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rudnitskaia · 9 months ago
I'm sobbing. I had a very tough day yesterday, but I kept receiving notifications on this post, how people tag me, and...
Thank you. Just thank you. I love you all. I don't think I can properly express how much I'm grateful.
Thanks for tagging me, @aghostnamedcalamity, @ahhhh-118, @coffeintheface, @themissingrainfallkingdom, @funfairsundaes, @ollenotter27, @gentlelass, @yanci-indigo, @spiky-berry21, @akosisab and @mivanti03. The feeling is 100000% mutual, and I tag you in return. I'm blessed and honored to be surrounded by so many amazing people. If anything, it's you who are wonderful, and I'm thankful for an opportunity to see you sharing art with the world.
In addition to cool people above I'll also mention @furciferangeli, @h0mocorrectus, @lansayn, @shortformdrip-blog, @gravityglitch-blog, @dubiouscomfort, @dorkynerd23, @l0v3sickl0s3r, @gigglegoobers, @scrunkalicious, @samantha-and-her-chaotic-desires, @zzabelz999, @tiny-hazard, @masterpie321, @proib2, @chaotic-starlight24, @bookishcatcafe, @btonbybton, @thenameslutley, @dolly--milk, @tohot4u, @izipizzie, @fantein, @list0k and basically I want to add everyone who I follow and who follows me, but if I do it, the post will be endless 🤣 So just know I appreciate and hug you all very tightly, thanks for being here and expressing yourself whichever way you chose 💖
RAHH OKAY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
@heyoitseragon @augustbutalsoaugust @yeeravioli @bananaballs21 @themostfangtastic @millkky @dilemma-danger @alchemicalwerewolf @oddvanilla
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immaculatemadonna23 · 23 days ago
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A Little Marjorie ✨🩸♥️ she belongs to: @gentlelass
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yanci-indigo · 11 months ago
A request from my moot @gentlelass to draw her Lacka OC Marjorie Ford!
I checked the previous sketches of her, and I want her to draw like a ballerina (Ballet is like my childhood because of Barbie.⁠。⁠*⁠♡). I don't know if I draw her correctly huhu, but at last I finished it!!!
And thank you also for the support hihi! Just take this as a gift mwah!! (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)
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Hope you like it <3<3
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randomgirldraws · 4 months ago
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Anthony Carlton in the Lackadaisy Pilot alongside Serafine and Nicodeme Savoy.
(Inspired by @gentlelass and @realbouru 's posts of the screenshot edits.)
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ladybugkisses · 1 month ago
oooh wHAT OMG! !! my girlie looks so lovely in your style, i love her extra sharp eyes! thank you so much!! ! 🥹 💕💙🌹💙💕
Did you think the Gentlification was over just yet?
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AH! No. I am e v e r y w h e r e . And so is the gentleness. As such, the subject of today is @ladybugkisses’s magical Ari, whom I had wanted to draw for quite a long time now actually, until finally the right inspiration struck. Hope you like it! 💋
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spiky-berry21 · 8 months ago
Third batch of Lack-ocs done!
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Åse/Ace Olaug Årud belongs to @acesandocs
Marjorie Ford belongs to @gentlelass
Elizabeth Scott belongs to @akosisab
And last but not least, Aisling 'Ash' Mayfield belongs to @annlytical
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Bonus art of Marjorie and my oc Angelique conversing over drinks (most likely in the Savoy's suite).
As always, have an excellent day/night! ✨
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hongduongn120 · 9 months ago
I had to ponder whether to ask this for a bit because I was afraid to break your balls (is this way of saying even a thing in English? Well, afraid of being a bother in general) but since curiosity is killing me I’ll ask anyways.
You DO know that now that you have mentioned your OC is shipped with Serafine, now we’ll all want to see more of them, right? Or just hear about them really, how did they meet? How did their relationship evolve? How is it like today? Fandoms are populated of fangirls and fanboys to the brim and even a Lass with a Gentle soul like myself is no stranger to the ensnaring appeal of a morbid obsession with any canon character and OC alike pertaining to my favourite shows. Okay I have written a poem like usual, I’m so sorry, lol. My synthetic skills are… severely lacking.
Ho boy, I've opened that can of worms now, do I? Might as well roll with it. Stay tuned for a post detailing the ship between Flynn and Serafine!
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gentlelass · 9 months ago
- 🪓 The Hatchet Man 💼 -
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Been feeling in a Mordecai-ey kind of mood as of late.
Ugly pencil sketch below
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gentlelass · 8 months ago
Love you, sweet folk of Tumblr!
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gentlelass · 9 months ago
-🤍 Marjorie Ford, the woman behind the smile 🩷-
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Hey there!
after the embarrassingly LONG time of two months and 19 days after the opening of this silly Tumblr blog and the introduction of Margo’s cute character on the Lackafandom scene, I FINALLY finished her character sheet for all of you sweet folk to witness my delusional fantasies of blood-streaked glamour and romance!
Why did this take me so much time? Simple. As usual, I can’t use Ibis Paint X, and draw digitally with my smol fingers on my equally smol and silly phone.
As such an inept as I am, the background of Marjorie’s illustration is in fact NOT product of my dubious artistic skills: I downloaded it from a free stock of ‘aesthetic garden background, wallpapers and illustration’ I found on Trailsandfreedom.com .
No, I swear I am not being paid to advertise them or anything, I merely feel the urge to leave credits with my pesky moral code nagging at my conscience.
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Here is the original picture, on which I then dared to add some filters to get the dull coloring I wanted.
Also, here is the original pencil sketch of Margo’s, this time proudly produced by myself only:
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She’s supposed to be sporting some fancy Victorian-gothic style dress, hat and parasol to recall of Mordecai’s own elegant fashion sense. I didn’t add any gloves because at the beginning I wanted her to, like, sting herself with the rose to draw blood and symbolise the assassination business and all that jazz.
And, nada, that’s the end of my interminable poem of thought process! I hope this gave some proper insight on Margo’s otherwise mysterious character, and it it managed to entice your curiosity about her, feel free to nag me in my asks!
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gentlelass · 5 months ago
Don’t cha notice somethin’ a lil’ off here? 😏💋
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My second attempt ever at self-insert with my Lackaoc Marjorie Ford in an official Lackadaisy illustration! I have yet to see anybody else publishing something like it, accomplice the fact that the poster came out only very recently, so I hope for this idea to be original.
Tried to get as close to canon style as possible, and avoid disrupting the og poster’s balance and symbolism in character placement. Hope to have succeeded, but only you can tell me! 💓
Just for the record, but should be obvious already that neither Lackadaisy, its canon characters nor the og poster belong to me, rather to @/lackadaisycats. This alteration was drawn for nothing but shit and giggles, with no profit to be gained for GentleLass here.
Og poster below! v
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gentlelass · 9 months ago
Hey there, you! Yes, I’m talking to you. Take this!
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What’s this? Ooh, nothing, just sweet Marjorie sitting on NOTHING (yes, among the things I can’t draw there are also props) n’ wearing what I’d imagine to be a sort of Maribel Hotel staff’s uniform, hence the palette of orange and red recalling of a Marigold flower.
For the record, it is also an illustration of what I’d imagine her to look like in this fanfic of mine from a while ago,
If you still haven’t read it and have time to lose, what’s stopping ya?!
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gentlelass · 10 months ago
- ❄️ Cold hands, warm heart ♥️ -
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… or in this case, cold hands and even colder heart.
Or is it?
Guess it will take a lass with warm hands and an even warmer heart to find out.
Mordecai Heller belongs to @lackadaisycats
If it wasn’t clear enough Margo’s supposed to be wearing some 1920s trendy fur coat or sum - I ain’t the best at rendering and it shows. It came out… cartoonish and caricatural in some way, though I somewhat like it?
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gentlelass · 1 year ago
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Hey there.
'GentleLass' on speaker.
These lovely fellas you see up there ^ are Mordecai Heller from @lackadaisycats and my very own OC. Her name is Marjorie 'Margo' Ford. She's based on a Sphynx cat by the way, hence the lack of fur and whiskers alike.
They both look mildly pissed, lol, I love 'em. Please excuse the less-than-ideal quality of the photo, the device is what is is and I myself am no photographer, far from it.
I've been in this fandom for a LONG while now but never really had the guts to start a blog about it myself. Well, until now.
I feel really awkward right now and I'm basically writing a manuscript here, so I will cut the chit-chat. Tell me what you think in the comments? I don't even know if you DO CAN comment on Tumblr, lol, I'm new to the platform.
Just... do your thing, sweet folk of Tumblr.
You'll be hearing of me, Margo and Mordecai again. It's as much of a promise as it is a warning, a threat and a mantra for myself to not give up out of laziness.
Adieu (but not for long),
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gentlelass · 9 months ago
- 🖤 Dark ’n’ Brooding 🖤 -
Hey there!
I know it’s been a week already since the last time I posted, but since I ain’t got anything in particular ready yet —
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— I’m feeding you with another Mordecai WIP. Because I can.
My man is lookin’ so dark and brooding.
… and he’s actually got a tail, this time.
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gentlelass · 11 months ago
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Margo WIP, and she’s mighty cute at that, coloured and non ❤️!
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