#general physicians
archana01 · 20 hours
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Experience exceptional hypertension care with Archana Rathi in Indore. Our skilled general physicians in indore focus on personalized treatment plans to effectively manage your hypertension.
We believe that understanding your condition is crucial, so remember: "Know your numbers! Regular monitoring is essential for controlling hypertension." Our dedicated team is here to support you on your journey to better health through consistent check-ups and expert guidance.
Don’t wait—book your blood pressure check-up today and take the first step toward effective hypertension management. Your well-being is our top priority!
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Top Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Orthopedic Surgery | Minchu Health Care Center
Orthopedic surgery, in fact, is an instance of life-altering surgery that doesn't just restore you to your full mobility but also decreases your pain. At Minchu Health Care Center | Multispeciality Hospital in HSR Layout, our expert Orthopedic Surgeons facilitate a smooth recovery. Here are some top tips to help you recover faster, gain strength soon, and enjoy your daily activities once again.
Always Obey Your Orthopedic Surgeon: Always observe the doctor's recommendations given by your orthopedic surgeon; you will note that these are also prepared specifically for the particular surgery that has been undergone on you.
Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is essential because it ensures faster healing by building muscles and flexing. Minchu holds its in-house therapists who accord personalized care to every patient.
Healthy Diet: A diet filled with proteins, vitamins, and minerals can help to recover faster. Include green, green, and yellow for all those leafy vegetables, lean meats, and vitamin C fruits in your meal.
Pain Management: Use prescribed ways to control pain, and do not hesitate to see a doctor if it continues.
Maintain Activity: Get out of bed and start doing some light movement right away, after your doctor says it's okay to be mobile. This helps prevent complications such as blood clots.
At Minchu Health Care Center, we respect your recovery and help you to be back in shape under the care of orthopedic surgeons who have the required training.
Minchu Health Care Center | Multispeciality Hospital in HSR layout (General Physicians , Orthopaedic Surgeon ,Gynecologists)
Address - 96/2, Silver county Road, Opp Purva Skywood Apartment, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102 
Phone - 080 2441 0330 . 
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drome-123 · 2 months
Best general physicians in Gurgaon
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In the fast-paced, high-stress environment of urban India, it's easy to let health take a backseat. Between long work hours, traffic jams, and endless to-do lists, finding the time for a regular checkup can seem like a luxury. But it’s not. It’s essential. And that's where your general physician comes in. They’re the unsung heroes of city life. They’re the ones who know your medical history, understand your lifestyle, and offer personalised care. From routine check-ups to managing chronic conditions, they’re your partners in health. Imagine feeling a persistent cough or experiencing unusual fatigue. Who do you turn to? Your general physician. They're the first line of defence against illness, helping you identify potential problems early on. And let’s not forget the mental health aspect. In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety are common. Your doctor can provide guidance, support, and even refer you to a specialist if needed. So, let's make a pact: prioritise your health. Schedule that annual checkup. Open up to your doctor about your concerns. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Your general physician is there to help you live a longer, healthier, and happier life. Know More: https://drome.clinic/
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healthcareskedoc · 4 months
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abhishekhospt · 6 months
Best General Physicians in Jaipur
If you are looking Best General Physicians in Jaipur. look Abhishek Hospital With a commitment to patient care and expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions, they provide top-notch healthcare services. Patients can trust in their experience and dedication to delivering quality medical care. For more information can visit our website or contact us.
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 days
Merlin is kind of like a dog to Arthur. I mean this in all of the good and all of the bad ways.
#but that is mostly bad. on account of the classism/general dehumanization#idk if it’s subtle to other ppl 😭 but he just doesn’t see Merlin as a full person with an equally (or moreso) complex life and mind#he also cares for him deeply simultaneously. hence the dog-like treatment#and that is majorly because he sees Merlin as a ‘simple servant’#b/c even if Merlin didn’t have all the ✨ magic ✨ going on… he is still a complex person deserving of dignity#Arthur literally won’t make the mental jump into that because Merlin hasn’t ‘proven’ that he’s ‘more’ than a servant#he doesn’t get promoted to advisor at the round table whilst everyone Arthur deemed worthy was promoted to the knighthood and Gwen to queen#Arthur still doesn’t see him as a very good physician. he sees Merlin’s worth/place as a human being as… someone there to serve him (a king)#which also implies that Arthur sees himself worthy of being served and of the excess power + wealth he has#(ie. Arthur’s skill as a king and warrior justify a disproportionately higher pay that comes thru taxation of the poor)#at the same time he cares deeply for Merlin. he certainly doesn’t want Merlin to die (barring 1x01 and 5x13). but#there’s such a severe lack of *respect* for Merlin. such a simplification of Merlin that Arthur is happy to continue imagining.#like lbr. that’s the real reason he never figured Merlin out — the image he made and kept of a ‘simple-minded fool’#no matter how wise or brave he was. no matter how many times he saved Arthur’s life.#merlin emrys#arthur critical#bbc merlin
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hey-scully-itsme · 5 months
one thing I enjoy about patrick o’brian’s writing is that quite often not only are the curtains intentionally blue, sometimes they manage to be blue in reference to two different characters, a major theme, something classical, and a dad joke. Love books that make me decode one-off references.
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shixige · 4 days
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Friendship started with Yan Xun👍
Ngl, These two are NOT what I expect🤨 but ey, they like disguises so-
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Being a physician in the lost cities would suck. There are no specialists, every single physician has got to know everything; there’s no one you can refer people to for special treatment about a specific problem. You either know the cause and treatment of every single specific ailment yourself or hope someone else happens to have more experience in the area.
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sesamenom-misc · 2 months
brief survey
*common symptoms include:
physiological - lingering chest pain, shortness of breath, lingering cough, heart palpitations, abnormal heart rate
neurological - brain fog, general cognitive decline, fatigue, language/word retrieval issues, short term and long term memory issues, abnormal executive dysfunction, difficulty concentrating, exacerbation of pre-existing depression or anxiety
**if you first contracted covid before vaccines were available, you can count it as unvaccinated
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archana01 · 11 days
To maintain healthy cholesterol levels, Archana Rathi recommends a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Incorporate healthy fats, like avocados and nuts, while limiting saturated and trans fats. Regular exercise is crucial; aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week to raise HDL (good cholesterol). Maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and moderating alcohol intake also support heart health. Additionally, stay proactive with regular check-ups and cholesterol screenings. Finally, ensure adequate hydration by drinking plenty of water daily. Embrace these lifestyle tips for better cholesterol and overall well-being!
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the greatest theories in physics: a visual thread by @PhysInHistory on twitter (with alt text) (part 1) (part 2 will be in reblogs)
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image one: black unserifed text on white background, saying "the greatest theories in physics", with "greatest in manuscript handwriting style, and "physics" in bold. below this text, there is very small writing saying "a visual thread", also black, but the text has serifs. in the background there are equations and calculations, also in black font, but much thinner and smaller.
image two: on the right side of the image, there is a coloured photo of half of isaac newton's face and a bit of his shoulders. on the left side, there is large black unserifed text on white background, with large handwriting at the top saying "newtonian mechanics". "mechanics" is in bold. below, it says (in smaller black serifed writing) "isaac newton (1642 to 1727) formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, which describe the motion of objects under the influence of forces. newton's theory was able to explain many phenomena, such as the orbits of planets, the tides, and the motion of projectiles. newton's theory also laid the foundation for classical mechanics, which is still used to study the motion of macroscopic objects."
image three: at the top of the photo, there is large black capitalised thin unserifed writing saying "electromagnetism", and from the bottom of the text to around the middle of the image, there are images and equations, including a circuit diagram. in the bottom left, between the bottom of the image and the hypothetical horizontal middle line, there is a black and white image of james clerk maxwell. around the bottom right, there is black serifed text saying "james clerk maxwell (1831 to 1879) unified the theories of electricity and magnetism, which describe how electric charges and current produce electric and magnetic fields, and how these fields interact with each other. maxwell's theory also predicts the existence of electromagnetic waves, such as [visible] light, radio waves, and X-rays, which travel at a constant speed in a vacuum"
image four: at the top of the image, there is large bold capitalised black unserifed writing, saying "thermodynamics". at the mid to bottom right, there is a black and white image of ludwig boltzmann. under the large unserifed text, and next to ludwig boltzmann, there is small black serifed text, saying "thermodynamics defines concepts, such as temperature, entropy, and free energy, which are useful for studying the efficiency of engines, the direction of spontaneous processes, and the equilibrium state of systems. physicists such as sadi carnot (1796 to 1832), rudolph clausius (1822 to 1888), william thompson (lord kelvin) (1824 to 1907), and ludwig boltzmann (1844 to 1906), developed the laws of thermodynamics, which describe how heat and work are exchanged between systems and their surroundings"
image five: the background of the image is cream coloured, with the equation "E equals m c squared, all over root one minus v squared over c squared" and some other writing. in the bottom left corner, there is a black and white image of albert einstein. at the top of the image, there is bold large unserifed black writing saying "special relativity", which is directly against the cream background. below the writing, there is a white box, containing small black serifed text, which says "albert einstein (1879 to 1955) proposed the theory of special relativity, which describes how space and time are relative to the state of motion of an observer. special relativity also implies that mass and energy are equivalent, as expressed by the famous equation E = m c squared. special relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time, and resolved some paradoxes that arose from applying Newton's theory to objects moving at very high speeds"
image six: this image has a background of grey-brown paper with small squares on it, as what one would would see in a maths exercise book. the paper has differential equations on it. like the previous image, there is a black and white image of albert einstein in the bottom left corner. at the top, there is a dark brown box, containing large white bold unserifed letters saying "general relativity". the writing below is directly against the paper but above the differential equations. it is white. in large bold unserifed text, it says "albert einstein". below that, it says (in smalled serifed text) "also proposed the theory of general relativity, which describes how gravity is not a force, but a consequence of the curvature of space and time caused by mass and energy. general relativity predicts phenomenona, such as gravitational lensing, gravitational redshift, gravitational waves, and black holes. general relativity also provide the framework for studying the origin and evolution of the universe"
(end of alt text, please check reblogs for more images and alt text)
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drome-123 · 2 months
Book General Physician clinic consultation
Begin your journey towards better health at Drome Family Clinic, conveniently located for easy access. Our location, available on all major mapping services, serves as a gateway to exceptional healthcare. Just a pin drop away, you'll find a destination where expertise, care, and compassion meet. Start your wellness journey with us today. To Know more: https://drome.clinic/clinic-consultation/
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shiningneedlecastle · 24 days
So like. Maybe it's an ironic joking thing, but sometimes the tags on your posts/reblogs make me feel concerned, so like. Are you doing ok? Do you wanna talk about it?
yeah it's not really ironic joking, not gonna lie i'm doing quite badly irl what with how badly the american education system is structured (especially medical education and how particularly hellish it can get). i don't wanna burden you with the sheer weight of all this horrible shit and i don't spend much time on here anymore. but thank you for the offer though, sincerely
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doctornitingarg · 2 months
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ICU Specialist
Dr. Nitin Garg is a highly skilled ICU Specialist renowned for his exceptional expertise and dedication to patient care. With a wealth of experience in managing critically ill patients, Dr. Garg is committed to providing the highest standard of medical care in intensive care units. His comprehensive approach combines advanced medical knowledge with compassionate care, ensuring that each patient receives personalized and effective treatment. Dr. Garg's proficiency in handling complex cases, along with his dedication to staying abreast of the latest advancements in critical care medicine, makes him a trusted and respected figure in the medical community. Whether dealing with acute emergencies or chronic conditions, Dr. Nitin Garg's unwavering commitment to excellence ensures the best possible outcomes for his patients.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 5 months
found a presentation from hs where we had to make a mock emergency bus w equipment and staff and BRO. THE POTENTIAL?? not for anything useful ofc but jensen, raf, and bryce emergency dream team? abso-fucking-lutely. need them in stressful situations together but also kicking ass the whole time <3
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