#genuinely impacted the quality of my writing ‘cause i did that with you in mind
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tojiscrack · 2 months ago
2024 was def smth...
happy new year 🌝🫶🏽 can you tell i’m not that excited about 2025
2024 wasn’t a bad year for me, it’s kinda just… there, idk 😭
the highlight of it (not even trying to he humble, it’s just the honest truth) has to be meeting you tho <3 and everyone else on tumblr ofc :) LL’s release date was in january, we’re nearing the one year anniversary! 🫨
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daz4i · 1 year ago
if you'd like, list one strength of bsd that you see, and one flaw! and when i say that, i mean that in a literary sense. not "this is something i liked" or "this is something i didn't like" but something that works really well in bsd and something that does not work well in bsd.
(for example, "character designs are unique and recognizable" and "unreliable tone sometimes undermines dramatic moments") ((also SO sorry if i come off like a school-teacher, i'm just very interested in literary appraisals of bsd)
strength: this might be more of my own personal taste tho it IS a literary tool i think; i love how it initially builds up your expectations by making the characters fit very common anime tropes (mostly shonen ones), but as time goes on you start noticing more and more how they subvert these! (I'd also argue the story itself does it. it starts out mostly silly and fun and then boom 3 teenagers get shot up in an alley)
imo it's less about twists and more about adding depth to these characters, bc it's not that the core qualities of the initial trope are gone. you're just adding things that would normally contradict them (for example, atsushi being bitter and sassy and violent despite having shonen protag qualities like determination and the ability to inspire others, or kunikida hating authority and breaking rules despite being the uptight and serious type etc). I'm actually planning to possibly write smth abt that more in depth soon bc i find it fascinating hehe :3
also! I'd say bsd strikes the balance between humor and drama really really well :) at least the manga does hehe. example i can think of is how fyozai in meursault always do some funny thing right before they get down to mind games (or doing the egg and salt thing right before nikolai gets them out of their cells hehe). or how aya and bram's moments cut the tension of this arc for a few minutes, giving you a moment to breathe and laugh for a bit. it makes the pain and tension that come later more impactful imo :)
flaw: oh my god ok this one bothered me from the start. it feels more obvious in the anime than the manga, idk why (maybe bc things genuinely need more explaining in the manga bc the medium makes things less clear?), but. characters explaining things out loud unnecessarily
example that's currently fresh in my mind is mushitaro explaining the jailbreak plan to atsushi and kyouka AFTER they do it, which??!! yeah they were there !!! you don't need to tell kyouka that demon snow lured the soldiers into the wrong safe she's the one who made her do it!!!!!!
the only times i can excuse this is atsushi and akutagawa having dramatic shonen-esque battles like the one on the boat. this just makes them fun. but when it comes to the mystery aspects of the series, i feel like you can definitely find a better way to do it. in the example i gave, they could've waited a bit to explain it, then have ango ask how they did it once they all reach anne's room, bc he was the one bamboozled by it after all, so it makes sense (i assume in the manga it would've caused too long of a wait to reveal the answer which would frustrate readers but. reading the story as a whole, or seeing it in the anime in one episode, it is really glaring)
sometimes there isn't much of a choice but then i would honestly prefer to just hear the character explain it in internal dialogue than say it to a character who already knows it. like this also feels forced but significantly less so imo, and at the end of the day these things DO need to be explained to the audience so. finding a better way to deliver should be smth you put effort into i think
. ok i had that rant ready for literally 10 months now so I'm glad i let it out hehe. this aspect can really take me out of the story 😭 luckily it happens a bit less lately i think? or maybe I'm just more used to it lol. but still thank you for giving me the opportunity to let all this out :P🖤
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vi-is-badass · 25 days ago
"I think ultimately our difference is that you're approaching your critique from the perspective of "here's what the writers should have done in order to more effectively tell the story they wanted to tell" and I'm more going at it from an angle of "here's the story I wanted them to tell"."
You definitely hit the nail on the head haha. I hadn't really noticed that until you pointed it out, but now that you have it's obvious.
I hadn't really considered talking about the show in terms of "what I would have wanted". I think about my issues with stories in a way that's centered around improving/maximizing the impact of what we have because I can't go back and completely change it to fit my expectations. I hadn't really considered thinking of what-ifs. So I think the way you've approached our conversation is interesting!
I was definitely looking at your point about Vi's role in the final battle through the lens you accurately pointed out and it caused me to misinterpret the intent behind your viewpoint that Vi not doing anything isn't inherently a problem and could instead represent an (incredibly interesting!) commentary on the fact that a truly kindhearted person can't change a broken system. My perspective caused me to look at it from a different angle than you intended and looking back with that in mind a few of my points sound a bit nitpicky over semantics and that was not my intention at all. I hope none of my counterpoints came across as confrontational. Sorry if they did!
I want to address your point about the final battle first since I think it's really interesting. I will admit I saw the writing on the wall as someone who knew league lore and saw the trailers for the season that Viktor and the arcane were going to be the big bad of the season, so I wasn't caught off guard. However, I was still disappointed with what was sacrificed to get there, especially in hindsight, and I completely understand your point that the show shouldn't have ended in a big final battle of good vs evil and I agree. The show that was presented to us in the first season and even the first 2 acts of season 2 didn't effectively build to that.
I would like to hear what you would have wanted the final episodes/act to be about instead. (I'm going to guess the civil war between Zaun and Piltover, but I would definitely be interested to hear your full thoughts)
Quick question: What other issues did you have that we haven't talked about?
I also want to say I would love to read a fanfic centered around the idea of committing to Caitlyn's villain arc. That would be fascinating. Please let me know if you ever decide to post it! I mean this completely genuinely. I would be excited to read it.
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(sorry for the quality and text over the photo, but I couldn't find the original moment in the videos while scrubbing through so I had to resort to Google Images haha)
The scene where Caitlyn has a breakdown is one of the many season 2 scenes accidentally shown in the Bridging the Rift behind-the-scenes documentary. Caitlyn's in her enforcer attire (because of her hair it's probably after she takes the role of commander), alone, and you can see her go from collected to crying. So it's not a full scene that's been released (I hope it will be on the season 2 DVD release though!). They started animating it but it ended up on the cutting room floor.
On the topic of Caitlyn, I completely agree with the points you made. they had 2 set paths they could have taken Caitlyn and they didn't fully commit to either one, which hurt her character.
I kind of feel like the writers wrote themselves into a corner with her. They gave her this complex and interesting arc that fundamentally puts her at odds with Vi and yet they still had to/wanted to make them endgame, something they have been very vocal about being the plan since day 1. With that in mind due to the time constraints, they couldn't go all in on her dictator arc and relegated the worst of it to the "Paint the Town Blue" montage (seriously I've rewatched it multiple times and Caitlyn is painted very villainously in it) and had to immediately course correct at the beginning of act 2.
The problem is the fact that they didn't commit enough to it and I think it's partially because they didn't want us to hate Caitlyn, so they didn't show her committing her worst acts and actively went out of their way to show the ways in which she's "better" than the previous sheriff (forbidding the use of the dungeons Vi was in, forcing the stillwater guards to keep meticulous paperwork, having her be vocally against arrests without cause, giving prisoners better meals, etc) which ultimately backfired because this middle ground simply didn't work.
I guess this is where I have to finally talk about Caitlyn and Vi, which I have been avoiding purely because it's such a volatile topic online, but on a personal level I don't think they work with the way they played out after Caitlyn's descent into fascism within the show. There were ways they could have made them work, but the way they went about it brushed most of what happened in season 2 under the rug and they get together almost immediately after Caitlyn's turn.
And I don't hate them. I loved them in season 1 as individual characters and their relationship and I liked the idea the ship initially presented with the two of them being a bridge between the cities. But when they got together in act 3 I was left with the question "Why do these two characters still love each other?" and I think that's my biggest problem. (I completely acknowledge this could be my own views)
Or more accurately, since I think Caitlyn still having feelings for Vi is significantly easier to understand, my main question was "Why does Vi still love Caitlyn other than the fact that once Vi starts loving someone she can't stop?"
Vi falls for Caitlyn in season 1 because Caitlyn chose to fight for her and the undercity. She didn’t have to fight— she had nothing to gain, nothing to lose if she didn't fight like everyone in the undercity— and yet she chose to fight anyway.
Caitlyn was genuine in her desire to help and fight against a system she learned through her connection to Vi has oppressed the people of the undercity. She also sees what Vi believes is the worst of her during the bedroom scene and still reaches for Vi anyway, giving her empathy and grace that has never been afforded to her before.
But then all of that crumbles in season 2. Caitlyn becomes the worst version of herself out of grief and the sudden immense responsibility thrust upon her shoulders and actively becomes the face of the oppression Vi and her people face. Caitlyn no longer wants to fight corruption and actively participates in it. Gone is the empathy and understanding of season 1. Gone is that desire to fight for Vi and the undercity that made her fall in love in the first place.
That idea in and of itself wouldn't be an issue. It's actually very compelling. Vi truly thought Caitlyn was different, but now she's everything Vi initially believed she was. Presenting this conflict and forcing the characters to confront these opposing parts of themselves and grow back together had the potential to lead to a powerful and heart-wrenching storyline.
In the wake of this conflict we're left with the question I initially presented: why does Vi still love Caitlyn other than the fact that once Vi starts loving someone she can't stop? Plus the question: how can these two characters grow back together after all of this?
And the show really doesn't want to acknowledge the first question and it simply speeds by the second.
And I'm not saying this to be harsh. I feel like these questions needed to be answered because they're problems the show presents.
The biggest problem for me is that it felt like the show was tiptoeing around the fact that Caitlyn was a dictator so it didn't have to answer these questions. The biggest example of this is that we weren't given Vi's feelings on Caitlyn’s role as the commander, the checkpoints, the detainments that lack adequate cause, and the brutality and oppression disguised behind a thin veneer of justice.
We only really get insight on her guilt over it all in the montage at the start of episode 5. She feels responsible for what Caitlyn has become because she failed to protect her and for being a part of the start of something that turned into an oppressive occupation of her people.
Even when she's with Caitlyn again and yells at her in act 3 it's about Caitlyn listening to and actively participating in Ambessa's violence. Again it's framed around Ambessa rather than her actions towards Zaun or Vi.
I feel like this is making it seem like I hate them or hated that they got together and I don't want it to seem that way. I wanted to be able to buy into this romance. I adored them after season 1. I was just personally so confused by the lack of exploration on what should be a massive roadblock to their relationship.
And I do genuinely like the scene where they get together in a vacuum (even if I am ¯\_(��)_/¯ about sex scenes because I'm very aroace haha). The little nuances that people keep pointing out are incredibly impressive and every time I see that gif of Caitlyn looking at Vi's injury with so much softness and regret I completely buy that Caitlyn loves Vi. In a vacuum, the scene does sell that they care about each other. It's what builds up to it that I have a problem with. (That and the context of the scene. The way Jinx left Vi makes it so it doesn't make sense to me that Vi wouldn't immediately storm off to find her.)
I just genuinely believe they needed to slow down and have them grow back together instead of getting back together immediately after reuniting or at the very least explore their individual feelings on the other while separated. This way they could show Caitlyn earning back Vi's trust or give us more context for their reconciliation. But I also understand they didn't have the time. I think they were between a rock and hard place: rush Caitlyn and Vi together or end the series with them starting to grow back together and get a ton of backlash for promising a ship they didn't end up committing to (they did so many interviews about caitvi after season 1).
Oof. I think I might get murdered for that take. The discourse around Caitlyn and Vi's relationship is very heated and I understand that my views are my own. I'm not going to go on a tirade that people should love or hate this ship. How people feel about it is valid. I'm not in the business of telling people how to feel.
I know you've alluded to your feelings about the relationship, but if you're willing to share your full thoughts I would be willing to listen. If you think I'm way off the mark let me know! I really enjoy this back-and-forth.
I actually think this video is really interesting. Not because I fully agree with it (there are a lot of points in the video I don't agree with and a lot that I do), but because I appreciate its intent.
I also fall in the same boat where I really liked the second season, but I didn't love it like I did the first and I appreciate that this is a video that wants to start a conversation. He wants to talk about why things didn't necessarily work for him, why it didn't seem to have the same impact as the first, and about how he wants to hear why those things might have worked for others.
So much discourse about this season has framed it as either the best thing ever, above any criticism, or the worst thing ever with no redeeming qualities and it's made it very frustrating and demoralizing to try and talk about it online.
I want to talk about how I loved aspects of this show and that I was also let down by certain aspects of the show as well, but anytime I try and talk about criticism it's rarely met with a genuine conversation.
I would love to hear how people interpreted things differently from me, why they felt that way, how it connected with them, because I feel like that's the purpose of stories. It's never going to resonate with anyone the same way and there may have been things I missed.
I also know I haven't always worded what I've wanted to say and my criticisms the way I want to get across what I mean. It has never been my intent to sound like I wasn't open to discussion, different interpretations, or counterpoints. I would like to actually talk more about this season and hear other people's thoughts as well.
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mk-wizard · 4 years ago
Top 10 Things Robots In Disguise Did Wrong IMO
Hello, fans.
I really hate knocking a series because I hate trash talking, so I won’t do it, but rather, I will some criticism on Robots in Disguise aka RID. I had a lot of high standards for this show especially considering it was supposed to be a sequel to Prime. There are many things about it that didn’t sit well with me, but there ten things I feel really stood out that really hurt the show the most. Note that Strongarm is not one of those things. Not liking Strongarm is a matter of taste it is not the make or break aspect of an entire series. Despite what many people think, one character you don’t like doesn’t ruin an entire series.
1- It didn’t feel like a genuine sequel to Prime. - I understand that in RID, some time has passed after the end of Prime so things around going to be different. However, the only thing from Prime that was brought over to RID was Bumblebee himself and I felt he did not have a lot in common with his Prime counterpart. RID felt like a completely new show or rather like the sequel of another series. The old cast is never brought up or shown, old alliances seemed to have been forgotten and whatever happened to the Predacons? When making a sequel TV series, it should follow a certain level continuity with the series it is following kind of like how Beast Machines followed Beast Wars so smoothly.
2- Fixit’s performance as the first handicapped Autobot was rather insensitive towards the viewers. - I don’t mind Fixit being handicapped or being the comic relief, but I do find it kind of insensitive especially in today’s day and age for Fixit to be comic relief because he’s handicapped. He was portrayed as weak, an invalid and at times, incompetent which he clearly isn’t. In fact, he has an arsenal and can hold his own, but even after this was found out, he was put back into his “weakling” role. This is not a good look for Transformers. A lot of people watching the show wound up handicapped because of an accident like Fixit did or have handicaps similar to his, and I don’t think it’s very nice to give off the message that people like them are “broken” and this makes them clowns we should laugh at. This is backwards writing at its worst and shame on Hasbro for that.
3- Forgettable human characters. - In Prime, Jack, Miko, Raf, agent Fowler and even Jack’s mom had very strong personalities that made an impact in the show. They were actually helpful to the Autobots and could even be forces to be reckoned with. You could never say the humans of Prime were weak or just played humans in distress. They would rescue the Autobots just as often if not more so than the Autobots rescued them. In RID, Denny and Russel were not as impressive. If anything, Russel felt like a copy of Jack at times, but in a much weaker way. He lacked Jack’s maturity and character development. At times, I also wondered why Bumblebee never just tried to make contact with Agent Fowler at least upon returning to Earth (more on this later).
4- The quality felt like a step down from Prime. - I understand RID was supposed to appeal to a younger audience, but when you’re following an act like Prime, you should put your best foot forward even when presenting to kids. After all, Rescue Bots was also made for kids, but it took place in the same universe as Prime and never compromised its quality. RID felt very silly in its humour, the majority of the episodes felt like the old fashioned and outdated “monster of the day” formula, the plot felt made up as it went along and the characters were rather one dimensional.
5- It should have brought back a large majority of the Prime cast as regular characters. - I understand that even a sequel series is going to have a few new characters. Beast Machines did, but what it didn’t do was scrap 99.9% of the old cast for a new one. It didn’t fix what wasn’t broken and kept the characters who worked best for the series. Like I mentioned before, why didn’t Bumblebee ever try to contact the old human gang especially agent Fowler? Didn’t they keep in touch? And didn’t Ratchet stay on Earth at the end of Prime because he wanted keep Earth safe from any remaining Decepticons? And what happened to the Decepticons who were already on Earth? RID is supposed to be a sequel to Prime not a parallel. It should have brought back most of the old gang especially for its setting.
6- It had tons of plot holes. - As well as forgetting its own cast, RID forgot a lot of pivotal plot elements left behind by Prime that it should have worked with. The most obvious being the Predacons considering most of the enemies in RID had animal motifs. Also, if Bumblebee was so important on Cybertron, his absence would have been felt on Cybertron. People would have gone looking for him. And as mentioned before, there were already a lot of Decepticons still on Earth. It wasn’t necessary to bring in these new animal themed Decepticons.
7- Optimus stole Bumblebee’s spotlight. - RID was supposed to be the series where Bumblebee was supposed to shine, be the hero and leader, and possibly become a Prime. He kind of did those things, but the way Optimus was brought back overshadowed him a lot and that’s no good. Rescue Bots showed a good way to bring in Optimus as a guest or secondary character without overshadowing the heroes of the story. In Rescue Bots, Optimus is assisting, but stepping out of the way for the most part. In RID, as soon as Optimus came back, he completely got in Bumblebee’s way and even made him look bad. This just seems like muddled storytelling to me. Maybe it would have been better if Optimus hadn’t been brought back at all.
8- The enemies were rather lackluster. - Prime gave us tons of enemies that shocked us, had grit and were not afraid to be truly bad like Megatron the conqueror, Starscream the snake and of course, Unicron himself who truly did live up to his chaos bringing persona. And even Predaking was the stuff of nightmares yet at the same time, has this majestic aura hence his name. The enemies of RID felt like a bunch of thugs, they were mostly monsters of the day and even Megatronus felt like a step down in villain quality. He didn’t make me feel anything really and while I know the series wanted to be child friendly, I think it tried too hard. Megatronus just felt like a lesser version of Unicron and many of the villains felt like lesser versions of their Prime counterparts. And this is bad. Even when they explained their motives, I didn’t feel like they delivered that impression that they were all that bad. Just more like they were trying to play the role of being bad like actors in a show. Pardon the harsh criticism, but that’s how I felt.
9- The ideas it presented had been done before. - I hate saying this, but everything I saw in RID had been done before in other Transformers series. None of the ideas felt that fresh at all especially not the setting of Autobots being marooned on Earth and then needing to fight the Decepticons marooned there with them. Like, come on! Even the idea of reviving Optimus had been done before. I think the plot of RID would have benefited more and would have had more of an opportunity to be original if it had literally picked up where Prime had left off with rebuilding Cybertron or tying up loose ends left by Prime.
10- Bumblebee’s performance felt like a step down after Prime. - In Prime, Bumblebee went from being a Scout to a full blown Megatron slayer. He was a badass who didn’t take trash from anyone and he knew what to do without needing to say it. And as soon as he did have a voice, he showed a lot of promise as a leader in every way possible. However, in RID, he seems to have regressed in both leadership skills and in maturity. He’s goofy in all the wrong ways, he is overly concerned with catchphrases and he can’t keep his team together. As mentioned before, RID Bumblebee did not give me the impression that he was the same Bumblebee from Prime. He felt like a different guy.
To anyone who is a fan RID, I don’t mean to offend you. I just had to get this off of my chest. Usually, I don’t care for a sequel following its legacy, but RID felt like a huge drop in standards to the point where it didn’t even look like a sequel anymore.
To anyone who agrees with me, what are your thoughts and what reasons can you think of that caused RID to not live up to Prime’s legacy?
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theshinsun · 5 years ago
4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 39, 40, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60 [Which do you prefer between Knb and Haikyuu?] for the ask you recently reblogged please?
4. what are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to school starting again, even if it's just a weird hybrid of online/flipped classes, I miss my teachers and like, being productive. also if I'm in class I can't be worked borderline inhumane hours right…. right??
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
yeah, my roommate. she always either knows how to cheer me up, or blunders around trying to find the right method to the point that it's funny and I end up smiling anyway. she's really awesome like that.
7. what was your life like last year?
it had a lot of ups and downs. I had a great job, but the people I worked with eventually made it toxic and awful. I was doing really well in school, but stressed all the time, had an awesome relationship but kind of ruined it w my anxiety, and had serious roommate issues that made me afraid to leave my bedroom or even come home, sometimes. I remember a lot of very high highs and very low lows especially in the fall/winter of that year.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
well, yes and no… I don't tend to show a lot of emotion to begin with, but what I do show, I'm basically incapable of hiding, and apparently I'm a terrible liar bc my face gives me away.
13. how do you feel right now?
I'm pretty alright… kind of anxious, kind of tired, but that's just been the status quo lately tbh. 
15. personality description
already answered, so I suppose I'll elaborate. I'm simultaneously like, the most confident and the most self-doubting person I know... like there are certain things I'm super certain of and times when I feel no shame, and there are others where I'll just shrivel into a ball of anxiety and mortification and never come out. in the same vein, I'm simultaneously very trusting and open and very wary and cautious with people… it really depends on the situation and the person I think, I'm a very "you get out what you put in" person.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
yeah, I’m still holding onto things I’ve wanted to tell certain people tbh… I used to be a lot more forthcoming and not worry about the consequences of what I had to say, but now that I’ve seen what power words have to ruin relationships and impact people I tend to hold back quite a bit. 
17. opinion on insecurities
I have… many, but I understand that I shouldn't and am working on the ones I do have. I think feeling insecure can lead to some of the most ugly, toxic emotions and responses in certain people, so I'm trying to be conscientious of that.
23. fear(s)
um let’s see… jump scares, the dark (sometimes), corners I can’t see around, drowning/suffocating, pain, failure, losing control...
27. things I hate
wet socks, sunburn, acne, willful ignorance, bigotry, excessively negative people… uh… idk hate's a strong word that's all I've got
28. I'll love you if…
if you are genuinely, authentically yourself. if you’re the kind of person I can feel comfortable and at ease with. if you show me patience and compassion and make an effort to know me and let me know you… then yeah you’re never getting rid of me. 
29. favorite film(s)
The Road to El Dorado, Into the Spider-verse, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirit, Life of Pi, The Truman Show, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
30. favorite tv show(s)
Haikyuu!!, Kuroko no Basuke, Avatar, Bojack Horseman, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Beastars, Dragonball Z
31. 3 random facts
already answered so here's three more
1. lately I've been carrying a fanny pack with the trans flag (there's an unfortunate but very tempting pun in there) and it's still got the security tag bc they forgot to take it off in the store so now every time I walk through the doorway to like, a drug store, I set off the alarm. I would get it taken off but it was sent to me from Chicago lol.
2. I've got a lot of outdoorsy skills bc of my gym class in high school, like rock climbing, kayaking, building fire, etc. I'm not super adventurous in my daily life but while I was in that class, I did all kinds of things.
3. for awhile I worked at a cat cafe, and helped take care of the 12-15 rescue cats we'd have there at any given time. I stand by that it was the best job I've ever had, but the people I worked with, not so much. 
33. something you want to learn
I really want to learn to skateboard or surf. it's been a dream for a long time and I have (suspiciously acquired) both, but my balance is shit and I have no patience for new skills lately, so...
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
already answered so here's three more
1. someday I want to have a pickup truck, I've been looking at, like, bright orange Tacomas and stuff, but of course I'd need a license to be able to drive one
2. I'd like to have a garden again, or maybe have a plot in a community garden. I've been growing nasturtiums and things on my balcony while in school but it's not quite the same
3. still waiting on the day I can get top surgery tbh. I just… want to be able to be shirtless at the beach and wear tank tops with nothing underneath, okay?
39. favorite sport(s)
ahahahaha… favorite sport you say. to play or to watch? 'cause I generally don't like to do either, tho I do like watching the folks who play volleyball on the beach. and considering one of my favorite shows is about volleyball and it was the sport I sucked at the least in school, maybe we’ll go with volleyball? but in general I’m not a sports person. 
40. favorite memory
I have a vague memory… of helping my mom in the garden of my old house when I was a little kid, mostly just digging in the dirt in the spring and being outside with my family… it's not very clear or specific but I think those days were some of the happiest of my life.
52. something I'm talented at
I'm good at learning the lyrics to songs, I've got over 1000 downloaded in my spotify library and I'm pretty sure I know the words to at least most of them. in a similar vein I'm good at learning the scripts to movies, and just… memorizing things in general especially audio.
53. 5 things that make me happy
already answered so here's some more!
1. songs with a light, strummy acoustic feel and creative lyrics… I've got a whole playlist for that vibe there's just something about songs like that that make me really calm
2. I really like being hugged or cuddled by my friends, just being in close proximity and hanging all over each other, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside tbh
3. I love driving with the windows down (I can't drive so I mean riding passenger lol), especially in the canyon by my house, through the forest and by the beach.
54. something that's worrying me at the moment
I’m so afraid things won’t go back to the way they were. ...that applies to multiple aspects of my life, not just with this pandemic but school, work, friends, relationships… it seems like I’m always chasing the past and dreading the future, so much that I can’t ever be satisfied in the present moment, and that’s something that’s been on my mind a lot. 
55. tumblr friends
@hadenxcharm, @spaztictwitch, @kurokonobaka, @taigainside, @hybristophilica and you could be too! all you gotta do is message me tbh I'm easy
56. favorite food(s)
strawberry cheesecake, fried shrimp, key lime pie, tuna steak
59. why I joined tumblr
I joined in 2012 bc my friends told me to, had a brief recession where I didn't use it at all, and a pretty lengthy sidetrack through the RP community, and then I came back bc of the friends I'd made here, and the unique-ness of the platform that I kinda can't find anywhere else. I'm stuck here just like the rest of y'all. 
60. ask me anything you want (which do you prefer between KNB and Haikyuu?)
now this is a tough one… bc I really love them both a lot, and tbh in terms of quality of writing, art/animation, thematic music, character development and general story, I think Haikyuu!! has KNB beat, buuuuuut…. in spite of its flaws, I have such a soft spot for KNB and I keep coming back to it over and over again even as it falls into relative obscurity. It's the only thing I write for anymore and I'm still, somehow, utterly obsessed with the characters I first fell in love with over five years ago. KNB has problems, for sure, but the things it gets right (like setting a mood, strong emotional beats and character relationships) it knocks out of the park. I don't know if I could ever choose one over the other in terms of like, "you can only read/watch one of these and have to give up the other forever", but in terms of which has had the biggest impact, and still hits me the hardest, I'd probably have to go with KNB… but it's not by any means an easy choice.     
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yellowcanna · 5 years ago
Summer Sleet
When Kamado Tanjirou first saw him, he was mesmerized. The young boy had never met anyone as beautiful as Tomioka Giyuu. Ink black hair with skin as white as the snow around him and eyes that reminded Tanjirou of the sea...he was the Omega of every Alpha's dream.
When Tanjirou's family was slaughtered at fifteen, he never expected to be pulled from the mundane life of a human and into the world of Alphas and Omegas. He also never expected that he only has five more years to live, much less falling in love with his mentor.
Rating: T
Genre: Yaoi, Fluff, Comfort, Omegaverse
Pairing: Tanjirou x Giyuu (Alpha Tanjirou, Omega Giyuu)
Author: Yellow_Canna
Chapters: 2/3
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Dear Giyuu-san,
How have you been, Giyuu-san?
It’s been a week, but I’ve settled at the Butterfly Estate. Kochou-san and everyone here are very kind to me and Nezuko. I’ve been continuing my training and haven’t stopped using the Total Concentration Breathing you’ve taught me. I’ve also met Kochou-san’s Tsuguko, Kanao-san. We’re training together every day. Kanao-san is very strong, we’ve fought ten matches so far, but they were all ties.
Nezuko is also doing great! It seems that she has a talent in medicine and is learning under Kochou-san with the other Omegas in the estate. Nezuko has been making lots of friends; one of them is Aoi-san, an Omega who is the same age as her!
I’ve also met two other Alphas my age! One of them is Zenitsu! Like me, he was born in the human village and knew nothing about Alphas and Omegas. It was the retired Thunder Hashira that found and raised him. He might cry a lot, but he's strong when he put his all into it. Though he tends to cause a lot of trouble to the girls here...
The other friend I met is Inosuke. I’m not sure how Inosuke ended up in the Corps, all I’ve heard was that he was born in the mountain and raised by a boar. The Breathing Techniques he uses are called Breathe of the Beast! He created them all by himself and he’s super strong in close combat! He's a really amazing person!
It’s been fun here every day, but I still miss the times with—
“Heeey, Tanjirou!”
“Ah, Zenitsu!” Tanjirou looked up from the letter he was writing. Zenitsu was standing by the door, having half of his head poking out and looking at him as if Tanjirou was the biggest scum on the planet.
“Z…Zenitsu?” Tanjirou blinked, not sure why Zenitsu looked and smelled so…angry.
“That's the second time you've written a letter since you got here," Zenitsu stated sourly, remaining half hidden behind the door and glaring at him with one exposed eye.  
“Uh…yes?” Tanjirou blinked, wondering what was wrong.
“Whenever you write, your heart rate even spikes.” The blonde added.
At that, the redhead’s face began to heat up and that was all Zenitsu needed to kick open the door and jab a finger at him.
“Zenitsu! It’s the middle of the night! Quiet down!”
“It’s not like that, Zenitsu!”
“It’s just one-sided!” When Tanjirou shouted that out, Zenitsu immediately stopped screaming. He stared at Tanjirou with wide eyes before a disturbing smile broke over his face.
“Tanjirou~! If you have any love problems, you can share it with your best friend here!” What Zenitsu really wanted to say was for Tanjirou to share some pain so he could feel better at all the rejections he has gotten over the years.
Tanjirou looked down at his half-written letter.
“The person I like is an adult. He doesn’t see me as anything but a kid.”
“Adult?!" Zenitsu gapped as he stared at Tanjirou in a new light. Even he didn’t dare to propose to an adult! Such boldness! “Don’t tell me it’s…Kochou-san?!”
“No!” Tanjirou was a little flustered at the accusation. “It’s…he’s called Giyuu-san.”
“Giyuu?” Zenitsu furrowed his brows. That name was familiar, but where did he hear it from? One thing’s for sure, it wasn’t anyone from the Butterfly Estate. Zenitsu had memorized all the girls’ names on day one.
“Wait…” Zenitsu paled as a name that matched with Giyuu suddenly flashed by his mind.
There was only one person he knew with that name.
After all…who doesn’t?!
But it couldn’t be, right?
“T-Tanjirou…” Zenitsu held up a shaky finger as he pointed in his companion in disbelieve. “D-Don’t tell me this Giyuu is that Water Hashira, Tomioka Giyuu?!”
“Zenitsu, you know Giyuu-san?” Tanjirou beamed while Zenitsu fell over.
“QUIET DOWN!” The voice of the girl howled from the doorway.
The two boys immediately snapped their mouths shut and looked to the doorway. There stood Kanzaki Aoi, in all her fuming glory. “Stop screaming in the middle of the night and go back to your room!”
“Hiiie!” Zenitsu tried to shrink away, but the raven-haired Omega was having none of it. She grabbed the Alpha by the back of his collar and yanked him out of Tanjirou’s room.
Tanjirou watched the leave, closing the door behind them as they go. The redhead let out a small chuckle before turning back to his letter. He didn’t care if anyone knew about his crush on Giyuu. He didn’t think it was a shameful feeling that he should hide, nor did he have any intention of hiding it.
He picked up his brush again and continued writing.
The very next day, Tanjirou had his Kasugaigarasu go deliver his letter. The first time he tried getting the crow to send it, the Kasugaigarasu—or Matsuemon Tennouji as it called himself—nearly pecked his eyeballs out.
The bird gave him a long lecture which basically came down to—how dare you want the great me to deliver letters for you?!
It was only after Tanjirou had promised the crow with high-quality food did the crow begrudgingly agreed. The crow flew off reluctantly, but returned ecstatic and wouldn’t stop pestering Tanjirou for more letters.
It wasn’t hard for Tanjirou to learn why. On the crow, the young Alpha could smell tuna—fatty tuna, as well as scents of other seafood like salmons and shrimps. He couldn’t help but smiled knowing that Giyuu had fed the picky crow for him.
During his stay in the Water Estate, Tanjirou was no stranger to the Kasugaigarasus’ diet. He sometimes helped the Kakushis feed the crows, and seafood was not on those crows’ menu.
Giyuu’s scent was heavy on the crow as well, which meant that he must have been the one to take care of his crow, not anyone else in the manor. Knowing this made Tanjirou all warm and fuzzy inside. He didn’t mind that Giyuu never responded to any of his letters. Just knowing he had received and read them was good enough for him.
Tanjirou watched the crow took flight with the letter gripped tightly in its talons. He stood there, staring until the bird was nothing but a speck of black in the blue sky before he turned—only to yelp and jump back in surprise.
Standing right there behind him, with her face only an inch away, was the Insect Hashira—Kochou Shinobu.
The female Omega was wearing that usual smile on her face with her orchid purple eyes locked on Tanjirou.
“A wonderful day today, is it not?” She asked brightly.
“Yes, it is!” Tanjirou responded automatically.
“I’ve heard of an interesting rumour, Tanjirou-kun~” She closed in on Tanjirou again. “That you are in love with Tomioka-san?”
Tanjirou was only stunned for a second before a smile stretched across his face.
“Yes, I am.”
Kochou blinked, obviously not expecting the boy to be so upfront. She stared at Tanjirou for a moment before she broke out into a laugh. This wasn’t her usual strained laugh, but a genuine laugh from the bottom of her heart.
“Well then, I wish you the best in wooing him.” She chirped as she walked away, her butterfly kimono fluttering around her as she moved.
She was already plotting all the things she could do with this information. More than that, she was curious to see just how far this boy can get into Giyuu’s heart. When she first heard it from the Love Hashira, Kochou honestly didn’t believe a word. After all, it was hard to imagine an aloof Omega like Giyuu was capable of any affection.
This was certainly going to be interesting.
The Insect Hashira wasn’t joking when she said the rumour had traveled around. By noon, everyone knew about Tanjirou’s crush on his mentor and caretaker. Many even came to ask him about it. The Alpha never denied anything and always happily answered any questions that were asked. With Tanjirou so openly talked about his feelings like this, many people gradually lost interest in his love life.
By the evening, the impact of the news had already died down.
“You…like the Water Hashira?” Aoi had come over to where he, Zenitsu, and Inosuke had been sitting during dinner. She had a deep frown on her face as she stared at Tanjirou.
“Yes.” Tanjirou smiled as he repeated the answer for the umpteenth times this day.
The furrow of Aoi’s brows deepened. She looked like she wanted to say something, but Zenitsu beat her to it.
“But you said it yourself that he just sees you as a kid. He’s an adult and on top of that, a Hashira!”
“Is he strong?!” Inosuke immediately asked over his mouthful of food.
“Of course he’s strong! What part of he’s a Hashira don’t you understand?!” Zenitsu yelled. “And don’t speak with your mouth full! That’s disgusting!”
“I’ve heard that the Water Hashira is an extraordinarily beautiful Omega.” Aoi suddenly said, still looking straight into Tanjirou’s eyes.
Zenitsu and Inosuke stopped fighting, not because of Aoi's words, but the sudden change on Tanjirou’s face.
The boy’s cheeks were dusted in light shades of pink as his lips stretched out in the brightest smile any of them had ever seen.
“Yes, Giyuu-san is the most beautiful person I’ve ever met!” He said as if it was something for him to boast about.
“…I see. Then if you’ll excuse me.” Aoi grabbed her tray of food and left, stomping across the cafeteria and disappearing from their sights.
“Aoi-san seemed angry for some reason?” Tanjirou tilted his head, not sure what had he done to displease the girl.
“You don’t know how to read the mood, do you?” Zenitsu muttered while Inosuke went back to stuffing his face.
“What do you mean?” Tanjirou asked with such an innocent tone that just made Zenitsu wanted to punch him in the face.
"So…is the Water Hashira that pretty?” Zenitsu asked, deciding to change the topic back. There was no way he’ll tell Tanjirou about his popularity with the girls here.
“Yes!” Tanjirou said with such confidence that it made Zenitsu a little curious of what this Water Hashira looked like. Just a little.
“Well, whatever, no one can be prettier than Nezuko-chan!”
Tanjirou smiled as Zenitsu swoon over his sister like usual. Despite being an Alpha, Zenitsu grew up with humans, so the blond only had eyes for females.
The redhead took another bite of his food and wondered what Giyuu was doing right now. Although they had only parted for three months, it felt like forever. He wanted to see him so much that it hurts. He wanted nothing more than to rush back to the Water Estate, just to get a glimpse of Giyuu and see how he's doing.
Three more years—he would tell himself whenever his feelings became too unbearable.
All he needed to do was to wait for three more years. In these three years, he’ll become strong. He’ll become so strong that Giyuu won’t be able to look at him like a child that needed to be protected.
“Inosuke, let’s spar after this!”
“Now you’re talking, Monjirou!”
“It’s Tanjirou!”
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“Why does a bird know such big word…?” Murata muttered, the corner of his lips twitching as he watched the Kasugaigarasu picked out another slice of tender meat and swallowed greedily.
No, more importantly, why the heck was a bird eating out of their Hashira’s bowl?!
He was certain that this stupid crow was purposely choosing dinner time to come back. The feathery creature was rolling around on their Hashira’s lap with said Hashira’s hand gently stroking its feathers!
Whenever it wanted food, all it had to do was reach up and stick that filthy beak into the bowl in Giyuu’s hand to eat the food specially made for the Omega!
The gyudon made for the Hashira just turned into plain rice! That flying black chicken even ate the eggs and pickled ginger!
Murata wasn’t the only one frustrated. The Kakushis were also glaring at the crow. Some of them were even leaking out tears from anger. A couple of minutes ago, the chief came running with the kitchen knife when he heard that damn crow had come to eat their Hashira's food again. It took everything from the other the kitchen staffs to drag him back into the kitchen before he was spotted by their Hashira.
Giyuu was blissfully oblivious of his people’s internal crises as he looked down when he felt a tug on his sleeve. The bird was looking at him with those beady black eyes. Giyuu glanced at his bowl of rice before carefully using his chopsticks to pick out the rice that was soaked in the meat juice and held it to the bird. The Kasugaigarasu gobbled it up happily. When some of the juice dripped down the side of its beak, Giyuu used his finger to carefully wipe it off.
Finally satisfied, the crow flipped over on Giyuu's lap with its wings sprawled. Giyuu resumed his dinner (rice), only to stopped when he heard snapping sounds of wood.  
He glanced across the dining room to where the Kakushis and Murata were sitting on the other side.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, blue eyes spotting the broken chopsticks scattered over the tatami, all of them snapped in two.
“N-nothing!” Gotou quickly laughed it off while trying hard not to let the veins on his forehead show. “It must be those merchants again! They keep selling us broken goods! I’ll give them a good lecture the next time I see them!”
“…I see.” Giyuu nodded, easily buying the lie and not even questioning it. This made Gotou felt extremely guilty as if he had betrayed his Hashira's trust.
“T-there’s some salmon daikon in the kitchen!” Gotou shouted. “Would you like me to get you some, Tomioka-sama?”
At the mention of his favourite food, Giyuu’s eyes light up a little and nodded.
Gotou brightened. He jumped onto his feet, about to run off when the Kasugaigarasu spoke.
“I want some too!”
THAT DAMN BIRD—was all of their thoughts as Gotou’s happy spirit was instantly swallowed by rage.
After a long, painful dinner (for the Kakushis and Murata), the devil finally left. The Kasugaigarasu flew away with such large belly and it was a wonder it could fly at all. They stared at the cloudy night sky, wondering if there could be a chance of a lightning bolt striking that damn thing down.
Of course, those were just wishful thinking. Even if a lightning bolt was to miraculously come down, they all knew that bird would survive. Of all the Kasugaigarasus they have, Tanjirou’s was the most capable one since it was Giyuu who raised it. While insanely intelligent, the downside was that aside from training, Giyuu pretty much gave it anything it wanted.
In other words, that crow was spoiled rotten.
Since Giyuu’s personal crow was getting too old, that Kasugaigarasu was trained to become the Hashira’s next crow. When Giyuu had given it to Tanjirou, they were all overjoyed. They thought at the very least they’ll have a couple of quiet years, but no. That damn bird was exploiting every opportunity it has to act even more spoiled than before! If it was in the past, even that crow wouldn’t dare to roll around in Giyuu’s laps and eat his food!
It knew Giyuu needed it to look after Tanjirou and was using it to its advantage!
Later that night, Murata headed for Giyuu’s room, carrying a tray of snacks the kitchen had prepared considering half of Giyuu’s meal went into a certain bird’s stomach. After knocking a couple of times, Murata found that Giyuu wasn’t in his room, so he headed for the garden. Just as he thought, Giyuu was sitting there, bathed in the moonlight as blue eyes gazed upon the letter in his hand.
The Hashira looked up when Murata approached him before turning his eyes back to the letter.
“Is that from Tanjirou?” Murata asked curiously, receiving a soft nod from Giyuu. He down set the tray of snacks next to his Hashira. Just as he thought about leaving, his eyes trailed to the letter in Giyuu’s hand and finally asked the question that had been bothering him for a while.
“It’s been four months. Are you sure you’re not going to reply? He might be waiting to hear from you.”
“…There’s no need.” Giyuu responded, eyes never looking up from the letter but his tone leaving no place for Murata to continue the conversation. With a quiet sigh, Murata walked away, but not without looking over his shoulder and to the lonely back of his Hashira.
No one ever talked about it, but they were all worried since Tanjirou had left…especially how he left.
The whole confession was a huge surprise to them, but once they got over that, they were thrilled. After all, they all thought Giyuu would just…well, live out the rest of his life like this. They never once thought their reclusive Hashira would have an admirer—even if that admirer was his own Tsuguko.
Sure Tanjirou was a child right now, but he’s an Alpha. On top of that, they were only six years apart. For Alpha and Omegas who live out an average of three hundred years, this can’t even be considered an age gap.
Murata didn’t worry about Tanjirou, because he knew that boy would follow through his words. But he knew Giyuu even longer and knew that Giyuu wouldn’t so easily accept the boy’s feeling, even when he comes back as an adult.
“Aaaah! Why is it so complicated?” Murata furiously scratched his head and looked up to the night sky.
Just like this, the seasons quietly begin to pass.
The flowers of spring withered the land began to warm under the blazing sun.
The colours of summer leaves began to change, painted into red and gold.
The frosty air blew from the north, plucking away the last leaves of autumn.
Snow melted as winter ends.
The cycle continued to repeat, never-ending.
Live goes on within the Water Estate. It was a quiet peaceful life they led, yet they had never found it to be so mundane until they welcomed the two children into their home. Now that those children were gone, a hole has been left in the manor, unable to be filled up.
Every week, Tanjirou’s Kasugaigarasu was sure to show up at the Water Estate to deliver Giyuu a letter.
No one knew what the content of those letters was, but they knew that Giyuu never once wrote anything back.
He never even had the Kasugaigarasu deliver a verbal message.
Despite that, the Hashira would always be sitting in the garden before dinner, staring at the sky expectantly.  
Then finally…three years had passed.
It was July and in the middle of the scorching summer heat.
Since the Water Estate was on the mountain top, the heat was welcoming as everyone worked. However, as they work, they couldn’t help but feel anxious. After all, it was July 14th, the day of Tanjirou’s birth. It was also the day that he will undergo the painful process of the growth spurt.
No one slept that night.
They were all waiting impatiently for the news.
Did Tanjirou make it?
He has to make it…the Insect Hashira was the one who checked his body.
A whole day has gone by, yet no news of Tanjirou came.
On the third day, just the Kakushis were breaking down from the lack of sleep; a Kasugaigarasu flew to the manor. It was a Kasugaigarasu from the master himself, announcing to them that Tanjirou had survived the growth spurt.
The boy they knew was now physically and mentally an adult.
The Water Estate threw a huge celebration before everyone retired to their bed.
The only one that stayed outside was Giyuu.
He stood in the garden beneath the drizzle, eyes gazing off into the distant sky.
Since then, the Kakushis had cleaned up the manor in preparation for the Alpha and his sister’s return. When days passed and still without a sign of the siblings, they convinced themselves that Tanjirou must be still worn out after the change.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.
Neither of the two children they once knew returned. There weren't even any more letters from Tanjirou’s Kasugaigarasu. Under the pressure of the Kakushis, Murata hesitantly asked Giyuu if he could maybe send out a message to ask if the two were alright.
Giyuu, worried about the Kamado siblings’ safety as well, sent out a letter to the master. The response he received was that after recovery, Tanjirou and Nezuko had gone to other Hashira’s regions. The master didn’t specify which, but it was enough to confirm that those two were safe.
Since sending that one letter, Giyuu never wrote a second one. The Kakushis and Murata didn’t believe that Tanjirou wouldn’t come back, but under Giyuu’s stern order, they no longer talked about it.
Tanjirou had made his choice.
He wasn’t going to return to the Water Estate.
Perhaps now that he had grown into an adult, he realized just how foolish his feelings had been.
Life in the Water Estate went on, like the steady stream of flowing water.
With the coming of autumn, the mountains were dyed in beautiful shades of vibrant colours. Two Kakushis were at the front door sweeping the endless leaves being blown into the manor when their Hashira appeared.
“Tomioka-sama.” They bowed to Giyuu who nodded, acknowledging their existence as he walked by them.
There were no words from their Hashira as they quietly watch him leave.
They waited for a good half an hour before they dare to speak. After all, Omegas have very keen senses and on top of that Giyuu is a Hashira. His ability wasn’t something they dare to underestimate.
“Tomioka-sama hasn’t been himself lately…” The female Kakushi sighed.
“Can you blame him?” Her companion muttered, keeping his voice as long as he could. “Even now, I can’t believe that Tanjirou-sama hasn’t come back.”
“I’m telling you, something must have happened!” The female beta hissed. “We should—”
“What? Ask Tomioka-sama to look for him?” The male Beta cut her off. “What if Tanjirou-sama and Nezuko found elsewhere to live?”
“But…but…” The female Beta looked like she wanted to argue, but couldn’t come up with anything convincing.
“Either way, Tomioka-sama has been going to the spring again this year.” The male Beta said, changing the topic as he looked towards another mountain in the distance. With the speed of an Omega, Giyuu could easily cross the land and arrive there in a matter of minutes, but instead, he chose to take his time to stroll over.
“Is it really alright to let Tomioka-sama go alone like this?” The female beta frowned disapprovingly. “So far nothing has happened, but what if—”
“If what?” A third voice suddenly cut in, startling the two as they whirled around to see the head Kakushi standing right behind them.
“You two sure have guts gossiping behind a Hashira’s back like this.” Gotou huffed with his arms crossed over his chest.
“W-well, we’re just worried…” The female beta scratched the back of her head sheepishly.
"If there was danger, we'll just get in Tomioka-sama's way." Gotou sighed. "Even in Heat, Tomioka-sama can still take down any Alpha that tries to approach him. Now if you understand, get back to work! The leaves are piling up!”
“Eeeeeh?” The two betas whined, but they have no choice but to continue sweeping.
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As the sun slowly sank into the horizon, Giyuu arrived at his destination at the top of the mountain. His face was flushed and his head was spinning. He stood in front of the small spring with water gently flowing down the rocky edges of the mountain. At the heart of this tiny spring, there was a crack within the rocks, continuously providing fresh water from deep within the heart of the mountain.
The raven pulled out his sword, setting it on the edge of the spring before he began to untie his kimono. He took off the outer layer, leaving only his inner white kimono as he folded the clothing and set it next to his sword. He then removed his socks and sandals, setting them neatly onto the rocks.
The moment his bare feet touched the water, the Omega shivered lightly and heaved out a small breathe of relief. He sank into the water, letting the coldness envelop his feverish body until the water reached up to his neck. He rested his head against the edge of the spring and closed his eyes, letting the water to nurse his broken body.
Despite seemingly resting, Giyuu was spreading his senses around him. He was listening to every little sound and smelling the changes in the air. He didn't need to see the darkness behind his eyelids to know the sun had gone down.
The crisp night air filled his nose as the melody of crickets rang next to his ears.
A chilly breeze blew by, brushing some of his raven hair into his face as the rustling of leaves echoed into the night.
At that moment, Giyuu’s eyes snapped open in alarm as he caught a faint trace of scent in the wind. Although it was only for a moment, Giyuu knew what he had smelled.
It was the smell of an Alpha.
His eyes dilated and his body instantly sprang into action. He grabbed the sword by his side, unsheathing it as his blue blade glowed under the moonlight. He leaped out of the spring in a splash with droplets of water flying around him.  
He waved his sword, creating a flow of water around him.
Breath of Water Fourth Form: Striking Tide.
Giyuu’s eyes were locked on a particular red maple tree as he swung his sword forward.
Catching a blur of shadow darting out from behind the tree, Giyuu changed the course of his blade, chasing after that figure. He only saw a flicker of red light from the other’s sword before flames burst out, meeting his strike head-on.
The moment the two blades collided, a burst of mist erupted around them, created by the water and fire. While Giyuu couldn’t see through the heavy mist blowing out from between their clashed sword, he was able to see the blade of his enemy.
His eyes narrowed at the crimson flames erupting from the other’s blade. The first person that came to his mind was Rengoku. After all, that is the only Alpha Giyuu knew with red blade and Breathe of Flames technique, and this person before him was not Rengoku.
However, there was no doubt that his strength was on par with that of a Hashira.
Giyuu could tell the moment their swords clashed. Due to the Heat, his body was greatly weakened but he should still be able to overpower most Alphas and Omegas. Right now, Giyuu was putting all his strength into his sword, yet the hand holding the sword blocking his was steady. That meant whoever this Alpha was, he wasn’t putting all his strength into meeting the Water Hashira’s attack.
For someone with such strength and capability, there was no way Giyuu wouldn’t know of him, which meant he’s not part of the Corps.
This was a rouge.
Giyuu gritted his teeth. Of all time to encounter a rouge Alpha, it has to be when he’s in Heat. Though that was no excuse for being weak.
The raven-haired Omega leaped back, breaking away from their deadlock before charging towards the Alpha again.
“Please wait!” The Alpha in the mist shouted. His voice was deep and a little hoarse. Just the sound of the Alpha’s voice nearly made Giyuu’s legs give out, but the raven bit down on his tongue. The pain from his throbbing tongue immediately cleared his head as he swallowed the coppery blood pooling inside his mouth.
In an instant, the two of them were engaged in a high-speed battle. Echoes of metals rang from the mountain top as Giyuu attacked the Alpha with smooth and quick swordsmanship. Despite not being able to see the enemy clearly, all his attacks were aimed at the enemy’s vital spots.
It was only after the first initial exchanges that Giyuu noticed something wrong.
This Alpha wasn’t attacking back. From the very beginning, he had only been defending from the Omega onslaught…
“Giyuu-san! It’s me!” The voice yelled again.
Giyuu frowned. He was certain he didn’t know anyone with that voice. As for scents…due to the heavy water vapours in the air, the scent was diluted, but Giyuu was certain sure he had never smelled this scent before.
Had he not been in Heat, Giyuu might stop, but he was. In his current weakened state, he can’t afford to make any mistake. It was possible that this was part of the enemy’s trick—to pretend they were acquainted to get his guard off. Such underhanded tactics weren't uncommon among the rouges and sadly, these tactics have worked many times.
The Omega slashed his sword down as their blades clashed again.
“Giyuu-san, it’s Tanjirou!”
That made Giyuu stop. He froze, sword stopping mid-swing as he stared at the silhouette of the person within the mist.
Giyuu only a stream of bright flames as the mist around them were evaporated, revealing the face of the Alpha Giyuu had been attacking.
“Tan…jirou?” Giyuu stared in shock at this boy—no, this man in front of him.
The man was half a head taller than Giyuu with long auburn hair tied into a ponytail that flowed down his back. His bangs that were once combed back were now framing this man’s face. His facial structure had become sharp and define, losing baby fat from his child's body. Those rounded ruby eyes grew narrower, giving him a more mature look.
And finally…that red birthmark on the left side of the boy’s forehead.
There was no mistake.
This was Tanjirou.
“Giyuu-san.” The man in front of Giyuu smiled. Despite how different he now looked, that smile never changed…
“Are you stupid?!" Giyuu roared the second he got over the shock. Anger distorted his face as he glared at the Alpha that was now taller than him. “I could have hurt you! Why are you on this mountain?!”
“I’m sorry!” Tanjirou hastily sheathed his sword and held his hands up. “I was on my way to the Water Estate, but then I smelled Giyuu-san so I—”
“If your nose is functioning then you should realize that I’m in Heat! Don’t you know it’s dangerous to go near an Omega in Heat?!”
“I’m sorry, Giyuu-san!”
Giyuu couldn’t stop the anger from rushing out. He had never felt such rage before. He was angry at Tanjirou’s carelessness, but more than anything, he was angry at himself. Now that Tanjirou’s body had changed, it was only natural for him not to recognize his voice and scent. Had Tanjirou not been able to block and deflect his attacks, he could have killed him.
“Leave the mountain! Right now!” The Omega ordered. Perhaps it was the rush of anger, or perhaps he had been shouting too much and used up more oxygen than he was breathing in. His vision suddenly turned black for a second—or at least, it felt like a second to him.
When Giyuu came to, he found himself cradled in Tanjirou’s arms. The redhead was stroking Giyuu’s back as Water Hashira gasped for breath. Each breath he took in, Giyuu found his lungs being filled with the Alpha’s warm summer scent. This only further fueled the flames he had been trying to suppress inside him.
“Giyuu-san!” Tanjirou held Giyuu tightly as he looked down to see the Omega squirming in pain.
Tanjirou immediately picked up Giyuu and ran over to the spring. With great care, Tanjirou lowered the Omega into the water. The moment the Alpha's hands touched the water, he realized just how cold this spring was. Just for being in the water for a couple of seconds, his hands were already starting to grow numb.
After setting Giyuu into the water, Tanjirou took off his crimson kimono with black patterned flames. Since changing into his adult body, his old kimono didn’t fit anymore, so Tanjirou was given this one by Rengoku.
He folded his kimono and lifted Giyuu’s head. He paused for a second, unable to help but marvel how soft the raven hair before tucking makeshift pillow underneath. The moment Tanjirou’s fingers left Giyuu, the Alpha heard a soft sigh escaping Giyuu’s pink lips.
That made Tanjirou dropped his gaze and gawked at the peaceful sleeping face of his mentor. The instant he began to stare, he could no longer pull his eyes away.
Giyuu was truly stunning. During these years apart, Tanjirou could only see the man in his dreams…but here he was right in front of him. He was even more beautiful than he remembered. Perhaps it was because his body had finally grown up. Right now, Tanjirou wanted nothing more than to hold Giyuu in his arm and smell the exotic scent exclusive to the Omega.
Realizing what was going through his head, Tanjirou snapped out and swallowed the saliva threatening to leak out. He hastily averted his eyes—only to land on Giyuu’s body.
Tanjirou’s face exploded into various shades of red.
Giyuu’s body…or rather that kimono on his body…it was practically see-through!
The white fabric was barely hiding anything on the Omega’s body as it floated within the water! Since Tanjirou had been so busy blocking Giyuu’s attacks before and trying to explain, he hadn’t looked away from Giyuu’s eyes. And afterward, because Giyuu collapsed, the only thing going through his head was how to help Giyuu.
Never once did Tanjirou took notice of Giyuu’s body…until now.
“Y-yes!” Tanjirou sputtered, face burning even hotter as he ripped his eyes away from the Omega’s body. The moment he saw the pain Giyuu’s face, the fire burning in him was quelled and was replaced with worry.
The Alpha leaned over the spring and carefully put a hand against Giyuu’s cheek. “Giyuu-san, are you alright? Is there anything I could do?” He asked in a hushed whisper, as if afraid he'll startle the Omega by speaking louder.
Giyuu groaned as he closed his eyes and leaned into the warm palm against his cheek. Tanjirou stiffened, but didn’t pull away and just continued to watch Giyuu. Eventually, Giyuu’s breathing began to even out, falling back into slumber.
Tanjirou smiled as he slowly pulled his hand away. The feeling of the Omega’s soft cheek lingered in his palm. His eyes then dropped down to the Omega’s neck. When Giyuu had turned his head, his hair fell to the side, exposing the scarred mating gland on the left side of his neck.
Tanjirou had seen it before, but he never thought much about it in the past. Now…now he knew exactly what that scar meant. During these years, training wasn’t the only thing he had done. He had also been learning more about both Alpha and Omega dynamics.
He had also met up with Urokodaki who came to visit him after hearing him staying at the Butterfly Estate. Reuniting with Urokodaki led him to learn more things about Giyuu…such as his Heat.
Due to their long lifespan, having offspring was hard for Alphas and Omegas. In their entire life, an Alpha Omega couple might only get one child. Though if they mate with a human or Beta, the chance of having children will be higher, but unless the Alpha or Omega came from a strong bloodline, children born from humans or Beta were generally weaker.
That’s why Alpha and Omega have something called a mating cycle. For Alpha, this was called a Rut. For Omega, it was Heat. During this cycle, their body’s fertility will go up to heighten the chance of producing offspring.
In order to have mating cycles, they must first need to be mated.
Only mated Alpha and Omegas can smell the special pheromone rolling off their partner during the mating cycle. It was said that the smell was like a sweet aphrodisiac. Unmated Alphas and Omegas may able to smell a Rut or Heat, but they won’t be affected. That was what made this dangerous, as these unmated Alphas and Omegas could use it to their advantage.
Alphas and Omegas suffering Rut or Heat were extremely vulnerable, as their bodies were greatly weakened for the sake of mating. There were always people who might exploit that—such as rouge Alphas and Omegas that had no morals of their own.
Giyuu was a victim of that.
From what Tanjirou heard from Urokodaki, Giyuu had been forcefully marked during the attack on the Water Estate. The attack back then was nothing more than a hunt for the rouges. After all, the Alphas and Omegas in the Water Estate were nothing but children.
They hunt them down, slaughtered them and those unfortunate to catch their eyes were forcefully marked. Giyuu was one of those that got marked. He was also the only one to survive as the others couldn't accept being marked and committed suicide.
The moment Giyuu was bitten by an Alpha, Sabito was fortunately nearby. He was able to kill the rouge by catching him off guard before using his sword to shave off Giyuu’s marred scent gland. Since the Alpha had just begun to inject his pheromone into Giyuu, the pheromone wasn’t given the chance to spread into the Omega’s body before Sabito cut it off.
Nearly mating then losing his scent gland made Giyuu’s body go into shock—making him incapable of fighting. Had this happened after Giyuu turned into an adult, the scent gland wouldn’t have grown back. But since he was a child, the growth spurt reshaped Giyuu’s body and his scent gland was grown back, but the scar left by Sabito’s blade remained.
The empty scar on his scent gland made Giyuu’s body think that he had mated and since then Giyuu would suffer the burn of Heat every year in autumn. The only way to subdue the Heat was through the spring water exclusive to this mountain. The coldness helped maintain his body's temperature from reaching too high while the rich mineral content in the water nursed the Omega's body.
Just the thought of everything that Giyuu had suffered through made Tanjirou angry. It also made him wanted to gather the Omega into his arms and treasure him as he should be.
Ruby eyes shimmered beneath the autumn moon as they gazed gently at the person lying in the water.
“Giyuu-san…” The whisper of his beloved’s name was carried away by the gentle breeze. Despite how that person was within an arm’s reach, Tanjirou found himself unable to cross the barrier separating them.
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
When Giyuu opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a familiar ceiling. He frowned, feeling that something was off, but his head was too drowsy to come up with any proper thoughts. He raised an arm and covered his eyes.
He lay until his mind began to function again. Memories of the night slowly drifted back, pieces by pieces.
The moment Tanjirou’s face flashed across his eyes, Giyuu was instantly awake. He shot up, looking around to find that he was back in his room. He looked down at the white kimono on his body. It wasn't the same one he had been wearing, but a thicker one…one that he always used for sleep. From it Giyuu could smell a faint whiff of Murata’s scent, meaning the other Omega must have been the one who changed his clothes.
Giyuu pushed the quill off his body and hurried to the door. The moment he slid it open and took a step into the hallway, he stopped. There was something soft and silky right under his foot…
The raven-haired man dipped his head and saw a lock of auburn hair being crushed under his pale foot. The Omega quickly pulled his foot away as if he had gotten turned. Ocean blue eyes followed the hair until they landed upon the person sitting right beside his doorway.
The Alpha was bathed within the bright moonlight as he smiled up at him.
“Giyuu-san.” Tanjirou greeted as he stood up. When Giyuu had to lift his head to meet the other’s gaze, he was reminded of just how much the other had grown. “How are you feeling?”
“…I'm fine," Giyuu replied before frowning at the sky that was still dark. "How long was I out for?"
"Two nights now," Tanjirou answered.
Giyuu nodded. That would explain why it was still nighttime.
The Hashira looked back to Tanjirou before remembering how soft and silky the hair felt when his foot accidentally stepped on it.
“You grew your hair out.”
“It just became like this after my growth spurt.” Tanjirou laughed weakly as he brushed some of the longer strands of hair off his shoulder. “I hadn’t found the time to cut it yet. I’ve been busy training under the other Hashiras.”
Giyuu just nodded in understanding. The two stared at one another for a moment before Tanjirou smiled and took a step forward.
Giyuu didn’t know what came over him. The moment Tanjirou stood that step, Giyuu became hyperaware of how close they’ll become so he took a step back to maintain their distance.
Tanjirou seemed stunned at Giyuu’s action, the rest of his words forgotten.
The Water Hashira instantly regretted his action. It wasn’t his intention to hurt the other. He didn’t know what came over him. He glanced at Tanjirou, but instead of looking sad or hurt, the Alpha was…smiling.
“Giyuu-san is finally looking at me.”
Giyuu’s dark brows furrowed. Why was Tanjirou talking as if he had never looked at him before?
“I love you, Giyuu-san.”
The Omega's breathing hitched.
“There hasn’t been a day gone by without me thinking of you. Becoming an adult only made me realized how much more I feel about you.”
“Tanjirou, I—”
Giyuu struggled to find a way to phrase his words. He didn’t think that after all these years, Tanjirou would still tell him this. Except this was different now…now, Giyuu can no longer tell Tanjirou that he was just mistaking his feelings. It was also at this moment that Giyuu thought that perhaps when he told Tanjirou he had misunderstood his feelings, he was also finding an excuse for himself to not face the issue head-on.
“There are better Omegas for you.” Giyuu sighed, turning his head away. “There are many Omegas within the Butterfly Estate, surely—”
Giyuu stiffened at the change of Tanjirou’s tone. Although it was only for a split second, Giyuu had felt a dangerous sensation coming from the Alpha.
“Please don’t belittle my feelings for you." Tanjirou breathed out slowly as if trying to control something inside him from bursting out. “The one I love is you, Giyuu-san, and that won’t change.”
“…It wasn’t my intension to belittle your feeling.” Giyuu explained, eyes still refusing to meet the Alpha. “There are simply better options for you. You’ve become strong, Tanjirou. There’s no need for you to be bound to someone like me.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at me when you say that, Giyuu-san?” Tanjirou demanded.
Giyuu’s hands underneath his sleeves slowly curled into fists. His nails dug into the palm of his hand, leaving small crescent dents from his blunt nails.
The Water Hashira didn’t know how to respond, so he settled with not responding at all. He turned to walk away, but he didn’t get far when a large hand grabbed his, stopping him in his track.
Giyuu turned to see Tanjirou standing behind him, his grip on his hand tight, but nowhere near painful.
“I, Alpha Kamado Tanjirou, formally challenge the Water Hashira, Omega Tomioka Giyuu to a duel!”
Giyuu sucked in a sharp breath as he stared at the Alpha as if he had gone crazy. Perhaps he has.
“The location of the duel will be at Oyakata-sama’s manor in one week.”
“Do you know what you’re saying?” The Water Hashira demanded.
“I do.” Tanjirou tightened his grip on Giyuu’s hand. “If you want to reject me, you can ignore my duel request. But if Giyuu-san would give me a chance, I will prove to you that I’m worthy of standing beside you.”
With that, Tanjirou released Giyuu's hand. He turned to leave but seemed to remember something so he looked back to Giyuu who was still rooted to the spot.
"Also, I would appreciate it if Giyuu-san does not insult the person I love.” With that, Tanjirou was gone.
In just matters of seconds, Giyuu knew that Tanjirou had already left the Water Estate.
Tanjirou really did become strong.
Giyuu stared at the empty spot Tanjirou once occupied. He retreated into his room and closed the door. In the darkness of his room, Giyuu leaned back against the shoji and looked down at the hand Tanjirou had held. He could still feel the lingering warmth of the Alpha on his skin.
After fighting an inner war with himself, Giyuu hesitantly brought that hand up to his face and took a small sniff.
It was as if a rush of adrenaline had suddenly overcome his body. Giyuu felt his heart pounding faster and his blood boiling inside his veins as his senses were engulfed by the Alpha’s heavy scent. Giyuu let out a sharp gasp as he fell onto his rear. His legs were shaking so badly that he could no longer hold himself up.
The Omega pulled his hand as far away as possible from his face and leaned back against the shoji. To think his body would react so violently at Tanjirou’s scent…something like this should only happen if their bodies were compatible.
Giyuu shook his head to clear his thought.
No, it must be the Heat still affecting his senses.
The Hashira crawled into his futon and pulled the quill over his head. He decided to get some sleep and refused to think any more of this matter.
Unfortunately for him, Tanjirou had no plans to give Giyuu any more time.
The very next day, Giyuu woke to the entire Water Estate in an uproar.
The moment he stepped outside of his room, he was greeted with the entire residence of the Water Estate gathered by his door. They were all looking at their Water Hashira with complicated gazes. Before Giyuu could even ask, Murata stepped up and handed him a letter. The letter was delivered this morning by none other than Tanjirou’s Kasugaigarasu.
On the front of the letter were the words, “Duel Request”.
It was no wonder why all the Kakushis and Murata were looking at their Hashira like that. In their world, duel can only mean one thing.
Tanjirou was challenging Giyuu for his hand in marriage.
Duels were old practices used by Alphas and Omegas in ancient times. Back in those days when power meant everything, the Alpha would challenge Omega in a match to show that they were worthy of standing by their side and become a father to their future children.
Duels must take place under public eyes with other authoritative figures attending to ensure the fairness of the fight. Should the Alpha lose, it means that that Alpha was not worthy of becoming the Omega’s mate and can never go near the Omega ever again.
Nowadays, such an extreme method of courtship was no longer used. Alpha and Omegas would just get together normally like how humans would. Though duels were not used anymore, it wasn’t forgotten. Since Giyuu—a Hashira—would be involved in this duel, then that meant the master of the Corps himself will need to be present, as well as the other eight Hashiras as witnesses.
Murata felt like fainting just thinking about it.
What in the world did that boy learn during these years?! Didn't he know that if he lost, then he could never go near Giyuu again?! No, before that, if Giyuu rejected Tanjirou's duel, then the result will be the same!
“Tomioka-sama!” Gotou stepped up and bowed respectfully at his Hashira. “Will you be…accepting the duel?”
Giyuu opened his mouth, but no words could be formed. The Water Hashira couldn’t find an answer to that.
Was he going to accept?
The Omega stared at the letter in his hand as his heart skipped a beat.
The next couple of days passed by agonizingly slow…but it wasn’t slow enough for Tomioka Giyuu. Since receiving Tanjirou’s challenge, the raven-haired man could be seen sitting in the courtyard every day instead of training.
From early morning to late in the night, he would just…sit there.
No one dared to go near him, nor do they dare to talk around him. Everyone in the Water Estate agreed to not go near the yard unless absolutely necessary. None of them wanted to disturb their Hashira, though that didn’t stop them from peeking at the Omega from afar.
Since then, the entire Water Estate became even quieter than usual.
Aside from eating and sleeping, the Water Hashira was basically a stone statue.
It was fine.
Their Hashira needed to think, they understand.
This was a big decision to make.
The Kakushis all understood that. However, when the fifth day rolled around, they could no longer keep their cool and were starting to panic. There were only two more days, and their Hashira didn't seem like he was going to graduate from being a statue anytime soon.
After a long debate, they threw out poor Murata into the garden. When it comes to these sorts of conversation, it was only natural for Omega to have a heart to heart talk with another Omega.
Murata never wanted to curse these Kakushis so much, yet he knew there was no going back.
“T-Tomioka-san…” He had intended to shout out the Hashira’s name, but the moment his mouth opened, his short-lived resolve crumbled into pieces. In the end, his call to the Hashira was barely louder than a mouse’s squeak. If it was under normal circumstances, even a mouse’s squeak wouldn’t escape Giyuu’s hearing…yet it did.
Giyuu continued to doze off in a trance, completely oblivious to Murata’s approach.
“Tomioka-san…?” Murata called again.
There was still no response.
“TOMIOKA-SAN!!” Murata screamed with all his might, causing the Kakushis hiding in the distance to jump in fright.
Ocean blue eyes blinked as Giyuu moved for the first time since sitting down that morning.
“Murata.” He called the other Omega’s name as if just realizing he was here.
“T-Tomiok-san! D-do you want to t-t-talk?” Murata stuttered, constantly tripping over his words as his heart raced.
Giyuu looked at him, then he looked back to the garden.
Murata stood awkwardly.
What did this mean?
Was this a yes?
Or a no?!
“You met Tanjirou.” Giyuu suddenly said.
Murata blinked. He stared at Giyuu while his head rapidly worked to decipher just what that sentence meant. It took a while, but once he understood, he immediately let out a loud (fake) laugh in hopes that Giyuu wouldn’t notice the momentary silence.
“Y-yeah I did!” He laughed nervously. “Man, I couldn’t believe it when I saw him! He grew up, hasn’t he?!”
Murata sweated as he waited for Giyuu’s response. After what felt like an eternity, Giyuu nodded. Letting out a small breathe, Murata slowly and carefully sat down next to Giyuu—keeping half a meter’s distance of course.
“How do you er…see Tanjirou, Tomioka-san?”
That seemed to be a bad topic to bring up as Giyuu looked down at his hands that were on his lap. His lips slowly turned downward and his brows furrowed.
"Aaah!" Murata shouted while sweating bullets. "Speaking of that night! Tanjirou was…he uh…he was um…"
Murata wrecked his brain to come up with something, but that ultimately failed. Just when he thought this conversation was hopeless, Murata suddenly remembered the look on Tanjirou’s face that night.
The way the Alpha was cradling a dripping wet Giyuu so tightly in his arms with his face filled with worries…he looked like he might cry.
“Tanjirou’s seriously in love with you, Tomioka-san," Murata said without giving much of a thought.
The Hashira looked at his companion in surprise.
“I was scared to death when he came knocking at my room with you in his arms. Since it was dark I couldn’t see properly thought he was a rouge…”
Murata didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the memory of that night.
Scare was an understatement of the century.
Murata had nearly died from a heart attack when he saw a tall Alpha standing in the dark with an unconscious Giyuu in his arms. Murata was instantly reminded of that day when the Water Estate was under attacked. He screamed before the Alpha could even open his mouth to say anything. In an instant, the entire manor was awake with Kakushis flooding towards them.
And then…well, they all screamed at the sight of an unfamiliar Alpha in the middle of the night holding onto their Hashira. Since Murata was standing at the doorway of his room, his sword was lying beside him. He grabbed his sword while the Kakushis grabbed anything they could use as weapons.
Some picked up rocks while others ripped off branches from a bush nearby…
It took a lot of shouting back and forth (mostly on their end) before they realized that the Alpha was Tanjirou, not some rouge that broke in.
“He was worried because he couldn’t wake you up no matter how much he tried, and with your Heat ended, your body turned cold due to the temperature of the spring. Even after I assured him that you’re fine, Tanijrou insisted on watching over you in case something happens. He sat outside your door for two whole days and nights, waiting for you to wake up.”
“…I see.” Giyuu mumbled softly.
“Well! T-that’s all I have to say! Sorry to disturb you, Tomioka-san!” Murata stammered before running off, leaving Giyuu alone once more.
The next day came and it was bound to be another restless night for all of them. The duel was tomorrow, yet the Water Hashira sat in the garden as usual. None of the Kakushis could even work as they watched at the Omega from the distance with panic written all over their faces.
They all tried to convince themselves that it was alright, that there was still time left.
It may take months for them to travel on foot to the master’s manor, but for an Omega like Giyuu, it should only take two to three hours.
There was plenty of time—or so they told themselves.
As the sun slowly fell and the stars began to shine across the night sky, they were getting more and more worried.
Giyuu still didn’t move.
He was just gazing up to the stars before a hand came up to grip onto the left sleeve of his kimono. It was a gesture of Giyuu’s that everyone in the manor was familiar with. Whenever their Hashira was down or if something was troubling him, he would grip the side of his kimono that belonged to Sabito just like that, as if seeking comfort.
Quietly, the Kakushis exchanged glanced with one another before they shuffled away, leaving Giyuu truly alone for the first time in days.
When morning came, Tomioka Giyuu was no longer in the garden.
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cawcawp · 5 years ago
Hello! Hello! I’m Looking for some discord rp!
My Writing samples: (These are all females but I play males and NB characters too)
The lights flickered almost with intention as the sharp clicking of heels on linoleum floors approached the door slowly. Accompanied only by the hypnotic hum of the sputtering fluorescent lights and the sterile smell of alcohol. The sleek pounding of heels stopped right outside the metal door, the rustling of papers and the crinkle of a brown paper bag reached a peak as the door opened swiftly.
Walking through the door stood a woman of cold and commanding stature, her black eyes narrow like a predator; an arched eyebrow  practically leading her face towards the strapped up figure. The woman's black hair was tied back neatly and her glasses rested observantly on the bridge of her nose, as if already in position for her to look down on  someone. Her black nurses skirt and apron followed her every step inside the white room. She held a manila folder and a brown crinkled bag that smelled of raw meat and had little puddles of liquid  on the bottom, practically taunting a restrained girl in the far corner.
She laid the file and the bag down  on a small metal counter near the front of the room and swiftly grabbed a chair to sit behind the table. For a few moments she watched, like a snake stalking its prey. Her commanding presence and seemingly all seeing eyes stayed focused on Olivia, as she grabbed a pen and opened the Manila folder.
Another 2 minutes had gone by, yet she never spoke, only watched. After finishing up some carefully written observations she slid on a pair of Latex gloves, snapping them at her wrist, still eyeing the girl in the straps. She reached into the brown paper bag and squished a tender chicken breast in her hand,  the juice running down the glove and into the bag once more before pulling it out  and placing it on the end of a metal rod with a squish. She sighed and slowly hovered the meat towards Olivia's face.
"Go on, you must be starved..." *She said in a deep, whisper like voice, her stern attitude reflected in her commanding tone.*
Zoe walked down the residents hall, some of the lights sputtering out as she stepped beneath them. Her cheap gas station headphones blared wild drum solos and guitar riffs, loud with electricity. Only looking at the floor or the doors as she walked down the chaotic hallway, she sent a strange chill down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to graze her shoulder. Her ripped, drawn over jeans were covered in strange scribbles, a language almost, looking ancient and old. 
As her combat red combat boots pounded the floor, she paid no mind to the odd looks from happy families moving their children in. Her tattered T-shirt and worn down clothing screamed "out of place" as she finally reached her room and slipped in through the door, her small suitcase of belongings following her inside. Zoe flicked on the lights and looked at her odd reflection in the mirror, the girl staring back felt unfamiliar, forgien almost, the sharp black and purple bob cut, the strange birthmark, it all felt like a mask she wore poorly.  
Zoe was always one to seem odd to outsiders, a quiet tall girl whose clothes were tattered and torn. Her gymnast-like figure was hidden behind her baggy mom jeans and an army jacket with unusual patches poorly sewn into it. After taking a breath to re-center herself and shake off that imposter-like feeling, she began to finally unpack her small bags.
 She never expected to be in a place like this, or even on a planet like this one.. but behind the cynical, deadpan girl sat a secret. Behind her tired adolescence sat a warrior, someone tasked by her ancestors to save the planet, maybe even the entire realm. This was the other side of Zoe, this side was dubbed Omen by the public. 
They all thought Omen was some kind of enhanced human, not a hero, not a villain, just someone who was always there, always watching. But Omen stuck to the shadows of the streets and in similar way, so did Zoe.
With a flick of a hand her suitcase opened wide and her eyes turned entirely black as strange mist emanated from them. In a matter of moments her small bag of belongs unpacked and swirled around her room like a controlled storm, each item of clothing folding itself or setting itself down nicely in a cabinet or on a desk. It was a beautiful, swirl of shadows, like spilled ink in water, and like a master puppeteer Zoe manipulated each string.
 As it slowed, her eyes returned to normal and she took a deep breath in, the lights flooding the room taking away from the effect of her abilities. She flopped into her chair and pulled out her inhaler from her purse, taking a deep breath and then letting it out. Maybe this whole College and hero thing was harder then she thought.
A beautifully sunny day soon turned sour, storm clouds gathered above the once clear skies of the field, rumbling with electricity. A bolt of lightening cracked through the clouds striking the open plains below, the impact warming the area with an array of heavenly light rather than a burning fire. From The sky above following the path of the bolt, fell a strange grey ball, tucked, spinning and falling fast. It hurled towards the ground, only picking up speed as it started to rush towards the treeline. Unknown to the unconscious Val, she was soon approaching the ground, her lifeless body hurling towards the earth.* 
“Wake UP!”
Shouted a booming voice in her head, causing the falling Valkyrie's eyes to shoot open accompanied by a startled yelp as she soon realized the predicament she was in. With the ground slowly approaching the young woman  unfolded her powerful wings and prayed to Odin that one strong flex would be enough to lessen the impact of her fall.  She flapped her wings, the dust of the ground rushing away from the might gust of wind, She frantically flapped and managed to slow to a hover mere inches above the ground. With a sigh of relief the Valkyrie  slowly lowered herself to the ground, her brow furrowing as she elegantly folded away her wings. After a few seconds of the original thrill passed the young woman burst out into a soft laughter, looking around the field for any recognizable landmarks.
“I’m 40 percent sure this I’ll work.” The young engineer chirped from behind her desk, her goggles still pressed to her face as sparks flew from her tinkering. “Only 40?”  The Jedi behind her called, she could practically feel the raised eyebrow from across the room. 
“Okay, Um… 100 percent sure it’ll  help you out, but only 40 percent that it’ll do what it’s intended to. That any better?” She called back, grabbing the small device and tossing it towards the Jedi.
“That’s impossible, how could you’ve already fixe-” “I didn’t, I said-” She interrupted in a sing songy voice. “40 percent sure it’ll give your saber a little boost, but if, and only if, it fails, then there is a 100 percent chance it’ll explode.”
Her comment was met with the wide, slightly angry eyes of the Jedi staring her down like a hawk ready to pounce, his breathing quickening like a panic “Just chuck it and run Jedi.” She smirked turning back to her table and turning an unnecessary generator on to avoid the oncoming barrage from the vexed Jedi.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can write to match your length if needed but I never typically pass discords character limit unless I see it’s necessary. I also like to keep things moving and I will sacrifice length, but never quality, to keep us rolling along. Platform: Discord (I like setting up servers for the rp)
Preferred length and Style: Literate, Para/Multipara
Genres of interest: Slice of life with a genre twist is normally my fav but I’m really down for anything!
 Intro: Hi I'm Ai! I love rp and creating unique storylines and character dynamics! I am overly passionate about making ocs and I love bio crafting and making a well fleshed and rounded character! All of these prompts can be expanded into a small group DM of 2-4 people so don’t be afraid to bring that up to me in dms! ALSO! If you have any plots you’ve come up with that you’d think I’d like to join or any plots that require characters I play at the end of my sheet let me know!
What I'm looking for in (a) Partner(s)
- Responsible rpers (people who follow through with actions, plotlines, arcs etc, no god-moding or power playing)
-Players who are literate
-Creative rpers who are genuinely excited by the plot or even players who have their own ideas or spin on it -Distinct pairings, let me know if you have pairing preferences for romantic plots or even platonic pairings. I play all genders and most sexualities.
When dming me Let me know which prompt inspired you! Shoot me ideas and ask me about world lore, I love those kinds of intros! If you thought of a char automatically then send me that too! <3 Specificity is key, the more you write in your opening dm the better **TBH**.
For now let's keep it pg-13 but if we both agree and grow comfortable with each other then we can move onto MILD R+ On the topic of FCs- I don’t mind if you use drawings or realistic FCs so go ahead and use whichever you prefer. On the topic of bios- I’m willing and open to use any detailed bio format you prefer, just send it to me once we settle the rp and I’ll happily fill out your preferred form (as long as its detailed)
NO SELF INSERTS PLEASE My personal don’ts (Meaning I won’t do’em)- Futa, or strange kinks (Like weirdly specific kinks talk to me before hand), Incest, beastiality NSFW with minors (Minor x Minor and Minor x adult both in character and out of character, I will not erp with minors!), Pure monester sex (Im talking like ogres n shit. Things that appear human such as werewolves in their human form, shapeshifters in human forms or vamps are fine) 
Pure Smut no plot RP with self inserters or their chars Anything that involves me tailoring my characters appearance to what you want, dick size, cup size etc, it’s just something I’m not comfy with.
Now on to the prompt gallery…
Prompt 1: “Two Halves Of The Apartment”  
A supervillain and a superhero are roommates, but they don't know each other's secrets.  They both live their little secret lives, but mostly I would want to focus on the out of costume dynamic. I tend to play villains but if needed I can flex to hero. OC X OC Genres: Comic Book/Slice of life (Sub cat- Young heroes)
Prompt 2: “A Whole New World?” Sirens, the  mythical half humans  from the sea and lakes were only supposed to be legend, but some legends ring true.. In this I'm looking for someone to play human, at least 18 or older. I'd rp as a merperson who saves your char from drowning after a night of partying at the beach. The plot I had in mind was rather Ariel-ish, but with a modern twist.  Like all other prompts if you have any ideas to bring to the table then dm me and we can chat! OC X OC Genre: Slice of life with a twist Extras: idk im just excited by this one and I have some cute/interesting Sirens planned
Prompt 3: “In Your Wild Mind.” 
Borderlands 2 Krieg X Maya, I'd be happy to play whoever. Based off the advertisement "A meat bicycle built for two," where we learn the inner workings of Krieg's mind. CANON X CANON Genre: Predetermined Universe (Borderlands, Borderlands 2 etc)
Watch the trailer here 
Prompt 4: “Jump to lightspeed” I’ve had some hopes of playing a star wars oc either with another oc or canon character. I was hoping to find someone to help plot this as well so we both get what we want from it! I’m down for any time period but I’d prefer, but it’s not a deal breaker if we work out the time periods that we like the most. PRE EMPIRE ( if you want to play a Jedi) CANON X OC OR OC X OC Genre/fandom: Star Wars Extras: Any time period will work but I’m looking for a sort of straight character like a Jedi/Mandalorian to pair with an excitable little energy ball.
 My oc: She is a little mechanic/inventor girl who gets way too excited to watch things blow up or when her crazy plans always somehow work out. I was hoping to have a more relaxed or even serious character play against her so they’d balance each other out, maybe a Jedi or Mandalorian.
Prompt 5: “Bringing down a God.” Your father was the CEO of Athena, the company that single handedly monetized the internet, while Athena's methods were shady you never gave your families success second thought until your computer was hacked by the infamous hacker Ghost. No one knew who their real identity they only knew one thing, Ghost was good- very good at their work.. The next morning you bumped into a dusty pink- haired classmate, observantly quiet the girl moved on with her day, but something about that interaction sent shivers down your spine...
Currently looking for someone to Play the child of the Athena CEO as I have a neat hacker character planned out. We can talk lore and world set up once in dms but I'm super excited about this one! OC X OC (TDLR Master hacker X Biggest fraud company CEO’s Son.) Genre: Cyberpunk/ Dystopian Extras: Let's talk tech in dms, if you have any cool ideas LMK!
Prompt 6: “Hint of Magic.” https://open.spotify.com/track/18DaSMSqc40nV8cDhdLemj?si=5wUcyTvlR2Ctl9Mw3k3JrQ Slice of life, religious with a sprinkle of added fantasy (but its based on IRL witchcraft).  They were always a quiet person, blending into the background of your school, never going to parties, never going to football games, they were just one of those people. So when you ran into them in the forest meditating with a strange green-ish glow around her like a halo you stopped dead in your tracks.The glimmering green glow and ribbons of brown and red leaves swirled around their head. Their typical monotone voice came out as a mix somber and harmonic hums. Their chants soon turned into small grunts of effort, causing smaller twigs and branches to orbit around them at increasing speed. The objects blended with the green glimmers, spinning around them in different directions. The scene built to an eerie climax, the energy seemingly rushed in towards them, leaving all the items it had swept up to fall sharply back into place. Their eyes were forced open and they took a gasping breath, the shock causing them to fall to the  grass bed below. Green magic sizzled out of them like a fried, overused electronic as they struggled to sit up, still attempting to catch their breath. Backing up you heard a crack crack, looking down at your feet you saw a twig snapped in half thanks to your hiking shoes. With a sharp twist they turned around, looked at you with wide fearful eyes and passed out..  OC X OC (TDLR- Witch X Human high school/college age) 
Genre: Slice of life with a hint of a fantastical twist Extras: The non witch character can be anything really, Human, Lycan etc. But I’d rather play a human X a witch and I’d be happy to play either role. Prompt 7:”Steal your heart.” Locked in your tower you felt safe from the bandits, your father the king, made sure you and your siblings were well protected, educated and trained in magic. One night, it almost all fell, you saw a hooded figure down the hall after peaking out of curiosity ~~`even after your father told you to hide.~~ You saw that symbol, the bear under the golden star on the figured cloak, it was the thieves guild.. Footsteps approached your door before it swung open, a perfect copy of your father reaching his hand out finally saying it was okay to come out. He said you had go flee into the families safe, as it was the safest place in the castle. Something about him felt **off** and the figure looked at you, not with stern love in his eyes like your fathers but with a certain hunger reserved for thieves and stalkers of the night. The figure’s confidence started to shatter, slowly dropping the disguise, his clothing changing into the green and brown rouge suits of the thieves, a hood over their face. “Not so easily fooled, I like you (Prince/Princess/NB-Royal), maybe I’ll get you next time…” You could only see a cheshire like smirk before the figures form turned into a little black crow and flew out the window. OC X OC (TDLR- Shapeshifter leader of the kingdoms band of Thieves X Magical Royal/ next in line for the throne **OR** a castle guard. Genre: High Fantasy
Extras: Looking for a sort of cheeky vibe Like Aladin and the guards, something where both of out chras have a strange internal conflict about the situation after learning each other's secrets. I love my lil shapeshifter boi and I miss playing them. Prompt 8: “Ghost down the hall.”
The apartment next door had been empty of ages, that’s what the landlord said at least, but on some nights the door rattled and lights flashed into the hallway. One morning  someone walked straight through the door. (TD-LR) Ghost X Human who just learned they could see said ghost Genre: Slice of life/Fantasy/Platonic Extra- Im down to play whichever char and I would like to brainstorm with my partner on this one as it is a bit more personal. I can see this one turning into a small group dm of about 2-4 if my partner is open to that, if not then we can Multi-RP. OC X OC (X OC) Prompt 9: “In the arms of the ocean.” Much like prompt number 2 this prompt involves a  Human (Pirate of any gender) and a Siren (of any gender ) Who become friends/lovers/enemies (whatever we want. I would like to brainstorm with my partner on this one but I’m super excited about it. OC X OC Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy Extra: I would be down for playing either character so if you have a preference, just let me know when you dm me. Prompt 10: “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” It was supposed to be easy for the angel, just go down, make sure hell hadn’t taken any extra souls. The angel carefully set themselves down at the entrance of the first circle of hell, then saw them, a demon.. (Basically Angel meets demon, one falls for the other) (please note this was a 3am idea but I just wanted to write it down and maybe expand upon it later) OC x OC Genre: Romantic/Fantasy/Modern- Bickering lovers, I can see this prompt going multiple ways so it’s something we should discuss in dms. Extra: Bonus points if in dms we can work out a way to get them to the human world and looking human. Again 3am thought, might come back and amend this portion.
Prompt 11: Beautiful creature
"They were brought here for a reason.... some of them didn't understand how to control their power, some of them were  skilled, but made frightening choices.... but all that mattered to Blake was that they were safe... or  the world is safe from them and It was her mission to figure out what made each and every one of them tick..."
The mansion was hidden deep within the Canadian woods, but on the inside it felt more like a prison. Madame Blake ran a tight lab. They were brought there because they possessed some ability, some power that frightened the normal world. So they were locked up, but the rusted metal bars on the room didn't feel like a cage, it felt like home. And no matter how many times Blake prodded and poked them , she was still their mother.... in a strange twisted sense..
From the moment they arrived they were being fashioned into something, something destructive... well they have always seen government officials around, maybe that was their  purpose. Blake was always pushing them  to their limits, breaking them from the inside and out, pitting them  up against each other in the basement, but still preaching that they were teammates, family. Some of them have gone on missions, against their will of course, not much to fight over when there is a bomb in their neck... but she still preached she loved them, that she understood them. Despite all the horrible things they've been put through some small part of them  still called it home...
Ever since the UN was disbanded a small secret faction of nations started to notice strange cases across the globe. They funneled their resources and created a top secret facility to study these enhanced humans.They called it Blakes orphanage.
After years of secrecy some of the children managed to escape and tell their stories, showing the world what they could really do. Some feared them, some hated them, some took pity, and you can choose how your char feels about these genetic anomalies but, one just saved your characters life and is now asking for help integrating into society....  OC X OC
Genre: Sci-Fi, Gritty psych, hint of platonic/romantic dynamics.
Extra: Im rather excited about this one and I’d be willing to play either character tbh, I just phrased it that way for ad purposes. I'd prefer playing the escapee but if you'd rather then we can talk about lore and stuff!
Prompt 12: Teenage Heroes Basic idea: Peter Parke/Other teen Cannon hero/ or teenage hero OC r x OC/ Raven, Zatana/ other teen hero  We should have a little convo in dms and plot together but I do have some ideas  OC X OC, CANON X CANON, OR CANON X OC Whatever you’d prefer Genre:Marvel/ Superhero/teen/possible romance Extra:Just super excited about this one!
Prompt 13: Tame the hive
Basic idea: Guy meets girl, guy falls in love, guy meet sanother guy and falls in love again, guy finds out he fell in love with a hive mind. OC X OC
Genre: Sci-fi/slice ofl ife
Extra: idk I really like this idea….
Prompt 14: The Speedster and the ____
Basic Idea: Just looking for some Flash (TV show) rp I don’t care if its cannon or OC as long as you don’t care either! OC X CANON, CANON X CANON Whatever you’d prefer Genre: Fandom (DCTV The Flash) Extra: Extra points if you play Barry or Cisco!
Prompt 15: The Rifts
Basic Idea:  The rifts and dimensional tears from Into The Spider-verse are bleeding through Manhattan, allowing character from any comic reality to join forces. If we do this plot we can adjust the main villain, who made the collider etc. I’m just hoping to try unique pairing of either, OCs and Canon Characters or Canon Characters from different universes.
Genre: Superhero (Marvel/DC
Extra: OC X CANON OR CANON X CANON **Groups** I also run a unique power rangers rp so if you’d like to join that please feel free to dm me!
 -Characters I can play
OC-  (Universe- Original) Pan- Escapee from a Human Experimentation Prison with the power to mimic others, but slowly forgets their true self
OC-(Universe DC/Marvel) Darwin Blake, Ballerina with a fuck you attitude (in her universe she can walk through walls and phase but I can play her Vanillia/no powers as well)
OC-(universe- BNHA/DC/Marvel) Ai Hikari, Hero in training with a troubled past.
OC-(Universe- DC/Marvel) Lucas Dobbs Artistic Boy with cataracts who has slight light manipulation abilities
OC-(BNHA/Cyberpunk) Tamashi Mortus-Yurei, a cold and distant tinkerer with a knack for computers.
OC-(Universe DC/Marvel) Omen- Dark anti/hero with a strange set of powers tryna live her life and maybe, maybe do some good.
OC-Starwars/Scifi/Space Adventure-  Pele Elidi (goes by P or phoenix), Engineer/Pilot with a knack for blowing things up. She’s not the best “people person”  but she’s much smarter than she lets on.
OC-Harry potter/Fantasy- A Metamorphmagus/Shapechanger, who is adept at flying. OC-Lyria-Fantasy/Pirate/Historical Fantasy- A siren with a vengeance for pirates. OC-Fantasy/Harry Potter-Cassandra Dellisopolous,a  Bard with prophetic poetry. Clumsy, shy but rather smart. OC- Fantasy- Valencia Eros- A fallen Valkyrie on a mysterious quest. OC- Fantasy- Nieve Iglas- A disgraced/ runaway princess OC- Dystopia- Mars Erivas-  A non binary human, snake hybrid, who fights for equality, by playing both sides. OC-Historical/Pirate- Kieras Nighte Actually a rather smart one, well, if he was sober enough to think, like, ever. OC- Justin Fletcher- A ghost who is stuck living in his old apartment as he tries to solver his murder from the other side.
OC- Dystopia- Devon Aeroni- A black panther/Human hyrbrid and domestic terrorist, who thinks the only way to equality is through the destruction of pure blooded humans.
OC-Percy Jackson or historical- Kassandra Pythia- a clumsy daughter of Apollo, who eventually learns that she can be strong and kind at the same time. OC-Percy jackson- Espina Tierra- Daughter of Gaia
OC- Superhero/BNHA- Neb Evanescet- A cloudy boy OC-Dnd/High Fantasy- Warforged Cleric who is Oblivious baby
Oc-Dnd/high Fantasy-Pixie rouge
OC-DND/high fantasy- Clumsy Artificer who is also baby
OC-DND/high fantasy- Tiefling Aerialist of Rakdos.
OC-DND/High Fantasy Faelyn ranger (Rabbit)
OCs- Power rangers-
*Canon Chars*
(if I missed some chars or there are any you are wondering about please ask!! <3)
Lena Duchannes- Beautiful Creatures
Marceline-Adventure Time
PB-Adventure time
Sirens-Pirates of the Carribbean 
Hermione Granger-HP
Ron Weasley-HP
Weasley Twins-HP
Steven- SU
Pearl-SU Garnet-SU
Literally any umbrella academy character
Percy- Percy Jackson
Grover-Percy Jackson Annabeth-Percy Jackson
Violet- AHS Murder House
Black Cat-Marvel
Poison Ivy-DC
Harley Quinn-DC
Terra- DC Caitlin Snow- DC
Blake Belladonna- RWBY Yang Xiao Long-Rwby
Ruby Rose-RWBY
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim
Kim Pine-Scott Pilgrim
Wallace Wells-Scott Pilgrim
Literally any character from The Magicians
Lightning round- sentence starters “Don’t give it all up for me.” “Before you read this there are things you should know about me.” “Where you go now, I can’t follow.” “For the love of god will you stop shutting me out!” “Why should I ever listen to you again?” “I gave you my infinite trust, you give me this?”
A: “Why didn’t you tell me?!”  B: “I wanted to avoid this!”
“You figured it out didn’t you?” “You know sometimes I want to stab you, like really stab you” “Yea but we both know that wouldn’t do much.”
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mtvswatches · 6 years ago
Jane the Virgin 1x05 Chapter Five
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments)
Stray thoughts
1) Well, this is not a healthy mother/daughter relationship…
NARRATOR: As we all know by now, when Jane Gloriana Villanueva came into this world, her father was already out of the picture. And though she sometimes fantasized about who her father was and what having two parents would be like, Jane and her mom had a typical mother-daughter relationship. With the role of the mother played by Jane.
It makes sense to have the roles reversed when you are older, but not when you’re a little kid. That’s messed up. It wasn’t Jane’s fault that her mom was still a kid when she had her. She should’ve still got to be a kid.
2) This won’t be Rogelio, though. It would have never been Rogelio.
NARRATOR: It was times like these when young Jane wished especially hard for a father. Someone responsible and wise, someone who would take care of things so she wouldn't have to.
3) Okay, I was wrong. Jane is super pissed. She’s moving out! She’s barely speaking to her mom. However, it might be a good thing for her to move in with Michael ahead of the wedding. Maybe this will be the final nail on the coffin of this doomed relationship? One can only hope…
4) Oh, you naïve, self-absorbed, Rogelio…
Shooting? No, this is not make-believe, Roxanna. This is real life. My daughter is coming. So I must prepare to step into the role of… father.
He claims is not “make-believe” but he takes the role of father as, well, a part he needs to play. But there’s no script and there’s no pre-established happy ending when it comes to parenting. I’m guessing he’ll figure this out soon enough.
5) What is Michael hiding from Jane? Apart from the fact that he has no personality and is boring as fuck?
6) Okay, both Rafael and Jane have the same opinion about what constitutes a “mistake.” That’s cool.
7) New favorite character.
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8) I’m guessing Billy is not dating Jane’s best friend because he likes her…
10) Well, at least one of their concerns is similar…
JANE: I just want it to go well.
ROGELIO: I just really want it to look good, Michelle.
JANE: What do you think we'll talk about?
ROGELIO: What shoes should I wear?
MICHAEL: He's gonna love you.
ROGELIO: She's gonna love me, right?
The most important one. I really like how the show portrays Rogelio. He is a bit of the comic relief, most of the times, with his bigger-than-the-sun ego and star quality. But they never fail to show that he also has a big heart, even if he might not be good at showing it all the time.
11) OMG the spotlight! The stairs that go on forever! The trademark telenovela actor Smile! The audience, forced to clap on cue!
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He’s just… too much.
12) Oh, stupid Captain Cardboard…
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I think you won’t be having the last laugh…
Seriously, though, how can he be so thick as to not realize that Rafael and Petra splitting up could actually have a negative impact on his and Jane’s relationship? Did he forget that Jane was fantasizing about Rafael like two weeks ago? And now, the man who she was fantasizing about and whose baby she’s carrying is conveniently single…
13) Jane is moving in with Rogelio?!!!
14) Oh, wow, that was Xiomara’s fantasy. 
15) He was nervous, that means he does care.
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16) Credit where credit’s due, though. Michael does understand how important Jane’s relationship with her mom is to her. He mentioned how she shouldn’t get married without her mom because she will regret it, and he understands her need to talk about her first encounter with her dad with her mom. So, there’s that.
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This is Piz talking about the Hellmouth all over again.
18) “After what happened, you said you would always take care of me.” What happened to you, Magda? I’m dying to know! It’d better be juicy!
19) Wow, the conversation between Xiomara and Jane is a great scene, even if it’s not a big argument with a lot of screaming and crying. The emotions are still there because you can clearly understand where each of them is coming from. Jane feels robbed of part of her identity, and Xiomara’s fears are valid, even if not completely justified. Ultimately, however, I must take Jane’s side. Having her father as part of her life should have always been Jane’s choice, not her mother’s, and especially not if it was based on a lie.
20) I’m Rafael, so hard.
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21) I guess this was her other weapon…
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Sex and emotional manipulation…
So, she was pregnant, once. She had a miscarriage, and then he got cancer.
22) Hm, was this really it? It doesn’t seem like a thing you’d really go to extreme lengths to keep hidden…
MICHAEL: We used to do stupid things.
JANE: What kind of stupid things?
MICHAEL: Mostly stealing cars and selling the parts.
JANE: Oh, so, like, illegal stupid things.
MICHAEL: Yeah. We worked out of this old garage. The cops found it. He was only 16, no record. I already was in trouble. Billy took the blame.
JANE: What?!
MICHAEL: I tried to come forward, but our-our lawyer said that if I did, he'd still be in jail for lying.
JANE: Oh, my God.
MICHAEL: Yeah. After that, I-I I turned my life around. He went the other way. And I've been bailing him out ever since.
I still think there must be something shadier about him. Or are his secrets as boring as him?
23) In spite of her crappy decision, Xiomara is a good mom. Even though she feels threatened, she still offers Rogelio some good advice, and she understands that it’s her own fault that she and Jane have fallen out. Rogelio is also genuinely nice, he knows that Xiomara could and would help him out – even if she is the reason he hadn’t met his daughter until now. And he seems to be honest when he claims he never meant to cause a wedge between mother and daughter by coming forward as Jane’s father.
24) So, that didn’t go too well…
ROGELIO: You have to understand that she was not wrong.
JANE: Excuse me?
ROGELIO: When I was 17, I was an idiot kicked out of school, smoking weed. She wanted to protect you.
JANE: Look. I think it's really nice that you want to defend her, but I don't want to talk about it, okay? Right, that's between me and my mom.
ROGELIO: Jane, well, she was terrible, but she was scared.
JANE: Rogelio, come on.
ROGELIO: I just want you to see her side.
JANE: I know her side.
ROGELIO: She was crying, Jane.
JANE: And you don't think that I've cried? But you wouldn't know that because you don't know anything about me, not even my middle name. And that's because of her. And I guess for you, it is easy to forgive that because you've only know about me for 16 months. But I have thought about you every single day for the past 23 years. You know what? I'm-I'm sorry, I can't do this. Rogelio, you seem like a nice enough man, but we haven't been a part of each other's lives until now, and we've been fine, so let's not force it.
Rogelio was well-intentioned, but that doesn’t mean that he had any right to speak on Xiomara’s behalf. The right to dispense fatherly advice is something you have to earn. You don’t get to do that just because you’re, biologically speaking, the father. It takes time and a lot of bonding and trust building.
I think I would’ve reacted the same way Jane did.
25) And that didn’t go too well, either…
RAFAEL: These are the divorce papers.
PETRA: You were about to have sex with me yesterday.
RAFAEL: We stopped.
PETRA: Yes. But I could tell you didn't want to.
RAFAEL: Petra, please, let's keep what little dignity we have left.
PETRA: Jane's going to change her mind. You're going to have to share custody of that baby.
RAFAEL: I'm hoping I won't.
PETRA: You will. You know you will. Rafael, we can work it out.
RAFAEL: Not if I don't love you anymore.
PETRA: You make me sick.
RAFAEL: I understand. So sign the divorce papers. You'll get your $250,000 and we'll be done with each other.
I respect Rafael because he doesn’t let his attraction for Petra could his judgment. He knows it would be wrong to continue the charade just to get the baby because, at the end of the day, he doesn’t love her and I’m not too sure she loves him either. Petra, on the other hand, feels disgusted when Rafael admits he doesn’t love her… but I guess cheating on him, lying to him, using sex and their tragic past to manipulate him, and holding him hostage with the idea that he won’t get the baby are not disgusting deeds.
I can’t help but wonder if Petra will undergo a  Heel-Face Turn and how exactly the writers will pull this off because she keeps piling on evil stuff.
ROGELIO: I heard what you said about not forcing things. This is not forcing things. This is apologizing. I think I was trying to make up for all these years in two hours. I was trying to impress you. But I went too far, so I'm sorry.
JANE: No. It's okay. I think I was hard on you, and I had expectations that were totally unreasonable. Then let's begin again.
Yes, he is self-absorbed and at times misguided, but he has a good heart and he does mean well. And who would’ve thought? He’s able to do some self-introspection if need be. And he can apologize when he does something wrong. He’s a good man, alright? Or at least he’s trying really hard to become one. I love him a lot.
27) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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28) It was obvious Jane wouldn’t be able to give up the baby. She couldn’t put the baby through the same things she had to go through herself because other people denied her of the possibility to know who her father was. I still don’t know what Michael’s role is going to be in this whole thing.
29) Again, I’m Rafael…
RAFAEL: A guy I can't stand is gonna be involved in raising my kid. I just don't know what Jane's doing with him.
Except for the Michael-raising-my kid thing, of course.
30) WTF!!!!
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My new favorite character is dead!!!
31) Sin Rostro killed him… I’m sorry, but I think Sin Rostro is actually a woman. And I’m guessing it’s Magda. I don’t know why I think Magda is behind all of this.
32) What the fuck are they planning?
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Is Petra going to blame Rafael for domestic abuse?
33) Liar, liar, pants on fire…
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“I’ve made a mistake” was probably the worse excuse he could’ve given. We know how Jane feels about people calling their willing choices “mistakes”.
34) Awww ☹
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Will Jane be crying by the end of every episode? I hope not.
35) Of course…
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36) A very fun episode! But will Jane end up crying in every episode? And will someone end up dead every few episodes? And is Magda Sin Rostro? Will Michael stop being so fucking boring? So many questions!
37)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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gavillain · 6 years ago
So with the year about to close, I’m once again doing my annual Top Ten Villains of This Year list. My personal rule for doing this: these characters are judged solely on the merits of their 2018 appearances, and I’m not going to include any villain who has appeared on last year’s list (which you can read here), even if they would still make the cut. Also bear in mind that this is only from media that I actually saw/read/played this year, so forgive me if your favorite isn’t here because I might not have seen them. New December movies in particular slipped through my fingers.
List under the cut
10. Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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Ever since Lotor first debuted, he's never been villainous enough for me. He's been positioned in villainous roles, but he never really did anything all that bad or evil. Season six, however, sees the true depth of his evil finally get revealed. His obsession with his Altean heritage and loathing of his Galra side is interesting from a psychological perspective, and his actions as the seemingly benevolent but truly vicious leader of the Altean refugees really highlight how truly sinister this guy was. He has quite a lot of blood on his hands all done to fuel his thirst for power. The final battle with him in the quintessence field was pretty cool too. I love seeing normally refined and restrained villains just totally lose it and go balls to the wall psycho and that's exactly what we got. We really finally got to see Lotor for who he was beneath all of the false masks he showed to Team Voltron and the audience, and, for that, I definitely consider him one of the year's best.
9. Barbara Kean (Gotham)
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Gotham every year always has a great villain to highlight, and while I assume most Gotham fans are coming out of this year talking about the Valeska brother, I think Barbara Kean really showed her stuff this year. Barbara's had an interesting journey on the show, going from a bland love interest to a psycho ex-girlfriend to a Fish Mooney esque crime boss to this season becoming the heir of Ra's al Ghul himself. This year we saw Barbara Kean inherit Ra's al Ghul's mantel as the Demon's Head and assuming control over the League of Assassins. She proceeded to immediately put the sexist men in their place and established a lethal team of female assassins to serve her. It's fun to see Barbara taking on a new mantel and even being instrumental in taking down the original Ra's al Ghul when his schemes go too far. Her ultimately taking charge as the leader of the Gotham Sirens and declaring her turf a violently men-free-zone is a fun touch that I look forward to seeing get followed up in season five.
8. Magica DeSpell (DuckTales)
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When I first heard that the DuckTales reboot was building up Magica DeSpell as some serious business Big Bad, I was definitely among those scratching my head. Magica had always just been a reoccurring funny villain with wacky hijinks rather than anyone who acted as a true Knight of Cerebus. However, 2017 DuckTales pulled it off and did so WONDERFULLY. Magica is not only a big serious villain and threat; she also maintains her same charismatic and funny personality. You see her manipulating Lena to giving up her body and unleashing ultimate darkness whilst still cracking jokes and going after Scrooge's number one dime. It's hard to balance genuine serious villainy with comedy, and it's a balancing act that the Disney villains of the 90s had down pat. And that's exactly what Magica feels like: a harkening back to that golden breed of Disney villains, and I hope to see her continue on in season two.
7. The Sanderson Sisters (Hocus Pocus: The All New Sequel)
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This was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Hocus Pocus, and, to celebrate, Disney released a sequel novel that included both a novelization of the original film and an all new story set years later. The Sanderson Sisters are iconic and hilarious villains who have long been among my all time faves, so seeing them return in book form was a rare treat. This time, the Sandersons are scheming to bring all of the witches back from Hell to take over the world, and it's pretty scary reading Winnie's evil literally sending innocent people to Hell to exchange for evil witches. Mary also gets a solo musical number about her relationship with Winnie that's a lot of fun and sheds a new light on her character. It's operating at about the same level as A Twisted Tale in terms of quality so it's not hitting anything out of the ballpark, but seeing the Sandersons get treated to new content coinciding with their twenty-fifth anniversary is really fun and is worth their inclusion for sure.
6. Killmonger and Klaue (Black Panther)
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The biggest movie of the year also gave us two of the very BEST villains of the year in the form of Killmonger and Klaue. Klaue, as portrayed by Andy Serkis, is naturally fun as a sinister and charismatic thief and arms dealer, filling sort of the "funny villain" quotient for the film. He's enjoyable and a treat to watch every time he's on screen. He's an evil white man who is raping African of its natural resources out of his sense of greed and entitlement. Killmonger compliments that nicely by being one of the deepest and most thought provoking character in the entire MCU. Killmonger is fun because not only is he sadistic and someone who enjoys bloodshed, he's also driven by righteous anger over the way that Wakanda has turned its back on black people globally. He has a desire to turn all of that around and remake the world. He may be cold and ruthless, but you can also see where he's coming from and that makes him all the more effective.
5. Salem (RWBY)
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Salem, since her debut, has been a generic evily evil who eviled for some evil evil and never really had any texture at all besides being a vague evil. All of that changed this season of RWBY. We now know Salem and Ozpin's backstory. I was enthralled and mystified the entire time during their backstory. The animation, the story telling, everything was top notch. Salem is a woman who was cursed by immortality that hardened her into someone bitter and angry. She lost the man she loved once through death and then after his reincarnation, she lost him through his own fear of what she had become. She really feels like the type of character who is a tragic figure of myth at this point, and I loved how her motivation seems to stem from a bitterness at the gods and a desire to end the world that they created. Very fun for an arch-villain.
4. Red Goblin (The Amazing Spider-Man)
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Dan Slott's decade long run as head writer of the Amazing Spider-Man came to an end earlier this year with a grand finale to end all grand finales: Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, rediscovers Spider-Man's secret identity and bonds with the Carnage symbiote to form the Red Goblin. Now, on some level, I find that whole concept to be very fanwanky, but, on the other, it's REALLY fucking cool. Yeah, Spider-Man writers have a tendency to continuously try to tell the next great Norman Osborn story, and, while this doesn't really rank in my top five, it's a worthy effort. I appreciate how it shows off how vicious and relentless Norman is. Him just fire bombing random people on the street to get under Peter's skin in particular is one of those great twisted moments. I also liked seeing Norman corrupt his grandson Normie Osborn with the symbiote and getting a grandpa's little monster serving him. It's got that fun "he's an assassin and a hostage rolled into one effect. And, of course, the Red Goblin left a permanent mark on Spider-Man history by being the villain who murdered Flash Thompson, long time friend and ally of Peter.
3. Obake (Big Hero 6)
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The Big Hero 6 TV show has been a slam dunk for Disney television. Bringing in the same creative minds behind Kim Possible, the show has a great "loving parody of he superhero genre" feel to it whilst still being an epic hero show in its own right, and six heroes are only as good as their villain. Voiced by Andrew Scott of Jim Moriarty fame, Obake is an evil genius mastermind who's always in control of a situation and always crafting diabolical and brilliant schemes. Obake is in many respects a dark image of what Hiro could become: a man who refuses to limit his brilliance by morals or familial ties. His brain has outright been damaged to where his conscience doesn't check him and this brain damage IS slowly killing him, but he accepts it as a reasonable price for his perspective free of morality. But in the end, his schemes were all that he had, and when he's defeated, he has no reason to live and effectively commits suicide after letting Baymax go. There's a really great tragedy to the way he ends up. And, on top of that, he's just a really interesting and charismatic villain with fun quirks, fun minions, and engaging schemes. Easily one of the very best villains to come out of Disney television. 2. Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man PS4)
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One of the really smart features of Insomniac's Spider-Man game is that Octavius is actually not Doctor Octopus at all for the first half of the game. Octavius is Peter's friend and boss, and the two of them are working together on cybernetic appendages for prosthetic limbs that respond to the brain waves just like regular limbs. Octavius has a degenerative brain diseases that is causing him to slowly lose control of his motor functions. As such, when he thinks he has the solution, he's overly hasty to use it even though the cerebral interface has a dangerous impact on his personality and moods. It causes him to act upon his worth impulses, particularly his resentment and anger towards Norman Osborn. This turns him into the Doctor Octopus who we all know, much to Peter's sadness. Peter ends up struggling a lot in this game over whether Octavius is worth saving, and it tears him apart when they reach their climax. No spoilers, but it's POWERFUL writing and acting. I particularly like how this version of the characters takes a little from every single iteration of the character without ever feeling unfresh. He has that personal connection and tragic element of the Raimi Ock, he has the intelligent master criminal side of the comics version, he has a design that echoes the sort of "I may be an overweight nerd but I can still kick your ass" appeal of the Spectacular Spider-Man version, and yet they still find his own unique sweet spot of characterizations that perfectly blends with the Insomniac Spider-Man world. I particularly enjoy his use of the Sinister Six and how he gets them all under his control by using his intelligence to give them each what they want so that they're all in debt, but they all genuinely seem to enjoy and admire him. That's an excellent retelling of the Sinister Six that's far more interesting than just "We all hate Spider-Man so let's team up to fight him."
1. Venom (Venom)
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This was honestly the biggest and weirdest surprise of the year for me. See, the whole idea of a Venom solo movie is a uniformly bad idea from basically the word "Go." Oh yes, let's do a movie about a villain whose entire character revolves around being a dark version of Spider-Man in a movie that completely omits Spider-Man so that the villain can be the protagonist. That won't backfire at all. Well, of course, it totally backfired into a complete mess, but it happened to create a mess that was entertaining and enjoyable and had an absolutely wonderful and fun take on the Venom character. This film leans hard into the romantic side of Eddie and the Venom symbiote's bond and sort of formats itself as a gay alien romcom. Eddie is a journalist who wants to be a hero through his reporting, but he pursues it at the expense of every meaningful relationship he has. Venom is the runt of his alien litter who on Earth suddenly finds himself as the big fish in a small pond, and he likes it that way. In Venom, Brock finds a relationship that allows him to indulge his savior complex that won't be destroyed by it, and in Brock, Venom finds someone who allows him to indulge his power trip and sense of narcissism. They complete one another. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it's cheesy. No, it's NOT the Venom we know at all. But, yes, it's a fun and effective route to take the character in the absence of Spider-Man. The thing is that the reason why it's so fun is pretty much all Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy has a weird awful accent, but he also gives this weirdly camp performance that's just captivating and fun. It actually reminds me a bit of Jack Sparrow in a way in that it's so out there, you can't help but he enamored. The Venom symbiote has fun banter and chemistry with Hardy, and the humor is on point. You've got Venom eating gangsters as people around him under-react, and he just shrugs it off with a one-liner. It's that type of thing, and, honestly, I love it. Like when the movie is Tom Hardy and Venom being goofy murder bros together, it's fun and engaging. Eddie himself is definitely more hero than villain, but Venom absolutely counts as far as I’m concerned, even if he is restrained by Eddie’s moral code by the end of it. It's exactly the type of ridiculous villain protagonist fantasy that it needed to be, and even though Venom isn't the main antagonist of his story, he's still easily my favorite villain of 2018... I have no idea what that says about me XD
Also I have all three of Spider-Man's big archenemies on this list in the reverse order that I usually like them XD That's fun lol
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66553211 · 3 years ago
I'm starting this as a journal. I hope it makes me better. Maybe it won't. If anything, maybe it can just be a place for me to... release. Lately, I feel like a liar. Being around other people is so hard. Even the ones I like, and especially the ones I love. I don't want them to know I'm getting bad again. Getting bad in a way that some of them have never even seen. A way I haven't really been in 10 years. Maturity, growth are supposed to be linear. How do I explain that some days I wonder if I've learned anything at all since 15? Some days I know I'm not that person and I am better. And then I slip again. The thing that makes me the most ashamed is that I think some of it is a choice. Not a choice from the front part of my brain. The part that is my conscience and knows this cycle of destruction has no productive quality. The part that likes my friends and talks to acquaintances at work. The part that knows violence is wrong, even against ones self. This part of me genuinely does not want to feel isolated, in pain. But there's also a deeper part of me. One that still has free will. That wields that will darker and deeper. It's like that part of me wants me to fail. It wants me to relapse, to bite myself, and choke, to kill myself. Lately I'm really tired of fighting it. It is so much easier to let it be in control. I know this may contradict everything that I just said, but I don't really care, because contradictions make the human character more interesting and perplexing. That bad part of me, it makes me feel almost safe. Maybe safe isn't the exact right word, because it also makes me scared sometimes. But its.... easy? Simple. It's simple. It's simple to be in addiction. It's not easy for fuck. But simple. Everything leads to 1. 1 thing. 1 track mind. Even if that 1 thing is absolute destruction, I crave the simplicity of letting it rule me. To be out of control. That is what I have always desired, and is probably a root cause of my addiction problems. I actually don't want to be in charge of my own destiny. I do not want to be culpable for my own choices, my own actions. Because I am scared of the ugliness I choose. What are we if not just an accumulation of all our choices in life? I do not think I believe that someone can be "good" and do bad things. Aren't we nothing if not our actions? I mean I also don't believe in good vs bad so dichotomously either. I just mean if you did a bad thing, that thing you did was bad. I don't understand when people talk about "someone being good deep down." Like, it's just kind of irrelevant information. What we think and feel deep down in some ways isn't real. Not outside of our own inner existence. So it kind of doesn't matter unless it actually manifests into anything outside of the self. Unless those thoughts or feelings become an action, they are meaningless. I can acknowledge that this viewpoint I am describing does serve my own self-image. I sometimes have really bad thoughts and feelings. I could describe them here, and I might later, but for now I am scared that writing them down could give them more power. Then they do have a place they exist in this world outside of myself, even if it is just this diary that I sincerely hope no one reads. But maybe if I wrote them down and faced them, they would lose their power of secrecy over me. Anyway, like I was saying, this philosophy serves my own self-image. Because, then I'm not really bad unless I do the bad things. All that really matters of my life is how I impact others, so long as I don't make the thoughts real, I can still be good.
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sunflowersupremes · 7 years ago
The Starhawk and the Slave: Chapter 4
Yondu’s (accidental) rescue by the Ravagers.
Characters: Stakar Ogord, Aleta Ogord, Yondu Udonta, Martinex T'Naga, Mainframe (Marvel), Krugarr (Marvel), Charlie-27 (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Slavery, Torture, Rape, Abuse, child endangerment, Non Explicit, it’s all in the past, flashbacks in later chapters
Read Chapter on AO3, Read Entire Story on AO3
Aleta was alone.
She’d run off the rest of the stragglers - her ‘girls’ as Stakar so creatively called them - and sat in the darkness of the forgotten rec room she’d laid claim to years ago. She needed silence, which she was greatly enjoying until the door opened and Charlie ducked his head inside. “Permission to enter?”
“You’re already in, you know.”
He lumbered inside, sitting on the floor rather than testing out the durability of one of the chairs. It was probably for the best, they’d learned years ago that most chairs weren’t meant for someone of his size. Hauling a replacement down to the old rec room would just be annoying. “You’re brooding.”
“I am not.”
“Yes, you are.”
Aleta glared at him, breaking the silence again to ask, “Did my husband send you?”
“Is he your husband again? I lose track.”
He was. They’d re-renewed their vows as Charlie was more than aware. He’d been there for crying out loud. “You’re a dick.”
“I’ve always had it.” He patted his crotch with a grin.
The most frustrating thing about Charlie - in Aleta’s mind, most people considered it one of his better qualities - was his inability to be drawn into arguments. Bar fights, tussles with customers or clients, brawls among the crew, illegal street boxing - anything physical and violent you couldn’t keep him out of. But when it came to fights with words he refused to step up to the plate, no matter how much Aleta goaded him.
“Where’s Marty?” she huffed, pushing herself up, a bottle of whiskey swinging from her hand. The Pluvian she could fight with. He wasn’t as fun as Stakar - swing a fist at Martinex and he’d probably jump under a table (or you'd break your hand on his face) - but he would quite happily yell back if she pushed the right buttons.
“With Mainframe, working on something of Udonta’s.”
“Udonta?” It took a moment for Aleta to process what he was saying. “Is that the slave?” She took a swig from her drink and felt the burn as it slid down her throat. “Damn,” she muttered, mostly to herself, “he named it?”
“You do not like him.”
“My husband or his newest pet?”
Charlie laughed, swiping Aleta’s bottle from her and downing half of it in one gulp. “Both, I suppose.”
Aleta snatched her drink back from him, making sure to cuff him upside the head. “He’s already attached. We don’t need any more kids around.” They’d just die, after all. Charlie’s eyes saddened and he patted her shoulder, mindful of his strength for once. Aleta resisted the urge to shout at him for being stupid and sentimental. She was the one who’d brought up the kids after all.
Tara. Sita. John.
As little as Aleta and Stakar talked about them - or any part of their past - word got out. Stakar talked about them more than Aleta did, he claimed it helped. He even went so far as to suggest that she should try talking to someone sometime. But her method was to keep them in a small, private place near her heart, where they were hers alone, not his.
“Something bad’s going to happen,” Aleta vowed, gulping the rest of the bottle in one swig. “Something with that boy and it’s going to destroy him.” She paused, looking at the now empty bottle and wondering if it was worth finding another. “It’s going to destroy us all.”
“You’re being melodramatic.”
She probably was. But there was still a creeping suspicion in her chest that things Stakar loved never seemed to stick around for long. 
Stakar hadn’t considered the logistics of someone never having touched food before, but thankfully the medic, Arc, had caught him before he could accidentally give him something to eat.
“He said his stomach’s hurting,” Stakar explained, feeling slightly put off by Arc’s horrified face. “I thought food would help.” Udonta hadn't said anything so much as he had pointed at his stomach when asked if anything was bothering him, but it was close enough. 
“With all due respect, Captain, food is the last thing he needs.”
“That’s fair.”
Arc tilted his head and sighed, pulling at the blue fur on his fingers nervously. “I’ve given him a shot to get his organs working again - without being used for so long, his stomach has likely shut down - which is the cause of the pain.”
“They hurt because they shut down?”
“They hurt because he’s never used them before. The shot I gave him is waking them up.” Arc sighed and reached for something on the wall behind his desk. Stakar took the opportunity to spare a glance over his reading material, unsurprisingly, it was all on Centaurians. “Give him this,” he said, passing Stakar a cup. “It’s just water with a bit of nutrients. See how he takes it.” Something in Arc’s eyes said that he half expected Udonta to spit most of it back up.
Stakar took the drink with a nod. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Udonta was sitting up, looking around him with interest when Stakar entered his room, but as soon as he saw Stakar he slumped back, looking at the floor.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yuh.” At least he had managed to remember that word, even if it was the only word that Stakar had managed to teach him so far. It was a start, even if it was a slow one.
But Stakar wasn’t convinced that he was magically feeling better, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he sat beside Udonta’s cot, dropping the cup Arc had given him onto a table. “Are you lying?”
It was the kind of question he would have posed to one of his friends - Aleta, Mainframe, Krugarr, Charlie 27, or Martinex - he hadn’t considered the impact it would have on the mind of the fragile rescued slave.
He also hadn’t considered how quickly Udonta could move when he was frightened.
The Centaurian practically threw himself to the ground at Stakar’s feet, pushing his forehead to the floor and licking at the ground. It was just as he had done in the cell earlier - or was it the day before? Stakar hadn’t slept and had lost track of time - but this time, the captain’s feet were within reach. Before he could do process what was going on, Udonta was pressing frightened kisses to Stakar’s boots as well. When Stakar stepped back he flinched, clearly expecting a kick, and managed to whimper, “Sor-rey.” 
Kneeling beside him, Stakar placed his hand on his shoulder and ignored his flinch. “Hey, kid. Look at me.” He waited until Udonta was able to lift his head and meet his eyes, then he reached out and gently stroked his forehead. “I’m not angry. I’m not going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you. I know you don’t understand. But please, try.”
“Tr-y,” he sounded out.
Stakar offered him an encouraging smile, wrapping an arm around Udonta’s frail shoulder and rubbing his back. “Let’s get you back into bed,” he said, pulling them both to their feet. Udonta leaned into Stakar, seeming to cling to the comfort of a gentle touch. Humoring him, Stakar settled himself on the bed beside Udonta, letting the other bask in the attention as he pointed to the cup. “That’s for you.”
Udonta tipped his head back, staring up at Stakar with confusion clearly written on his face. Stakar picked up the cup. “It’s a drink,” he explained. “Do you know what that is?”
There was a slight nod, and Stakar pressed the cup into Udonta’s hand, wrapping his fragile blue fingers around it and tapping his finger against the straw. “Suck.”
Udonta’s response to that word was instant, shrinking back from Stakar, his eyes darting to the other’s crotch, confusion and hurt in his eyes. “Not- no. Not that.” Trying hard not to think about what that reaction meant, Stakar took the cup and took a sip, then passed it back to Udonta. “Try it.”
He did as instructed, managing to get some of the liquid into his mouth. Immediately he grinned - just as toothy as the last time, but more genuine - and much of it spilled back out onto his shirt.
Stakar made a point of laughing, hoping that Udonta wouldn’t panic over the spilled liquid. “Good. Very good.” Udonta blinked up at him, one eyebrow slightly raised. “Do you like it?”
The Centaurian paused from licking his lips long enough to say, “Yuh.” He took another sip, managing to swallow most of it that time, and Stakar patted his shoulder. To his surprise - and glee - Udonta was more than happy to lean back against him as he continued sipping on the drink and Stakar checked in on his crew through his comm.
Author’s Notes: 
I’m doing Camp NaNo this month with one of my own stories so updates will be slow. I’m still counting my fics as word count though because I can and I want to. I MAKE THE RULES. Plus if I write about my characters 24/7 I’ll be fed up with them pretty quick.
I KEEP WANTING TO CALL HIM YONDU AND IT TRIPS ME UP EVERY TIME I CALL HIM UDONTA. I promise he’ll get his first name soon. For the sake of my sanity. Also for the sake of my spell check with thinks, I'm writing a story about Udon Noodles.
Also, FYI, I’m making up tons of medical shit as I go. Yondu’s an alien so I doubt WebMD is gonna be much help anyway.
Don’t worry, Aleta will come around. I just wanted to info dump some of their past and she wanted to whine and also fight everyone. Mostly Stakar. She’s definitely going to fight Stakar. Ravagers don’t have a concept of “domestic violence” so I’m tempted to add that to the story’s trigger tags???
And I'm continuing my joke/headcanon about Stakar and Aleta having numerous divorces because no one stopped me.
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silkandconvalescencerpg · 7 years ago
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The day has finally come in which all of the prompts are completed! To make things easier for you all, I’ve placed each of the skeletons’ prompts below, so that you’d save yourself the energy having to seek each individual one out. These have been a long-while in the making, so I truly hope they help, even the smallest bit, in your application process. I bid you all good luck!
 001.  Honestly, while writing Rufescent I was just giggly the entire time (hopefully nottoo obvious to you guys), so I’d love to read a para sample that is completely filled to the brim with quirks and jokes, if only for the laugh. It would be a nice nod to the circumstances of their birth into the group, and a firm representation of one of their main facets. Moreover, it doesn’t have to be entirely silly, and it’d be lovely to read a scene in which they manage to incorporate their blazing wit and comicality into a situation in which it might be uncalled for or inappropriate, which makes it all the better. Surprise me, shock me, make me bite my lip hard enough because I have to hold back vicious laughter ⏤ that’s how the rufescent rolls.
 002.  Another detail that I implanted in their skeleton is the “you know, when they ask for silence in a library, they don’t exactly mean your kind of locked lips” line, and I absolutely adore it. The subsequent para doesn’t necessarily have to fall into this scenario, but this blunt, rebellious cheekiness is one of my favorite aspects of the rufescent, and I’d be a fan to witness a situation where this quality of theirs is magnified and shining brighter than a lumos. They’re just someone that you can’t help but snort at, really.
003.  Something that I feel would be overlook in the rufescent is their absolute, uncannily sharp wit. They are charming, they are hilarious, they are outspoken, they are a flirt to a fault, but they are also perceptive and clever beyond belief, which is how they get by. Write something that zeroes in on this, and how they use this to their benefit, or on the opposite spectrum, how perhaps it’s a “loss of potential”. In the same vein, maybe write about the cowardice they may be rooted in, the “carefully crafted bush” of theirs and how they “just wouldn’t fly away” from their current setting. Write about why! Write about pressure, and shedding personas, and just everything. I’d love to see your take.
001.  As stated explicitly and dramatically several times within their skeleton, nemesis is what I would call a double-edged dagger, a dichotomy if there ever was one. It may prove difficult narrowing this down into tangible words, or elucidating this into a specific scene where it can be properly captured, but I urge you to try. They are the extremities you wish you hadn’t touched, miraculously burnt and frozen over from simple contact, be it flesh, words, a look. Then again, fire is always mesmerizing before you get burned and ice is stunning before it pierces your heart ⏤ a vicious, beautiful cycle, one a healing charm can’t magically cure. They are fatally complex, and it’s a noble cause to attempt to corral them into mere words ⏤ an honorable challenge!
002.  I’m personally quite attached to the “cursing one parent while clinging onto the other” line, so I definitely wouldn’t object to seeing this sentiment portrayed in some form or another. Which parent did you pick; how do the dynamics differ; how do you suppose the parents react? All questions that can be carefully weaved and crafted into a passage of a scene, and my curiosity is certainly peaked.
003.  The biggest question you can ask when faced with nemesis is why ⏤ why are they the way they are? How do they cope without turning to ashes inside out? I want intimacy, an inside look into the labyrinth that they sheathe. Who are they? A clear answer, a stark analysis. I need to be shown an understanding and development of what exactly they have become and will continue to be. The five W’s and H would be a fun tactic with nemesis, if I’m being honest, because I want to see that transparency that proves you know them inside and out, even the mangled, molten parts that nobody else can define. “What’s it all for anyway?” You tell me.
001.  One of my favorite little snippets about the thrasonical was making them a history-loving fool! I’d love to see how this obsession began, how it coiled into the very core of who they are. Perhaps a scene where we see them in the middle of a particularly vigorous session where they just went deep, completely encompassed within their own world of the past and its greats ⏤ the thought process, certain mannerisms, anything and everything that just embeds you into the world with them. Moreover, reveal some of their favorite pieces and periods of history! Strictly magical (here, you can really have fun and make up some lore on your own) or do they have a soft spot for muggle history as well, and how do the two mix, if so? How does the study and love of history complete them, and why?
002.  Now, I wouldn’t be hyperbolizing if I said they were fuck-all, one hundred percent, tits-up charming, so much so it’s nasty. In fact, you could accuse me of understating it. Capture this in action. The suaveness, the delicately tempered eyebrows that can throw the strongest wills into frustration, the quirk of lips that can shake foundations. Please ⏤ this is their arena, and I’d pay to watch, so make the show worth an audience.
003.  So, I kind of threw that line of “balling up fists and growling deep in your throat and calming the temper of a furious forest fire (sometimes it’s too late, sometimes you burn)” abruptly into the end, but that certainly doesn’t lessen it’s impact; perhaps it creates an emphasis, even, and I want to see that notion explored, abused, and taken advantage of. This is a bomb, and I want to see it detonated. Write an instance where they did allow the temper to catch fire and burn, and the consequences and clean-up of such a disaster. Or perhaps detail a moment when they could have, were so close to blowing up, but reined it in at the last second; capture the strength and will that it took, and how they blew off the steam in the aftermath. Go crazy together.
001.  One of the funnest qualities of the skeletons was coming up with the names for each and every one of them, and how exactly they would be molded to fit their titles. For achilles heel, there’s a lot of weight behind their name, for it’s perhaps the most well known out of all of the skeletons. I know why I picked it, but I want to know why youthink it’s well-suited. How do you tie it into your character? Do you prioritize the myth, the biology, or the general meaning behind it the most? Maybe show me a scene where the name just clicks so perfectly with who your character is. It’s a classic that has survived centuries, and I’d love to witness the clash between old and new ⏤ your interpretation against the very own Achilles.
002.  I instilled somewhat of a religious aspect within their skeleton ⏤ “analyzing scripture with your father in the italian countryside to fill up endless summer days, screaming at the top of your lungs blasphemy the next” ⏤ and it’s something I’d dearly love to see emboldened. I genuinely didn’t have any details in mind for this other than what I wrote, so I’d love to see any take on it whatsoever; it was a very impulsive inclusion, but one that I knew I couldn’t replace, simply because there’s so much that you can fabricate from that one line. Moreover, the Italian countryside is mentioned, and I’m curious to see how you would pave a subsequent path from there. This is where you can build up on the idea of their childhood (religion, family, residence), and there are so many roads to explore, it’s difficult to choose just one. The constant of achilles heel is their back-and-forth dance that is embedded into every facet of their existence, and it’s again apparent here. How did they go from point A to B? What is their relationship with religion and how does it affect them in their daily life? It’s a very boundless arena, but one that can only declare a single champion.
003.  To me, one of the most gut-wrenching pulls of the achilles heel is their complete ability for self-destruction, not to mention adeptness as self-deception. It’s like a demented game of whack-a-mole, and it’s fair to say there’s no winner. I want to see this underlined, magnified in the harsh and bright light that it deserves. This is the most imperative facet of who I introduced them as, and it’s something I’m beyond thrilled to see come to life. I want to see how they face this in their daily life; paint an instance where “playing peek-a-boo with feelings” radiates from a passage or dialogue, where it can be seen without being explicitly told. To pull achilles heel off, a tender and clever portrayal is needed, and I’m excited to see what you can pull out of the bag. Moreover, your interpretation on the unrequited torture aching within their bones is a particular desire of mine, and I want to see it exploited and dissected. Do with this what you will!
001.  The driving force behind accismus is their undying and fervent passion. Beyond all else, they are like the unyielding embers in a stark winter; if you were to strike their bones together, a flame would appear. However, it’s almost as if this is lost on them. There is a certain desperation that trails their every breath, and every moment of their existence is spent trying to coax something deeper, something more, out of themselves. There are several lines within their skeleton that touch upon this, but “visiting the forbidden forest just to feel the thrum of explicit life around you, reminding you of your own blood pumping in your veins” works wonders to accentuate this point, and I want to see your own rendition of the meaning behind this. In order to wholly portray accismus, you must have a strong grip onto who they are, what their mindset is, the core understanding beneath it all. It’s complex to untangle and pinpoint, but I want to be shown that you know every single centimeter of the map of who they are.
002.  Truly, it wouldn’t be unfair to call them a mess. They really, really are. In their skeleton, it’s touched upon that they nearly gave up the honor of head student, and I want to tour the thought process behind this. There’s a subtle tragedy that lurks beneath the surface, and it needs to be exploited. Perhaps it’d be interesting to see the snapshot of when they found out they landed the position, and how they news shot through them. Who did they tell? Did they keep it to themselves for a while? Did they laugh, cry, go numb? It might be difficult to capture, but that’s exactly why I want to see it. I want them to be empathically, appallingly human ⏤ after all, so they do.
003.  For me, accismus is the rare introvert-extrovert type. It’s hinted at several times throughout the skeleton, such as “knowing the answer in class and waiting for the professor to call on you as a last salvation, drawling response and shy smirk at the ready.” They’re a beloved fixture within Hogwarts, despite not trying to call attention to themselves, especially in any boisterous or rowdy way. One of my main excitements relies on interactions, and so I’d love to see any dialogue between accismus and others. How do they react around others, what is their general temperament, if they were interrupted in a thrilling part of a book, how would they lash out, if at all? Really try to dig into their very essence.
001.  The inspiration behind gordian was clearly the old legend, and the very idea has been a tug at both my mind and heart for a while. The character concept was one of the first that I came up with, and this core of tangled ties, of a mangled and impenetrable mess, is the center of this skeleton that truly draws you in. Of course, it’s nice and complex on paper, but I am eager to see how you can enact this through dialogue and a realistic and meaty characterization, in which I can truly envision your muse coming to life. I want you to make this hidden and intricately tortuous character utterly transparent to me, to prove that you know them inside and out, knotted soul and all. They may be a complete riddle to everyone else, but you must be inside that sphere, right inside their head. I want to be excited to figure each facet of them out, bit by agonizing bit.
002.  One of my favorite injections within their skeleton was this idea of existentialism and their own curiosity with it. I was quite vague with the concept, for I wanted this to be the field where you can totally go off the tracks. What does this mean, specifically to your muse? How far and creatively wild can you go with this route? To me, gordian is a weird one, and I’m truly so excited to gather your interpretation of their mindset and how this idea became rooted in them. There’s a huge well of opportunity here, and I want to see how deep you’re willing to go.
003.  There are some gothic themes implanted within the group, and gordian is one of the tiers in that aspect. Within the line “chasing (my bad ⏤ walking, casually, slowly, always on the disinterested front) fulfillment in empty corridors tense with brimming old souls of centuries past ; what is it that deceiving emptiness can lend you that a breathing, talking human can’t? is it the breathing or the talking part ; or both?” there is plenty to uncover and explore with, and I want to this notion to somehow, in some (obscure or not) way, be addressed. I mean, just dissecting that part of the skeleton can lead you in so many directions, with a plethora of insanely delicious storylines to trek into. I want to see you blossom in this element, and really run with it. Give me something to sink my teeth into and groan in appreciation. Moreover, take into account their three words: stoic, precarious, nomadic. How do they fit your version of gordian? Do you disagree with them? Really show me your vision, in whatever capacity you deem best.
001.  The procrustean is quite the heavy character, and it’ll take a bit of skill to maneuver their characterization into something legible. The main notion attached to their skeleton, the very core of who they are, is this gilded cage that is shackled to their bones. The definition of procrustean reads “enforcing uniformity or conformity without regard to natural variation or individuality,” and it’s a perfect exposition of the center of the character. That latter part rings especially true, and truly emphasizes that not only are they weighed down by familial (or whichever direction you took) pressure in their future, but also their soul, their heart. They are clearly affected, but how? Strip every shackle off and reveal to me who they are underneath. Even more, show me who they could have been, had they not been born into a cage. Have they ever wondered this themselves? What is their mindset? Divulge these possibilities, these truths.
002.  A section of their skeleton focuses on that “if anything, you own the distinct talent of fabricating an escape in any pleasure or pain, tiny crevices or eyebrow-raising reaches alike, you can find, seeking out with a desperate vengeance that momentarily grants you a shortly saccharine fantasy, even if the tang of blood is more bitter than sweet ( can you even tell? )” line, and my, does it pack a punch. This introduces a whole realm of possibility, and I’m keen to see what kind of vices you have affixed to their character. It even hints at delusional fantasies and lapses of desperation that may be all too disastrous for them. How dark are you willing to go, and how do you interpret the direction of the last few words within the line? Include a scene or snippet of how cavernous this vein really runs.
003.  A regal mien is somewhat embedded into the flesh of their skeleton, and it doesn’t necessarily conclude that they’re born with a silver spoon in hand. They just naturally exude this palatial air that bears an imprint on anyone who crosses their path. I’m somewhat desperate to see procrustean in action, to be given a diagram of their mind, soul, and everything more. What are their interactions with others like; how do they react and how are they reacted to? The cloak of a coward conceals them, but how is this a player in the game of their life? How gracefully do they fit into their predestined box?
001.  The very concept of lotus is derived from the greek myths and legends in which, “as a result of eating the fruit of the lotus plant, a group of people were stuck living in a state of idleness and dreamy forgetfulness.” This is one of the more interestingly based skeletons, and there’s so much that you can do with this. I wanted to pack in everything I could into this concept, and I want to see all possible fronts exhausted. This notion of laziness beautified and an extravagant stupor is etched into the very fragrance that islotus eater, and I want to see this grand sloth reverberate a heartbeat. Perhaps even weave a tale that compares them to their namesake, how they would bear in such a mythological tragedy (or peace?). Hearten me to their lethargic existence.
002.  Moreover, an idea that can be warred within your application is the question of: how much of their soul is true, embedded laziness, and how much is clouded with the fear of change; of achieving the bare minimum so that perfection is the lowest bar to attain? Lotus is truly a tricky one, for their intentions are up in the air, floating in bliss among sunsets and daydream clouds. Take this line: “layering jewels upon jewels as they catch a shimmer and shine, layering shadows upon shadows of a girl, catching personas like light on diamonds” and wholeheartedly rip into it. You can take so much from those words, and I’m excited to witness your interpretations. As for scenes in which you can enwrap this into dialogue and interaction, perhaps a piece of synergy in which you highlight the conversation happening both inside and outside of their head. You do what feels most comfortable, as well as what can portray your enriched understanding of their character.
003.  There are several hints of a rather rough exterior inside the skeleton, such as “running idle circles barefoot in an orchard, playing hide and seek within the groove of trees and healing scrapes and bruises on knees with the soft caress of emerald grass and blooming flowers” and the only foul word (“shit”) found within any of the skeletons, battled against a delicate, mortal softness that begs to be damaged: “careful, don’t prick your delicate veins on a rose’s thorns ; your flesh is too brittle.” I want to see this played out brilliantly, in a bright, sunshine gold light that catches the eye. With lotus specifically, I think the childhood facet is an important one to explore, for a section of the skeleton directly refers to it, and how they evolved from there to here. Thrill me with tender and bittersweet nostalgia!
001.  The prescient is a funky one, and I’m gearing for this to be played out spectacularly. Off the bat, you are drowned in this Alice in Wonderland swirl of an identity ⏤ except darker, funner, and snarkier. Truly, their skeleton holds some of my favorite lines, and one of them is this introduced notion of a holier-than-thou attitude regarding Divination, reminiscent of our favorite Brightest Witch of Her Age, while desperately gripping with both hands tight onto their own eyebrow-raising “prophecies”: “coughing bitterly on the dense fumes that cloud the divination classroom ( a roll of your eyes here, a barely disguised scoff there ), but clinging tightly onto the prophecies designed by your leftover tea leaves from that morning’s cuppa.” It’s honestly just so like them, and I want you to attain your own comfortability with the lunacy raging inside their head: not simply understand who they are, but sacrifice a piece of yourself to adopt their madness; Alice, meet your Mad Hatter.
002.  I don’t typically like to reveal certain fictional characters who have played a role in the initial, loose characterization of the skeletons, but in this case, I don’t see it deterring you from your own interpretation, but rather pinpointing some new perspectives to get your mind turning where it may have not been. That said, particularly in the Harry Potter universe itself, I drew some influence from Luna Lovegood, Lavender Brown, Hermione Granger, and even Tom Riddle. They each lent something to the building of the skeleton diagram, and from there, I expanded it and fluffed it with a lot of my own twists from how these “seer-esque” characters are usually done ⏤ it’s safe to say I had a little too much fun with prescient. They are truly different at every turn, and mangle expectations inside out: thus, I want you to shock me with your application; surprise even (and especially) me.
003.  One of the three words I included for prescient was meddlesome, and boy, oh boy, is that the truest thing I’ve written. This, mixed with their fatal curiosity, is a disaster brewing in the horizon. A large section of their skeleton reads: “everything and everyone has a rhyme or reason and oh, oh, oh, you’re too curious for your own good ⏤ what do you exist for if not for prodding and poking into a semblance of understanding / after all, one can be pushed down the rabbit hole or jump ; what difference does it make in the end if you’re the one to prod them off the ledge, as long as wonderland is reached at the crash of the fall?” and if anything, this is what you must pick up on in your interpretation. They can almost be suffocating in their ways, and that makes for some nasty interactions; or perhaps not? Detail their relationships across the sphere, or highlight a scene or dialogue in which their meddling ways are magnified for my viewing. Is the cat killed, or brought back?
001.  The tug of favonian is this grand, old-fashioned fairytale hook, which cloaks you in its worn, mysteriously-shadowed aura (I generally get more descriptive the longer I write for periods at a time, my sorrowful, regretful bad). Their skeleton is actually one of my shorter ones, but I believe it to be more within less. This idea of a desperation to find oneself magically within the pages of a storybook leads to a more grandiose and perhaps even tragic analysis, for who must you be ⏤ what life must you live ⏤ to wish to exchange your reality for fiction (says I, the hypocrite)? Moreover, the line: “worn copies of beedle the bard graining your fingertips as age-old excitement pulls you to turn the page, again and again” hints that this pull has seized favonian since childhood, and what can you twist and weave with this piece of news? Is this fascination like the roots of a tree, growing sturdier and stronger with each passing day, until oh!: an evermore, majestic oak? In a world of magic, with goblins, and spells, and wheezes ‘til the eye can see, what more can you long for?
002.  I’ve been asked about this in the past, but allow me to reiterate and truly expand on my answer: a darkness clings in between the lines of favonian, and it’s hinted at through the “at least try and shave that hairy heart of yours, before they catch onto you” line. Like I said before, this is referring to the short story within The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and it’s perhaps the short story that reeks the most of the gothic theme, a thread that is most definitely deliberate. How you choose to incorporate or address this vein is up to you, but I suggest you get clever with it ⏤ if you’re having fun with it, I assure you that the same elation will radiate to me. Not all enchanted forests have a Tinker Bell, so run with it; after all, Hogwarts does have its very own forbidden forest to venture. A dark seed must always first be tainted.
003.  An extremely vital part to favonian is the “plucking your way through your garden, dismembering one flower at a time, chanting childish demands of ‘will they love me … love me not’ ( try : will i love me, will i not? pity, my dear : not )” line, which is why it was chosen as the crucial sentence to highlight within the masterlist. Here, darker themes are also underlined, for the innocent children’s act of plucking petals from a flowers is twisted into a literal, crippling action, maiming what was once sweet into something pungent. Even further, an insecurity is introduced in the parenthesis, sharp enough to prick your finger on. It’s truly key to at least talk about this in some capacity, so search for that dark, deep crevice within yourself and channel it.
001.  The phaeton was a concept that was very original in the entire premise and creation of the roleplay, and I’m elated to see them finally flapping their wings out in the wild. Like essentially all of the skeletons, there is a soft dichotomy edged between the lines: arrogance versus inherent destruction. They are a very difficult concept to skillfully grasp, and can only be achieved with an exquisite and keen hand. They are wholly based upon the greek phaethon, and the myth instantly affords the skeleton depth where it may be hidden within the text: “inexperience proved fatal” is the theme that strikes severely, the chord that must be struck. However, legends may not be whole reality, and thus, I urge you to create a new picture rather than coloring within the lines.
002.  Following that same vein, arrogance is a key factor that is deeply implanted within the bones of the skeleton. Moreover, you can play on the “inexperience” and conceit by meshing them to attack the Head Student position that has been gifted to phaeton. “Arrogance is a certain type of breed, but are you a perfect design or a mangled mutation?”: where can this lead them? What part does this line play in their future / potential storyline? How will this fail them or uplift them? You can address these questions in whichever format you may wish to use, as long as the grip you have on their mind, heart, and soul is stable and obvious to my own eyes.
003.  A clever little input within the skeleton was “smirking dimples into fruition ; narrowing twinkling eyes into slits” and this truly warps what you thought the skeleton was into something else. This introduces a mischief to the concept, a fun gist and flowing wind that injects an acrid jest that you simply can’t help but inhale until you’re sneezing to the nines. Moreover, phaeton is perhaps the skeleton with the most singular lines, in which each new fraction amounts to a different meaning, and so much like the previous line, “heavy hearts weigh on the heaviest minds” is one that speaks thousands, and opens dozens of doors, without revealing much within the direct words themselves. Expand on these notions, and how they affect the vision of your own character; how they coil and root to encapsulate the core of your muse. Really wrap your fist around the center of their stem and tug.
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monishacreates-blog · 5 years ago
Self-care is not selfish: it’s imperative to save the practice of medicines.
Self-care may be a discipline. It requires tough-mindedness, a deep and private understanding of your priorities, and a respect for both yourself and therefore the people you select to spend your life with,Self-care includes all the items you are doing to require care of your well-being in four key dimensions – your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual health.The speedy, ever-efficient, and output-based work has just one consequence: burnout. “We’ve all been there: you push yourself to the purpose you only "that you simply can’t take anymore so you just hand over . Self-care helps you avoid going to that time ,
Self-care is recharging your body as reliably as you charge your iPhone. It means turning off the tv and getting to bed on time to urge good sleep. Self-care means making exercise a priority. It means eating more healthy foods and drinking more water. It means investing in resources to enhance your life and career. Self-care is saying no when it matters, to be prepared for a far better yes when next time.
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Certain essentials for setting up a productive self-care regime.
1. Simplify your schedule.
2. Do something that energizes your body.
3. Take an extended , warm bath.
4. Create a Gratitude List.
5. Meet with a counsellor.
6. Unplug for each day .
7. Stretch.
8. Do something new.
9. Practice mini-meditation.
10. Dance it out.
11. Write or journal your thoughts.
12. Get quality time with a top quality person.
13. Be still.
14. Practice a full day of Sabbath rest.
15. De-clutter.
16. Do an activity mindfully and slowly.
17. Take a walk.
18. Reflect on your personal mission statement.
19. Enjoy a bit of chocolate or a glass of wine.
20. Sleep.
three golden rules:
* stick with the fundamentals . Over time you'll find your own rhythm and routine. you'll be ready to implement more and identify more particular sorts of self-care that employment for you.
* Self-care must be something you actively plan, instead of something that just happens. it's a lively choice and you want to treat it intrinsically . Add certain activities to your calendar, announce your plans to others so as to extend your commitment, and actively search for opportunities to practice self-care.
* What I often emphasize to all or any is that keeping a conscious mind is what counts. In other words if you don’t see something as self-care or don’t do something so as to require care of yourself, it won’t work intrinsically . remember of what you are doing , why you are doing it, how it feels, and what the outcomes are.
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Each coin has too sides, hence throwing some light over negligence of self-care;
Self-neglect are often as a results of brain injury, dementia or mental disease . It are often a results of any mental or physical illness which has an impact on the person's physical abilities, energy levels, attention, organisational skills or motivation.
Self-neglect implies the lack or unwillingness to attend to one's personal needs or hygiene. it's going to manifest in several ways, like not getting to one's nutrition,hygiene, clothing, or acting appropriately to worry for medical conditions. Self-neglect can occur as a results of dementia, brain damage, or mental illnesses like depression or psychotic disorders. Some people that suffer from self-neglect may engage in unhealthy behaviors like substance use or abuse, tobacco use, promiscuity, or inappropriate use of prescription medications. The list of conditions related to self-neglect is extremely broad, and treatment options depend on the precise explanation for self-neglect. Antipsychotic and antidepressant medications are used when certain mental illnesses are the cause. Extreme self-neglect has been mentioned as Diogenes syndrome
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Self-Care Isn’t a One-Time Deal
The streptococcal sore throat was a harsh reminder that self-care isn’t something you are doing once and check the list.
It’s the constant repetition of the many tiny habits, which together soothe you and confirm you’re at your optimum—emotionally, physically, and mentally.
The best thanks to do that is to implement tiny self-care habits a day . To regularly include in your life a touch little bit of love and a spotlight for your own body, mind, and soul.
Little and sometimes Wins the Day
With a touch little bit of attention to your own self-care, the fog will lift.You’ll feel more connected to yourself and therefore the world around you.You’ll enjoyment of small pleasures, and zip will seem quite as difficult because it did before.Like that car, you want to keep yourself tuned up to form sure that you simply don’t need an entire overhaul.Learn to treat yourself with respect, and hear what your body needs and needs . Poor self-care has damaging consequences on your health.Self-care isn’t one-size-fits-all. Do more of what works for you. Make it personal. Make your needs a priority to be better prepared to assist others.
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fairycosmos · 7 years ago
hello mutual ~ im am a baby so i will stay anon but you are the one person here that i think will help. I did the thing i thought was right, but it was stupid. i confessed to smoking and now im “banned” and grounded for a few weeks. weed just helps so much, with my anxiety and irritibality and it was a really good crutch because im at a point where i dont enjoy much (as in i cant find anything to make me happy 🙃) im just really fucking sad and obviously regretful but i feel like such an idiot
hey man, don’t say that. you’re not an idiot just for trying to cope, and you’re obviously still very young so you’re going to do things that you regret - it’s how you mature. beating yourself up about it now isn’t going to change anything, and it’s not going to make the situation any better. doing what you think is right and then having it turn out wrong is literally one of the most inevitable things ever, and it’s going to happen over n over again as you grow up. tbh i totally get where you’re coming from because i started smoking when i was 14 and it helped with my anxiety and stuff but at the same time i’d really really recommend waiting until you’re a little older before you do it regularly. weed isn’t exactly a harmful drug in most cases, but your brain is still developing and in the long run it’s going to make your anxiety worse + stop you from reaching your full potential. that’s what it did for me n a lot of people i know who started smoking heavily when they were young - it’s simply not worth it. you don’t need it right now, especially when there are so many others ways to find that sort of outlet. finding what works best for you and what calms you down might take a little while, but there are so many different things you can look into/try out. your anxiety isn’t some sort of monster, it’s something that can be controlled. i get that you feel like you only have one option, but just because you feel that way doesn’t mean it’s true. your anxiety is clouding your perception of everything, and making you believe things that aren’t based in rationality/reality. and honestly, i understand that it’s shitty to have your parents be so disappointed in you, but they’re not going to hold it against you forever. this is something that you’re going to be able to move past, something that is ultimately quite manageable. if you feel comfortable with telling your parents about your anxiety, even if you think they don’t want to hear it, then i’d really recommend doing so. at the end of the day they care about you, and you genuinely don’t have to fight this alone (tho obviously if they’re abusive or something i can’t recommend that, but if not just know that it’s okay to tell them how you’re feeling, you have a right to ask for help if you need it.) you don’t need to hide what you’re going through from them, you can talk to them - they’ve been through it themselves, and even though it might feel a little awkward it really will make your worries feel a little less intense.
and even if telling them isn’t an option, you’d be surprised to know how many people can relate to exactly what you’re going through right now, and how many resources there are out there that will help you. it sounds like bullshit, but it’s not. you are not a lost cause, and there is no reason for you to give up on yourself. you are a lot younger than you realize, and you don’t need to have it all figured out just yet. i have so much belief in you, so much certainty in your ability to do what’s best for your own mindset. when it comes down to it, if you actively seek ways to make your mental health a priority in your life, then you will notice positive results in time. whether it’s by talking to a school counselor, or making an appointment with your actual doctor - either one is a really solid place to start. they’ll be able to offer some better coping techniques and tips on how to manage it when it’s all too much. yeah, it’s a process. and yes, it can be scary and odd to think about talking to someone and drawing attention to yourself/your anxiety, but you have to to know on a really deep and fundamental level that it’s going to improve the quality of your life eventually. force yourself to care about what happens to you, look out for yourself as much as you can. remember, anxiety is an actual disorder and in a lot of cases it needs real medical attention in order to overcome, you know? if it’s seriously impacting your life and your overall happiness, then you DO have the control to reach out, even if your mind is telling you that you’re powerless and weak. you need to take your mental health as seriously as you take your physical health, because it’s really just as important. i get that all of this is a lot easier said than done, dude. and i’m not i’m not saying that you have to make any big decisions right now - fighting this is going to take time and effort and some days it may feel like you’re losing the battle, but as long as you are trying then you are doing more than enough. you are going to be alright. i’m not gna put any more pressure on you to talk to someone, but i hope you know that the option is there and that it won’t be anywhere near as bad as you’re expecting it to be. don’t write the idea off before you’ve even tried it, because it’s really one of the best alternatives to smoking/unhealthy coping mechanisms. you need to find the root causes of why you feel the way that you do before you can truly face it, you know? but whatever you decide, try to remember that you are dealing with something that is very very painful and hard, and that the fact that you are getting up each day and attempting to do the right thing is an achievement in itself. every day is a new opportunity to change something for the better, and to try again. the way that you’re feeling right now is a lot less permanent than it feels, i promise. each negative thought and emotion you have is temporary, and it has no baring on reality unless you say that it does. i’ll leave a few links that might be able to help when you feel an anxiety bout/attack coming on, check them out if you have the time. i’m always here if you need to talk lil angel, n i hope you find some peace of mind soon, and that you figure things out w your parents. hmu if you need a friend :)
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mubal4 · 6 years ago
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“There is a lot of clutter in my head.”
 Listened to this Tony Robbins’ podcast this morning on my drive to the airport.  It was from an interview, last May, at an event in Philadelphia, that I was fortunate enough to attend, with Super Bowl MVP, Nick Foles.  He and Doug Peterson were interviewed by Tony Robbins’ during this event and represented the Philadelphia Eagles and the city of Philadelphia very well. They also displayed a tremendous amount of transparency and vulnerably.  Tony Robbins’ has the ability to bring that out in people 😊.  When I heard it the first time, it didn’t have the same impact on me as it did today.  I’ve noticed the last year that life plays out in weird and wonderful ways; messages and lessons show up just at the right time.  This was the case today when I heard it.  I shared some of my struggles in a podcast yesterday but the rest of my day shifted, as they usually do, and the surmounting stress and pressure that I’ve been feeling the last couple of weeks came to a head.  I wasn’t proud of the way I handled it, or I should say, how I let it handle me.  I tend to talk things out better than I do writing them when others are involved; my wife for example.  However, there are moments, when we are both stressed, are trying to manage many balls in the air, and navigate life, we misunderstand and miscommunicate with one another.  Last night was on of those moments.  I wanted to share this with you all because I believe it is an important part of this journey my wife and I, as well as our kids, are taking.  We are imperfect.  We have flaws.  We get pissed off, aggravated, and disappointment.  We say stupid shit, at the wrong time, and that, on occasion causes frustration; sometimes, even hurt.  As much as these moments suck, they are part of what molds us, creates our path, helps us grow, and, strengthens our relationships.  Can these moments be avoided?  I believe so, but I also believe we have to find ourselves in those dark spots, in order to appreciate the light.  We need these moments to become aware of our flaws so we can improve on them.  I share this because, well, I am imperfect, and it is okay.  My intent is for us all to realize that we are not flawless, we will mess up, and, we can forgive ourselves and grow from it.  
 I was pissed off when I left for the airport this morning. I did have a great conversation with my daughters and that helped picked me up a bit.  But what helped me get clarity around this situation and find gratitude, was a text from Robin.  She took the initiative to share her thoughts with me via text.  As I mentioned, I think I am better with spoken communication, she may be better at written.  However, as I responded to her text, I let my thoughts flow, shared with her where I am at this moment, and tried to be as genuine and honest as possible.  I won’t share what she sent, but, am sharing my response, unedited so please excuse any typos.
 There are many thoughts processing in my head & a ton of comments to respond to this with. My mind is racing. I want you to know you are not the root cause of where I am at in life. Neither is the race. I would be better at talking through this, but we are different. I do better speaking & I am understanding you may do better via reading & writing. Since we don’t have an opportunity to talk right now, I will respond via written words. I will preface this by saying I will be transparent, honest, genuine & truthful. It is not meant to hurt you but to provide clarity on where I am at right now, what I am practicing to work through, & what I am struggling with. First & foremost, I love you more than anything in this world. I believe my love grows stronger for you each time we have these members of struggle. Lately, as I shared last week, I’ve felt some distance & I don’t understand where those feelings come from. Those feeling create thoughts & thoughts create actions. Everything that I write in my blog & put out in my podcast is a pretty good indicator of where I am at in life. There are small nuggets I don’t include just because of the personal nature. I’ve encouraged you to read & listens, which you do occasionally; however not very often. That is your choice & I respect that. So, I feel the need to share with you where I am at, because you are my best friend, partner, & help me navigate through this journey. However, as I mentioned above, I believe I communicate better in the spoken word, you the written, & that may be some of the cause of our miscommunications. Two points above that have given me some stress & anxiety. What drives some frustration here as well is you make the choice to view & look at your social media pages but chose not to digest what I am putting out there, publicly about my stages in life. Also, when we talk, I believe you have the tendency to be distracted. I understand, we have a lot of stuff going on but, as I’ve mentioned before, isn’t that moment, that conversation we are in right there, the most important thing happening right then? This all said, these are things to easily work through & learn from. Over the last couple of weeks, with the distance, misunderstandings/miscommunications, the girls & their health challenges, uncertainty about career, this upcoming travel these 2 weeks, in the shadows of the race, I believe for me, it all came to a head & I reacted to it wrong. I am stressed. There is a lot of clutter going on in my head & I am handling it wrong. My challenge is, it seems, that when I have the chance to lean into it & wrap my arms around one thing, another stressed comes up & I am finding it hard to catch my breath. This is all my problem & not yours; my opportunities to learn & grow. I do know with 100% confidence all will be fine & we will work all of it out. However, being a human being, & even though I’ve been practicing being better for almost a decade, I still have fear, uncertainty & doubt creep in. Lately I feel it has just punched in the face & keeps kicking me when I am down. All that said, these are not problems as I see them. Yes, they cause frustration, anger, sadness, & unhappiness at times. It is not easy & it sucks. There are times I feel inadequate, helpless, & fearful of how good of a husband, father, & human I am being. But my faith is strong & I know it will be fine. All will be fine. We will figure it out. It is part of our journey; no matter how difficult it may be. As I write this, I am already feeling better & I guess this is a form of journaling; some therapy. Listen, I know, just as much as you frustrate, aggravate, confuse, & piss me off, I do the same to I’m at the same level, maybe more. But those feelings combined fail in comparison to how much I appreciate, love, adore, & admire you. There are so many great qualities you have I someday hope to find in myself. I am a work I progress; we all are, and I am just grateful to spend this time trying to figure it all out with you & the girls. These moments we are living in now are stepping stones to so much more that we are destined for. I have no idea how the story will end but I have faith it will be great. As long as I have you & the girls to grow through it all, I have faith it will be a great ride. You wrote above that you & the girls don’t expect me to be perfect. I know that & I know that I am not. There are times that I need your help to remind me of what I am. I can read all this stuff, listen to all these great people & work with so many awesome mentors. I can share this journey & impact lives each day. But there are still days that I need that boost & that kick in the ass. I know you say, sometimes you don’t know what the right thing is to say. Most of the time it is nothing; a hug, a smile, that connection, that presence. I think I ran out of thoughts. Hopefully this made sense & gave you some clarity on where I am; or where I was. Writing this out helped so thank you for starting the string. Getting my thoughts on paper always creates clarity for me. It helps better navigate the chaos. We will always have work to do. We are always going to have opportunities to learn, grow, & be better. We continue to become more aware of what we need to work on & I am grateful for that. It’s not easy but staying on this journey with you is. Love you 
 “Our job is not to deny the story, but to define the ending.” – Brene’ Brown, “Rising Strong”
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