#george ohnet
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books0977 · 5 years ago
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The Soul of Pierre. George Ohnet. Translated from the French by Mary J. Serrano. New York: Cassell Publishing Company [1890]. Illustrations by Émile Bayard. Probable first U.S. edition.
Sensational weird thriller concerning personality exchange during which afflicted protagonist commits criminal acts. A contemporary reviewer of the Cassell edition comments, "An artist's escape from the thralldom of a beautiful wicked woman, delicately and forcefully related."
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weirdesplinder · 4 years ago
Romanzi rosa vintage: Delly e Ohnet
Causa trasloco una mia cugina ha dovuto mettere in vendita gran parte dei suoi libri, raccolti nel corso di una vita, tra cui molti romanzi rosa vintage. Io, da avida lettrice del genere quale sono, conoscevo Liala e Barbara Cartland quindi non ho trovato strano scorgere pile e pile dei loro romanzi tra i suoi scatoloni, ma data la differenza d’età notevole tra di noi, mi sono resa conto che non conoscevo molti altri autori che lei ha letto e amato negli anno sessanta, settanta e ottanta. 
Tra questi uno molto rappresentato nei suoi titoli era Delly, di cui io proprio ignoravo l’esistenza, perciò, da vera curiosona quale sono, mi sono informata e ho scoperto che Delly è uno pseudonimo collettivo adottato dai fratelli Jeanne-Marie  e Frédéric Petitjean de la Rosière, che con i loro romanzi d’amore spopolarono tra  gli anni dieci e gli anni cinquanta del 1900.
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Si tratta di romanzi d’amore dall’intreccio classico e a volte ripetitivo, in cui una fanciulla particolarmente pura e devota è ostacolata nella conquista del vero amore da cattivi piuttosto stereotipati e dal fatto che il suo uomo a volte deve essere prima riportato sulla retta via, per diventare pienamente degno di lei.
La fede ha un ruolo centrale nei suoi romanzi, l’eroina è caratterizzata da essa e con essa spesso redime il protagonista maschile cinico e freddo e sconfigge i cattivi della situazione. Molto peso nelle sue storie è dato anche alla struttura sociale dell’epoca in cui furono scritti e alla moralità borghese degli inizi del secolo.
Si possono senza dubbio trovare affinità tra i romanzi di Delly e i romanzi di Georgette Heyer ad esempio (nelle trame e negli intrecci), o persino con la Pamela di Richardson (come tipologia di eroine), ma con alcune carattteristiche comunque diverse, in prmis l’importanza della fede al loro interno, come detto sopra.
I romanzi di Delly sono recuperabili nell’usato principalmente,
poichè non hanno avuto ristampe negli ultimi decenni nel nostro paese (In Francia hanno ristampe continue come da noi LIALA per intenderci),
ma da poco Edizioni Falsopiano ha reso disponibili alcuni titoli di Delly (per ora pochi) in italiano in versione Ebook.
La produzione di Delly fu molto ricca, scrisse veramente tanti romanzi, io vi segnalo solo alcuni titoli con il loro link di acquisto nel caso potesse interessarvi provare a leggere qualcosa di suo:
Il fuoco sotto il ghiaccio   https://amzn.to/3eKhqhX
L’infedele   https://amzn.to/2RPZZDh
La donna del destino   https://amzn.to/3eHiK57
Ourida   https://amzn.to/3oauJej
Altra scoperta che ho fatto tra i libri di mia cugina è stato il romanzo:
Trama: La giovane e bella marchesa Claire Beaulieu è innamorata e promessa sposa del duca di Bligny, un ragazzo superficiale e incostante. Il loro matrimonio, deciso da tempo, è ostacolato dalle condizioni economiche di Claire e dalla volubilità del fidanzato, che antepone al loro amore l’interesse personale. Il duca decide così di sposarsi per pura convenienza con una donna che non ama, scatenando le ire di Claire. Quest’ultima, per ripicca, non esiterà ad accettare controvoglia la corte di Philippe, un giovane e promettende industriale dalle umili origini. Ma il loro rapporto non sarà dei più facili: un intrico di rapporti sentimentali “pericolosi” metterà in difficoltà il loro menage, per altro reso sempre più incerto dalle differenze sociali...
Pubblicato nel 1882 in Fracia, questo romanzo è senza dubbio il più famoso scritto da Ohnet, quello che conobbe maggior fortuna. La trama tipica da romanzo rosa e già vista in mille vesioni, anche più moderne, è qui sviluppata però in stile romanzo di fine Ottocento e quindi con un piglio molto serio e morale, tipico dell’epoca. Anche qui come nei romanzi di Delly il ruolo sociale di una persona è molto importante ai fini della trama, poichè era centrale nella società di quel tempo, e lo stesso vale per la moralità.
Se dovessi cercare un romanzo con qulache affinità potrei citarvi Madame Bovary, seppur con le dovute differenze. Al confronto dell’opera di Flaubert, Il Padrone delle Ferriere è più leggero e ottimista e forse come trama potrei compararlo a Via col vento visto il carattere dell’eroina, ma ogni paragone credo non renderebbe a pieno l’idea comunque.
Anche questo romanzo è reperibile nell’usato,e anche in ebook, grazie alle Edizioni Falsopiano.
Vi hanno incurioito questi romanzi, conoscevate già questi autori, vorreste provarli? Fatemi sapere se questo post vi è piaciuto e l’avete trovato interessante, poichè ho tanti altri libri vintage da segnalarvi se volete. Inoltre se vi interessa un post dedicato a Liala o a Barbara Cartland fatemelo sapere.
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emerwenaranel · 5 years ago
Why doesn't anyone talk about the ironmaster by Georges Ohnet? It is a fantastic romance.
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abatelunare · 2 years ago
- Se tutte le donne che sono state abbandonate avessero dovuto morire, non ci sarebbero più donne sulla terra. Gli uomini fedeli non esistono quasi più, mia cara. Quando non ingannano prima del matrimonio, ingannano dopo.
Georges Ohnet, Il padrone delle Ferriere
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dwellordream · 3 years ago
“Fatma Aliye was born on 26 October 1862 into a mansion in Istanbul. Her father, Ahmet Cevdet Pasha (1822–1895), was an influential bureaucrat of the Ottoman State, a lawyer and a historian. Her mother was Adviye Rabia Hanım. Fatma had a brother, Ali Sedat, and a sister, Emine Semiye (1864–1944), also a prominent figure in her time, though less so than Fatma. A Member of the Ottoman Parliament, Fatma Aliye’s father was appointed Governor of Egypt when Fatma was three years old and the family spent the years 1866 to 1868 in Aleppo. When she was thirteen, her father was appointed to another governorship and for six months the family resided in Janina (in the western Ottoman Empire; today Ioannina, Greece). 
Fatma Aliye’s early years as the daughter of a traditional Ottoman bureaucrat in the post-Tanzimat period were a mixture of mansion life and the new cultural milieu that accompanied ‘Westernization’ (i.e. political reconstruction through the adoption of ‘Western’ public and legal institutions). Fatma received no formal schooling, since at that time there were no high schools or colleges open to women, but was privately tutored at home until the age of thirteen; her father taught her Arabic, history and philosophy and she also took other private lessons. In 1875, her father became the Minister of Education. Fatma Aliye, who had now come of age, was not permitted to take lessons with male teachers and ordered to stay away from the selamlık (traditionally the part of the house reserved for men) and move into the harem (the part reserved for women). 
In 1878, the family spent nine months in Damascus due to her father’s new position. The following year, at the age of seventeen, Fatma Aliye was married upon her father’s wishes to Captain Mehmet Faik Bey (died 1928), one of the aide-de-camps of Sultan Abdülhamid. It was not a marriage based on love; Aliye’s husband was intellectually far less qualified than she and tried to keep her away from intellectual pursuits—at least for a while. Fatma Aliye gave birth to four girls: Hatice Faik Topuz Muhtar (born 1880); Ayşe Faik Topuz (1884–1967); Nimet Faik Topuz Selen (1900–1972) and Zübeyde İsmet Faik Topuz (born 1901). In 1885, her husband was posted to the central Anatolian province of Konya for a period of eleven months and Fatma Aliye, who had remained in Istanbul with her children, had the opportunity to return to intellectual pursuits, particularly writing. 
Later, her husband’s negative attitude to her intellectual life would change and he would even encourage her to publish. The fact that the Ottoman Empire was ruled by the Shari’a (Islamic law) had an impact not only on religious, but also cultural life. The dominant ideology of the period aimed at a synthesis between Islam and ‘the West’ and the resulting ‘civilizationalism’ found its way into Fatma Aliye’s views on women and women’s rights. She placed primary importance on the family and regarded women as the driving force of ‘civilization’ via their roles as mothers, emphasizing the need for women’s education, raising the problem of women’s freedom and responsibilities in ‘the family’ and in ‘society,’ and demanding rights for women within these prescribed boundaries. 
Some of her arguments, calling for sexual equality as well as the preservation of gender differences, reflected widespread currents of nineteenth-century European feminist thought. Her first translation from French, of George Ohnet’s novel Volonté (Meram in Turkish), was published in 1889. She did not use her own name for the reason that it was then considered inappropriate for a woman to publish and write. In Meram, the translator’s name appeared as “a Lady,” but among intellectual circles it was considered improbable that a woman could have really completed such an impressive translation. For a long time after, Fatma Aliye employed the pseudonym Mütercime-i Meram (the [female] translator of Volonté), but she published her novel Muhazarat (Useful information, 1892) under her real name. Muhazarat, which came out in a second edition in 1908, was the first novel by a woman in the Ottoman Empire.
After its publication, Fatma Aliye’s name began appearing in newspapers and magazines. For thirteen years (1895–1908), Fatma Aliye wrote the editorial column for the Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete (Newspaper for women). The publication, which came out twice a week, debated women’s issues and provided Turkish women intellectuals (such as Emine Semiye, Fatma Fahrünnisa, Gülistan İsmet, Nigar Osman and Leyla Saz) with a public forum. Aliye’s novels Ra’fet and Udi (The lute player), published in 1898 and 1899 respectively, also dealt with the kinds of subjects discussed in the pages of the Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete, such as women’s entrapment in arranged marriages. Aliye saw economic independence for women as a solution to this, and many other problems faced by women. 
Ra’fet and Udi were later translated into French, as was Fatma Aliye’s 1895 book about Muslim women, called Les femmes musulmanes. In a letter (dated 2 April 1895) sent by Nicolas Nicolaides, an editor of ‘L’agence Ottomane’ (a well-known contemporary publisher of works on ‘the Orient’), Aliye was informed that Les femmes musulmanes was being published at the same time by another publisher under another title and writer’s name! Fatma Aliye’s biography, covering her life until the age of 33, was written by Ahmet Mithat Efendi (a prominent intellectual of the period) and published in 1911 under the title of Fatma Aliye: Bir Osmanlı Kadın Yazarının Doğuşu (Fatma Aliye: the birth of an Ottoman woman writer). 
Aliye herself co-authored Hayal ve Hakikat (Dream and truth) with Ahmet Mithat Efendi in 1894. Following her interest in philosophy, Aliye wrote Teracim-i Ahval-i Felasife (Biographies of philosophers, 1900), in which she criticized ‘Western’ writers for their lack of knowledge regarding ‘Eastern’ societies, Muslim women and Islam. In a similar vein, she contributed to written debates with orientalists (such as the writer Emile Julyar) in articles published in French newspapers and wrote Nisvan-ı Islam (Women of Islam, 1896; translated into French and Arabic) and Taaddüd-i Zevcat’a Zeyl (Polygamy—an appendix, 1899). Further research by Aliye, published under the title “Ünlü İslam Kadınları” (Famous Muslim women, 1895), aimed to provide readers with examples of publicly active and intellectual ‘Eastern’ women performing socially valued roles. She demanded to know how women could remain so unaware of their own history (a critical issue for women abroad, as well as in Turkey). 
As a distinguished writer, she won international prestige, appearing in biographies of women writers, having her work exhibited at the library of the World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, August 1893) and cited in the catalogue of the Women’s Library at the same World Fair. Seven years later, she was invited to another exhibition in Paris, but could not accept. Fatma Aliye is also known as the founder of the first women’s association in the Ottoman Empire, the Cemiyet-i İmdadiye (Charity Society), established after the Greek war of 1897, in order to provide bereaved wives and children, as well as war veterans with material assistance. In recognition of her efforts she received a medal from Sultan Abdülhamid in 1899. She also worked for other charity societies: the Osmanlı Hilal-i Ahmer (Ottoman Red Crescent) and the Müdafaa-i Milliye Osmanlı Kadınlar Heyeti (National Defence Women’s Committee), founded by women following the Tripoli and Balkan Wars of 1911 and 1912. 
In order to defend her father and teacher, Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, against political attacks, Fatma Aliye wrote the book Cevdet Paşa ve Zamanı (Cevdet Pasha and his time), published in 1911. Between 1921 and 1929, she traveled to France several times for health reasons and to search for her daughter, Zübeyde İsmet, who had converted to Christianity and left Turkey. In the final years of her life, Aliye’s work did not receive much attention and she suffered increasingly from financial difficulties and poor health. She died on 14 July 1936 in Istanbul. General neglect of the Ottoman era in Turkish scholarship can be attributed in part to the ideological preferences of the Republican regime, through the decades from the 1920s up until the 1980s. In this latter decade, the number of studies on Ottoman society and Ottoman women began to increase in number and ideological paradigms have since shifted. Fatma Aliye is remembered in Turkish historiography today as a pioneering woman-writer and intellectual.”
-  Serpil Çakır, “ ALİYE, Fatma (1862–1936).” in Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and Feminisms
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thepeacetrain-blog · 5 years ago
Serge Panine : (1881) novel by Georges Ohnet first produced as a play in 1882. Ohnet(1848-1918) was a dramatist and the author of sentimental novels immensely popular with the public and disparaged by the critics. His Le Maitre de Forges , was a novel and play produced with great success during the 1884 season.
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ecstasyinstants · 8 years ago
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Recomendar desde aqui una editorial que me ha vuelto a hacer comprar libros, que no los compraba desde hacia tiempo. No sólo por la elección de sus titulos, haciéndonos descubrir autores hasta ahora escondidos, sino por la forma en que editan, cuidando y mimando los detalles.  Obsequian con un marcapáginas y una lámina de la imagen de la portada, incluye hilo rojo separador e ilustraciones en su interior. Siempre editan en tapa dura, porque editar estos libros en tapa blanda seria un sacrilegio. Me parece una iniciativa muy valiente en estos tiempos que corren en los que se editan libros como churros en tapa blanda y sin cuidar su salida al mercado, sólo por el simple hecho de vender y vender. Estos son libros para conservar y atesorar. 
Con editoriales como ésta quizás pueda ver editados alguna vez en nuestro pais libros como  Wild Geese, de Martha Ostenso, Kamouraska, de Anne Hébert o The Outlander de Germaine Guèvremont.
Es un sueño de editorial para los amantes de los libros, aqui podeís ver el catálogo editado hasta ahora: 
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hjfoley · 8 years ago
Her Sister’s Rival 1916 Wealthy Mrs. Khromova has a natural daughter, Musya, and an adopted daughter, Nata. The merchant Zhurov is in love with Nata, and hopes to marry her, but she is non-committal.
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misscrawfords · 4 years ago
Hi ! I recently discovered this writer Georges Ohnet. Have you read his works?
I've not heard of this writer! Should I look him up?
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booksfriendsnews · 4 years ago
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[#TBR MARATONA #NOVEMBRODEÉPOCA] E cá estou eu em uma nova maratona literária. Agora do meu gênero favorito: romances de época. A maratona Novembro de Época começou no dia primeiro de novembro e vai até o dia 30.11 com alguns desafios muito interessantes organizados pelas igs literárias @epocaemcena @historias.literarias @romancedeepocaevida @fascinadaporhistorias Dentre estes desafios está a foto da TBR, ou seja,  dos livros que pretendemos ler durante a maratona... Sim, minha pilha de livros está enorme, e obviamente não conseguirei ler todos em um mês. Porém as maratonas para mim são excelentes incentivadoras de leitura. Desde aquele livro que você quer ler, mas nunca tem tempo ou que está perdido na estante e até mesmo os lançamentos atuais que acabamos deixando de lado, ou seja, você se organiza e condiciona melhor sua leitura separando uma meta de livros para serem lidos durante a maratona. Comigo tem funcionado perfeitamente, e esse ano estou lendo muito mais livros que eu não lia há muito tempo. Para essa maratona foram escolhidos diversos estilos de romances de época, até porque existem categorias temáticas para cada livro (no decorrer dos dias irei mostrando tanto no feed quanto nos stories do perfil). Minha humilde listinha... - Sem Medo de Amar – Elizabeth Thornton - Não me Esqueças - Babi A. Sette  - A Sedução da Duquesa (Sins of All Seasons #4) - Lorraine Heath - Um Beijo e Nada Mais (O Clube dos Sobrevivientes #6) – Mary Balogh - Amor Nas Highlands (Série Highlands #2) - Suzanne Enoch - Amor e Orgulho - George Ohnet - Algo Maravilhoso (Trilogia Sequels #2) - Judith McNaught - Como salvar um herói (Trilogia Lições do Amor #3) - Suzanne Enoch - O Resgate de Grey Sommers (The Lost Lords #4) - Mary Jo Putney -  A Noiva do Bastardo (Bastardos Impiedosos #1) - Sarah MacLean -  O Lobo do Império (O Clube dos Devassos #3) - Chiara Ciodarot - Um Amor de Vigarista (Querida Conselheira Amorosa... #3) - Laura Lee Guhrke - Poderoso Destino - J. Marquesi - Sempre a Encontrarei (As Guerreiras #3) - Megan Maxwell - O Príncipe do Prazer (Série Notorious #5) – Nicole Jordan - Quatro Amores na Escócia – Julia Quinn, Stephanie Laurens, Christina Dodd, Karen https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQZeM-DwI6/?igshid=hfvuw26sbvjh
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jlertle · 7 years ago
Their Names - Burning Star from Romain Laurent on Vimeo.
A man's space odyssey through his lust.
Directed by Romain Laurent Produced by Solab With Ana Rotili & Robin Clive Director of Photography Josh McKie Producer Nicolas Tiry Line producer Gregoire Ohnet Production coordinator Arthur Paratte Production administrator Lucie Santamans Production assistants Charlotte Cusanito & Emmanuelle Benayoun Assistant location managers: Edouard Azoulay, Dayand David Oualid & Luc Finalteri 1st AD Emmanuel Marx 1st AC Julie Simidoff 2nd AC Diane Plas 3rd AC Tommy Boulet DIT Jeremie Yarzabal Gaffer Sydney Baucheron Electricians Matthieu Jamme & Jeremie Robin Key grip Jeremie Leloup Grips Thomas Bigot & Morgan Lesne
Stunt Coordinators Kevin Cauderlier & Alexandre Cauderlier
Set Designer Henrique Vale Assistant set designers Thomas Desloges & Karamezzine Lahlou Constructor François Tossan
Hair and make up Alexandra Petry Hair and make up assistant Julie Meno-Salmeggi
2D Post production Nightshift Producer Mathieu Hue Post producers Clémence Cornac, Stéphanie Dubois, Gabriel Gerlidou, Nicolas Lim & Josselin Dor Superviseur and Lead Compositing Mael Gaumont Compositing Diego Giunta
Colorist Mathieu Caplanne
3D Post production Brunch Set supervisor Laurent Larapidie & Gabriel Kerlidou Modeling, Shading & Compositong Valentin Samuel, Franck Pitarch & Jean-Charles Kerminon 3D Post producer Julie Bellemarre
Editing by Mark Potter & Emilie Aubry Editing assistant George Irizarry Editing producer Anne Lai / Cosmo Street NYC
Sound production Benzene Studio Sound producer Benjamin Desplanques
Massive thanks to: Mathieu Hue @Nightshift Antoine Daubert Max Zippel Evelyne Madaoui, Philippe Guillemain & Samuel Renollet @RVZ Sylvain Bouladou @Cinesyl Little Grand Studio
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blogexperiences · 6 years ago
Georges Hénot - Il padrone delle ferriere / Le maître de forges
Georges Hénot – Il padrone delle ferriere / Le maître de forges
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Illustrazione di Émile Bayard, tratta da “Il padrone delle ferriere“
Il padrone delle ferriere(Le maître de forges) è uno dei più celebri romanzi dello scrittore francese Georges Ohnet, pubblicato nel 1882 dall’editore parigino Paul Ollendorff. È una storia sentimentale che si svolge in un ambiente borghese, utilizzando gli artifici del melodramma e del cosiddetto romanzo d’appendice.…
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abatelunare · 2 years ago
- Viviamo purtroppo in un'epoca in cui la sola cosa che conti è il denaro; bellezza, intelligenza, virtù non valgono più nulla.
Georges Ohnet, Il padrone delle Ferriere
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artwalktv · 8 years ago
A man's space odyssey through his lust. Directed by Romain Laurent Produced by Solab With Ana Rotili & Robin Clive Director of Photography Josh McKie Producer Nicolas Tiry Line producer Gregoire Ohnet Production coordinator Arthur Paratte Production administrator Lucie Santamans Production assistants Charlotte Cusanito & Emmanuelle Benayoun Assistant location managers: Edouard Azoulay, Dayand David Oualid & Luc Finalteri 1st AD Emmanuel Marx 1st AC Julie Simidoff 2nd AC Diane Plas 3rd AC Tommy Boulet DIT Jeremie Yarzabal Gaffer Sydney Baucheron Electricians Matthieu Jamme & Jeremie Robin Key grip Jeremie Leloup Grips Thomas Bigot & Morgan Lesne Stunt Coordinators Kevin Cauderlier & Alexandre Cauderlier Set Designer Henrique Vale Assistant set designers Thomas Desloges & Karamezzine Lahlou Constructor François Tossan Hair and make up Alexandra Petry Hair and make up assistant Julie Meno-Salmeggi 2D Post production Nightshift Producer Mathieu Hue Post producers Clémence Cornac, Stéphanie Dubois, Gabriel Gerlidou, Nicolas Lim & Josselin Dor Superviseur and Lead Compositing Mael Gaumont Compositing Diego Giunta Colorist Mathieu Caplanne 3D Post production Brunch Set supervisor Laurent Larapidie & Gabriel Kerlidou Modeling, Shading & Compositong Valentin Samuel, Franck Pitarch & Jean-Charles Kerminon 3D Post producer Julie Bellemarre Editing by Mark Potter & Emilie Aubry Editing assistant George Irizarry Editing producer Anne Lai / Cosmo Street NYC Sound production Benzene Studio Sound producer Benjamin Desplanques Massive thanks to: Mathieu Hue @Nightshift Antoine Daubert Max Zippel Evelyne Madaoui, Philippe Guillemain & Samuel Renollet @RVZ Sylvain Bouladou @Cinesyl Little Grand Studio
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hjfoley · 8 years ago
A Life for a Life 1916 A fortune-hunting prince marries the wealthy daughter of a female industrialist while carrying on an affair with his wife’s foster sister who is married to a businessman she does not love.
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thaisagblima · 7 years ago
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E a #Dica de hoje é o livro Amor & Orgulho de George Ohnet publicado (Em ebook) pela @pedrazuleditora ! #Quote 1 : "– Sim, eu te amo – ele respondeu. – Havia duas mulheres em você. A que tanto me fez sofrer já não mais existe; mas você… você é a que eu nunca deixei de amar. Claire deixou escapar um grito; seus olhos transbordaram em lágrimas, ela se agarrou desesperadamente a Philippe, seus lábios se encontraram, e em êxtase, eles trocaram o primeiro beijo de amor." #Quote2: “– Estamos a sós pela primeira vez – disse Philippe num tom de voz quase sussurrado, – e gostaria imensamente de abrir meu coração para você. Até agora não ousei falar, por receio de não conseguir expressar corretamente meus sentimentos. Por muito tempo só me dediquei ao trabalho, por isso peço que tenha paciência. Acredite, as minhas palavras não fazem jus ao que sinto. Não foram poucas as vezes que deve ter percebido que eu me atrapalho com as palavras quando chego perto de você, e, por isso, acabo me calando. Sempre tive receio de parecer muito ousado ou muito tímido. Este medo me paralisava. E, assim, eu me contentava em ouvi-la; e a sua voz parecia música aos meus ouvidos. Eu me esquecia de tudo enquanto a observava andando pelo terraço à luz do sol. Na minha mente era só você e acabei me apaixonando perdidamente. Você se tornou meu único pensamento, a minha esperança, a minha vida… E agora, veja só a minha alegria ao vê-la aqui, perto de mim, toda minha!” Eu PRECISO desse livro físico para enfeitar minha estante! Quer também? Então una-se à campanha http://bit.ly/CampanhaAmorEOrgulho para publicação do livro físico! #Livros #Romance #Classicos #AmoreOrgulho (em Alagoas)
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