#genie OC
twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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“You’ve never had a friend like me? Hehehe, I seem to get that a lot!”
Unique Magic:
Friend Like Me: By entrusting their lamp to another person - or “master” - Maram is able to access near cosmic powers. The spells must be made in the style of a wish by the “master” that Maram then fulfills. Due to the strength of the magic, Maram can only fulfil three “wishes” before to much blot is accumulated.
Info template belongs to @unfinished-projects-galore!
Side note: Maram is not a student at NRC or RSA, I’m just using the Scarabia template because it fits the aesthetic of the character in general 👍🏻
Other info: Concept sketch & information
[image updated due to unnoticed spelling errors]
(More info under the cut)
I know I said I was going to work on Yuri and Roma’s sprites…but Maram has been on my mind and I needed to get them in colour 🫣
For those who are new, Maram Grant is twisted from Genie from Aladdin and takes inspo from both animated and live action versions! I mention someone named “Ali” later on (like once lol), that’s my TWST!Aladdin; his full name is Amir Ali but he often goes by just “Ali” or “Al”.
Much of Maram’s basic info is available in the concept sketch post linked above, so I’m going to try to just clear up a few other things I’ve thought of.
Maram doesn’t attend traditional mage schools like NRC or RSA. I’m really leaning towards the idea that genies have their own schooling system. This is primarily because they use their lamps in place of mage stones. I imagine young genies start learning to control their magic early on through their parents (so they can attend elementary/middle school with other kids) and go through more structured learning in high school.
Genies primarily live in small communities like towns or villages similar to humans. Some communities are more nomadic than others and enjoy traveling around the Scalding Sands. The bulk of genie communities are located in the Scalding Sands, but there are some scattered communities in other areas of Twisted Wonderland. Maram claims her uncle lives somewhere in the Sunset Savannah, and that they have a friend who goes back to the Shaftlands when school is closed for breaks.
The big thing I wanted to touch on is that “Friend Like Me” isn’t technically a unique magic like what we’ve seen in game. This particular power is something all genies have access too, but because Maram is friends with a number of mages (i.e. Kalim, Jamil, and Ali) they decided to give the ability its own name. It’s just a little bit of Maram’s fun loving nature poking through.
Aside from the obvious risk of overblot when casting such powerful spells, there’s a lot of trust that goes into casting these spells. I mentioned in the concept post that to genies their lamps are everything to them; it’s how they monitor and recover from blot and they can act like little homes for the genies if they want. The big thing is that each genie revives a lamp and pair of bracelets when they’re young and is special to the individual. Genies can’t enter the lamps of another genie unless they’re given permission which is rare. The bracelets can be replaced if necessary as they’re closer to the concept of magical pens. The lamps, however, are nearly impossible to replace if lost or broken. Given the fact that the lamp has to be given to another person, there has to be a lot of trust between both parties.
Likewise, the genie has to be sure that the person they are entrusting their lamp too isn’t going to make any stupid “wishes”. This includes things that the genie could conjure up easily, without the need to access such powerful magic. The risk of overblot is not worth conjuring up money, food, clothes, etc. which they could normally do with ease
Ngl between Kalim and Jamil, Maram trusts Jamil with their lamp much more than Kalim. As much as they love Kalim’s friendship, Maram feels like Kalim would make an impulsive request out of excitement 😅
And just a silly little fact about Maram, they really like the colour blue and enjoy big Ol’ pants like jupe-culotte/harem pants.
And that’s all I wanted to clarify! Like always feel free to ask any questions, I’ll try to answer as best I can with what I have already figured out!
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 3 months
Meet nuriel the planetary genie
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He's from an unknown star with his living orb lamp, with his big size he can be pretty gentle, he can grant you 20 wishes instead of 3 wishes, he loves to eat planets for snack time, and loves belly rubs too, but here's a catch, after you finish all 20 wishes, he'll eat you unless you can tame him as a friend!
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sketchyallstar · 26 days
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Doodle dump from the first few pages of my new sketchbook; I wasn’t gonna post the Monster High doodles initially but then I discovered the paper I was using had pretty solid bleed from sharpies, and I decided to color the back of the sketch, not touching the pencil linework I did, and my limited colors of sharpies was perfect for Mouscedes’ color scheme, since this was a bit of a redesign. I only drew Toralei next to her because I realized they could make a cute ship.
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milodrawsart · 1 year
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I gave my djinn OC a complete makeover!
Pinglist: @toygirly
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poorslaindoll · 2 years
Three emoji character design challenge days 8-14
8. 🌳👹🍎
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9. 😷🌱🧪
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10. ☔️🦁〰️
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11. 💜🍒💐
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12. 💤🧞🦊
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13. 🧝🌘🐺
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14. 🐮🧟‍♀️💙
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Prompt List:
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sackfoo · 2 years
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Really meant to post these a while ago, but here.
So, in the magic world, there is a school called Toadsview academy of learning and magic. In addition to being a maddle school, they also have magic classes. The schools founder believed that anyone can learn magic and so many years ago, opened up Toadsview to give any magical beibg the same opportunities to learn magic as anyone else, a first of it's kind at the time.
Since then, all schools across the realms have opened themselves up to anyone, and magic is more accessible than ever.
These are some of the Mages and Warlocks that teach at Toadsview, along side Thaddeus Glyphgold. Sadly i haven't got a lot to say about them. I was gonna give tidbits on what species they where but i ran out of characters so instead I'll just give theur full names for now...?
Fredrik Darkhorn the Minotaur. Mage. He/Him. Strong headed.
Ashton Ramses the Satyr. Warlock. They/Them. Friend of Fredrik.
Franklin Loveland the Frog monster. Mage. He/Him. Grandfather of four.
Serina Heartsong the Siren. Mage. She/Her. Kind old librarian and retired singer.
Clayton Nightclaw the Kappa. Warlock. He/Him. Friendly water demon, likes pickles.
Ethel Graves the Kikimora. Warlock. She/Her. Clayton's partner.
Edith Azazelle the Public domain generic eyeball demon. Warlock. She/Her. Often helps Serina in the library since she prefers books.
Sullivan Eklypse the Gargoyle. Mage. He/Him. Cocky. Edith usually plays the role of hif foil, much to his minor annoyance.
Jesse McOzmic the Genie. Mage. They/Them. Enjoyer of tea, abd also a school counciler and therapist.
Mandy Scorchestir the Fire elemental. Warlock. She/Her. Partner of Jesse, and fellow muscle of the staff along with Fredrik.
Feenox Infernos the Dragon. Warlock. He/Him. Has been alive for thousands of years. Current principle at Toadsview. Wise.
At some point i also want to male some student OCs to go the Toadsview as well, could be fun, to see the magic world from the perspective of someone who actually lives there.
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slackerartist · 2 years
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I hope you all have yourselves a Very Merry Christmas From yours truly of course!
This drawing is pretty much a call back to the previous art piece I did last year that features my character, Julie
I do have a lot of stuff planned for next year in 2023 and oh boy it's gonna be an exciting one
Plus I want to do a much more bigger Christmas drawing for next year that features all of my characters coming together by the open fire
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Requested by @aut2imagineart!
Prebby giant Djinn woman,,, uwaa,,,
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an-island-of-bunnies · 5 months
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genie genie :)
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Reminder that my love letter to you guys is coming! :) Join the discord for a chance for your art request to be done! https://discord.gg/gJu5Y7PzXH
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twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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I have no self control…I made a TWST!Genie 🫣
Meet my lovely Maram Grant! I’m still fleshing out my idea for the genies as a species but I’ll include some of my current ideas later in this post! [edit to make include link to coloured info card]
Note: did this one traditional because I didn’t have my iPad with me, sorry if it looks a little messy and that it’s not in colour 😅.
Some basic info about Maram;
They’re genderfluid, and have no pronoun preference, but will make “did you just assume my gender???” jokes with people they’re close with.
Maram is a Djinn/Jinn, aka a genie. Since my take on genies is fae adjacent/are an offshoot of the fae species, genies live much longer. Maram’s actual age is unknown, but they would be considered 17 in “human” years so to speak.
I chose the name “Maram” because, from my research, it means “wish” or “desire” in Arabic which I thought was fitting for a genie! It’s also gender neutral which I thought fit for a genderfluid character
Someone on my Reddit post about genies in TWST had mentioned the idea that TWST!Genie was one of Jamil’s middle school friends and I’m rolling with it.
Maram is friends with both Jamil and Kalim. They met Jamil first and then met Kalim through Jamil. Jamil and Maram had a bit of a falling out before they moved on to high school and haven’t really hung out since.
Maram is also friends with Amir Ali (my TWST!Aladdin) and they hang out often when they’re not at school.
Maram’s personality is very similar to Genies in both the live-action and animated movies. They’re a fun-loving and loyal person. They can be a little bit of a prankster but their pranks are all in good fun and never cause harm. Maram is also very invested in pop culture and will make movie/TV show references all the time. They’re also the type to use humour to ease tension or comfort a friend.
Maram is also a sucker for romance novels and love stories. They’re often the ones Amir goes to for advice on how to impress TWST!Jasmine (I haven’t come up with a name for her yet :’D)
Because of Maram’s outgoing personality, they make friends rather quickly. However, they don’t throw around the term “best friend” willy-nilly; there are only a small handful of people Maram would consider their best friends.
In terms of overall appearance; Maram generally takes a more humanoid form to blend in better. Their appearance is similar to the live-action version of Genie in terms of skin tone and general hairstyle, same with their clothing colour palette.
Maram also loves to sing and dance, I think it’s one of the things they bonded over with Jamil originally. I also love the idea that Maram gets introduced to some of the other NRC characters through a fun little rendition of Arabian Nights (the 2019 version b/c I really like that one). Perhaps Maram was doing some kind of performance in the bazaar when the NRC group passed by or something.
Maram is claustrophobic and hates tight spaces; being at the bazaars when it is busy is not fun for them. They also hate guavas; Maram got sick after eating one once as a kid and developed a full-on food aversion to anything guava-related. They can’t eat or drink anything with guava, even the smell makes them gag 🤧
The info I have on genies as a species will be under the cut!
Like I said before, I’m still fleshing out genies as a species, but here is what I have in mind so far;
The real names for genies are Djinn or Jinn (depending on who you ask), though the term “Genie” became popular due to the Scalding Sands legend of the Beautiful Princess and the kindhearted thief (ie, the TWST tale of the Aladdin film) which used the word “genie” to describe the being that helped the thief. The Djinn don’t have a preference over what their species is called since it’s all relatively the same. I'm going to use "genie" for the sake of ease.
Genies are fae-like magical beings who have a wide variety of abilities. It’s said that they are notably skilled in conjugation and illusionary magic due to their “vivid imaginations”.
I imagine a genie's ability to shapeshift is similar to Lillia's ability to fly without a broom; it's a natural ability that doesn't require much magical energy.
Genies share a few physical traits with their fae cousins such as sharp nails, pointed ears, short fangs, and occasionally slit pupils. Genies can also sometimes show traits similar to scorpions, snakes, or lizards, though not ALL genies have these traits.
Genies can change their physical appearance to whatever they desire and not accumulate blot. There are rumours that genies have naturally colourful skin (ie. Pink or blue) but change their appearance to appear more human-like to blend in.
This is true of Maram, who has a naturally blue complexion but often changes their skin tone to match humans so they stand out less.
Genies live incredibly long lives, so it’s not uncommon for some to become sentimental and even take on traits of friends or loved ones that have since passed to stay connected to them.
While there are slight differences, Maram’s hair colour and the little fringe they have are reminiscent of Jamil’s. Even though they aren’t close anymore, Maram still values Jamil’s friendship and this is one way they feel connected to Jamil.
Genie magic is similar to fae magic with the strongest genies having magical powers similar in strength to Malleus or his grandmother.
When it comes to normal spell casting (think the conjuring spells Genie did on his own, separate from Aladdin's wishes in the movie), blot accumulation isn’t that different from the fae or even other mages. Genies are not “all-powerful” though they do tend to possess a lot more magical powers than humans or beastmen.
One difference, however, is that genies don’t rely on mage stones to deal with blot. They actually use a combination of their lamps and bracelets to cast magic and decrease blot.
The lamp is what accumulates blot - the more tarnished the lamp looks, the more blot there is - while they use their bracelets similar to how NRC students use their magical pens.
Genies almost ALWAYS have their lamps on them to keep them safe. The lamps are very important to them so if they lose them it can be terrible for the genie.
The lamps can also act as “recharge” stations of sorts, but only for the genie who’s connected to the lamp. Maram cannot enter another genie's lamp to recharge their magic or diminish their blot and vice versa. They can only use their own lamp.
Now this is where I don’t have everything completely fleshed out; schooling and the three wishes idea.
I mentioned in my discussion post on genies in TWST, but how would their schooling work? Part of me thinks that genies wouldn’t attend normal mage schools like NRC or RSA. Their magic is different enough that it's easier to learn from other genies.
This is particularly true when it’s taken into consideration that they use lamps and bracelets to cast magic and monitor blot rather than mage stones and magical pens.
I think perhaps young genies start schooling when their powers start getting stronger. This is also when they would first receive their lamp and bracelets. Though this concept is open to change, I don’t have much figured out yet.
For the wishes things; I have this idea that genies can access more powerful magic through the use of their lamps. This would be something unique to genies and would be similar to a mage's unique magic. Genies refer to this magic as “wishes”
I mentioned earlier that genies aren’t all-powerful, normally. This magic they can access through their lamps, however, is a lot closer to “all-powerful” than their normal magical powers. However, because of the strength of these spells, it’s easy to overblot.
This is kind of why there’s the “three wishes” rule; typically it takes three wishes to reach the stopping point of build-up up, any more and overblot is likely to happen.
The thing I don’t have figured out is how to tie in the classic “the master rubs the lamp and makes a wish” troupe to this. I think that having a “master” (ie. Someone that is not a genie) being a requirement to access this power helps to make it less overpowering.
It would mean the genie has to find someone they trust with their lamp to be able to access more powerful spells. I just don’t have the specifics figured out yet.
I do think it would be funny if Maram tried to play off this ability as their unique magic by calling it “Friend like me” or something. That or maybe some younger genies think it would be cool to give this power a name or something like other mages. Idk, it’s just a silly little hc of mine.
This is all I have figured out so far! Like I said I’m open to ideas or suggestions because this seems like such a fun and vast topic to me! This is just my take on genies and isn’t anything set in stone 100%. I tried to stick close to the movies while also fitting it into the Twisted Wonderland lore without it being over powered. I have a tendency to try and balance out seemingly over powered abilities with really specific limitations and/or drawbacks.
Let me know if anyone would want to see a proper info card for Maram!
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moyazaika · 1 month
got the craziest idea. hear me out chat. you know those promises you make with your best friends when you’re both young?? it’s so silly and sweet, but the words ultimately mean nothing—
“promise me if we’re still alone in twenty years, let’s get married to each other.”
“i promise.”
—to you, at least.
you moved on, from not only that promise you made, but the person you made it with as well. you moved away far beyond his reach when you got older and wiser and realised that actually, the way he touched you and spoke to you and promised you he’d kill everyone who looked your way? that wasn’t okay.
and so you left; and he’ll be the first to admit… it worked. for years, he had no idea where you’d gone. he searched desperately, always keeping an eye out for his darling childhood friend, but whilst his life was consumed by your abrupt absence… you had forgotten him entirely.
you’d forgotten all about the sickeningly sweet declarations of his obsessive affection, and the violent threats he’d always make towards anyone who ever so much as spared you a passing glance. at some point, you’d forgotten what it even was that you’d run from in the first place.
well, until he shows up on your front door, twenty years later, with a ring in one pocket, and a pair of handcuffs in the other—
—he’s going to cuff you, one way or another.
just let this be your lesson not to make promises you can’t keep, next time. :)
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sketchyallstar · 1 year
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Fundamentals of character design; if you wanna refine a design that seems to fluctuate every time you draw it, try finding the basic shapes in your design and figuring out how to use the shape language to better represent your character. Round shapes for cuteness, sweetness, softness; square shapes for rigidness, seriousness, hardness; triangle shapes for a bit of unique flair, maybe something edgy, flexibility; heart shapes for a combined message of the round and triangle shapes, maybe also communicating beauty or loving tenderness.
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rachirodehills · 2 years
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The Three Genies (Genieuary)
The Three Genie (Genieuary) I'm joining in! I'm done being LEFT OUT! LEFT OUT DAMNIT! So, for part of Genieuary, I've made a few Random Island Characters. "The Three Genies"! (Left to Right) Eena, Miira, and Siiko. The Genie Triplets of Random-Island that are known for magic and beauty. They can also sing and shapeshift like Shantae. Eena, Miira, Siiko  - (c) @Rachi-RodeHills 
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evasive-anon · 11 months
Actually consumed by how much of Gotham War is just pure Monkeys Paw content. Fans are always making posts about how they want to see Dick hit enrage again, or how Bruce used to give Jason piggyback rides, how they want Bruce to call the boys his sons and say he loves them, or how they want to see Tim and Damian hug, and they gave us ALL of it. Just not at all how anyone intended.
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lajadelmira · 2 years
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✨ Arcana ✨
Genies/fairy/satyr mix
Another fairy inspired creature She is a mystical being that probably won't give what you wish
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the-golden-comet · 25 days
✨🧞‍♂️Confession Tag 🧞‍♂️✨
Thank you for tagging me here, @willtheweaver and here @theink-stainedfolk !
Rules: For this tag game, share a confession scene—it can be about anything!
Have y’all seen Ali’s confession in YWIMC yet? No? It’s intense 👀🧞‍♂️✨
“I’m sorry….” Noah’s voice wavered.
“….No, Noah. I’m sorry.” Ali shook his head, slowly and mechanically. “I wasn’t there when you needed me. I couldn’t be there when you called out for help. I was so fucking afraid of what Allah would do to me for loving you, that I pushed you away….” His breath hitched, yet his tears landed on Noah’s cheeks. “….But Allah could smite me down indefinitely; I’m not running away anymore—!!”
“—I LOVE you, Noah!!” Ali yelled gutturally down to the shellshocked Cauldwell. “I love you! I love you so strongly that it hurts to see you suffer. I love you more than my heart can carry. I love you more than a friend, or a brother. I LOVE you so much that I can’t stand it, Noah!!”
Cauldwell was shaking at the intensity of Ali’s confession. The genie continued, his grip over Noah’s wrists tightening to emphasize each word: “I don’t CARE if I’m not supposed to. I don’t care if it’s a sin, or against Allah. I don’t care if I’m cursed to eternal damnation for this because my curse is already my hell.” That last sentence came from a place of spite. “I prayed to Allah and was met with silence. I will not stand SILENT anymore!!”
“A-Ali…!!” Noah’s voice caught in his throat.
Hoooooo boy. Gonna let this one marinate for a bit. Leaving this tag +open and also gently prodding my tag list if they wish to join ✨
✨👇Tag list for writing snippets below. DM me if you would like to be added 👇✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@clevah-girlboss , @glasshouses-and-stones , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @fantasy-things-and-such , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @far-cry-from-finality , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , @saturnine-saturneight , @moltenwrites , @pixies-love-envy , @davycoquette , @writeahurricane , @nczaversnick , @greenfinchwriter , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @lavender-gloom , @aintgonnatakethis , @thecomfywriter , @pluppsauthor , @michellekarnold , @flurrysahin , @authorcoledipalo , @jadeglas , @spookyceph , @48lexr , @inseasofgreen , @saebasanart , @leatafandom , @just-emis-blog , @aalinaaaaaa , @badscientist , @dearunreliablenarrator , @worlds-tallest-fairy , @swordslord
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