#generally bad movie all round I just enjoy pointing out the few good west end actors in the movie (last time I saw Adam Pearce in the film
starkidlabs · 8 months
Part of me wants to go and see the Les Mis cinema re-release just so I can see Hadley’s beautiful face on the big screen for the 2 minutes he’s in that movie.
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Yet another thing to celebrate
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Dean x reader
Summary (I used the requester’s words) :  Reader’s birthday is on Christmas Eve, which generally sucks because everyone is either skint or celebrating Christmas.
Warnings : Fluffy fluff with a little fluff whipped cream on top. Very implied smut.
Wordcount : 3.6k
Note : This is my fic for @girl-next-door-writes Secret Santa (I reaaally hope you like it lovely, merry Christmas and happy birthday) hosted by @negans-lucille-tblr​ on @spnsecretsantaficexchange​.
I also made my participation to the amazing @acklesterritory​‘s celebration challenge, in the fic, my prompt was “I saw that, you just checked me out”, it’s bold in the fic.
The song refered to is She’s always a woman, by Billie Joel.
The text dividers are from the great @firefly-graphics​
Jay’s Masterlist
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           Before you even open your eyes, you sigh, grabbing the soft pillow in your fist and nuzzling on its softness in a sleepy grunt.
You don’t hate this day, but it often makes you a little sad despite your will to enjoy it fully. It is your birthday. December 24, the busiest day in the country, damn, in the whole West. And even if you are not the kind to want the full attention on you, to be spoiled or anything, you just wish sometimes that, for once, you could have a proper birthday.
           When you were a teen, you more than once even dared dreaming of a party you could throw, but Christmas is about family and basically about everyone. Not you.
           You dream of a little birthday party with friends, some drinks, music, maybe dancing a little... But it would be impossible unless you do it way before or way after, and it wouldn't really be the same...
           This year is different though.
           This winter, even if the celebration of your birth was totally forgotten, you don’t need anything more than what you have now. And what you have is Dean Winchester. Nothing is more important than that, nothing can make you happier.
           In fact, nothing can really make you feel any other way than blessed after this summer. After Dean kissed you on that hunt, after you two had sex in the Impala on your way home ; after later he asked you to stay in his bed for the night that other evening you both ended up naked. And finally, after he asked you to stay in his room for good a few weeks later, and started calling you his girlfriend.
           You smile thinking of waking up next to him and move your feet to find his behind you. But when you don’t, you turn and rub your eyes before opening them.
           Empty. Your shared bed is empty.
“Dean ?” is the first word you say, but the room stays cruelly silent.
Of course… It’s Christmas. He must be busy, like everyone is always on that day… The sting on your heart comes back... You have woken up with the man you love every single morning for the last few months, but not today.
           That is how lame your birthday can be.
           After staying in bed almost one hour, trying to shake that blues off by thinking of how blessed you are, you finally are about to get up and face that stolen day, but the door opens slowly.
           You close your eyes, not really knowing why, maybe just to avoid having to find an explanation for not getting up before if you were awake. The bed moves under Dean’s weight as he crawls on it slowly but you don’t move, even when he clumsily crushes your arm a little while hovering you.
“Happy birthday Baby” he whispers with his coffee breath close to your face. “Have you decided to skip today ? It’s almost noon.”
“Mh…” you hum, lifting your arms to reach his neck, desperate to feel his skin. “Thank you.”
You hesitate a second, wanting to ask him why he got up without you today, why he didn’t wake you with kisses and sweet words like he often does, but you don’t say anything, grateful enough that he got tired of you not being with him and came to get you.
           He lets a part of his weight fall on you, making you huff and laugh softly. His scruff scratches your shoulder, the rough fabric of his jeans is uncomfortable and his belt is digging to your hip but you wouldn't change a thing.
           Your hand goes to his neck and massages it softly, he hums, and you feel his body softly relax. You always know just how to calm him, how to make him fall back asleep after a nightmare, how to make his muscles calm after the roughest hunts. But after less than a minute, he grunts, sitting up.
"No, no" he shakes his head. "You're not making me skip that day with you ! Get up Baby."
He grabs your shoulders and playfully shake them, not realizing that even his kidding strength is huge.
"Geeet uuuup" he chuckles when your whole body is shaken and your laugh sounds funny because of it.
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           The warm water runs along your hair and down your spine, and a soft steam fills the bathroom. For sure, that was a great late breakfast, with pancakes Dean had made for you, and his little stolen kisses.
           He is really making this day better.
           Maybe you can forget about your birthday now, and just enjoy Christmas like a normal person. You are loved, and you are happy, you don't need anything else.
           Washing your hair, you smile thinking of the tree the boys have bought, so big that they struggled to carry it up the stairs. You chuckle at thinking of Dean grumbling about the thorns covering Baby's seats. They even bought bags mysterious decorations and fairy lights they never let you see. The library now smells like Christmas tree.
           We're celebrating this year, Dean said. And in the years you have known the Winchesters, you indeed never saw them put so much effort in a holiday.
           A lot of things keep surprising you.
           Sam once told you that his brother had changed a lot since he was with you, making you worry more than anything else. You never wanted Dean to change, you love Dean just the way he is... Then you understood what Sammy was saying...
           You understood in the little things. Like Dean's new love for late mornings in bed, like him drinking a little less, being a little less reckless during hunts, humming in the shower, letting go more in bed, allowing himself to give up the constant control he has on himself... And in his will to celebrate Christmas. Dean is not different, he is just happier.
           Your eyes get a little wet with joy at the thought while your rub your body with the delicious smelling foam.
           Forget your birthday, if Dean's happiness demands this day to be the Christmas he didn't have as a kid, the Christmas he is finally allowing himself to want, then you are honored to help him make it perfect.
           You step out of the shower and your eyes meet the big mirror. In the middle of it, written with a big finger on the thick steam : "I love you Y/n".
           Your choice is made : This will be Christmas. This will be anything to make that man as lucky as you are.
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"How can I help ?" you say, entering the kitchen where Dean is apparently trying to make cookies, wearing this apron he only puts on for great occasions.
"I'm making cookies men like in Shrek" he says pointing to the not-so-bad gingerbread biscuits he already cooked with his finger covered in dough.
           You come behind him and wrap your arms around his middle, forehead on his back, just feeling his breathing for a second. Dean doesn't stop what he is doing because he is used to you tenderly and randomly holding him, his clean fingers only come to gently caress your arm for a second before he shapes another cookie, chuckling when he adds a tiny penis to the little guy.
"I love you too" you murmur, nose grazing his back to bath in his smell.
He hums.
"We will eat dinner pretty early, I hope you're hungry" he says, looking at his watch. "I want to enjoy some time with my girl after."
You smile, getting on your tiptoes to kiss the uncovered skin of his neck above the collar of his flannel. He wants a lazy evening, making love like you do, or maybe try a kinky thing ; what is sure is you will gladly give him what he wants.
           Time goes by sweetly as you watch this deadly warrior check the turkey while his equally legendary warrior brother prepares another round of eggnog for the three of you. They move around like busy bees in the room and it's a perfect show.
           You sit on the counter, talking about silly things, sometimes doing something to help, when your boyfriend lets you. You keep sipping from the sugary drink, and watching the beauty of Dean just be before your eyes. Unaware of how perfect he is in his every moves, he just works with his strong arms and skilled hands.
           Your eyes linger a little along his thick thighs, and you bend your head to the side to enjoy the exquisite sight of the sensual curve of his butt.
"I saw that, you just checked me out" he says in a smile without even turning around.
"And ?" you let out in a chuckle. "What are you going to do about that ?"
At your surprise, he starts to rock his hips from right to left slowly in clumsy funny moves of his butt, like he wanted to sexy dance for you without stopping what he is doing, earning an eye roll from his brother when his hip hits him on his way.
           Christmas is already perfect.
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           The table is beautiful. Different courses in pretty plates you didn't know the guys had filling it like you have only seen in the movies. There is way too much food for three people but you are so happy that your beloved Winchester can eat like they want for Christmas eve.
           Everything is pretty, the giant messy tree has real bright decorations on it and there are even a few presents at its feet, wrapped messily in colorful papers.
           But their most impressive work is the light in the room, changing the place completely. Almost none of the artificial lights of the bunker is on, and a subdued ambiance with fairy lights and candles make it look even more magical than it usually is.
"When did you find the time to do all that ?" you smile with unintended wetness in your enthralled eyes. "It looks... enchanted in here."
"You stayed in bed until noon" Dean says in a light chuckle, pulling a chair for you and putting a kiss on your cheek. "Merry Christmas baby."
"It's perfect, Deanie" you turn your head so his next kiss lands on the corner of your mouth. "Merry Christmas guys."
Sam sits, rubbing his hands at the sight of the turkey, and starts reminding his brother of an old memory of a past Christmas you listen with all your focus. Everything that can make you know more about their life always catches your full attention. You are, after all, their biggest fan.
           The story is about a Christmas when Dean was a teen. He had spent the night between 23th and 24th December with a girl and was really late to come back to the motel. Sam thought maybe he wouldn't be back for diner, he had already taken the cereals out of the closet when Dean showed up carrying the whole cooked Turkey he had stolen from the girl's parents.
           You look at your boyfriend with all the love in the world and bend to give him a kiss on the forearm while he cuts a piece of this not stolen meat for you.
"Her parents were dicks, and I couldn't let you starve, dad would have killed me" Dean chuckles, filling your plate.
           But you know the story must be really different from just that, Dean never brags about how great he was with Sam.
           You let out a little moan, tasting the food and Dean’s face is lit by a wide proud grin.
“It’s good ?” he asks before he even tastes, an excited hope in his eyes.
“Delischious” you answer with your mouth full, a hand before it.
           And indeed, everything is perfect. Dean, as much as Sam can playfully denies it, is a great cook. He has no technique, no cooking education, but what he has is a real love for food and comfort, a great experience on mixing things and tasting that gives him a perfect intuition. And, above all, the strong selfless will of saying "I love you" with food like some people have.
           Sitting on the floor next to the tree, you hold against you the red flannel Dean finally agreed to give you, and the books Sam bought for you. Your head is leaning lovingly on your lover's shoulder while he looks, exited, at the vinyl records he got, humming his favorite songs.
           You crawl between his thighs and rest your back on his chest, your head back, temple grazing his scruff.
"Best Christmas ever" you smile, feeling his lips graze your cheek. "So what is the program of a Winchester Christmas after that ?"
You close your eyelid and take a deep breath of Dean's scent, expecting a sexy proposition.
"We're going somewhere" he smiles, and, when you open your eyes, you see Sam put on his coat.
"Now ?" you frown, a little confused. "Where ?"
Dean gets up, putting you on your feet with his strong arm, and takes his coat and yours from Sam's hands.
"I'm not telling you. Take your jacket and get in the car."
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           He is silent on the road despite all your questions.
           You listen to the car's purring and look outside to try to guess where they are taking you. The white snow covers the sides of the road with a very thin and delicate layer, the headlights are hit with little swirling snowflakes, and no clue betrays their surprise.
           Sam is smiling, looking out the window. You know they have been planning something, and you know you will love it. Maybe they will show you a place they used to go when they were kids, maybe take you to a special place where you can see the stars so clearly, like this time last summer.
"Come on Dean" you say, kneeling on Baby's back seat to wrap your arms around him from behind, going down a little to feel his firm chest though his shirt under your palms. "Tell me."
"You can't wait just five minutes" he tries to grunt, but it sounds more like a chuckle.
           You fall silent, not letting go of him, holding him like the precious treasure he is, occasionally smelling his hair, kissing his shoulder and tracing the contours of his ear. You just can't stop touching him, and since that talk you had after sex once, you know how much he loves it.
"Aw" Sam mocks you like he often does. "You two are so cute."
"Fuck yeah we are" Dean groans, turning right to a one way road.
"You know Christmas is already perfect" you smile. "You don't have to surprise me again."
"Yeah, I know" he says, parking in front of a bar. "But, it's not only Christmas today."
           You look around, confused. The guys open the door, letting the freezing cold enter the Impala, and get out in a perfect sync. You follow them, lifting your eyes to the colorful neon lights reflecting in the snowy night. Around on the parking lot, more cars than you would have expected are parked, and you wonder who would spend Christmas eve in a bar like this one.
           But before you can wonder why they would have taken you there, to this bar you never heard off, your boyfriend's hand wraps around your waist and he guides you inside, pushing the heavy doors.
           The first thing that hits you is the perfect warmth of the inside. The temperature is perfect but not only : the music is smooth like honey, it's this kind of blues that is paradoxically happy and comforting, it smells like wood and whiskey ; and above all, here too, there is something about the light that feels like a hug.
           The second thing that hits you is the welcoming familiar face of Garth smiling to you.
"Garth ?" you frown and feel Dean's lips graze your ear. "Happy birthday Baby."
He lets go of you to walk to the people there at the bar, arms open to greet them, letting you stunned.
           You are recognizing all you friends there, still in their Christmas clothes, walking to you to hug you and bring you drinks and for a few seconds, your body just stays still.
           No one is missing, not one person. And, even if you don't have hundreds of friends since you joined the hunter life, you have never seen a room so full of love.
"Let me take your coat" Jody says, seeing you froze to the spot.
"I... You're here for me ? Th-they planned all that ?" you stammer with some watery emotions filling your eyes.
"Dean did" Jody smiles. "We followed."
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             You're sipping from that delicious drink the bartender made according to your tastes, unable to take that smile off of your face. Donna, a little tipsy in her pretty outfit, is telling sexy jokes with a full dimpled smile, making Sam chuckle and Charlie high-five her, spilling a little of her drink on you.
           From the corner of your eye, you look at him.
           He is bending on the pool table with a smirk, his beer next to him. From here, you can't hear what he is saying to the other players, but it seems a little cocky. After only a few seconds staring at him, it's like he felt it and he looks up, giving you the cutest wink.
           And you blush. Because even after all you have lived together, even after the kinky experiences, the intimate moments, after seeing him cry, yell, suffer or come... A wink is still enough to turn you to a blushing mess.
           All evening, he has been keeping his distance just a little. Not avoiding you at all but not clinging to you, to let you enjoy your friends, to let you have the full experience of a birthday party like you dreamed of since you were a teen.
           A birthday with loud silly discussions, a lot of drinks, inventing silly tipsy games with your best friends, trading your clothes in the bathroom, catching up as much as dancing with each other... And you never felt loved that much.
           Dean's love is the sun in the middle of your world, but now you can also see the stars, and it is probably the best night of your life so far.
           He managed to do something you never could for years and all your friends agreed with his crazy plan. They all had an early Christmas diner to be able to drive here, offer you too many drinks and be there for you. They all made it about you and you're both incredibly grateful and emotional. And since most of them will come sleep at the bunker -and eat all the leftovers with you tomorrow- you don't have to care about the time.
           Suddenly, a music note catches your ear.
           You know that note by heart. It is the first note of your favorite love song, it is the firsts notes of what Dean hums in your ear sometimes when he holds you after making love to you, pushing your hair on the side to see your sweaty bliss face.
           You turn you head and meet green eyes, closer than you expected.
"Hey" he says, taking your hand.
"Hey" you smile.
He tugs gently at your arm, pulling you away from the bar to wrap his arms around your waist.
           You have missed him. Of course he was here, but after everything he has done for you, you really have missed holding him, smelling his skin and kissing his lips.
           He starts to sway his hips really slightly, humming the love words of the song, and you throw your arms around his neck, looking up at his perfect face.
"She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes..." he whispers the lyrics, fingers grazing the skin of your neck.
And for the hundredth time today, your eyes fill with happy tears while his fingertips go down on your back to hold your waist again.
"Are you having fun ?" he asks low, one hand stroking your lower back tenderly, thumb pushing your shirt up discreetly to feel your skin.
"It's the best night of my life" you give him your most sincere smile. "Dean... You are really incredible, you know that ?"
"Yeah" he nods, hiding his shyness in a kiss on your lips.
"I really was ready to chose Christmas, you know ?" you state, swaying your hips slowly with him, forgetting the rest of the world in your bubble of love.
His plumb lips gently raise on the corner, and he lets go of you to search his pocket.
"I didn't have to choose between hunter life and happy life thanks to you, so I'll make sure you never have to choose between your birthday and Christmas" he murmurs in your ear, before kissing your temple.
His hand reach yours and he opens it to put a little thing on your palm.
"What do you say we had yet another thing to celebrate on that day ?" his breath tickles  your neck and you look down to your hand, discovering a little golden ring with a tiny blue stone in the middle of your shaking palm.
"Dean ?"
"Marry me Baby ?"
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Tags : @parinarain​​ @mogaruke​​ @masterof-agony​​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​​ @deans-baby-momma​​ @roonyxx​​ @thefaithfulwriter​​ @vicariouslythruspn​​ @emeow1496​​ @daryldixonandfrogs​​ @holylulusworld​​  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44​​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​​ @stormchasingchick32​​ @akshi8278​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @sister-winchesters99​​ @neii3n​​  @lyss-dw79​​ @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid​​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​​ @mrspeacem1nusone​​ @stylesismyhubs​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @jawritter​​ @peridottea91​​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​​ @vicmc624​​ @teresa-67​​ @jessie-michael​​ @doctor-hp-mcu​​ @hawkerz12​​ @mariaenchanted​​ @hobby27​​ @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden​​ @thoughts-and-funnies​​ @suramyaa @yasreadsfics​
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A Worthy Home
My first-ever commission (!!!) comes from the incredibly wonderful and generous @rhiorhino, who asked for fluff of Seiya and Usagi buying their first house. It clocks in at a final word count of about 2300 words. I HOPE YOU ENJOY <3 <3
Seiya had come to the shrine to ask Rei about the future, but she shouldn’t have been surprised to find Yaten at the front stall, selling charms to already over-charmed girls.
“I don’t even believe in these things,” Yaten said to one of them, twirling one of the tags in their fingers. “I’m just here to make money.”
“Oh Yaten,” the girl squealed as she took the charm. “You’ve always been such a bad boy.”
Yaten frowned. “I’m not a boy.” They took the charm back. “Next.”
“But…” The girl stood dumbfounded. “I paid for that.”
“A small pittance to me for dealing with you. Next.”
Seiya watched the girl’s face morph from confusion to the verge of tears to anger. “You can’t do that!”
“You know what, you’re probably right.” Seiya jogged over and plucked the charm from Yaten’s hand and shoved it at her. “But if you’re going to come see them, you should read their interviews, yeah? Or their Wikipedia page. Whatever helps you be nice.”
The girl did not swoon the way Seiya had hoped, instead scowling. “You guys got so weird when you stopped making music.” She left, her gaggle of friends trailing behind her loyally.
“I can take charms back,” Yaten said, leaning back in their chair. “Rei’s never said anything about it.”
Seiya snorted. “Does she really pay you to scare off customers?”
“Oh yeah. Makes her grandpa happy to have someone here, and it gives her time to do the—“ they put up finger quotes— “important work.”
“I’m sure.” Seiya gazed at the stairs the girls had disappeared down. “Have I lost my touch, since we stopped being a band?”
Yaten waved her off. “You’ve just gotten boring. You’re well on your way to having a house and a dog with 2.5 kids. There’s no thrill for them.”
“But I’m handsome! A heartthrob!”
Yaten raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“Everyone’s jealous of Usagi! They all want to be my girl!”
They rolled their eyes. “We’re past that, aren’t we? We’re has-beens. Enjoy it. A few more years they’ll stop recognizing us, and you’re about to blow through your share of the profit, we can pretend it never happened.”
“Are you taking another break!?” Rei burst out of one of the buildings, hands on her hips.
“Yeah.” Yaten out their hands behind their head, barely giving her a glance.
“Why do I pay you?”
“Charity, probably.”
Rei huffed and turned on Seiya. “And why are you here? To encourage them?”
“No, no!” Seiya put up her hands. “I had some questions for you about the future, if you’re willing.”
“I’m sure you and Usagi will find a wonderful house.”
“It’s not that. Or, not exactly. Can we talk somewhere in private?”
“Oh please,” Yaten said, “I’m not going to listen.”
Rei rolled her eyes. “Fine, but make it quick.” She led Seiya into the room with the Sacred flame and sat down in front of it. “What do you want to know?”
“Is Usagi still going to be Queen?”
“What, you aim to be a king?”
“Only in drag.” Rei didn’t laugh. Seiya cleared her throat. “No, I just mean, did she give that up, when she and Mamoru broke up?”
Rei frowned. “Why are you only asking now?”
“Because we’re starting to take steps that are harder for her to take back. Right now, she could change her mind with only a word, but once we have a house, and get married, it’s harder.”
“I see.” Rei stared into the fire. “That part of the future has been obscure to me since we first learned of it, and every time another timeline crosses it gets harder to determine.” She turned back. “But you’d have to be very full or yourself to think you of all things would decide her fate.”
“Gee thanks,” Seiya said, feeling less sure than she had before. She was excited to find a home with Usagi, she was, but there had been a small bud of fear in the back of her mind, and now it taken root. If Usagi had not chosen her, she might be building a palace to rule the world from, instead of choosing houses to look at with her has-been fiancé.
The only solution, really, was to find a house that was as close to a palace as Seiya could find. The money she had from her thirty-seconds of fame was hardly an insignificant sum, and while she didn’t make amazing money these days, she could probably get a fairly hefty mortgage. As she returned home to their current apartment, she had the plan solidified in her mind.
She shot a text to Usagi. Hey, can I pick the houses for our first round of viewings?
A reply came back a few minutes later— SURPRISE HOUSES YES!  and Ami says hi. A string of kiss emojis followed.
Seiya smiled and got out her computer. Queen of the world or just queen of her world, Usagi was going to have a palace.
Usagi stared wide-eyed at the first house as they drove up the long, winding driveway. Seiya tried to contain her pride, but couldn’t keep from smiling. Usagi was impressed. Usagi was going to love this house. It stood three stories tall over the expanse of lawn, sunlight glittering off dozens of windows set into the brick. The front door was painted regal red beneath an arched entryway, through the top of which a hanging gold chandelier was visible.
“It’s enormous,” Usagi breathed.
Seiya shrugged with forced nonchalance. “It’s not quite the biggest one I have lined up for us. But it’s pretty nice.”
Usagi gaped at her as she parked.
“Do you want to view the outside first, or the inside?”
“Okay.” Seiya led her through the door. The realtor inside made pleasantries and handed her a fact sheet as Usagi gazed around the bright and airy foyer.
“The ceiling is so high,” she whispered when Seiya returned to her side.
“It’s grand, isn’t it?” Seiya directed her gaze away from the windows to the stairs that curved up to balconied landings. “You can see out the front window at every level. And it faces west, so we could watch the sunset every day.”
Usagi didn’t respond, mouth slightly ajar as she took it all in.
“Let’s keep going,” Seiya said, nudging her up the stairs. “There’s plenty more house to see.”
The second floor housed a handful of bedrooms and a study-- “One of these could be a music room for you,” Usagi had offered in a small voice, to which Seiya had responded that there was a good space in the basement for that. The top floor was taken up entirely by a sprawling master suite, complete with patio doors out to a balcony overlooking the backyard and a bathroom with a marble soaking tub.
Usagi leaned against the countertop between the his and hers-- hers and hers, Seiya had joked-- sinks. “It’s so much,” she said, and her voice echoed in the vast and cavernous space.
“You deserve every inch and more.”
Usagi smiled. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Hey, don’t knock me for telling the truth.” Seiya climbed into the tub and sat down, peaking over the edge with only the top of her head. “Imagine soaking in this monster.”
“I could drown in that!” Usagi laughed.
“I’ll buy you water wings. And lots of mats so you don’t slip getting out.”
“Are there enough mats in the world for that?”
“Nah, we’ll get them special made.” Seiya climbed out, almost falling herself from the height of the side. “Maybe some stairs, too. This was clearly made by someone as noodly as Haruka.”
Usagi batted at her arm. “Be nice.”
“Her noodly-ness is an asset! Really! It’s her trade off for not being as good looking as me.”
Usagi rolled her eyes, but kept smiling as they wound their way back to the ground floor. Seiya showed her to the first of two living rooms.
“Why are there two living rooms?”
“One’s for TV, the other is for talking. See, this one has the fireplace as a focal point.”
Usagi looked skeptical, but kept following her through the second living room and the dining room, straight to the kitchen.
“Just think of how much food we can fit in here,” Seiya said. “And look,” she hopped onto a stool at the breakfast bar that overlooked the stove. “You can sit here every morning and watch me make you pancakes.”
“You’ve really thought this out.”
“What can I say?” she said, leaning her elbows against the granite. “I know what women want.”
Usagi laughed. “Is that so?”
“Oh yeah. There’s nothing sexier to a woman than a butch making breakfast. I’ll even wear one of those cutesy aprons for you. With nothing under it.” Seiya stood and wrapped her arms around her. “So what do you think?”
“It’s nice.” Usagi looked up to kiss her cheek. “But I think we should keep looking.”
“I’m glad you think so. The next house is even better.”
But as they arrived at Seiya’s next pick-- a slightly smaller but fancier affair-- Usagi did not seem to feel the same way. “I know it looks small,” Seiya said quickly, “but I think it’s got some really worthwhile aspects. There’s a pool and jacuzzi in the backyard!”
Usagi nodded without smiling. They didn’t make it through the second floor before Seiya called it. “Why don’t we move on? If you’re not feeling it, it’s no good.”
The third house was the largest, and Usagi’s enthusiasm continued to wane. She was not cheered by the big wrap-around porch, or the home movie theater, or even the two oversized built-in refrigerators. She forced a smile when prompted, but Seiya could tell something was wrong.
“Did you like the first house best?”
Usagi frowned into one of the mirrors in the master bathroom, and it was reflected back in multitude. “Sort of.” She twirled the end of one of her pony tails around the end of her finger. “None of these are really what I was imagining.”
“I’ll keep looking! I’ll find the best house, I promi--”
“Maybe I could pick our next bunch?”
“Of course,” Seiya said, but that night she lay awake dreading the prospect. She’d stretched her search to the very top of what was feasible-- or a little beyond what was feasible, if she was honest, but she’d find a way to pull it off. If that wasn’t enough, though, if Usagi dreamed of something better… she wasn’t sure, then. Try as she might, she couldn’t afford what Usagi truly deserved. Would Usagi regret her choice, when she realized? Would she wished she had chosen what destiny had laid out for her, with its crystal palaces and centuries of luxury?
Seiya stared at the ceiling, summoning her resolve. If Usagi wanted a palace, she would find a way. She wouldn’t remain a washed-up has been, she could launch a solo career, and make it big again, and Usagi would be a pop-star’s princess, with all the luxuries that came with celebrity. It might not match what would have come with queendom, but Seiya would be damned if she didn’t work to get as close as she could.
She scribbled song ideas in a notebook as Usagi drove them to her first chosen house the next day. Taiki had always been the composer among them, but Seiya was sure she could do it. Most songs were about love, anyway, and she knew plenty about that. If she could just find a rhyme for princess…
It took her a good minute to realize the car had stopped. She looked up to see a simple, single story house, with a small front yard and flower beds on either side of the single step up to the door. “Is that it?”
Usagi nodded.
“We can’t live there!”
“Why not?” her voice rose, hurt.
“That’s just a house. We can’t live in just a house. You’re a princess! You need something regal, and spacious, and--”
“Seiya.” Usagi turned in the driver’s seat to face her fully. “I don’t want any of that.”
“If you had stayed with Mamoru, you’d be living in a palace, and--”
“And I didn’t stay with Mamoru.” She took Seiya’s hand in both of hers. “I might still be queen someday, but that’s never been what I wanted. I want to live in a cute little house with you, as an ordinary person. I don’t need a million rooms I’ll only get lost in, and I don’t need all the fancy stuff I don’t know how to use.” She smiled. “I do need you to make me breakfast naked, though. That was my favorite part of what you showed me.”
Seiya laughed, but her chest felt heavy. “Do you really mean it?”
“I do.”
“I was gonna launch a solo career, to give you more.” She held up her notebook, feeling somewhat stupid. “I thought you’d take us to a house we couldn’t afford. And I want to be more than a has-been for you.”
Usagi smiled. “I like you as a has-been. You’re a little less full of yourself.”
“Hey!” Seiya pouted. “Did Rei tell you to say that? She called me that, too.”
“Maybe that should tell you something.” She took a breath. “Can we take a look inside?”
She led Seiya through the little house, telling her about the curtains they could hang, and where she’d want the couch, and how the little window seat at the front would be perfect for cocoa on snowy nights. A warmth washed over Seiya as she followed and listened. Usagi made an ordinary life sound extraordinary, sound worth more than all that came with royalty or celebrity. And if that was true, then Seiya would give her the most beautiful ordinary life she could.
She slipped her hand into Usagi’s, and it felt like coming home.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Movies Coming to Netflix in July 2021
Movies are back. It at least feels that way when you see the numbers that films like F9 and A Quiet Place Part II are earning. But more than just the thrill of going back to theaters, July signals what is typically considered to be the height of the summer movie season. On a hot evening, there are few things better than some cold air conditioning and a colder drink of your choice while escapism plays across a screen.
That can prove just as true at home as in theaters. And as luck would have it, Netflix is pretty stuffed with new streaming content this month. Below there are space adventures, comedies, dramas, and more than a few epics worth your attention, either as a revisit or new discovery. And we’ve rounded them up for your scrolling pleasure.
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
July 1
When the first Austin Powers opened in 1997, it was intended to be as much a crude love letter to the popular cinema of the 1960s as a modern day raunchy laugh-fest. Now with the benefit of another 20 years’ worth of hindsight, Mike Myers and Jay Roach’s spoof of Bondmania is itself an amusing time capsule of 1990s comedy tropes. There’s Myers’ cartoonishly larger-than-life characters—beginning with Powers but most dementedly perfected with Dr. Evil, the comedian’s riff on Ernst Stavro Blofeld—as well as the pair’s embrace of what they considered to be the defining trappings of the late ‘90s.
The film’s nostalgia for the ‘60s and its value as a piece of kitsch ‘90s nostalgia makes this Austin Powers (and to a lesser extent the second movie, The Spy Who Shagged Me) a fascinating relic, as well as a genuinely funny lowbrow symphony of sex gags, bathroom humor, and multiple digs at British stereotypes, including bad teeth. In other words, it’s a good time if you don’t take it too seriously. Just avoid the third one, which is also coming to Netflix.
The Karate Kid (1984)
July 1
1984’s The Karate Kid is the cultural apex of Reagan America’s obsession with martial arts movies and Rocky-style underdog stories. It offered ’80s kids the ultimate fantasy of learning martial arts to defeat local bullies and finding time to squeeze in a love subplot along the way. Granted, the Cobra Kai series has thrown a wrench into this film’s seemingly simple morality tale, but just try not to root for Daniel by the time you reach arguably the greatest montage in movie history.
There’s also something eternally comforting about watching Pat Morita beat-up ’80s thugs while validating parents everywhere by suggesting that you to can one day grow up to be a great warrior if you just sweep the floor, wax the car, and paint the fence.
Love Actually
July 1
Christmas in July? Sure, why not. This Yuletide classic likely needs no introduction. Writer-director Richard Curtis’ Love Actually is the ultimate romantic comedy, stuffing every cliché and setup from a holiday bag of tricks into one beautifully wrapped package. Perhaps its greatest strength though is it mixes in a touch of the bitter with its sweet, and doesn’t hide the thorns in its bouquet of roses. Plus, its use of “All I Want for Christmas” is still a banger nearly 20 years on.
Admittedly, we aren’t particularly inclined to watch this in July ourselves, but if you don’t mind the Christmas of it all, there are few better rom-coms in your queue at the moment.
Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
July 1
This adaptation of the Arthur Golden novel of the same name was one of the highest profile literary adaptations of the early 2000s. It’s the story of a young girl sold to a geisha house in the legendary Gion district of Kyoto who then grows up to be the most famous geisha of 1930s imperial Japan… right before the war. The film (like its source material) had controversy in its day due to having a somewhat exoticized view of Japanese customs, as well as for the casting of Chinese actresses Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi in the roles of icons of Japanese culture, with Zhang playing central geisha Sayuri.
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Black Widow Review: Marvel’s Most Feminine Film is a Brutal Action Movie
By Rosie Fletcher
How Underworld Mixed Werewolves, Vampires, and Shakespeare
By David Crow
But whatever its shortcomings, Memoirs of a Geisha is still an exquisitely crafted melodrama that provides an often delicate window into one of he most graceful and misunderstood arts. The film won Oscars for its costumes, art direction, and cinematography for a reason. Plus whenever Zhang and the actually Japanese Ken Watanabe share the screen, unrequited sizzle is hot to the touch.
Mortal Kombat (1995)
July 1
Look, 1995’s Mortal Kombat isn’t a great movie in the classic sense of the word. Those looking for notable ’90s schlock might even have a better time with 1994’s Street Fighter and Raul Julia’s scene-stealing performance as General M. Bison.
Yet at a time when video game movies still struggle to capture the magic of the games themselves, Mortal Kombat stands tall as one of the few adaptations that feel like an essential companion piece. It might lack the blood and gore that helped make 1992’s Mortal Kombat arcade game a cultural touchstone, but it perfectly captures the campy, shameless joy that has defined this franchise for nearly 30 years.
Star Trek (2009)
July 1
The idea of a Star Trek movie reboot wasn’t greeted with universal enthusiasm when it was first announced but then J.J. Abrams delighted many fans by creating a Trek origin story that was both familiar and new. Chris Pine shone as the cocky Kirk, bickering with Zachary Quinto’s Vulcan Spock while trying to save the universe from a pesky Romulan (Eric Bana). This was a standalone that could be enjoyed by audiences completely ignorant of the Star Trek legacy which also achieved the feat of not annoying many long-term followers of the multiple series. It was a combination of humor, heart, action and a zingy cast that won the day – it’s still the best of the three Star Trek reboot movies to date.
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2005)
July 1
Alongside Step Brothers, Tallageda Nights remains a a biting snapshot of the 2000s zeitgeist from writer-director Adam McKay. Eventually he would drop (most of) the crude smirks in favor of dramedies about the excesses of the Bush years via The Big Short (2013) and Dick Cheney biopic Vice (2018), however Talladega Nights remains a well-aged and damning satire of that brief time when “NASCAR Dads” were a thing, which is all the more impressive since it was filmed in the midst of such jingoistic fervor.
So enters Will Ferrell in one of his signature roles as a NASCAR driver and the quintessential ugly American who’s boastful of his ignorance and proud that his two sons are named “Walker” and “Texas Ranger.” He’d be almost irredeemable if the movie wasn’t so quotable and endearing with its sketch comedy absurdities. There’s a reason Ferrell and co-star John C. Reilly became a recurring thing after this lunacy. Plus, that ending where adherents of the homophobic humor of the mid-2000s found out the joke was on them? Still pretty satisfying.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
July 1
This is the movie that changed everything. Filmmakers had been experimenting with computer-generated visual effects for years, including director James Cameron with 1989’s The Abyss. But Cameron, as usual, upped his game with this 1991 action/sci-fi epic in which the main character — the villain — was a hybrid of live-action actor and CG visuals.
Those of us who saw T2 in the theater when it first came out can remember hearing the audience (and probably ourselves) audibly gasp as the T-1000 (an underrated and chilling Robert Patrick) slithered into his liquid metal form, creating a surreal and genuinely eerie moving target that not even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s brute strength could easily defeat. There were moments in this movie that remained seared into our brains for years as high points of what could be accomplished with CG.
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Terminator 2 at 30: How Guns N’ Roses Created the Perfect Hype
By Joseph Baxter
Aliens and Terminator 2: How James Cameron Crafts Perfect Sequels
By Ryan Lambie
This writer prefers T2 to the original Terminator. It’s fashionable to go the other way, but the first movie, while excellent, is essentially a low-budget horror film, Schwarzenegger’s T-800 a somewhat more formidable stand-in for the usual unstoppable slasher. The characters in T2 are far more fleshed out, the action bigger and more spectacular, the stakes more grave and palpable. It was the first movie to cost more than $100 million but it felt like every penny was right there on the screen. And Cameron tied up his story ingeniously, making all the sequels and prequels, and sidequels since irrelevant and incoherent. We don’t need them; we have Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Underworld (2003)
July 1
Is Underworld a good movie? No, not really. Is it a scary movie, what with the vampires and werewolves? Not at all. Well, is it at least entertaining?! Absolutely. Never before has a B-studio actioner been so deliciously pretentious and delightful in its pomposity.
Every bit the product of early 2000s action movie clichés, right down to Kate Beckinsale’s oh-so tight leather number,  Underworld excels in part because of the casting of talent like Beckinsale. A former Oxford student and star of the West End stage, she got her start in cinema by appearing in a Kenneth Branagh Shakespeare adaptation, and she brings a wholly unneeded (but welcome) conviction to this tale of vampire versus werewolves in a centuries-long feud. Shamelessly riffing on Romeo and Juliet, the film ups the British thespian pedigree with movie-stealing performances by Bill Nighy as a vampire patriarch and Michael Sheen (Beckinsale’s then-husband who she met in a production of The Seagull) as an angsty, tragic werewolf. It’s bizarre, overdone, and highly entertaining in addition to all the fang on fur action.
Snowpiercer (2013)
July 2
Before there was Parasite, there was Snowpiercer, the action-driven class parable brought to horrific and mesmerizing life by Oscar-winning Korean director Bong Joon-ho in 2013. The film is set in a future ice age in which the last of humanity survives on a train that circumnavigates a post-climate change Earth. The story follows Chris Evans‘ Curtis as he leads a revolt from the working class caboose to the upper class engine at the front of the train.
Loosely based on a French graphic novel, filmed in the Czech Republic as a Korean-Czech co-production, and featuring some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, with dialogue in both English and Korean, Snowpiercer is not only a truly international production that will keep Western audiences guessing, but it packs an ever effective social critique as we head further into an age of climate change and wealth inequality. Also, there is a scene in which Chris Evans slips on a fish.
The Beguiled (2017)
July 16
Sofia Coppola’s remake of the 1971 film of the same name (both are based on a Thomas Cullinan novel) is a somewhat slight yet undeniably intriguing addition to the filmmaker’s catalog. It’s the story of a wounded Union soldier being taken in by a Southern school for girls–stranded in the middle of the American Civil War–with salvation turning into damnation as the power dynamics between the sexes are tested. It is also an evocative piece of Southern Gothic with an ending that will stick with you. Top notch work from a cast that also includes Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, Elle Fanning, and Colin Farrell makes this a bit of an underrated gem.
The Twilight Saga
July 16
In July, not one, not two, not three, not even four, but all five of the movies adapted from Stephenie Meyer’s young adult phenomenon book series will be accessible on Netflix. Indulge in the nostalgia of Catherine Hardwicke’s faithful and comparatively intimate Twilight. Travel to Italy with a depressing Edward and Bella in New Moon. Lean into the horror absurdity of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2. Or marathon all five for maximal escapism into a world where vegetarian vampires are the boyfriend ideal, the sun is always clouded, and the truly iconic emo-pop tunes never stop. 
Django Unchained (2012)
July 24
The second film Quentin Tarantino won an Oscar for, Django Unchained remains a highly potent revenge fantasy where a Black former slave (Jamie Foxx) seeks to free his wife from Mississippian bondage and ends up wiping out the entire infrastructure of a plantation in the process. Brutal, dazzlingly verbose in dialogue, and highly triggering in every meaning of the word—including quickdraw shootouts—this is a Southern-fried Spaghetti Western at its finest.
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Quentin Tarantino Still Wants to Retire Since Most Directors’ Last Films Are ‘Lousy’
By David Crow
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By David Crow
Perhaps its other great asset is a terrific cast of richly drawn characters, including Foxx as Django (the “D” is silent), Christoph Waltz as German dentist-turned-bounty hunter Dr. King Shultz, Leonardo DiCaprio as sadistic slaveowner Calvin Candie, and Samuel L. Jackson as Stephen. While Waltz won a deserved Oscar for the film (his second from a Tarantino joint), it is Jackson’s turn as a house slave who becomes by far the most dangerous and cruel of Django’s adversaries who lingers in the memory years later… 
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nyangibun · 7 years
In YouTube We Trust
Summary: Sansa is kind of YouTube famous and decides to vlog her family holiday for her viewers but her first video has unexpected results. 
The thing is Sansa didn’t mean to get into YouTube. She had aspirations of being a theatre actress, doing Shakespeare on the West End or something equally as prestigious, but one drunken night at uni, Sansa decides the world is in dire need of a video on how to do your makeup drunk. It’s not her proudest moment and she even uploaded it without any editing whatsoever, but somehow, by the time she woke up the next morning, she already had over 100,000 views. It’s utterly bizarre and – well, it’s kind of cool. Jeyne thinks it’s good exposure because it’s not like she can’t just quit YouTube if she wants, so she uploads a couple more videos. One of her doing the everyday beauty routine challenge and another drunk one where Jeyne and her drink wine and talk about fuckboys. By the end of the month, she’s kind of YouTube famous and life ceased to make sense anymore.
Her family at least thinks it’s hilarious. Robb constantly asks to appear in her videos and her views skyrocket each time because according to her fans, her brother is ‘so hot holy shit let him impregnate me’, which is really, really disgusting. Occasionally Bran will join her if he’s visiting her at uni and they’ll just drink and review movies or shows together. The only two people who adamantly refuse to have anything to do with her channel are Arya and Rickon. Rickon’s still in that awkward teenage phase where hanging out with his older sister is uncool and Arya just scoffs at YouTube in general. But when the trend of vlogging starts taking off, Sansa decides to give it a try. She’s going on holiday with her family and a few of their friends, so it’s the perfect opportunity to test it out.
– although not everyone thinks so.
“Get that fucking camera out of my face, Sansa,” Arya spits out as they stand in the queue waiting to check in their luggage. Sansa sticks out her tongue and her sister rolls her eyes in exasperation. They’ve always had an antagonistic relationship, as sisters do, but it’s gotten worse with YouTube. Sansa doesn’t really know why but she doesn’t want to dwell on it either. Arya can be a cow so it’s probably just that.
Sansa turns the camera to Robb, who’s wearing a greying hoodie, sunglasses perched on his nose and an empty Starbucks cup in one hand. “Hungover, Robb?”
He looks up blearily, notices the camera and flashes a weak smile. “Like you wouldn’t believe.” Looking directly at the camera, he adds, “listen, kids, if your best friend breaks up with his girlfriend and you think it’s a good idea to go cheer him up with a bottle of whiskey eight hours before flying, don’t.”
Arya, Bran and Rickon snicker, but Sansa is a little frozen with this new piece of knowledge. “Wait…” But she doesn’t get a chance to ask because Jeyne comes bounding forward with her hot pink suitcase rolling behind her.
“Morning, Starklings!” she greets brightly – to much groaning from her siblings. She plants a kiss on Sansa’s cheek and squishes Robb’s face between her hands. “Hi, sunshine. Saw your Instagram story last night. Looks like you and Jon had a great time.”
“Story? What story?” Robb questions, rubbing his cheeks, before his eyes widen. “Noooo, I didn’t. Did I? Shit.”
“You did, you so very did,” Jeyne chirps, as she turns to the camera with a wave. “Our resident heartthrob here took our resident grump to a strip club.”
“What!” shouts all four Stark siblings, Sansa included.
Arya punches Robb in the shoulder. “Why would you do that to Jon? Does he look like that would cheer him up? He’s not you or Theon.”
Her brother rubs his shoulder, glaring at Arya. “Drinking games weren’t working! And he didn’t want to talk about it so…” He shrugs sheepishly. “We were out of options.”
“That’s so like you, Robb,” Sansa says on a sigh. “Maybe you should’ve just left him alone.”
She doesn’t usually voice her opinions on any matter involving Jon – mostly because she doesn’t think she has a leg to stand on. They’re not friends, not in the way he is with Robb or Arya or even Bran and Rickon. Actually, she seems to be the only person he doesn’t get along with. But she knows him. He’s Jon. He’s the guy who sat with her on her fifteenth birthday when she walked in on Joffrey making out with Margaery. He’s the guy that drove her home when she got drunk for the first time at seventeen and was too terrified to call Robb or her parents. He’s her grumpy knight in shining armour and she’s been in love with him for six years, so she knows him, probably better than Robb does, but of course no one knows that.
“Speak of the devil!” Arya exclaims as she walks quickly towards Jon, throwing her arms around his waist in a tight hug. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her. Sansa watches them whispering to one another, Arya rolling her eyes and then Jon ruffling her hair with fondness. It twists something inside of her that makes her shut the camera off and look away.
“Are you okay?” Jeyne says under her breath so only Sansa can hear.
She nods mutely, not wanting to say anything to betray how painful it’s always been to see Jon interact with her siblings, how effortless their friendships are and the stark contrast it is to how he is with her. She doesn’t need him to love her back, not in the way she loves him, but she can’t even have his friendship and that stings.
“Morning,” Jon greets as he reaches them with Arya tucked under his arm. “So I guess you’ve all heard.” They nod and there’s a round of commiserations. “Okay, good. Now that that’s done with, let’s not bring it up again.” His voice is teasing but there’s a sharpness to it that means Jon’s serious, so they all laugh and carry on, changing the topic to whether their flight will be delayed.
Theon’s the last to arrive, and thankfully by that point, the queue’s moved up enough that they only have to wait a further five minutes to check in. Her parents arrive back from their morning stroll around the airport just in time and soon they’re all heading to board the plane. There’s a scuffle as they near the gate as everyone’s looking at their tickets to see who they’re sitting with.
“Oh c’mon! Someone else sit next to him!”
“Awe, Jeyne, I’m not that bad.”
“Piss off, Theon. I will stab you!”
“Jeyne, honey, it’s only a couple hours.”
“Yes, Mrs Stark.”
Sansa muffles her laugh behind her bag as she searches for her passport which she shoved down to the bottom as they went through security. Once she has it in her grasps, she pulls out the ticket and reads out, “26C.”
“Oh,” says a voice from behind her and Sansa quickly turns around. Jon’s looking at his ticket then back up at her, a faint smile on his lips. “26B. I guess we’re sitting together.”
“I guess so,” is all she can manage, as her whole body stiffens at the prospect of spending nearly three hours on a plane beside Jon. A single Jon. It’s just all too much for Sansa to deal with this early in the morning. His hair is as unruly as ever, curling just over his forehead, and he’s wearing a thin black jumper that strain against his broad shoulders and a pair of dark-washed jeans. Too much. It’s too much.
Sansa grabs for Jeyne and tugs her forward, turning away from Jon. “I’ll sit with Theon.”
Her best friend’s face widens with joy and then suddenly pinches together as she frowns at Sansa. “Why would you –” She glances behind them where Jon is still standing, now rolling his eyes at whatever Robb is saying. “Oh no, absolutely not. You are not running away from him again.”
“Again?” Sansa cries out indignantly, catching the curious gaze of her father. “What are you talking about?” she hisses a little quieter.
“Um, remember when Robb and Jon came out with us that night in freshers?” Jeyne raises a brow and Sansa deflates because she does remember. “He was practically ready to propose to you.”
“He was drunk.”
“He couldn’t stop staring at you or smiling at you,” Jeyne says. “And then he asks you to go outside with him and you panic and run away.”
“I went to the bathroom!” Sansa whispers harshly, but she did panic. She had been so sure she would never be more than Robb’s little sister to Jon that when he had taken her hand and asked if she wanted to get some fresh air, she panicked.
“And what happened next, Sans?” Jeyne asks, voice a little gentler now.
Her heart breaks all over again as she leans her forehead against her friend’s shoulder, a resigned sigh escaping her lips. “He met Ygritte.”
“That’s right, he did, and guess what? They broke up and you’re not bloody running again,” Jeyne says as she pushes Sansa back upright. “You’re going to sit there and be charming and he’s going to fall in love with you all over again.”
“You’re delusional,” Sansa murmurs instead.
“No, I’m brilliant. Now, c’mon.”
The first hour actually passes by in near to complete silence. Sansa doesn’t know if she’s disappointed or relieved; she’s existing in the realm between both emotions and it’s making it really hard for her to sit still or sleep. Jon seems to be sleeping just fine, his face relaxed as he leans as far back as the chair will go. But as the second hour approaches, the man beside Jon, a terrifyingly large and bulky man with multiple tattoos winding up his arms and peeking from his cargo shorts, slumps his head onto Jon’s shoulder with a thump. He startles awake, wide-eyed and confused, and Sansa can’t help laughing at his expression and the situation he’s now in.
He groans quietly. “Of course this would happen to me.”
“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen, Jon,” she says, nudging his shoulder with hers. “If only I was as lucky to have a handsome man resting on me.”
Jon quirks an eyebrow at her. “Then let’s trade seats.”
“But how could you wake him!” she whispers back, smiling brightly at him and forgetting for a moment that she’s still madly, desperately, stupidly in love with this man.
“You’re enjoying this too much,” he says but his lips twitch and it’s adorable how hard he’s trying not to smile.
“I’m enjoying it just the right amount,” Sansa says before she’s reaching down for her bag and grabbing her camera, turning it on and recording. “Now I’m enjoying it too much.”
Jon eyes the camera and then glares at it. “Sansa,” he says warningly. “If this goes on the internet, I’m going to –”
“What?” she questions with an innocent smile. Sansa turns the camera onto herself. “He wouldn’t dare threaten this face, would he?” She gives a little pout, and in the background, she sees Jon cracking a fond smile as he reaches forward to tug at her loose plait.
“I’ll get you back for this.”
She focuses the camera back on him again. “Hmmm, no, I don’t think so.”
“What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no, Jon, you big puppy dog. I can outplay you,” she says still sweetly innocent. She’s enjoying this weird banter they have going on far more than she should because Jon just broke up with his girlfriend and this is only going to end up with her getting her heart broken in the end. Only she doesn’t care. She doesn’t care so much she might as well repress whatever self-preserving brain cells she has left.
“Outplay me? I didn’t realise this was a game,” Jon says, amused.
“Life’s a game, Jon Snow,” she quips back, to which he actually laughs so loud the man leaning on him jumps awake. He stares at Jon and then at Sansa’s camera and yawns before leaning against the window and falling asleep once again.
Both Jon and Sansa stifle their laughter but it’s no use so Sansa does something wildly inappropriate and presses her face into Jon’s shoulder, muffling her giggles into his jumper. He doesn’t seem to mind or maybe he’s too busy trying not to laugh himself.
For a few seconds, Sansa just allows herself the comfort his warmth provides her before extricating herself once she realises her camera’s still recording. She turns it to face her and makes a face. “We’re going to hell.”
Jon nods in the background. “First class tickets.”
“At least I have you as company,” she says, smiling back at him, and he returns her smile.
When she passes out later at the hotel trying to edit the footage, the last thing Sansa expects is for it to be uploaded by the time she wakes up and for her to receive way more notifications than should be normal.
Aromanticbabex: Okay but am I the only one who would still climb hungover Robb like a tree?
Sansa blanches. How is that the most liked comment? Ew!
Lyla Patel: Sansa, you’re so pretty! I’m so glad you’re vlogging! Your videos always makes my days better!
A smile so wide blossoms on her face and she quickly replies, ‘Thank you, Lyla. I appreciate you and all my fans so much! Xxx’
But then the comments sort of devolve from there and she really has no how idea how to handle any of it.
            Roseand Tenforever: I ship it! I ship it so hard!!
Siobhan Hughes: Ummmmmm why the fuck would anyone break up with a man who looks like THAT! Sansa, get in there, girl!
Sansa slams her laptop shut and throws a pillow at Jeyne’s head. Her friend groans and rolls away from her. She throws a second pillow at her.
“Did you edit my video and upload it for me?” Sansa demands angrily. She slides out of bed to go and sit on top of Jeyne’s prone figure.
The girl huffs and tries to kick her legs out to dislodge Sansa. “I thought I was being a good friend! You looked really tired!”
“But now the entire internet thinks me and Jon have something going on!”
Jeyne opens one eye to narrow it at Sansa. “Well, don’t you? You two were awfully cosy on that plane.”
“Jeyne,” she groans, pinching her friend on the hip. “He just broke up with his girlfriend! What if Ygritte sees it?”
“Then her bloody loss!” Jeyne suddenly thrashes wildly and Sansa ends up falling backwards onto the floor. A bruise is definitely going to form on her ass now. “Stop worrying about some girl you don’t even know and go after what you want, Sans.” She leans over the side of the bed to look down at her. “Look, I know Joffrey and Harry really screwed you over in the whole relationship department. And then after Ramsay, you’re kind of hesitant but we’ve known Jon since forever. He’s good and decent.”
Sansa rolls her eyes, even though her whole body’s recoiled at the mention of Ramsay but she’s trying desperately not to dwell on those months in her life. “I know that. Of course I know that. I’m the one in love with him, aren’t I?”
It’s hard to concentrate on having a good holiday when her mind is whirling with what Jeyne’s said. She doesn’t know why she doesn’t just go for Jon aside from the courtesy of giving him a wide berth while he heals from his breakup, but that’s not even what’s making her hesitant. It’s much more convoluted than that. It’s being cheated on in both of her previous relationships. It’s being stalked by a classmate for three months until he’s finally arrested for something completely unrelated – since reporting a stalker who hasn’t done anything means nothing to the police. It’s all of those things that make Sansa start to wonder maybe she shouldn’t be with anyone ever because everything she touches gets tainted one way or another and the last thing she’d want is to taint someone as pure as Jon. He’s the last good man on this planet that’s not related to her. And that’s just the thing, isn’t it? He’s really, really good. He’s honourable and honest and so loyal. He’d never cheat on his girlfriend. When he loves someone, she’s his whole world. Sansa saw the way he used to look at Ygritte, and although it had killed her to see him look at someone that way that wasn’t her, she was happy he’d found someone who made him that happy.
God, she hates love. She hates everything about it.
“Alright, sourpus, what’s got your knickers in a twist?” Arya asks, slumping down into the beach chair beside her. She’s in a simple black bikini with a ball cap turned the wrong way around on her head. She has a bottle of some obscure Spanish beer in one hand.
Sansa shields her eyes from the sun to look at her sister. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re glaring at the ocean like it personally offended you,” Arya points out with a long drag from her beer. “Honestly, you’re in bloody Spain. What have you got to be so angry about?”
“I’m not angry, I’m just… thinking,” she says lamely as she watches Jeyne tackle Theon into the ocean while Robb looks on with an amused and somewhat impressed expression.
“Uhuh, well you should think less,” Arya says. “Because you’re on holiday. Thinking is for losers. C’mon, Sans, have some fun.”
Sansa sighs. “What do you care if I’m miserable or not?”
Her sister snorts and rolls her eyes. “I care. Hey, I do. Just because I think you’re a spoiled princess most of the time doesn’t mean I don’t care if you’re happy or not. You’re just annoying.”
“I don’t know if I should be comforted or insulted,” Sansa chuckles as she swipes the beer from Arya’s hand to take a sip. As soon as the liquid hits the back of her throat, she makes a face. “I forgot I hated beer.”
Her sister snatches the bottle back. “Good. More for me.” They fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both of them too busy watching their family and friends get into an all out war with each other. “Is this about Jon?”
Sansa’s head snaps to Arya so quickly she probably has whiplash now. “What?”
“He has no idea you fancy him, you know?” she says nonchalantly as if Sansa’s whole world hasn’t just been turned upside down. “Jon’s a bit of an idiot like that. Actually, both of you are idiots like that.”
“I mean god, he fancied you for so long it was honestly super gross,” she continues. “When he started dating Ygritte, we were all like ‘what the fuck’ but also kind of glad he was moving on.”
“What do you mean ‘we’ and what are you talking about!” Sansa is about to hit her sister out of sheer frustration.
Arya finally turns to look at Sansa and she’s wearing a long-suffering expression. “We as in the whole bloody family. Okay maybe except for Rickon. But everyone else kind of guessed it.” Her sister shrugs. “We didn’t think you were interested.”
“But I –”
“You’ve always been the type of person to keep your cards close to your chest,” Arya rattles on, cutting her off. “It was hard for any of us to tell.”
“So what changed?”
“Ygritte.” Her sister sighs and takes another pull from her beer. “When he started bringing her around, it was like – I don’t know. You just looked so broken.”
Sansa bites down hard on her lower lip but the memories come flooding back anyways.
The first time she saw Ygritte and Jon together was at her childhood home during Easter holidays. He’d brought her back with him from uni and it was just so obvious how smitten he was with her. Seeing him like that, so in love with someone else, had ripped out every wall she’d ever built around herself. It was like her mind had just given up trying to protect itself, like it didn’t care anymore what the rest of her did; it just wanted to succumb to its own self-pity and heartache. For days, Sansa had lived on autopilot. She smiled and made small talk but nothing could penetrate through the haze she was living in. Eventually, Jeyne had to come kidnap her and drive them back to uni early before Sansa completely fell apart.
The months that followed were the most agonising of her life. It feels melodramatic now to think it but Sansa couldn’t describe it in any other way. She knew even then how stupid it was to feel such a loss so acutely when Jon had never been hers to lose in the first place, but the petulant, childish part of her mind still screamed out that he was hers. He was her grump in shining armour and no one else’s. It was pathetic and she felt pathetic for thinking it.
“I hated her so much,” Sansa admits after a long silence. “I know that’s awful. I didn’t even know her but I just did. She was everything I wasn’t. Strong, smart, witty – it was like this realisation that I could try all my life to be like Ygritte but no one would ever look at me the way Jon looked at her.” She looks at her feet buried in the sand and says quietly, “because none of them would ever be him.”
Arya reaches out to grip Sansa’s hand. “You don’t just fancy him, do you?” She shakes her head. “You love him?” She nods. “Awe shit, Sans, then tell him.”
“I can’t. It’s not – he just broke up with Ygritte. I’d be an asshole to dump all this on him now.”
“You’re an asshole for not telling him in the first place,” Arya says but she’s smiling softly at her. “I’m no Jon interpreter but there’s a good fucking chance he loved you too.”
That night Sansa can’t bear to be around her family as they mill around the hotel bar chatting and drinking. She has too much to think about so at the first opportunity – which is just when Robb and Theon decide to do a duet at the karaoke machine – she slips out onto the beach with the goal of just walking aimlessly for as long as she needs to clear her mind. As always, Sansa has her camera and she begins to record the ocean as it laps up onto the sand. It’s close to a full moon and the silver light reflects off of the murky surface of the water. It’s beautiful and romantic, and so of course, she feels lonely for the first time in a long time. Sansa’s normally okay being single. After the debacle with Harry and the incident with Ramsay, the thought of any man being near her made her queasy, but now all she wants is for someone to wrap her up in their arms and just hold her. It’s a silly thought, probably born out of all those Disney movies she used to watch as a kid, but it’s there anyways, niggling at the back of her mind as she walks down the beach.
The air is humid and makes her hair stick to the back of her neck but there’s a cool breeze coming from the ocean that eases the humidity. She’s nearing the edge of the hotel’s property when she hears someone call out her name. Sansa turns and squints against the darkness.
“You shouldn’t be walking out here alone,” he says, jogging up to her. “It’s not safe.”
“Jon,” she breathes out, her whole body instantly relaxing at the sight of him. “I was just… clearing my head.”
He nods, grey eyes watching her carefully, before his cheeks flush. “Your viewers seem to like me.”
“You watched it?” Sansa asks, a little incredulous. She turns the camera off and puts it back into her bag.
“I always watch your videos, Sans.” He sounds so casual but the pink flush spreading across his cheeks makes her think this is anything other than casual. It’s unfairly adorable.
“I didn’t… know that,” she says slowly, unsure of what else to say now. “I can take it down if you don’t want anyone to see. Jeyne edited it so I didn’t really get a final say before she uploaded the video.”
Jon shakes his head. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
“Yeah,” Sansa says with a cheeky smile. “You and that man looked really good together on camera.”
He sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Never,” she agrees, smiling even brighter.
“Figures,” he mumbles, chuckling softly. “You know... we looked good together too.”
“What?” Sansa’s heart all but stops. She’s not really sure what to say or what he’s implying.
Jon takes a couple steps closer to her till they’re only a foot apart. “I wish I knew,” he murmurs softly. “Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted everyone’s time pretending I still didn’t care.”
“Jon, what are you talking about?”
“Do you want to know why Ygritte and I broke up?” he asks instead, which really annoys her, and if she isn’t already so close to coming completely undone she would kick him for being so cryptic.
“It started a couple months ago,” Jon continues when she doesn’t answer. He’s looking at her warily and it’s making her heart beat faster and faster. “Or maybe earlier, I don’t know. But when I found out what was happening to you with that Ramsay guy, I was just – it was all I could think about. Robb and I would spend hours researching what legal action you could take. We’d take turns driving past your flat and making sure you were safe. I was so worried out of my mind that I guess I just neglected Ygritte. And when she tried to bring it up, I snapped at her. I was furious that she couldn’t understand how important this was, how it was you.”
Sansa doesn’t really know anymore if she’s breathing. She wonders if she might’ve just wandered into the ocean and died because this is too surreal. This is Jon telling her she means as much to him as he means to her.
“Once Ramsay was arrested, I promised her I’d get better but it was like – for over a year, I was so sure I was in love with Ygritte. She was great in every way, but…” Jon pauses to glance towards the ocean. “The thought that someone could hurt you and take you away from me suddenly made me realise that I never did move on. And I think after awhile Ygritte figured that out too.”
He looks back at her then and takes her hand in his. “I don’t deserve you but I just need to know if there’s even a chance you feel the same way or if I completely misread the signs in that video and made a total prick of myself. If I did, I promise I’ll never bring this up again and we can go back to –”
Sansa cuts him off by pressing her lips against his. He freezes at first but then his hands go immediately around her and she’s wrapping her own arms around his neck, carding her fingers through his hair. It’s everything she ever wanted and so much more because it’s not just a kiss, it’s a confirmation that Jon really is hers and has always been hers and will forever be hers.
“God, I love you so much,” she admits quietly when they pull apart. “But you really are an idiot.”
“I know,” he chuckles. “And I’m sorry it took me this long to get here.”
“You’re here now,” she tells him, dropping a chaste kiss to his lips just because she can.
“I am… and for the record, I fucking love you too.”
Aromanticbabex: I can’t decide if I want to climb Robb or Jon like a tree. Maybe both together? Anyone else?
           Alison Lowe: I would let them do ungodly things to me
           Superwholock: You guys are gross (but if I had to choose, I’d choose Robb!)
           R0cket Racoon: Uhhhh, are you serious? It’s Jon all the way!
           Sansa Stark: Can you guys please stop trying to climb my brother and my boyfriend? (Also, Jon all the way indeed ;)) xxx
Wonder Starks: I think I peed myself laughing watching Robb try to give Jon ‘The Talk’!!!
           Wonder Starks: Also, how cute is Jon surprising Sansa with a holiday! I wish someone would fucking whisk me away from these exams! Where’s my grump in shining armour!
           Dasha Santos: Seriously, where’s my fucking grump!!!1!@£@!$£!!!
           Dani Johnson: I’m not crying you’re crying!!! T_T
           2Slow Veryfurious: This is the best Christmas present ever!!
           Arya Stark: You guys need to get a fucking grip.
           Jeyne Poole: Don’t be rude, Arya. This has been in the making for like seven years!! Do you know how tired I was of hearing her pine away for him?
           Robb Stark: Ugh, do YOU GUYS know how tiring it was for ME to watch my best friend stare longingly at my baby sister? That’s way worse!
           Arya Stark: That’s because you think Sansa and I are like 12
           Robb Stark: But you are…
           Robb Stark: Arya?
           Jeyne Poole: I think she left, idiot.
           Robb Stark: Oi, don’t call me an idiot or I won’t take you out on that date!
           Jeyne Poole: I NEVER EVEN SAID YES!!
           Robb Stark: The lady doth protest too much ;)
           Robb Stark: Jeyne?
           Robb Stark: Oh goddamnit.
           Tom Hart: OH MY GOD! REYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tamboradventure · 4 years
How to Road Trip Around Oahu
Posted: 8/3/20 | August 3rd, 2020
I didn’t know much about Oahu before I visited. Everyone told me it was worth it for Pearl Harbor but to spend the rest of my time elsewhere in Hawaii. Maui and Kauai were where the action was, they said.
But Oahu was home to Honolulu’s international airport from which I was catching an onward flight to Taiwan. Since I had limited time, going to multiple islands wasn’t feasible.
Fortunately, after spending a full week on Oahu, I can say this: everyone was wrong.
Maybe they just let their preconceived notions get the better of them.
Or maybe they just didn’t give the place a chance.
But, whatever the reason, I’m here to tell you that Oahu has some magic to it. Sure, it’s quite developed, has terrible traffic, and huge crowds. And yeah, maybe it’s not as “raw” as the other islands (I assume that’s why people like them).
But there are plenty of spots in Oahu where you can live that Hawaiian dream
I spent a week round-tripping the island (which, given how small it is, turned out to be quite easy). My plan was simple: sit on a beach as long as I could, eat my body weight in poke (diced raw fish, pronounced “po-keh”), and hike.
Along the way, I also binged on shrimp, drank the best piña colada of my life, and took notes so you can do even better when you visit!  
Driving Oahu: A Road-Trip Itinerary
First, a tip: if you’re driving around Oahu, go counterclockwise from Honolulu, since most of the food trucks you’ll want to stop at are on the ocean side of the highway as you go up the east coast. So going in that direction just makes it easier to pull off the road and try all the food trucks that line the highway (and there are a lot). There’s also more to do on the east side of Oahu, so it’s best to start there.
That said, I actually don’t think a traditional road trip is the best idea. Oahu is smaller than you think — you can drive end to end in under two hours — so everything listed below can really be done as a day trip from one base or another, which will save you packing and unpacking, as well moving from place to place too often (especially since the east and west coasts don’t have a lot of affordable accommodations).
Base yourself on the North Shore for a couple of days and then in Honolulu (in the south) for a couple of days (or vice versa).  
Day 1: Honolulu to Kailua (28 miles)
Pick up your rental car, head out of Honolulu (you’ll be back later), and start off at Hunauma Bay in southeast Oahu. You can spend a few hours there snorkeling and relaxing on the beach before heading to the nearby Halona Blowhole Lookout for the view and Makapu‘u Point (Oahu’s easternmost point) for a short hike. There are also plenty of beaches, food trucks, short hikes, and viewpoints along the way to Kailua, where you’ll want to stay the night.
Where to Eat:
Teddy’s Bigger Burgers
Any of the food trucks on the way north
Buzz’s Steakhouse (for dinner)
Where to Stay: Airbnb is the best option, since there aren’t many hotels or hostels in Kailua. Book early though, as there isn’t a lot to choose from.  
Day 2: Kailua to Haleiwa (50 miles)
Start your morning with the famous Lanikai Pillbox hike just south of Kailua, where you can get sweeping views of the ocean and the cities and beaches on this side of the island. The hike is short (it only takes about 20-30 minutes) but steep, so wear appropriate shoes.
If you have some time in the morning, Kailua and Lanikai beaches are both beautiful (they’re right next to each other and on the way from the pillbox hike). Not a lot of people, white sand, blue water. They’re heaven.
As you leave this area to head north, visit the Ho‘oamaluhia Botanical Garden (it’s free!), which is also home to a lake filled with tropical plants.
Afterward, drive up the east coast toward the North Shore. Along the way, you can stop at the Kualoa Ranch, where many movies have been filmed. If you do a tour, I suggest the 90-minute Hollywood Movie Sites Tour (which includes scenes from Jurassic Park!), as you don’t need much more time than that to see the ranch. (It’s expensive, though, so if you’re on a budget, I’d skip it.)
As you keep going north, you’ll find a ton of beaches and hikes (there are plenty of signs for everything). I really enjoyed the Hau’ula Loop Trail especially, which is about 10 miles north of Kualoa. It’s a really overgrown trail, so you’ll feel like you’re very much in the jungle (meaning you’ll also need to bring bug spray). And like most hikes here, there’s a scenic viewpoint!
Then drive around the northern tip of Oahu to Haleiwa, your base of operations while on the North Shore.
Where to Eat Along the Way:
Kalapawai Café and Deli
Fresh Catch Kaneohe
Shrimp Shack
Seven Brothers
Ken’s Fresh Fish
Fumi’s Shrimp
Where to Stay: Airbnb is again the best option, as there aren’t many hotels or hostels in Hal‘eiwa. Book early here too.  
Days 3 & 4: North Shore (Base: Haleiwa)
This was my favorite part of Oahu. It was Hawaii the way you imagine it should be: a lot quieter, less touristy, and less developed. And it had that whole “hippie vibe” going for it. Everyone up here was much more laid back than down south.
You can learn to surf here (two-hour lessons begin at just $80 USD) or hike the Ka‘ena Point Trail (west of Haleiwa) and/or the ’Ehukai Pillbox (east of Haleiwa). The latter is pretty muddy, so bring appropriate shoes.
Haleiwa itself is a sleepy little tourist town with a bunch of restaurants, shops, and parks. There’s not much to do in the town itself than eat and window shop.
If you do just one hike, though, I definitely recommend the Ka‘ena Point Trail, which was one of the best experiences I had. It’s a scenic two-hour coastal walk to the northwestern tip of Oahu, where you will find a protected biological area with seals and native birds. At the tip, you can see all the way down the west side of the island — a magical view. Bring sunscreen and water, as the whole trail is exposed to the sun.
Where to Eat:
Ted’s Bakery
Sunrise Shack
Hale‘iwa Joe’s
Matsumoto Shave Ice
Ray’s Kiawe
Jenny’s Shrimp Truck
Giovanni’s Shrimp
  Day 5: Dole Plantation, Oahu’s West Side, Honolulu (60 miles)
Head south (inland) and stop at the Dole Plantation. While it is super cheesy and touristy (I mean, so many useless souvenirs!), it does have a cool maze, and there’s a train ride through the farm that, while whitewashing a lot of bad things, was an interesting look at the importance of the pineapple to Oahu. For a general overview geared to your average tourist, it was surprisingly informative.
Afterward, continue south toward Honolulu and then head west on the H1 road to the west coast for some deserted local beaches, such as Ma’ili, Ewa, Makua, or Yokohama. Stop at Countryside Café for some incredible diner food. The portions are pretty large, so you can share them.
Then head back into Honolulu, as there’s not a lot of accommodation along the west coast. If you do want to stay longer, you’ll find some listings on Airbnb and Booking.com if you book far in advance. Otherwise, there are a few hotels in Kapolei if you don’t want to drive all the way to Honolulu.  
Days 6 & 7: Honolulu
I actually liked Honolulu a lot (the main beach area of Waikiki is a tourist trap though.) While downtown is a bit bland, other neighborhoods are filled with awesome stores, breweries, bars, restaurants, and art galleries. Be sure to check out the “hip” Kaka‘ako part of town in particular.
Consider going on a hike on Diamond Head, a volcanic cone on the east side of town. It offers an incredible view of the city, though it’s one of the more popular trails in the area so if you aren’t there early enough to beat the crowds you’ll basically be walking in a slow-moving line up the mountain. If you are short on time, skip it.
Other Things to Do:
A free walking tour with Hawaii Free Tours (call ahead, since they only run when they have bookings).
Pearl Harbor – This is a must. It’s not even up for debate. You have to go.
Iolani Palace, the former royal residence of Hawaii’s monarchs.
Soak in the sun on Waikiki Beach or other nearby beaches, such as Ala Moana, which is popular with locals.
There’s also an Islamic art museum, which is supposed to be great, but I didn’t make it there.
Where to Eat:
The Pig and the Lady
Mei Sum Dim Sum
Shirokiya Japan Village Walk
Rainbow Drive-In
Leonard’s Bakey
Ono Seafood
Hula Dog
Where to Stay:
The Beach – This hostel is right on the beach, includes free breakfast, and has plenty of space to relax and meet other travelers.
Polynesian Hostel Beach Club Waikiki – The accommodation here is basic, but the staff are super friendly and helpful, and they organize lots of events.
Waikiki Beachside Hostel – A fun, social hostel that hosts live music. Breakfast is included too.
Additionally, head to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel for the best piña colada of your life. It’s not cheap ($15 USD a pop), but it is sooo good! Every one of my friends who didn’t order one got it as their second drink. (Fun fact: My grandfather was stationed in Oahu during WWII and went back to Oahu often. The Royal Hawaiian was his favorite hotel. It’s pretty cool that it’s still there!)  
Average costs
How much do things cost on Oahu? Here are some typical prices (in USD):
Airbnb – $100+/night for a one-bedroom or studio
Hotel – $175–250/night for a mid-range boutique hotel
Hostel dorm – $27
Car rental – as low as $20/day, plus insurance
Gas – $3–3.50/gallon
Poke bowl – $12–15
Takeout meal – $10–14
Sit-down meal at a fancy restaurant (with drinks) – $50+
Local lunch – $15
McDonalds – $6 for a value meal
Groceries – $75 for one person for a week
Beer (at a restaurant) – $8–10 ($2–3 at the Japanese Walk!)
Piña colada – $10-15
Coffee – $5
Surfboard rental – $25/day
Snorkel gear rental – $15/day
Scuba dive prices – $125
  Budget Tips
Oahu is pretty expensive. Most everything has to be imported, so if it can’t be grown nearby or caught in the ocean, expect to pay a lot. But it’s not impossible to save money. Here are a few ways to cut your expenses:
Hike and enjoy the beaches. Nature is free!
Buy your own food from supermarkets so you can cook your own meals or have picnics. Sure, there are plenty of world-class restaurants here, but if you want to keep your food costs down, you should cook some meals. The poke at supermarkets is delicious anyway!
If you do eat out, hit the food trucks. Most cost around $10 USD for a meal — much cheaper than sit-down restaurants.
If you’re going to buy alcohol, do so at Japanese markets, where you can find beer for only $2–3 USD (compared to $8 USD at bars).
Skip ride-sharing websites like Getaround or Turo (where you rent cars from private owners). They are usually cheaper than the big rental companies, but on Oahu, hosts charge you an added fee for dropping the car at the airport. I found the traditional car rental companies to be much cheaper, with rates as low as $20 USD a day.
Get your gas at Hele stations. They were consistently the cheapest on the island.
While Oahu is often crowded and overly commercial, there were a lot of wonderful things to do and see. To me, the best parts were the food and the hiking — with so many hikes, you could spend weeks here. My favorite part of Oahu was the North Shore, so I recommend you spend a few days there at least. I certainly look forward to returning!
Book Your Trip to Hawaii: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. My favorite places to stay in Oahu are:
The Beach
Polynesian Hostel Beach Club Waikiki
Waikiki Beachside Hostel
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Medjet (for additional repatriation coverage)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Need an affordable RV for your road trip? RVshare lets you rent RVs from private individuals all around the country, saving you tons of money in the process. It’s like Airbnb for RVs.
Want more information on Hawaii? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Hawaii for even more planning tips!
The post How to Road Trip Around Oahu appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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Another week, another near-sun tan. This week I’ve seen a friend in person (what the actual fuck?) and found a new direction for exercise. That sounds pretty good, right? It was extremely disconcerting to meet up with a person in real life – I’ve begun to feel a little like all my friends who have long assured me that they’ve met their best friends purely online – but three hours sitting in the local park in a government-approved triangle was lovely. I’ve been seeing others largely as things to be avoided as they blunder towards me, breathing heavily with no sense of physical distance. Apart from the postman and chin tilts to neighbours it’s the most human experience I’ve had of late. I also attended a properly fun Zoom birthday party too (thanks Mr Ben!), so clearly we’re getting used to these things.
Heading out in the direction of Dovecote Lane park eventually sent me that way on my bike too. I’ve found exercise really hard for the last couple of months. I’ve always relied on cycling to work (and the swim at the halfway point) for a few miles in each direction to keep me fit without feeling like I was doing exercise, and it’s been pretty good for keeping me fit and able to eat and drink what I like. Well fuck you very much lockdown, that’s been properly trashed. Cycling in an aimless circle round university park or Beeston has been quite cack, and while jogging on the spot clearly burns calories it’s too tedious. So I’ve started cycling out to Attenborough Nature Reserve. It’s not especially far, but I’ve rarely explored round there, so I’m enjoying heading off down a road with no clue where it goes. It’s not made me late for work… yet. Even when I didn’t sleep at all on Thursday night I got up and went for an explore before work. Must be good!
In between late night walks around Beeston, drinking too much and watching TV, we’ve continued our slow build of the LEGO Brick Bank. It’s quite lovely.
I’ve also finally returned to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on our Wii. I’m up to 30-something per cent and enjoying it enormously. I have discovered though that our TV really can’t handle proper dark contrast on a sunny day, so I’m dying a lot by falling off edges I can’t see. There have been a few levels where I’ve had to stand right in front of the TV (in sport mode), and just hoped I’d find the exit to a room. Still, I’ve got Indy and General Grievous to hop around and smash stuff, so I’m happy.
Oh yeah, and another bootleg Mando arrived this week – with shiny beskar armour! Baby Yoda will have his Mister Shiny Helmet. Nicely, he comes with a screwdriver accessory which I assume is supposed to be the tracking fob. There is something in me compelling me to acquire more of these guys… I’ve also just got the Armourer, but pics of her will have to wait till I’ve crafted a custom cloak. What is wrong with me…?
  Watching: Hollywood
OK, so this should have been in last week’s post, but I’d forgotten that we’d watched it. That’s no indication of how good it is, everything belongs to the neverwhen at the moment. Plus we caned through it in three nights. This is a very strange show, offering us an alternate Hollywood of the 1950s in which the reviled minorities of the day can actually get a foothold in the industry. The show nails the golden era vibe, from movie producer boardrooms to the grim/delightful gas station gigolos. Over the first couple of episodes the show draws together the flailing careers of half a dozen interesting and purposely diverse young Hollywood hopefuls and then sets them together in a movie, despite, or perhaps because of, their race, gender and sexuality – all things that would have killed their careers in real Hollywood. It’s a very pleasing show; the acting is great, from the keen Jack Castello moonlighting as an escort from the aforementioned gas station (it and its owner, Ernie West, are an absolute highlight), aspiring black actor Camille, Archie the black and gay screenwriter who finds himself in a relationship with Rock Hudson (also a delight, and terrible actor in a fantastic screentest montage), and the awesome double act of Hollywood execs Dick Samuels and Ellen Kincaid, plus the quite distressing sleazy and manipulative agent Henry, played with soiled glee by Jim Parsons. 
It’s really good fun, and a moving story – each success feels wonderful, and Hollywood getting behind this gang is immensely satisfying, as is the acceptance and coming out of various characters at all levels of the business. For me, it remained jarring however, for just how unreal the situation is compared to Hollywood of the ’50s – it never escaped its own unlikeliness. Most certainly worth a watch.
Doing: We Are What We Overcome – Live Specials
We’re continuing to livestream every other Monday on Facebook, this time on trying to be aware of our mental health states, as well as that of others. I feel like we’re getting better at this live babbling thing. It feels less awkward now. We’ll be streaming to Facebook next on Monday 1 June, and you can watch em all right here.
Reading: The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton
I’ve been through another couple of weeks of struggling to read properly, or at least as quickly as I enjoy. After discarding half a dozen books less than one chapter in, I finally prised open my book cupboard and pulled out the first pretty thing I could find. It was this! A pleasing and sharply written story of a boy traumatised into silence by an event in his childhood (which is only fully revealed toward the end, and works very nicely),  a lad who discovers he has two talents, drawing and lock picking…  We’re given two main story threads to skip between: his life as the lock artist led by a series of pagers offering jobs that he responds to, and how he got into all this trouble in the first place. They’re both peculiarly endearing, and that’s partly down to the charming internal monologue which carries through all of his interactions, since he does indeed remain mute throughout. He’s funny, and sweet, enough of an outsider through his selective mutism to have a cynical eye, and yet through his silence other people just trust him. Including proper big bad criminal types. It all ends rather badly, but we’re told that from the beginning. His lengthy infatuation and distance romance via comic book pages that he and his sort-of girlfriend exchange is genuinely delightful. This is fast-paced and fun, with a harsh shade of real darkness in both his past and future.
Reading: Transformers vol. 1: The World in Your Eyes
This was a hard read for me. I’m a huge fan of IDW’s previous Transformers continuity, which ran for an extraordinary thirteen years (a feat that I don’t think any other Western comic series, still less one based on a toy line, has achieved), taking us from the brutal finale of the Autobot-Decepticon war through to peace time, with wonderful characters, alternating humour with dark political wranglings. This new reboot has quite a lot to live up to… 
We’re taken millions of years back to Cybertron pre-war, introducing us to the sights through the eyes of newly forged Rubble, who’s being shown round by Bumblebee. Of course, it’s the worst possible time to show a new kid round, as the tensions between the establishment and Megatron’s “Ascenticons” are just now bleeding over into violence. It’s a lovely Cybertron, one we’ve only glimpsed before in flashbacks (or, memorably, time travel), and it’s a thriving world with vast architecture, travel and commerce. A successful world, which for what feels like the first time, has organic alien races living alongside the Transformers. It’s sad to think it’ll all be ripped apart soon…
It’s a very pretty comic, but is incredibly slow moving, even for the first chapter introducing a rebooted world. I suspect I’m finding it hard going from the well-established characters of the last continuity to seeing them all reshuffled and now filling different roles. It’s a cool era to set the story in though, and I think it’s got promise.
Building: LEGO Ninjago 70736 Attack of the Morro Dragon
I love Ninjago’s dragons and the insane aesthics the range has pursued down the years, giving us both traditionalish ninjas and dragons, but also Mad Max dieselpunk, enormous mechs, and more recently Tron-style arcade stuff. Bonkers. Oh, and also the stunning Ninjago City builds and the even wilder designs from The LEGO Ninjago Movie.
This set’s a little older, and like most of the Ninjago line I only pick them up when they’re quite severely discounted. Obviously it was the glow in the dark colours that appealed to me most of all, and those lovely wings. It’s a satisfying assembly, with a mini temple build, sky bikes (or something, I don’t really follow the stories), a couple of ninjas and three more of these evil ninjas with transparent legs and heads. Oh, and two ghosts. I’ve already put them somewhere but it’s the dragon I was interested in.
This is actually a smaller set than I thought it was, and comes together very quickly indeed. Despite being larger, and having more pieces than Master Wu’s dragon (a fantastic LEGO set), it’s a shorter build all round. The construction is like many of the others, a combination of big crunchy joints and the little Mixels ones for legs, wings and tail. I always enjoy the design of the dragon head itself, which gives the beastie a lot of character. The chin horn is oddly satisfying! All the glow in the dark pieces give the dragon its lovely roiling curves, but leave it sadly inflexible. It’s a dragon I’d love to coil around a building, but that’s gonna take a severe re-engineering of its body. It’s rather striking, and I imagine this one will remain constructed for quite a while, at least until I want to plunder its glowing parts.
And just because I liked it…
Watching: Never Have I Ever 
We watched this in a single night… I’m always thrilled to stumble across shows with under half-hour episode lengths at present. This is a pretty straightforward US highschool outsider tale, from the somewhat unusual perspective of an Indian-American family. That’s a pretty familiar trope in UK TV, and was very welcome in the even-more-familiar US high school setting. I’m not sure that there’s anything exceptional here, but it’s warmly told, with a number of fun and occasionally over the top performances, all solidly conforming to our expectations of a high school drama. I had some trouble figuring out how old the characters were supposed to be as it’s the usual casting combo of girls who must be in their twenties, but look about 14, and guys who are plainly in their mid-thirties. No wonder kids are so confused these days etc. As usual it’s the vibe between the BFFs that makes this fun to watch, particularly drama-queen Ramona Wong (wonderfully and worryingly odd in the lamentably cancelled Santa Clarita Diet). As filled with diversity and coming out stories as you could hope for, this is plenty of fun, if not especially memorable. Oh yeah, and it’s narrated by John McEnroe. Yes, the tennis player. 
Doing: MissImp’s Virtual Improv Drop-In – “Specific and True” with Terje Brevick
Continuing our mission to bring you improv from everywhere, this week’s episode features Norwegian improviser, Terje Brevick, with fun games and a good reminder of the value of details and honesty in improv.
Last Week – a really busy week! Featuring another mental health livestream, books: The Lock Artist & Transformers vol 1, TV: Hollywood & Never Have I Ever, LEGO: Morro dragon and MORE. Sleep now please. #books #tv #lego #stuff https://wp.me/pbprdx-8EZ Another week, another near-sun tan. This week I’ve seen a friend in person (what the actual fuck?) and found a new direction for exercise.
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ladyhorncall · 7 years
A Local’s Guide To SDCC
Welcome to San Diego! We’ve always been a tourist destination, but July is particularly busy due to one of our biggest events of the year: the San Diego Comic-Con.
We love our city, and we’re very proud of it. We hope you’ll love it too! Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the most of your trip, and help us locals who live here year-round.
San Diego In General
1. San Diego is much more than just the city. We’re one of the largest counties in the State, and contain habitats from the beach to the mountains to the high desert. Most residents (including myself) live outside the city and are made up of many cultures that make us unique. In the big picture, we’re divided up into: North County, South County, East County (where I’m from), and the city of San Diego. 2. We’re a diverse county made up of multiple races, faiths, sexualities, and ideologies. We take pride in that, celebrating our diversity year-round. 3. It’s beneficial to know some Mexican Spanish before coming. Those of us who grew up here and have lived here for long periods of time have picked up an intermediate knowledge of the language in order to communicate and pronounce our city and street names correctly. It is a large part of our culture, and many of us are bilingual or know enough to interact with the many Mexicans who work, live, and visit our county. 4. We are a Sanctuary City, and we take pride in that. 5. We have a large LGBTA+ community, who gather and celebrate in HIllcrest. 6. We’re a Navy town. We take pride in our military and many San Diegians have some connection or a relative involved with the military. We desire peace and peaceful solutions, but we also take pride and support our military. 7. We’re friendly, but don’t like bad guests. Remember, we live and work and play here year-round. You’re visiting, and we’re good at pointing out that you’re being rude to us. But we will go out of our way to make you feel welcome if you’re kind to us. 8. Our state has gone bagless! This means we charge 15 cents per plastic bag at almost all stores. Bring reusable bags.
Lodgings and Transportation
1. If you’re staying downtown, take advantage of the public transportation. While it’s not as reliable or practical outside of the city (since we’re so big), it’s easy to get around downtown that way. It’s sometimes slow, especially during a big event such as SDCC. 2. If you’re staying someplace other than downtown (such as fashion or mission valley), rent a car. Carpool with people and park at one of the lots downtown. 3. Downtown is a walkable city. It can get a little hilly on the North end of the city, but it’s doable. 4. Whatever you do, avoid Grape St. It’s a horrible intersection and we avoid it as much as possible. 5. Conserve water! We may technically be out of a drought, but we’re still protective of this resource. That and it’s incredibly expensive. 6. Be kind to those working transportation and hotels. Thank often and you’ll be rewarded. 7. Always ask us for recommendations. We’ll point you away from the touristy places and to our favorite hidden secrets. Provided you’ve been kind to us. 8. We refer to our freeways as THE (#). So The 94, The 8, The 5, so on. So if we’re giving directions, you’ll hear it one of two ways: “Take the 94 West.” or “Go South on the 5.”
The Con Itself
1. It’s big, it’s loud, it’s crowded. If we aren’t attending or working nearby we tend to stay away. But we love hosting and we’re just as surprised as you that it has grown this big. 2. Plan out your day. Give yourself downtime as there is much to see and do and it can get overwhelming. 3. If you have purchased something large and you need help transporting it home, there is a FedEx shop in the center itself. 4. There is plenty to do and see outside of the center as well. The library has started doing things plus the Gaslamp Quarter is packed full of things to check out. Also Liberty Station and places further downtown tend to hold events as well. You just have to look. 5. HYDRATE! We’re a semi-arid climate and even though you’re by the water it still gets hot. If you’re from someplace not used to the dry heat, practice hydrating now. You can always tell who the locals are by how much we hydrate. 6. If you’re like me and get anxious or overstimulated (or both), there are various places to hide away to calm down. I recommend the back of the convention center and the upper levels. There are plenty of little corners to take a quick mental break. 7. No matter where you go, there are pickpockets. Keep your badge close, and your belongings closer. I suggest small bags that are slung across the body or are attached to you. Backpacks can be a bit much on the con floor and pickpockets have gotten better about opening those little pockets. 8. If you’re planning on braving Hall H, I suggest following or talking to Englishman in SD or HiddlesEducates on Twitter. They’re pros at it and know all the fun tips. If you’re claustrophobic, have anxiety, or get overstimulated, I recommend not going in there. Trust me, having a panic attack in there is beyond not fun. 9. WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food 1. Food will be expensive downtown and around the con. The food inside the con isn’t great but will do in a pinch. 2. There is a Ralphs downtown. Buy snacks and small food items to take with you or make in your hotel if you’re able. 3. You’re here at the height of tourist season. Plan a little extra for food so you’re not surprised. 4. If you want to try real Mexican food, ask a local. We know where the best places are. Old Town and El Indio are good places to start. 5. Don’t forget to eat real food. You’ll need your energy.
Weather 1. Our weather is unpredictable. So far it’s been either normal 70 degree weather we all love, or way too hot. Dress for hot weather during the day and a light jacket/sweater for the night if you’re by the water. If you’re further inland it won’t cool down as much. 2. If you’re white like I am, WEAR SUNSCREEN. Everyone should but if you’re white wear more of it. The sun is unforgiving, even on overcast or marine layer days. If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors, wear a hat. 3. We’re used to the heat but we complain a lot about it. That’s just us. We’re firm believers in climate change because we can feel the effect. 4. If you’re Cosplaying, be aware of the heat. I love seeing everyone dress up but really hate seeing anyone getting heatstroke because of it. When I cosplay I have summer versions that I wear for SDCC for this reason. 5. From now to the day your arrive, watch our weather. Like I said, it’s unpredictable. For example, when the cast for Thor: The Dark World came we had a thunderstorm with rain and everything. Last year we had one of the worst heatwaves we’ve ever seen. It happens.
Things to do 1. Have a day off? Check out some of these other awesome places! 2. Balboa Park. We’re the largest urban park on the west coast. There are a ton of museums with plenty to explore. I recommend the miniature railway museum, Casa del Prado, and the Ruben H. Fleet science center. 3. The Zoo. We’re world famous! And we just celebrated our 100th year. This year we just opened a new African exhibit that is pretty awesome. 4. Liberty Station. Places to shop and eat, the location of Stone Brewery, and is the home to Image Comics. I recommend Slider’s 50/50. 5. Old Town. Where people first settled when they came to our area. There is plenty to explore, shop, and eat. I recommend exploring the Whaley House. 6. Sea World. There are rides, water fun, and plenty of animals to see. I recommend the shark encounter and the Shamu cookies. 7. Fashion/Mission Valley. If you’re interested in shopping and places to eat. Fashion Valley is pricier and Mission Valley has one of the best movie theaters. 8. Point Loma. Go all the way to the tip to see the lighthouse, catch the view of downtown, and visit the tidepools. 9. The Beach. This is where you think we’re at all the time. Not all the time but you’re close. Mission and Ocean Beach are right next to each other and are closer. You have the boardwalk and Belmont Park with shops. I prefer La Jolla Beach since it’s better to swim in and the surfing’s better. 10. Seaport Village. Literally a 5 minute walk from the convention center, it hosts shops and restaurants with a great view of the bay. Or catch the ferry to go to Coronado Island. I recommend the carousal (it’s faster than the one in Balboa Park) and the Hat Shoppe. 11. Julian. A bit of a drive but it’s an old community up in the mountains. Be careful driving. Come for pie (berries are in season), visit the old mines, and see what living in San Diego was like back in the day. 12. La Mesa. My neck of the woods! If you want to see where the locals really live and play (at least for East County), this is a good place to start. Downtown La Mesa has shops and a bunch of new restaurants that I’m still exploring. We just did a huge upgrade a few summers ago so it looks really nice. Easy to get to by trolley.
Packing List As a local I find this weird, but this is how I’d pack: Sunscreen, light clothing, light jacket/sweater, comfortable shoes, snacks, water, hat, sunglasses, medication you may need, a list of medical issues, emergency contact information, a small bag, swim suit, towel (if you’re going to the beach), reusable bags, something to keep you entertained while you wait in lines, device chargers, portable battery pack, maybe an extra bag to take home your loot in.
Have fun, enjoy your stay, and welcome to San Diego! Feel free to ask me questions.
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tottblog · 7 years
    I hope your Friday was good and your Sunday miraculous. I had the privilege of hosting my sister here in Japan last week. Having her here allowed me to appreciate my growth in knowledge of the Japanese language and culture compared to her blank slate. This is no mockery of her entertaining attempts to live and speak as the Japanese do but a celebration of my improvement; I mean, this is my blog!
Some of our attempts:
For her first meal, we headed to Honmokuya- a tonkotsu (pork broth) ramen shop- for her first real bowl of ramen. Known by sailors as Black Door Ramen. A well seasoned man stands behind the counter waiting for your order from the ticket machine that guards the entrance. You select from the machine the size, toppings, and whichever of the few drinks he offers and hand him the tickets. And then with three words, you customize your order:
light/thick (broth)
more/less (oil)
al’dente/soft (noodles)
And in a few minutes, he hands you your warm, hearty, and heart warming bowl of ramen. Nothing fancy but you don’t come here looking for fancy.
I told her to practice eating with chopsticks! When all else fails, scoop and slurp!
Sakura season in Kamakura
Komachi Dori
We walked down the street, glistening under rainfallen and the nightlights, lined on either side by shops- food vendors and souvenirs.
We peeked in a few shops, some longer than others and we picked out some things- she more than I- for her to take back to the family. I had been here only once and was nearly as entertained as she was. I was glad she got to see some of what we imagine when we in the West think of Japan- Yukatas (the summer variant of the kimono), Torii gates, and shrines.
I don’t think you can call a trip to Japan complete, at least not your first trip, without having a taste of sushi, even if it is from the convenience store. (Don’t tell anybody, I told you that.) But one of the things that seems to be increasingly popular among visitors and Japanese alike is the “Sushi-Go-Round”.
I don’t know if that’s the official name for it but it’s certainly been the most popular (preferred to kaiten or conveyor belt sushi). As the name suggests, the person preparing the sushi- prepares a number of sushi dishes for 100 yen, more or less, usually two pieces per plate, and loads them on to the belt, floating along until they catch the eyes of a diner!
But if you don’t see what you want or your concerned that its been on the belt too long – especially during slower periods of business- you can order it up fresh! You keep the plates on the table until the server comes and tallies your plates for the grand total. I wanted to try the chawanmushi, especially because I heard everybody else ordering it. But by the time I got the words out of my mouth, they were sold out.
Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine
Japan loves food on sticks! Yakitori, dango, chocolate covered bananas and anything penetrable by a skewer or suspended between chopsticks! But this one! Scattered through the streets with some friends, we were looking for somewhere we could eat without delay- and together. After a few shut downs, we stumbled across this place, stuffed in a walkway hanging off one this in obscure  street. We gazed the menu for a moment but it was simple. Endless tea, all-you-can-eat salad, miso, and rice with your choice of an 8-12 “course” kushiage. The kushiage consist of a variety of foods pierced by a skewer, coated and fried.
Kushi connotes the stick and age, fried. The difference between Kushiage and the probably better known tempura is that tempura doesn’t involve sticks and it is batter dipped in a more airy batter resulting in a crisp snack. Kushiage is prepared through more similarly to the standard breading procedure- flour, egg, bread crumbs.
I had the 12 course.
Chicken and leek
Lotus root
Sweet potato
Quail eggs
It’s not that I can’t count. I just can’t recall the other two.
Available on the table for dipping was, believe it or not, ketchup and mustard, grey salt, ponzu and some teriyaki based sauce. I shall return.
CupNoodle Museum
Museums are another ubiquity of Japan. I’ve visited the Ramen Museum in Shin Yokohama, but wasn’t too impressed. If you know what to expect, you might have a better experience. After you’ve paid the small admission fee, maybe 300 yen, you are granted access to two exhibits, one, the history of ramen presented in black and white, and detailed in the Japanese syllabaries and the other ramen throughout the world, with little more information than the general “foodie” would know. Theirs also a souvenir shop and a slot car track. On the lower floors, there are a number of ramen shops that you must stand in line and pay at the ticket machine for your “samples”. How much ramen can you eat?
But I figured I’d try out the CupNoodle Museum. I personally believe it was more of a museum. I don’t know what more I would expect of it but within a museum devoted to such a specified topic, I guess they do an okay job. We began our tour with a video presentation that speaks of the times and thoughts that inspired Momofuku to invent CupNoodle and how he became the chairperson for the industry.
The rest of the museum elaborated on the contents of the video with photos and text blocks along the wall with a vague art forms and philosophical quandaries on the topic of noodles in a cup and the inspiration that it potentially births. I enjoyed it for what  it was but wished I got there earlier before the “Make your own Cup Noodle” tickets were sold out.
Shibuya Crossing
We continued on to Shibuya, not just to be tourists-  drawn to the busy intersection featured in movies, tossed to and fro by the excited crowds and the snooty horns of impatient drivers. But I thought it would be a good launching point into our exploration of Tokyo. Honestly, once we arrived, I didn’t really know where to go from there.
We did visit a Krispy Kreme (’cause you just don’t find those in the states.)
(Actually, you probably would never find one as bound in the details and with flavor offerings like this one.) and we wandered into an izakaya for some cheese sticks (not mozzarella), wings, and yakitori- that is if yakitori includes pork
Named Tokyo’s fashion capital, Harajuku was worth a visit. Lots to look at. One of those kinds of places that you can go without a plan and not be disappointed, if you go on a weekend or before things close at 10 during the week. After work, there wasn’t much I could do. I was tired, and a bit bothered to learn that we had begun this journey with the desired end at a 4 floor 100 yen store, comparable to a dollar store. But hey, she’s just visiting.
Perhaps our best experience was motsunabe- or offal hot pot. I never told her what offal was. Granted what we were eating wasn’t so bad: it included chicken knees cartilage. I don’t know if this would’ve sounded any better if I just stopped at chicken knees. But it wasn’t really the food that made the time. We sat down with a Japanese friend who isn’t fluent in English but speaks more English than I do Japanese. We ordered a round of sake and were treated to what I guess we could call soup. It was some rough chops carrots and potatoes with chunks of chicken in small bowls of the broth they were probably used to make.
Motsunabe mound
Then came our personal burner, our nabe pot and a mound of cabbage, garlic, chiles, and chicken knees. Flame on! And as it boils, the cabbage is flattened in the heat, lowering the mound to its demise. We laughed and joke as we tried to master the language and read the menu, teaching each other of the differences in our cultures. John, the guy who runs the shop, even joined in for some of the fun.
Her child like fascination and the incessant appearance of her phone, capturing and sharing every detail of the slightest contrast to the world she’s known, reminds me again to enjoy all of Japan, or any new experience I find my self in- even in the slightest. Things that I would smile at one day and take for granted the next. To cherish these things is easier when you have somebody to share them with.
  Slurping Noodles, Sipping Sake, and Seeing the Sights I hope your Friday was good and your Sunday miraculous. I had the privilege of hosting my sister here in Japan last week.
0 notes
agentp101 · 8 years
A Day at Perry’s
Dukey and Davey arrive at Perry's house. The smell of salt in the air. Perry opens the door. He is dressed in some sort of uniform but Dukey and Davey can’t tell what kind.
Perry: Hey guys. Welcome to mi casa. Please excuse the smell. We have a west wind today and it's blowing the smell of the ship channel over here.
Davey: Reminds me of when I was working at the Pier where I met Dukey.
Perry: Won't you come in?
Dukey: Thank you for having us over!
They go in and see a nice middle class house before them. It's a fairly large size, probably built in 2011. There are high celings, an open floor plan with bedrooms on the left and an office on the right. Straight ahead is the living room/kitchen. A nice 55 inch 4K UHD TV is on the wall along with a nice sofa and leather chair. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances and an island in the middle. Several windows look out on an acre of wooded land.
Perry: Yeah, it's nice but that's not why we're here. To the media room!
Dukey and Davey follow Perry to a wall with two levers on it.
Perry: Pull the lever, Davey!
Davey pulls the lever on the left, opening a trap door below Perry.
Perry: WRONG LEVER!!! (splash)
Dukey: Uh.... Wrong lever, hon.
Davey: Sorry about that...
Perry reenters all wet.
Perry: Why do I even have that lever? Get out of my way!
Perry pulls the right lever causing the wall to spin and place them inside a roller coaster.
Voice: Do not pull down on the safety bar. I will lower it for you!
The safety bar lowers into place
Davey: Sweet!
The coaster starts down the track with a long drop, passing through several colorful tunnels. It suddenly stops at a ticket booth and a hand reaches out.
Perry: Oh. Where'd I put the ticket? Where is that ticket?
Dukey: Did you try the glove compartment?
Perry opens it and finds the ticket.
Perry: Why do I always forget to look there?
Perry hands the ticket to the teller and the coaster continues down the track. After the coaster ride all land on the carpeted floor of a theater. Dukey and Davey give each other a high five.
Dukey: That was the best roller coaster ever!
They all run over to a table with a bunch of items on it.
Perry: Now let's see, where did I put that movie? Aha! Here it is! I'll put this on, pop some popcorn and enjoy. Brilliant!
Dukey and Davey sat together. Soon Perry returns with some fresh popcorn.
Perry: The movie will begin in a moment.
They all settle down and enjoy one of Disney’s best films. After the movie ends Perry stands up.
Perry: How about we head upstairs and enjoy the night sky?
Dukey: Sure! I could go for a bit of stargazing.
Perry: Perfect! To the living room!
Everyone gets back in the coaster and begins the ride back up. As the coaster rounds a loop it suddenly stops.
Voice: Your ride has temporarily stopped moving and will resume in a moment. Please remain seated.
Dukey: So what's the point of this coaster?
Perry: Eh, it's just for fun.
After a 10 second wait the coaster returns everyone to the main floor.
Perry: Step outside onto the porch and I'll be back with some drinks and music. Any orders?
Dukey: Diet cola!
Davey: Mountain Dew.
Perry: Out in a sec.
Perry returns with the drinks as well as an iPad.
Perry: Now, what kind of music would you like?
Dukey: Maybe play some light mood music
Perry: Let's see, Justin Beaver, Capital Kings, Meagan Trainer... Ah! This should do.
Perry put on some soft piano music from Jim Brickman. Time marched on and it got later.
Perry: Ok. It's been a while. Want to do something else?
Dukey: Okay, what do you wanna do?
Perry: You're the guest. I'll let you decide.
Davey: I saw a pool table. Maybe we could shoot a few rounds?
Dukey: Oh yes! You'll love it. Davey's the best pool player I've ever seen.
Perry: I'm not too shabby myself. Let's go in.
They head in and straight to the pool table.
Perry: Grab a stick from the stand while I go find the balls.
Dukey and Davey both grabbed a pool stick as Perry set the game up. They played a few rounds of pool. Davey wins 10 games to 3. Dukey just watched.
Perry: Gosh darn it. That's what I get for not playing much. Let's see, it's (looks at watch) only 10pm? Man. Not too bad. What now? I've got some games for the Xbox and Wii U. I also have Direct TV so we could watch something. Or take our clothes off and chill nude. Lastly, we could turn in and continue the party tomorrow.
Dukey: I vote nude.
Davey: I vote Xbox!
Perry: I see no reason why we can't do both.
Davey looks over and Dukey is already naked.
Dukey: I'm ready when you boys are!
Perry: I noticed. (Takes off uniform and puts it in the corner while walking to the tv) I've got some good party games here. There's Just Dance 2017, Wheel of Fortune, Sonic Generations...
Davey: Ooh, let's do some dancing.
Perry: Alright. Let's do this!
Perry pops the Just Dance disc in and starts the game. Soon the menu pops up.
Perry: What song would you like to dance to? I recommend Scream and Shout.
Davey: Let's do it!
They all strip down and get in place. Dukey is first, Davey is second, and Perry is third. First they dance to Scream and Shout. Second, they do Rasputin, followed by Daddy, and Popipo.
Perry: That was fun. One more?
Dukey is bent over wheezing.
Dukey: I'm gonna need a few minutes.
Perry: Ok. Take five. Davey, want to do a two person dance?
Davey: Yeah, I could go for awhile more.
Perry: Cool. Let’s do Little Swing. You want the male or female part?
Davey: Eh, I think I'll take female. I'm usually the more masculine anyways.
Dukey: HEY!
Davey: Sorry, babe.
Perry: Let's do this! (To himself: this is not gonna end well.)
After an “eventful dance” Perry is panting.
Perry: Man, my arms hurt now. You're heavy.
Dukey: How about we play another game for a little while?
Perry: How about Wheel? It's three players and all you do is press buttons.
Davey: I'm down for that.
Perry inserts the disc and gets the game loaded. They play a couple of rounds of Wheel. After the final round Perry looks at the clock.
Perry: Well, I'm bush. Why don't we turn in?
Dukey: Do you have a guest room?
Perry: I've got a nice room set up for you. Follow me.
Perry leads them down the main hall to a side one with a guest room. It has a full size bed and a few small pieces of furnature. A bathroom is right outside the door.
Perry: Make yourselves at home.
Dukey jumps onto the bed.
Dukey: Ooh it's so soft!
Perry: 2nd best bed in the house. Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow.
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