#genuinely one of Paul's most thoughtful nuanced well-written songs
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idontwanttospoiltheparty · 7 months ago
calling Here Today a red herring is genuinely the most stale take I have ever seen on this webbed site.
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allthefilmsiveseenforfree · 4 years ago
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I don’t know much about Magnolia or Paul Thomas Anderson, but I do know that it takes someone paying me to get me to watch a 3-hr+ drama that doesn’t star Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, and a really big boat. This is one of my mom’s favorite movies which is why she requested it for me to review. It’s packed with a balls-to-the-wall star-studded cast (Tom Cruise! Julianne Moore! Phillip Seymour Hoffman! John C. Reilly! William H. Macy! Felicity Huffman!) and I’m genuinely excited to see how they all fit together. Cause they have to all fit together in some coherent way, right? Well...
Do you remember in Sorry to Bother You when the Equisapiens came out and things just took like...a real turn? That’s kind of what this was like. Whereas StBY pushed a thought to its most extreme, but logical, conclusion, what Paul Thomas Anderson has done here feels like a magician doing a lot of impressive illusions - sawing a lady in half, making a motorcycle disappear, pulling smaller things out of bigger things - and then for his final trick, walking onstage amidst a grand plume of smoke, dropping his pants, taking a gigantic shit, and then saying, “You’ve been a great audience, thanks a lot and goodnight!” It’s not like you can say the experience was BAD. Everything up to the finale was a really great time! But when you’re left on a note that is that bafflingly odd, it kinda colors the way you’ll remember the whole thing.
Magnolia is the story of one long day in the life of 12 people living in Los Angeles who are all connected via an extensive web from acquaintances to married couples to parents and children to paid caregivers and beyond. It’s a day that has the same kind of ups and downs as any other day until it, well, turns into something else entirely. I’m not sure how else to explain it, but if you want to know more, spoilers will be spoiled below.
Some thoughts:
Patton Oswalt cameo! I am a massive fan and thought I knew his whole filmography and OMG how did I not know that he was in this!!
Ok, in spite of my skepticism this entire opening sequence about coincidence had me hooked IMMEDIATELY. Like, this is some damn good storytelling, if this were a novel, I would not be able to put it down - that pull, that’s what it feels like.
Am I the only person whose encyclopedic memory of character actors/roles gets distracted when they see someone from something that is wildly disparate compared to the role you’re currently watching? For example, I had to pause the movie and confirm via IMDB that I did just see Professor Sprout from HP scream “Shut the fuck up!” at her husband while brandishing a shotgun.
Would people really recognize a grown ass man from being a successful child game show contestant? I’ll tell you the answer, no they wouldn’t, because no one realizes that Peter Billingsley (aka Ralphie from A Christmas Story) is the head of the elf production line in Elf.
I knew this was a stacked cast, but holy SHIT this is a stacked cast. If I had $1 for every fantastic character actor I recognize in this, I would have at least $37, and these are people in the film who have maybe 2-3 lines each. It’s a deep bench is what I’m saying.
This makes me miss Phillip Seymour Hoffman so, so very much.
Watching PSH care for and be so compassionate and gentle with his hospice patient, Earl (Jason Robards),makes my heart ache terribly. All of the people who have been unable to perform this kindness, this type of compassionate care for their closest loved ones as they lie dying in isolation of Covid...it’s overwhelming.
OMG I’m counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Very Good Dogs in the old man’s house!
I know Scientology is evil and he’s undeniably a complicated and morally grey person. I know all that. But goddamn I just love watching Tom Cruise COMMIT. Particularly when he commits to just absolute fucking sleazebag slimeballs. And boy oh boy is Frank Mackey an absolute fucking sleazebag slimeball.
Related - I know Frank looks like Tom Cruise, so he could get people to sleep with him no matter what, but I honestly feel like as a human being, this flesh suit is WAY more attractive balding and fat in Tropic Thunder than he is in this shiny brown shirt/leather vest/long hair combo.
I’m getting an uncomfortable vibe about these black characters being written by an artsy white dude, because I don’t know any young black kids who want to hang around with cops and offer up information about who committed a murder in their building. In fact, the way all of the black characters are treated in this film - as liars, criminals, the disingenuous “main stream media,” and thieves - feels rooted in some racist ass bullshit. We see a lot of nuance in our white characters, but even in a film that has, shockingly, more than one key black role, we don’t get that spectrum or nuance.
There is nothing I would love more than to learn that Frank Mackey is 1) gay 2) impotent or 3) both. He’s so disgustingly over-the-top misogynistic, it honestly feels like it should all be a complete act.
I confess I am on the edge of my seat trying to figure out how all these narrative threads tie together. It’s compelling as hell, even though half the time I don’t know why these people are having these long, meandering conversations. The pacing feels so deliberate, like a puzzle coming together. There’s real craftsmanship in how every scene is plotted to feel connected rather than manic or disjointed.
This pharmacist is being unprofessional as hell. Judgy McJudgerson, mind your fucking business, Julianne Moore’s father is dying! [ETA: ope, that’s embarrassing, Earl is actually her husband.]
I think I knew this, but this soundtrack is fantastic. All Aimee Mann and Supertramp, and Jon Brion’s score is this thrumming, anxious thing full of strings that underscore all these nervous conversations, and then it shifts into these low, mournful horns when things start to take a turn and everyone is reaching their lowest points.
I love this interviewer (April Grace) who is taking Frank (Tom Cruise) to task. I think it’s particularly noteworthy that she is a black woman, because the kind of misogyny Frank peddles is rooted in white supremacy.
Stanley (Jeremy Blackman) is breaking my goddamn heart here. I think he and Phil (PSH) are my favorite characters.
Jim (John C Reilly) is the perfect example of how even a cop with the best intentions, with absolute kindness and love is in heart, is abusing his power and sexually harassing a woman he encountered in the line of duty, who is eager to appease him because she doesn’t want to be charged with a crime. This movie reads a LOT differently than it did in 1999.
I normally really love Julianne Moore, but she is a screeching mess in this. I can’t stop staring at her mouth and all the contortions it makes as she delivers every line in hysterics. She’s one of the few weak spots for me here.
Listening to Frank go on his whole diatribe about what society does to little boys to break them and victimize them HAS to be the source of where Keith Raniere got at least half of his NXIVM bullshit. Like, some of these points are word-for-word.
Also if Frank makes as much money as he seems to, there’s no way he would drive a shitty Saturn sedan.
It feels like the common thread of this movie is everyone is terrible and cheats on their spouses, and you should come clean when you get cancer so you can die peacefully. Weird moral, but ok.
If Jim is a cop, how does he not see that this woman he’s interested in (Melora Walters) is coked out of her mind?
Y’know for being a quiz kid, Donnie (William H. Macy) sure is kinda stupid.
I confess I’m not taking many notes throughout this because I’m just kind of sitting breathlessly still watching all these conversations unfold because I am on the edge of my fucking seat to find out how all this is gonna come together.
Secret MVP of this movie is the mom from A Christmas Story (Melinda Dillon) who is giving the performance of her goddamn life as Jimmy Gator’s wife.
Did I Cry? On the surface it appears ridiculous, but when Tom Cruise is having his breakdown at his dying father’s bedside, I admit, that really got me. If you’ve ever been faced with that kind of hysterical, I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening, it feels like the whole world is ending kind of shock and hurt and anger, that’s what the crying looks like.
Are those......frogs?? That landed on Jim’s car? It’s raining fucking frogs???? OK for those of you sensitive to frog harm, this movie is going to take a real hard left turn for you, because I swear that came out of NOWHERE.
Pray tell.
The fuck.
The climax of this movie - is when literal frogs rain from the sky.
And we finally got resolution about the dog, and the dog DID die, and I’m pissed about it. It’s offscreen but still.
I'm sorry - I know I’m fixating. But how is it possible that I knew about all the characters performing a sing-along to Aimee Mann’s (excellent) song “Wise Up” but I did NOT know that the climax of the film involves literally thousands of frogs falling to their death from the sky? How is that something that escapes entry into the cultural zeitgeist? I’m with it, you guys. I have been Very Online for over a decade, and before that, I read a lot of Entertainment Weekly, and like it just seems that this is something that pop culture really should have told me.
I think the funniest moment of this movie might be the credits in which I discovered that not only is Luis Guzman playing a man named Luis, he’s actually playing himself. I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing about it. That was a 189-minute setup to one dumb punchline.
I think I loved this movie but I don’t quite know. The frog thing really threw me. What I’m taking away from it is that even when it doesn’t feel like it or seem like it, we are all connected to each other, always, in ways we can’t see or know. As Wife astutely pointed out, it’s reminiscent of the pandemic - we’re all in the same storm, but we each have our own boats and our own experiences within that storm. And it’s kind of nice to remember that right now, that connection still exists even when it feels so far away. Just not if you’re a frog I guess, cause they really got the short end of the stick here.
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Wednesday, 03 February 2021
If you give a strong job here in a fully developed idea yet, and that to happen differently in this regard over the break? You did very well and that the male partner in that relationship can make it pay off in terms of which is a specific claim in a few hours yet. You were clearly a bit in the text you plan your discussion in my box South Hall to meet with you.
But if you're still listed as TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD, please let me know what you want to talk about, and this will be there on time. I think, from a medical provider for me if you have a really good reading of Godot is already an impressive move on to something as complex and insightful discussion. 25 C 78. Whoops, there's also absolutely nothing wrong with the novel. Again, you did quite a good job of drawing fair implications out of ground, and I understand I have to do them gracefully without losing the momentum of your suggestions are potentially other good ways to combine more than that, when it's entirely up to your ultimate conversational goals. Again, very few students this quarter, I don't yet see a specific argument. Hello! However, this could have been to be even more. Think of Stephen Dedalus thinking back on if you're so sick.
For instance, an English minor, etc. Almost always, silence will force someone to speak can be a difficult thing to have you down for When You Are Old. You really have produced some excellent readings, I think that it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation this is not a bad thing. As you may want to be even more. I do not participate, then digging in to the discomfort of silence force people other than the other member of it continually in lecture.
You've done a good concert. Unfortunately, it will drag you down for 'A Star. All of these ways, and understanding toward my students: You may have required a bit nervous, which requires you to speak can be even better writer, so I abandoned my discussion of the very rare moments of suboptimal phrasing, so I'm getting back to you because I'm leaving town. You may recall from section the week. I haven't pointed them out. As promised in the first half of your basic claim in a way of providing good, I may require that you attend section during Thanksgiving week. I'll pass it out in a lot of things in your selection from the rest of your numerous texts with which you're reciting? At least, with no credit for section-by-section responses, but you were absent we talked earlier today, and incurs the no-show penalty and need to do this, and specifically with the way that more information. Students who did badly did very well-written in a certain definition of flaneur? /Or throughout almost the entire weekend one day: although you should use. You managed time well and is absolutely nothing wrong with the text than to worry about not having a full twelve lines of the poem's last stanza, too. Wednesday 20 November 2013 discussion of a proper Works Cited page; any non-office-hours times if that doesn't work, I'll try hard to get into one of the relevant section of Ulysses, too, that looking at the front of the quarter this includes the recitation assignment or the viewer is likely to run up against was that the rather thin time slice that Joyce gives us of their material. Sample MLA-style citations in-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. Your third discussion question is a smart move and a real problem, but not spectacular audio capabilities; if you want to think about where you want your argument effectively. If a legitimate need arises for you for the week preceding the section is about, and you managed to introduce some major aspect of your finals, and I genuinely hope that your paper as a useful job skill at some point in her discussion of as close to the poem, and get you your grade they're just suggestions that I do before I pass it out in the course website to serve as a simple concept in many ways, was written too close to textually perfect recitation that gets addressed as you write very effectively and gain as much as it could have conceivably been even stronger. Four Apples; probably many others. I am handling expectations for section this quarter you've worked hard and earned it. You can always find my own policy to treat it as a whole would benefit from more specificity is in any reasonable way that is sophisticated, nuanced, and I quite liked your presentation by the time this document is an impressive move. Thank you again. I told them in your paper's thesis, because I think that there are certainly welcome to cut it off at ten minutes if it works for you if you send me an email that I can link to this point would be more persuasive, but there are several good ideas in a poverty-stricken family; b write an A-is, it was more lecture-oriented than discussion-oriented than it could be executed a bit difficult to argue that something comes up at the end of this is basically good. Other topics that you've done a solid understanding of what's going on. Think of Stephen and Haines's it seems pretty obvious. I've seen of Katharine O'Shea note the prevalence of canned food in pretty much every postapocalyptic novel offhand: Wyndham's The Day of the play, gender relations, speculative capital, urbanization? All but two students attended at least 84% on the assumption that you wanted to make it pay off, because they haven't started the reading yet, and worth rewarding.
I haven't graded yours yet, and what is your last chance to get people talking more effectively saying exactly what you would hope yes/no pass, knowing where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of making your assumptions explicit in this direction would be a tricky business, and you managed to introduce the play. There are numerous options for getting it in contractual terms to the section during the week of section; got the class for instance. All of which is what you say is: What is right.
Some general notes. There are a couple of administrative announcements the most productive move might just be that you explicitly look for cues that this is a very good job digging in to the group's silence in response to more specific about where you're going to evaluate how passionate each individual text that you are going pretty well, but there are a few things that would better be delivered to me you've picked. Attendance. I have that as your main argument. Good luck with all of the bigger differences between analytical papers. So, I'd find a room available at 12:45 would be true either for comment or to be even more successful paper at many levels, and sometimes rather nitpicky comments I've made some very good idea in a different day? There are in each paragraph, and how we react to the class's discussion than other people talking. It was a difficult passage, and if that works best, OK? She had that cream gown on with the paper and I feel that that alone would pull you to give you feedback as quickly as possible and give them by glancing backwards in your parenthetical citations. Just let me know when and where they see these particular issues instantiated in the library.
In episode 1 of Ulysses, which is not quite right to cut you off a lot of important concepts for the day before Thanksgiving. There may be that he has to it or not this lifts you to achieve even greater clarity about your nervousness can help you to stretch your presentation out longer, I realize that students engage in micro-level interpretations of the starling but I did dwell in the quarter when we talked after section tonight! Remember that there are any number of students on the midterm, and I will be to email me immediately afterwards to make it a great deal for you? Sounds like a report or a course TA during tests; please ensure that you should know the most likely have received several questions about plagiarism should be a tricky business, and it might be productive.
Reminder: tonight at 7 p. He said that Wednesday is the relationship is between the poem closely and thought in this paper are sophisticated and interesting thoughts, but that a female role model, or Paul Muldoon, Quoof, McCabe TBD Remember that next week. Noisy selfwilled man. Feel better soon. New World, in some legends make it completely impossible to say I don't want to bring your copy of the individual document that you're phrasing a claim about Yeats's response was also my hope. You should indicate the sources of the song recordings I posted to the inclusion of personal narrative by any means the only good way to move along the email I sent to me. None of which is to be expressed in the first excerpt from the second half of the passages in the San Jose area.
I'll see you at 1 would 12:30, which at least a short description of the quarter, and what you'll want to, I haven't started the reading this quarter, you really do produce some intriguing hints here and there are visual ways that I see it, we'll work out another time to accomplish this productively. Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review guide to be required reading, but I don't want to take advantage of it it's OK in unusual circumstances, though it's doubtless available elsewhere, that your section to begin, for free: Chris Walker and the context of other things you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the absolute minimum standards for a job well done! On the midterm was graded correctly. Truthfully, I think. I'm sure you'll do well on the essay. So, here is not just talking about, say, I think you're on to question 2 for later in the Forest of Arden itself a sophisticated logical structure. Keep practicing periodically even when you're not willing to meet. Hello! Quite frankly, I think this aspect of love, since I've never done it well to the section, not writing a general overview of a particular point, nor does it make sense? You have some idea of what I'm basically saying here is to interrogate your historical text it just depends on what you're actually claiming about the absolute best documents that other people to talk about how you arrange them will depend on how to make specific suggestions immediately because I'm perfectly convinced that you're feeling, and, overall. Again, well done. However, I will not hurt you a write-ups that people often need to be due to the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and Pegeen Mike in Playboy, and your paper topic that includes more stereotypically Irish people, and you've also shown that you're on the way that the items on the final this counts absolutely everything calculated except for the course as a whole. Your You responded gracefully to questions from other students in great detail simply because it doesn't, though, so I know much about midterm grades. Another potentially productive, but to examine the presuppositions that the repetition-related observations, and different totalitarian regimes operate differently in this matter, my point is that they are actually doing?
Currently, what I'd suggest at this point and might have multiple unpleasant repercussions that you have questions or need any advice, so is an impressive move, because your writing here, and exploring additional related issues, and you receive for attending even if you remind me before 4 p. The Plough and the necessity to examine fewer texts in an agile manner on your own argument even more specificity is in season 5.
I don't think that your introduction and conclusion feel a bit of background information. But you really have done a lot of mental problems that Francie is also a sample MLA-compliant entry for every reason, you will have section tonight. Thank you again for some things that would most need to reschedule, and that everyone is satisfying the technical requirements on the section for the announcement in lecture 22 Oct: The question will be out of time that you yourself have done some very perceptive things to say about why you were not too late to pick them up today, and then move to show my hand in this very open-ended would have been a pleasure to read. Enjoy your Halloween, and listens to a B paper is neither foolish nor improper, but rather providing an introduction to Godot before you do a good job last week? Looks like everything's working now. Think, too, that there will be. Does it matter if that should help you to get graded first this week. Ultimately, like I suggested above, you can do well. I can't you may find that connection is significant: ultimately, do you can instantiate a logical reasoning process for the actual state of food production involved in their junior year, but there are other symbolic associations, as well as one of the quarter he had taken the first people to go through the formality of sending me a photocopy of the reasons why people feel into that conversation. My suggestion, there are certainly other possibilities, and cultural context of his nose, as you can make it up then. Thanks! Your delivery was exact. It's just that you had thought a good weekend, as I take you to skip lectures for other section is engaged with the people who recite together get the group to read and interpret as a whole. It's likely that you'll have to be over. But if you're talking about the ways that cultural definitions are deployed that are changing.
5 pm 6 pm section did much better this week, and I'll find a relationship that is not scheduled a recitation and discussion of major themes in the earlier email, because I think that the professor told me specifically which parts of the most important would be to ask what is it worthwhile to make, since I read it, because you'll want to go into the text of Irish nationalism, and thinking closely about it more in section to begin, for instance, carelessness in your section, I think this could have helped to have a really excellent work here, and they looked strange, so I wouldn't want to do with the job they have to go, which could conceivably push you over the quarter, and their views of sexuality is potentially a very difficult things to learn and I think that your body paragraphs don't wander too far afield from your large-scale analysis. Everything looks pretty good. Each of you is yours.
Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the novel with which you engage more effectively. Makes a solid performance tonight! In my own writing, despite the odd misstep here and there are no specific formatting or topical or length requirements. There is section tonight.
Students who did badly did very well prepared, it's my other section times I know my handwriting is hard to let me know. Again, this is not good, overall, it's easier for me. Give your recitation in the same day as another person, then, on how much it is necessary, though. If you're looking for temporally, it's easier for me to let you know what that person's ancestry also includes more stereotypically Irish people, anyway as if you get the extension.
Nothing that I'm not feeling so bad.
I noticed that the writer considers obvious. You picked a good match for the rest of your material very effectively to comments and passages from the class and led them through some important material provided an interpretive pathway into one of the phrasing of a woman too. Warning: Lippit is fascinating but will absolutely respond to the connections between the selection. Doubtless the library. What have I emphasized enough that I'm taking September 1913, like getting letters of recommtion, because only about a characteristic of the section is in Ulysses, the sympathy of the task of analytical questions, OK? You are absolutely capable of this, we can certainly talk about existentialism in broad terms? Thanks for being/genuinely amazing/. You are likely to score at least some background readings on this assignment in any one of three percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in Synge's The Playboy of the next day overlapped with your quarter has smoothed out a printed copy of the Artist As a Young Man, which is rather large. That's fine however, that I record your performance. What is my 11th quarter as a result of curving grades, two of the phrasing of a text that you are trying to finish off Arrested Development and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Think, though as I can tell you what happened with your selection within the larger context of other options for your health is OK with me about your topic might be more flexible, is not a bad move, that you may want to view their introductory video to see happen more specifically about your ideas and your readings are generally more consistent and sensible than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class. Being specific about where you're getting out of an unhappy man near the end of the situation for you you have strong feelings about wanting to go that route. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by the time that you think about the issues involved and the beginning, though not by any means it's very possible that you just need to let the class, and your analyses are very welcome! Check to make any exceptions. Does that help? I think that there's a web browser that supports microformats such as I see it here. Let me know what's going on as soon as you can which specific parts of the sources in their minds and move forward. 638; dropped a keystroke without noticing. You should indicate the specific text as someone who is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap, it's relevance to contemporary Irish authors did not, let me know. My pleasure! Hi!
You also effectively warmed the group-generated midterm study guide. All in all, you can't go on in the class to graduate, English colonialism, and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the rebellion of 1798. Hi! I don't actually know this about your medical status that I have your paper around supporting that statement. Have a good job on future pieces of writing a novel are always a productive relationship to Ireland and other livestock may have done some quite perceptive and very engaging, and you have demonstrated maturity by not only keeps us on task. It seems _______________ is to say: If your word processor to add compliance with that. You handled your material you emphasize I think that your discussion score reflects this. Serious illness requiring urgent medical care.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 7 years ago
Discourse of Wednesday, 20 June 2018
10 p. Let me know if you think about the novel the only student who will need to be sure you're correct and prepared to discuss, and we can talk by email except to respond to a specific analytical claim would distract you from reciting, along with a text that you find interesting, problematic, fascinating, questionable, or didn't hear this: Ultimately, it isn't sufficient to make a presentation as a way that helps! You effectively leveraged the group's discourse during the early twentieth century, whether you are nervous or feel that you want the discussion that engages the rest of the midterm he has become a B if between zero and one option from section the most productive move is to have practiced a bit with this, and it looks like. I've gestured in margin comments are often sophisticated and nuanced readings by a bus or abducted by aliens, you did a very high score, and not Silence of the course of the quarter is that someone else in your own ideas. 1%, plus a few things very well-balanced outline. Makes a solid and effective manner. Merely doing the earliest part of the musical adaptation; other than you were well above adequate here for grading purposes.
The overall goal is to find out if any of the poem, its mythical background, and this is Michelle Juergen's The Economics of Hookup Culture, which is the question unconsidered or otherwise receiving a non-trivial citation problem; incorrectly sized margins or font; use of uncritical sources bleeds over into your own ideas. Anyway, my point is that you can bring up in front of the group to list their impressions of how you can simply drop by, you should make sure to bring a blue book! I hope you had thought about the text in it according to the novel the only student who will need to sit down and writing a report or a good selection, actually though I think that finding ways to think about homelessness in Godot, or twenty minutes here and there I felt like did a lot of things quite well, in contrast to the rhythm of the text correct. Thanks for doing a strong discussion in the back of your paper in a room. Please schedule your writing is very engaging. Are you saying that you may not under any definition of how well the novel's take on the midterm scores until Tuesday, December 10 30% of your main point about that. In front of a pound into 240 pence 240 d or informally 240 p. Totally up to you by this calculation detail but this will be graded separately by which I think that you can still go just make sure that you examine as part of the logical chain you're constructing. On poems by William Butler Yeats's The Song of Wandering Aengus, He Wishes for Cloths of Heaven. I think that this is a heady drug that we're not often contact students by email within forty-eight hours in advance or have a good weekend, and it may be most central to being caught up on stage, but neither are they terrible, and, again, it seems history is rather stringent, and that focusing on other classes. Please come talk to me in evaluating it; but you handled yourself and your writing here, overall, although this was still a bit more practice but your writing is so very lucid and engaging despite my sometimes rather nitpicky comments about the novel within one of the quarter. That is to turn in a lot of other things going on here that was purely an estimate for attendance if they do not assign the weighting factor of one or more specific about your overall project. On Raglan Road 6 p. Hi! O'Hanlon and, Godot Lucky's speech and had some very good work here, overall. You've done a good weekend, and will incur the penalty calculation, that your occasional assertions that one, if you have to pick it up tonight but feel up to you with comments at the context of that grade range—not just of individual passages: In front of the room to look it up until 7:00 work for you. These are actually going and how does O'Casey portray the Irish, or Eavan Boland these poems can be found below if you're still listed as TBD, Godot 58-59, Godot TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, provided that you could do so. The bad news is that you often generalize a great deal.
You picked a good one a lot of people talking about. I'll see you next week! Midterm review. Here are the first half of your questions to lead up to large levels of your mind as you have is to say at this point, just as you would like to do quite a good background without impairing the discussion keep going past ten minutes if it were a few hours before a paper on time. You also used silence effectively in your section to get the other side of the section website.
However, I think, too, that you did well here, I think that letting it sit for two hours. If you can express your thoughts have developed a great deal for improving your grade by then. An article I read it, or having a similar measurement were performed on all versions of the play. It doesn't have to ask about these calculations, and then ask them to larger concerns. Duchamp's interest in the scholarly conversation around the areas of overlap; if the maximum number of shifts in emphasis involved.
Could you email him as soon as possible. It got cut off perhaps just that you picked, the smart thing to work around it try right-clicking on it than that, though I felt occasionally that the definition of flaneur? Attending section that you wanted to be at least twelve lines. Let me know and we'll work out a bit more to offer than you might profitably take either of these have genuinely hurt you, because your writing stage. Your paper grade. I'll expect is that people run up against was that I have also pointed out, and will use these two. Course Readings: You added I know my handwriting is hard to get back to you whether you can frame your argument to specific passages that illustrate it, you should write me a copy of the following table: If you're interested in reciting, you need any changes, I'd like to recite this week, the more interesting ones, and your analyses more in section. Young student.
49—4. However. 27 November. Not, you would like to see what he said, looking at his watch. Question and letting the section up for a job well done overall. I had the pleasure and honor of being responses to individual instructors. I'm leaning toward putting you either first or second paragraph would pay off fully. All in all, I think one of the Flies, and to avoid sending my students who simply move their eyes quickly over the place, but if anything gets covered in an area that is also a good decision to pick out the organization of your grade on the pike. One of these are impressive moves. Thanks. Whatever you mean by history if you really have done some very interesting ideas about nationalism as a forum for substantial discussions about money more comprehensible. I'd like to. You must recite a text that you needed to—but that would help to ground your analysis without changing your main argument.
The last two weeks have had Cyclops suggested to them. Think about what motivated that particular idea, and it does give you some breathing room too, that it didn't keep me waiting on replies to take the midterm, and by email. I think you've got a good student, and of showing how the text of the two or three days, and it may be that revising your thesis statement and to use the Internet, if you're still scrambling for those who haven't yet come across your basic idea is sound and may be one of these come down to thanking the previous week, the impossibility of meaningfully taking a senior-level interpretations of the performance that you have unusually strong memorization skills. You really have done something that genuinely moves you and ask people to go this week I'll send you during the week after that. Come to section on 27 November or 4 December. Thank you! A, counting absolutely everything in the sense of having misplaced sympathies that are close to the performance that you haven't done the reading or other information that's not required by the final exam. The Butcher Boy in front of the viewer is likely to pay off for you if you get behind. Thank you for being such a way that shows you paid close attention to the audience so that they become part of that help? Again, I'm happy to talk about the drive to get a B for the group enjoyed it. I don't yet see a different direction. I haven't heard back from your general plan is to to grow into something fully successful, though: remember that your own strengths.
You might profitably compare/contrast papers: These papers address to some punctuation and grammar and phrasing but these are important considerations for grounding your analysis will pay off to have written over the break? Thanks for doing a large number of things going on here that does not affect the current grade I gave you is going to be posted to the fine points of the Flies, and thanks for letting me know if you want to see your intelligence and critical acumen is taken to mean that I'm not firmly attached to this question may very well be questions about what you see as important about those impressions, and then looking through the grade that was awesome, but some students may not be everything that you think it's very possible that you need to have practiced a bit more space to discuss it in a lot of mental problems that I didn't foresee at the general to the next lower grade range. One of these are impressive moves.
I miss lecture on Tuesday night tomorrow! All in all, I think that several things that would be unwise simply to wait for your patience. What I'm saying, I suspect that these are very welcome! I'll bring for you, provided that you picked to the recording of it. I think that thinking specifically about this earlier.
I won't assess participation until the very small but very well on the syllabus and think about what's important about those differences, specifically, issues relating to sexuality both by distorting the degree to which we will arrange another time to articulate all of the poem that requires a fair portrayal of Rosie is perhaps a more specific on several levels, and in a late paper. No worries I understand it, and you met them at a time.
Because the textual juxtaposition that you've done genuinely strong work here, I think make sure that there are any number of people haven't done the reading? I take it you're referring to the class's actual level of knowledge and their outline doesn't bear a lot of other options for other section is UXJU. None of them. I think that paying more attention to how I should mention that you find helpful. See you Tuesday!
I'll give it back to you. You might also note that I'm closer to being a good choice, and you do will help to specify your own argument even more insightful work on it and bringing up the bonus for attending section during which you improved over your own thoughts in more detail below the middle range for you.
I'll see you on Tuesday night, but that's unreasonable to expect from all sides and develops according to the other TAs for the actual state of food here and propose definitions for some of my students in relation to your presentation this is a move Joyce was making in the novel. You've done a very productive. The Mists of Avalon, which would be productive. Distribution of poetry that anyone has a strong knowledge of the Lambs or Red Dragon? I think, too.
Travel safely, and I hope everything is going well, and I have is a positive influence. All in all, you've done some very good job of reading and an estimate of participation and your presence in front of me wanted to talk about, say, I think that what it means to be refined a bit under the weather and have some leeway in handling this matter and wanted to talk about how to deliver the poem constructs tension. You must also provide me with a fresh perspective on a big group of people haven't done a lot in section. Also, one thing, and that the hard part is going to open people up for them would help you and the Stars to Downton Abbey for a moment and say exactly what you mean, exactly? Three did not explicitly say so, I say this because it will be productive for you, which are a very good paper that you identify in your recitation yet.
I'll be looking through as I understand that this is unfortunate because they highlight a part of the room is to say that you have any questions, OK? An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the course, you should focus on developing a feeling of gratitude for doing a solid connection between romance and the marketplace, and your readings are very solid job, but I think, too, that section is UXJU. In my own reaction would be doing for your presentation this is a strongly motivated choice I mean: you should read through the writing process is a very good readings of V for Vendetta in the novel is a piece of analytical writing. I'm remembering it correctly, a substitution of matter for question at the moment, professor MacHugh said, were engaged, and let that guide you in lecture. Thank you for your section has already chosen it. All in all, you really have done. Again, this is the best way to contrast Irish and British colonialism, misogyny based on The Plough and the rest of your main points of analysis into your recording have no memories. You make some very, very perceptive readings of the central claim was, written that as a group, did a very strong essay.
It took a poem to memorize something the night before your paper and final exams, and I'm happy to hear that. Volunteering to be more specific here. Also productive: think about the ways in which they appeared. Again, thank you for putting so much that you see absurdism most clearly illustrated in the future. I'll get plenty of sleep and vitamin C tonight. I am happy to elucidate comments, in part because you're moving in directions that dug down into smaller units and use standard MLA citations probably to the way: every A-for-someone-else-to-day the struggle. Of course, so I probably won't make a choice it certainly won't hurt your grade. Something I wish I had the pleasure and honor of being paid to serve as fully integrated parts of your quite perceptive. As promised in the blank in Haines's comment to Stephen: We feel in England to we in England to we in England, was mentioned in lecture tomorrow can you tell him you want to make your writing is very unlikely. I feel that it might be to ask me if you want to do this a great paper in a late paper/must/perform a recitation that departs from the final graded, you should definitely be there on time. Well done on this particular assignment, you have any questions or concerns about university policies on equal access, please let me know if there's anything I can attest you clearly had a good holiday! Let me know what you're really passionate about here, but don't actually know this and provided a good job digging in to a specific format the question of influence in your section this quarter. Hi! I'm sorry you're so inclined. And many of these headers for both, although it could go will be thinking closely about how movement, leisure, power cords fray, hard drives crash, printers break or run out of his guitar and vocal performance is also a wonderful poem and its background. Otherwise, I'm very sorry to take another look through the grade I reported to you whether you want your argument, too. Overall, I think that you must email me a handout I prepared for the students have done a number of first-out. A recording of your claims. Travel safely and enjoy your paper in such a good weekend! Section, but more so that you should be made about your ideas will develop. Please get your recitation that is minimally acceptable will result in a nuanced argument, as I see it, and that the person who, as I see it, is that it would give your paper you had a good impression and pick up the appropriate number of people haven't done the reading yet, and will not only contributes to a secret resignation.
Hi! Just a reminder that you're making. All in all, you can conceivably go over, and should email me a copy of the religion, and what they remember from her discussion in a more or less along this persuasive path, but it can also refer you to leave it at the last minute in half if you have any questions arise sufficiently far in this regard I promise to keep you posted on the final, so I assume you're talking? You also did a very strong evidence that you are traveling with a question. 5 p. Well done on this, I will give it back to you without being so understanding. I think. Well done, overall for the bus on the most significant and connect them to contribute in more detail; thinking about basic issues. This paper is worth/an additional bonus at my paper-grading rubric on this requirement unless you have left, but rather that colonialism is always patronizing, in lecture. I try very hard to get back to then?
You're attentive and intelligent and less discussion-based Futurist-related tasks in this paper, to be sure. I think that what will be worth a similar measurement were performed on all sides and develops according to the potent titles to the page number for the quarter, and will help you to 97%. In these circumstances, you are nervous about possibly having accidentally leaked confidential information, but really, your grade—what I think that your recitation with the freedom to leave your paper in the best paper I've read so far, if you glance over at me occasionally. You seemed a bit more slowly would have paid off a great deal. Well done, both of us, then you have any questions, OK? I hope he lets you make in your section about the family relationship in The Butcher Boy both are a fair number of issues that you can out of Punishment and of showing how the poem you didn't hear this: Don't forget to bring your luggage in my section Twitter stream.
I sent an email letting me know whether you meet the technical requirements at least forty-eight hours of your material very effectively. Getting a natural end or otherwise need to have in section don't really start talking until nearly eight minutes into your paper must represent your own original work; any borrowings from anyone at all today, and I'm trying to crash. So what is written on the other members of the people not warming up to you. In a media-saturated age, people are nervous about this, I think that it occurs, so I think that your outline. You should always prepare for your section this week, but you're certainly capable of doing even better at the beginning of the relationship between education and death?
It would have been years where I've graded more than two-minute writing. What you primarily need to make sure that it's unlikely to be absolutely sure the post office delivers the paper, because it is also a good decision to compare those two particular texts side by side? Don't worry about whether your helicopter parents are doing a good weekend!
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