#genderswap solaneglo
starimind · 1 month
Sweater Weather- Chapter 1
Wet- Dazey and the scouts
“I had a crush on you Annebeth, I just want you to know.” Percy looked at Annabeth, as if to check he heard correctly. Annabeth just stared at Nina. She looked surprised, but not in a bad way.
“You’re a great person. But I’m over that. Im happy for you guys” Annabeth’s gray eyes started to sparkle and she held out her hand. Nina took it. “Im so proud of you Nina, you’re really brave” “Thanks,” Nina said, she then turned to
Percy whose jaw was still hanging, “Don’t worry, your girlfriends cute and all but.“ Nina shrugged “She’s not my type. See you around Percy”
Nina then turned around and walked back to where Willow Solace was waiting. “What was that about Di Angelo” Willow said. Her blue eyes were a perfect baby blue and the freckles on her face shined as the sun hit her perfectly tan skin. Nina smiled. She couldn’t help but be amused by Percy’s reaction. It was better than Annebeth hating her. “Angelo?” Willow said again, one eyebrow up and her head tilted to the side slightly. “Are you okay?” Nina couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “Im better than okay.” Willow smiled. “Let’s get you all set up in you room” Willow said smiling, “I want you to enjoy your stay”
Nina could respond Willow grabbed her hand and led her to the infirmary. As dumb as is was Nina didn’t pay attention to what was happening. All she could focus on was the burning sensation from the hand holding hers and the zombie butterflies rioting in her stomach. It may have been only a few minutes but to her it felt like forever.
She liked this idea of forever.
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Willow led Nina to a private room in the back of the infirmary. It was small and all white, except for sun stickers stuck to the cot and side tables.
“Alrighty, so Im going to have you shower before we start on your check up. The showers across the hall from this room. Got it” Willow said while gesturing to the shower, her hand still holding Nina’s “Wait- I don’t have any clothes with me” Nina said avoiding eye contact. Willow smiled. “I’ll take care of that death girl” Willow said, “Don’t you worry your pretty head about it” Willow flicked Nina’s forehead before walking out the door.
Nina felt her face warm up. She could feel her heart beating faster. She buried her face in her hands This is stupid..
Nina walked to the bathroom. As soon as she locked the door, she spotted a mirror. Nina tensed at her appearance. Her hair was black and choppy. Her bangs were a bit over grown too. It was shoulder length but she held it in mini ponytails and skull clips Bianca gave her. Bianca. Bianca wouldn’t approve of how she looked now.
Before Nina could think about it anymore, she got started getting ready to shower.
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Nina headed back to her room wrapped in a robe. Her wet hair dripped as she walked to her room. She kept a grip on her jewelry. Her skull clips and skull ring from Bianca. Pearl earrings from her mom. And a amethyst- obsidian necklace from her dad. Over the years she lost a lot of stuff. But these were to precious to let go of for even a moment. When she walked back she was greeted by neatly folded clothes and a note—————————————————————— Found some clean clothes for you. Hope you like them ghost queen! ᡣ𐭩
-Willow Solace —————————————————————— There was a faded black t-shirt with a bunch of people with glowing swords and a guy in from pointing a gun facing you. There was even a weirdo robot man in the back. It took a bit of concentration, but the words on the from said Star Wars. This shirt was clearly well loved. It had holes and bleach stains. She was also given black cargo shorts. The clothes fit her pretty big, but they were comfortable enough. As she was putting her damp hair back into her normal pigtails, someone walked in.
“Oh, you’re out already”
Nina jumped before quickly turning around. Willow was there with a weird silver box in her hands. She had that same sweet smile and stared at Nina with those same dreamy baby blue eyes. Nina could feel her face warm up a tiny bit.
“Did I scare ya” Willow said, she giggled a bit, “My bad sunshine, I was just bringing you a lil’ something”
Willow walked past Nina, setting the weird box on the side table and crouching down for a second before standing back up.
Nina couldn’t help but notice her voice. It sounded like…honey. There wasn’t a hint of anything other than pure happiness in it. She even had a slight southern accent that seemed to come out unconsciously.
“Hun? Are you okay? You didn’t answer m’question”
Willow was now crouched to her level and had one hand on her forehead. Nina quickly looked anywhere but the face 2 inches away from hers.
“I was spacing out..sorry”
Willow stood up. “Thats fine sweetie, now back to my question. What type-a music do you like?”
Nina shrugged.
“That’s fine, I guess we’ll find out in the next few days.” Willow said “Try and rest today, your check up is scheduled for tonight”
Nina nodded. Willow gave her one more smile before leaving.
Nina let out a breath when the door closed. Who knew talking to a (illegitimate) doctor would be so exhausting. Nina got up and turned off the lights. The blinds were still open so the room wasn’t that dark. Nina slipped into the cot and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her. She fell into a deep sleep almost immediately. The last thing she saw was that brilliant smile of Solace.
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