#gently put their paw on it and hold it on the ground til it chills the fuck out
☮️- is my muse a “hippie” or are they more traditional/straight-laced? // 🍺- is my muse a drinker? If yes, what is their alcohol of choice? // 🗡- does my muse know how to use weapons? What purpose do they serve?
Bless you for sending the prompt description as well as the symbols, and thank you for your patience with me taking forever to answer! I may or may not have just now figured out how to get into my inbox lol
Are they more a hippie or more straight laced?
Neither of them is what one might call straight-laced - if nothing else because neither will come within a million miles of "straight!" Hippie doesn't quite fit, either, because they're both very practical people.
As Aleis would put it: magic is part of nature, and they approach it as such, with an eye to balance. Their approach to rules and social conventions is that these things exist for the benefit of the ruled, and that, if fear must enter the equation at all, it should be the government that fears its people, rather than the other way around; basic respect is innate, but authority-respect is to be earned.
Turel would say essentially the same thing, but as a far more concise "approach the world with compassion and critical thinking." Aleis draws a lot of their ethos from him, and from their grandfather, who was a friend of his.
Beer - is my muse a drinker, and if so, what is their drink of choice?
Aleis is extremely fond of beer and Scotch-style whisky. They have an island retreat, much like Asra's Nopal home, where they brew and distill a variety of stouts and a smoky, peaty, smooth Islay type Scotch. They don't like sweeter whisky, and they prefer their beer dark, but they'll try most styles, as long as it makes sense in context, which absolutely does translate to "they'll only drink pilsner on a hot summer day, if there isn't a hazy IPA."
They have one or two drinks most day, savored rather than swigged, because they Do Not Enjoy getting plastered. If they're hanging out with someone, they might get a bit tipsy, but beyond that...let's say the only one of the main 6 with a chance of keeping up with them is Nadia.
Turel, on the other hand, has a pretty average tolerance...proportionately. That's kinda key. He is also inclined to savour, and absolutely will NOT let himself get drunk. His tastes are versatile - he's always interested in trying what locals recommend and discovering new things, though he is profoundly unimpressed with novelty-for-novelty's-sake. Humans have been making booze for thousands of years; there is a lot to discover and enjoy, and absolutely no point in drinking swill.
Sword - do they know how to use weapons? What purpose do they serve?
Aleis is adept with dagger and hand-and-a-half sword, for both defense and competition. They do have genuine fighting experience, but no military past - as a sword-dancer and martial artist, they view a weapon as an instrument which can be used in a demonstration of skill or to shishkabob a motherfucker. Their fighting-as-art is powerful and graceful, while their fighting-as-defense is efficient and brutal, with or without weaponry. They are very careful to never point a sharpened weapon at someone they aren't prepared to use it on.
Turel usually wears a versatile hunting knife at his hip, and, as one might expect of a traveller, carries a hardwood staff the length of his body. It's good for safely investigating things, hanging wet clothes over a fire, catching one's balance on unsteady terrain, etc. It is also, no matter what Morga told Muriel to calm him down, absolutely a potentially lethal weapon, especially for someone of Turel's strength.
That is largely irrelevant, because he is skilled enough with it that, with a razor attached to the tip, he could shave a bee in mid-flight. Which is a super fucking weird way of putting it, but that's Turel for ya! The same could be said of damn near any weapon - once upon a very long time ago, he was a warrior-mage trained since childhood. After a long lifetime, it's instinctive to weigh how something balances in your hand, how it moves, how it shields and how it kills. From there, it's a short step to using it without *having to kill with it.*
He never forgets that killing is a weapon's ultimate purpose. Not ultimate as in best, but ultimate as in last. That means that any item which is a weapon *by design* is a potential escalation, and that's why he does not carry any thing that is meant to be a weapon. If he has to fight, he is likeliest to fight bare-handed. The body is the oldest weapon, and the one in which his skill is most consummate. He aims to finish a fight as rapidly and with as little bloodshed as possible.
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13tinysocks · 4 years
Hello Spill Your Guts enjoyers. May I offer you a cut scene from chapter 48 of SYG where Brian and (Y/n) have sex on a motorcycle? Too bad because here it is. Context: This is right after Brian and Yn crash the car at the end of their date in but instead of being a good person Yn goes apeshit. 3291K words. 
“Yes, sugar?" A low drawl spoken right into your ear as he pressed a kiss into your neck. A chill crawling it's way up your spine. Fear gripping you, not of him but of what you could so easily become. Tensing in his hold, being basically dangled off a cliffs edge. Usually you were grossly into this sort of thing, the knowledge that he was thinking the same thing made your insides twist. He knew you too well. 
        A kiss would be nice. Accepting disgusting loving, his hands slathered in blood, right after the wave of unnatural thoughts bombarded your brain. You wanted comfort, your body practically shaking with adrenaline.
        "Put me down." Tone low and unconvincing, eyes on the raging fire below, the fire stirring in your gut, the feeling of his arms distracting you from the people burning to death below you. 
        He seemed to get it, that you were accepting the outcome, becoming like him, that you had enjoyed that just as much as he had. Taking note of the weak tremor in your voice and the way you seemed to melt into his arms.
        "Are you sure?" He jested, "It's a long way down." Arms around you teasingly loosening, your body just barley slipping before his grip tightened once more, catching you as you felt a gasp leave your lips. The fear of being dropped mixing with the dopamine that ran through your body when he kissed your neck again, a low chuckle sending vibrations through your skin. 
“Ya’know what Brian?” You snapped, reaching behind yourself and sliding your hand round til you found a semi-hard mass. “Stop playin’ games with me.” Playfully firm, you squeezed his clothed shaft. 
“Soooo,” His breath was wonderfully warm on your neck, you could feel his lips growing closer to your ear, “You don’t want me to drop you?”
“No Brian,” You deadpanned, “I don’t wanna die. I wanna fuck.” God, you sounded like an emo porn actress. 
“You’re awfully forward.” He hummed into your skin, pressing a tender kiss into you before teasinly nipping at you.
At that you quietly moaned, melting further into his back. Reciprocating by gently rubbing your hand along the tent in his jeans. He was only getting harder and your panties were only getting wetter. 
“Maybe because I want you to rail me or something. Food for thought, Bee.” 
Brian chuckled, pulling you away from the cliff's edge, insisting on carrying you all the way to his bike. You didn’t even bat an eye when you passed the still bleeding corpse. In fact your heart only raced faster. He was dangerous, you were dangerous, you were both on a high that left you disgustingly aroused. Might as well ride it out.
He set you on the bike seat and you had to admit a bit of disappointment when you could no longer paw at his pants. You expected him to kiss you but instead he bent down and started to pat your legs. Pressing the balls of his hands around your legs and knitting his brow as if he were looking for something.
“What the actual fuck are you doing?” You asked, impatience heavy in your lowered tone.
Then he settled himself on the ground, warm hands guiding your thighs apart. “Oh you know,” He began, pressing a kiss onto your inner thigh, “Checking to see if you’re hurt.”
Scoffing, you barked, “You little slut. If you wanted something you could have just asked.” You tried to keep up a huffy attitude with him, to not instantly submit to his antics but he just kept on pressing his lips further and further up your thighs. Even though it was through your pants, it was electrifying, each one making your legs shake with anticipation. 
“Oh, I know.” Half-lidded hazel met with (e/c) when he lowly delivered a deliciously spine chilling message, “I just like to watch you squirm. Also, I’m a romantic.”
Without thinking about your pride or dignity or whatever the fuck, you told him, “Alright then Romeo, take my pants off if you really wanna see somethin’.”
And that he did without hesitation. Only bringing himself up to crash his lips into yours. It was a welcomed pressure that you moaned into, feeling his fingers undoing the button of your jeans while he slid his tongue over yours. The zipper was next but you hardly paid attention, head in a whirl when he teasingly bit your lip. When you gasped he throatily chuckled, getting quickly back to grinding his tongue against yours. 
Taking your pants off was an awkward effort that the both of you didn’t break the kiss for. You weren’t going to make any comments about it but the sweaty leather of the motorcycle seat was on the uncomfortable side. A gentle breeze cooled your heated skin, leaves mutedly rustled, the smell of blood and burning flesh hung heavy in the air.
It was only until your jeans were around your ankles and his hand was warmly resting between your thighs did he pull away. Breathless and blushing, Brian still found the energy to purr out a request, “You mind if I make you cum for me a couple times?”
“Holy shit, do whatever you want to me. I don’t care.” You said, shifting to press your wet panties into his hand eagerly.
“Mh-hmm.” Tongues were sliding back together by the time he’d slid the pads of his fingers over your clothed pussy. Being so worked up you readily moaned into his mouth when he torturously circled your clit with his middle finger.
Filled with need you pulled away to make a bold demand, “Get on your knees, bee boy.”
Ever the giver, his head was positioned between your thighs in a matter of seconds without argument. He wanted this as much as you did. Panties yanked down and your knees hooked over his broad shoulders in an instant. 
Brian took in the sight of your ridiculously wet and swollen pussy with his trademark lopsided grin, “Someone’s worked up. I wonder why.” 
“Gee, real mystery we got on our hands.”
He just laughed before carefully approaching your bare flesh. Keeping up eye contact as he kiss, kiss, kissed his way closer. Only a few mere inches away from where you really wanted his lips to be, he stopped. Eyes twinkling deviously before he took in some of your sensitive supple flesh and sucked. You ground yourself into nothing needily, the feeling of him licking at your inner thigh sending more waves of pure arousal to your head than you thought someone biting your thigh would.
Cheered on by your clear approval, he worked his way hardly closer, picking a new spot to suck till it bruised. 
“For fuck’s sake Brian, get to it already.” You growled, one hand gripping onto the bike handle for stability while the other found the back of his head, curling in his light hair.
The man in question cheekily grinned up at you, finally bringing himself closer to your slick warmth. He pressed a thumb into the developing bruise just to see you gasp before he flicked his tongue lightly over your clit. Being more than ready, you whined a lot louder than was cause for.
Brain didn’t need any more motivation than that. He dove right in, tongue pressing wetly into the bottom of the swollen mass. Keeping up the erotic eye contact that told you he was in charge as he dragged the muscle up and over every bump and curve.
 Stopping when you pulled on his hair and ground into his mouth. He’d stumbled across the most sensitive part of your throbbing clit. Armed with that knowledge he chuckled and started to circle just around the spot's edges. Your fingers twisted in his hair, thighs squeezing either side of his head. Back and forth, teasingly fast he passed the tip of his tongue over the area with a merciless soft pressure.
“Brian- Fuck- Harder.” You needily whined, pussy desperately throbbing. All it wanted was for him to fill you up and make you cum so hard you couldn’t think anymore. But Brian had other plans for the moment. He quirked his brows as if to tell you to fucking beg and wihtout any shame you did, “Please. I need it.”
Intrigued, he pulled himself back to ask, “Need what (Y/n)?”
“I just want you to make me cum and rail me, okay?” You breathily snapped.
Snickering, he replied, “Be patient.” He quickly lapped at the swollen tip, watching you buck your hips and contort your face into one of needy pleasure. “You’re cute.”
“No you.”
Instead of replying, he sealed his lips around your clit and gently sucked. Isolating the sensitive spot before running his slick tongue over it in overwhelmingly wonderful circles. You never thought you’d moan that loud so close to a dead body, but that was the furthest thing from your mind. As seconds passed and he mercilessly kept going, only providing more pressure and teasingly sucking harder; you started to feel all of it coming to a building tingly climax much faster than you expected.
“Brian,” You wailed, nails digging into the back of his head, “I’m gonna fucking cum.”
He smiled against your sensitive flesh, only zeroing in harder. Eyes closing sweetly, lapping almost desperately at your clit. The thought of how hard he must be and how much he wanted you to cum on his tongue alone made your body hotter. It only made you closer and closer til your eyes were rolling to the back of your head and your back was arching.
All at once it hit you, the sudden throbbing burst of pleasurable heat. You bucked yourself into him, riding out your pounding orgasm as much as you could. Not without screaming his name of course.
As the rolling waves of intensity started to weaken, Brian rose. You were going to thank him, crack a joke, maybe try to flip the situation around and ride him like the motorcycle he was fucking you on; But he didn’t give you a chance. Lips on yours in an instant, you willingly opened up and he slipped his slick covered tongue into your mouth. He chuckled against you, at how desperate you were to taste yourself mixed with his spit. Hands spreading your legs further so he could rock his clothed hard-on against your bare groin. A wanton moan passed your lips, jeans wonderfully grinding against your sensitive heat. You could feel how much harder he was than before.
Craving his length buried inside of you, you pulled your tingling lips away. Twitching and grinding into the coarse clothing, his fingers had slid up your shirt, under your bra, teasingly rolling your nipples between his thumb and pointer. God, that lopsided smirk he had on his face made you want to ride him for hours.
You pawed at his erection, stroking along his long shaft, feeling a developing spot of wetness at his swollen head even through boxers and denim. 
“Fuck me, right now.” You lowly purred, fingers crawling to the button.
“You don’t think I was already planning on it?” He snarked, forehead sweetly pressed against your own.
“Don’t be an ass.” Button open, now for the fly.
“Since when am I not?”
You snorted out a double entendre,  “Yeah, you suck but like in a good way.”
“I love you.” Wow, that got real cute out of nowhere right when you’d sent your hand into his open pants.
“Aww, I love you to, ya big sap. Anyway, nice dick.” You said, pulling it through his boxers. 
His smirk faltered when you ran your hand along his bare shaft, what a sight to see him moan and blush. You felt tortuously empty holding his hardness, tip and upper shaft slathered in precum. 
“Aww, look at you.” The words came out domineering, teasing, “You must be so desperate to fuck me, huh Brian?” You purred, slowly and gently jerking him off. 
He huffed out a laugh, pulling his hands out of your shirt, “You really think you’re in charge here, huh?”
“Well I’m literally holding your dick so- OPE!”
Just like that you were lifted up, flipped around and bent over the bike. Stomach slapping down where you’d just been sitting, ass up for his viewing pleasure. He jammed his knee between your upper thighs, kicking them apart with ease. You playfully huffed at him but didn’t protest. In fact you settled down as comfortably as you could while he positioned himself as well.
“Look who’s holding who now.” He snickered, one hand firmly gripping your hip the other rested on the curve of your ass. Wouldn’t be sex with Brian without him being fucking annoying in a really hot and fun way. 
Wouldn’t be sex with you if you weren’t also a pain right back, “Wow real nice come ba-ACK!” It wasn’t that hard of a smack, but to your sensitive skin a slap delivered to your lower asscheek hurt more than it should have. Had to admit, it was a total turn on, the shocked scream ending on a wonton note.
“Are you alright?” He asked, obviously picking up on the trill in your voice and the way your legs were shaking.
“More than,” You purred shakily, “Do it again.”
So he did. Harder. The sound resounded in the open air. Your ass harshly stung, spot where his hand struck warmly pounding in its wake. You didn’t think you could get horniner but you found yourself mildlessly growling, “Fuck me.”
You whined at the intoxicating pain. Every hit having your pussy twitch with need. Brian telling you from above, “Beg.”
As much as you wanted to get railed, as hot as your face was, as painfully unfilled you were. You were still a stubborn brat when it came to instructions. “No.”
Fingers harshly dug into the leather seat at the hit. Surely you’d be hurting on the ride back, but you didn’t care. In fact each hit brought a sultry moan out of you. “That all you got?”
“Fuck.” You whimpered, shaking under his palm smoothing over the stinging flesh.
“Come on honey, just ask nicely and I’ll give you exactly what you want.” Brian cooed.
For a few seconds you resisted the urge before your resolve crumbled. You couldn’t take the agonizing wait anymore. It was getting hard to tell if you were on the verge of tears from the pain or the lack of getting railed.
“Please give me your fucking cock, Brian. I need it.” 
He darkly chuckled at your desperate plea, “Good girl.”
A firm pressure pressed itself into your slick. A whine rose from your throat as he easily slid his thick length into you inch by inch. Filling you up with his satisfying hardness. 
“It’s cute how wet you are for me, Honey.” He shuddered and sighed, feeling you throb around him just at the dirty talk.
You had nothing snarky to say, mind clouded by the fact that he wasn’t pounding you yet. All you could do was press into his hips and whimper.
A squeal ripped up from your throat, the sting nearly drawing your attention away from his shaft pulling itself halfway out of you. In an instant his hips slapped into your skin, dick buried back inside of you. Both of you letting out varying degrees of breathy moans. Then he slid himself nearly out of you. Before you could whine he slammed the entirety of his length into you. Pussy wonderfully stretching around him much to your pleasure, your fingers curling into the leather of the seat.
“Yes!” You squealed, mimicking his actions, pulling away before throwing yourself back into him. Thick fingers dug harshly into your skin, his dick slamming in and out of you at a pace that only got faster.
 Another smack was laid onto your bare skin. All you could do was roll back your eyes and incoherent babble his name, “Brian.”
Warm fingers slid around the front of your throat, squeezing and pulling you up. Back forced to arch while he mercilessly thrusted into your throbbing pussy. His sultry voice right in your ear, “What’s that?” 
“I-” His hand squeezing around your neck only reminded you how in control he was. Confident, assured, domineering. It was really hot.
“You like being at my mercy don’t you?” Even hotter.
You shuddered, feeling yourself getting closer and closer with every roll of his hips. “I’m so fucking close.” 
“Already?” Brian chuckled. Not taking any mercy on you, slamming his hardness into you faster than before. Repeatedly grinding himself against your g-spot. “Such a needy mess.”
You got the cue to tell him how pathetic you were, but you could hardly say anything other than babbling out, “Fuck, I- Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
The building sensation came to fruition as his hand slid from your hip to your clit. Zeroing it out with his pointer finger and rubbing it in quick circles. 
“Cum for me.” His command was what really sent you over the edge, body seeming to obey him without question. Twitching to a stop, pussy squeezing around him. Hot throbbing waves completely overtaking your mind. Brian slowed only a little, moaning and continuing to thrust into you. Fulling riding out the orgasm and still going after that. You weren’t complaining at all. Everything felt so much more sensitive, everytime he rammed his dick into you, you were overcome with such an overwhelming sensation it took everything in you not to cry. 
Shaking and melting into his touch, letting him rail you as long as he wanted to. Clit still being teasingly circled, sending electric shocks of bliss through your body.
Skin slapped onto skin, Brian didn’t stop for a break at all and neither did you. Doing your damndest to grind into him, feeling his length grind and roll against all your more sensitive spots. 
Upon looking over your shoulder you saw Brian, red faced and breathily sighing. Hazel met with (e/c) and he sweetly smiled before intentionally slamming himself right into your g-spot. Your vision blurred, eyes rolling back while your body tremored.
 “Fuck,” He murmured, “You feel so good.”
Brian started to slow, moans growing louder, grip on your neck getting harder. You were aware of what was coming and you didn’t care. Through your breathlessness, you pushed out a message, “Please don’t pull out. I want you.”
“You’re so fucking dirty, baby.” Brian growled, suddenly picking up his pace. Slamming his dick into you over and over at breakneck speed, mercilessly rubbing your clit.
Whimper, writhe, and whine were all you could do at this point. Body shaking and taking in everything that he was giving you. Again, the sensations built up to you being on an edge high out of your fucking mind.
 “I- I’m gonna- Brian!” No time to properly announce it because that familiar heat was back with a vengeance.
  Feeling you cum around him finally pushed him to rock his hips into you one last time. He shuddered, groaning, “(Y/n), honey, fuck.” Dick pulsating as you continued to cum around him. A sudden warmth filled your insides, filling you up even more than he already was.
Breathless and exhausted you both stood there, muscles starting to relax. It was then, in a slight wave of non-horny clarity, when you realized exactly where you were. Why your clothes were so wet and warm. Why it smelled like burned plastic and beef. You were filled with shame and cum. Worst part was that you’d probably have to ride all the way back home like that. Aw shit.
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Fragment (Ethan Ramsey X MC)
Word Count: 2,360
Description: Ethan and MC spend the night at a ski resort, courtesy of a rich patient. A catastrophe ensues.
Preview: Halfway across, a cracking sound made her stop in her tracks. Before she had a moment to say anything, the ice beneath her feet shattered.
Requested by @drramseyownsme 
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“When did doctors start making house calls to ski resorts?”
“Apparently when rich people decided they’re above visiting a hospital.” Ethan rolled his eyes as they made their way back to his car. He loaded their medical equipment into his trunk. “At least that case is solved. Now we have time to enjoy the rest of the trip.”
Nodding, Olivia dug her toe into the snow, enjoying the satisfying crunch it made under her toes. “Let’s take this stuff to the cabin, then explore. We have twenty-four free hours in this place.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Ethan started the car. “They have skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating.”
“Let me guess,” she began. “You’re a master of all three.”
Ethan flashed a wide smile. “Hmm. I do make it my life goal to become good at everything, but I’m sure I may be a little rusty at one of those activities.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached across the center console and gently smacked his arm. “Show off.” A few minutes later, Ethan pulled into the driveway of the cabin granted to them for the night by their wealthy patient.
“Hmm. Not bad.” Ethan grabbed the medical kit and his luggage. Olivia followed him with her bag and unlocked the door. She pushed it open to reveal the cozy interior of the cabin.
“Aw. How cute.” She set her bag down on the couch. “I suggest we go ice skating, then come back here for dinner.”
“I agree.” Ethan set his things down. “Dress warmly. It’s supposed to snow more.”
At that, she waggled an eyebrow. “Oh? Maybe we’ll get snowed in here. All alone. Together.”
Ethan snorted, but she could see the amusement twinkling in her eyes. “Don’t get my hopes up, Rookie.”
After bundling up in coats and gloves, they left the cabin. The rental booth was within walking distance of the cabin, so they got their ice skates and headed in the direction of one of the rinks.
This time of evening, few people were out. They changed into their skates and carefully stepped out onto the frozen rink. Olivia grabbed Ethan’s arm until she steadied herself.
“I swear to god, Ethan, if you pull off some Olympic routine out here, I’m going to pout for a really long time.”
Chuckling, he took her hand. “I’m good at it, but not that good.” He began skating, his feet moving far more gracefully than hers. He kept his pace slow until she was steady on her feet.
“There we go… I haven’t done this since undergrad.” Lacing her fingers through Ethan’s, Olivia mimicked his foot movements. They made a lap around the rink before Ethan urged her to move a little faster.
As they rounded a corner, the edge of her ice skate caught on a chip in the ice. She stumbled and grabbed Ethan, nearly taking both of them to the ground. Fortunately, Ethan’s fast reflexes kicked in. He grabbed her and pulled her back to her feet. Their eyes met and he could feel her breath against his face.
Ethan grinned, making her heart skip a beat. “Was that just an attempt to get me to hold you?”
“Actually, no. That was just a pleasant result.” Smiling, she leaned up and kissed him softly. He returned the kiss and took her hand again. For the next half hour, they glided around the rink, eventually making their way to the center, away from the handrails.
Above them, the evening sky gave way to night. Through the late evening clouds, the moon slowly made its appearance. Ready to go to the cabin for dinner, Ethan and Olivia stepped off the ice rink and changed into their shoes.
As they walked, a voice caught their attention.
“Ethan, look!” Olivia pointed across the frozen river to a young boy sitting in the snow, clutching his foot. “I think he’s hurt.”
Seeing that the only way to the boy would be by crossing the river, Ethan approached the river bank. “Let me test the ice first.” He stepped forward and put some weight on the ice. When it didn’t crack, he put more pressure on his foot until he was satisfied that the ice was sturdy. “I think it’s solid. Be careful.”
Nodding, Olivia followed him. They moved slowly and carefully, testing the ice before each footstep. She sighed in relief when they reached the other side. Kneeling next to the boy, she asked, “Hi there. What’s your name?”
“Joey… I stepped in that hole and hurt my ankle!”
Ethan knelt down. “Where are you staying?”
“The cabin behind that hill.” Joey sniffled and pointed. “My parents can’t hear me, and I told them I wouldn’t be inside ‘til eight.”
“We can get you inside. We’re doctors,” Olivia introduced. “How old are you?”
“Nine. I’m cold.”
“Let’s get you to your parents’ cabin. We’ll look at your ankle when we’re there.” Ethan carefully picked the boy up and stood. He followed Olivia over the hill. A path led to a small cabin. When they reached it, Olivia knocked on the door.
A moment later, a woman answered. “Can I… Joey!”
“He twisted his ankle. We’re doctors. Would you mind if we examined it?” Olivia explained, stepping aside so Ethan could carry Joey inside.
“Of course… Joey, you know you were supposed to stay close! I’ll warm up some hot chocolate.”
Ethan settled Joey on the couch. “I’m going to take off your boot. I’ll try not to let it hurt, okay? Try to keep your foot still.”
“Okay.” The boy complied, holding his foot steady. He winced as Ethan carefully took off his snow-caked boot.
Ethan gently took the swollen foot into his hands. “It isn’t fractured, but it’s a nasty sprain.” He examined more closely to confirm. “He needs to keep it elevated, stay off it,  and use ice packs for at least two days. Then he can use heat on it.”
“Do you have a first aid kit?” Olivia asked the boy’s mother.
“I do.” She rummaged through a suitcase until she found a kit. She handed it to Olivia, who opened it. Relieved to find a cold compress, she activated it and handed it to Ethan, who placed it on Joey’s ankle.
“Thank you so much.” His mother followed them to the door. “I didn’t know he’d wondered off like that. What can I do for you?”
Ethan shook his head. “No need. Make sure to monitor the swelling. If it gets worse, we’re in a cabin on the other side of the river.”
“Thank you.”
Nodding, the two doctors left the cabin. Olivia slipped her hand into Ethan’s. “We saved the day. I guess that makes us Batman and Robin.”
Ethan chuckled. “I prefer Doctor and Rookie.”
“Suit yourself.” Reaching the river, Olivia cautiously stepped forward. Slowly, they started making their way across the ice. Halfway across, a cracking sound made her stop in her tracks. Before she had a moment to say anything, the ice beneath her feet shattered.
She went under so fast that Ethan didn’t have time to react. “No!”
He fought the urge to run to the hole in the ice, knowing that he would be of absolutely no help if he fell through as well. His heart racing, Ethan lowered himself to his stomach to distribute his weight more evenly. He moved as quickly as he dared, inching toward where she fell.
Beneath the surface of the water, Olivia pawed wildly, trying to bring herself to the surface. Already freezing, she gasped involuntarily, the frigid water chilling her lungs.
Ethan plunged his hands into the water, gasping as it chilled him to the bone almost immediately. “Olivia!” In the dark, he couldn’t see through the water. Terrified, he reached deeper. “No…”
Darkness swam in the corners of her vision. Olivia squinted, barely making out the shape of Ethan’s hands. Kicking her feet, she reached up. The weight of her soaked boots and clothes dragged her down. Stifling another gasp, she moved her arms as hard as she could. She made her way closer to Ethan’s hands.
Her body was a deadweight as she pushed, slowly cutting through the water.
When Ethan felt her fingers brush against his hand, he grabbed. He barely missed. Cursing, he reached further. He caught her fingers and inhaled sharply, afraid to let himself feel relief just yet. Tightening his grasp, he pulled until her arm emerged. He grabbed her under the arms and lifted quickly, exposing her head.
“Oh god…” Ethan’s heart thudded violently in his chest as he carefully lifted her out of the water. Moving as quickly as he dared, he got her off of the ice. When he reached the bank, he knelt down, holding her against him. “Olivia!”
Her eyes were closed, her skin too pale for his liking. Her chest rose and fell gently, giving him the slightest bit of relief. Already, a slight blue hue tinged her lips. Trying to steady his frantic breathing, Ethan lifted her into his arms.
He carried Olivia to the cabin, shutting the door quickly behind him. Shivering from the ice water soaking his sleeves, Ethan made haste of removing her drenched clothes, as well as his. He found a towel and dried her as well as possible. Moving quickly, he dug a sweater out of his suitcase and put it on her, checking her pulse as he did so.
After adjusting the thermostat to a warmer temperature, Ethan tucked a thick blanket around her shoulders. Only then did he change into dry clothes himself. He touched her cheek, finding it still cold to the touch. His only reassurance was the gradually increasing rise and fall of her chest.
Ethan laid next to her on the couch and wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her arms, holding her close to his chest. Suddenly he felt exhausted, but he forced his eyes to remain open.
She had to be okay.
He tucked Olivia’s head under his chin and tightened the blanket around her. Breathing deeply, he buried his face in her damp hair. “Wake up for me…”
For several minutes, she remained unconscious. Ethan monitored her closely, relaxing slightly when he noticed some color returning to her face. When she started coughing, Ethan nearly jolted upright with relief. He helped her sit up.
“Easy…” Supporting her upper body, Ethan patted her back until she stopped coughing. “There you are…”
Wincing, she grabbed his arm. “Ethan…”
“I’m right here.” He pulled her close, hugging her tight against his chest. “You had me scared shitless…”
“Hmm…” Still groggy, she buried her face in his neck. “I don’t completely remember what happened…”
“You fell through the ice and went into cold water shock. You’ve been out of it for about ten minutes.” Ethan let out a shaky sigh. “Longest ten minutes I’ve ever been through.”
Olivia curled into him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I think I could use a warm bath.”
Ethan gently tilted her face to meet her eyes. Even now, the concern in them lingered. He kissed her softly, touching his forehead to hers. “Let’s get you that bath. I didn’t want to do it right away because changing temperatures that quickly would have worsened the shock.”
She nodded and leaned into him for a long moment. “At least you were there. If I’d been alone…”
Ethan shook his head. “Don’t… I don’t want to think about that. Watching you fall through was enough terror for a lifetime.” He stood up and took her hand. Quietly, he led the way to the bathroom.
While Ethan started the water, Olivia hugged herself, inhaling the warmth of Ethan’s sweater. “You changed my clothes.”
“I had to. Yours were soaked and starting to freeze.”
She smiled tiredly. “At least you see me naked on a regular basis. A few months ago, that might have been weird.”
“Hmm.” Nodding distractedly, Ethan checked the water temperature. “Alright. I think that will do. You don’t want it too hot just yet.”
Olivia took off the sweater and stepped into the bathtub. “Aren’t you going to join me?”
Ethan paused for a moment. “Alright.” He discarded his clothes and joined her in the warm water. She leaned back against him, relaxing as the water soothed her cool skin.
Closing her eyes, she sighed as Ethan rubbed warm water on her arms. “I’m completely exhausted.”
“That’s understandable.” Ethan smoothed his hands over her hair, letting the warmth trickle over her scalp. “Is that better?”
“Much.” Another sigh escaped her when Ethan’s arms wrapped around her. For the longest time, neither of them spoke. After a while, they climbed out of the tub. Olivia toweled herself dry, then dressed in one of Ethan’s old shirts.
“It still astonishes me that you own a sweatshirt. I thought it would be beneath you.”
The hint of a smile pulled at his lips. “I’m full of surprises. Is it warm enough?”
“Mm hmm.” Wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, she leaned into him for a long moment. “I could’ve drowned…”
A lump formed in Ethan’s throat. “You didn’t, though. I thought for sure…” He paused, clearing his throat. “When I got you out and you didn’t move, I thought for sure you were gone. You’ll never know how relieved I was when I realized you were breathing.”
She tightened her arms around him. “Ethan… I’m alright. My fingers may be Popsicles, but I’m okay because you were there. All I remember is going down and seeing your hand reaching into the water.”
He gently squeezed her arm. “Please promise me you’ll never terrify me again.”
“I’ll try.”
“Good enough.” Ethan turned to face her and gave her a soft kiss. “Let’s get to bed. I think we’ve had a long day.”
“I think so, too.”
They made their way into the bedroom and crawled under the thick covers. Yawning, Olivia curled into Ethan’s waiting arms and rested her head on his bare chest. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
She snuggled into him and closed her eyes. “Ethan?”
“No more ski resorts.”
“I know.”
Author’s note: I can’t resist a good “I know.”
Tags:  @akacalliope @sanvivrma @kiingevan @buzz-bee-buzz @isabella-choices@perriewinklenerdie @lapisreviewsstuff@polishchoicesfan @msjpuddleduck @silverlitskies@lilyofchoices @paulfwesley @dr-brianna-casey-valentine @timmagicktoad@choicesstanblog@choicesobsessedd @trappedinfandoms @alexis0280 @junehiratas @ramseyandrys @contrerascecile @cxld-play @justanotherrookie @imescullen @bellcat2010 @desmaranj @lion-ess24 @mkamra2355@kaavyaethanramsey @ethandaddyramsey @openheart12  @mvalentine @choicesfanaf @whatchique @smilex1104 @elephant9998 @nooruleman  @caseyvalentineramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @xee-na-art-blog @edith-eggs1 @oofchoices @noboundariesplease @schnitzelbutterfingers @tefigranger @laceandlula @drramseyownsme 
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stacysmash · 7 years
The Jealousy of the Gods
Prompt #3 for Kurodai Weekend! Chosen AU
His breath slipped out of his mouth and curled in the frigid air until it faded completely from existence. Daichi shuddered, thinking it looked as if his soul had left his body to float away somewhere warmer. He wouldn’t have blamed it, only an idiot would trudge through knee deep snow up an abandoned mountain. Daichi shook his head, trying to expel the negative thoughts as he continued his slippery journey up the winding path, only visible because of the obvious gap between the thick line of trees. He was on an important mission, given to him by the priest of the village shrine...who also happened to be his father. Regardless, Daichi was not one to give up or despair. Many people in the village relied on him, and the younger men in the village looked up to him. And he knew full well he was the only one who could complete this task.
The wind swirled through the trees, carrying with it soft fluffy snowflakes as dainty as fairies as it brutally collided with Daichi and sliced right through his coat. The chill seeped into his skin, spreading like a disease, and he ground his teeth together and focused on putting one heavy foot in front of the other. His muscles were beginning to ache from the trek, so he paused for a moment and gripped onto a firm looking maple. Glancing around at the bare forest surrounding him, he was astounded at the quiet stillness pervading the air. The sunlight streaming through the trees had begun to shift lower and cast a deep orange glow. It would be night soon and the temperature would drop considerably. Daichi knew he had to make it to the cave quickly, so with as deep a breath as he could muster he pushed forward and upward, slipping occasionally over rocks and roots hidden by a thick layer of snow.
At last he reached a slight clearing at the bottom of a small, rocky cliff. Daichi’s eyes traveled above it as he tried to catch his breath, spotting the entrance to a dark cave. It was jagged with rocks and stalactites, as if the side of the mountain had a hideous mouth created just to eat the unsuspecting son of a priest. A cloud of bats rushed out of the entrance and circled into the sky to begin their nightly feeding. To add to the sense of foreboding, a creeping mist was flowing out and spilling down the cliffside.
Daichi just rolled his eyes and trudged forward, stopping only when he at last reached his destination. He began to grow dangerously grouchy as he stretched upward, his gloved fingers grazing the rock of cliff til he could find a hold. With a grunt he heaved himself upward, his boots slipping a bit before he could find his footing. Slowly he worked himself up the cliff, mentally thanking the higher deities that the cliff was only a little over 10 ft high. When he finally lurched over the top he flopped onto his back and stared up at the sky as the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving the expanse in gradient shades of orange, red and purple.
He groaned as he forced himself up, his body cracking as his raw muscles flexed under his heap of layers. His feet moved forward, the mist swirling upward from the disturbance, and without hesitation he stepped into the mouth of the cave. As soon as he entered, a torch against the wall lit up without any sort of match or spoken magical command. Any other person may have been frightened by the occurrence or even a little impressed, but Daichi didn’t have time for such nonsense. The only feeling he had was a slight thankfulness that he didn't have to bother lighting his own torch. With his mouth twerked to the side in irritation he continued onward, another torch revealing the path as soon as his body touched the blanket of dark.
The only sound to be heard was his panting breath and the skid of his boots on the rocky ground. It had been many years since Daichi had wandered into this cave, and he was starting to wonder how far he would have to go when he stopped. The torchlight ran out, and just beyond the darkness he could sense an open space. He waited for his eyes to adjust, and as the blackness began to ease he saw a light suspended in the middle of the cavern. His heart began to flutter and plunk down to his stomach as he tentatively moved toward it. As he came closer, the light began to grow and pulsate, illuminating the rough facade of the room. It was as he vaguely remembered, round in shape but with sharp rock jutting out in multi toned layers to form the imperfectly curved walls. As he approached the ethereal light, he saw it was almost like a bubble with swirls of misty light emanating from it. It was hypnotizingly beautiful, and he instinctively reached out his hand to touch it. His trembling fingers barely ghosted it when it puffed out of existence, leaving him in complete darkness.
For the first time that day he began to panic. Then an echoing laugh floated through the room like a chill up a spine. It was a wicked laugh full of dark intentions, but simply hearing it eased Daichi’s tension and a wry smile curled on his lips.
“What kind of fool would enter a place such as this,” The sly voice purred, slipping around Daichi like a curling breeze. “You must have a death wish, oh young one. Pity for you I like to play with my food.”
Flickers of light sparked menacingly around the cavern, giving off just enough light to disorient him and see spots in the dark. Something swept past him, just barely grazing his skin with a shrill shriek piercing the air. A growl rumbled inside of Daichi’s chest, getting irritated really quick in the madness.
“Kuroo!” He shouted, and everything stopped. It was deathly silent without a hint of light. Daichi turned his face around like an owl, but did not see anything. He flinched when all of a sudden he saw a white face sliding toward him, illuminated by no light and yet shining through the dark. It was a cat mask, harsh white porcelain with slim black holes for eyes, a streak of red curving just above them.
“Kuroo? Why are you wearing that?”
He heard a slight sniff. “Why do you care? You wouldn’t even let me finish, I worked really hard on my scare tactics.”
Daichi’s face softened into slight amusement. “Alright, I’m sorry. Can you brighten it up in here and take the mask off? I’m exhausted.”
“Oh, right...sorry.” Instantly the cavern was illuminated by hundreds of torches, casting a warm glow throughout the large room. Daichi rubbed his eyes as they readjusted to the new light, and as he lifted them back up he saw the hovering form in front of him. He was still wearing the mask, black hair fanning above and spilling over the front of it with two velvety ears pricking out of it. His body was long and sinuous, clad in a scarlet yukata, black smoke swirling about him and distorting his actual appearance.
“Are...are you pouting?” Daichi asked as he stepped forward.
Daichi huffed out a laugh, “No? It sure seems like it. Come on, Kuroo, take it off.” He reached his fingers out to grip the mask, but Kuroo flinched back out of his reach.
“Don’t...why are you here anyways, just go home. You don’t care about me.”
Daichi frowned, a bit of a sting piercing his gut at the accusation. “What do you mean? Of course I care. Why would you say that?”
There was silence following the question, Kuroo floating slightly up and down with his arms crossed in front of him.
“Kuroo...we have to talk about this. You know things aren’t right in the village if you’re not there,  accidents are happening left and right. You have to come home to the shrine, otherwise more bad things will happen.”
“I’ve only been gone one day,” Kuroo grumped.
“And that was enough. Please Kuroo...tell me.”
Kuroo’s arms slid down, his black paws appearing from within the voluminous sleeves as his claws twiddled together nervously.
“Are you going to see her again?” He asked quietly, barely above a whisper.
Daichi blinked, not expecting the question. “See who again?”
A low growl curled out of the mask, rumbling through the air like a low grade earthquake. “You know who...the girl you had a date with the other night!”
Daichi snorted, “That’s what this is about? Kuroo, it wasn’t even really a date! Mom set me up with her,  and I only went to appease her. You know that.”
“Hmph, no I don’t. I saw you two together, her arm wrapped around yours, giggling like an idiot. So answer the question, are you going to see her again?”
“No,” Daichi answered gently, and he heard Kuroo’s breath catch. He stepped forward again, slipping his gloves off as he moved toward the floating form. The closer he got, the more Kuroo’s long black tail began to whip back and forth nervously. Dropping his gloves on the ground, he reached up and removed his hood and looked up into the cold face of the white mask. Once again he stretched out his hands, but this time Kuroo did not flinch. He allowed Daichi’s fingers to slip along the edge of the cool porcelain and give it a little tug. As soon as it gave, the smoke billowed away and Kuroo’s form shifted more human, while retaining just a couple feline characteristics. The mask lowered to reveal Kuroo’s ageless face, though it still looked more downhearted than Daichi was used to. His heavy eyelids raised up to reveal his eyes like molten gold, boring into Daichi like two flood lamps.
“Are you going to go on more dates?”
“I don’t know, but it’s normal, isn’t it?”
“Not if you belong to a god!”
“What?! What do you mean ‘belong to a god’? I don’t belong to you.”
“Yes you do, your father promised me years ago I could take you for a wife.”
Daichi stared up in shock at the obstinate god who looked more like a big child with cat ears stuck on his head. Once the words finally soaked in, he doubled over in laughter. “What the hell? Be your wife? Be your wife! I’m a human, did you forget?”
Kuroo had looked away and crossed his arms again in irritation when Daichi began to laugh. Even when the giggles had faded it did not ease his displeasure. “Of course I didn’t forget, I’ve known you since you were born. But your father promised, and that’s that. You can’t get out of it.”
“Was he drunk?” Daichi grinned with an eyebrow cocked.
“No...just a teensy bit tipsy. But sober enough...Don’t you want to be my wife?” Kuroo asked, his eyes slicking back to Daichi.
Daichi thought about it a moment, and then answered firmly, “No.”
Kuroo winced as if he had touched a hot stove, black smoke beginning to form around him to distort his features. Daichi reached his hand up smoothed it against the side of Kuroo’s face, stilling the smoke.
“But, I wouldn’t mind being your husband, you silly god.”
Kuroo brightened immediately, the smoke fading from existence once again as he uncrossed his arms and stepped closer to Daichi. His demeanor began to feel more familiar as a devilish grin slid up his face.
“I always knew you couldn’t resist my charms,” He cooed, slipping his hand around Daichi’s waist, pulling him in closer.
Daichi chuckled, “Yeah, you’re pretty difficult to ignore. So what would being husband to a god entail? Just so I know what I’m getting into.”
“Mmmm, sacrifices. Many sacrifices.”
“Sacrifices? What kind of sacrifice?” Daichi asked, the thought sending goosebumps up his arms.
“Your body, several times a day at least. Don’t worry, it’s mainly sexual in nature.” Kuroo murmured as he nuzzled his nose into Daichi’s hair.
His heart began to pound in the close proximity to Kuroo, heat swirling in his nether regions at the thought of “sacrificing” himself to the breathtaking god.
“Oh, I see...well I hope you can at least hold off till I get some sleep. And warmed up, it’s freezing in here.”
Kuroo’s body stiffened, his hands grasping Daichi’s arms as he pulled him back just enough to look down into his face. “You’re cold? I’m sorry I forget that humans are sensitive to temperature. Come on, I’ll get you warmed up!” Before Daichi could protest, Kuroo scooped him up in his long arms and lifted him as if he weighed as much as a little kitten. His feet turned back into one curl of smoke and together they soared across the cavern and down a dark, twisted corridor. Daichi squeezed his eyes shut as he clutched his arms around Kuroo’s neck. He knew the god would never drop him, but that knowledge did nothing for his stomach as they zoomed forward at breakneck speed.
Suddenly the motion stopped, and he heard Kuroo’s voice slide into his ear, “We’re here...take a look.”
Daichi opened his eyes tentatively and gasped. They were in a small cove with a pool of translucent blue in the middle of it, steam rising from the water’s surface. It had a slight glow to it, casting ripples of light across the domed ceiling. Just above the pool at the center of the dome was a hole, big enough for the steam to seep through and reveal the glittering night sky.
“Is this a hot spring?” He whispered, sliding out of Kuroo’s arms to stand on his own feet.
“Of course, it’s the perfect thing to warm you up. Now...let’s get you out of those clothes,” Kuroo purred, his hot breath grazing the back of his neck as his hands slid to Daichi’s front and began unlatching his coat.
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