#genuinely scared at myself. sir this is a lamp.
hershelwidget · 2 years
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I’ve made a lot of Lamp drawings recently but I’m too weak to post the rest because those other ones I am batfuck insane with
Please take the two versions of this one as compensation
Uhhmm man idk sometimes when you see a lamp walking home you just kinda wanna beat it up. thats it thats the story
Also sprinkling in my hc that his blood is oil. no I won’t explain further just trust me bro it makes sense in the 10+ page doc I have about him
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iitsbambam · 4 years
How It All Began ~ Part 1
~ Please read authors note at the end! Thank you! ~
          I leaned on the wall and looked out the window of my quarters. The sun was shining and I felt the warmth envelope my skin. A genuine smile spread across my face.
          It had been a few months that I had begun fighting in the Survey Corps. Commander Erwin requested for any available recruits to join in their most recent expeditions due to dwindling numbers of soldiers. Our instructor, Keith Shadis, was forced to pick a group of recruits he thought were ‘expendable.’ One of them just so happened to be me. I remember cursing myself the night I found out I would be leaving training early to join the Survey Corps in their next expedition. I couldn’t help how easy certain aspects of training was, I felt as though I could afford to slack off a bit. Bad move (Y/N), bad move.
          I carried my bag over my shoulder as I exited the place I called home for the past few years of my life. The cold breeze blew past my arms and I suddenly longed for the comfort of the plain wooden barracks. The comfort of my friends who had hugged me just before, unable to send the calming words of ‘you’ll be alright’ because who really knew. Would I be alright?
          I looked towards the carriage that would be carrying the cadets who were chosen to leave training early. There were maybe ten of us total, but any amount was ‘desperately’ needed as Shadis had put it.
          I reluctantly walked down the creaking steps of the barracks and walked towards the carriage. The closer I got the clearer I could see my fellow cadets faces. Some were blank, emotionless. Unable to express what they were feeling in that moment. One or two seemed excited, ready for the challenge.
          ~Arrogance will get you killed~ I thought.
          But the majority of them had looks of fear in their eyes. Eyebrows scrunched together in thought as the realization slowly hit them more and more.
          We would finally be facing titans. Real titans. Not just those shitty wooden figurines. Titans that would grab us, attack us.
          Eat us.
          I swallowed the lump in my throat as I finally reached the back of the carriage. I looked to my right and saw instructor Shadis putting his hand out to help me into the carriage.
         “Thank you sir,” I spoke quietly. He nodded as I grabbed his hand and lifted myself into the carriage. I sat down on the hardwood, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
        ~I can do this~ I told myself. ~I can stay alive, I can kill those bastard titans~
         I was broken out of my small mantra as a hand rested on my forearm. I opened my eyes and looked towards Shadis. He looked at me, a stoic look in his eyes, but I could see the anxiousness he held behind it.
        “Good luck cadet (L/N),” He spoke. “Try not to get killed out there.” Surprisingly his words calmed me slightly. The realism in his words, the focus being on ‘not getting killed.’ Gave me a focus, a ‘game plan’ as you may say. Because currently my mind was jumbled with ‘what ifs.’
        He released my arm and stepped back as I nodded towards him.
        “You prepared me well, sir,” I said with a small smile on my face. Trying to reassure him, as well as myself. He nodded towards me and spoke under his breath as the carriage began to move, I almost didn’t catch his words.
        “I hope so.”
         I hope so too.
         Arriving at the Survey Corps headquarters that night felt like our fates were set in stone.
         “Welcome to your new home cadets,” A deep voice spoke as we exited off the carriage.
         We were greeted by Commander Erwin. I stared up at him. His stance oozed confidence, his uniform bore the wings of freedom I had only ever seen in passing glances. He truly lived up to the stories we had all heard about him. He carried an aura of strength and determination I’d never seen on anyone. He gave a warm welcoming despite the context of the situation we were in. I could see why so many members of the Survey Corps were inspired by him.
         He showed us around headquarters. The walls of the building were made of stone, the glass windows were a beautiful sight to see the outside. The view was incredible and left me in slight awe. We saw where we would eat, sleep, and train. Everything seeming more beautiful in comparison to the dingy training facility we were previously in.
         The Commander introduced us to the few scouts who were still awake. They held smiles on their faces but I could see through a few of their facades. The dark circles under their eyes, the tired smiles on their faces, and the stress behind their eyes. I wondered if I would last long enough to know what they were feeling.
         We continued through the building and we soon reached his office as well as revered Squad Leader Hange’s laboratory.
          The woman appeared out of nowhere, eagerly excited to meet the new recruits. Her assistant, Moblit Berner, followed behind with a look of stress on his face. She rambled on about titans and the tests she had most recently been running. Although it was hard to understand her throughout her ramblings, I found myself deeply interested in her discoveries and plans for the future. She certainly had a fast moving intelligent mind, even her mouth couldn’t keep up with her thoughts.
          Her tangent went on for what seemed like hours before Commander Erwin told her we must move on.
          What I failed to realize before I left was that she had noticed my interest. While the other cadets were staring at a wall or shitting themselves in fear, she saw my attentiveness.
          “I can tell that one will be joining us soon Moblit,” Hange spoke with a sadistic smile on her face.
          Moblit cursed shakily under his breath as he observed Hange’s look in her eyes, “I sure hope so.”
          Commander Erwin began to lead us down to where our sleeping quarters would be. We walked thought the eerily quiet hallways of the building.  The small illumination of candles lighting our way. 
          After passing through the dark hallways seeing as most people were asleep, my eyes were quickly drawn to one door where light shone brightly from beneath it.
          ~Who was still up at this time?~ I thought.
          As Commander Erwin's candle passed by the door I saw a small plack with a name scrawled over it.
          Captain Levi
          My eyes widened and a slight chill ran up my back. To think that humanity's strongest soldier was right behind that door. The one that many cadets had the gall to compare themselves to, but never managed to reach the prestige of the well known Captain.
         “You coming cadet…” Commander Erwin paused. His voice broke me out of my thoughts and I noticed how I’d fallen behind the group. I felt nervousness build in my chest as I looked towards him.
          “(L/N), Cadet (F/N) (L/N), sir,” I spoke clearly with a salute. He walked up to me and extended his hand for me to shake.
          “I would introduce you to him, but he dislikes being disturbed,” Commander Erwin spoke. “And he’s quite cranky at night.” He whispered as he smiled at me.
          My nervousness dispersed as I held back a small giggle and smiled up at him.
          “But I’m sure you’ll meet him soon enough but for now, keep up,” He finished as he patted my shoulder before walking back to the front of the group. 
          We continued walking down the dark hallway. I caught my last glimpse of the light from underneath the Captain's doorway as we turned the corner.
          We soon reached the sleeping quarters and Commander Erwin sectioned us off into our rooms. Since I was at the end of the group I was last to be placed into a room.
          “Aren’t you a lucky Cadet,” Erwin spoke. “A room all to yourself, not many get the privilege on their first day.”
          I looked up to him with a grateful smile as I entered the room. I took a moment to look over the new sleeping arrangements. And they were a definite upgrade to the cramped barracks we were stuck in at the training camp.
          The room had a small work desk on the left wall with a hanging oil lamp above it. A dresser was pressed on the wall across from the doorway next to a small window. The bunk was on the right wall with a small table in the center of the room. Somehow it felt ‘homey.’ It didn’t feel like the death sentence I had originally felt when I heard I was leaving for the scouts this soon. Surprising.
          I walked over to the bottom bunk and set my bag down on my new bed. I took a breath and turned to the commander.
          “Thank you sir,” I smiled. “But I’m sure these empty bunks will be filled soon, I’m almost certain many friends of mine from cadet training are planning on joining the scouts.” I assured him.
          He nodded towards me with a thankful smile as he reached for the door handle.
          “Goodnight cadet,” He spoke kindly.
          He began shutting the door and for some reason anxiety ripped through my body. I didn’t want to be alone, what would tomorrow bring? Would I die on my first expedition. Was I ready?
          I was scared.
         “Commander!” I called out just as the door was about to click shut. Commander Erwin pushed the door open slightly. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at me.
         “Yes?” He questioned. I tugged at the bottom of my shirt in nervousness. I felt stupid. Childish. For the question I was about to ask him.
         “Commander, a...am I going to die on my first expedition?” I shakily asked. I could feel pressure build behind my eyes. I took a deep breath, forcing the tears to retreat. I didn’t want to look any weaker than I already felt.
          Commander Erwin looked at me. His face was cascaded into seriousness. All signs of warmth gone from his face, determination replacing it.
          “That’s up to you (L/N),” He spoke bluntly. “Every one of us goes out into titan country knowing the possibility of dying.”
          “We struggle each expedition, not only with titans, but with the choice between surviving and protecting our squad,” He told me. “All of us in the scouts have seen enough deaths of comrades to last a lifetime. New cadets such as yourself, as well as people who have been fighting with us for years, there is no bias as to who dies on each expedition.”
          “But no one truly knows how they’ll react when they are faced with a titan, faced with death, until it happens. So I can’t answer your question because I truly don’t know. But I can give you this advice.” His eyes narrowed slightly and his lips pressed together.
          “Remember why you joined the military, remember what you’re fighting for.”
          The honesty in his voice was unwavering. The idea of how many cadets had been through this, had come and gone, was a scary thought. But many had made it through for many years. And it was clear Erwin was a commander that wasn’t going to let his scouts give up without a fight, without pride in their hearts. 
          But in the end it was up to me. It was up to whether I would allow fear to withhold me and control my actions on the battlefield.
          And although I was still fearful, I felt almost, hopeful of tomorrow.
          “Get some rest cadet, we have an early morning ahead of us,” He finished before lightly shutting the door with a soft ‘click.’
           I felt exhausted as I threw my boots off and jumped in bed. I looked up at the bottom of the top bunk above me. I steadied my thoughts as they continued to race until I was left without a single thought.
           And I soon curled up and fell asleep.
Next Chapter! : How It All Began ~ Part 2
~ !IMPORTANT! I hope you guys liked it! This is going to be a two, possibly three, part story that will be setting the tone for other fan fictions I may do. 
          The point of this story is to give context of the character (you/(Y/N)) you will be reading about so you have a backstory for yourself and your connection to the characters in the manga/show. 
          Thanks for reading I hope to see you in my next post! Much love! ~
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anubislover · 5 years
Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya chapter 11: Dinner with Dr. Heart Stealer
As the clock struck seven, Nami critiqued her outfit in the mirror; a strapless little black dress that hugged her curves like a glove, gold stiletto heels, black thigh-high stockings, and the tourmaline jewelry she’d bought from the seller in Tokken. She even used the hairpins Law had gotten her to clip back the left side of her hair. She finished off the look with some dark red lipstick and gold smokey eyeshadow, giving herself an elegant but sensual look.
“Getting all dressed up for the captain?” Ikkaku teased from her bed. The engineer was thumbing through the romance novel she’d caught Nami with, and though it wasn’t her usual thing, had decided to give it a shot. After all, it had managed to entrance the usually energetic navigator for hours, and she had some time to kill before Ladies Night.
Brushing some gold highlighter over her cheekbones, Nami scoffed. “Please, I’m getting dressed up for you. Law’s just a lucky bastard who benefits due to scheduling.”
“I’m flattered,” she said with a wink. “Though I’ll understand if you ditch me to take him back to the nearest inn so he can rock your world. I mean, I won’t be happy, but I’ll understand.”
“Ok, I gotta ask—have you ever slept with Law? Because you’re always vouching for his sexual prowess…”
Ikkaku immediately made fake gagging sounds. “Oh, hell no! That’d be like fucking one of my brothers! But I have talked to some of his past lovers, and they all seemed pretty damn satisfied. Something a girl like you deserves to be.”
Hip jutting out and eyebrow raised in challenge, Nami replied, “How do you know they aren’t lying? Maybe he’s terrible in bed but they’re all too scared to speak ill of the Surgeon of Death, especially to one of his fearsome subordinates.”
The grin said subordinate graced her with was nothing short of salacious. “Because if he were bad, Drake wouldn’t keep coming back for more, even though Law pisses him off so much.”
Nami bit her lip to hide her grin. “Ok, fair point. Also, I want the inside scoop on that relationship.”
“If Law doesn’t give you the dirty details himself, I’ll happily fill you in,” she replied, sniggering. “Bet they’ll give you better fantasies than whatever’s in your books!”
Pink rose to the redhead’s cheeks as her eyes briefly darted to the space under her bed. Nami had shoved Ikkaku’s scandalous box to the very back corner to hopefully never see the light of day again. She dared not throw them out; she doubted Ikkaku would take kindly to it, and knowing her, would probably present her with something even more embarrassing in retaliation. “By the way, as much as I hate your stupid ‘gift’, thanks for not spilling that to everyone. At least, not directly.”
“I thought about it but figured the sex toys would be just as funny without the guys prying into your hobbies. Most of them have enough tact to keep them from teasing you about a dildo, but I doubt they’d show the same restraint if they found out you were into erotic novels.”
“You just want to lord my guilty pleasure over me, don’t you?”
“How’d you know?”
“I have a sister, remember?”
“Ha! Good point. I’m guessing she teases you about this stuff?” she asked, pointing to the book.
Chocolate eyes rolled in exasperated fondness as she played with her bracelet. “All the time. It was annoying, but I guess I appreciated it, in a way. It was one of the more normal things we could talk about, given how screwed up our situation was.”
“Because of the pirates holding your town hostage?”
“Yeah,” she replied, debating on whether she should elaborate. Finally, she added, “I was kind of an outcast among the townsfolk because I made sea charts for the captain. My sister was the only one who knew it was against my will, and that I had made a deal to raise money to buy the village back. Or at least, they all pretended not to know so if I ever decided to give up and run away, I wouldn’t feel guilty.”
“You know, I’m beginning to understand why you have so many trust issues,” Ikkaku quipped, though her eyes were sympathetic.
“Believe me, it was way worse before Luffy came into my life. If we’d met a year ago, I would have already betrayed you and stolen the ship and all the treasure on board.”
“You could try, but the Boss would kill you. He loves this ship and he does not take threats to his crew lightly.”
“I’ve noticed,” Nami deadpanned, adjusting her bodice. It was a sweetheart neckline, which nicely accented her generous bust, had enough support to keep her from spilling out. Such a thing was extremely necessary, given the low back of the dress. Not long ago, she would have been nervous wearing something so daring around Law, but she was still leaning on the theory that he had a weird fetish for modest clothing. If she was right, showing this much skin would act as a repellant.
“He wasn’t too rough with you, was he?” Ikkaku asked, genuinely concerned. “I mean, he can get intense—”
“Oh, he was absolutely terrifying, and I’m pretty sure he was ready to start removing body parts if I hadn’t been having a panic attack, but honestly? I’d still choose him over Arlong.”
Before Ikkaku could ask any questions, there was a firm knock on the door. Grabbing her new purse and slipping into a leopard print, fur-trimmed coat, Nami nodded at her roommate. “Promise me a 9pm rescue?”
“Hmmm, only if I don’t get too caught up in this book,” she teased, cracking it open. “I mean, you did say there was some pretty intense eye contact to look forward to.”
Blushing, she shot back, “You laugh, but chemistry like that can be more intense than any make-out scene.”
“Says the virgin.”
Choosing to ignore the jab, Nami yanked open the door and was met by Law’s cocky smirk. To her surprise, he wore a tailored white suit with a black dress shirt, which brought out that extra little bit of olive in his skin tone. His polished black dress shoes gleamed as brightly as his earrings and the thick, gold chain around his neck. A heady, musky scent tempted Nami’s nose, and she realized Law’d chosen to wear some kind of cologne. Oddly enough, his white fur hat and tattoos didn’t seem as out of place as when he’d dressed up on Tokken Island; perhaps it was because this wasn’t a disguise, or the color was just far more complimentary to his trademark accessories. He looked slick and dangerous, but also at ease—a criminal on a night off.
Damn it, he looked even better than he had at the gala.
Leaning against the doorframe, Law’s grin widened at her perusal. “Do I pass inspection, Nami-ya?” he purred, giving her his own approving once-over.
Gold eyes locked with hazelnut as Nami cocked her hip. “Considering how you haven’t told me where we’re going, it’s a bit hard to judge. For all I know, you’re underdressed.”
“We’re going to a jazz club I frequent, so even if I showed up in jeans, they’d let me in—especially if I have a beautiful woman on my arm.”
“Flatter all you like, Law—you’re not getting out of footing the bill.”
Never breaking eye contact, he gave a little mock bow. “Of course not. A gentleman always treats on the first date.”
“I don’t know you’re more wrong about; that you think this is a date, that there’ll be more than one, or that you’re anything even close to a gentleman.”
“I think I proved myself at the gala. I was on my best behavior, wasn’t I?”
“Maybe in public, but the second we were alone, you went right back to being a bastard.”
A low whistle interrupted their banter, and Nami turned to see Ikkaku wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she meaningfully glanced between them. “You know what, Nami? You may have a point with that ‘intense eye contact’ thing.”
Cheeks inflamed, Nami grabbed Law by the arm and dragged him down the hallway before Ikkaku could say anything else. As she felt the captain’s intense gaze burning into the back of her head, she silently wondered if a free dinner was worth it.
The outside of the jazz club was far from impressive—in fact, the entrance was a nondescript wooden door against a plain brick wall, its only ornamentation a faded bronze knocker and a number “8” nailed at the top. Nami was positive she would have walked straight past if Law hadn’t led her to it, pausing to quickly rap three times with his knuckles, then four with the knocker.
After a moment, the door opened, and they were greeted by a young woman dressed in a short skirt and tailored red vest. “Captain Trafalgar. So glad you could join us tonight.”
Law gave a lazy, familiar grin as he wrapped his arm around Nami’s waist. “Always a pleasure, Akari. Is my usual booth ready?”
“Of course, sir,” she replied, ushering them inside and leading them down a narrow, winding staircase.
As they stepped into the lounge, Nami’s eyes widened in surprise. The bland building façade hid a much more elaborate interior; everything from the bar to the floor to the wall panels were made of mahogany or cherry wood, with ruby red cushions, upholstery, and carpets. Red and gold lamps provided just enough light to see by while giving the place a sensual, mysterious ambiance.
At the far end of the room, low couches formed a semi-circle around the small dance floor in front of the stage, where various instruments and music stands awaited performers. Currently, the stage’s sole occupant was an older gentleman playing a soothing tune on the piano. There were a few larger tables scattered about, but most of the seating appeared to be small booths in the walls, their openings framed by red velvet curtains. Several were occupied by canoodling couples, and it didn’t escape Nami’s notice that a few even had the curtains drawn.
Akrai led them to an empty booth, and Law graciously helped Nami out of her coat, handing it to their hostess to hang up before sliding comfortably into his seat.
“Wow,” Nami said, taking it all in. Their seating arrangement was cozy but not claustrophobic, the velvet cushions that padded the crescent bench wonderfully plush. A gold lamp hung above the round table, allowing her to more easily peruse the embossed menu. Appetizers ranged from shrimp cocktail to deviled quail eggs, while entrees featured grilled seafood, roast duck, and steak. The drink list was extensive with an assortment of sparkling wines, cocktails, hard liquor, and even absinthe.
“I figured you’d approve,” Law replied smugly, lounging back in his seat. “And I told you I wasn’t underdressed.”
“I guess not. How’d you hear about this place?”
“It’s an establishment that first started in the North Blue—Prohibition Island decided it wanted to outlaw alcohol, among other ‘sinful’ things. The club’s owner was an entrepreneur from the West Blue, so she knew a thing or two about setting up businesses under the government’s nose. The original club became successful enough to branch out to other islands, and eventually made its way down the Grand Line.”
“I wouldn’t expect Grimm to ban alcohol,” Nami replied, brow furrowing in confusion. An archipelago that catered to pirates and other scum, which had a thriving black market and a brothel on every corner, but outlawed alcohol? The very idea was baffling.
Head shaking, Law chuckled, “Oh, it doesn’t, but Haiko-ya felt the atmosphere suited the clandestine aesthetic. This just happens to be a place where you can get quality booze and not worry about someone spiking your drink. She’s a criminal, but she has standards far higher than most of the island’s establishments.”
“You sound like you know her personally.”
He shrugged but gave a mysterious smile. “She’s Kimo-ya’s wife, actually. Considering all the business I do with her husband, she was happy to give me a lifetime VIP membership.”
A wave of paranoia sent a shiver down Nami’s spine. “What if she sells us out to Jinzo?”
“She won’t. She hates the man’s guts to an impressive extent. Hell, if she’s here tonight, she’ll probably give you special perks for ending up on his shit list.”
By that point, a young man in a red satin waistcoat appeared, smiling at the pair pleasantly. “Welcome back to Ruby 8, Captain Trafalgar. My name is Hansuke, and it’s my pleasure to serve you tonight. What can I get you to drink?” he asked, flipping open his notepad.
“I’ll have a neat whiskey,” Law said easily.
“A Sour Sunrise for me, please,” Nami said, pleased to find an orange juice-based cocktail. She flashed Law a catlike grin as she added, “And a bottle of your best champagne.”
“One glass or two?” the waiter asked, glancing at Law for confirmation.
“Two,” Law replied, smirking at Nami. “In fact, make sure there’s another bottle ready for when we finish the first one. We’re celebrating, after all, and I intend on giving my woman an unforgettable evening.”
“I’m not your woman,” she growled, but was ignored by both men.
“Of course, Captain Trafalgar,” Hansuke said with an eager nod. Men looking to impress were men who spent a lot of money, and if he did well, he might just earn himself a hefty tip. “Are you ready to order your meals as well, or do you need more time?”
“I know what I want,” said Law, barely glancing at the menu. “I’ll take the grilled salmon with the house salad.”
“I’ll have the orange duck, and can we also get a basket of rolls for the table, please?” Nami asked the waiter sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes for extra measure.
The young man nervously glanced between her and the scowling Supernova, clearly debating which one was better to please.
“I…let me check with the chef—I think he said something about running out,” he squeaked out before sprinting off.
“That was cruel of you, Nami-ya,” Law rumbled, fixing her with an annoyed glare, though sadistic humor twinkled in his eyes. “I told you, I’m a regular here. They know I despise bread and will decapitate anyone stupid enough to bring it to my table.”
With a huff, she crossed her long legs and flipped her hair haughtily. “Killing a waiter isn’t a great way to impress a girl and will definitely get you banned from any self-respecting restaurant—VIP or not.”
“I wouldn’t kill him—you forget, my powers allow me to cut a man to pieces and still keep him alive.”
“You should seriously still be banned.”
“They’ve served far worse patrons than me, and they know I’ll be on my best behavior and fill their pockets with plenty of belli so long as they don’t intentionally piss me off.” Lips turning up in an amused grin, he continued, “I’d say it’s a lesson you could stand to learn, sweetheart, but half the time I find your petty acts of defiance charming.”
“Does that include the sunburn I gave you?”
“No, though I did enjoy everything you did to distract me from it.”
The waiter returned to their booth with their drinks and a small tray of assorted meat and cheeses, smiling at Nami apologetically even as a drop of sweat trickled down his face. “I’m so sorry, miss, but it seems we’re out of bread this evening. Not so much as a crumb can be found. Please accept this complimentary charcuterie board with the house’s sincerest apologies.”
Annoying as it was that Law had the staff wrapped around his finger, she took pity on the poor man and gave an understanding smile. If the Surgeon of Death really was a regular at this place, she couldn’t blame him for not going along with her game. “Oh, this is just lovely! Thank you so much!”
Hansuke’s relief was palatable as he set down the tray and their drinks before running off to fetch the champagne.
“See? It’s things like this that keep me from getting too mad at you,” Law chuckled, popping a cube of cheese into his mouth. “I haven’t gotten a free appetizer since that time a new waiter insisted I’d ordered breadcrumbs on my salmon.”
“So, you tolerate me so long as I get you free stuff?” Nami quipped, taking a dainty bite of a slice of ham. It had a surprising fruity note and practically melted in her mouth. She’d have to tell Sanji about it. Hell, even Luffy might appreciate it, assuming he took the time to chew.
She swallowed a bit more harshly than she’d intended when Law leaned across the table, long fingers lightly stroking her elbow as he murmured, “I put up with your antics so long as you make it worth my while, Nami-ya. Keep that in mind next time you’re tempted to pull one of your little pranks.”
Despite pulling his hand away to pick up his drink, Nami could still feel tingling sparks dance across her skin. It really was ridiculous how a brush of his hand invoked that reaction. She was supposed to be more composed than that—a wily thief that didn’t mix business with pleasure—but while his overt come-ons could be annoying, his subtle touches and inviting glances still managed to tempt her. “Fine, but the fact that you’re willing to literally take someone’s head off over bread is way more childish than my ‘little pranks’,” she grumbled into her cocktail.
Whether Law heard her snarky comment or not, their conversation was briefly interrupted as the waiter appeared with the champagne, popping the cork and carefully pouring the bubbly liquid into a pair of elegant crystal flutes. “The sous chef has received your order and will of course be making it himself, Captain Trafalgar,” he said. “If you need anything else in the meantime, please, don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thanks,” he said breezily, sipping his whiskey. “What time is the band scheduled to start up?”
“In less than a half-hour, sir. They’re currently on their dinner break, but I can ask—”
He waved him off. “I’m in no rush, and I’d rather they be at peak condition while performing. I don’t need my evening ruined because one of them fainted onstage from hunger.”
“Of course, sir. Regardless, I’ll inform them you’re in the audience. Anything else?”
“Time alone with my date would be ideal,” he replied in a clipped tone, raising an eyebrow meaningfully.
Nami could see the way the young man shivered at Law’s glare, and he skittered like a mouse back to the kitchen, wisely leaving the bottle behind.
“And you call me cruel,” she stated blandly as she savored another piece of ham.
“I’m all for attentive servers, but the constant sucking up was getting old.” Trying some of the meat for himself, he glanced at her appraisingly. “But enough about him. You’re a far more interesting subject.”
She frowned, brow furrowing suspiciously. “Am I?”
Linking his fingers and leaning his elbows on the table, he smirked. “Of course. Despite being on my ship for nearly three months, you’re still a mystery. A puzzle with so many missing pieces that I can’t yet visualize the total picture.”
“I could say the same about you,” she said, remembering the confusion she felt as he ran off the day before. “We’re both complex people who play their cards close to the chest.”
“That we are, but yesterday proved that a lack of communication between us can be detrimental to our working relationship, not to mention your health. I promise not to pry too much, and you don’t need to give me all the details, but I expect honest answers.”
Much as she wanted to argue, Penguin’s advice stopped her. The first mate was right; everyone had baggage, but how were people supposed to know her bugbears if she didn’t tell them? As worried as she was that a man like Law would be willing to exploit her weaknesses, he also had a point regarding how their communication issues had nearly gotten her killed. Even if it drudged up unpleasant memories, this was a necessary talk for the sake of side-stepping further unpleasantness. “Fine. I’ll open up—just a little—if you will.”
Resting his chin on his knuckles, Law took a minute to mull over his first question. “Tell me, Nami-ya, how’d you get the name ‘Cat Thief’, anyway? Rumor has it it’s been your moniker since well before the World Government issued your bounty.”
Taking a deep breath and a steadying swallow of her Sour Sunrise, she replied, “My…first captain was always comparing me to a kitten. Guess it was his way of praising me despite my species, since he saw humans as the lowest of the low.”
“Odd opinion.”
“Not for a Fishman.”
Leaning back against the plush velvet cushions, Law unlinked his fingers and munched on another piece of cheese. “Ah. A backhanded compliment. Better than a human, but still little more than a pet.”
“That about sums it up,” she said, pushing down the image of Arlong’s patronizing smile. God, some days she’d hated his condescending approval more than his disgusting hatred for her species. It made her feel dirty, being someone that a monster like him could admire.
Law rubbed his goatee thoughtfully. “No wonder you had such an extreme reaction to me calling you ‘kitten’. I’ll try to avoid it in the future. Still odd you’d adopt a feline signature, though.”
Shaking off her former captor’s vindictive smile, Nami shrugged, buying time before replying by nibbling on some cheese, even though she barely tasted it. “Guess it was a little out of spite; I wanted to take the word back and feel like I had just a shred of power. Didn’t really work, but it was still a good nickname for a thief.”
Perhaps he sensed her discomfort, but Law gently nudged the topic towards safer waters. “Fair. Shachi was the one who came up with ‘The Surgeon of Death’. Bit over-the-top, but I like it. Iconic, and definitely strikes fear into the hearts of my enemies.”
“Sounds like something from a comic book,” she scoffed as she finished her cocktail, moving on to the champagne. She knew she wouldn’t get drunk, but the bubbles tickling her palette would be a pleasant way to keep her mind from slipping into the past. Even without the meds in her system driving her towards panic attacks, she knew nothing good could come from dwelling too long on what Arlong had put her through.
“Like I said, it was Shachi’s idea. He was worried the Marines would give me something lame, so he and the crew went out of their way to mention it in every port we stopped in until they had no choice but to put it on my wanted poster.”
“I’m sure Drake had his own suggestions on what to call you.”
Law chuckled smugly, looking far too proud of himself. “Oh, I’m sure he did, but those posters are seen by the general public, so anything he’d propose would have to be censored. It’s probably why Eustass’ moniker is just ‘Captain’; either that or it’s a lame form of overcompensation.” His grin grew even more devious as he added, “First time we met, I deliberately acted like Killer was the captain, just to piss him off.”
Despite herself, Nami had to giggle. She’d only met Eustass Kid briefly, but he’d seemed the type to not take an insult lightly. With the highest bounty of the rookies, he was certainly someone she wouldn’t want to mess with. “You’re an asshole with a death wish, aren’t you?”
Law shrugged, knocking back the rest of his whiskey. The humor in his eyes dimmed. “Perhaps I do, just a little bit. I didn’t expect to live past the age of thirteen.”
“Why?” she asked curiously before she could catch herself. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
Face cast in shadow by the brim of his hat, he tersely replied, “I was a sickly child. My father was the best doctor in the providence, but even he couldn’t come up with a cure. Didn’t help that the world believed it was a contagious disease, so we had no outside help. I only survived because of the Ope Ope no Mi.”
“Your father must have been happy about that, at least.”
“He was killed years before I got my hands on it.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.” Her heart clenched at the thought. A dead parent before the age of thirteen. Wasn’t that a painfully familiar story? “Well, I’m sure he’d still be happy you survived.”
He shrugged again, watching the bubbles in his champagne flute pop to avoid meeting her sympathetic gaze. “He’d be disappointed that I became a pirate instead of following in his footsteps.”
“Maybe, but I think he’d accept it so long as you’re alive and happy. Bellemere was a Marine, but while she wouldn’t approve of her daughter becoming a pirate, she’d support my decision because I’m free and working towards my dream of drawing a map of the world.”
As he finally looked at her, Nami caught Law’s lips briefly twitch upwards. “I suppose we’ll never know, but it’s a pleasant fantasy, at least.” He gave a mock toast. “To the parents who wanted better for us.”
With a wry smile, Nami clinked her glass to his, the pair gulping down the sparkling wine just as their food arrived. Digging into her meal, she appreciated both the delicious flavor of the duck and the blessed break in the heavy conversation eating allowed.
Talking to Law about her past was far different from Luffy. Nojiko had informed her before they left Cocoyashi that her stubborn captain had opted out of hearing her backstory when she’d offered to reveal it. At first, Nami’d been offended—what, had he thought her reasons for betraying the crew and faking Usopp’s death didn’t matter? But then she realized that, even without knowing who Arlong was or what he’d done to her and the villagers, Luffy had still gone after him.
All because that bastard had made his navigator cry.
As they’d sailed for Loguetown afterwards, Nami had pulled Luffy aside one night, sat him down, and told him everything. Not because he needed to know, but because a man like that was someone who deserved to know. Deserved to know the awful things she’d endured and done to survive. Why he’d found her mutilating her shoulder, cutting off that awful tattoo. Why she was so grateful he’d destroyed that room and all of the charts she’d toiled over for eight years. Why his refusal to give up on her had meant the world to the distrustful thief.
For his part, Luffy had listened quietly, occasionally nodding his head to show he was paying attention, an unusually patient and serious expression on his face. When she was finished, he’d clapped her shoulder, gave her that carefree, goofy grin, and simply said, “Now I’m really glad I punched that jerk!”
Law wasn’t like that. While he didn’t pry, he did ask questions, clearly seeking those missing puzzle pieces he spoke of and not taking her answers at face-value. Admittedly, they had been pretty bare-boned, but it highlighted the difference between the two captains—Law sought to understand because he didn’t fully trust her. Luffy didn’t need to understand, because he trusted her from the moment she’d refused to fire a cannonball at him.
Looking at Law’s nearly-finished plate, she had to suppress a giggle as another difference between him and Luffy hit her—his chewing habits might have left something to be desired, but at least he knew not to eat the fish’s skeleton.
Noticing his companion’s attention had returned to him, Law took a sip of champagne as he considered her. “You mentioned your ‘first captain’. I’m assuming this wasn’t Mugiwara?”
Nami sighed, setting down her fork to drink from her own glass, hoping the sharp beverage would wash away the foul taste talking more about Arlong would inevitably bring. “No. Before Luffy, I served as the cartographer for another pirate crew for eight years.” She deliberately didn’t mention she was an officer—it was easier for people to accept she was a prisoner when it didn’t sound like she was in a position of authority. Perhaps that was why Arlong had “promoted” her, even though she had no real power among the Fishmen. “He…his crew invaded my village when I was ten and made everyone pay for the right to live. Bellemere only had enough money to save her own life, or mine and Nojiko’s.”
“And, of course, she sacrificed herself to protect her children.” Law shook his head, and for a moment, Nami swore she saw a wince of pain, but the amber light made it hard to tell. “Eight years…I know captains who recruit kids so they can brainwash them into loyal subordinates, but he killed your mother. I doubt you joined him willingly, after something like that?”
“Believe me, I didn’t,” she growled. Hands shaking slightly, she instinctively grabbed her knife, holding it like the dagger she’d used to fake Usopp’s death and destroy her tattoo. “Working for my mother’s murderer was nothing short of torture. Day and night I drew maps for him until my hands bled, barely allowed to sleep or eat. And all the while he acted like he was doing me a favor, since cartography was what I loved most in the world.”
The word DEATH entered her field of vision as Law covered her trembling hand with his own. The warmth was comfortingly familiar at this point, and she felt her white-knuckled grip on the cutlery slacken. “Don’t worry; I do believe you,” he said softly, catching her gaze with his own. His expression was soft and concerned—similar to the way he’d looked at her last night in the infirmary. “You’ve shown yourself to be loyal to those you care about, and we’ve all done awful, painful things for the sake of survival. And I have to say, you may actually have a stronger will than me—I doubt I would have lasted a week serving the captain who murdered someone I held dear.”
“Yeah,” she said, breathing deeply, willing herself to calm down. Law’s thumb rubbing little circles across her knuckles was surprisingly helpful with that. It gave her something to focus on; to ground herself instead of letting the memories take over. Rough as the callouses from his swordsmanship and hard life at sea were, they were still so much smoother than the sandpaper-like skin of a shark Fishman. So blessedly human. “I guess…I guess you were right, though; if you’re not strong enough to protect yourself, you’re the property of someone who was strong enough to claim you.”
“I know I’m right, but I wish I weren’t. I’m assuming this first captain of yours has something to do with your dislike of my uniform?”
“You could say that.” She sighed, jerking her chin towards her left shoulder, the faint scars beneath her swirling tattoo barely visible in the dim light, but neither had to see them to know they were there. “One of the first things he did was have me branded with his Jolly Roger to make sure I couldn’t run off. So the whole world would know I was his property.”
Much like Penguin, Nami could see the dots connecting in Law’s mind. He’d recognized right away that the scars were self-inflicted, but now that he knew what had once been in their place, he could deduct why she’d caused herself such grievous harm. She felt his fingers tighten around her own, first in anger, before easing into a comforting squeeze. With forced calm, he said, “Considering how often Fishmen and Mermaids are sold as slaves, it was probably just as much a petty form of revenge. Still, I guess that explains your objection.” Frowning, he rubbed his forehead beneath his hat with his free hand. “Look, I can’t promise you’ll never have to wear the uniform again. Like it or not, it really is the easiest way to keep you safe.”
Deep down, she appreciated his apology and understanding, even as she inwardly groaned at the thought of wearing the beige jumpsuit. “It also made me a target,” she argued. “Drake wouldn’t have looked twice at me if I’d been in my normal clothes.”
“Please, Drake-ya reads the news and would have gone after you regardless of what you were wearing. He’s smart enough to recognize a dangerous alliance when he sees one, or at least an opportunity to get a leg up. Pitiful as your bounty is, getting his hands on a lone Straw Hat, especially one who was able to rob a former Marine Intelligence officer’s mansion, would be quite tempting.” A wide, predatory grin stretched across his face as he leaned forward, resting his chin on his fist as he leered at her. “Though, personally, I think he was jealous that I’d found a new redhead to play with.”
Nami snorted, the tension in her back loosening. Creepy as he was, Law was smart, steering the conversation away from the past and the world’s speculation on their partnership to something they could casually fight about. “Are you kidding? I think he was relieved; with me around, he doesn’t have to deal with you bothering him anymore.”
“If that were the case, he wouldn’t have tried to abduct you.”
“In case you’ve forgotten, he was trying to ‘rescue’ me; Drake’s a real gentleman, unlike you,” she quipped, taking a condescending sip of her drink.
“Oh, yes, a real gentleman who kidnaps and threatens to sell off unwilling women,” Law replied sarcastically.
“Better than a pervert who makes a girl wear an ugly uniform to indulge his weird sexual fetish.”
“…my what now?”
Confident that she’d just played a winning hand, she leaned forward, bending her chest slightly over the table. “Please, I see right through your little act. Sure, you flirt and tease, but only if I’m fully dressed.” The tip of a manicured finger teasingly traced along the swell of her cleavage. “When I’m wearing next to nothing, you show no interest in my incredibly sexy body. Given your proclivities, I’m surprised you even helped me out of my coat.”
Blinking owlishly, Law replied, “I’m sorry, you think I’m attracted to you…when you’re wearing more clothes?”
“Yeah!” she insisted, not caring for his disbelieving tone.
He covered his face with one large, tattooed hand, but through his splayed fingers Nami could still see yellow eyes light up with amusement. As she glared, they only shone brighter, and his shoulders slowly began to shake. Gradually, low chuckles slipped from his lips, finally morphing into full-on laughter, his palm failing to muffle the sound.
An irritated vein throbbed in Nami’s forehead as Law continued to cackle. “Don’t think you can fool me by treating this like a joke! You have a clothing kink! During my initial check-up, you didn’t give a damn that I was strutting around in my underwear. At the mansion, you were all over me when I was in that gown, but once it’s off, woosh, I’m as attractive as a lamp! Even after the mission, you barely even acknowledged what a hot piece of ass I am. Then you insist I wear that freaking jumpsuit…”
“Nami-ya,” he chortled as his hand dropped back to the table, managing to calm down enough during her rant to formulate a reply, “I don’t have a clothing kink—I’m just good at compartmentalizing and know there’s a time and place. When we were in the infirmary, not only was I acting as your doctor, but it was clear you were too nervous to be receptive to any blatant advances. As for the mansion, yes you looked absolutely delicious in that bodysuit, but we were there to do a job; there was simply no time to indulge myself. And when I treated your wounds,” his smile fell a bit, “you’d just been through a potentially traumatizing event. You were flinching just from me touching your calf. I know I can be an asshole, but did you really expect me to come onto you when you were acting like I was Harpin?”
For a moment, Nami just sat there, jaw hanging uselessly as she realized just how far off her theory had been, and most importantly, just how badly she’d managed to embarrass herself. Her own vanity had blinded her to the obvious answer. She could justify it with the fact that most of the guys she knew were either perverts or barely acknowledged that she was a woman, so she wasn’t used to a man who could both flirt and control himself, but she wouldn’t lie to herself.
“So…the uniform isn’t some weird sexual thing?” she asked, trying to cover her humiliation by finishing her glass of champagne. Times like these made her really wish she could get drunk; it would be the perfect excuse for her ridiculous accusation.
“I mean, I won’t lie and say I don’t like you in it, but it really is just for your own protection.” Law’s returning grin was smoldering and devilish as he purred, “I’m curious, though, about what bothered you more; that I might have a strange fetish for fully-clothed women, or that I wasn’t giving your incredibly sexy body the attention you felt it deserved?”
He shuffled closer, sliding across the booth to close the distance between them, resting his right arm across the back of her seat and teasingly trailing the fingers of his left land along the soft skin of her jaw to cup her chin. “Because if it’s the latter, I’m happy to show you just how much I appreciate it when you run around my ship in crop tops and booty shorts.”
Nami blushed, realizing she’d played directly into his hands.
“You know, one of the reasons I like redheads so much is how vibrantly they blush,” he chuckled, leaning down so his breath danced across her sensitive neck and ear. The way she’d pinned her hair meant she had no shield from it, and she shivered at the sensation. “It’s so cute, watching the capillaries that carry your blood widen as adrenaline rushes through you. No matter how good a person’s poker face is, the body doesn’t lie. Lets me know my target’s receptive to my flirting, even when they stubbornly refuse to admit it.”
“You base it all on a blush?” she countered, defiantly poking him in the chest. “People blush in anger and embarrassment. You can’t assume someone wants you just because their face gets a little red.”
Like a leopard sizing up his prey, Law loomed above her, gaze analytical and hungry as he studied her. “No, you’re right; good thing, as a doctor, I know all the other physical indicators of arousal.” Tilting her head up, he stated, “Dilated pupils.”
His hand dropped from her chin to carefully brush along the flesh of her arm. “Goosebumps.”
Long fingers encircled her wrist, thumb resting over her pulse. “Increased heartrate.”
Honey eyes dropped to Nami’s mouth as the tip of her pink tongue peeked out to moisten her suddenly dry lips. “Unconsciously licking one’s lips.”
Releasing her wrist, Law’s touch traveled back up her arm to gently stroke the ends of her mikan hair. “And the fact that you haven’t even tried to move or push me away. In fact, I’d say you’re leaning into my touch.”
Nami’s face warmed further as she realized he was right. Mentally she berated herself, but deep down, she was beginning to accept that, even if she refused to act on it for pride and professionalism’s sake, she was slightly addicted to his attentions. She was never short on male admirers, but Law challenged her, the push-and-pull giving her a thrill the way heart-eyed fools like Sanji failed to. There was something about Law that drew her in like a moth to a flame—she knew it was fatal to get too close, but damn it, she couldn’t help but dance with danger.
Winding a short, orange lock of hair around a long finger, Law declared confidently, “All this says you find me sexually attractive.”
Before she could confirm or deny this claim, an excited voice bellowed, “As I live and breathe, Trafalgar Law graces us with his exalted presence once again!”
Said captain’s seductive grin shifted into his trademark smirk as he turned to greet the newcomer. “Are you living and breathing, Hiroshi-ya?”
The man chuckled, grabbing Law’s hand in a firm shake. Beneath a silver fedora his graying hair was cut close to his scalp. His skin was dark but sported prominent laugh-lines, a pair of oval sunglasses rested on the end of his large nose, and his brilliant grin could have replaced one of the stage’s spotlights. “If I’m not, you’d probably know before I did, doc.”
“Because I’m that good, or because you’d be too focused on performing to realize you’d dropped dead?”
The two shared a laugh before the man turned to introduce himself to Nami. “Hope I wasn’t interrupting a moment, here, darlin’, but I simply had to come over and say hello. The name’s ‘Devil’s Fingers’ Hiroshi, and your boy Law here is one of my favorite patrons. Tips well, and he saved my life.”
“I only fixed your hands.”
“Considerin’ how they’d been crushed beyond recognition and I need those to make a living, I think that counts.”
Nami gaped in shock as Hiroshi held up his hands, showing that while they were clearly in working order, they were littered with tiny surgical scars.
Law shrugged, though he seemed pleased with the praise. “It was a fun operation—not every day you get to remove someone’s finger bones one-by one to rebuild your favorite musician’s hands.”
“You put someone else’s bones into him?” Nami asked the surgeon, astounded.
“Of course,” Law said casually. “His own were absolutely pulverized, so a transplant was necessary if he ever wanted to play the saxophone again.”
Part of her was horrified at the mental image, but beneath that, something niggled at her. This was the second time she’d heard someone sing Law’s praises as a legitimate doctor, and unlike Reginald, Hiroshi seemed perfectly aware of the Surgeon of Death’s criminal activities and sadistic reputation. What reason did Law have for helping this man? Was it just because he liked his music?
“Well, I’d best get ready for the show, and I’m sure you want some more alone time with your girl, eh, Law?” Hiroshi teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I’d certainly appreciate a little mood music,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few large bills.
“You got it,” the sax player sniggered, winking at Nami. “Hope you don’t mind, but we’ll be stroking your boy’s ego a bit. After the surgery, I wrote a little ditty about him as thanks, and it’s become pretty popular with the crowd. Plus, it’s the only time Oscar lets me take over as the lead singer.”
“Law strokes his own ego plenty,” Nami groused, eyes rolling heavenward. “And if you want to write about him, go for his flaws; there’s enough of those to fill an opera.”
“Oooo, she’s feisty! Have fun with that, doc!” he chuckled as he strolled off towards the stage.
“I plan to,” Law purred, turning back towards the woman beside him. “I just can’t resist a fiery ginger.”
“Speaking of,” Nami deflected, hoping to keep the conversation from returning to their original topic, “you and Drake, huh?”
He chuckled at her obvious ploy but proceeded to go along with it. “Ah, one of my favorite playmates. What do you want to know?”
“I mean, let’s start with how the hell that happened?”
“You mean, how did the golden boy of the Navy find himself thoroughly seduced by the North Blue’s most notorious rookie pirate?”
“Yeah. Mainly because Drake seems smart enough not to fall for your sleazy tricks. Or at the very least, composed enough to ignore them until you lose interest.”
Refreshing their glasses of champagne, he gave a wolfish smile. “So you’d think, but Drake-ya’s got an instinctual, animalistic side that’s just so much fun to rile up. Besides that, I observed his physical reactions whenever we crossed paths, and wouldn’t you know it? They were damningly similar to yours.”
Picking at the remains of the charcuterie board, she munched on a piece of cheese to keep her body’s natural responses under control. Keep it together, she thought stubbornly. Even if I did mix business with pleasure, there’s no way I’m letting him win. “Pretty sure the heat of battle elicits similar responses. I think you were just looking for clues that weren’t there in a desperate attempt justify a hopeless crush.”
Her sass received a sharp laugh in reply. Handing Nami her glass, Law brushed the tips of his fingers over hers as he stated, “Maybe, but my theory was undeniably proven when Penguin, Ikkaku and I snuck onto his ship and found him moaning my name while jerking off in the shower.”
Nami nearly choked on her drink, the bubbly wine burning as it tried to make its way up her nose. No wonder Penguin wanted to repress that, she thought, mortified for the poor first mate. She’d probably feel the same way if she’d overheard someone masturbating to the thought of Luffy. “Oh my god.”
“You should have heard the things he was saying—fuck, harder Law! Put that dirty mouth to good use, you bastard!” Law moaned in her ear, mimicking his rival’s deep, guttural growl.
“M-maybe he had a hard-on for justice. You know, the actual law,” she argued weakly. She didn’t even really know why she bothered—it was clear he’d been right, considering how he and Drake had fucked at least once, but she just felt a need to try to knock him down a few pegs and keep his ego in check.
“Mmm, do you really believe that?” he hummed, honey eyes regarding her with amusement as he took a sip of his drink. “I think you’re just looking for clues that aren’t there in a desperate attempt to justify your need to be contrary.”
“Oh, shut up,” she grumbled, downing her drink and pouring the last of the bottle into her glass. “Fine, so Drake was utterly repressed from his time in the Navy and you were able to use that to get him into bed.” A thought came to her, and she raised her eyebrow curiously. “Wait, he didn’t leave the Marines because he fell in love with you or something, right?” That…would be kind of tragic, actually. Despite the sexual tension, the two Supernova hadn’t seemed to be on the friendliest of terms, so if Drake had defected for Law only for their relationship to sour…
“God, no,” he laughed, finishing off his own glass of champagne. “Drake-ya was dishonorably discharged not long after he massacred a village rumored to be sheltering pirates. He may seem honorable and composed, and I’ll admit he usually tried to avoid senseless cruelty, but when situations called for violence, he was cold-blooded and bloodthirsty. I think his family history also played a role; his father had defected and turned pirate, so I imagine there was a bit of a glass ceiling Drake-ya knew he’d never overcome.”
“And you know this how?”
“Pillow talk.”
Nami mulled his words over carefully. “Was Drake close to his father?”
“From what he told me while completely shitfaced, Diez Barrels had once been a Marine Drake-ya wanted to emulate, but when he switched sides, he was nothing short of an abusive monster.”
Pity welled up in Nami’s heart at the implications. “Poor guy.”
“You do remember this is the same man who tried to kidnap you, right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it must not have sucked for him; looking up to someone, wanting to be just like them, only to be let down in spectacular fashion.”
For a brief moment, Law tilted his head, the brim of his hat casting a shadow across his face, but his voice was tight as he replied, “Enough about Drake-ya.” Clearing his throat, he turned to catch their waiter’s eye, pointing to the empty bottle of champagne. When his gaze returned to Nami, his tone was back to normal. “I’m getting a little jealous with all this talk about another man.”
She frowned. Nami could tell she’d hit a bit close to home there. Had Law once looked up to someone? Part of her wanted to pry; the man was uncharted waters, and the cartographer in her itched to discover his secrets and map them out.
But more than anyone, she respected wanting to keep a painful history private. “Then what do you want to talk about? Because if you want any more of my past, you’re going to need to buy me more than another bottle of champagne,” she replied before knocking back the final sip.
He raised an eyebrow, impressed. “You drank quite a bit of that, Nami-ya, and yet I’m not noticing any signs of inebriation. It seems Mugiwara wasn’t exaggerating when he bragged about your tolerance.”
“Please, this is nothing—Zoro and I could drink whole taverns dry and still walk a straight line. Hell, it was one of my favorite ways to swindle pirates; get in good with the crew, outdrink them, then swipe their treasure while they were all passed out.”
“Interesting. You may be physically weak, but your liver sounds formidable.”
The lights, dimmed, and Nami glanced around curiously. Law chuckled, drawing her closer and pointing towards the stage. “Looks like the show’s about to start,” he murmured in her ear as he settled in, the arm around her waist telling her that she wasn’t moving for at least the duration of the song.
The band played a low, steady beat as a handsome man in a white silk blazer escorted a curvaceous woman with bold red hair wearing a silver dress onto the stage, the spotlights hitting the sequins in a way that nearly distracted from the daring slit and sexy black garters underneath. Turning her back to the crowd, she swayed her hips to the rhythm as the man took the microphone.
“Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,” he drawled, tossing the crowd a smirk that could give Law’s a run for its money. “We’ve got a great night in store for you. I see a lot of new faces out there—as well as some familiar ones—so I’m not gonna yammer on too long. I want you to sit back, enjoy the service, the scenery, but most of all, enjoy the show.”
As he finished, he signaled to the band, who immediately transitioned into a smooth but lively tune, Hiroshi’s saxophone front-and-center, and the red-haired woman turned around, sensually dancing with the emcee as he began to sing.
It ain’t no big thing to wait for the bell to ring It ain’t no big thing The toll of the bell
Aggravated, spare for days I troll downtown the red-light place
Jump up bubble up - what’s in store? Love is the drug and I need to score
Enthralled, Nami watched as the pair performed, the song turning into a duet as they moved, the woman’s low, husky voice sending a thrill down her back. Or perhaps it was Law’s fingers stroking idly along her side—far from his groping in the alley, but the light touch was just as hot. Thighs clenched as the male singer bent the woman over suggestively, and she hoped Law was too focused on the show to notice her aroused blush. She didn’t want to imagine herself and the Supernova next to her in their place, but with the woman’s red hair and the man’s cocky smirk, it was really difficult not to picture the sensual scene the song suggested—her and Law stumbling around a dark room, locked in a passionate embrace, until finally they made it to the bed…
God, she joked about Drake being repressed to give in to an asshole like Law, but clearly, she was just as pent-up.
When the song ended, Nami let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, quickly going for her refilled champagne, gulping it down to wet her suddenly dry mouth. She hadn’t even realized Hansuke had refreshed their drinks as she hadn’t been able to pry her eyes from the stage, too lost in the song and her fantasy.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Law smirking in an all-too-knowing manner, but before he could comment, they were once more interrupted, only this time by the gorgeous singer who had left the stage to visit their table.
“Captain Trafalgar,” the red-haired woman purred, voice husky with an edge of a rough accent that somehow made her even more glamourous, “I heard you were back in town.”
“Excellent opening act, Haiko-ya, as usual,” Law replied, standing up to gallantly kiss her hand. “Oscar may be your prized vocalist, but everyone knows you’re the real star up there.”
“You charmer. Still sure you don’t want to quit piracy and come work for me?” she asked with an inviting smile. “I could use a man of your talents.”
“I’m sure you could, but as much as I like this club, staying in one place just doesn’t appeal to me. I like to wander, you know.”
“Pity, but you can’t blame a woman for trying. After all, who wouldn’t want a skilled doctor and enforcer on her payroll? Especially with my husband’s…accident,” she replied, tone suddenly going sour.
“I assume Jinzo’s challenging your claim to Kimo-ya’s share of the business?”
“Oh, he’s doing more than that—he’s trying to compete against my business. Opening his own club and even a few brothels so he can steal my clientele—rumor has it that’s why he’s being so stingy with his black market clients. His recent investments have put him in the red, and he he’s going to have to do something drastic to recoup the cost.”
For a brief moment Law frowned, though his lips soon turned back up into his calculating, sadistic grin. “Until then, his broken promises could earn him quite a few enemies.”
“Oh yes. I hear X Drake in particular was extremely pissed that Jinzo didn’t have his money today.”
“He was even more so when I told him that there’s no way he’d planned on paying his asking price.”
Haiko tsked. “Oh dear. It would be such a shame if some frustrated client were to cross Jinzo’s path before his latest business venture can properly take off.”
Behind them, Nami swallowed audibly, catching onto their intentions. Law glanced at her over his shoulder before returning his attention to Haiko. “Now’s not a great time to talk business, but perhaps we could continue our chat after the show. Jinzo’s trying to screw over a lot of treacherous people, myself included, and while I’m not interested in your job offer, I’d be happy to negotiate a deal that could benefit us both greatly.”
Her blood red lips curled upwards, eyes alight with interest. “Meet me in my office at nine-thirty sharp—it would be a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Before you go, I want to introduce you to my date,” he drawled, gently tugging Nami out of her seat. “Haiko-ya, this is Cat Thief Nami.”
“Ah, the woman who swindled Jinzo out of a lot of money,” the businesswoman replied, pleased smile fixated on the younger woman as she shook her hand.
“Does everybody know about that?” Nami squeaked.
“Oh, darling, it was the best piece of news I’ve heard all day. And not everyone knows—yet. I just happen to have a few eyes and ears stationed close to him so he doesn’t try to do to me what he did to my darling Kimo. I may not be able to prove he was involved, but it never hurts to be ready for anything.”
“Very true,” Law agreed. “So, I’ll see you at nine-thirty?”
Haiko blew him a kiss as she sauntered off. “Absolutely. And as thanks for embarrassing that piece of shit, your drinks are on me tonight. Keep it up, Miss Cat Thief, and you might just earn a VIP membership here, too.”
Nami couldn’t keep herself from staring as the woman left. Beautiful and glamourous though she was, she totally believed Haiko was the sort who would slit a man’s throat with a smile. She had a dangerous aura about her, and given how casually she and Law spoke, Nami was certain an ill wind was blowing.
“You two are going to do something to Jinzo, aren’t you?” she asked, sweat prickling at the back of her neck. She had no sympathy for the man, but she hoped whatever Law was planning didn’t involve her; the last thing she wanted was to get caught in the middle of an underworld power struggle.
“Mmmm, don’t worry your pretty little head over that, sweetheart,” Law purred as he tugged her towards the stage. His eyes were half-lidded and inviting, and Nami’s breath caught in her throat as her heart stuttered. Maybe it was just the aftereffects of Haiko’s performance, but the heat between her legs begged her not to resist him. “Ikkaku’s due to steal you away from me soon, so I’m not wasting another second.”
“What are you doing?” she asked, voice barely more than a whisper.
One hand clasped hers as the other wrapped around her lower back. “It dawned on me that, with how busy you were pick-pocketing rich assholes at the gala, I never got a dance with you. We’re going to remedy that. And wouldn’t you know it?” he rasped, leaning in so close his lips ever-so-slightly brushed her ear. “They’re about to play my song.”
Though initially thrown by his sudden change of tone and forwardness, Nami quickly realized from the feeling of hard wood beneath their feet that he’d led them onto the dancefloor. Before she could protest or break away, Hiroshi noticed them, tossing a wink and pointing them out to the male singer from earlier. Oscar quietly chuckled as he handed over the microphone, even giving a playful bow before stepping over to a xylophone.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are graced with the presence of the man who inspired this next song, the one and only Dr. Heart Stealer!”
As the music began, Law swept her into a dance, easily leading her in time to the lively beat.
Why is everyone so impatient? Recklessly jumping into things Crushing backstabbing
To achieve your goal Sometimes you just need to dive deep, hide yourself Scan the situation, that’s all
Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM Look into the mirror and see Are you who you really are? Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM Shall I steal what’s most precious to you?
Dr. Heart Stealer
Once you’re addicted, you can never escape…
As Hiroshi crooned the lyrics, Nami forced herself to focus on keeping pace with Law, and not on the surprising suggestiveness of the lyrics or the heat of the doctor’s palm on her exposed back. There were mere inches between them—enough space to properly move, but still so close that their breaths and body heat mingled. He was a surprisingly good dancer, too, gently guiding her across the polished floor in time to the beat, giving the occasional spin and dip, all while those golden, hungry eyes never left hers.
If something’s important, hide it away Once you shout about it out loud It’s just too naive, so sickening
Waiting is not a futile thing With enough clinical data You won’t make a mistake, there’ll be no trouble
Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM It’ll be over once your space’s safety is breached Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM Because I know what’s most precious to you
Dr. Heart Stealer
Once I set my target, I’ll definitely get it
Don’t run away, come join me Show me how you dance
Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM Look into the mirror and see Are you who you really are? Welcome to Trafalgar’s ROOM Shall I steal what’s most precious to you?
Dr. Heart Stealer
Once you’re addicted, you can never escape…
At last the song came to an end, and while Nami wanted to blame her breathlessness on the dancing, she knew at least a little of it had to do with the way Law was looking at her. His intense stare sizzled her skin pleasantly, and she had no choice but to admit that, as much as she wanted to fight it, the song was right.
If she let herself get addicted to him, she’d never escape.
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post-itpenny · 5 years
Cecelia and the Satellite
Part four is here! Tagging @clownsgobeepbeep because someone is finally come for a visit.
It had been a few days and since the birth of baby Phoebe. Cosmos and Vespers had brought their little bundle of joy home and nearly every day someone had come by to see them and the little baby bug. Everyone wanted to see how the little baby was doing.
And then this morning there were colors on the nursery ceiling.
Cosmos and Vespers stood by the crib looking up.
“It looks like a lava lamp,” Cosmos observed.
Vespers nodded as he watched the large blobs of color shift around and bounce off each other. Phoebe gave a small hiccup and the colors disappeared.
Vespers gave a shout then ran to call his aunt.
“She is so cute, isn't she?” Magpie chuckled as she cradled the small bundle. Vespers couldn’t help but tear up a little. The sight of seeing his aunt in a rocking chair holding a baby, his baby. Vespers turned away to rub his eyes before addressing his aunt. “So um, aunt Pie. Is- is she…”
“Well,” Magpie sighed, “let's find out.”
She placed a hand on Phoebe’s head and shut her eyes, humming softly to herself as she did so. A soft glow began to form under the skin of Magpie’s throat and hands. A second glow began to grow, this time from Phoebe.
“Hey, hey! What are you-”
“Shh! Cosmos don’t worry,” Vespers assured, “it’s ok I promise.”
The glowing from both Magpie and the baby stopped almost as quickly as it began and Magpie opened her eyes. She stood and placed Phoebe in Vesper’s arms.
“Yes,” Magpie answered, “She’s like me.”
“Oh hey that’s cool,” Cosmos sighed, “just um. What do we do whenever she starts doing a light show or whatever?”
“Well,” Magpie sighed. “That’s the thing is dear Phoebe won’t be able to control it right now. Eventually she will with time and practise. But it’s something linked to her emotions which for a baby is not necessarily complex but still a very important form of communication.”
“You have to manage it for now. Taming temper tantrums as quickly as possible is the biggest thing.”
“More than once I set something on fire as a baby.”
“But it’s ok!” Magpie cheered, “I can help with whatever you need. I can at least clean up her messes when you need me to and when she’s older I can teach her!”
“Tha- that would be awesome,” Vespers smiled. “Thank you Aunt Pie.”
“Of course Blackwood will need to know right away.”
“No.” Cosmos answered.
Magpie blinked in surprise, “oh well… this might be interesting then… well this is awkward I’m going to go make tea.” She announced as she bustled out of the room.
As she left Cosmos smirked, “your aunt really likes tea man.”
Vespers sighed, “it’s an automatic response I think.” He groaned and ran his hands over his face. “Geeze my dad has horror stories about my aunt as a baby. Cosmos what are we going to do?”
“Hey Ves don’t worry.” Cosmos reassured as he pulled Vespers into a hug. “Besides Phoebe’s also a D’Vitt.”
“No man I mean she did some crazy stuff just on accident.
“I’m pretty sure you’re dad is biased.”
“... yeah probably. I’m just, you know, scared.”
As they talked neither realized someone else was listening. Clasping her hands tightly before rushing away.
An hour later and Lydia had come to fuss over her new granddaughter. Cosmos having still not changed his mind over a certain visitor.
“Cosmos don’t be rude,” Lydia scolded.
“Mom come on! Don’t you think it’s weird the guy only comes around when a baby pops out?”
There was a knock on the door.
Magpie stood up, an odd look on her face as she adjusted the red bow she always wore in her hair. The rest of the group turned to her in confusion until Vespers antenna twitched and he understood.
“He’s here.”
Magpie was gone, off and down the hallway. Lydia frowning in confusion and following after her.
Cosmos turned to Vespers, “dude I’m not going to lie, I don’t want to do this. What about you? This is your super great grandpa or something.”
Vespers heard another knock on the door and looked to his nervous husband before making a decision.
“You go check on Phoebe while I go meet this guy. If you don’t want him coming in then he won’t ok?”
“Cosmos gave a sigh of relief before kissing Vespers on the cheek and going to the nursery.
Meanwhile Vespers walked to the door. Taking a deep breath to steady his own nerves, then opening the door.
Lydia was surprised to find Magpie climbing out a window.
“What on Earth are you doing?”
Magpie blushed a little before giving a guilty smile, “well to be honest I don’t want Blackwood to see me.”
“Oh,” Lydia said in surprise. “Are you ok? Do you need-“
“No, no it’s.” Magpie pauses to clear her throat. “I look quite different from when he last saw me and I don’t want to explain things.”
“Oh… wouldn’t be easier to use the backdoor?” Lydia suggested.
“You know it would be yes. I panicked.”
Vespers had heard a lot about his elder and had over the years built a picture in his mind of a powerful looking being.
This wasn’t it.
Blackwood, to begin with, was clearly the originator of the family’s trademark white hair. His own tied back in a bow. He was dressed as if he came from a carnival with his top hat and tailed coat. His clothing adorned with embroidered thistles. And he had the biggest, most genuine smile Vespers had ever seen.
And then he hugged Vespers.
“Hello, hello! My goodness look how you’ve grown little bug! Vespers yes? Always liked that name a lovely choice. But my goodness what a fine looking young man you’ve become!”
Vespers stepped back in shock, “h- hi there um…”
“Call me Blackwood my boy no need for formalities!” The elder laughed. “My goodness I’m so delighted to be here, I’m so delighted to see you all grown up! I was just saying to myself the other day I need to visit more often.”
“But you like to live your lives and I respect that! But I’m so excited just absolutely chuffed to visit and to meet your mate!”
“Oh and I have the most perfect gift for the little one! I guarantee she’s going to love it!”
“Oh and I simply-“
“Excuse me sir!” Vespers shouted. Shrinking back a little in fear he may have upset the elder.
Blackwood blinked, then chuckled. “What did I say about formalities boy? I do apologize I can get a little overexcited. What were you trying to say?”
Vespers took a deep breath. “I’m sorry but my mate feels a little uncomfortable with such a sudden visit… sorry.”
Blackwood shrugged, “well alright.”
Vespers gapped, “tha-that’s it?”
Blackwood again chuckled, “well yes I’m here to share in the joy of a new life, a new creation. Not be awkward. I hate that don’t you? When you walk into a room and people just look at you awkwardly?”
“Oh yeah I hate that.”
“So please my good lad don’t worry. I do very much want to meet your family but it can wait if you insist. You must know the baby bares my mark however.”
“You’re what?”
Blackwood held out his hand to reveal a small gold leaf. On it was a game controller, it’s cord wrapped around a thistle.
“My power, I like to call them the Special Ones if I’m honest.”
Vespers nodded, “we kinda found out this morning. Aunt Magpie promised to help us.”
“Oh wonderful! Which reminds me I would like to visit her and the others before I leave the planet. Now listen Vespers my boy. If you should ever need me your father and grandfather should know how to send me a shout. I think I’ll stop by in a year or so, just to check on you is that alright?”
Vespers quickly nodded, “yes absolutely.”
“Grand! Just grand! Oh and before I go this is my gift to little Phoebe. Please send my congratulations to Cosmos and I will see you all soon!”
Vespers stepped back inside pondering just how Blackwood knew Cosmos and Phoebe’s names. Pulling the lid off the box Blackwood had given him.
It was a game controller, wireless but no sign of a need for batteries and with small purple moths, crescent moons, and stars all over it. The controller was small, the perfect size for the tiny hands of a child, but Vespers had the suspicion it would always work for Phoebe no matter how big she grew.
Vespers grinned, Cosmos was going to live this.
Magpie had made it down the long driveway and to a clump of trees. Should she hide at Maggie’s old tent? Maybe he wouldn’t visit her home at all.
“Well hello Magpie.”
Magpie froze, turning slowly towards the voice.
“Blackwood sir.”
The elder chuckled, “You always seem to forget I don’t care for formalities when it comes to family my dear. I must say your were much more colorful when I last saw you. Did it all fade out with age?”
Magpie nervously shook her head. “No, no I well. There’s been a lot of…. happenings.”
“How so?”
“I, well… well you see I- I um. Well, I-I don’t really know what to say.”
Blackwood quirked an eyebrow, “Are you alright?”
“I can honestly say I’m doing far better now than I have in a long time,” Magpie chuckled. “Ha- have you spoken to my brother yet?”
“Should I have?”
“Oh well, I mean-“
Blackwood frowned and reached out, touching the red ribbon in Magpie’s hair. “I remember making this for you. This gift I gave your parents when you were born my dear.”
Magpie blushed, “it’s my favorite possession.”
Blackwood nodded, “did you know the gifts I make for you all speak to me when I touch them? Tell me how you really are feeling?”
Magpie cleared her throat, “oh.”
Blackwood gave a sad smile, “Magpie my dear what happened to you?”
Magpie flinched, backing up in panic. “I-I don’t know what to say.”
Blackwood nodded, “I just want to know if you’re alright my dear. Don’t lie because I’ll know.”
Magpie looked around as if tried to find an escape route. “I- I can’t- What do you want me to say? Please I don’t want to talk about-“
“You don’t have to talk about whatever has happened,” Blackwood reassured her as he eyed the swirling dark clouds that had formed above them. “Just please tell me how you’re doing?”
“What do you want me to say that I’m miserable? Because I am alright!”
There was a loud crack as the trees around them split in half. Magpie jumped and looked around at the damage she had caused before covering her have with her hands.
Blackwood sighed and looked up again as it began to rain. With a wave of his hand the trees repaired themselves and the sky started to clear. He stepped over to Magpie and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Magpie looked up at him in tears, Blackwood observing she was actually wearing makeup, an attempt to brighten the red lines and circles on her face and hide just how faded out she really looked.
Magpie hung her head and sobbed, “I ruined my life. My brother hates me. My nephew is terrified his daughter will be like me. I just can’t…”
She trailed off as her body shook with sobs, Blackwood staying silent as he let her cry it out. He couldn’t stand the misery that had wrapped itself around her aura, to Blackwood who could not stand anyone being upset this was particularly unpleasant to find one of his own this heartbroken. In his mind he made a decision.
“I want you to come with me.”
Magpie looked up at the elder I surprised, “what?”
Blackwood smiled, “I always say any of you can visit any time so why not? Come with me Magpie, you’ll just love my planet! Besides it would be nice to have someone help me take care of things. Oh you could me my friend Cecelia! She and her little sister came to me when their parents died you would just be such good friends! Oh, oh! And you could help me come up with improvements to the place! Oh and you could meet-“
“But why?” Magpie asked in a horse whisper, “why would you invite me?”
Blackwood smiled, “I don’t know what’s happened to make you so unhappy but if there is one thing above all other things that I can’t stand it’s people being unhappy. Come live on my planet Magpie, I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Magpie stepped back, uncertain. “I can’t I have responsibilities here. I have two girls living with me who don’t have anyone else. I- I have a dog.”
“They can come to! It will be great!”
“But I, I just don’t know.”
“How about this,” Blackwood countered. “A vacation then. A few days visit and if you like it then stay. Or you can come back home. A vacation away might just be what you need.”
Magpie paused in thought, “it would be awfully nice I cannot lie. Plus I haven’t really traveled in such a terribly long time.”
“Just three days,”  Blackwood offered as he raised three fingers. “Three days and I promise you are free to come back here if you wish.”
Blackwood held out his hand for her to take. There was a glint in his eye he spoke, a hint of something but Magpie could not figure out what.
But still the offer was terribly tempting…
“Alright, I’ll come.” Magpie answer as she took Blackwood’s hand.
And the road the two had been standing on was now empty. No sound, no anything.
They were gone.
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sofreddie · 6 years
The Winchester Way - Part 13
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Summary: Sam wakes after falling unconscious and learns something new about Mary.
Characters: Mary, Sam, John
Word Count: 1,726
Warnings: Angst, TW: Suicidal Ideation, Mentions of Torture
A/N: HEED THE WARNINGS!!! Years ago I saw a movie, called The Life of David Gale. Brilliant movie, you should watch it. Anyway, in the movie, they talked about a modern psychological torture method and I researched it further. The Securitate are the real secret police of the former Republic of Romania. And the torture technique mentioned was one of their favorites. It’s pretty sick, the general concept of what they did.  Anyway, there’s your random education for the day. But I used that as a sort of inspiration for what John did to Sam in a way. Yeah, equally sick, I know. UNBETA’D. Feedback is appreciated. : )
Series Masterlist
“Give it back, Y/N. Don’t make me take it from you.” He reached out his open hand, waiting for her to return it. Y/N paused, before sighing, slowly walking forward to place it in his hand. Sam growled with impatience as she hovered close to his hand, causing her to jump and drop the pendant. Sam’s eyes went wide as it fell, hitting the ground, bouncing and rolling. His eyes jumped to Y/N. A lump formed in her throat, knowing whatever was coming wasn’t good. Might as well make it count, she thought as she suddenly stomped on the pendant with her heal. A crunch was heard before the room exploded in blue light, blinding them. Then nothing but the sound of Sam’s agonizing screams.
Mary sat on the side of her bed, staring off into the distance at nothing in particular. It happened almost every night now. She’d feel the pull of her Soul calling to her, beckoning her back to Heaven where it resided. She’d remember her time there.
Though she had only died for a few short minutes, her time in Heaven seemed to stretch on in the best way. She’d get caught up in herself, arguing with herself over staying or going, and finally struggling to silence her Soul. She was aware, every time that John was there. Every time he tried to bring her back, snap her out of it. But she couldn’t. If she broke her focus, she’d lose and give in to the sweet promise of Heaven.
Mary knew she couldn’t leave. She so desperately wanted to, but couldn’t. John had gone against everything he knew and believed in just to keep her by his side. But it changed him. The more Crowley threatened to take Mary away, the worse things John did to keep her there. The darkness and weight of his actions seeped deep into him, staining his heart and Soul. Mary watched with guilt and silence as John changed into a monster.
But what could she do? Everything he did, he did to keep her by his side. She knew she’d do the same for him. And while John was becoming increasingly sinister and spontaneous, his love and demeanor towards Mary never changed. When he held her, when they lay together, he was her John, the man she fell in love with, built a life with.
If she was no longer there, Crowley couldn’t use her as a pawn. But then everything, all that John did and became, would then be without reason. Mary couldn’t handle the guilt of all of the pain, the darkness, the complete disregard for the traditions of The Way...it was all because of her.
With time, her misery consumed her. Her secret of being soulless, feeling her connection to Heaven, all of it was her burden to bare alone. Hers and Crowley’s. It slowly ate at her, consumed her. Until day in and day out, outside of the trances, all she could think about was her and John dying. Maybe if they were both gone, the world would be right again.
Sam came to, wincing from the pain in his head and body. What the Hell happened? He forced himself to open his eyes and sit up. He was in his room, the overhead light turned off, the room dimly illuminated by the soft lighting of his desk lamp. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed a silhouette sitting in the chair by his desk.
“You’re awake.” John said, standing from the chair and turning on the overhead light before moving to Sam’s beside.
“What happened?” Sam asked, genuinely confused, as he threw his legs over the side of the bed, clutching his head.
“Seems you were attacked by Y/N.” John stated. Y/N.
“Give it back, Y/N. Don’t make me take it from you.”
Sam shook his head as flashes came to his mind, pieces of his memory clicking into place. Sam remembered the necklace, but didn’t feel it’s weight resting against his chest. He unconsciously rubbed his hand over his chest, confirming its absence.
“How do you feel?” John asked carefully, biting his lip as he watched Sam with scrutiny. I don’t feel anything, Sam remembered. Suddenly, he felt overwhelmed with sadness and anger. “What’s going on, Sam?” John asked again, drawing Sam’s full attention to him. Another flash, and Sam remembered John beating Dean. Remembered he had helped. Remembered he threw him in the dungeon.
“I don’t feel anything, really. A headache, I guess.” Sam said, keeping his voice calm and indifferent. He stood, fighting against the pain he felt, hiding it. Sam felt panicked. As his memories came flooding back to him, he felt one thing very clearly...rage. Rage for John, for what he had done to Sam, to Dean, what he had made Sam do…
Sam knew he couldn’t reveal any of this to his father. John wasn’t stupid. He was cunning and strategic and brutal. Sam knew he’d somehow end up in the dungeon like Dean.
“What happened to Y/N?” Sam, again, trying to maintain a level tone. John smiled, patting his son on the back.
“Don’t worry. She assaulted you. Hell, some might argue she tried to kill you.” John’s smile grew sinister as he faced Sam. “And Hunters don’t kill other Hunters.” John teased. More memories and Sam’s anger grew more. His nostrils flared and John noticed. “Are you angry?” John goaded in mock concern.
“No, Sir.” Sam was quick to reply, getting himself back under control. “Just disappointed I couldn’t address the situation myself.” Sam gave a half-smirk to John. John laughed heartily.
“Good to see you’re ok.” John responded, walking towards the door. “You can see to her when you’re well.” He added before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Sam let out a long breath as he let his wall crumble and allowed himself to process...everything.
Regardless of the whirlwind of emotions bubbling inside of him, Sam still had responsibilities. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but his memories continued to return to him in painful flashes.He spent a long time in his room, quiet and thinking over everything.
“I won’t leave, I promise!” The words reverberated off the walls of Sam’s mind as he remembered the look on Y/N’s face as she spoke them, the absolute fear there. Then he remembered. He had said the same, felt the same, as he looked up at his father from the table. Sam quickly realized that John had stolen his Soul, making him a shell, a perfect soldier.
Sam had read, years before in his constant learning and research of the world, about a group called the Securitate, a secret police agency of Romania. They were known for one of their preferred methods of torture, wherein a victim was bound, forced to swallow the key, and left to die, usually by suffocation, knowing the whole time their freedom was within. Sam couldn’t help but feel sick, the ghostly burn of the pendant reminding him of its former place, his proverbial key within.
Sam did get sick then, hurrying to the wastebasket and releasing all the contents of his stomach in violent heaves. His emotions, for so long gone, were overwhelming. The memories of what he had done, of how everything twisted and became so perverse. It was why he wanted to leave to begin with, he saw it coming.
Sam quickly adjusted himself, wiping his face on his sleeve and standing to attention when he heard his door quickly open and shut. He was shocked to see Mary there, breathing heavy and staring up at Sam.
“Mom?” Sam asked cautiously. He didn’t know if she too was aware of the necklace, of what had been done. He only knew he had to pretend nothing had changed and trust no one. At least until he could figure something out.
Mary didn’t move. Still leaning against the door, she looked up at Sam, her eyes slightly wide. She slowly stood straight, walking towards Sam and tucking his hair neatly behind his ear while he rested her hand on his cheek lovingly.
“I’m so sorry.” She whispered. Sam hadn’t heard her talk much at all in years because of her illness. They all just assumed she was hit with madness that gradually got worse. Some sort of brain deterioration. Sam remained wary as he removed Mary’s hands from him and shuffled her to sit in the chair by his desk.
“Why are you sorry?” Sam fought to keep his tone level.
“Where’s your necklace?” She glanced to the spot where it usually lay before meeting his eyes again. Sam swallowed hard, his hand instinctively going to his chest once more. She stood and looked deep into his eyes. “Are you...you again?” She whispered. Mary was scared, Sam could see that. She loved her son, but in the absence of a Soul, he had become John’s errand boy. Mother or not, Sam would put her in her place for any insolence. That is...if he was still under John’s control. She turned from him then.
“After that hunt, when Crowley brought me back, my Soul stayed in Heaven.” Sam’s eyes widened at hearing her words. Were they all without Souls? “I haven’t felt right here since. I stayed, for John,” she looked at Sam again, “for you boys. But I’m tired.” She sighed out the words, her shoulders slumping with the admission.
“Mom, what are you saying?” Sam eagerly asked, maneuvering them both to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I’m saying,” She sighed against, sitting up straight and staring him in the eye, “I’m saying that I don’t belong here. I belong in Heaven, with my Soul.” Sam shook his head frantically, understanding dawning on him. “But I won’t leave without John.” She added. Sam’s mind reeled at her words. Mary stood to leave.
“You and your brother...take back The Way. Make it mean something again.” She whispered sadly before leaving the room. Sam gripped at his hair, his face going red with too much to process. Take back The Way? How? What did she mean? Back to Heaven? So many questions. He didn’t know what to do, who to turn to. He needed Dean.
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