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spider-man-archive · 1 year ago
Collection of stamps used to link to affiliate fan sites found in the doc ock fanlisting site. Not all sites are properly archived but still linked in order with some notes about the site.
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Not much left here.
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Not as baren, but most of the links here don't seem to work anymore. Will dig into this more and see if anything comes up (curious of the fanfiction.net link)
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Not a lot here but seems to be intact.
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Homepage is just some text, but other pages have a few stamps and image edits. Will share in a seperate post.
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Claims to be the only approved Spider-man 2 fanlisting (as of August 2004 anyways). Text is a little mangeled and all images are unavailable.
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Some decor images are still intact here!
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Not too much here, but features a cool homepage image.
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Neat layout. Some images are no longer available.
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Seems to be more of a personal site. No images are available anymore.
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Mary Jane Watson
All images seem to be dead once again.
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Nothing to say other then the cool image of Kirsten and Tobey.
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Mixed Emotions
Nothing but a image for the site.
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Nothing left here.
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Just Like A Mother
Not much here.
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Also not much here.
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Avenge Me!
Some more cool images used as layout.
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Not much here save for the homepage image.
Thats it for this particular collection of fanlistings, I will upload individual images found on each site in the near future.
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frank77gld · 2 years ago
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The big tree can be seen in Jardim Botanico Antonio. It's big botanical garden with rare and exotic plants💚 There nice trails and grottoes. The tree in the first picture is a Ficus Macrophylla. I know this because there was a name plate😉 And it really does look like Ficus. The tree is best know for its imposing roots I read on Wikipedia. The roots is what we most liked about the tree😀 it was picture worthy material 📸 A short visit to the garden is worth it👍 It's free any way🙂 Photo 4 and 5 are at Piscanas Naturalis das Calhetas da #Maia. This is a natural hotspring ♨️ in the #sea🌊 The changing rooms where closed so we did not go in. Who knows next time? The hotspring is in a small town called Maia. It was difficult to drive at this town. Very narrow streets. The view from photo 4 is Miradouro do Frade. Liked the view but the weather was no good. Ended up with a photo that was not great. I made it better with Luminar AI. Photos 6 and 7 are at liquor 🥃 factory A Mulcher de Capote. We went for some (small) shots at a liquor factory. People in São Miguel are proudly with this one. Even the president went there🍻 Us we took a free tour and some free shots. It's was a fun and #tasty site trip. I really took very little because I still needed to drive moments later🤫 I bought a bottle for later😉🥃 #chears Lastly as you can see our favourite stop of a nother success day is.. hotspring♨️ Paco da Dona Beija. This was day 6 of our vacation. The 23 th of #September! The vacation is almost to the and. Thank you for following so far! I know I posted so much of the Azores 🙈 Really a recommendation the Azores👌 The last photo is at Goncalo Velha Cabral square. The nice wite architecture is Portas da Cidade the city gate. #geosites #miradourodofrade #hotspring #azores #azoren #azorenportugal #azoresislands #azorenurlaub #saomiguel #photography #nature #landscape #vacation #vacatiovibes #travel #travelblogger #travelphotography #wanderlust #greenisland #citygate #portasdacidade #portugal #JardimBotanicoAntonio #ficusmacrophylla #ficus #MiradourodoFrade (bij São Miguel, Açores) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnabr0eDUnc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aigle-suisse · 1 year ago
ISGM 09/2011 Symposium BAUGES - Les Tours St-Jacques, Allèves, Savoie par Christian Giusti Via Flickr : Sur la géologie de la cluse du Chéran entre la Montagne de Bande au sud et la Montagne du Semnoz au nord, voir : www.geol-alp.com/bauges/_lieux/bange_cluse.html
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drtoof · 2 years ago
100% it was some Angelfire or Geosite I was linked to by a friend in the early aughts. It was Vegeta/Bulma
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belitonginfo · 2 years ago
Geosite Buku Limau Mewakili Geopark Maritim Kabupaten Beltim
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BELITUNG TIMUR, belitonginfo.com - Sekretaris Jenderal UNESCO Global Geopark Network (GGN) Dr. Guy Martini berkunjung ke beberapa Geosite yang ada di Kabupaten Belitung Timur (Beltim), salah satunya Pulau Buku Limau di Kecamatan Manggar, Senin (3/7/2023). Kunjungan Dr. Guy Martini ke Pulau Buku Limau bersama dengan sekretaris pribadinya Daniela Inaciasantos. Kunjungan untuk menganalisa kondisi Pulau Buku Limau yang akan mendapat revalidasi UNESCO Global Geopark pada tahun 2024 mendatang. Menurut Dr. Guy Martini, kawasan Pulau Buku Limau ini sangat menarik. Dengan wisata maritim yang berbasis alam dan budaya dengan kesatuan masyarakat Suku Bugis. Salah satu hal yang Dr. Guy Martini tanyakan adalah tentang pengolahan air laut  menjadi air tawar. "Ini bisa menjadi contoh yang sangat baik. Bagaimana sebuah masyarakat bisa hidup di lingkungan maritim dan mereka melindungi lingkungan ini," kata Dr. Guy Martini, saat mengunjungi Pulau Buku Limau, Minggu (2/7). Pria asal Prancis ini juga sangat tertarik dengan usaha masyarat di Desa Buku Limau, yaitu ikan asin. Usaha tersebut tentunya sudah menjadi penopang ekonomi masyarakat Suku Bugis secara turun-temurun. Ia menambahkan, untuk menuju Global Geopark tentunya kekayaan suatu pulau harus berkembang secara berkelanjutan. Dengan tetap melindungi pulau tersebut. Tidak hanya budaya, tetapi evolusinya juga. Pengembangan pariwisata terjadi pada orang-orang yang sadar akan kekayaan dan mengembangkan dengan cara melindungi kawasan maritim ini. "Penghasilan ikan-ikan kering ini menjadi hal menarik lainnya, yang dapat kami jelaskan ke beberapa orang bagiamana di suatu pulau kecil seperti ini mereka bisa tinggal dan memiliki listrik. Di sini secara keseluruhan memiliki sistem kehidupan yang menarik," tambah Guy Martin. Ia menyarankan agar masyarakat Desa Buku Limau bisa lebih mempromosikan kebudayaan dan tradisi Suku Bugis. Serta jenis masakan khas yang harus mereka bagikan kepada pengunjung. Karena hal itu bisa menambah daya tarik dari Pulau Buku Limau.
Geosite Batu Begalang dan Pulau Buku Limau Geopark Baru Pulau Belitung
Di sisi lain, Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah (Bappelitbangda) Kabupaten Beltim Mathur Noviansyah mengungkapkan terdapat tiga Geosite yang menjadi prioritas utama terkait Geosite untuk di revalidasi, yaitu Geosite Open Pit Nam Salu di Kecamatan Kelapa Kampit, Geosite Batu Begalang Kelubi di Kecamatan Manggar dan Geosite Pulau Buku Limau yang mewakili Geopark Maritim. "Untuk Open Pit Nam Salu akan tetap diikutsertakan dalam Revalidasi 2024, tapi kan Geosite tersebut termasuk Geosite lama, bukan termasuk Geosite baru. Geosite baru yang kita ajukan Batu Begalang di Kelubi dan Geosite Buku Limau yang mewakili Geopark Maritim dari Kabupaten Beltim," ungkap Mathur. Ada beberapa hal menarik yang terkait dengan Geosite yang ada di Kabupaten Beltim adalah dalam perkembangannya Belitong Geopark tidak lagi mengutamakan Geological Aspect, tapi juga seluruh sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat baik sosial, ekonomi bahkan kearifan lokal. "Kita mengupayakan agar seluruh unsur, baik pemerintah atau masyarakat Belitung Timur bisa memahami filosofi, konsep kemudian nanti benefit yang kita peroleh dari Belitong Geopark ini," ujarnya. Kemudian, kemampuan dari suatu lembaga, komunitas atau masyarakat dalam mengelola Geosite di daerahnya masing-masing serta sarana dan prasarana mendukung. "Untuk di Buku Limau sendiri, masih ada beberapa kebutuhan terkait sarana prasarana. Tapi capaian yang sudah kita peroleh sampai hari ini, sudah cukup bisa diandalkan sebagai modal kita mengikuti Revalidasi Geopark tahun depan," pungkasnya. (rel) Berita Lainya : Perayaan HJKT Ke 185, Ada Belitung Expo Di Tanjung Pendam Jangan. Lupa. Kunjungi. Facebook (Dengan Kamu. Mengklick. Link. ini. Kamu. Akan. Masuk. ke Facebooknya. Belitong Info). Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin , Tumblr , Medium Kami. atau. bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami. Juga Ada. Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat. Berita. kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami. Read the full article
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yes-svetlana-world · 6 months ago
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Geosits Adrienn
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kohimegimi · 6 months ago
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Geosite (She/Her)! She's a character I made based off a Rimworld badass LOL
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antivanruffles · 2 years ago
This is ageist against those of us who started reading fanfic on geosites and webrings.
And that doesn't even account for the people who started reading it via fanzines before there was even the internet.
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ingatlah · 23 days ago
Geosite Batu Runcing: Destinasi Wisata Baru yang Memukau di Sawahlunto
INGATLAH.COM– Sawahlunto, kota bersejarah yang terkenal dengan tambang batubara, kini mempersembahkan destinasi wisata baru yang mengagumkan: Geosite Batu Runcing. Berlokasi di kawasan perbukitan nan asri, tempat ini menawarkan keindahan alam dan keunikan geologi yang memikat para wisatawan. Geosite ini dinamakan “Batu Runcing” karena formasi bebatuan unik yang menjulang runcing, terbentuk secara…
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tanakabroderik · 3 months ago
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神居古潭変成岩 https://www.city.asahikawa.hokkaido.jp/hakubutukan/navi/p005135_d/fil/tigaku01.pdf https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosoc/124/7/124_2018.0041/_pdf/-char/ja http://www.geosites-hokkaido.org/geosites/site0279.html
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frank77gld · 2 years ago
This is Caldeira Velha. This natural hot springs ♨️ was our reward after the long hike! This spring was in the same area as our hike. It is surrounded by incredibly mature! Lots of green 🌿 There are exotic plants like palmtrees🌴 ferns, acacia, bambo and incense.
If you like to visit the hot spring you have to book it in advance! It cost 10 euro 💶 for about 1.5 hour.
You can visit the location as well without dipping in the hotsprings ♨️ Than it will cost less. With some luck you can park close🙂 Otherwise you got to park all the way down hill🙃 Caldeira Velha is open everyday but not till late in the evening.
At Caldeira Velha you can visit the Environmental Interpretation Center of Caldeira. This is like a small education center. The exhibition is about the vulcanic🌋 origin of the island, highlighting the formation of the Fogo Vulcano🌋 and generalized information about the geodiversity and biodiversity of the Azores!. It's worth a moment of your time. We did it before we left.
From all the hotsprings ♨️ we did visit in the Azores Pico da Donna Beija is still my favourite😃 This one is open till late in the evening and hase nice light!
-Thermal waters are known for their #medical and #therapeutic #characteristics.
-The iron rich water can change the colour of your bathing suit.
-I would recommend using water shoes or flip flops at Caldeira Velha!
Our visit was on the 22st of September 2022.
#caldeiravelha #naturalpark #geosites #geodiversity #geothernal #thermalism #hotspring #geopark #volcanism #unescoworldgeopark #azores #azoren #azorenportugal #azoresislands #azorenurlaub #saomiguel #forest #forestphotography #nature #landscape #vacation #vacatiovibes #travel #travelblogger #travelphotography #wanderlust #greenisland
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hyacinth42-blog · 7 months ago
This is a return to tradition actually. In the initial days of google and search engines in general, you'd tons of geosites (and similar personal websites) results where people could just write whatever lies or deceptions they wanted to. I distinctly remember being pages deep into google while working on a school research paper, unable to find anything useful. And my dad had to sit down and show me how to use quotation marks and +/- to my search query to get something useful to show up halfway down the first search result.
you know what ive turned around on google ai search i think it's kind of awesome to make you scroll through the dedicated Lies and Deceivers section to get to your real answers it adds a sort of mythopoetic arc that search engines have traditionally sorely lacked
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suvistta · 7 months ago
Discover the Fascinating Kingdom of Stone 💎 👑
I'm Hernâni, Your Personal Guide, a passionate and experienced tour guide offering exclusive tours in the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park. Based in Mendiga, in the heart of the Nature Park, I bring my expertise for your satisfaction, showcasing the park's incredible geological and biodiversity treasures.
On our website, you can book an unforgettable adventure, featuring guided tours in an all-terrain SUV through the park’s most fascinating GeoSites. Experience the largest chalk massif in Portugal, explore sinkholes, caves, elevated valleys, lapias, lapas, algares, dinosaur footprints, and fossils. :sunrise_over_mountains::blue_car:
Join me for a general tour that encompasses the park's bio and geo diversity, history, and local culture. What sets my tours apart is the accurate yet entertaining information I provide, tailored to the interests of each visitor. Plus, many guests rave about the herbal tea and homemade cake that add a personal touch to the experience.
My motto, "much more than meets the eye," reflects my passion for uncovering the unique details that make the Nature Park special. From the cave environments fostering distinct evolutionary paths to the fossils and dinosaur footprints linking the limestone formation with the Atlantic Ocean's evolution, there's always a story to tell.
I also offer suggestions for charming Rural Tourism accommodations to enhance your visit. To book a tour, visit your usual leading experience sites, or fill out the form on my website, or contact me directly via WhatsApp.
Explore the hidden gems of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park with a knowledgeable and friendly guide. With my years of experience and love for adventure, I'll ensure your trip is one you’ll never forget.
Visit us: https://SUVisTTa.pt
#tourist #travelbloggervibes #travelblogger #vacation #sightseeingtour #privateguidedtours #privateguide #excursion #tourguidelife #tourguides #PrivateGuideWorld #tour #privatetourguide #localtours #tourguide #privatetour #localtourguide #sightseeing
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tearsinthemist · 8 months ago
The 516 Arouca bridge is the largest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world and is located in Arouca, in the Aveiro district, Portugal. With 516 meters in length, and an elevation of 175 meters, it connects the banks of the Paiva River. While crossing the bridge, you will have a breathtaking view over Garganta do Paiva and Cascata das Aguieiras, both geosites of the UNESCO Arouca Geopark territory.516 Arouca Bridge is located in Arouca, next to the famous Passadiços do Paiva. Delight yourself with our photo gallery and book now!
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uncwfst · 9 months ago
Annamarie Geosits Robert Cummins Film Co Blog#4
The past semester at this internship has been a lot of fun and I've learned so much. Working with Robert has been great as he's had a variety of things for me to help with, including editing, set work, tech stuff, and more. This past month, I've gotten a lot of editing opportunities, helping him pull clips, create graphics, and cut together rough cuts of content to send to his clients. I've also been on a couple sets of his, one for a short film he is working on and others where we filmed commercial content for companies. Getting to be on set for those was great because he was working with some cool equipment, like the Arri Alexa camera, as well as cool people who know a lot about the film industry and entering it.
Overall, it's been a great internship experience, and I'm very glad I got the opportunity to work with Robert!
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antivanruffles · 2 years ago
This is skewed so incredibly young?
I started watching Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network just prior to Google's invention (June 1998 vs August 1998), and Google really didn't take off until 2000?
I looked up Sailor Moon on Netscape (I believe) and read up on manga and various translations. I discovered fanfic through fansites (Geosites) and webrings.
Then I left off for a couple years, and came back when I was in my early teens. At which point I got heavily into reading fic on A Sailor Moon Romance and Fanfiction.Net, and eventually LiveJournal.
LJ led to tumblr and AO3 eventually.
Poll Tuesday
I feel like I’m exposing myself a little bit with this bc my introduction to fic is soo random I think, but whatever your answer please tell me the story! I wanna know haha
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