#gentle bloops and separations off of him
squidkid15 · 2 years
ghost au ;_; why must you hurt me ths tuesday morning.................
can wukong interact with anything? or is he strictly incorporeal?
Because it's been beating me up for the past few days and I gotta share the agony.
As for Wukong, he can interact with small and lighter objects! Stuff that fits in his hands and isn't more than a couple pounds he can lift, and he can interact with most objects to some degree if he chooses, and theyre not too large/heavy for him. Like uhh...if a cat could move the object, he could. If a cat couldnt, he probably can't.
He can also be fully incorporeal, phasing through things. He doesn't do it super often though, and actually engages in surprisingly few "ghosty" abilities, and usually acts relatively "normal" whenever he can. He can float, but walks most places.
All his senses still work, he can feel and smell and all that. He can't eat, but he can taste! Seen here after discovering a peach stash. (His love of them was not forgotten.)
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
A Day’s Work - Pt.1
Hi everyone!! This is an older fic I started a while ago and was pretty happy with. It seemed a good opportunity to get started with posting things. Basically, this is a random au (may simply classify silly/nonsense fics into a separate au category of their own) based around Marvel, focusing on Loki and my own interpretation/characterization of his wife Sigyn. hence... you know, my blog name and pfp and. yeah, you get the picture.
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: The Collector being creepy (as usual), some capture but don’t fret! It’s short-lived.
Summary: The Guardians of The Galaxy have been, well, guarding the galaxy on their own time. But when a handsome reward for the safe return of an Asgardian princess is released, they may get more adventure than they bargained for.
"Peter, you're an idiot." Gamora took a seat in the Milano’s cockpit, releasing a loud sigh.
"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Peter turned the ship, and within seconds the were on their way to Xandar. "It's not my fault that guy had literally the ugliest mug in the galaxy."
"He was not carrying a mug," Drax piped up from behind them, furrowing his brow at Peter.
"Face, then! Ugliest face."
"I disagree." Drax settled back into his seat. "You have the ugliest face."
"I am Groot."
Peter glared over his shoulder. "If you don't cut it out, I swear I will turn this spaceship around." Soon, the bunch of misfits reached Xandar. Landed, and took the opportunity to roam the city - partly in search for unclaimed bounties.
"Okay, since we haven't had the best luck under Quill's leadership lately, I’m electing myself as new leader of the group," Rocket smirked, holding a tiny baby Groot on his shoulder.
"Hey!" Peter huffed, "That Sakaarian was just one guy. One dude out of the whole universe. Every one of us has had a - a slight disagreement, over a keg of beer."
"I am Groot."
"Okay, except you. But you don't count."
"I am Groot!"
"All right fine, you count!"
Gamora rolled her eyes, walking over to a large, white wall, containing a screen that was shifting between advertisements. "Hey, come look at this." She put her hand up, stilling the screen.
Peter furrowed his brow, his hands on his hips. "Reward for the safe capture and return of an.. Asgardian? Asgardian princess?"
Rocket whistled. "Gorgeous."
"Yeah, I guess she's pretty-"
"I was talkin' about the money."
Peter's eyes settled on the bounty price, then widened. He grinned. "How do you guys feel about a rescue mission?" ~~~~ Sigyn awoke with a pounding headache. She blinked. Looked down at her bound hands. Great...
It was dark, but in the further reaches of the shadows she could make out the edges of rusty metal walls. In front of her stood an equally-rusted cell door.  Past it, another cell stood, identical if not for the fact it was empty. She stood, steadying herself against the wall. Voices came from down the hall.
"...won't remember anything. I gave her a double dose."
"Dunno, Asgardians are tough..."
"Not this one."
Two men stepped in front of her cell. Each wore patchy, well-worn clothes. One looked tanned and scruffy, the other had blue skin marred with scars.
"Oh look, she's awake," The blue one chuckled.
Sigyn stepped back, eyeing both of them. "Where am I?"
"That's not much'a your business, is it?" The man glared at her.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Knowhere." He smirked.
She blinked. "What... You must be taking me somewhere."
He nodded. "Knowhere. Hang tight, princess." Both men walked off, leaving her alone. She huffed, eyeing the door... Then noticed the clothing she had on. Interwoven leather and cloth, bits of metal, armored bracers on her forearms... Nothing like what those men wore.
What was going on?
She sat back down, defeated. Her headache became overwhelming, throbbing... She placed her head in her hands. ~~~~ Meanwhile, onboard the Milano, Rocket stepped over to a table in the center of the common area. "Now, behold." Rocket set a metal object that looked haphazardly thrown-together on the table. "A genuine Asgardian tracking device. Call it an A-T-D."
"You found a way to track Asgardians?" Peter raised his brows, arms crossed.
"Well yeah, why'd you think I called it an Asgardian tracking device?"
"I am Groot."
"Exactly! The nerve of some people!"
Peter rolled his eyes. Gamora spoke up. "How does it track them?"
"Now that is a good question." Rocket pressed a button on the side of the device. It started beeping slowly. "I won't reveal all my secrets, but it basically traces Asgardian DNA."
"Where did you get Asgardian DNA?"
Rocket grinned. "I have my ways."
"So we'll follow your tracker until we find the princess, grab her, maybe shoot some guys, and take her back to Asgard safe and sound?" Peter shifted his weight.
"That's the plan."
"..I love it. Good work, Rocket."
"Well, I am the resident genius." ~~~~ Soon, the Guardians reached Knowhere to the tune of Drax’s snoring, the tracker’s continuous beeping, and Suspicious Minds playing softly.
The tracking device released another loud, long bloop before returning to its rhythmic beeping - unfortunately, out of sync with the music.
"That toaster of yours better work," Peter huffed.
"I told you, Quill, it's already working. It's brought us this far, hasn't it?"
"We'll see. Asgardians are usually easy to spot anyway," Gamora stood, walking to the front of the cockpit. "They're loud and overbearing. Proud."
"Yeah but they've got a full medieval look, right? Armor and everything?"
"Yes, usually."
"So we're looking for a ren faire princess. Got it."
Rocket and Gamora exchanged a confused look. She shrugged.
The Milano landed, and the Guardians - after waking up Drax - began their search. Peter lead the way.
"All right, we should stick together. Remember what happened last time we came here."
"You ruined our chance at selling the Orb?" Rocket smirked.
"Okay, first of all, that wasn't entirely my fault." Peter huffed, glancing at Gamora. "Where should we start..?"
"I think we should follow the tracker," Gamora glanced around, "And keep an eye out for anything sapphire. Asgardians like wearing distinct colors - from her picture, it looks like sapphire is hers."
"Hey, I got something!" Rocket held up the tracker, which had begun beeping faster. "This way!" He scampered off, the team in tow.
They reached the same bar they'd visited before,when waiting to meet the Collector.
"Geez, this thing is going crazy..."
"Rocket." Gamora said.
"I mean it's really losing its mind. Maybe I should've-"
"Rocket!" Gamora pointed to the betting table.
There, on the other side, the princess was being lead to the Collector's back room.
The two men from before lead Sigyn through a strange, crowded room, past droves of cheering spectators. What was going on? She tried bumping into people to get their attention, tried catching someone’s eye, but the blaster pressed to her back kept her lips sealed.
They reached a back room. Walked through a maze-like trail of glass cages, lead by a pink woman whose smile looked far too forced.
Sigyn looked inside the glass cages, gasping when one of the beings inside moved. What is this place? she thought, swallowing hard when they stopped walking. Sigyn stood between the rugged aliens who lead her, staring forward at the strange man before her. He lowered a contraption that looked much like a mix between binoculars and glasses, setting them and the precious stone he was examining on the table before him.
"May I present, Taneleer Tivan, The Collector." The pink woman nodded to him, then disappeared behind more glass cages.
"As promised," The blue man smirked, "An Asgardian. The princess herself. Safe and sound. Not a scratch on her."
"Oh," the Collector leaned over the table, studying Sigyn much like he had the stone. She tensed. Felt a chill go down her spine. "How you managed a feat such as this, I cannot grasp.." He walked around the table, reaching out to Sigyn. When she didn't move, the men forced her hands toward him. He took one, kissing it, gaze never leaving her face. "It is an honor, fair princess."
Sigyn was frozen in fear. She clenched her jaw, pulling away from him as soon as he'd let her. "I-I.. What do you want with me?"
The Collector only chuckled. "She looks reasonably healthy.." He grabbed her jaw, turning her face back and forth. She gritted her teeth, staring at him.
"About that..” The blue man smirked. “We want two million additional units. Seeing as she's a healthy, young princess, seems fair.."
"Yes.. Yes, that would be fair. Stellina," He called. The pink woman returned. "Transfer the units to these gentlemen."
"Wait- I'm not for sale!" Sigyn struggled against her captors. "I am not a princess! I don't know who you think I am, but-"
"Quiet," the blue man snarled. "We hit her with a big dose of Amnesiac Gas."
The Collector glanced at her with an amused expression. "How long until it wears off?"
The man shrugged.
"Well, never mind, then..." He sent Stellina to open one of the glass cages. "I trust the Asgardians have no idea you are here?"
"Not a clue," The other one snickered, "We made out in the dead of night. Didn't even know it was us takin' her."
The men started moving toward the cage. Sigyn's heart leapt from her chest.
"Wait- Wait, no, no no no, please don't! Please!" She kicked, managing to rip her arm away from one of the men, only to be firmly grabbed by the Collector himself, who kept one hand around her wrist, the other on her throat. "Now, little beauty, don't struggle so. I do not intend to hurt you." He brushed a finger across her cheek - gentle. Too gentle. Tears welled up in her eyes. "You will be a prize addition to my collection." In a swift movement, he pushed her into the cage, and before she could jump out, Stellina closed the door. It locked with a snap.
Sigyn slammed against the glass, tears flowing out steadily. "No! Let me out! Please, I beg you, I'll do ANYTHING!" She hit the glass with her fists.
"Pleasure doing business with you as always, gentlemen." The Collector shooed the two men off, then turned to Stellina. "Do something about that noise. But do not hurt her, or you will take her place."
Stellina bowed her head, then turned to Sigyn, who was still pounding on the glass.
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