#genius? no just a silly little jokester who tortures herself
ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
OH MY GOD. I'm late to the game (which is funny because I DM'd you on Wednesday after you posted it) in reading chapter 60. I need to just actually use Ao3 the correct way and subscribe to stories but OMG!
I need you to know that this line: "He’s always known he would die for her, long before he’d identified the love he gardened for her, but he’s never been more sure of it than now." BETTER NOT MEAN WHAT I THINK IT MEANS MA'AM.
*tiny voice* I would die.
It was such a gorgeous chapter, I'm literally here sobbing. It was so poetically written and perfect. I know we joke about you torturing us with Mordor, but I can't wait for the torture to begin and for it to be epic and absolutely destroy our hearts. And hopefully there will be a happy ending then too.
Otherwise I propose a general readers strike until you write us an AU to the AU? Cool? Cool. We can not read under these conditions.
Anyway, I love you, you genius.
nonsense there’s no such thing as late to the game! i know some people who are waiting to read until i finish this (and some people who ended up getting impatient and reading anyways which was sort of funny to witness i can’t lie 😭)
and i have no clue what you think that means. 😀 not a single clue. what could that be possibly mean? he just loves her. he loves her a lot. (i need to stop being such a sarcastic jerk oh my gosh)
there’s this phrase i once heard that goes “the waiting is torturous. i hope it’ll last” or at least something along those lines and i think about it a lot while writing this story. i feel like i’ve built and hyped up this sequel quite a bit, and i really hope it meets everyone’s expectations and standards! especially mine haha
also, crazy thing - earlier today i literally had the thought “i’m going to have to write a fix it fic for my own damn fix it fic”. maybe amongst the angst i’ll occasionally come on here and do up some fluffy requests for the entire AU. like, sure, they’re fighting vecna in the current chapter, but would anyone like some ‘willow and eddie adopt their first stray cat’ happiness? just me? okay okay fair enough
i’m sending allllll the love right back at you, you wonderful human being. forever grateful for you guys and putting up with my tomfoolery
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