#geoff trowbridge
fictionz · 2 years
I kinda snooze at the thought of TOS novels because that’s not really my era of Star Trek (as of this writing anyway), but I got sucked into these Myriad Universes stories in which various authors explore the “what if?” side of Star Trek. Each story focuses on a different era available to them in the late aughts, from ENT all the way to VOY.
The first entry in the “Echoes and Refractions” anthology, titled “The Chimes at Midnight,” is a TOS movie era novella that certainly had me snoozing at first. It was just kind of recounting what I already know from the movies, except it follows an alternate timeline established in TAS in which Spock died as a kid and an Andorian named Thelin fills the role of Kirk’s XO. It picks up the pace midway through where it diverges into an exploration of what the Genesis device from the second and third movies could really mean for galactic stability.
But the author of this article does a much better job of describing the story’s merits despite the lackluster opening. They point out the critical role Spock plays in Star Trek both in-universe and to the audience, as well as how the World War II memories and fears that the original creators brought with them left out the ultimate question of how far the Federation would go to end the carnage of war. (Something explored a little more in later shows like DS9.)
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gabriellakirtonblog · 5 years
Best Fitness Articles — March 8, 2020
We scan the net, but if you’d like to submit your article for consideration, please do so via the PTDC Article Submission Form.
The Top Article of the Week
We Did Everything Wrong, and It Was Awesome — Greg Nuckols, gregnuckols.com
In this week’s top article, Greg Nuckols explains why he defied conventional wisdom with his recent product launch.
This article wasn’t selected as top of the week for his decision, but rather for the rationale behind it. In this piece, you’ll get a glimpse of the proper demonstration of the sentiment, “know the rules well, so you can break them effectively”.
  General Health
The Rock’s Cheat Meal — Bryan Krahn, bryankrahn.com
The Strength & Conditioning Research Rundown February 2020 — Thomas King, JK Conditioning
Digestive Health 101: 4 Powerful Tools for Optimizing Digestive Health — Geoff Price, The Ready State
  Fat Loss
Weight Loss Begins with the Battle for Your Mind — Jason Leenaarts, jasonleenarts.com
The 5 Universal Principles of Good Nutrition, According to Science — Ryan Maciel, Alisa Bowman, Precision Nutrition
The Pantry Project — David Cain, raptitude.com
  Strength Training
Complete Breakdown: Deceleration and Landing for Athletic Development — Matthew Ibrahim, TD Athletes Edge
Applying Menstrual Rules to Your Training — Cassie Prenger, Elite FTS
Stretching: You’re Doing It Wrong — Lee Boyce, Stack
Drop Stress and Get Into “Recovery Mode” with This 3-Step Cool-Down— Zach Trowbridge, All Strength Training
Top 6 Mistakes Powerlifters Make Health-Wise — Dani LaMartina, EliteFTS
The Words We Use Matter — Tony Gentilcore, tonygentilcore.com
The #1 Email You Need to Send — Tara Arndt, School of Email
What You Need to Know Before You Start a Personal Training Business — Pamela Hernandez, Thrive Personal Fitness
  The post Best Fitness Articles — March 8, 2020 appeared first on The PTDC.
Best Fitness Articles — March 8, 2020 published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Lapdogs swoon, Obama holds presser; ‘Knows nothing,’ pats Rice on head
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/lapdogs-swoon-obama-holds-presser-knows-nothing-pats-rice-on-head/
Lapdogs swoon, Obama holds presser; ‘Knows nothing,’ pats Rice on head
Classic empty podium!
As Twitchy reported, President Obama is finally gracing the press with his presence today. It’s been far too long; Unrequited love hurts!
Obama presser will be like Paula Broadwell panting after Gen Patreus at a staff meeting.
— Kelly Marie(@flyoverangel) November 14, 2012
President Obama was way too “exhausted” from campaigning to hold the traditional post-election presser. Priorities!
The last time Obama had a presser he said “the private sector is doing fine.” Can’t wait for what he’ll say this time
— Matt Sauvage (@mattsauvage) November 14, 2012
I’ve got my popcorn and hip waders — ready to commence live-tweeting of Obama’s presser 1:30 OST (Obama Standard Time)
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) November 14, 2012
Pres. Obama sure to face questions about the handling of the attack in Benghazi that killed 4 Americans including his Amb Chris Stevens.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 14, 2012
Are you sure about that Mr. Knoller? Or will the presser be filled with typical softball questions?
#ObamaPresserQuestions Are racist Republicans obstructing your clear mandate already?
— American Attitude (@marklindesr) November 14, 2012
Twitter users prepare with some predicted questions.
How are planning to blame Bush for the looming hyper inflation crisis? #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Sam Valley (@SamValley) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresserQuestions Was the use of Greek columns because you always intended for the USA to crumble like Greece?
— Matthew Daniel Green (@solo_sonata) November 14, 2012
Can you tell us just how mean those Republicans are? #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Kevin B Snyder (@Kevinbsnyder) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresserQuestions Are racist Republicans obstructing your clear mandate already?
— American Attitude (@marklindesr) November 14, 2012
Will you autograph my ballot?? *swoon* #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Sam Valley (@SamValley) November 14, 2012
There may not be time for all those, though.
Ready for Obama presser. Word is he will take only 8 questions.
— Bill Press (@bpshow) November 14, 2012
OF course.
I think the first question at the Obama presser will go to Pimp with the Limp.
— Jon G. (@ExJon) November 14, 2012
Heh. Can we spot him in the crowd?
Reporters prepare for Obama presser twitter.com/AlexanderTrow/…
— Alexander Trowbridge (@AlexanderTrow) November 14, 2012
Let’s start with this question:
If you wanted to balance the budget, why didn’t you do it in your first 4 years? Like you promised. #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
And, away we go.
Popcorn time! Nothing beats following an Obama presser by reading tweets. Of course they’re rare enough that the novelty hasn’t worn off.
— Cobalt Blue (@rightchemistry) November 14, 2012
AP gets first question
— Stefan Becket (@stefanjbecket) November 14, 2012
He’s calling reporters from a preprinted list of approved reporters. Bet FOX is not on that list. Obama Presser
— Charlie ‘Tuna’ (@TunaCharlie) November 14, 2012
Obama says he got letter from an in Tennessee who didn’t vote for him but will give president his support
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
Letters. And stuff.
And, drink! Here comes the “middle class being held hostage” by those mean, old Rethuglicans. Post-partisan!
RT @grahamdavida: All together now. twitter.com/GrahamDavidA/s…
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) November 14, 2012
Come on, everyone had to tweet that. It’s classic drinking game fodder.
Reporter to Obama: How do we know you are not going to cave on Bush tax cuts again?
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
Great question for Obama at presser: “Why should the American people believe you won’t cave again (on Bush tax cuts)?”
— whodoes (@whodoesblog) November 14, 2012
Rut-roh. Who asked that? They may not be invited back.
Bush! Drink again.
POTUS:We cannot afford to extend Bush tax cuts “for the wealthy” – but we can make sure middle class taxes don’t go up
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 14, 2012
O in his 2nd term and still blaming Bush #obamapresser #bushtaxcuts
— Oliver M. Barie (@OliverBarie) November 14, 2012
No pesky Petraeus questions, y’all. Buck passing, as always.
Asked if he should have been told of Petraeys affair before elex Obama says ask FBI b/c they followed internal protocols
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
“Ask Herb in Human Resources. Or something.”
Actually, ask Herb everything.
Shorter Obama: “I know Nuthink!” ~ #BenghaziGate
— Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) November 14, 2012
Finally, he admits that he knows nothing. No, really. He said it.
Obama: “Ask the FBI about the investigation.I know nothing … nothing … nothing …”
— T.J. Conwell (@RevConwell) November 14, 2012
Obama: I know nothing.
— KRenner (@KRenner2) November 14, 2012
Twitter users agree that he’s clueless.
Since #obama knew nothing about anything having to do with our natl security, who is leading our country as commander-in-chief?
— cupcake4120 (@cupcake4120) November 14, 2012
— twotoms (@twotoms1) November 14, 2012
He evidently still knows how to pander, though. Pander like the wind.
Next question from Telemundo. Immigration question.
— Ethan Klapper (@ethanklapper) November 14, 2012
Obama giving maybe the most pandering response of all time on question about whether he’ll send immigration reform bill to Congress.
— Geoff Holtzman (@Geoff_Holtzman) November 14, 2012
On immigration reform Obama says he’s very confident Washington can get it done after big Latino turnout at pools: “we need to seize moment”
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
Wait, what?
MT @buzzfeedandrew: Obama says undocumented workers should be able to earn citizenship, earlier in presser just said “legal status.”
— Vince Coglianese (@TheDCVince) November 14, 2012
Oh no.
POTUS is Pock-e-ston-ing “Latino”
— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterNRO) November 14, 2012
For his aggravating pronunciations, he must pay.
Math, so hard!
Obama can’t keep his answers straight. How do you believe anything he says? Because math is hard and being a sheep is easy. #ObamaPresser
— Andrew (@Serginov) November 14, 2012
MT @lachlan: Obama: “Two years ago, the economy was in a different situation.” Q3 2010 GDP growth: 2%. Q3 2012: 2%.
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) November 14, 2012
Oh, dear. So is compromise.
POTUS:”Compromise is hard.”
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 14, 2012
Greatest Orator Ever: Compromise is hard.
For those playing at home, President Obama is currently averaging 47 UPMs, or “Uhhhs Per Minute”. #ObamaPresser
— Michael Deppisch (@deppisch) November 14, 2012
#Obama stuttering a lot at this presser without pre-written answers & no teleprompter
— Joey Sanders (@Jsanders10) November 14, 2012
Translation: “Working together” means giving up everything you want and submitting to what the Dems want #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
“I will examine how better to work with everybody, so long as it’s exactly what I want and need, for me.” ~ @barackobama #ObamaPresser
— Rick Canton (@rumblindurango) November 14, 2012
Oh, softballs!
Another softball: How will you communicate better with Congress in your 2nd term? … Uh? Email/Txt/Twitter? Give me a break! #ObamaPresser
— Heath Mayo (@HeathMayo) November 14, 2012
#Obama Presser: Is this really happening?? What a bunch of weak-kneed, cowardly alleged journalists.Nothing but softball BS. Wow.
— David Wohl (@DavidWohl) November 14, 2012
Oh, my! A Benghazi question actually enters the pathetic mix.
6th Question up about Susan Rice and Benghazi. #obamapresser
— Kris (@MissKristilyn) November 14, 2012
Ambassador Rice blamed the video. The. Freaking. Youtube. Video #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
Obama defends her. Unbelievable. Well, totally believable, but still.
Obama does NOT like the Rice attacks:twitpic.com/bd7wck
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) November 14, 2012
@ambassadorrice – “has done exemplary work..ppl besmirching her reputation is outrageous” – #Obama on Amb Rice #POTUS #ObamaPresser
— Michael Bociurkiw (@mikeybbq) November 14, 2012
Obama puts out a full throated defense on Susan Rice and her comments on Benghazi. Calls attacks on her “outrageous”. #obamapresser
— Curtis Kalin (@CurtisKalin) November 14, 2012
Obama scolds Sens. McCain, Graham, saying if they “want to go after somebody, they should go after me,” not Rice.
— Rebecca Kaplan (@Rebecca_CBSNJ) November 14, 2012
“@huffpostpol: Obama: “When they go after the UN ambassador, because they think she’s an easy target, then they’ve got a problem with me””
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) November 14, 2012
Big, strong man will protect the poor dear! Is he finally admitting the buck stops with him? Doubtful. He’s just trying to get people to shut up about the buck.
Obama is more concerned about protecting Ambassador Rice than Ambassador Stevens. #Benghazi
— Razor (@hale_razor) November 14, 2012
If Pres Obama would rather focus be on him than Ambassador Rice, good. He should visit the Senate and testify if he is a man of his word.
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) November 14, 2012
Sen. Graham lets Obama know that he does hold him totally accountable.
RT @grahamblog Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for #Benghazi.
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) November 14, 2012
Heh. Campbell Brown notices Obama’s pitiful “big, strong man” Rice-defending behavior, too.
Yes. We girls need to have men defend our honor @clarajeffery: defending Susan Rice’s honor is going to play well with women. Watch out GOP
— Campbell Brown (@campbell_brown) November 14, 2012
As does Kirsten Powers:
Why does Obama think GOP sees rice as “easy target”?Is she somehelpless damsel in distress? His defense was a little paternalistic
— kirsten powers (@kirstenpowers10) November 14, 2012
Wow! Ed Henry with an awesome question.
Ed Henry gets 7th q — asks Obama whether he issued any orders on Sept 11 to protect lives of Americans that were killed in Benghazi.
— Geoff Holtzman (@Geoff_Holtzman) November 14, 2012
Obama is not pleased. How dare he ask a pertinent and probing question about something important?
Obama not happy with that Ed Henry Benghazi question. . .
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
Obama claims Middle Class mandate in response to Benghazi question.
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) November 14, 2012
@michellemalkinWOW!!Obama showing how INDIGNANT he is when asked about Benghazi!!Then turned it into middle class mandate!Wow!
— Janie (@JanieBeachGirl) November 14, 2012
Obama pivots off Benghazi to “middle class families.” Clearly very uncomfortable answering Benghazi questions. No doubt.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Now he admits that America deserves far better than HIM.
Obama: People “deserve a better government than they’ve been getting.”
— Roger Simon (@politicoroger) November 14, 2012
YES! We’re talking about climate change! Finally!
— Current TV (@current) November 14, 2012
4 Americans dead in Benghazi and we get a question about climate change.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Obama is a science denier?!!!111eleventy
Obama: “We can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change.” DENIER!!!!11
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) November 14, 2012
Wait, no.
“The temperature around the globe is increasing, faster than it was predicted even 10 years ago,” says Obama.
— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) November 14, 2012
Lapdogs swoon madly.
One reporter just treated Obama as if she was a Beatles fan girl and he was Paul McCartney at Shea Stadium in 1965. WTF, media…wtf?
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) November 14, 2012
If you’re still wondering why Obama won reelection, the media questions so far should help you figure that out.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
First press conference in 8 months and I learned absolutely nothing new. Especially on Benghazi.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Lappy McLapdog. RT @toddstarnes: Reporter: “Thank you, Mr. President — and congratulations.” “I’ve never seen you lose.”
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 14, 2012
These Obama lapdogs put the sick in sycophant.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 14, 2012
*Video* Reporter congratulates Obama for winning re-election: “I’ve never seen you lose” washingtonexaminer.com/article/251346…
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
And now it’s time for all MSM reporters to go to their mikes and thump their chests and say what a great leader Obama is.#ObamaPresser
— Karen Braun (@SpunkyBraun) November 14, 2012
WH Press Corp all giggles after NON presser? #ObamaPresser
— Occupy Bawl Street (@OccupyBawlStree) November 14, 2012
Jimmy Olson from the Daily Planet would have the balls to ask better questions. #ObamaPresser
— John ☣⚠ (@MetalMeza) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresser “Mr President, a follow-up. Can I get your autograph on my 8×10 glossy?” #IrreleventQuestion
— Lisa Kemp (@Lautergeist) November 14, 2012
know why that was called the #ObamaPresser? because the media were invited to press their lips….
— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) November 14, 2012
Can they even function without having drool buckets at the ready?
Must now write “I will not shout out questions at the president” 100 times on the chalkboard.
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) November 14, 2012
Aww, poor baby won’t answer a “shouted” question. Poor precedent and stuff.
Pres Obama declines to answer shouted question on kicking fiscal cliff down the road. Says it be a “horrible precedent” and walks off.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 14, 2012
And, in a nutshell:
Shorter Obama press conference: I don’t know what my gov’t is doing; I just know you need to pay more for it.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) November 14, 2012
When answers are so long. That you’ve forgotten what the question was, you know the answer is mostly deflection and lies. #ObamaPresser
— WENDY(@TXCupCake) November 14, 2012
You voted for incompetence, America. You got it!
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) November 14, 2012
4 more years of this…ugh #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/14/live-updates-obama-graces-press-with-his-presence-today-will-allegedly-take-questions/
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fictionz · 2 years
New Fiction 2022 - December
The Chimes at Midnight by Geoff Trowbridge (2008)
It takes its time to get to the meat until there’s more to chew on in the latter half. Most of these TOS alternate histories were mildly interesting but this one is a cut above.
A Gutted World by Keith R.A. DeCandido (2008)
"What if the Cardassians discovered the Bajoran Wormhole?" This is the question that got me reading all these Myriad Universes novellas in the first place, but because I’m me and a completionist, I couldn’t just skip past the others in the series to get here. I come to Star Trek expanded universe stuff with a DS9 first approach so I was keen to read how the author spun out this alternate history in which the Dominion gets their foothold in the alpha quadrant if they met the Cardassians first. It had a little too much TNG cast for my taste (especially since those characters dominate so many of these stories), but it’s a worthy DS9 tale.
Brave New World by Chris Roberson (2008)
Now we get to a whole lot of Data, so more of TNG. The courtroom stuff doesn’t hit the same way in these stories as it does in the TV episodes, and then all the implications of androids woven into the fabric of the galaxy is strangely not that compelling.
The Embrace of Cold Architects by David R. George III (2010)
Another Data-heavy story. I think these novellas introduce interesting directions with how the Federation will absolutely exploit artificial beings if they have the slightest excuse, but this particular one needed to be its own novel. It ends just as things get interesting.
The Tears of Eridanus by Steve Mollmann & Michael Schuster (2010)
A TOS story that deviates from the prime universe thousands of years before the era we know. It revels in an alternate history in which the Andorians made first contact with Earth, and the Vulcans and Romulans never parted ways.
The Last Generation by Andrew Steven Harris, Gordon Purcell, Bob Almond, Terry Pallot, Mario Boon, John Hunt, Robbie Robbins, Chris Mowry, Neil Uyetake, Andy Schmidt, Scott Dunbier, Justin Eisinger, Mariah Huehner, Bill Tortolini (2009)
I could’ve done without Data and the TNG cast at the center of things (again), but it’s cool to see Sulu flying around being a badass in his Excelsior ship. All these TNG tales feels like the higher-ups asking “Ey, where’s my TNG (money)? I gotta have my TNG (money)!”
Strange World dir. Don Hall (2022)
I loved it, but then I’m a sucker for perilous adventure tales across strange new lands.
Violent Night dir. Tommy Wirkola (2022)
Die Hard meets Home Alone with a blend of Bad Santa and maybe God of War?
Empire of Light dir. Sam Mendes (2022)
I was there for it all the way. Sometimes I remember I’m a normie-ass man but that part that feels like I’m a distant weirdo never goes away, and this movie’s for that guy.
Demon Wind dir. Charles Philip Moore (1990)
I watched this movie within a video game along with its MST3K-style commentary at 2 AM with my youngest brother and what a thing to do and write down.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio dir. Guillermo del Toro (2022)
I mean, of course it’s great. I haven’t read the original story and it sounds like this hews closer to that than the popular perception from Disney’s takes.
Babylon dir. Damien Chazelle (2022)
This could've been dry but instead it’s constantly running at full charge, and even when we slow down to the granular level of filmmaking commentary it’s still a high pressure romp.
Jack and Jill dir. Dennis Dugan (2011)
Eh, I suppose the most impressive thing here is that Sandler sells the idea that’s he's own twin sister to the point that you consider them separate people.
The Whale dir. Darren Aronofsky (2022)
This had the potential to be bleak but instead it’s just genuinely hopeful. The performances come across a little too staged, as does the whole movie I suppose, so it’s no surprise to learn than this was originally a stage play.
The Outer Limits - "The Sandkings" (1995)
Here we go! I’d been thinking about watching the entire 1995 reboot of The Outer Limits and it’s everything I could’ve hoped for. All the 90s actors I remember from Saturday afternoon sci-fi TV, dated effects and production techniques, stories about man’s reach exceeding his grasp. This first episode even features three generations of the Bridges acting clan. The thing about intelligent alien bugs isn’t so compelling, but the overall production makes up for it.
The Outer Limits - "Vanishing Act" (1996)
I was looking for an episode that features New Year’s Day and found this story about a man who time jumps forward by ten years every time he falls asleep. It’s a sci-fi sort of twist on It’s a Wonderful Life and very reminiscent of something you’d see on Star Trek.
Tales from the Crypt - "And All Through the House" (1989)
And since I plan to also watch Tales from the Crypt after TOL, I skipped over to this story about a bad Santa stalking a bad mom.
The Outer Limits - "Valerie 23" (1995)
Here’s a reminder not to fuck around with robots. Don’t do it! Especially not if they’re hot! There’ll more fucked up robot tales in the seasons ahead...
The Outer Limits - "Blood Brothers" (1995)
We get a few stories here about rich assholes trying to live forever. This one does also present an interesting idea: what if we could all be cured of all ailments and live twice as long in the process? What happens when no one’s dying and the population count explodes? In any case, that’s more thought than what goes into the episode’s story. It’s mostly about a rich guy jumping the gun on proper medical testing and getting screwed as he should.
The Outer Limits - "The Second Soul" (1995)
Oh man, I was definitely on the paranoid side of this story as the events unfold. It was nice to get one of these where it isn’t a bleak or worst case ending.
The Outer Limits - "White Light Fever" (1995)
Another rich asshole who literally wants to live forever. And that’s it. Spoiler: he doesn’t get to.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Series 2 (2022)
I wanna love this because I loved the original web series, but binging a bunch of TV-length episodes just felt like too much of it. I liked them when they were shorter and spaced out more. Binger beware, I know.
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