#german boi not only wipe out the enemies he also wipe his teammates to get that employee of the month sticker
sleepyminty · 1 year
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The canto iv experience
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Unintimidating reader who’s a killa killa
-snipers is longer solely because ive had that idea in my head LONG before i got this request-
-also, little gorey so beware-
Ludwig is almost instantly enamoured with you once he got comfortable with you on base. He finds you sweet and calls you “kleine krankenschwester” (little nurse) whenever you insist on helping him in any way with his workload. You apologize when you bump into inanimate objects and try copying Archimedes’ cooing. You’re a cupcake!
And finally he gets a good eyeful of you on the field. You’re brutal and vicious and smiling the whole time as you bash in an enemy Heavy’s head with a sledgehammer. You take out an enemy Scout’s leg with your weapon and let him try and crawl away from you before you finish him off with a laugh. Ludwig is now convinced you’re his soulmate
Our dear doctor loves tenderness that hides ruthlessness. Loves that you are sweet as a bumble bee to your team but a beast to your opposers. He’s excited at the new possibilities between the two of you know that he knows that he no longer has to hide his own ferocity with his experiments in front of you
Hell, Mick isn’t even convinced you should be on the field. You wore brightly colored clothes and skirts and for fuck’s sake you bake, all. The. time. You're like Holly Homemaker, why the hell are you hanging with a bunch of mercenaries? How were you even picked for this job? At your first match, he debated on whether he should watch you from his perch to protect you or do his job. He chose his job, duh. But only for a few matches. When he finally decides to track you,and oooooh boy.
An enemy Spy has his knife in your shoulder, pining you to a wall. Mick doesn’t have a clear shot to take out the spook without getting you too. It’s not fun watching a teammate die, even if they do come back. But right as he was about to shift his attention to the main battle he sees it. You. Pissed the fuck off.
Mick watches with interest as you grab the hand that’s stabbing you with one of your delicate hands as the other grabs the spook’s lapel and drag in the enemy, mouths crushing together. A shot of betrayal and shock freezes the hitman before he sees it. The red running down your chin; the struggle of the enemy Spy trying to thrash himself away from you; the look of manic rage in your eye. When you let the Spy go, Mick can see teeth but no lip and it hits him. You bit off the man’s mouth.
After you swiftly wretch the knife out of your shoulder and into the neck of your opponent, you wipe your mouth, you call for a medic and return to fighting. Mick is now a little scared of you, but now will no longer ever think again that you can’t handle yourself on the field. Never brings up what he saw but will sometimes watch you work now
Mikhail already finds hardly anyone intimidating, you are no exception; especially with your short stature and demure demeanor. He worries about you honestly, watching you to make sure none of the other mercs try to take advantage of you because you give off the energy of a doormat. It’s his big brother senses in part, he thinks, also in part of because he has a leetle crush on tiny woman who will listen to him drone on about Sasha and Russian literature well into the night.
You do more protecting than defending during the fighting. You watch the case and keep people away from it as Misha mows down the enemies to keep them away from the intel (and you), so he hasn't had the pleasure of watching you work. But buddy, when he gets it. A chance of happenstance allows Heavy to finally see you operate, lets him see you sit pretty as the enemy steps on your hidden bombs and walk into the line of your automatic tracking weaponry and get mowed down in a hail of bullets as all you do is smile and hold the briefcase. So well covered by your own inventions you don’t even need to be worried as the blood of your enemy splashes up onto your clothes
Misha finds you even MORE endearing now. Man loves intelligent women and if you made all of those killing machines holy fuck, could you mod Sasha?? You’re in your element as you effortlessly kill the opponent, and Misha loves watching your inventions do what they do best (he feels a kinship with your weapons as he too, preforms extreme violence to protect you) (He’s still gonna watch your back at the base tho for sure)
You were like another Spy, except without all the European flair that Spy had. You were kinda bland, tired looking. Jeremy’s never seen you train or fight; you spent most of all your free time being “tutored” by Spy to become a better Infiltrator, and frankly, Jeremy is more afraid of bread than he is of you (and not just the tumor filled bread). Spy hasd insinuated that you were ready to finally be put on the field with the rest of the mercs for the next match, and now Jeremy is more excited to have another person to show off to rather than to see you in action
But of course, Jeremy fucks up. He’s hiding in an empty building, bleeding from a shot from an enemy Sniper, and staring at the wrong end of a Heavy’s gun, hating the feeling of defeat. The Heavy was rambling on about something but the wound in his side had more of Scout’s attention; that is, until, a figure slowly, silently descended from the rafters. It was you, dressed head to toe in black save for a sliver of your team’s color on your armband. You look at the monologuing Heavy before giving Jeremy a look that said “Man, he’s a wind bag, huh?” you gestured to the enemy, then drew your finger across your throat with a questioning look in your eye. Scout manages a weak nod, losing focus quickly.
Another long cord, similar to the one holding you to the ceiling, unraveled itself from around your arm, and very quickly you whipped it around the enemy’s neck, jumped onto his back, and wretched your arms back, almost instantly decapitating the Heavy. Even as the lumbering body fell down, you remained upright, hopping off the body gracefully. With swift efficiency, you kicked the head out of the way, grabbed the comically large gun, and aimed it at the door. Before Scour could even ask what the fuck was going on, an enemy Medic came in through the door. Before the German had a chance to yelp, you shot him dead.
“Yo, what the-!” You hastily toss a med-pack at him before melting into the shadow, Scout almost missing the darkening blush on your mostly covered face. After that little save, Jeremy now goes out of his way to be nice to you, and learns a lesson that looks are hella deceiving. It would pay to have someone watching his back on the field without all the unwanted french commentary (and you’re nicer to look at than Spy, let's be real)
You’re cheerful, but not in the sadistic, almost taunting way many of the other mercs are like. Not like the Doc or Spook. Nope, you were just happy. Not ditzy or stupid or anything, just a smiley little thing that had as much bite as a toothless alligator. The thought that someone could take you as a serious threat, some wee thing that eats rainbow colored cereal and wears bunny slippers throughout the base, was so hilarious that Tavish starts chuckling whenever it crosses his mind. The two of you don’t typically fight together, you sticking to high ground to pick off enemies as Demo gleefully stays in the thick of it all to implode the other team
Due to unfortunate circumstances, you're both pinned down together, shoulder to shoulder under a makeshift barrier as the enemy gets closer and closer; your bow at the ready with an arrow and his bombs prepared to go off at his command, but no opening to go up and take a shot/throw a bomb. You huff, looking around wildly before nodding decisively, looking to Tavish. “Gimme one of your sticky bombs.” He complies, half thinking that you’re gonna take the both of you out in a blaze of gory glory.
With a look of determination, you aim in front of you, not even at the enemy. Tavish prepares to die for the third time that day, but this time by his own creation, and you release your arrow. The projectile bounces off a scrap bit of metal on the ground, ricocheting the arrow up into hitting the lamppost, and then flying over their heads into the enemy’s ranks. Once the bomb went off, you instantaneously bounce out of the hiding place and opened fire on the stragglers who didn't get offed by the bomb. Tavish can only stare as you mow down the other team as a random stream of sunlight illuminates your figure. Demo catches feels in that moment
Pryo liked that you were lowkey and sweet. The fact that you weren’t especially harsh or violent while relaxing initially made them flock to you just to hang out in their down time. Pyro loves to give you cute little toys and stuffies and see you smile! The only time Pyro really sees you on the battlefield is when they’re looking for you. They’re worried about you! You’re their favorite!
They catch you, mid-battle, covered head to toe in the blood of an enemy Scout, laying only a few feet away. They think you look so pretty! Like sparkles and rainbows are all around you and flower petals are floating in the air and surrounding you (it’s ash; pyro started a blaze not that far away and it was finally beginning to get to the two of you)
Pyro just sees this as more couple binding time, now that they know that you also tend to get a little too into the battle. It’s an excuse to spend even more time together
This boy was so dang in love with you and he’s never even seen you fight. On the base, you were as sweet as a peach and harmless as a mouse. You spent most of your time in Dell’s workshop helping him with menial tasks like refilling his coffee mug or reorganizing his tools or alike. You got along well with all the other mercs and were quick to help others. Dell never really saw you while fighting because he had to stick near his machines while your job took you all over the battle field
He hears about you fighting from the others. Scout was retelling the group about you “friggin’ awesome fight” between you and an enemy Medic. You had, according to Scout (and Heavy, who nodded along in agreement) got into a fist fight with the enemy, physically beating them into submission. Dell wouldn’t believe it if you hadn’t walked right at the end of the tale with a black eye, bloodied knuckles, and a lopsided grin. Dell almost has a fucking heart attack seeing you in such a state. The Doctor heals you up back to normal like nothing ever happened but the fact that you relied on physical violence to fight made him anxious
He doesn't talk to you about fighting differently, he wants to know if there's anything he can do to help you fight, like making special gloves or armor of some type. Homeboy just wants to protect you, he gets hella worried.
Jane, seemingly perpetually stuck in the 40’s and 50’s, believes most women shouldn't be on the battlefield at all. And even though you were there working with a bunch of other mercenaries, a lady is a lady and he, the old fashioned man he is, prioritizes keeping you “safe” (taking your kills before you get the chance to land the finishing blows). In his mind, he’s doing you a service. After all, you are far too soft spoken at the base to have any form of bite in you on the field.
Across the field though, one fight, Jane was just too far away to swoop in and “save” you like he normally would; not even his rocket launcher would get to you in time to stop the Spy from doing you in! The instant the enemy’s knife was about to pierce your back, though, Jane saw you turn around whip fast, your own machete thrusting forward to impale the enemy.
The soldier now thinks that your “womanly intuition” is far more superior and more finely tuned than his own, and will now generally leave you alone to fight and stops hovering over you. Will shout out encouragements from across the field whenever he sees that you hack someone apart and loudly brags that you have the “natural advantage” to sniffing out enemies.
-This is gonna be a drabble cus i dunno how to bullet point this-
Jacque didn’t think particularly much of you. You were a teammate, an asset to be used. On the base you were reserved, spending most of your time in the Doctor’s infirmary or discussing something with Mikhail about books or whatever. You stayed out of his way, not like it was hard for you, seeing as you were just some wisp of a thing, someone who if they sat still long enough would blend into the background like air. Spy never assumed that you would ever be of any use to him in a fight; you just didn’t have the look of a fighter in you.
So right now, his life being in your hands, made him uncomfortable in ways he couldn’t care to count.
The enemy Spy, who was almost as tricky as him, cleverly disguised himself as Jacque, and right as they were about to confront each other, you burst through the door, looking surprised at the two of them. Almost immediately, they started to accuse the other.
“He’s the enemy!”
“No, HE is!”
“The intruder is HIM!”
Jacque will give you some props, seeing as you drew your gun as soon as you saw the pair, but rather than aim it usefully at at least ONE of them, YOU aim it uselessly to the floor! Jacque would’ve scolded you for your unprofessionalism if the imminent threat of death wasn’t less than six feet away from him.
You looked wildly in between the two of them, your normally pleasant face now stricken with panic. Your eyes land solidly on the enemy Spy, and with a sharp intake of breath, you run to him, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the falsely colored lapel.
Jacque felt disappointment bloom in his chest, along with dread when he watched your mistake.
The spy looked so damn smug as he wrapped his arms around you, throwing Jacque a satisfied look. The gun still was gripped in your hand, still aiming at the ground.
“Ma pauvre petite fille,” he crooned, “est-ce que le grand méchant espion t'a fait peur?”
You sniffle, and bring the gun up to the imposter’s head. “Je n'ai pas facilement peur.” Jacque didn’t think you could ever say something so coldly, and say it in french to boot. One shot rang out and the man in your arms fell to the floor, suit changing back to what it was meant to be, stained with red from the blood of his fatal wound.
After some deliberation with yourself, you shot him again, in the chest. You looked to Jacque, your face now once again passive.
With a sigh and a dramatic flourish, the living Spy fetched a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it quickly, taking a deep huff before addressing you.
“How did you know that he was not me?”
You holster your weapon back, mulling over your answer. “Few things, uh… you never speak French to me,” you stuck out one finger, “you wouldn’t ever hug me,” another finger, “you don’t stand with your feet that far apart,” one more, “and you smell completely different.” with all but your thumb sticking out, you nodded to yourself before jamming both hands into your pants pockets, tucking in your chin and turning heel back to the door, seemingly finished with your explanation and conversation.
Amused, Jacque took another slow drag of his cigarette, planning on paying more attention to you in the future, being sure never to underestimate you again.
-this, uuuuuhhh, took on a life of its own-
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Somewhere in a safe place in the French countryside, a group of armed men prepared themselves for the mission they were sent for: killing Nazis and sending fear through the ranks of the Wehrmacht based in France. 
And until now, they managed to accomplish their work, as the German soldiers only knew them as The Basterds. 
Led by Lieutenant Aldo Raine, those volunteers took pleasure in killing and terrifying their foes, as many of the Basterds were Jewish. 
Looking at his men, Aldo smirked: he could not wait to hunt down new Nazis. 
"I know that look. Looking for new scalps, darling?"
Smiling, he turned and saw the woman he cherished the most. 
"You know me too well, honey."
"That's why we're husband and wife!"
"Ya damn right, Winona."
The woman named Winona was, indeed, Aldo's wife. Born in the Cherokee tribe, this woman was the embodiment of the Native American female warrior: athletic, wise, loyal, and brave.
Moreover, she was the only woman in this group. Some people would think that a woman had nothing to do in the U.S. Army.
But quoteth Donny, "She kills more nazis in one day than I kill in three days."
The Cherokee woman has already won the respect of her peers since the first day in France. Besides, she gained a gruesome reputation among the Nazis based in France. They called her "The Cherokee Amazon."
The Apache and the Cherokee: a match made in heaven who took their enemies in hell...
Aldo put his arm around her shoulders:
"Can ya believe it, honey? You and I, in France, killing fascists... How pleasant it is!"
"I agree."
"It's like our honeymoon!"
Winona laughed at this statement.
"Well, a very blood-thirsty honeymoon. But honestly, I would never imagine killing Nazis without you, Aldo!"
"Aw, sweetie! Ya know how to talk to me!" he grinned before kissing her.
A sweet moment interrupted by the booming voice of Donny Donowitz, aka "The Bear Jew."
"Aw, look at those lovebirds!"
"Damn ya, Donny! I was enjoying this moment!"
"We have noticed!" smirked Wicki.
Raine rolled his eyes but smirked. His men are the best among the best, especially when it comes to killing Nazis.
They all came from different backgrounds, had various faiths, but for sure, they were more than ready to wipe out the Third Reich. 
Of course, among his men, there was Donny Donowitz, a sturdy chap from Boston and the other leader of the group. This man gained the nickname of "Bear Jew" after he bashed the skull of dozens of Nazis with his prized baseball bat.
Then, you have Wilhelm Wicki, who fled his native Austria after the Anchlüss. Probably one of the oldest members of this group, his remarkable marksmanship made him a feared sniper.
Sitting next to Wicki was Hugo Stiglitz, a former German soldier. He hated the regime to the core, and he managed to kill 13 Gestapo officers. The Basterds get him out of his jail, and now, Hugo became one of them. More silent than some of his teammates, he easily scared people around him.
Near them, a young man was quietly reading a book, enjoying this peaceful moment. This young man was Smithson Utivich, another Jewish-American soldier. Like his friends, he enrolled in this group to save the remaining European Jews from Nazism's clutches. Even if he was not the most impressive, he excelled at killing Nazis.
The one next to Utivich, who was taking a small rest, was Omar Ulmer, his best friend. A remarkable soldier, Private Ulmer often works along with Smithson and Donny during his missions. Fast and efficient, the Nazis did not stand a chance against him. 
Not far from Omar, his friend Gerold Hirschberg was laughing with his comrades. Hirschberg was considered a loyal and cheerful friend by his fellow Basterds. However, his hot-tempered character made him the official trouble seeker of the group, as he often found himself in danger.
The other man talking with Hirshcberg was named Michael Zimmermann. He has the two roles of driver and explosives expert. The Germans muttered that he was a crazy man who escaped from an asylum. But the truth was that Michael only became mad when he saw a swastika. But for the Basterds, he was a pleasant companion and a joyful friend.
Sitting at his right, his best friend named Simon Sakowitz was tidying his medical stuff. Before the war, he was a brilliant medicine student, but he decided to put his studies on hiatus to enroll in the army. Simon was a skilled and efficient doctor in his group and also an appreciated friend.
Smoking a cigarette, Andy Kagan smirked while looking at his teammates. The young Mister Kagan came from a wealthy family and started a promising acting career in Hollywood until he decided to rescue his people in Europe. He was the spy of the group, a master of manipulation and charm. 
Leaning against a tree, Archie Hicox looked at his allies with a mixture of puzzlement and amusement. This British officer was the last addition to the group. In the beginning, the MI5 spy did not get along with the Basterds, as he saw them as a bunch of crazy rednecks while the others considered him as a snobbish man. But the more they worked together, the most they trusted each other, and mutual respect started to settle between them.
All those men were here in France for one reason: killing Nazis.
Something they excelled, as they did earlier, as they exterminated an entire patrol an hour ago.
Now, they enjoyed a moment of calm to relax before reaching another town. 
Suddenly, Aldo gently stroke Winona's cheek and said:
"Get ready, my lady. We're gonna move!"
"At your orders, Mr. Raine!" smirked the woman as she started to pick up her belongings.
Smiling, the Lieutenant turned to his men and exclaimed:
"Get up, boys! We move!"
"Uh? What? What's going? Are we attacked?" asked Omar, startled.
"Nah, Omar. The Lieutenant just said we're moving. Get up now!" explained Donny.
"Where are we going?" asked Simon.
"Probably somewhere near Fontainebleau. At least, we have to get closer to Paris," replied Utivich.
"Exactly, Smitty! I hope I will have time to pay my debt off once we got there!" sighed Zimmermann as he finished packing up his stuff.
As he picked his backpack, Hirschberg noticed Hugo, who trimmed his knife in his bag. Smirking, the young Basterd came nearer to his comrade. A little game that Andy and Wicki had noticed.
"Oh my Lord! Here we go again! Will Hirschberg never learn his lessons?" sighed the Austrian.
"I wonder how it will end this time: will Hirschberg have a kicked butt or a broken nose?" smirked the American.
Meanwhile, Gerold was close to Hugo and said with an authoritative tone:
"C'mon, Stiglitz! Hurry up! We have to go!"
The German deserter turned and glared at his teammate:
"Lass mich in Ruhe, Hirschberg."  (Leave me alone, Hirschberg).
"Why do I fear the worst?" sighed Simon as he pinched the bridge of the nose.
He counted how many times he healed the bruises on Hirschberg after the latter tried to pick up on someone stronger than him.
At the same time, Hirschberg teased Hugo while the latter tried to contain his anger. But his patience was running thin... 
"Ich werde es dir nicht zwei mal sagen." (I won't tell you twice).
"Aw, come on! Don't look at me like that! I am trying to tell you that you're a bit slow!"
"Stop that, Gerold! You're going to regret it!" smirked Andy.
Indeed, Hugo was pissed off by Gerold. Fuming, he took his knife and put it on Hirschberg's throat.
"Leave me alone. Now!" growled the German man.
Gulping, the young Basterd raised his hands in defeat.
"O-OK, Stiglitz. I stop. Can you lower your knife, please?"
Growling, Hugo put his knife back in his vest while Gerold ran away.
"We told you that you're going to have trouble, Geri!" snickered Michael.
As for Wicki, he turned to Hugo and asked:
"War es notwendig, Hirschberg einen Schrecken einzujagen, Hugo?" (Was it necessary to scare Hirschberg, Hugo?)
"Er ist eine Nervensäge." (He is a pain in the ass.) snarled Hugo as he walked towards Donny and Omar.
Wilhelm rolled his eyes and muttered:
"Ich schwöre bei Gott, die würden mich wahnsinnig machen!" (I swear to God, they would drive me crazy!)
"C'MON, BOYS! WE HAVE A LONG ROAD!" yelled Aldo as he led the march along with Winona.
Soon, all the commando started their long road across the French countryside. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to make an encounter that would change their lives for a long time...
Meanwhile, Maddie and Ada wandered through the forest, looking for shelter.
A little earlier, they had almost been spotted by a German patrol, which had scared them.
Now, their priority was to find a safe place while they waited for help.
As they walked through the woods, Maddie saw a cave:
"Look, aunty! A shelter!"
"Well done, Maddie! Let's go!"
They rushed to the hiding place and checked that nothing was inside.
Once assured that they were alone, Ada ordered her niece:
"Listen to me, Maddie: you're going to stay here and make no noise, okay?"
"What about you? What are you going to do?" asked the little girl.
"I'll try to find something to eat. Keep quiet, do you understand?"
Maddie nodded. Smiling, Ada stroked her head:
"I'll be back soon, I promise!"
Then, she walked away while Maddie hid behind a rock.
The young girl hated being alone. Of course, she knew that it was necessary. But the truth was that she was scared.
She was afraid to be alone, at the mercy of the Germans. After all, what could a seven-year-old girl do when faced with armed soldiers?
And then, who knew what could happen to her aunt?
Well, the little girl knew that Ada was capable of defending herself. But if anything happened to her, she would not be able to survive.
Suddenly, she heard voices and footsteps approaching the cave. Covering her mouth and trying to be as hidden as possible, Maddie tried to figure out who had just arrived.
She kept her ears open and listened to the conversation:
"Great, guys! We can stop here!"
"Finally, it's about time! We must have been walking for hours, and my legs are killing me!"
"Stop complaining, Gerold!"
"Oh no! You're not going to start bickering again!"
Maddie was intrigued: these people seemed to be speaking in English. Well, at least she wasn't dealing with Nazis, which was good news.
But what were these people doing here?
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear anyone enter the cave until a man's voice asked:
"What on earth are you doing here?"
Horrified, she looked up and saw a medium-sized man staring at her with a surprised look.
As for Omar, he did not expect to find a child alone in a place like this.
He called his boss:
"Lieutenant, come and see!"
"What?" asked Aldo, who arrived in his turn and saw the little girl.
"Look at that! It's quite funny!"
"What's going on?" asked Wicki.
For all answers, the two men came out of the cave, escorting Maddie. The little girl was looking at the rest of the group with a frightened look.
"It seems that our hideout already had an occupant!" declared Hicox.
"But who's crazy enough to leave a kid all alone in the wild?" exclaimed Michael.
"I don't know," muttered Andy.
Simon, in his role as a doctor, walked over to the girl:
"I need to check her out. Who knows, maybe she needs treatment?"
"Do your job, doc!"
Sakowitz kneeled in front of Maddie and asked her:
"Do you speak English?"
She hesitantly replied with a small voice:
"Y-Yes, doctor!"
"Aw, ain't she cute?" smiled Donny.
"Low your voice, Don. She is scared!" said Winona while looking at the young girl.
Meanwhile, Simon carefully examined Maddie. He realized that she might suffer from malnutrition.
"Oh God, look how thin she is!"
He turned to Aldo.
"Lieutenant, do we have some food to give her?"
"For sure! Omar, gimme some bread, would ya?"
"Right now, sir!" replied Ulmer as he threw a piece of bread.
Raine caught it and handed the bread to Maddie.
"Here, ya can have some!"
Hesitantly, the little girl took the bread and muttered:
"Thank you!"
"Cute and polite: you must be a lovely little person!" smirked Archie.
Maddie took a bite and ate slowly, enjoying the taste of the bread.
"Poor little thing! She must not have eaten for days!" declared Wicki.
Winona came nearer and asked:
"What's your name, little one?"
Once she finished her mouthful, the little girl replied:
"Maddie Mandelbaum!"
"Okay, Maddie. Now, tell me: what are you doing here, all alone?"
Looking around, Maddie replied:
"It's because I flee!"
"What do you flee?"
For an answer, Maddie picked her necklace and showed a silver Star of David.
That's all it took for the Basterds to understand what Maddie was trying to escape.
"I see... You're a Jew, right?"
The little girl nodded.
"I see... But what are you doing by yourself?"
"I'm not alone: my auntie went to get food."
"Well, okay. And what's your auntie's name?" asked Smithson.
A female voice answered:
"Why don't you ask me?"
Everyone turned to Ada, who was holding a bag over her shoulder.
The young woman looked suspiciously at this troop. Even though they were not wearing Wehrmacht uniforms, she did not want to take the risk of crossing paths with Gestapo soldiers.
"Well, I guess you're the famous aunt?" asked Omar.
"Indeed. I am Adela Mandelbaum. And you?"
"We are American... with a German deserter, an American-Austrian soldier, and a British officer," replied Andy.
Sighing with relief, Ada put down her bag.
"At least there's some good news in this mess!"
Maddie rushed to her aunt and said:
"Ce sont des gens bien, tata. Ils m’ont donné du pain!"  (They're good people, Auntie. They gave me bread!)
Aldo walked over to Ada and introduced himself:
"Lieutenant Aldo Raine, nice to meet ya. So like this, you're the one who manages survival?"
"Yes, indeed."
"I see. And how long have ya been alone?"
"I don't know. I'm more concerned about escaping the Germans than counting the days."
Aldo nodded before replying:
"And I suppose you're hiding because you're Jewish, Imma right?"
Ada sighed.
Donny spoke up:
"Lieutenant, we can't leave them alone. They'll get caught by the Krauts!"
"But they're civilians: we can't afford to have potential targets with us!" grumbled Hirschberg.
Hugo glared at him:
"Put yourself in the kid's shoes: would you like to be left at the mercy of those sickos? I don't think so."
Simon added:
"Besides, if they stay with us, they'll be safe. What do you think, Lieutenant?"
Raine massaged the back of his neck, doubtful.
"It's true that having two civilians with us can be a problem..."
He met his wife's gaze as she stared at him pleadingly. And if there was one person who could make Aldo Raine give in, it was Winona.
He sketched a smile:
"But as ya seem to me two brave women, it seems logical to me that ya stay with us!
This decision was greeted with enthusiasm by the rest of the team.
"I thank you for your help."
"No worries. After all, several of my guys are Jewish."
The young woman asked:
"Before I forget, Lieutenant Raine..."
"Yes, Miss?"
"What is your mission here?"
At these moments, she saw all the Basterds sketch a toothy grin. And the Lieutenant's answer did not hide their intentions:
"We parachuted into France for one mission and one mission only: to kill Nazis!"
Hugo asked:
"Doesn't that cause you problems?"
At these words, he saw a gleam in Ada's eye that he knew all too well. He could see the sorrow and hatred for the Nazis in her brown orbs.
And the determined tone of her voice confirmed his impression:
"On the contrary, it pleases me to hear that my people are being avenged. Hitler's foot soldiers stole my life and threatened my niece. I lost my family, and I don't know if they are alive or if those Gestapo goons shot them!"
She turned to Aldo and declared:
"Lieutenant, I know I look like a simple damsel in distress, but I want revenge. I want to make them pay for the evil they've done."
Impressed by this sudden determination, Aldo asked:
"What can ya do?"
"I'm an excellent shot, and I can fight."
"That's not so ladylike, coming from a young woman!"
Ada smiled:
"Who said I was ladylike?"
"My aunt is the best in the world... right after Mom!" pointed Maddie.
Aldo smirked and held out his hand.
"In that case, welcome to the team, Ada! Just so you know, if you join this commando, you owe me 100 Nazi scalps!"
Without hesitation, Ada grasped the outstretched hand and shook it in agreement.
"I will settle that debt, Lieutenant. And I will die trying if I have to!"
"That's what I like to hear!"
"But I want you to promise to look out for Maddie, no matter what!"
"PROMISED!" exclaimed the Basterds.
At that moment, Maddie's face lit up with an adorable smile that seemed to shine through the dim light of the Fontainebleau woods. Now she had nothing to fear from the Germans because now she had found guardian angels armed with guns and baseball bats. 
As for Ada, it was a new life for her that began. She was not a prey anymore. Now, she was the predator. 
The Germans better start running because she won't have mercy. And Ada Mandelbaum always kept her words... 
Thanks for the reading!
Stay tuned for the next chapter!
@sergeant-donny-donowitz​ @marilynmonroefanfics​ @velvet-waltz​ @ocfairygodmother​ @redrosewritingsstuff​ @empress-writes​ @jokersqueenofchaos​ (whom I thank for the German translation) @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321​ @knives-out17​ @multific​ @cherryplasmids​ @askthebasterds​ @nataschalena2​ 
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junejalow · 3 years
"Is everything okay?"
This fic is for thicciq who requested IQ/GSG9 with the prompt "Is everything okay?"
Honestly took me awhile to come up with something for this but I hope this is alright <3 Thank you for reading!
Chapter Text
The last two months had been hectic and rushed, It seemed like once a team was dropped off, another was being picked up at the same time. The White Masks were pulling one stunt after another. Everything seemed to be on the table right now, hostage situations, bomb threats, bank robberies, networks being hacked for information, well known people being targeted for assassination. The world was on high alert and for good reasons, they had never been hit like this back to back. It was almost like a last ditch effort to make a push against the world but they were also having trouble getting past Rainbow who shielded and protected everything and everyone they could from the terrorist's. But this is what Rainbow was brought back for, to serve and protect. IQ let a few thoughts linger, she loved her job and her teammates. Monika wouldn't give up her position for anything. This was her perfect area to work in, she could be her best with Rainbow and she was never alone. She rubbed at her tired eyes as she updated her Spectre, it had glitched out on her last deployment and it nearly cost her and Capitao their lives despite the injured ankle she gained from the C4 blast that rocked them. He didn't hold it against her, blaming it on the jammer the terrorist had set up to block them out from Ash and Thermite who had overseen the mission.
Her gaze settled on the crutches resting against the work table beside her as the dull ache in her ankle bit at her as a reminder that her gadget wasn't always reliable but she needed it to be. Never again, I won't let them jam my device again. IQ though to herself as she got back to work once the update finished, she was applying a thicker cover to the device to protect the electronics inside it. It also didn't help she currently had no one else from the GSG 9 to hang out with. Blitz, Glaz, Ace, Ying and Jackal were currently out on a hostage rescue operation somewhere in Florida while Bandit, Warden, Clash, Rook and Castle were out defending a VIP in Greenland that had been under an assassin's scope for a while now. Jager was busy flying teams to and from base, taking small naps in between the trips in his helicopter. She wished she could at least keep the pilot company but she had no flying experience and wouldn't be of any help to him. The door to the workshop suddenly swung open, causing the German woman to glance up from her work. She was greeted by Twitch who held two cups of steaming coffee. The French woman walked over and handed her a cup, earning a quiet thank you and smile. They simply sat in silence for a bit, Emmanuelle could easily find most of the operator's even if they didn't want to be found and could cheer them up within minutes of simply chatting or sitting with them with an offering of snacks and a drink but considering it was still very early in the morning snacks were out of the question. Doc would fuss at them about eating properly and avoid snacking or forcing them to do extra training with Rook and Montagne to work it off. Either way Twitch always waited for the other to speak first, most were glad for that but IQ wasn't sure what to say. She missed her team, all of them. She was out of the rotation for missions and resting for the other's she was sure would happen. "You are worried about them, yes?" Twitch asked with a smile, she had already been fully aware of the reason IQ stayed in certain parts of the base.
The workshop for a legitimate reason this morning and secondary familiarity of having to drag Jager away after over night stays working on his magpie, Bandit from the gym if he couldn't sleep due to nightmares or insomnia, pestering him to go visit Doc and finally Blitz from the training simulations, he was always worried his shield wouldn't go off at the right moment or it wouldn't be able to block everything the enemy had to offer. Monika felt like the big sister of the GSG 9, always worried and looking after them and they very much apricated it, even someone like Bandit. She nodded in reply, "Marius mostly, he hasn't slept a actual bed for almost three day's. He's been napping in his helicopter between transporting equipment and teams to different locations." "He'll be fine, Jager has spent nights in worse places before, besides he loves flying so he's living the dream right now." Emmanuelle chuckled, "Although I'm worried about Rook as well. He just got over a cold and he's back out on the field." "Really? He seemed okay and was his usual hyper self when they left out." "He just doesn't want anyone to worry but he's been in near daily contact with Doc just to make sure he's doing okay. Everyone should be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest." IQ smiled and nodded a bit, taking a much needed sip from her cooling coffee. She couldn't wait for them to get back and for Jager to get proper rest, despite Twitch's words she wouldn't rest either until her family was home safe and in the GSG 9 dorms but thankfully with a small spread of word around base they helped each other pass the time. Monika even got a lift cross the court from Tachanka who was going the same way instead of trying to navigate the busy hallways of the central area of the base. The recruits had been put into over work by some of the operator's around base, wanting to get work done and keep reports, paper work and equipment flowing for their friends out in the field. Tachanka carefully set the injured German down, allowing her to use his arm as support until she got her crutches under her good enough. "All good?" He asked with a smile tugging at his forest camo balaclava. "Ja, thank you for the help Alex." She replied with a grateful smile, earning a gentle pat on her shoulder from the giant man before he disappeared into the building to track down Kapkan over some subject he had been tasked with replying. Monika on the other hand worked her way around to the common room and spent a good few hours there, checking her phone for messages and replied to a few from Blitz and Bandit before getting distracted by a movie Mozzie and Gridlock were watching, enjoying it and laughing along with them until Mira and Twitch came to gather her, wondering if she wanted to come down them to greet everyone back. She nearly jumped at the chance before Mira reminded her of the injured ankle she had much to the German woman's frustration. They eased their way to the landing pad with Doc joining them halfway with his medical bag in tow just incase anyone was injured, he took a moment to inspect Monika's ankle before following them to the landing pad, dreading the injuries their friend's might be sporting. Usually he knew before hand but with the base in such a scramble he didn't have time to answer every call unless it was his personal cellphone only Harry and the other operator's had his number to. Jager's beloved helicopter came into view along the airstrip, swinging it around to land on the helipad with practiced skills. Once the blades died down and stilled the side door slid open as the exhausted operator's filtered out one at a time. Ace turned around after he hopped down to help Ying out, her left shoulder nestled in a sling. No one else seemed injured aside from dirt and grim sticking to them, possibly some scrapes and bruises from their jobs but otherwise they were in good health. Doc preformed a quick and thorough with each other before he escorted Ying to his infirmary with Ace in tow for a mission update on any injuries he tended to in the field. IQ pulled the GSG 9 crew into a large group hug despite protests from Bandit and Jager, both disliking close contact or public affection until Blitz who caged them in from the other side. Her family was finally home and safe, she held back her emotions until they returned to their dorm room. Mainly from the fact that Blitz had given her a piggy back ride all the way while Bandit carried her crutches without a word. His attention on bothering Jager who was trying to stifle yawns from lack of sleep. Once they reached the German dorms she was carefully sat down on her bed while the boy's left to get showers and change into more comfortable clothes. When they returned from the shower room they paused at the door to hearing soft sobbing and sniffling. Blitz shot the other two a look of concern which was promptly returned before he carefully opened the door to inspect the reason behind their teammate's crying. "Mein Freund, was ist los?" (My friend, what's wrong?) Elias asked softly as he knelt down in front of IQ who was hiding her face behind her hands. "It looks like you sprung a leak." He added after a moment, trying to lighten whatever burdened their teammate. He always tried to cheer them up the best he could. "Is everything okay?" Jager asked as he fidgeted with the swing on the front side of his sweat pants. He still had a hard time picking up on social que's but knew the air was a little heavy right now, watching Bandit take a seat beside their friend and gently bump her shoulder with his own. "Ich weiß, du hast uns vermisst, was sollen die Tränen?" (I know you missed us, what's with the tears?) Dominic said in a uncharacteristically soft tone, worry clear in his honey brown eyes. "J-ja... I missed all of you. I'm okay." IQ replied, wiping her tears away and gave them a genuine smile. She had her boy's back, everything was diffidently okay.
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Team Fortress 2 Fanfic
We wrote a heavyxmedic+ sniperxspy fanfic for TF2′s birthday. Beware, there is ANGST.
When the snow falls
It was a specially freezing day at coldfront, snow slowly and silently falling from the gray sky above and turning the scenery white. Regardless of that, the mercenaries still had to fight, it was their obligation, their job. Among them, one was less bothered by the weather, as he was used to it: the Heavy. Eating his Sandvich while they were waiting for the next round to start, the RED contemplated the landscape, which reminded him of his dear home, but, to him, something just didn’t seem right.
During such a dreary day, the only thing that could make him happy was seeing his medic, or, as the Russian called him, “his doktor”. The man in question, Ludwig, sat at the desk located inside the RED base’s meeting room, along with his team’s engineer and spy, discussing the strategy they would use, even though they knew that the rest of their team wouldn’t follow it anyway. After the meeting had ended, the German met up with him, and they started to chat.
“How is your day, doktor?” heavy asked, adopting a cheerful tone as soon as he saw his boyfriend. Some would think of their relationship as unprofessional, but they didn’t care at all, for that their love overcame others’ criticism.
“Vell, zhe other team’s spy has been annoying me, I have been backstabbed so many times lately.” the medic protested, gesturing widely to emphasize his displeasure.
“Sorry for not protecting you. Next time I will punch him so much, he will never touch you again” the other affirmed, with a noticeable irritated tone, as if he was mad not only at the BLU spy, but at his own incapacity of protecting his lover.
Surely, the BLU spy was hated by the whole RED team, and even by some of his own teammates. Partially because nobody trusted spies, but also because of his cocky personality. Actually, he wasn’t a complete douchebag inside, but the only one who knew this was his team’s sniper. They weren’t seen as really close friends by the other mercenaries but, in reality, they were more than that: lovers.
Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the administrator, as the speakers announced “Mission begins in 10 seconds.”. Ludwig prepared his Medi Gun and kissed his boyfriend in the cheek, wishing him good luck. Meanwhile, the other mercenaries prepared themselves to get out of spawn and run into the frigid snow.
“We will win this round, doktor! If you are with me, nothing can stop us!” assured Misha, embracing his significant other deeply and lovingly, just as he used to do before all the battles.
“Yes, I am sure of it.” replied the man in a white coat, giving the other a light peck on his lips. “Let’s kill them all, mein liebe.”
“Eww! Get a room, you two!” the scout interrupted, feeling uncomfortable. The couple ignored him and the bostonian boy decided to give up.
Meanwhile, in BLU team’s base, all of the mercenaries were also getting ready for the action. Sniper, sitting on a chair, was observing the battlefield, analyzing which positions would be the best for him to prepare his sniper nest. He was so focused that he didn’t even notice that spy was looking at him with a lustful smile. Finally, he got up so that he could position himself in a good place, as the beginning of the battle approached. Soon after doing so, the Australian bumped into his French lover.
“Since when have you been there, spook?!” asked the man in shades, almost having a heart attack
“Ha, have you only noticed it now? I’ve been there for quite a time.” a smug grin made its way to the man’s face.
“And doing what, wanker?”
“Admiring my dear bushman, of course.” spy winked and stole a kiss from his lover, catching him off guard and making him blush like mad.
“Piss off! What are you-”
“Five. Four. Three. Two. One.” the Administrator declared the beginning of the battle.
“Uh… Snipes, you ok? Your face looks like a fuckin’ tomato.” scout questioned.
“…Sure, mate. I’m fine.” sniper recomposed himself and looked around, searching for his boyfriend, but the assassin had already vanished like smoke.
Both teams ran out to the battlefield, heading to the control point in the center of the map, while the engineers placed their sentry nests at their respective teams’ control points. It was, despite of the exceptionally cold weather, an ordinary day, with bullets, explosives and fire everywhere. And so the battle continued, blood splattering all over the ground and painting the snow crimson red.
While everybody was in the frontlines, spilling blood and sacrificing themselves so that their team would be able to advance, the BLU spy was armed with His Eternal Reward,  infiltrating through the enemy base, sneaking so that no one would could see him. As he wore a Dead Ringer, he couldn’t turn invisible, so, with extra carefulness, he waited for the chance of getting a disguise.
However, on his way to RED’s headquarters, the Frenchman found the enemy medic by himself. From the man’s appearance and location, it seemed that he had gotten separated from the rest of his team after being chased down by a pyro. The doctor soon noticed the Frenchman’s presence and turned his attention to him.
“Spy! I vill kill you zhis time!”
“Oh? I didn’t think we would meet so soon, mon ami. I still haven’t wiped the blood of my knife from the last time I killed you.” the backstabber mocked.
Furious, medic abruptly rushed forward in an enraged, screaming display and pierced through the provoker with his ubersaw, taking him by surprise. Quickly, the BLU activated his Dead Ringer and moved away, while hearing his attacker boast about his skill and laugh at his fake dead body.
Seeing his victim distracted, he took the opportunity and backstabbed him right at the bottom of the stairs in front of the RED control point. The light bulbs shining brightly at the ceiling were the only witnesses of the incident. As soon as he did this, spy heard a voice he knew very well. With an indifferent tone, it declared: “The respawn has stopped working. Try to keep yourselves alive, or else you won’t come back.”
Upon hearing so, the mercenary got paralyzed. He had killed the RED medic and knew he was gone forever. The French looked at his own hands and trembled: he was a murderer. Of course, he had already killed many people before, but this time it was… different. It felt wrong. The spy knew his victim too well to look at the situation impersonally, and, above all, he also knew how much the RED heavy loved the doctor. For the first time, he felt guilty for taking someone’s life, for the suffering his actions would cause.
Then, suddenly, the RED heavy came running nervously through the base’s door, scanning his surroundings and passing by the crates and barrels scattered around the place. Apparently, he was looking for someone. The only thing the spy could suspect was that the Russian had come to save his lover, alerted by his screams. The French pitied the man, as he knew better than anyone how painful it would be to lose the one you love. Then, turning to the fake German, the RED said:
“Doktor, I heard you scream, you are good?” he was panting and had a concerned look on his face.
“Oh, Heavy, zhere jou are, I am glad I found you, I was worried about zhis announcement too, but now zhat I am with jou, we are safe.” Spy replied, hiding the remorse he felt. “I ran into spy, but now that dummkopf is finally dead, look!” He pointed at his own corpse, imitating medic’s psychopathic grin perfectly.
“So you screamed because of this, heavy is happy doktor is ok now.” answered the heavy in a relieved, unsuspecting manner.
In the meantime, everyone from the BLU base was searching for their teammates, frightened by the announcement that the Administrator had made. Finally, the whole group managed to meet at the spawn and gathered at the dimly lit meeting room, but when soldier was finally able to count the members and said that no one was missing, sniper contested:
“I think you forgot someone, mate. Dontcha miss the stink of cigarettes?” the sarcastic smile he always had on his face while badmouthing the spy was one of the reasons people didn’t think the two of them liked each other very much.
Indeed, everyone seemed to be there, but spy. Even though he was disliked by almost all of his colleagues, he was still their partner, and they were afraid he could be actually dead, forever. At first they didn’t think this was the case, as the Frenchman used to disappear often, but this assumption was confirmed by the fact that scout, while going back to his base, saw spy’s body inside the RED base.
“Oh, so the bloody frog is finally dead?” demoman asked jokingly.
“Oh, c’mon, man, now that that fricking spy is finally gone, we won’t have to suspect anybody else.” scout replied.
“Haha, so we won’t have to see that wanker again?” the Australian added, smirking.
“That’s right, boy. Phew, this man really got on mah nerves!” engineer chuckled.
“Mmmph mmph...” pyro sounded upset by the fact, as if he mourned the death of his friend.
However, deep inside, sniper was heartbroken. His one and only love in his whole life was gone, forever. And the rest of the team seemed unbothered by that fact, and even happy, this was what hurt him the most. Besides that, he had to act as if he didn’t care: he was a professional.
Both teams, thinking about the earlier announcement and the consequences it would have in their lives, stayed in their respective bases, afraid of going out and not coming back. The world seemed dark and ominous and the atmosphere was quiet and heavy. Immerse in their thoughts, a loud voice woke them up from their momentary calm moment, loudly speaking:
“Time to fight! Idling is not allowed. Get up and move!” the Administrator ordered, and so everyone did, not wanting to disobey her.
Very cautiously, the mercenaries got out of their respective spawns and advanced towards the middle control point. The BLU sniper took some moments longer to pull the will he needed to walk towards a high cliff, his sniper nest, and start working again. Taking a deep breath, he zoomed in his Machina and looked for REDs. In reality, the Australian wasn’t attempting to shoot anyone, as taking someone’s life wasn’t his intention.
Meanwhile, the BLU spy, disguised as an enemy medic, was trying his best to pretend he was the real one. If heavy found out his lover was gone, and because of him, the French would certainly get killed, and that clearly wasn’t what he wanted. He felt sorry for taking his German boyfriend’s life away, and thus, continued acting so that the Russian  wouldn’t feel so lonely. As the impostor heard the Administrator saying that they would have to fight again, he knew he was in trouble. He had to escape, but wouldn’t be capable of taking another life to do so, the guilt he felt was already overwhelming.
The RED heavy, followed by spy, was heading to the frontlines, ready for the combat. Looking for a chance to sneak away and run back to his base, the masked BLU waited at the RED spawn. Noticing how the fake medic was standing still strangely instead of following him, the heavy called him out:
“Doktor! Come help me!” his voice held the affection he had for his lover.
To avoid any suspicion, spy acted accordingly. At some point around the exit though, he pretended to be injured and tried to come up with an excuse to run back to his base.
“Heavy, go ahead, I vill just take a health pack over there and then meet you again.” he lied, hoping that heavy would leave him alone so that he could flee.
“No, doktor, it is dangerous here, I will come with you.” the bulky man answered. “I will not lose you.” he then embraced the French gently.
And that’s when spy’s life went downhill. Heavy remembered the scent of roses and cigarettes he had smelt earlier and found out the true identity of his “teammate”. At the moment the BLU’s disguise wore off, he could see a long dagger embroidered with oriental ornaments in his right hand, dirtied with blood. The Russian suddenly realized his lover was dead, and the man in front of him was an impostor and murderer. The French tried, in a moment of despair, to pick up his Dead Ringer, but the other mercenary instantaneously took it off his hand. He grabbed the BLU violently by his collar and roared:
“Dirty spy, you killed my doktor?!”
“It was... not my intention… I’m very sorry for your loss…” spy looked down, as if he was trying to excuse himself of his actions.
“Why did you do that?! You know he will never come back!” heavy already was in the verge of tears. His anguish and suffering could be felt in his words. No physical pain he had ever felt before could compare to the one he felt inside him at that instant: All he could think  was “Why?! Why him?!”.
“It was right before the respawn stopped working, I swear I didn’t mean to take his life away, forever.” the endangered mercenary tried to apologize for what he had done, but it didn’t seem to work.
Heavy knocked the BLU to the wall and started hitting him, expressing all the fury, bitterness and sorrow he felt. The French didn’t even react, as he felt miserable and disgusting: he deserved it, he was a murderer. The RED was suffering, so he would have to go through it too. His mind was clouded and his eyes were empty, he just waited for his enemy to kill him, and then it all would be over.
The Russian couldn’t ratiocinate, hatred and desire for revenge took over him. At the same time, beautiful recordations that had been shared with medic emerged from his mind, which only made his misery worsen: their fights side by side, their gentle, warm hugs and kisses, the sweet words they had once shared. These things would never come back, and he knew it. He knew it and it hurt.
Spy’s consciousness was fading, his senses were weakening, but, in the middle of the chaos, a thought crossed his mind. What about sniper, his lover? He was surely waiting for him to come back, so that they could share kind words and gestures after the battle as they always did, so that they could hug each other and share a drink after a long, stressful day. If he never came back, how would he feel?
That thought was what gave him will to live. The one thing that made him struggle to survive, the only thing that still mattered to him. Spy tried to free himself of the bigger man, just so that he wouldn’t get crushed against the wall.
The commotion the fight caused made sniper get up from his nest and head closer to the source of it in an attempt to find out what was happening. When he believed that nothing would be able to surprise him, he had a view that sent a chill through his bones. Seeing his lover pressed against the wall and getting fiercely punched by the RED, he quickly scoped his Machina and aimed it at the enemy’s head, in hopes of saving the Frenchman. For the first time in his life, his hands shook as he held the rifle. Thousands of thoughts crossed his mind. He didn’t understand what was going on and how spy was still alive, he just knew he had to act, and quickly.
The shot went right through heavy’s head…
… But also ended up hitting spy’s chest.
Sniper rapidly walked down the stairs and runned towards his beloved, holding him tight in his arms. He felt the blood that had soaked the mercenary’s blue suit and was flowing out of his body. Tears immediately filled the Australian’s eyes as he looked at spy, who tried his best to fake a confident smile.
“What is wrong, bushman? That is not usual of you, ‘cheer up, mate!’”
“You bloody spook, why d’you always have to be so careless?” he shouted.
“Sorry, mon cher, it seems I couldn’t run this time, as the filthy snake I am, right?” the French replied sarcastically.
“Please, stop this, can’t you take this seriously and be sincere for once? I-I’m so scared, please, don’t leave me…”
“Before… before I go, I just want to tell you something.” spy whispered, his words sounded honest and urgent.
“What? I-I can’t hear you.”
Sniper leaned in to hear exactly what the dying man was trying to say, and, in that moment, spy pulled him to a passionate and tender kiss. Though the French’s strength was fading, as he had lost a lot of blood, he still gripped his beloved firmly. Both stayed like this, enjoying the last moments they would have together. Then, spy loosened his hand from sniper’s and closed his eyes.
“You bloody spook, don’t you dare die, bloody hell!” panicking, the Australian couldn’t do anything to help the other. His teammates were too far to help, the blood loss had been too significant.
“Au revoir, mon amour. We shall meet again.”
Spy was gone.
He was dead and nothing could be done to change this. Sniper analyzed his situation. The one and only he had loved for his entire life was dead, by his own fault. Maybe if he wasn’t so nervous when aiming at heavy, he wouldn’t have hit spy too. If his hands weren’t trembling that much, if the tears weren’t blurring his vision… But none of this mattered anymore. The actions he had made couldn’t be modified.
The Australian breathed deeply and tried to focus. What would he do now? The respawn was broken and he hadn’t only killed one person, but two, one of which was his own teammate. He was a murderer, they would never come back. Heavy was, obviously, an enemy, who was attempting to kill spy, but he was still a human. And spy, oh, his own lover, was killed by his very hands. The French was the reason sniper laughed, cried, got angry and annoyed; he made him feel like he had a place in that world. Without him, he would be incomplete, his life would lose its purpose.
Sniper tried to imagine the rest of his life without his boyfriend. It would be dull, dreadful, and colorless, without the joy spy used to bring. And what’s more, what would the rest of the team, if there was still a team after this bloodbath, think about what he did?  They would be terrified by the fact that he had killed two men; he wouldn’t, under any circumstances, be forgiven by his crimes.
He inhaled once more. There was only one way out of this. He reached for spy’s revolver, which was right besides him, lying on the floor, and pointed it at his own head.
“So, in the end, I’ll be able to meet you.” those were his last words. Then he pulled the trigger.
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lykanthropa · 6 years
Heavy, the slowest class
Heavy is slow. Very slowly. This is particularly apparent on the new map. But in the end it turns out that sometimes it can be an advantage to be slow.
                           He who laughs last, laughs loudest
Mountain Lab:
The RED team is at the ready. Rocket launchers, Medigun and Minigun at the ready too, the mercenaries are waiting to get the green light from the administrator to take control points one at a time and then wipe out the entire BLU team.
“Mission begins in ten seconds!” the voice echoes from the speakers. Mountain Lab is called this place. It is only the second time that they are fighting here. A battleground in the middle of a big, dark forest. And accordingly, it looks like this. Dark. Even during the day. Above this forest hovers a darkness that is present even during the day. The only thing that enlightens this place are the lanterns that are scattered around here. “Five!” The first time they won. “Four!” They will win again. “Three!” Because this “map”, as the battlegrounds are called, allows the Mercs to apply a unique tactic. “Two!” The Blitzkrieg. “One!”
The gate opens and the Mercs do not hesitate for a second. They storm out and it starts. Demoman spreads some of his sticky bombs on the ground and catapults himself high in the air. So high that he could overcome every building and every mountain. Soldier copies him with his rocket jump. He takes Medic under his arm and with a Bang! these two are gone, too. Far in the background the fight sounds are clearly audible. So far up in the air, they are out of reach of the enemy Sentry and can easily destroy them with bombs and missiles from above. And the defending team as well. And Scout takes advantage of it to quickly conquer the control points. That's why he is starting now. As fast as the wind, he disappeared around the corner to do his part. Until the BLU team respawns, they will have already conquered all control points. Just like last time.
Pyro starts up his Thermal Thruster and follows the others through the air. Engineer uses his Sentry whisperer to let throw himself from his Sentry into the air. Sniper simply uses his van to follow the team. The road to the control points is wide enough to get through with his vehicle. And Spy? Spy just makes himself invisible and is gone, too. A clever and efficient tactic that, however, has a catch for one of them. Heavy stays back, all alone. He cannot fly, nor is he fast on foot. On the contrary. He is the slowest in the whole team. The last time, when he has finally caught up with the others, they have already won. He feels so useless… And to make him feel even worse, Scout makes fun of him. The administrator evaluates their actions in combat and displays the points of each of them on a board. The last time Heavy had zero points. And this time it will probably not be different.
“Captured the control point A!” Now fast! Even though Heavy knows he will not fight this time again, he still tries to keep up and runs. The weight of the minigun additionally throttles its speed. But Heavy is hanging on. He follows the path to the first control point. When he passes by, the administrator announces that they have now also captured control point B. Only one is missing and the Russian has not even made half of the route. Even Engineer with his toolbox is faster than him. Neither at checkpoint A nor at checkpoint B you can see the red Sentry. How does he manage to get his sentries up and down so fast? Maybe he is a magician? Heavy will ask him.
“We have captured the last control point! The slaughter festival can begin!” the bodyless voice of the administrator dins through the place. She sounds very satisfied and almost a bit eager. For this woman, it must be a real satisfaction when the winning team chases and destroys the loser team down to the last. Of course, it must be mentioned that she is neither on the side of the RED, nor on the BLUs. Should the BLU team win, she would also proudly announce their victory and wish them much fun in slaughtering the RED team. This woman gives Heavy the creeps…
Heavy had almost reached the lab where the last control point is located. From inside you can hear the laughter of his teammates. Shots and exploding bombs and missiles. Heavy had never been involved in such a thing. If a team loses, they are prohibited from continuing to fight. They have to lay down their weapons. Also with the knowledge to be killed. Heavy does not think it's right to kill unarmed people. That's just not right. While the others enjoy it, the Russian feels compassion for his enemies. In order not to have to look at this, he turns to return to the base.
In the evening, the members of the RED teams sit together and celebrate their success with a feast. The Mercs share each other their fighting skills of today for the best. “Did you see how I finished off the BLU Heavy?” Scout boasts. “Jumped around him all the time while the slowpoke tried to target me with his minigun. And then - plumps - he fell over.” “And then I shredded him into a thousand pieces with a nice crit bomb! Harhar!” “Pfft! You stole my kill, cyclops.” “Well, boy. First come, first served. Didn't your mother teach ya not to play with your victim?” “I was just having fun. Just because you kill does not necessarily mean that you have to be deadly serious at work.” “I am not. But when I see a BLU, I kill him without hesitation. No matter if he's sitting on the toilet, sleeping or doing high five with another BLU. Because that's what I enjoy a lot. Will ya give me the sushi?” “Yes, of course.” Scout picks up one of the Maki, takes a big swing and throws it like a pitcher in baseball in Demoman's direction. But this one stays cool and skillfully catches it with one hand. “Thanks mate.” “Pah…”
“Medic, I have to say, you were in top shape again today. For your age, I mean.” Soldier puts an arm around Medic's shoulder next to him. “Thank you, Soldier. I do my best. But do me a favor and warn me before you blow yourself up with me.” “Rocket jumps are a must! Without them a... a... thingamajig would not be possible!” “You mean Blitzkrieg? That's a simple word.” “German words just don't pass my lips easily.” “That surprises me. Because Fritz, Kraut, Kaiser and Oktoberfest you can pronounce excellent.” “That's just coincidence.” “Of course.” Medic rolls his eyes. His gaze get caught on Heavy. “Heavy, I missed you today.” “Yeah, fatty! Where have you been again? You had no points again.” “Heavy is not fast enough to keep up with Blitzkrieg.” “Aww! Why not? Are you too old or too fat? Hmm... I guess you're too fat.”
Engineer clears his throat to attract attention. “This is the second time that Heavy has been unable to participate in combat. We should think about how we can change that.” “Why? That's not necessary. We have proven twice that we can manage without him.” “Shut up, Scout!” Spy warns. “Engineer is right. Heavy is part of this team. And we must not leave anyone behind.” “The next fight against BLU in the Mountain Lab is the day after tomorrow. So we only have one day to get Heavy fit.” “What do you say, Heavy?” “Heavy does not want to be left behind. Please help me.” “Now you're talking! We will not let you down, lad!” “Yes, we will make you get a move on, commie. With my training you will soon be as fast as a rocket!” “I too will come up with something. Don't worry, Heavy.” “Thank you, Doktor.” Heavy is touched. He really has a great team. But at the same time he is worried. How do they want to do that? And this training from Soldier...
Heavy is rudely awakened from sleep the next morning. He sleepily lifts his head and discovers Soldier standing in front of his bed, his trumpet in one hand. “Get out of bed, maggot! It's already late!” Heavy glances at the clock. It’s 6 o'clock in the morning. He opens his mouth to protest but Soldier interrupts him. “Don't give me that Let me sleep for another 5 minutes bullshit! Do you want to keep up with us or not?” “All right. Heavy understood.” “Then stand up and come along!” “I have to get dressed first.” “And even if you were naked! There is no time!” Now Heavy changes to bear mode. He gets out of bed and looks down at Soldier with a warning look. “Heavy. Will. Not. Train. In. Pyjama” he growls. The American selects reverse gear. At the door of the room he barks for the last time: “Don't stay too long in front of the mirror! You are not going on the catwalk, after all!” And then he disappeared. “Hmpf!”
A little later Heavy stands in his full Mercenary overall with Soldier on the training ground behind their base. He presses his rocket launcher into his hands. “You know how to use such a weapon?” “No…” “Lift the launcher on your shoulder, aim at the target and then fire! So not unlike like other weapons.” Heavy follows Soldier's instruction, but faces an obstacle. “What's up? Shoot!” “I do not know how.” “Are you blind? At the far handle is a trigger.” Heavy's finger gropes for it and he finds it. But... “What is it now?” “My finger does not fit through the ring.” “Are you serious, son? Wait. MEDIC! MMEEEEEEEDDDIIIIIIIIICCC!” The doctor appears at one of the windows and looks slightly acidified. “What?” “Bring me a tube of oil right away!” “What!?” “Just do it, sister!” “Ja, ja…” Medic left. “And hurry up!” “Why're ya screaming like that?” Demoman shouts angrily from another window. “There are people here who still want to sleep!” “Really, Hardhelm! What are you thinking?” Now Scout is awake too. “Sleep time is over! Up with your tired bones and mustered! And also tell that the other lame-o! AND I SCREAM AS MUCH AS I WANT, MAGGOTS!” There are no arguments. Heavy feels uncomfortable. He really wants help and support, but when Soldier deals with the others like that, the Russian fears that they might be mad at him. Because if he were not so slow, all this would not be necessary here at all. And it does not matter that Soldier always talks to them like that.
Medic is the first to join them. He brought his Medigun and hands Soldier the tube of oil. “Here.” The American takes it from him, grabs Heavy's hand and pours half the bottle on his forefinger. The feeling of this greasy liquid on the skin makes Heavy feel unwell. “Go now! Finger through the hole!” When he tried again, it does not succeed the first time, but eventually the oil does its work and Heavy can finally put his finger on the trigger. However, he cannot bend it properly because his finger is just too big. “So! Now point the rocket launcher to the ground-“ “Wait!” “Stay out of this, sister! You have no idea about heavy weapons! So don't disturb us during training!” “Maybe I don’t understand much about heavy weapons, yes. But I understand a lot about injuries.” “And?” Now Demoman, Engineer and the rest come to the training ground. “Hey, hey, hey! That looks interesting” scoffs Scout, as he sees the Russian with the rocket launcher. “Why don’t you give him the practice rocket launcher? He would take less damage.” “You're right. Maybe I should also use the practice rocket launcher in the fight against the BLUs.” Medic rolls his eyes annoyed. “Maggot! The commie must learn to practice jumping with a real rocket launcher! Because tomorrow it depends!” “Okay, good. But then help me to provide my Übercharge.” “We don’t have time for that!” “Okay, good. Then tomorrow I will go with Heavy. He certainly appreciates my Übercharge.” Heavy looks uncertainly between Soldier and Medic back and forth. “Haha! That's better than a sitcom!” “Fine” Soldier growls, taking Heavy the rocket launcher away (initially with difficulty because his big finger got stuck in the ring). “Then aim for it, Doc. All out of the way!” The rest of the team takes a big step backwards. Medic activates the Medigun and Soldier starts small rocket jumps to allow Medic to recharge his Medigun. “Okay, I’m charged now.” Finally! And you, Commie? Did you pay attention and see how I did that?” “Da…” “Then here you go.” Soldier hands Heavy his rocket launcher and disgusted wipes down the oil on his pants. Heavy looks worried. “Don't worry. I take care that you don't hurt yourself” promises Medic him and that gives him courage. He loads the heavy weapon on his shoulder, fights his finger again through the hole on the trigger and directs the barrel to the ground. “Okay, I'll start the Übercharge. You have 8 seconds. Ready?” “Da, Doktor.” “Let’s go.” Ludwig starts the Übercharge. He and Heavy are dipped in the familiar red light and the Russian does not hesitate to pull the trigger. The rocket shoots from the muzzle. The explosion carries Heavy only a few inches above the ground. This brings him completely out of balance and he crashes to the ground. “Jump! You have to jump, maggot! It doesn't mean rocket jump for nothing!” Heavy feels pressured. “There are still 50%, Heavy. You can do it!” Misha is really pleased that Medic has such confidence in him, but he can jump as well as he can run. But he gets up and tries again. As strong as possible, the Russian pushes off the ground and simultaneously shoots the second rocket. And in fact he comes up to two meters high. “Yes! Very good, Heavy!” But he loses his balance again. He makes a half turn and with his belly forward he falls to the ground. In panic Heavy activates the trigger and a rocket shoots from the muzzle, which is aimed directly at Scout and the others. “Watch out!” Everyone manages to get out of the way, except for… “SPY!” “What?” BOOM! Blood, guts and intestines are spread on the training ground. Heavy strikes the ground, landing on the rocket launcher that breaks through in the middle. “Eww…” “Haha! I bet Spy had a different picture of his morning” Scout laughs. “You will mop up this mess here!” “What?! Why me? I didn't shred the guy into a thousand pieces!” “This was an order!” “I don’t touch that! Geez! What’s your problem?” Soldier is angry because Heavy has destroyed his rocket launcher, "Medic soothes. His Übercharge has just lasted until Heavy is back on the ground with both legs. “Pah! In the storage room there are still enough rocket launcher of this kind.” “Yes. But only this one had a rare skin.” “Shut up, Fritz! I'll go get a new one, then we'll try something else!” Soldier trudges away. “I will not clear away this filth here for sure. That's what Spy can do. After all, this are his body parts.” “Stop grousing and do what ya're told.” “Want to mess with me, Cyclops?” “I'll spank you so hard that your bottom looks like a baboon ass!” Medic starts to listen attentively. “Baboon?” But the two squabblers ignore him. “And why are you so pissed off? Didn't had your alcohol today, eh? Take a long sip and come off.” “How dare ya to talk to me like that?” “The way you usually talk to a drunkard.” “Come here!” Demoman starts hunting Scout. The guy is much faster than the bomb specialist. Actually, he has absolutely no chance to catch him. But Scout slips on the blood and falls to the ground. Demoman doesn't waste any time, grabs the boy, pulls down his pants and underpants and gives him a hard punch on the buttocks. The sound of his flat hand striking the virgin white bottom echoed throughout the place, followed by Scout's cry of pain.
Medic shakes his head in disappointment and turns his attention to Heavy. He stands there and looks guiltily down on the broken rocket launcher. “Are you okay, Heavy?” “Yes ... I'm sorry about the rocket launcher.” “Don’t worry about that.” “But what if the rocket launcher for Soldier was what Sasha is for me? It would break Heavy's Heart if something happened to Sasha.” “I don't think that's how it is. His launcher didn't even have a name - unlike his shovel... He's just so upset because this rocket launcher had a rare skin. He will calm down again.” “I'm back!” Soldier returns with a new rocket launcher. “It has not been cleaned here yet!” “Shut up!” Scout screams at him as he rubs his aching butt. “Pfah! And what about you, sister? Is the Übercharge ready?” “No?” “Do I have to do everything by myself?” “Don’t worry. It's done in a minute. Unless you help me again.” “No time for that! Just aim.” “What are you planning, Soldier?” But the American ignores Medic and turns to Heavy. He kicks the remains of his old rocket launcher aside. “Get on my shoulder, commie!” “H-heavy does not think that is a good idea.” “Shut up and climb!” Jane kneels down. Heavy looks confused over to Medic. He shrugs and nods. The seasoned Russian tries to ascend from behind. Soldier grits his teeth. Heavy is heavy. No question. But Soldier actually manages to get up with Heavy on his shoulders. Medic keeps up with aim with the Medigun without a break. Solly's legs are shaking heavily under the weight they have to carry. “Okay, commie. I'm going to blow ourselves up now. Don't wobble, understood?” “D-da…” Heavy does not feel good about it. Just as Medic and the others. Soldier aims with the rocket launcher to the ground and fires. However, Heavy is so heavy that he cannot jump even an inch. The result: everything below his hips gets blast away. At the same moment Spy steps out of the base, freshly spawned and slightly acidified. But he hardly stands outside, he is hit by flying body parts and carried off his feet.
Soldier lies with his back on the ground, out of his throat escapes a mark-piercing cry of pain. Heavy has remained as good as unhurt. He was blown up a bit by the blast and now lands on Soldier's face with all his weight. His scream is stifled, and only a moment later nothing is heard from Soldier. Heavy hastily rolls off his face. Scout and the others turn away in disgust. Soldier's face is flattened. His nose is bent sideways and blood flows out of it and the mouth. His eyes are staring blankly into the air. But he is still alive. Medic strengthened the beam of his Medigun and in just a few seconds Soldier is restored, plus two new legs, while Spy is buried beneath the old ones. Medic helps him up. He does not speak but gropes around in his face and then his head. His helmet is no longer there. Heavy discovers it on the ground, picks it up and hands it to Soldier. He tears it from his hand and puts it back on. “Soldier?” Finally, Jane clears his throat. “Heavy…” “Yes, Soldier?” “You are even heavier than a fat, adult blue whale ashore! Not even Hercules could lift you up and make a rocket jump at the same time!” Embarrassed, Heavy looks down on the floor. “Now it's Demoman's turn to practice sticky bomb jumping with you!” “NAH!”
Spy now joins the group after freeing himself from Soldier's legs. His suit is smeared with blood but he still tries to keep his composure. “You doing it all wrong. Heavy will never manage it till tomorrow. For that you need years of training. Especially someone like Heavy.” “And what do you suggest, Frenchie?” “No idea. Maybe he should run a few laps. Scout, you wanted to do it, right?” “Yeah! I'll hunt that meatball for a few laps around the place. I'll make him fit!” “And if that doesn't work, we still ‘ave Medic. Docteur, you ‘ave something in store for ‘im, right?” “Yes.” “Well, then we should leave that to the two from now on. No more explosions, understood?” “What about you, Spy?” “What?” “What do you do to help Heavy?” “I don’t know how.” “You could give him your watch.” “To become invisible does not mean to gain speed. These are two different things, Sniper. But we could easily do it all by letting him ride in your van.” “No way! My tires would bursting! Oh uh... no offense, Heavy.” “It is okay.” “And how about Pyro moving him with the airblast of his flame thrower? Pyro, come here!” Pyro does what Soldier tells him to do. “Good thing he always has his flamethrower with him” says Engineer. “I think that's scary...” Scout replies.
Soldier positions Pyro in front of Heavy. “And now blow him off!” The Russian begins to tremble all over. He does not quite trust Pyro. Instead of using the airblast, he could turn him into a living torch. But Pyro stands still and looks at Soldier with his head to one side. “Pretend as if you would extinguish him!” Soldier's orders but Pyro's only reaction is to shift his head to the other side. “Ggrrr! Wait a moment! Maybe we have to light the commie, so the maggot knows what he has to do.” Heavy startles. Enraged, he grabs Soldier by the neck and pulls him up to him, while he bares his teeth. “Never mind, lad. I hardly believe that the airblast is strong enough to move Heavy. And even if. If Pyro encounters the BLUs, he will be out of ammo to fight.” “Okay, okay! Roger that! Now let me down!” Heavy lets go of Soldier and he grabs his aching neck. “Then Scout and Medic should take care of you, but I don't think that's going to happen.” “Yeah!” “And the other sad rest wipes away the blood here!” “Cannot we just leave that to the rain?” Demoman asks with a disgusted look on the innards at his feet. “Has anyone volunteered for the one-man cleaning army right now?” Demoman, Spy, Sniper and Engineer exchange views - and walk away. “Hey, where are you going? Come back immediately! I'm not taking care of this mess alone by myself!” Soldier follows the others upset and almost stumbles around his abandoned legs. Even in the base his screaming can still be heard. Heavy, Medic and Scout follow them with the eyes. Then their attention turns to Pyro, who is still standing in front of Heavy with his flamethrower and somehow looks lost. Scout claps his hands to get his attention. “Skedaddle! Shoo!” Pyro doesn't stir for a second but then he wobbles to the others into the base. “Funny guy…” Heavy breaths deeply in and out. He is just glad that the mouth of the flame-thrower is no longer aimed at him. “Want to try it first, Scout?” “For sure! If that does not work, you're our ace in the sleeve, Doc.” “If you say so.” “Well then come on the racetrack, fatty. I will make you fit!”
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” Stertorously, Heavy runs after Scout. He runs in front of him, backwards and propels him, although they have already run a thousand rounds - it seems to Heavy anyway. He is completely at the end. “Heavy... Heavy can't go on any longer...!” “Are you kiddin' me? That's just the fifth round! Don't you feel the runner's high?” “I feel *gasp* an emerging *gasp* heart attack!” “Don't make such a fuss and run a little faster instead!” Heavy grabs his left chest and continues to lose speed until he finally comes to a stop and bends over gasping. “Scout is worked up. “Geez! Doc, can you come? The pork jowl has a heart attack.” Medic, who had been watching the two from the edge, approaches them. “With the heart of a baboon a myocardial infarction is almost impossible.” “Yeah, whatever. I'm not in the mood anymore. This slowpoke is not trainable. Good luck with him.” And with these words he leaves the two alone.
“Are you okay, Heavy?” “Scout is right.” “Maybe you are not the fastest, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. And Scout is no exception. He is fast and agile, but you are tall and strong and can thus break through the enemy lines like a tank.” “A tank is also slow. And in this blitzkrieg my strength has no use.” “Yes, that is problematic. I have something prepared. If you want, I'll give you a syringe with special content. It must not be. All we have to do is win once more on this map and we're off to the next one. Maybe we would need your skills there more.” Heavy's thinking. They only have to win once and then no longer fight on this map. So it probably would not make any difference if he could keep up with his team or not. But because it's the last fight, he wants to be present! He has decided. “Heavy wants to keep up with the team.” “OK. Then please follow me to the infirmary. There I give you the remedy and then we see what happens.” Heavy falters. “How does Doktor mean that?” “Oh, um ... I have not tested it yet. I was on it all night yesterday. Of course, I had no opportunity to test it on a living being. But that's not a problem for you, is it? You were the first one whose heart I changed. Everything went well.” “Doktor is right.” Medic and Heavy make their way to the infirmary. When they enter, Heavy is amazed at the mess that reigns there. “Please take a seat. I'll get the serum.” Heavy does what Medic tells him, sits down and looks around. When Medic steps in, he notices his eyes. “I'm sorry it looks here like this.” “Is it because of that?” Heavy asks, looking at the syringe in Medic's hand. “Indeed.” “The color is purple…” “Do not worry. The color has nothing to do with the content. I've been slipping around until the liquid turns purple. I like the color. And now please give me your arm, so I can inject it into your veins.” “What is it's name?” “What? Oh, I don't have a name yet. I don't even know if it works at all.” Heavy lets Medic inject the liquid. He bites his teeth tightly as it begins to radiate in his whole arm. “And what does that do to Heavy?” “Well, it should make you faster. If everything works out. It ensures that your energy is used efficiently when you start to run. All power is applied to your legs. You could reach top speeds and maybe even run faster than Scout.” Heavy's heart is filled with excitement. He would like to test it immediately. “You should still wait. The serum must first spread in your body and attach itself. By tomorrow morning at the latest, you should be ready for action. Don't worry and have a nice day. How about chess?” “Da!” “But first I have to clean up a bit here. Prepare everything.”
The next day the Mercs are back in the starting blocks. Heavy is nervous. So far, he has felt no change since he was injected with the purple stuff. His Sasha, however, feels much easier today than usual today. Medic notices his uncertain expression and pats his shoulder in a friendly tone. “Don't worry, Heavy. If the serum actually does not work - which should be absolutely impossible - we will win very quickly and then we are gone. On a map where you'll be back in the front. As is usual, okay?” “You are right, Doktor.” Medic gives him an encouraging smile. “That's right. Always remember that this team needs you. Plus, you're always shown on the cover pages of the monthly mercenary journal. You're a role model for anyone who wants to be a Heavy Weapons Guy.” Now, Heavy's smile returns. “Doktor is right! Heavy is slow but strong and never gives up! I will follow you. No matter if I catch up with the team timely or not.” “That's what I call fighting spirit!”
“Mission begins in ten seconds!” “Come here, sister!” Soldier grabs Medic from behind and tucks him under his arm. “Übercharge ready?” “Of course. I hope this is the last time I have to blow myself up with you.” “Kraut grows out of the ground and eagles fly through the air.” “Hmpf!” “Five!” Despite Medic's words, Heavy's heart starts beating faster. “Four!” How slow he may be, he will follow the team! “Three!” It is the last fight. “Two!” Heavy watches the others. Everyone looks so confident as they stand like saltpans waiting for the kickoff. Snipers Van howls softly, in anticipation of finally starting. “One!” Here we go! With a loud bang Soldier and Demoman catapulted into the air. Medic screams in panic. With a devious laugh Scout is sprinting after them. Engineer uses his Sentry and Pyro his Thermal Thruster to follow Soldier and Demoman through the air. Sniper follows the team in his van and Spy rides along with him by doing himself comfortable on the back bumper bar.
The Russian sighs. Let’s go, Heavy. He picks up his beloved Sasha and starts to run. He is slow, as always. Actually, Medics serum does not work. But Heavy is not angry or disappointed. But on the contrary. He is very grateful that they all took the trouble to help him. Even though he was more or less insulted in the end. Luckily, the first checkpoint is not far off and Heavy is amazed when he catch up with his team there. And only then he notices that no fight noises were heard. “What's the matter?” Heavy asks as he arrives. “No idea, lad. The checkpoint was unguarded when we arrived here” Demoman answers. “Pfft! These cowards” Scout laughs, standing on the checkpoint, switching the color of the light from blue to red. “They don't want to show any weakness of a total annihilation a third time and refuse to fight.” “They cannot do that. They commit a violation of a contract!” “I don’t care about that. The faster the better.” Everyone takes it that way and hurries on to the second checkpoint. Heavy does not immediately follow this time. The whole thing seems a bit strange to him. Could that be a trap? He looks around in all directions. The enemy does not seem to be around. From behind they will probably not be attacked. The place seems completely deserted. Is it really possible that the BLU team refuses to fight? If it really is, then they do not have the right to call themselves mercenaries. No honor, no pride, just cowards. And yet, Heavy surprises the reaction of their enemies. They have been fighting them for a few years now. And so far nothing like that had happened. However, the BLUs have recently suffered some crushing defeats. “………” “Captured the control point B!” The voice of the administrator tears Heavy out of his thoughts and he starts moving again and follows the path through the short passage and past the second checkpoint. This, too, seemed to have been unguarded. Heavy has a bad feeling.
Heavy finally reaches the entrance to the lab, where the third and final checkpoint is located. Nobody from his team can be seen, so they must all be inside. But why does not the administrator announce that control point C has been conquered and wishes them a happy slaughter fest? Is the third checkpoint not guarded, too? And his team is now looking for the BLUs to find out where they are before they start conquering? Heavy had not made it to the heart of the large laboratory building so far. He climbs a staircase and looks up there. Lots of rooms with some kind of technical equipment Heavy can do absolutely nothing with. Why are there places like this here anyway?
The Russian is about to call for Medic and the others when loud, vicious laughter keeps him from doing so. “Hm?” Heavy returns to the main hallway. There is a large panoramic window without glass. He looks from there to the floor below him and is astonished and shocked at the same time as he discovers the third checkpoint - and his team, surrounded by the BLUs. Instinctively, Heavy is ducking. Caution, he peeks over the edge to get an accurate picture of the situation. It does not look good. BLU Heavy, Demoman, Scout and Spy are standing around them, their weapons pointed at them. Engineer sets up his Sentry on the checkpoint while Sniper points his sniper rifle at them from a few meters distance. Even the BLU Medic keeps them at bay with his crossbow. Apropos weapons... The entire RED team is unarmed! How could this happen? Heavy tries to look for the dropped weapons, but he cannot see them anywhere. They probably did not just drop them. Well, maybe the BLUs took the weapons from them.
“Finally we've got ya, ya rats” laughs BLU Demoman. “At first we were worried that ya could see through our trap, but because of your arrogance, ya went straight in and that's just because last two fights ya won in a rout.” “Pride will ’ave a fall” Spy agrees. “You said it, lad!” “Were not you suspicious when you could easily conquer the control points?” “No offense meant, Harthelm, but even with you we have no trouble conquering” mocks RED Scout and winks at Engineer. “Boy, oh boy” Engineer steps toward Scout, aiming his shotgun between his eyes. “Otherwise you'll die first of all.” “Why don't you just shoot, huh?” “Because we want to kill you RED rats in a special way.” “And how?” “We will squash you - with the magnet above you.” Heavy looks up at the ceiling. There actually hangs a big, circular magnet the size of a checkpoint and on the body hang the weapons of his teammates. So the BLU team took away their weapons. And now they are to be crushed by this magnet? The thing looks like it weighs a ton. A horrible death...
“Pfft! Let the thing fall onto us so we can get it over with.” “Do you really think we will kill you quickly?” BLU Soldier grins maliciously. “No, very slowly you will be crushed under the magnet and you will live so long to witness how each and every bone break in your body, your ribs penetrate your lungs and your blood clogs your airway.” “Haha! Yes, you have to know what that feels like, maggot. I remember well that you got caught in the death trap on the Egypt map and was crushed by the ceiling. Slowly.” BLU Soldier growls threateningly. “Not slow enough. Cannot wait for you to lie before me like feet-crushed maggots.” Heavy has to swallow hard when he hears that. The BLU team is more angry as he had previously adopted. He cannot let that happen! Suddenly he hears BLU Medic saying: “Hey, there's one missing. Where is your Heavy?” “The slowpoke couldn't keep up with us. He probably didn't even manage half the distance. You sure know what that's like, isn't it, fatty? "Scout winks at BLU Heavy. The Russian growls threateningly. “Should we wait for him?” “No. We'll get the commie later. Now I want to hear bones crack. Engie! Reinforce the ground magnet!” “Hell yeah!” Suddenly the members of the RED team fall to the ground for no apparent reason and stay there. At first, Heavy does not understand, but then he realizes it. Why they had not stirred the whole time, not resisted. They could not. And only then does Heavy realize that the ground looks different under them. A magnetic field. “And now deactivate the ceiling magnet!” As before, the BLU Engineer presses a button on his remote control and suddenly the weapons are released from the magnet above them. BLU Pyro screams, pulls out his flamethrower and with a targeted air pressure, the weapons are thrown over the checkpoint. In addition, they are shredded by Engineer’s Level-3-Sentry in pieces, where the separates finally disappear in the dark abyss. “And this bring us to the fun part. Engie!” “Heck yeah!” Now the heavyweight ceiling magnet begins to lower.
RED Heavy's heart begins to pump. He feels adrenaline rushing through his veins and shaking his body. He clenches his big hands into fists. “Never, never, make me angry!” Even as the BLU team turns around for the voice, Heavy lifts his Sasha over the edge and fires at the opposing Sentry on the placed checkpoint. Together with it, Engineer is also pierced by the hail of bullets and collapses dead while his sentry gun decays into pieces with a loud bang. “KILL HIM!” Orders Soldier, and the BLU team fires with everything it has. Heavy is too slow to dodge. He would have had to drop Sasha for that, but he has not the heart to do it. A hail of rockets, bombs and bullets charged at him. Instinctively, he holds his arm protectively over his face, his eyes tightly closed. He hears it banging, but more does not seem to happen. “HEAVY!” Medics voice calling him. Only then does the Russian dare to reopen his eyes - and is more than amazed when he realizes that his whole body has plunged into this familiar blood red, as evoked by Medics Übercharge. But Medic is still down there on the ground, unable to move. How is that possible? The reason for that can't be Medic's medicine, can it? Heavy is so confused that he does not notice that the BLU team has given up shooting at him and the BLU Soldier grabbed Engineer's remote and presses a button on it. Suddenly, Heavy's weapon is pulled up by an invisible force. It’s owner opposes with all his might, but the pull gets stronger and stronger. It's the ceiling magnet that attracts his Minigun. With a powerful jerk he flies across the deep abyss over to the large body and sticks there. Below him, his team lying on the ground.
BLU Soldier laughs victoriously. Got you, commie! Now you can still be killed together with your team. However you may have gained invulnerability without help, but Übercharge or not- it will not prevent you from being squashed. Maybe you'll live a little longer and watch your comrades die miserably before your turn. Enjoy this moment! I will for sure.” The Ceiling Magnet continues to descend incessantly on Heavy's team. He does not want to be crushed. Heavy is the one who crushes enemies and things! He realizes that he has no trouble holding himself on his weapon. As if the vigors never end. Could it be that Medic's miracle medicine has not only given him invulnerability, but also a surge of power? The closer the magnet comes to the ground, the more the Russian feels the force of the magnetic field beneath him trying to pull him down. It is indeed very strong. Heavy is using this power to try something out. With full body use, Heavy pulls on his minigun as much as possible. He hears the BLU team laugh. Presumably, they think he's trying to get his weapon of off the magnet, but in fact his ultimate goal is to release the entire magnet from its mount. His heart is like a steam-hammer in his chest. Not even during Medic's Übercharge, it beats so fast. The fear is great that the high-performance muscle could break out of his body and the adrenaline is its fuel. This feeling is so weird that it turns in Heavy's head. The whole situation feels absolutely surreal. But that does not stop him from clinging to his plan and pulling and fighting. “You will not get free that weapon this way, commie!” “From up there he looks even fatter! Am I right, fat ass?” laughs BLU Scout and pushes his elbow playfully against the ribs of their Heavy. He only makes a hum.
“What is he just up to?” BLU Medic talks to himself while watching RED Heavy closely. Spy heard that. “Do you really think ’e ‘as a plan, Docteur?” “Perhaps... I don't know. Maybe he's just desperate. What surprises me is that his Übercharge persists so long, and that it seemed to be triggered by itself... Which fraudulent method did you use again, you impostor?” BLU Medic turns to RED Medic, who can barely lift his head, but gives his opponent a superior smile. “Believe it or not, but I really have no idea.” “You’re lying!” “Really? Can I then assume that you will again try to kidnap me and lure out of me the secret, as you have already tried for the normal Übercharge? Don't worry. If we have a secret, then we share it with you. After all, we don't want to stand there like cowards and cheaters.” “Are you making fun of me?” “Well, no one else has said anything funny yet.” “Why you-! I cannot wait to see you squashed.” “Ach? Are you sure that you will endure this sight? I mean because of your phobia against blood and offal.” “I have overcome this fear long ago!” “Don’t let yourself be provoked, Medic” conciliates BLU Spy. “’e and all the others will die a very painful death in a few moments. Enjoy this moment.” Now a smile appears on his face. “You're right. Nothing and nobody can save you now. Also no spontaneously triggered Übercharge.”
RED Heavy doesn't overhear the things among themselves. He is determined to release this magnet from its mount before it reaches the ground. After another powerful pull, the magnet suddenly jerks. Heavy almost dropped himself. “What the hell was that?” shouts one of the BLUs from below. Heavy grins. “I have plan for you!” One last pull and the magnet breaks away from the ceiling. With high speed, Heavy crashes into the depths with a ton of weight overhead. The adrenaline gives another full steam and inflates his veins like balloons, so they protrude strongly under his skin. He lands surprisingly soft on the ground. The magnetic field hits with all its hardness and tries to press the Russian like his teammates on the ground. But this unbridled strength in him seems to have become even stronger and he can resist the ground magnet, regardless of the magnet on his shoulder. The BLU team flinch. “What the hell…?!” “Blow him away! Pyro, use the airblast! Just do something, maggots!” shouts BLU Soldier. Thanks to the strong attraction of the ceiling Magnet, Heavy can use his Sasha as a handle, whirling the magnet around once. The opposing team has no chance. They are pushed by the magnetic body over the checkpoint and fall screaming into the abyss. Since BLU Sniper is further away, he stays spared and directs his sniper rifle at Heavy, faded out in panic, that he is actually invulnerable. Heavy uses the magnet as a shield, the sound of a ricochet echoes through the room and immediately afterwards BLU Sniper breaks down silently. His own bullet had struck a hole between his eyes. “BLU team has been wiped out!”
As in a trance, Heavy stands there, motionless, still holding the magnet above his head. Did they actually win? No, not quite. First, the control point must be conquered. He looks down at his team. These too seem frozen. It is completely silent, except for a faint whimpering. It's Scout, who's right under Heavy's feet. That's why his landing was so soft. Carefully he descends from him and then the boy starts screaming loudly. It was probably Heavy's weight that prevented him screaming. “You adipose gorilla! Why did you have to land on me? Oh God! I think my spine is broken! MEDIC!” “Heavy, you have to deactivate the ground magnet!” “Da, Doktor!” With his last, remaining superpower, which now begins to fade, he puts the magnet down, leans it against a nearby wall. The blood red that had covered his body begins to flicker. A sign that it's getting weaker. And then it's gone. He loses no time and goes over to the checkpoint. Heavy could easily capture it now. After the last two (for him) catastrophic battles that would be an absolute satisfaction. He, Heavy Weapons Guy, conquers the last checkpoint. All alone. Instead, he picks up the remote control that is in front of the control point and presses the two buttons with the ceiling and floor symbols. Immediately his Minigun disengages from the ceiling magnet and his teammates, except for Scout, straighten up moaning. They are rather wobbly on the legs, but get the coordination of their body quickly back under control.
“That was fantastic, Heavy!” Demoman pats the Russian proudly on the shoulder.” “You deserve my respect, soldier” Soldier salutes Heavy. “What happened? How could you become invulnerable without Medics help?” “I think Heavy had Doctor's help.” The Russian looks at Medic, who looks a bit lost in thought. “But not... because of the serum? It should actually have a different effect. I must have interchanged the formulas. Very fascinating the whole thing...” “Heavy had a big beating of heart all the time.” “And now?” “It is normal again.” “In fact very fascinating. No wonder it had not shown any effect so far. It could only do that after your body was flushed with adrenaline. But it didn't make you faster, but stronger. And on top of that it has caused an Übercharge. And the longer adrenaline rushes through the body, the longer the effect lasts.” “Doktor is genius.” “I like to accept the compliment, but my genius does not help if my faithful patients don't help. Heavy, you did a great job. And I think I speak for everyone when I say that you alone should conquer the last checkpoint.” The team agrees.
“EXCUSE ME? The fat ass has smashed my spine!” “Stop whining, Scout! You could lying just as well crushed on the floor. Be grateful that it didn't come to that.” “Fuck you, Spy! I would much rather be dead. These pains kill me! Medic, help me!” Medic groans annoyed. “Scout, have you forgotten that the BLU team destroyed our weapons? Including my Medigun. Now you have to be patient for a while until we're done here. This is a big moment for Heavy. There's got to be time for that.” “Aww geez…” “Go on, Heavy.” With a smile on his face, Heavy's comrades look at him expectantly. That's his moment. He takes a deep breath in and out before standing on the checkpoint. While they wait for the blue to turn red, they stand in silence and look at each other. Soldier coughs. A moment later, Sniper must cough, too. Demoman clears his throat and Pyro shuffles his feet. (awkward moment) “………”
And then finally… PING! The blue turns red. They won. “Victory!” Heavy closes his eyes as his team cheers him on. So it must feel for Scout when he conquers the checkpoints. As if the scout had read his mind, he hears him say: “Come off. This feeling is not that cool.” “I think you just don’t appreciate that feeling, Scout. Or you begrudge Heavy his moment.” “Nice, how all of you solid against me. But I'm the one who lies badly injured on the ground.” “Heavy could straighten little man's spine.” “Don't you dare to touch me! I would rather die!” “Well, we can throw you down to the others.” “Oh god, no!” “So what do you want?” “I want Medic to heal me!” “But that will not work until we get back to our base. As long as you have to hang on, if the respawn system shall not to restore you.” “Yes! Yes, for my sake! Then someone takes me up and then let us go back!” “Heavy, would you mind?” “No, Doktor.” Heavy approaches Scout. “Be careful!” The Russian lifts him up and throws him over his shoulder. There is a loud crack, followed by Scout's cry of pain. “I said, be careful! You fat cattle! May I remind you that you did this to me?” Heavy is silent for a moment. He hates it when Scout talks to him like that and thinks for a moment to throw him down the pit. But he reflects. It's such a great moment, he does not want to be ruined it. Instead, he says: “I am sorry.” “W-what!?” “Heavy said he's sorry. I did not want to hurt you. It was an accident. I am sorry.” Now Scout is the one who is silent for a moment. You can tell that the whole thing is a little uncomfortable for him. “Yeah, whatever. Just forget it…” “Let's go and say goodbye to this map.”
In the BLU Respawn
“Which humiliation…” “We are absolute losers.” “Stop it!” Medic barked. “The plan was good. But RED has again applied a nasty trick. That's all. They must have spied us.” “I hardly believe that. These guys are so overbearing that it hardly comes to their minds. They think they can always win.” “But that's the point! They don't always win. There were also battles that we could settle for ourselves. So we are not absolute losers. Pull yourself together! Now a new map is available. Let's just do our best! After all, we are mercenaries. Let's prove Mann Co. that we're worth our money!” “Demoman is right! Cheer up, men. It's only over when age limits our mobility and Alzheimer's robs us of memories!” “Seriously?” Scout moans. “So I have to fight alone? I mean, you're all a hundred years older than me. Alzheimer's will not be long in comin.” Before one of the other Mercs can respond, the light in the entire BLU base suddenly goes out and the mercenaries are shrouded in deep darkness. “Mountain Lab is now abrogated! BLU team, go to the base on the new map. And don't fail this time!”
“…does anyone have a flashlight?”
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