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onestormeynight · 6 months ago
The Beginning
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"Happy Winterfest," Rosie said eating breakfast. "You headed to your parents today?"
"Yeah, Dad is harping on me about not visiting them enough," Billie yawned. "Don't know what he's freaking out about, I barely moved out. Did he think I'd just be over there all the time?" She paused and frowned. "Actually, you and your mom are usually glued at the hip. How's the separation been?"
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"Oh, it's fine, it's not like she's very far away from us," Rosie said. "I miss her, though. I'm really looking forward to seeing her today. And Blair, but mostly Mom."
"No judgement here, sis. I have no idea what a step parent situation works. From where I'm sitting, you have both a terrible one and a great one. Just depends on the zip code."
Rosie rolled her eyes. "I hope Lily isn't there. I just want a mellow Winterfest."
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Penny was ecstatic to see her daughter. She held onto her longer than Rosie may have wanted, but Rosie endured it. It was nice to have a Mom hug again, anyways.
"Don't do you go that long without seeing me again, kid," Penny said. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too, Mom. I miss your cooking, for sure. Billie is trash at it and I'm not much better."
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Penny laughed. "Yeah, B said you tried but failed to make food."
"You spoiled her, don't blame me."
"I should have taught you to cook more before you left. Come over and I'll teach you."
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"Promise. I'll come over on Friday nights, how does that sound?"
"You'd better. So, how's boyfriend?"
"Robin is fine, you know his name."
"Nah, boyfriend is fine."
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"Penelope Harper you tease too much," Blair said coming in from outside. "Leave her alone or she'll never tell you anything."
Penny held up her hands in surrender and kissed her wife's cheek. Rosie hugged her step mother, thanking her for coming to her rescue.
"You see, this is why I can't bring Billie over here," Rosie said. "The two of you teaming up would humiliate me for life. I could never leave the house again. Not without a paperbag."
Penny looked at the clock. "Well, I'm out of time to tease, anyways. Your room is still there, go ahead and change. We'll be down shortly."
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Rosie was stunned when she came back downstairs. Penny and Blair were in coordinated outfits. Penny didn't even do that with Rosie when she was a baby. She raised an eyebrow to her mom.
"Don't start," Penny said. "Blair wanted to."
"Aren't we cute?!" Blair said. "I promised it would just be this one time. Winterfest is a great time to be a little extra."
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Rosie smiled and made a mental note to tell Robin coordinated outfits were completely off the table.
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paladinlegacy · 10 months ago
Playful Park
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Back at the park Ashlynn decided to have fun by making a mess on the ground.
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However, when Krystal noticed mess the cute little blueberry smiled and acted like she didn't just make a big mess on the ground.
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On the way back from the park Krystal ran into her friend Amanda who announced that she recently had a baby.
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When everyone arrived for the party Lilly greeted Fiona sweeping her into an romantic embrace. However, before they could do anything more Marcella walked up right behind them. Lilly released Fiona from the embrace, and Fiona handed her a present.
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jazzluca · 1 year ago
JHIAXUS ( Voyager ) Generations Legacy *G2*
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Per fortuna la linea Legacy, nel prepararsi a celebrare i 40 anni del marchio, ha saputo pescare e riproporre in chiave Generations anche quei Transformers un po' di nicchia, ma che sono molto amati dai fan duri e puri, come il buon JHIAXUS, nemesi principale della maxiserie a fumetti sulla G2 uscita nei primi anni '90.
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Creato ex novo per quelle storie e non basato sulla linea di giocattoli del tempo, Jhiaxus grazie a questo Voyager può finalmente vantare un'incarnazione fisica fedele, dato che i precedenti modellini omonimi di qualche anno fa erano libere interpretazioni e basate su versioni del personaggio diverse dall'originale, come lo scienziato dei fumetti IDW.
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Sempre sia lodato Furman e la sua fantasia, così come il buon Derek Yaniger che ne ha forgiato le fattezze, certo, ma è innegabile che l'aspetto del ROBOT sia davvero particolare e fuori dagli schemi, anche dopo la smussata estetica per renderlo un Generations affine ai suoi colleghi: infatti moooooolto eccentrici risultano la forma della testa così come i particolari scolpiti sulle tibie e le ali pipistrellesche ai lati di queste, ma ancor più è la colorazione a lasciare un po' interdetti, con un bianco principale bilanciato da torso, pugni, tibie e piedi gialli, ma con una testa rossa e le ali verdi ad incasinare ulteriormente l'"armocromia" complessiva.
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A questa colorazione dopo un po' ci si abitua, per fortuna, aiutata anche da un buon stampo che vede il nostro come un bel robot alto e robusto alla stregua di un Prime ( giustamente ), graziato da torso in plastica trasparente che rende la colorazione giallo oro più splendente e soprattutto un'ottima posabilità che arriva anche ai famigerati pugni che non solo ruotano ma possono anche aprirsi!
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Il nostro è esente da qualsiasi vuoto su avambracci o interno cosce vari, e se proprio vogliamo fare i puntigliosi, non sarebbe stato male se le ali potevano piegarsi alla base, giusto perchè fa più figo muoverle così le ali per le pose, ma potendo invece piegarsi a metà, almeno riducono l'ampiezza in caso di necessità infastidendo molto meno.
Posto che ha un numero di fori standard sparsi nel corpo per le armi alla maniera dei post WfC, gli accessori del nostro sono due versioni dello stesso fucile, uno rosso grande e uno più piccolo in plastica trasparente con dettagli argento, sulla forma di quelli visti perlopiù nei fumetti G2, o come li sfoggia nella copertina del numero 7, appunto.
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Tali fucili sono combinabili fra loro grazie alle spine laterali di entrambi ed al foro di quello piccolo, e manco a dirlo possono quindi sistemarsi a riposo in uno qualunque dei succitati fori sul corpo.
La TRASFORMAZIONE non è affatto male, con il petto che si solleva facendo uscire la punta del velivolo e la testa che rientra aprendo il pannello della schiena, bacino ruota e gli stinchi scivolano in su a coprir le cosce, rivelando così i reattori posteriori. Anche le ali che erano sulla parte superiore / anteriori ruotando vanno finire all'indietro, così come le braccia che si avvicinano sotto l'aereo e pure loro slittano posteriormente.
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Il JET CYBERTRONIANO si rifà come look a grandi linee al riadattamento nei fumetti moderni dell'alt mode originale del nostro Decepticon di seconda generazione preferito, dato che, così come il robot, era inventato di sana pianta e praticamente era l'hovercraft di Scourge ma con le ali pipistrellesche. Alla fine abbiamo un jet un po' più definito, con un lungo cockpit frontale ed un alettone verticale posteriore piuttosto che non la pinna / bocca di fuoco posteriore.
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A rovinare un po' il design purtroppo ci pensano le braccia del robot sistemate in un unico modulo sotto il velivolo, quasi fossero un carico attaccato appositamente sotto al jet: per quanto sia un velivolo di fantasia e quindi magari appositamente disegnato per essere così, sta di fatto che tale modulo pretestuoso ( che si vede lontano un miglio che sono due braccia di robot appaiate ) potevano renderlo più aerodinamico sfumando il contorno delle spalle.
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Certo, meglio così che non vedere gli arti come i soliti moduli sotto le ali, o forse no, diciamo che entrambe le soluzioni non sarebbero il massimo, ma, ancora, se rendevano tal "modulo" un po' meno posticcio era meglio.
Anche i colori sono strambetti nel jet, anche magari rendono meglio come disposizione, con la parte centrale bianca ed il resto giallo oro, la punta rossa e le ali verdi, tant'è, ma c'è pure il tocco di classe dell'interno dei reattori color rosso chiaro, giusto per.
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A livello di giocabilità, è un po' sprecato il vuoto sotto la cabina di pilotaggio, ma almeno sotto la punta rossa c'è un foro per armi, così come uno centrale e due laterali sopra le ali, poco accessibili però dalle armi del nostro per la forma stessa di queste, ma in qualche maniera si riesce a sistemarle. Peccato per i fori sprecati delle braccia che finiscono SOTTO e non ai lati delle stesse.
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Insomma, fondamentalmente un bel modellino, cui gli si perdonano le poche pecche della modalità alternativa, anche migliore magari nella media di altri suoi colleghi di linea ma che paga lo scotto del design fumettistico originale e di essere davvero troppo di nicchia come personaggio nella mitologia dei Transformers, anche se questo stesso giocattolo ha aiutato a farlo venire meritatamente allo scoperto.
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dragonfangart · 2 years ago
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Look at this cutie :) So fierce!
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adtcomics · 2 years ago
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Original version of the pencils for one page of the Auto Assembly 2014 fancomic written by Ed Pirrie. He had me in mind to do the G2 pages from the get go. In the end I went for a closer to Geoff Senior approach but I always liked these.
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moesha75 · 4 months ago
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Barbie Gen 2 Flashback photos 📸 High School Prom from crush to newlyweds. Even though she grew up with Atlas and thought they'd be together forever, once she met Kyoshi, she knew he was the one❤️
Married, had a son and a daughter, our Gen 3 heir.
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timestechnow · 5 months ago
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lilgreenfox · 10 months ago
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Pokecember Day 24: Generation
PokeCember Day 24: Generation 🔥
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cielexiz · 1 year ago
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It felt weird, seeing Julian's life packed up in boxes
he was moving into a smaller apartment in order to save for his dream home
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Erin supported him all the way, looking at her he knew he was making the right call
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he knew dating her meant becoming a family, Erin had a lot more responsibility than him, she was always putting Nova and Cassie first and he admired her for that
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he was going to go to uni, he knew in his heart that he'd run his own restaurant one day, so he could create the life for his girls that they deserved
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brokenactionfigure · 2 years ago
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
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onestormeynight · 5 months ago
Wedding Morning
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Billie, on the surface, was more excited than Rosie about the big day. She had paid for new braids and her bridesmaid dress was not one of those horrible monstrosities some brides insisted their entourage wear. Rosie had good taste.
"How are you not over the moon?" She said.
"I am, I'm just eating," Rosie said. "I'll get nervous once the dress is on."
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The nerves were setting in, but she had to admit she looked like a bride. She was sad that her mother's parents couldn't be there having passed away awhile ago now, but hoped she would be able to feel their spirits there with her. Blair's, too.
There was a strong wave of emotion that hit her thinking of her step mother, but it passed after a few moments. Blair would have been so proud of Rosie.
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Billie was also feeling herself. She was touching up her make up in the bathroom. They had to be at the park in an hour. Thankfully the weather was holding up on them. There were some clouds, but it was altogether a lovely day outside.
The girls took one final selfie together before heading off for the wedding.
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paladinlegacy · 1 year ago
The Concert Part 4
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After Taylor had left for the night Aurora went looking for Elissa, and found her in the restroom. Elissa started flirting with Aurora which lead to the two making out in front of the sink.
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Vanessa also had to use the restroom. However, she didn't notice the two teenagers making out in front her as she was too busy looking at her phone.
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When Vanessa finally looked up from her phone she saw them still in a flirtatious embrace, and made a joke about marriage before going into the stall.
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When Vanessa was finished in the restroom all three went back to the table. Aurora and Elissa continued their flirtatious behavior until Elissa realized how late it was, and headed back to the house in Yukimatsu.
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Vanessa thought it was a good time for them to leave too, yet before they left Aurora thanked their aunt for such a great night.
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jazzluca · 2 years ago
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Ed ecco Laser Optimus Prime G2 in tutta la sua maestosa spallosità! #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformerswfc #transformerswarforcybertron #transformersearthrise #transformerslegacy #legacy #transformersg2 #generation2 #jhiaxus #decepticon #distructors #autobot #autorobot #Optimusprime #commander #laseroptimusprime #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmwo81pM0ks/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hammert-fitzerald · 1 year ago
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day 14; father; Jim is happy to be with his father Kanjigar, and Blinky also considers him his father and guardian, even Draal acts like a loving father, that's what Jim needs, a father figure or more since Jim's older brothers are more like father
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Dedícate to @bluheaven-adw
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sadkidwithocs · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to my another place I classify from wrestling FanArts block🙏🏻 This account is about my fiction universes/ OCs’ information/ inspiration and their brief stories.
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📝 It’s very long but it’s better if you read them for more understanding/ the whys and wherefores about my fictions journey⬇️⬇️
🍔🌭I have 4 main fictions in different era but they can linked together🧇🥓
KAIENTAI DX story (Taka as story teller, sometime Seiji) (Period: current)
Faren’s story, the journey of generation2 (Faren, Seiji’s dad as story teller) (Period: 1980s- mid 1990s)
Luciano dimension’s story (prince Léo as story teller) (Period: current)
Prince Damond’s background story (Léo still be story teller) (Period: 1940s- nearly ending of WW II)
📝 Please note⚠️I won’t post full of my fiction because it’s VERY VERY long stories😂. But don’t worry, I’ll post their(OCs) information and little stories about them first or write as caption for understanding. My English vocabulary in my brain is limited, I can’t use descriptive writing in English. So, I conveyed the story as a narrative rather than write characters' conversations directly by translate from Thai language. Because each character has a different speaking style/ uses different levels of language. But I can write only one level of English, like an essay.
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1. KAIENTAI DX story(since ~2010 to ???)
At first it’s about Taka, the main character. Yes, I mean Taka michinoku lol. Because Taka of WWF was my favorite wrestler when I was young ~10 years old, for me he’s so cool especially when he became 1st Light heavyweight champ. And at the same time I like KAIENTAI DX in Japan too (please note⚠️KAIENTAI DX in Japan, not jobber KAIENTAI at WWF⚠️, I won’t mention about that, I won’t put that side on my fiction). And because this fiction was wrote since I was very young, so most of their stories aren’t based on true story/ not based on real year/ most of their face have been changed a lot following my drawing skill in 10 years old. 🔸🔸🔸Plus☝🏻, my fiction decide to add some members to KAIENTAI as well, including Seiji, Faren’s son. So KAIENTAI DX members in my fiction are most in NJPW except Taka and Funaki whose back to Japan temporary after injured from WWE, most of story are in Japan
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2. Faren’s story, the journey of generation 2 (since 2019-present)
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“Faren’s story” is the fiction about WWF in 80s- mod90s backstage stories/ the wrestlers whose being dad and head of family but still do something like dumb kids. Messed with Canadian mafia/ help friends to make up with ex. Some stories based on true story(such as each wrestler’s characters or habit) and some stories were added on. So, if you have any suggestion or information, Whether it's about the character of each wrestlers / their story behind the scenes / Locker room life and fighting/ heroic deeds they’ve done or etc., please feel free to tell me, I’ll thanks a bunch📍
🔸Faren is my 2019oc, be SEIJI’s father and gen2 wrestler. The beginning of story is Faren, 60 years old WWF alumni wrestler returns to WWF again in nearly 30 years for Hall of fame inducting as his father's representative, his dad is ‘Ailani’, very famous Hawaiian wrestler whose passed away many years ago since Faren was just teenage
Backstage, SEIJI teases his dad by ask him why don’t he(Faren) inducted to HOF like his grandpa. Faren giggles and said “I’ve nothing special when I was here, just mid-carder, That time I’m just biker in wrestling career with stupid blonde top-knot hairstyle” . After that, Faren meets and greets his old friends in WWF such as Mike Rotunda, agent/ Raymond, French commentator/ Lanny poffo/ Shawn Michaels/ Harry Smith(Davey’s son)etc.
Backstage, old legends talk together happily about stories when they were young and wild . Faren's flashbacks to old days when he was WWF wrestler, short period of time in wrestling life if compared to other wrestlers but he still has good memories of his wrestling days there. Watch briefly Faren’s introduction here (link)
🎨🖌️I also have arts and his brief story. “That Kyōkatabira woman”(little comic) / mr.Hunter, the villain of Faren’s story(OC’s information)/ Adrian Adonis(1)/ real big brah, Tito Santana/ street fighting with SlamFam/ first met with Mike Rotundo(information)/ Mike singing(pic)/ Mike and Faren’s feud with mafia(information)/ the thuggiest thug(SlamFam information)/ Faren and Adrian(again)
3.Luciano dimension’s story (since 2014-2018 & 2021-present)
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🔸The mysterious dimension that has many things supernatural, Many kinds of demons and many demon kingdoms are place in the Luciano dimension. The beginning is from “Krit Suphakrit”, Thai cocky/ greedy and big-mouth prophet whose wants to collect mystical souls and demons for use in making sacred objects to export to Cambodia . He uses some wrestlers(KAIENTAI members including Seiji, Faren’s son) as a means of catching up with the many type of spirit and demons in the Luciano dimension.
As he is a prophet who’s both expert and not expert for superstition at the same time, causing something chaotic and dangerous happen when the wrestlers he approach must be trapped in the Lusiano demension temporarily. The duty falls to the Luciano members who must keep the wrestlers safe from another demons and Krit, who try to harm them and stop him to hunt more spirit and demons in Lucia dimension. 🔸 “15 representatives of the Luciano dimension”are the unofficial group name of 15 persons(spirits) and demons whose be the leader of Luciano dimension, have high super power or has something special than another demons in the dimension.
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4. Prince Damond’s background story🇫🇷
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it’s about prince Damond one of Luciano member’s background story when he was alive in 1940s, he was just normal human, worked as magician and trapeze actor at Paris circus. Damond’s story has some vi0lent contens/ dark side of human’s mind. I will compare like, If that era has social media and easily to record some video, some situations gonna be on D@rk web *sorry for censoring, I'm not sure that Tumblr has a word detection system or not😑
Damond Harvey was 27 years old, has 2 brothers, Dior(24 y/o) and Darius(23 y/o). Darius married with American actress and move to America and don’t have much role in this story. 3 Harveys was adopted by mr.Henry, the owner of the Paris circus, because his biological father died when they were very young and his mother was a drunkard and physically abusive.
In each days, Damond and Dior will practice his shows with friends at Paris circus and then go to the market to help another merchants. And sometimes he and his friends must fight with enemies/ bullies from Levesque circus as well. Until one day, Harveys met Zelie(Zelina)/ Léo and Nastia(Anastasia) at flower shop, they’re prince and princess demon from Luciano dimension whose must temporary live in human dimension for months and must keep secret that they’re demons (Léo and Zelie are Lucia members, you can check their looks above at Luciano fiction). Dior is Nastia’s boyfriend and their love went well, Damond and Zelie seem get more closed but deep down Damond still scared to open-minded to has someone new, and Zelie often act stubborn(or Disagreement between heart and mouth).
Damond is depression after breaking up from his ex-girlfriend. She assaulted him and often send threatening letter to him even though she has new boyfriend already. Causing Damond doesn’t want to open-mind to another girls anymore especially Zelina who’s being model and having “femme fatale- look” just like his ex. It takes a long time for Damond to adjust understanding that Zelie is not likes his ex. And at the same time Zelina is worry about “human and demon love” between her and Damond whose don’t know that she& Léo & Anastasia are all demon from another dimension
Zelina and Léo love Damond. They want him to live together in Luciano dimension with peaceful life, with his lover, married and needn’t work dangerous career like trapeze actor. But the only way they can do is “making Damond died from human dimension first”, that is incorrect solve and sin . At the same time they must do what any decent citizen should do when seeing depression people. They must help and console Damond whose try to commit suicide after losing his little brother/ his friend and younger sister from bullies,… Leo and Zelie must choose between "what's they like" or "what's right,". And they choose what’s right, making Damond live as long as the god prescribed.
During Damond takes a break from working at Paris circus to heal his mental state from losing his younger brother and his sister’s r@ped, He t0rtured and mᵤᵣdered perpetrators . He wore a clown shirt to cover his body and lured gangsters into deserted places, and began to 𝕥o𝕣𝕥u𝕣𝕖 them one by one, and using different methods. Before those thugs 𝓭ie Damond will cut their🍆and throw it away. And when he succeeds in his plan, He would sew a doll to give to his sister at the psychiatric hospital. Arno (Child psychiatrist and later he’s one of Luciano member also) and Matty's older sister, a lawyer and youth legal adviser, were suspicious of Damond's behavior, that sometimes he requesting postponement of mental health examinations (depression). Damond looked very normal, not sad, talkative, as if nothing had ever happened.
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tamim-it10 · 3 months ago
mack book air
Apple MacBook Air 13.3-Inch Retina Display 8-core Apple M1 chip with 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD (MGN63) Space Gray
Model: MacBook Air 13" M1 Chip
Processor: Apple M1 chip with 8-core CPU and 7-core GPU
RAM: 8GB, Storage: 256GB SSD
Display: 13.3-inch 2560x1600 LED-backlit Retina
Features: Backlit Magic Keyboard
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Description Apple MacBook Air 13.3-Inch Retina Display 8-core Apple M1 chip with 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD (MGN63) Space Gray Apple's thinnest, lightest notebook, completely transformed by the Apple M1 chip. CPU speeds up to 3.5x faster. GPU speeds up to 5x faster. Our most advanced Neural Engine for up to 9x faster machine learning. The longest battery life ever in a MacBook Air. And a silent, fanless design. This much power has never been this ready to go. It’s here. Our first chip designed specifically for Mac. Packed with an astonishing 16 billion transistors, the Apple M1 system on a chip (SoC) integrates the CPU, GPU, Neural Engine, I/O, and so much more onto a single tiny chip. With incredible performance, custom technologies, and industry-leading power efficiency,1 M1 is not just a next step for Mac — it’s another level entirely.M1 has the fastest CPU we’ve ever made. With that kind of processing speed, MacBook Air can take on new extraordinarily intensive tasks like professional-quality editing and action-packed gaming. But the 8‑core CPU on M1 isn‘t just up to 3.5x faster than the previous generation2 — it balances high-performance cores with efficiency cores that can still crush everyday jobs while using just a tenth of the power.Up to 7-core GPUThe GPU in M1 puts MacBook Air in a class of its own. M1 features the world‘s fastest integrated graphics in a personal computer.8 That’s up to 5x faster graphics performance compared with the previous generation.
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