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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 1 year ago
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surrendermyheart · 2 years ago
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enjoy my months old chainsaw man doodles
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suspiciousshopboy · 3 days ago
god i miss wynne
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altocat · 1 year ago
Genesis casually sitting on the floor gives off the same vibe as that part in The Room where Denny sits down on the floor for no reason.
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serenadeofsunshine · 14 days ago
silly babble about my gen n stuff Pardon meeeesss
4 years… Gee… i would write something of more high spirits but I’ve been feeling rather down in the dumps lately ☹️ just personal life thangs it’s okay
i made it a goal of mine this year to distance myself more from my silly little gacha games bc They Were Not Good For Me. The games themselves i mean . I would break down if i missed a card from my favs album Ohh that’s so embarrassing to say. And it’s been going well ! Only logging on to arb if gen has a new card, pulling for it, and not being too bothered if I don’t get it ! All good ! It’s better this way.
the hyp fandom online has really made me feel. Disconnected from her at points… and that makes me really sad… I shouldn’t let others conduct how I feel but oh my god they’re so mean out there let me tell you. People who are actively in that space are the strongest soldiers I swear. my god
but despite all that, I love her still. And have done for now 4 years ! It’s so crazy to me ! I may not genpost a lot now, but she was my only f/o at one point. Which is weird to think about considering how I am now (cartoon kisser 4ever). She’s gotten me through a lot. Especially through my high school and college years. Even before I shipped with her, I took my lil gen nui everywhere… her character as a whole means a lot to me and I really really resonate with her struggle of identity issues and heavily masking… and I’m just so thankful that i can call her my wife :o) sappy stuff over. Thanks for coming
happy anniversary gengen !
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chronophobica · 2 months ago
siren | 21 | he/they
mostly: genposts, yugioh (s0/DM/5Ds), pokemon occasionally: saiki k, spy x family, dungeon meshi, ninjago, miraculous, atla, sonic prime, mha, land of the lustrous, sasaki and miyano, fairy ranmaru historically: sanders sides, mcyt
art - #doodle talking - #fae speaketh asks - #ask #[username/anon] polls - #poll
art only blog - @teralocke writing blog - @astrophobica
commissions | bluesky | artfight
**please note my queue is around 500 posts**
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blackmageeljin · 7 months ago
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Lookit how cute he is!! I finally think I found a traditional to digital process I don't hate ^^
Also hey!! If any of you followed me for Hazbin content I went ahead and made a Hazbin side blog here. Drew this cute lil Luci for the icon. Wanted to both be able to find hazbin stuff between genposts and have someplace to post my own Hazbin stuff where it wasn't crowded out by my rambling and other reblogs.
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gendervapor14 · 10 months ago
alright i've got 35 posts that i moved to my queue let's hope that lasts a little while and i don't forget and leave ya'll hangin. i know you're all always dying for a good genpost. yes i've still got like 99 posts in my drafts but. it's fine we're making headway
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lunarblazes · 2 years ago
UMMM HI GAY PEOPLE i made a dnd/cr/d20/whatever else is related to my silly little ttrpg hyperfix sideblog!! it is @lunarrolls if you are interested :^) i will still rb and post other random shit here like mcyt stuff and silly genposts and tcws stuff etc but for some reason i wanted a ttrpg blog so. FIRST LUNA SIDEBLOG!
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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 2 years ago
fuck it im posting it anyway Digital love silly shark sunday🤭💓💞
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surrendermyheart · 3 months ago
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 2 years ago
no one is more brave than the tumblr girlies whose brotp is the main ship in the fandom they’re in
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cosmic-cabin-system · 4 years ago
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When a headmate makes a comment while you're hanging with friends you're not out to
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mikki-does-simp · 3 years ago
Random class 1B HCS
because i love them warnings!: none for this one
- Kamakiri has an extensive skincare routine before bedtime that takes around 20-30 minutes depending on the day, and he would rather kill everyone in the room and himself before telling anyone. On a serious note, it wouldn’t embarrass him too outwardly but he would still be screaming. Both in his head and at those who catch him in the act.
- Ibara knits stuff, and sometimes; she knits pieces for her friends to wear too! She takes absolute pride in everything she creates, and she is always so concentrated and almost looks as though she is in the eye of a storm, knitting these up. 
- Juzo Honenuki really likes melons [all types], but his quirk make them hard to eat without getting... quite messy. So, if you are lucky- or- have bad luck timing, depending on which one you think; Juzo may or may not look like he is in a blood bath, chomping down on a watermelon.
- AROACE YUI KODAI, IS A FUCKING W - Shoda, out of all his classmates; is usually the one to walk in on the weirdest situations at the weirdest times, much to his dismay. Take, for example, Tsuburaba and Tetsutetsu having the GeNiUs idea to toss Setsunas’ head around like a beach ball and see how long it will take for her to get dizzy. It was the first time something like that happened, and Shoda was caught qUITE off guard with it.
- Reiko had a nightcore phase in middle school and she wants to burn it down to the ground
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beritatopsatu · 5 years ago
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PARIAMAN – Memeriahkan Hari Nusantara Nasional 2019 di Kota Pariaman, pada 14 Desember 2019 mendatang, diawali dengan beberapa kegiatan. Di antaranya program Generasi Positif Thingking (Genposthing) yang dilaksanakan Kementrian Kominfo RI, Kamis (5/12) di Espreso Beach Cafe. Pesertanya adalah generasi muda yang lebih trend dengan sebutan kaum milenial. Tampil sebagai Narasumber Direktur Informasi dan Komunikasi Perekonomian dan Maritim Kominfo RI, Septiana Tangkary, Dinas Pariwisata dan Dosen UGM. Direktur Informasi dan komunikasi perekonomian maritim Kominfo RI, Septiana Tangkary mengatakan dalam peringatan Hari Nusantara 2019, Keminfokom RI ikut terlibat, terutama dalam mensosialisasikan semua kegiatan yang akan digelar. Septiana, Kamis (5/11) pihaknya akan melaksanakan generasi positif thiking (Genposting). Genposting akan diikuti para kaum milenial. Melalui kaum milenial ini diajak bagaimana mensosialisasikan destinasi wisata di Kota Pariaman. “Kami memberikan materi, bagaimana kaum milinial ini bisa terlibat dalam mensosialisasikan destinasi wisata,” ucapnya, Rabu (4/12) malam. Selengkapnya di topsatu.com #kominfo #pemersatubangsa #generasimuda #genposting #pariaman #sumbar @berita.topsatu https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rbPv4pYbJ/?igshid=1q7br98vhvyg6
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holanads · 8 years ago
#ProDay adalah singkatan dari Productive Day yang inshAllah untuk selanjutnya akan saya kembangan secara konsisten untuk membagi informasi hari produktif yang saya jalani.
Workshop Photography and Creative Writing
Hari ini saya mendapat ilmu yang sungguh tiada tandingannya, priceless (Still excited). Acara Workshop yang disenggarakan oleh KEMENKOMINFO RI ini bertujuan untuk mengajak generasi millienalis untuk bersama-sama memerangi kejahatan dunia maya khususnya kejahatan penyebaran hoax (berita palsu).
Kali ini Kominfo menggaet beberapa tokoh inspirasional yang tak asing lagi di telinga anak muda masa kini. Mereka adalah Reza Pahlevi a.k.a Om Eza (Vlogger & Blogger), Hana Farhana (Creative Writer/Redaktur Pelaksana Koran Sindo) dan Isdananato Oktianur a.k.a Ka’Yan (Master of Photography)
Dalam sosialisasi Gen Posting (Generasi Positive Thinking) ini mereka berperan sebagai figur yang dapat mempengaruhi anak muda agar terus berkontribusi untuk negeri dan menggunakan sosial media dengan bijak.
Tak bisa dipungkiri lagi bahwa ketajaman dan kemajuan teknologi membuat kita mau tau mau harus siap menjadi Digital-Person. Setiap orang dari berbagai kalangan, latar belakang, profesi, dan tingkat usia yang berbeda-beda pasti pernah menjadi sumber pekatnya asap. Di antara setiap kita pasti pernah setidaknya menulis baik itu untuk kepentingan akademik hingga kesenangan semata dan menyebarkannya di dunia maya (sosial media)
Merajalelanya hoax membuat kita kalut dan tenggelam dalam hidup yang membingungkan, hasutan, kebencian hingga penipuan menyebar ke segala penjuru dunia secara cepat dan masif. Dan, lagi-lagi anak muda adalah salah satu objek/sasaran/target empuk dari perang dingin ini. Kebebasan kita berpendapat malah menyerempet keluar jalur yang negatif sehingga menimbulkan Mass Self Communication.
Dari acara ini saya sebagai putri bangsa, generasi muda, dan sekaligus penggiat tulisan belajar banyak mengenai arti sebuah photo dan tulisan. Pandangan saya terhadap suatu hal seyogyanya harus membawa dampak positif dan memberikan solusi bagi pembaca, bukan malah memancing opini melenceng atau salah kaprah yang tak terselesaikan dan berujung perselisihan.
Menulis = Memasak
Sama halnya memasak, menulis juga terdiri dari beberapa komposisi yang saling berkesinambungan. Pemilihan bumbu dan takaran yang sesuai akan menghasilkan makanan (tulisan) yang enak sehingga dapat dinikmati orang banyak. Menimbulkan ‘kekenyangan’ hakiki, serta menambah referensi rasa di lidah. Seperti itulah tulisan. Kita dapat memberikan pembelajaran baru bagi orang lain dengan perspektif lain dari diri kita. Memperkenalkan point of view kita tentang suatu hal tentunya dengan cara yang terbaik.
Writing is an extreme privilege. It’s also a gift. It’s a gift to yourself and it’s a gift of giving a story to someone.
Di atas ada pesan dari Mba Hana untuk teman-teman penulis sekalian. Saya memberanikan diri untuk meminta advice beliau, kami terlanjur dekat pada saat seminar berlangsung (akunya lasak sih yaa, sibuk mengacungkan tangan untuk mencoba aktif bertanya, jadinya begini. alhamdulillah.) Btw, itu seharusnya “Hai Nadya dan...” cuma belum terekam hahaha.
to be continued.. (Saya akan menuliskan jawaban dari narasumber atas pertanyan saya pada saat seminar. Tentunya akan memotivasi teman-teman semua)
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