#genderswap tw
medicus-mortem · 2 years
Thoughts on the Ch 1063 bullshit:
Basically this shit:
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And boy is there a lot to cover here so I’m gonna divide this into some main points/issues I’ll address. Those being:
1. Thoughts/feelings on Genderswaps in general.
2. Doc Q’s disease fruit.
3. Fandom behaviour.
4. Law’s reaction.
Without further ado lets just get down to business.
1. Thoughts/feelings on Genderswaps in general.
Personally genderswaps have always made me uncomfortable. At first I believed they were inherently transphobic but perhaps I do need to reconsider that idea, depending on why a genderswap is being done, because that is the crux of my main issue with them; the intent behind them. I have yet to see a genderswap done in any media that isn’t for the sole purpose of fanservice. Be it turning a man into a sexy woman because boobs or turning women into men to create a fetishised gay relationship.
What is worse is how these gender swaps often completely change a character’s personality. The greatest offender of this is when dominating male characters are turned female and they become meeker. It’s as if people believe suddenly having a vagina makes you gentler. It does not.
We know for a fact the purpose behind this particular genderswap is for fanservice reasons. There really is no good reason for this to happen, especially with how it came to be, which is in itself fucking disgusting. Oda just wanted to draw tiddies and so he did. Just look at the pose and the way Law’s shirt hangs off him, then there is the wet shirt situation. 100% done for the ‘male gaze’.
2. Doc Q’s disease fruit.
I have no issues with the fruit itself. Being able to create diseases and infect people around you with them is a very cool and terrifying devil fruit and Doc Q is honestly the perfect user for it. Except no he fucking isn’t. Look how he’s decided to use it? Before even going into how inherently problematic it is to call turning someone female a disease, this is not an effective use of his power. Turning the Hearts female doesn’t weaken them or make it easier to take them down. He should have done a proper disease, something that would give them fevers or debilitating coughs, or fucking have horrible growths. Something actually deadly.
Hell, I would have loved to see him induce symptoms similar to Amber Lead in the crew and then watched Law have a panic attack because there is all his childhood trauma all over again. Can you really say you wouldn’t find that far more compelling than suddenly everyone has tits?
Now lets go into how disgusting this whole fucking thing is as a concept. First lets look at what Doc Q calls this disease.
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The Ma-Lady Transformation Plague. You know what that tells me? It only turns males into females. How fucking horrible is that? It’s not even an equal genderswap situation. It’s specifically made to turn men into sexy women. Like, what the actual fuck!? To then have this as a disease, which is not how genetics determines ones sex at all. The only other person who can do this is Ivankov and that’s through hormone injections which is part of what sex reassignment surgery does, which makes sense. This absolutely does not. Not as a disease, not as an effective weapon, and certainly not as a reasonable choice of attack.
Just ... how are people not furious about this whole situation?
3. Fandom behaviour.
This is where I am gonna get the hate thrown at me but I truly don’t care. What I have seen in the Law tag on Tumblr has disgusted me. Everywhere I look it’s people going rabid for a Trafalgar Law with tits. It’s gross over sexualising behaviour. Already the One Piece fandom treated Law like the fandom bicycle, throwing him in ships all over the place and making him seem nothing more than a glorified dildo, which enraged me as a Law writer, but now it’s worse. Now they have precedence to feed into their bullshit.
Then we have the people using this as proof of their trans!Law headcanons. Now, let me make it clear I have no problem with different gender headcanons for Law. I fully support them, I truly do, but I do question the ethicality of a trans headcanon that is using a moment when Law’s gender is changed without his consent as proof that he is trans. Especially when I see everyone suddenly giving him female pronouns when he’s turned into a woman. Law might have boobs and a vagina now but in canon he’s still gonna use male pronouns. Honestly, considering how pissed the fandom gets when people misgender Yamato I do not get it. Isn’t this the same deal?
4. Law’s reaction.
Now let’s end this post on something kinda positive, while ignoring how gross Shachi and Penguin’s reaction to Law’s gender swap is. I can tell you I know a few Shachi and Penguin writers who are going to write that garbage out of their canon. I’m gonna do the same thing with this whole situation. Will make a post about that too.
Anyway, when I first saw this genderswap thing through a leak (which is something I really hate about manga based fan communities) I had the fear that Law would react like all genderswaps tend to do. Get meek, freak out over his new boobs, or even become a perv about it. All things I saw as wildly out of character, but he did none of those things and I am thankful for that. He was pragmatic and focused on the situation. His people were in danger and he was not going to be phased by this change, after all Trafalgar Law is just as capable whether he has a dick or a vagina. That was something I liked, seeing Law thrown into a weird situation and still being in control.
Good and appropriate characterisation. That I approve of. Still would have been better if he had to deal with an actual real and concerning disease.
TLDR: I am angry. I am offended. And so should you be. We deserved better, more compelling content as a fanbase.
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jowbokitten · 7 months
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💖✨Wife Material✨💖
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The concept of Lilia raising fem Silver is so cute and endearing. Imagine Lilia and fem Silver having a tea party together surrounded by silver's animal friends while Lilia is dressed up in a pink tutu dress and ROCKING it.
Raising a human child is a lot more different than raising a fae child, but get this; Lilia would have to learn that at a certain age, fem humans get their periods (Assuming fem fae don't have periods?!). Either way, he would panic or be chill about it. He would also have to explain what menstruation is, lol.
Period cramps can be so bad. Luckily for Silver, Lilia knows how to wash blood stains with COLD water (considering he saw a lot of blood in war). He would bring her snacks and comfort her best to his abilities, and he would make sure to keep menstrual products in the house or carry some with him for emergencies. I know, I'm just rambling at this point, but idk it's really cute to think how Lilia would raise fem Silver.
So, while i agree with you that Lilia would raise normally just like how he raised Silver in Canon, i do think there are quite a few differences, especially when it comes to such things such as Periods, buying bras and so on.
[Other Lilia raising fem!Silver posts here and here!]
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In my original post, I was speaking only from a socialization angle since a lot of what we see as "gender norms" are the result of how we were raised and taught. On that front, I don't really see Lilia changing one way or another. Of course there would also be biological differences that Lilia would have to become accustomed to, and those he would have to tackle differently.
I imagine he would mainly ask the Zigvolts for assistance in this regard, since they already help with watching Silver while he's busy with other matters in canon. Even if we assume that female fae do not menstruate, Mr. Zigvolt is a medical professional who would have some understanding of menstruation (due to taking A&P classes), even if his specialty is teeth. He could at least refer Lilia to the proper resources or a medical professional with more relevant knowledge. If we assume that female fae do menstruate, then Mrs. Zigvolt could be comforting and understanding of Silver's situation. Maybe even Sebek's older sister could pitch in as well!
Either the Zigvolts could explain menstruation to fem!Silver or Lilia could? Knowing how… tactless… Lilia was when dealing with Silver learning he was adopted though, it might be a mixed bag. Lilia might go for a silly explanation, an actually wise one, or he might pull out all the stops and try to reenact the story of an egg cell being expelled from the body via hand puppets. When fem!Silver isn't feeling well, Lilia can sit by her bedside and sing (screamo) lullabies or recount tales of his travels until she's soothed off to sleep.
Imagine Lilia having to take Malleus aside to explain how menstruation works to him too (when Malleus shows confusion at fem!Silver kneeling over mid-training). Maybe Sebek would already know about it because he has a decent sized family and he expresses his concern in the typical Sebek way. "Hmph! If you find yourself faint, it shall be an easy victory for me—but there is no glory in that. Sit this one out, and once you’ve collected yourself then you shall be a worthy opponent!”
... But it would be sort of funny if Lilia asks the QUEEN of Briar Valley for help on this 🤡 "Your majesty!! My little human child is gushing out blood from down there, does she have a wound? Will she bleed out? Should I be concerned") I also find it really ironic that Lilia, an infamous retired general, probably already has knowledge of how to wash blood out of fabrics due to his experience in war. Now he can repurpose that skill to help out his daughter 😂 Just don’t trust Lilia to make snacks for fem!Silver cramping up, he’ll only make the cramps worse with his cooking…
Anyway, I enjoy the idea of Lilia being a father that supports both Silver's (traditionally) feminine and (traditionally) masculine interests and is secure enough in his own identity to engage with them. He'd have so much fun dressing up with Silver and having those tea parties with the animals out in their yard.
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 months
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Some Inspector doodles from the last few months I'm pretty sure I forgot to post.
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foxett · 3 months
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strange-doll-child · 2 months
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Another one ✨️
I might as well just start drawing all my genderbent haunts + their movie alts if they have one lol
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nyo-w · 2 months
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Hits them with my yurification beam
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drfirsnogayny · 2 days
Broadcast Revolution + Cleavers Cult
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The designs of Austin, Emmy and Davey are test designs, maybe I'll change them after the game is released.
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After all, Cleavers Cult and the new BRev are descendants of the old BRev, so why not show them in one post?
And genderswap
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The Gal, Nugget, Willie, Millie - Carlos, Jennifer, Oxy Olivia, Madison, Ronnet, Daisy - Dorothea (not Dora!), Eli, Brianna Felicia, Cydney, Montana - Bethany, Paul - Emmanuel - Percival.
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Brianna, Havronia, Virginia, Andrea, Tinge, Luis, IceCream (Malanto) Jenerina, Sibrien, Carlos, Emerson, Kim, Angel, Phoebe Marin, Gabriel, Julia, Mayor, Bertie - Night, Dove.
Unlike last time, here the male and female versions of the outfits do not differ much from each other (I did not change one of the outfits at all). If you want, you can look for differences, especially in the outfit of Theodore and Dorothea
By the way, the version of the Mayor with tentacles (hidden because it might cause someone discomfort. Me, for example)
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Although at the moment he is my favorite fictional man
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medicus-mortem · 2 years
@erraticoptimism replied to your post:
So, like, I agree with every bit of this. But I must point out the Ma-Lady...malady literally means disease. It's a shitty play on words for sure, but I don't get the man-to-woman only vibe of it.
[💀] - I did notice that play on words but I do think it still shows the ‘disease’ is only a male to female genderswap because of a couple factors.
The first is I believe they would have put it in the name if it was an equal opportunity genderswap. This name specifically says Lady so that to me says it’s only for turning people into women. Then again I am looking at a translation that could be off. I don’t know what the original Japanese says. It could mean something else in the language there so I can be persuaded to think differently name wise.
Secondly, we do not see Ikkaku getting subjected to this. She is in a panel but she’s still female. She does not get turned into a man at all so the idea that it’s male to female only sticks.
Lastly, it’s Oda we’re talking about here. He did this because he wanted to draw boobs, that’s the only reason. Why would he make a disease that turns his already sexy ladies into men? That’s not going to give him his boob fix now, is it?
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pyrrope · 4 months
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I like colors 😁
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gangles-toybox · 3 months
More genderbender ribbuny!! :D
Moderately suggestive, 14+ or so I would say
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Ivy(fem Jax): Oh I'm going to burn in hell for sure. Here he is talking about his poor dead mother & I can't stop wishing that his hands were unbuttoning my dress
Here's where it comes from btw I haven't watched the movie but I thought the quote fit them lol
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dddrunkderella · 4 days
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fem!firestorm pussy feasting 👅💦 commission for @/nahqiqi on discord and twitter!
full view on poipiku!
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alfiely-art · 8 months
Final Yuri for today 🥰
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In case you guys can't tell. I love Makoto Yuma Yomi Yakou polycule. Call that the Kanai Ward Polycule Communal Cult /ref
Also I constantly switch giving Yuma shorts and a skirt.... I think she changes depending on the day
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discord-emote-customs · 6 months
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THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (and optionally, maybe, possibly, a female version?? /nf)
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(her hair is supposed to be very long eheh, and the mask covers half her face just like the other one idk why this one covers so little- /lh)
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ah . ahem . coughs . dont mind me not posting for several days whistling woooo (dont even ask
if you cant tell i havent watched phantom of the opera lawl !!! tho this was really fun to draw ^^ i dont trust myself drawing the hair of that last guy hahaaaa *dies
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strange-doll-child · 5 months
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Excuse to kinda draw my child Alicia design because she is my baby actually
Uhhhh, in regards to me accidentally killing her on c.ai, I would like to say sorry because I did not mean to do that hzbxhxb
Here she is, though, as a ghost, if she died like that, actually, idk, made an AU out of it tho
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hekateinhell · 8 months
R63 human au where Lestat begs Armand to let her go down on her while she’s on her period 🥹
I feel like when I think about it, it's Armand doing it to Lestat because in my head, Lestat's almost always such a pillow princess! And Armand's a stone cold service top — she lives to please. And in the AU they established these dynamic early on when Armand would (literally) pursue Lestat after the classes they shared and pull her into an empty room, yank down her panties, and eat her out without saying a word. All before they ever actually had a proper conversation.
So I'm imagining Lestat getting her period once they're "properly" dating, and she's an absolutely miserable whiny mess. Achy and crying and extremely temperamental and argumentative (seriously... imagine Lestat with a period. I dare you). Armand knows that orgasms help with cramps and she just wants to soothe her pretty bratty princess and get her to shut the hell up, so she gets up and silently retrieves some towels and lays them out on the bed before summoning Lestat to strip all the way, yes, all the way, down.
Prior to getting with Armand, Lestat has had a lot of sex, she's a slut and proud of it (as she should be 🥰), but it's mostly been of the vanilla variety so she hasn't really had a chance to explore her kinks or be introduced to new ones.
Armand isn't always physically aggressive in bed (although it does come out when she's feeling possessive) but she is very domineering and when Lestat hesitates, Armand kisses her cheek and walks her to the bed before pushing her down and making quick work of her pants, panties, and pad. Ass on the towel, knees up and legs spread. Armand is so dedicated, and she absolutely takes advantage of how extra overly sensitive Lestat's nipples and clit are when she's on her cycle. It's a mess and Armand is just enough of a kinky freak to romanticize consuming the blood from her girlfriend's womb. 🥹 And of course Lestat's so sweet and cuddly after she's cum no less than five times in 45 minutes, at least twice on the strap-on.
Good for her.
Also, separately — I want genderswapped vampires but Lestat is simulating the act of eating out Armand on her period, like biting her tongue and pushing the blood into Armand's pussy and licking and sucking it back up while nicking Armand's clit with her fangs (I wanna work it into the sapphic L/A fic that's been vibing in docs for months now, pray for us).
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