#genesis o'shaunessy
rejaytionships · 8 months
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i saw @rexscanonwife post a self insert vs self image set and i thought the idea was SO fun and wanted to try my own!!!
credits to brie, go check out their og post for this ^^
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rejaytionships · 3 months
WLWeek 2024 Day 3 | Date Night
[romantic (dating) | maria rivera x genesis o'shaunessy]
It's Genesis's first date in many, many years, and they're on a date with the most beautiful woman they've ever met: Maria Rivera. Unfortunately, Miracle City is not the calmest area to reside in, and Genesis finds themself trying not to spill some big beans that might scare off the only woman who would possibly ever give them a chance... (@rexscanonwife THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS EVENT BTW MUEHEHE more excuses to write about my fave women now......)
[3rd person limited POV (genesis's)] [word count: 2258]
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It felt like it had been a lifetime since Genesis had been on a date, and even longer since Genesis went on a date that they were the more nervous party in.
They had met this beautiful woman at the store when shopping for music CDs, and the woman recognized Genesis, who was once in a somewhat famous band, Space Gateway. In fact, the woman (Maria, they would learn) was present at Genesis's final concert that took place here in Miracle City. Desperate for a friend, Genesis exchanged contact information with Maria, who gladly complied as she also wanted more people to talk to in the city.
Genesis soon learned that Maria was also a musician! Maria was a mariachi singer, who had began to tour after Genesis had retired; she was kind enough to supply them with CDs of her best songs to get them up to speed with her past career. The two found themselves bonding over their shared life paths, and then...
Well, one day, Genesis randomly found themself asking Maria to accompany them to dinner! Although surprised at the request, Maria agreed, although she made it clear that the two should try to go slow because Maria has a child and is in a co-parenting situation. Genesis had no issue with that stipulation; a date was a date, after all!
So, here they were: Mar del Norte. One of the nicest places in the city.
Genesis could afford it, but they were worried they would stand out in their normal shimmering gold bodysuit. So, they opted for a dark aubergine suit alongside black dress shoes and some nice white gloves. They topped it off with their iconic purple sunglasses, a rose adorning the chest of their suit as well.
They waited, sitting at a spot by the window for a good outside view, anxiously tapping their foot under the table. What if Maria doesn't like them? What if she gets bored and leaves? What if this is super awkward? What if they somehow order the wrong dinner choice, something that is entirely possible to do? Not to mention...
Well, before they could think about the more serious and rational worries, the sound of a woman clearing her throat pulled Genesis from their train of thought as they laid their eyes on the woman of their dreams: Maria.
She stood by the table, wearing an off-the-shoulder red satin dress, paired with black tights and red heels. She was an elegant flower in the sea of people at the restaurant.
Genesis fixed their posture, realizing their jaw had slacked open at the sight. "Maria!" they exclaimed. "I'm glad you could make it, you look amazing!"
Maria chuckled. "You as well," she responded, sitting down in the chair across from them. She pickled up the menu, glancing across the various food and drink options. After some scanning, she placed the menu down. "It's been a very long time since I've stepped foot in here."
"That's more than me!" Genesis nervously laughed. "This is my first time going anywhere this nice in the city."
"Really?" Maria gasped before covering her mouth. "Ah, sorry, I just would have expected you to have more, ah, experience?"
Genesis swatted their hand casually. "I know my songs all made me seem like such a hot shot, but in reality, I haven't been on a real date since before I started singing."
"Consider me shocked, really." Maria let out a soft chuckle. "And here I was, worried I'd have to compare to all these many men and women you would have potentially been with over your very popular career..."
"Trust me, even if I wanted anyone else, you're the first person in a very long time that I've clicked with."
Maria's face heated up as she looked away.
The waitress came by, and Maria ordered a bottle of cabernet sauvignon, alongside her dinner order; Genesis also ordered their dinner, and as the waitress left with their menus, the two women began to chat again.
Maria talked about her day to day life at work, and Genesis was very tuned in... until a commotion outside of the window caught their eye. The vision of skeletons in the distance running off with bags of gold was enough to cause Genesis to tense up.
Enough for Maria to notice, even. "Is everything okay?"
"Huh?" Genesis asked, bringing her attention back to their date. "Yeah, sorry, the nerves are kicking in."
Maria smiled. "I understand, although again, a major surprise to me. You can handle many people in a crowd, but not one woman in a restaurant?"
"If it was a crowd of women half as wonderful as you, I'd be nervous about that as well." Genesis let out a snicker, trying to avoid the figures from the window moving around in their peripheral.
By this point, their bottle of wine had arrived, and Maria had poured both parties a glass. Genesis reached for theirs, and noticed a bit of their wrist peeking out from the glove; when noticing how lacking in muscle and skin their wrist was, they quickly pulled their glove up before bringing the glass closer, hoping Maria wouldn't notice.
Not here; not now. They couldn't let Maria in on what was going on.
The food arrived not long after some more idle chat, and as the two ate, Genesis found it harder and harder to ignore the commotion outside; they felt guilty being so absent-minded on a first date of all things, but then as it got louder and louder, even Maria took notice.
"What is going on out there...?" she murmured to herself before her eyes widened at the sight.
Genesis, not wanting this to ruin the date, tried to segue it back. "Well, you know how it can be in the city. How long have you lived here, anyways?"
"Not enough to be used to this," Maria replied, her breathing growing heavier.
Genesis, in a panic, placed their hand on Maria's to try and bring her attention back to the date. "Why don't we try and move seats?"
"I don't... think that's... going... to help..." Maria spoke slowly between breaths.
Knowing this likely wasn't going to end well, Genesis flagged down their waitress and asked for the bill. They then turned their attention back to Maria as they waited to pay. "Let's just bring this food and wine back to my place, yeah? Away from all this city commotion."
Smooth save!
Or so they thought.
As they finally finished paying and wrapping up what they hadn't finished (and also bagging the bottle they had purchased), the wall where the front door was had been burst open, and a flood of undead packed the place, practically tearing it apart at the seams.
Maria's anxiety turned into a full-blown panic attack at this point.
Genesis also wanted to do that, honestly, but held it together for the sake of not letting date night get ruined by a bunch of rattling ruffians.
They grabbed the bag of leftovers in one hand and Maria's hand in the other, and then proceeded to try and make a break for the first open exit they could spot.
It was almost a clean shot, but a skeleton just had to take hold of the hand holding the food, didn't it? It even managed to snatch the food, and Genesis wasn't about to let that very expensive meal get stolen by someone who couldn't even eat!
After a few seconds of catfight, hitting at each other's hands, Genesis socked the cadaver straight in the head, sending its skull flying as they yanked the food from them and ran the rest of the way out of the restaurant.
Genesis took Maria to their car and immediately drove her to their place... which was currently a motel, sure, but it was still technically where they shacked up for the time being.
They brought Maria and the food inside, setting the food on their desk and motioning for Maria to sit on the bed.
Once Maria calmed down enough, she took the time to look around. "A motel?" she questioned.
Genesis nervously nodded. "I'm in between places right now."
"That's fine, but I could have always taken you to my place. It's much bigger, honestly." Maria gave a weak smile. "Really, I wouldn't have minded."
"I wouldn't have wanted to impose!" Genesis defended, holding their hands up in front of them.
And that's when they noticed.
One of their gloves was missing.
Which meant their hand was exposed.
Their horrific, bony, skeletal hand.
Maria looked like she was going to faint.
Genesis quickly looked around the room, putting on the first (albeit mismatched) glove they could find.
Maria's mouth still hung agape. "Genesis..." was all she could get out.
"It's nothing, really, just a... skin condition?"
Even in her state of shock, it was clear Maria didn't buy it.
Genesis sighed shakily, realizing they had no other choice but to be honest, even if it scared Maria away.
"Alright... so, I haven't been entirely honest about the past fifteen years of my life... or, rather, lack thereof."
And so they explained it.
See, after their concert in Miracle City, their tour bus had been attacked and eaten by a giant monster. Everyone on the bus was labelled dead, mainly because none of the bodies were able to be recovered for obvious reasons.
Genesis, of course, was one of the deceased. However, they refused to accept this fate. They were at the peak of their career! It wasn't fair! They didn't want to die young!
So, they struck a deal with Sartana of the Dead, firstborn of the rulers of the underworld. If they worked for Sartana, they could earn a second chance at life, but only if they kept up their evil ways consistently. If it had been too long since Genesis had done something for Sartana, their skin would slowly start to fade away, leaving them to appear dead once more. It was pretty common that Genesis would start to deteriorate a little, starting with the hands. That was why they always wore gloves.
Genesis wanted nothing more but to stop committing crime, but they had a deal, and didn't want to die. Not again, not yet. But they didn't know how to break the deal.
Genesis started to tremble, and then felt a tear stream down their face. It was embarrassing, admitting that they literally sold their soul for a second chance. It wasn't even worth it; it took them so long to crawl out of the underworld that they were now a long-forgotten artist of the past. They couldn't even capitalize on the fame they so desperately craved.
They felt they came back for nothing; that was, until, they had met Maria.
Maria grabbed a hold of Genesis's right hand, taking off the mismatched glove and running her fingers down the bony limb.
"When were you going to tell me?"
"If I had it my way, probably never. Especially if I could have found a way to break the deal."
Maria sighed. "I wish you would have told me sooner."
Genesis gulped. "I was scared to lose you. I didn't want to lose the one thing I had before it ever went anywhere."
"Who said you were going to lose me?" Maria motioned for Genesis to sit down, which they complied with.
Maria continued. "Mi amor, I used to help rehabilitate villains. Most of them were more... er, evil, so you feeling the way you do is already a good first step! Even if there is the issue where, well... you can't exactly stop, can you?"
Genesis shook their head.
Maria hummed. "I want to help you. I know you're a good person, and you don't deserve to be tied down to a supervillain for the rest of your life, or even longer." She kept stroking Genesis's hand. "Part of a relationship is being a team, and I want to be on your team, but only if you want to work with me."
Genesis nodded. "Of course, I would do anything. I want to be normal again, not just for me, but for you. I love you, Maria, and I don't want anything to get in between that."
There was a silence.
Then, Genesis let out a soft chuckle. "Right, we're supposed to be taking this slow, aren't we? I guess we got a little carried away."
Maria squeaked in shock. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry."
Genesis laughed a little louder. "Really, I don't mind. If you see us as being a team, I'm down for that."
Maria didn't respond verbally; instead, she moved a hand to Genesis's neck, leaning in to peck them on the cheek. "How about we talk on it over dinner?"
Genesis smiled. "It's a date."
The two of them dug into their lukewarm leftovers, and spent the rest of the night talking about their crazy lives in Miracle City. Although, as the moon glistened, they found themselves in a calm moment spending the night together on a whim, since it was far too late to drive Maria home, especially when both of them had now been drinking at least a few glasses of wine.
As the two of them drifted to sleep next to each other, Genesis smiled, knowing that they really had nothing to worry about with Maria after all, at least not in the long run.
Her love, huh?
They liked the sound of that.
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rejaytionships · 1 year
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my first attempt at genesis in the el tigre style! (at 1am-2am yay lol)
it's not a perfect copy yet but i still really like how cute they look :)
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rejaytionships · 2 years
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full ref for genesis o'shaunessy!!! (any pronouns) they're my e/l ti/gre self insert
they used to be in a band back in the late 80s but the whole band died on their international tour during their stop in miracle city. being absolutely livid with the loss of life right before they were supposed to make it big, they thought of a way to make it back to the living world. unfortunately, that resulted in an eternal deal with sartana to become her minion in exchange for a second chance at life. the longer it takes them to do some bidding for sartana, the more visibly skeletal they become (like literally, a skeleton. think sans here)
they were fine and dandy with this deal, even having formed a rivalry with the white pantera as a bonus. however, things get a lot more complicated when genesis falls in love with maria, as it turns out they've landed themself into a love triangle with their own rival who doesn't even recognize them out of costume. how were they going to get through this?
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rejaytionships · 2 years
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sometimes a relationship can be between a superhero, a librarian ex-superhero, and an undead superstar
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rejaytionships · 10 months
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the rest of the selfships i had sketched only had one doodle i could find at the moment, so they all get the same post! all from 2021-2022
first is my s/i ilona with wesker from resident evil! they were stars agents together and at the time i was still getting a grasp on wesker's character since i really only had knowledge on the first resident evil game
second is my s/i genesis with maria from el tigre! i love the rivera parents equally but i did find myself more fixated on maria than rodolfo for a while. she's just so nice :)
third is my s/i valerie next to a sketch i did of alt!gabriel from mandela catalogue. their first few encounters involved a very unsure val with a deceivingly pleasant gabe
fourth is my s/i celina with brahms from the boy! when celina initially moved into the heelshire mansion, brahms did NOT like her, but then he changed his mind once she took a liking to the random porcelain doll she found around...
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rejaytionships · 2 years
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forgot i did some of those "weird dms as your selfships" things so here were the few i did also please ignore that i didn't have an actual version of myself for the tim marble hornets one and that i just used an austin powers jpeg
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rejaytionships · 1 year
f/o tags
here you can find all of my selfship tags!
💀 romantic
💙 crush
💗 queerplatonic
✨ platonic
🍧 familial
Baldi's Basics
💀 All Staff x Stella [baldicule]
Black Butler
🌿 [ONÓRA GALLAGHER] (they/he) 🌿
💀 Grell x Onóra [seeing red]
Creepypasta / Slenderverse
🌿 [AUSTIN MCLOVIN / JINGLE] (le/they) 🌿
💀 Tim/Masky x Austin/Jingle [austim]
El Tigre
💀 Maria x Rodolfo x Genesis [shauneveras]
Fairly Oddparents
🌿 [MR. HUNTER] (he/they?) 🌿
Five Nights at Freddy’s
🌿 [KYRA MCALISTER] (she/they) 🌿
💀 Sundrop x Kyra [sunray]
Invader Zim
🌿 [CRO MCGOVERN] (she) 🌿
💀 Professor Membrane x Cro [camr]
💗 Mr. Elliot x Cro [caeq]
💀 Bill x Linn [beeshipping]
💀 Proton x Linn [atomicshipping]
💙 Roark x Linn [lazulishipping]
💗 Jessie & James & Linn [triplethreatshipping]
🍧 Byron & Linn [steel foundations]
🍧 Crasher Wake & Linn [tidefamily]
🍧 Giuseppe & Linn [dazzioling gleam] ---
🌿 [AUSTIN RENÉE] (they/ve/any) 🌿 = UNOVA (+ KALOS)
💀 Emmet x Austin [reviveshipping]
💗 Carrie x Austin [gigglesounova]
🍧 Burgh & Austin [bugfamily]
✨ Elesa & Austin [electric boogie]
✨ Ingo & Austin [supporting ‘rails] ---
🌿 [RUTH ELLIOT] (she/he) 🌿 = UNOVA
💀 Clay x Ruth [businessshipping]
Lacey & Ruth [every girlboss has a girldaughter] ---
🌿 [FISHER ATWATER] (he/she) 🌿 = GALAR
💀 Melony x Fisher [icebergshipping]
🍧 Gordie & Fisher [rock n’ roll] ---
🌿 [ODETTE] (they/she) 🌿 = POGO
💀 Professor Willow x Odette [fieldshipping]
🍧 Blanche & Odette [lakefamily]
✨ Candela & Odette [red hot chilly feathers]
✨ Spark & Odette [fly high voltage]
Resident Evil
🌿 [ILONA POWERS] (she) 🌿 > AU: [THE COUNTESS] (she)
💀 Albert x Ilona [wowers]
💀 Albert x Excella x Ilona [wowionne]
💀 Jill x Ilona [valentowers]
💀 Luis x Ilona [luilona]
💀 Lady Dimitrescu x Ilona [alcilona]
🍧 Jake & Ilona [missing link]
🍧 Keegan & Ilona [the fire burns anew] ---
🌿 - no s/i - 🌿
💙 Nemesis [got you some black and blue]
Slasher Stuff
💀 Bubba x Carolyn [sunflowers] ---
💀 Brahms x Celina [wallflowers]
Star Wars
🌿 [IMROS KATARD] (she/he/they) 🌿
💀 Boba x Imros [bobros]
💀 Boba x Sintas x Fennec x Imros [my three bounty-hunter girlfriends. and yes they hunt bounties]
✨ Imros & Her Team (GEN TAG) [girl gang]
💗 Cih & Imros [green beans] ---
🌿 [KELESGAN SELDLOS] (she/he) 🌿
💀 Hera x Kanan x Kelesgan [kanlesgera]
💀 Kallus x Kelesgan [kelesandr]
💀 Vizago x Kelesgan [kelzago]
🍧 Maul & Kelesgan [maulicious apprenticeship]
Stardew Valley
🌿 [OSMODIUS] (any) 🌿
💀 Pierre x Caroline x Osmodius [ozshopping]
🍧 Abigail & Osmodius [the uncle that stepped up]
Super Mario
🌿 [MISTRESS MELON] (she) 🌿
🌿 [RHOSWEN] (they) 🌿
💀 David x Valerie [my delightful neighbor david]
(cougar and her ship tag are all for the fusionfall timeline, and all others will be categorized separately, but all of the pairings whether in their timeline or the fusionfall timeline are a part of the cougarverse)
🌿 [COUGAR VON MOM] (she/they) 🌿
GEN SHIP TAG: [mothersville]
🌿 [GELATO] (any) 🌿
💀 Endive x Gelato [heaven’s kitchen]
💀 Mung Daal x Truffles x Gelato [heaven's other kitchen]
Codename: Kids Next Door
🌿 [ARNIE TREIZE] (she/any) 🌿
💀 Father/Benedict x Arnie [she’s the man]
💗 Toiletnator/Lou & Arnie [royally flushed]
Ed Edd n Eddy
🌿 [LINDA KANKER] (she) 🌿
🍧 Double D "Dee" & Linda [dee is for daughter]
tags no longer in use
[🎈 if i no longer associate with source | 🌱 for if i just don't have attachment to the source or f/o anymore]
🎈 Mandela Catalogue 🎈
💀 Alt!Gabriel x Valerie [rosemary]
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