#genderbent goose
bearsinpotatosacks · 11 months
Genderbent top gun but Carole’s still Carole. Goose is a butch lesbian who wears hawaiian shirts and loves her wife. They met in high school, Goose hates having to wear dresses to church and meets Carole when their parents are talking. They see each other in high school. Goose is going to play piano at the talent show and wants to wear a proper suit but feels like they can't so Carole helps them get one. They go to prom together, Carole cuts Goose's hair and her dress matches her tie and pocket square. To say they're the talk of the town is an understatement
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strwbmei · 5 months
Could you imagine characters not only meeting their genderbent s/o but also their own genderbent versions?
Like Black Swan meeting…White Goose or something idk… either way both S/o others would be shivering in their timbers.
Especially if both Kafka’s look at them with THAT smirk.
While Kafka is one of the more dangerous women when it comes to this trope, their SO is lucky that Kafka isn't the type to compete with herself, at least not seriously. Jingliu and Yukong, on the other hand...
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asktadckrew · 9 months
it’s time to trans your gender
*poof* i have genderbended everyone except Raggy bc she’s already trans.
Wdym “how long do the effects last” I don’t know-
Jax: shit
Zooble: im normal
Gangle: I'm not!!
Ragatha: thank you!
Kinger/Queenie(?): oh my!
Caine/Ciane: My name's Ciane! And welcome to the amazing genderbent circus!!
Bubble: im girl
Kinger/Queenie(?): DAYUM CIANE IS HAWT
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compacflt · 10 months
hi!! very excited about your next batch! but i was wondering if you ever think of posting some of the (wonderful) female!mav scenes you wrote (the question mark on my computer decided to stop working but this is indeed a question)
have a great weekend!!
yeah sure! again— this isn’t finished and never will be finished, I posted the reasons below. But here are a bunch of snippets from the fem!mav/lesbian charliemav AU from this summer. Would love to hear your thoughts, because politically it gave me some pause! lol.
1. On how mav survives (the central motif of the one-shot is Mav cutting her hair with scissors which is why the emphasis here)
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2. On ice (straight icemav will never work because fundamentally ice is a misogynistic cunt)
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3. on sex with girly girls (one of life’s greatest pleasures)
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ehhh you get the picture of what’s under the cut
4. on charliemav
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5. on charlie
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7. The end (post Layton mission [mav proving herself by saving ice’s life] and the end of TG86, Mav gearing up to cut her hair again in Charlie’s house)
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and here, copy-pasted, were the tags i planned to affix to the charliemav one-shot, which I think explain also why I stopped writing it—maverick is insanely out of character here!
“some discussion of issues that would affect a female pilot in the 1980s in this one: SA, sexism, etc. u have been warned / i would love to talk to anyone about the politics of this one cause hoo boy i had to think about it / it’s a little personal to me too / i wouldn’t necessarily say i struggle with my gender identity but i do have a really complicated relationship with it / i think this mav is incredibly out of character / it turns out mav’s thoughtless overperformance of masculinity is so ingrained into his character that / if you make it intentional he/she turns into an entirely different character. / i often struggle with writing maverick way way too bitter (there’s something very gentle about tgm mav I struggle replicating) / & this is a VERY bitter & cynical & calculating mav as well. she has to be. But i fear i lose some of mav’s original character in the cynicism. 🤷🏽‍♀️ / that’s why i struggle writing AUs—you lose so much of the original characters who are DEFINED by the stories they’re from / if that makes sense. / i think a female maverick isn’t maverick. / you might as well be writing original fiction at that point. / this 1 shot is pretty much just original fiction. / idk would love to hear ppls thoughts on the fandom philosophy behind AUs / something i would love to think about more / top gun fanfiction / charlotte charlie Blackwood / pete maverick mitchell / Tom iceman kazansky/ nick goose bradshaw / genderbent top gun / charliemav / in this universe mav and Charlie break up and mav gets back together with Penny according to the tgm timeline btw / TGM mav might as well be a lesbian like nothing really has to change in the script at all. / post 2010 tom cruise just gives lesbian. no change necessary / soundtrack for this one is ‘I have a woman inside my soul’ by yoko ono���
I also stopped writing this one because I could not for the life of me figure out how to write goose, canonically a sexist just like mav and ice. made things difficult and a little awkward
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starrybouquet · 1 year
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (jerry maguire!)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
HI HEI! thank you so much for sending these! <3
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Uhhh it's not exactly a genre but I am absolutely terrible at writing anything more than 5000 words. It's a combination of lack of focus, lack of interest, and lack of time.
I think the actual genre I'm worst at is either smut (because I've never written any) or action (because description is harder than dialogue).
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Jack O'Neill from Stargate and Mav from Top Gun are both pretty easy because I'm very much like them! (This is concerning because both of them have been described as being the character most similar to the actor who portrayed them. Welp. One burning question: do I get Richard Dean Anderson's height or Tom Cruise's height in this transporter mishap?)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (jerry maguire!)
OOOOOOH I've actuallly never thought of headcanons for Jerry Maguire before! So naturally I will throw a whole list at you.
the low-hanging fruit here is obviously that his agency is a success and he gets all the high flyers
not really a headcanon but i firmly subscribe to the theory that jerry does love dorothy, he just doesn't express it in the conventional way (i've read theories that he's aromantic which could be true! or it could be something less defined, idk)
ray (the kid) does indeed become an all-star MLB player
jerry and dorothy have like three more kids because they both love kids
jerry is one of those kids who knew he was no good at sports early on (little league/pop warner), so naturally he became a sports nut who knew All the stats and then went to law school so he could parlay his special interest knowledge into an actual job
he's absolutely terrible at any task that doesn't involve writing something or talking about sports. once tried to fix the toilet, ended up with an egg-shaped bruise on his head and a toilet water shower. dorothy comes home and is like "what the fuck happened to you"
good thing ray is super athletic and great at fixing things
if you can get him to drop the cynical act he's sentimental to a fault. the players who see that sign with him. the ones who don't never understand
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Answered this one with genderbent Icemav & top gun endless summer fic exchange, so this time I'll say I'm working on a Top Gun AU for Stargate :D
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
You've seen this but I'm proud of it so I'm sharing it again lol
“You’re the fourth person I’ve told. Goose told me I was out of my mind. Carole gave me a hug and told me I was crazy. Bradley drooled on me and tried to eat a napkin.”
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soilanonlorelmao · 5 months
Goose!! [He seems to have realized he's a bit taller now, and is taking the opportunity to reach things he couldn't before..Like countertops-!]
[Anon magic; all anons are genderbent for 20 remaining asks.]
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alexriderfanficrecs · 3 years
Many, many authors - both of fanfic and published works - have one genre where they tend to channel their skill. Today’s recommendation is for an author who defies genre limitations, and yet consistently publishes excellent works.
OlyaNeverWrites has been writing AR fanfic for just over a year now, and in that short time, she’s given us over 20 stories and 230k words. Some of her stories are (more than slightly) crack-y in the best way, with those stories allowing her natural wit to shine through, and yet others are sincere portrayals of human emotion. Some are both.
Below the cut are just a few stories we would recommend, but as with all the authors featured on this blog, we would heavily encourage visiting her profile to see if anything else strikes your interest. Alex and Yassen feature strongly.
(And, for the faint of heart, take note that you will never have to suffer an unhappy ending if Olya is writing a fic. This is most definitely not an indication to expect less heartache…but know that it will be - at least mostly - fixed by the end.) AO3 profile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/OlyaNeverWrites/works
The Best of Times is Now: Basically, all-you-can-eat fluff. A John-and-Helen-live AU, where Yassen turns up on the doorstep of their new home in the south of France. Apart from just giving us the happy squeals, we adore this for treating Helen like an actual person and the realistic portrayal of John and Yassen (Olya’s sensitivity for character is one of her real strengths). We also love it for its sequel, Song on the Sand, which features even more tooth-rotting fluff, but in a way that’s, again, believable and not silly.
Untitled Alexgoose Game: This was the winner of Spyfest 2021 Week 3, and deservedly so. We said Olya does crack like the best, and we weren’t lying. She has an unparalleled ability to grasp onto the outstandingly ridiculous and make it funny rather than simply eye-rolling. Featuring Alex having been turned into a goose, and making the most of it to cause chaos. Even the first line of the summary had us cackling: “Some are born geese, some achieve goosedom, and some have goosedom thrust upon them. Perhaps by a rogue curse from a misappropriated Baba Yaya’s spell book.” - Twelfth Night, 3.4, William Shakespeare.
When a Ring’s Around a Moon: ‘Believable and not silly’ we said of our fluff rec above, but this fic deserves a mention for being both. Every fandom needs a Fairy AU and we’re lucky that Olya is writing this one. And we’re even luckier to discover, fairly early on, that one of the fairies in question is none other than hardened-killer Yassen Gregorovich. Yes, you read that right. Despite what may seem an outlandish concept, the attention to detail, sheer imagination and originality that has been poured into this fic makes it a stand-out in the fandom. We guess this is properly called ‘Crack Taken Seriously’ but we love it for both managing to make us grin and having a compelling story to go with it.
Pulse of the Lethe: If there was any doubt given the above recs that Olya is incapable of writing heavyweight emotion and of punching you in the gut, this fic removes it. This is angst done in the very best sense - not gratuitously, but in that ‘rip out your heart, stomp on it, and gradually nurse it back to health’ sort of way. The feelings are gorgeous, and it showcases the strength of Olya’s writing at its very best. In total, it’s a beautiful follow-up to Lil_Lupin’s story Among the Lotus. Note that it does feature a Yassen/(adult) Alex pairing, and is rated E.
We reiterate that there’s SO MUCH MORE in Olya’s works collection than the above. She’s written a few fics in collaboration with cthulhu_is_chaotic_good which, like the above, range in genre (check out, for another dose of crack, r/AmItheAsshole: Am I the Asshole for Saving a Child’s Life?). We loved Beyond the Fragments - an ultra-rare genderbent Yalex AU (actually, this is the only fic we are aware of where both Yassen and Alex are female, and it’s done SO well). And we can’t leave without mentioning What We May Be - an in-progress, serious work featuring de-aged Yassen; it’s still in early stages but the writing and plotting so far are top-tier.
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niphre124 · 3 years
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Review of Stain by A.G Howard.
Oh, gosh. This is the first book that I have read by A G Howard, and I loved it so much!
The world that the story is set in is this fairytale-like medieval world with a kingdom of sunlight and a kingdom of moonlight.
Gothic Fairytale is not a common genre, but it is a lovely one, and it's a genre I want to see more of in fiction.
While the synopsis says that the story is inspired by the Princess and the Pea, and indeed there are nods to it, there are also nods to other fairytales, those being: The Little Mermaid, with a voiceless heroine, who has a lovely singing voice; a genderbent Sleeping Beauty, with a sleeping prince and a princess who's kiss wakes him up; The Goose Girl, with an imposter princess; even a nod to Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
Lyra is an unusual heroine. She's a heroine who can't talk, a girl who looks different then everyone around her. A princess who looks like she was made of moonlight. And I loved that.
The hero, Vesper, is a delighful hero. A hero who communicates with his true love through his head, a prince who looks to be made of sunlight.
The romance was beautiful. It felt fairytale-like, and there are some seriously beautiful romantic quotes:
“I don’t wish to tame you. I seek partnership. To be your eyes in the darkness. To be your hands should you ever get trapped. To be your ears when you’re flying too high to listen.”
''You know I was too arrogant to tell you then. So I’m telling you now…every time I saw you, each day when your face appeared through the trees, or framed by one of those ridiculous window panes…you lit up my whole world. It was me that needed you. That’s always been the case.''
Lady Griselda is a compelling villain. She's a wicked aunt, but at the same time, she has something of a heart. A heart that has eroded away over the years, but a heart nonetheless.
This is a book that I will read again and again and again.
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port4shippers · 5 years
Favorite Soukoku Fics (2016-2019 Soft Version)
Here’s some more light-hearted fics for the Soukoku pairing. Most of them are Humor, Fluff, and/or Comfort. Enjoy!
partners in life by setosdarkness; Series (Ongoing - 32,443 words), Rated: Mature
Counting the Days by Neiro Gin (Neiroa); Multi-chapter (Complete -  23,575 words)
i want you (bless my soul) by mountainlaurels; One-shot (2,543 words)
Idiots in Love by RayvnAshes (IronScript); One-shot (4,171 words)
A Personal Truth by Mornelithe_falconsbane; One-shot (1,309 words)
quietude by Shinkirou; One-shot (1,258 words)
25 little domesticities by holdinglucy; One-shot (18,599 words) 
foolproof by setosdarkness; One-shot (2,035 words)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it... by AnonLearnsToWrite; One-shot (5,252 words), Crossdressing
Partners in Love by neyllah; Multi-chapter (Complete - 7,809 words)
moonshine voyage by setosdarkness; Multi-chapter (Complete - 36,505 words)
Something I Need by The_Most_Happy; One-shot (3,446 words)
peace lily by intimatopia; One-shot (8,026 words) 
If you catch my drift by sheepsongs; One-shot (1,597 words)
We’ll speak in our secret tongues by Mornelithe_falconsbane; One-shot (1,369 words)
Confessions by setosdarkness; Multi-chapter (Ongoing - 19,917 words), Rated: Explicit, Crossdressing 
Four masterplans to win Chuuya’s heart by holdinglucy; One-shot (9,326 words)
A Simple Secret to Happiness by setosdarkness; Multi-chapter (Complete - 5,043 words)
In Another Life by AnonLearnsToWrite; Multi-chapter (Complete - 12,979 words)
If Lost by izanyas; One-shot (4,120 words)
opportunistic by setosdarkness; Multi-chapter (Ongoing - 18,810 words), Rated: Mature, Chuuya gets Genderbent 
Like Herding Cats by flyby; One-shot (7,243 words)
You Have Cat to be Kitten Me by quinnlocke; Multi-chapter (Complete - 11,127 words)
Tales from Yokohama by AnonLearnsToWrite; One-shot Collection (Complete - 17,957 words) 
kerosene hearts by niwakaame; Multi-chapter (Ongoing - 16,942 words), Bodyswap
Throwbacks and other things you don’t want to remember by tia_dreamer; One-shot (6,694 words), De-aged Chuuya
And We Passed Through the Country of the Blind by mostladylikeladythateverladied; One-shot (29,431 words), Rated: Mature, ADA Chuuya, Crossdressing
Kintsugi by Witheryvine; One-shot (10,890 words), Chuuya & Dazai join ADA together
in the end, you write your verse by Origamidragons; One-shot (6,858 words), Role Reversal AU, PM members as ADA, ADA members as PM 
Vanilla Twilight by mizunokokyuu; Multi-chapter (Ongoing - 2,620 words), Role Reversal AU - Mafia Boss Dazai/ADA Chuuya
Margin Of Error by izanyas; Series (Complete - 31,416 words), Rated: Mature, Mafia Boss Dazai, Doctor Chuuya 
Five Times Chuuya Didn't Realize Dazai Liked Him and the One Time He Did by chuuzuke; Multi-chapter (Complete - 13,369 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, High School AU
chuuya is red hot and dazai is so not by toriosaurus; Multi-chapter (Complete - 12,040 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, College AU, Professor Chuuya, Professor Dazai
The Care and Keeping of Orphans by TheGreatCatsby; One-shot (5,422 words), Moder Setting/No Powers AU, Teacher Chuuya
Catch A Tiger By The Toe by Memos; One-shot (5,700 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Professor Dazai
(a)muse by Shinkirou; One-shot (3,927 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Photographer Dazai
chrysanthemums in autumn by setosdarkness; One-shot (6,001 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Writer Chuuya, Social Media Fic
And Then I Met You by quinnlocke; Series (Ongoing - 109,065 words), Rated: Mature, Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Zoo AU
still still still by toriosaurus; Multi-chapter (Complete - 112,578 words), Rated: Mature, Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Celebrity AU - Singer Chuuya, Singer/Actor Dazai
The Day by setosdarkness; One-shot (2,718 words), Hero/Villain AU
Goosed: The Tale of Honkzai Goosamu by quinnlocke; One-shot (2,515 words), Magic AU
Beneath the Dress (♂) by Yellow_Canna; One-shot (12,270 words), A/B/O AU, Crossdressing
laze by Shinkirou; One-shot (2,432 words), Kitsune Dazai
In this lifetime and the next by AnonLearnsToWrite; One-shot (10,853 words), Modern Setting/No Powers AU, Kitsune Dazai, Reincarnated Chuuya, sequel to this
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EDIT: At the time of writing this I’d only watched the Wide Window (Part II) and as @psytly (Thanks) pointed out the parents shown are actually the Quagmire parents as opposed to the Baudelaires (Oh LS and Netflix, you very tricky bastards) 
Be warned spoilers lie ahead: So, Some of you may recall I did a big list about all the VFD and all there codes well with the introduction of the TV series we are now seeing a whole much more about the VFD inner workings, And what’s more important is that it’s Cannon too. So what was there? I decided to do a little catch up The Tunnels: First thing we see in relation to the VFD is the tunnels which both sides of the schism use. Marked with the trademark “Eye” it’s seen when Jacquelyn (Who might I add, is currently what seems to be a genderbent version of Jacques, not necessarily replacing him) chases Count Olaf onto the Prospero and Lemony himself is seen using it numerous times, leading him into the middle of the road and to the Baudelaire’s (Now destroyed) mansion. Major Spoilers Here The Parents: In the book the Baudelaires are introduced to the fact that one or both their parents are alive. This ends up as a wild goose chase, and whilst never confirmed they died, it’s strongly implied that they didn’t live. Whilst the TV show is not currently up to the books in terms of Hostile Hospital (Where they discover there was one survivor) We do get a (Mindfuck) glimpse at the Quagmire parents, as they are actually the ones we’ve been following, not the Baudelaires. Though it remains to be seen if one or both parents survived as is mentioned in the books.
The Phrases: Larry, a member of the “Good” (And note there is not good VFD, The Baudelaire’s parents burn down Paltryville and kill Count Olaf’s parents) tries to warn the Baudelaires (Who he presumes have had their basic VFD training, which they haven’t) that he doesn’t realise this was a sad occasion. (As previously discussed, code for this safehouse being compromised) Likewise when Larry receives a call from the Baudelaire’s parents he tells them he has the children but not only Peru, but the Anxious Clown have both been compromised. The (Very Subtle) VFD Uses: Throughout the series there are SO many VFD bombs dropped, I really find it hard to recall them all. There’s at least 10 an episode. But it all leads to the plot line much sooner. The Espionage: A prime example being Jacquelyn and Gustav watching the Marvellous Marriage and (Side note: Best part of the episode was where they starting getting ready to FULL ON BEAT Count Olaf with there spyglasses) and are preparing to intervene. Another example is the codes Jacquelyn tries to send in the movie and the Ticket Seller selling Prospero tickets.  In conclusion there’s so much more stuff to talk about and I will probably do a part two of this.
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rosettastarlight · 7 years
Eli- Genderbent Elsa
Eli- Genderbent Elsa by fasher featuring mens leather boots ❤ liked on Polyvore
Lacoste blue top / Slater Zorn woolen cape / Missoni men s scarve / Brooks Brothers off white mens clothing / Mens knit glove, $7.77 / Berluti mens leather boots / Golden Goose men's jeans, $245 / Bonobos mens canvas belt / Topman mens cotton socks, $1.30
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soilanonlorelmao · 5 months
"you don't have cooties goose, that's just made up thing that adults made so their children don't date at a young age"
seeing you all flip flopped is so weird..
[Anon magic; all anons are genderbent for 43 remaining asks.]
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soilanonlorelmao · 5 months
[Goose Anon is still pouting because..cooties, he's still @ 7 year old who believes in that bs]
[Anon magic; all anons are genderbent for 44 remaining asks.]
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soilanonlorelmao · 5 months
[Goose Anon is just staring at the ground, putting because she has decided she probably has cooties now]
[Anon magic; all anons are genderbent for 48 remaining asks.]
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