#geo rants
geopvnk · 4 months
not to dragon age post on main but i'm still losing my mind over varric's face in the gameplay reveal as he says "please" and how he actually lowers bianca again and just . ok ser master viscount tethras are you talking to solas here or are you talking to anders or are you talking to bartrand :/
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geomeows · 1 year
i looove holidays i love when my family is so in my face i can't do anything without feeling guilty i'm not giving them the attention they want (sarcasm)
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llannasvsp · 1 month
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mittenslikescats · 5 months
I can’t even
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Some fucker changed it because ‘oh no Ninjago can’t possibly have a gay relationship’ even though there’s evidence in the SHOW and not to mention several ppl working on the show support these 2 as a ship.
And don’t tell me that ‘they’re just trying to make sure the information is factual’ cus on that same exact page they have Nya listed as one of Cole’s former love interest even though it’s been confirmed by Tommy Andersen that Cole never liked Nya romantically and that he was just confused at the sudden attention she was giving him.
But of course some homophobe probably got upset at seeing Geo being a possible love interest for Cole. I sometimes cannot with this wiki, like you have your canon straight ships, you got Jaya, Kailor, Pixane, Llokita just let us have this one gay ship be canon. It’s not going to ruin Cole’s character if he ends up in a romantic relationship with Geo. When Kai and Skylor got together did that suddenly ruin Kai’s personality? No and it would be the same for Cole.
It’s honestly tiring having to fight for queer representation in Ninjago and it doesn’t make it easier having homophobes trying to bash anyone who supports a queer ship or headcanons a character as queer in this fandom.
Also while on topic I actually hate how ppl will try to use Vania as an excuse to be homophobic. Like when a homophobe goes on about how ‘Cole isn’t gay’ they’ll always bring up Vania (and Nya at times too) like it’s been confirmed that Cole and Vania are just friends yet people still treat the ship as canon (u can totally ship them if u want btw) and use Vania as an excuse to homophobic. Like don’t you dare bring my girl into this
I’m honestly disappointed in the ninjago wiki, I thought people there would be more open to the idea of Cole and Geo being a canon couple. But I guess that’s just wishful thinking.
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cosmothealien358 · 6 months
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Y’all don’t understand- I saw the spoilers and I’m hanging onto every last hope that LEGO canonizes this despite what was (probably) confirmed in the captions. Cole being queer is actually so important tho. It makes so much sense for his character. Man’s popped up on screen in 2011 and has been covered in rainbows ever since. I could write an essay on the obvious queercoding of his character since season 1, and with Geo, it’s one agonizing step closer to switching from subtext to text. This would be a bigger step for LEGO than having queer background characters or pride stickers, but it would mean so much to its queer audience. And, again, it fits Cole, especially with his current relationship with Geo.
Please LEGO just do it, it’d be so easy, just one kiss or one scene. PLEASE.
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miakwat · 5 months
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I loooovvee making poorly edited youtube videos
Anyways, here's me going over why it shouldn't be a surprise that Cole is probably gay 😭
(I do in fact go off topic multiple times throughout the video)
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honeyspotpie · 6 months
Okay so I wish the Ninjago fandom made more names for platonic duos/trios :/ maybe I'm just a spoiled MonkieKidder who's used to every single character combination to ever be conceived in someone's head having a name lol... So as a gift to you all enjoy some of my Dragons Rising platonic (mostly duo) name suggestions! (I'm giving explanations for them just in case, even if most are obvious)
Arin + Sora = GrapeFruit Duo (I talked about this before but grapefruits are orange and (kinda?) pink just like them! Plus fruit themed duo names are my favorite ever :3)
Lloyd + Arin = ApplePie Duo (apples are associated green (like Lloyd!) and pies are Arin's thing! And I adore them and apple pie in general <3)
Lloyd + Arin + Sora = Hibiscus Tea Trio (this one just makes sense to me okay... The hibiscus flower is very Sora-Arin coded in my head and tea alludes to Master Wu therefore Master Lloyd blah blah you get it!!!)
Wyldfyre + Kai = Blaze Duo (speaks for itself)
Wyldfyre + Arin = Flicker Duo (just warmth, spark, light and all that... themcore... And simply calling them "Flicker" is so so cute)
Wyldfyre + Sora = PyroTech Duo (like pyrotechnics!! Kinda iffy on it I will see... Wyldcat is really cool too but it's more so their ship name^^)
Arin + Sora + Wyldfyre = Sunset Trio (I struggled with this one the most but I decided on Sunset because a) it reflects their colors (orange, pink and red are all sunset-y colors) and b) the sunset can represent the old ninja "setting" like the sun to let the new generation "shine" instead :D)
Sora + Nya = CatFish Duo (catfish are extremely silly I love them so much... cat because Sora's cat motif and fish because water/ocean so Nya!)
Arin + Nya = TidePod Duo (this was, no joke, my first thought when coming up with a name... I was thinking of orange and blue things and Tide Pods were the first thing that came to mind... Guess my humor is just forever stuck in 2019 haha)
Sora + Euphrasia = KittyKite Duo (kitty for Sora and kite because it flies in the wind so Euphrasia! This one rolls off the tongue :P)
Arin + Euphrasia = Tornado Duo (because Arin's Spinjitzu - spinjitzus are just mini tornados and tornados are air/wind disasters it just makes sense :0)
Honorable mention goes to the Geo + Sora duo (I JUST LOVE THEIR CANON INTERACTION AND THE WAY THEY PARRALEL EACH OTHER^^) I would probably call them something among the lines of "Repair Duo" or "RepairShop Duo" :]
Anyhow if you have any suggestions or ideas yourself, feel free to rb or comment!!!
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stafdash · 2 months
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dress-and-impress · 4 months
I’ve seen Geo have 5 minutes of screen time and I’m so confused why the guy gets so much hate!! He’s the coolest dude ever what do you meannnnn
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grimreaperofroleplay · 6 months
Spoiler for 2 of Dragons rising
Okay so like I just finished my little Ninjago season 2 dragons rising marathon, it was with all honesty something that was very exciting, and it's only part one part 2 will probably roll around I'd say October November ish from the pattern I have seen through part 1 and part 2 upload schedules of Ninjago seasons
In my opinion this season was a really amazing season, the plot was awesome the A&B plot of episodes was also awesome the main plot of the season was also very interesting and for the J fans we get to see a bit more of him we will probably be seeing him more in part 2
Let's start off with the obvious the two dragon warriors/ninja (I don't know how to spell their names) they were amazing the two paired up was like bad cop and good cop you can never go wrong with that trope and honestly the whole thing in it was just amazing,
I think one of my favorite arcs for part 1 is going to be Arins the development that he goes through just in this first part is already immaculate and as time goes on that's going to develop into something much bigger and with how he's already feeling I feel like that's going to be a lot of help
Also one thing I want to point out while I was marathoning drs2 is the fact that Lloyd probably / is implied to have PTSD. Like the paranoia with visions and the need to stop those visions are like flashbacks you have a PTSD but they're not flashbacks for Lloyd they're visions of things that could happen but it basically takes on the same concept of what PTSD is like for people who experiences it, and like as the visions come in there's this resistance that he wants to stop them that he wants them to stop that he doesn't want them there he wants them to go away and it just ends up in this mental break
And honestly the way they interpret this is a lot like PTSD and it's really fascinating to me, it has crossed my mind that but probably has a lot of issues and disorders from what has happened to him and what probably is going to come but actually seeing Lloyd actually as vulnerable as he was in this season was really exciting actually, vulnerability is placed differently in people and seeing how they interpret it with Lloyd was really fascinating
Since I have seen a lot of different shows that doesn't really allow their character to seem vulnerable, but from what I have seen the writers in Ninjago doesn't seem to be one of those people who refuse to give vulnerability to their character Lloyd is a great example that has a pinpoint a vulnerability in this season
But a little cameo of another vulnerability is Jay and I believe episode 8 if not 7, it's shown that he doesn't remember who he was bonzel says that she knows his heart isn't and it's right place and that he doesn't really want to capture her, and he admits it he doesn't know anything about him before that
He doesn't know how he got to the administration he doesn't know anything before that all you know is that his name is Jay walker, and then Sprite (the glowing orb) approaches Jay and starts to like go around him and when she looks ahead or into Sprite it shows him this image of him best splitting image of what Jay looked like before the merge or well while the merge happened
The sense of of vulnerability comes from when Jay touches the image lightning sparks into his hands and he panics cuz no one can know he has elemental powers, he knows he's an elemental master but no one else could know because he's afraid that if they know something bad will probably happen to him, something so bad that he insist to say no one can know about his powers
Even if it doesn't seem so this is a good example of a moment of vulnerability same goes for Lloyds multiple breakdown and visions, these are the things I want to see in shows them showing the actual character being vulnerable around others, and the writers not being afraid to push the boundaries of their writing to go to extent like this
Use Wyldfire as an example, she's a really complicated character on the surface rough as a stone with rusted edges but inside she's this kid that wants to show the world that she can do what everyone else can do no matter what anyone else is saying, she likes doing her own things but sometimes that's not a bad thing, and most times she wants to be included as the ninjas are one of the first people she's interacted with and that's fine because people get attached and protective and comfortable with the people they surround them
And I feel like I can relate to that feeling I get attached to people I'm comfortable with it I sometimes don't want them to leave my side so I stick close by observing conversations and just being by their side, and if there's a group of activity I sometimes don't want to be left out if it's with the people I'm really comfortable with and when I am left out because of something it most have frustrate me, I feel like that's how Wyldfire feels
There is a lot of the Season that is amazingly done is absolutely fantastic and I can't even start to phantom how greatly written the characters are getting, despite like the past seasons before dragons rising I'd say this was one of my favorite seasons for the new releases if it's DR S2 then it would be prime Empire but I'd say for the new releases dragon rising season 2 is my go-to the writing is just amazing
It goes unappreciated a lot of times and sometimes frustrate me that a lot of people don't see the characters other side the characters deeper meaning or the characters arc in general it frustrates me to see the kind of people complain about characters just because they don't understand their motive or compliant of said character, because a lot of these Ninjago characters are very well written
I'll probably have a separate post regarding everything from the season I think the one after this you'll be seeing is a Geo x Cole (Coleo) one and then a Lloyd one I'll probably leave my favorite one the Jay ones for last there will be a kai one thrown in there somewhere In the mix of things, I think you will be seeing a long paragraph for a Jay rant soon tho, it was gushing over him when I saw him I was so excited my dad asked me if I was okay
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toastingpencils37 · 8 days
Now I'm actually wondering if the wolf warriors bothered to free the two trapped under that lost junk by Geo.
Because I know that if they're powered up enough they can obviously break the fusion Geo creates (hence them able to get through the rock Geo fused together), but still... did they even care to free their two members who just got stuck there?
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geopvnk · 3 months
nothing more insane than kit tanthalos whipping around on her brother to be like "you're an unreliable womanizing leaver just like our deadbeat dad who abandoned us!" because she's hurt that her best friend/crush/love of her life is leaving and their mom is forcing her into a loveless marriage and then airk responds to that by turning around and not two seconds later proposing to the girl he is dating bc he wants so desperately to Not Be Their Dad. neither of you are normal. go to therapy
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geomeows · 1 year
grrreaaaah i have to go job hunting this month
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llannasvsp · 1 month
Why do I keep finding fanfics where Cole is emotionally cheating on Geo with Kai. Can we let the Lava fanfics be Lava fanfics and the Geode fanfics be Geode fanfics? PLEAAASEEE?? (It's been months and Lava still floods the Geode tag).
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ratatatastic · 24 days
"Who's idea was it to put the cone on your head for the parade? Was that all you?" "Zach Eisenberg [Director, Executive Operations]—I think is his name—he takes care of us a lot at Amerant Bank Arena. I don't know his exact role with the team but he's just kind-of always around, and helps us out. He's friends with Brooks [Koepka.] I think he helps Brooks when he comes to the games. Anyways he found a pylon or I think I might have told him—I was pretty drunk at the time but I think I told him to go get a py—'if you could find a pylon, find one!' 'Cuz they sprung that speech on me, kind-of, last second, you know, five minutes before I was supposed to go up there. I'm like, 'What the fuck am I gonna say?' So I had him go grab the pylon and I grabbed it on the side of the stage right before I was gonna do my speech. And luckily all the clips are of that, you know, me telling him to go fuck himself... 'cuz the rest of my speech was terrible. There's really nothing to it! And I'm so happy that, you know, all the clips are only of that so!" "Yeah, we didn't know you said anything else! I thought that was the entire speech!" "That's all that matters!" "Exactly, exactly! I got away with it there!"
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
i love finding out they basically told ekky he was gonna have to do a whole speech 5 minutes before he was up while hes been drenched from rainwater and alcohol for like the past 6 hours absolutely pissed out of his mind like yeah no wonder his speech basically culminated to THANK YOU SOUTH FLORIDA AND ALSO GIVE IT UP FOR MY D PARTNER WOOOOO yeah that tracks
"But what golf tournament* were you at shortly after that? Somebody was dressed like a cone? Was that Lomberg who was dressed in like a costume? A cone costume?" "He came—Brooks came up to you—" "No, that was his buddy, that was his buddy. He was actually a Sunrise police officer. I actually saw him last night at the Zach Bryan concert! But yeah, no, that's one of his buddies. No, he was completely put to bed the day after. Right? Like he texted me—I personally didn't care, like, how many people at a hockey game are calling me a cone and telling Barkov he's got no hands like it's—you know, that's hockey. That's sports, right? So I didn't give a shit but—yeah, no, it was all in good fun. And then I got a way to get him back! It's perfect!" "But when you did see the first video of him in the box—and I remember watching that, I'm like, 'this motherfucker is rolling esctasy!' His eyes were fuckin' gigantic, he's like, 'Aaargghh.' Like, 'I can't take him, he's calling me a cone! I can't—' But that is kind-of odd that a professional athlete is gonna call you a cone and he's like a fan of yours...it's just—it was really bizarre!" "Goofy!" "Yeah..." "And his eyes were black which, you know..." "What does that mean?" "I just know what that means... and he was fucked up, you know..." "Yeah, yeah! He was definitely fucked up and he agreed that he was fucked up. And he apologised so I didn't care, obviously. And then when I was at that golf event I should've thrown a beer at his backswing or something—at the LIV event when he was actually competing? I should've fucked with him but I couldn't do it... I couldn't—I couldn't find the courage to throw something at him..." "So did he reach out to you like that night? And say, 'Hey, dude... I was just joking, you know...'" "'I took some pills and...'"
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*2023 LIV Golf Team Championship (Miami) held from Oct. 20-22 in Doral
[and i suppose more context here lombo and koepka are friends and he even showed up to his cupday when he went golfing in parkland and not to mention that lombo facilitated koepka apologising to ekky so its why the whole cone costume came to be really]
theres a lot more context about this incident and the ensuing storm after it so for archival sakes here are articles about it (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) because its quite a saga but its water under the bridge and there's only so much tabloid-esque coverage thats been reignited after the ekky speech i can take about an athlete who's dumb enough to insult another guy while hes drunk off as his ass in a fucking public setting
but anyways i think its really funny that i said to myself wow thats an oddly petty thing to admit to you know the whole wanting to throw a beer at his backswing ekky... for such a good vibes sweet man who like the only thing youve particularly said about the cone novella is "we'll never be buddies" to which you quickly retracted and then went "holding ill will against somebody and pulling negativity in your body is never a good thing"
and then i remembered who he attended the liv event with and it all made sense
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behind every aqua whos being a little mean there is a much worse much more evil looming presence who is encouraging them down this dark path (a gem but especially a june gem)
truly a tale as old as time
#aaron ekblad#florida panthers#aaron ekblad is not a speech giver and hes certainly not a speech giver when hes drunk lmao#bitch just went woo! a lot and publicly loved forsy yeah and i wouldnt have it any other way#also not like any of us noticed the speech was bad we were all either too drunk or halfway to hypothermia we fuckin cheered for anything lo#that being said while i was fucking shivering like a chihuahua it did absolutely warm my heart to see a man so touched by all of us#animalistically chanting ekky at him like thats what its all about fucking barked my little heart at everything he said I DID NOT CAREEE#as a gem i do in fact make all my friends actively worse and go “you're being way too nice about this lmao dw ill be mean about it for you”#love the sasha mention and the ghost of benny haunting us all very nice#meant to post this earlier but i think the more context is added to this the better and it took a while to remember and track it down#anyways i love pretending doral is miami#please dont ask south floridians what is miami and what is not miami that is gonna cause a civil war#also dont ask people outside south florida what is miami because they sure as hell dont know#need to give a presentation on miami versus soflo and why calling it “greater miami/miami metropolitan area” is really fucking stupid#and just serves to confuse the living fuck out of everyone outside this fucking hellhole#im sorry thats my geo rant over i promise i wont bring this up again until like (looks at calendar) tomorrow#also very funny that ekky dated himself by saying “last night at the zach bryan concert” so we know he recorded this on july 23rd#thank you king very nice of you
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kay-selfships · 1 year
yknow with all of the changes hoyo is making to make the game easier for new players, i’m kinda surprised they haven’t done anything about that liyue quest that literally locks you out of co-op and your serenitea pot until you complete it
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