#genevieve navarro
ogdencollegerp · 1 month
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Thanks to THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY's genoristy and continuing presence at the center of all social circles, all students who were close to THE GOLDEN GIRL (or at least appeared to be and maybe some mistakes) have been invited out to the Hamptons. It's the offseason - so whilst many people are jetting off to ski resorts or warm islands, the beaches are deserted, quiet, and covered in snow.
Perfect to celebrate the end of a year - and most importantly, honor Greer's life, of course.
See below the cut for the roommates everyone will have while on the trip !!!
PLEASE NOTE: Current threads do not have to be paused for the duration of the event, but any starters (both open and closed) should take place during winter break. Please note there will be further plot/date markers from the main throughout the event, as IC it is taking place across a week. As always, feel free to DM the main with any questions or concerns !!!
Robin Morgan
Charlie Fletcher
Henrietta Astor
Sassa Fiske
Freddie Kolbeck
Milo Navarro
Cara Morrison
Logan Iyande
Monty Richler
Ollie Inoue
Minnie Lee
Lola Rhodes
Edward Morrison
Genevieve Upton-Crane
Mari Zuko
Natalia Vega
Nathaniel Shaw
Jesse Hart
Silja Spence
Anya Saetang
Parker Walsh
Rhiannon Falla
Jacqui Velazquez
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wilmingtoncrp · 1 month
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RYAT NAVARRO is looking for his SIBLINGS (0/5). For more details and how to contact the player, read below.
Character Name: Ryat Navarro
Type of Connection: His Siblings (0/5) (2 sisters, 3 brothers)
Connection Name: Michaela "Mikey", Alexander "Alex", Abigail "Abby", Atlas "AJ", Levi Navarro. (All first names are negotiable! But for the purpose of this, I'll call them as such.)
Connection Age:
Michaela: 38-40 Alexander & Abigail: 31-34 (they're twins) Atlas: 29-30 Levi: 26-28
Suggested FCs: UTP!!
Michaela: Lyndsy Foncesa, Mila Kunis, Alexandra Park, Alison Williams, Crystal Reed, Genevieve Padalecki, Jaimie Alexander, Lauren Cohan, UTP
Alexander: Zane Holtz, Luke Mitchell, Jack Falahee, Brant Daugherty, Penn Badgley, Liam Hemsworth, Nico Tortorella, UTP
Abigail: Adelaide Kane, Maia Mitchell, Jamie Levy, Katie Stevens, Mae Whitman, Poppy Drayton, UTP
Atlas: Cody Christen, Barry Keoghan, Dacre Montgomery, Austin Bulter, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet, UTP
Levi: Cody Christen, Barry Keoghan, Dacre Montgomery, Austin Bulter, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet, UTP
TW: child neglect, substance abuse, OD. dysfunction.
The Navarros' are the Gallaghers from Shameless. The kids basically raised themselves.
They all were born and grew up in South Hills.
These kids learned survivors instincts from the get, and they raised hell for just as long. The oldest daughter was the head of the family, she is the one who took over most of the care. Ryat is the second oldest, and he also took a big part in raising these kids.
A lot of the background of the siblings is UTP. What they're doing. Rather or not they made it out of South Hills, or if theyve been to prison. If their lives are together, or if they still figuring shit out.
THE TWO THINGS THAT ARE SET IN STONE, HOWEVER: The second oldest daughter, Abigail, did get pregnant with she was a teenager. She currently had a teenage son who's around 14, and named Noah at this moment. How she does as a parent, etc etc is UTP. The other thing is that there are 7 NAVARRO SIBLINGS. There is also a 17 year old named Maddison, who at the very least, still lives at the Navarro family home.
Michaela (38-40)
Ryat (36)
Alexander (31-34)
Abigail (31-34)
Atlas (29-30)
Levi (26-28)
Maddison (17)
Their parents are Richard and Kelly Navarro. Kelly would spend some time in prison and when she came out, she'd link back up with her no good husband, and the birth of the last Navarro child came nine months later.
Kelly would overdose when Maddi was 1, while Ryat held her.
Their father, Richard, nicknamed Dick, by most of the kids, is still in the picture. He like a cockroach that won't die, and he is often found bumming around the Navarro house.
This family is BIG dysfunctional. They didn't grow up with good parents, and usually had to fight their way through life. But the one thing they are is close. Ryat loves all his siblings, and growing up, they really only even had each other. This, of course, doesn't mean they don't go rounds with each other...
SISTER/BROTHER VIBES: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
BROTHER/BROTHER VIBES: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
FAMILY VIBES: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
If interested, please contact @ryatnavarro
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ittybittywordsmith · 2 years
couple of modern day moses’ searching for the promised land
Ms. Mariana Navarro James 1632 Mulligan Street New York, NY WZ10023
Ms. Navarro James,
On behalf of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, the Department of Magical Security has reviewed your application and is pleased to invite you to join us at the Auror Academy this coming fall. We are thrilled for you to join the ranks of the nation’s bravest and brightest. We look forward to your attendance on September 1st.
Mariana Navarro James has always known that she wanted to be an auror. She had declared it with utmost confidence to every vocational counselor, friend, and nosy old biddy who had inquired about her future since she was five. And of course, how could she not? What else could a kid ever dream of being when they had the Director of Magical Security as their dad and grew up snuggled against his chest, listening to him recount his adventures of the week?
(It was only in the last year or two that it had occurred to Mari that perhaps her father had tidied the stories he told her, sanitizing reality until it was an appropriate bedtime tale for a little girl. She had taken some advanced History of Magic courses in her last few years at school and had eventually come to the realization that some of the more terrible events in their recent history didn’t match what she thought she knew. Sometimes the bad guys won. Sometimes the good guys never made it home again. Sometimes the mundane becomes a nightmare. That thought had shaken her a little, but then again, she supposed they weren’t known as the nation’s bravest for nothing, were they?)
In the end, it wasn’t just the stories or the long shadow of Scott James that had drawn her to this field. Mari was eighteen, fresh out of Ilvermorny, and certain she knew what she wanted from her life. She wanted excitement, she wanted adventure, she wanted meaning. She wanted to know that the things she did made a difference. And the letter Mari had just opened in the foyer with trembling hands – it was everything she knew she wanted. The first step of the rest of her life.
So, quite rationally, her first reaction was to stuff the letter in her sweater pocket and dart out the front door before anyone had even seen that she had come home.
Mari rushed down the sidewalk she had jogged up only a few minutes before, trying hard to not look too much like she was fleeing the scene of a crime. She had no idea where she was going – only that she needed distance, room to breathe before she suffocated to death. She turned random corner after random corner with no specific location in mind, and eventually her panicked heartbeat began to calm. She drew in deep, needy breaths and slowed down, but she continued to let her feet take her where they would. What was she doing? Why was she being like this? It wasn’t like she hadn’t expected the acceptance letter, of course she had. Her dad would have told her if anything had gone wrong with her application process–
A car honked aggressively, followed by an impressive amount of swearing, and Mari jumped, jostled out of her thoughts. She blinked and looked around, taking in her surroundings for the first time since she’d run out of the townhouse. Oh. She’d somehow made it into the city proper. She must have been walking longer – or perhaps just faster – than she’d realized, to have made it this far. She almost never came out this far into the city on her typical runs. Usually she liked to use running as a way to clear her head, but the noise and distraction of the congested New York streets battled with the noise and distraction in her own thoughts, almost always resulting in nothing more productive than a pounding migraine.
Mari began to slow down, to let her brain catch up to what her feet had been doing, and was immediately shoulder checked by a woman behind her with a large purse, complete with very sharp brass hardware. “Ow!” she complained as the purse’s buckle smacked her hard enough to leave a bruise. The woman didn’t even glance back. Mari scowled, but kept up the pace to avoid being run over by anyone else. It was only a momentary distraction, but in that moment, the realization of where she had subconsciously been heading smacked into her harder than the purse.
Oh. Duh. Jacob’s apartment was only a few more miles away.
In the couple years since her brother had moved out of the townhouse, Mari had rarely gone to visit him on foot. There was a period of time after she’d gotten her Apparition license where she’d taken to popping up right in the middle of his living room, but it hadn’t lasted long – Jacob had instituted a ‘Front Door or Floo Entry Only’ policy after she’d caught him eating cold pasta in his boxers for the third time. Still, Mari felt pretty confident that she was going the right way as she took in her bearings with this new context. Oddly, she found that having this destination alleviated some of the pressure on her chest. Taking a deeper, steadier breath, Mari increased her speed to an easy jog and wound her way up the streets of New York.
It didn’t take long to find the right building. Mari jogged to the front door and punched a code into the adjacent keypad – a code, mind you, that her brother had no idea she knew, which she took as concrete evidence that she would be great at investigative work.
The door swung open with a short, sharp beep!, and as she ducked inside, Mari caught her reflection in the window. She wrinkled her nose. Her hair was back to its natural color – a mousy dark blonde that Mari insisted automatically made her fifteen percent more boring in any conversation. She had gotten the hang of changing her hair color on a whim and keeping it that way without much thought before she’d even started school, but sometimes when her attention was thoroughly engrossed elsewhere, she slipped and the natural color came seeping back without her even noticing. That wasn’t something she was willing to deal with today.
Mari glanced around the lobby – once she was suitably convinced that she was alone, she closed her eyes and concentrated. With a little pop! that was almost definitely just in her mind, she felt the change take over. She glanced back in the window, and her reflection this time was sporting her pulled back ponytail in her preferred color of bubblegum pink. She managed a little smile.
Much better.
Turning on her reflection, Mari bounded up the stairs two at a time. By the time she made it to the fourth floor, she was wheezing – she leaned against the railing for a moment, fighting for her breath. It had been unnecessary and had certainly worked up a sweat, but it made her feel better to have a reason she understood for her erratic heartbeat. Mari gave herself ten seconds for her breathing to become less dramatic before she pushed herself off the railing and stumbled down the hall. She knocked at the door marked 4D and leaned heavily against the doorframe while she waited, her gaze down to the floor as she regulated her breath. One breath. Two breaths. Three. Then the door swung open.
Mari glanced up, a flippant greeting to her brother already on her lips – and immediately, she found herself snapping ramrod straight. “Atticus!” she said in a bit of a gasp. “. . . hi!”
Stupid, Mari chastised herself. Stupid, stupid. It had never occurred to her that her brother’s roommate might answer the door, and now here she was in front of him, sweaty and breathing hard and probably not the best she had ever smelled. Rationally, Mari knew it was a dumb thing to be worried about – she’d known Atticus Prewett since she was a little kid, from back when  Jacob first started bringing friends home to visit over the summer. He’d certainly seen her in worse states, but that didn’t mean Mari wasn’t cursing herself for not taking the extra minute to lengthen her eyelashes or make her breasts a little perkier when she was fixing her hair downstairs.
Atticus blinked blearily at her, tugging absently at his worn, crinkled shirt. Clearly, she’d woken him up – probably better for him, really, since it wasn’t exactly what Mari would call early in the day. He gave her a lazy, somewhat confused smile, and even with the disorientation in his expression, Mari felt her stomach do a small flip in response. “Uh, g’morning?” he said, half reply, half question. He glanced over his shoulder at the fireplace in the living room, dark with cold ashes. “Is our floo out again or something?”
Mari felt her cheeks flush, but tried to comfort herself that, after her sprint up the stairs, she was probably already so red with exertion that he wasn’t likely to notice the difference. The thought wasn’t all that comforting. “Uh, n-no, I, um. . . I was, y’know, just in the neighborhood,” Mari stuttered, embarrassed. She shifted back and forth from her heels to her toes, awkward, before the words she needed finally came to her. She looked past Atticus into the apartment. “So, uh, is Jacob up yet?”
To her surprise, his expression fell. Mari’s brow furrowed slightly and she nearly asked if Jacob was alright, but Atticus spoke first. “No, he’s been at Vanessa’s all week,” he replied with a shrug. “He hasn’t been around much lately.”
“Oh,” Mari replied, her voice hitching a little in surprise and disappointment. Jacob had always been good to talk to. He never got impatient with her rambling, no matter how many tangents she went on – it was why, when her head had finally cleared enough for her to figure out where she was going, she had come here. Jacob had always had time for her. . . except, of course, that had been before he’d gotten himself a girlfriend. Pursing her lips, Mari considered heading back home – but the thought sent a panicky thrum through her chest, and she knew right then that she wasn’t ready for the scene that awaited her at home, when her parents found out she’d gotten her acceptance letter. No, Mari couldn’t go home, not yet. . . her gaze fell back to Atticus, still looking a bit like an abandoned puppy.
Well, she was already here, wasn’t she?
Mari walked past Atticus into the apartment, perfectly uninvited. “Got any water?”
Atticus looked after her with a frown. “Sure, come on in, I guess,” he muttered under his breath before closing the door. He made his way into the kitchen. “Tap okay with you?” Mari gave an acquiescent shrug in response. She was parched enough now that he could have juiced a shoe into a glass in front of her, and she still would have drank it. He grabbed a somewhat dingy looking glass from a shelf and filled it in the sink before passing it to her.
Mari took it with a nod of thanks and perched herself on a wobbly barstool, looking around as she rehydrated. She caught sight of the living room – there were scattered sketchbook pages everywhere, covered with half-realized drawings, and a crumpled blanket and pillow on the couch. She raised an eyebrow and looked back at her begrudging host. “What, did you sleep there last night?”
Atticus cringed and raised an arm to run a hand through his dark hair, exposing a few inches of midriff. Mari tried not to be too obtuse as she stared, but subtlety had never been a great skill of hers. She’d have to work on that at the Academy. “Uh – more like I slept there this morning,” he admitted, looking a little sheepish. “I sort of hit a block with the novel, and I was up all last night trying to figure it out. All I managed was a pile of wasted paper. Normally I would have bounced ideas off of Jake, but. . . y’know. . . he’s been preoccupied. . .”
Oh, the novel.
Mari couldn’t help a sympathetic look. Jacob and Atticus had been working on a graphic novel together since they were sixteen and now, seven years later, it was still coming along at a trudge. Jacob was the writer, Atticus was the artist – and what an artist Atticus was, although Mari could never admit that out loud without sounding like a doe eyed lovesick schoolgirl. Jacob was good at what he did too, she guessed, and for a while, it had almost seemed like they might be able to actually put something together. But then they had their graduation exams, and then they’d had to go out into the world and find jobs, and then Jacob started his apprenticeship with their grandfather, and then he met Vanessa Thornwood (who Mari was convinced stole her brother’s heart, brain, and testicles to keep in a bottle around her neck), and the longer time when on, the more progress had slowed to an almost nonexistent crawl.
And yet, neither of them could give up on it. Certainly not Atticus, if his expression of tired frustration was anything to go off of. “What do you think the problem is?” Mari asked gently, her own problems already fading to a distant glimmer in her mind.
“I don’t know,” Atticus sighed, leaning against the counter with a defeated hunch to his shoulders. “I think I’m just. . . in a rut? I don’t feel like I have any new ideas, or at least, nothing worth playing out. So maybe – maybe that’s it. Maybe I’ve just used them all up?” Mari sipped her water and nodded sagely, trying not to overthink the situation. She knew Atticus only saw her as his best friend’s little sister – or, worse, as practically his own little sister. The vulnerability he was showing now was the kind that you can only get between childhood friends who have known each other almost as long as they’ve known themselves, the ones who have seen you at your worst and most embarrassing. It was the way he would have opened up to Jacob, or any of their old school friends, nothing more. He sighed again. “I know that must sound dumb – but it’s like I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel.”
Without thinking, Mari reached out a hand to rest comfortingly on Atticus’s arm. He didn’t even glance up at her touch. “It’s not dumb,” Mari said firmly, before taking a second to reconsider. “Or, well, it does sound kinda stupid–” That got his attention, and Atticus looked up at her, looking vaguely hurt. Mari winced. Oh Circe help her, why was she so bad at this? “What I mean is, uh – maybe you just need some new inspiration. Go see some new sights, hear some new sounds. Have an adventure or something. You can. . . refill the barrel, or whatever you artist types need to do.”
Atticus scoffed lightly, looking at her like she’d just suggested they picnic on the moon – a lovely idea, of course, but completely unrealistic. “I can’t just up and ‘have an adventure’, Mar. I’ve got, like, adult shit to take care of. I have a job. I have rent. And besides, what about Jake? He’ll be at your granddad’s all summer, preparing new wands for the next school year. And all of his free time is going to be spent mooning over Vanessa. It’s not like I’m going to be able to convince to just up and leave for a month–”
“So? Who needs him?” Mari replied with a sniff, slightly less enthused now that her heartfelt suggestion had been met with stark incredulity. Still, she persevered. “And I know you have all that grown-up bullshit to deal with, but come on – that’s just an excuse. You can find someone to stay in your place for a month or two, some rich kid right out of Ilvermorny or something. And as for your job, you hate that place anyways.”
Atticus blinked in surprise. “How did you know that?”
Mari tapped the top of her nose playfully and winked. “A lady never reveals her sources.” The truth was Mari only had one source, and it was Jacob, who tended to relent information after an extended period of constant annoying questions. That was how she knew that Atticus had for a short (and surely meaningless) while dated the lovely hostess at the fancy white tablecloth restaurant he waited at. That was also how she knew they had broken up six months ago, and he still had to see both her and the bartender he’d caught her with every day when he went to work. After that, it was only a hop, jump, and skip away from the conclusion that Atticus probably hated his job.
See? She was good at sleuthing.
As for her current proposition, Atticus still didn’t look convinced. Mari had only been talking out of her ass, really, when she’d originally made the suggestion – but the more they went back and forth, the more sure she felt that this was the right option and the more determined she was to make Atticus see that as well. Her mind, unbidden, went back to the folded up acceptance letter in her pocket, and her breath hitched for just a moment. Was it possible that she could kill two birds with one stone? Before she could doubt herself, Mari spoke again, trying not to sound too eager. “What if– what if we . . . ran away? Together?”
Atticus looked at her sharply, clearly alarmed, and seemed to notice for the first time that she was touching him. He pulled away from her gently and shifted to put some distance between them. “Mari. . .”
Panic flooded her system and Mari launched into damage control mode. “Not like that!” she blurted out sharply, her voice a little higher than usual. She winced and cleared her throat before pushing through in a voice that was a closer approximation to her usual, casual tone. “I meant, uh– you’re not the only one who could use a change of scenery, y’know. I want to spend my last summer of freedom doing something– something totally insane. I want to be crazy and spontaneous one last time before I’m tied down with all of that bullshit too, and I can’t just live my life anymore. So. . . what if we went off on separate adventures, together? Just to keep each other company and make sure the other is alright and stuff? Would that be so bad?”
Atticus still looked dubious. “You don’t have school friends your own age that you would rather do this with? One last hurray and all that jazz?”
And honestly. . . Mari didn’t. Oh, sure, she had friends and all that, she wasn’t a complete loner – Vee would be down to go to Hell and back as a lark, if she asked, and the girls from her dorm were always up for a good time. But if she took this trip with them, it would wind up being something silly and juvenile – one last beat of her school days before she gave it all up. The idea of going with Atticus. . . that felt different. Bigger. Like– like the first step of the rest of her life?
(Mari might have laughed then, at how that thought now in this ridiculous context didn’t scare her nearly as much as the same thought she’d had earlier this morning, but she didn’t want to freak Atticus out by explaining, so she held herself back.)
“Nope,” Mari replied cheerily, completely confident. “Can’t think of anyone.” Atticus rolled his eyes and looked away from her, his gaze settling on the window. The view wasn’t much, just the gray stone of the too close building beside them, but Mari could tell he wasn’t really looking at it. He was considering her offer, really considering it. . . and in his own way, she could tell he needed this as badly as she did. He just needed one last push. She gave him a few moments of peace, and then wheedled in a singsong voice, “Also, I have a bank account my parents have been adding to since I was a kid that is begging to be blown through with irresponsible abandon.”
That drew an unexpected laugh from Atticus, and for a moment, Mari beamed with pride. Atticus could be so serious sometimes – it felt like a victory, to be able to make him laugh. But the joy she felt from his laugh was nothing compared to what she was about to experience in the next few minutes. “Okay,” Atticus agreed suddenly, nodding to himself. “I mean. . . yeah. Sure. Okay. What the hell, right? It’s not like I have anything to lose.”
For a moment, the world stopped turning. “Really?” Mari asked breathlessly, unsure that she could actually believe it. But Atticus was just looking at her – no correcting her misinterpretation, or laughing that she had fallen for such a joke. Just Atticus, serious and somber as a headstone; except, of course, that headstones never have smiles slowly creeping into their expressions. Mari gave a wide grin in response and, to keep herself from doing something phenomenally stupid (like launching herself into his arms), she downed the whole remaining glass of water. She might have choked, but who cared about something as stupid as that at a time like this? “Okay then!” she said in a tone of declaration, jumping down from the barstool. “We leave tomorrow, first thing in the morning! Show up at my place bright and early, seven am on the dot. No sleeping in. Bring everything that you’re going to need for the next two months. And bring plenty of sketchbooks!”
“Tomorrow??” Atticus said in alarm, scrambling to keep up with Mari’s sudden decisiveness. “Like, tomorrow tomorrow? You don’t think we need a little more time to get affairs in order and shit?”
“Tomorrow!” Mari shot back in a tone that brokered no argument. She strode to the door in her best imitation of the long, confident walk her mother used when she wanted people to get out of her way. “You said you would go, and it’s too late to turn back now.” Mari opened the door, and glanced back to see an awestruck Atticus still standing in the middle of his kitchen in his wrinkly pajamas. That was a sight that she would end up seeing a lot, she suspected, over the next two months. Her grin brightened. “See you in the morning!”
Mari closed the door behind her without waiting for a response. For a moment, she didn’t move, her brain too preoccupied running over what had just happened to consider anything so much as directing her feet to walk forward. She had really did just convince her brother’s best friend, the object of her ridiculous schoolgirl crush, to run away with her to nowhere in particular for an entire summer. It didn’t feel real – and yet, it was starting to feel more real with every passing moment. She laughed and pushed herself off the door, making her way merrily back into the real world. Tonight, she would let her parents celebrate her acceptance into the Academy. Tomorrow, she and Atticus would leave everything behind. And after that–
Well, who knew what would be waiting for them after that.
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The Witcher Sentence Starters  @hololite​ said:  ❝ true words are rare words. ❞ - Osias
Gen’s gaze fell on him as he spoke, studying him for a moment as she considered his words. It was a very factual statement he had made, one that she had certainly come to realise ever since stepping into her father’s world and encountering the kinds of people their family mingled with. People like Osias and his cartel. Those like him made powerful allies or dangerous enemies, and her words had to be chosen carefully. 
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“You’re definitely not wrong there.” she replied, leaning forward a little. “Especially in the world we play in. True words are few and far between, instead we just hear pretty lies and venomous half-truths. It’s not easy to know who to trust. But that’s why they say to keep our friends close and our enemies closer, isn’t it? But it’s up to you which we can be.” 
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eleanor-flanagan · 3 years
As promised, here is the list of paired couples for the Valentine’s Day event that I put together. Due to the lack of participation when it came to signing up, I’ve decided to pair up the entire campus. If I missed you, it was on accident. Simply reach out to me and I will rectify my mistake. As a reminder, the purpose of this event was to reach out to people and get to know someone new. Reach out to your partner and set up some form of shared activity, be it a BDSM scene, sex, a date, or simply “hanging out.” 
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Danilo Naquil, Quinn Fabray & Ahsan Singh
Bellamy Fabray & Astrid Porter
Eleanor Flanagan & Sophia St. James
Dahlia Wilson & Nikolai Flanagan
Remy Smythe & Manny Aguirre
Hana Cohen-Chang & Alexus Jones
Ambrose Eliot-Abrams & Patrick Blanco
Kurt Hummel & Oakland Gilbert
Emile Fuller & Parker St. James
Jeff Sterling & Gaston Lefevre
Genevieve Sterling & Lauren Zizes
Blaine Anderson & Hayden McFarrin
Jules Davis & Marley Rose
Mickey Rutherford & Riley Puckerman
Carson Clarington & Sebastian Smythe
Alice Mathews & Isabel Evans-Guerin
Isabela Lopez & Declan Flanagan
Parker Chang & Vic Sterling
Rebekah Berry & Lillian Crawford
Darrean Anderson & Amelia Mathews
Sang Cohen-Chang & Maggie Fuller
Jamie Huggins & Fletcher Hudson
Valeria Aguirre & Felix Hudson
Ashton Evans & Kady Wilde
Claire Eliot-Abrams & Cecilia Fuller
Omar Shanaa & Theo Sterling
Harold Lauder & Zeke Amir
Keith Mathews & Ari Cohen-Chang
Elliot Gilbert & Nick Duval
Lucas Mellon & Dylan Wilson
Adrian Mellon & Deven Clarington
Elliott Anderson & Reginald Huggins
Mason McCarthy & Roswell Meeks 
Riley Duval & Malakai Abrams
David Karofsky, Wyatt Duval & Beau Smythe
Johnny Cade & Madison McCarthy
Aden Hummel & Remy Navarro
Eryx Duval & Nick Andros
Blake Evans & Dallas Winston
Dorsey Rose & Campbell Clarington
Lorelai Lefevre & Hunter Clarington
Liam Sterling & Zoe Abrams
Artie Abrams & Sodapop Curtis
*Sir Remy Navarro, Sir Hunter Clarington, and Sir Roswell Meeks had asked to be left out, but I needed them for the numbers. Keep that in mind when approaching, as they will likely not enjoy any kind of pressure to engage intimately. 
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The time has come to announce this weekend’s events! Since the overwhelming complaint on campus seems to be people refusing to interact with those outside of their immediate friend group, I decided to go ahead and pair everyone for this event, whether you signed up or not. This is an easy, fun thing that is meant to get everyone involved and talking. Please be kind and courteous, and show respect for your partner by showing up and participating. It’s simple, and not time consuming. 
For PART1  of the event, I have paired everyone on campus. This weekend, take an hour to sit down with your partner, and play an icebreaker, “get to know you” game. Come up with a list of 10 questions to ask, and ask them! I’ll be posting some suggestions tomorrow, you’re welcome to take one of the lists  provide, or you can make your own. Either way, ask your partner questions that encourage you to really get to know them! I chose not to go the “just talking” route, and add in the requirement/request of asking specific questions, so that nothing fizzles out and everyone gets the chance to speak with their partner. 
PART2 will come tomorrow afternoon, at the Unity Cookout! I’ll be hosting this in the courtyard, enjoying the warm weather they’re calling for. There will be games, snacks, a campfire, a BBQ, and all the fun things we love about a good cookout. However, at one point in the day, you will b e asked to talk about what you learned about your partner! If you have questions, let me know!
Manny Aguirre and Mason McCarthy 
Dave Karofsky and Parker St. James
Two-BIt Mathews and Lorelai Lefevre
Declan Flanagan and Remy Smythe
Lauren Zizes and Parker Chang
Malakai Abrams and Bekah Berry
Nick Duval and Dan Moreno
Darrean Anderson and Harold Lauder
Nikolai Flanagan and Liam Sterling
Sophia St. James and Mencia Blanco-Commerford
Lucas Mellon and Beckett Weston
Adrian Mellon and Johnny Cade
Nick Andros and Ari Cohen-Chang
Zoe Abrams and jJules Davis
Vic Sterling and Blake Evans
Remy Navarro and Hana Cohen-Chang
Ross Meeks and Carson Clarington
Gaston Lefevre and Omar Shanaa
Madison McCarrhy and Claire Eliot-Abrams
Felix Hudson and Ambrose Eliot-Abrams
Beau Smythe and Aden Hummel
Elliott Anderson and Ashton Evans
Dallas Winston and Eleanor Flanagan
Kady Wilde and Riley Duval
Campbell Clarington and Amelia Mathews
Gabriel Chang and Artie Abrams
Fletcher Hudson and Valeria Aguirre
Zeke Amir and Dylan Wilson
Hunter Clarington and Johnny Cade
Patrick Blanco-Smythe and Sang Cohen-Chang
Deven Clarington and Isabela Lopez
Lilian Crawford and Polo Villada
Reginald Huggins and Eryx Duval
Ahsan Singh and Wyatt Duval
Sodapop Curtis and Quinn Fabray
Dahlia Wilson and Bellamy Fabray
Elliot Gilbert and Astrid Porter
Oakland Gilbert and Alice Mathews
Mickey Rutherford and Michael Guerin
Isabel Evans-Guerin and Riley Puckermand
Marley Rose and Kurt Hummel
Alexus Jones and Jeff Stirling
Hayden McFarrin and Genevieve sterling
Sebastian Smythe and Roderick Meeks
Theo Sterling and Dorsey Rose
Killian Flanagan and Alex Whitman
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
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Welcome, one and all, to the Chicago Day of Giving, hosted by the ever benevolent Washington family. Treat yourself to a night of luxury with wine tastings, an art and people auction, gift bags, photo booths, dancing, and, of course, a four-course meal catered by Alinea on North Halsted. Naturally, this night is all about giving, so feel free to offer donations online or at the door. As for the dress code, this is a black tie only event, so don your most expensive gowns and that suit you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Let’s make sure tonight will be a night to remember !
( Feel free to create a moodboard for your character’s outfit and post it on the dash, as well as the gala chat on Discord. )
It’s time to be an upstanding citizen by providing support for your city, and the Vasiles, Fausts, and O’Sheas all have some standing up to do. Each family has contributed a hefty donation in hopes of turning the Washingtons to their favor so they may be de-demonized in the crimson city. It’s time to play well with others. Your characters will be free to roam where they please until 10 p.m. EST, when it’s time to settle down for dinner. During dinner, characters will be randomly assigned a seat at a table that could be packed with enemies. Keep smiling, though, the cameras are watching.
Part one of the Chicago Day of Giving starts now and ends on Wednesday at midnight EST. Challenge yourself to write with everyone at your table, and let’s spread the love a little bit ! You know, before...never mind.
Under the cut, you’ll find your groupings for dinner. Reminder, dinner starts at 10 p.m. EST tonight and will end at midnight on Wednesday, May 27th, at 11:59PM EST.
TABLE 1 — Audric Noire, Christian Yi, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie 'Rosie' Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
TABLE 2 — Andrea Reed, Christopher 'Chris' Evans, Griffin Dyer,  Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
TABLE 3 — Alon McCarthy, Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Rosalia Leon
TABLE 4 — Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison, Orion Anderson, Shawn Morgan
TABLE 5 — Asher Vasile, Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave
TABLE 6 — Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, Roman Guerra
TABLE 7 — Audrey Rousseau, Celeste Leon, Irina Koshkin, Oliver Faust, Zedekiah Vasile
TABLE 8 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust, Grayson Beckett, Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce
TABLE 9 — Angelique Calore, Edith Cohen, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
TABLE 10 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
TABLE 11 — August Brooks, Calliope Lane, Ingrid Vasile, Logan Washington, Travis Vasile
TABLE 12 — Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee' Cavendish, Igor Vasile, Milo Arrington, Teagan Michaels
TABLE 13 — Amara Ricci, Eli Vogel, Evelyn "Eevee" Navarro, Katarina Vasile, Summer Moore
TABLE 14 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea,
TABLE 15 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, Sasha Vasile
TABLE 16 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane,  Samuel O’Shea
TABLE 17 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Holden Mercer, Penelope 'Poppy' Levenberg, Ren Daae, 
TABLE 18 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Mikhail Morosov, Vivian Sinclair
TABLE 19 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Evvie Martin, Liam O’Shea, Sawyer Nichols, Maggie Lee
TABLE 20 — Blake Faust, Evander 'Evan' Montague, Henry Davis, Mathias Attano, Wynter Ellis
TABLE 21 — Barnaby Eaton, Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen
TABLE 22 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Isabella Rossi, Lev Vasile, Andromeda O’Shea
TABLE 23 — Andrew Whitmore, David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
TABLE 24 — Abel McCoy, Dominic Murphy, Julianne Hellthorpe, Katia Vasile, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
TABLE 25 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Titus Lei, Zoe Washington
TABLE 26 — Avery Simmons, Constansia Fournier, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Vitomir Kipriyanov
TABLE 27 — Birdie Mendoza, Chaeyoung Moon,  Lorenzo Blackshaw, Zane Washington, Alaina Castillo
TABLE 28 — Blue Daniels, Cassandra Harris, Jackson Marston,  Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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yateshq · 4 years
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Fright Night, aka the Stanley Retreat, was created to foster unity and harmony between the societies, right? Well, the founders thought it would be a lovely idea if each hotel room was randomized. That’s right, you don’t get to pick your roommates in Colorado. They’re assigned to you. Please find your rooming assignments below: 
Room 1:
Henrietta Peters
Brennan Kingston
Elizabeth Aldenkamp
Elias Salvatore
Room 2:
Carmen Peck
Bones Cunningham
Liviana Alvarez
Malcolm Smith
Room 3:
Aisling Warren
Aurora Clark
Florian Henneberg
Syre Salinger
Darby Albright
Room 4:
Bowie Lesser
Stanley Peters
Shelby Carrigan
Tanner Isaacs
Room 5:
Eleanor Albright
Charles Kennedy
Genevieve Maxwell
Romeo Sokolov
Darcy Woodrow
Room 6:
Juliette Barnett
Ophelia Sokolov
Francesca Wilde
Jade Vassar
Fitz Montgomery
Room 7
Sawyer Maxwell
Felix Lesser
Anita de Jesus
Malaki Collier
Room 8
Valentina Lucas
Kristine Navarro
Harrison Hadlee
Cordelia Stone
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fifehopehouse · 2 years
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Join us for this week’s service led by our Elder Genevieve Navarro from 11:15 here: https://youtu.be/m2yt-M9ya34
We will be in person from 10am for our usual Bible Study groups
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wickedthiswaycomes · 3 years
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sickymag-archive · 6 years
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LUCINDA for sickymag.com
Photography Navarro Aydemir Fashion Gulce Gunaydin Model Lucinda Schaefers at Storm Models Hair Klare Wilkinson Make-Up Caroline Sims Photography Assistant Theo Thomas Fashion Assistant Lea Verbays Clothes For Love & Lemons, Azlee, Dinousaur Designers, Piroschka, Sacet, Kitty Joseph, Gianvito Rossi, Fendi, Blancha, Mayrafedane, Dhela, Chloé, Frame, Amiri, Coco De Mer, Genevieve Sweeney, Iphoria, Marc Cain, Dalseen, Pictures of Lily, Forte Forte, Altuzarra, Aquazzura, Alice + Olivia and Lena Hoschek 
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delhi-architect2 · 5 years
ArchDaily - Restaurant Tori Tori Santa Fe / Esrawe Studio
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© César Béjar
architects: Esrawe Studio
Location: Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
Project Year: 2020
Photography: César Béjar
Photography: Jaime Navarro
Photography: Genevieve Lutkin
Area: 720.0 m2
Read more »
from ArchDaily https://www.archdaily.com/935955/restaurant-tori-tori-santa-fe-esrawe-studio Originally published on ARCHDAILY RSS Feed: https://www.archdaily.com/
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ittybittywordsmith · 5 years
love is a comfort zone, not a war zone
A conversation between old friends Genevieve Navarro and Magdalina Kovak. Set at a cafe in Philadelphia, PA, on a brisk day in September, 2011.
“So he is your fiancé?”
Alina couldn't help a smirk as she watched the way her friend across the table tried not to blush. As long as she had known Genevieve Navarro, Alina has never thought of her as being easy to fluster, but she certainly looked flustered now, as she took an awful long time drinking her coffee. Alina gave a laugh. “Merlin, Gen, why didn't you just say so when we were at the gala? I half-thought he was like, the secret lover you were hiding from your husband or something, and you're not even married – unless there's something major you forgot to include in your letters recently.” 
Gen rolled her eyes. “Of course not,” she replied in exasperation, as if that were a ridiculous idea. They were sitting at a cafe table in Philadelphia, not too far from MoMoWA. Between their respective work schedules, it wasn't easy finding a time that worked for both of them – but lunchtime, at least, was universal. Alina speared her salad on her fork while her friend talked. Gen had a salad in front of her as well, although she seemed more interested in the coffee – Alina privately thought the hot brew sustained her more than the food did, although how Gen managed to drink so much of it without milk or sugar was entirely beyond her understanding. “It was just. . .” Gen hedged as she seemed to consider what the most appropriate description of the situation would be. “. . . complicated – at least at the time.”
“Complicated.” Alina echoed, her tone amused. “Right. And now you're getting married?” Gen gave her a wry smile and flashed the ring on her left hand – rubies, it looked like, with a platinum band. Alina laughed again. “That's great news, Gen, really. Congratulations.” 
Gen looked pleased in spite of her earlier self-consciousness and went back to her coffee. “What about you?” her friend asked when she emerged from behind her coffee mug. “It's been awhile since we've really gotten to catch up. Any new special persons in your life?”
Alina thought of Hunter and immediately averted her gaze. “No, of course not,” she replied casually, looking more like she was talking to her salad than to Genevieve. “When would I even find the time?”
Gen scoffed in disbelief. “Well, that was a boldfaced lie if I've ever seen one,” her friend said dryly. Of course, Gen was a prosecutor and had therefore met more than her fair share of boldfaced liars throughout her life, but Alina still smiled and rolled her eyes. She watched as Gen put down her mug for the first time in the last hour and fixed her with that characteristically demanding stare of hers. “Come on. Tell me who it is.”
“It’s no one,” Alina insisted halfheartedly. Gen only raised an eyebrow at her, and Alina amended herself. “Okay, so I might have met someone – but it's nothing.” More disbelief in her friend’s gaze. “Probably. Most likely.”
“Nothing because. . . he's not interested?” Gen asked calmly, reaching for her coffee again.
Now it was Alina’s turn to scoff. “No,” she replied immediately. Alina didn't think of herself as a vain woman, but she wasn't blind. She'd dealt with the advances of men all her life, and the subtle shift in Hunter’s gaze when he looked at her – well, it hadn't gone unnoticed. He hadn't acted on it, at least not yet, but still, Alina didn't imagine lack of interest to be the problem. “But it would be . . . complicated, I think, if it ever came to anything.”
“Complicated. Right.” Gen said with a smirk, doing a spot-on impression of Alina only a few moments ago. They both laughed. “So what's wrong with him then?” Gen asked lightly. Then her expression got a little more stern. “He's not married or something, is he?”
“Oh, sweet Circe no, nothing like that,” Alina replied hurriedly, and the severity faded somewhat from her friend's face. Alina speared more salad onto her fork as she thought over her words. “There's nothing wrong with him,” she continued casually enough. “Or at least, not that I've noticed yet. But he's a client of mine, and um, sort of the center of a lot of attention – ” Wow, talk about an understatement, considering she was talking about the wizarding leader of an entire magical nation. “– it would be difficult, I think, to carry on anything worthwhile.”
“. . . But?” Gen prodded, an eyebrow raised.
“But –” Alina agreed with a small laugh. “– he is charming. And intelligent. He seems like an attentive listener. He's an interesting conversationalist.”
“And handsome, I assume?” Gen asked casually.
Alina thought about the almost completely nude photoshoots from Hunter’s youth, and the first impression she'd gotten from him when they'd actually met – an older version of that same man, who had grown to exude a natural sort of authority. She tried not to let her expression betray the tingling sensation that thought had sent through her body. “He's certainly not hard to look at,” Alina replied nonchalantly.
Gen gave her a vague frown. “Then I'm afraid I don't see what the problem is.”
Alina was silent for a long beat, using her salad as an excuse to buy herself a few more seconds before she had to answer. “I'm not sure,” she sighed finally, her gaze still on her food. “Sleeping with a client. Doesn't that sound like – I don't know – a conflict of interest or something?” An unexpected noise caught her attention, and Alina looked up with a frown. “What's so funny?”
Gen was choking back laughter over her coffee mug. “Nothing,” she said hurriedly over suppressed snickering. “Oh, Merlin – nothing, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing.” She took another drink of her coffee – wasn't that mug empty yet? – to drown her laughter, although when she put the mug back down, it still looked like she was fighting a smile.
Alina noticed that Gen had wrapped her hands a little further around her mug so that one finger could absentmindedly rub the ring she had shown earlier, although she still didn't feel like she understood what had brought on her amusement in the first place. Before she could think on it much more, Gen started talking again. “It's just. . . take it from me when I say that a conflict of interest is not a good enough reason to not pursue something that could, y’know, be really great. If that's the only thing holding you back – well. You might regret that in the future, that’s all. Your work might be important, but it’s not going to help keep your bed warm at night.”
Alina couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her friend look quite so solemn. But still, she only nodded and looked back down at her salad. “I suppose,” she agreed with a sigh, the hesitancy still alive and well in her voice. Gen frowned at her, looking confused by her tentative tone – but after a moment, her expression cleared, only to be replaced with sympathy. She took another drink of her coffee before daring to ask in a gentler tone, “Have you heard anything about Max lately?”
Alina’s heart gave a pang in response. She moved her food around her plate aimlessly for several long quiet beats before she found the voice to answer. “Yuli sent me a letter a few weeks ago with an update and some pictures,” she said, looking up. “He seems to be doing well. You wouldn't believe how big he's getting. Apparently Olenna has signed him up with one of those no-maj youth sports leagues – soccer, I guess. Yuli says sometimes she sees them practicing when she takes her daughter to the park. She says he seems like he's good at it. Like it looks like he's having fun.”
Gen gave a somewhat bittersweet smile and nodded. “That's good, then.” She brought the coffee mug back to her lips and took a long drink before she asked, with slightly more trepidation, “And Aleksey?”
At the mention of her ex-husband, Alina’s gaze hardened slightly, and she sat up a bit straighter. “Still in prison, as far as I know,” she replied stiffly. That wasn't strictly true, of course. Alina thought of the orchids that had been on her desk and felt her stomach clench uncomfortably. She tried not to jump to conclusions – even if they were from Aleksey, that was no guarantee that he had been released – and if Gen noticed something was off, she didn't say anything. She continued drinking her coffee, her gaze inscrutable.
“Alina,” she said finally. “Have you been with anyone since your divorce?”
Alina felt the heat bloom in her cheeks and she pursed her lips, but she said nothing. Gen seemed to take that as an answer. She could see the concealed concern mingling with the surprise in her friend’s eyes, and braced herself for whatever came next. “Alina,” Gen said mildly. “It's been three years.”
“I know,” Alina shot back. She caught the defensiveness in her tone and winced. She tried to temper it when she spoke again. “I-I know. It's just . . .” she trailed off. How did she explain – that for a long time, she had just assumed she would never take a different lover other than her husband? She and Aleksey had had more than a decade to learn each other’s bodies, to discover what triggered every moan and tremble and hitched breathing. The idea of someone new – it was so much more intimidating than she would that thought beforehand – and Alina couldn't deny that there was a part of her that was terribly afraid no one would ever know her as well as Aleksey had.
Alina didn't give voice to any of those fears, but there was an understanding gleam in Gen’s eyes that made her think that maybe her friend already suspected how she felt. Gen sighed and put down her mug, reaching for her friend’s hand. “Alina, I know it's hard, but. . . trust me, nothing good comes from holding on to the past like that. I've done that, and it just – it wears on you. When you cling to the past, it makes it impossible to live in the present, to think about the future. You deserve better than that. You deserve to be happy right now – but you can't do that if you let the past hold you back.”
Gen’s words felt like they cut to Alina’s very soul, but she managed a small smirk. “I'm sorry, are you – Genevieve Navarro, the payback queen – telling me that I should just let go of the past?”
Gen laughed and pulled away, flashing her ring again. “What can I say, Miss Kovak? I'm a changed woman now.” Her smile got a little softer, and she tilted her head, taking obvious care to speak in a more meaningful tone. “You'd be surprised what other people could open your eyes to, if you're willing to let them in.”
Alina smiled gratefully at her friend, before taking in a deep, nervous breath. It felt a little like she was closing her eyes and preparing herself to walk blindly off a cliff, but maybe Gen was right – maybe she just needed to have a little faith and take the chance that if she fell, someone would be there at the bottom to catch her. “But what will I wear?” she wondered out loud.
Gen grinned. “Oh, don’t worry,” she replied simply, reaching again for her coffee mug. “Shopping is always something I can clear room in my schedule for.”
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Más 'Pose'
FX ha renovado Pose por una tercera temporada
Paramount ha renovado Yellowstone por una tercera temporada
truTV ha renovado I'm Sorry por una tercera temporada
truTV ha renovado Tacoma FD por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado The Rain por una tercera y última temporada
ITV ha renovado Cold Feet por una novena temporada
Netflix ha renovado Siempre bruja por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Chambers tras su primera temporada
Movistar+ ha cancelado Instinto tras su primera temporada
Otras noticias
La quinta y última temporada de Lucifer tendrá diez episodios.
National Geographic estudia convertir The Hot Zone en una antología.
Lisa Emery (Darlene) y Janet McTeer (Helen) serán regulares en la tercera temporada de Ozark.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music) pondrá voz a Lady Whistledown, narradora de la adaptación para Netflix de las novelas de Julia Queen sobre la poderosa familia Bridgerton. Escrita por Chris Van Dusen (Scandal, Grey's Anatomy) y producida por Shonda Rhimes (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal), es una lectura feminista de la Inglaterra del Período Regencia (1811-1820).
Demi Moore (Ghost, G.I. Jane), Kylie Bunbury (When They See Us, Pitch), Hannah John-Kamen (Killjoys, Black Mirror), Sen Mitsuji (Origin), Joseph Morgan (The Originals, The Vampire Diaries) y Nina Sosanya (Killing Eve, Good Omens) se unen a Brave New World. Moore será Linda, la madre de John (Alden Ehrenreich).
Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl, State of the Union) será Moiraine en Wheel of Time.
Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Act, Ghost), James Marsden (Westworld, X-Men), Amber Heard (Aquaman, The Danish Girl), Greg Kinnear (Little Miss Sunshine, As Good as It Gets), Odessa Young (Assassination Nation) y Henry Zaga (Trinkets, 13 Reasons Why) están en conversaciones para protagonizar The Stand. Serán Madre Abigail, inmune al virus y líder de los supervivientes que dice ser profeta de Dios; Stu Redman, inmune al virus y líder de supervivientes; Nadine Cross, profesora y virgen que cree que su destino es estar al lado del malvado Randall Flagg; Glen Bateman, un profesor con artritis que se une a Stu en su viaje para conocer a Abigail; Frannie Goldsmith, una mujer embarazada que se enamora de Stu; y Nick Andros, un joven timador sordomudo con un parche en el ojo.
Josh Holloway (Lost, Colony) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Yellowstone como Roarke Carter, un gerente de fondos de inversión con planes ambiciosos en Montana.
Jennifer Morrison (Once Upon a Time, House M.D.) se une como recurrente a la cuarta temporada de This Is Us. No se conocen más detalles.
Jamie Chung (The Gifted, Once Upon a Time), Jordan Patrick Smith (Vikings, Neighbours), Jamie Neumann (The Deuce, Jessica Jones), Erica Tazel (Justified, The Good Fight) y Mac Brandt (Kingdom, Arrested Development) se unen como recurrentes a Lovecraft Country. Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road) sustituye a Elizabeth Debicki en el papel de Christina Braithwhite, la hija del líder de una orden secreta conocida como 'Sons of Adam'.
Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Saved by the Bell, Franklin & Bash) será el padre de Bow en Mixed-ish sustituyendo a Anders Holm, que interpretó al personaje en el episodio de Black-ish que servía como presentación de la serie.
Drew Van Acker (Devious Maids, Pretty Little Liars) será Aqualad en la segunda temporada de Titans.
Christine Elise, que interpretó a Emily Valentine en Beverly Hills, 90210, también participará en BH90210.
Sarah Lancashire (Happy Valley, Kiri), Joanna Scanlan (Getting On, No Offence), Sidse Babett Knudsen (Borgen, Westworld), Mark Lewis Jones (National Treasure, Stella) y Genevieve Barr (Press, The Fades) protagonizarán The Light, última parte de la trilogía de Jack Thorne para Channel 4 que forman también National Treasure y Kiri.
Eric Ladin (The Killing, Impulse), Patrick Fischler (Lost, Happy!), Nora Zehetner (Heroes, Designated Survivor), Eloise Mumford (Chicago Fire, Fifty Shades Freed), Shannon Lucio (Prison Break, True Blood) y Josh Cooke (Hart of Dixie, Dexter) protagonizarán The Right Stuff junto a Patrick J. Adams, Jake McDorman, Joe Dempsie, Aaron Staton, Michel Trotter, Micah Stock y James Lafferty, que serán los siete astronautas del equipo Mercury.
Michelle Forbes (The Killing, True Blood), Patrick Fugit (Outcast, Almost Famous), Michael Gaston (The Man in the High Castle, The Leftovers), Tess Haubrich (Pine Gap, Alien: Covenant) y Shruti Haasan se unen a Treadstone.
Himesh Patel (Yesterday, The Luminaries) se une a Avenue 5. Será Jordan Hatwal, un joven comediante al que ofrecen una estancia de ocho semanas en el crucero galáctico alrededor de Saturno.
Sarah Parish (Broadchurch, Trollied) sustituye a Kim Cattrall en The Cockfields.
Derek Luke (13 Reasons Why, God Friended Me), Max Martini (Crisis, Revenge), Paola Nuñez (The Son) y Joel Allen (Never Goin' Back) se unen como regulares a la segunda temporada de The Purge.
Matt Letscher (The Flash, The Carrie Diaries) y Brittany Batcheider (The Alienist) serán recurrentes en The Angel of Darkness, secuela de The Alienist, como William Randolph Hearst, titán de los periódicos; y Joanna, sobrina de Cyrus Montrose (Robert Wisdom).
Elaine Hendrix (Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, Joan of Arcadia), Silas Weir Mitchell (Grimm, Prison Break), Brett Rice (Sully, Super 8), Autry Haydon-Wilson (Interrogation) y John Marshall Jones (Bosch, Hart of Dixie) se unen como recurrentes a Paradise Lost.
Josh Hamilton (13 Reasons Why, American Horror Story), Kerry Condon (Better Call Saul, Roma) y Louisa Krause (The Girlfriend Experience, Billions) se unen como recurrentes a la séptima temporada de Ray Donovan.
Tom Pelphrey (Banshee, Iron Fist) y Jessica Frances Dukes (Jessica Jones) se unen como regulares a la tercera temporada de Ozark. Serán Ben, hermano de Wendy (Laura Linney); y Maya Miller, agente del FBI. Joseph Sikora (Power, Banshee) y Felix Solis (The Good Wife, The Following) serán recurrentes como Frank Cosgrove Jr., hijo de Cosgrove (John Bedford Lloyd); y Omar Navarro, líder del segundo cártel más grande de México.
    Nuevas series
HBO encarga ocho episodios de Industry. Creada y escrita por Konrad Kay y Mickey Down (You, Me & The Apocalypse) y dirigida y producida por Lena Dunham (Girls), trata sobre dos veinteañeros ambiciosos que tratan de asegurar su futuro en el mundo de las finanzas internacionales.
Netflix ha encargado seis episodios de una continuación de la trilogía cinematográfica escandinava Snabba Cash, basadas en las novelas de Jens Lapidus. Desarrollada y producida por Lapidus, abogado penalista y escritor, y Oskar Söderlund (The Fat and the Angry, Greyzone), nos mostrará un ambiente donde la sed de dinero y estatus es mayor que nunca y la jet set empresarial y el mundo criminal han colisionado y son más brutales, caóticos y despiadados, diez años después de los acontecimientos ocurridos en las películas protagonizadas por Joel Kinnaman.
BBC One ha encargado seis episodios de King Gary, sobre un matrimonio de los suburbios que quiere impresionar a los vecinos y estar a la altura del padre de él (Simon Day; The Fast Show, The Life of Rock with Brian Pern). Protagonizada por Tom Davis (Murder in Successville, Plebs), Laura Checkley (Wanderlust, Detectorists), Camille Coduri (Doctor Who, Him & Her), Neil Maskell (Humans, Utopia), Romesh Ranganathan (The Reluctant Landlord), Dustin Demri-Burns (Sick Note, GameFace), Lisa McGrillis (Mum, No Offence), Mim Shaikh (Informer) y Emma Sidi (W1A). Creada por Davis (Murder in Successville) y James De Frond (Murder in Successville).
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones), John Magaro (The Umbrella Academy), Lola Kirke (Mozart in the Jungle), Ben Schnetzer (The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair, Pride), Jonathan Pryce (Game of Thrones) y Judd Hirsch (Numb3rs, Superior Donuts) protagonizarán el piloto Gone Hollywood, centrado en un grupo de agentes de talentos que dejan sus empresas para crear las suyas propias en 1980, para FX.
BET encarga The Oval, sobre el nuevo Presidente de Estados Unidos (Ed Quinn, One Day at a Time), su mujer (Kron Moore, Stargirl) y sus hijos Gayle (Paige Hurd; Everybody Hates Chris, Hawaii Five-0) y Jason (Daniel Croix Henderson), que ponen buena cara en público pero tienen problemas en casa. Escrita, dirigida y producida por Tyler Perry (The Haves and the Have Nots, The Paynes).
Netflix encarga ocho episodios de The Healing Powers of Dude, comedia centrada en un niño de 11 años con ansiedad y un perro llamado Dude. Protagonizada por Tom Everett Scott (I'm Sorry, 13 Reasons Why), Larisa Oleynik (3rd Rock from The Sun, Pretty Little Liars), Laurel Emory (Heartstrings), Mauricio Lara (Teachers), Sophie Jaewon Kim y Jace Chapman. Creada y producida por Erica Spates (Victorious) y Sam Littenberg-Weisberg (Victorious) y basada en su propia experiencia con la ansiedad.
Another Life llega a Netflix el 25 de julio
La tercera temporada de Dear White People llega a Netflix el 2 de agosto
Our Boys se estrena en HBO el 12 de agosto
On Becoming a God in Central Florida se estrena en Showtime el 25 de agosto
Bluff City Law se estrena en NBC el 23 de septiembre
La cuarta temporada de This Is Us se estrena en NBC el 24 de septiembre
La segunda temporada de New Amsterdam se estrena en NBC el 24 de septiembre
La quinta temporada de Chicago Med se estrena en NBC el 25 de septiembre
La octava temporada de Chicago Fire se estrena en NBC el 25 de septiembre
La séptima temporada de Chicago PD se estrena en NBC el 25 de septiembre
La quinta temporada de Superstore se estrena en NBC el 26 de septiembre
Perfect Harmony se estrena en NBC el 26 de septiembre
La cuarta y última temporada de The Good Place se estrena en NBC el 26 de septiembre
Sunnyside se estrena en NBC el 26 de septiembre
La vigesimoprimera temporada de Law & Order: SVU se estrena en NBC el 26 de septiembre
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
The 2019 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Have Been Announced
Each year, the Canadian Screen Awards (CSA) commemorate the very best of Canadian film and television. The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television has announced the 2019 nominees. The coming-of-age drama, Anne With An E, and hysterical comedy, Schitt’s Creek, are in the lead, both having accumulated a total of 15 nominations. Since they’re both distributed by Netflix, they’re not just gaining hype in Canada, but also across the globe.
Some other note-worthy nominations include the climate change documentary, Anthropocene, for Best Feature-Length Documentary, which was crafted by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier and Edward Burtynsky. The film uncovers the severe impact that humans have had on the planet.
Jazmin Mozaffari is up for Best Director for her drama, Firecrackers, which was produced with a predominantly female cast. The film originates from a short that she produced as her thesis while attending Ryerson University. It stars award-winning actress, Michaela Kurminsky and Karena Evans, who is known for directing Drake’s music videos for chart-toppers God’s Plan, Nice For What and In My Feelings.
Sara Mishara managed to get two nominations in one category for Achievement in Cinematography for her work on cinematography on the unsettling thriller, Allure, which stars Evan Rachel Wood and the French and English language drama, The Great Darkened Days, which is also nominated for Best Motion Picture.
The feature film, The Hummingbird Project, which stars Salma Hayek, Jesse Eisenberg and Alexander Skarsgard also racked in a few nominations. Emmanuel Fréchette is up for Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design, Arthur Tarnowski and Nicolas Chaudeurge are up for Achievement in Editing, and Yves Gourmet is nominated for Achievement in Music – Original Score.
The Indo-Canadian director Deepha Mehta, whose films have received numerous nominations and awards, including an Oscar-nomination for her film, Water, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. She is renowned for her artistic storytelling and carefully crafted work, through which she relentlessly pushes boundaries. Stephen James will receive the Radius Award for making waves globally. He has won the 2017 CSA award for Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role and was a 2019 Golden Globe nominee for his performance in Homecoming.
Here are the nominees:
Best Motion Picture
Family First A Colony The Great Darkened Days Genesis Just a Breath Away
Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design
Marie-Claude Gosselin Patricia McNeil Inigo Navarro Elisa Sauve Emmanuel Fréchette
Achievement in Cinematography
Sara Mishara Ian Lagarde Sara Mishara Paul Sarossy Daniel Grant
Achievement in Direction
Sophie Dupuis Jasmin Mozaffari Genevieve Dulude-De-Celles Maxime Giroux Daniel Roby
Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Theodore Pellerin Michael Rowe Paul Nutarariaq Martin Dubreuil Brandon Oakes
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Richard Clarkin Paul Doucet Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie Paul Ahmarani Michel Robin
Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Bridgette Poupart Emelie Bierre Carla Turcotte Valeria Henríquez Rose-Marie Perreault
Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Anna Lambe Irlande Cote Sarah Gadon Romane Denis Kate Moyer
Best Drama Series
Frankie Drake Mysteries Vikings Bad Blood Anne with an E Blood and Water
Best Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek Working’ Moms Second Jen Mr. D Letterkenny
Best Reality/Competition Program or Series
Master Chef Canada The Amazing Race Canada Big Brother Canada Knock Knock Ghost Canada’s Smartest Person Junior
Best Direction, Drama Series
Jeff Woolnough Peter Settings Norma Bailey Daniel Grou Helen Shaver
Best Direction, Comedy
Daniel Levy, Andrew Cividino Sturla Gunnarsson Catherine Reitman Jacob Tierney Tracey Deer
Best Lead Actress, Drama Series
Melanie Scrofano Kristin Kreuk Caroline Dhavernas Wendy Crewson Amybeth McNulty
Best Lead Actor, Drama Series
Jerry O’Connell Yannick Bisson Eric McCormack Kim Coates Aaron Ashmore
Special Awards
Deepa Mehta Stephan James Mary Walsh Kids In The Hall Elizabeth Klinck Kevin Tierney Roman Bittman Carole Vivier eOne Brad Wright
For the full list of nominees, head to academy.ca.
The post The 2019 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Have Been Announced appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
The 2019 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Have Been Announced published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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lindyhunt · 6 years
The 2019 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Have Been Announced
Each year, the Canadian Screen Awards (CSA) commemorate the very best of Canadian film and television. The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television has announced the 2019 nominees. The coming-of-age drama, Anne With An E, and hysterical comedy, Schitt’s Creek, are in the lead, both having accumulated a total of 15 nominations. Since they’re both distributed by Netflix, they’re not just gaining hype in Canada, but also across the globe.
Some other note-worthy nominations include the climate change documentary, Anthropocene, for Best Feature-Length Documentary, which was crafted by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier and Edward Burtynsky. The film uncovers the severe impact that humans have had on the planet.
Jazmin Mozaffari is up for Best Director for her drama, Firecrackers, which was produced with a predominantly female cast. The film originates from a short that she produced as her thesis while attending Ryerson University. It stars award-winning actress, Michaela Kurminsky and Karena Evans, who is known for directing Drake’s music videos for chart-toppers God’s Plan, Nice For What and In My Feelings.
Sara Mishara managed to get two nominations in one category for Achievement in Cinematography for her work on cinematography on the unsettling thriller, Allure, which stars Evan Rachel Wood and the French and English language drama, The Great Darkened Days, which is also nominated for Best Motion Picture.
The feature film, The Hummingbird Project, which stars Salma Hayek, Jesse Eisenberg and Alexander Skarsgard also racked in a few nominations. Emmanuel Fréchette is up for Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design, Arthur Tarnowski and Nicolas Chaudeurge are up for Achievement in Editing, and Yves Gourmet is nominated for Achievement in Music – Original Score.
The Indo-Canadian director Deepha Mehta, whose films have received numerous nominations and awards, including an Oscar-nomination for her film, Water, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. She is renowned for her artistic storytelling and carefully crafted work, through which she relentlessly pushes boundaries. Stephen James will receive the Radius Award for making waves globally. He has won the 2017 CSA award for Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role and was a 2019 Golden Globe nominee for his performance in Homecoming.
Here are the nominees:
Best Motion Picture
Family First A Colony The Great Darkened Days Genesis Just a Breath Away
Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design
Marie-Claude Gosselin Patricia McNeil Inigo Navarro Elisa Sauve Emmanuel Fréchette
Achievement in Cinematography
Sara Mishara Ian Lagarde Sara Mishara Paul Sarossy Daniel Grant
Achievement in Direction
Sophie Dupuis Jasmin Mozaffari Genevieve Dulude-De-Celles Maxime Giroux Daniel Roby
Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Theodore Pellerin Michael Rowe Paul Nutarariaq Martin Dubreuil Brandon Oakes
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Richard Clarkin Paul Doucet Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie Paul Ahmarani Michel Robin
Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Bridgette Poupart Emelie Bierre Carla Turcotte Valeria Henríquez Rose-Marie Perreault
Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Anna Lambe Irlande Cote Sarah Gadon Romane Denis Kate Moyer
Best Drama Series
Frankie Drake Mysteries Vikings Bad Blood Anne with an E Blood and Water
Best Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek Working’ Moms Second Jen Mr. D Letterkenny
Best Reality/Competition Program or Series
Master Chef Canada The Amazing Race Canada Big Brother Canada Knock Knock Ghost Canada’s Smartest Person Junior
Best Direction, Drama Series
Jeff Woolnough Peter Settings Norma Bailey Daniel Grou Helen Shaver
Best Direction, Comedy
Daniel Levy, Andrew Cividino Sturla Gunnarsson Catherine Reitman Jacob Tierney Tracey Deer
Best Lead Actress, Drama Series
Melanie Scrofano Kristin Kreuk Caroline Dhavernas Wendy Crewson Amybeth McNulty
Best Lead Actor, Drama Series
Jerry O’Connell Yannick Bisson Eric McCormack Kim Coates Aaron Ashmore
Special Awards
Deepa Mehta Stephan James Mary Walsh Kids In The Hall Elizabeth Klinck Kevin Tierney Roman Bittman Carole Vivier eOne Brad Wright
For the full list of nominees, head to academy.ca.
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