#genevieve dst
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#weeps into my hands#COME ON PEOPLE !! MORE WINONA GENNY ART BEFORE I KMS!!!!!#i’m desperate#y’all have no idea the lengths I been going to find more content but msot art is from like years ago asnfnsnfndf#dst#don’t starve together#don’t starve#winona dst#dst Winona#Winona#Genny#Genevieve ds#Genevieve dst#Genny dst#Winona Genevieve#Winona x Genevieve#sprawls on the floor#art#fan art#fanart dst#doodle
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I drew these based on a conversation with @marsobars about some Winona x Genny AUs.
Swashbuckle n Dock
Marso Thought up an AU where Winona is a Swashbuckling pirate and Genny is a dock worker, Winona gives Genny some of her loot so Genny won't starve or go broke. Winona would make sure Genny is treated with respect, if Genny is treated like shit by someone she would fight them.
The Wild Woman
Winona would be in her Survivor skin in this AU.
I thought up of an AU where Winona is a wild woman and Genny ends up taking Winona home and taking care of her. Genny teaches Winona on how to cook, how to bathe herself, how to communicate, etc.
Genny found Wild!Winona when she was hiking, Wild!Winona is curious about Genny, she eventually did the Tarzan hand thing with Genny.
Marso thought up on how Winona became a wild woman.
To summarize, Winona and Charlie were abandoned/orphaned at a very young age and were put in an orphanage, Charlie was adopted quickly while Winona stayed behind at the orphanage for some time. Winona managed to get in trouble and escaped the orphanage, Winona went to the woods and stayed there because she had no idea what to do after escaping the orphanage. She learned to survive without human interference, overtime she forgot she ever had a sister. Winona gets her clothes by stealing them from people camping while they're asleep or away from their camp.
(Note: Wild!Winona isn't animalistic feral, rather she's like Tarzan, a human who hasn't been in contact with humans in forever, she has the behavior of a person with a lot to learn.)
Marso and I talked about how Genny would help out Wild!Winona and how Genny has to deal with Wild!Winona being in human society for the first time.
#don't starve#don't starve together#winona dst#dst winona#ds winona#ds genny#ds genevieve#genona#winona x genny
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Some Thoughts + Screenshots of the Animation Short
Underneath the cut because of spoilers :)
Winona and this worker are in love. You cannot tell me otherwise.
(screenshot by @tricat0 thank you I’m lazy)
Yeah, that’s probably Wagstaff. Too bad he’ll never see that glove again.
Charlie doesn’t seem to want to bring her to the Constant :(
Winona isn’t even terrified. Her sister just turned into some shadow demon and she just looks a bit surprised?? She’s doesn’t even try to pull away. She wants her sister back. She just closes her eyes and accepts her fate.
#long post#goodness gracious#dst screenshot#i guess#most of this post is just proof that winona is a butch lesbian icon#winona month#winona appreciation#winona#ds winona#nona's gf#that's what I'm calling the worker and no one can stop me#dst#dst animation#essay in the tags woops#dst spoilers#ds spoilers#ds genevieve#genevieve
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𝗶’𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗼𝘀 ┄ 𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿’𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃
✧ · ˚ . flashback
Tudo aquilo havia começado há pouco mais de uma semana, uma fofoca de uma de suas colegas da equipe de torcida e a cólera tomou Fleur. A outra adolescente lhe disse que vira @blackdahlic junto de Tyler, que ambos pareciam bem à vontade a presença um do outro e alguns beijos teriam acontecido. É claro que não demorou muito para que a loira pedisse licença, se debulhasse em lágrimas sozinha no vestiário feminino e jurasse vingança à Dahlia. Naquela mesma tarde já começou arquitetar o que faria, precisava ser furtiva para que ninguém desconfiasse de si. Fora então que começou sua pequena investigação; a maneira mais fácil de se vingar seria descobrindo algo podre sobre Dahlia.
Ser a estagiária assistente de sua tia, a jornalista Maise Rutherford, fazia com que a adolescente tivesse acesso livre ao seu computador e consequentemente a todos os arquivos do Las Vegas Review-Journal. Maise não havia motivos para desconfiar das intenções de Fleur quando a adolescente pediu para fazer uma pesquisa em seu computador, a desculpa era que se tratava de um trabalho escolar. Algumas pesquisas em vão, mas não demorou muito para descobrir o envolvimento da família Nox em negócios escusos como tráfico de drogas e armas. A família era citada como suspeita mas Fleur era filha de Genevieve Rutherford, sabia que um boato era capaz de ser tão destruidor como um fato. Ficara surpresa com a facilidade da informação que recebera e também pelo nível da informação.
Aquela havia sido uma decisão arriscada, catucar o crime organizado não era algo que Fleur faria de cabeça fria, mas, estava cega pelo ciúmes. Estava determinada a fazer Dahlia se sentir arrependida por ter mexido com o que era seu, e iria até as últimas consequências. Com as informações adquiridas, agora era só executar a parte mais fácil do plano: espalhar a notícia por toda Trinity. Logo o nome Nancy Smith apareceu em sua mente, a garota conhecida como a mais fofoqueira de toda Trinity. Não era a primeira vez que Fleur utilizava da “rádio corredor” para suas vinganças, mas era a primeira vez que iria expor algo tão intimo e perigoso. Já havia inventado boatos catastróficos; como quando na vez que ligou para a mãe de uma das conquistas de Tyler e fez a filha da mulher ser enviada para fora do estado. Tudo isso porque Fleur fingiu seu funcionária de uma clínica de planejamento familiar com resultados positivos para DST e gravidez.
A loira observou os passos de Nancy Smith e a seguiu até o banheiro, esperou a menina entrar em uma das cabines e colocou seu plano em prática. Levantou seu celular até seu campo de visão e aumentou seu volume para o máximo, respirou profundamente antes de começar. Aquela era uma das poucas vezes que tinha uma parceira, sua cunhada Katherine iria fazer parte de seu teatro maldoso. Foi até o contato de sua irmã por lei e a telefonou, dois toques depois a voz da mulher fora escutada por Fleur. A loira afastou o telefone de sua orelha e habilitou o viva-voz, pode notar que Nancy fazia o máximo para não emitir barulho e poder ouvir aquela conversa. ❝ ┄ Fleur, querida!❞ Katherine disse do outro lado da linha. ❝ ┄ Bom dia, tia Maisie. Como você está?❞ indagou a jovem com sua costumeira voz doce, seus olhos estavam fixados nos espelho encarando o reflexo da cabine em que se encontrava Nancy. ❝ ┄ Eu estou ótima, estou apenas preocupada com você. Acho que talvez a Trinity já não seja tão boa quanto antigamente...❞ a cunhada de Fleur fingia preocupação em sua voz. ❝ ┄ Não quero você no mesmo lugar que filhos de traficante!❞ continuou, dessa vez em um sussurro fingindo estar tentando ser discreta. ❝ ┄ Titia!❞ exclamou Fleur fingindo estar exasperada. ❝ ┄ Não fale isso em voz alta, se o tio Zion ouve pode contar para o meu pai. Não quero nem pensar no que ele faria caso descobrisse.❞ suspirou profundamente e notou uma inquietação nos pés de Nancy. ❝ ┄ Também não quero prejudicar Dahlia, ela não tem culpa de ser filha de quem é.❞ sua voz soava pesarosa, embora um pequeno sorriso repousasse em seus lábios. ❝ ┄ Eu sei, meu bem. Mas tráfico de drogas e de armas, provavelmente alguns homicídios... Os Nox são perigosos demais e essa menina Dahlia pode ser exatamente como eles.❞ Katherine teve de se segurar para não gargalhar no telefone, não podia imaginar o que Maisie diria se ficasse sabendo daquilo. Não era atoa que a maldosa Katherine era a nora favorita de Genevieve, elas tinham personalidades parecidas. ❝ ┄ Eu também acho que a família dela é perigosa, mas não tem o que nós possamos fazer. Se eu pudesse também não estudaria com a filha de uma traficante, eu sinto medo... Mas também não podemos crucificar a coitada.❞ a loira respondeu aproximando-se do espelho e ajeitando seu batom com os dedos de sua mão livre. ❝ ┄ É um assunto muito delicado, pensar que seus colegas não fazem ideia do risco que correm diariamente com a presença dessa menina.❞ a irmã por lei de Fleur suspirou profundamente e agora fora a vez de Fleur se segurar para não rir, achava a atuação de Katherine exagerada. ❝ ┄ Eu sei, mas não podemos falar sobre isso agora. Tenho que me trocar para o treino das líderes e alguém pode acabar escutando.❞ a última frase assustou Nancy e a curiosa garota bateu com a cabeça contra o mármore da cabine. O barulho fez com que Fleur franzisse o cenho curiosa pelo o que havia ocorrido e suspirasse antes decidir que já era o suficiente. ❝ ┄ Preciso desligar, titia.❞ anunciou a adolescente fazendo com que Katherine entendesse que já haviam alcançado o objetivo. ❝ ┄ Tudo bem, meu amor. Também tenho que ir, tenho que escrever um artigo sobre umas vagabundas de Los Angeles. Beijos, te amo!❞ a mais velha interrompeu a ligação não dando chance de Fleur finalizar, a jovem afastou o telefone e sorriu balançando cabeça negativamente.
Rutherford guardou o celular na sua clássica mochila da Chanel e abriu o registro da torneira lavando as mãos. Não demorou muito para que o barulho da porta da cabine de Nancy sendo aberta fizesse a atenção de Fleur voltar-se para o espelho. A face de Nancy estava pálida, nunca havia sido capaz de descobrir uma fofoca daquelas e estava amedrontada. A loira das íris claras arregalou os olhos fingindo surpresa pela presença Nancy naquele banheiro, a outra engoliu seco ao ver a reação da líder de torcida. ❝ ┄ Nancy... E-eu não fazia ideia de que você estava aí.❞ pronunciou a frase de forma rápida, fingindo nervosismo. ❝ ┄ Qualquer coisa que você ouviu aqui, não pode contar a ninguém! É caso de vida ou morte!❞ sua face parecia espantada, Nancy assentiu rapidamente. ❝ ┄ Eu não escutei muito... Não vou contar a ninguém.❞ a adolescente respondeu com um tom de voz inseguro. ❝ ┄ Você promete?❞ Fleur indagou arqueando uma das sobrancelhas e finalmente virando-se na direção da jovem para a olhar nos olhos. ❝ ┄ Eu prometo!❞ Nancy disse último antes de desviar o olhar para o chão e aproximar-se da pia. Fleur sabia que aquela promessa era vazia, Nancy não era capaz de segurar sua língua. Não sentiu medo de ser descoberta como fonte, afinal se havia algo que Nancy gostava era de ter a confiança das suas fontes de informação. A loira saiu do banheiro após um longo suspiro e seguiu com seu dia, sabia que estava feito.
E antes do final das aulas os sussurros e mensagens em grupos de chat já estavam a todo vapor. Olhares assustados e o medo estava espalhado por Trinity, aqueles jovens privilegiados sentiam o medo correr por suas veias ao pensar na periculosidade que Dahlia podia oferecer. Telefonemas de pais assustados foram feitos para a direção da Trinity e as secretárias sequer sabiam se as afirmações dos responsáveis procediam, estavam tão surpresas quanto eles. Ninguém imaginaria que a angelical Fleur havia criado todo aquele caos. Fleur não conseguia segurar o sorriso que insistia tomar seus lábios, a vingança a fazia se sentir bem. Nothing's ever perfect in paradise.
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More doodles of my favorite girls (weeps)
#art#digital art#doodle#fan art#drawing#ship art#dst#winona dst#Genny Dst#genevieve dst#Winona x Genny#don’t starve together#slamming my head against the wall#I need to draw them more#but I CANTT help me save me Donald trump /ref#My beloved suggest Winona never got the chance to confess because she got dragged to the constant and I weep#COUKD UOU IMAGINE what if she planned on confessing like. the weekend ombut her ass got snatched#I think hard about Genny#she’s so cutie patootie#part of me wants to make her soft and sweet white Winona is the intimidating kinda guy (she asked for no pickles fuck you!!!)#but also I yearn for cold on the outside and warm on the inside Genny#In my head I think about Genny watching Winona come into work and being her supervisor for the first few months (smirk emoji)#is my vision visioning#Genny having to teach Winona the ropes and Winona struggling for the first weeks/month#oiuueiiiiiuueuueueuuee sobs#PLASS feel free to suggest any sort of ideas you have with them maybe I’ll draw it bc my imagination gave up on me years ago92!&:/@#or even tag me in any content of them I beg on my knees
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I still wish there was a fanfic where Winona is a vampire and she is keeping it a secret from Genny because she doesn't want Genny to think she's a monster. Genny ends up finding out when she sees Winona draining some rich dude of his blood until he's dead. Winona is expecting Genny to be afraid of her but Genny isn't afraid of her, she is rather curious.
(I don't know if this is a good synopsis)
Some notes on Vampire!Winona I like to add:
-Vampire!Winona is Triumphant Winona but a vampire.
-Winona works at night because the sun hurts her.
-She drinks blood in a wine glass, she has some wine bottles filled with blood, she will always say it's special wine that you can't find in a regular store. When somebody asks if they would like a sip or a glass of it she would always refuse, saying that they wouldn't like the taste.
-Winona would go after rich people because she hates the high society.
-Winona has colored eye contacts to hide her red eyes, she has retractable fangs, and she covers the vampire bite mark with a bit of make-up.
-Winona would change into her Triumphant outfit whenever she goes hunting.
-She would give a reason on why she can't eat/do things that a vampire can't do. Example: Whenever somebody would ask why she doesn't go out during the day, she says she has a rare condition where the sun hurts her skin to the point of getting a rash and blisters. She also says she's allergic to garlic when somebody would try to give her some food that has garlic in it.
-Winona lure her human prey into a secluded spot where she can feed on them and kill them, rich people only.
-Winona can turn into a giant vampire bat creature.
Some notes on Genny because Genny needs some character:
-Genny is a kind-hearted woman that wants to see people happy and well, but she can get serious when it's needed, she is tough as nails, and is a hard worker like Winona.
-Genny likes flowers, good hard work, sweets (especially ones that are honey flavored), fixing things like radios, bunnies/rabbits, and soft things.
-Genny used to be married to her husband but they don't feel any kind of love for each other anymore so they divorced.
-Genny often questions her sexuality because she is attracted to men but she sometimes imagines what being with a woman would be and feel like. She however hides these thoughts because America during that time isn't accepting people of the LGBTQA+ or queer people.
-Genny doesn't like any type of hatred towards people because of their race, gender identity, sexuality, or what religion they believe in. She wishes people would just get along but she knows people will be people and spread hate and fear.
(There, I gave Genny a character, what do you guys think of it? Tbh I want to see what Genny would look like in the new DST animation style, also for some reason I see her using a crossbow if she were to enter the Constant-)
Is there someone that can make this into reality? Because I feel lazy and my autistic ass is tired of seeing no new fanfic or one-shots of any DST ships I like and yet I don't feel like writing.
My autistic creature ass just wants a new Winona x Genny story!
#don't starve#don't starve together#winona dst#ds winona#dst winona#ds genny#ds genevieve#winona x genny#genona#vampire#i want this to happen#i am too lazy to write this lol#can someone write this#please and thank you
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🌈Happy Pride Month Y'all!🌈
Winona gives Genny a rose while saying how pretty she is.
My headcanon:
Winona is a Lesbian and Genny is a Bisexual.
(We need to recognize this ship more)
#don't starve together#don't starve#winona x genny#ds genevieve#ds genny#winona dst#ds winona#genona#pride month 2023#lgbtq#pride 2023
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🌈Happy Pride Month Y'all🌈
I made a Winona x Genny art yet again for Pride Month. Vampire!Winona and Genny from my Vampire Winona AU.
I think this is my best digital art piece I did so far. Winona is supposed to be licking her teeth if you're wondering what the fuck she's doing with her tongue there, sorry if it looks awkward.
Winona's items includes a bat, a wine glass filled with blood, and a black rose emblem on the back of her coveralls.
Genny's items includes a jar of honey, a flower, and her stuffed bunny.
I just loved how it turned out.
#don't starve#don't starve together#winona dst#dst winona#ds winona#genny#ds genny#ds genevieve#winona x genny#genona#pride month 2024#bisexual#butch lesbian#vampire
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🌈Happy Pride Month Y'all🌈
Walani and Willow are having a date in a hot spring.
Winona and Genny are having some coffee together.
And WX-78 is just there.
#lgbtq#don't starve#don't starve together#winona dst#ds genny#ds walani#willow dst#wx 78 dst#ds genevieve#genona#chillcoal#walani x willow#winona x genny#pride 2022#fanart
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Another Genona drawing because this ship is good :3
For context, I've always thought they had their first kiss around December. They first had a slow dance after a party was over, they just happened to be under the mistletoe, they were nervous since they developed a crush for one another, Genny eventually kisses Winona and Winona was in shock after that happened. They later proclaimed their love for each other, though they kept it a secret because back then homosexuality wasn't widely accepted yet.
(I did my best on the kissing)
I'm just crying in the corner because I realized they might never see each other again because Genny thinks Winona died to that fire and Winona is stuck in the constant.
Now this makes me feel bad for these two. KLEI WHY!?!
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I made some redesigns on the Voxola workers for my AU, I thought of the clockwork chess pieces and decided to put them into their designs, and also change their names. Pawn was based on the unimplemented clockwork named Pawn (which I ended up making her look like a crab).
Here's Rook and Bishop before the "fixing"
And here's Knight and Pawn before the "fixing"
(I should probably change Winona and Genny's nicknames to something else but that's what I came up with.)
#don't starve#don't starve together#dst winona#ds genny#ds genevieve#voxola workers#alternate universe#Don't Starve: Urban Legends
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Vampire Winona and Genny dancing or something.
I've changed Genny's dress to a mermaid dress thanks to a friend's suggestion. The hands are a pain though.
Sorry it's just that this ship doesn't get recognized enough in this fandom, I guess the reason is because we don't know what to do with these two and the fact we're only focused on Maxwil. Like I have a story for these two but it might take a while to get the story finished.
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Don't Starve: Urban Legends Ideas
Hey guys, just sharing some ideas I have for my AU. Just so you know, they are beta designs, especially for Wanda... It looks so lazy.
Warning: mention of animal abuse, suicide, and death.
With sincerest apologies to the don't starve fandom...
Let's start with Wickerbottom. She haunts the New York library during the night, she hates noises like any librarian would, but if you don't stop making a racket she'll cut off your tongue, you either bleed out to death or live the rest of your life without a tongue. And please be delicate when you handle a book, if you damaged a book, she'll attack you. (Please don't ask about her mouth being stitched.)
Wendy and Abigail are spirits who protect the dead from people that dare disrespects the dead, like grave robbers. They'll attack them when they get sleep paralysis, they'll scratch at them, bite, or even scream in their ears, this continues until the person ends their life.
Wilbur was abused by a awful owner, he was attacked by his owner's dog, beaten, and slashed. One day he couldn't take it anymore and kills the abusive owner and his dog. He now roams around cities, towns, and neighborhoods to find a human or dog to kill, he hates humans and dogs... No matter what they did.
Ms. Reaper can tell when her victims are going to die, she would carve their time of death on the walls or doors. When the time of the person's death comes, she'll take their soul if they died from natural causes or an accident, but there are other times when she'll just kill them with her finger knives. After their death she collects their soul with a special watch called the Ageless Watch, she'll use it to de-age herself when she get older after going to the date of the person's death.
The Voxola workers are humanoid monstrosities that had mechanical engineered exoskeletons underneath their skins. Winona is the leader, she mostly does the killing and the "upgrading", Genny is her assistant, she really doesn't kill but helps Winona with the upgrading. Iron Jaw is one of the workers that was upgraded by Winona, he lost his jaw when Winona attacked him, Winona gave him a new jaw that allowed him to bite into something or kill someone with. Glass eye is another worker that was upgraded by Winona, Winona stabbed her eye with a screwdriver and replaced it with a optical sensor which is the reason why she looks like she has a monocle. Wagstaff died when he locked himself in his office and died from thirst/starvation.
Here's the photo reference for the Voxola and the two other workers.
(Okay let me explain about Wendy, I was thinking that Wendy took her own life by either self poisoning or hanging so she can be with her sister, I'm sorry if you were offended or feel something else about it.)
I just like this idea, though it might not work, some feedback would be nice.
#don't starve#don't starve together#wickerbottom dst#wendy dst#abigail dst#wilbur dst#wanda dst#winona dst#ds genny#ds genevieve#wagstaff dst#voxola#Don't Starve: Urban Legends#alternate universe
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It's October, I decided to show y'all my old drawings of Vampire!Winona and Genny last school year. I was thinking about a story for this and... I just ship these two so much!
Now a sad thing that happened... Winona couldn't find anything to drain blood from, she grew blind from the hunger, Genny walked in at the wrong time, Winona's blood thirst was at a high. Without warning, Winona sank her fangs into Genny's neck, she snapped out of her blood thirst to unfortunately discover that she bit Genny...
And yeah, that's how I react to someone wondering what I'm drawing, I only show my drawings to you guys and my friends, I use my ipad to look for a reference to draw while I'm at school.
And yes I used Winona's Triumphant skin because I thought it would match her being a vampire.
(It's been awhile since I've drawn this idea, I might draw it again.)
#don't starve#don't starve together#dst winona#ds winona#ds genny#ds genevieve#vampire#fanart#genona#old drawing
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yeah genevieve is her name! it was stated in the most recent klei twitch stream! she goes by genny for short ^ v ^
Thank you!!!!!!!!! I don’t watch the twitch streams (I want to though) so I had no idea.
Now I’m curious if there’s any other info I have no idea about… Geez I really need to make a twitch account already.
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