#genius they started the anime today
sprooknooky · 3 months
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Omg Irene content
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amamisa · 5 months
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premise. ranpo loves to give you all sorts of little riddles, but this one might have you stumped the most out of all of them.
story notes! fem!reader. fluff! reader works as part of the ADA office staff. animated dividers by @/cafekitsune!
love, misa ‹3 if you know what the title is referencing, ily! also, reblogs, comments and interactions are vrie appreciated!
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“. . . Pardon?”
Ranpo looks to you with a pointedly smug grin playing on his face, hands relaxedly folded behind his head as he leans back in the ADA office’s chair. It creaks beneath him as he plants his feet atop the mahogany desk and swivels around slowly, a sign that you should probably get the seat oiled soon.
“It’s simple, is it not?” He asks and you slowly shake your head no, mouth slightly agape when he starts to sigh, repeating his prior statement.
“Sixty-four equals sixty-five, and that’s that!”
You blink a few times, hoping that the information sinks in a little more inside of your beain just long enough that you can even begin to process whatever he means.
The words play back in your mind like an old VHS tape, abruptly coming to a halt when you can’t fall into a proper, conclusive or logical answer that would make sense in any normal situation.
“That’s . . . false,” you begin to argue, albeit a bit unsurely as you have no idea what to even say in the moment. Your mouth moves faster than your brain as you tell him the only logical thing you can think of.
“If sixty-four equalled sixty-five than it would be sixty-five and not sixty-four.”
Ranpo lets out a laugh, only telling you that “You’re wrong,” and for a second you look around the ADA office wondering if there were any cameras filming the two of you. You find that the other office clerks are merely seated at their own desks though, watching the spectacle between you and Ranpo go down, and a little amused at your bewilderment.
You’d think that for a man who is labelled as the greatest detective in all of Yokohama (and quite possibly the entire world once you took into account his inherent genius and lack of an ability), that much would make sense for someone like him.
Surely he couldn’t have said a more incorrect statement than that with such confidence in himself.
But no, of course not.
It’s Ranpo you’re dealing with, and he says a lot of odd little phrases and sayings just to mess with your head sometimes. It started since your first day with the ADA, it’s been years now and he’s still going too.
He doesn’t show any signs of stopping soon either.
(“You just look so funny with your face all scrunched up in thought!” He once told you after a particularly difficult riddle that had you stumped for hours on end until the end of the work day, afterwhich you realized the answer was unfathomably easy once he had revealed it to you.
Nobody else in the ADA could’ve gotten it though, so it saved you at least some of your dignity.)
You assume that this must be another one of those cryptic riddles he’s thrown your way, maybe a test to see if you’ve somehow managed to improve from last time. An inkling of hope swells inside your chest, hoping that today is the day you finally manage to answer correctly to one of Ranpo’s mysterious riddles.
Setting down the bowl of candies in your hands on his desk, you stand in thought for a moment, scouring your brain for anything that could relate to the riddle as Ranpo delightedly digs into the newfound treats, appearing blissful to the mental agony he loves to put you through sometimes.
The little dish clinks against his fingernails as he searches through the pile of sweets for his favourites at the bottom, the sound of the plastic unwrapping in tune with the beat of the ticking in your brain while you think over his words from earlier.
He gave no set up, no punch line, no nothing at all. There wasn’t any indistinguishable context to the riddle-like words that you could recall, it was only—
“Sixty-four equals sixty-five . . .” Ranpo hears you mutter underneath your breath, and his lips curl up in delight as he munches on a decadent chocolate truffle, filled with sticky caramel and generous bits of toffee.
The caramel sticks to his teeth, with the toffee clinging to the sides of his tongue and the roof of his mouth as he chews away at the treat, patiently watching while you continue to talk to yourself, still thinking over his words from earlier.
“Could it be a math riddle? No, that’s not possible though if we’re going by technical math terms and rules . . . Maybe something to do with physics? But how could anything simultaneously be sixty-four and sixty-five?”
Ranpo’s mischievous grin only continues to grow as you remain oblivious to his watchful eyes, and his gaze scans over your features, wordlessly taking in your appearance.
Your knitted brows, the way you subconsciously pout your lips whenever you’re in deep thought, your crossed arms, all while unknowingly talking to yourself as you piece together the clues.
Ranpo sees it all as clear as day. And he finds it unbelievably cute.
“Maybe it’s about hex codes from the colour wheel, since one colour can look different depending on the background it’s placed over. It could have less to do with the numbers themselves than the meaning or history behind them—”
“Are you done yet?” You’re brought back to reality by the sound of Ranpo’s voice interrupting your thoughts, head perking up as you’re met with the sight of his nougat stuffed cheeks. All puffed out and full of sugar as he holds back a laugh once he sees how quickly your face softened from it’s previously hardened features.
“You were taking forever to solve that one! And it’s really not that hard to begin with!”
“Speak for yourself,” you scoff, taking one of the chocolates from the bowl and unwrapping it for yourself. The plastic crinkles beneath your fingertips, you stuff the wrapper in your pocket before popping it into your mouth.
The caramel sauce encased in the hard chocolate shell explodes when you crunch down on it, a sweet little victory to make up for the quizzical hurdles you’re put through on a regular basis, courtesy of the man sitting right across from you.
“You’re Yokohama’s greatest detective, it’s obvious that these sorts of riddles come naturally to you,” you wholeheartedly confess, savouring the light cocoa and sweet, subtly coconut flavours that coat your tongue. “I’m not like you, Ranpo. Nobody in the ADA is, what takes us twelve weeks to solve you can answer in twelve seconds.”
“Awee, really?” He giggles, swiping more of the little candies from the bowl on his desk. He seems to have missed the original point entirely by now, as he motions for you to continue, “Go on, tell me more about how great I am!”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at him, maybe you shouldn’t have gassed him up so much during your little acknowledgement speech. Though with the cases he’s solved in his repertoire, you really can’t argue against that title of his.
“No, you’ve had enough of that from Kunikida and Atsushi just this morning alone.”
A small pout graces Ranpo’s lips as you sigh, ignoring the kicked puppy eyes he gives you while walking back to your desk, continuing to mutter underneath your breath the same words that will probably leave you stumped for the next few days on end.
“Sixty-four equals sixty-five?”
Ranpo cranes his head as he eats away at the rest of his candy stash, watching you immediately turn to one of your co-workers from his own work space to ask them the same question Ranpo gave you, inquiring about any clues they might have as to the answer.
“No, there’s gotta be an answer,” he overhears when your colleague shrugs their shoulders, simply telling you that whatever Ranpo says is probably just a load of gibberish meant to mess with your mind.
“Just— just give me anything you can think of, okay? I’ll solve one of his riddles one day.”
The sight has Ranpo smiling behind the back of his hand, eyes crinkling at the corners with glowing cheeks when you sees you bring out one of your notepads from the desk drawer’s, clicking your pen as you begin to write down any guesses you might have to tell him later.
Truth be told, unlike the rest of the spontaneous mind games Ranpo pulls on you— this one has no actual meaningful answer. At least, not one that you’d understand at the moment if he were to tell you it’s solution.
But despite that looming factor always casting it’s dark shadow onto you, the thought of Ranpo giving you a riddle truly impossible to solve has never really crossed your mind.
Otherwise, you would very easily give up solving them after just a moment of contemplation.
Ranpo’s noticed though that you tend to wallow on them for days at a time unless he comes clean and tells you the answer in it’s entirety, letting his silly and easily misconstrued words stew inside your head during your lunch breaks and slow times at the ADA where you’ll maybe sometimes bound up to him excitedly with a guess as to what you think the answer is.
It’s charming how much thought you put into your solutions, and admittedly you’ve gotten quite close a few times to figuring them out all on your own. Ranpo’s always impressed with whatever you come up with, even if it’s outlandishly ridiculous or nowhere even close to the actual answer itself.
It’s really your explanations and logic behind them that he likes, with some of the ideas you bring up for splutions are those that he hasn’t even thought of beforehand until you ask him if they’re right.
(Sometimes he wants to cut your little game short and just give you the win for once if your guess is creative enough.
But where’s the fun in that?)
He’ll give you more of these up until the day you leave the ADA (though he hopes that’s not anytime soon) if it means he gets to see that delightful little confused but hopeful expression you make while deep in thought.
Your persistence in finding out the answer on your own until you’ve been truly worn out by him is also admirable.
Because while you’re always just a bit confused by all the different riddles, puzzles and play-on-words he hounds on you each day, he finds that you’ve yet to actually reject his proposal to solving them, never even considering walking away from his absurdity unlike with most people he knows if he asked them the same.
He prays it’ll stay that way too.
Otherwise, who else would he have to fawn over in secret?
Ranpo deduces that while you may be clever (anyone who works at the ADA is, it’s basically a requirement when working with ability users such as them), he’s always just a few steps ahead of you.
It’s not an insult towards you on his end in any way either. Your way of thinking is totally different from his own, but he reasons out that he can make arrangements to improving your logical deduction abilities once he finally figures out how to convey his feelings for you.
Properly, and not through a series of complex paradoxes and logic puzzles.
The most complex riddle of them all though that the ADA office staff asks themselves each day while witnessing the two of you has to be:
Whose logical reasoning is really being tested here again? Yours, or Ranpo’s?
The ADA believes that Ranpo should use less of his time giving you intrinsically methodical puzzles and focus more of his energy on realizing his blooming, lovesick crush.
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works © amamisa 2024. no copying or stealing, please!
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atombombkaytee · 5 months
I’ve watched the entire series again today in a hungover state and I CAN’T DEAL with all the parallels.
I mean, when Lucy finds out about her Dad’s true actions and origins - her whole world falls apart. She saw the vaults as safety - she looked up to her Dad more than anyone else in the world. She learns that he’s lied about who he is as a man and as her father, but also she must realise that the vault’s are hiding their own dirty secrets (especially after her experience at vault 4) and that her Dad is a part of that too. She even says to Max, after leaving vault 4, that if she destroyed a whole community to save him, he would be heartbroken: when that’s exactly what he did on an even grander and more terrible scale. Lucy’s life wasn’t even in direct danger to warrant that reaction - he’s just an insecure selfish arsehole.
At the very same time we see the flashback scene of Coop hearing Barb suggest that they drop the bombs on America. This woman that he loves and trusts and has made a family with - who he said he fell in love with because she always tries to do the right thing. Their reactions at the point of realisation - shock, inability to speak, almost dissociation - are both extremely similar. Him having gone through that betrayal before (and likely plenty of times since) is EXACTLY why he talks to Lucy how he does. He’s preparing her for the eventual heartbreak - because he has experience which states that nothing could ever be as perfect as she claims her life is. When he’s making ass jerky from Roger, he even tells her: there’s what people say they do and then there’s what they really do.
When you look at all of that, really, in the scheme of things, Coop - the man that she’s seen as this inhuman, cruel, murderous monster - he’s the good guy. He too thought his wife’s business with vault tec was abhorrent. Yes, he’s been warped and twisted by the wasteland and by his own trauma - but he does see this brightness in Lucy. He thought she was just naive and full of bullshit (especially being a vault dweller. Something which I’m sure triggered him considering his past with vault tec and the links to his wife) but when she proved herself by giving him the vials instead of letting him die, he’s probably amazed that there’s someone left in the world who isn’t just a liar and a terrible person. He’s so used to betrayal and violence by this point. She’s a good person - a trait that he literally said he was in love with his wife because of. She softens him.
But she also proves herself in another way - by shooting her feralled mother - showing that she’s also grown and learnt that not everything is black and white. It’s not just “good and bad” in this world. And although Coop has questionable morals, he’s honest, like her. He tells it how it is. Plus, after her Dad’s huge life changing betrayal and her time in the wasteland, she understands a little more why Coop has done all the things that she’s seen him do - I mean he did meet her pretty much day one out of the vault initially - hence why she goes with him. He has hardened her up to protect her in the wasteland.
Wilzig even says “will you still want the same things when you’re a different animal altogether.”
My god. It’s just genius. Absolutely genius.
“You comin’?”
Edit: Can we also talk about how Coop is basically the inspiration for the vault boy - who Lucy basically looks to (physically a few times throughout the series) for inspiration to do the right thing. AND the fact that her Dad was obviously a bit obsessed with Coop and probably still was when Lucy was born, seeing as he’d been in a pod and had only just woken up, retaining recent memories. So Lucy likely watched all of his films and her Dad maybe even saw him as a bit of a role model (or at least his in-film characters). AND the obvious exchange of index fingers. Yup. Honestly if this relationship doesn’t become cannon, I will start dropping bombs too.
ANOTHER EDIT: Sorry one last thing but, I just want to add: nothing that post-war Coop does is personal. It’s either: to get a job done, survival, because he’s been triggered by something (understandable after what’s he been through) or, in Lucy’s case, to teach a (admittedly often harsh) lesson. He doesn’t just mindlessly kill - or particularly enjoy killing - he just has no issue with it, it’s all just means to an end. He even still remembers to pay for his tomatoes in Filly ffs haha… I imagine he’s extremely numb and devoid of all feeling - except for when it comes to his wife and little girl. That’s the only time we see more visceral reactions in either actions or dialogue from him. He’s such an intricate character and Walton did an amazing job of portraying him.
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pedge-page · 1 month
Joel Dealing with Sarah: Super Woman, Super Wife
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Little Sarah having a blast today going to the park then meeting with friends then getting ice cream, just pure summer fun all day with Dad as her chauffeur. Until it's night time and she's in her car seat and suddenly remembers something, looks around desperately, and starts panicking:
She lost her favorite squishmellow.
Starts screaming and crying and kicking her feet, and Joel is freaking out because it's literally the only thing she sleeps with, carries around 24/7, in the mud and in the pool, to bed and to dinner, and if she lost it.... its all hell. And he knows it probably fell out of the car on the road at some point today as she got in and out of the back. The chances of finding it all torn up and squished into the asphalt are slim as is.
You get a frantic 3 calls from Joel. When you pick up, you hear uncontrolled wailing in the background.
"Joel I can't hear you! What's going on?"
"ITS ALL FUCKING HELL BREAKING LOOSE!" He shouts into the receiver, one finger plunged deep into his ear canal while pressing his phone into the other.
"Im coming home! Just wait for me!"
You rush through the door, a raucous of fat tears and inconsolable shrieks greeting you. Joel is literally burying Sarah in a mountain or her stuffed animals trying to calm her. He thinks youre gonna run towards them and give her a big hug and do SOMETHING Mommy Magical. Instead, you run upstairs without greeting them.
Joel keeps trying, his ears ringing, ready to just duct tape her mouth shut. Nothing is giving her any peace unless it's her one of a kind, super soft , special, best friend, s--
As Sarah reaches forward, smiling for the first time all afternoon, Joel sees you approaching excitedly, waving her pristine and glorious squishmellow. His daughter grasps it tightly and hugs it with all her might.
"How the hell did you find it?" Joel asks you. He's beyond fucking amazed. His superhuman, super hero, magician of a wife never once failing to deliver. He thinks you should write a book on your powers. "How did you get it so clean??"
As Sarah reunites with her Squishy, you take Joel upstairs to the back of your closet, in a high reach inconspicuous box labeled "for emergencies only". He always assumed it was an extra stash of bandaid, or maybe some special makeup in case you get a random case of acne.
You open the mysterious cover and reveal 10 vacuumed sealed, brand new, unopened squishmellows EXACTLY like the one Sarah has downstairs.
"You thought I just bought one the first time?" You chuckle at Joel's jaw dropped expression, probably marveling at what a fucking genius you are.
Though when you two return downstairs, your heart stops for a moment as Sarah suspiciously eyes her seemingly "rescued" plush from afar. Narrow eyes of distrust on its gleaming perfect unstained, brightly colored body, as if she can smell it's factory newness, false nose, and her scheming parents...
Thankfully, she shrugs and goes back to feeding it her dinner at the table. You and Joel let out a sigh of relief.
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sl-vega · 4 months
Hi Vee, I would like to request a sick! gn reader with some of the genshin characters (Yae Miko, Wanderer, Albedo, and Kazuha) where reader can’t really talk all to well cause of said sickness. What sort of shenanigans would ensue as our dear reader tries to communicate. It’d also be really cool if the reader knew a bit of sign language and tried to communicate that way (your choice on whether the characters know it or don’t). Have a lovely morning/day/evening!
pairings: Yae Miko, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha x [GN!] Reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanons/drabbles, canon compliant, sick! reader, reader knows sign language
synopsis: in which your s/o tries their best to make you feel better since you've fallen ill
CW: mild language, potentially ooc, vee doesn't know how to do headcanons so you have been warned
additional notes: lol perfect timing for this request cuz I'm actually sick rn // header credits: yae header by @/k1aya on pinterest, albedo header by @/kuno on pinterest, wanderer header by @/ggoldiz on pinterest, Kazuha header by @/detailuffy on pinterest
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YAE MIKO-Divina Vulpes
miss girl would be babying you 100%
kinda acts more like your mom than your s/o in this case tbh
"I told you not to go adventuring in the rain!" but then she goes back to saying shit like "aww you poor thing~, let me get some soup for you"
yae would also tease you too, cuz yk, she's yae miko
since she's not human, I don't think she can get sick, well not any human diseases at least
she tries her best to be there for you though, probably reads a bunch of light novels from her publishing house to help you fall asleep
if you try to communicate via sign language to her, she probably just hushes you and grabs your hands so you stop frantically making hand signs
cuz she wants you to get your rest
I think she does know a little sign language, but she never really committed to learning it, she'd gladly start for you though
i think she'd turn into her fox form and let you cuddle with her like she's a stuffed animal
totally not projecting rn
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ALBEDO-Princeps Cretaceus
he'd def send sucrose over to check on you if he's busy, but once he's done with his work, he is SPRINTING over to check on you
✨he's a runner he's a track star✨
maybe it's just me but I feel like Albedo would be the type of boyfriend that worries over you a lot
when he does come over, he probably has lots of concoctions that are supposed to clear your throat, but they're probably made of...
less than delicious materials
and you aren't becoming your boyfriend's personal test subject no thank you, not today
since he has a little sister, he knows how to take care of you
probably has experience cuz klee would get super sick after running around in the rain for too long-
makes you chicken soup, and tea, the usual
if you try to communicate with him via sign language due to losing your voice, he'll probably have the same reaction as yae
just forces you to go back to sleep
he def knows sign language (mr. genius🙄) but he wants you to get better as soon as possible
klee also comes over at some point, probably tells you some crazy story about how she tried to blow up dawn winery with diona or smth-
her and Albedo also make some get well cards for you once you fall asleep as well <3
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this mf
if you've heard his voice lines you already know what this bastard would say to you
he'd call you weak and say shit like "a small illness has already rendered you helpless? how pathetic..."
he's a puppet so he's never been sick cuz he can't get sick either
nahida would probably slap him and scold him and tell him to be nicer though
on the inside he's super concerned about you
lowkey, he's afraid of losing you
not that he'd ever admit it-
(tsundere scara for the win)
he's worried that you're going to end up like the child he used to live with, and that you'll become "powerless before your mortality" as he'd like to say
same as yae + albedo, if you'd try to communicate with him via sign language he'll tell you to sleep
(in a slightly aggressive way but he's scara what do you expect?)
i don't think he knows sign language at all tbh
he'll ask nahida about it and he'll probably start borrowing books from the akidemiya and practices in secret for you
he WILL ruin his sleep schedule for you but he'll probably just brush it off and be like: "meh, it was easy."
when in reality this mf has spent an AGONIZING amount of time just to try and impress you
he'll make you tea too, the bitter kind
the VERY bitter kind
oml this sounds like scara slander 😭 dw I actually really like him
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like albedo, he'd be super worried about you
tells beidou that he needs to make sure you're okay before the crux leaves for it's next destination
brings you tea, soup, and writes cute little love poems for you while you rest in his lap
tells you stories about his travels while holding your hand and sappy stuff like that
kazuha is a top tier boyfriend fr fr
unlike the others, if you tried to communicate with him via sign language, he let you teach him certain phrases
i think he knows a little bit due to his travels so he's picked up on a bit of it
he thinks it's really cute of how you try to explain things to him since you can't speak so you probably alternate between the hand signs themselves and pen and paper
VERY attentive to you
"slow down love, we have all the time in the world."
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just-wrting · 1 year
Secret Admirer
Title: Secret Admirer
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: You've been trying to figure out who keeps leaving you little notes and gifts. Despite everyone else knowing, you keep denying the obvious answer.
Word Count: 1721
Master List
A/N: This will probably be the only thing I write for Reid. I'm not super into him but when the List Randomizer spat out secret admirer I weirdly thought of him. I plan on trying to write a bunch of different characters from a bunch of different fandoms. Just whoever pops into my head I guess. Two will probably be posted Friday.
You aren’t sure when you noticed it. Maybe it was the fact that your desk was always clean. Maybe it was the little extra things that started to appear. Slowly but surely, you realized you had someone who was leaving you gifts and notes. You had a secret admirer.
Despite your efforts, no one on the team would say anything. For several weeks, you pressed the issue with the other BAU members, yet no one cracked. In fact, you were teased about being unable to figure it out. How could a member of the BAU not figure out their mystery admirer?
“Come on Garcia! I know you know. You have to tell me,” you plead with the tech genius. “You’ve literally been avoiding me. I know you know.”
She lets out a squeak before running to the safety of her lair. Morgan is giving you a smirk and shaking his head. Despite your scowl, he chooses to tease you.
“Come on, (L/N), can’t you figure it out? Who could be this mystery man leaving you gifts and fancy letters?” He laughs as he pokes the latest gift, a small stuffed version of your favorite animal.
“Hey, leave my new son out of this. What did he ever do to you?” you grumble, pulling it closer to you. “I didn’t even realize someone remembered such a little detail.”
“Maybe that means it’s been a long time crush.”
At that moment, Reid sets his bag down and takes a seat at his desk. You think you see Morgan’s grin get wider, but it’s hard to tell given how wide his smile usually is. It’s a picture perfect smile.
“That’s a relatively cute stuffed animal. I’ve actually been reading up on that one recently if you’d like to know more,” he offers. “Only if you’re interested of course.”
Reid gives you his charming boyish smile. It goes well with demeanor and you can’t help but find it cute.
“As long as you’re willing to leave out the creepy facts. I don’t even remember telling anyone my favorite animal,” you say with a smile. “Who would remember such a little detail?”
Morgan chimes back in, “Maybe someone with a perfect memory. Like what the kid has.”
You sigh. “Reid seems to like highly intelligent women with PhDs. I may be smart, but I’m not smart enough.”
Before anyone can protest, Hotch calls you all to the conference room for a case. While you’re sure Reid is nice enough to help whoever has a crush on you, you doubt you’d be his type. Maybe Reid is the perfect person to question about the mystery man.
“Reid, (L/N), you two stay here and look through the papers,” Hotch orders before leaving the precinct.
You frown. What’s the point of having you here? Reid can read faster than you can. It’s almost like you’re just here for moral support in case he gets tired.
“Well now I feel useless,” you groan. “What am I even supposed to do?”
Reid doesn’t look up as he speaks. “Maybe today you’re our mascot. After all, mascots are supposed to be cute.”
You roll your eyes and try not to laugh. “Not all mascots are cute. Recognizable is definitely more important than cute. Besides, am I really that cute?
“I meant to say that compared to Morgan, you’re cute.” Reid buries his head further into the papers.
You ponder for a moment. “Well, you’ve got some charm. Morgan has the charm of he’s good with women so that’s why he gets hit on. Hotch is mature and a leader so that’s why women are into him. You’re cute though. You’ve got this soft sort of shyness that makes you adorable.”
You don’t catch Reid’s reply. His face is completely hidden behind various files. Maybe he’s just embarrassed, given that he’s always been a bit bad with taking compliments. That doesn’t stop you from thinking that it’s adorable.
“Speaking of your charms. I like the fact that you’ve got a good memory. You wouldn’t happen to know who’s got a crush on me, would you?”
He doesn’t look up. “I can pass along a message if you’d like.”
“Well then, I suppose you should tell this guy to ask me out. I can say for certain that if he’s this considerate, that he’s already got my interest.”
“I’ll do that,” he mumbles before handing you a file. “Take a look at this. I think I’ve found what we’ve been missing.”
You peer into the lecture hall. It took some convincing, but you have successfully dragged J.J. to one of Lewis’ classes. You gesture vaguely into the room.
“See! That’s what normal Reid is. Dorky jokes, random facts, and the rambling on for ages is what makes him Reid. That’s not what he’s like around me anymore,” you hiss.
She makes a face and shakes her head. “So you have a different Reid? I don’t think he’s been replaced (L/N). Maybe you’re thinking about it too hard.”
You scoff. “No I’m not. Reid just seems so nervous around me. Did I do something? He barely looks at me anymore.”
With a shrug, she leads you away. “Have you tried asking him?”
You toss your empty coffee cup in a trash can. Part of you wants to throw up your hands and be done. Why is everyone treating this like it’s normal? No one is giving you any answers.
“Of course I have J.J. It would be weirder if I hadn’t. He clearly knows something about this secret admirer of mine, but won’t tell.”
J.J. pats your arm comfortingly. “Maybe it’s because he’s your secret admirer. Perhaps you need to ask him out.”
“Yeah sure. I’ll ask him out once I have the evidence that he’s the person leaving me these gifts.”
J.J. raises her eyebrows as she drinks from her coffee. Her face says she has other thoughts, but she won’t press the matter further. Your gut tells you to trust her, but you’d rather not make a fool of yourself. Sure, she knows Reid better than you do, but Reid can be difficult to read.
After reading the latest note, you search your desk for your stapler. You’ve been stapling the date and time to each note before tucking it in your desk. However, it’s missing.
You let out a groan. This isn’t the first time it’s been in the wrong spot, and you’re sick of it. You opt to beg Garcia to look at the camera footage to see who’s been using it.
“Hey Garcia? Can you please pull up the footage of my desk this morning? Someone’s been using my stapler, and today they stole it,” you grumble with a scowl. “Whoever took it is going to get some very strong words.”
As she speeds through the footage, you watch the people who got there before you. At first, you see Reid pause at your desk and fiddle with something. You note that he’s the only person in the office at the time, but after he pulls away, you see your stapler still on the desk.
The next person to stop at your desk is Morgan. He pulls your stapler off your desk and staples his paperwork together as he heads to Hotch’s office. He never sets it back on your desk.
“Garcia? Can you please get my stapler from that idiot?”
She laughs. “Has he been using your stapler this whole time? He said there wasn’t any more in the supply room.”
You shake your head. “You like him so much, you can retrieve my stolen goods from him.”
Garcia nods. “I’m on it. You can count on me.”
You leave her to her planning. You don’t comment on the fact that Reid had been at your desk. If you ask her about it, she’ll just  leave you alone to go get your stapler. This is enough evidence for you though. It’s time to confront Reid.
Thankfully, he’s made his way to the conference room to look for something. You sneak in behind him and stand between him and the door.
“So, what did you need from my desk this morning?”
You watch him jump and spin around. He looks shocked, but quickly covers it up.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, (L/N).”
You frown. “I found out my stapler was missing. Garcia showed me the footage and before it went missing, you were at my desk. What did you do?”
Reid opens and closes his mouth a few times. He doesn’t look at you. His hands keep fiddling with whatever he’s holding.
“Forget about it, I’m sure there was just some trash leftover that you cleaned up.”
He swallows hard. “Yeah. I didn’t want you to have to worry about it.”
You give him a smile. “Thanks. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you about something else. The others seem to think I’m just talking myself out of it, but I think I can't put it off any longer.”
You make your way towards him, your smile still plastered on your face. You can tell he’s even more nervous now.
“Reid, are you my secret admirer?”
This time, Reid looks you in the eyes. You hear his breath hitch in his throat.
“What if I am?”
You’re a bit taken aback. Despite the determination you had walking into this, you aren’t sure what to say.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Your voice is a whisper now. It feels like some sort of dream. It’s almost like if you talk too loud, this whole thing will shatter and you’ll be left in pieces.
“I didn’t think you’d like me back. Your type just didn’t seem to include me.”
Reid hesitantly pushes a strand of hair out of your face.
“You’re more my type than you realize.”
“Then do you want to get dinner tonight?”
Now you’re the one who's acting nervous. Your palms are sweaty. It’s more difficult to breathe. You can’t help but bite your lip.
“I’d like that. If you’re willing to get dinner with me.”
Reid leans down, and gives you a quick kiss. It barely lasts a second, but you can feel your skin heat up. When he pulls away, he stays close.
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
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vktrsnclr · 1 year
pairing: miguel o'hara x f reader
summary: you're a college freshman in biochemistry and miguel is your professor in biochemical engineering, a major subject that you're about to fail.
warning: I'm a feminist and I'm concerned.
word count: 1.9k+
contents: humiliation, degradation, age gap, height difference, fingering, oral sex, p in v, hair pulling, public groping.
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It's your first year in college studying biochemistry, the exam results for the first semester's finals are supposed to be distributed today.
Your professor in biochemical engineering, Mr. O'hara discusses the grading system for the second semester but you're losing out of focus. You're staring at his thick voluptuous thighs, thick veiny hands and imagined how he would choke you with it.
You took a gulp at the thought of it. He then started the distribution of the report cards. Your stare followed him as he sat on the table, individually calling out your names and distributing the cards.
"Parker, good job. Reyes, do better next time. Stacy, impressive. Stark..... dios mio." His voice was hoarse. The way he says your last name followed by a spanish term you don't understand sounded like a moan but truly, a term of disappointment.
"Ms. Stark... Are you seriously daydreaming right now?" He asks with a stern voice.
"Oh um, no sir. W-What is it?" Your classmates tried to hold their laugh, you can hear them giggling.
"Get your ass over here." He orders. You stood and walked up to him, hands behind your back, signing 'fuck you' to all of your classmates.
"What are we gonna do with this?" He points at your grade in bio-engineering which is his subject and a major too. You looked at it by bending your torso down, slightly bowing cause you have an eyesight of a dying man. Your cleavage flashes in front of him unintentionally. He tries to look away and focus your report card.
"2.0 (C/73-76%). This is bad." Everyone in your school knows that you're a daughter of a billionaire genius and this is what you got.
Deep inside, you know that the reason you failed is because you've been partying too hard. Just like your father, you're a party animal.
"What can I do?" You asked worriedly.
"Meet me at my office at 6. Class dismissed." He stood up, towering over you at 6'9 ft. He walked out of the room with your classmates.
Your friend, Gwen Stacy clinged on your arm on the way to the cafeteria. You sat with her and his boyfriend, Peter Parker. You can't really understand what they're saying cause your mind is split between your daddy getting disappointed and your disappointed professor being such a daddy.
Four hours later, it's time to go home but you still have to go to Mr. O'Hara regarding your first semester results. You walked into an empty faculty, the other teachers already went home. You walked by Miguel's office window and saw him looking at his watch with what seems to be an irritated brow. You proceeded to walk inside his office, it's smells good and is neatly organized.
"Good evening Mr. Ohara."
"Miss Stark. You're 10 minutes late. Seems like you're not being very committed to your studies." He clenched his jaw and his pair of brow furrowed.
"I'm sorry I was j-"
"Was just expecting 'daddy' to fix it with his money?" He stood up and mocks, pertaining to your father offering a grant to your school.
"No... sir, I just ran into my friends." You opposed, looking down at the floor.
"Are they gone?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. Sit down." He sighs.
In a heartbeat, you sat down in a reclining chair right next to the table. He walks up to you, taking his crotch inches away from your face.
"Good girl." He takes your chin to look up at him. The view made your heart race and your cunt twitch.
"You think I'm not aware of your lustful eyes, hermosa?" He looks directly into your eyes with his hands still on your chin. Your eyes gawks and your face slowly turns red, not knowing what to say.
"Mr- Sir, I uh, I'm here for extra credits." You stuttered.
"Uh huh, what else?" He leans down, not breaking an eye contact.
"Uhhh... um m-my dad can pay you!" You blurted out of nowhere. You didn't know what to say since your mind is occupated by dirty thoughts but now you just seemed like a brat.
"Daddy's money hmm?"
"I'm your daddy here." He whispered roughly onto your ear, his hands shifted from your chin into your neck, gently gripping under your jaws.
"Daddy?" You spoke weakly.
"That's right, bitch." He replied with smirk.
You kind of expected this as a cliché porn category but you had no idea that you're gonna experience this in real life.
"You want credits? You little slut?" He cups the side of your cheeks and leans back to watch your face near his pants again.
"Yes! Yes, I want it." You nodded in agreement.
"Then earn it." He grabs a fistful of your hair and rubs it softly in his black pants with a huge bulge on it. You can smell his essence leaking from the fabric. This is all you ever dreamed of since the first day of school, you didn't think it would happen but it DID. All of your fantasies, clothed in black, sliding across your face.
You unbuttoned his pants in a hurry, dropping his undergarments down then finally busting his dick in front of you.
"Good girl." He slapped your face and you loved it. You proceeded to wet your lips to seduce him. He gripped on your hair tighter as you lick the tip of his 8-inch fat cock.
"Fuck." He groans, his voice deep and hoarse. You licked his length, wetting it together with his pre-cum leaking from the tip then swirled your tongue in its head while jerking him off.
"Holy shit you're good." The corner of his lip curling upwards.
He started throat fucking you, his head thrown back, moaning in pleasure. His cock reached your throat but you continued to take it until your eyes water. Miguel likes the way you look, internally choked by his massive cock.
He drags you up and makes you open your mouth as you spread your tongue that still has his pre-cum.
"Swallow." He ordered and you followed. You showed him an empty tongue to prove it.
"I'm gonna fucking destroy you." He places his hand on your chin to squeeze your face and starts kissing you roughly, like you've taken something from him. This is exactly how you want it. It's wet, sloppy and aggressive.
His kisses trailed down on your neck, you let him take off your clothes, even tear it up. He threw your designer clothes in the air like it was nothing. You would let this man do anything to you.
He began to roam his hands all over your body, from pumping your breasts down to your vagina, already dripping. He circles his middle finger on your clit sensually.
"You want this?" Miguel asks between the kisses.
"Uh huh." Your mouth can't form a proper word but a moan. He slaps you again, wanting you to say it clearly.
"You want this, you whore?!" He dips his hand on your hole, teasing you.
"Yes daddy, do it!" A high pitch pornographic whine came out of your mouth.
He then crooks his head onto your neck, leaving marks as he rams his finger up in your hole, sounds of wet squelching, moans and ass slaps filled the corners of his office. He reaches for the back of your clit inside your tight cunt and it drove you crazy. Your eyes roll at the back of your head. Unlike your other sexual partners, Miguel knows all about human anatomy.
"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you." He takes your hands from his cock to your back, pulls his belt out of his pants and then ties your wrists.
"Yes please, I've been dreaming of this." You replied while he bends you over on the desk.
"Oh I bet you do you fucking slut." Miguel teases the tip of his cock on your clit, both wet from foreplay.
"Please fuck... fuck me."
Without any reply, Miguel rams his long and fat dick inside you, filling your walls with euphoria.
You groaned in pain after he put his full length in.
"Daddy it hurts."
"Nah, you can take it cariño." He reassures then pins your head on the desk while thrusting deep on your leaking hole.
"You... You've been spending a lot of time with that Parker boy huh? You like him?" He asks curiously, grabbing your hair.
"No, please he's with Gwen." You explained.
"You guys fuckin? Huh?" He ignores your answer while pounding at your pussy, making you scream in pain and pleasure.
"No daddy, Pleaaase.... I only want you. I want youuu." He grabs your tits from the back, holding it for support as his pace goes slower, making it comfortable for you.
"That's my girl. Now I'm gonna make you mine." His last words before sucking the skin off of your neck, leaving love marks that is visible to everyone.
"Ironman's daughter, pumping on my dick with her drenched punani. What's he gonna do? Save you?" He laughs devilishly. At this point you didn't care about your reputation. Your body wants him, even your cunt pulses everytime you peak behind your back to see him using you.
"You're my daddy, please fuckin destroy me." You surrendered. Miguel removes his belt on your wrists and puts it back as he pins it over your head in missionary position. Now, he can see your face while he fucks you, your lips smeared in red lipstick, smiling psychotically. Becoming undone by the stroke of his dick, his hands playing with your nipples and the other holding your wrists.
Your smile made him excited. His thrusts go faster and faster as you scream his name. "Mr. O'hara I'm cumming." You whined. It made him chuckle, you using honorifics despite your pussy currently being destroyed. He bit his lips, carried you by the hips, using you as his fucktoy. He pumps his dick in your tight little hole in a doggy position. Your feet doesn't even touch the floor because of your height difference. You simply just hang in the air with your pussy continously getting pounded.
"Shit shit shit I'm cumming." He whimpers.
"Cum inside daddy." It's the first time you had sex without protection and now you want him to cum inside you.
"That's right, princesa."
He continued plunging his sword into your uterus ramming even harder, seconds later, he busts his load. Your pussy's leaking with his thick cum all the way to your thighs. He lets go of your hips and places you on the table, back arched, pussy flowing.
He puts your panties back without cleaning your pussy, only the sides and the extra cum dripped on your legs and thighs.
"You did great, mija" He kisses your forehead.
"I did?"
"Yes you did." He smiles softly, saying it like he's a proud mentor.
After that encounter, he kept you as his pet, your friends noticed the hickeys on your neck every now and then and your alibi is always getting burnt by the hair curler. Flash Thompson even joked that the hair curler you're talking about is Mr. O'Hara.
Even if you denied it and threatened him with a lawsuit, It's obvious. Your lustful stares in the classroom, the special treatment you get in class above all the other students.
At times when the corridor is empty, he would grope your ass, spank it and squeeze it until you reach the classroom, walking in together at the same time. Your friends would always ignore the same smell coming out of you and Mr. O'hara. Fucking in every empty room, any chance that you get. You've certainly become the teacher's pet.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
a request for butch tattoo artist sevika pls 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
anon ur a genius!! i hope u like it <3
men and minors dni
in a modern au, i always filp flop on how to incorporate sevika's mechanical arm into her character. sometimes i think she has a prosthetic, but sadly prosthetics today can't move and function as well as her prosthetic in canon, so sometimes i think she just has severe nerve and tissue damage on her arm from a fire.
which is what we're gonna do for tattoo artist sev.
she starts getting into tattoos because of her arm. she struggles with its appearance, so she teaches herself how to do stick and pokes with household objects. she practices on oranges and bananas until she feels comfortable enough with it, then she starts tattooing her arm.
it starts with a few stars on her wrist, a lightening bolt on her pinky.
she likes it.
she likes it so much, that every time she feels especially depressed about her arm (about once a week) she adds a new tattoo. it always manages to cheer her up-- the ability to create something beautiful on something (she considers) mangled.
she starts sketching ideas for new tattoos-- skulls, flowers, various animals.
she starts practicing different fonts too.
eventually, when she's got about a quarter of her arm covered up in simple line art stick and pokes, she gives in and buys herself a tattoo gun.
within a year, she's got a full sleeve-- all done by herself.
her friends start asking her for tattoos, which leads to friends of friends asking for tattoos in exchange for money, which leads to silco finding her and offering her an apprenticeship at his tattoo and piercings shop.
she says yes without hesitation.
it's the first job she's ever had that she actually loves. once she's finished with her apprenticeship, she specializes in tattoos that cover scars-- whether they're from injuries, surgeries, or self harm.
seeing her clients cry in the mirror at the sight of their new art-- something beautiful drawn over a painful memory-- never fails to get her a little misty eyed herself.
she always wears wife-pleasers to show off her ink. even in the winter-- she'll bundle up under sweaters and coats until she gets to the shop where she strips down until her arms are bare.
she's not too fussy about her clothes-- prefers comfort over fashion. cargo pants, jeans, and sweatpants are her go-to's. she keeps her hair slicked back with gel, out of her face and behind her ears.
the first time you meet-- you almost pass out at the sight of her.
you'd come in for a piercing on your nostril. it had gone smoothly, silco instructing you to breathe in, then out as he shoved the needle through your skin. he shoved the stud in, and helped you stand when sevika walked in from her lunch break.
silco helped you sit back down, explaining that sometimes people get shaky from the shock and adrenaline. you nodded along, not wanting to tell him you were actually weak in the knees because of the woman standing before you.
sevika didn't notice you until you were checking out at the front desk. she nearly fucked up her client's leg tattoo she was so busy gawking at you. you caught her staring and smiled shyly, waving at her. she grinned.
sevika's silco's best artist-- which is why he doesn't give her any shit when she puts her gun down and tells her client "one second," before dashing out the store to follow you down the street.
"'scuse me!" she calls out. you whip around, shocked to see the handsome woman jogging after you. "i, um..." she gets choked up standing in front of you, nervous and cursing herself for being crazy enough to chase after a complete stranger.
"i like your tattoos." you say to fill the awkward silence as sevika tries to find her voice. a bashful smile creeps up her lips.
"yeah." you say. "'specially this one." you say, pointing to the 'DYKE' knuckle tattoos on her left fingers.
sevika sputters and blushes, it takes her a solid minute to reply to you.
"do you... ever think about getting some of your own?" she asks eventually. you raise an eyebrow.
"who says i don't already have some?" you ask. she blinks, her eyes quickly scanning up and down your body like she's trying to figure out where, exactly, you were hiding your ink. she has to clear her throat and shake her head to stop the dirty thoughts from clouding her mind.
"well... if you ever want some more..." she says, nervously scratching the back of her neck. you giggle.
"i dunno. tattoos are pretty expensive, it'll be a while 'til i can save up for another." she deflates in front of you and you grin. "but, you know, dinner for two is much less expensive." you suggest. sevika's jaw drops.
you exchange names and numbers, sevika reluctantly returns to her work, only to be interrupted by a ping on her cellphone twenty minutes later.
sevika opens the message and grins when she sees a message from you. she opens it, and nearly falls out of her rolling stool when she sees a picture of your tits barely concealed by your lacy bra, a tattoo peeking out between them. you'd captioned the message: "sneak peek."
it's then that she realizes that she's found her soulmate.
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awkward-halfhug · 2 months
probably not the best sedative | eleventh doctor x reader
summary: pseudo-morning shenanigans
chapter 1 2 3 4 5
contents: fluff, some name-calling, the doctor being a 'genius'
(also on my ao3)
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After that first successful sleepover situation, it became a habit. A routine. A tradition. When you get back from adventuring, you both go your separate ways to freshen up, grab a book to read (in your case), or a a gizmo to fiddle with (in his case), and meet up in one of your usual spots in the TARDIS to decompress, until finally you both fall asleep. 
After he woke up that first time, curled up in a ball on your lap, your legs tucked under you and your upper body curled around his in a way that made him cringe in sympathy for your poor back, he had felt an odd mix between embarrassed, endeared, and incredibly proud of himself for such a great idea. 
For one thing, one of your hands had somehow found its way into his hair at some point. The pressure of your fingertips on his scalp was completely foreign and entirely thrilling. He had been almost afraid to move for fear of breaking the peace and beauty of the moment. 
Almost. But he had really needed to pee. 
Your groggy, half-asleep state had been endearing and if his bladder hadn't been about to burst he would've liked to enjoy it longer. 
Fortunately for him, he would be getting to see a lot more of that cute pout in the weeks to come. 
He's looking at it now, in fact. 
"Hey sleepyhead", the Doctor murmurs into the pseudo-morning air. 
A few simulated birds chirp in the distance to each other. Coupled with the holographic display of the sun rising, the effect is incredibly peaceful. That, and the (safe amounts of) solar rays the TARDIS stores and emits through her projected 'sun', is apparently effective in its goal of keeping you on a regular sleep schedule. The Doctor, too, has been benefiting from these modifications you requested. He feels healthier somehow, more energized. And, surprisingly, happier. Although he's not about to admit this to you, or to the TARDIS for that matter. 
You smile sleepily as you stretch out your tired limbs. 
"M'rnin'" you mumble, before curling back into the Doctor's side. 
The Doctor chuckles in response and tugs you closer. He's never been one to pass up an opportunity when it's right in front of him. The cuddling and the holding each other has grown in frequency and ease since that first sleepover/snuggle session/whatever it was, but it still hasn't lost any if its novelty. Or its comfort.
He holds you close for a little while longer until he feels himself starting to drift off again. He's almost asleep when he hears an animal, very close, and from the sounds of it, possibly very angry. 
His senses on high alert, he whips his head around the room searching for the danger. If he can identify the creature quickly enough he can hopefully protect his companion in time, should it attack.
Had he left the door to the hatchery open again? He wouldn't put it past himself. It's happened plenty of times in the past. Although, the particular species residing there these days isn't one he feels keen on introducing to you. At least not this way.
He's just creeping off the couch, slowly, not making any sudden movements, when he hears it again.
Finally he identifies it.
You crack one sleepy eye open and frown at him when he busts up laughing. He leans back to his original position and scoops you up into his arms. 
"Should I start keeping you in the hatchery?" He asks between chuckles.
You just blink at him in confusion. Suddenly your stomach growls, loudly, demanding it be paid due attention. Your eyes widen and your cheeks color.
"I think I'm hungry." You say, timidly.
The Doctor just laughs louder. You smack him lightly on the chest and he calms down a bit.
"Come on then, we better feed the little beast before it goes on a rampage."
You both climb off the couch reluctantly and let the TARDIS lead you to whatever hallway she placed the kitchen in today.
After eating their meal, you sit together in companionable silence, allowing your brains to wake up for the day. Well, allowing your brain to wake up. His is wide awake now.
His mind is usually spinning a hundred miles an hour every waking minute of the day. And keeping him awake at that. But lately his mind seems to have calmed considerably. It's amazing the affect the woman sitting across from him can have, without even trying.
When you're apparently awake enough to think clearly, you break the silence. "What was that about a hatchery?" 
The Doctor manages to restrain himself from laughing any further at her expense, but he can't keep the smirk from his face as he replies.
"Nothing, dear."
"Dear?" You lift a bemused eyebrow.
Panic. Panic panic panic. That's all his mind supplies him at first. Maybe you've made him a little too relaxed. He still manages to come up with a genius cover for his blunder.
"Er, the hatchery. It's nothing. Have one here. Was talking about that. You gonna finish your tea? I'll finish it if you don't want it."
Before you could comment further on the sudden term of endearment, the Doctor swipes your teacup out of your hands and starts guzzling it as though it weren't scalding hot. Which it is. 
"I was drinking that!" You cry, your face warring between outrage and confusion. Good.
"Sorry. Just couldn't resist. Yours just looked so much better than mine." The Doctor emphasizes this statement by grabbing his half-full tea cup and tossing it in the sink a few feet away, without even looking behind him. It lands with a crash and he flinches.
You blink owlishly at him. Crisis averted.
"So, where to today, my love?" The Doctor can feel his eyes bulging out of their sockets. His mouth has a mind of its own apparently and it's scheming against him.
You barely have time to get out a confused little "Wha-?" before the Doctor ploughs on ahead for some damage control.
"I was thinking we could visit Burr. Lovely little planet. Bit off the beaten path in the next galaxy over, but the views are spectacular. Interesting people, the Burrans. Manners are a bit different in every culture, you know. Have to follow their rules or risk offending them. Wouldn't want to end up in another jail cell would we?
You look a little distracted but you nod in agreement. "What are their rules of conduct then?"
The Doctor swallows. "Oh nothing too different from what you're used to. Cursties, bows, sirs and ma'ams, the like. And we have to call each other pet names."
"Pet names?" You repeat, as though you hadn't heard him right.
"Pet names." The Doctor smiled innocently.
Suddenly your expression changes from dazed to comprehension. And..is that disappointment?
That is definitely disappointment! It was just a twinge of it and it's gone now but it was there! The Doctor feels like he's won something, though he's not sure what.
You're smiling at him now, clearly amused. "So, are we practicing now then? Um...sweetie?" You cringe after you say it, hiding your face in embarrassment.
He laughs in relief and delight. "Oh, come now, you can do better than that, sugarplum." He's positively beaming now but he can't help it. He's enjoying himself too much with this.
You pull your hands from your face and look him straight in the eye, determination etched in every feature. "Cupcake" you say, clearly fighting off a silly grin.
"Pumpkin" he retorts.
"Honey bear" you fire back.
"Gumdrop" he laughs.
"Cuddlebug" you smirk as you say it. You're  teasing him, the minx.
He raises an eyebrow. "Sugar lips" 
Your mouth hangs open. "You are not calling me 'sugar lips'"! 
The Doctor laughs at your expression. "Why not?"
"We've never kissed, so how would you know if my lips are sugary or not, hm? So you can't use that one." You arched a brow as if to say 'checkmate'. 
The Doctor just hums a bit. Nodding to himself and debating.
Internal debate over, he leans across the table and places a kiss right on your smirking mouth. You gasp at the contact and he takes the opportunity to pull your bottom lip in between his teeth and sucks on it gently, running his tongue across quickly. You make a little noise and he pulls back just slightly, releasing your bottom lip and placing a little peck to your mouth before returning to his original spot across the table.
The Doctor has never seen you look more flustered than at this moment. You're gaping at him like the cutest little fish and a blush is covering your entire face, your neck, and your ears. He couldn't wipe the smirk off his face if he tried. 
The Doctor stares your straight in the eyes, licks his lips and says "Yep. Sugary. Almost too sugary. You really do put quite a lot in your tea, don't you?"
You try spluttering out an answer but it's basically gibberish.
"What's that, sugar lips?" The Doctor lifts a smug eyebrow.
Realization dawns on his companion's pretty face. "You- you did that for-? Just because of-?" 
Well not just because of the pet-name. Not really because of the pet-name at all. But you don't need to know that.
"Am I well-informed enough to be able to call you sugar lips now, sugar lips?"
The Doctor makes a move toward you again, but you splutter quickly "Yes! Okay, yes! You are well-informed. I am in total shock of how well-informed you are." You huff and he sits back down in his chair, well pleased with himself. 
"That settles it then. Go get dressed, we'll make a quick pit stop and then off to Burr!" He drums his hands happily on the kitchen table and skips away to set the coordinates.
First stop, a nice little bakery with a nice long line the Doctor can leave his companion in while he sneaks back to the TARDIS.
Second stop, Burr, a century or two before he plans on taking his companion. Spread a rumor here, make a comment there. Pet names will be commonplace etiquette before they know it.
Third stop, back to the bakery, his companion none the wiser.
And then obviously, fourth stop, back to Burr with you. 
The Doctor sighs. Another genius idea. The rapid torrent of his thoughts may have calmed down some lately, thanks to his lovely companion, and he might feel more relaxed, but his mind is still as sharp as ever. Sometimes he amazes even himself.
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thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging/commenting, it means a lot! ♡
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panda-writes-kpop · 4 months
Dreamcatcher - Reaction to Reader Having A Sinus Infection/ Cold (Requested!)
a/n: two posts in less than a week???? who is this more motivated panda??? jk i'm trolling myself but i really wanted to have the two requests done in the same week. also happy jiu day!!! here's to the hope that her fic won't come out three weeks late! :] ❤️
tw: gruesome descriptions of a cold, food mentions, my brain went brrr when it got to Dami's section so hers is longer
related fic: le sserafim's version
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt: You swear you didn’t feel this terrible yesterday. All you had was a bit of congestion and a scratch in your throat. Today, when you woke up, you could barely lift your head off of the pillow due to the congestion in your head. You were sure that you had enough snot to fill a trash can within your two nostrils. All you wanted to do was lay down and rest, but the ding of your phone causes you to lift your head again.
My Love: Do you mind if I come over? I miss you :(
You text her back with what you think is a comprehensible answer, and you rest your head against the pillow.
The next moment you’re awake, your girlfriend is sitting right next to you. So much for self-isolation.
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“Darling, I’m here for you.”
JiU’s voice and gentle touch pulls you out of your slumber. You sniffle for a bit as she starts to rub your arm in a comforting manner.
“I can tell you’re sick,” She frowns for a moment before softly smiling to herself, “and I’m going to try to help you. What do you need from me?”
You cough into your elbow before sitting up in bed.
“You could cuddle with me, if you don’t mind getting sick?” You joke to yourself before seeing JiU move to your side. “I’m joking, please don’t make yourself sick-"
“If it’ll help you feel better, it’s worth the risk.” She wraps her arms around you as you gently pull her into the bed.
“I always feel better when you’re with me, Minji.”
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A stuffed animal to the head isn’t an ideal way to wake up, but it sucks more when you’re sick and your sinus headache flares up immediately.
“You’ve been sick for days, and you didn’t text me earlier?” SuA scoffs as you toss the stuffed animal to the side.
“I would’ve, but I was afraid of that sort of reaction.”
“C’mon, I’m your girlfriend! I can take care of you when you need me. You do the same for me when I need you most.” SuA looks disappointed, and you sigh to yourself.
“Alright, Nurse Bora, you can take care of me. But don’t take it as an excuse to rearrange my whole apartment-” You state as she laughs happily.
“I won’t, I promise! You won’t regret this.” SuA gives you a big hug, which tackles you further into the bed.
“Is this supposed to be healing?” You joke.
“Is it working?”
“Oddly enough, it is.”
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“Babe, wake up.”
You rub your eyes before looking over at Siyeon.
“Siyeon-ah?” You croak out before she shushes you.
“I saw the tissues and the medicine on the counter. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s wrong,” She looks around in her bag for a moment, “but it does take a genius for me to remember my gift for you.”
Siyeon continues to dig in her bag as you grab your water.
“Siyeon, it’s okay, I’m just happy that you’re here with me,” You try to reach out to her with your hand, but she’s preoccupied, “Siyeon?”
Siyeon pauses for a moment, blinks twice, before gently placing her hand on her forehead.
“I forgot your care package at the dorms, I’m so sorry-”
You go to grab Siyeon’s hand, and you successfully do so before tumbling out of bed.
Siyeon laughs as she lays on top of you, apparently you pulled her down with you, and you find yourself doing the same.
“Feel better?” She smiles at you.
“I do.”
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You wake up, alone, and you attempt to reach for your phone, but it’s not there anymore. You fumble in the dark for a few moments before a soft light appears next to you. Handong (who looks absolutely beautiful in the light) sits next to you.
“Sorry, love, your phone was almost dead and I wanted to make sure it was charged for you.” Handong adjusts the light as you cough and sit up in bed. “I wasn’t sure you were in the mood for company.”
“I’d rather have you here.” You weakly say. “Thanks for coming.”
“Good, because if you asked me to leave, I would’ve stayed in your living room until you passed out from exhaustion or fell asleep.”
“Geez, Handong, it’s like you’re obsessed with me or something. What a perv~” You chuckle as she scoffs before lightly smacking you. “Wow, hurt the ill. Way to prove a point.”
“Glad you’re feeling better.” She smiles before rubbing your shoulder. “You deserved that, by the way.”
“I disagree, you’re so mean to me.” You whine before laughing alongside her.
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"Hey Siri!”
You raise your head, checking for Yooh’s phone, before burying your head back into a pillow.
“She’s not here.” You mumble to yourself.
Yoohyeon calls out to her phone, again, before opening the door to your room.
“Have you seen my phone?” She asks as you rise from your bed.
“No, I don’t think you’ve been in here. I would've woken up earlier if you had been.”
“Oh, you’re totally right!” She closes the door for a moment before opening it again. “I bought a few things from the store, and I’m going to order food when I can find my phone. Just stay in bed until you feel better, and I’ll bring you everything, alright?”
“Yooh, it’s okay, I can get out of bed.” You try to pull off the covers, but Yoohyeon’s disapproving glare causes you to stay in bed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you… once I find my phone.” She sighs to herself before facing away from the door. “Hey Siri!”
You’re happy to have Yoohyeon as a caretaker since you know she’ll take good care of you once her affairs are in order, of course.
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Before you rise out of bed, you pull the mysterious, foreign (wet?) object from your face. When you realize that it’s a washcloth, you put it back onto your face. Laying down with that thing on your head feels like the best thing possible, since it helps relieve your headache.
Unfortunately, the drainage from your nose prevents you from completely lying down. You suffice for a half-up, half-down method of lounging before reaching for your phone.
Your hand meets a glass of water before your phone, and you happily drink from it as you are provided with some temporary relief from your sore throat. You wonder who did all of this… you didn’t text anyone, did you?
When you get to your phone, you notice multiple missed calls and messages from Dami.
My Love: I’ll be over in a few minutes, I need to grab a few things from the dorm.
Are you alright? You haven’t answered me yet.
One of your work friends texted me that you called out sick, so I’m guessing that you’re resting. If you see this, I’ll be there when you wake up.
“Dami, honey, where are you?” You call out to her before coughing.
“I’m in the living room, darling. Do you want me to come in?” Dami asks from the other side of the door. “I came in earlier to put a washcloth on your face since you were running a fever, and then I grabbed water in case you wanted it.”
“You can come in, if you want.” You set the water down as Dami opens the door. “Thanks for the water and the washcloth.”
“I don’t mind helping you out since it looked like you needed it.” She says before a light smile breaks out onto her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Thanks, Dami,” You sit up fully and readjust the washcloth, “I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully, you weren’t busy before you came over.”
“I wanted to see you, anyway. How are you feeling?”
“Not great, but I’m managing. I get these sinus infections every year.” You shrug to yourself. “They’re terrible, but after a day or two off of work, I’ll be back to myself… mostly.”
She smiles to herself before looking you over again.
“If there’s anything you need, at all, I can get it for you.”
“Thanks, love, I appreciate it.” You say before Dami closes the door and leaves you to get more rest.
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“Why did you text me? I'm right here next to you.” Gahyeon grumbles for a moment before turning to face you. “Listen, I know you're upset with me for getting you sick, but I'll make it up to you-”
“-with hugs and kisses and lots of affection?” You force your cutest expression as she tries to hold back her laughter.
“I was going to offer to pay for dinner, but I can go for the free option if you would like.” She wraps her arms around you after you pull her closer. “I'm really sorry, babe, I didn't mean to get you sick after you took care of me.”
“It was worth it, seeing you so happy. I'd do it all over again for you.” You say before covering your mouth for an incoming cough.
“You're so sweet,” She blushes as she mumbles into your chest, “and I love you so much.”
You hear her sniffle as you chuckle to yourself.
“I love you too, every bit of you. And you don't need to apologize for getting me sick, I was probably infected before I came over to your place.”
You both laugh as your ailment drifts toward the back of your mind, at least until you feel the urge to sneeze.
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neontoad · 10 months
“Chuuya Is a Sore Loser” needs a special edition, Dazai thinks one day, a genius prank idea brewing in his head. He’s not gonna lie - he’s really proud of this plan. He’s the best strategist of the Port Mafia for a reason - and his talents span further than planning missions. 
Step one - install a hidden camera in Chuuya’s kitchen.
Step two - get Chuuya drunk on some shitty wine and watch him embarrass himself, every single bit of his drunken delirium caught on tape. 
Step three - send the video to everyone in the Port Mafia and have a good laugh. With the nature of the prank, he won’t even have to bother with printing the newsletter out. Saving trees AND humiliating the hat rack? 
Sounds like a perfect plan. 
Installing the camera is a piece of cake - Dazai had messed with Chuuya’s apartment so many times, that he’d probably be able to do it in the dark with his eyes closed. 
Luckily, Chuuya immediately agrees to Dazai’s proposal to come over with a bottle of wine, his text message read and answered within seconds. Silly slug - he makes it so easy. Too easy, even. 
Just to be sure the plan works out, Dazai shows up with two bottles. He knows Chuuya has a very low alcohol tolerance, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
After the third glass, Chuuya’s cheeks get all red, a sure sign that he’s almost had a little bit too much. With his brows furrowed and speech slurred he already looks hilarious, but Dazai just knows it’s about to get even funnier. What is Chuuya going to do today? Dance to some obscure Eurodance music? Sing anime openings from the 90s? Tell some trashy story from his Sheep days?
Dazai has no idea and it makes him vibrate with excitement. He glances at the camera and pours some more wine into Chuuya’s glass. He takes a sip and puts the glass on the table with a loud thud. 
The show is about to start, Dazai thinks triumphantly. 
Chuuya makes a strange sound and Dazai giggles internally - seems like the Port Mafia will have the pleasure of seeing the “best” martial artist, the gravity manipulator Nakahara Chuuya throwing up all over his kitchen floor. Perfect. 
Another sound escapes Chuuya’s mouth. And another one. And another, until Dazai, to his horror, realises that Chuuya is sobbing, his shoulders jerking up and down, tears streaming down his red face as he desperately tries to wipe them away. 
“I have no one,” he wheezes through his tears. “They are all gone.”
Dazai takes another glance at the camera, immediately looking back at Chuuya. His eyes are red, his hair sticks to his wet cheeks, and the look in his eyes is eerily unnerving. It’s so raw that it looks like Chuuya can see right through him. Dazai opens his mouth but no sound leaves his mouth. What can he even say?
“I only have you, shitty Dazai,” Chuuya sobs. “You are the only person I have left. Don’t you leave me, too.”
The breakdown as well as the excessive amounts of wine seem to have drained Chuuya of the last of his energy. With his head on the kitchen table, he falls asleep, soft hiccups interrupting his even breathing. 
For a few minutes, Dazai sits still, watching Chuuya’s back go up and down, his wailing still ringing in his ears: “You are the only person I have left”.
He takes the camera and turns it off. 
Chuuya is way too heavy to be carried all the way to the bedroom, so Dazai lays him on the couch in the living room and covers him with a blanket. Tiptoeing around the kitchen, he cleans up, places a glass of water on the coffee table and quietly leaves. 
When Dazai gets home, he breaks the SD card in half. 
He doesn’t sleep that night.
The next day Chuuya doesn’t show up to work. The Port Mafia meetings are even more boring without him, and Dazai wonders if he should go and check on him. 
He doesn’t. 
Chuuya is back the following day. It’s as clear as a day that he tries his best to avoid Dazai, and when he can’t, he averts his gaze and doesn’t react to a single taunt Dazai throws at him. 
Naturally, Dazai comes to Chuuya’s apartment in the evening.
Usually, Chuuya throws something at him, or yells abuse, or kicks him down the stairs when Dazai breaks in. This time, Chuuya’s reaction makes Dazai’s blood freeze. 
“Leave me alone,” he whispers, his face full of horror and… shame?
Dazai takes a step forward.
“Leave me alone,” Chuuya stubbornly says again, stepping back. “Or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Unfazed by the empty threats, Dazai crosses the room and looks into Chuuya’s eyes. He can still see the flames hiding in them behind the crippling shame, and he has to admit that the raging fire looks gorgeous with icy blue, contradiction as bright as Chuuya himself. 
Dazai cuts him short, wrapping his arms around Chuuya’s shoulders and pulling him close, instantly feeling the tension in Chuuya’s body disappear as he slowly raises his arms and wraps them around Dazai’s waist. 
He doesn’t know how long this moment lasts — it could be seconds. Minutes. Centuries. All he knows is that it’s more than enough time to say what he wants to say without using any words. 
Although… There is something that he’d like Chuuya to hear.  
Chuuya’s hair smells of peppermint, and when Dazai leans down to Chuuya’s ear, he thinks that it might easily become his new favourite smell.
“I’m not leaving you.”
Thank you for reading! Nezu on twt made the loveliest artwork for this little story, make sure to check it out!
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
smau + written (3.6k words)
❥・• episode 18 — you are approved!
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In the soft glow of the cosy cafe, you sit in quiet observation as Jungwon engages wholeheartedly in playful banter with Bora. He's gone so far as to immerse himself in a roleplay, portraying a gallant knight on a noble quest to rescue his cherished princess. You laugh as Jungwon’s eyes twinkle mischievously as he adds in adlibs of his own, only to feign innocence when Bora scolds him for not sticking to the script at hand.
"Uncle Jungwon! This is the 10th time you've died and come back to life," Bora declares with a pout, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. Her earnestness tugs at your heartstrings, and you can't help but chuckle at the sight of your precious niece scolding Jungwon once again for deviating from the storyline she's meticulously crafted within the confines of her young imagination.
Jungwon's laughter rings out, a warm and melodic sound that fills the cafe with an enchanting harmony. You casually sip on your mango juice, supposedly for your niece, though it’s merely a flimsy excuse to indulge your childlike taste buds without Jungwon giving you a hard time about it.
Unbeknownst to you, a gentle smile forms on your face as a heartwarming scene unfolds before your eyes. Jungwon affectionately feeds Bora pieces of the chocolate cake they were sharing while hanging on to every word of her animated storytelling about a vivid dream she had last night. Needless to say, it’s a stark contrast to the interactions you’d witnessed between the two of them earlier today.
You recall the moment when Jungwon stooped down to meet Bora at eye level, inadvertently causing the shy little one to seek refuge behind your legs. It’s a humorous irony—Jungwon, who claims to be terrible with children, yet when confronted with one, he effortlessly transforms into a gentle and nurturing presence, a side of him you've longed to see more of, so different from the way he usually acts around you.
Jungwon catches your gaze, his eyebrow arching slightly at your evident distraction. It dawns on you that you've been staring blankly at him, and in a swift reaction as if you’ve just been caught secretly peeping at your crush, you avert your gaze, a faint blush colouring your cheeks. With self-consciousness gnawing at you, your eyes start to wander around the cafe, scrutinising every detail except the man who's become the epicentre of almost all of your daydreams these days.
As your gaze sweeps the surroundings, you notice several members of the film crew discreetly stationed in various corners of the cafe. Their cameras are pointed directly at you, serving as a poignant reminder that this entire scenario is being documented for the world to witness—and, more pressingly, for your mother to see. At this moment, you yearn more than ever for a black hole to materialise out of thin air, whisking you away to another universe where you could escape the spotlight's unrelenting glare.
Jungwon must have caught wind of your uneasiness, which doesn’t take a genius to figure out by the way you are shifting uncomfortably in your seat. He catches your gaze with a reassuring smile. “Hey, just ignore it. Look at me instead, like you’ve been doing the entire time.” A teasing smirk tugs at the corners of his lips, and you just know he’s not about to let this go without some playful banter.
"Yeah, I was staring at the chocolate stain on your cheeks." You didn't even notice the stain on his cheeks until just a few seconds ago.
"Sure you were."
"Halfway to your mid-life crisis, and you can't even eat a cake without smearing it everywhere." 
"Told you, I'm a big baby," he concedes with a casual shrug, returning his focus to entertaining Bora. A sigh of relief escapes you as he drops the topic, and you mentally pat yourself on the back for coming up with a reasonably convincing excuse to divert his attention away from your blunder.
However, Jungwon isn't the only subject taking up your thoughts these days; so was the whole documentary leading up to your midterm exams in less than a month. Doubt creeps in, and you begin to wonder if your mother is right—that this isn’t such a good idea after all. Because at the end of the day, is this pursuit of good publicity worth compromising your academic performance for?
As your mind grapples with these uncertainties, you momentarily drift away from the present moment and inadvertently surrender your grip on reality. In that fateful instant, a moment of distraction seizes you, causing you to accidentally tip the glass of mango juice that rests before you. The bright liquid spills over the brim, splashing onto your top and drenching your jeans in a sticky cascade. The cold sensation against your skin jolts you back to reality, a stark reminder of the unpredictability that life seems to throw your way, much like the documentary project itself.
As you attempt to salvage your dignity, Jungwon springs into action. Without a second thought, he reaches for the napkin holder, his movements graceful and purposeful. "Y/N! You alright?" You struggle to process the whirlwind of events, your eyes widening in astonishment as Jungwon rushes to your side, his concern palpable in the depths of his expressive eyes.
"What were you thinking? I thought I was supposed to be the baby," he playfully teases, a trace of amusement dancing in his gaze as he extends a helping hand. His fingers, warm and reassuring, gingerly touch the damp fabric of your top, blotting away the sticky residue with a tenderness that sends shivers down your spine.
Despite the embarrassing mishap, you can't help but be entranced by the depth of his concern, which brings back memories of that incident with Hana outside the campus library.
It's as if the universe conspired to orchestrate these moments of vulnerability, allowing you to glimpse a more intimate side of Jungwon, a side that sparks a connection neither of you can deny. 
In this unexpected moment of closeness, you lock eyes with him. Your heart flutters like a fragile butterfly, and you find yourself drawn to Jungwon in a way you've never experienced before. The looming spectre of the documentary, once a daunting presence, now fades into the periphery, leaving behind only the two of you in a world of your own.
“Accidents happen to the best of us,” Jungwon finally speaks, his voice a velvet whisper that tickles your senses. His eyes remain fixed on yours, their depths seemingly bottomless. "But sometimes, they lead to unexpected moments like this."
"What?" you murmur in response, lost in the captivating spell that seems to have woven itself around you.
"Let's go," Jungwon declares with a determined resolve. He stands up straight, his arms extending forward in a silent invitation for you to take hold. Without thinking, you place your hands in his, feeling his grip envelop your fingers. He guides you gracefully out of your seat, shedding his jacket and draping it tenderly around your shoulders.
“Go… where?”
"You can't possibly go home like this," he insists, his voice laced with concern. "Your mother won't be pleased to see her own daughter drenched in mango juice.” He laughs before continuing, “My place is nearby; you can change into one of my mother’s clothes. Come on."
Shock and any synonyms along the line aren't sufficient to describe what you're feeling at the moment. It's as though reality has taken an unexpected turn, leading you down a path you never dared to dream of. The notion that Yang Jungwon, a figure you've long held conflicted feelings toward, would extend such a heartfelt invitation to his home—his safe space—feels like a surreal twist in the script of the initial plan of just pretending you like each other. And it's not just the invitation itself but the ease and casualness with which he offers it that leaves you bewildered. Who are you to be on the receiving end of such unexpected kindness from him?
Your chilly discomfort only becomes apparent when you're enveloped in the warmth of his jacket, a cocoon of reassurance that he so willingly lends. As you bask in the comforting embrace of his jacket, Bora, who has been silently observing from the sidelines, picks up a napkin of her own. With a gentle and caring touch, she begins to delicately dab at the stain patches on your jeans, mirroring the actions she had witnessed Jungwon perform earlier.
"Are you helping me wipe the stains too, Bora-ya?" you ask, your fingers playfully pinching her chubby cheeks. In response, she scrunches her nose, her cheeks dimpling with delight. You notice her tiny fingers gently picking at the fabric of your jeans, and it's clear that she has something on her mind. Concerned, you crouch down to her eye level and cup her cheeks in your hands. "Princess, what's wrong?"
"I'm sleepy; I want to take a nap," Bora murmurs, her voice a soft, sleepy sigh. You can't help but smile at her adorable request, realising that you had momentarily forgotten about her daily afternoon naps that she holds dear.
"I guess you'll have no choice but to accept my offer, Y/N," Jungwon declares with a teasing glint in his eyes and a cheeky smile gracing his lips. You hadn't initially planned on accepting his offer, but as reality sets in, you realise that you may have no other choice. Your apartment is a long, hour-ride away on the metro, and with your mango-stained clothes and a sleepy Bora in tow, the journey seems like a daunting task. Reluctantly, you nod in agreement, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty swirling within you.
"You must be Y/N! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Mrs. Yang exclaims, her hands slightly frantic as she hurriedly wipes them on her apron before reaching out to you. You graciously accept her welcoming gesture, noting the uncanny resemblance between her and Jungwon, especially in their eyes. She sports a pair of dimples, just like her son, and it's a striking familial trait that adds to the warmth of her presence. "I've heard a lot about you from Jungwon."
"Nice things, I hope," you tease, playfully squinting your eyes as you exchange a friendly banter. Her laughter fills the air, casting aside any lingering nerves.
Mrs. Yang isn't a complete stranger to you; your mother had mentioned her in passing, having met at school events organised by the council. However, her vivacious and welcoming demeanor is a pleasant surprise, different from how your mother had previously described her.
"Jungwon informed me that you were coming over, so I prepared a fresh set of clothing. They're some of my old clothes, so don't worry about returning them," she says, her warm smile putting you at ease. With a gentle hand on your shoulders, she guides you away from Jungwon and Bora, leading you to an empty room that you deduce to be his mother’s. "Feel free to freshen up. You and the little one can stay for dinner too if you'd like."
Her kindness and hospitality leave you touched, and you nod gratefully, appreciating her thoughtfulness. As you step into the room, you can't help but wonder how this unexpected visit will unfold and how it might reshape your perceptions of the Yang family, especially Jungwon, who seems to be a different person in the comfort of his home.
As you step out of the room and into the living area, your eyes are drawn to the film crew busily setting up cameras all around the apartment, and you begin to imagine your mother’s reaction when this particular scene airs. 
In the heart of the living room, you find Jungwon and Bora seated side by side, each clutching a Nintendo Switch controller. They're engaged in what appears to be an intense game of Mario Kart, their expressions ranging from fierce determination to pure delight. Your heart swells at the sight of them bonding so effortlessly.
Silently, you watch as Jungwon purposely slows down in the middle of the virtual track, allowing Bora to race ahead. Her infectious enthusiasm knows no bounds as she jumps up and down on the sofa, gleefully celebrating her victory against Jungwon when she spots you. "Bora-ya, didn't you say you were sleepy?"
"Auntie Y/N! Come on and play with us!" she exclaims, her excitement palpable. The sparkles in her eyes are impossible to resist, and you find yourself folding at the mere sight of her eagerness. In this moment, you realise that you've never quite engaged with Bora the way Jungwon does. Your interactions with her have typically revolved around helping with homework or leisurely walks in the park, which often end with her complaining about being tired of walking and you carrying her home on your back as she naps. You now understand that Bora is a child, and children should be free to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
With a gentle smile, you nod, and you don't protest when Bora runs over to tug you toward the gaming console. Before you know it, you find yourself seated between Jungwon and your niece, controller in hand. They enthusiastically instruct you on how to play, offering playful critiques whenever you make a wrong move. "Are you guys playing, or am I?" you sigh in mock exasperation as you come in last place against Jungwon once again.
"I never would've thought the day would come when I found something you're horrible at," Jungwon teases with a playful grin as the game-ending credits roll out, his chosen character standing triumphantly in the centre of the screen.
"I don't care. We’re playing until I win," you declare with determination, pressing the start button once more. Jungwon, who is not one to shy away from a challenge, simply laughs and shrugs, as he prepares himself to win against you once more.
Game after game unfolds, and you lose track of how many rounds you've played until your first victory. While you may not have secured first place, the satisfaction of besting Jungwon is a reward in itself. You suspect that he may have let you win at will, but you refrain from mentioning it. After all, you've been engaged in this virtual competition for the past 30 minutes, and you figure he must be growing tired.
In truth, Jungwon's loss resulted from his distraction—watching your unwavering concentration and determination to defeat him in a mere game of Mario Kart. He realises then how competitive you are, much like himself.
Before you can fully relish your single victory over Jungwon, you feel a delicate weight on your arms. Bora, who had been awake and cheering you on not long ago, has finally succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep. "I'll take her to my room," Jungwon offers, his voice soft and filled with consideration. "Also, I'm pretty sure my mom could use some help."
With the grace of a protective guardian, Jungwon lifts Bora into his arms. Her small, peaceful form nestled against him is a heartwarming sight. He flashes you a tender smile, a silent understanding passing between you, and then he disappears into a room down the corridor, leaving you with a sense of longing that you're still trying to comprehend.
With Bora's departure, you decide to extend your helping hand to Mrs. Yang. "Would you like some help?" You announce your presence at the entrance of the kitchen, catching her attention. Her warm smile and welcoming demeanour put you at ease. "That would be lovely, Y/N."
You immerse yourself in the culinary task at hand, assisting her in prepping ingredients for the dinner you hadn't initially planned on staying for, but Jungwon insisted that his mother had already purchased the ingredients, and you figured it would be impolite for you to just leave.
"How's your mother these days?" Mrs. Yang asks in her gentle attempt to bridge the silence between you.
"Oh, she's still the same old feisty woman," you joke, and she responds with a soft laugh, recalling her limited interactions with your mother. "I always thought you were a really kind student when I saw you in school, though Jungwon used to tell me otherwise."
"Really?" You raise an eyebrow, curious about Jungwon's perspective.
"He used to say that you were arrogant, but he also thought you were too good for him. I suppose he didn't want to admit that he liked you," Mrs. Yang playfully teases her son, and you chuckle at the revelation.
"Well, Mrs. Yang, any bad feelings between us are long gone, so you don't have to worry about it."
"I'm glad to hear that. You know, this is the first time Jungwon's brought anybody from school home. I was worried that his training was taking up too much of his time and that he wasn't fitting in well enough. So, imagine how happy I was when I found out he was going to be doing this documentary. Thank you, Y/N, for giving our Wonnie a chance to act like an ordinary high school student." She puts down the utensils in her hands, replacing them with your own dainty fingers as she gently caresses the back of your hands in heartfelt gratitude.
"The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Yang."
Unbeknownst to both you and Mrs. Yang, Jungwon stands at the entrance of the kitchen, a silent observer of the exchange between you and his mother. His heart swells with appreciation and warmth as he listens to the bond forming between the two most important women in his life. In this moment, he realises that life has a way of weaving unexpected connections and that his world is becoming richer by the day with you in it.
You knock gently on the door of Jungwon's room and wait a few seconds before a groggy voice on the other side invites you in. The sight that greets you is one that tugs at your heartstrings: Bora is sound asleep, nestled atop Jungwon, who appears to have just woken up from a nap. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Dinner's ready," you whisper softly, your fingers brushing the stray strands of hair that cling to his forehead, to which he responds to your touch by leaning in.
Jungwon is careful when waking Bora up from her sleep, knowing how kids get cranky when they’ve been disturbed in their beauty sleep. Surprisingly, she doesn't resist his gentle nudges; instead, she responds with tired laughter, finding the sensation ticklish rather than annoying. It’s a miracle she hasn’t bitten a finger or two.
You marvel at her level of trust in Jungwon and the bond they've formed in a matter of hours, surpassing any interaction you've witnessed her have with others.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve mistaken her for your daughter.” You playfully jest, to which Jungwon scoffs, amusement dancing in his eyes. "And you'd be the mother?" His teasing tone takes you by surprise, prompting you to deliver a quick but playful slap to his chest, eliciting a hearty laugh from him.
Around the dinner table, Bora eagerly devours her plate of food, a feast prepared by Mrs. Yang herself (with your help, of course). She eats with a gusto you've never seen before, and you can't help but wonder if there's some kind of magic in Mrs. Yang's cooking.
Jungwon keeps a watchful eye on Bora, gently cleaning her mouth each time she takes a bite, ensuring no stray food lingers on her lips. It's a level of care and attention that surprises you, and you can't help but admire how easily he has slipped into this role of guardian and friend to your niece.
"Uncle Jungwon!" Bora chimes merrily, her laughter echoing through the air as she savours another slice of apple that Mrs. Yang had spontaneously cut up.
“Hm?" Jungwon responds, his curiosity piqued by Bora's enthusiastic proclamation.
"You are approved!"
“Approved? For what?” Jungwon tilts his head curiously as he gently pushes the loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“To be Auntie Y/N’s boyfriend!” Bora exclaims with a triumphant grin, her little hands clapping together as if she's a brilliant detective who has finally cracked the code. Meanwhile, you find yourself in an unexpected predicament, your throat tightening as you inadvertently choke on the water you were drinking. A subtle blush creeps onto your cheeks, though you manage to stifle your surprise with a discreet cough.
"Bora-ya! You can't drop bombshells like that out of the blue. It might make Uncle Jungwon uncomfortable, okay?" You lovingly scold Bora, appreciating her bubbly and chatty nature but also wishing she wouldn’t put you on the spot like this.
Jungwon, on the other hand, is caught off guard by Bora's candid declaration. His gaze fixates on a distant point, lost in a moment of profound contemplation. For an instant, he allows himself to imagine what it would be like to be your boyfriend, even if just for a second, and weirdly enough, it doesn't seem to bother him as much as he thought it would.
Mrs. Yang simply laughs at Bora’s bold proclamation, and you struggle to maintain your composure as you stuff another apple into her tiny mouth, hoping it will distract her long enough for the topic to roll over.
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authors note: it’s finally here…. zzzz
perm taglist. @hajimelvr @s00buwu @urmomssneakylink @grayscorner @bubblytaetae @mrchweeee @artstaeh @sleeping-demons
taglist open! @uuzhanggggggg @missingemobeomgyu @jiawji @ocyeanicc @s7noo @asterizee @j1nniee @noascats @yunwonie @saturnmooonxx @enhaz1 @jiaant11 @clairecottenheart @i2lain @miumiuoi @zhounauts @hoey2k @neocockthotology @nanuer @yenqa @ahnneyong @chanhee-hee
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Aquarius’s Genshin Impact... MASTERLIST?!
☕️ Tip me an iced coffee?! :O
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* = IMPOSTER AU = NOT dark/yandere!
* = Art made by me for the post!
Turn on the background music?
(sorry about reformatting again guys...)
Your Birthday! (ft. cute platonic Bennett)
...Whatcha listenin’ to Player?
You’re a walking speaker (sounds from ur memories)
Latino! Reader, You're feeling a little homesick... (mostly Zhongli scenario!)
You introduce Teyvat to the lovely music of KPOP (check the reblogs!!)
You made your babes gifts! ALL Characters/PART 1 - Travelers/Dainsleif, Pyro, Electro, Anemo
^ PART 2, of the gifts!! ^
Childe reacts to his voice actor's song covers
O Aquarius, dead stars you are, what is my horoscope today?
Razor, best boy.
Bennett, ft. Razor (part 2-ish!)
Qiqi, best girl.
Headcanons of an Avatar AU (the fantasy movies)
TCG Genius Invokation... wait, they're your Favorite Card???
* Imposter! AU while parenting Razor (non-yandere/not-dark version)
* Possession AU! - you can still control your characters, but by possessing them! PART 1
* Possession AU! - PART 2
Neurodivergent!Reader, Ganyu my beloved!
* Strawberry Scarameow.
You're an Army Veteran and you brought the gun
Minecraft AU!! :D ⛏️
Costa Rican Reader spreads their culture <3
* Possession AU Fanfic, only AO3 (Ongoing)
Language Shenanigans!
OG Blunt Language in Teyvat AU! Post :) (check the reblogs for that post for awesome add-ons from followers!)
Blunt Lang. AU! Colorful Cussing
Blunt Lang. AU! Vine Boom every time you speak (+sprinkle of bilingual)
Blunt Lang. AU! Actually you’re just having to learn Teyvatian lang. that’s why ur blunt
Blunt Lang. AU! with a dash of Neurodivergent! Reader, your trying to be flowery... it’s not working...
Blunt Lang. AU! You're a writer! ...well now it's an ancient artifact and a bestseller.
Some more Blunt Lang. AU! fun AND more blunt lang. AU! fun :0
Paimon being rude in Sumeru
Audio Processing Disorder (Reader with APD) Shenanigans, (mostly Diluc scenario!)
Neurodivergent! Reader stims! ...and Teyvatians thought that was your language...
Neurodivergent! Reader is a child/different ages randomly ft. Non-native English speaker
Teyvat’s countries have the Simlish versions of Japanese, German, etc.
Your Native Language is holy... except you mostly cuss with it
Slang words don’t translate well... or texting lingo
Tumblr / 2023 Slang doesn’t translate well...
...Teyvat is trying to make your slang words translate...
You’ve yet to realize that Teyvat has multiple languages (looks at hieroglyphics) ...is this Loss. the oldest record of language... “sus”
You know sign language and help out a lost kid, Teyvat melts AQUARIUS got isekaied?! with my followers??!! (check the reblogs too!) Nobody wants to tell You (god) that you’ve mixed up some words... You’re really out here just speaking gibberish, ya trickster god
You sound like an Animal Crossing character to Teyvatians
Godly game of charades scenario
You give up translating and just start running around (encoded/cipher! post)
You're an Eldritch God of Teyvat... so ofc no one understand you (check the reblogs too!)
You know French. You use this power appropiately.
Reader only writes to talk!
You're multilingual! ...Alhaitham is outside your door.
You're Brazilian, Teyvat is calm about this.
Ancient tablets nice... oh god its a hurt/no comfort fic.
*Eldritch God Reader Fanfic (thanks for 1000+ followers!!)
^^ part 2 of the above, also an ao3 link!
Teyvat doesn't write novels, but you do lol
☆Taglists ☆
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
Possession AU! ONLY
@justlostintheinternet / @assassinsnake101 / @sun-wokung
Wanna join a taglist for something? Just message me:
" pspspspssss tag me (insert taglist here) !! "
Hmmm... I wonder what you'll get if you send an ask saying "aquarius, oh dead stars, what is my horoscope today?"...°.•☆•.°?
Safe Travels,
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lilbabydilljr · 2 years
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Hi I’ve been wanting to post this for a few days but I’ve got no desire to actually write a description. But it’s here if anyone wants! Description will come later, I just dropped my boyfriend off today and I’m kinda sad. Long distance. Blah.
Download (SFS)
Info is now under the cut! Look at me go.
01/18 - If you use any replacement UI built off of Clean UI, please ensure either this package loads after, or delete the turn on images that Clean UI includes. Thank you grilledcheese-aspiration for reminding me! The two turn-ons effected are ‘Musical’ and ‘Neat Freak’ which were originally ‘Hard Worker’ and ‘Unemployed.’
So I will say I probably should’ve done these differently (turn Creative into Artistic as opposed to Vampire, but whatever. They actually started out alphabetical in game which I thought was neat. They’re still fairly close!
But basically what I’ve done here is replace almost all the turn-ons with personality/trait based ones. I’m wishing we could mix and match individual turn-ons actually because as I write this list I’m already worried about people thinking there’s too many supernatural ones. But they’re used in my game so idk. They’re much more relevant than full face makeup I feel.
For badges sims require a silver level to have the turn-on. For skills I’ve increased it to 8 points, and if a turn-on mentions a hobby, a sim either needs 5 points or have it as their One True Hobby.
Fitness/Fatness - New icons, unchanged Swimwear > Adventurous - 3 Vacations, Adventurous, Daredevil, Sailor Formal > Alien - Trait, Skin, Eyes Underwear > Animal Lover - 2 Pet Friends, Animal Lover, Cat Person, Dog Person, Equestrian Vampire > Artistic - Artistic, Avant Garde, Photographer's Eye, Savvy Sculptor, Floral/Pottery/Sewing Badge, Arts & Crafts Hobby, Creativity Skill Stink > Athletic - Athletic, Disciplined, Equestrian, Loves to Swim, Sports/Fitness Hobby, Body Skill Logical > Bad Rep - Negative Reputation, Evil Great Cook > Bookish - Bookworm, Film & Literature Hobby Mechanical > Charismatic - Born Salesperson, Charismatic, Natural Born Performer, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Charisma Skill Creative > Content - Platinum, Lifetime Happiness Skill (side note this one will be the first one to go if someone can come up with something better it is my least favourite) Athletic > Dumb - Absent Minded, Less than 2 Logic Good at cleaning > Foodie - Natural Cook, Cuisine Hobby, Cooking Skill Zombiism > Gamer - Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Loser, Games Hobby Robots > Good Rep - Good reputation, Good Plantsim > Indoorsy - Bookworm, Brooding, Couch Potato, Hates the Outdoors, Loner Werewolf > Magic - Genie, Witch, Fairy Witch > Mechanical - Servo, Bot Fan, Computer Whiz, Handy, Vehicle Enthusiast, Robotics Badge, Tinkering Hobby, Mechanical Skill Hard Worker > Musical - Natural Born Performer, Star Quality, Virtuoso, Music & Dance Hobby, Dance Skill, Creativity Skill Unemployed > Neat Freak - Neat, Cleaning Skill, Personality Cologne > Occult - Werewolf, Plantsim, Bigfoot, Genie, Witch, Fairy, Mermaid Facial Hair > Outdoorsy - Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Sailor, Gardening Badge, Fishing Badge, Nature Hobby Glasses > Plant Lover - Eco-Friendly, Green Thumb, Vegetarian, Flower/Gardening Badge, Plantsim, Fairy  Makeup > Productive - Ambitious, Eccentric, Frugal, Gatherer, Perfectionist, Workaholic Full Face Makeup > Slacker - Couch Potato, Mooch, Slob, Personality Hats > Smart - Genius, Logic Skill Jewellery > Stylish - Avant Garde, Diva, Irresistible, Proper, Cosmetology Badge, Fashion Interest Custom Hair > Timid - Brooding, Coward, Loner, Shy, Socially Awkward, Unflirty, Personality Charismatic > Undead - Ghost, Zombie, Vampire
Version 2 Added, Choose one
Fixes Fitness/Fatness names. Those were meant for me only!
Creative > Baddie - Daredevil, Evil, Flirty, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Party Animal, Rebellious traits
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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Guess who's back! Back again! Guess who's back! Tell a frie... okay enough, Eminem references. Nebula is back! It's been a good while since we last saw her. Seriously, when was the last time we saw her? So, apparently, she's been watching Lunar these past few weeks, keeping taps on him for the Astrals. She did calm some of my fears of when Taurus arrives, he won't IMMEDIATELY try and kill Lunar, he needs a reason to. If Lunar doesn't give him one, he's good. So, Lunar did kinda win the trial. Hopefully, Taurus will listen to the Astrals rules and not try anything sneaky. Still very weary of Taurus, tho and my dislike of the Astrals only grows cause apparently they have BANNED Nebula from talking to Earth! What the butt!? I mean I kinda get it, Earth is too close to this and Nebula talking with her especially during this time complicates things so I get it but still, it just unfair Earth can't hang out with her friend hopefully we can fix that soon also, Earth is singing open arms from Epic the musical! I LOVE EPIC!
Nebula, it was great seeing you again. I hope you can help us if poop hits the fan.
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Moon answers YOUR questions! Ya! I love this thumbnail, and also, giving Moon a turtle neck was just a genius idea! Seriously, this design is perfect! So, a lot of fun questions were asked here like apparently Moon really likes sea animals, hasn't tried ramen yet, and he says if him and Monty worked together constantly their is a likely chance one of them would kill the other or they would destroy the world... so good to know. Moon also says he hopes to take a LONG vacation with Sun when all this Star power/Dark Sun/Nexus/Wither shard business is done and over with, and honestly, they deserve it! I hope they take a vacation they could use it. Moon is still hating on Nexus and his name, which I loved that I need Moon and Nexus to hurl insults at each other. I need that so, BADLY! Again, you know I love these types of episodes and hope we may get one for Solar if he comes back and hopefully one for Eclipse... speaking of Eclipse..
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R.I.P Monty and Foxy show, Hello Eclipse and Puppet show! It's official Puppet, and the family are moving to that new dimension and Eclipse and Puppet are taking over the channel. So,guess Monty borrowed the retirement idea from Foxy and is just gonna chill and pop in the LAES and TSAMS good for them. The ending with Monty and Foxy was cute. They started the show HATING the other and only becoming friends cause Monty bashed Foxy's head in, but now they really are true friends, I'm gonna miss having them interact 🤧 I'm sorry... I need a minute. Monty even gave Foxy a USB sticks one with Foxy's old memories, and Foxy trashed it cause he's happy with the new him... I love that so stinkin MUCH! That's character development right there 👏
I feel bad for Eclipse, tho. Signed a contract he can't get out of. I honestly wouldn't blame Eclipse if he turned evil again cause of this little stunt Puppet pulled, but hey, at least Puppet hated having to do that, so that's something. Also, Francis is gonna follow Puppet and the others to that other dimension. 😃 I feel bad for them.
Wow, a lot of things happened today.. wow.
I thank God that these shows exist!
I'm serious. I really do love these shows, Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine THANK YOU for all you and the others do. I hope you guys know we all love these shows and you guys.
Goodbye MGAFS,and hello EAPS!
12/10 👏 🎊👏🎊👏
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anxresi · 2 years
I’m Sorry, But We REALLY Need To Talk About THIS from the leaked scripts.
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Out of the MANY downright idiotic and plainly risible events that occur in future episodes of this accursed show, THIS is the Big One which stands out to me as being utterly beneath contempt (and it’s got nothing to do with Audrey being a balloon, funnily enough).
Who the hell does Andre think he is, giving himself a divorce JUST. LIKE. THAT. Pretty sure even mayors don’t have that power.
Also, how can he adopt Zoe out of the blue? (don’t forget: he’s barely even LIVED with her for one season, and not even say her name for THREE) He hasn’t asked her, and as far as I’m aware, they never even discuss it before the end of the season. 
Come to think of it, what does her ACTUAL father Mr Lee back in New York have to say about this bizarre situation? Is he going to fight this sudden whim of Andre’s in court? Is he dead? No-one knows, sorry. Expecting any kind of logic from Miraculous is like waiting for it to rain chocolate milk in the Sahara during the middle of summer, I guess.
Andre has a point with Audrey, of course... but who was it that caved into his daughter’s worst excesses while his wife was regularly away? Who let her have everything she ever wanted, so she became the spoiled brat we know of today? And who’s set to avoid prosecution for YEARS of political corruption, just because he now wants a quiet life as a movie director with his oh-so-perfect adopted daughter? Here’s a clue... he’s wearing a big sash! 
But suddenly ‘redeeming’ Andre and relieving him of all responsibility to his daughter’s conduct (not to mention avoid punishment), it just goes to know how DETERMINED the show is to vilify Chloe and give her the WORST possible outcome (even ahead of ACTUAL TERRORISTS like Gabriel) even at the expense of changing past events, and radically modifying other character’s personalities at the drop of a hat if it suits their painstaking ‘Chloe sux lol’ agenda. 
But seeing as they’re pretending Chloe was ALWAYS a complete monster with no moments of humanity now, at least they have form in this department. They must hope the audience has amnesia at best, or are complete fools at worse. Well, there’s nothing with MY memory Mr Astruc, and I may not be a genius but my IQ is comfortably three figures last time I checked. Better luck with the rest of the fanbase though!
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You can just imagine Thomas personally BEGGING to animate that last shot of ‘Chloe Looking Worried’. Probably offered up the life of his firstborn grandchild. That ****ing *****... 
Anyway, please spare a thought for Chloe being forcibly taken away by her lifelong abuser on a plane to further damage her permanently, I guess. “Take Control’... yep, I’ve heard those words before...
All at the behest of ‘Father Of The Year’ Andre, who I suppose is now meant to be some kind of hero for subjecting his now estranged daughter to even more trauma at the hands of his despised ex.
But it’s all okay! He likes Zoe ‘the best’ you see, so he can quite happily turn off his conscience now that the show has seen fit to allow him to escape any kind of karma, and start a new life with no regrets. YAY!
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This is Chloe’s last scene in the episode, the season and possibly last in the series as a whole. 
Gabriel gets a statue. Andre gets a fresh start. Chloe...
I’m sorry, I can’t even think about it. Did I mention I now HATE this show with the intensity of a million suns?
Because I do. And now you know why.
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