKY raw meat germs YUCKY
the-meme-monarch · 2 years
no y'know what i am going to be a little hater about cooking actually. particularly how i see people handling raw meat. I have seen too many Professional Chefs fucking touch raw meat bare handed and then just wipe their hands on a towel before touching something else. fucker you WASH YOUR HANDS. BEFORE AND AFTER TOUCHING RAW MEAT. DO YOU HEAR ME. SOAP AND HOT WATER. and that TOWEL is contaminated too now. you're just going to put it down to let other people touch that? sling it over your shoulder and get it on your clothes?? and then also I'll see people wear gloves and touch raw meat and put it on a plate and then TOUCH the OUTSIDE OF THE PLATE to hold it and move it like to the fridge or whatever. YOU'RE JUST GOING TO TOUCH THE PLATE AGAIN LATER. POSSIBLY WITHOUT THE GLOVES? those germs on the outside of the plate aren't going to die. but you will I'm going to fucking kill you over this
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divijohm · 10 months
Is the request open?
You can do one of how X-Virus reacts when he sees the Reader being a cannibal
You have all the time you need, I'm in no hurry ☺💕
X-Virus with a Cannibal reader
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A/n: did you guys know that some cultures do eat human meat? Is common in some parts of the world for the dad to eat the placenta to bond with his new born baby, for example. I feel so curious to try it but I'm scared lmfao here were I live isn't illegal to eat human meat but it's providing it ( be donation or murder, grave digging, etc) is
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🥩 As I've stated before, X-Virus is germophobic, so he isn't much a meat fun in general, they're a garden of germs and yucky plagues.
🥩 He's pretty desensitized to seeing human meat but he can't really shake the discomfort when he learns that you aren't just cooking it for EJ and Lazari but rather eating it yourself
🥩 If you are a cannibal because of cultural reasons, he will ask so many questions to how this traditional started, specially if the meat is paired with human blood.
🥩 He don't mind much if the meat you're eating is human or not though, he just prefer that you cook it fairly so all the germs are killed and that you aren't eating the brain.
🥩 He vomited when you said that you used to eat it raw before you meet him, now everytime you are cooking he stays by your side making sure that you're cooking the meat.
🥩 Although he's used to seeing the meat, he never really touched it, so when you ask him to help you in the kitchen and he touches it he immediately backs off and go wash his hands for like 10 minutes. He hated how it felt, he thought that maybe it would be slightly different than animal meat, but he was wrong.
🥩 He made you a miniature of an cooked human arm, you use it as a colar
🥩 He can't help but gag a little when you convince him to try it for himself. Don't get it wrong, the taste is good. He just don't like how most meats feel in his mouth and it gets worse when he knows that it was from a germ filled, filthy human
🥩 He makes sure to clean and vacuum seal all the meat you get after he eat it for the first time, so there're no germs presents at all, in case you make him try it again
🥩 Bedsides the whole "why would you eat a germ filled thing?? Vitamin capsules are better" he really don't mind what you're eating, as long as you stay healthy of course.
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lorax177 · 4 years
I only shower once a week. Yeah, it's gross, but there's reasons.
First of all, a significant part of schizoaffective disorder is negative symptoms, which include lack of hygiene specifically. I almost never have the energy and executive function to bathe.
Also, hot showers make me lightheaded and dizzy and I've actually fainted from a hot shower that was too long. "But you could just take cold showers!" It's too damn cold for that rn lol. My dorm has shitty heating and I keep my window open because I feel like I'm suffocating if I keep it closed. So I have to keep my showers short and infrequent to avoid feeling faint.
But there's another reason, that's not as socially acceptable. I like the smell of myself, and I like the transition from clean hair and face to oily and flaky, because it's satisfying to wash all the grime away when I finally do shower, and I like feeling the different textures of clean vs oily hair, and I like scratching the grime off my face and looking at it under my nails. I know it's gross, but it's like one of those satisfying things that's nice when you do it yourself but seems yucky when other people do it. Like farts, or picking your nose. Idk if it's an autistic sensory-seeking thing or just an idiosyncratic quirk of mine, but I just really love the different smells my body makes. Plus, I don't like using deodorant because it irritates my skin and the smell (no matter what it is) gives me a headache.
I'm lucky I don't have a lot of b.o. (at least, not that I've heard other people tell me about). I can smell it clearly but then again I can smell a lot of things most people can't.
Don't worry, I still wash my hands a lot, so I don't spread germs (it's actually one of my few contamination-related compulsions that I've had since I was little, I always thoroughly wash my hands with soap after using the bathroom, handling raw meat/eggs, touching bodily fluids, etc.). My oral hygiene is also really good (also because of ocd). It's just that the rest of my body doesn't get the same amount of cleaning that my hands and mouth do. So I'm not unsafe to be around, just maybe a little weird.
There's no point to this post really, just sharing something I've been thinking about recently. If you also don't shower very often, find solace in the fact that I don't either haha. Enjoy the products of your body however much it pleases you to do.
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